国际贸易实务 周瑞琪 课后题 名词解释 简答题
中国进出口商品交易会(广交会):中国进出口商品交易会(China Import and Export Fair, CIEF),又称为“广交会”(Canton Fair),创办于1957年春季,每年春秋两季在举办,迄今已有五十多年历史,是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大、商品种类最全、到会客商最多、成交效果最好的综合性国际贸易盛会。
2. 单项选择题(1)D(2)D(3)B(4)A(5)B3. 多项选择题(1)ABCD(2)ABC(3)ABC(4)CD(5)ABC4. 简答题(1)答案要点:国际贸易从业人员素质要求有:①语言。
4 国际运输货物保险是指被保险人(买方或卖方)向保险人(保险公司)按一定的金额按投保一定的险别,并根据一定的保险费率先交纳保险费;保险人承保后,对于被保险货物在运输途中发生的承保范围内的损失给予经济补偿。
二、班轮运输的特点?答: 1、船舶行驶的航线、停靠的港口都是固定的;2、船舶按船期表航行,船舶开航、到港时间都较为固定;3、船公司按照预先公布的班轮运价表收取运费,运费率相对固定;4、在班轮运费中包括装卸费用,由船方负担;5、班轮承运货物比较灵活,不论货物多少,只要有舱位都能接受装运(少量、件杂货)。
四、多式联运单据和联运提单的区别?区别使用范围签发人风险、责任多式联运单据各种运输多式联运经营人全程联运提单由海运和其他方式组成的联合运输承运人、船长、船东第一程运输五、我国基本险别除外责任的重要内容?答: 1、被保险人的故意行为、过失所造成的损失;2、属于发货人的责任所引起的损失;3、在保险责任开始承担之前,被保险货物已经存在品质不良或者数量短少;4、被保险货物的自然损耗、本质缺陷、特性、市价跌落、运输延迟所引起损失费用;5、战争险条款和罢工险条款所规定的责任以及除外责任。
六、影响成交价格的因素?答: 1、商品的质量和档次;2、运输距离;3、交货地点和交货条件;4、季节性需要的变化;5、成交数量;6、支付条件和汇率变动的风险;7、国际市场价格的走势;8、交货期的远近、市场销售习惯、消费者的爱好。
清洁提单:清洁提单(Clean B/L)指货物在装船时外表状况良好,承运人未加任何货损,包装不良或其他有碍结汇批注的提单。
良好平均品质(FAQ): 是指一定时期内某地出口货物的平均品质水平,一般是指中等货而言。
5 .共同海损:载运货物的船舶在航运途中遇到自然灾害或者意外事故,危及船、货的共同安全时,船方为了保护船与货物的共同安全或者为了使航程得以继续完成,而有意识的合理的采取挽救措施所做出的某些特殊牺牲和支出的额外费用。
9.还盘: 是指受盘人不同意或不完全同意发盘提出的各项条件,并提出了修改意见,建议原发盘人考虑。
10. 贸易术语:是在国际贸易中用来表明商品的价格构成,说明货物交接过程中有关的风险、责任和费用划分问题的专门用语。
11. 对等样品:是指卖方按买方的来样复制或提供品质相近的样品,寄请买方确认后,即作为交货品质的依据。
12. 品质公差:是指在工业制成品中,国际同行业公认的产品品质误差。
13. 溢短装条款:即数量增减条款,是指卖方在交货时,可按合同中的数量多交或少交一定的百分比,它一般是在数量条款之中加订的。
国际贸易实务(英文版) International Trade Practice周瑞琪王小欧徐月芳编著Chapter twoIV. Short questions1.Who pays for loading for shipment under FOB?答:Seller.2.Who pays for unloading under CIF?答:Buyer.pare and contrast FOB, CFR and CIF?答:Similarities: a. Sel ler’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail. b. Seller is responsible for export customs formalities while buyer is responsible for import customs formalities. c. Buyer is responsible for unloading the goods at the port of destination. d. All three terms can only be used for waterway transportation. Differences: a. FOB requires the buyer to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CFR requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CIF requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation and insurance against the buyer’s risk.4.What are the two types of trade terms concerning the transfer of risks?答:Shipment contract terms vs. arrival contract terms. Under shipment contract terms s eller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer before the goods depart from the place/port of shipment. Under arrival contract terms seller will bear the risk of the goods until the goods arrive the destination.5.What are the differences and similarities between CPT and CFR?答:Major similarities: a. seller should contract and pay for themajor carriage. b. Seller is not taking the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the transportation. Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mode while CFR is only used for waterway transport. b. Under CPT seller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first carrier nominated by seller. Under CFR seller’s risk will be transferred when the goods pass over the s hip’s rail.6.What are the differences and similarities between CIP and CIF?答:Major similarities: a. seller should contract and pay for the major carriage. b. Seller is not taking the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the transportation. c. Seller must obtain insurance against buyer’s risk. Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mode while CFR is only used for waterway transport. b. Under CPT seller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first carrier nominated by seller. Under CFR seller’s risk will be transferred when the goods pass over the ship’s rail.7.If you trade with an American, is the sales contract subject to Incoterms without any doubt? What should you do?答:No. The Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 is still in use, especially among the North American area. It has different interpretation about some trade terms. The traders should clarify the choice of rules before any further discussion.8.What are the most commonly used trade terms?答:FOB,CFR & CIF.9.Who is responsible for carrying out customs formalities for exports under an FOB contract?答:Seller. According to Incoterms 2000, except EXW and DDP these two terms, all the other eleven terms require the seller to handle the export customs formalities, while buyer the import customs formalities.10.If a Chinese trader signs a FOB Hamburg contract, is he exporting or importing?答:Importing. FOB should be used with a “named port of shipment”, if Hamburg is the port of shipment, from the Chinese trader’s perspective, he is importing.V.Case Studies1. An FOB contract stipulated, "The shipment will be effected in March 2008. If the vessel fails to arrive at the port of shipment on time, the seller agrees to set aside the goods for additional 27 days, and the buyer will bear all costs of delay." it turned out that under the seller's repeated requests, the vessel named by the buyer finally arrived at the port of shipment on May 1. As a result, the seller refused to make the shipment.(1)Was the seller entitled to compensation for thewarehouse rent, insurance and interest due to the delay?(2)If the seller had sold the goods to a third party onApril 25, should the buyer pay for the delay?(3)If the seller had sold the goods to a third party onMay 1 with a better price, was he entitled to any compensation?析: a案例中提到“shipment will be effected in March 2008”,这种确定装运时间的方式允许在整个3月份期间的任何时间进行装运。
《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定,About表明数量可有上下10%的伸缩,因此,“About 500m/t”的交货数量可在450-550m/t之间,而“500m/t 5% more or less at seller’s option”卖方最多可交525m/t,最少可交475m/t,多交或少交部分一般按合同价格计价。
