STM8 Nucleo-64开发板使用说明书

AN5183使用STM8 Nucleo-64板调节LED闪烁速度引言NUCLEO-8S208RB(基于STM8S208RBT6)和NUCLEO-8L152R8(基于STM8L152R8T6)板可用于评估所有STM8S系列和STM8L系列微控制器的主要特性。
此演示固件使用STM8S和STM8L系列内部的基本定时器产生时钟基准,在每次用户按钮被按下时改变LED LD1的闪烁速度。
一旦STM8 Nucleo-64板使用USB线连接到PC机上电,LED LD1开始缓慢闪烁,表示出厂程序已经正常工作。
表 1. 适用产品参考文档•STM8 Nucleo-64板数据摘要(DB3591)•STM8L152R8T6 Nucleo-64板用户手册(UM2351)•STM8S208RBT6 Nucleo-64板用户手册(UM2364)1应用描述1.1硬件要求使用了以下STM8 Nucleo-64板载资源:•LED,LD1•用户按钮B1无需额外硬件即可在STM8 Nucleo-64板上运行此应用软件。
1.2应用原理图有关实现详情,请参阅以下文档:•STM8L152R8T6 Nucleo-64板用户手册(UM2351)•STM8S208RBT6 Nucleo-64板用户手册(UM2364)1.3程序原理此程序使用8-BIT基本定时器TIM4作为时钟基准,控制LED LD1闪烁速度。

STM8超低功耗微控制器平台低功耗的承诺●从STM8L到STM32L完整的低功耗微控制器平台●采用最新、超低漏电流的工艺●极大的改善包括动态和静态的功耗高效率的承诺●由于采用最新的架构,性能/功耗比达到新高●运行模式功耗低至:150 μA/MHz●在低功耗模式下,仅需350nA,SRAM和寄存器数据还可以保留优化的产品分布●采用通用单片机从8位到32位全覆盖的策略●针对特殊的应用,提供片上集成的安全特性●最佳的性价比低功耗的要点超低功耗130nm工艺●在全温度范围内超低漏电流,工作电压低至1.8V.●性能和功耗与工作电压密切相关的。
低功耗设计●自动时钟门控●带有自动进入低功耗功能的闪存●DAC 和ADC工作电压低至1.8V●闪存编程电压可低至1.65V低功耗模式●多种低功耗模式:低功耗运行模式,低功耗等待模式,活跃暂停模式,暂停模式低至0.35μA●低功耗模式快速启动–暂停模式启动为4μs低功耗时钟●内部RC振荡器优化后在2MHz启动,以降低功耗●内部36.768KHz振荡器校正可达+/-0.2% ,以减少外部晶振的功耗STM8L 特性●采用高性能STM8 8位内核:在16Mhz运行频率下,高达16MIPS●26个引脚和软件兼容的型号,3个产品线●内置4KB 到32KB Flash,多达2KB SRAM●在运行模式下,功耗低至150 μA/MHz●提供四种低功耗模式,在SRAM数据保留的低功耗模式下,功耗仅为350 nA ●配置丰富的数字和模拟外设●提供免费的触摸感应程序库STM8L 电源监控和复位电路●电源监控和复位电路Full Reset circuitry / Supply Monitoring上电复位/掉电复位"零功耗"—一直打开电源下降检测—BOR 在低功耗模式可以被打开或关闭可编程电压检测—可以被打开或关闭在BOR关闭的情况下,电池电压低至1.65V, STM8L 依然可以工作●在运行模式下,用户通过选项字节激活BOR.●BOR 工作对电源电压上升/下降的时间没有特别的要求,也就意味着对电源波形没有特别的要求STM8L 灵活的时钟控制器●时钟失效监测和恢复机制●内部高速RC振荡器(HSI) @16MHz, 在室温下最大+/-2%误差●内部32.768KHz晶振时钟源,可自我校正到+/-0.2% 的精度●内部低速RC振荡器(LSI) 32KHz,带有自动唤醒功能。

该stm8l05xx / stm8l15xx / stm8l16xx是一个家庭的不同存储密度的微控制器和外围设备。
关于STM8 SWIM通信协议信息和调试模块,请参阅用户手册(um0470)。
表一、目录1 中央处理单元(CPU)。
1.1 引言301.2 CPU的寄存器。
1.2.1 描述CPU寄存器。
301.2.2 STM8 CPU寄存器图。
341.3 全球配置寄存器(cfg_gcr)。
1.3.1 激活水平。
341.3.2 游泳禁用。
351.3.3 描述全局配置寄存器(cfg_gcr)。
351.3.4 全局配置寄存器图及复位值。
352 启动ROM . . . 363程序存储器和数据存储器。
40 3.4.3介质+密度装置记忆的组织。
41 3.4.4高密度存储器组织。

