2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月文档:专题二 七选五 满分方略 第三步 模拟演练(二) Word版含解析

模拟演练(二)A(2017·四川成都七中二模)FiveWaystoImproveReadingComprehensionHelpyourchildkeepwhathereads—acrucialskill,especiallyashegetsolderandneedstogainimportantinformationfromtextbooks.Havehimreadaloud.Thisforceshimtogoslower,whichgiveshimmoretimetoprocesswhathereads.1Providetherightkindsofbooks.Makesureyourchildgetslotsofpracticereadingbooksthataren’ttoo hard.2Stoppinganymoreoftenthanthattofigureoutawordmakesittoughforhimtofocusontheoverallmea ningofthestory.3Togainmeaningfromtext,yourchildneedstoreadquicklyandsmoothly—askillknownasfluency.Rereadingfamiliar,simplebooksgivesyourchildpracticeatdecodingwordsquickly,sohe’llbecomemorefluent.Supplementclassreading.Ifhisclassisstudyingaparticulartheme,lookforeasy-to-readbooksormagazinesonthetopic.4Talkaboutwhathe’sreading.5Askquestionsbefore,during,andafterareadingsession.Forexample:·Before:“Whatinterestsyouinthisbook? Whatdoesn’t?”·During:“What’sgoingoninthebook? Isitturningoutthewayyouthoughtitwould?”·After:“Canyousummarizethebook? Whatdidyoulikeaboutit?”A.Heshouldrecognizeatleast90percentofthewordswithoutanyhelp.B.Selectbooksthatareappealingtoyourchildbutnottoochallenging.C.Somepriorknowledgewillhelphimgetbetterpreparedandmakehiswaythroughtougherclassroomtexts .D.This“verbalprocessing”helpshimrememberandthinkthroughthethemesofthebook.E.Plus,he’snotonlyseeingthewords,butalsohearingthem,too.F.Havehimrereadtobuildfluency.G.Improvethespeedofreading.语篇解读本文介绍了提高阅读理解能力的五种方法。

2024届高三 二轮专题复习
题型解读 课前任务单:解题策略
时间 卷次 体裁 主题语境 结构
新高 说明文 2023 考I卷
新高 说明文 考II卷
新高 说明文 2022 考I卷
学会自我原 谅
怎样开启艺 术之旅
找到健身伙 伴
总-分-总 总-分-总
题型解读 课前任务单:解题策略
策略三: 深入题目内在——上下文逻辑
implicit logical connection (隐性逻辑关系)
【2024年武汉二调】 the structure of the passage
General Para.1 The author decided to make a special cargo bike.
Text 1【2022年北京卷】
Health and fitness help a person live a good and healthy life. Often
due to various pressures, we tend to ignore our health.
It is
the fitness level of our body that helps us fight these diseases.
Are you caring? Creative? Generous? A
good listener? Fun to be around? They don’t have to be world-
高考英语二轮复习专项突破:七选五——线索词汇 (全国通用)(含高考真题分析)

[图解技巧][经典感悟]【例1】(2021·全国甲卷)A successful swap depends on the selection of clothes, the organization 37.解析:本空表示条件,与本段中的“more than that”构成反义词复[答题微点]代词的使用主要是为避免重复,用于指代前面提到的人或物,有时也用于指代前面提到的名词或概念。

专题模拟训练(阅读七选五)阅读七选五(一)A(2022·广西南宁市高中毕业班二模)Wherever we go, we are surrounded by history.Across the globe, cultural heritage (遗产) is passed down through the generations.Yet we fight a never ending and very expensive war to preserve it for the future.And today, it is under attack as never before.Technology is often seen as something that destroys the past. 1 .Creating copies via 2D images is extremely laborious and timeconsuming.AI technologies are being used to do all the required sourcing, allowing lots of images to be crossreferenced and stored in a matter of hours. 2 .AI will also make restoration and preservation of existing cultural heritage far easier and vastly superior to previous methods.Airborne technology(机载技术) is being increasingly used in the fight to preserve our cultural heritage. 3 .LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has already been used to reveal over 60,000 Mayan structures that were lying undiscovered in the jungles of Guatamala, without needing a single boot on the ground.Drones (无人机) are also being used to excellent effect, documenting and monitoring huge areas and removing the need for all that costly manpower.Human interaction with the most important sites and architecture is doing a great deal of harm.Virtual reality (VR) technology will play a leading role in preserving our cultural heritage in the ing years. 4 , VR technology will gradually bee the way that people experience them.Weʼll all eventually be able to walk through places, look at (and touch) artifacts and works of art without ever seeing them with our own eyes.5 .Efforts in research, data sharing and project work will need to be pooled ing the technical expertness of specialist organizations will bee ever more important to sustainably promote and preserve the cultural heritage of countries all across the world.A.It is being used to save and find itB.Technology has shaped conflict in several waysC.But it is now the most essential weapon in the battleD.Our cultural heritage will be protected via technologyE.This will enable even more accurate and better copies to be createdF.As more cultural heritage sites and objects are digitally mapped and recorded G.When it measures distances by hitting a target and analyzing the reflected light【语篇解读】本文是说明文。
2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月文档:专题二 七选五 满分方略 第三步 模拟演练(三) Word版含解析

