英语口语话题 饮食

以下是整理的《校园英语⼝语对话:校园饮⾷》,希望⼤家喜欢!⼀、talk show【脱⼝⽽出】1、Do you have reservations? 您订位了吗? reservation :预定预约 Room reservation 订房2、Is this for here or to go? 在这⾥吃还是带⾛? Can I order take-out here? 我可以叫菜带⾛吗? take-out 带⾛的菜3、Would you like a table in the smoking or nonsmoking section? 您要在吸烟区还是⾮吸烟区4、You would better not jump the line? 你不要插队 jump the line 插队5、What is today’s specialty? 今天的特⾊菜是什么? Specialty:特⾊菜6、I am afraid we will have to cancel the order. 恐怕那道菜我们不要了 cancel the order 不点了7、What would you recommend? 你们推荐什么? What do you think I should order? What is your suggestion? What do you suggest to order?8、I’ll treat you tonight No, let’s go Dutch. 今天晚上我请客别了,我们AA制吧。
go Dutch AA制也可以说 split the bill9、还要别的什么吗? And what to follow? Won’t you have more? Anything else you want? Is there anything else that you’d like?⼆、美⾷ steam 蒸 steamed dumplings 蒸饺 dessert 甜品通常⽤复数形式 desserts mutton kebab ⽺⾁串 well-done 全熟的rare 半熟的 e.g. :Would you like you steak well-done or rare? 您的⽜排是要全熟的还是三分熟的?。
healthy eating雅思口语

healthy eating雅思口语【释义】healthy eating健康饮食:指通过合理搭配食物,摄入适量的营养物质,保持身体健康的饮食习惯。
【短语】1Dieting and Healthy Eating节食与健康饮食;节食与安康饮食2Healthy Eating Pyramid健康饮食金字塔;健康饮食金字塔3Healthy eating habits饮食习惯;健康的饮食习惯;健康饮食习惯;中考英语命题作文范文4develop healthy eating habits养成健康的饮食习惯;培养健康饮食习惯5the healthy-eating trends健康饮食趋势6healthy eating index健康饮食指数7Unit2Healthy eating第2单元;健康饮食;人教版高中英语必修三单词表8My healthy eating habits我的健康饮食习惯9raise healthy eating habits提高健康的饮食习惯【例句】1She's fanatical about healthy eating.她对健康饮食着了迷。
2Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating.她妈妈是健康饮食的忠实信徒。
3He likes to spread the word about the importance of healthy eating.他喜欢宣传健康饮食的重要性。
4We're trying to get people switched on to the benefits of healthy eating.我们正努力让大家意识到健康饮食的好处。
5Her centre,Happy Heart,teaches about the importance of exercise and healthy eating.她的中心“快乐之心”教导人们运动和健康饮食的重要性。

【导语】如今没有⼀⼝流利的英语,了解⼀些简单的⽇常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天是由在这⾥为⼤家分享⼀些谈论饮⾷英语⼝语对话,希望这些英语对话会对⼤家有所帮助!【篇⼀】饮⾷的英语⼝语对话阅读 A:Say,how about having Chinese food for a change? A:换换⼝味吃中餐怎么样? B:Great idea!I like authentic Chinese food. B:太好了。
A:Let's see what we'll take. A:看看我们吃什么。
B:Pork steamed with rice flour,jelly fish and egg soup. B:⽶粉⾁、拌蛰⽪、鸡蛋汤。
A:That's it! A:好,就这样!【篇⼆】饮⾷的英语⼝语对话阅读 A:Let's have seafood for a change.How about oyster and lobster? 我们吃海鲜换换⼝味吧.牡蛎和龙吓怎么样? B:I couldn't agree more! B:我完全同意! A:Anything else you want to add? A:你还要加点什么吗? B:Oh,yeah,two beers. B:噢,对了,两杯啤酒。
【篇三】饮⾷的英语⼝语对话阅读 A:Which restaurant do you prefer? A:您喜欢哪家餐馆? B:I'd like to taste Mexican food. B:我想尝尝墨西哥风味。
A:How about the one on Baker Street? A:贝克⼤街的那家餐馆怎么样? B:Oh,I've never seen a better Mexican restaurant. B:再好不过了。

