文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习古希腊宗教- 宗教特点古希腊的宗教在其发展过程中,逐渐形成了一些特点,这些特点可以概括为如下几点。
《西方礼仪文化》习题 (1)
![《西方礼仪文化》习题 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5b280ba6f121dd36a32d8223.png)
1 伯罗奔泥撒战争时期,战争双方各自建立了哪一组同盟关系而相互抗衡:(C)
2 以下哪一项是苏格拉底被判死刑时雅典政府公布的罪名:(A )
3 以下哪一位著名人物是亚历山大大帝的教师:(C )
1/ 12。
文化问答测试题及答案解析一、选择题1. 中国的四大发明是什么?A. 造纸术、印刷术、火药、指南针B. 造纸术、印刷术、火药、丝绸C. 造纸术、印刷术、火药、瓷器D. 指南针、印刷术、火药、瓷器答案:A2. 以下哪部作品是莎士比亚的四大悲剧之一?A. 《哈姆雷特》B. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》C. 《威尼斯商人》D. 《第十二夜》答案:A3. 以下哪个国家不是欧洲国家?A. 法国B. 德国C. 意大利D. 巴西答案:D二、填空题1. 被称为“诗仙”的唐代诗人是______。
答案:李白2. 希腊神话中的智慧女神是______。
答案:雅典娜3. 世界四大文明古国包括古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度和______。
答案:中国三、简答题1. 请简述“文艺复兴”运动的主要内容。
2. 请简述孔子的教育理念。
四、论述题1. 论述中国古典文学中“四大名著”的文学价值。
2. 论述西方现代艺术与古典艺术的主要区别。
西方文化概论考试题一、选择题1. 西方文化的起源可以追溯到以下哪个时期?A. 古希腊时期B. 文艺复兴时期C. 工业革命时期D. 当代现代化时期2. 哪位希腊哲学家被认为是西方文化的奠基人?A. 亚里士多德B. 柏拉图C. 西塞罗D. 苏格拉底3. 文艺复兴运动是在哪个国家兴起的?A. 法国B. 英国C. 意大利D. 德国4. 哪本书是英国文艺复兴时期最重要的著作之一?A. 《圣经》B. 《简·爱》C. 《哈姆雷特》D. 《唐吉诃德》5. 哪位科学家被称为现代物理学之父?A. 牛顿B. 达尔文C. 哥白尼D. 欧几里德二、判断题判断下列说法是否正确,正确的在括号内写“√”,错误的写“×”。
1. (√)《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚的作品,属于英国文艺复兴时期的戏剧。
2. (×)文艺复兴运动对欧洲其他国家的文化影响不大,主要局限于意大利地区。
3. (√)工业革命对西方社会产生了巨大的影响,使之从传统农业社会转变为现代工业社会。
4. (×)西方文化的核心是个人主义和自由,与集体主义和权威主义完全不同。
5. (√)西方文化中的人文主义强调人的尊严和价值,提倡人类的自由发展和个体意识的觉醒。
三、问答题1. 请简要介绍西方文化的主要特点和价值观。
2. 西方文化中的哪些艺术形式对世界产生了深远的影响?西方文化中的艺术形式包括文学、音乐、绘画、雕塑、戏剧和电影等。
西方文化导论选择题10道填空题10道概念题4道问答题2道〔课后题〕一、概念题1.Da VinciLeonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his interests were without precedent and "his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote". Marco Rosci points out, however, that while there is much speculation about Leonardo, his vision of the world is essentially logical rather than mysterious, and that the empirical methods he employed were unusual for his time.2. ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regardedas the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.3.black humorThe definition of black humor is problematic; it has been argued that it corresponds to the earlier concept of gallows humor; and that, as humor has been defined since Freud as a edic act that anesthetizes an emotion, all humor is "black humor," and that there is no such thing as "non-black humor".二、填空题1.Pindar is best known for his odes celebrating the victories at the athletic games, such as the 14 Olympic odes.2. The three great tragic dramatists of ancient Greece are Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.3. Aeschylus wrote such plays as Prometheus Bound, Persians and Agamemnon.4. Euripides〔欧里庇得斯〕wrote mainly about women in such plays as Andromache, Medea, and Trojan Women.5. edy also flourished in the 5th century B. C.. Its best writer wasAristophanes, who has left eleven plays, including Frogs, Clouds, Wasps and Birds.6. Euripides _ is the first writer of "problem plays".7. Herodotus〔希罗多德〕is often called “Father of History〞. He wrote about the wars between Greeks and Persians.8. Thucydides〔修西得底斯〕described the war between Athens and Sparta and between Athens and Syracuse, a Greek state on the Island of Sicily. 9. Pythagoras〔毕达哥拉斯〕was a bold thinker who had the idea that all things were numbers.10. Pythagoras was the founder of scientific mathematics.11. She-wolf is the statue which illustrates the legend of creation of Roman.12. The dividing range in the Roman history refers to 27 B.C.13. “I came, I saw, I conquered.〞is said by Julius Caesar.14. Jesus went with his disciples to Jerusalem for the Passover, but was betrayed by Judas.15. In 313 the Edict of Milan(米兰敕令) was issued by Constantine I and granted religious freedom to all and made Christianity legal.16. In 392 A.D, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religions of the empire and outlawed all other religions.17.Charlemagne,who temporarily restored order in western and central Europe, was perhaps the most important figure of the medieval period. 18. Charlemagne was crowed “Emperor of the Romans〞by the Pope in800.19. The Summa Theologica〔?神学大全?〕by St. Thomas Aquinas〔forms an enormous system and sums up all the knowledge of medieval theology. 20. In 18th-century England, two writers must be mentioned as far as the periodical essay is concerned: Addison and Steele.21. Both Addison and Steele contributed to The Tatler and The Spectator, two series of periodical essays.22. In 1492the Moors〔摩尔人〕that had ruled Spain for four centuries were driven out from their last stronghold.23. In 1492Columbus discovered American and claimed America for Spain.24. The most important contributions to the musical world by Beethoven were in those musical forms associated with the growth of the sonata).25. Swan Lake was posed by Tchaikovsky.