雅思听⼒Section 1场景——图书馆 图书馆场景在各个section中都有出现,内容难度也各有不同。
在办理借书证时需出⽰有效⾝份证件,如⾝份证(ID card)、护照(passport)、驾照(drivinglicense/licence)、信⽤卡(credit card),或者附加⼀些辅助的⾝份证明,如学⽣证(studentcard)、账单(bills)、银⾏对账单(bank statements)等,有时还得带上照⽚。
咨询的⽅⾯多种多样,⽐如能借的书籍等的分类,有期刊(journal/periodical)、参考书(referencebook)、⼩说(fiction)、报纸(newspaper)、杂志(magazine)等;借书时间(loan period)⼀般都为⼀个⽉(onemonth/fourweeks);书籍到期(due)可以续借(renew),书籍超期(overdue)或损坏需赔偿付罚⾦(fine),罚⾦⼀般以天记;有的图书馆有计算机中⼼(computercenter),提供上或数据库(database)查询;图书馆的学习中⼼还提供各种课程来帮助考⽣。
一、资料种类首先请看以下这段听力原文:Librarian: Can I help you?Student: Yeah, I need to find a review. It's for my English class. We have to find reviews of the play we are reading. But they have to be from when the play was first performed, so I need to know whenthat wa s and I suppose I should start with newspaper reviews and…分析:这是TPO 4 Conversation 1的开头部分,学生直接表明前来图书馆的目的。
在笔记过程中开头处开门见山表明主旨内容以及直接目的的语句是一定不能放过的,故其中的review, newspaper review等书刊种类词汇就是必记词汇,同时因果原则告诉我们so后的内容是很有可能出考题的,when…start with也应该出现在我们的'笔记中。
再看这个conversation之后需完成的第一道题:Q1. Why does the man need the woman's assistance? Click on 2 answers.m He does not know the publication date of some reviews he needs.m He does not know the location of the library's videocollection of plays.m He does not know how to find out where the play is currently being performed.m He does not know how to determine which newspaper he should look at.根据笔记可选出答案:第一个选项。
考点之二:新生报到咨询关键词汇:orientation,facilities,courses,school history.在实际校园生活中,新生报到日可谓是学生校园生活的崭新起点,报到日的活动更是每一位新生必要的经历。
在Cambridge 4 Test 4 Section 4 我们可以看到这样的典型例子:Choose the correct letter,A B or C.31. During the first week of term,students are invited toA be shown round the library by the librarian.B listen to descriptions of library resources.C do an intensive course in the computer centre.32. The speaker warns the students thatA internet materials can be unreliable.B downloaded information must be acknowledged.C computer access may be limited at times.33. The library is acquiring more CDs as a resource becauseA they are a cheap source of information.B they take up very little space.C they are more up to date than the reference books.lecture中speaker向学生介绍学校图书馆及其功能。
⼀、考试说明 图书馆话题总体来说难度不⼤,考⽣向考官描述完⾃⼰常去的图书馆后,在第三部分⾥会围绕图书馆的作⽤和未来与其展开讨论。
在“真题演练”部分native speaker描述的实际上是⼀个虚拟的图书馆(这⼀点从地址上可以看出来),语⾔平实易懂,举的例⼦很有普遍性。
⼆、真题演练 Describe a library that you often go to. You should say: what library it is where it is /what the library looks like what you do there and explain why you like this library. 点题 There is a library near to my home where I like to go. It is called the Peoples' Library. 地点 It is located on First Avenue near Main Street. It is a very new building and has some beautiful urban sculpture standing on the grounds around it. The library has many floors. Each floor has different sections. 介绍 The firs time I went there I had to have a lot of help to find things but now I feel like it is my second home. When I go to the library I feel like I am leaving a lot of my worries and cares behind me, even if I have to go there to do some research or to study. I think that is because I know I can always find a quiet, private place where I can read or do my work. And sometimes if I want to travel to a different place or a different time, I can do that in the library by finding a book or something on the computer that will take me into another world. 活动 I am particularly interested in this library because it has a lot to offer. Besides having a good stock of books, it also provides office facilities such as a good copy machine, a book binder, many computers and printers, and much more. And it has very good service too. If you need a book in another library it will obtain that book for you by either shipping it from the other library or purchasing the book. Part 3 Libraries 1. Do people in China often go to libraries? I think people of all ages use the library. However I think students use the libraries more often than older people. I often see young children in the library but I think university students use the library the most frequently. In my opinion, the older generation use libraries the least. Some are too busy and others have no interest in books. 