外国(地区)投资者资产并购境内内资企业审批、登记提交材料规范1、《外国(地区)投资者并购境内内资企业审批登记申请书》(原件2份,提交商务部门和工商部门)2、审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1,原件提交工商部门) 注:申请人应自收到批准证书之日起30日内到登记机关办理设立登记注册手续。
辽宁忠旺:转让外商投资企业权益;中国秦发:协议控制;英利能源:三融三增,抢在10 号令之前注入资产;瑞金矿业:WOFE 投资的企业(无外商投资批注)再收购;天工国际:已有外商投资企业再投资;SOHO 中国:自然人境外换股,信托;10 号文有效规避案例之一——辽宁忠旺香港IPO忠旺IPO 迷局:红筹上市模式有效试探政策底线对于刚刚在香港上市的忠旺来说,“10号文”规定的审批程序形同虚设;是曲线创新,还是违规操作?业界律师看法不一。
那么,忠旺究竟是如何突破10 号文,完成整个红筹上市的呢?随着全球第三、亚洲最大的铝型材生产商——中国忠旺(HK1333 ),于2009 年5 月在香港的上市,国内又冒出一位神秘“新首富”——忠旺董事长刘忠田。
以2009年7月10日的收盘价及个人持股量计算,刘忠田这位辽宁汉子的个人财富已达373.33 亿港元。
已经登陆香港资本市场的忠旺,其红筹上市过程,直接绕过了商务部“ 10号文”规定的审批程序。
那么,忠旺究竟是如何突破“10号文”,完成整个红筹上市的呢?“真内资,假外资”的合资企业架构刘忠田从个体户到民营企业的创业史,可追溯至上世纪80 年代。
关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定(2009年修订)(中英对照)关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定(2009年修订)Rules on Merger and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors发文日期:2009年06月22日有效范围:全国发文机关:商务部文号:商务部令2009年第6号时效性:现行有效生效日期:2009年06月22日所属分类:兼并与收购(公司法->兼并与收购)Promulgation Date: 06-22-2009Effective Region: NATIONALPromulgator: Ministry of CommerceDocument No: Order of Ministry of Commerce [2009] No. 6Effectiveness: EffectiveEffective Date: 06-22-2009Category: Merger & Acquisition(Company Law->Merger & Acquisition)全文:Full text:关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定Order of the PRC Ministry of Commerce No. 6, 2009 on Promulgating the Rules on Merger and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors商务部令2009年第6号Order of Ministry of Commerce [2009] No. 6 2009年6月22日June 22, 2009为保证《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》与《反垄断法》和《国务院关于经营者集中申报标准的规定》相一致,对《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》作如下修改:For the purpose of ensuring the consistency of the Rules on the Merger and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors, the Anti-monopoly Law and the Rules of the State Council on Standards of Reporting Business Operator Concentration, it is hereby amended the Rules on the Merger and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors as follows:一、删除第五章“反垄断审查”,在“附则”中新增一条作为第五十一条,表述为:“依据《反垄断法》的规定,外国投资者并购境内企业达到《国务院关于经营者集中申报标准的规定》规定的申报标准的,应当事先向商务部申报,未申报不得实施交易。
关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定修订中英对照Regulations on the Revision of Foreign Investors' Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises in ChinaIntroductionIn recent years, China has experienced a significant increase in foreign investments, particularly in the form of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) of domestic enterprises. To ensure the smooth operation of these transactions and protect the interests of all parties involved, the Chinese government has been continuously revising and refining the regulations governing foreign investors' acquisition of domestic enterprises. This article aims to provide an overview of the current regulations and highlight the key revisions in both Chinese and English.I. Legal FrameworkThe legal framework for foreign investors' acquisition of domestic enterprises in China mainly includes the Company Law, the Foreign Investment Law, and their implementing regulations.1. Company Law - China (中华人民共和国公司法)The Company Law is the fundamental law that regulates the establishment and operation of companies in China. It stipulates the basic principles for mergers and acquisitions, such as equality, voluntariness, and fair competition.2. Foreign Investment Law - China (中华人民共和国外商投资法)The Foreign Investment Law was enacted in 2019 and replaced the previous three laws governing foreign investments in China. It aims to provide a more comprehensive and unified legal framework for foreign investors and their investments in China, including M&A activities.II. Key RevisionsThe revisions in the regulations on foreign investors' acquisition of domestic enterprises can generally be categorized into two aspects: market access and regulatory procedures.1. Market Access Revisions1.1. Expansion of Permitted SectorsPreviously, foreign investors faced restrictions in certain sectors, such as telecommunications, finance, and energy. However, with the revisions, the market access restrictions have been significantly relaxed, allowing foreign investors to participate in a broader range of industries.1.2. Removal of Equity Ratio CapForeign investors were previously restricted by equity ratio caps when acquiring domestic enterprises. However, the revised regulations abolish such restrictions, granting foreign investors more freedom in determining the equity structure of their acquired enterprises.2. Regulatory Procedures Revisions2.1. Simplification of Approval ProceduresThe revised regulations aim to streamline the approval