模拟演练(三)A(2017·辽宁沈阳省示范协作校一模)TravellingwithTeensVacationingwithteenscanbeunpleasantsincetheycanbealittlemoodysometimes.Butwithsomecare fulconsiderationandplanningyoucanmakeyourfamilyvacationfantasticandmemorable.1Teenshavestrongopinions.Iftheydon’tgetavoteonoptionsaheadoftime,theyarelikelytopunishyouwithabadattitude.Ifyourespectkids’ideas,they’llfeelmoreincludedandbemorecooperative.Handle“CanIbring...?”requestscarefully.Takinganotherchildonyourfamily’svacationisahu geresponsibility.Onlyagreeifyouknowthatchildwellandapproveoftheirrelationshipwithyourchild.Ifyo udon’twanttobringthefriend,behonest,standfirm,anddon’tnegotiate(谈判).2 Grabtheirattention.3Boring.TellingthemyouaregoingtotheplacewhereTomHanksfirstinvestigate dthemurderin TheDaVinciCode?Interesting! Thebigsurpriseisthatoncethey’rethere,they’llprobablyfindmorethanafewthingstoamusethem.Avoidtoomuchtimewithdigitalproducts.Teenscanbeaddictedtotheirdigitalconnections.(Socanad ults.) Familyvacationsareopportunitiesforustogettoknowandappreciatenewplacesandeachother! Discussdigitalusebeforethetrip.Setrealisticexpectationsforunpluggedtime.4Makegoodmemories.Sharingdigitalphotosisawesomebutwritingfamilytraveljournalcanrecorddi fferentkindsofimpressions.5Theseconversationsareextremelyinterestingbecauseeveryone’sviewsar eunique.Writethemdown! Rereadingsectionsofyourtraveljournalswillprovidewonderfulfamilymemoriesovertheyears.A.Letthemhelpplan.B.Itisthedestinationandthejourney.C.Asateen,Icametohatethisformoftravel.D.Butbesympatheticasyourchilddealswithdisappointment.E.Tellingthemyou’regoingtothemostfamousmuseuminParis?F.Attheendofeveryday,talkaboutwhateachofyoufindsmemorable.G.Hopefully,everyonewillenjoythemselvessomuchthattheywon’tthinkaboutscreentime.1.答案 A解析设空在段首,应是段落主旨。
(全国通用)2017版高考英语二轮复习 考前三个月 专题二 七选五 模拟演练,集中突破命题点 模拟演练(一)

模拟演练(一)ASave Your Time,Money and Stress withSavvy Rental Car StrategiesRenting a car can be expensive,confusing,and stressful—but it doesn’t have to be.Here are several helpful strategies to save money,time,and stress on your next (and every) car rental.Sign Up for Loyalty ProgramsRental car loyalty programs are free to join,so register for any programs you might use in the future.My favorite car rental loyalty program benefit is that I can skip the counter and head right to my reserved car.Some programs allow members to choose a car from the available pool. 1Optimize Your StrategyDo you really need a rental car from the airport?For instance,if your flight arrives at night,take a free hotel shuttle and pick up your car the next day.The car rental location might even be at your hotel or can pick you up (or deliver the car to you). 23For a city trip,you may not even need a rental car.Research whether mass transit,taxi,Uber,bike rental,and other transportation methods will suffice.Parking charges at downtown hotels may cost more than your car rental rate,so it may be doubly in your favor to give up a rental car.In some locations,a bike might be more efficient and economical than a car.Search for Specials4 In conjunction with your personal discount code,you may also find a lastminute rate,free rental day,or other promotion.My favorite annual travel deal is driving a car oneway out of Florida after Spring Break with rates as low as 1 per day.Consider Alternative Rental OptionsMajor car rental companies might have an associated discount brand at your rental location,like Firefly for Hertz. 5 An independent or smaller local agency may fit your needs;like A1 or Lucky Owl in Honolulu.Many people prefer to check rates on Hotwire and Priceline,espec ially for lastminute rentals.A.Rental rates are likely lower away from the airport,plus you might save the cost of an entire rental day.B.I use discountfinding websites to track my car reservations.C.Smaller brands,like Thrifty and Fox,might offer better service and lower rates. D.In addition to saving time and offering freedom of choice,loyalty members earn points and receive special promotions.E.Check car rental company websites for current specials.F.Skip the CarG.Use a Bike语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,介绍了为了节省时间、金钱和减轻压力我们可以考虑租车。