International TradeDefinition of important terms:1. Trade bloc 贸易集团▪ An intergovernmental association of a large free trade area formed by one or more tax, tariff, and trade agreements, which manages and promotes trade activities for ▪specific region of the world.▪ Freely, or cheaply for members ▪ Barriers against non-members2. Non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒A non-tariff barrier to import is any policy used by the government to reduce imports, other than a simple tariff on imports.3. CommodityCommodity is the article of commerce of any kind that is for sale – goods, merchandise or product.4. CIF/CFR/FOB 到岸价/ 成本+运费/ 离岸价CIF: Cost Insurance and Freight (named port of destination)CFR: Cost and Freight (named port of destination)FOB: Free On Board (named port of shipment)5. L/C见176. F.A.Q. 平均良好品质(Fair Average Quality) not particular quality specification but average quality of the current group, recent shipment.7. General average共同海损Loss or damage to a ship or its cargo that is shared among the shipowner and all the cargo owners.8. Constructive total loss(推定全损)may occur if the cargo is NOT actually lost, but is so seriously damaged as to make the goods no longer useful for the purpose for which they were originally intended.9. Neutral packing 中性包装Do not mention the name of the country producing the goods and the name of the manufacturer on the commodity and on the outer and inner packages.10. Liner 班轮The liners run fixed schedules, follow fixed routes and charge standard rates called conference rates.11. Break-even Point 收支平衡点(BEP) is the point where revenues from sales equal all costs.12. Dumping 倾销Dumping is the practice of selling products in foreign country at lower prices than those charged in the producing country13. Bill of Exchange (Draft) 汇票a written order to pay a sum of money to a particular person on a particular date. Drafts are negotiable and may be sold.14. Remittance 汇付Transfer of funds from one party to another among different countries through banks.15. D/P 付款交单Documents Against PaymentUnder D/P, the buyer can receive the shipping documents only after he has duly made the payment of the goods.16. D/A 承兑交单Documents Against AcceptanceUnder D/A, the buyer can receive the shipping documents from the collecting bank after he has duly accepted the draft.17. Letter of Credita letter from a bank that allows you to get a particular amount of money from another bank18. Collection 托收Presentation for payment of an obligation and the payment thereof19. Force Majeure 不可抗力unexpected circumstances, such as war, that can be used as an excuse when they prevent sb from doing sth that is written in a contract20. Arbitration 仲裁Arbitration is the judging of a dispute between people or groups by someone who is not involved.21. Counter-offer 还盘A counter-offer is an offer that someone makes, for example, for a house or business, in response to an offer by another person or group.22. Pro forma Invoice 形式发票A document provided prior to or with a shipment of goods (as for export) that describes the items and terms of sale but dose not have the function of a real invoice.23. Forwarder (Shipping agency) 货代A person or organization that dispatches or delivers goodsOne that forwards; especially an agent who performs services (as receiving, transshipping, or delivering) designed to move goods to their destination.Chapter5 选择A. 单选1. The term CIF should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of shipmentc. port of destinationd. port of exportation2. The term FOB should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of importationc. port of discharged. port of exportation3. The term EXW should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of shipmentc. port of importationd. port of exportation4. The term DAT should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of loadingc. port of destinationd. port of shipment5. The term FAS should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of destinationc. port of shipmentd. port of exportation6. The term CFR should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of shipmentc. port of destinationd. port of exportation7. The term DDP should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of shipmentc. port of premised. place of destination8. The term DAP should be followed by .a. point of originb. place of importationc. port of exportationd. port of shipment9. The term FCA should be followed by .a. seller's railway stationb. point of originc. seller's place of shipmentd. buyer's railway stationB. 多选Which of the following are included in the quoted price?1. The quoted price for 3 red zoom roadsters is US $ 6,000 Ex-works, Beijing.a. 3 red zoom roadstersb. freight to dockc. loading chargesd. ocean freightere. marine insurancef. unloading2. The quoted price for 12 “Butterfly” sewing machines is US $ 700 FAS, Dalian.a. 12 “Butterfly” sewing machinesb. freight to dockc. loading chargesd. ocean freighte. marine insurancef. unloading3. The quoted price for 1,000 “Panda” radios is US $10,000 CFR, Tianjin.a.1,000 “Panda” radiosb. freight to dockc. loading chargesd. ocean freighte. marine insurancef. unloading4. The quoted price for 100 pairs of shoes is US $3,000 FOB, Shanghai.a.100 pairs of shoesb. freight to dockc. loadingd. unloadinge. import duties5. The quoted price for 1 tractor is $ 5,000 CIF, Hong Kong.a.1 tractorb. transportation to dockc. loadingd. export chargese. ocean freightf. marine insuranceg. unloadingh. import dutiesChapter 6(B)mineral ore A. sample(C)ordinary garments B. manual(D)fish C. F.A.Q(E)Haier washing machines D. G.M.Q(G)medical apparatus E. famous brand(A)wheat F. specification(H)calligraphic works G. inspection(F)power plant generator H. drawing or diagramChapter 7 判断1. Under FOB, the seller must give the buyer prompt shipping advice as the goods are shipped on board the vessel.2. Demurrage is the extra charges a shipper pays for detaining a freight car or ship beyond time permitted for loading or unloading.3. Dispatch money is a fine imposed on the charter for the delay in the loading and unloading of the goods.4. Unclean B/L can be negotiated and accepted by the buyer and bank.5. A bill of lading is both a receipt for merchandise and a contract to deliver it as freight.6. Order B/L can be transferred with or without endorsement.Chapter 8判断1. In ocean marine insurance, the assured can recover more than actual loss provided that he can provide evidence of further losses contingent on the actual loss.2. In ocean marine insurance, general average is to be borne by the carrier, who may, upon presentation of evidence of the loss,' recover the loss from the insurance underwriter.3. Partial loss or damage is never recoverable with FPA.4. Special additional coverages such as war risk, strikes and so on must be taken out together with FPA and WPA.5. In essence, open policy is the same as the insurance certificate.6. Ocean marine insurance covers ships and their cargo only on the high seas and not on inland waterways.7. Without insurance, international trade is simply impossible to take place.8. Three types of risks are covered by ocean marine insurance, namely the perils of sea, the extraneous risks and the force majeure.9. Ocean marine insurance covers two types of losses, partial loss and total loss.Chapter 10Suppose a contract for the amount of US $ 845, 000 was approved for buyer' s credit up to 80% of the said amount. After disbursement, Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing would issue apromissory note on July 2, 2003 specifying that it is payable at 3 years after the above stated date to the order of Bank of Oslo, Oslo, Norway the sum of 80% of US $ 845, 000 (refundment of loan). Please make a promissory note by filling in the blanks of the following form.Promissory NoteIssued in Beijing the 2nd day of July, 2003On the 2nd day of July, 2006 fixed.We promise to pay against this Promissory Note to the order of Bank of Oslo,Norway the sum of USD 676000 (say Six Hundred and Seventy Six Thousand only). Payable in Oslo,Norway.For Bank of ChinaSignatureChapter 11ExampleEnquiry: 询盘Oct. 