procedures for foreign investors' acquisition of domestic enterprises, reducing the bureaucratic hurdles and facilitating the efficiency of the transactions. This is achieved through the establishment of a centralized filing system, which simplifies the application process for foreign investors.2.2. Strengthening National Security ReviewsTo safeguard national security, the revised regulations introduce a more rigorous national security review mechanism for foreign investors' acquisition of domestic enterprises involved in sectors critical to national security. This review ensures a comprehensive assessment of potential risks and enables the government to take necessary measures to protect national interests.III. ConclusionThe continuous revisions in the regulations governing foreign investors' acquisition of domestic enterprises in China demonstrate the government's commitment to attracting and facilitating foreign investments while maintaining regulatory control. The revisions aim to enhance market access, simplify approval procedures, and strengthen national security reviews. These measures create a more favorable investment environment for foreign investors and promote a mutually beneficial relationship between China and the international business community.In conclusion, the revised regulations provide a solid legal framework for foreign investors' acquisition of domestic enterprises in China. Foreign investors can seize the opportunities presented by China's growing market and contribute to the country's economic development through mergers andacquisitions. The Chinese government's commitment to creating a more open and transparent business environment contributes to a win-win situation for both domestic and foreign stakeholders.。
以下是一些常见的规定:1. 外国投资准入规定:国家设立相关机构对外国投资者的准入进行审查,限制或禁止某些领域的外国投资。
2. 反垄断审查:对大规模并购交易进行反垄断审查,以避免外国投资者形成垄断地位,损害市场竞争。
3. 国家安全审查:针对涉及国家安全敏感行业的并购交易,进行国家安全审查,防止外国投资者对关键领域产生控制力。
4. 信息披露要求:外国投资者在并购境内企业时,需要按照相关规定进行信息披露,确保交易的透明与公正。
5. 合规监管:加强对外国投资者的合规监管,确保其并购行为符合国家法律、规定和政策,减少可能的违规行为。
Certain Recent Entrepreneurial Responses to China’s Mergers &Acquisitions RulesArticle Contributed by:Simon Luk, Winston & Strawn LLPUntil the arrival of the worldwide financial crisis in late 2008, private equity in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) grew tremendously in recent years. The growth was spurred by offshore funds seeking to take advantage of the entrepreneurial talents of the private Chinese business community and Chinese entrepreneurs who wished to access foreign capital markets and re-invest in China under the more favorable guise of a foreign entity.The PRC regulatory authorities, including the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) became concerned about the loss of tax revenue, control of sensitive assets by offshore persons, and the redomiciling of assets, and decided to tighten regulatory controls on PRC entrepreneurs, and the venture capital and private equity community. Consequently, the PRC government issued stricter regulations imposing approval requirements on foreign investments, including the Provisions on the Merger and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors (关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定)1, generally known as the PRC M&A Rules (the Rules) and several related regulations and guidelines.As a result, the once-prevalent “round trip” investment, which involved an offshore company owning a domestic business on mainland China, was largely curtailed. Chinese entrepreneurs and their advisors, in turn, responded to this increased regulatory oversight by employing certain investment vehicles aimed at avoiding the harsher effects of the new government rules, including structures popularly known as the “slow walk” arrangement and the “variable interest entity.” Both structures have triggered some debate among Chinese lawyers2 and entail some degree of risk for those who have resorted to them, as the following analysis will articulate.The 2006 PRC M&A RulesIt has been more than two years since MOFCOM, along with five other ministries—the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, State Administration of Taxation, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, China Securities Regulatory Commission, and SAFE—jointly issued the Rules. The Rules became effective on 8 September 2006. In brief, the Rules provide that if a Chinese domestic company merges with an offshore company established by the Chinese resident who controls such domestic company before the merger, an application must be made to MOFCOM for approval.One of the principal reasons for the implementation of the Rules was in response