1.What is the man doing?A.Waiting for a call.B.Calling his neighbor.C.Opening a window.2.What kind of person is Bob in the man’s eyes?A.Careless.B.Mean.C.Stubborn.3.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Teacher and student.B.Mother and son.C.Boss and employee.4.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At home.B.In a restaurant.C.In a supermarket.5.How much is the man’s telephone bill a month?A.30.B.40.C.50.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
6.When will the man fly to Guangzhou?A.On August 2.B.On August 3.C.On August 4.7.What is the man required to do before the flight?A.To pay for the ticket online.B.To ask about the departure time.C.To confirm his ticket again.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
第二部分 专题3 七选五(二)-2023年高考英语二轮复习冲刺抢先练(新高考)

(二)Passage 1(2021·全国乙卷)According to Jessica Hagy, author of How to Be Interesting, it's not difficult to make yourself interesting at a dinner party.__1__,if you're out of your comfort zone or if you're wandering into somebody's house for the first time. So the main thing is just to show up and be adventurous, trying different foods and talking to strangers.People love to talk about themselves. If you can start the conversation with a question other than “What do you do for a living?”,you'll be able to get a lot more interesting conversation out of whomever it is you're talking to. __2__,it can bring in “I have this old, brokendown vehicle”or “I rode the bus with these crazy people who were laughing at silly jokes in the back.”It just opens up conversation.__3__?If you can't take their wine away, you should certainly try to take away their soapbox (讲台). If you're the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen with something and just remove them from the situation. __4__.And what about that other dinnerparty killer: awkward silence? If you're faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment (赞扬). __5__. Just quickly turn around and say, “This cake is extremely delicious and you have to tell me all about it.”So being interesting at a dinner party isn't that hard.A.How do you know the hostB.The first step is to go exploringC.If you ask the question “How did you get here?”D.Be prepared to have awkward conversations with strangersE.Or turn the conversation into a topic where they have little to sayF.What about that person who has had too much to drink or won't stop talking G.He or she is the person who is feeling the weight of that awkwardness the most篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。
高考英语二轮复习专项突破:七选五 1——解题总攻略(全国通用)

高三备考的不同阶段,目标和任务各不相同,就像打仗一样,攻克不同的 山头有不同的打法,只有抓住要领,才能打赢主动仗。 一是细化“作战地图”
为专题复习奠定坚实基础。各学科组教师要认真学习新课程、新课标、《中国 考试评价体系及说明》和近三年高考原题,把高考考点和试题变化点做成“作战 地图”,平时考试、练习要对照“作战地图”进行选题,并在“作战地图”上一一标 注,确保考点训练无死角、考点覆盖无遗漏。 二是组织集体攻坚
(2022·全国乙卷)Friendship needs care and attention to keep it in good health. Here are five ways to sustain (保持) long-distance friendships. ·Set a regular date
定期约会 多沟通交流 要有共情感 记住重要的日子 不要只依赖科技
解析:根据小标题形式一致原则,及本段的 “ Anniversaries and birthdays...special days.” 以 及 “keeps track of friends' birthdays and other important dates”等关键 信息可知,本段讲的是要记住重要的日子。

专题模拟训练(阅读七选五)阅读七选五(一)A(2024·广东省广州市高三一模)How does it feel when you solve your problem by yourself? Things may not always go as planned, but being resourceful can help you stay calm and work your way out of tricky situations.Being resourceful means finding smart and creative ways to solve a problem, using whatever resources you have at the time.__1__ They can also be anything else thatʼs useful, such as information, advice or your own experience.It also means trusting your instincts, the ability youʼre born with, rather than through training and being confident about your ability to face challenges.A resourceful person is not the one getting cross or panicking when something goes wrong.Theyʼre thinking about how to solve the problem.__2__ When we learn to solve problems for ourselves rather than immediately going to others for help, it can help to build our confidence, help us feel more independent, and feel better about making decisions.Being resourceful may not help you avoid problems, but thinking creatively about how you can deal with them will make you feel less stressed and more prepared next time.__3__ This can boost self-esteem, that is, how you feel about yourself.When youʼre facing a challenge, try to focus on the actual problem rather than how you feel about it.Think about where and when it happened and what the causes are.Next, think up as many solutions to the problem as you can.__4__ Finally, review what has and hasnʼt worked, so youʼre equipped to deal with a situation next time.And remember, if you have a tricky problem that youʼre unable to solve, then ask a trusted adult for help.__5__A.You also learn what youʼre good at.B.Here is how you can be more resourceful.C.These may be practical things like pens and paper.D.No one is expected to solve all problems by themselves.E.Resourcefulness is a skill thatʼs good for you in lots of ways.F.They can be famous mottos that always inspire us to move on.G.Weigh up whatʼs good and bad about each one and choose the best.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。
高考英语二轮总复习课后习题 专项能力提升练 七选五 考点分类练3 代词线索类 (2)