08th, 2015 (Enquiry)Dear Sir/Madam, we're interested in TV set model XXX. Please send us a firm offer at a favarable price.Offer: 发盘Oct 10th, 2015 (Firm Offer)Thanks for your inquiry dated Oct. 8th. We offer subject to your reply reaching us by Oct. 20th as follows: TV set model XXX, 1000 sets, packed in export cartons of one set each, shipped in 1X20' container, USD150 per set CFR Karachi, shipment before Dec. 31, 2015, Payment by Irrevocable Sight Credit.Counter-offer: 还盘Oct 13th, 2015 (Counter-offer)Referring to your e-mail of Oct. 10th, we regret to note that the price you offered is too high. We counter-offer USD130 per set CFR Karachi.Oct 16th, 2015 (Counter-offer of counter-offer)Your e-mail of 13th to hand. The best we can do is USD140 subject to your reply to us Oct. 22nd.Acceptance:Oct 16th, 2015 (Counter-offer of counter-offer)Your e-mail of 13th to hand. The best we can do is USD140 subject to your reply to us Oct. 22nd.。
2.Shipping Mark:运输标志,习称唛头或唛。
2.D/D:Demand Draft,票汇,指进口方向本地银行购买银行汇票,自行寄给出口方,出口方凭此向汇票上指定银行取款。
国贸课后练习答案全 周瑞琪
acceptance 承兑actual total loss 实际全损ad valorem 从价运费additional 附属费advanced B/L 预签提单air transportation 空运air waybill 空运单ante-dated B/L 倒签提单anticipatory credit 预支信用证back-to-back credit 背对背信用证basic freight 基本运费beneficiary 受益人bill of exchange 汇票charter party 租船契约charter transportation 租船运输charter(tramp) 不定期货船check 支票claimant 索赔人clean B/L 清洁提单clean bill 光票clean collection 光票托收clean credit 光票信用证combined certificate 联合凭证confirmed L/C 保兑信用证constructive total loss 推定全损containerization 集装箱运输contribution 分摊deferred payment 延期付款demurrage 滞期费discount 折扣,贴现documentary bill 跟单汇票documentary letter of credit 跟单信用证endorsement 背书exclusions 除外责任external risks 外来风险extraneous risks 外来风险factoring 保理业务forfeiting 包买票据fortuitous accidents 意外事故franchise 免赔率freight rates 运费率freight ton 运费吨general average 共同海损general risks 一般外来风险indemnity 赔偿insurable interest 可保利益insurance certificate 保险凭证insurance claim 保险索赔insurance cover(age) 保险险别insurance policy 保险单insurance premium 保险费insurance rate 保险费率irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证lay day 装卸天数liner/gross terms 班轮条件liners transportation 班轮运输measurement ton 尺码吨natural calamity 自然灾害open policy 预约保单optional port 选择港order B/L 指示提单partial loss 部分损失partial shipments 分批装运particular average 单独海损paying instrument 支付工具payment by installments 分期付款payment in advance 预付payment term 支付方式perils of the sea 海上风险port of destination 目的港port of shipment 装运港presentation 提示presenting bank 代收行promissory note 本票proximate cause 近因原则rail(way) transportation 铁路运输reciprocal credit 对开信用证red clause credit 红条款信用证remittance 汇付revocable L/C 可撤销信用证revolving credit 循环信用证road transportation 公路运输sea transportation 海运sea waybill 海运单sight draft 即期汇票sight L/C即期信用证special risks 特殊外来风险stale B/L 过期提单standby L/C 备用信用证straight B/L 记名提单subject matter 保险标的subrogation 代位求偿权sum insured 保险金额surcharge 附加费tenor 汇票期限the insured/insurant 被保险人the insurer 承保人,保险公司time charter 期租船time of delivery 交货期time/usance draft 远期汇票total loss 全部损失transferable L/C 可转让信用证transshipment 转船underwriter 承保人unexpected accidents 意外事故utmost good faith 最大诚信原则voyage charter 程租船weight ton 重量吨CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站CIC (China Insurance Clauses) 中国保险条例CP (Charter Party) 租船契约CY (Container Yard) 集装箱堆场D/A (documents against acceptance) 承兑交单D/D (demand draft) 即期汇票D/P (documents against payment) 付款交单DR to DR (Door to Door) 门到门运输F. I. (Free In) 船方管卸不管装F. I. O. (Free In and Out) 船方不管装卸F. I. O. S. T. (Free In and Out, Stowed & Trimmed) 船方不管装卸,理舱和平舱F. O. (Free Out) 船方管装不管卸FCI (Factors Chain International) 国际保理联合会FCL (Full Container Load) 整装箱FPA (Free from Particular Average) 平安险GA (General Contribution) 共同分摊ICC (Institute Cargo Clause) 协会货物运输保险条款IMT (International Multimodal Transportation) 国际多式联运L/C (letter of credit) 信用证L/G (letter of guarantee) 保函LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼装箱M (Measurement) 尺码M/T (mail transfer) 信汇MTO (Multimodal Transportation Operator) 多式联运经营人PICC (the People’s Insurance Company of China) 中国人民保险公司SRCC (strikes, riots and civil commotions) 罢工,暴动,民变脸T/T (telegraphic transfer) 电汇TPND (theft, pilferage and non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险UCP 600 (Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit 600) 跟单信用证统一惯例 600URC 522 (Uniform Rules for Collection 522) 托收统一规则W (Weight) 重量W/W Clause (Warehouse to Warehouse Clause) 仓至仓条款WPA (With Particular Average) 水渍险Chapter 51. In international cargo transportation, the most widely adopted bill of lading is D. order bill oflading.2. In DES contracts, a reasonable order for time of shipment and time of delivery is B. June 1 andJuly 1.3. A bill of lading is C. ante-dated B/L when its date of shipment is indicated earlier than the actualtime of shipment.4. A (An) D. bill of lading represents title to the cargo.5. In the import and export business, B. an ocean B/L can be made out to negotiable document.6. The bill of lading presented to the consignee or buyer or his bank after the stipulated expiry dateof presentation or after the goods are due at the port of destination is a A. stale B/L.7. A “freight to be collected” B/L is acceptable to the buyer when the contract is based on A. FOB.8. A C. conference liner normally has regular scheduled departures, specified routes andcomparatively fixed freight rates.9. An order B/L with blank endorsement is a B/L showing B. neither the name of consignee northe name of transferee.10. A(n) A. straight B/L refers to one that is made out to a designated consignee.Chapter 61. The main document adopted by the insured to make claims against the insurer is D. insurancedocument.2. Perils of the sea, such as vessel being stranded or grounded covered in an insurance policy areone kind of B. fortuitous accidents.3. According to “Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the People’s Insurance Company of China”, thecoverage which cannot be effected independently is C. War Risk.4. Company A exported 5 metric tons of tea. The tea suffered heavy storm in