三、选择题1. Where did the Renaissance start with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture?A. in Greece and RomeB. in Florence and VeniceC. in Milan and FlorenceD. in Italy and Germany2. When did the Renaissance reach its height with its center moving to Milan, then to Rome, and created High Renaissance?A. in the 11th centuryB. in the 15th century thC. in the 16 centuryD. in the 17th century3. Which of the following works is written by Boccaccio?A. DecameronB. CanzoniersC. DavidD. Moses4. Which of the following High Renaissance artists is the father of the modern mode of painting?A. RaphaelB. TitianC. da VinciD. Michelangelo5. Which of the following High Renaissance artists was best known for his Madonna (Virgin Mary)?A. TitianB. da VinciC. MichelangeloD. Raphael6. Who took up the translation of the Bible into English for the first time?A. Jan HusB. John WyliffC. Martin LutherD. John Calvin9. Who is the author Institutes of the Christian Religion?A. John WycliffB. Jan HusC. John CalvinD. Erasmus10. By which year the Moslems had taken over the last Christian stronghold and won the crusades and ruled all the territory in Palestine that the crusaders had fought to control?A. 1270B. 1254C. 1096D. 129111. Which of the following was crowned “Emperor of the Romans〞by the Pope in 800? A. St. Thomas Aquinas B. Charlemagne C. Constantine D. King James12. Who was the ruler of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex and contributed greatly to the medieval European culture?A. Charles IB. Constantine IC. Alfred the GreatD. Charles the Great13. Does Song of Roland belong to which country’s epic?A. EnglishB. GermanicC. HebrewD. French14. Who is the author of the Opus Maius〔?新工具论?〕?A. Roger BaconB. Dante AlighieriC. ChaucerD. St. Thomas Aquinas15. Which of the following is NOT the greatest tragic dramatist of ancient Greece? A. Aristophanes B. Euripides C. Sophocles D. Aeschylus。
《西方文化导论》综合复习第一章西方文化的起源一、填空1 、希腊历史的第一页是___非洲_____ 文明的历史。
爱琴海文明指的是爱琴海地区的青铜文化,先后形成了两大中心:________ 和________ ,因此又通称克里特岛- 迈锡尼文化。
2 、公元前________ 年期间,是克里特文化最为繁盛的时代。
克里特文化的中心是________ ,传说中的________ 国王建立了海上霸权,控制了整个爱琴海地区。
克里特的文字经历了象形文字和线形文字两大发展阶段,在它的繁盛期,线形文字全岛通用,这种文字又称________ ,以区别迈锡尼的________ 。
3 、迈锡尼文化以________ 而得名,但它实际上是希腊本土文化青铜文化的通称,是________ 的继续,只不过又加上了希腊民族文化的一些要素。
4 、荷马时代的艺术主要表现为________ ,陶器表面多用________ 来装饰,所以荷马时代的考古文化通称为________ 风格文化。
5 、爱琴海文明经历了一个盛极而衰的过程。
随着希腊文化中心的北移,希腊文化也越来越摆脱了________ 和________ 文明的巨大影响,形成了具有特色的希腊民族文化。
奠定了日后________ 的根基。
二、名词解释1 、迈锡尼文化2 、荷马史诗三、问答题:1 、荷马史诗的成就是什么?第二章希腊古典时代的文化一、填空1 、在古希腊史上,通常把公元前8 世纪- 前6 世纪称为________ ,这是古希腊文化发展和形成的重要时期;公元前6 世纪以后直至马其顿征服希腊,称为________ ,是上古希腊文化发展的鼎盛时期;古典时代以后到奥古斯都打败安东尼这一时期,为________ ,是上古希腊文化广泛传播于_______ 、________ 、________ 三大洲许多地区的时代,同时也是希腊文化没落的时代。
2 、希腊人信奉的新神是从_______ 开始的, 神宫建在_______ 山上,娶其姐_______ 为后,有智慧女神_______ ,太阳神________ ,爱神_______ 。
英语角欧美知识文化竞赛题(初、决赛汇总)初赛第一轮(8人)判断题1.Hamburger 起源与美国, yes or no? 对2.在希腊,当某人向你翘起大拇指表示: You are so good. Yes or no? 错3.Fourth of July is Independence Day. Yes or no? 对4.Dragon 在中国古时候是帝王的象征,西方国家也是如此. Yes or no? 错5.There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. Yes or no? 对6.Hot dog is very popular in U. S. Yes or no? 对7.当你与外国客人共进晚餐,中途,你想上洗手间,这时你通常会说: Sorry. Yes or no? 对8.Tom. Smith, Tom 是姓, Smith 是名. Yes or no? 错9.在美国,无论是火警还是匪警都拨911. Yes or no? 错10. Make hamburger out of somebody. 是指给某人做汉堡包. Yes or no? 错11. 当你收到外国友人的礼物时, 应当面拆开, 赞美对方的礼物的同时向对方表示感谢. Yes or no? 对12. Eat noodles 在中国人的生日上是必不可少的,它象征着长寿健康. Yes or no? 对13. 当你遇到一位女性, 不知道她是否已婚, 你通常称她为Miss. Yes or no? 对14. 在美国, 人们通常称校长为principal, 在英国则称为headmaster. Yes or no? 对15. The first floor 在美国是指第一层楼. Yes or no? 对16. 在西方国家, thirty 是不吉利的数字. Yes or no? 错选择题C1、澳大利亚的首都是?A、悉尼B、墨尔本C、堪培拉A2、美国哪个城市位于密歇根东南部,与加拿大相邻,是美国中西部工业中心,全球三大汽车公司总部都设在这里,号称“汽车工业王国”?A、底特律B、纽约C、休斯敦B3、Yahoos(野胡)是下列哪部文学作品中出现的名词?A、《鲁宾逊漂流记》B、《格列佛游记》C、《乌托邦》4、被称为“枫叶之国”的是?A、新西兰B、加拿大C、荷兰5、美国南北的分界线是密苏里河,东西分界线是?A、密西西比河B、哈德逊河C、安大略湖6、名著《呼啸山庄》采用了以下哪种叙事方法?A、倒叙B、插叙C、补叙7、美国文化的象征不包括?A、美国哥特式B、芭比娃娃C、自由女神像D、山姆大叔E、野牛镍币F、美国白宫8、伊丽莎白时期最盛行的文学形式是?A、戏剧B、小说C、诗歌9、下列不是海明威的作品的是?A、《太阳照常升起》B、《乞力马扎罗的雪》C、《百年孤独》(哥伦比亚·加西亚马尔克斯)10、橄榄球起源于哪个国家?A、英国B、美国C、法国11、下列不属于美国报刊的是?A、时代周刊B、泰晤士报(英国历史最悠久)C、读者文摘12、《鲁滨逊漂流记》的主人公鲁滨逊·克鲁索在孤岛上生存了多少年?A、八年B、十八年C、二十八年13、美国南北战争期间在位的总统领导的北方军最终获胜,废除了奴隶制度,此任总统是?A、华盛顿B、林肯C、罗斯福14、不是英国浪漫主义诗人的是?A、济慈B、华兹华斯C、丁尼生(维多利亚时期诗人)15、巴黎圣母院属于西方美术上哪种风格的建筑?A、哥特式B、巴洛克式C、拜占庭式16、下列哪一部是萧伯纳的作品?A、《尤利西斯》(爱尔兰·乔伊斯)B、《芭芭拉少校》C、《动物农庄》(批判主义作家乔治·奥威尔)问答题1、天主教的七宗罪有哪些?请列举至少四个。
一、单项选择题1.最早出自罗马的是以下哪一项制度?()A、封建制B、民主制C、共和制D、城邦制答案: C2.被称为“英雄时代”,是希腊文明中的()。
