






3.整机的工作环境温度范围:-10℃~ 50℃。

4.电路板工作温度范围:-10℃~ 55℃。

5.安全及性能要求符合GB 4706.32-1996等的要求。












7.电子膨胀阀驱动:DC 12V 1-2相励磁30PPS8.线控器显示:LCD显示。

第二部分:运行模式一、标准模式1.:进入此模式,用户可设定所需水温,机器自动加热到该设定温度,并循环加热保温2.温度设定范围30℃~ 60℃ (设定缺省时为55℃)3.压缩机运行或停止[P01]回差温度可调T1- T≥0℃压缩机停止 (T0为设定温度T1为水箱温度)- T1≥3℃压缩机运行T压缩机停止后3分钟内不得起动。












商业—— Park Mall(花园中的专卖店) 奢侈品专卖。

拟建成Park Mall,成为又一“香榭丽舍”。








二、编制依据1、热泵系统技术参数及相关配置;2、《采暖通风与空气调节设计规范》GB50019——2003;3、《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施·暖通空调·动力分册》4、《给水排水设计手册》第二册5、设计参数:1、负荷计算公式1)、热负荷计算公式:供热量(W)=供暖面积(m2)×供暖热指标(W/m2)2)、冷负荷计算公式:供冷量(W)=供冷面积(m2)×供冷指标(W/m2)3)、热水负荷计算公式:参见《给水排水设计手册》第二册,中国建筑工业出版社热负荷冷负荷计算1)写字楼采暖负荷指标为50W/m2,制冷负荷指标为85W/m2,采暖总热负荷为:QR = 80000×50 =4000kW制冷总负荷为:QL = 80000×85 =6800kW2)商业中心采暖负荷指标为60W/m2,制冷负荷指标为100W/m2,采暖总热负荷为:QR = 40000×60=2400kW制冷总负荷为:QL = 40000×100=4000kW3)洲际酒店采暖负荷指标为55W/m2,制冷负荷指标为90W/m2,采暖总热负荷为:QR = 38000×55 =1672kW制冷总负荷为:QL = 38000×90=3420kW热水总负荷为:现有客房253套,热水小时变化系数6.84。



1. 热泵技术:热泵机制可以通过制热和制冷过程来转移热量。


2. 除湿原理:除湿原理是利用湿空气与干燥剂之间的相互作用进行湿度调节。



1. 热泵系统:热泵系统由压缩机、换热器、膨胀阀和蒸发器组成。


2. 除湿系统:除湿系统通常包括湿度传感器、干燥剂和排湿装置。




3. 空气循环系统:空气循环系统包括风扇和空气管道,用于将





*2 送风机功率栏“/ ”后的功率为选用“可选项一经济器”增加回风机后的送风机功率。






两用表冷段排风段回风段(六)泳池空气处理、水处理工艺流程图(十七)Nautilus 泳池热泵除湿空调机国内部分应用工程案例杭州黄龙饭店青岛香格里拉大酒店温州锦绣喜来登大酒店山东德州波司登五星级酒店青岛胶州喜来登大酒店杭州盛泰名都五星级酒店苏州工业园区青少年活动中心江苏工业学院游泳馆苏州平江新城全民健身中心无锡崇安新城全民健身中心游泳馆杭州残疾人活动中心无锡市体育馆游泳馆苏州恒宇大厦万豪酒店江苏长江大酒店苏州独墅湖银瑞会议酒店义乌国际会议中心酒店宁波九龙山庄大酒店常州金坛润澳花园大酒店张家港沙钢“暨阳湖” 会所 香港天安“无锡曼哈顿”运动会所上海龙湖郦城国际社区会所 上海万科琥珀臻园会所。