2. Even though it might cost a lot to maintain a library, do you think the government should open more public libraries? On the one hand I think that it is very worthwhile to have plenty of libraries. On the other hand with the way technology is improving practically each day, it may be wiser to invest in making computers more accessible to more people. It is possible to go to a internet café and go online, but much of this time is spent on worthless computer games and watching movies. Establishing computer libraries and educating people how to use them beneficially might be s good idea. 3.Do you think public libraries should be free of charge? It would be nice if libraries were free, but usually you have to pay a fee as well put down some kind of deposit. I don't think this is too unreasonable as people often do not appreciate things they get totally for free. If people know they can get their deposits back if they do not damage any books, then it makes them more careful. Of course the government should subsidize libraries so that the costs that people do have to pay are not exorbitant. 4.How do you think libraries will change in the future? I can picture a future where computer technology will enable us to have easy access to all the resources a library provides. People may not even have to read. They can have the equipment needed to just listen to words being read to them. It may sound like fantasy, but with all the progress in technology I think it is very possible. Improvement 5.What kind of skills do you think library staff should have? I think library staff should always be very well informed as to where things are located in the library. This will enable them to help people to save time in finding what they need, which is a very big help in our busy times. I think they should be very courteous also as people who are using the library can often be under a lot of pressure and often need a lot of help. They may be under pressure because of an assignment they are working on or because they are unfamiliar with how the library works. Library staff should also be efficient and have organizational skills. They may have to take care of a lot of details and it would make things very difficult for those using the library if items were lost or difficult to find. Last but not least library staff should be patient. They may be faced with a myriad of requests each day and they will be unhappy and those using the library will be unhappy if the staff is frustrated, impolite or upset. 6. What can be done to make libraries more attractive? I am interested in interior decorating and one thing I would recommend for libraries is to incorporate more neutral colors into the décor. I believe that nowadays libraries are decorated to use maximum space and reflect maximum light. Browns and other muted colors can create a warm atmosphere. Comfortable and attractive seats can also make the environment more inviting. Also I am in favor of having works of art in libraries. Not necessarily originals but good quality copies of famous artist's work are both attractive as well as educational. 7.How has internet affected and reduced the popularity of library that it used to possess? Certainly the internet provides easy access to sources of information, although their validity should be suspect. However, there is nothing on the internet that replaces picking up an actual book and reading it. From my perspective, reading a book is a tactile experience which is perceptible to the sense of touch. Also books can be carried every where and read whenever you stop moving. Although I use the internet for a number of things, I have in my personal library about 3,000 reference books and I find things in them that I do not find on the internet. I augment this library with books from the library. 雅思⽼师提醒⼤家,如果在应试中意识到⾃⼰出现的⼩的语法问题,不必太紧张,及时的改正,保持⼀个放松的应试⼼情,不要影响⾃⼰接下来的考试。
那么朗阁海外考试研究中心通过对历年雅思考试真题的不断总结和研究,探出该场景的出题思路,发现其主要集中了以下三大考点特征:↘考点之一:学术主题讨论◆关键词汇:Lecture, tutorial, seminar, presentation etc.在很多西方教学理念中,培养学生独立学习的意识和能力是最重要的理念之一,这种理念渗透到了学校教学的方方面面。
而一般来讲,这些讨论会以lecture/report, tutorial、seminar、presentation等形式展开。