to the use of round-trip investment structures used by Chinese domestic businesses to take advantage of tax and other incentives that the PRC government has granted to non-Chinese businesses to stimulate foreign investment. In a round-trip investment structure, a Chinese entrepreneur would acquire his own domestic assets or businesses through a special purpose vehicle incorporated outside of China. By incorporating an offshore company and structuring it to own a Chinese domestic business, the Chinese entrepreneur could turn domestic assets and businesses into foreign-owned assets and businesses, entitling the entrepreneur to tax benefits available only to foreign investors. Although tax benefits were less of a motivating factor with the unification of the domestic and foreign tax law regimes, an important advantage of round-trip investment for Chinese entrepreneurs was that any subsequent change of ownership of an offshore holding company would no longer be subject to the approval of the Chinese authorities. Therefore, an offshore holding structure or “red-chip redomicile” provided more flexibility for Chinese entrepreneurs looking to attract foreign investment, since Chinese regulatory approval would not be necessary before an investment in, or purchase of, an offshore holding company. Foreign investors are generally more comfortable with investing in an offshore company incorporated in a tax haven because of the safety and flexibility such jurisdictions offer.© Bloomberg Finance L.P. 2009. Originally published by Bloomberg Finance L.P. Reprinted by permission.The Rules expressly require that parties to a merger or acquisition transaction involving Chinese companies and assets specify if the parties are associated with each other. If there are two parties that have the same de facto controller, the relevant parties must disclose the identity of the de facto controller to the approving authority and specify (1) the purposes of the transaction; and (2) whether the relevant valuation of the subject matter of the transaction represents a fair market value. The parties are prohibited to avoid this requirement by way of trust, nominee holding or other method. Since the enactment of the Rules, round-trip investment activities have been significantly curbed due to the difficulty in obtaining approvals. Accordingly, Chinese entrepreneurs and foreign investors have responded in a number of ingenious ways.Market Responses to the RulesIn response to the Rules, some Chinese and foreign market participants have devised new transactional structures aimed at avoiding the reporting requirements. Of particular interest are the “slow walk” arrangement (SWA) and the variable interest entity structure (VIE structure).“Slow Walk” Arrangement: Under a SWA, the owner of a PRC domestic business converts the domestic business to a foreign invested enterprise, usually a wholly foreign-owned enterprise, by selling the business to a special purpose vehicle owned by a third party. The special purpose vehicle is usually established in the British Virgin Islands or in Hong Kong. See Diagram I.Diagram IThe original owner (OO) is invariably the chief executive officer and chairman of a Chinese domestic enterprise before the sale to the special purpose vehicle. Because the OO is deemed key to the business, it is essential for the third party or the new owner to retain the service of the OO for the continued development of the business. As such, the new owner will enter into an earn-in agreement with the OO. Under the earn-in agreement, the new owner will, subject to satisfaction of certain conditions, grant a call option to the OO to purchase a controlling interest, usually over 50 percent, in the special purpose vehicle or its holding company which holds the original domestic business, over a period of time and in stages. The exercise price of the option is generally low, and very often the same as the par value of the shares.The conditions under which the call option may be exercised are usually linked to the entry of a binding employment agreement by the OO and/or attainment of certain profit levels by the group. In general, complying with the conditions will not be difficult. The option will have an exercise period similar to the term of the employment agreement with the OO. Such period may extend to as long as five years. Over such prolonged period, the OO will exercise the call option to require the new owner to gradually transfer the ownership of the business back to the OO. This is where the name “slow walk arrangement” originates. To secure the interest of the OO, the shares subject to the call option may be placed