A、克里特文明时代B、希腊文明时代C、迈锡尼文明时代D、黑暗时代答案: D3.atom在古希腊被认为是()的意思。
A、本质B、物质C、不可分D、种子答案: C4.在古希腊,以下哪一位是米利都学派的创始人,被誉为自然哲学之父?()A、苏格拉底B、柏拉图C、亚里士多德D、泰勒斯答案: D5.以下哪一项是罗马法的一般性的哲学基础和法理学基础?A、《万民法》B、《公民法》C、《外邦法》D、《自然法》答案: D6.古罗马在公元前450年制定的《十二铜表法》是()。
A、成文法B、习惯法C、公民法D、交易法答案: A7.罗马人认为罗马起源的传说和以下哪一种动物有关?()A、狼B、豹C、狗D、狮子答案: A8.凯撒最终遭到()刺杀而身亡。
A、屋大维B、埃及艳后C、罗马元老D、高卢人答案: C二、判断题1.在罗马历中,将七月献给奥古斯都,将八月献给凯撒。
西方文化 试题及答案
![西方文化 试题及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/42300f1bf11dc281e53a580216fc700aba685262.png)
西方文化的特点主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 传统与现代相结合:西方文化在长期的发展过程中,历经多个时期和重大事件的冲击、变革。
2. 科技与创新:西方文化注重科学技术的发展与应用,强调创新和实用性。
3. 个人价值与自由:西方文化强调个人的价值和权利,主张尊重个体的自由和独立思考的能力。
4. 多元开放与国际交流:西方文化接纳多元文化,促进国际交流,以开放的心态对待其他文化。
1. 挑战:全球化带来的文化冲击。
2. 机遇:文化多元促进创新与发展。
3. 挑战:社会价值观的多元化和冲突。
4. 机遇:推动全球性的社会问题解决。
《西方文化导论》练习题 (1)
![《西方文化导论》练习题 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8412ba51be23482fb4da4cd0.png)
Chapter One Greek CultureI. Fill in the blanks:1.European culture is made up of many elements, two of theseelements are considered to be more enduring and they are the Greco-Roman(希腊罗马的)element and the Judeo-Christian (犹太教与基督教的)element.2.Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5thcentury.3.In the second half of the 4th century B. C., all Greece wasbrought under the rule of Alexander, king of Macedon.4.In 146 B. C. the Romans conquered Greece.5.Revived in 1896, the Olympic Games have beco me the world’sforemost amateur sports competition.6.Ancient Greeks considered Homer to be the author of theirepics.7.The Homer's epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey .8.The Iliad deals with the alliance of the states of the southernmainland of Greece, led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy.9.The Odyssey deals with the return of Odysseus after the Trojanwar to his home, island of Ithaca.10.The representation form of Greek Democracy iscitizen-assembly.(公民大会)11.Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece, two are still admiredby readers today: Sappho and Pindar.12.Sappho was considered the most important lyric poet of ancientGreece.13.Pindar is best known for his odes celebrating the victories at the athleticgames, such as the 14 Olympic odes.14.The three great tragic dramatists of ancient Greece areAeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.15.Aeschylus wrote such plays as Prometheus Bound, Persians andAgamemnon.16.Sophocles wrote such tragic plays as Oedipus the King(俄狄浦斯王), Electra(伊莱克特拉(谋杀其母及其情人者), and Antigone. Oedipus complex(恋母情结)and Electra complex(恋父情结) derived from Sophocles’ plays.17.Euripides(欧里庇得斯)wrote mainly about women in suchplays as Andromache, Medea, and Trojan Women.edy also flourished in the 5th century B. C.. Its best writerwas Aristophanes, who has left eleven plays, including Frogs, Clouds, Wasps and Birds.19.Euripides _ is the first writer of "problem plays".20.Herodotus(希罗多德)is often called “Father of History”. Hewrote about the wars between Greeks and Persians.21.Thucydides(修西得底斯)described the war between Athensand Sparta and between Athens and Syracuse, a Greek state on the Island of Sicily.22.Pythagoras(毕达哥拉斯)was a bold thinker who had the ideathat all things were numbers.23.Pythagoras was the founder of scientific mathematics.24.Heracleitus(赫拉克利特) believed fire to the primary element ofthe universe, out of which everything else had arisen.25.The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates, Platoand Aristotle.26.In the 4th century B. C., four schools of philosophers oftenargued with each other, they are the Cynics(犬儒学派), the Sceptics(怀疑论学派), the Epicureans(伊壁鸠鲁学派), and the Stoics(斯多葛学派).27.Euclid(欧几里得) is well-known for his Elements《几何原本》,a textbook of geometry. 28.To illustrate the principle of the level, Archimedes is said tohave told the king: “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.”29.Greek architecture can be grouped into three styles: the Doric(多利安式)style which is also called the masculine style; the Ionic(爱奥尼亚式)style which is also called the feminine style;and a later style that is called the Corinthian(科林斯式)style.30.The Acropolis at Athens(雅典卫城)and the Parthenon(万神殿) are the finest monument of Greek architecture and sculpture in more than 2000 years.II. Multiple choices:1.Which culture reached a high point of development in the 5thcentury B. C.?A. Greek CultureB. Roman CultureC. Egyptian CultureD. Chinese Culture2.In _______ the Roman conquered Greece.A. 1200B.C. B. 700 B. C. C. 146 B.C.D. The 5th century3.Which of the following works described the war led byAgamemnon against the city of Troy?A. Oedipus the KingB. IliadC. OdysseyD. Antigone4.Which of the following is NOT the plays written by Aeschylus?A. AntigoneB. AgamemnonC. PersiansD. Prometheus Bound5.Which of the following is NOT the plays written by Sophocles?A. ElectraB. AntigoneC. Trojan WomanD. Oedipus the King6.Which of the following is the play written by Euripides?A. AntigoneB. PersiansC. ElectraD. Medea7.Which of the following is NOT the greatest tragic dramatist ofancient Greece?A. AristophanesB. EuripidesC. SophoclesD. Aeschylus8.Who ever said that “You can not step twice into the same river.”