transit. The sea waterin the ship’s hold led to the deterioration in the quality of part of the tea exported. This kind of loss is D. particular average.5. The insurance document that is acceptable mostly in Hong Kong of China, Singapore andMalaysia is C. combined certificate.6.7. Risks such as “failure to delivery risk” or “rejection risk” fall within the category of B. specialextraneous risks.8. According to “Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the People’s Insurance Company of China”, thebasic coverage that is the least extensive is A. FPA.9. In the case of air freight, if the subject matter insured failed to reach the warehouse at destinationstipulated in the insurance policy, the expiration of the insurance is B. 30 days after completion of discharge overside from the overseas vessel at the final port of discharge.10. Under C. ICC(C) coverage of London Institute Cargo Clause, only major casualties are covered,but not natural calamities.1. If there is no specific provision, the draft under a letter of credit should draw on the B. issuingbank.2. The draft used in collection is D. a commercial draft, based on commercial credit.3. A standby credit B. is a special clean credit.4. Under collection once the importer refuses to pay, the C. principal will be responsible for thecargo release, customs clearance, warehousing, and reselling in the importing country.5. The bill of exchange used in D/A must be a D. usance bill.6. If a bank other than the issuing bank guarantees the payment under an L/C, this L/C is A. aconfirmed credit.7. A C. reciprocal credit is normally used in processing trade.8. Which of the following statements is NOT true about remittance? A. It provides highest securityto the buyer but not the seller.9. B. packing loan is a L/C based financing which will provide the exporter funds before the goodsare produced.10. If the exporter finds out mistakes on a received L/C, he should contact the B. importer at the firstplace.Chapter 5T 1 .Liner freight has covered the loading and unloading fee.F 2. When the ship-owner speeds up his ship and arrives at the destination at an earlier date than stipulated, he can obtain dispatch money from the charterer.T 3. When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods within the stipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrage to the ship owner.F 4. Ocean bills of lading, air waybills and rail waybills are property documents presenting title to cargoes, so they are all negotiable.T 5. Bills of lading are usually made out in a full set including several originals and copies.F 6. Since straight B/L bears higher risk than the open B/L , it is rarely used in international transportation.F 7. A clean B/L is issued by the seller to the buyer to certify that the goods delivered are in apparent goods condition.F 8. In international trade practice, the time of shipment is actually the time of delivery.T 9. Sometimes when the buyer cannot determine a specific port of discharge during negotiation, he may require two or three ports to be written on the contract as optional ports.T 10. UCP 600 stipulates that partial shipment and transshipment are allowed unless it is stipulated otherwise.Chapter 6F 1. In marine cargo insurance, general average is to be borne by the carrier, who may, upon presentation of evidence of the loss, recover the loss from the insurance underwriter.F 2. In Chinese insurance practice, open policy is the same as the insurance certificate.T 3. Special additional coverages such as war risks, strikes and so on must be taken out together with FPA, WPA or ALL Risks.F 4. In ocean marine insurance, natural calamities include heavy weather, earthquake, tsunami, flood, collision, etc.T 5. The coverage of Land Transportation Risk and Air Transportation Risk are almost equivalent to WPA in marine cargo insurance.F 6. Subrogation Principle states that in the event of loss of or damage to the subject matter insured resulting from an insured peril, the insured is placed in the same position that he enjoyed immediately before the loss occurred.T 7. The 10% markup rate of the commercial invoice value in an insurance policy is to cover an anticipated profit as well as other additional costs involved.T 8. Under a deductible franchise, where the loss or damage exceeds the percentage allowed, the insurance company needs merely indemnify the exceeding part to the insured.F 9. Ocean marine insurance covers ships and their cargo only on the high seas and not on inland waterways.F 10. The claimant is the party who suffers loss of or damage to the subject matter insured byChapter 7F 1. If the remittance is m ade by a banker’s demand draft, this payment is based on bank credit.T 2. For a confirmed credit, the confirming bank holds the same liability as the issuing bank.T 3. A letter of credit which does not indicate whether it is revocable or not is regarded as irrevocable.F 4. A letter of credit not mentioning ti is non-transferable will be seen as transferable.F 5. Using a third currency in collecting payment is the best protection against currency risk for the seller.T 6. Since under L/C the seller gets payment from a party independent of the buyer, it is the safest mode for him.T 7. Open account and payment in advance indicate the minimum and maximum risk for the importer.F 8. Dishonor only refers to the rejection to the presentation for payment, but not rejection to the presentation for acceptance.T 9. Under collection though the seller collects payment through banks, it is not guaranteed that he will receive the money as collection is still based on commercial credit.F 10. In international trade clean collection is more frequently used than documentary collection. Chapter 51. Under what circumstances does the time of shipment equal to the time of delivery?Time of shipment refers to the time limit for loading the goods on board the vessel at the port of shipment while time of delivery refers to the time limit during which the seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer at the agreed place.For all shipment contracts, time of shipment equals to time of delivery, and according to Incoterms 2010, contracts concluded on the basis terms like FOB, CFR, CIF, FCA, CPT, CIP are shipment contracts. Under the shipment contract, the seller fulfills his obligation of delivery when the goods are shipped on board the vessel or delivered to the carrier and the seller only bears all risks prior to shipment.2. What are the functions of a bill of a lading?A cargo receipt, evidence of a contract of carriage, a document of title to the goods.3. What are the main types of bills of lading?