




I have recently read Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother published by The Penguin Press in 2011. This autobiography was written by the Chinese American woman Amy Chua, a tenured professor in Yale Law School. She causes a sensation because her strict but unique parenting which brings excellent performance of her two daughters.

This autobiography tells the course of Amy Chua how she raised the two daughters in Chinese parenting way. It is divided into three parts. At the first part, it gives some introductions of the two daughters, the family. And in the second and third parts, the writer tells more details in the process of raising her two different daughters and the difficulties she was confronted in the process, and most importantly the success the daughters achieved in music which brought Amy Chua pride as well as the whole family.

To some extent, I don’t like Amy’s parenting in some aspects. In my opinion, she deprived the nature of children and pushed too much pressure on their children, especially on

Lulu who was under the shadow of her excellent elder daughter—Sophia. While I was reading the third part in the rebellion part, I coul dn’t control my own emotion, I felt what Lulu felt and even hated against her selfish and autocratic mother. I couldn’t understand why Amy didn’t let Lulu get up from sit, for water, not even to go to the bathroom when Lulu just wanted a rest during the lo ng hours’ practice of violin. She made Lulu practice violin all day during the family’s vacation abroad. She spoiled the vacation by letting the other family members waiting the practice. She was unreasonable.

But next what I do is to admire her.

There is an old Chinese saying “property can never last for three generations”。But Amy Chua did change it! Her parents came to U.S and suffered a tough life at the very beginning. They taught Amy math and piano in an extreme strict way when she was a kid. Under the influence of her parents, now Amy is frugal and pretty strict with her daughters and herself. They are the valuable points of her. Although she is so extreme on her parenting, she has the advisable ideas that the parents and the parents to be to learn.

Firstly, as parents, they couldn’t ignore their children and

put all focus on their job. There is no excuse for not concerning their children. Except supervising her daughters, Amy Chua has to give lessons in university, write books and handle the family chores. She is so busy, but she doesn’t ignore the daughters.

Secondly, parents should be strict with their children especially when they are kids because kids lack of self-control. They should not indulge their children in internet or sleepovers.

Thirdly, parents should master some skills in parenting. As a matter of fact, there are so many Chinese parents who are strict with their children with no avail of success. Success can’t be totally copied, because some parents ignore the skills in parenti ng. When their children don’t follow their will or perform well enough to satisfy them, they will lose their temper and even beat their children, yes, of course, Amy Chua will be mad but she won’t beat her daughters, in this condition, she will be sober and wait until her daughters perform well enough. She learnt some music knowledge in her children’s class and supervised them patiently. She knew where to correct the mistakes and gave the children extraordinary success.

Tiger mother aroused a big heat in parenting and threw such an important issue for us to think about. Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother gives us really some enlightenment. Anyway, that’s a really unique experience in reading this book.



《阿甘正传》英语读后感 Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed totellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston novel of the same name of Groom since. Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol. And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since begg all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of


奥赛罗读后感英文版 奥赛罗读后感英文版 Othello is a Venice duchy one Yong general. Moss silk Di dream Na loves his and daughter of the grand old man each other. Since but he is black,marriage has not been allowed. Two people is forced to get married in private. Othello has a sinister flag government official Yiagu, be bent on getting rid of Othello under the leadership of. He has given secret information to the grand old man first , has helped to bring about two people marriage unexpectedly but. He incites the Othello affection with moss silk Di dream Na , says another assistant officer Jixiao common, and having fabricated so-called lovers keepsake different from moss silk Di dream Na relation and so on. Othello has accepted sth. as true , has choked self wife to death in anger. Think that he is informed of the truth queen, spare time of regretting that draws selfs sword to slay self , but has been in moss silk Di dream Na at ones side. The former Soviet Union makes an explanation to uniqueness having taken form in Shakespearean go into to "Othello", this make an explanation have revealed