with a custodian upon signing of the earn-in agreement. This arrangement is structured as an incentive program for the key personnel. Therefore, in the application to the relevant Chinese authority to convert the domestic Chinese enterprise to a foreign invested enterprise, the OO is not regarded as being associated with the acquisition of the special purpose vehicle or the new owner. Some Chinese lawyers have taken the position that this arrangement will not be classified as a round-trip investment.It appears that no transaction adopting the SWA structure has ever been submitted to the Chinese authorities for clearance and no guidelines or rulings in respect of the SWA have been issued. Hence, the SWA does not seem to have been tested with the Chinese authorities. Because the Rules are worded very broadly and generally, the SWA may be deemed by MOFCOM as an arrangement made to avoid the application of the Rules.Besides the regulatory risk, the SWA is not hassle-free. With the controlling interest of the business held by a third party for a prolonged period, there is no guarantee that there will not be any disputes between the new owner and the OO over the direction, timing and valuation of fund raising exercises involving the business. As an example, the new owner’s compensation for participating in the SWA may be tied to a successful going public transaction, often accomplished via a reverse takeover of a listed shell company in the US over-the counter market. Particularly in light of the continuing financial crisis, the new owner may be motivated to complete a reverse takeover at the current low valuation over the objections of the OO, who would want to wait for a higher valuation. Disputes and lawsuits over the legality of the SWA may result. This may also pose potential management instability, which endangers the development of the business. The SWA has been described in SEC filings for a number of Chinese businesses that have raised funds outside China.Variable Interest Entity Structure: The VIE structure was in use even before the Rules became effective. It has been and still is widely used in businesses involving internet portals and other media related media in China, which prohibits direct ownership of such businesses by foreigners. Examples include Sina Corporation, Baidu, Inc. and Inc. See Diagram II.Diagram IIUnder a VIE structure, a domestic Chinese business is controlled, through various contractual arrangements, by a special purpose vehicle or an offshore entity. The OO of the domestic Chinese business becomes the beneficial owner by forming an offshore special purpose vehicle and simultaneously entering into a sale and purchase agreement with a Chinese resident for the sale of the domestic Chinese business. The Chinese resident would then sell the interest in the domestic Chinese enterprise to an independent third party, who must be a Chinese resident and would then become the legal owner. At the same time, the OO will enter into various contractual arrangements with the legal owner, which will normally include a technical service or support agreement to pay all or nearly all of the profits of the domestic Chinese enterprise in the form of service or support fees to the special purposes vehicle. As security for this arrangement, a loan agreement, share pledge and an option agreement will be prepared and executed. Under the loan agreement, the OO will advance to the legal owner sufficient funds to acquire the domestic enterprise from the OO. In return the legal owner will pledge the equity interest of the domestic Chinese enterprise in favor of the OO. The legal owner will also grant an option to the OO or its offshore vehicle to acquire the interest in the domestic Chinese enterprise. Under the contractual arrangements, the offshore entity will have all or nearly all of the profits and de facto control over the domestic Chinese enterprise for the benefit of the shareholders of the special purpose vehicle, which will include institutional investors.There is no need to make an application to MOFCOM for approval because a VIE structure only involves a transfer of the shares in a domestic Chinese enterprise between Chinese residents and there is no round-trip investment. The issue of round-trip investment is thereby avoided, at least formally. As with the SWA, there is no certainty that the VIE structure comports with the Rules. Also, the VIE structure suffers from the inability to transfer the assets and liabilities of the Chinese domestic enterprise to the special purpose vehicle, which will make listing in a foreign market difficult if not impossible. Finally, under