饮食与健康的英语口语对话篇1A:Health is very important for our body.And healthy foods plays a very important role in it.So,what do you think is a healthy diet?健康对于我们的身体是十分重要的.。
所以,你认为什么是健康的饮食?B:A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutrients.健康的饮食应包含所有必需的营养物质。
A:How could people eliminate food contamination nowadays?现在人们怎样才能杜绝食品污染事件?B:The government should set strict rules and regulations to standardize the production of food and punish severely those violators.政府应制定严格的规章制度来规范食品生产,并且严惩违法者。
A:Why does food contamination occur frequently these days?为什么食品污染问题现在频繁发生?B:Because the food manufactures are so obsessed with making money that they lose the business ethics. They no longer take food safety as their priority.因为食品生产者惟利是图,丧失了商业道德。

关于食物的英语口语日常对话【关于食物的英语口语日常对话】1.A:What are we gonna have for dinner?我们今晚要吃什么?B:I'm gonna Cook some Kung Pao chicken.我要烧一些宫保鸡丁。
2. It's just the size I need.正是我需要的大小。
A:Is this pot okay for you?这个锅子能够吗?B:Yes. It's just the size I need.能够,正是我需要的大小。
3. Could you pass me the salt?麻烦您把盐递给我。
A: Could you pass me the salt?麻烦您把盐递给我。
B: Sure, but don't use too much, it's not good for your health.没问题。
4. He likes ...very much.他很喜欢。
A: What are you gonna Cook for Andy?你要为Andy煮些什么?B:He likes beef very much, so I'm gonna make a steak for him.他喜欢吃牛肉,所以我要煮牛排给他吃。
5. We do love eating.我们确实喜欢吃。
A: Mei Ling, do Chinese people like to eat very much?Mei Ling,中国人是不是很喜欢吃?B: Yes, we do love eating. It is one of the most important things in life.是啊。
6. Not at all.一点也不。
A: Do you eat a lot of chill?你吃很辣的吗?B: Not at all .I can't take hot stuff.根本不行,我受不了这么辣。

【导语】饮⾷是⼀种⽂化,是我们每天必不可少的话题,那么你想学习有关饮⾷的英语对话?下⾯是由为⼤家带来常见饮⾷英语对话,供你学习!【篇⼀】常见的饮⾷英语⼝语对话 L: Do you like cooking, Julia? J: I really enjoy it, especially when it ends up tasting good! L: How often do you usually cook? J: I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week. L: That's a lot of cooking. You must save a lot of money by eating at home so much. J: I do. If you cook at home, you can eat healthy food cheaply. L: What kind of dishes do you usually make? J: I almost always make either a beef roast or a chicken roast with asparagus, parsnips, peas, carrots and potatoes on Sunday. L: Do you make a lot of traditional British food? J: Aside from the Sunday roast, we usually eat bangers and mash, toad in a hole, or fish'n chips once a week. L: How about spicy food? J: My family loves spicy food. We often eat Chinese, Thai, Indian, or Mexican food when we're in the mood for spice. L: What's your favourite dish to make? J: Iabsolutely love making mousakka, which is a Greek dish with eggplant. But it takes a lot of time, so I don't often make it.【篇⼆】常见的饮⾷英语⼝语对话 C: Would you like a cup of mint tea? M: That would be nice, thanks. Could I have a lemon in it as well? C: Sure. M: Do you need any help in the kitchen? C: I could use a little help with the sauce. Do you mind? M: Not at all. What do you need me to do? C: Well, after you wash your hands, you could add the mustard to the milk in the saucepan. M: Do I need to stir it? C: Yes, milk should always be stirred when it's being heated. If it's not, it could burn or congeal. M: How long should I stir the milk and the mustard? C: Just bring it to a simmer. M: Do I need to add any other seasoning to it? C: You can sprinkle it with some pepper and salt if you want. M: What should I do when it starts simmering. C: You can add some soy sauce, vinegar, red chilli powder, and some sesame seeds. M: What are we going to eat this sauce with? C: It's going to go over some noodles. M: I'll just grate a bit of cheese on it, too. C: If you think it'll taste good, go head...【篇三】常见的饮⾷英语⼝语对话 J: Morgan, can I ask you a question? M: Sure, what is it? J: I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant. M: In most cities in China, doggie bags are quite uncommon. J: What happens to all the leftover food? M: It usually goes to the dump. J: That seems like an awful waste! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw so much away at the end of the meal? M: Ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today. J: I guess that makes sense. I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home. M: Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. J: No, that's OK. You konw what they say: When in Rome... M: I was impressed that you tried the pig's feet. I heard that may foreigners don't like to eat them. J: Many people in my generation don't eat pig's feet, but my parents grew up eating them, so I think they're OK. M: Did you like them? You could take the last one home with you. J: That's OK. I'll try anything once, but sometimes, once is enough!【篇四】常见的饮⾷英语⼝语对话 S: Come on, have a drink with us! J: Well, ok. I guess it is happy hour. What are you guys drinking? S: I'm having a whisky coke, Gavin is having a Long Island Iced Tea, and Olivia is having an Irish coffee. J: That's quite a mix. Can I see the wine list? S: Don't you like to drink cocktails? J: I can't drink vodka because it goes straight to my head. S: How about whiskey? J; Whiskey doesn't sit with me too well, either. Trust me, red wine is the best choice for me. S: How many glasses of red wine do you need to drink to get drunk? J: I don't know. I haven't been drunk in a long time. S: You're such a sensible drinker. J: How many cocktails does it take to get you drunk? S: I don't know. I'm so drunk already that I've forgotten how may I've had! J: you're going to have a big hangover tomorrow, aren't you? S: Probably. But I know how to cure a hangover, so it's OK. J: How do you do that? S: I just need to take an aspirin with a glass of water tonight, go to sleep, wake up, have a few cups of coffee, and then I'm sorted. J: How are you getting home tonight? S: I'll call a cab. I never drink alcohol if I have to drive. J: That's the most sensible thing you've said so far! S: Maybe we're a lot more like each other than I'd thought!。