高考作文素材:虎妈与狼爸 为你整理了“高考作文素材:虎妈与狼爸”,供你参考,更多相关资讯本网站将持续更新,敬。 高考作文素材:虎妈与狼爸 今年年初,耶鲁大学法学院华裔教授蔡美儿,在其2011年新书《虎妈战歌》中认为,“以强迫压力为特点的中国传统子女教育方法,远优于西方式的教育方法”。11月,香港商人萧百佑出版教子经《所以,北大兄妹》称,“打孩子是一种文化,把三个孩子打进北大”。 “狼爸”坚持“用最传统、最原始的古老方法来教育自己的孩子”,家里常备藤条和鸡毛掸子,让孩子们从小背《三字经》、《弟子规》,背不上来就要揍人;“狼爸”不准孩子看电视,不准自由上网,不准随意开空调;“孩子是民,家长是主;打是一种文化”…… 像“虎妈”一样崇尚彪悍教育方式的“狼爸”说,他“把三个孩子打进了北大”。 对此,某论坛对“中国狼爸”的教育经展开过大讨论。 事件反思 “狼爸”和“虎妈”的做法如出一辙,是对孩子一种强悍的管制。 有人认为,“狼爸”和“虎妈”的这种做法不可取。原因是,首先,有些教育伤害不会一下子显现,但伤害就是伤害,它一定会隐伏在生命中,以不同的方式表现出来,比如北大也有跳楼自杀的,还比如一些人身上发生的偏执人格(书中呈现的虎妈和狼爸自身即表现出此类人格)、抑郁症、癌症等,很多都和童年所受的强权教育有关。其次,孩子倘若没有幸福的童年,就难有幸福的人生。自己是主,孩子是民———有这样的爸爸,注定没有幸福的童年。没有幸福的童年,很难有一个幸福的人生———因为童年的经历影响人的一生。 也有人认为,狼爸的“打”就是孩子成长中的“剪枝”,是一种家教的规矩。他的可贵之处是让处于懵懂之龄的孩子,懂得成长中的方向。就像军队里的特种兵,没有超常规的严格训练,怎么可以成为兵中之王呢?其实,惩戒是建立在惩戒者的权威之上的。无论“虎妈”还是“狼爸”,他们一方面对孩子制定了严酷的规矩,一方面又在身先力行地做孩子的榜样。“打”,谁都会;但是,对孩子的引导和示范,做孩子的表率,并不是每个家长都能做到的。“狼爸”萧百佑不仅毕业于重点大学,而且在事业上成就斐然。他的人格魅力无形中征服了孩子,他的权威保证了“打”的效果。孩子在接受惩戒时,如同新加坡的被鞭笞者,在心理上是接受的。


《奥赛罗》读后感 《奥赛罗》是关于嫉妒与欲望,爱与毁灭的故事。那么,下面是给大家分享的《奥赛罗》,希望大家喜欢。 奥赛罗是威尼斯公国一员勇将。他与元老的女儿苔丝狄梦娜相爱。但由于他是黑人,婚事未被允许。两人只好私下成婚。奥赛罗手下有一个阴险的旗官伊阿古,一心想除掉奥赛罗。他先是向元老告密,不料却促成了两人的婚事。他又挑拨奥赛罗与苔丝狄梦娜的感情,说另一名副将凯西奥与苔丝狄梦娜关系不同寻常,并伪造了所谓定情信物等。奥赛罗信以为真,在愤怒中掐死了自己的妻子。当他得知真相后,悔恨之余拔剑自刎,倒在了苔丝狄梦娜身边。 这篇小说最大的闪光点就是对人物性格的刻画。在故事情节的发展中,作者向我们展示了人物性格的复杂性与多面性,人物形象个性鲜明。而这些人物的性格集中体现在矛盾冲突中,且其性格会随着情节发展而加以变化,向我们呈现其多面性。比如文中的伊阿古,他是以一个极端利己主义的典型出现的。他阴险毒辣,两面三刀,心中充满妒忌和仇恨,为了达到个人目的而不择手段。而文中的主人公奥赛罗却是作者塑造的理想人物。他真诚,坦率,相信人又疾恶如仇。他把和苔丝狄蒙娜的爱情当作人世间最美好的体现,而她的“不贞”就代表了理想的破灭。也就是由于他的轻信,而错杀无辜。可以说导致他悲剧的与其说是伊阿古的阴谋诡计和卑鄙伎俩,还不如归罪于他的轻信和对现实缺乏清醒的认识。他自卑于自己的肤色、形象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的,他甚至觉得自己不如凯