The next generation of heat pumps:The new Vitocal 150-A seriesP r o du c t In f o r m at Io n2 / 3In t r o d u c t Io nDay by day, technical progress makes our lives more pleasant and safer. New ideas are born that changethe world. We are helping to shape this change –with intelligent solutions for climate and for comfort. "We create living spaces for generations to come,"we also take responsibility for the things that come after us. The protection and preservation of our environment and the natural world that surrounds us is without doubt among the most important tasks that our society has to cope with.We see the energy transition and digitisation as a great opportunity. This gives us the guidelines for careful use of our natural resources. It is against this background that the new heat pump program was developed, with a concept that once again significantly increases efficiency. For even quieter, more comfortable operation, reduced emissions and lower energy consumption for heating and hot water.4 /5 t H E n E W G E n E r at I o n o f H E at P u m PSReliable, compact and environmentally friendly like never before – with the new, innovative heat pump technology from Viessmann. Environmental heat can be used efficiently for heating and cooling.With a flow temperature of up to 70°C, the Vitocal 15x series has been specially designed for renovation projects.Existing radiators can continue to be used and underfloor heating is not required but is an alternative.The new generation of heat pumpsThe new Vitocal 15x series monobloc heat pumps with up to 70°C flow temperature are ideally suited for renovation projects.Climate Protect +++protects the environment and the climateThe Vitocal 15x series use the "green" refrigerant R290 (propane), which is considered to be particularlyenvironmentally "friendly", with a very low GWP100 of 0.02 (Global Warming Potential).Service Link – for faster response timesThe Vitocal 15x series are always connected to Viessmann withViessmann Service. Completely free of charge, the heat pump instantly transmits any faults. The installer can immediately take the necessarymeasures, which eliminates unnecessarytrips, saving time and money.Outdoor unit Vitocal indoor unit Hot water cylinderOptiPerform – reliable operation with maximum efficiencyThe modern heat pumps from Viessmann work with patentedhydraulics. With Hydro AutoControl® the heat pump is operated reliably and with maximum efficiency over the entire service life of the product. The unique design ensures that the engineer can install the heat pump much faster and more cost-effectively. It also takes up much less space, because it is up to 60 percent smaller than similar systems.Outdoor unit ViessmannServiceVitocal indoorunita d Va n ta G E S+Installation as easy as a wall-mounted gas unit+Significantly faster installation (up to 90 minutes time saving) of the indoor unit thanks to the Hydro AutoControl hydraulic system +Around 50% fewer components to install+No need to take into account minimum flow rate and circulation rate or water temperature during commissioning+Service Link without WLAN connection enables faster response time in case of service+High flow temperatures of up to 70°C (at outdoor temperatures as low as -10°C)+Only one operating and service app for all system components (from the heat pump to the electricity storage unit to the home ventilation system).a d Va n ta G E S f o r u S E r S+With a flow temperature of 70°C, ideally suited for renovation projects +Climate Protect +++: Protects the environment and the climate +OptiPerform: Reliable operation with maximum efficiency+Service Link: Guaranteed faster response time in case of service+Low operating costs thanks to high efficiency and self-optimising heat pump +Integrated Energy Management ensures transparency in energy consumptionand costs* One heating circuit, radiator or underfloor heating6 / 7E l E c t r o nI c P l at f o rmEasy monitoring and control of customer systems with Viguide– for example KNX or EEBUS, can also be easily integrated into the platform. It is also possible to control theelectronic platform via voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.Compatible and future-proofWith the electronic platform, installers can equip their customers with future-proof, expandable energy systems that offer a long-term solution. For example a Vitocal heat pump can be combined with a photovoltaic system. Thanks to the ViCare app and Viessmann Energy Management the system can beoperated can be operated quickly and easily.The electronic platform enables commissioning, maintenance, service and monitoring of all Viessmann systems from a single sourceThe electronic platform connects them all. The result is a seamlessly integrated platform. Whether Vitodens gas condensing boilers, Vitocal heat pumps, Vitovolt photovoltaic modules or Vitocharge electricity storage units: all components work together thanks to Viessmann Energy Management.This means not only more convenience and a better overview, but also more efficiency. The electronic platform goes even further: smart home and building control technology from other providersElectronic platformMore comfort, overview and efficiencyViessmann Energy ManagementNetworked Viessmann products help to use less energy resources and reduce heating costs.With the ViCare Energy Cockpit, the customer has all the energy information in their household at a glance.The analysis shows current and past efficiency and consumption rates in the household.8 / 9E l E c t r o nI c P l at f o r mEverything in view – and always connectedWith the electronic platform, allproducts have Connectivity Inside. The error codes are identical for all products. The accessories and spare parts are the same for all products and are therefore interchangeable, regardless of which product it is.Are you on site and there is there is no internet connection available? The electronic platform has the solution. Without an Internet connection, parameters can be adjusted and optimised. To do this, the installeruses the ViGuide app on their tablet or smartphone to establish a direct wireless connection with the heating unit.Service in a new dimensionWhether via laptop in the office or mobile app: the energy system ismonitored with the ViGuide control tool. Remote monitoring provides important information at a glance: from the details of the system installation, important system settings and status messages. As installers can accurately diagnose errors, they save time and unnecessary trips. This creates customer confidence and increases safety. The user knows that their system is supervised around the clock and that it is runningefficiently. This is because the installer can eliminate issues before they become a problem.Through the networking of Viessmannproducts, the house becomes intelligent.Viessmann Energy Management saves energy resources and costs at the same time.1E lectric charging station2 V itovolt photovoltaic system 3M ains connection4 V itocharge VX3 power storage system*5 V itocell DHW cylinder6 I ndoor unit air/water heat pump Vitocal7 Vitocal heat pump outdoor unit8 Vitoair FS domestic ventilation system*9 ViCare app10 ViGuide service center12345687910* Planned for UK launch in 2023ViGuide – the central control tool for the installer. Here, all systems can be monitored remotelyno matter where and when.E l E c t r o nI c P l at f o r m a d Va n ta G E S f o r t H E In S ta l l E r:+Commissioning, maintenance, service and monitoring from a single source.+Better service through guided replacement of spare parts+Convenient remote monitoring+Fewer on-site visits, lower travel costs+Future-proof system that grows with customer needs+Works with any device, for any application: smartphone or laptop, iOS or Android10 / 11H y d r o a u t o c o n t r o lHydro AutoControl – reliable operation with maximum efficiency122Viessmann Hydro AutoControlThe new, patented hydraulics from Viessmann that make heat pump installations child's play.1Viessmann heat pumpsare particularly quietand efficient.With their excellent design, which also includes the accessories, they set high standards. Due to the environmentally friendly, natural refrigerant propane, the heat pump can operate even at outside temperatures of -10°C.With 70°C flow temperatureit is ideally suited forrenovationsThis means that it can be used to heat existing buildings that are equipped with radiators.1Significantly reduced space requirement due to Hydro AutoControlSimplify the renovation of an existing system.To make the renovation of an existing system with the new Vitocal 15x series as easy as possible, we have equipped it with a new, innovative hydraulic system. The patented HydroAutoControl system simplifies the renovation of an existing system significantly.2234512 / 13H y d r o au t o c o n t r o lCommon problems in the heating circuit are solved with the new hydraulics:Insufficient circulation quantities due to closing radiator valvesHydro AutoControl regulates the minimum circulation volumeIf, for example, the room temperature changes due to warm weather, Hydro AutoControl reacts to the closing thermostatic valves and the resulting pressure increase in the system byopening the bypass valve. The flow rate is reduced until the minimum circulation rate is is reached. At this pointthe bypass valve opens again, so that the minimum minimum flow rate is always maintained.Radiator valve open Radiator valve closes, volume flow is reducedHydro AutoControl regulates the minimum circulation quantityTemperature increase due to solar radiationRadiator valve closes due to temperature increaseFreezing of the evaporator is prevented:Via the particularly efficient defrosting processAn efficient defrosting process due to cycle inversionEspecially at outside temperatures just above freezing point, the evaporator of an air-to-water heat pump installed outside starts to freeze.To prevent the evaporator from freezing, it is automatically defrosted. In modern air-to-water heat pumps, this is done by the particularly efficient defrosting process called cycle reversal.In this process, energy is briefly taken from the home network and used to heat the evaporator. Hydro AutoControl ensures that sufficient defrosting energy is always available to heat the evaporator.VI E S S m a n n H y d r o a u t o c o n t r o l a d Va n ta G E S :+Ensures optimum circulation rates thanks to integrated volume flow sensor and bypass +Provides defrosting energy through integrated buffer tank +Reduces the space requirement of the system by up to 60% +Reduces installation time by up to 90 minEfficient defrosting process due to cycle reversal14 / 15P r o du c t In f o r m at Io nVitocal 150-a2,6 to 14,9 kWP r o du c t f E at u r E S_Air-to-water heat pumps in monobloc design_For space heating/cooling and domestic hot water heating_Maximum flow temperature: 70°C (with outdoor temperature down to -10°C) _Monobloc indoor unit with heat pump control, high-efficiency circulation pump for the secondary circuit, 4/3-way valve, safety group _Built-in heating water instantaneous water heater_Built-in heating water buffer tank and overflow valveVitocal 150-a Indoor unit1 Heating water buffer tank (16 litre capacity)2D iaphragm expansion tank (10 litre capacity)3 H eating water instantaneous water heater 4S econdary pump(high-efficiency circulation pump)5 H eat pump control with 7-inch color touch display 6 Safety valve7 4/3-way valve heating/ DHW heating/bypass1234567Vitocal 150-A outdoor unit1 Coated evaporator2 Energy-saving, speed-controlled DC fan3 Inverter-controlled compressor4 nverter5 Condenser122345Vitocal 150-aVitocal 150-A AWO-M-E-AC(-AF)Vitocal 150-A AWO-M-E-AC(-AF)VoltageV 251.A10 251.A10 SP230251.A13251.A13 SP230 251.A16251.A16 SP230Vitocal 150-A AWO-E-AC(-AF)VoltageV251.A10400251.A13400251.A16400Performance data heating according to EN 14511Nominal heat output Operating point A7/W35Operating point A-7/W35kW kW 7,39,78,111,19,112,47,39,78,111,19,112,4Performance data heating according to EN 14511 (A7/W35, spread 5 K)Nominal heat outputcoefficient of performance ε (COP) in heating mode Output range kW 5,02,6 – 12,04,93,0 – 13,44,93,3 – 14,95,02,6 – 12,04,93,0 – 13,44,93,3 – 14,9Sound power leveldB(A)595959595959Cooling performance data according to EN 14511 (A35/W18, spread 5 K)Cooling capacityEER coefficient of performance Cooling capacity max.kW kW 9,64,414,411,04,015,713,23,717,09,54,513,411,24,114,713,33,716,0Refrigeration circuit Refrigerant– Filling quantity as delivered– Global warming potential (GWP100 acc. to IPPC AR6)– CO 2 equivalent kg t R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004DimensionsLength x width x height Indoor unit Outdoor unit mm mm 360 x 450 x 920600 x 1144 x 1382Weight indoor unit Weight outdoor unitkg kg 471914719147191471974719747197Energy Efficiency ηs at W35%190178178190178178Energy Efficiency ηs at W55%145141141145141141Measurement of the sound power level in accordance with EN ISO 12102/EN ISO 9614-2, accuracy class 3 in night modeEnergy efficiency ηs : Heating performance data according to EU Regulation No. 813/2013 at average climate conditions for low-temperature application (W35) and medium temperature application (W55)16 / 17P r o du c t In f o r m at Io nVitocal 151-a2,6 to 14,9 kWCylinder capacity: 190 lP r o du c t f E at u r E S_Air-to-water heat pump compact unit in monobloc design_Integrated storage water heater (190 l capacity) _For space heating/cooling and DHW heating_Maximum flow temperature: 70°C (at an outdoor temperature down to -10°C) _Monobloc indoor unit with heat pump control, high-efficiency circulation pump for the secondary circuit, 4/3-way valve, safety group _Built-in heating water instantaneous water heater_Built-in heating water buffer tank and overflow valveVitocal 151-a Indoor unit1 H eating water buffer tank(16 litre capacity)2 D iaphragm expansion tank (10 litre capacity)3 H eating water instantaneous water heater 4S econdary pump(high-efficiency circulation pump)5 H eat pump control with 7-inch color touch display 6 Safety valve74/3-way valve heating/ domestic hot water/bypass 8 H ot water tank (190 litre capacity)81257346Vitocal 151-A outdoor unit 1 C oated evaporator2 E nergy-saving, speed-controlled DC fan3 I nverter-controlled compressor4 nverter5 Condenser122345Vitocal 151-aMeasurement of the sound power level in accordance with EN ISO 12102/EN ISO 9614-2, accuracy class 3 in night modeEnergy efficiency ηs : Heating performance data according to EU Regulation No. 813/2013 at average climate conditions for low-temperature application (W35) and medium temperature application (W55)Vitocal 151-A AWO-M-E-AC(-AF)Vitocal 151-A AWOT-M-E-AC(-AF)VoltageV 151.A10 151.A10 SP230151.A13151.A13 SP230 151.A16151.A16 SP230Vitocal 151-A AWO-E-AC(-AF)VoltageV151.A10400151.A13400151.A16400Performance data heating according to EN 14511Nominal heat output Operating point A7/W35Operating point A–7/W35kW kW 7,39,78,111,19,112,47,39,78,111,19,112,4Performance data heating according to EN 14511 (A7/W35, spread 5 K)Nominal heat outputcoefficient of performance ε (COP) in heating mode Output range kW 5,02,6 – 12,04,93,0 – 13,44,93,3 – 14,95,02,6 – 12,04,93,0 – 13,44,93,3 – 15,7Sound power leveldB(A)595959595959Cooling performance data according to EN 14511 (A35/W18, spread 5 K)Cooling capacityEER coefficient of performance Cooling capacity max.kW kW 9,64,414,411,04,015,713,23,717,09,54,513,411,24,114,713,33,716,0Refrigeration circuit Refrigerant– Filling quantity as delivered– Global warming potential (GWP100 acc. to IPPC AR6)– CO 2 equivalent kg t R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004R29020,020,00004DimensionsLength x width x height Indoor unit Outdoor unit mm mm 597 x 600 x 1900600 x 1144 x 1382Weight indoor unit Weight outdoor unitkg kg 170191170191170191170197170197170197Energy Efficiency ηs at W35%190178178190178178Energy Efficiency ηs at W55%14514114114514114118 / 19t H E c o m Pa n yWe are the family-owned company Viessmann. Founded in 1917 as aheating technology manufacturer, today we are the the world's leading supplier of sustainable climate (heating, cooling and air quality) and renewable energy solutions.Our integrated solutions offerseamlessly connected products and systems via digital platforms and services, creating a personalised climate of well-being for our users. All our activities are based on the corporate mission statement "We design living spaces for generations to come." This is the responsibility to which we, the 12,750-member Viessmann family, together with our (trade) partners, face up to every day.Partnership in actionIn addition to the completeproduct range, Viessmann offers acomprehensive range of accompanying services. For example Viessmann Academy offers technical trainingfacilities and a comprehensive training program.With new digital services Viessmann offers innovative solutions, for example, the operation and monitoring ofheating systems via smartphone. The operator benefits from greater safety and convenience. And the heating contractor always has an overview of the systems they are responsible for.We create living spaces for generations to come.Specialist trade partner No. 1 – for the 16th time in a rowA milestone in heating technology: the MatriX Plus burnerAs a family business in its fourth generation we think long-term: we create living space for generations to come. This guiding principle shapes the actions of all members of the large Viessmann family.20 / P BViessmann UKHortonwood 30TelfordTF1 7YP03/2022 GBContent protected by copyright.Copies and other use only with prior consent.Subject to change without notice.。