Package SO-8 SO-8
TSSOP 20 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4 LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6 TSSOP 20,UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6 TSSOP 20,UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6 UFQFPN 28 4x4x0.55 UFQFPN 28 4x4x0.55 LQFP 32 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 32 5x5x0.55 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 48 7x7x0.55 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 48 7x7x0.55 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 48 7x7x0.55 TSSOP 20,UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6 TSSOP 20,UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6 UFQFPN 28 4x4x0.55 UFQFPN 28 4x4x0.55 UFQFPN 28 4x4x0.55,WLCSP28 UFQFPN 28 4x4x0.55,WLCSP28 UFQFPN 32 5x5x0.55 UFQFPN 32 5x5x0.55 LQFP 32 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 32 5x5x0.55 LQFP 32 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 32 5x5x0.55 LQFP 80 14x14x1.4 LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 48 7x7x0.55 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 48 7x7x0.55 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 48 7x7x0.55 LQFP 32 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 32 5x5x0.55 LQFP 32 7x7x1.4,UFQFPN 32 5x5x0.55 WLCSP 32L DIE 768 LQFP 80 14x14x1.4 LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 LQFP 80 14x14x1.4 LQFP 64 10x10x1.4

STK520 .............................................................................................. User GuideSTK520 User Guide 3Table of ContentsSection 1Introduction............................................................................................1-2Section 2Using the STK520 Top Module.............................................................2-42.1Connecting the STK520 to the STK500 Starter Kit..................................2-42.1.1Placing an AT90PWM3 on the STK520.............................................2-42.1.2Placing an AT90PWM2 on the STK520.............................................2-52.2Programming the AVR..............................................................................2-72.2.1In-System Programming....................................................................2-72.2.2High-voltage Programming................................................................2-82.3JTAGICE mkII Connector.........................................................................2-92.4STK520 Jumpers, Leds & Test Points....................................................2-112.5DALI Interface.........................................................................................2-122.6Potentiometer.........................................................................................2-13Section 3Troubleshooting Guide........................................................................3-14Section 4Technical Specifications......................................................................4-16Section 5Technical Support ...............................................................................5-17Section 6Complete Schematics .........................................................................6-20IntroductionSection 1IntroductionThe STK520 board is a top module designed to add AT90PWM family support to theSTK500 development board from Atmel Corporation.The STK520 includes connectors and hardware allowing full utilization of the new fea-tures of the AT90PWM, while the Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket allows easy to use ofSO24 & SO32 packages for prototyping.This user guide acts as a general getting started guide as well as a complete technicalreference for advanced users.Notice that in this guide, the word AVR is used to refer to the target component(AT90PWM2, AT90PWM3...)Figure 1-1. STK520 Top Module for STK500Introduction1.1Features STK520 is a New Member of the Successful STK500 Starter Kit Family.Supports the AT90PWM2 & AT90PWM3.DALI Hardware Interface.Supported by AVR Studio® 4.Zero Insertion Force Socket for SO24 & SO32 Packages.High Voltage Parallell Programming.Serial Programming.DALI Peripherals can be Disconnected from the Device.6 Pin Connector for On-chip Debugging using JTAG MKII Emulator.Potentiometer for the Demo Application.Quick Reference to all Switches and Jumpers in the Silk-Screen of the PCB.Using the STK520 Top Module Section 2Using the STK520 Top Module2.1Connecting the STK520 to theSTK500 Starter Kit Connect the STK520 to the STK500 expansion header 0 and 1. It is important that the top module is connected in the correct orientation as shown in Figure 2-1. The EXPAND0 written on the STK520 top module should match the EXPAND0 written beside the expansion header on the STK500 board.Figure 2-1. Connecting STK520 to the STK500 BoardNote:Connecting the STK520 with wrong orientation may damage the board.2.1.1Placing anAT90PWM3 on theSTK520The STK520 contains both a ZIF socket for a SO32 package. Care should be taken so that the device is mounted with the correct orientation. Figure 2-2 shows the location of pin1 for the ZIF socket.Using the STK520 Top ModuleFigure 2-2. Pin1 on ZIF SocketCaution: Do not mount an AT90PWM3 on the STK520 at the same time as an AVR ismounted on the STK500 board or at the same time as an AT90PWM2 is mounted on theSTK520 board. None of the devices might work as intended.2.1.2Placing anAT90PWM2 on theSTK520The STK520 contains both a ZIF socket for a SO24 package. Care should be taken so that the device is mounted with the correct orientation. Figure 2-2 shows the location of pin1 for the ZIF socket.Figure 2-3. Pin1 on ZIF SocketPIN1PIN1Using the STK520 Top Module Caution: Do not mount an AT90PWM2 on the STK520 at the same time as an AVR is mounted on the STK500 board or at the same time as an AT90PWM3 is mounted on the STK520 board. None of the devices might work as intended.Using the STK520 Top Module2.2Programming theAVR The AVR (AT90PWM2, AT90PWM3...) can be programmed using both SPI and High-voltage Parallel Programming. This section will explain how to connect the programming cables to successfully use one of these two modes. The AVR Studio STK500 software is used in the same way as for other AVR partsNote:The AT90PWM3 also support Self Programming, See AVR109 application note for more information on this topic.2.2.1In-SystemProgramming Figure 2-4. In-System ProgrammingTo program the AT90PWM3 using ISP Programming mode, connect the 6-wire cable between the ISP6PIN connector on the STK500 board and the ISP connector on the STK520 board as shown in Figure 2-4. The device can be programmed using the Serial Programming mode in the AVR Studio4 STK500 software.Note:See STK500 User Guide for information on how to use the STK500 front-end software for ISP Programming.Using the STK520 Top Module2.2.2High-voltageProgramming Figure 2-5. High-voltage (Parallel) ProgrammingTo program the AVR using High-voltage (Parallel) Programming, connect the PROGC-TRL to PORTD and PROGDATA to PORTB on the STK500 as shown in Figure 2-5. Make sure that the TOSC-switch is placed in the XTAL position.As described in the STK500 User Guide (jumper settings), mount the BSEL2 jumper in order to High-voltage Program the ATmega devices. This setting also applies to High-voltage Programming of the AVR.The device can now be programmed using the High-voltage Programming mode in AVR Studio STK500 software.Note:See the STK500 User Guide for information on how to use the STK500 front-end software in High-voltage Programming mode.Note:For the High-voltage Programming mode to function correctly, the target voltage must be higher than 4.5V.Using the STK520 Top Module2.3JTAGICE mkIIConnector See the following document :“JTAGICE mkII Quick Start Guide” which purpose is “Connecting to a target board with the AVR JTAGICE mkII”.This note explains which signals are required for ISP and which signals are required for debugWIRE.Figure 2-6 shows how to connect the JTAGICE mkII probe on the STK520 board. Figure 2-6. Connecting JTAG ICE to the STK520The ISP connector is used for the AT90PWM3 built-in debugWire interface. The pin out of the connector is shown in Table 2-1 and is compliant with the pin out of the JTAG ICE available from Atmel. Connecting a JTAG ICE to this connector allows On-chip Debug-ging of the AT90PWM3.More information about the JTAG ICE and On-chip Debugging can be found in the AVR JTAG ICE User Guide, which is available at the Atmel web site, .分销商库存信息: ATMELATSTK520。