西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。所以实际上他是不敢相信那么美好的女子,那么美好的幸福是属于自己的。而作者把这么复杂的性格刻画了出来,其技艺高超可见一斑。 总的来说,《奥赛罗》这一篇小说,是莎士比亚戏剧特点的全面体现,其中的语言的生动丰富个性化,以及展示的人物性格的复杂性与多面性,再加上情节的生动丰富,都是值得我们细细品味的。 品读莎翁,从语言与人性上来看更有其不朽的魅力,那一句句诗歌一般的对白,让人感受内心的冲击,语言的形象与生动,让人为自己无法亲自品读原著而懊恼。 主人公奥赛罗的性格,正直、勇敢、单纯抑或易怒与轻信他人。奥赛罗的最大缺点在于自卑,若不是自卑,他无须在伊阿古的几句挑唆后便怀疑自己的妻子。 他自卑于自己的肤色、形象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的,他甚至觉得自己不如凯西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。奥赛罗就属于这样的人。 我认为奥瑟罗是一个愚昧的人,一向习惯于听别人的,不去证实这些话,可书中的奥瑟罗为人坦率、正直、诚恳,从不随便地怀疑别人。不知什么是事实,不会做主。没有事实主见,但他自己还是一员勇将,还是很神勇,奥瑟罗是一个具有时代特征的形象。他尽管是贵族出身,但曾被人卖为奴隶,经受过无数艰辛。他也曾在战场上出生入死,建立了赫赫战功。正是这种不平凡的经历和英勇无畏的精神,博得了苔丝德蒙娜的爱情。他的手下有些不忠臣,最坏的还是伊阿古,