餐厅英语类餐饮服务业英语口语大全—餐厅常用语2. Can I take your order now? 我可以现在为您点菜吗?3. What would you like to drink? 您想喝点什么?4. What would you like to have for dinner? 您晚餐想吃什么?5. Would you like some dessert? 您想吃点甜点吗?6. What is your choice of main course? 您想要什么主菜?7. What would you like to start with? 您想从什么开始?8. What would you like for the appetizer? 您想要什么开胃菜?9. What would you like for breakfast? 您想要什么早餐?10. Do you have any dietary requirements? 您有什么特殊饮食要求吗?11. Can I get you anything else? 我可以为您再拿点什么吗?12. Are you ready to order? 您准备好点菜了吗?13. Can I take your order? 我可以点菜吗?14. Would you like anything else? 您还想要点什么吗?15. What do you feel like having? 您想要吃点什么?16. Is there anything else I can do for you? 我还可以为您做点什么吗?17. What would you like to have as a side dish? 您想要什么作为配菜?18. Have you decided what to order? 您决定要点什么了吗?19. Would you like some more drinks? 您想要再来点饮料吗?20. Are you ready for the check? 您准备好结帐了吗?。

下面是一些吃饭常用的英语口语,希望可以帮助你更好地与他人交流:预约餐厅•Can I make a reservation for two at 7 o’clock tonight?•I’d like to book a table for three, please.•Do you have any available tables for lunch tomorrow?点餐•I’ll have the daily special, please.•Could I get the menu, please?•I’d like to order the chicken salad.询问食物细节•What’s in this dish?•Is this dish spicy?•Do you have any vegetarian options?服务员服务•Can I have some more water, please?•Could we get the bill, please?•Is there a restroom around here?食物喜好•I prefer my steak well-done.•I don’t like mushrooms, can I get my pasta without them?•Could I have some extra sauce on the side?结账•I’ll pay by credit card.•Are you ready to settle the bill?•Can we split the check, please?邀请别人共进餐•Would you like to grab dinner together sometime?•How about having lunch together tomorrow?•Do you want to join me for a cup of coffee?希望以上的口语对你在用餐过程中的交流有所帮助,让你在和他人共进餐时更加得心应手。