?A. PythagorasB. HeracleitusC. AristotleD. Plato9.Who was the founder of scientific mathematics?A. HeracleitusB. AristotleC. SocratesD. Pythagoras10.Who is chiefly noted for his doctrine that “man is the measure ofall things”?A. ProtagorasB. PythagorasC. PyrrhonD. EpicurusChapter Two Roman CultureI. Fill in the blanks:1.The burning of Corinth in 146 B. C. marked Roman conquest ofGreece, which was then reduced to a province of the Roman Empire.2.The Roman writer Horace said: “Captive Greece took her rudeconqueror captive”.大意:征服者反被被征服者所征服。
1. 希腊古典建筑的典型代表是:
a) 吕基亚神庙
b) 罗马斗兽场
c) 华沙皇家城堡
d) 拜占庭圣索菲亚大教堂
2. 下列哪位艺术家是文艺复兴时期的代表人物?
a) 莫奈
b) 达芬奇
c) 梵高
d) 伦勃朗
3. 莎士比亚的四大悲剧不包括:
a) 《哈姆雷特》
b) 《奥赛罗》
c) 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》
d) 《麦克白》
4. “自由女神像”是哪个美国城市的象征?
a) 纽约
b) 华盛顿特区
c) 芝加哥
d) 旧金山
5. 德国哲学家尼采以哪个主题著称?
a) 不可知论
b) 逻辑学
c) 存在主义
d) 辩证法
1. 文艺复兴运动起源于(意大利),并逐渐传播到整个欧洲。
2. 著名的绘画作品《蒙娜丽莎》是由(列奥纳多·达·芬奇)创作的。
3. 哥特式建筑以其(尖顶)和飞扶壁的特征而著名。
4. “我思故我在”是由(笛卡尔)提出的哲学思想。
5. 欧洲哲学史上被称为“启蒙时代”的时期是(17至18世纪)。
(1) Give a brief account of the major achievements of Greek culture, such as those in religion, philosophy, literature and science.Greek religion really took shape during the Homeric Age and featured polytheism with gods taking human form and feeling. Greek religion made a great contribution to Greek literature, philosophy and art. It is an important origin of Greek mythology which was fully developed by the religious tales of the Homeric epic and thus affected the later development of all kinds of Greek culture.Greek philosophy started with Thales (640 BC–547 BC) who believed that the material world originated in water. His philosophy was materialism. He was followed by Pythagoras who assumed that the key to the understanding of the world is numbers, on the opposition of the spokesman for idealism.The core Greek philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates had scant regard for material wealth, but was keen on probing into the definition of some ethical and behavioral issues, such as “friendship”and “courage”.Plato established the Academy -the first Greek institution of higher learning. His contributions included his theory of ideas and his arguments on “republic”which was supposed to embrace his ideals about a future state where humans could enjoy a happy life. Aristotle is also a learned man and his work covers wide-ranging areas. His reputation as a philosopher largely depends on his argument on metaphysics which he tried to achieve a compromise between matter and divinity. Literary representation centred round the two epic poems of the Iliad and the Odyssey, lyrical poetry by Sappho and Pindar and drama by Aeschylus, Euripides and Aristophanes. Their works combined Greek myths and social life and won much appreciation and enthusiasm from the public.In science the mathematician Euclid established plane geometry and Archimedes discovered the ratio of radius of a circle and the relationship between the volume and surface of a sphere.(2) What do you think of the influence Greek culture has exerted on Western civilization as a whole? Give examples.Greek culture is often termed the cradle of the Western civilization and has had an enormous impact on Western culture. The specific contributions are found in the areas of philosophy, politics, literature, art, science and architecture.Greek politics was one of the greatest influences on the Western civilization. The Greeks were the first to successfully create a government based on the consensus of the people and thus provided a foundation for Western democracy.The second significant influence was that of philosophy. The Socratic idea about ethics and knowledge helped the Westerners care more for the effect of knowledge and value of morality, both of which give sound guidance to people in the later years to improve and change the world outside themselves, i.e., human society and the natural world.Later generations of Westerners have benefited a lot from