“虎妈战歌”材料作文 作文题.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。 近日一本名叫《虎妈战歌》的书在美国引起轰动。该书介绍了耶鲁大学华裔教授蔡美儿如何以中国式教育方法管教两个女儿的故事,她要求女儿每科成绩拿A、不准看电视、琴练不好就不准吃饭等。虎妈的教育方法引起美国关于中美教育方法的大讨论,虎妈也登上了最新一期《时代》周刊封面。 美国一些媒体认为,在教育子女方面,中国母亲的严格教育方式似乎更见成效。而正在素质教育之路上蹒跚起步的中国母亲们则开始困惑,宽松的家庭氛围,不是更能培养孩子的创造力么? 要求选准角度,明确立意,自选文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含义的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。 【立意探索】这是一道可以进行多方面立意的材料作文。首先,可以就成才模式、教育方法展开深入的讨论。比如,赞成虎妈的做法,批评宽容放纵的教育理念,倡导“严师出高徒”的教育传统;或者否定虎妈的做法,批评应试教育扼杀个性的种种弊端,倡导尊重个性、全面发展的教育理念;;更可以就教育的宽严问题展开实事求是的分析,辨析爱与溺爱、宽容与纵容、管教与伤害之间的辩证关系。其次,还可以抓住虎妈事迹在美国的震动,探讨背后深层次的原因,例如,中国人的崛起,美国精英阶层的没落和担忧,虎妈爱子行为对美国伦理的冲击,等等。另外,还可以抓住材料里“中国母亲们的困惑”,指出他们“只见树木,不见森林”的思维方法,阐述用辩证思维方法问题的重要性。 我们是否该反思一下,我们的所谓的“新课改”理念改过头了 _____“虎妈战歌”啸动美国教育理念 美国华裔教授蔡美儿和她的教女“秘笈”《虎妈战歌》,近来成为美国家长和教育界人士的热议对象。经《华尔街日报》、《时代》杂志、全国公共广播电台等美国主流媒体的报道,“虎妈”一夜成名。 蔡美儿是耶鲁大学法学院教授,其父亲是从菲律宾移民美国的华人。“虎妈”有三大“成功经验”:不理会孩子的自尊心;认定孩子必须孝顺父母;坚信小孩子不明是非,需要父母指引。“虎妈”顶尖高知的身份以及两个女儿在“悍母”式教养下的优异表现,对普通美国家长尊重、鼓励孩子的“民主”、“仁爱”理念形成了“悍然”的挑战。 “悍母”之悍,从其家规中可见一斑:不准在同学家中留宿;不准与同学聚会玩耍;不准参加校园演出;不准看电视或玩电脑游戏;不准擅自选择课外活动;不准有一科成绩低于“A”;除了体育与戏剧外,其他科目不准拿不到第一名;不准练习钢琴及小提琴以外的乐器。 可以说,蔡美儿对孩子的严格要求显然超出了美国家长能够承受的底线。蔡美儿禁止孩子参加的活动都是美国孩子乐此不疲的。记者的孩子来美两年,也已经习惯于向父母要求“PLAYDATE”(放学后与同学相约到一家玩耍)。 与大众对蔡美儿“虐待”、“变态”的谴责和奚落不同,一些美国教育界人士尽管不完全赞同“虎妈”的具体做法,但认可其中有利于塑造孩子性格和培养竞争意识的原则思想。“虎妈”的教育理念也许有“政治不正确”的问题,但与其女儿成材的结果有着必然联系。 首先,“快乐成长”不应沦为“平庸哲学”。对孩子寄予高期望值,不遗余力地帮助孩子达到期望值,无疑有助于孩子获得成功。教育心理学家多梅尼克〃麦格利奥认为,现在的美国家长逃避了一项重要责任,即帮助孩子做好应对严峻生活挑战的准备。家长以及老师、教育管理者们“沉迷于假象中”,在孩子的各个成长阶段都降低了标准,甚至“放任自流”。家长们津津乐道于孩子的微小进步,老师们“降低标准、虚抬成绩”。尽管他们的成就微不足道。在“快乐成长”中,孩子们被鼓励拥有“高度自尊”,却没有学会应对挑战的本领,甚至无力克服微小障碍。 其次,“民主”和“仁爱”不能牺牲教育效率。麦格利奥认为,家长在幼儿时期应该为孩子确定行为规范,放弃这一要求将不利于孩子成材。美国的家庭管教现在已“失之偏颇”,对孩子的“纵容”使他们无法应对日常压力。与移民学生或上几辈美国人相比,现在的美国孩子被过于娇惯。孩子们在这种成长环境下认为自己有选择、玩耍等“权利”,但不知道为自己的未来负责任。教育投资家安东尼〃阿尔菲迪指出,遵守纪律、保持专注、高标准、不自满等传统理念永远都不应过时。这些优点在早期拓荒者和欧洲移民身上都能看到,也正是这些特质使美国成为世界强国。现在,对孩子自尊心的过度重视正使美国成为一个“需要救援的国家”。 美国的教育研究也基本支持“虎妈”“接受挑战,克服困难”的教育原则。在家长的压力下,这些孩子更容易做到:专注于管教方的意图,建立自我控制;更加乐观和坚定;勇于面对困难并克服它;掌握一开始并不喜欢的事情,并把它变成乐趣;接受重复训练,是学习过程中必须经历的过程。 麦格利奥还进一步反思了美国的现代育儿理论。他认为,蔡美儿的教育理念有助于加强美国孩子和美国民族的性格。人们对“虎妈”的批评之猛烈,正是因为她击中了美国“放任的、物质主义的”教育理念


《阿甘正传》英文观后感 《阿甘正传》是改编自美国作家温斯顿·格卢姆于XXXX年出版的同名小说,描绘了先天智障的小镇男孩福瑞斯特·甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”地得到上天眷顾,在多个领域创造奇迹的励志故事,下面给大家分享了《阿甘正传》观后感,欢迎借鉴! 《阿甘正传》英文观后感X Mr. A Gan is a man who is short in intelligence but rich in mind! It is impossible for us to make the wildest guess at what achievements he could fulfill. History does not recount whether a man regarded as ‘stupid’ can do so many amazing things, but the fact is that he does gains a great deal of unexpected fame and success. The deep impression that the movie give me is that he just keep running all the time. Mr. A Gan, it seems, has run into the university, the White House and even the whole continent. Sometimes I wonder if we all misunderstand the true meaning of smart and clever, for Mr. A Gan has taught us a very different lesson. From my point of view, kindness and simplicity is the cleverest wealth that God has given