【导语】在中国,⼀双筷⼦就可以吃遍天下美⾷,但对于西⽅美⾷以及餐桌礼仪,你⼜了解多少呢?下⾯是由©⽆忧考⽹整理的关于美⾷英语⼝语对话【五篇】,⼀起来了解下吧!【篇⼀】关于美⾷英语⼝语对话 Hey!That food was terrific.I can't eat another bite.Are you sure you don't want another dish? 嘿!⾷物很美味。
你确定你不要再来⼀道菜? No.I'm full.My stomach isn't growling at me any more. 不,我饱了。
I know what you mean.I'm so full that I can burst. Shall we go then? 我明⽩你的意思。
那么我们⾛了吗? I'm all set.Thank you for the dinner.Jack. 我吃饱了.杰克,谢谢你的晚餐。
You are welcome. 不客⽓。
【篇⼆】关于美⾷英语⼝语对话 A:Can you manage chopsticks? 你能⽤筷⼦吗? B:Why not? See. 为什么不能?看! A:Good mastery. How do you like our Chinese food? 好功夫。
你觉得我们中国⾷物怎么样? B:Oh,at! It's delicious. You see, I am already putting on weight. There is one thing I don't like however, MSG. 太好了,真好吃。
A:What's wrong with MSG? It helps to bring out the taste of the food. 味精怎么了?它可以使⼈吃起菜来津津有味。

大学英语口语考试常见话题整理饮食:Food and drink1.Do you have your breakfast at home-2.Who cooks the meals in your family-3.Do you often have something to drink when you have a big meal-4.What is your favorite food- Why-5.How many meals do you have every day-6.What do you like for breakfast-7.Where do you usually have lunch-8.Do you often cook at home-9.What food do you like and what do you dislike-10.What’s the main food in China-学校生活:School life11D o you live near your school-12How do you ususally go to school-13Do you have sports after school-14What do you think of your school- Why-15Do you think you are a good student-16Are you interested in English-17H ow many subjects do you have-18Do you like your school- Why-19How many days do you go to school every week-20.Can you tell me five subjects you study at school-21.Which is more popular in your school, football or basketball-22.Do you have a lot of homework to do every day-23.Can you say something about your class-天气 Weather:24I s it raining now-2.Do you like rainy days-3.How many seasons are there in a year-4.What’s your favorite season-Why-5.Is it a fine day-6.What’s the weather like here in spring-7.What sports do you usually do in summer-8.Does it often snow here in winter-9.How can you know the weather-10.What’s the weather like here in winter-11.Do you like spring-Why-周围的环境 environments around:12I s there a park near your home-2.How often do you go to the park-3.Do you think your hometown is beautiful-4.Who cleans your classroom every day-5.How do you keep our environments clean-6.Is there a supermarket near here-7.Where did you buy your schoolbag-8.How much is your bag-9.Do you like the bag- Why-10.Where is your hometown-11.Is there any river near your home-12.Do you live in the city or in the country-13.Which do you prefer, living in the city or living in the country- Why-个人情感Emotions:1.Are you happy today-2.Do you like pop music-3.Who is the most popular teacher in your school-4.Will you get angry if your friend hit you- Why-5.Do you love your teacher-6.How are you getting on with your classmates-7.What do you think of your school life-8.Do you think you are a happy boy/girl- Why-家庭、朋友与周围的人:Family, friends and people around1.Are you the only child in your family-2.Do you have any friends-3.What do you usually do when you stay with yourfriends-4.Are you happy when you stay with your family members- Why-5.Do you love your family-6.How many people are there in your family-7.Do you have many friends-8.Who is your best friend- What do you often do when you get together-9.Are you happy at home- Why-10.Do you prefer big families or small families-11.Could you tell me something about your family-人际关系:Interpersonal relationships:12D o you have any brothers /sisters-13What do you think of your parents-14Who is your best friend-15Are you happy at school- Why-节假日活动:Festivals and holidays1.Do you like May Day-2.What are you going to do on May Day-3.Do you go to school on Saturday-4.What do you often do on Sundays-5.When is Children?s Day-6.Can you tell me three traditional festivals in China-7.What?s your favorite English festival-8.What food do Chinese people often have in Spring Festival-9.Do you like Mid-autumn Day- Why-10.When is National Day-11.Do you like going out when you are free-12.What do you often do on New Year?s Day-13.Do you like Spring Festival- Why-14.Which is more popular in China, Christmas Day or Spring Festival-日常生活:Daily routines:15D o you watch TV every day-16What time do you usually go to school-17What do you usually do on weekend-18Do you like go shopping- Why-19Are you busy these days-20Do you have classes from Monday to Friday- 21H ow do you usually go to school-22How do you spend your free time-23Is your school far from your home-10.What do you usually do on Sundays-兴趣与爱好:Interests and hobbies11D o you like playing football-12Are you interested in watching TV-13What is your favorite color-14Which subject do you like best-15What do you usually do in your free time-16Do you like sports-17D o you have much time on sports-18What is the most popular sport in China-19How do you spend your free time-20.Do you like singing-21.Who is your favorite singer-22.Are you interested in playing computer games-23.What do you usually do when you are free-24.What’s your hobby-健康:Health25D o you have breakfast every day-26Is smoking good or bad for your health-3.What is your favorite food-4.Do you have fruit every day-Why-5.Do you do morning exercise every day-6.Can you tell me three healthy food-7.Which is more important, money or health-8.Do you like fast food- Why-9.What time do you usually have sports-10.Is watching TV too much good or bad for your health-11.How to keep healthy-娱乐和运动:Entertainment and sports12W hat do you think of music-13What is your favorite sport-14Can you sing an English song-计划与愿望:Plans and intentions1.Are you going to watch TV tonight-2.What are you going to do this weekend-3.Do you make a plan when new school year begins-4.What do you want to be when you grow up-5.How to make your dream come true-购物:Shopping1.Is there a supermarket near your home-2.Where did you buy your pen-3.How much is your jacket/shirt/skirt-4.Do you like going shopping- Why-旅游和交通:Travel and transport1.Do you want to buy a car-2.Have you ever been to Hainan-3.How do you like Changsha- Why-4.Do you enjoy travelling-5.What should you prepare before travelling-6.Where have you travelled-7.What’s your favorite way of travelling-8.What do you usually do on your holidays-9.How did you get to school today-语言学习:language learning1.Are you good at English-2.Who is your English teacher-3.Do you think English is interesting-4.What other languages do you want to learn- Why-5.How long have you been studying English-6.Do you like studying English-7.What other language do you know- /like-8.How do you learn foreign language-自然:Nature1.Do you like mountains-2.Have you ever been to any place of interest in our country-3.Do you often go to the zoo-4.What animals do you like best-世界与环境:The world and environment5.Is the world becoming warmer and warmer now-2.Are there any trees near your house-3.What can we do to make our city nice and clean-4.What do you think of our environment, is it good or not good- Why-。