international and U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, profits of the domestic Chinese enterprise are not included in profits of the special purpose vehicle unless the special purpose vehicle can demonstrate that it controls the Chinese enterprise through management or otherwise3.Despite these drawbacks, the VIE structure has been used in a number of recent fund raisings for expansion capital by Chinese companies seeking a listing or already listed in the U.S. The responses from institutional investors were encouraging until the arrival of the recent financialcrisis. The VIE structure has been used by Chinese companies engaged in all industries, including software, traditional industrial manufacturing, and natural resources mining.The Chinese government is keeping a close eye on the development of its economy, especially in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, to maintain a strict control regime. The Rules are an indication of its determination to assert control over what they regard as domestic Chinese assets. The Chinese government may impose tighter control over M&A activities involving Chinese entrepreneurs in order to preserve stability in both its foreign exchange policy and national capital account. Investors investing or planning to invest in structures similar to the ones described above should take into account the regulatory risks involved.Simon Luk, a partner in the firm’s Hong Kong office, is chairman of Winston & Strawn’s Asia practice. His practice focuses on international corporate securities. Mr. Luk represents multinational corporations in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, U.S. capital market fund raising, compliance with regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the acquisition of assets and brand names. Mr. Luk serves as honorary legal adviser to the Chamber of Listed Hong Kong Companies, the Hong Kong Electronics Association, the Toy Manufacturers Association of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Electrical Appliances Manufacturers Association, the Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council, the Monte Jade Science and Technology Association of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Brands Protection Alliance, and the Hong Kong Shandong Business Association.Email:****************.The views expressed herein are the author’s own and do not represent those of Bloomberg Finance L.P.1AvailableinSimplifiedChinese.See,forexample:/fortune/2006-08/10/content_4944032.htm.2There is no unified view as to the viability of such methods. For example, in his book titled “Venture Capital & Private Equity in China” (2008) published by Law Press China, Joseph Chan said on page 809 that “[a] literal reading of the definition of “mergers and acquisitions” under the [Rules] would appear to exclude from its scope of application certain contractual relationships that are commonly seen in venture investments in the restricted or prohibited sectors in China. Such contractual relationships are often referred to as the “Sina model” contracts…While there is no consensus yet on the applicability of the M&A Regulations to the Sina model contracts among industry players…It is unclear whether MOFCOM will broaden the scope of the M&A Regulations to cover the varied forms of the Sina model contracts.”3“Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities” - Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 46R.。
[国民待遇]外商或外资控股公司从法律意义上讲与英资公司享有同 等待遇,在英国可从事多种形式的投资经营活动。根据中国政府发布的《对 外投资国别产业导向目录》,结合英国政府投资促进机构发布的招商信息, 推荐中资企业赴英国投资生物制药、计算机制造、贸易、分销、仓储、交 通运输、研发、金融、法律咨询等领域。但运输、能源、国防、核能领域 对外国公司和英国公司均有限制。提供无线电广播、电视转播 等服务需申 请执照。 英国 《通讯法》对外资开放了媒体所有权,欧洲经济区(EEA) 以外的投资人,只要遵守通常的竞争性规定 ,可以拥有英国电视和无线电 服务企业。
(2)主管委员会审查交易通常需要2-3个月的时间,复杂交易则最少 需要6个月的时间。在大多数情况下, 如相关方已经向欧盟主管机构提出 备案, 则不必再向欧洲的各个国家级反垄断主管机构提出申请。
(3)如果交易未达到欧盟的收购限制, 国家级的收购法律仍然可能 要求相关方在一个或多个欧盟成员国的收购提出申请。和欧盟一样,几乎 所有欧洲的国家司法管辖区都有强制性的备案制度,在审批前不能完成交 易。
[外资并购涉及的行业审批]尽管英国对投资一般没有限制 ,外国投 资者开展跨国并购仍可能需要获取针对特定行业的批准。例如 ,对英国和 威尔士许可的自来水公司的收购受到反垄断委员会强制性管辖。对其他受 监管的公用事业公司的收购,如电力、天然气、通讯或铁路,均受到《企 业法》收购制度的约束。
[行业管理】提供电视或无线电服务的公司须从通信办公室取得执 照 ,该执照一般会要求公司 在股份持有或控 制变更方面通知通信办公室。
[与投资有关的公司治理]在英国投资可能是收购或投资上市或非上 市公众公司,也可能通过双边谈判或非公开拍卖的方式购买私人公司或其 资产。私营有限公司的治理受到的限制较少,而对公众公司的投资者保护 则较多。在伦敦证券交易所上市符合更严格规定的优质公司 (premium listing) ,元论其是否是在英国境内注册的公司,都必须遵守《英国公司 治理守则》。该守则旨在通过设立良好的管制标准来保护投资者, 其应作 为指导董事会如何行事的指南。
国家外汇管理局关于印发《外国投资者境内直接投资外汇管理规定》及配套文件的通知正文:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 国家外汇管理局关于印发《外国投资者境内直接投资外汇管理规定》及配套文件的通知(汇发[2013]21号)国家外汇管理局各省、自治区、直辖市分局、外汇管理部,深圳、大连、青岛、厦门、宁波市分局;各中资外汇指定银行:为促进和便利外国投资者境内直接投资,规范外国投资者境内直接投资外汇管理,国家外汇管理局制定了《外国投资者境内直接投资外汇管理规定》(见附件1)及配套文件。
from 2002 to 2006.