All Calorex swimming pool dehumidifiers are manufactured in the UK at our Maldon factory which is accredited with ISO 9001
Key benefits of a Calorex dehumidifier:
low power consumption
✓ Corrosion free, easy to clean
composite cover
✓ Zero ozone depletion refrigerant ✓ Low internal operating pressures
long useful life
Energy saving
Removing humidity from the air enables the Calorex to absorb latent energy and return it to the pool air as useful air heating. Its heat pump technology converts 2.5kW to air heating for every 1kW of electricity consumed – a real bonus for running costs! So that the best choice can be made, a full range of units is available. Each is supplied with full installation kits, and noise isolation. The Calorex dehumidifier range includes wall mounted and floor mounted units.



Kailipool De-humid Heat Pump Commissioningand Operation Manual凱利浦除濕熱泵調試和操作使用說明書KLP-1501.0這些機組絕不能安裝在易燃和易爆的環境。







2.0以下的游泳池池水的物理和化學參數必須維護:pH值:遊離氯:1-3 ppm總鹼度:80-125 ppm總固溶:≤3000 mg/l鈣硬:200-300 ppm水的正確物理和化學參數的維護是預防熱泵損壞的必要條件標準的環境計算如下:進水水溫:14℃出水水溫:17℃室外空氣溫度:15℃機組正確的運行的臨界條件如下:最高進水水溫:32℃最低進水水溫:10℃室外空氣最高溫度:35℃室外空氣最低溫度:5℃當室外溫度低於5℃時,就要在風管上提供某種加熱系統〔電熱或鍋爐。








卡萨帝空气能热泵 CS200B1说明书

卡萨帝空气能热泵 CS200B1说明书

CS200B1空气能热泵使用说明书扫描二维码,即刻体验产品精致工艺和前端科技此图仅供参考,以实物为准钛金恒护系统APF4.0钛金超导换热系统超级节能全直流变频系统三种模式 可选预约洗浴ENJOY WARMTH卡萨帝为了实现您的格调生活,对其家族每一类产品都赋予了专属的境界理念。


感受温暖舒适 抛却劳累烦恼此图仅供参考,以实物为准钛金超导换热系统换热效率大幅提升。






机组超级节能模式运行耗电少、关于本产品的安全注意事项1使用方面电气方面产品简介2水箱尺寸2水箱产品示意图2水箱装箱单 3线路图安装说明5室外机安装固定 室外机及水箱安装空间示意图 使用功能按键功能显示内容控制功能WIFI使用功能线控器显示屏技术参数售后服务外机尺寸4外机产品示意图3外机装箱单5水箱机安装固定水箱管路安装 7冷媒管路安装 安全阀的连接与使用室外机接线 线控器的安装 安装注意事项试运转保养与维护热水器使用过程中一些常见现象故障查询处理冷媒回收清洗与保养用户须知125668899101111111213131515161516171819191尊敬的卡萨帝用户:您好!感谢您使用卡萨帝产品,为了您能更好地使用本产品,防止人身伤害及物品损坏事故,请务必仔细阅读并遵守本说明书中有以下标志符号的内容。

电气方面一旦发生器具以外的接地系统的异常情况时,应立即停止使用热泵热水器,并拔下其电源插头或断开与供电电路的一切连接,并与制造厂的维修人员联系处理!必须使用有可靠接地、220V ~50H z 的独立电源和独立插座,长期不使用时请拔下电源插头;使用方面刚打开热水阀时,请不要直接将热水射向人体,以免被热水烫伤。






◆ 制热功能; ◆ 液晶显示; ◆ 定时功能; ◆ 机组运行参数设置; ◆ 停电记忆功能; ◆ 辅助电加热功能; ◆ 用户功能选择; ◆ 运行状态指示; ◆ 冬季防冻功能; ◆ 水流不足保护功能; ◆ 高/低压保护功能;◆ 化霜时,回水过低保护功能;◆ 压机安全启动,运行保护及平均开启功能; ◆ 12种故障显示及报警;◆ 出水、回水、回风,室外盘管温度检测。






