最新教科版小学英语五年级下册How to stay safe公开课课件1


module 5 unit 10 how to stay safe 课件

module 5 unit 10 how to stay safe 课件
trouble 麻烦、烦恼 in trouble 遇到烦恼
Do tell your teacher if you see a classmate in trouble.
hour 小时
without 没有 during school hours 上学期间
eat too full (吃太饱) Don't ___________. It's bad for your health(健康).
on the stair. You shouldn't play ___________. You'll fall down.
play on the stair. Don't ___________.
青 春 风 采
692分(含20分加分) 语文131分 数学145分英语141 分 文综255分
毕业学校:北京二中 报考高校: 北京大学光华管理学院 北京市文科状元 阳光女 孩--何旋
来自北京二中,高考成绩672分,还有20分加分。“何 旋给人最深的印象就是她的笑声,远远的就能听见她的 笑声。”班主任吴京梅说,何旋是个阳光女孩。“她是 学校的摄影记者,非常外向,如果加上20分的加分,她 的成绩应该是692。”吴老师说,何旋考出好成绩的秘 诀是心态好。“她很自信,也很有爱心。考试结束后, 她还问我怎么给边远地区的学校捐书”。
高考总分:711分 毕业学校:北京八中 语文139分 数学140分 英语141分 理综291分 报考高校:
班主任 孙烨:杨蕙心是一个目标高远的学生,而且 具有很好的学习品质。学习效率高是杨蕙心的一大特 点,一般同学两三个小时才能完成的作业,她一个小 时就能完成。杨蕙心分析问题的能力很强,这一点在 平常的考试中可以体现。每当杨蕙心在某科考试中出 现了问题,她能很快找到问题的原因,并马上拿出解 决办法。

《How to stay safe》PPT(完美版)

《How to stay safe》PPT(完美版)
《How to stay s afe》P PT
《How to stay s afe》P PT
You shouldn't _sw__im__in__th_e_l_a_ke. . You'll be dangerous.
Don't s_w_i_m__in__th_e_l_ak_e.. You'll be dangerous.
《How to stay s afe》P PT(完 美版)
Unit10 How to stay safe
《How to stay s afe》P PT(完 美版)
《How to stay s afe》P PT
safe安全的 safety 安全
Safety first 安全的
《How to stay s afe》P PT
It's bad for your eyes.
《How to stay s afe》P PT
《How to stay s afe》P PT
You shouldn't _ea_t_t_oo__fu_l_l(_吃_太_饱). It's bad for your health(健康).
Don't _e_at_t_o_o_f_ul_l(_吃_太_饱.) It's bad for your health(健康).
《How to stay s afe》P PT
cross the street
crossing safety crossing
road 路 cross the road
《How to stay s afe》P PT

How to stay safe_PPT

How to stay safe_PPT
up stair stair39;t run on the stairs.
money candy stranger

Don't take any money or candy
from strangers in the street.
You shouldn'tp_la_y_o_n_t_h_e_ro_a_d_. You'll be dangerous.
Don't p_l_ay__o_n_th_e_r_o_a_d. You'll be dangerous.
1. 能简述 家的含 义、家 庭关系 的确立 方式、 家庭的 功能; 2. 能总结 中华文 化中“ 家”的 意味; 3. 能明确 “孝” 是中国 家庭文 化中重 要的精 神内涵 ,能举 例如何 孝亲敬 长。 4.学习书本知识更重要,只有学好更 多的知 识,才 能为社 会作出 更大的 贡献 5.实践更重要,没有实践经验,书本 知识学 再多也 没有用 ,青少 年要勇 于探索 和实践 ; 6.空谈的人都是有智慧的人,实干的 都是些 头脑不 灵活的 人,实 干不如 巧干; 7.青少年是祖国的未来,热爱劳动、 奉献社 会是大 学毕业 以后的 事; 8.我们要树立和增强危机意识和防范 意识。 面对不 太平的 世界, 我们要 对危害 国家利 益、威 胁国家 生存和 发展的 行为时 刻保持 警惕;
You shouldn't _ea_t_t_oo__fu_l_l(_吃_太_饱). It's bad for your health(健康).
Don't _e_at_t_o_o_f_ul_l(_吃_太_饱.) It's bad for your health(健康).