In line with the principles of
comprehensive IPR infringement
compensation, courts at all levels have
Reverse engineering
In accordance with Interpretation, it is legitimate
for managers to obtain business secrets by way of
reverse engineering.
Nevertheless, it stresses that reverse engineering
Judicial interpretations
Since 2001, the Supreme Court has
reviewed and amended 18 judicial
interpretations, which involve patents,
advertisement of the mark;
(4) records of protection of the mark as a well-known mark;
(5) any other factors relevant to the reputation of the mark.
“well-known commodities”
Commodities shall not be affirmed as
我们从上述三个职能部门的不同规定要求中看出了对境内自然人在境外设SPV 公司还是比较宽松的,但对中国证监会要求的第十五类申请材料疑难问题的处理,我们提出一个比较务实的意见,即可用外管局核发的《境内居民个人境外投资外汇登记表》来代替,当然这还要看中国证监会最终意见和审批要求。
短 评《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》短评商务部、国资委、国税总局、工商行政管理总局、证监会、外管局六部委联合发布《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》,自2006年8月8日起施行。
评论:1、 《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》与近期正式发布的《上市公司收购管理办法》成为全流通后上市公司和企业并购方面的新的非常重要的法规,对上市公司、并购市场及相关企业都将产生重要影响。
2、 与2003年颁布的《外国投资者并购境内企业暂行规定》的26条相比,此次公布的《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》完善了许多,用了六章六十一条的篇幅对并购涉及到的法律程序进行了明确规定。
3、 总则规定中明确了外国投资者并购境内企业存在两种情况——股权并购或资产并购,提出了并购应遵守的法律法规及相关政策。
4、 基本制度规定中分别对股权并购和资产并购中外商投资企业的投资总额与注册资本比例做出了明确限制:注册资本在210万美元以下的,投资总额不得超过注册资本的10/7;注册资本在210万美元以下至500万美元的,投资总额不得超过注册资本的2倍;注册资本在500万美元以下至1200万美元的,投资总额不得超过注册资本的2.5倍;注册资本在1200万美元以上的,投资总额不得超过注册资本的3倍。
5、 以股权作为支付手段(跨境换股),按规定境外公司应为最近3年未受监管机构处罚的上市公司,被并购的境内公司或其股东应当聘请在中国注册登记的中介机构担任顾问。
红筹10号文解读红筹2010-03-22 11:53:46 阅读1966 评论0字号:大中小订阅红筹10号文解读---20100322目录于宁:“10号文”的曲折 (1)10号文和75号文对红筹架构的适用 (3)花旗风投被指以规避商务部10号文为名设局侵权 (6)坎坷红筹路:详解海外借壳上市 (14)10号文有效规避案例之一——辽宁忠旺香港IPO.. 1710号文有效规避案例之二——中国秦发香港IPO.. 2410号文有效规避案例之三——英利能源纽交所IPO.. 2910号文有效规避案例之四——天工国际香港IPO.. 3510号文有效规避案例之五——SOHO中国 (39)10号文有效规避案例之六——瑞金矿业香港IPO.. 4410号文有效规避案例之七——兴发铝业香港IPO.. 51规避“10号文”红筹系列八:银泰百货(转) 5610号文有效规避案例之九——保利协鑫香港IPO.. 62于宁:“10号文”的曲折2006年9月8日,商务部、国资委、国家税务总局、国家工商总局、证监会、外管局六个部委联合出台的《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》(2006年第10号)生效,这就是此后对外资并购和红筹上市产生重大影响的“10号文”。
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Provisions for the Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定CLP Reference: 2300/06.08.08PRC Reference:商务部、国资委、税务总局、工商总局、証监会、外汇局令[2006]Promulgated: 08 August 2006Effective: 08 September 2006(Promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, State Administration of Taxation, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, China Securities Regulatory Commission and State Administration of Foreign Exchange on August 8 2006 and effective as of September 8 2006.)(商务部、国务院国有资产监督管理委员会、国家税务总局、国家工商行政管理总局、中国证券监督管理委员会、国家外汇管理局二零零六年八月八日公布,自二零零六年九月八日起施行。
)Order of MOFCOM, SASAC, SAT, SAIC, CSRC and SAFE [2006] No.10商务部、国资委、税务总局、工商总局、証监会、外汇局令[2006]第10号PART ONE: GENERAL PROVISIONS总则第一章Article 1: These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to laws and administrative regulations for foreign-invested enterprises, the Company Law and other related laws and administrative regulations in order to promote and regulate investments in China by foreign investors, introduce advanced foreign technology and management expertise, make more effective use of foreign investment, realize the rational allocation of resources, ensure employment and safeguard fair competition and the economic security of the state.