四、面板操作及参数设定:模式温度减增定时设置TEMP开/关1.开/关键(ON/OFF ):按此键控制器在开机和关机间切换。


2.模式键(MODE ):操作此键来选择辅助电加热功能的有无。


3.温度键(TEMP ):当有故障显示时,按此键可手动恢复故障。















三、系统的设置:(用户需要更改设置,应在通电前完成. 断开=1, 闭合=0)功能选择:断开(1) 闭合(0) 说明JP1 JP1用于硬件自检,客户禁止使用备用JP2 系统1、系统2均有效仅系统1有效JP3 备用JP4 备用机组设置JP8 JP7 JP6 JP5 机组设置0 0 0 0 1号机组(主机)0 0 0 1 2号机组(从机)0 0 1 0 3号机组(从机)0 0 1 1 4号机组(从机)0 1 0 0 5号机组(从机)0 1 0 1 6号机组(从机)0 1 1 0 7号机组(从机) 0 1 1 1 8号机组(从机) 1 0 0 0 9号机组(从机) 1 0 0 1 10号机组(从机) XXXX非法(按10号从机处理)四、控制器的操作及参数设定:面板图:模式减增定时设置MODERESETTIMERSETON/OFFLANG机号回复按键操作及设置: 1、 开/关键(ON/OFF ):按此键一次,控制系统在待机状态和运行状态切换。







1. 蒸发器:除湿热泵的蒸发器是其工作的核心部件。



2. 压缩机:蒸发器中的水蒸气会被压缩机抽入,并经过高压压缩。


3. 冷凝器:高温高压的水蒸气进入冷凝器后,会释放出热量,从而变成液态水。


4. 膨胀阀:冷凝器中的液态水通过膨胀阀进入蒸发器,此时液态水的温度和压力都会降低。




1. 逆变技术:逆变技术是一种能够调节制冷剂压缩机运行频率的技术。


2. 热回收技术:热回收技术可以将冷凝器中释放的热量回收利用。


3. 智能控制技术:智能控制技术可以根据室内湿度和温度的变化,自动调节除湿热泵的工作模式和运行参数。




卡萨帝空气能热泵热水器 CS200A1U1说明书

卡萨帝空气能热泵热水器 CS200A1U1说明书

ENJOY WARMTH说明书目录1234安装说明安装说明56确认使用功能水箱上下1718有害物质含量表铅(Pb)汞(Hg)镉(Cd)六价铬(Cr(VI))多溴联苯(PBB)多溴二苯醚(PBDE)外壳及其组件〇〇〇〇〇〇内胆及其组件〇〇〇〇〇〇加热管及其总成〇〇〇〇〇〇保温材料〇〇〇〇〇〇压缩机及其配件〇〇〇〇〇〇制冷剂 〇〇〇〇〇〇电机×〇〇〇〇〇换热器×〇〇〇〇〇管路件×〇〇〇〇〇水泵〇〇〇〇〇〇阀类×〇〇〇〇〇螺钉、螺栓等紧固件〇〇〇〇〇〇端子排〇〇〇〇〇〇控制器及电器件×〇〇〇〇〇压力开关×〇〇〇〇〇隔音材料〇〇〇〇〇〇泡沫〇〇〇〇〇〇塑料件〇〇〇〇〇〇橡胶件〇〇〇〇〇〇电源线及连接线×〇〇〇〇〇包装印刷件〇〇〇〇〇〇产品中有害物质的名称及含量部件名称有害物质*明细表中的部件为不同型号产品所包含的主要部件的汇总,本产品是否包含该部件,以产品的实际配置为准。





本表格依据SJ/T 11364的规定编制〇:表示该物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量在GB/T 26572规定的限量要求以下。

×:表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出GB/T 26572规定的限量要求。

19地址:山东省青岛市黄岛区海尔工业园青岛经济技术开发区海尔热水器有限公司版次:2022年 第2版专用号:0040508619厂家代码:V 13206检验印章: QC 11产品合格证产品名称:见铭牌/条码 产品型号:见铭牌/条码出厂编号:见铭牌/条码检验日期:见铭牌/条码检验结论: 经检验合 格准予出厂。