故事梗概: 赛尔将军奥赛罗与苔丝狄蒙娜相爱而秘密成婚。身份尊贵的贵族苔丝狄蒙娜决定不顾父亲的禁令委身相随。但在同一时间,旗官伊阿古因自己梦寐以求的职位被奥赛罗给了凯西奥,又妒忌凯西奥能被赏赐,所以他决意用奸计同时谋害奥赛罗与凯西奥来作出报复。他设计使凯西奥触犯军纪被撤职,又鼓动苔丝狄蒙娜去求情。他利用了奥赛罗的妒忌,以巧妙的暗示和诬蔑中伤的手段使奥赛罗怀疑爱妻与凯西奥有私情。伊阿古假装自己是为了奥赛罗好,而不断暗示奥赛罗的妻子苔丝狄蒙娜不贞。他暗指苔丝狄蒙娜跟凯西奥有不轨之情,却又立即伪装。一天,苔丝狄蒙娜不小心遗忘了一条奥赛罗赠送的手帕,被伊阿古放到凯西奥房里,便成了加害苔丝狄蒙娜的罪名,苔丝狄蒙娜不贞的证据。奥赛罗认定妻子不贞,将她亲手掐死。伊阿古的妻子随即揭发了这个阴谋,奥赛罗痛悔不已,拔剑自杀,倒在苔丝狄蒙娜的尸体上。 第一幕 从海上征战回来的将军奥赛罗。奥赛罗偕同新婚夫人苔丝狄蒙娜并宣布了他的胜利。一位威尼斯绅士罗德利果,暗恋着奥赛罗的妻子苔丝狄蒙娜,而仆人伊阿古则忌妒刚被奥赛罗提拔为副官的凯西奥,他把凯西奥灌醉,教唆罗德利果挑衅他,结果俩人大打出手。前任总督出来劝架,凯西奥不慎伤了他。伊阿古即刻教罗德利果去报告奥赛罗,奥赛罗出来制止争斗,惩处凯西奥,免除其副官的职位。 第二幕 伊阿古建议凯西奥去拜托苔丝狄蒙娜向奥赛罗说情。伊阿古要挑起奥赛罗对妻子与凯西奥之间的猜忌看到凯西奥在恳请苔丝狄蒙娜为其说情,又见奥赛罗来到,阴险地撩起奥赛罗的猜疑与忌妒。奥赛罗在伊阿古的挑拨下见妻子来向他替凯西奥求情,苔丝掏出手帕掉落地上。爱米莉亚因随侍在旁顺手拾起,伊阿古私下强迫自己的妻子将手帕交给自己。奥赛罗强迫伊阿古提出自己妻子不忠的证据,伊阿古故意说,凯西奥在营房睡梦中思恋苔丝狄蒙娜的话。伊阿古却手帕已被凯西奥所拥有,奥泰罗发誓要报复。 第三幕 不知情的苔丝狄蒙娜仍在为凯西奥的复职求情,奥赛罗再生嫉愤,并要求看妻子的手帕,苔丝狄蒙娜说手帕放在房间里,又再次为凯西奥说情,奥赛罗激愤之下将妻子推倒,并口出恶言骂她是娼妇。伊阿古设计约凯西奥出来谈话,奥赛罗从旁窃听,伊阿古早已把那手帕放置在凯西奥身上,奥赛罗见两人在玩弄妻子的手帕,伊阿古故意让凯西奥聊些他与其女友的风流韵事,将笑声让奥赛罗听见,奥泰罗感觉自己被嘲笑。伊阿古则建议奥赛罗将她勒死于床上,说那正是她犯罪的地方,苔丝狄蒙娜与爱米莉亚从右边小门进场。凯西奥因升官而高兴,而苔丝狄蒙娜则因为奥赛罗粗暴的态度感到悲伤,爱米莉亚走上前来安慰她。奥赛罗看到妻子的哭泣,误以为她是舍不得离开凯西奥。 第四幕 苔丝狄蒙娜和伊阿古的夫人爱米莉亚相对而泣。苔丝狄蒙娜的行为,全被误解。她一面让爱米莉亚梳发,向艾米莉亚道晚安,向圣母作晚祷。睡眠中,奥赛罗轻声走进房间,吻醒了她。骂她是凯西奥的娼妇,厉声命令其准备赴死。苔丝狄蒙娜苦苦哀求饶恕,但奥赛罗铁心,不听其辩护,在床上勒死了她。爱米莉亚有预感地急急回来敲门,目睹这恐怖的场景急奔入室,然而已挽救不苔丝狄蒙娜的生命。爱米莉亚惊唤众人进来,奥泰罗指称妻子不贞,更以手帕为证。爱米莉亚听后讲明手绢是伊阿古从她那里得到的,伊阿古见势不好仓慌逃跑。奥赛罗明白妻子的忠贞,最后奥泰罗悲戚地拿起大刀,自杀于妻子的卧榻之侧。 奥赛罗 奥赛罗这一角色,或多或少是一个自私、偏狭、以自我为中心的人。正因为如此他才掉进了