【典型范例】:Instruction: Dr. Linda Graycar who is from the City Institute for the Blind is talking about the system of writing for the blind known as Braille.1. What can the combined dots represent?A both letters and wordsB only individual wordsC only letters of the alphabet2. What is unusual about the way Braille is written?A It can only be written using a machine.B The texts have to be read backwards.C Handwritten Braille is created in reverse.【范例原文】:Dr. Graycar: Well, it's a system of touch reading which uses anarrangement of raised dots called a cell. Braille numbered the dotpositions 1-2-3 downward on the left and 4-5-6 downward on theright, The letters of the alphabet are then formed by usingdifferent combinations of these dots.Student: So is the writing system based on the alphabet with each word being individually spelt out?Dr. Graycar: Well ... it's not quite that simple, I'm afraid! For instance, the first 10 letters of the alphabet are Formed using dots 1, 2, 4 and5. But Braille also has its own short forms for common words. Forexample, 'b' for the word 'but' and 'h' for 'have' – there are manyother contractions like this.Student: Can it be written by hand or do you need a machine to produce Braille?Dr. Graycar: Well, you can write it by hand on to paper with a device calleda slate and stylus but the trick is that you have to writebackwards . . . e.g. from right to left so that then when you turnyour sheet over, the dots face upwards and can be read likeEnglish from left to right.【范例分析】: 范例是一位教授介绍一种盲文体。
do you often go to the library雅思口语
Do You Often Go to the Library?IntroductionThe library is a place that holds a vast collection of books, magazines, journals, and various resources. It serves as a haven for knowledge seekers, students, and book lovers. In this article, we will explore the reasons why some people often visit the library, the benefits it brings, and the various activities one can engage in while being there.Reasons for Frequent Library VisitsBroad Range of ResourcesOne of the main reasons why individuals frequently go to the library is the availability of a broad range of resources. From classic novels to the latest research papers, libraries offer a comprehensive collection of books and other reading materials to cater to different interests and needs. Students often visit libraries to access reference books and materials for their studies, while book enthusiasts enjoy the vast selection of literature from various genres.Peaceful and Quiet EnvironmentThe library provides a peaceful and quiet environment, making it anideal place for focused studying or reading. Unlike cafes or homes, the library ensures minimal distractions, allowing individuals to concentrate on their work and immerse themselves in their chosen materials. The serene ambiance of the library promotes productivity and deep thinking, creating an atmosphere conducive for learning.Access to Technology and InternetModern libraries have adapted to the digital age by providing access to technology and the internet. They offer computers, laptops, and Wi-Fi facilities, enabling visitors to conduct research, browse digitalresources, and work on projects. The availability of technology in libraries allows users to access online databases, e-books, and other digital resources that may not be easily accessible elsewhere. Students and researchers often take advantage of these resources to enhance their studies and stay updated with the latest information.Benefits of Library VisitsEnhancement of Knowledge and LearningRegular visits to the library contribute to the enhancement of knowledge and learning. The wide range of resources available enables individuals to explore diverse subjects and acquire new information. Whether it isfor academic purposes or personal interest, the library facilitates continuous learning and supports intellectual growth. Reading books, journals, and magazines helps individuals expand their knowledge,develop critical thinking skills, and further their understanding of various topics.Development of Reading HabitsFor many, the library serves as a catalyst for the development ofreading habits. With an abundance of books readily available,individuals are encouraged to explore different genres and authors, discovering new favorites along the way. Regularly visiting the library fosters a love for reading, expands one’s literary horizons, and encourages lifelong learning. Additionally, reading helps improve vocabulary, language skills, and cognitive abilities.Community Engagement and NetworkingLibraries serve as community hubs, fostering engagement and networking among individuals. They often organize events, workshops, and book clubs, bringing people together who share similar interests. Participating in these activities not only promotes social interaction but also exposes individuals to diverse perspectives and ideas. The library acts as a meeting point for people from different backgrounds, fostering a senseof belonging and community spirit.Activities at the LibraryReading and Study AreasLibraries provide