1. 开机和关机


2. 温度设置



3. 模式切换



4. 风速控制

5. 定时开关机


6. 清洁滤网




3B SCIENTIFIC® PHYSICS230 V, 50/60 Hz 1000820115 V, 50/60 Hz 1000819Instruction sheet05/19 JS/ALF/GHI CompressorII CondenserIII Expansion valveIV EvaporatorThe Heat Pump D is a demonstration model for showing how refrigerators and electrical com-pression heat pumps work. It consists of a com-pressor with a drive motor, a condenser, an ex-pansion valve and an evaporator and can be op-erated as a water-air or water-water heat pump. The components are connected in a closed sys-tem by copper pipes and mounted on a base board, and the clear layout makes it possible to directly relate the sequence of changes of state to the cyclic operation of the heat pump. Evapo-rator and condenser are constructed as copper tubing spirals and each of them is submerged in water filled containers serving as heat reservoirs for determining the heat absorbed or emitted. Two digital thermometers allow the necessary temperature measurements to be made in both water reservoirs. Two observation windows are provided for ob-serving the state of aggregation of the refrigerant after the evaporator and after the condenser. Two large manometers indicate the pressure before and after the safety valve. The mains connector incorporates a digital energy meter for determin-ing the period of operation, the mains voltage, the current power consumption and the amount of electrical work done. A protective overpressure switch disconnects the compressor motor from the circuit when overpressure reaches 15 bars. The heat pump D isavailable for two different mains voltages. 1000820 is designed for 230 V (±10 %), 50 Hz mains supplies, while the 1000819 model is for 115 V (±10 %), 60 Hz supplies.The Heat Pump D conforms to all safety regula-tions for electrical measuring, control, monitoring and laboratory equipment, as specified under DIN EN 61010, Section 1, and the equipment has been designed to meet protection class I. It is intended for operation in a dry environment, suitable for the operation of electrical equipment and systems.Safe operation of the equipment is guaranteed, provided it is used correctly. However, there is no guarantee of safety if the equipment is used in an improper or careless manner.If it may be assumed for any reason that non-haz-ardous operation will not be possible (e.g. visible damage), the equipment should be switched off immediately and secured against any unintended use.In schools and other educational institutions, the operation of the power supply unit must be super-vised by qualified personnel.∙Before using the heat pump for the first time, confirm that the specifications printed on the label are compatible with the local mains volt-age.∙Before using the heat pump, check the device and the mains lead for any damage. In the event of any visible damage, switch off the unit immediately and secure it against unin-tended use.∙The device may only be connected to the mains via a socket that has an earth connec-tion. Risk of overheating: the heat pump’s compressor can get very hot during operation.∙Do not hinder the free circulation of air around the compressor.∙Do not thermally insulate the compressor.∙After shut-down by the overpressure cut-out switch wait for 10 minutes to press the green reset button.The fluid upon which the heat pump acts (the re-frigerant) remains under pressure even if the compressor is switched off.∙Carry the heat pump only at the carrying han-dles.∙Do not, under any circumstances, bend or damage the copper piping.The refrigerant in its liquid phase must not get into the compressor. This would overload the compressor. It is imperative that no lubricant from the compressor enter into the cooling circuit.∙Always keep the heat pump in an upright po-sition during storage, transport and operation. ∙Make sure you let the equipment stand up-right for at least 7 h before initial use if it was tipped over.∙Post heat pump in original box only standing up-right on its one-way pallet.Fig. 1 Components of the heat pump1 Compressor2 On/off switch for compressor3 Water reservoir around condenser4 Condenser coil5 Stirrer for condenser6 Viewing window in condenser7 Digital thermometer with temperature sensor8 Overpressure cut-out switch9 Reset switch10 Carrying handles 11 Manometer for the high-pressure side12 Manometer for the low-pressure side13 Energy monitor14 Expansion valve15 Stirrer for evaporator16 Evaporator coil17 Water reservoir around evaporator18 Viewing window in evaporatorMains connection (on the backside)A temperature NTC sensor with measurement terminal (1021797) is ideal for measuring the temperature at various places along the copper piping, since it can be clamped directly to the cop-per and provides good thermal conduction be-tween the pipe and the sensor. It can be used inconjunction with the “VinciLab” d atalogger (1021477).Compressor power: 120 W, dependent onoperating state Refrigerant: R 134A(tetrafluorethaneC2H2F4)Boiling point: -26°C at 1 barWater reservoirs: 2000 ml each Manometer: 160 mm diam., up to 9bars (low-pressure side,suction intake), up to 24bars (high-pressure side,pressure pipe)Excess pressure cut-off: disconnects compressorfrom the mains at 15 bars Thermometer:Measurabletemperatures: -20°C to 110°C Resolution: 0.1°CAccuracy: ±1°CMeasurement intervals: 10 s approx.Powered by two LR44 button batteriesPower supply: 115 V, 60 Hz or230 V, 50 Hz Dimensions: 750 x 350 x 540 mm³ Weight: approx. 21 kg6.1 Filling the water containers∙Fill up the water containers with water and move them with the low edge first under the evaporator and the condenser.∙Turn the beakers in such a way that the high edge points to the back wall.∙Lift up the beakers and mount them into the retaining plates. Fig. 3 Connection of the water reservoirs to the heat pumpLeft: reservoir with its lower edge facing thepumpCentre: reservoir turned with its lower edgefacing the frontRight: reservoir suspended in holding plate6.2 Configuration∙Allow the heat pump to stand upright for at least7 h before using it if it was tipped over.∙To start the pump, fill the two water reservoirs and connect the pump to the mains.∙Turn on the compressor.Note: the energy meter works even when the compressor is switched off.Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of the heat pump with compressor (1→2), condenser (2→3), ex-pansion valve (3→4) and evaporator (4→1)12Fig. 5Mollier diagram of ideal heat cycle (see sec-tion 8.2)The idealised version of the heat pump cycle in-volves four steps: compres sion (1→2), liquefac-tion (2→3), controlled expansion (3→4) and va-porisation (4→1):Compression:The gaseous refrigerant is sucked in by the com-pressor without changing the entropy (s 1 = s 2). It is then compressed from pressure p 1 to p 2 which causes excess heat to be generated. The temper-ature rises from T 1 to T 2. The mechanical work done per unit mass is Δw = h 2 – h 1.Liquefaction:The fluid cools sharply inside the condenser caus-ing it to liquefy. The heat emitted by this process (latent heat) heats up the surrounding reservoir to temperature T 2. The change in heat per unit mass is Δq 2 = h 2 – h 3.Controlled expansion:The condensed refrigerant reaches the expansion valve where it is allowed to expand to a lower pres-sure without any mechanical work being done. This results in a drop in temperature since work needs to be done against the force of attraction between re-frigerant molecules (Joule-Thomson effect). En-thalpy remains constant (h 4 = h 3).Vaporisation:In the evaporator, the refrigerant absorbs heat and vaporises completely. This causes the surrounding reservoir to cool to a temperature T 1. The heat ab-sorbed per unit mass is Δq 1 = h 1 – h 4.The vaporised refrigerant is sucked back in again by the compressor to start the compression pro-cess anew.Note:The expanded refrigerant evaporates and with-draws heat from the left reservoir.Under ideal conditions, the pipe system carries pure gaseous refrigerant from the evaporator via the sight glass to the compressor.As the water temperature decreases, the heat ab-sorption via the evaporator coil decreases. Therefore as a result drops of refrigerant can be-come visible in the left sight glass.This has practically no influence on the function of the heat pump, but should be reduced to a min-imum by constantly stirring the water.For the determination of the coefficient of perfor-mance, a limited temperature window should be used:Start temperature approx. 20°C to 25°C, termina-tion temperature in the left reservoir approx. 10°C to 12°C.8.1 Efficiency of the compressorThe efficiency of the compressor ηco is given by the ratio of the change in energy ΔQ 2 provided to the warm water reservoir per unit time Δt , to the power P supplied to the compressor to perform its work. It decreases as the temperature differ-ence between the condenser and the evaporator increases.tP T m c t P Q ∆⋅∆⋅⋅=∆⋅∆=22co η c = specific heat capacity of water and m = mass of water.Determining the efficiency:∙ Connect the heat pump to the mains supply. ∙ Fill up the water containers with 2000 ml wa-ter and mount them into the retaining plates. ∙ Allow the compressor to run for about 10minutes before starting the experiment until it reaches its operating temperature.∙ Then fill up the water containers again and in-sert the two temperature sensors into the wa-ter containers.∙ Stir the water in the containers thoroughlythroughout the experiment.∙ Determine and note the initial temperature inboth water containers.∙ In order to measure time, press the RESET-button on the energy meter and turn the com-pressor as you release it.∙ Read off the power consumed so far and thetemperatures in the two water reservoirs at regular intervals and make a note of them..0.5S / kJ /kg K TH / kJ /kg p / mba r 100°C00°C °CNote: After the compressor has automatically been switched off by the excess pressure safety switch, read off the time and then add it to the time measured when you have restarted.8.2 Mollier diagramAn ideal cycle can be represented by a Mollier diagram by measuring pressures p (3) and p (4) before and after the expansion valve and the tem-perature T (1) before the compressor:T (1) and p (4) determine point 1 of the Mollier di-agram (see Fig. 5). The intersection of the corre-sponding isentropes with the horizontal line p (3) = constant defines point 2. The intersection of the horizontal with the line representing the boiling point gives point 3, then a perpendicular down to the horizontal p (4) = const. provides point 4.Additionally, measuring temperatures T (2), T (3) and T (4) provides an extra insight into the pro-cesses taking place inside the heat pump:The temperature T (4) measured externally is in agreement with the overall temperature read from the temperature scales of the corresponding ma-nometer to within the precision of the equipment. This temperature scale is based on the curve rep-resenting work done by the refrigerant. The meas-urement therefore shows that the refrigerant be-yond the expansion valve is in a mixture of liquid and gaseous states.The externally measured temperature T (3), how-ever, differs from the temperature read from the manometer on the high-pressure side. The refrig-erant at this point contains no gas content. It is entirely liquid.The following equipment is recommended for tak-ing external measurements (see section 4. ac-cessories):Temperature sensor NTC with measurement terminal 1021797 VinciLab 1021477 Coach 7 License8.3 Theoretical efficiencyThe theoretical efficiency of the ideal cycle can be calculated from specific enthalpies h 1, h 2 and h 3, which can be read directly from the Mollier di-agram: 12322th h h h h w q --=∆∆=η8.4 Mass flow rate of refrigerantOnce the enthalpies h 2 and h 3 for the ideal cycle are known as well as the amount of heat ΔQ 2 sup-plied to the water reservoir in a time interval Δt , then it is possible to estimate the mass flow rate of the refrigerant.3221h h t Q t m -⋅∆∆=∆∆Fig. 6Energy monitor∙ Press the FUNC button until CLOCK appearsat the bottom right of the display.∙ Hold down the SET button until the hoursflash. Set the hours using the UP button and confirm this by pressing SET. Proceed in the same way to set the minutes Display measuring functions:∙ Briefly press the FUNC button to display thefollowing information in turn: current con-sumption, watts, consumption.Mollier diagrams for a refrigerant are often use to demonstrate the operating cycle for a compres-sion heat pump. They plot the pressure p against the specific enthalpy h for the refrigerant (en-thalpy is a measure of heat content in the refrig-erant and always increases with increasing pres-sure and gas content).In addition the isotherms (T = const.) and isen-tropes (S = const) are given as well as the relative mass content of the liquid phase. Left of the so-called boiling line, the refrigerant is fully liquefied. To the right of the so-called saturated vapour line, the refrigerant will exist as overheated vapour. Between the lines the refrigerant will be in a mix-ture of liquid and gas states. Both lines intersect at the critical point.See Fig.7 on page 8.∙Remove the cover at the rear of the thermom-eter and take out the flat batteries.∙Insert new batteries, making sure that their polarity is correct.∙Close the cover again afterwards.∙During prolonged periods of disuse, remove the batteries.∙Do not dispose of the batteries in the regular household garbage. Follow the applicable le-gal regulations (UK: Waste Batteries and Ac-cumulators Regulations, EU: 2006/66/EC).The heat pump is maintenance-free.∙Keep the heat pump in a clean, dry and dust-free place.∙Before cleaning the equipment, disconnect it from its power supply.∙Use a soft, damp cloth to clean it.∙For any necessary repairs, returns etc., the heat pump needs to be packaged in its origi-nal box standing upright on its one-way pallet.For this reason you should not dispose of the original box or pallet.∙Should you need to dis-pose of the heat pumpitself, never throw itaway in normal domes-tic waste. Local regula-tions for the disposal ofelectrical equipmentwill apply.∙Do not dispose of the batteries in the regular household garbage. Follow the applicable le-gal regulations (UK: Waste Batteries and Ac-cumulators Regulations, EU: 2006/66/EC).3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪ Fig. 7 Mollier diagram0.1110140160180200220240260280300320340360380400420440460480500520540560580600p / M P aH / k J /k g234569780. k J /k g /K2.2 k J /k g K。



