英语口语话题 饮食

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5. What do you think of genetically modified
food? Are you in favor for animals being cloned for food? 回答:
Kung Pao Chicken
Chicken cubes marinated
Cooking oil 食用油; oyster oil蚝油; salad oil 色拉油; sesame oil 芝麻油; vinegar 醋; soy sauce 酱油; salt 盐; gourmet powder 味精; honey 蜂蜜; sesame butter 芝麻酱; curry 咖 喱; star anise 大料; Chinese prickly ash 花椒; Chinese cinnamon 桂皮; Chinese green onion 葱; ginger 姜; garlic 蒜; chili sauce 辣子 酱; pepper 胡椒; rice 大米; millet 小米; glutinous rice 糯米; corn 玉米; wheat 小麦; barley 大麦; buckwheat 荞麦; oats 燕麦; rye 黑麦; soy bean 黄豆; sorghum 高粱米; pea 豌 豆; flour 面粉;

2. What are some of the famous cuisine types in China? 回答:
3. Is food safety becoming an increasingly
serious problem in our life? 回答:

4. What do you know about organic foods? 回答:
Bowl 碗; chopsticks 筷子; dish 碟子; plate 盘 子; tray 托盘; spoon 勺、匙; soupspoon 汤匙; soup ladle 汤勺; teaspoon 茶匙; tea set 茶具; tea pot 茶壶; table knife 餐刀; napkin 餐巾; toothpick 牙签; sugar tongs 糖夹; pepper shaker 胡椒瓶; goblet 高脚杯; beer mug 啤酒 杯; wok 炒锅; cooker 炊具; casserole 砂锅; pan 平底锅; pressure cooker 高压锅; strainer 漏勺; turner 锅铲; steamer 蒸笼; microwave oven 微波炉; cupboard 橱柜; chopping board 案板; cutting board 菜板; kitchen knife 菜刀; rolling pin 擀面杖; bottle opener 开瓶器; eggbeater 打蛋器; meat-mincer 绞肉机; toaster 烤面包机; plate-rack 盘架; apron 围裙;
Stir-fry the seasoning until aromatic
Stir in peanuts, add soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt
Bring the sauce to a boil
Serve hot
Generally salty
Stir-fry until it turns white and 80% cooked
Stir-fry the chili pepper until aromatic
Remove from the wok
Add asparagus and chicken back into the wok
Excessive and improper use of pesticides
Unqualified food companies and low food technology
Sanlu Poisoned Milk Powder
Melamine 三聚氰胺
1) Raise public awareness in food safety
Food and Eating

appetizer开胃食品 / fry / oven / sour bake / GM food / pan / spicy barbecue / grill烤架 / pork / steak bitter / hot / pot / steam boil / Kebab烤肉串 / poultry / stir-fry calorie / lamb / protein / supplements carbohydrate碳水化合物 / menu / recipe / sweet cuisine / microwave / rice cooker / taste dairy / minerals / roast / treat delicious / mutton / salad / vegetables dessert / nutritious / salty / vegetarian dish / order / seafood / vitamins
5) hygiene
6) balanced diet
Organic food
GM Food
Vaccines Genetically modified Foods transgenic Food ingredients Feeds Fibers
Genetically engineered
Boiled 煮; instant-boiled 涮; stir-fried 炒; deep-fried 炸; smoked 熏; baked 烘; stewed 炖; braised 焖; simmered 煨; roasted 烤; assorted 烩; delicious 美味的; salty 咸的; tart 涩的; fragrant 香的; tough/hard 老的; fat 肥的; fishy 腥的; stewed in clear soup 清炖; braised with brown sauce 红烧; with chili sauce 干烧; with hot pepper 麻辣; with sweet and sour sauce 糖醋; with garlic sauce 鱼香; with chili and peanuts 宫保; fried in sauce 焦溜; sliced 切片; diced 切丁; shredded 切丝; minced/chopped 切碎; iced 冰镇; raw 生的; medium 熟的; under-done 做得嫩的; welldone 煮透的; over-done 做得老的;
2) new food safety standards
3) make monitoring system more efficient
Food production Food distribution Food processing Food preparation
4) reduce food-borne disease
Better or Higher
Taste Equality
Crops resistance to disease and pests
Friendly to ecosystem Crop yields
Unknown impacts

Xinjiang restaurants sell lamb ___9___ for about 1 RMB each. Sichuan dishes are ___10___ and go well with the humid climate there. The tourist didn’t know what to order since the ___11___ was written in Chinese. My friend wrote me a ___12___ on how to prepare a Chinese dish. In China, there are eight main ___13___. The waitress forgot our ___14___ and had to ask us again what we want to eat. I like taking ___15____, such as vitamins and minerals, after a meal. Shrimps小虾, lobster龙虾, crab蟹,蟹肉 and crawfish龙虾 are examples of ___16___.
Light cooking and limitless ingredients
Βιβλιοθήκη Baiduood safety in China
Weak and inefficient food safety monitoring system
1. Cue Card
Describe how to cook one of your favorite dishes. You should say: 1) What the preparations are before cooking 2) How to cook it 3) What is special about the food

Diet drinks低热量饮品, such as Diet Cola, have fewer ___1___ than their regular counterparts. ___2___ is mainly found in meat and dairy products. The electric appliance used to cook rice is called a ___3___. Tomatoes, potatoes, onions, lettuce, carrots are all ___4___. A person who doesn’t eat meat is called a ___5____. In America, ___6___, such as cake and coffee or ice cream, is taken at the end of a meal. ___7___ is a recent introduction to the food market and so its risks are not yet known. A very famous and popular poultry dish in Beijing is called ___8___.