初中英语口语对话1. 在学校食堂,A:“What did you have for breakfast today?” B:“I had a delicious bowl of cereal. How about you?” 例子:你想想,每天在食堂和朋友这样聊聊日常的饮食,是不是很有趣呢?2. 课间休息,A:“Hey, did you finish your homework last night?” B:“Of course! It was a piece of cake.” 例子:哎呀,这不就是我们平时会和同学说的话嘛,多自然啊!3. 体育课上,A:“I'm so tired. I don't think I can run anymore.” B:“Come on! You can do it!” 例子:当你累的时候,是不是也特别需要朋友这样给你加油打气呀!4. 教室里讨论兴趣爱好,A:“I really like reading books. What about you?” B:“I prefer listening to music.” 例子:每个人都有自己喜欢的事情,就像有人爱读书,有人爱听音乐,多有意思呀!5. 放学路上,A:“Let's go to the park this weekend.” B:“Sounds great!” 例子:哇,和朋友约着周末去公园,多让人期待呀!6. 讨论电视节目,A:“Did you see that reality show last night?” B:“No, I missed it. Was it good?” 例子:我们不也经常这样讨论昨晚看的电视节目嘛!7. 计划假期活动,A:“I want to go to the beach during the vacation.” B:“Oh, that would be so much fun!” 例子:想到能去海边度假,能不兴奋吗?8. 在图书馆,A:“Can you help me find this book?” B:“Sure, let's look together.” 例子:互相帮忙找书,这种友谊多珍贵呀!9. 讨论喜欢的明星,A:“I love that actor. He's so talented.” B:“Yeah, I agree.” 例子:喜欢的明星得到朋友的认同,是不是很开心呢!10. 准备考试,A:“I'm so nervous about the test.” B:“Don't worry. You'll do fine.” 例子:考试前朋友的安慰总是那么温暖,不是吗?我觉得这些初中英语口语对话都很贴近生活,很容易让人产生共鸣,也能激发大家学习英语和用英语交流的兴趣。

