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1.aboard adv. 上船/车/飞机prep. 在船/车/飞机上;上船/车/飞机

abroad adv. 在/到国外;在/到海外


①The plane crashed, killing all 200 people________.

②The books about Harry Potter are very popular now, both at home


2.accept v. 接受vt.忍受/承受vt.承担(责任/指责)

expect v. 等待;预料;期望

except conj. 除……外


①They offered me a job and I ________..

②He usually goes to work on his bike ________on rainy day.

③Her parents ________a lot of her.

3.adopt v. 收养vt 采用;采纳

adapt v. 使适应vt 改编;改写

①The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to_______one.

②As time went by, I gradually _________ myself to the school life.

4.affect vt 影响;打动;使感染(疾病)

effect n. 作用;影响

①It is uncertain what side ________ the medicine will bring about.

②She was deeply________ by the story.

5.angel n. 天使

angle n. 角;角度,观点


①Try looking at the affair from a different________.

②You are my _______in life

6.breath n. 呼吸;气息

breathe v. 呼吸


①We had great difficulty in _______, for the air was thin.

②Eric came running into the room, out of________.

7.desert vt. 遗弃;抛弃;放弃n 沙漠

dessert n. 甜点


①She was__________ by her husband.

②She had homemade ice cream for__________.

③The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the ________.

8.ensure vt. 确保;保证

insure vt. 给……购买保险


①Please _______ that all lights are switched off.

②Luckily he __________ himself against long-term illness.

9.expect vt. 期望,预料,指望

respect vt. 尊重;尊敬;遵守n.尊敬,敬意

aspect n. 方面;样子,外观;方位

inspect vt. 视察,检查

suspect vt. 怀疑 n. 嫌疑犯 adj.不可信的;可疑的


①The book aims to cover all_________ of city life.

②The teacher walked around ___________ their work.

③They _________ all their children to be high achievers.

④I ___________ her motives in offering to help.

⑤I have the greatest___________for your brother.

10.fight v. 与……战斗/ 作战n.搏斗;斗争

flight n. 航班;飞行v.使(球)在空中飞行

fright n. 恐惧;害怕


①He was shaking with__________ .

②She'll________like a tiger to protect her children.

③We're booked on the same__________.

④A________ broke out between rival groups of fans.

11.form n. 表格;形式;种类v. 形成;出现,产生

from prep 从;从……起


①A plan_________ in my head.

②He was blind________ birth.

③The disease can take several different__________.

12.march n. 行进;行军vi. 行进;行军

March n. 三月

match n. 比赛; 旗鼓相当的人; 相配的人(或物)v. 和……相配/ 相称Exercise:

①The curtains and carpet are a good_________.

②Soldiers were__________ up and down outside the government buildings.

③Her fingerprints_________ those found at the scene of the crime.

13.personnel n. 人员,全体职员;人事部门

personal adj. 个人的


①Of course, this is just a__________ opinion.

②She works in _________.

14.principal adj.最重要的;主要的n. 校长

principle n. 道德原则,规范;法则;原则;原理


①The___________reason for this omission is lack of time.

②He has high moral __________.

③There are three fundamental ___________ of teamwork.

15.purpose n. 目的;目标