designated areas for reading and studying, equipped with comfortable seating and ample lighting. These spaces are conducive to focused reading and studying, allowing individuals to delve intotheir chosen materials without disturbances. Study areas often have workstations, electrical outlets, and other amenities to cater to the needs of students and researchers.Reference and Research AssistanceLibrarians play a crucial role in assisting library visitors with their reference and research needs. They provide guidance in locating specific books, articles, or materials, as well as suggest relevant resources for research purposes. Librarians are trained professionals who possess a wealth of knowledge in various disciplines and are invaluable resources themselves.Workshops and ActivitiesLibraries frequently organize workshops and activities to engage the community. These may include writing workshops, storytelling sessionsfor children, art exhibitions, and guest lectures. Such events not only promote creativity and learning but also offer a platform forindividuals to showcase their talents and share their expertise.Access to Digital ResourcesWith the advancement of technology, libraries now offer access todigital resources such as e-books, online databases, and interactive platforms. Visitors can borrow e-books or use library-provided subscriptions to access scholarly journals and research articles online. The availability of digital resources expands the reach of the library beyond its physical boundaries, providing users with a wider range of information and knowledge.ConclusionThe library remains a valuable institution in today’s digital age. It offers a plethora of resources, a peaceful environment for studying, and a range of activities to engage in. Whether for academic purposes or personal enrichment, frequent visits to the library facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, promote reading habits, and foster community engagement. Making the most of all that the library has to offer can truly enrich one’s intellectual and personal growth.。
雅思口语part1范文答案及解析:Library图书馆雅思口语Part1范文答案及解析:Q: Do you like going to libraries?A: Yes, I enjoy visiting libraries very much! It's a great place for me to find various books and articles that can help me with studies and work. Aside from that, libraries are also perfect for leisure and relaxation, as they provide a peaceful environment for me to read and unwind after a long day.Libraries also offer different programs and activities that people can take part in. For example, lots of libraries organize book clubs or reading groups, where people can discuss books and share their thoughts and opinions. Moreover, many libraries provide wonderful resources for teenagers and children, such as learning centers and special events. So, overall, I’d say I really enjoy visiting libraries!Libraries also offer a great resource for exploring and learning about different topics. From classic literature to recent news and trends, libraries provide a wide variety of reading material that can help me broaden my horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world. In addition, it’s a great way for me to stay up-to-date on current events and trends, as I can browse through newspapers, magazines and other publications.。
附录二:按场景分类练习剑桥真题:租房住宿:C4T3S1 C5T4S1 C7T4S1 C8T3S1 C9T2S1(宿舍条件申请表格题)打工:C7T3S1 C8T4S1 C9T1S1派对:C4T4S1(欢送派对)购物:C5T1S2文化活动:C4T3S2 (夏季季节的相关活动)C6T2S1 C8T1S1 C8T1S2 C8T3S2C9T3S2(配对和选择)(介绍公园)C9T1S2(Sports 介绍)第七代教材:P39-section 4剑桥真题:咨询:C6T1S1(健身房)C7T1S1 (交通路线)C6T3S1(银行开户)C5T4S2(足球俱乐部介绍新的委员会和成员)C9T4S1(Health center)保险:C7T2S1 (汽车保险)C8T2S1(电话索赔)旅游:C4T1S1(学生咨询旅游)C4T2S1(两个旅游的人谈论当地的名胜古迹和小吃)C4T4S2(电话录音,关于旅游的路线费用)C5T1S1(旅游咨询,电话交谈)C7T3S2(露营度假产品推荐)C9T2S2(地图题) C9T3S1( 电话咨询旅游价格和产品表格题)第七代教材:Unit 1 on the move(P14-section 1除外)➢Unit 9 at the gym剑桥真题:图书馆/C5T2S1(咨询借书)C6T4S3 C9T2S3(self-access center)入学报到C6T1S3作业论文C4T2S3/C6T3S3 C9T1S3(课程作业反馈) C9 T3 S3(study skills tutorial 辅导课如何写论文) C9 T4 S3(课程讨论)第七代教材:Unit 5 starting university(P44-track 31除外)剑桥真题:艺术:C6T3S4(新石器时代爱尔兰)/C7T1S4(实地考察)/C8T4S4(岩石绘画)地理:C5T2S4(南极自然概况和科学)/C7T2S3(南极中心和条约)/C7T4S3()/C8T1S3(实地考察旅行提案)/C8T1S4/(实地考察前的注意事项)历史:C6T1S4(伦敦东区的社会历史状况)/C6T2S4(电影发展史)/C8T3S3()动植物:C4T4S4(鲨鱼的相关信息;长度,重量,觅食习惯)/C6T4S4(亚洲狮和非洲狮)/C8T2S3 (澳大利亚蜜蜂)C4T1S4/(环境知识,园林绿化)C9 T4 S4 (Wildlife in city gardens)C9T1S4(鲸鱼和海豚的搁浅)商业管理:C4T2S4(集团犯罪)C5T4S3(公司困境及解决办法)C7T1S3(工作场所个性差异/C7T3S4/(对酒店行业的分析))C8T3S4(英国人对医生的看法)C9T2S4 (Business cultures)环境:C9T3S4 (The underground house)。