·According to whether the goods have been loaded on board the carrying vessel: Shipped B/L and received for shipment B/L·According to the apparent condition of the received cargo: Clean B/L and Unclean B/L,·According to the address of the consignee: Straight B/L, Order B/L and Bear B/L,·According to whether transshipment is involved in transit: Direct B/L and Transshipment B/L, ·According to the perplexity or simplicity of the bill content: Long term B/L and Short term B/L, ·According to the payment condition of freight: Freight prepaid B/L and Freight to be Collected B/L ·According to the validity: Original B/L and Copy B/L·Other forms of bill of lading also exist according to different circumstances: Stale B/L, Ante-dated B/L, Advanced B/L, On-deck B/L.4. What are the ways of dividing charges of loading and unloading in a charter party?·Liner Terms/ Gross Terms or In and out: The ship-owner bears loading and unloading cost.·Free in: The ship-owner is only responsible for unloading cost.·Free out: The ship-owner is only responsible for loading cost.·Free in and out: The ship-owner does not bear loading and unloading cost. OR F. I. O. S. T.: The ship-owner does not bear loading and unloading cost, not even bear the expenses of stowing and trimming.Time of delivery(time of shipment), port (place) of shipment and port (place) of destination, partial shipment, transshipment, or lay days, demurrage and dispatch money.Chapter 61. What are the differences between general average and particular average?Although both general average and particular average belong to the category of partial loss, there is still some differences between them:·Causes: Particular average is a kind of cargo loss usually caused directly by sea perils, while general average is caused by intentional measures taken to save the common interest. ·Indemnification: Particular average is often borne by the party whose cargo is damaged, while general average should be proportionally contributed among all parties benefited from the intentional measures.2. What are the conditions for general average?·The danger that threatens the common safety of cargo and/or vessel shall be materially existent and is not foreseen.·The measures taken by the master shall be aimed to remove the common danger of both vessel and cargo and shall be undertaken deliberately and reasonably for common safety.·The sacrifice shall be specialized and not caused by perils directly and the expense incurred shall be additional expense which is not within the operation budget.·The actions of the ship’s master shall be successful in saving the voyage3. What are the differences between the scope of ICC(B) and ICC(C)?The scope of ICC(C) covers loss of damage to the cargo attributable to fire or explosion, vessel of craft being stranded, grounded, sunk or capsized, overturning or derailment of land conveyance, collision or contract of vessel, craft or conveyance with any external object other than water, or discharge of cargo at a port of distress, general average sacrifice, or jettison.Apart from those covered under ICC(C), the scope of ICC(B) also covers loss of or damage to the subject matter insured attributable to earthquake, volcanic eruption or conveyance, container, liftvan or place of storage, or total loss of any package lost overboard or dropped whilst loading onto or unloading form, vessel or craft.4. What are the risks that are known as general additional coverage1)T.P.N.D(Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery), 2)Fresh Water Rain Damage, 3)Risk of Shortage,4)Risk of Inter Mixture and Contamination, 5)Risk of Leakage, 6)Risk of Clash and Breakage,7)Risk of Odor, 8)Heating and Sweating Risk, 9)Hook Damage, 10)Risk of Rust, 11)Breakage ofPacking Damage5. What are the main expenses involved in ocean marine insurance? How to define them?Marine cargo insurance also covers the expenses incurred to avoid or reduce the damage to or loss of the subject matter insured. There are mainly two types of expenses. One is Sue and labor expense, the other is salvage charges.Sue and labor expense are extraordinary expenses made in a time of peril by the insured to act to avert, or minimize any loss of or damage to the subject matter insured. Salvage charges are expenses resulting from measures properly taken by a third party other than the insured, his agent, or any person employed by them to preserve maritime property from peril at sea.6. What documents are needed when an insurance claim is made?·Original bill of lading or other transport document·Commercial invoice·Packing list·Certificate of Loss(Survey)·The landing account or weight notes(notes on weight) at destination·Any correspondence with the carrier or any other party who could be responsible for the loss or damage·Master’s protest.Chapter 71. After Bank X advised exporter Y of the L/C, the shipment was made. When the cargo was onthe way, the importer filed for bankruptcy. Is Y out luck of collecting the payment? Can the opening bank refuse to make reimbursement to the negotiating bank? Why or why not?No, exporter Y does not need to worry about the payment. Because the payment is by L/C, the issuing bank is responsible for making payment regardless of the importer’s situation. But the condition is that exporter Y can fulfill all the requirements listed on the L/C. According to UCP600,a credit constitutes a definite undertaking of the opening bank to pay or to pay at maturity in caseof acceptance. Therefore once the stipulated documents are presented to the opening bank and the terms and conditions of the credit are complied with, the opening bank cannot refuse to make reimbursement to the negotiating bank.2. An L/C does not indicate whether it is revocable or not. Is it revocable? Can a revocablecredit be transferable?According to UCP600, if an L/C does not indicate whether it is irrevocable or not, it will beconsidered as irrevocable. And a transferable L/C must be irrevocable.3. After a gullible importer paid Bank C against the seemingly correct shipping documents, hewent to take the delivery, but found out that the goods were inferior counterfeits. Is Bank C liable under UCP600? Can the importer do anything in order to recover the loss?Bank C is not liable in this case because UCP600 stipulates that in credit operations all parties concerned deal with documents, and not with goods, services and/or other performances to which the documents may relate. In order to recover the loss, the importer should rely on the sales contract and seek for solution.4. An exporter, Wu Co., received an L/C issued