权利要求书1页 说明书3页 附图3页
CN 209672645 U
CN 209672645 U
权 利 要 求 书
1/1 页
1 .一种烘干效果强的全密闭式除湿热泵,包括底座(1),其特征在于:所述底座(1)一侧 安装有蒸发管(2),所述底座(1)另一侧安装有冷凝管(4),所述底座(1)顶端安装有压缩管 (3),所述压缩管(3)一侧焊接有进风管(5),所述冷凝管(4)一侧焊接有出风管(6),所述蒸 发管(2)与冷凝管(4)之间通过输风管(7)固定连接,所述压缩管(3)与底座(1)之间通过固 定环(8)固定连接,所述压缩管(3)外壁焊接有连接管(9),所述连接管(9)两侧均套接有密 封环(10),所述密封环(10)内部套接有橡胶垫圈(11),所述橡胶垫圈(11)内部通过环形凹 槽(12)贴覆有橡胶气囊(13),所述橡胶气囊(13)一侧安装有进气阀(14),所述蒸发管(2)底 端安装有排液管(15),所述排液管(15)内部均匀安装有导流板(16),所述导流板(16)底端 安装有挡板(17),所述导流板(16)表面贴覆有液膜(18)。
4 .根据权利要求1所述的一种烘干效果强的全密闭式除湿热泵,其特征在于:所述底座 (1)外部涂抹有防锈漆,且防锈漆表面贴覆有防护膜。
5 .根据权利要求1所述的一种烘干效果强的全密闭式除湿热泵,其特征在于:所述导流 板(16)的形状为S型。
6 .根据权利要求1所述的一种烘干效果强的全密闭式除湿热泵,其特征在于:所述进风 管(5)内部安装有透气纱网。
( 19 )中华人民 共和国国家知识产权局
( 12 8321 .8
(22)申请日 2019 .01 .19
(73)专利权人 山东凯翔传热科技有限公司 地址 261000 山东省潍坊市潍城区望留街 办大柳树隆泰路西首