考点分类练(三) 代词线索类(限时:25分钟)Passage1(安徽马鞍山二模)HowIImprovedMyLifeinBy the turn of ,I thought I was living mindfully and rather sustainably.I had been composting(施堆肥) fruit and vegetable leftovers,and repairing my own clothes.But as life was easing back into normal,certain aspects made me feel uncomfortable,like the amount of plastic being thrown away. 1 These feelings made me realize there was still room for improvement and I was up for it throughout the year.Take up walking.The biggest change this year for me has been to take up walking wholeheartedly.Having spent so much time indoors,I wanted to have a gentle form of exercise where I could enjoy the outdoors.I started walking.Walking connected me to the beautiful creatures that live among us. 2Tackle plastic waste.It was only after I started composting that I realized how much organic waste even a small household could generate. 3 Luckily,our city offers a door-to-door dry waste recycling service that visits every two weeks and collects it.4 Refills are a great solution to single-use plastics and to reducing my waste footprint.Earlier this year I switched to ordering household goods from a company that supplies refills for organic kitchen cleaners,toilet cleaners,and even washing machine powder.Establish a morning routine.Waking up early comes with its own set of benefits,namely a morning routine.I do some morning reading before I brush,followed by my walk.Then,I cycle for 20 minutes before I shower. 5 Meanwhile,they keep my evenings free so that I can meet friends,read,or connect with family,and slowly prepare my body to rest as night approaches.e less plastics.B.Switch to refills.C.It helped me to reflect upon life.D.Household waste is easy to deal with.E.These activities prepare me for the day.F.I needed to find a solution to the waste.G.I was also feeling unfit and unmotivated.Passage2(河北沧州一模)One of the best ways to practice forgiveness is with the REACH method.REACH stands for Recall,Empathize (移情),Altruistic (利他的) gift,Commit and Hold. 1Recall.The first step is to recall the wrongdoing in an objective way.The goal is not to think of the person in a negative light,but to come to a clear understanding of the wrong that was done. 2 Don’t push aside anything,especially if it makes you feel angry or upset.Empathize.Try to understand the other person’s point of view regarding why he or she hurt you,but don’t minimize the wrong that was done.Sometimes the wrongdoing was not personal,but due tosomething the other person was dealing with. 3 They often don’t think clearly when they hurt others,and they just lose control.Altruisticgift.This step is about addressing your own shortcomings.Recall a time when you treated someone unkindly and were forgiven. 4 Recognizing this helps you realize that forgiveness is an altruistic gift that you can give to others.mit yourself to forgiveness.For instance,write about your forgiveness in a journal or a letter that you don’t send or tell a friend.Hold.Finally,hold on to your forgiveness.This step is tough because memories of the event will often happen again.Forgiveness is not erasure (消除). 5 When bad feelings arise,remind yourself that you have forgiven and finally you want good for the offender.A.How did it make you feel?B.Here is a look at each step.C.Forgiveness is a character of the strong and wise.D.How can you acquire the habit of showing kindness to others?E.Rather,it’s about changing your reaction to those awful memories.F.Visualize the person and situation and all the feelings that come with it.G.People who attack others are sometimes themselves in a state of fear and worry.Passage3(福建龙岩二模)A major benefit of growing your own tomatoes is variety.If you visit a garden center,you will find seeds and small starter plants for yellow tomatoes,purple tomatoes,huge tomatoes,and even very small tomatoes.1 The most important things are to give the plants plenty of water,well-draining soil,heat and light.It is best to grow tomatoes in a place that receives at least sioving weeds will keep pests and diseases away while giving the plants enough nutrients to produce fruit.Tomatoes grow best in soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 6.8.If the pH reading is lower than 6.0,you can add about 2 cups of dolomitic lime (石灰) into the soil for each plant.If you want to grow really big tomatoes,try following these seven tips from eato seeds with names like Big Zac or Bull’s Heart. 2Start seeds early indoors and re-plant them into larger containers several times before moving them outdoors. 3 removing leaves from the bottom one-third of plants and burying stems up to the next set of leaves.This will produce stronger plants.Remove new flowers that develop at the top of the plant when older fruits near the bottom begin to grow. 4 Pay close attention!Observe the plants daily for pests and diseases.React quickly to prevent problems.Remove the small growths where the plant’s stems and branches meet.This will prevent them from taking away nutrients and shading developing fruit under them.5 instead of letting them develop into a shorter,wider shrub (灌木).Finally,water,fertilize and weed!A.Plant them deep each time,B.Rich soil benefits the growth,C.Tomatoes are not difficult to grow.D.Skills are demanding in growing tomatoes,E.Cut back the plants to keep only one main branch,F.They are genetically designed to produce large fruit.G.This will force the plant to produce fewer but larger tomatoes.Passage4(安徽安庆二模)Family meals are important and connect family members. 1 There is no need to worry about going to school,work and more.Studies have shown family mealtime increases positive social skills,school engagement and decreases the frequency of negative behaviors. 2 Trying new food or not restricting on food is encouraged.Children who engage in family mealtime are less likelyto have eating disorders.In addition,those who share frequent family meals are more likely to eat a larger number of fruits and vegetables and be less picky about food.3 For example,we need to consider the budget,the time for meal preparation,the availability of recommended foods or supplements(补充物品)at a typical grocery store.4 Members may have various cultural or dietary preferences.In view of this,we should make sure that the eating plan offers nutritional value for different calorie and nutritional needs—for people of different ages,different activity levels and health conditions.Healthy eating should be a family affair,and some recommended diets will help you reach that goal by highlighting eating plans that are safe,flexible and nutritious for everyone at the table.In addition,the foods in the diets can be purchased fresh,canned or frozen. 5A.They prefer junk food like hamburgers,fried chicken.B.A team of health eily meals are difficult.C.They can get people to relax and make their relationship closer.D.It also offers an opportunity to set healthy eating habits for kids.E.Thus,it is convenient and easy for families to have family meals.F.We also considered how adaptable this diet would be for a whole family.G.We should have a balanced diet and pay attention to what we have every day.答案:Passage1[语篇解读]本文是一篇说明文。
高中英语 专题模拟训练(阅读七选五) 高三高考二轮复习练习