Greek culture, such as those in painting, sculpture, architecture, drama, poetry and historical works. Classicism had Greek culture as one of the crucial sources, and this has helped Westerners so much that they ascribed the origin of the Renaissance to it. This changed the intellectual conditions of the later medieval period and opened the way to the modern era in the West.Chapter 21. Tell briefly the major characteristics and contributions of Roman culture, as are demonstrated in religion, poetry, history and architecture.In the early period, Roman culture often depended heavily on the introduction and imitation of other cultures, particularly, Greek culture. Thus Romans created their own powerful culture, laying the foundation for subsequent Western culture in many fields. According to Greek culture and others’ culture; they created their own gods and myth, In poetry, ancient Rome made brilliant achievements,Livy was responsible for the great History of Rome in 142 volumes. His work has always been cited by later statesmen, writers or scholars,The architecture of Ancient Rome adopted the Greek style for its own purposes, but the Romans also developed a new kind.2. In what sense do you think Roman culture owed its accomplishments to the benefits obtained from Greek culture? Give examples.Roman culture learned and inherited a lot from Greek culture.,religion, philosophy and literature. In religion, Rome had its own system of beliefs which had been simple and could hardly compare with the plurality of Greek religion. The same is true of Roman philosophy where we could find examples ,In literature, Roman men of letters also borrowed a All in all, the two cultures are closely linkedgreat deal from Greek culture.Chapter 31. How was the Jewish civilization developed after a tortuous history of split and unification? The major explanation for the development of the Jewish civilization is its strong cohesiveness and vitality,they put into effect their Judaist beliefs and what they read of Judaist scriptures.From then on Jews have begun to become aware of the necessicity to liberate themselves from the restrictive laws and acquire new knowledge and modern ideas from the Europeans, Most of Jews thus received a good education, fully armed with cultural and scientific knowledge and did well in their own position they could quickly turn it into a well developed nation in spite of its small size and small population .2.Say something about Judaism and The Old Testament.The Old Testament is the Judaist Bible. It was written in Hebrew, including the three parts:Pentateuch, Prophets and Hagiographa and Apocrypha. After The Old Testament was translated into Greek by Jewish scholars,many westerners began to understand Judaism by reading this book. It is not only of religious value but also of literatry value.Chapter 41. What are the main components of Christianity and why could it be accepted as the official religion first by the Roman Empire and then by the following kingdoms or empires in Europe?(1)The main components of Christianity are :1) The Bible as the only Christian scripture;Major Christian doctrines about Trinity and Redemption;3) Other doctrines or events of Christianity:(2 )Christianity is accepted and popular in Europe because of these factors:1).For the common people in the empire ,they needed something to fill up their spiritual vacuum. Christianity could play such a role.2). It could work together with any secular regimes to offer necessary assistance.3). The name and influence of Christiaity would be a symbol of sacredness and justification,4) Christianity is also a kind of culture, it could be tolerated because their life and propertycould thus be secured in the changed circumstances.2. What are the basic differences between Christianity and Judaism?In spite of the fact that the two religions derived from Jewish culture, there are some basic differences between them.First is the different image of God.Second is different view of God. Jehovah is viewed He is like fire or wind .God is kinder and more helpful, Third is the different position each religion is located in and hence would make different contribution. Fourth is Jehovah was important to Jews only in theory and affect them in spirit occasionally while Christianity moved into secular life for the Westerner as Pope and churches became very powerful .Chapter 61.Tell simply the background and development of the Renaissance.It was no accident that it first occurred in Florence and Italy where the early signs of capitalism had appeared at the same time as social chaos, political disputes and military clashes , more and more people began to suspect the justification for those who held the power,Painting and sculpture were the first area to reflect the change of subjects and tastes.