


• hustler: a person who tries to earn money or
gain an advantage from any situation they are in, often by using dishonest or illegal method. Now in the U. S. the word means a prostitute, or streetwalker[美俚]妓女
• keen: • a. sharp • b. (with the 5 senses, the mind) good,
strong, quick at understanding – My hearing is not as keen as it used
to be. – He has a keen brain.
Mark Twain
---Mirror of America
• Steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity, but its flotsam of hustlers, gamblers, and thugs as well.
• pห้องสมุดไป่ตู้rception: natural understanding .n
• perceive: realize, notice, see or hear sth. esp. when it is not obvious to other people.v He now perceived his error.



The Name of Mark Twain
Twain's real name was Samuel Clemens."Mark Twain",which means"watermark two",was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water.
Fourth part. (Others)
1.His Famous Words 2.A Mirror of America
First part. (His exeperience) 1.Early life experience 2.His Marriage 3.In His Middle Ages 4.His Later Life 5.His Death
Second part. (His writing) 1.Mark Twain and the Mississippi. 2.Major Works. 3.Writing Features
third part. (Writing style) 1.Life and Writing 2.a Local Colorist e of Vernacular 4.Humor
A Mirror of America
First part. (His exeperience) 1.Early life experience 2.His Marriage 3.In His Middle Ages 4.His Later Life 5.His Death


❖ Drain: receive the waters of this area and carry them to the ocean 排水
❖ Here the meaning is that the river drained a vast basin(盆地), and the basin made up ¾ of the populated area of the U.S. o skilled; ~ (in sth); ~ (at/in doing sth) 擅长于 He‘s an adept in carpentry. (木工手艺)
adapt: make sth suitable for a new use, situation, etc.适应、改编 This novel has been adapted for TV from the Russian original. Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark.
16. Signal n. & v. 标志、用信号通知、发信号 a signal made with a red flag She flashed the torch as a signal. (信号) They signaled their discontent by refusing to vote. This is an event signaling a change in public opinion. (发信号
navigable 可航行的、可驾驶的 attest 证明、作证
P3 core: center 中心 artery:动脉;干道;主流 commerce:trade, business 贸易、商务 lumber: 木材 drain:喝干,耗尽,排水



2、“Humor is mankind's greatest blessing.”
1、“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.”
3、The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's.”

• Later period-Pessimistic & desperate
• He used a lot of colloquial idioms(俚语 ) and colloquial syntax(口语)and made his writing full of allegories(寓言 ) that lay behind the humor.
Trilogy of Mississippi (密西西比河三部曲)
The mysterious stranger 《神秘的陌生人》
Other works
Writing Characteristics
Famous Saying
Trilogy of Mississippi (密西西比河三部曲)
• The innocent abroad《傻子出国记》
• The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg • 《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》
• Roughing It • 《苦行记》
• The Adventures of Tom Sawyer • 《汤姆·索亚历险记》

高级英语Mark Twain- Mirror of Americappt课件

高级英语Mark Twain- Mirror of Americappt课件
• n. [医]脊髓麻醉
• spinal injuries 脊椎损伤
• meningitis [mɛnɪn`dʒaɪtɪs] n. 脑膜炎
• Meningitis is a serious infectious illness which affects your brain and spinal cord.
eg: She looked so haunted, I almost didn't recognize her. 她愁容满面,我差点儿没认 出她来。
pneumonia [nʊˈmonjə,njʊ-] n. [医]肺炎;急性肺炎
eg :She nearly died of pneumonia. 她差点儿死于肺炎。
• Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh . The moralizing of his earlier writing had been well padded with humor . Now the gloves came off with biting satire . 译文:这个曾经给全世界带 来欢笑的人自己却饱尝了人世间的不幸与 辛酸。他早期作品中的说教包着幽默的外 衣,可现在幽默却变成了辛辣的讽刺。
• to feed on/upon---to take as food
Rhetorical device: the personification of bitterness---to emphasize the suffering in his own life
Pad with humor---cover, stuff, fill with humor