by Bank B and confirmed by Bank K. After Wushipped the goods, Bank B declared bankruptcy. Will Wu have sleepless nights?No, Wu Co. Does not need to worry about the payment. When the L/C is confirmed, the confirming bank holds the same definite undertaking as the issuing bank to pay or to pay at maturity in case of acceptance.5. Does a payment credit differ from a sight credit?A payment credit could be settled by sight payment or deferred payment. In both cases, a draftdrawn on the issuing bank may not be necessary. While when a sight credit is used, payment would be made immediately against a sight draft and required commercial documents.6. Are the following credits transferable? (A)This L/C assignable; (B)This L/C is transmissible;(C)This L/C is fractionable; (D)This L/C is divisible.According to UCP600, a credit can be transferred only if it is expressly designated as“transferable” by the issuing bank. Terms such as “divisible”, “fractionable”, “assignable”, and “transmissible” do not render the Credit transferable.7. Under an anticipatory credit, the exporter made an advance, but disappeared withoutpresenting the documents as required. Who is liable for repayment of the advance?The special clause is required by the applicant, as a result he has to make repayment of the advances if the beneficiary fails to present documents for settlement.8. Why a back-to-back credit is needed? Give an example.A back-to-back credit is normally used by middleperson for the protection of his interest. Forexample, agent A received a documentary credit from the end buyer B, A can use this credit as a backup to apply for the opening of a new credit in favor of the end supplier C. By doing so A can be sure that neither B nor C would know each other, therefore well protecting A’s businessconfidentiality.9. What is the difference between a back-to-back credit and a transferable credit?When a back-to-back credit is used, there actually involve two credits. When a transferable credit is used, operation is based on only one credit.Chapter 51. The price quoted by an exporter was “USD38 per case FOB Liverpool”. The importerrequested a revised CFR Liverpool price. If the size of each case was 50cm*40cm*30cm, gross weight per case was 40kg, freight basis was W/M and the quotation for London is USD100 per ton of carriage, plus 20% bunker adjustment factor (BAF) and 10% currency adjustment factor (CAF), what would be the CFR price?W=40kg=0.04M/T M=50cm*40cm*30cm=0.5*0.4*0.3=0.06cm3 M>WM will be used as freight basis for freight calculation.Freight per case=M*basic freight*(1+BAF rate)=0.06*100*(1+20%)=USD 7.2Total freight per case=7.2*(1+10%)=USD 7.92CFR=FOB+Freight=38+7.92=USD 45.92The CFR price would be USD 45.92 per case CFR Liverpool2. There is one consignment of 10 cartons of leather shoes, measurement of each carton is50*50*50cm, gross weight of each is 15KG. The air freight are quoted for the flight required is USD1.3KG. How much air freight should be paid to the carrier?W=15kg M= (50*50*50)/6000=20.83kg M>WFreight=USD 1.3/kg*20.83*10 cartons=USD 270.79The air freight is USD 270.793. Suppose: Company A exports 1000 cases of Commodity Y to London. The volume per caseis 40cm x 30cm x 20cm, and the gross weight is 30kg per case. For Commodity Y, the freight rate basis is W/M, and the Freight Tariff (China —London) is USD230, with a 10% port surcharge. How much is the total freight?Total weight: 0.03 M/T*1000 cases=30M/T Total measurement: 0.4x0.3x0.2*1000cases=24M3W > M, “W” is the freight basisTotal Freight=Total weight× Basic Freight Rate×(1+ Surcharge)=30×230×(1+10%)= USD 7590 The total freight cost is USD7590.4. Company A wants to send one consignment to Sydney, Australia. The goods are packed in50 cartons, each weighing 15kgs, with measurement as 50 x 40 x 30cm. The air freight rateis quoted at USD2.00/KG (W/M). How much would the total air freight cost?W: 15 kg M: (50x40x30)/6000=10kg W> M, so W will be adopted for the calculation of air freightAir freight=Total Quantity× Basic Freight Rate=50 cartons×15kg×USD2.00/kg =USD 15005. Suppose the working period at Port X is 8 hours a day and 7 days in a week. If there are four rainy hours unable for loading and unloading in a week, how many standard days are there under the above three methods of stipulation for lay time respectively?Days or Running Days or Consecutive Days=7 days Weather Working Days of 24 Hours=8*7- 4(rainy hours)=52 hours=2 61 days Weather Working Days of 24 Consecutive Hours=7*24-4=164 hours=6 65 days Chapter 611. A Chinese company offered to a British counterpart at USD500 per case FOB Shanghai. The British importer asked the exporter to offer a CIF price. Suppose the freight is USD 50 per case and premium rate is 0.6%, what would the new offer be?CIF=(FOB+F)/(1-110%*R)=(500+50)/(1-110%*0.5%)=USD 533The new offer is USD 533 per case CIF Shanghai.12. Company A transacted with Company B, exporting frozen food under CIF. The total amount of the invoice value was USD 10 000. The premium rate was 0.4% and the goods were insured for FPA with a markup of 10%. Please calculate the insurance amount and insurance premium respectively?Insurance amount=CIF*(1+markup rate)=10 000*110%=USD 1100Insurance premium=CIF insurance amount*insurance rate=1100*0.4%=USD 44The insurance amount and insurance premium are USD 1100 and USD 44 respectively.13. Our exporting company offered light industrial products to a British importer at GBP10 000 per metric ton CIF London (insurance for All Risks with 10% markup and 1% premium rate). However, the importer intended to effect insurance by himself, as a result, he count-offered CFR price. What is the CFR price? How much premium should the exporter need to deduct from the CIF price?CFR=CIF*(1-110%*R)=10 000*(1-110%*1%)=GBP 9890Insurance premium=CIF-CFR=10 000-9890=GBP 110The CFR price is GBP 9890 per metric ton CFR London and the exporter need to deduct GBP 110 from the CIF price as the premium.14. Suppose a cargo vessel loaded with cargo of Party A and Party B stranded in transit. To save the vessel as well as the goods on it, the master ordered to throw 1000 cases of goods to the sea. The value of the goods thrown overboard for Party A is 20% of his goods (the total value of his goods is CNY20000) and that for Party B is 10% of his goods (the total value of his goods is CNY60000). Extra wages for the seamen to perform the act amounted to CNY5000. The value of the vessel is about CNY5000000. Based on the information above what is the G.A. contribution for each party involved?Total GA loss=20000x20%+60000x10%+5000=CNY 15000Total GA contributory value=20 000x 