STM8L152介绍8位超低功耗单片机,高达64 + 2字节数据的闪存EE PROM,EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable ),实时时钟,液晶显示器,定时器,USART,C,SPI,模数转换器,数模转换器,比较器特点:操作条件:工作电源:1.65v~ 3.6v温度范围:40 to 85, 105 or 125低功耗的特点:5个低功耗模式:等,低功率运行(5.9|ì一),低功耗等(3|ì一),active-halt全实时时钟(1.4|ì一),停止(400)动态功率消耗:200UA/兆赫+ 330UA,快速唤醒从停止模式(4.7us)超低漏 I/ O:50nA先进的stm8核心:哈佛结构和三级流水线最大频率:16条16mhz,相关峰最多40个外部中断源复位和供应管理:低功率,超安全欠压复位5可编程阈值超低功率POR /PDR(通电复位/Protection(保护)、Detection(检测)、Response(响应))可编程电压检测器(Programmable voltage detector (PVD))时钟管理32kHz和1-16MHz晶体振荡器工厂校准的内部16MHz RC和38kHz的低功耗RC时钟安全系统低功耗RTCBCD日历,闹钟中断,数字校准+ / - 0.5ppm的准确度先进的防篡改检测DMA4个通道。
存储器到存储器的 LCD:8x40或4x44瓦特/升压转换器12位ADC1 Msps/28渠道温度。
电压记忆高达64 KB的快闪记忆体高达2KB的数据EEPROM,ECC和RWW 灵活的读/写保护模式高达4 KB的RAM2x12位DAC(双模式)与输出缓冲器。

1 简介...........................................................................................................................4
2 详细描述 ...................................................................................................................5
5 引脚及其描述 ..........................................................................................................13
5.1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
蜂鸣器 ...............................................................................................................................10
4.10 TIM1 — 16位高级控制定时器............................................................................................10