被大胆说出的预言,从来不会被迷信的人认为是 愚笨无趣的。
让我们陷入困境的不是无知,而是看似正确的谬 误论断。
• 福克纳也说:“我认为,马克·吐温是第一个真正 的美国作家。我们大家都是他的继承人。我们都 是他的胄裔。”
• 至今,在美国,用方言土语叙述故事已成为一个 主要的文学传统。
• “他的幽默流动在全书的字里行间,不断 地涌现和更新,给人丰富的感受,如同 血液的循环流动,既不炫耀也不喧嚣。”
• 他的幽默之中,也有悲哀的一面,他的作品一半轻快,一 半阴沉。如鲁迅指出:“马克·吐温“成了幽默家,是为 了生活,在幽默中又含着哀怨,含着讽刺,则是不甘于这
• 其次,幽默故事应该有一种庞大的插曲 式的结构形式。作家应该获得最大限度 的自由,随心所欲地向读者描绘五光十 色的社会生活。
• 他说:“幽默故事可以拉得很长很长, 只要它喜欢,愿绕多么远就绕多么远, 并不要达到什么特定的目的。幽默故事 一路讲,一路轻轻松松地冒泡。”
• 幽默,是马克·吐温创作的灵魂,是他最 显著的艺术特色和最杰出的艺术才能。 在他看来,“谁能讲笑话谁就能得到尊 重”。
• 首先,幽默作品的一个重要目的是引发读者的笑声,而又 不仅仅是笑声而已。
• 幽默不仅起着调节生活、渲泄忧愁的作用,更为重要的是, 透过这层幽默,使我们能深刻地去看现实、看人生、看社 会。上流社会的尔虞我诈、道德败坏、贪污受贿,以及假 民主、假自由的闹剧,经济繁荣后面的失业、贫困与饥饿, 都在他的幽默中得到无情的揭露。底层社会的各种怪现状 也遭到他的善意的嘲讽。


• 有位记者以《镀金时代》的真实性问题就询于马 克·吐温。马克·吐温在酒席上回答说:“美国国 会中有些议员是狗婊子养的”。这话被公诸报端, 引起国会议员的愤慨,纷纷要求他澄清或道歉 “声明”。马克·吐温写道:“日前小的在酒席上 发言,说有些国会议员是‘狗婊子养的’,事后 有人向我兴师问罪,我再三考虑,觉得此言是不 妥的,故特登报声明,把我的话修改如下:美国 国会中的有些议员不是狗婊子养的,幸祈鉴谅” 这个“声明”使那些议员们啼笑皆非,使广大读 者捧腹大笑。马克·吐温不愧为讽刺文学大家!
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
• “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.”
His Famous Words
The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's.”
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
• “Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.”
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
The Gilded Age
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统

高级英语第六课马克吐温背景知识 ppt课件

高级英语第六课马克吐温背景知识 ppt课件

South (the Confederate
States of America)
plantatio n
black slaves
general Try to extend Failed
Lee the
system in the
west even the
➢ Gold , worth billions of today's dollars was recovered , which lead to great wealth for a few.
➢ However , many returned home with little more than they started with.
• I like Mark Twainwho does not like him? Even God, will love him, giv en his wisdom, and his soul in a painting. -------Helen Keller
• It was published in1876.
• TheAdventures of Tom Sa wyer is regarded as the classic story dicpicting children’s lives in America and has been popolar in the time.
• The adventures of protagonists satirized anal American r eligious rituals and inflexible stale school education . The novel as cheerful as describes the children free a nd lively mind. "The adventures of Tom Sawyer" b ecame one of the greatest literary works and the U nited States "gilded age" of rural pastoral.



