New Smart Phonics 教案范本Level 1




[终稿]思达特英语第一级教案思达特英语教案模版第一册Unit 1 Lesson 1Sing a song Date XX TopicTeacher xx Class XX教学目标 1) Learn 6 consonants.Teaching Aims 2) chant3) rap教学辅助用品 cards , tape , ruler , stickersTeaching AidsStep 1: Greetings: Hello, boys and girls. 教学过程Step 2: Warm up: Walking walking…….(简单的儿歌) TeachingStep 3: The presentation of the new material (讲授新课) Procedures a) Show cards. Ok, everybody please look at here. Who can tell me what’s the meaningthis Chinese?(po shui ) ok , the first word“泼“,listen to me carefully .b) 泼水“P p p p. Please read it & givestickers .And together say it.Ok, next one .About 6 consonants . And,review last one .(It’s very important .)c) Now, let’s listen to the tape. The first time listen carefully ; the second time together say with the tape ; and thelast time louder , please . (About chant ) And then , show cards about “ p b td k g ) practice pronants .( one byone try it )d) Let’s play a game .Put cardseverywhere , teacher say anyone letstudents find it . After game reviewthem .e) Write them . (before lessons draw four lines on the blackbord . )Step 4: Drill(操练) (oral repetition)About “Greetings”=>what’s your name?I’m…../My name is ….Hello ,xx.How are you ?I’m fine./..How old are you ?Step 4 Practice (操练)Review one more time . Step 5 Consolidation/Homework (巩固/家庭作业)1) listen to the tape & remember .2) write 6 consonants 3 times .板书设计 TitleBlackboard pinyin new lesson +cards game&match Design教学评价Assessment备忘录Memorandum Before the lesson draw 4 lines on theblackboard .Unit 1 Lesson 2Sing a song Date xx TopicTeacher xx Class xx 教学目标 1) learn 12 consonants .Teaching Aims 2) chant3) rap教学辅助用品Teaching Aids cards , tape , ruler , stickersStep 1:Greetings :Hello ,boys and girls . 教学过程Step 2:Warm up: “Hello” song.TeachingStep 3:Review : 6 cards last lesson.Procedures Step 4:The presentation of the new material (讲授新课) a)show cards .Ok, everybody please look at here . whocan tell me what’s the meaning this Chinese ?佛像Ok , Let’s together say it .Next one. 口形不变V V V (这个音孩子经常发不准,我们可以这样引导“摩托车是怎么启动的呢,V 的一声”)。

自然拼读教材Smart Phonics 亚洲创新拼读教程

自然拼读教材Smart Phonics 亚洲创新拼读教程
Level 5 双元音组合:ee, ea; oa, ow; ai, ay; oi, oy; ow,ou; ir, er, ur; ar, or; oo(长短音)
• Level 1
• 以字母本身音为教学重点,通过26个字母的拼写和拼读来实现自然拼 读课程的入门。 • 语音:掌握26个字母的单独发音及三个音节的简单拼读。熟悉一些较 难单词的整体发音。 词汇: 掌握一级词汇104个。包括拼读词汇78个,sight words 26个。 其中每个字母对应3个单词。 • 拼写: 掌握26个字母的大小写。熟悉与字母相关单词的拼写。 • 阅读:熟悉书中的8个故事,在TPR的帮助下,跟着老师说故事,并 熟练说出故事中的关键词。具备初步的阅读能力。 • 歌曲:能唱两首课程中的歌谣。 清楚了解英文课堂用语。
• 书页设计精致,有趣,活动形式丰富多样。

• •
Smart Phonics让学生在快乐的学习氛围中掌握自然拼读规律。
保障教学活动的顺利进行,可作为一套成熟的教学系统进行直接应用。为使 用者免去由于二次研发造成的大量教研成本和时间的投入。 Phonics和sight words是儿童早期阅读的两大基础,本书按级别从歌曲和阅读 中提取出现的常用词汇,列成表格,以便于教学。
Flash cards列表 • 按顺序详细列出了每一个 flashcard上的单词。 • 包括除Sight words外的所 有单词。 • 也可作为单词表使用,方 便复习。
Flash cards
• 闪卡与教学流程中所使用 的图片一致,便于学生记 忆。 • 卡片生动活泼,色彩鲜艳 明亮,深受孩子们喜爱。 • 可剪裁,便于教师在课堂 进行活动操作。