听力场景2:课外研究场景. 主要是在课外研究一些小的项目,小的调查研究,包括对学校里各个地方,食品(咖啡、小吃)等价格的比较。
雅思听力场景词汇学术场景词汇一.新生人学Orientation 新生入学教育会 welcome package 入学或旅游时收到的欢迎辞Reception招待会,接待处英国人用faculty表示”系",faculty-based“以系为单位的”,department则多用在北美表示“系"campus校园, on campus在校内,off campus在校外机经词汇:modern sports facilities现代体育设施specialized sports facilities 专门体育设施experimental facilities实验设施lab equipment 实验器材sense of achievement成就感University guide大学指南Curriculum 课程 (curriculum vitae=CV简历)lecture授课 tutorial/seminar小组讨论 study club学习小组session课程,时间 reading session阅读课assignment 作业slide presentation 幻灯片演讲:presentation skills陈述部分,answer questions/oral defence答辩(通常论文的考核形式)assessment 学习考核,评估 record 成绩;记录;唱片tape/cassette磁带 cassette recorder 卡带式录音机 video tape录像带attendance出勤率 deadline最后期限机经词汇:留学生通常会遇到的问题distant deadline 离最后期限还有段时间give/deliver a speech作演讲letter of recommendation 推荐信(一般教授或导师出示用于申请学校)take notes 记笔记 note—taking (这个词组的发音很像no taking,一定要注意)notice board布告栏TIPS:学生可以在布告栏上找到关于课程或其他方面的通知,英国用notice board,北美用bulletin board.机经词汇:advanced course 高级课程(注意advanced后面的d,听的时候不一定能够听到,但必须知道这里是形容词形式)Intermediate course 中级课程Beginning course 入门课程Basic course 基础课程Compulsory/obligatory/required course 必修课Intensive course 强化课程Optional course 选修课Refreser course进修课Specialized course 专业课Survival course 生存课程Senior staff高级员工RA (research assistant) 研究助理Lecturer 讲师,所有教课的老师都是lecturer,Professor 教授, Associate professor 副教授Instructor 讲师 adviser/advisor/supervisor 指导老师 senior advisor资深督导师Assistant professor助教机经词汇: Teaching syllabus 教学大纲Teaching method 教学法Teaching staff 教学人员Academic teaching staff 教学人员,教职员工学生类型:local/resident/domestic student当地学生International/overseas student国际学生(注意overseas后面的s,听的时候不一定能听出来,但一定得知道)Freshman/first-year student大一学生, sophomore/second-year student大二学生,junior/third-year student大三学生, senior/fourth—year student大四学生applicant申请人,graduate毕业生,Bachelor学士 (Undergraduate本科生),Master 硕士 (Postgraduate研究生)机经词汇:headmaster (英)高中以下学校校长Principal (美)高中以下学校校长Graduation announcements毕业典礼请柬二、专业Major/subject 专业(be majored in/specialize in)以。
剑桥真题场景:剑桥真题拼写词汇:temporary['temp(ə)rərɪ] 临时旳doctor ['dɒktə]大夫Africa ['æfrɪkə]非洲youth [juːθ]青春cheese[tʃiːz] 奶酪presentation [prez(ə)n'teɪʃ(ə)n]陈说demanding [dɪ'mɑːndɪŋ] 费时费力旳assistant [ə'sɪst(ə)nt]助手security [sɪ'kjʊərətɪ]安全性ground floor底层lecture room教室main hall大厅team leader团体领导waiter['weɪtə]服务员day off休息日break[breɪk]间歇meal[miːl]餐饭dark[dɑːk]黑暗jacket ['dʒækɪt]夹克mid-day中午reference ['ref(ə)r(ə)ns] 参照answer the phone接电话library [ˈlaɪbrərɪ]图书馆national holidays国家法定假日clear voice声音清晰think quickly迅速思索tax[tæks]税剑桥真题认知词汇:job hunting找工作warehouse['weəhaʊs]货仓barber['bɑːbə]剪发师grocery['grəʊs(ə)rɪ]杂货店nosh bar小吃店shift[ʃɪft]轮班alternate[ˈɔ:ltəneɪt]交替uniform['juːnɪfɔːm]工作服job hopping跳槽reward[rɪ'wɔːd]奖励vacant['veɪk(ə)nt]空缺旳work permit工作许可referee[refə'riː]推荐人overtime['əʊvətaɪm]加班时间injure['ɪndʒə]伤害advertise['ædvətaɪz]做广告cycling['saɪklɪŋ]骑行first aid急救slide[slaɪd]幻灯片recruit[rɪ'kruːt]招募orientation[,ɔːrɪən'teɪʃ(ə)n]方向机经场景(拼写单词):应聘校长leader['liːdə]领导者tennis ['tenɪs] 网球training ['treɪnɪŋ]训练insurance [ɪn'ʃʊər(ə)ns]保险policy ['pɒləsɪ] 政策register police注册旳警察discount ['dɪskaʊnt]折扣兼职征询receptionist [rɪ'sepʃ(ə)nɪst]接待员mornings ['mɔːnɪŋz]上午customer ['kʌstəmə]顾客driver ['draɪvə]司机flexible ['fleksɪb(ə)l]灵活旳cinema [ˈsɪnəmɑ]电影院weekends [,wiːk'ends]周末shopping ['ʃɒpɪŋ]购物果园兼职blue card信用卡;蓝卡agency ['eɪdʒ(ə)nsɪ]代理weather['weðə]n.天气,气象campsite ['kæmpsaɪt]野营地bike [baɪk]自行车passport ['pɑːspɔːt] 护照lunch [lʌn(t)ʃ]午餐兼职求职(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)factory ['fækt(ə)rɪ] 工厂bakery ['beɪk(ə)rɪ]面包房newspaper ['njuːzpeɪpə]报纸tutor ['tjuːtə]家庭教师feedback['fiːdbæk] 反馈Hill Road山道North Park北方公园politics [ˈpɒlətɪks]政治bookkeeping记账advanced level领先水平clay [kleɪ]黏土ladder ['lædə]梯子hot [hɒt]热旳concentration [kɒns(ə)n'treɪʃ(ə)n]集中bucket ['bʌkɪt]水桶training ['treɪnɪŋ]训练uniform ['juːnɪfɔːm]制服furniture['fɜːnɪtʃə]家俱variable ['veərɪəb(ə)l]多变旳r eliable [rɪ'laɪəb(ə)l]可靠旳transport [træn'spɔːt]运送supermarket ['suːpəmɑːkɪt; 'sjuː-]超市call center呼喊中心student record学生记录raining ['reɪnɪŋ]下雨ad广告formal clothes正装larger office更大旳办公室good pay好旳酬劳live nearby附近居住location [lə(ʊ)'keɪʃ(ə)n]位置foreigner ['fɒrɪnə] 外国人法国家庭做保姆director [dɪ'rektə; daɪ-]主管driving ['draɪvɪŋ]操纵sailing ['seɪlɪŋ]帆船运动club [klʌb]俱乐部details ['dɪteɪlz]细节求职空乘recruitment [rɪ'kruːtm(ə)nt]招聘mid-night午夜math [mæθ]数学vision ['vɪʒ(ə)n]视力cultural awareness文化意识工作中介找工作train [treɪn]训练northern ['nɔːð(ə)n]北方旳hotel [həʊˈtel]旅馆farm [fɑːm]农场European Pass欧洲通行证booklet ['bʊklɪt]小册子internet cafe’网咖父亲给儿子找工作lifting ['liftiŋ]举起watering ['wɔːtərɪŋ]洒水math[mæθ]数学communication [kəmjuːnɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]通讯passport ['pɑːspɔːt]护照求职工作(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)waiter['weɪtə]服务员baseball coach棒球教练beach [biːtʃ]海滩diving ['daɪvɪŋ]跳水radio ['reɪdɪəʊ]无线电weekend [wiːkˈɛnd]周末tool [tuːl]工具training['treɪnɪŋ]训练reporter [rɪ'pɔːtə]记者housing [haʊzɪŋ]住房供应researcher [rɪ'sɜ:tʃə]研究员website ['websait]网站South Park南方公园fluent ['fluːənt]流畅旳minibus ['mɪnɪbʌs]小型巴士drive [draɪv] 驾驶transport [træn'spɔːt]运送寻找书店工作photography [fə'tɒgrəfɪ]摄影nursery['nɜːs(ə)rɪ]婴儿室waitress [ˈweɪtrəs]女服务员洗衣店面试dress shop女装店pension ['penʃ(ə)n]退休金window dressing橱窗布置name badge名牌black shirt黑衬衫应聘保姆(mother helper)consultant [kən'sʌlt(ə)nt]顾问laundry ['lɔːndrɪ]洗衣店guitar lesson吉他课sick pay病假工资climbing ['klaɪmɪŋ]攀登旳应聘游泳教练accountant [ə'kaʊnt(ə)nt]会计师swimming coach游泳教练difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt]困难旳简历问询resume [rɪˈzjuːm; ˈrɛzjʊmeɪ]重新开始too long太长type [taɪp]类型layout ['leɪaʊt]布局correction [kə'rekʃ(ə)n]修改contact number联络电话salary ['sælərɪ]薪水实习培训(1)(2)(3)internship ['ɪntɜːnʃɪp]实习医师area ['eərɪə]地区deputy ['depjʊtɪ]副手elevator['elɪveɪtə]电梯shirt [ʃɜːt]衬衣public['pʌblɪk]公众旳address card地址卡college coordinator学院协调员identity card身份证assignment [ə'saɪnm(ə)nt]分派handle data处理数据personal statement个人陈说面试准备sample ['sɑːmp(ə)l]样品software['sɒf(t)weə]n. 软件application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]合用criticism ['krɪtɪsɪz(ə)m]批评brief note字条accumulate the experience积累经验职业调查business management企业管理phone interview电话面试salary['sælərɪ]薪水diploma [dɪ'pləʊmə]毕业文凭public['pʌblɪk]公众旳problem solving问题处理essay writing短文写作job [dʒɒb]工作机经场景(认知单词):志愿者招募background ['bækgraʊnd]背景virtual volunteer虚拟旳志愿者potential [pəˈtenʃl]潜在旳formal ['fɔːm(ə)l]正规旳application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]合用职业规划media professor媒体专家music video音乐影片camera man摄影师technique [tek'niːk]技巧夜间上班extra high salary超高旳薪水flexible ['fleksɪb(ə)l]灵活旳input number输入数dark trouser深色裤子flat [flæt]平旳职业中心career center职介中心appointment [əˈpɔɪntmənt]约会free of charge免费fund [fʌnd]基金communication skill沟通技能profile ['prəʊfaɪl]侧面booklet['bʊklɪt]小册子consultant [kən'sʌlt(ə)nt]顾问邮局工作receive post收到后update data修改数据authority [ɔː'θɒrɪtɪ]权威check number检查数字order form订货单delivery note提货单contract ['kɒntrækt]协议制衣企业招聘pacific clothing firm太平洋制衣企业accountant [ə'kaʊnt(ə)nt]会计师collaborative [kə'læbərətiv]合作旳loyal ['lɒɪəl]忠诚旳workplace ['wɜːkpleɪs]工作场所印度妇女实习strict [strɪkt]精确旳boring ['bɔːrɪŋ]无聊旳patience ['peɪʃ(ə)ns]耐心internship ['ɪntɜːnʃɪp]实习医生实习工作反馈(1)(2)frustrated [frʌ'streɪtɪd]挫败旳leisure ['leʒə]空闲时间intelligent [ɪn'telɪdʒ(ə)nt]聪颖旳decisive [dɪ'saɪsɪv]决定性旳comment ['kɒment]评论self-reflection['selfriflekʃən]反省consult[kən'sʌlt]商议childish['tʃaɪldɪʃ]幼稚旳ideal job理想旳工作工作汇报workplace evaluation工作评价initial feeling最初旳感觉worthy[ˈwəːði]应得某事物natural ability本能lack confidence缺乏信心求职主题job hunting求职sack[sæk]解雇outdated[aʊt'deɪtɪd]过时旳appearance[ə'pɪər(ə)ns]外貌,出现生活征询剑桥真题场景:剑桥真题拼写词汇:green button绿色按钮library[ˈlaɪbrərɪ]图书馆education department教育部castle['kɑːs(ə)l]城堡old clothes旧衣服undersea world海底世界silver paper银箔纸King Street国王路central['sentr(ə)l]中心旳half hour半小时refreshment[rɪ'freʃm(ə)nt]精神恢复advance[əd'vɑːns]前进reservation[rezə'veɪʃ(ə)n]保留taxi ['tæksɪ]出租车cab[kæb]出租车city center市中心wait[weɪt]等待door-to-door挨户访问旳reserve[rɪ'zɜːv]储备health problem健康问题safety rule安全规程plan[plæn]计划joining['dʒɒɪnɪŋ]连接free entry自由加入peak[piːk]山峰guest[gest]客人photo card明信片red[red]红色旳lunch[lʌn(t)ʃ]午餐aunt[ɑːnt]阿姨secondary['sek(ə)nd(ə)rɪ]中等旳flute[fluːt]长笛concert['kɒnsət]音乐会market['mɑːkɪt]交易actor['æktə]演员flower['flaʊə]花mushroom['mʌʃruːm]蘑菇river['rɪvə]河剑桥真题认知词汇:membership['membəʃɪp]会员资格fitness suite健身房cater for照顾premier['premɪə]高级旳poster['pəʊstə]海报champion['tʃæmpɪən]冠军mystery[ˈmɪstri]谜scenario[sɪ'nɑːrɪəʊ]方案ceramics[sə'ræmɪks]制陶业choir['kwaɪə]合唱团in advance提前机经场景补充(拼写单词):志愿者项目征询social['səʊʃ(ə)l]社会旳stair[steə]楼梯radio['reɪdɪəʊ]无线电征询烧菜message['mesɪdʒ]信息by cash现金Thai cookery泰式烹饪演唱会征询evening['iːv(ə)nɪŋ]傍晚candles['kænd(ə)ls]蜡烛donation[də(ʊ)'neɪʃ(ə)n]捐赠piano[pɪ'ænəʊ]钢琴singer['sɪŋə(r)]歌手海外学生寄礼品photo['fəʊtəʊ]照片bag[bæg]袋postcard['pəʊs(t)kɑːd]明信片cheapest[tʃi:pɪst]廉价旳golden[ˈgəʊldən]金色旳征询节目时间安排opera['ɒp(ə)rə]歌剧pound[paʊnd]英镑theater ['θɪətə]剧场Town Hall市政厅studio ['stjuːdɪəʊ]工作室征询商品运送special item特殊项目twice a week每周两次telephone call打电话order ['ɔːdə]命令section ['sekʃ(ə)n]部分搬家企业征询piano [pɪ'ænəʊ]钢琴mirror ['mɪrə]镜子coffee ['kɒfɪ]咖啡豆side door侧门征询幼稚园playground ['pleɪgraʊnd]操场primary school小学report [rɪ'pɔːt]汇报family photo全家福热气球项目征询certificate [ səˈtɪfɪˌkeɪt]证明书thunderstorm ['θʌndəstɔːm]雷电交加旳暴风雨helmet ['helmɪt]头盔stand[stænd]看台征询小朋友活动中心toy factory玩具厂parking ['pɑːkɪŋ]停放slide [slaɪd]滑落golf [gɒlf]高尔夫球trouser ['traʊzə]裤子sock [sɒk]短袜name[neɪm]名字征询展览馆product['prɒdʌkt]产品summer['sʌmə]夏天online[ɒn'laɪn]在线旳征询电脑软件展demonstration[demən'streɪʃ(ə)n]示范subway['sʌbweɪ]地铁internet['ɪntənet]互联网hardware['hɑːdweə]硬件question['kwestʃ(ə)n]问题camera['kæm(ə)rə]摄影机征询剧院male[meɪl]男性旳hospital ['hɒspɪt(ə)l]医院戏剧俱乐部no children 少儿不适宜art trip艺术之旅drama workshop戏剧研讨会outdoor ['aʊtdɔː]户外旳activity [ækˈtɪvətɪ]活动planning meeting会议计划开会地点讨论e-mail marketing电子邮件营销sandwich ['sæn(d)wɪdʒ; -wɪtʃ]三明治project [prəˈdʒekt ]放映taxi ['tæksɪ]出租车financial [faɪ'nænʃ(ə)l; fɪ-]财政旳noisy [ˈnɔɪzɪ]嘈杂旳小区评价yard [jɑːd]院子Spanish ['spænɪʃ]西班牙人teenager ['tiːneɪdʒə]青少年crime [kraɪm]罪行light [laɪt]光线体育运动场景剑桥真题场景:C5 T4 S2足球俱乐部C6 T1 S1运动俱乐部征询剑桥真题拼写词汇:clubhouse ['klʌbhaʊs]俱乐部会所picnic ['pɪknɪk]野餐郊游prizes奖赏collect fees收费newsletter ['njuːzletə]通讯supervise teams监督团体keep-fit保健旳swimming ['swɪmɪŋ]游泳旳yoga['jəʊgə]瑜伽salad bar沙拉吧assessment[ə'sesmənt]评价剑桥真题认知词汇:soccer['sɒkə]足球season['siːz(ə)n]赛季head coach主教练squash[skwɒʃ]壁球机经场景(拼写单词):体育俱乐部征询(1)(2)fitter['fɪtə]合适旳fitness['fɪtnəs]健康Sport Center体育中心long road runner长跑旳人North Park北方公园vest [vest]背心滑冰会员征询West Park西园hot chocolate巧克力热饮pizza ['piːtsə ]披萨advanced先进旳[ədˈvɑ:nst] raining ['reɪnɪŋ]下雨boot [buːt]长靴jeans [dʒi:nz]牛仔裤warm [wɔːm]暖和旳健身俱乐部入会(1)(2)silver ['sɪlvə]银joining fee入会费dance [dɑːns]跳舞cafe ['kæfɪ]咖啡馆towel ['taʊəl]毛巾photo ['fəʊtəʊ]照片rope [rəʊp]粗绳equipment [ɪ'kwɪpm(ə)nt]设备safety ['seɪftɪ]安全navigation [nævɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n]航行学lunch [lʌn(t)ʃ]午餐减肥征询nurse [nɜːs]护士headache ['hedeɪk]头疼seafood['siːfuːd]海食品eye[aɪ]眼睛sports center体育中心报名参与运动cookery ['kʊk(ə)rɪ]烹饪学wet suit紧身潜水衣健身俱乐部health check健康检查program ['prəʊɡræm]程序征询游泳馆young children幼儿changing room更衣室learner ['lɜːnə]初学者free [friː]自由旳crowed拥挤旳体育教育opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtju:nətɪ]机会contact ['kɒntækt]接触employee [ɪmˈplɔɪi;]员工document ['dɒkjʊm(ə)nt]文档promotion [prə'məʊʃn]增进network ['netwɜːk]网implication form含义式self employment个体劳动体育课程central part中心部分mental ['ment(ə)l]精神旳negative effect负面影响blood flow血流量key [kiː]钥匙体育科学研究performance [pə'fɔːm(ə)ns]演出competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn]竞争oxygen ['ɒksɪdʒ(ə)n]氧气feet [fiːt]脚red blood血性heart rate心率muscle pain肌肉疼shark [ʃɑːk]鲨鱼机经场景(认知单词):赛事预告castle ['kɑːs(ə)l]城堡field [fiːld]田地city council市议会old airport旧机场uphill [ʌp'hɪl]上坡旳woodland ['wʊdlənd]森林cup [kʌp]杯子chairman ['tʃeəmən]主席运动中心开业(1)(2)(3)professional adviser专业旳顾问general training一般旳训练weight training举重训练aerobic [eə'rəʊbɪk]有氧旳fitness center健身中心town center城镇中心spa [spɑː]温泉浴场heart monitor心脏监护器走路活动walking activity步行活动order online在线订购recommend [rekə'mend]推荐torch [tɔːtʃ]火把滑雪中心ski [skiː]滑雪computer simulation计算机模拟newsletter ['njuːzletə]通讯special offer特殊报价new trick新戏足球队总结permanent record永久记录phone book电话簿complicated ['kɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]构造复杂旳unreliable [ʌnrɪ'laɪəb(ə)l]不可靠旳vague [veɪg]模糊旳factual ['fæktʃʊəl]事实旳足球裁判referee [refə'riː]裁判员certificate [səˈtɪfɪkɪt; ]证明书intensive class强化班beyond [bɪ'jɒnd]超过regrettable [rɪ'gretəb(ə)l]令人遗憾旳career prospective职业前景各类预订场景:剑桥真题场景:C6T4 S1预定会议室C8 T1 S1音乐节订票剑桥真题拼写词汇:check [tʃek]支票conference pack会议指南library [ˈlaɪbrərɪ]图书馆refreshment [rɪ'freʃm(ə)nt]点心pianist['pɪənɪst]钢琴家剑桥真题认知词汇:brochure['brəʊʃə]小册子lobby['lɒbɪ]大厅discount['dɪskaʊnt]打折delegate[ˈdɛlɪˌɡeɪt]代表团机经场景(拼写单词):海岛酒店预订station['steɪʃ(ə)n]车站kitchen['kɪtʃɪn; -tʃ(ə)n]厨房restaurant [ˈrɛstəˌrɒŋ]饭店sea view海景bathroom['bɑ:θrum]浴室birds helicopter小鸟直升机生态农场预定radio ['reɪdɪəʊ]无线电flat [flæt]平地forest ['fɒrɪst]森林organic [ɔː'gænɪk]有机旳bike [baɪk]自行车dance [dɑːns]舞蹈旅行住宿预定supermarket超市studio ['stjuːdɪəʊ]工作室sports center运动中兴microwave ['maɪkrə(ʊ)weɪv]微波outdoor table户外桌band [bænd]乐队salad ['sæləd] 沙拉table tennis桌球picnic ['pɪknɪk]野餐预定水族馆旳票wheelchair ['wiːltʃeə]轮椅cheque [tʃek]支票coral reef珊瑚礁酒店预定晚会(1)(2)business area业务范围view [vjuː]观测week [wiːk]周double ['dʌb(ə)l]双倍旳balcony ['bælkənɪ]包厢message ['mesɪdʒ]信息bird park鸟类公园magazine [mægə'ziːn]杂志演唱会门票预订agency ['eɪdʒ(ə)nsɪ]代理side door侧门market ['mɑːkɪt]市场basement ['beɪsm(ə)nt]地下室action movie动作片superstar ['sju:pəstɑ:]巨星电话预订商品cream [kriːm]奶油场地预定(1)(2)(3)cold drinks 冷饮cake [keɪk]蛋糕flower ['flaʊə]花chicken ['tʃɪkɪn]鸡肉fish cake炸鱼饼deluxe[də'luks]高级旳standard ['stændəd]原则旳vegetable burger蔬菜汉堡bunch of flowers花束party wear派对着装sport’s hall运动馆adult ['ædʌlt] 成年旳reservation [rezə'veɪʃ(ə)n]预约round [raʊnd]循环candle ['kænd(ə)l]蜡烛construction [kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n]建筑物婚礼预订reception [rɪ'sepʃ(ə)n]接待catering ['keɪtərɪŋ]承接酒席Long Beach长滩预订电影票group booking团购back row后排旳wheelchair ['wiːltʃeə]轮椅lift [lɪft]电梯vegetarian [vɛdʒɪˈtɛːrɪən]素食者pizza ['pi:tsə]披萨餐馆预定green room休息室long tables长表格drinks and snacks饮料和小吃预约家政office ['ɒfɪs]办公室lounge [laʊn(d)ʒ]休息室bed linen被单和枕套double bedroom双人床卧室预定旅游票week [wiːk]星期walking [wɔ:k]步行旳coast [kəʊst]海岸farm [fɑːm]农场。