Supersedes 12/176 T on Packaged Heat PumpsUp to 15.5 IEER8.0 HSPF■ ContentsNomenclature ........................................2Product Specifications ...........................4Expanded Cooling Data .........................5Airflow Data ...........................................7Expanded Heating Data ........................8Crankcase Heater ...................................9Electrical Data / Heat Kit Data ............10Dimensions ..........................................12Wiring Diagrams .................................16– for Models with DDC Controls ..............19Accessories .. (24)■ Standard Features• High-efficiency scroll compressor • Copper tube / aluminum fin coils • High- and low-pressure switches • Refrigerant accumulator • Contactor with lugs• High-capacity, steel-cased filter drier • Heater kits with single-point entry • 24-volt terminal strip• Convertible airflow orientation • Easy to service• Built-in filter rack with standard 2" filters • Bottom utility entry• AHRI Certified; ETL Listed■ Cabinet Features• Heavy-gauge, galvanized-steel cabinet with UV-resistant powder-paint finish • Full Perimeter Rail • Sloped drain panCooling Capacity: Up to 71,000 BTU/h Heating Capacity: Up to 70,000 BTU/hNomenclature SS-DCH6NomenclatureFactory-Installed Options• Stainless-Steel Heat Exchanger (Gas only units): A tubular heat exchanger made of 409-type stainless steel is installed in the unit.• Low-Ambient Kit: Allows for cooling operation at lower outdoor temperatures. On the 3- to 6-ton units, cooling operation is extended from 60°F ambient temperature to 35°F outside air temperature. On 7½ -20 ton units, cooling operation is extended from 35°Fambient temperature to 0°F outside air temperature. For 25 ton units, cooling operation is extended from 24°F ambient temperature to 0°F outside air temperature.• Economizers (Downflow): Based on air conditions, can provide outside air to cool the space.• Electric Heat Kits (A/C and Heat Pump units only): Available in all voltage options.• Non-powered Convenience Outlet: A 120V, 15A, GFCI outlet makes it easier for technicians to service the unit once an electrician runs power to the outlet.• Powered Convenience Outlet: A 120V, 15A, GFCI outlet powered with a transformer built into the unit. When a factory-installed powered convenience outlet is installed in the equipment, the unit MCA (Min. Circuit Ampacity) will increase by 7.2A/6.5A for 208/230V units, increase by 3.3A for 460V units, and by 2.6A for 575V units. The MOP (Max. Overcurrent Protection) device must be sized accordingly.• Disconnect Switch (non-fused; 3-phase units only): A disconnect switch is installed in the unit and factory wiring will be complete from the switch to the unit. Please note that for air conditioning and heat pump models, the appropriate electric heat kit must be ordered to be factory-installed along with the disconnect switch (non-fused) when it is ordered. Please note that for models with a powered con-venience outlet option and a disconnect switch (non-fused) option, the power to the powered convenience outlet will be shut off when the disconnect switch (non-fused) is in the off position.• Return Air and/or Supply Air Smoke Detectors: Return air and/or supply air smoke detectors are installed in the unit.• Hinged Access Panels: Allows access to unit’s major components. Combined with latches for easy access to control box, compressor, filters and blower motor. Available on all units.• Two-speed indoor fan blower models are standard on 6, 7½, 8½, 10, 12½, 15, 20 & 25 ton units. Section of ASHRAE Standard90.1-2010 and Section of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 require a minimum of two fan speeds. Section 140.4(m)1 of CaliforniaEnergy Commission Title 24 2013 contains a similar provision. When the units with the two-speed indoor fan blowers operate on a call for the first stage of cooling, the fan operates at low speed, which is 66% of full speed. When the units operate on a call for the second stage of cooling, the fan operates at full speed. In heating operation, the fan operates at full speed. During ventilation operation, the fan operates at low speed.• Phase Monitor: Phase monitor (3 phase only), available for 3 - 25 ton DS, DC and DT series models. Phase monitor shall provide protection for motors and compressors against problems caused by phase loss, phase reversal and phase unbalance. Phase monitor is equipped with an LED that provides an ON or FAULT indicator.• DDC Controller: DDC communicating controller, available for 3 - 25 ton DS, DC and DT series models with on-board BACnet®communication interface.• High static blower assembly, factory-installed.3Product Specifications — 6 T ons¹ Wire size should be determined in accordance with National Electrical Codes. Extensive wire runswill require larger wire sizes.² May use fuses or HACR-type circuit breakers of the same size as noted.Notes• Always check the S&R plate for electrical data on the unit being installed.• When a factory-installed powered convenience outlet is installed in the equipment, the unit MCA (Min.Circuit Ampacity) will increase by 7.2A/6.5A for 208/230V units, increase by 3.3A for 460V units, and by 2.6Afor 575V units. The MOP (Max. Overcurrent Protection) device must be sized accordingly. SS-DCH6SS-DCH65Expanded Cooling Data — 6 Tons (2 Speed)H i g h & l o w p r e s s u r e s a r e m e a s u r e d a t t h e l i q u i d & s u c ti o n s e r v i c e p o r t s .A m p s : U n i t a m p s (c o m p .+ e v a p o r a t o r + c o n d e n s e r f a n m o t o r s )6SS-DCH6Expanded Cooling Data — 6 Tons (2 Speed) (cont.)852525M B h 71.272.676.081.169.570.974.379.267.969.272.577.366.267.570.775.462.964.167.271.758.359.462.266.4S /T 0.950.910.820.670.980.950.850.691.000.970.870.711.001.000.900.731.001.000.940.761.001.000.940.77D e l t a T 252423202524232025242320242523202323232021222119K W I P R 238256270282267287303316303327345360346372393410389418442461430462488509L O P R 1131211321401201281391481251331451541311391521621371461591701421511651752250M B h 69.170.573.878.767.568.872.176.965.967.270.475.164.365.668.773.261.162.365.269.656.657.760.464.5S /T 0.900.870.790.640.930.900.810.660.960.920.830.680.990.950.860.701.000.990.890.731.001.000.900.73D e l t a T 252524202625242126252421262624212525242123242219K W 4.965.065.215.365.315.425.585.755.635.745.916.105.906.026.216.406.136.266.466.666.346.476.676.89H I P R 235253268279264284300313300323341356342368389406385414437456425458483504L O P R 1121201301391191261381471231311431531301381501601361441581681401491631741991M B h 65.766.970.174.864.165.468.573.162.663.866.971.361.162.365.269.658. /T 0.860.830.750.610.890.860.780.630.920.890.800.650.950.910.820.670.980.950.860.690.990.960.860.70D e l t a T 262624212726252127262521272625222626242125242320K W 4.894.985. I P R 231248262273259279294307294317335349335361381397377406429447417449474494L O P R 110117128136116124135144121129140150127135147157133142155165138146160170I D B = E n t e r i n g I n d o o r D r y B u l b T e m p e r a t u r e S h a d e d a r e a r e fl e c t s A H R I c o n d i ti o n sk W = T o t a l s y s t e m p o w e r H i g h & l o w p r e s s u r e s a r e m e a s u r e d a t t h e l i q u i d & s u c ti o n s e r v i c e p o r t s .A m p s : U n i t a m p s (c o m p .+ e v a p o r a t o r + c o n d e n s e r f a n m o t o r s ) 7Airflow Data — 6 TonsDCH072 Two-Speed Standard Belt Drive At High Speed - HorizontalExpanded Heating DataAbove information is for 2150 CFM & 70º indoor dry bulb; instantaneous capacity listed.kW = Total system power High pressure measured at liquid line access fitting.Amps: Unit Amps (comp+evap motor+condenser fan motor) Low pressure measured at compressor suction access fitting. SS-DCH69*Includes C,G&H models.High Efficiency MERV 13 Air Filter OptionCrankcase Heater, High Efficiency MERV 13 Air Filter OptionElectrical Data* Elecric Heater kW rating: Rated at 240v for 208-230v units; 480v for 460v units SS-DCH6Heat Kit Electrical Data — 6 TonsNote: All heaters have single-point entry kitkW Correction FactorsMultiply rated kW by correction factor to get actual kWDimensionsDimensions (cont.)LEFT END VIEWBASE PAN VIEW (VIEWED FROM TOP)Unit ClearancesMaintain an adequate clearance around the unit for safety, service, maintenance, and proper unit operation. Leave a clearance of 48" on all unit’s fresh-air intake.Electrical Entrance Locations30¼”12⅜”Low-Voltage Entrance(Remove Plug)High-Voltage EntranceCorner & Center-of-Gravity Locations30”CompressorReturnEvaporator CoilSupplyCondenser Coil37”Note: Weights are calculated without accessories installed.Roof Curb Installation — RiggingProvisions for forks have been included in the unit base frame. No other fork locations are approved.• Unit must be lifted by the four lifting holes lo -cated at the base frame corners.• Lifting cables should be attached to the unit with shackles.• The distance between the crane hook and the top of the unit must not be less than 60”.• Two spreader bars must span over the unit to prevent damage to the cabinet by the lift cables. Spreader bars must be of sufficient length so that cables do not come in contact with the unit during transport. Re -move wood struts mounted beneath unit base frame before setting unit on roof curb. These struts are intended to protect unit base frame from fork lift damage. To remove the struts, extract the sheet metal retainers and pull the struts through the base of the unit. Refer to rigging label on the unit.Important: If using bottom discharge with roof curb, duct-work should be attached to the curb prior to installing the unit. Duct-work dimensions are shown in Roof Curb Installation Instructions Manual.Refer to the Roof Curb Installation Instructions for proper curb installation. Curbing must be installed in compliance with the National Roofing Contractors Association Manual.Lower unit carefully onto roof mounting curb. While rigging the unit, the center of gravity will cause the condenser end to be lower than the supply air end.Bring condenser end of unit into alignment with the curb. With condenser end of the unit resting on curb member and using curb as a fulcrum, lower opposite end of the unit until entire unit is seated on the curb. When a rectangular cantilever curb is used, take care to center the unit. Check for proper alignment and orientation of supply and return openings with duct.To assist in determining rigging requirements, unit weights are shown below.Curb installations must comply with local codes and should follow the established guidelines of the National Roofing Contractors Association.Proper unit installation requires that the roof curb be firmly and permanently attached to the roof structure. Check for adequate fastening method prior to setting the unit on the curb.Full perimeter roof curbs are available from the factory and are shipped unassembled. The installing contractor is responsible for field assembly, squaring, leveling, and mounting on the roof structure. All required hardware necessary for the assembly of the sheet metal curb is included in the curb accessory package.• Determine sufficient structural support before locating and mounting the curb and package unit.• Duct-work must be constructed using industry guidelines. The duct-work must be placed into the roof curb before mounting the package unit. Our full perimeter curbs include duct connection frames to be assembled with the curb. Cantilevered-type curbs are not available from the factory.• Contractor furnishes curb insulation, cant strips, flashing, and general roofing material.• Support curbs on parallel sides with roof members. To prevent damage to the unit, the roof members cannot penetrate supply and return duct openings.Note: The unit and curb accessories are designed to allow vertical duct installation before unit placement. Duct installation after unit placement is not recommended.See the manual shipped with the roof curb for assembly and installation instructions.3-D View14 x 20Supply Opening31⅝ x 14Return Opening70¾40¼141/¾141⅜Insulated PanelsTop ViewWiring Diagram — Control Diagram DCH072XXX*V - 2 Speed (All Voltages)Wiring is subject to change. Always refer to the wiring diagram on the unit for the most up-to-date wiring.⚠Warning High Voltage:Disconnect all power before servicing or installing this unit. Multiple powersources may be present. Failure to do so may cause property damage, personal injury, or death.⚡Wiring Diagram — Power Diagram DCH072 - 2 Speed (230V)Wiring is subject to change. Always refer to the wiring diagram on the unit for the most up-to-date wiring.⚠Warning High Voltage:Disconnect all power before servicing or installing this unit. Multiple powersources may be present. Failure to do so may cause property damage, personal injury, or death.⚡Wiring Diagram — Power Diagram DCH072 - 2 Speed (460/575)0140L05440-AWiring is subject to change. Always refer to the wiring diagram on the unit for the most up-to-date wiring.⚠Warning High Voltage:Disconnect all power before servicing or installing this unit. Multiple powersources may be present. Failure to do so may cause property damage, personal injury, or death.⚡WIRING DIAGRAMS FOR MODELS WITH DDC CONTROLS For complete information and installation instructions for models with DDC controls, see manual DK-DDC-TGD-XXXWiring Diagram with DDC — DDC - DCH072***(208-230/3/60)V***W i r i n g i s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . A l w a y s r e f e r t o t h e w i r i n g d i a g r a m o n t h e u n i t f o r t h e m o s t u p -t o -d a t e w i r i n g .⚠ W a r n i n gH i g h V o l t a g e : D i s c o n n e c t a l l p o w e r b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g o r i n s t a l l i n g t h i s u n i t . M u l ti p l e p o w e r s o u r c e s m a y b e p r e s e n t . F a i l u r e t o d o s o m a y c a u s e p r o p e r t y d a m a g e , p e r s o n a l i n j u r y , o r d e a t h .⚡SS-DCH621Wiring Diagram with DDC — DCH072***(208-230/3/60)V***W i r i n g i s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . A l w a y s r e f e r t o t h e w i r i n g d i a g r a m o n t h e u n i t f o r t h e m o s t u p -t o -d a t e w i r i n g .⚠ W a r n i n gH i g h V o l t a g e : D i s c o n n e c t a l l p o w e r b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g o r i n s t a l l i n g t h i s u n i t . M u l ti p l e p o w e r s o u r c e s m a y b e p r e s e n t . F a i l u r e t o d o s o m a y c a u s e p r o p e r t y d a m a g e , p e r s o n a l i n j u r y , o r d e a t h .⚡22SS-DCH6Wiring Diagram with DDC — DCH072***(460, 575/3/60)V***W i r i n g i s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . A l w a y s r e f e r t o t h e w i r i n g d i a g r a m o n t h e u n i t f o r t h e m o s t u p -t o -d a t e w i r i n g .⚠ W a r n i n gH i g h V o l t a g e : D i s c o n n e c t a l l p o w e r b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g o r i n s t a l l i n g t h i s u n i t . M u l ti p l e p o w e r s o u r c e s m a y b e p r e s e n t . F a i l u r e t o d o s o m a y c a u s e p r o p e r t y d a m a g e , p e r s o n a l i n j u r y , o r d e a t h .⚡0140L 06621-A/60SS-DCH623Wiring Diagram with DDC — DCH072***(460, 575/3/60)V***W i r i n g i s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . A l w a y s r e f e r t o t h e w i r i n g d i a g r a m o n t h e u n i t f o r t h e m o s t u p -t o -d a t e w i r i n g .⚠ W a r n i n gH i g h V o l t a g e : D i s c o n n e c t a l l p o w e r b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g o r i n s t a l l i n g t h i s u n i t . M u l ti p l e p o w e r s o u r c e s m a y b e p r e s e n t . F a i l u r e t o d o s o m a y c a u s e p r o p e r t y d a m a g e , p e r s o n a l i n j u r y , o r d e a t h .⚡Accessories SS-DCH6Accessories2 Use Economizer & Power Exhaust listed within Low-Leak section3 For a full list of DDC accessories, please refer to DDC Controller Technical Guide manual (DK-DDC-TGD-01B)Note: Where multiple variations are available, the heaviest combination is listed.25Notes SS-DCH6Notes 27NotesOur continuing commitment to quality products may mean a change in specifications without notice.© 2018 • Houston, Texas • Printed in the USA. SS-DCH6。