专题模拟训练(阅读七选五)阅读七选五(一)一、(北京市第四中学2019-2020学年高三上学期期中考试)Are You a Prisoner of Perfection?Do you struggle for a goal that is beyond your reach? 1 Are you setting yourself up for failure and shame when you can’t achieve the unachievable? Understanding wha t drives perfectionism is the first step toward releasing this self-created anchor that keeps us stuck.Shame and fear are often the hidden drivers of perfectionism.We believe that if we can fashion a perfectly polished personality,flash our intelligence,and perfect our humour,then no one can hurt us with criticism and we’ll win respect and approval.2 Politicians who display a desperate need to be right and refuse to acknowledge mistakes or uncertainty are often driven by a secret shame.They fear that showing vulnerability(弱点) will expose them to the accusation that they’re weak.They stick to a desire to be right,perfect,and polished,even when it’s obvious that the emperor has no clothes.Perfectionism keeps us leaning toward the future.We’re constantly evaluating ourselves in order to do better. 3 However,if we can’t relax and enjoy lighter moments,then we become prisoners of our perfectionism.We get painfully self-conscious and take ourselves too seriously.Sadly,we deprive(剥夺) ourselves of the simple pleasure of enjoying the moment and being ourselves.4 We realize that failing at any enterprise doesn’t mean that we are a failure.Without failures,we’ll never learn from our mistakes;we’ll never move forward in our lives.Those who succeed have made countless mistakes.The important thing is to learn from our error,forgive ourselves and move on.Being human,perfection is impossible. 5 Releasing ourselves from the desire to protect our image,we’re freed to sail gracefully through our successes and f ailures—and enjoy our precious life.A.Do you hold an idealized vision that is impossible to realize?B.A cure to perfectionism is to make room for our human shortcomings.C.Do you fear that others will be horrified by what you judge about yourself?D.The addiction to staying perfect protects us from any sign of being imperfect.E.There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do our best and self-correcting along the way.F.People who are addicted to perfection are often isolated,even if they seem outgoing and popular.G.By accepting ourselves as we are and doing our best,we begin to rid the shame that drives perfectionism.【答案】 1.A 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.G【解析】这是一篇说明文。