【VIP专享】New Smart Phonics 教案范本Level 2

【VIP专享】New Smart Phonics 教案范本Level 2

New Smart Phonics Level 2 教案范例Title Unit 1 Short Vowel aTime 4 lessons, 40min. / lessonTeaching Objectives 1.Learn the short vowel a and the spelling steps.2.Learn the related words.3.Learn to read the story.Teaching Content Short vowel: AaSpelling steps: a-m-am, h-am-hamKey words: dam, ham, ram, jam / cap, lap, map, nap Story:The Ram.Sight words: oh, his, has, a, on, the,Writing: dam, ham, ram, jam / cap, lap, map, napMain Points Short vowel a and the related words.DifficultPointsHow to teach the story and sight words.TeachingAidsFlash cards, sight word cards, CD playerLesson 1Teaching Steps (Main course & Activity)Teacher TalkWarm up 5 minutes Step 1: Say hello to each student, and give afive at the moment.Step 2: Say a chant “the rabbit” to make theatmosphere active.Part 1: Hello, Lily! Give me a five, sayhello to me, ok! Thank you.Part 2:Now let’s say a chant together,follow me, “rabbit rabbit jump x3, rabbitrabbit touch the ground, rabbit rabbitturn around, rabbit rabbit catch you now!Lead in 5 minutes Step 1: show students the card “cat”, teachthem how to read “cat”, pretend to talk withit, then get the sound of the cat “miao”, readthree times “cat, cat, miao miao miao” thenchange the card “dog”.Step 2: make the sound quickly as soon asthey see the card “cat and dog”.Part 1:Look, what’s this? Yes, it’s acat. Follow me “cat, cat, cat” cat has amouth, listen! What? Oh! The cat says“miao miao miao” follow me, cat catmiaomiaomiao.Part 2: when you see the cat, tell me itssound, ok? Cat cat /miao miao miao/Main course: (page 8-10) 30 minutes Step 1: Then pretend to talk to the letter aand letter m, get the sound /æ/ and /m/, read“/ æ-m/ -/æm/, then change them. Teachersays the sound, students tell the letter.Step 2:Cover the letter d, let studentsread /am/, then teach them the sound ofPart 1: Now look at this card, when yousee A, please say / æ/, a a a /æ æ æ/,when you see M, please say / m/, m m m/m m m/, so together / æ-m/ -/æm/,ok!Good job, let’s read it again.Part 2: Now boys and girls, look at theletter d, and read: /d/-/ æm/- /d æm/Step 3:Divide students into 2 groups, Prepare four word cards “__ am” and four cards “__ap” and the letter card “d, h, j, r, c, l, m, n” Teacher says the sound of the word “ ham”, students find the letter “h” and put it on “__ am”. Which group is faster, that’s the winner.Step 4:Practice the short vowel and its words. Finding friends. Prepare eight cards (they are: ham ham, ram ram, cap cap, lap lap) teacher take one card “ham”, ask students to find another ham.Step 5: Do exercise on page 10. Practice the word. Spell the word first, ask students to find its picture, then color it. picture, “ a and m”, read /am/, ok, we have a letter d, d d d /d d d/, let’s read them together, /d/-/ æm/- /d æm/, very good!Part 3: Look at the card, / æ-m/ -/æm/, / æ/-/p/-/ æp/ Listen to me, I say “ham”, you find the letter “h” quickly, and put it on the word “ __am” who is fast, who is the winner, ok? Let’s begin.Part 4: Look, there are so many cards here, what are they, Let me see, Oh, It’s “ham” we have another ham among these cards, if you can find it and read it, I’ll give you a star, ok? LilyPart 5: Look at the first word, how to read it? Ok, /æ/-/m/-/æm/ d/-/ æm/- /d æm/, we can see three pictures here, which is the dam? Ok, very good, that’s true. What color is the dam? Let’s color it.Lesson 2Teaching Steps (Main course & Activity)Teacher TalkWarm up 5 minutes Step 1:Review the short vowel and therelated words.Step 2:Sing a letter songPart 1: We’ve learned a short vowel, Doyou remember what it is? Yes, It’s a. a aa /æ æ æ/. Look at this picture, / h æ m/-/hæm/.Part 2: Ok, Let’s sing a song. “ / æ æ ææ æ/ /r- æ- m/ /ræm ræm ræm// æ æ æ æ æ/ /h- æ- m/ /hæm hæm hæm/Lead in 5 minutes Step 1:Big Wind, put a tiger card amongthe word cards, when students see the tiger,run back to their seats, while the teachercatch them.Part 1: What’s this? Yes, “ham” and thisis…, and this is a tiger, when you see thetiger, I’ll catch you, you must go to yourseat quickly, or I’ll eat you.Main course: (page 11-13) 30 minutes Step 1:Two groups. Teacher says “jam”,the student of each group write “a, m”quickly on the