STM32F103R8T6中⽂资料STM32F103R8T6 产品说明:STM32F103xx的中等密度的性能线系列采⽤⾼性能的ARM Cortex?- M3的72兆赫频率的32位RISC核⼼操作系统,⾼速,嵌⼊式记忆体(快闪记忆体⾼达128千字节和20字节SRAM,⾼达),和⼴泛的增强型I / O及外设连接到两条APB总线。
该器件从⼀个2.0到3.6 V的电源。
他们是在-40到+85 ° C的温度范围和-40⾄+105 ° C扩展级温度范围。
STM32F103R8T6 产品主要特点:的Cortex?- M3的ARM 32位CPU核⼼ 72 MHz的最⾼频率,1.25 DMIPS / MHz(Dhrystone的2.1)的0等待状态的内存访问的性能单周期乘法和硬件除法回忆 64或128 KB的快闪记忆体 20的SRAM 时钟,复位和电源管理 2.0⾄3.6伏供电和I / O POR,⼈民民主共和国,以及可编程电压监测器(PVD) 4⾄16 MHz的晶体振荡器内部8 MHz的⼯⼚修剪的RC 内部40 kHz的RC CPU时钟的PLL 带校准的32kHz RTC振荡器低功耗睡眠,停机和待机模式 VBAT为RTC和后备寄存器 2 × 12位,1微秒的A / D转换器(最多16个通道)转换范围:0⾄3.6 V 双采样和保持功能温度传感器 DMA 7通道DMA控制器⽀持的外设:定时器,ADC,SPI接⼝,I2Cs和USART 多达80个快速I / O端⼝ 26/37/51/80的I / O,所有制图的16个外部中断向量和⼏乎所有的可承受5V电压调试模式串⾏线调试(SWD)和JTAG接⼝ 7定时器 3个16位定时器,每个⾼达4 IC / OC / PWM或??脉冲计数和正交(增量)编码器输⼊ 16位电机控制PWM定时器死区时间⽣成和紧急停⽌ 2个看门狗定时器(独⽴的和窗⼝) SysTick定时器24位递减计数器多达9个通信接⼝最多2个I2C接⼝器(SMBus / PMBus的)多达3个USART(ISO 7816接⼝,林,红外线功能,调制解调器控制)多达2个SPI接⼝(18 Mbit / s的) CAN接⼝(2.0B有源) USB 2.0全速接⼝ CRC计算单元,96位唯⼀的ID 软件包ECOPACK ? STM32F103xx的中等密度的性能线系列包括在6个不同的包类型的设备:从36引脚到100引脚。
STM8L系列超低功耗8位微控制器 说明书

STM8L1xx 典型应用和结构框图
医疗器械 血糖仪 胰岛素泵 糖尿病监护 血压计 胆固醇计 病人监控 心脏监护 仪表 电表/气表/水表/热表 称重 报警系统 中央处理单元 有线/无线传感器 门禁 通用移动设备 手机及配件 3D鼠标及遥控器 游戏机和玩具 GPS手表 体育设施
内部的16MHz RC振荡器 1~16MHz晶体 振荡器 内部的38kHz RC振荡器 32.768kHz晶体 振荡器 运行于16MHz的 STM8核心 嵌套的中断控制器 32个中断向量 多达40个外部中断 SWIM 调试模块 多达41个I/O端口 12位ADC 25个通道
微控制 超节能
意法半导体公司开发出了基于8位STM8内核的超低功耗微控制器.借助一个优秀的面向未来的超低功耗平台,采 用了全新的超低漏电工艺和优化的体系结构,STM8L系列微控制器集合了高性能与超低功耗于一身.STM8L系列 现有三个子系列,可以满足对低功耗有特殊要求的多种应用.
Flash容量 (字节) STM8L152C8
64 K 32 K 16 K 8K
STM8L152R8 STM8L152M8 STM8L151R8 STM8L151M8
STM8L151C8 STM8L152K6 STM8L151G6 STM8L151K6 STM8L152K4 STM8L151G4 STM8L151K4 STM8L151F3 STM8L101F3 STM8L151G3 STM8L151K3 STM8L101G3 STM8L101K3 STM8L151G2 STM8L101G2 28引脚 QFN (4x4) 32引脚 LQFP (7x7)/ QFN (5x5) 48引脚 LQFP (7x7)/ QFN (7x7) STM8L152C6 STM8L151C6 STM8L152C4 STM8L151C4
Allwinner R8 Datasheet

REVISION HISTORYDECLARATIONTABLE OF CONTENTS5.3. DC Electrical Characteristics2.6.Memory Subsystem&Touch G-SENSORSPI1_CLK UART3_RX42 DDR3_D743 VCC3_DRAM79 AGND80 VRPSDC0_CMD 111PF3PE9 CSI_D6LCD_D10 141PD10PC19 163 VCC4function 0);3)Type: signal directionPC7 Input PC8 InputPE4 Input PE5 InputSignal Name DescriptionOthersVRP Reference voltageV IH High-Level Input Voltage V IL Low-Level Input VoltageFigure 5-1. Power Up Sequence5.5.2.Power Up Reset Sequence RequirementsThe device has a system reset signal to reset the board. When asserted, the following steps give an example of power up reset sequence supported by the R8 device.•AVCC ,VDD_CPU and VCC_DRAM can be powered up simultaneously.•VDD_INT can be powered up after VDD_CPU is powered up, the time difference is T1ms.•VCC can be powered up after VDD_INT is powered up, the time difference is T2ms.Figure 5-2. Power Up Reset Sequence5.5.3.Resume Power Up Sequence from Super Standby ModeTo resume a power up sequence when the device is in Super Standby mode:•VCC_DRAM and AVCC remains powered up always.•VDD_CPU can be powered up firstly.•VDD_INT can be powered up after VDD_CPU is powered up, the time difference is T1ms.•VCC can be powered up after VDD_INT is powered up, the time difference is T2ms.Figure 5-3. Exit Super Standby and Resume Power Up Sequence5.5.4.Power Down Sequence RequirementsTo reduce power consumption,the R8 can be partially powered down.The section lists the power down requirements in each mode.In Super Standby mode,•VCC_DRAM and AVCC must be kept powered up.•VDD_CPU,VDD_INT and VCC are powered down simultaneously.•VCC voltage fall time is more longer than VDD_INT.VDD_CPUVDD_CPU6.PIN ASSIGNMENT6.2.PACKAGE DIMENSIONThe following diagram shows the package dimension of R8.。