[典例] (2015·全国Ⅰ)
• 39 If you’ve been betrayed , you are the victim of your circumstance.But there’s a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”.At some point in all of our lives,we’ll have our trust tested or violated. 答案 C(Stop regarding yourself as the victim.) 解析 考查综合分析能力。通读本段可知其大意是:一旦遭到背叛,你 不成为客观环境的受害者,但作为一名受害者和以受害者的身份去生活 是不同的。所选答案应当包含关键词victim。由此可知答案为C。
栏目 索引
技法剖析 授之以渔 精研真题 模拟演练
一 解题三要素
技法剖析 授之以渔
1.分析篇章结构。把握全篇文脉是七选五的关键所在。对文章的结构有 所了解,把握住全篇的文脉,理出文章的中心,搞清楚句与句、段与段 之间的逻辑关系。 2.把握写作思路。从语序上去发现断续点,理清层次。根据句子意思分 出层次,如承接、并列、递进关系等。 3.理解句际间含义。重点关注句际间的关联词、逻辑性插入语,结合段 落中的连接语作出判断。
2.例证关系 前后句的某句是为了证明另一句而举的例子。例证的形式多样,但就 其本质而言无非是思维上的形象(例子、类比等)和抽象(观点)的辩证关 系,用到的思维过程无非就是基本的归纳(从例子到观点)和推理(从观 点到例子)。
[典例] (2016·全国Ⅰ) There are three main types of cryptography. 37 For example,the

步步高全国通用高考英语二轮复习考前三个月专题二七选五模拟演练集中突破命题点模拟演练三ASome people describe American society as a salad bowl while others think of it as a melting pot.In a bowl of salad,all the ingredients are mixed together. 1 Together,however,the ingredients make up a unity.All the ingredients of a salad contribute to the finished product.They may be covered with the same dressing(调味酱),but the green vegetables,tomatoes and cooked corn can all be seen for what they are.From this point of view,America is very much like a salad bowl where individual ethnic groups mix together,yet maintain their cultural uniqueness.People may work together during the day at similar jobs and in the same companies,but at night they may return to their ethnic groups where their own individual culture directs their way of life.2 Each ethnic group has its own special customs,language,food and traditions to protect and defend.This idea of the salad bowl is referred to as cultural diversity;that is,American society is a collection of various cultures living together in harmony within one country.3 Here,society is like one large pot of soup.All cultural aspects are mixed together,sacrificing their original identity and keeping a bit of what they were to become a new reality.The longer the soup is cooked,the better the taste and the more likely it will be for the mixture to dissolve.In this sense,America can surely be seen as a melting pot where people from all over the world come to live and work together forming one nation.There are dozens of shared symbols. 4 In such a culture,symbols like the flag and the nation’s official song serve to break down the walls which separate ethnic groups.Whether a salad bowl or a melting pot,America can be best described as a mixture of both. 5A.Both are correct depend ing on one’s point of view.B.They never lose their shapes,colors or tastes.C.This is why there is so much diversity within America.D.In other words,America is a nation where there is unity in diversity.E.Thus,one needs to abandon one’s culture to be considered “American”.F.They serve to develop the various ethnic groups to create a new American culture. G.The other theory,which is also used to describe American society,is the melting pot.1.答案 B解析由空后的“Together,however,the ingredients make up a unity.”及本段最后一句中的“...can be seen for what they are.”可知选B项。

精研真题模拟演练A(2015·全国Ⅰ)Building Trust in a Relationship AgainTrust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences. 36 Trust is a risk.But you can’t be successful when there’s a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.Unfortunately,we’ve all been victims of betrayal.Whether we’ve been stolen from,lied to,misled,or cheated on,there are different levels of losing trust.Sometimes people simply can’t trust anymore.37 It’s understandable,but if you’re willing to build trust in a relationship again,we have some steps you can take to get you there.•38 Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your wellbeing.•39 If you’ve been betrayed,you are the victim of your circumstance.But there’s a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”.At some point in all of our lives,we’ll have our trust tested or violated.•You didn’t lose “everything”.Once trust is lost,what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle,look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life. 40 Instead,it’s a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness. A.Learn to really trust yourself.B.It is putting confidence in someone.C.Stop regarding yourself as the victim.D.Remember that you can expect the best in return.E.They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again. F.This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships. G.Seeing the positive side of things doesn’t mean you’re ignoring what happened.语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。