whiteboard “j___ ___”. Afterthe activity, finish the exercise on page 11.Step 2:Teacher says the word, students tryto circle what the teacher says. Finish theexercise on page12Step 3:Let students to spell the sentencesand tell the difference. Draw a road to therabbit’s house, students can get to therabbit’s house by reading each word of thesentence. You can make “rabbit 1, rabbit2” ,lead students identify the two sentences. It’son page 13Step 4: Do the exercise on page 13.Part 1: Look at the white board, please.We can see “j___ ___”, I’ll say jam, youwrite “ a and m” on the line, who is fast,who is the winner. Ok? ……Now, openyour books on page 11. Let’s do theexercise.Part 2:Now listen to me, I say a word,and you circle the picture.Part 3: Let’s look! There’re two houseshere, one is for rabbit 1, the other is forrabbit 2, Mr. rabbit invites us to hishouse, now let’s go! Let’s see who is thefirst one!Part 4: Ok, now open your books onpage 13, look at the picture, Let’s choosethe correct one and circle it, who can dothe first one/Lesson 3Teaching Steps (Main course & Activity)Teacher TalkWarm up 5 minutes Step 1:Review the short vowel and therelated words, teacher show the cards,students say the words.Step 2: The ice corner, cover the corner ofthe card, ask students to guess the word.Part 1: Hi! Everyone, today we’ll have aparty with ram, let’s see what does ramprepare for us. What’s this ? Yes, it’s aham.Part 2:Now, look! What should it be?Yes, it’s dam. Terrific! Give me a five.Lead in 5 minutes Step 1:Write “__am, __ap” on theblackboard, ask students to fill in the blankswith different letters they’ve learned.Part 1: Our friend “__am” and “__ap”want to buy some beautiful dress, Let’shelp them, ok? We have “ h, l, r, c,…” somany dress, Who wants to help themfirst? Lily. Good! Lily gives “__am” an“h” It’s beautiful!Main course: (page 14) 30 minutes Step 1: Sight words. Put the sight word cardhigh or low, students should use high voiceor low voice to say the words. Play “Cockfighting” put the card on the back of thechildren, Who can read the word on theother child’s back, who is the winner.Step 2: See the picture and ask questions,what can you see? What does it have? UseTPR to act the story. First several times sayand do it together, then teacher does it andstudents say it, without looking at thepicture.Step 3:“ The ram has a cap.” Change“ram” to the student, eg. “ Lily has a cap.….Step 4: Say the story with TPR.Part 1: Here are some sight words, theycan help us to read the story, soremember them carefully, later we’llplay a game.Ok, if I put it high up, you should saythe words loudly, if I put it lower, youshould be quiet.Now I need two children, stand here faceto face, I put the card on your backs, andthen you must try to see the other’s card,and read it at the first time.Part 2: Turn to page 14, look at thepicture, can you tell me what can yousee? Yes, a ram, What does it have?Great, it has a cap. What else can yousee? ... Now let’s do it and say ittogether…. This time, I do it, you say it,close your books. You’re super!Part 3: The ram has a cap, it is abeautiful cap, do you want to have a cap,Lily? Ok, Lily, come here and wear thiscap. Everybody, let’s say: Lily has acap….Part 4: Boys and girls, let’s act thestory, ok? Let’s see who act well.Lesson 4Teaching Steps (Main course & Activity)Teacher Talk Warm up5 minutes Step 1: sing a song,Part 1: Hello, everyone, nice to see you.Let’s sing a song, “ a a a a a, h-a-m, hamham ham”Lead in 5 minutes Step 1: Review the short vowel. And saythe letter sound with TPR.Part 1: Hello, we have 26 friends, let’sinvite them to play with us, ok? Teachersays “a” you say “/a/” Are you ready?Ok, 1, 2, 3, go!Main course: (page 15) 20 minutes Step 1: Ask students to open books on page15, listen to the teacher, teacher read all thewords. Students follow the teacher.Step 2: “bang bang him, bang bang her,bang bang him and her.” Students say ittogether, and point at someone, when stop,everybody mustn’t move, let’s see whom doPart 1: Boys and girls, open your books,please. Follow me.Part 2: Ok, let’s say “bang bang him,bang bang her, bang bang him and her.”Eveybody point at a classmate that youlike, and don’t move, teacher will findout who do you like most. Ready? Go!。

丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第一级B1 The AB Book 教学设计

丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第一级B1 The AB Book 教学设计

《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书》(第一级)The AB Book教学设计一.教学•能够快速识别字母a, b的大小写,并能说出对应的字母音。


•能够借助老师和图片的帮助,理解alligator, ant, apple, applesauce, bear, beaver, bed, birds, blissful, bunny 等核心单词。




三、教学用具•绘本•课件•教师字母卡四、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up・通过字母匹配图片的游戏,进行首字母音练习。

(bad apple, ant, bear, bunny, alligator, birds, beaver) 提问建议:A How are you today?A I'm not well because I had a bad apple this morning.A Look at the picture. This is the bad apple.A Which is the first sound of the word bad/apple?设计意图:利用日常对话和图片激发学生兴趣,引出a和b的字母音,激活学生已知。

Step 2 Phonics・引导学生识别出每个单词中的第一个音素。

提问建议:A Now please look at the pictures and listen to me.A What is this?A Which is the first sound of the word ant?A Tell me whether the first sound is /a/ or /b/.A Which is the first sound of the word bear/bunny/alligator/birds/beaver?A Make a summary of the two sounds.教师用语:A So we have .../a/ /a/ for ant, /a/ for alligatorA And we have .../b/ /b/ for bear...Step 3 Pre-reading・引导学生看图,并回答以下问题。



小学英语自然拼读法Phonics教学教案一、教学目标1. 让学生了解并掌握自然拼读法的基本概念。

2. 培养学生正确发音,提高学生的英语听说能力。

3. 帮助学生通过自然拼读法识别单词,提高阅读兴趣和阅读能力。

二、教学内容1. 字母发音规则:元音字母a, e, i, o, u的发音规则。

2. 辅音字母的发音规则:b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z的发音规则。

3. 拼读练习:通过单词拼读,让学生熟悉并运用自然拼读法。

三、教学重点与难点1. 重点:让学生掌握字母的发音规则,能够正确拼读单词。

2. 难点:让学生能够灵活运用自然拼读法,提高阅读能力。

四、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过设定各种有趣的任务,让学生在实践中学习自然拼读法。