(2) What are the major features and achievements of the Renaissance? Give examples.The Renaissance is characterised by seeking ideological emancipation, intellectual freedom and political awareness, based on cultural production and religious reformation. All these were undertaken or unfolded gradually but widely, extending its influences to every corner of Europe, with more and more people getting involved.The achievements were seen principally in six areas, namely, painting, sculpture, poetry, fiction, drama and religious reformation as well as the change in the cultural and intellectual climate. Instances could be located in these areas, such as the huge change of subjects and styles in painting. The medieval painting used to centre on depicting Jesus Christ and other Christian subjects, not only effecting similar and the limited subject matter, but also depicting stylistically facial expressions and manners. The great artists in the Renaissance started to focus on the images with individualistic temperament, highlighting humanity instead of divinity, thus breaking away from the medieval frozen models and linking classicalism with human nature as the centre of their representational work.。
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1.Summarize in your own words the contributions of the Greek culture to the modern western civilization. In what wayThe spirit of free inquiry, the theory and practice of democracy, the major forms of art and literature and philosophical thought, and the emphasis on individual freedom and individual responsibility---these are the splendid legacy of Greece to humanity.2.Greeks and Romans:cultural similarities and differencesThe Romans were ready to learn from other cultures, esp. Greek culture. To a large degree, it was the Romans who brought Greek culture to world attention.Similarities :Language,Greek and Latin work in a similar way, for they both belong to the Into-European family.political ideas,The citizen-assembly plays an important role in both political life.Artistic styles,The Romans recognized the richness of Greek art and architecture, and they sought to emulate the Greek masters -- and the Greek styles and themes -- in their own art. religious beliefs,As the Greeks, the Romans believed in many gods. Also for them a different god looked after a different part of life.Differences:Polis vs Cosmopolitanism, the Greeks had thought of the world as consisting of city-states. The Romans came to think of the entire world as a city in which every man might enjoy privileges of citizenship. They looked forward to a world composed of the most diverse elements and people.Self-interest vs duty,The Romans did not see their public and private roles as necessarily conflicting with one another. The height of one's wisdom was to know one's duty and then to do it, and not to pursue self-interest. In this sense, the Romans were natural Stoics.Chaos vs order,The Romans were optimistic about life whereas the Greeks were not. The Greeks saw chaos in the world. The Romans experienced that same chaos but held out for the possibility of bringing order out of that chaos. The Romans managed to translate their thought into actions.3.Give a brief introduction to Locke’s life, ideas and great works.John Locke (1632–1704) was a British philosopher, Oxford academic and medical researcher. He was also an economic writer, oppositional political activist, and finally a revolutionary whose cause ultimately triumphed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. Much of Locke’s work is characterized by opposition to authoritarianism. For the individual, Locke wants each of us to seek truth by reasoning rather than simply accept the opinion of authorities. On the level of institutions it becomes important to distinguish the legitimate from the illegitimate functions of institutions and to make the corresponding distinction for the uses of force by these institutions.4.one or two db figures of the Enlightenment and their central ideas.Voltaire and Montesquieu are two of the representative figures of the Enlightenment. Voltaire exposed the dark side of France such as the corruption and injustice of Christianity by launching his theory on human nature. Also, he argued for the freedom and equality of ordinary people.Montesquieu’s political theory developed the principle