STM32单片机中文译文约150份,包含常用的RM (参考手册)、AN(应用笔记)。
STM32培训视频已超过60份,包含产品培训和应用专题培训(USB、以太网、电机、音频等),累计时长超过1700分钟!芯片文档·STM32参考手册(Reference Manual)对芯片每个模块的具体描述和功能介绍·STM32数据手册(Data Sheet)芯片引脚定义、电气特性、机械封装、料号定义·STM32勘误手册(Errata Sheet)描述了芯片某些功能的局限性,并给出解决办法·STM32编程手册(Programming Manual)对内核的系统控制块寄存器的描述对芯片闪存的操作指南、读写保护设置,选项字节信息的描述·STM32用笔记(Application Note)针对不同应用主题的描述性文档;常常有与其搭配的固件例程·STM32用户手册(User Manual)一般是对某个软件库的说明文档固件和软件·MCU固件运行在MCU上的程序,包含标准外设固件库SPL和Cube软件包·PC端软件包含PC端各种驱动以及PC端的工具小程序·STM32开发板·评估板(EVALUATION)是功能最全的展示板·探索套件板(DISCOVERY)集成了一些外设模块,但没有评估板的功能丰富·NUCLEO板(NUCLEO )其上的模板芯片分为三种封装(144引脚、64引脚、32引脚)开发工具量产烧录工具STLINKV2STLINKV2-1STVPST-Utility本地化资源·中文译文相关技术文档的中文译文(AN、DS、RM、UM、PM等)·实战经验来源于原厂工程师在日常客户支持工作中的经验总结,涉及通讯接口、电源与复位、IAP和Bootloader、存储器、内核等模块,兼具“实战性、实用性”·培训课件及视频包含产品培训(STM32和STM8)和应用专题培训(USB、以太网、马达、音频等)STM32单片机微信二维码积点兑换会员积分获取规则:1、下载文档+102、观看视频+103、下载视频+204、活动/培训报名+55、活动/培训签到+156、分享+50(需要管理员确认)7、每日签到+2--每天线上能获得的积分最大值为300--附:意法半导体单片机拥有广泛的产品线,包含低成本的8位单片机和基于ARM® Cortex®-M0、M0+、M3、M4及M7内核并具备丰富外设选择的32位单片机。

它提供了完整的信息如何使用stm8l05xx,stm8l15xx和stm8l16xx 微控制器的存储器和外围设备。
该stm8l05xx / stm8l15xx / stm8l16xx是一个家庭的不同存储密度的微控制器和外围设备。
关于STM8 SWIM通信协议信息和调试模块,请参阅用户手册(um0470)。
1 中央处理单元(CPU)。
1.1 引言301.2 CPU的寄存器。
1.2.1 描述CPU寄存器。
301.2.2 STM8 CPU寄存器图。
341.3 全球配置寄存器(cfg_gcr)。
1.3.1 激活水平。
341.3.2 游泳禁用。
351.3.3 描述全局配置寄存器(cfg_gcr)。
35 1.3.4 全局配置寄存器图及复位值。
352 启动ROM . . . 363程序存储器和数据存储器。
40 3.4.3介质+密度装置记忆的组织。
41 3.4.4高密度存储器组织。

– STM32F407IG MCU with 1 MB Flash – 1.3 M pixel image sensor – 3-axis gyroscope – 16 Mbit of SRAM – STA529A audio-codec – Mini-USB connector (HS, USB 2.0 OTG)
● The EvoPrimer target board(s) include the target MCU and may also include additional hardware features for target MCU evaluation.
The Primers can be purchased as complete evaluation tools, which can then be modified by purchasing an accessory, or they can be created from the interchangeable accessories:
1. “STM3210EPRIMER and STM3210EPRIM-D” are replaced by “STM3210GPRIMER and STM3210GPRIM-D” with MCU with 1 Mbyte of Flash instead of 512 Kbytes.
November 2011
Start exploring the power of the STM32/STM8 by playing with the included applications. The base drives the fun, ergonomic hardware platform that combines a TFT graphical display with MEMs-based controls plus a tactile screen and joystick for navigating and controlling the GUI and game applications.