材料阅读题“《虎妈战歌》引发家教争议”语文阅读答案阅读下面材料,按要求回答问题。(10分) 前不久,美国华裔妈妈、大学教授蔡美儿在美国出了一本《虎妈战歌》的书。在美国,“虎妈”以“中国式”教育将两个女儿调教成全A生以及钢琴和小提琴演奏能手。她管教两个孩子,为孩子规定了“十不准”:不准夜不归宿,不准看电视或玩电子游戏,不准有科目成绩低于A,除了体育与话剧外其他科目不准拿不到第一,不准不练习钢琴及小提琴,不准参加学校的小组娱乐活动,不准参加校园演出,不准抱怨没有参加校园演出,不准擅自选择课外活动,不准练习钢琴及小提琴以外的乐器。蔡美儿总结,与美国家长认为孩子是脆弱的、需要经常地鼓励和赞誉相反,中国妈妈认为孩子天生有一个“强大的内心”,可以用训斥甚至威胁的方式对他们施压。中国虎妈得以成功的三大特质是:不理会孩子的自尊心;认定孩子必须孝顺父母;坚信小孩不懂事,需要父母指引。 有美国读者评论说,蔡美儿的做法是虐待儿童,进而延伸到亚洲人没有创造力就是这种育儿方式的后果。但也有不少美国家长表示,西方人应当借鉴这种严格的管教方式,并坦承自己也是“虎爸虎妈”。 (1)用一句话概括以上材料的内容。(不得超过20字)(3分) (2)对蔡美儿的家教方法,你有什么见解?请简要阐述。(150字左右)(7分) 参考答案: 17.(10分) (1)《虎妈战歌》引发家教争议。或《虎妈战歌》引发中美教育方式的争论。(3分) (2)答案示例一:“虎妈”的教育之道,在很多方面颠覆了教育学的基本价值、基本原理。严苛管制、强化训练、高压和惩戒通常可以提高孩子的学习成绩,但扼杀孩子的学习兴趣、想象力和创造力,导致学生从小就严重厌学。一个生活在压力和威逼之中、没有梦想和内在学习兴趣的孩子,长大后虽然可以谋取学位和职业,却不大可能成为有高度智慧的优秀人才,单纯追求学业导致社会化程度不足和个性缺陷。 答案示例二:虎妈的做法无可厚非。教育的根本目的就是让孩子成才、成人,只要能够达到这一目标,教育的手段可以多元,严教与宽教都只是教育的手段。儿童在成长时期,还缺乏对外界的是非判断能力,容易受到外界不良思想的影响,父母对其思想与行为的规范必不可少。况且,严格的要求,并不等同于扼杀创造能力,性格的缺陷,也不是由严厉的教学方法造成的。相反,如果在孩童时期不加规范,以致让儿童误入歧途,那么,即使这个儿童是个天才,也不会是社会有用的人才,也许还会成为社会的负担。 答案示例三:虎妈的做法有利有弊。对孩子严苛管制、强化训练、高压和惩戒通常可以提高孩子的学习成绩,能够帮助儿童养成良好的生活习惯、行为习惯,提高孩子的道德思想水平。帮助孩子走好人生第一步,严格的教育方式无可厚非。但应该要注意,严格不是压制。如果大人就凭一己的观念去管制孩子,不给孩子自己的生活和思维空间,效果只能适得其反。因此,要宽严有度,制造