2. 情境教学法:创设各种真实的语境,让学生在情境中感知和运用自然拼读法。

3. 游戏教学法:设计各种游戏活动,让学生在游戏中轻松学习自然拼读法。

五、教学步骤1. 导入:通过图片和实物,引出自然拼读法的基本概念。

2. 讲解:讲解字母的发音规则,让学生感知发音规律。

3. 练习:进行单词拼读练习,让学生运用自然拼读法。

4. 情境展示:创设各种真实的语境,让学生在情境中感知和运用自然拼读法。

5. 游戏活动:设计各种游戏活动,让学生在游戏中巩固自然拼读法。

7. 作业布置:布置相关的练习题,让学生课后巩固所学知识。

六、教学评价1. 评价方式:采用课堂表现、作业完成情况和拼读测试三种方式进行综合评价。

2. 评价内容:a. 学生对字母发音规则的掌握程度;b. 学生能够在单词拼读中正确运用自然拼读法;c. 学生的阅读兴趣和阅读能力提高情况。

七、教学资源1. 教材:选用适合小学生学习的自然拼读法教材。

2. 教具:图片、实物、单词卡片、游戏道具等。

3. 技术支持:多媒体教学设备、投影仪、音响等。

八、教学进度安排1. 第一课时:介绍自然拼读法的基本概念,讲解元音字母的发音规则。

神奇语音一级教学计划Magic Phonic

神奇语音一级教学计划Magic Phonic

Lesson plan( 开班课)Date: July. 7thTeacher: Fairy FuClass: 神奇语音1级(Junior)Time: 60’x 2Teaching contents: The pronunciations of 26 letters and ABC Egyptian Song and The pronunciations of P、B.1. T introduces herself、introduce Master I and Fairy Q.2. Learn a new song.( ABC Egyptian Song).3. The IPA of 26 letters’ songTeaching aims:1. Ss will know Master I and Fairy Q and sing the song with them.2. They can master all the pronunciations of 26 letters.3. Ss can sing ABC song and the pronunciation of ABC song.4. They can use the pronunciations of P、B to make words.Teaching materialPictures、Tape、Ping-pong、A ballTeaching Procedures:Ⅰ. Warm upStep1. T and Ss know each other,and introduce Master I、Fairy Q.Roll call (Ask the students to answer their names.)T says: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to meet you!First, let me introduce myself. (T writes her name on the board.)Now I’ll introduce two friends to you.(Play music)Set two questions: Who’s the man? Who’s the girl?(Show Ss the picture on the Phonic cards.)----------------根据不同的教师风格可设计不同的开场场景。

New Smart Phonics 教学计划表Level 2

New Smart Phonics 教学计划表Level 2
Play: Hybrid CD—Phonics land--<a+C-V-C>. Play kiss, Rock
Hopper and Word Search.

Listen and repeat;
Read and act out the story.
Key words: ram, cap, jam, cap, nap, map.
Sight words: a, has, his, oh, on,the.
The ram has a….
The ram has…on….
Write: a-am-dam…
Teaching Schedule
Level 2
Identify the similar words,
combine sentences withthesewords to improve the
practical usage.
A bat is in the fan / can.
The pan / fan is on the mat.



NewSmartPhonics教案范本Level 1一、教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握NewSmartPhonics教学法的基本概念和原理。

2. 学生能够识别并正确拼读NewSmartPhonics中的基本字母和字母组合。

3. 学生能够运用所学的NewSmartPhonics知识,正确读写简单的单词和句子。

二、教学内容:1. NewSmartPhonics教学法的基本概念和原理介绍。

2. NewSmartPhonics中的基本字母和字母组合的学习。

3. 运用NewSmartPhonics知识,学习并拼读简单的单词和句子。

三、教学方法:1. 采用直观演示法,通过实物、图片等引导学生直观感知NewSmartPhonics 教学法的基本概念和原理。

2. 采用分组合作法,让学生在小组内共同探讨和学习NewSmartPhonics中的基本字母和字母组合。

3. 采用任务驱动法,让学生在完成具体任务的过程中,运用所学的NewSmartPhonics知识,拼读简单的单词和句子。

四、教学步骤:1. 引入:通过展示一部智能手机,引导学生思考手机与学习的关系,进而引入NewSmartPhonics教学法。

2. 讲解:介绍NewSmartPhonics教学法的基本概念和原理,让学生了解其优势和特点。

3. 学习:让学生分组学习NewSmartPhonics中的基本字母和字母组合,教师巡回指导。

4. 实践:让学生运用所学的NewSmartPhonics知识,拼读简单的单词和句子。

5. 总结:对本节课的内容进行总结,强调NewSmartPhonics教学法的重要性。

五、作业布置:1. 让学生回家后,运用NewSmartPhonics教学法,尝试拼读更多的单词和句子。

2. 完成课后练习,巩固所学的NewSmartPhonics知识。

NewSmartPhonics教案范本Level 2六、教学目标:1. 学生能够进一步掌握NewSmartPhonics教学法,并能够运用到更复杂的单词和句子中。