of dividing political power although the principle itself was not his invention. Montesquieu contributed significantly to the establishment of the modern Western state by exposing the nature of state and human beings in his great work Spirit of Law .For Montesquieu, it was climate that contributed most to the formation of a society and he believed it was shown in national character, political system, marriage codes, religion, and the use of slavery.5.The significance of the EnlightenmentThe Enlightenment, a period that Thomas Paine called the Age of Reason, was a great movement giving much impetus to the growth of social and cultural forces of the human civilization. With rationalism as the core of the Enlightenment, it cast doubt upon and strongly criticizing Christian theology and religious obscurantism, while promoting the dissemination of the new ideas of freedom, equality and democracy among the masses of people. The ideas of liberty, equality and democracy started from the Enlightenment have affected the human behaviors in the historical process towards the modern world.6.Enlightenment is linked to the drastic changes leading to the modern world? The Enlightenment initiated the drastic changes leading to the modern world. It served as a continuation of the Renaissance and provided the impetus for the successive growth of social and cultural forces of modern civilization. This movement is characterized by reason, casting its doubt upon and strongly criticizing Christian theology and religious obscurantism while promoting the dissemination of the new ideas of freedom, equality and democracy among the masses of people. This brought under serious attack the feudal autocracy and Christian Church hegemony,and laying a solid political and intellectual foundation for the approaching bourgeois revolution.7.The origin and the major concerns of Romanticism. Give examples.Romanticism originated out of the craving for individual freedom by the young intellectuals who could not tolerate ideological and intellectual oppression derived from classicism and rationalism imposed by the ruling class and traditional culture.To some extent it was a reaction against the Enlightenment and the 18th-century rationalism and materialism in general. It demanded more reasonable attention to human passion and individuality as a way to reach real human emancipation and freedom.The major concerns of Romanticism comparised individualism, emotionalism, worship of nature, fascination with the alien aspects of foreign lands, enthusiasm for nationalism and often expressed an air of disillusionment.8.Realistic writers ,shared the common points of realism.All the realistic novels share the following points:i. criticism of the dark forces of societyii.sympathy for the poor, the good and the weak iii.attacks against the system or other deep-rooted social evilsiv. a mixture of diverse ideas9.The similarities and dissimilarities between realism and naturalism?The similarities of realism and naturalism lie in the fact that they both aim to describe real life and try to reveal the nature of social reality, especially the dark side of human society. But in the ways of representation, they differ in the following aspects: first, the naturalist writer does not focus on a typical environment or typical characters for representation of reality, and instead, they would attempt to depict real life as it is by sticking to the inherent factor which would usually lead to he cause or motivation of certain events or behaviours; Second, the naturalist writer emphasizes more of the influence of environment on human nature and behaviour by exposing the dark and evil aspect of human society which is not just similar to social realism buteven more violent and barbarous and emotional.10.Utilitarianism is established by Jeremy Bentham and perfected by John Stuart Mill. Can you explain what utilitarianism is and compare the different ideas Bentham and Mill held. Utilitarianism holds two basic principles: the psychological principle of the association of ideas and the achievement of the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people. Both Bentham and Mill agree that utilitarianism includes not only the pursuit of happiness, but also the avoidance of pain. But to Bentham, utility could only differ in degree and quantity. To Mill, utility is also different in quality and happiness could be classified by advantages. He argued that sensible, emotional and moral happiness was much more valuable than physical happiness. 