阿甘正传观后感英文200字本文为阿甘正传观后感英文200字,让我们通过以下的文章来了解。 the film shows kindness,thankness,honest, serious,bravry and all of beautiful things in our tells the story by forrest gump sits on the chair by the road and tells his experiences in his past time to the persons who are waiting for the come and go,however forrest talking and doesn't mind what they are doing and how they are feeling .when i see the sences,i feel it this just accouts forrest is a clinging man. forrest gump isn't a genius is even thought a big all his childhood,otherboys look down upon him and ofen laugh at his mother regards him as a normal child and tells him that he is the same as the other boys. one day he finds that he could run fast like thathe begin to run without any reason. maybe he wants to escape from the unkind laughter and may be a in the first he is a has his own leads his life in his own ways and never complains anything and never gives up. because of this,he gets surprising upshots every


功夫熊猫 Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.? 这个杀手不太冷 This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done...), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon's door. It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating Natalie Portman's face, symbolizing something angelic. And the moment has so much more meaning.? I know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans. I'm not. But I'm glad I finally found it, because it's a wonderful film in so many other ways. 哈利波特 Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule. 动画喜剧海底总动员 Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away.? Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son...? The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars. Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running? 世界末日 There are so many amazing things in the world.这个世界上有太多不可思议的事情.If tomorrow is the end of the world,what can we do?如果明天是世界末日,我们可以做什么?So now,i think we should keep smile everyday.所以现在,我觉得我们应该每天都微笑.After i finish the movie of "2012The end of the world",I feel very upset about that.我看完“2012世界末日”这电影之后,我感到很悲伤.When I saw the people die in the movie,I thought about if this event will happen to us,will we die very helpless?当我看到人类在这个电影里死了,我想到了如果这件事情发生在我们身上,我们会死得很无助吗?If we have to die,I'll choose the one happy ending,like we


《奥赛罗》是关于嫉妒与欲望,爱与毁灭的故事。那么,下面是给大家分享的《奥赛罗》读后感,希望大家喜欢。 《奥赛罗》读后感1 奥赛罗是威尼斯公国一员勇将。他与元老的女儿苔丝狄梦娜相爱。但由于他是黑人,婚事未被允许。两人只好私下成婚。奥赛罗手下有一个阴险的旗官伊阿古,一心想除掉奥赛罗。他先是向元老告密,不料却促成了两人的婚事。他又挑拨奥赛罗与苔丝狄梦娜的感情,说另一名副将凯西奥与苔丝狄梦娜关系不同寻常,并伪造了所谓定情信物等。奥赛罗信以为真,在愤怒中掐死了自己的妻子。当他得知真相后,悔恨之余拔剑自刎,倒在了苔丝狄梦娜身边。 这篇小说最大的闪光点就是对人物性格的刻画。在故事情节的发展中,作者向我们展示了人物性格的复杂性与多面性,人物形象个性鲜明。而这些人物的性格集中体现在矛盾冲突中,且其性格会随着情节发展而加以变化,向我们呈现其多面性。比如文中的伊阿古,他是以一个极端利己主义的典型出现的。他阴险毒辣,两面三刀,心中充满妒忌和仇恨,为了达到个人目的而不择手段。而文中的主人公奥赛罗却是作者塑造的理想人物。他真诚,坦率,相信人又疾恶如仇。 他把和苔丝狄蒙娜的当作人世间最美好的体现,而她的“不贞”就代表了理想的破灭。也就是由于他的轻信,而错杀无辜。可以说导致他悲剧的与其说是伊阿古的阴谋诡计和卑鄙伎俩,还不如归罪于他的轻信和对现实缺乏清醒的认识他自卑于自己的肤色、形