② 西进运动、领土扩张和两种社会制度矛盾发展激 化时期(1815——1860年)
西进运动在北美独立革命和南北战争之间的近百年内,具 有承上启下的重要作用。 从1803年路易斯安那地区的购买到1867年购买阿拉斯加地 区,在短短的几十年间,美国的领土从230万平方公里迅速 增加到930万平方公里,而付出的代价累计只有5,555万美 元。显然,美国经济大国的形成、自然条件的优越是同美 国的领土急剧扩张分不开的。 在美国西进运动和大陆扩张及早期工业化的过程中,逐步 形成了南北两种不同的社会经济制度。即北部的资本主义 工业和南部的种植园奴隶制农业。1820年的密苏里妥协案、 1833年和1850年的妥协案,1854年堪萨斯内战,以及1857 年的斯科特判例,都是南北两种力量斗争的反映。
生活都有重大的影响。广大的西部土地并入美国, 使美国成为幅员辽阔、自然资源丰富的国家;西部 的开拓,带动了大规模铁路的建筑和大批移民的流 人,使美国形成了广大的国内市场。②消极方面随 着西进运动的进行,大批印第安人遭到屠杀,幸存 者被强行赶到更为荒凉的“保留地”,他们的被迫 迁徙之路也被称为印第安人的“血泪之路”。
人士之一,被推崇为“美国文坛巨子”, 被誉为文学史上的林肯,是美国乡土文 学的集大成者。 海伦•凯勒“我喜欢马克•吐温——谁 会不喜欢他呢?即使是上帝,亦会钟 爱他,赋予其智慧,并于其心灵里绘 画出一道爱与信仰的彩虹。” 威廉•福克纳称他为“第一位真正的 美国作家,我们都是继承他而来”。 海明威曾经说过“一切当代美国文学 都起源于马克•吐温一本叫《哈克贝 里•费恩历险记》的书”。

精品公开课 Mark Twain(马克吐温) (共37张PPT)

精品公开课 Mark Twain(马克吐温) (共37张PPT)
有一次马克·吐温与一位夫人对坐,他对她说:“你真漂 亮,”夫人高傲地回答:“可惜我实在无法同样地赞美你。” 马克·吐温毫不介意地笑笑说:“夫人,只要像我一样说假话 就行了。”
法国名人波盖取笑美国人历史太短,说:“美国人没事 的时候,往往喜欢怀念祖宗,可是一想到祖父一代,就不 能不打住了。” 马克·吐温回敬说:“法国人没事的时候, 总是想弄清他们的父亲是谁,可是很难弄清楚。”
February 3, 1863, that “Mark Twain” was born when Clemens, then 27, signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym.A riverman’s term)
Different pen names before Mark Twain: Josh Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass
Horace Bixby. Spends next two years “learning” the river, later described in Life on the Mississippi.
• Later he was to say, “In that brief, sharp schooling, I got personally and familiarly acquainted with about all the different types of human nature… When I find a welldrawn character in fiction or biography, I generally take a warm personal interest in him, for the reason that I have known him before. I’ve met him on the river.”

Part Mark Twain 马克吐温ppt课件

Part   Mark Twain 马克吐温ppt课件
1873年,马克吐温和沃纳合作的《镀金时代》出版, 此书可算是一个失败,但它给战后的美国,起了一 个很好的名字。
Then Twain and his family moved to Hartford. Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England. Between 1876 and 1884 he published several masterpieces . Twain’s nostalgic recollections of his early boyhood in Hannibal stirred
After a short term of soldiering as a Confederate volunteer, Twain went to Nevada, hoping to strike it rich in the silver fields.
在他出版《 亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人 》 时,该书讽刺了英国的皇室,宗教及骑士的理想主 义,马克吐温的作品变得严肃和具有批判性。
By the 1890s the amusement that had once typified his writing had been displaced by increasingly bitter attacks on the injustices of society and the folly of man.
---Mirror of America
马 克 吐
温 故 居



Travels Twain and his brother traveled for more than two weeks on a stagecoach across the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains, visiting the Mormon community in Salt Lake City along the way.
Twain's journey ended in the silverTwain failed as a mining town of miner and found Virginia City, work at a Virginia where he City newspaper, became a Here he first used miner. his famous pen name.
The couple's marriage lasted 34 years, until Olivia's death in 1904.
Later Life Twain passed through a period of deep depression, which began in 1896 when his daughter Susy died. Olivia's death in 1904 and Jean's on December 24, 1909, deepened his gloom. On May 照片下的留言:好好的, close friend 20, 1909, his 你将会孤独。马克· 吐温 Henry Rogers died suddenly.
At 22, Twain returned to Missouri.