题型针对练(一)——小标题类Test1(2024四川绵阳第三次诊断测试)Earth Day,marked on April 22nd,is the perfect opportunity to think about how we can make the world a better place. 1 —like these small changes you can make to move towards a happier,healthier life that’s also kinder to the planet.Get outdoors.Did you know that the average person only spends four hours a week playing outdoors? 2 .Why not visit a local park,forest or beach?If none of the above is easily accessible to you,explore the woods of your own neighborhood.Just trying an eco-friendly project in gardens like zero-waste-bird-feeding is also a good choice.3 .Many people find that connecting to the natural environment makes them happy for a much longer time,compared with crazy shopping,which only brings temporary excitement but,more likely,lasting harm to the planet.It’s no accident that meditation (冥思) apps and videos are often themed with rain,forests and calming ocean sounds. 4 ,what’s the point of paying to do it online?Why not challenge yourself to connect with the earth by simply noticingwhat’s around you?Save the planet by“plogging”!Plogging simply means collecting litter as you jog,or walk around your community.Why not host a plogging event of your own? 5 .You can also get some great exercise at the same time.Plus,you become more mindful of the trash we throw away every day,and the difference we can make to the earth.A.Purchase less and connect moreB.Leave your happiness in the wildC.The following are three good chancesD.You can help clean up your communityE.There are so many ways to get involvedF.We challenge you to get outside on April 22ndG.Since we can experience them easily outside in natureTest2(2024山西高三一模试题)Life offers its fair share of challenges.At any given time,anyone can face difficult seasons in their life.It is true for you.When you’re experiencing difficulty,it’s always helpful to have a support system to get through it. 1 Knowing this,there are a few ways you can become supportive of a family member who is in the midst of a struggle.Offer legal resources.If you have family members who are in trouble with the law,you can offer assistance by pointing in the direction of various legal resources.You can even decide to cover a part of their legal fees in court. 2 Provide encouragement.When people are down on their luck,it’s really easy for them to get discouraged and give up.Instead,it’s a wise move to offer words of encouragement to the person.Always remind them that they’re strong,capable and more powerful than they realize. 3Be a safe place.Sometimes,people struggle because they don’t feel any love or support from anyone around them. 4 Be their light in the dark places.This can do so much for someone who is carrying a lot on the inside.5 You never want to make a pe rson feel like they can’t make it without youin their life.If you’re allowing the family member to live with you for a certainperiod of time,be strict about what needs to happen during that time.Make sure that they develop a plan,a time line and measured action steps that can help them get back on their feet.A.No man is an island.B.Encourage independence.C.In fact,they are surrounded by pressure.D.Always compete with your family members.E.Tell them that they will get through this situation.F.It’s a ll up to you to decide how you can help them.G.However,you know that there’s nothing you can do.Test3(2024山东高三联考)If anyone has ever told you to “open up more” or “show some emotion”,you may wonder what they really meant.It’s easy for us to get caught up in our own little worlds and hide what we’re feeling from other people. 1 .But if you can open up more to others,you’ll see how rewarding it is to connect on a deeper level.2 .Relax and think through your feelings as they come to you.Whenever you feel something,take a second to sit with what you’re feeling.Think about how you feel and let the emotion wash over you naturally.Name your emotions as they come to you.Giving your feelings names makes it easier to understand.Once you’re comfortable with a feeling,give the emotion a name.Are you anxious about something?If you don’t feel anything particularly moving,are you bored,or content?This process will make you more self-aware. 3 .Maintain a journal for your feelings.One way to help you to open up emotionally to others is to keep a daily journal. 4 .Every day,write down a paragraph or twoabout your day and how it makes you feel.This will help you track your feelings over time and put you more in tune with yourself.Engage in fun activities to share experiences with others.Do things you enjoy with people you love to share positive emotions with.Be delicate one night a week to go out and grab dinner with your family. 5 ,or go on a 20-minute walk everyday.Being emotionally available and sharing how you feel is a lot easier when you have fun with the people you care about.A.Push yourself to share every dayB.Take a minute to process emotionsC.Take a cooking class with your partnerD.Open up and get used to sharing how you feelE.It will also help you express what you’re feelingF.Treat it as a special space for you to open up and be honestG.Sometimes,we don’t even realize we’re being guarded or hiding our feelings题型针对练(一)——小标题类Test1【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。
高三英语二轮复习 专题二 阅读理解“七选五”专题探究解题方略限时训练课件