为了促进和规范外国投资者来华投资,引进国外的先进技第一条朮和管理经验,提高利用外资的水平,实现资源的合理配置,保証就业、维护公平竞争和国家经济安全,依据外商投资企业的法律、行政法规及《公司法》和其他相关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2: For the purposes of these Provisions, the phrase "acquisition of domestic enterprises by foreign investors" means a foreign investor's purchase of the equity of a shareholder in an enterprise that is not foreign-invested (a Domestic Company) or subscription to a Domestic Company's capital increase, resulting in the conversion of the Domestic Company into a newly establishedforeign-invested enterprise (an Equity Acquisition); or a foreign investor's establishment of aforeign-invested enterprise and purchase by agreement, through such enterprise, of the assets of adomestic enterprise and operation of such assets, or a foreign investor's purchase by agreement of the assets of a domestic enterprise and use of such assets to invest in and establish a foreign-invested enterprise to operate such assets (an Asset Acquisition).本规定所称外国投资者并购境内企业,系指外国投资者购买境内非外商投资企业(以下称“境内公司”)股东的股权或认购境内公司增资,使该境内公司变更设立为外商投资企业(以下称“股权并购”);或者,外国投资者设立外商投资企业,并通过该企业协议购买境内企业资产且运营该资产,或,外国投资者协议购买境内企业资产,并以该资产投资设立外商投资企业运营该资产(以下称“资产并购”)。
第二条Article 3: When a foreign investor acquires a domestic enterprise, it shall abide by Chinese laws, administrative regulations, and rules and adhere to the principles of fairness, reasonableness, compensation of equal value and good faith. It may not cause over-concentration to eliminate or restrict competition, disturb the socio-economic order or damage the public interest, or lead to losses to state-owned assets.外国投资者并购境内企业应遵守中国的法律、行政法规和规章,遵循公平合理、等价有偿、诚实信用的原则,不得造成过度集中、排除或限制竞争,不得扰乱社会经济秩序和损害社会公共利益,不得导致国有资产流失。
第三条Article 4: A foreign investor that acquires a domestic enterprise shall satisfy the requirements of Chinese laws, administrative regulations, and rules concerning investor qualifications as well as industrial, land, environmental protection and other policies.外国投资者并购境内企业,应符合中国法律、行政法规和规章对投资者资格的要求及产业、土地、环保等政策。
第四条An acquisition may not result in a foreign investor owning all of the equity in an enterprise in an industry in which, pursuant to the Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue, a foreign investor is not permitted to operate by way of a wholly foreign-owned enterprise. After the acquisition of an enterprise in an industry in which the Chinese party is required to have a controlling interest or a relative controlling interest, the Chinese party shall continue to have a controlling interest or relative controlling interest in the enterprise. A foreign investor may not acquire an enterprise engaged in an industry closed to foreign investors.依照《外商投资产业指导目录》不允许外国投资者独资经营的产业,并购不得导致外国投资者持有企业的全部股权;需由中方控股或相对控股的产业,该产业的企业被并购后,仍应由中方在企业中占控股或相对控股地位;禁止外国投资者经营的产业,外国投资者不得并购从事该产业的企业。
The existing scope of business of enterprises in which the target domestic enterprise has invested shall comply with the requirements of industrial policy on foreign investment. If it fails to comply with such requirements, it shall be revised.被并购境内企业原有所投资企业的经营范围应符合有关外商投资产业政策的要求;不符合要求的,应进行调整。
Article 5: If the acquisition of a domestic enterprise by a foreign investor is to involve the transfer of state-owned assets and equity of the enterprise or matters relating to the management of state-owned equity in a listed company, the relevant provisions on the administration of state-owned assets shall be complied with.外国投资者并购境内企业涉及企业国有产权转让和上市公司国有股权管理事宜的,应当遵守国有资产管理的相关规定。