STM8L152介绍8位超低功耗单片机,高达64 + 2字节数据的闪存EEPROM,EEPROM (Electr icall y Erasab le Progra mmabl e Read-Only Memory),实时时钟,液晶显示器,定时器,USART,C,SPI,模数转换器,数模转换器,比较器特点:操作条件:工作电源:1.65v~ 3.6v温度范围:40 to 85, 105 or 125低功耗的特点:5个低功耗模式:等,低功率运行(5.9¦Ì一),低功耗等(3¦Ì一),active-halt全实时时钟(1.4¦Ì一),停止(400)动态功率消耗:200UA/兆赫+ 330UA,快速唤醒从停止模式(4.7us)超低漏I/ O:50nA先进的stm8核心:哈佛结构和三级流水线最大频率:16条16m hz,相关峰最多40个外部中断源复位和供应管理:低功率,超安全欠压复位5可编程阈值超低功率PO R /PDR(通电复位/Protec tion(保护)、Detect ion(检测)、Respon se(响应))可编程电压检测器(Progra mmabl e voltag e detect or (PVD))时钟管理32kHz和1-16MHz晶体振荡器工厂校准的内部16MHz RC和38kHz的低功耗RC时钟安全系统低功耗RTCBCD日历,闹钟中断,数字校准+ / - 0.5ppm的准确度先进的防篡改检测DMA4个通道。
存储器到存储器的LCD:8x40或4x44瓦特/升压转换器12位ADC1 Msps/28渠道温度。
电压记忆高达64 KB的快闪记忆体高达2KB的数据EEPRO M,ECC和RW W灵活的读/写保护模式高达4 KB的RAM2x12位D A C(双模式)与输出缓冲器2个超低功耗比较器1个固定阈值和1个轨到轨唤醒功能定时器3个16位定时器,2个通道(IC,OC,PWM),正交编码器一个16位高级控制定时器,3个信道,支持电机控制1个7位预分频器的8位定时器1个窗口和1个独立的看门狗蜂鸣器定时器1,2或4kHz的频率通讯接口两个同步串行接口(SPI)快速I2C 400千赫S M Bus和PMBus三个USAR T(ISO7816接口+红外线)最多67个I /o中断向量,所有可映射多达16个电容检测通道,免费固件快速片上编程和非侵入性调试与游泳,Bootlo ader的使用USART 独特的96位I D描述:1、stm8l超低功耗的8位家庭福利2、设备概述3、超低功率连续简介:本文描述的特点,因此,机械数据和订购信息:高密度stm8l15x xx装置:stm8l151x8和stm8l152x8微控制器与闪速存储器密度64字节。

15、数字到模拟转换器(DAC)本节适用于中密度stm8l15xx设备,介质密度stm8l15xx +器件和高密度stm8l15xx / stm8l16xx设备,除非另有规定。
15.1 、DAC的介绍该DAC模块是一个12位的电压输出数字到模拟转换器。
输入参考引脚的VREF +是可用的一个更好的分辨率。
15.2、DAC的主要特点●8位或12位单调输出●左右的数据对齐在12位模式●同步更新能力●DMA能力●外部触发转换●输入参考电压的VREF +●噪声波的产生(中+高密度的设备)●三角波产生(中+高密度的设备)●双DAC通道独立或同步转换(中+高密度的设备)一个DAC通道的框图如图46所示。
15.3.4数据格式根据选定的配置方式,数据被写入指定的寄存器描述如下:●8位右对齐:被加载到dac_dhr8 [7:0]位转换的数据[ 11:4】数据●12位左对齐:被加载到dac_ldhrh [7:0]比特的转换数据[ 4 ]数据和dac_ldhrl [ 4 ]比特的转换数据[3:0]●12位右对齐:被加载到dac_rdhrh [3:0]比特的转换数据[ 8 ]数据和dac_rdhrl [7:0]比特的转换数据[7:0]15.3.5 DAC转换序列启动一个转换,该dac_xdhrx和dac_dhr8寄存器的内容移动到该dac_chxdorh/L(数据输出)寄存器。