New Smart Phonics Level 1Phonics WordsUnit 1 A a , B b , C c a – alligator, ant, appleb – bat, bed, bookc – cap, cat, cupUnit 2 D d , E e , F f d – desk, dog, ducke – egg, elbow, elephantf – fan, fish, forkUnit 3 G g , H h , I i g – game, girl, gorillah – hand, hat, hippoi – igloo, iguana, inkUnit 4 J j , K k , L l j – jacket, jam, jetk – kangaroo, key, kingl – lamp, lemon, lionUnit 5 M m , N n , O o m – map, melon, mousen – nest, net, nuto – octopus, ostrich, ox Unit 6 P p , Q q , R r p – panda, pen, pigq – queen, question, quietr – rabbit, ring, robotUnit 7 S s , T t , U u , Vv s – sea, sock, sunt – tent, tiger, topu – umbrella, under, upv – vase, vest, violinUnit 8 W w , X x , Y y , Zz w – watch, watermelon, window x – box, fox, sixy – yacht, yellow, yo-yoz – zebra, zero, zooSight Words a , am , an , are , be , doesn’t , has , he , I , in , is , like , likes , my , oh , on , please , says , see , she , the , they , this , under , where , who.总词汇量104 个(78 个单词+ 26个sight words )New Smart Phonics Level 2Phonics WordsUnit 1 Short vowel a am -- dam, ham, jam, ramap – cap, lap, map, nap Unit 2 Short vowel a an – can, fan, man, panat – bat, cat, hat, mat Unit 3 Short vowel e et – jet, net, vet, weted – bed, red, hen, pen Unit 4 Short vowel i ib – bib, rib, kid, lidig – pig, wig, fin, pinUnit 5 Short vowel i ip – dip, hip, lip, ripit – hit, sitix – mix, sixUnit 6 Short vowel o ot – hot, pot,ox – box, foxop – cop, hopog – dog, logUnit 7 Short vowel u ug – bug, hug, mug, rugub – rub, tubup – cup, pupUnit 8 Short vowel u un – bun, gun, run, sunud – bud, nudut – cut, nutSight Words a , and , are , but , do , for , gives , fun , goes , good bye , has , have , he , her , his , in , into , is , it , no , not , now , oh , on , one , over , says , sees , she , sorry , the , they , this , to , what , where , will , with. (红色部分为本册新增)总词汇量88 个(64 个单词+ 24个新增sight words )New Smart Phonics Level 3Phonics WordsUnit 1 Long vowel a ake – bake, cake, lake, rakeape – cape, tapeave – cave, waveUnit 2 Long vowel a ame – game, nameate – date, gateane – cane, manease – case, vaseUnit 3 Long vowel i ine – line, nine, pine, vineike – bike, hikeime – lime, timeUnit 4 Long vowel i ide – hide, rideipe – pipe, wipeite – bite, kiteive – dive, fiveUnit 5 Long vowel o ose – hose, nose, pose, roseope – hope, ropeote – note, voteUnit 6 Long vowel o ole – hole, mole, pole, soleome – dome, homeone – bone, coneUnit 7 Long vowel u ube – cube, tube,ute – cute, muteule – muleune – dune, June, tuneSight Words a , and , at , away , birthday , by , digs , drops , for , get , gets , go , has , have , he , her , here , his , hums , I , in , is , it , it’s , likes , look , makes , no , now , of , oh , OK , on , opens , over , puts , race , says , see , sees , she , song , the , there , they , this , to , under , up , was , water , with , yes , yum , zoo(红色部分为本册新增)总词汇量83 个(56 个单词+ 27个新增sight words )New Smart Phonics Level 4Phonics WordsUnit 1 bl , cl , fl bl – black, blade, blimp, bluecl – clam, clap, cliff, clockfl – flag, flame, flap, fluteUnit 2 br , cr , fr br – brake, brave, brick , bridecr – crab, crane, crib , crossfr – frame, frog , front, frost Unit 3 gl , pl , sl gl – glass, globe, glove, gluepl – plane, plant, plate, plumsl – sled, slice, slide, slimUnit 4 dr , pr , tr dr – dragon, dress, drive, drumpr – press, price, print, prizetr – trace, track, truck, trumpet Unit 5 sm , sn , st , sw sm – smell, smile, smokesn – snack, snake, snorest – stone, stop, stovesw – sweet, swim, swingUnit 6 ng , nk ang – bang, fang,ing -- king, ringong – gong, songank – bank, tankink – pink, winkunk – dunk, junkUnit 7 sh , ch sh-- – shape, ship, shop--sh – brush, fish, flashch-- -- cherry, chick, chin--ch – bench, branch, catch Unit 8 th , wh th-- – thick, thin, thumb--th – bath, math, teethwh-- -- whale, wheel, whip--wh – whisk, whisper, whiteSight Words a , all , along , and , animals , are ,aren’t , around , as, away , band , blows , but , by , comes , contest , don’t , eat , eats , fast , fly , for , get , gets , go , goes , going , great , guess , happy , has , have , he , her ,he’s , his , I ,I’d, in , is , it’s , kisses ,let’s , like , live , lives , magic , new , no , not , oh , on , only , out , over , picnic , plays , put , puts , said , says , scares , sees , she , silly , sky , some , take , the , there , they , to , trip , under , want , washes , water , what , will , with , yells , your. (红色部分为本册新增)总词汇量138 个(96 个单词+ 42个新增sight words )New Smart Phonics Level 5Phonics WordsUnit 1 ee, ea ee -- bee, feet, green, peel, seed, treeea – leaf, meat, peanut, sea, seal, tea Unit 2 oa, ow oa – boat, coat, goat, road, soap, toastow –blow, bowl, pillow, snow, window,yellowUnit 3 ai, ay ail – mail, nail, rail, tailain – rain, trainay – clay, gray, hay, play, pray, trayUnit 4 oi, oy oi –boil, coil, coin, foil, oil, point, soil,toiletoy – boy, joy, soybean, toyUnit 5 ow, ou ow -- brown, clown, cow, crown, gown,owlou –blouse, cloud, count, house,mouse, mouthUnit 6 ir, er, ur ir – bird, girl, shirt, skirter – letter, singer, soccer, teacherur – nurse, purple, purse, turtleUnit 7 ar, or ar – arm, car, card, farm, park, staror – cork, corn, fork horse, north, store Unit 8 oo /u/-- book, cook, foot, hook, look, wood/u:/ -- food, goose, moon, pool, spoon,zooSight Words a , all , am , an , and , are , asks , at , better , big , bubble , by , comes , does not , eats , falls , farm , fast , for , from , full , funny , gives , go , grows , has , have , he , here , his , hooray , hungry , hurt , I , in , into , is , it , it’s , jump , jumps , just , like , live , magic , make , makes , me , more , my , nice , no , of , oh , on , one , our , out , puts on , race , rock , say , says , sees , she , silly , splash , strong , takes , thank you , that , the , their , they , to , too , under , waits , want , wants ,watch , we , where , will , wins , with , wow ,you , yucky , yum(红色部分为本册新增)总词汇量136 个(96 个单词+ 40个新增sight words )总计5册书词汇量:549个(390个单词+159个sight words)。

