K(Kaylee) N(Nathan)
K: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?
N: Sure. Have you got anywhere in mind?
K: I'm starving, so maybe we could go somewhere with
Having A Dinner in A Restaurant
Dialogue 1
Waiter: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
Tom: No, we don’t.
Waiter: How many people are you together?
N:You're right. Most of their dishes have sweet sauces. We could try that Indian restau精ra品n课t 件just down the road
Having A Dinner in A Restaurant
K: The Taj? They‘re a bit expensive, but they do serve
饮 for...做某事的心情)(我今天实在想吃意大利菜.我想吃点辣
食食 篇篇
的), actually. I was thinking of something a bit spicy. N: If you want spicy food, then I'd recommend going to a Thai, Indian or Chinese restaurant. How about that

以下是分享给大家的英语饮食主题常用口语词汇,欢送阅读!Women at this trendy bar are trying a new kind of aperitif perfume.饭前酒,开胃酒在这间新潮的酒吧里,女士们正在品味一种新的“开胃酒”:香水。
Small savory biscuits provide a simple appetizer.开胃食品,开胃物可口的小饼干就是简单的开胃品。
Beverage are not allowed in the school bus.饮料校车上不准喝饮料。
This cheese is rather bland.淡而无味的,无刺激性的这干酪很没滋味。
That is really a special delicacy.佳肴,精巧的食品那确实是一道特殊的美味佳肴。
These white mushrooms are edible.可食的,食用的这些白蘑菇可以食用。
It is certain that exquisite dishes and excellent wine are selected for wedding feasts.精巧的,精挑细选的婚宴当然要选最好的佳酿美肴。
I don't like the flavor of onion.It is a kind of biscuit flavored with ratafia liquor.味,滋味,风味,调味,加味于我不喜欢洋葱的味道。
What are the ingredients of the cake?成分,配料;(构成)要素这蛋糕是用哪些原料制作的?Clear away the bowls ,dishes and leftovers as soon as you finish eating.残羹剩饭,剩余物,残留物你一吃完饭就把碗、碟和剩菜收拾掉。