ST72324/5 ST72F325AR9 LQFP64
ST72345 ST72F34X-SK/RAIS
REva mother board: Universal evaluation board designed for quick and easy evaluation of a complete range of features (I/Os, ADC, SPI, CAN, I2C...) for a variety of STM8 and ST7s. It is powered from the RLink’s USB connection to the host PC.
Interchangeable REva daughterboard
■ Features different STM8 and ST7 MCUs to permit application development for a wide range of devices and may include additional device specific features
Starter kit (order code)
Daughterboard ID marking
Additional features(1)MBiblioteka U family supported
MCU device
MCU package

void unlock_DATA(void)
FLASH_DUKR = 0xAE; /* Warning: keys are reversed on data memory !!! */
while((FLASH_IAPSR & (0x04 | 0x01)) == 0);
Address += 4;
DataPointer+= 4;
DataCount -= 4;
return 1;
else //for EEPROM
if((DataAddress >= EEPROM_START) && ((DataAddress + DataCount - 1) <= EEPROM_END))
return WriteBufferFlash(DataAddress, DataBuffer, DataCount);
u8 WriteBuffer(u32 DataAddress, u8 *DataBuffer, u8 DataCount,FLASH_TypeDef MemType)


January 2011Doc ID 18120 Rev 21/7UM1014User manualGetting started with STM8L-DISCOVERYIntroductionThe STM8L-DISCOVERY , based on the STM8L152C6T6, is a quick-start evaluation board for 8-bit ultralow-power MCUs. It is the cheapest and quickest way to discover the STM8L, to program and use the device, and to build and debug applications. It includes the embedded debugger ST -LINK and an I DD measurement feature which helps you to discover the ultralow power efficiency.Connect the STM8L-DISCOVERY to a PC through a standard USB cable, and run the pre-programmed example. Once the debugger is open, you can follow the real-time execution of the code. A large number of application examples are provided to allow you to learn, reuse and modify the application source code. This can be used for a quick proof-of-concept evaluation or demonstration prototype. The STM8L-DISCOVERY is ideal for hobbyists, developers, students and support teams.By using this document as a guide and trying out the application examples, you can quickly get familiar with the STM8L-DISCOVERY and all its possibilities.Visit /stm8l-discovery to access all the user manuals and application notes related to the STM8L-DISCOVERY .Reference documents●STM8L-DISCOVERY evaluation board user manual (UM0970)●STM8L-DISCOVERY software user manual Developing and debugging your STML-DISCOVERY application code (UM0991)●ST Visual Develop (STVD) user manual (UM0036)●Introduction to STM8L15x power saving modes using the STM8L-DISCOVERY I DD measurement feature (AN3269)●Building a wave generator using STM8L-DISCOVERY (AN3252)●STM8L15x reference manual (RM0031)●STM8L15xx datasheetGetting started UM10142/7Doc ID 18120 Rev 21 Getting started1.1 System requirementsBefore using the STM8L-DISCOVERY , the following material is required:●A Windows PC (2000, XP , Vista)● A USB type A to mini-B cable1.2 Quick start tutorial (less than 20min)Start running one of the many STM8L-DISCOVERY application examples from scratch inless than 20min.1.2.1 Software environment1.Download your free software environment (IDE). Choose between:–ST’s MCU toolset composed of ST Visual Develop (STVD) and ST Visual Programmer (STVP) available on –IAR Embedded Workbench for STM8 Kickstart edition (8K-limited) available on, Downloads tabWhile IAR Embedded Workbench for STM8 includes its own compiler, STVD must be usedtogether with either Cosmic or Raisonance compilers.2. Download your free compilers:–Cosmic 16K available on /download_stm8_16k.php –Cosmic 32K one-year limited available on /download_stm8_32k.php –Raisonance 32K available on Note:Please note that the Cosmic 32K version does not include direct support from Cosmic.To get details on how to install your IDE and/or compilers, read Chapter 2 of UM0991available on /stm8l-discovery.1.2.2 Connect the ST M 8L-DISCOVERY to the host PCThe STM8L-DISCOVERY comes pre-programmed with the Discover demo. This democonsists in discovering the STM8L15x power-saving modes taking advantage of the STM8L-DISCOVERY built-in I DD measurement feature.Connect the STM8L-DISCOVERY to your PC using a USB cable.The application starts immediately and is displayed dynamically on the LCD. The user canselect the STM8L real-time power consumption in each mode using the User push-buttoninterface. Download application note AN3269 from /stm8l-discovery to get moredetails about this demo.UM1014Getting startedDoc ID 18120 Rev 23/71.2.3 Running the ST M 8L-DISCOVERY application examplesSTM8L-DISCOVERY is provided with numerous application examples available on/stm8l-discovery.Make sure your free software environment (STVD in this case) is correctly installed.1.Download one of the application examples as well as its associated application note,available on /stm8l-discovery and extract directory STM8L-DISCOVERY_Example on your PC.–Cosmic: STM8L-Discovery_Example /Project/Example /STVD/Cosmic/Example .stw–Raisonance:STM8L-Discovery_Example /Project/Example /STVD/Raisonance/Example .stw2. Configure STVD to use ST -LINK as a debug instrument:–Click Debug Instrument -> Target Settings .–Select target Swim ST-LINK in the target list.3.Select the appropriate MCU:–Go to Projects>Settings>MCU and select STM8L152C6 from the MCU list.Getting started UM1014–Make sure that the MCU selected is displayed in the selected MCU field beforeclicking OK.4. Click Build -> Rebuild All to build your application.5. Click Debug -> Start Debugging to download your application to the STM8L programmemory and start the debug session.6. Run the application code in Debug or Stand-alone mode:a) Click Debug -> Run to run your application in debug mode.b) Click Debug -> Stop Debugging to disconnect the debugger; then, theapplication starts running immediately in stand-alone mode.Once the selected application is running, check whether it operates as described in theapplication note associated to the example.Note:Some of the available examples require additional components to work properly. Please refer to the application note associated to the example selected to find out more about it. 1.2.4 Developing your own application1.Install the free software environment (IDE and/or compilers) of your choice. Pleaserefer to Section1.2.1.2. Install the STM8L-DISCOVERY development package.