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2、设计依据及原则:甲方提供的相关图纸资料《游泳池和水上游乐池给排水设计规程》(CECS14:02)《建筑给水排水设计规范》(GB50015-2003)《人工游泳池水质卫生标准》(GB9667-1996)《采暖通风与空气调节设计规范》(GB50019-2003)《通风与空调工程施工及验收规范》(GB50243-2001)《水泵隔振技术规范》(CECS59-1994)《压缩机,风机,泵安装工程施工及验收规范》(GB 50275--1998)二、关于室内游泳池空间、池水除湿加热恒温系统:1、一般室内泳池工程中容易存在的问题:对于室内泳池,日常能源消耗主要是空调和池水加热制冷所消耗的费用,因此选择合适的空调和池水加热系统非常重要。





































本方案推荐采用室内泳池专用的、集“除湿、通风、恒温”三功能合一体的英国calorex 热泵,取代常规方式所需的热水锅炉、换热器、循环水泵、空调机组、空气除湿器等设备。













方案图纸三、泳池除湿系统设备选型:A、设计条件室外设计参数:夏季空调干球温度:33.2℃湿球温度:26.4℃冬季空调干球温度:-12℃相对湿度:45%室内设计参数:室内空调干球温度:28℃相对湿度:60%游泳池及游泳馆有关参数游泳池:游泳池水面积250m2,游泳池水体积375m3,游泳池池水恒温温度:26℃游泳馆室内空间平面(长×宽): 550m3游泳馆室内空间尺寸(长×宽×高): 2075m3B、设计计算由于泳池水体积较大,加上设备的特性,一般选择在春季安排换水、初次加热。


1、能耗计算:26℃水温时,泳池水面蒸发损失Q1=αγ(0.0174*V f+0.0229)*(P b-P q)*F*760/B/3600=4.187*582.5(0.0174*0.2+0.0229)*(25.2-17.0)*190*760/752/3600=37.03kW上式Q1为泳池水面蒸发损失热量(kW);α为水的比热(α=4.187kJ/kg•℃);γ为与泳池水温相等的饱和蒸汽的蒸发汽化潜热(4.187kJ/kg);按给排水设计手册表7-12取582.5;V f是游泳池水面的风速,一般室内泳池为V f=0.2~0.5m/s;取0.2m/s;P b-与泳池池水温度相等饱和蒸气的水蒸气压力(P a);P q-泳池环境空气的水蒸气压力(P a);F-泳池的面积;B-当地大气压力;15℃时,泳池水面蒸发损失Q2=αγ(0.0174*V f+0.0229)*(P b-P q)*F*760/B/3600=4.187*587.1(0.0174*0.2+0.0229)*(15.5-11.1)*190*760/752/3600=19.86kW上式Q2为泳池水面蒸发损失热量(kW);α为水的比热(α=4.187kJ/kg•℃);γ为与泳池水温相等的饱和蒸汽的蒸发汽化潜热(4.187kJ/kg);按给排水设计手册表7-12取582.5;V f是游泳池水面的风速,一般室内泳池为V f=0.2~0.5m/s;取0.2m/s;P b-与泳池池水温度相等饱和蒸气的水蒸气压力(133.32P a);P q-泳池环境空气的水蒸气压力(133.32P a);F-泳池的面积;B-当地大气压力;游泳池的水表面、池底、管道和设备的沿程损失一般按水表面蒸发热损失的20%计算加热期间游泳池的水表面、池底、管道和设备的沿程损失Q3=(37.03+19.86)/2×20%=5.69kW每天补水(补水量3%)所需热量Q4=375×3%×4.187×(26-15)/(3.6 ×10)=14.39kW即每天维持游泳池恒温所需热量:37.03+5.69+14.39=57.11KW2、风量,冷热负荷计算:a 新风量估算夏季由于游泳人数多,水面的蒸发量较大,可以根据欧盟采暖、制冷、空调工程师协会推荐按泳池面积+湿区面积每平方面积2.5 l/s。