二、教学内容1.单词:pen,pencil,ruler,eraser,book,desk,chr2.句型:What'sthis?It'sapen./It'sapencil./It'saruler./It'saneraser. /It'sabook./It'sadesk./It'sachr.三、教学重点与难点1.重点:单词和句型的掌握,能熟练运用句型进行问答。























小学英语自然拼读法P h o n i c s教学教案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】小学英语运用phonics自然拼读法学习元音”a”和”e”的教学教案Step5: 元音字母”e”的发音与拼读。

(1) Show some singer words with “e”sound. Then let the students to spell. Eg: bed, bet, dest, get, hen, let,lend, met, nest…(2) Play the spelling game in group .T: You are very good at pronunciating the words and the letter groups ,this time ,Let’s play the spelling game in group ,(在实物投影上向学生展示如何玩这个拼读的游戏),Put he word here ,the spell it out ,if it is right ,say pass,the stick the word on the card ,let’s seewhich group can spell more words in 2 minutes .S: ( Spell the words in the box out ,then stick the word in the card )(3) .check the groups achievement then ask the winner to stand up ,show the others how they spell the words out and check whether it is right or wrong . )Step5: Try to write down down the word by listeningT:Just now ,all of you can spell the words so well ,but what aboutyour listening Can you write the words out just by listening ,你能够听音写词吗?Today ,Miss Lin has three challenges for you ,Let’s see who can pass all the three challenges and be the king and the last winner in the end . Are you ready?(1)Challenges1: listen to the tape, then finish the wordswith “a” or “e” on the screen.Eg: b d c t(2)Challenges2: ExerciseListen to teacher, write down the words on the paper.Finish the words with “a” or “e” sound.Step6: Conclusion.。