–Download from /stm8l-discovery (zip file available together with UM0991) and extract the directory structure on your PC.–Duplicate the project_template directory and rename it (My_own_project).3. Run the Integrated Development Environment of your choice.4. Select File -> Open Workspace.5. Browse for the project file .stw of My_own_project you intend to run according to theIDE and/or compiler you have selected:–STVD with Cosmic: STM8L-Discovery_My_own_project/Project/My_own_project/STVD/Cosmic/STVD_workspace.stw–STVD with Raisonance: STM8L-Discovery_My_own_project/Project/My_own_project/STVD/Raisonance/STVD_workspace.stw–IAR Embedded Workbench (EWSTM8): STM8L-Discovery_My_own_project/Project/My_own_project/STVD/EWSTM8/workspace.stw This procedure provides for a prestructured project workspace and simplifies your projectdesign.Detailed instructions on the project creation are provided in user manual UM0991Developping and debugging your STM8L-Discovery application code, available fordownload from /stm8l-discovery.4/7Doc ID 18120 Rev 2UM1014Support 2 SupportVisit our STM8L-DISCOVERY forum on /stm8l-discovery.Contact our technical support on .Doc ID 18120 Rev 25/7Revision history UM10146/7Doc ID 18120 Rev 23 Revision historyTable 2.Document revision history DateRevision Changes09-Dec-20101Initial release.06-Jan-20112Updated ST’s MCU toolset URL under Section 1.2.1.UM1014Please Read Carefully:Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice.All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale.Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein.UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST’S TERM S AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ST DISCLAIM S ANY EXPRESS OR IM PLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF ST PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIM ITATION IM PLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS EXPRESSLY APPROVED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZED ST REPRESENTATIVE, ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. ST PRODUCTS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFIED AS "AUTOMOTIVE GRADE" MAY ONLY BE USED IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS AT USER’S OWN RISK.Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST.ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries.Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners.© 2011 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Philippines - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of AmericaDoc ID 18120 Rev 27/7。
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Functional overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1 Low power modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1 Device overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Ultra low power continuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
■ 12-bit ADC up to 1 Msps/28 channels – Internal reference voltage
■ Timers – Three 16-bit timers with 2 channels (used as IC, OC, PWM), quadrature encoder – One 16-bit advanced control timer with 3 channels, supporting motor control – One 8-bit timer with 7-bit prescaler – 2 watchdogs: 1 Window, 1 Independent – Beeper timer with 1, 2 or 4 kHz frequencies
■ Advanced STM8 core – Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline – Max freq. 16 MHz, 16 CISC MIPS peak – Up to 40 external interrupt sources
■ Reset and supply management – Low power, ultra-safe BOR reset with 5 programmable thresholds – Ultra low power POR/PDR – Programmable voltage detector (PVD)
3.3.3 Voltage regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.4 Clock management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.12 Watchdog timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.12.1 Window watchdog timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Value Line, 8-bit ultralow power MCU, 64-KB Flash, 256-bytes data EEPROM, RTC, LCD, timers,USART, I2C, SPI, ADC
Data brief
■ Operating conditions – Operating power supply: 1.8 V to 3.6 V – Temperature range: -40 °C to 85 °C
3.11 Timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.11.1 TIM1 - 16-bit advanced control timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3.1 Power supply scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.2 Power supply supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.2 Interrupt controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Reset and supply management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
■ Communication interfaces – Two synchronous serial interfaces (SPI) – Fast I2C 400 kHz SMBus and PMBus – Three USARTs (ISO 7816 interface + IrDA)
■ Up to 54 I/Os, all mappable on interrupt vectors ■ Development support
3.9 Analog-to-digital converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.10 System configuration controller and routing interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.7 Memories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.8 DMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2 Central processing unit STM8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.1 Advanced STM8 Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
■ Clock management – 32 kHz and 1 to 16 MHz crystal oscillators – Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC – 38 kHz low consumption RC – Clock security system
3.5 Low power real-time clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.6 LCD (Liquid crystal display) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.12.2 Independent watchdog timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.13 Beeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19