马克吐温 中英文介绍 PPT课件

马克吐温 中英文介绍 PPT课件
Shortly after the incident Tom goes to a picnic with a party of schoolmates. Exploring a cave, he gets lost with Becky Thatcher, the daughter of the Judge. Tom behaves like a brave boy, calms Becky’s fears and finds the way out of the cave.
At school he disobeys his teacher and always busies himself with outside matters at the lessons. Tom’s bosom friend is Huck Finn, a boy deserted by his drunkard of a father and looked upon as an outcast in the town.
But Tom has read many books and wants to make his life just as bright as it is depicted in the stories. He devises games in which the boys play the role of brave outlaws and warlike Red Indians who are the terror of the rich and the oppressors. One night the boys involuntarily witness the murder of Dr. Robinson. An innocent man is charged with the crime. But on the day of the trial Tom fearlessly exposes the real criminal the Indian Joe who escapes through an open window of the courtroom.
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Mark Twain
---Mirror of America
• Steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity, but its flotsam of hustlers, gamblers, and thugs as well. • From them all Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are.
• acquaintance 相识可数名词(认识的人; 泛泛之交) • acquaintanceship 相识 • acquainted 有知识的
Life on the Mississippi (1883)
• Life on the Mississippi (1883) describes the history, sights, people, and legends of the steamboats and towns of the Mississippi River region. In the most vivid passages, chapters 4 through 17, Twain recalled his own piloting days. These chapters had originally been published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1875 as "Old Times on the Mississippi."
Those acquaintanceships strengthened all his writing, but he never wrote better than when he wrote of the people a-long the great stream.
Detailed study of the text
• keen:
• a. sharp • b. (with the 5 senses, the mind) good, strong, quick at understanding – My hearing is not as keen as it used to be. – He has a keen brain.
• keen perception: intense insight, understanding or knowledge gained by perceiving (observing)
• • • • a keen bargainer (精于讨价还价的人) a keen eye (敏锐的眼光)
difference between what people claim to be and what they really are.
• The difference between what they preach and what they practice • between what people say and what they do, • between words and deeds • (people often claim to be kind ,generous,honest,whereas in reality ,they are seldom what they say they are)
• Proclaim 指官方宣布重大事件或施政方针
• Claim 指有权或宣称有权得到而公开提出的 要求
• Antithesis is a figure of speech which is a contrast of ideas expressed by parallelism of strongly contrasted words, generally for a tuneful rhythm and wisdom of brevity.对照,对偶 • Speech is silver, silence is golden.雄辩是 银,沉默是金 • There is only one difference between an old man and a young man.
• PARA: Steamboat decks were filled with people of pioneering spirit and also lawless people or social outcasts such as hustlers, gamblers and thugs.
• A gambler is someone who gambles regularly, for example in card games or horse racing.可数名词 赌徒;赌棍 • gamble 赌博;投机
• thug: a person who is very violent and rough, esp. a violent criminal, hooligan, villain, or murderous ruffian恶棍;暴徒;强盗
• hustler: a person who tries to earn money or
gain an advantage from any situation they are in, often by using dishonest or illegal method. Now in the U. S. the word means a prostitute, or streetwalker[美俚]妓女
• perception: natural understanding .n
• perceive: realize, notice, see or hear sth. esp. when it is not obvious to other people.v He now perceived his error.
• trade: job, esp. one needing special swledge: recognize the fact, agree to the truth
• acquaint: know, cause to know personally, make familiar with • be acquainted with • I have heard about your friend but I am not acquainted with him • make acquaintance of sb. / make sb's acquaintance结识某人 • Where did you make his acquaintance?
• teem with: to be full of. to
pour in torrent大量地出现,聚集
The water teems with fish
• “the main current” • --- the main stream • the majority of the passengers board the steamboat. • pioneers or people with
• hustle: push (sb) roughly and hurriedly;
jostle; shove The police hustled the thief out of the house and into their van. I was hustled into (making) a hasty decision.
• ,gangster,robber,
• “Flotsam” • ----the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on the sea. • hustlers (streetwalkers), gamblers and thugs (criminals) -----social outcasts. • metaphorically used.
• His four and a half year s in the steamboat trade marked the real beginning of his education, and the most lasting part of it. • In later life Twain acknowledged that the river had acquainted him with every possible type of human nature
• main current of pioneering humanity: (metaphor) people with pioneering spirit who forms the majority; the main part of them were people with devotion/dedication to open up new areas and prepare ways for others