80%+ 60 000x90%+5 000 000+15 000= CNY 5 080 000 GA percentage = (Total GA loss / GA Total Benefit) x 100%=(15 000/5 080 000)x100%=0.295% GA Contribution by Party A=20 000 x 0.295% = CNY 59GA Contribution by Party B=60 000 x 0.295% = CNY 177GA Contribution by the Carrier=5 000 000x0.295% =CNY 1475015. Suppose the CIF invoice value is USD50 000 and goods are insured against All Risks and War Risks with premium rate to be 0.5% and 0.05% respectively. If markup rate is 10%, the insurance premium will be:Insurance Premium (I)=50 000*(1+10%)*(0.5%+0.05%)=55 000*0.0055=USD 302.5Chapter 51. ABC Co. signed a contract to export 200 M/T of beans. The letter of credit stipulated, “Partial shipment not allowed”. When the shipment was being made, the exporter loaded 100 M/T each on board the same vessel for the same voyage at the port of Shanghai and the port of Dalian. The shipment document was clearly marked with the ports of shipment and the dates of shipment. Did the exporter violate the terms of the L/C?析:No, 卖方没有违反信用证“不允许装船” 的规定。
国际贸易实务(英文版) International Trade Practice周瑞琪王小欧徐月芳编著Chapter twoIV. Short questions1.Who pays for loading for shipment under FOB?答:Seller.2.Who pays for unloading under CIF?答:Buyer.pare and contrast FOB, CFR and CIF?答:Similarities: a. Sel ler’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail. b. Seller is responsible for export customs formalities while buyer is responsible for import customs formalities. c. Buyer is responsible for unloading the goods at the port of destination. d. All three terms can only be used for waterway transportation. Differences: a. FOB requires the buyer to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CFR requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CIF requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation and insurance against the buyer’s risk.4.What are the two types of trade terms concerning the transfer of risks?答:Shipment contract terms vs. arrival contract terms. Under shipment contract terms s eller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer before the goods depart from the place/port of shipment. Under arrival contract terms seller will bear the risk of the goods until the goods arrive the destination.5.What are the differences and similarities between CPT and CFR?答:Major similarities: a. seller should contract and pay for the major carriage. b.Seller is not taking the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the transportation. Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mod e while CFR is only used for waterway transport. b. Under CPT seller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the firstcarrier nominated by seller. Under CFR seller’s risk will be transferred when the goods pass over the s hip’s rail.6.What are the differences and similarities between CIP and CIF?答:Major similarities: a. seller should contract and pay for the major carriage. b.Seller is not taking the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the transportation. c. Seller must obtain insurance against buyer’s risk. Difference: a.CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mode while CFR is only used for waterway transport. b. Under CPT seller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first carrier nominated by seller. Under CFR seller’s risk will be transferred when the goods pass over the ship’s rail.7.If you trade with an American, is the sales contract subject to Incoterms withoutany doubt? What should you do?答:No. The Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 is still in use, especially among the North American area. It has different interpretation about some trade terms. The traders should clarify the choice of rules before any further discussion.8.What are the most commonly used trade terms?答:FOB,CFR & CIF.9.Who is responsible for carrying out customs formalities for exports under an FOBcontract?答:Seller. According to Incoterms 2000, except EXW and DDP these two terms, all the other eleven terms require the seller to handle the export customs formalities, while buyer the import customs formalities.10.If a Chinese trader signs a FOB Hamburg contract, is he exporting or importing? 答:Importing. FOB should be used with a “named port of shipment”, if Hamburg is the port of shipment, from the Chinese trader’s perspective, he is importing.V.Case Studies1. An FOB contract stipulated, "The shipment will be effected in March 2008. If thevessel fails to arrive at the port of shipment on time, the seller agrees to set aside the goods for additional 27 days, and the buyer will bear all costs of delay." it turned out that under the seller's repeated requests, the vessel named by the buyer finally arrived at the port of shipment on May 1. As a result, the seller refused to make the shipment.(1)Was the seller entitled to compensation for the warehouse rent, insurance andinterest due to the delay?(2)If the seller had sold the goods to a third party on April 25, should the buyerpay for the delay?(3)If the seller had sold the goods to a third party on May 1 with a better price,was he entitled to any compensation?析:a案例中提到“shipment will be effected in March 2008”,这种确定装运时间的方式允许在整个3月份期间的任何时间进行装运。
国际贸易实务(英文版) International Trade Practice周瑞琪王小欧徐月芳编著Chapter twoIV. Short questions1.Who pays for loading for shipment under FOB?答:Seller.2.Who pays for unloading under CIF?答:Buyer.pare and contrast FOB, CFR and CIF?答:Similarities: a. Sel ler’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail. b. Seller is responsible for export customs formalities while buyer is responsible for import customs formalities. c. Buyer is responsible for unloading the goods at the port of destination. d. All three terms can only be used for waterway transportation. Differences: a. FOB requires the buyer to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CFR requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CIF requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation and insurance against the buyer’s risk.4.What are the two types of trade terms concerning the transfer of risks?答:Shipment contract terms vs. arrival contract terms. Under shipment contract terms s eller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer before the goods depart from the place/port of shipment. Under arrival contract terms seller will bear the risk of the goods until the goods arrive the destination.5.What are the differences and similarities between CPT and CFR?答:Major similarities: a. seller should contract and pay for the major carriage. b.Seller is not taking the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the transportation. Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mod e while CFR is only used for waterway transport. b. Under CPT seller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the firstcarrier nominated by seller. Under CFR seller’s risk will be transferred when the goods pass over the s hip’s rail.6.What are the differences and similarities between CIP and CIF?答:Major similarities: a. seller should contract and pay for the major carriage. b.Seller is not taking the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the transportation. c. Seller must obtain insurance against buyer’s risk. Difference: a.CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mode while CFR is only used for waterway transport. b. Under CPT seller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first carrier nominated by seller. Under CFR seller’s risk will be transferred when the goods pass over the ship’s rail.7.If you trade with an American, is the sales contract subject to Incoterms withoutany doubt? What should you do?答:No. The Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 is still in use, especially among the North American area. It has different interpretation about some trade terms. The traders should clarify the choice of rules before any further discussion.8.What are the most commonly used trade terms?答:FOB,CFR & CIF.9.Who is responsible for carrying out customs formalities for exports under an FOBcontract?答:Seller. According to Incoterms 2000, except EXW and DDP these two terms, all the other eleven terms require the seller to handle the export customs formalities, while buyer the import customs formalities.10.If a Chinese trader signs a FOB Hamburg contract, is he exporting or importing? 答:Importing. FOB should be used with a “named port of shipment”, if Hamburg is the port of shipment, from the Chinese trader’s perspective, he is importing.V.Case Studies1. An FOB contract stipulated, "The shipment will be effected in March 2008. If thevessel fails to arrive at the port of shipment on time, the seller agrees to set aside the goods for additional 27 days, and the buyer will bear all costs of delay." it turned out that under the seller's repeated requests, the vessel named by the buyer finally arrived at the port of shipment on May 1. As a result, the seller refused to make the shipment.(1)Was the seller entitled to compensation for the warehouse rent, insurance andinterest due to the delay?(2)If the seller had sold the goods to a third party on April 25, should the buyerpay for the delay?(3)If the seller had sold the goods to a third party on May 1 with a better price,was he entitled to any compensation?析:a案例中提到“shipment will be effected in March 2008”,这种确定装运时间的方式允许在整个3月份期间的任何时间进行装运。
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第二章1 appropriation划拨:货物正式划归合同项下的行为。
2 shipment contract装运合同:利用贸易术语表示交货发生在装运时间前或装运时间的合同。
3 symbolic delivery象征性交货:是指卖方按合同规定装运货物后,向买方提交包括物权凭证在内的有关单证,就算完成交货义务,无需保证到货。
4 arrival contract到岸合同:利用贸易术语表示交货发生在货物到达目的地时的合同。
5 actual delivery实际性交货:是指卖方按合同规定将货物实际交给买方第三章1 inquiryAn inquiry is the act of a potential client asking for information from the counterpart to his intention in buying or selling a certain commodity询盘:是指为了试探对方对交易的诚意和了解其对交易条件的意见。
2 offerAn offer is a sufficiently definite proposal addressed to one or more specific persons for concluding a contract,necessarily indicating the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance发盘:是指交易一方即发盘人向另一方即受盘人提出购买或出售某种商品的各项交易条件,并表示愿意按这种条件与对方达成交易订立合同的行为。
3 counter-offerA counteroffer is a reply to an offer which contains additions,limitations or other Modifications还盘:是指受盘人不同意或不完全同意发盘人在发盘中提出的条件,为进一步协商对发盘提出修改意见。
4 acceptanceAn acceptance is a statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer接受:是指受盘人接到对方的发盘或还盘后,同意对方提出的条件,愿意与对方达成交易并及时以声明或行为表示出来。
第四章1 quality latitude品质机动幅度:是买卖双方针对买卖商品品质不稳定的客观状况,在规定其品质指标的同时,所订立的允许卖方所交货物的品质指标在一定幅度内有灵活性。
2 quality tolerance品质公差:是指在工业制成品中,国际同行业公认的产品品质误差。
3 sale by counter sample对等样品的含义是:当买卖双方采用凭样成交时,卖方为了减少交货时的风险可根据买方提供的样品,加工复制出一个类似的商品交买方确认,这种经确认后的样品,称为对等样品,也有的称其为确认样品或回样。
4 gross for netIn the case of “gross for net”,the goods are priced by their gross weight instead of the net畅The “gross for net” practice will be adopted when the packing may become an indivisible part of the product,such as tobacco flakes;or the packing material is almost of the same value as that of the goods,like grain and fodder 以毛作净:指的是以毛重作为计算价格和交付货物的计量基础,这种计重方法在国际贸易中被称为“以毛作净”。
5 standard regain标准回潮率:纤维材料及其制品在标准温度、湿度条件下达到吸湿平衡时的回潮率。
6 conditioned weight公量:是指用科学方法抽干商品中所含水分,然后再加上一定标准的水分所得出的重量。
7 more or less clause溢短装条款——卖方在交货时,可按合同中的数量多交或少交一定的百分比,他一般是在数量条款中加订的。
(散装货:粮食、矿砂等)8 shipping marks运输标志又称唛头,它通常是由一个简单的几何图形和一些英文字母、数字及简单的文字组成9 F.A.QFAQ是Far Average Quality的简称,它表示一定时期内某地出口货物的平均品质水平,习称“良好平均品质”,一般是指中等货或大路货而言。
10 neutral packing中性包装——即不标明生产国别、地名、厂商名称,也不标明商标或者品牌的包装。
第五章1 liner service班轮运输:是指按照规定的时间,在一定的航线上,以既定的港口顺序,经常地从事航线上港口间运输的船舶。
2 F.I.OFree In and Out,指船方不负担对货物的装、卸费3 demurrage滞期费:是指在规定的装卸期限内,租船人未完成装卸作业,给船方造成经济损失,租船人对超过的时间向船方支付一定的罚金。
4 dispatch money速遣费:如果按约定的装卸时间和装卸率提前完成装卸任务,使船方节省了船舶在港的费用开支,船方将其获利的一部分给租船人作为奖励,叫速遣费。
5 containerization集装箱化:集装箱货物运输(container transport):是以集装箱作为运输单位进行货物运输的一种现代化的运输方式,它适用于海洋运输、铁路运输及国际多式联运等。
Containerization is a method of distributing merchandise in a unitized form adoptingan inter-modal system which provides a possible combination of sea,road and other modes of transportation畅For the sake of containerization, containers, as a very special form of transportation,are widely used in different modes of transportation 6 FCLFull Container Load,整柜定单:is one type of the two containertransportation services畅If the goods are of a container load,FCL service shall be adopted畅Under FCL service,the freight is calculated based on container capacity and the origin and destination of the goods,not on the quantity of the goods involved asin the case of LCL,the other type of the container transportation services7 time of delivery交货期:指卖方将货物装上运往目的地(港)的运输工具或交付承运人的日期。
对于装运合同,time of shipment(装运期) = time of delivery (交货期)对于到岸合同,time of shipment 不等于 time of delivery ,装运发生在出口港(地),而交货发生在进口港(地)8 optional ports选择港:允许收货人根据买方在不能确定货物运往哪个市场的情况下,预先提出的两个或两个以上的卸货港。
第六章1 insurable interest 可保利益2 utmost good faith principle 最大诚信原则3 indemnity principle 赔偿原则4 proximate cause principle 近因原则5 cargo transportation insurance货物运输保险6 marine cargo insurance contract 海洋货物运输保险合同7 general average contribution共同海损分摊共同海损general average-在海运中,船舶、货物或其他财产遭遇共同危险,为了解除共同危险,有意采取合理的救难措施,所直接造成的特殊牺牲和支付的特殊费用。
可通过共同海损理算,由各获救受益方按获救价值比例分摊G.A. Contribution8 extraneous risks9 warehouse to warehouse clause 仓至仓条款10 franchise(1)相对免赔率(或“特许经营”):当损失数超过免赔率时,不扣除免赔率,予以全部赔偿。