英语文章讲究使用主题段和主题句。主题段 通常在文章开头,简要概括文章的中心思想。主 题句可能在一段的开头,也可能在中间或末尾, 作用是交代该段的中心思想,再由全段展开或讨 论这个主题。各个段落通常由某些起连接作用的 词语连接,使文章行文连贯。我们需要准确、深 刻地理解一篇文章,必须对文章的结构有所了 解,把握住全篇的文脉,即句与句、段与段之间 的逻辑关系。
something existing and create something new from it.__38__ There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity.
B.Restate the question with respect.
C.Some ideas can be quite concrete.
D.There were many difficult questions.
2)反义词重现 例 There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town,or
1.提高阅读技能,快速把握大意 略读是一种基本技能,要能以最快的速度跳
跃式地浏览文章的大小标题、首段、每段的首 句,以及表示句、段关系的连接性词语(如 however,but等后的内容)等重要部分,以了解 文章的基本结构和内容大意。
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模拟演练(三)ASome people describe American society as a salad bowl while others think of it as a melting pot.In a bowl of salad,all the ingredients are mixed together. 1 Together,however,the ingredients make up a unity.All the ingredients of a salad contribute to the finished product.They may be covered with the same dressing(调味酱),but the green vegetables,tomatoes and cooked corn can all be seen for what they are.From this point of view,America is very much like a salad bowl where individual ethnic groups mix together,yet maintain their cultural uniqueness.People may work together during the day at similar jobs and in the same companies,but at night they may return to their ethnic groups where their own individual culture directs their way of life.2 Each ethnic group has its own special customs,language,food and traditions to protect and defend.This idea of the salad bowl is referred to as cultural diversity;that is,American society is a collection of various cultures living together in harmony within one country.3 Here,society is like one large pot of soup.All cultural aspects are mixed together,sacrificing their original identity and keeping a bit of what they were to become a new reality.The longer the soup is cooked,the better the taste and the more likely it will be for the mixture to dissolve.In this sense,America can surely be seen as a melting pot where people from all over the world come to live and work together forming one nation.There are dozens of shared symbols. 4 In such a culture,symbols like the flag and the nation’s official song serve to break down the walls which separate ethnic groups.Whether a salad bowl or a melting pot,America can be best described as a mixture of both. 5A.Both are correct depending on one’s point of view.B.They never lose their shapes,colors or tastes.C.This is why there is so much diversity within America.D.In other words,America is a nation where there is unity in diversity. E.Thus,one needs to abandon one’s culture to be considered “American”.F.They serve to develop the various ethnic groups to create a new American culture.G.The other theory,which is also used to describe American society,is the melting pot.1.答案 B解析由空后的“Together,however,th e ingredients make up a unity.”及本段最后一句中的“...can be seen for what they are.”可知选B项。
2.答案 C解析全段都是讲的美国有如此多的差异性的原因,故选C项。
3.答案G解析从空后面一句“...society is like one large pot of soup.”这是和前面不同的观点。
4.答案 F解析由关键词In such a culture,可以推断选项F中的a new American culture与之相符。
5.答案 D解析总结句选择。
由In other words可以看出这是对本文总结的另一种说法。
BMoving abroad can be a challenging experience.You leave your family,friends and everything you know behind.You enter a new culture where the customs and sometimes the languages are different. 6 .It’s a time to discover new things,make new friends and begin a new adventure.So what are the best ways to involve yourself in the new culture while living abroad?Live with a native speaker7 .First,you have a friend!Living alone can be a lonely experience,especially if you’re far from home.I’ve also had the opportunity to meet my housemate’s friends and socialize(交往) with them. 8 .In addition,you have someone to tell you about the cultural customs and interesting places in the area.Socialize with the local peopleThe thought of making friends and mixing with the local people may seem scary at first but it’s worth it. 9 ,attending an evening class or participating in alanguage exchange with people that are interested in learning your native language.10The food in France is amazing and discovering new food is a fun experience.I’ve tried things that I’ve never tried before.My knowledge of different bread and cheese types has grown greatly.A.Try the local foodB.But it’s also exciti ngC.I currently volunteer with homeless peopleD.You can also speak the local language every dayE.Improve my French vocabulary and understandingF.You can meet other people in the area by joining a clubG.There are many advantages of living with a native speaker语篇解读本文介绍了几种我们在国外的时候尽快适应当地人生活的方法。
6.答案 B解析根据空格前的内容“You enter a new culture where...are different.”及空格后的内容“It’s a time to discover new things...a new adventure.”可知,空格处起承上启下的作用。
7.答案G解析根据该段小标题“Live with a native speaker”可知,应选G。
8.答案 D解析该段主要讲述了与本地人一起居住的好处,故选D。
9.答案 F解析根据该段小标题“Socialize with the local people”及下文的“attending an evening class or participating in a language exchange”可知,空格处内容应是关于与当地人交往的具体做法,故选F。
10.答案 A解析这里填的应该是主题句,是对下文的一个总结。