五年级下册英语课件-U10 How to stay safe第一课时-教科版(广州深圳通用)

五年级下册英语课件-U10 How to stay safe第一课时-教科版(广州深圳通用)
cross the road
traffic light
Do _____________when the____________is _g_r_e_e.n Safety first. Don't _f_o_r_g_e_t _____.
How to stay safe at school?
in trouble
If you see your classmate in trouble, tell your teacher.
If you see your classmate in trouble, go and help.
in trouble
How to stay safe ?
tell the ...
in trouble
If you see your friend _in__t_r_o_u_b_l_e_, go and t_e_l_l _p_o_l_ic_e_m__a_n__o_r__p_a. rents
What we should do?
义务教育广州版小学英语教材 MODULE 5
(第 1 课时)
U10 How to stay safe
Unit 10 第1课时教学目标:
1、能听说以下词汇和词组并知道它们的意义: 词汇:cross, traffic light… 词组:cross the road, play in the street… climb tall trees
Don’t _r_u_n__o_n__s_t_a_ir_s___________.
If you see your classmate _i_n_t_r_o_u_b_,le go and _t_e_ll_y__o_u_r_t_e_a_c_h_e__r__.

How to stay safe课件新教材

How to stay safe课件新教材

hour 小时 without 没有
during school hours 上学期间
Don't leave the school during school hours without asking your teacher.
should 应该 shouldn't 不应该
It's bad for your health(健康).
see a classmate in trouble. He shouldn't play football
lights or safety crossing. It's bad for your health(健康).
Don't s_w_i_m__in__th_e_l_ak_e.. You'll be dangerous.
You shouldn'tp_la_y_o_n_t_h_e_ro_a_d_.
the traffic light is red.
DoYno'ut'lp_ll_abye__od_nan_tgh_ee_rro_ou_as_d. . 他I在YtDIsHsDt如当YlpoIYHDIIIYs在DDYDDcYYDc_YYYtfYDtDYcUHIcYsDYD如YSDI_cpIfIUH_hrihhttttttttttoowwhwrrrrrln__l_hg''''''''''oooooooooooooooooeoeooooooonoooonossssssssssooooeaeaerro不交果红交_果__heiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnynnnnnniwnnnyiwtsssssmmumssttbbbbbtttbbctt___tthtb''''''sssssooooo''''''''''''srrr11llllllhhsssssssssslttttttttttttraaaaaaaoo应 通 看 灯 通 _看 __ellllllaaalhdttoooooohhhhhhhhh00tttttoodddddddeiii_crr__r_rr_cooonn___fffhhhhhbbbbbbonnnnrsooooooooouuuuuufffrr_____lldddr该灯见亮灯_见__oeeeee麻eeeeeefffffffsui'iioossoottuuuuuuuuunnnnnllt_____cotttccooooooaaa___hhaddttlsshhhnnllllllllltsssrdddddd不aannnd_____rrrrrrrd在区你时区_你__eeoooooddddddddhnn烦ssollttlttaeeeggaaaaaayygggn_____iirrirr.___nnnnnyyyyyyynnnnnnnne''afrsgggttnnnnnntteeee应eee'lll_____e马或的不或_的__oohoooooh'''''''''dsst、taaattttttttthhheeeeggggggsttttpprrrat_____aa___uueuuuuuehhhhhawtkkkttttoooyttteeeeee_________lli该ffr_____d路安同能安.同..rrrrrrreeeeeaa烦reeeuuurrrrrrsrs_________eeeiiia._____cyyoooooossso...tthhhhhhhssse_________ssssslrrr_____上全学穿全学uuuuuua...k恼eeeeeeettttttrrreo_________ffaaaaa_____deeessssssaaaaaaaooeeas_________aiiiii...........dddlllllll踢的有过的有ttootsrrrrr_________wttttttt...sssssidhhhhhhhttwwt_________n.....bbhh足十麻马十麻o( ((((((_________ghhaaeeg_________.lleen球字烦路字烦健健健健健健健llt_________nnr_________a。路,路,康 康康康康康康f.......fi口告口告) ))))))c 穿诉穿诉....... 过你过你路的路的口老口老。师。师。。
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