象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的, 他甚至觉得自己不如凯西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。所以实际上他是不敢相信那么美好的女子,那么美好的幸福是属于自己的。而作者把这么复杂的性格刻画了出来,其技艺高超可见一斑。 总的来说,《奥赛罗》这一篇小说,是莎士比亚戏剧特点的全面体现,其中的语言的生动丰富个性化,以及展示的人物性格的复杂性与多面性,再加上情节的生动丰富,都是值得我们细细品味的。 品读莎翁,从语言与人性上来看更有其不朽的魅力,那一句句一般的对白,让人感受来自内心的冲击,语言的形象与生动,让人为自己无法亲自品读原著而懊恼。 主人公奥赛罗的性格,正直、勇敢、单纯抑或易怒与轻信他人。奥赛罗的最大缺点在于自卑,若不是自卑,他无须在伊阿古的几句挑唆后便怀疑自己的妻子。 他自卑于自己的肤色、形象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的,他甚至觉得自己不如凯西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。奥赛罗就属于这样的人。 我认为奥瑟罗是一个愚昧的人,一向习惯于听别人的,不去证实这些话,可书中的奥瑟罗为人坦率、正直、诚恳,从不随便地怀疑别人。不知什么是事实, 不会做主。没有事实主见,但他自己还是一员勇将,还是很神勇,奥瑟罗是一个具有时代特征的形象。他尽管是贵族出身,但曾被人卖为奴隶,经受过无数艰辛他也曾在战场上出生入死,建立了赫赫战功。正是这种不平凡的经历和英勇无畏的精神,博得了苔丝德蒙娜的爱情。他

阿甘正传观后感 中英文对照

Life is like a box of chocolates, results are often surprising If you do not insist on the struggle of life do not never know what will happen next, which were last seen Lieutenant Dan felt vicissitudes of life. Finally with the help of his Forrest Gump and his shrimp together. Gradually found their confidence and enjoyment of life. Calm when sitting in the ship's side with two hands on the Agam said, "had never told you thank you, you saved my life." Then jump into the water to swim with the two arms heartily. Y ou can feel his pleasure. Finally, he and Forrest Gump's shrimp big success, became a rich man on the magazine cover. In the film's end, Agam, and beloved Janet got married, filled with metal made of two legs Lieutenant Dan, carrying his fiancee, or an Oriental. (Will not be a Chinese person) to attend their wedding. Dan looked very spirit, and said his leg is a "rigged spacecraft materials used." He seems to have found the courage to live by. This is Forrest Gump gave him the courage and conditions. Life or a short is also a short, saying that a long and long. Boundless, the Dow could not finish. Forrest Gump's experience, but also like a legend. He looks silly, there is a strong running legs, has been kept running, do not know why. Like his mother say, "Life


阿甘正传的英语读后感 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 阿甘正传的英语读后感(一) Life is like a box of chocoles ―― 《Forrest Gump》 "Mom always said life is just like a box of chocoles. You'll never know what you gonna get." Ever find the grind of life getting you down? Is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under? If so, there is a movie out there that can replenish your energy and refresh your outlook. Passionate and magical, Forrest Gump is a tonic for the weary of spirit. For those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead. Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything.But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire! In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing ,

莎士比亚简介 英文版

关于莎士比亚 莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Macbeth)。四大喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》、《第十二夜》、《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》、《亨利五世》、《理查二世》等。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼生称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。1616年4月23日病逝。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先躯者伽利略同一年出生。 Shakespearean representative work has 4-big tragedy: "Hamlet" (UK: Hamlet), "Othello" is (UK: Othello), "King Lear " is (UK: King Lear), "Macbeth " is (UK: Macbeth). 4-big comedy: "A Midsummer Night's Dream ", "The Merchant of V enice " ", Twelfth Night " ", "As Y ou Like It" ("As you like it "). Historical play: "King Henry the Fourth Part 1 " ", King Henry the Fifth " ", King Richard II " and so on. Had written 154 sonnets , two leading cadre poems. Our · Jonson says he is "the times soul " , Max says he and Helladic Aisiku Ross are "the greatest human being drama genius ". Although Shakespeare uses English writing only,he is a famous writer of world but. Most work of him has all already been translated into various language , whose play performs also in the lot of country. Die of illness on April 23 , 1616. Body person Galileo is the same as Shakespeare and famous Italy mathematician , physicist , astrologer with the philosopher , experiment science the modern times first being born for 1 year.