11.O n e representative character from German classical philosophers ,make a brief remark on his contribution.Immanuel Kant was an 18th-century German classical philosopher. He is regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of modern Europe and of the late Enlightenment. Kant created a new widespread perspective in philosophy which influenced European philosophy through and after his lifetime. He also published important works of epistemology, as well as works relevant to religion, law, and history. His most important works is the Critique of Pure Reason, an investigation into the limitations and structure of reason itself. It encompasses an attack on traditional metaphysics and epistemology, and highlights Kant’s own contribution to these areas. Kant’s great con tribution lies in his interpretation of human epistemology: the ultimate nature of reality of the “things in themselves”remains forever unaccessible to the human mind and what we can know is only its phenomena.12.The features and contributions of classical economics.Classical economics is widely regarded as the beginning of modern economic thought. It is the idea that the free market can regulate itself. Its founders or early representatives include Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and Thomas Malthus.Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations in 1776 is usually considered to mark the beginning of classical economics. The theories of the classical school, which dominated economic thinking in Great Britain until about 1870, focused on economic growth and economic freedom, stressing laissez-faire ideas and free competition.Classical economists attempted to explain economic growth of the early capitalist society and believe the efficacy of the market has become dominant in Western economics. It is also the important source of Marxist political economics.ment on the contribution and limitations of utopian socialism.Utopian socialism refers to the beliefs held by early socialist or quasi-socialist intellectuals who created hypothetical visions of perfect egalitarian and communalist societies without practical consideration of actual conditions of the capitalist society they lived in and thus could not carry out their ideals in real social circumstances due to the powerful hindrance from both the rulingclass and social customs as well as the economic and cultural developments of their society. However, some of the utopian ideals, such as those about women’s equality and emancipation, were reasonable and attractive to the future of humanity and were consequently taken into the later theory of Marxism.It also has the limitations, like the excessive propaganda about the genius but can’t find the true place of employed labor; trust in the rulers; impractical ideas of human nature and denial of the class struggle.14.Modernism, including its performance and features.Modernism, in its broadest sense, is modern thought, character, or practice. Modernism--despite its complexity and multiplicity in terms of ideological tendencies and representation modes, could be regarded basically to be irrational, that is, in opposition to rational tradition of the Western culture and civilization. History has repeatedly proved that any radical drive or trend could not last long and so did modernism. The reason is simple,no one could not reject all the inheritances his ancestors have passed on to him . After modernism, particularly the cultural people or intellectuals, have to take a lesson from Modernist Movement, that they should be cautious about the way to handle cultural heritage and need to try to make use of the positive elements from tradition.15.Major schools of modernism, Common techniques of expression.The major schools of modernism are: symbolism, futurism, imagism, expressionism, etc.The common techniques of expression they share are: preference for the symbolic; fascination with the absurd; disillusionment with the traditional(anti-fiction,anti-drama);representation of inwardness.pared with the traditional colonial theory, what kind of new ideas were raised by the post-colonialist criticism?The ultimate goal of post-colonialism is accounting for and combating the residual effects of colonialism on cultures.Post-colonialist thinkers recognize that many of the assumptions which underlie the “logic”of colonialism are still active forces today. Exposing and deconstructing the racist,recognizing that they are not simply airy substances but have widespread material consequences for the nature and scale of global inequality makes this project all the more urgent.。