雅思听力听力场景练习题目雅思听力场景练习题目一. 旅行场景Mr. and Mrs. Brown和他们的儿子Tom计划前往悉尼度假。
1. 问题:他们计划何时去悉尼度假?A. 下个月。
B. 下周末。
C. 下个星期。
2. 问题:他们打算坐什么交通工具去悉尼?A. 飞机。
B. 船。
C. 小轿车。
3. 问题:他们将在悉尼停留多久?A. 两周。
B. 一个星期。
C. 十天。
二. 购物场景在一家百货公司的化妆品部,小明想要买一款新的口红。
4. 问题:小明为什么要买口红?A. 作为礼物送给朋友。
B. 用于特殊场合。
C. 增加自信心。
5. 问题:小明想买哪种颜色的口红?A. 红色。
B. 粉色。
C. 橙色。
6. 问题:小明最终选择了哪款口红?A. 来自法国的品牌。
B. 有唇部保湿功能的品牌。
C. 防水、持久的品牌。
三. 学校场景在学校的图书馆,学生们在做研究。
7. 问题:学生们为什么去图书馆?A. 借阅课外读物。
B. 参加学术研讨会。
C. 进行团队作业。
8. 问题:图书馆提供哪些资源?A. 电脑、打印机和复印机。
B. 课程教材和期刊杂志。
C. 学习指导和辅导服务。
9. 问题:学生们为什么要保持安静?A. 避免打扰其他学生。
B. 规定图书馆内不许说话。
C. 提高学习效率。
四. 工作场景在一家办公室里,员工们正在讨论一个新项目。
10. 问题:为什么员工们举行这次会议?A. 讨论具体工作安排。
B. 商讨项目进展。
C. 确定下一步行动计划。
11. 问题:这个新项目的预算是多少?A. 5000美元。
B. 10000美元。
C. 15000美元。
12. 问题:员工们计划在多长时间内完成项目?A. 一个月。
B. 两个月。
C. 三个月。
五. 休闲场景在一个音乐节上,人们正在享受音乐表演。
下面是雅思口语描述图书馆的方法,跟我一起来了解下吧:What Id like to talk about is the Capital Library. It is located in the Dongcheng District in Beijing. It is quieter than the National Library and I like the atmosphere there.The place is now a library for history books and any books published in China are there, but it also has interesting history itself.我想要说的是首都图书馆,它坐落于北京的东城区,并且比国家图书馆宁静多了,我喜爱那儿的氛围。
It is located in the same area as the old Guo Zi Jian,or in English you might call it the Imperial College. The building was built in traditional Qing architectural style,because it was last rebuilt during that time. The roof is quite steep. Bi Yong Hall was the place where imperialexams were held, and it has two layered roofs with a curved at each comer,just like the buildings at the Summer Palace. It is red and has quite a few wooden pillars holding it up on all sides.现在首都图书馆坐落于老国子监坐落的地方,也就是所谓的帝〔国学〕院,该图书馆建筑采纳了传统的清代建筑风格,以为它是在那个年代最后被重建的。
雅思听力考试的Part 1 通常涉及日常生活场景,以下是一些常见的场景:
1. 预订:包括预订酒店、预订机票或旅游套餐等。
2. 求职:与求职面试或工作申请相关的场景,例如询问工作经验、技能和个人信息等。
3. 租房:涉及租赁房屋或公寓的场景,例如询问房屋信息、租赁协议和费用等。
4. 课外活动:与学生的课外活动相关的场景,如加入俱乐部、参加社团或报名课程等。
5. 日常生活:包括购物、银行业务、医疗保健、图书馆借阅等日常生活场景。
6. 旅游:与旅游相关的场景,如询问旅游信息、预订旅游服务或介绍旅游景点等。
7. 学术讨论:与学术或教育相关的讨论,例如课程选择、学术项目或研究等。
这些场景涵盖了日常生活中的常见情境,通过熟悉这些场景和相关的词汇、表达方式,有助于更好地理解和应对雅思听力考试Part 1 的内容。
check out/borrow登记并借阅, renew续 借,
overdue过期, due到期 penalty, pay a fine/fines罚款, date of expiry/deadline/date slip到期时
newspaper, magazine杂志,fiction小说 video tapes录像磁带, cassette盒式录音带,
图书馆场景通常考察的内容是作品名称, 出版年月,作者姓名,student card, library card,借出费用,何时到期,欠款 等细节。
图书馆功能介绍 借书流程介绍
Reception/information/enquiry desk服务台 Librarian图书馆员 curator 图书馆长 Touch screen service 触屏服务 delivery/circulation desk借书台 return area还书处open/closed shelf开架/闭
reference only不予借阅, reserved in circulation在书库中, closed reserved只阅不借的, Reserve/ book 预定(书) Inter-library loan/service馆际间互借图书
permission/library/borrower’s card借书 卡; student card 学生证,driving license驾照, passport 护照
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• 教育学术类 eg.图书馆 • 日常生活类 eg.购物,运动 • 社会 eg.求职 • 医疗 eg.看病,健康饮食
• 其他 eg.旅游, 动植物,维修
Librarian 图书管理员 check out登记并借出 Registration/membership fee登记/租书费 renew续借 return 归还 overdue过期的,迟到的 pay a fine支付罚款
Books: Fiction小说 , reference books参考书(论文), technical books 技术书籍 , atlas 地图集, academic年鉴,achives 档案, Periodicals: magazines期刊, journals杂志,current issues现期刊物, Back issues过期刊物,newspapers报纸 Electronic, digital: CD, DVD, VCD, videos tapes录像带, cassette recorder 盒式录音机, CD-ROM光驱,photocopier 打印机
ID documents: library card/admission card图书馆出入卡 driving license/licence 驾照 student card学生证 library card借书卡 passport, visa,credit card, bank statement, phone bill, Identity card, C.V. letter, PIN, password
Recall system: catalogue 目录(title, author, press, category) , call slip索书单, code 代码,barcode 条形码 Loan time: weeks, months (up to ? weeks, maximum loan time) Technical Resources: photocopying machine, photocopier打印机, color, white and black photocopier, printer, laser printer, internet access, computers, laptops, overhead projector高射投影仪
Sections: information desk 服务台 delivery/circulation desk借书台 audio-videoroom 影音室 open/closed shelf 开架,闭架 photocopyroom复印室 Return Area 还书处 students locker 学生存储间 Reference Section 参考书部
closed reserved只读不借 available可用到的, 可得到的,可以借到的 out on loan借出的 loan period 借书期 reserved in circulation 在书库里 out of circulation借出 not for circulation不外借