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Step 2:Word family: mix thoseflashcards;students try to put the words with the same beginning sound in the same line.
Step 3:Teacher say the letter sound, students say the three words as quickly as they can.
Great!Now I want to know your names.
Who will be the first one? OK, I’ll count,“eanie, meanie, minie, mow,catch a tiger by his toe.”So it’s you, please tell me what’s your name?...I like your name./ It doesn’t matter, I can give you a name.
Part 2:Eyes on teacher, this is the big A, right? Can you do it? Try to follow me. Let’s say it together, AAA, /æ//æ//æ/, apple, apple, /æ//æ//æ/…
Part 3:I do it, and you tell me what’s this letter, and the letter sound. NowIsay it, you do it.
Lead in
5 minutes
Step 1:Brain storming: find more words begin with the /æ/…sound.
Part 1:Do you know other words begin with /æ/ sound?Iknow one, it’s a very small animal, and it’s black. You’ll feel itching if itclimbson your arm. Yes, it’san ant…(other words, the same way to show them, use TPR to show the words)
Step 2: Call a student’s name and ask him/her what’s this?
Part 1:Hello, everybody, nowI’ll show you something, can you tell me what’s this? Let’s go on our hello song.
New Smart Phonics Level 1教案范例
Unit 1 Aa, Bb, Cc
4 lessons, 40min. / lesson
1.Learn the letter shape and letter sound of A, B, C.
2.Learn the related words.
3.Learn to read the story.
Letter shape:Aa, Bb, Cc.
Letter sound:a, b, c.
Key words:a–alligator, ant, apple.
b–bat, bed, book.
Part 1:Now open your eyes, look here, which one is missing?
Part 2:What’s this? Great, I put ithere;apple begins with the sound.., superwell!And what’s this?Excellent!Bat beginswith the sound…,Iput it here.What’s……ok, they are mixedup,Idon’t like it, who can put the words in the right word family? This house is for the words beginwith /æ/ sound, and this house is for……
Step 4:Practice the letter and the word. Teacher says the word, students say the letter sound, then change.
Step 5:Trace the big letters and small letters. Do exercise on page 9.
Part 2:Now let’s say hello to our new friends and sing hello song. Everybody try to follow me. WhenIcome to you, you stand up and say your name loudly.
Step 4:Give the flashcards to the students, teacher say the letter sound, students who have the correct cards stand up and saythewords.
Step 5:Do the exercise on page 11.
Main course:
(page 10&11)
30 minutes
Step 1:What’s missing? After students know the three words of each letter, take away one flashcard, students find out which one is missing.
Part 1:Still remember my name? Terrific! What’s this letter? Letter A, A make the sound…, which word beginwiththe sound/æ/?
Part 2:There are some letters on the blackboard, some are big letters, some are small letters, can you match them? Great! Nowif Ishow A, number 1 in two teams come to the blackboard to write big A and little a, I’ll see which team is the winner,andyou can get a point for your team.
Step 2:Use TPR to show A, B, C letter shapes. Say the chant and show TPR.
Step 3:Practice the letter shape and letter sound, teacher say the letter, students say the letter sound, then change.
Part 2:Good job! Lily, what’s this?Well done. Peter, what’s this?
Main course:
(page 8&9)
30 minutes
Step 1:Show the flashcards, cover a part of it, let students guess what is it,and figure out what’s the first letter of apple, book and cat.
Step 2:Review the ABC letter shape, teacher use TPR to show the letters, divide students into two groups, they come to the blackboard to write the big and small letters, the winner team can get a point.
Lead in
5 minutes
Step 1:Continue the hello song, change“what’s your name”to“what’s this?”stop and show an apple.Next time, stop and show a book, then stop and mime a cat. Focus on the first letter sound.
Part 4:I say/æ/, you tabulous! NowIsay the word, you tell me the first letter.
Part 5:Let’s review, AAA, /æ//æ//æ/, apple, apple, /æ//æ//æ/…, this is the big A, who can writethesmall a? Show me your fingers, let’s do it together. Writetheright letter in the exercise.
Part 1:Now look at this picture, can you guess what’s this?Oh, look, the color is red,…yes, you got it , it’s an apple. What’s the first letter of apple? Letter A, great!