饮食与健康(food and healthy)A: hi, Susan嗨,苏珊你好啊B: Hello!We haven't seen each other for a long time!咱们好长时间不见了D:How is everything going?C:Yes. We’re fine.Do you have time for a meal together? A:Yes! Let's go to dinner!让我们一起去吃饭吧B,D:OK! That sounds good!B:Health is very important for our body.And healthy foods plays a very important role in it.So,what do you think of a healthy diet?健康对于我们的身体是十分重要的。
所以,你认为什么是健康的饮食?C:A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutrients.Like meats, vegetables, fruits…They all contain the nutrients we need.健康的饮食应包含所有必需的营养物质。
A:Umm,I like barbecue very much.It’s superb, really delicious.B: Hmm, I didn’t really like it that much.D:Well,to tell you the truth.Barbecue flavor really meetthe special taste of some people. However, barbecue food is harmful to health.烧烤的风味确实满足了一些人的特殊口味。
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Light cooking and limitless ingredients
Food safety in China
Weak and inefficient food safety monitoring system
2) new food safety standards
3) make monitoring system more efficient
Food production Food distribution Food processing Food preparation
4) reduce food-borne disease
Diet drinks低热量饮品, such as Diet Cola, have fewer ___1___ than their regular counterparts. ___2___ is mainly found in meat and dairy products. The electric appliance used to cook rice is called a ___3___. Tomatoes, potatoes, onions, lettuce, carrots are all ___4___. A person who doesn’t eat meat is called a ___5____. In America, ___6___, such as cake and coffee or ice cream, is taken at the end of a meal. ___7___ is a recent introduction to the food market and so its risks are not yet known. A very famous and popular poultry dish in Beijing is called ___8___.
Stir-fry until it turns white and 80% cooked
Stir-fry the chili pepper until aromatic
Remove from the wok
Add asparagus and chicken back into the wok
Boiled 煮; instant-boiled 涮; stir-fried 炒; deep-fried 炸; smoked 熏; baked 烘; stewed 炖; braised 焖; simmered 煨; roasted 烤; assorted 烩; delicious 美味的; salty 咸的; tart 涩的; fragrant 香的; tough/hard 老的; fat 肥的; fishy 腥的; stewed in clear soup 清炖; braised with brown sauce 红烧; with chili sauce 干烧; with hot pepper 麻辣; with sweet and sour sauce 糖醋; with garlic sauce 鱼香; with chili and peanuts 宫保; fried in sauce 焦溜; sliced 切片; diced 切丁; shredded 切丝; minced/chopped 切碎; iced 冰镇; raw 生的; medium 熟的; under-done 做得嫩的; welldone 煮透的; over-done 做得老的;
5) hygiene
6) balanced diet
Organic food
GM Food
Vaccines Genetically modified Foods transgenic Food ingredients Feeds Fibers
Genetically engineered
1. Cue Card
Describe how to cook one of your favorite dishes. You should say: 1) What the preparations are before cooking 2) How to cook it 3) What is special about the food
Stir-fry the seasoning until aromatic
Stir in peanuts, add soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt
Bring the sauce to a boil
Serve hot
Generally salty
Food and Eating
appetizer开胃食品 / fry / oven / sour bake / GM food / pan / spicy barbecue / grill烤架 / pork / steak bitter / hot / pot / steam boil / Kebab烤肉串 / poultry / stir-fry calorie / lamb / protein / supplements carbohydrate碳水化合物 / menu / recipe / sweet cuisine / microwave / rice cooker / taste dairy / minerals / roast / treat delicious / mutton / salad / vegetables dessert / nutritious / salty / vegetarian dish / order / seafood / vitamins
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Xinjiang restaurants sell lamb ___9___ for about 1 RMB each. Sichuan dishes are ___10___ and go well with the humid climate there. The tourist didn’t know what to order since the ___11___ was written in Chinese. My friend wrote me a ___12___ on how to prepare a Chinese dish. In China, there are eight main ___13___. The waitress forgot our ___14___ and had to ask us again what we want to eat. I like taking ___15____, such as vitamins and minerals, after a meal. Shrimps小虾, lobster龙虾, crab蟹,蟹肉 and crawfish龙虾 are examples of ___16___.
Bowl 碗; chopsticks 筷子; dish 碟子; plate 盘 子; tray 托盘; spoon 勺、匙; soupspoon 汤匙; soup ladle 汤勺; teaspoon 茶匙; tea set 茶具; tea pot 茶壶; table knife 餐刀; napkin 餐巾; toothpick 牙签; sugar tongs 糖夹; pepper shaker 胡椒瓶; goblet 高脚杯; beer mug 啤酒 杯; wok 炒锅; cooker 炊具; casserole 砂锅; pan 平底锅; pressure cooker 高压锅; strainer 漏勺; turner 锅铲; steamer 蒸笼; microwave oven 微波炉; cupboard 橱柜; chopping board 案板; cutting board 菜板; kitchen knife 菜刀; rolling pin 擀面杖; bottle opener 开瓶器; eggbeater 打蛋器; meat-mincer 绞肉机; toaster 烤面包机; plate-rack 盘架; apron 围裙;
5. What do you think of genetically modified
food? Are you in favor for animals being cloned for food? 回答:
Kung Pao Chicken
Chicken cubes marinated
Cooking oil 食用油; oyster oil蚝油; salad oil 色拉油; sesame oil 芝麻油; vinegar 醋; soy sauce 酱油; salt 盐; gourmet powder 味精; honey 蜂蜜; sesame butter 芝麻酱; curry 咖 喱; star anise 大料; Chinese prickly ash 花椒; Chinese cinnamon 桂皮; Chinese green onion 葱; ginger 姜; garlic 蒜; chili sauce 辣子 酱; pepper 胡椒; rice 大米; millet 小米; glutinous rice 糯米; corn 玉米; wheat 小麦; barley 大麦; buckwheat 荞麦; oats 燕麦; rye 黑麦; soy bean 黄豆; sorghum 高粱米; pea 豌 豆; flour 面粉;