

二. 审计独立性1. 审计主体独立:审计组织(财务独立、机构独立、人事独立);审计人员(形象独立、精神独立)2.审计过程独立(计划独立、实施独立)3.审计结果独立(客观、公正、可靠)三.审计产生的基础:财产所有权与经营权分离、委托代理理论、信息不对称理论。
四. 审计发展过程三阶段:详细审计或称弊端审计阶段、报表审计阶段、效益审计五. 审计类别:1.按审计的主体分:国家审计、内部审计、民间审计2.按审计内容分:财务审计、法纪审计、效益审计3.按审计范围分:全部审计、局部审计、专项审计4.按审计时间分:事前审计、事后审计、事中审计5.按审计执行地点分:报送审计、就地审计六.我国的审计体系(一)国家审计机构的设置模式: 立法式、司法式、独立式、行政式(二)国家审计机关的权限:检查、建议纠正、通报(三)民间审计组织的性质:1.组织上,具有法人资格,不隶属于哪个部门或单位2. 经济上,是独立的经济实体3. 审计程序上,与委托者形成契约关系4. 特征上,审计的独立性最强事务所的组织形式:1.个人独资2.普通合伙3.股份有限公司4.有限责任合伙我国目前组织形式:有限责任,合伙(四)公司内部审计机构的设置模式:总会计师领导、总经理领导、董事会中审计委员会领导、监事会领导(五)内部审计的内容:财务审计、效益审计、内部控制系统评价、经济责任审计第二章审计目标计划审计工作与重要性一.审计总目标:是注册会计师通过执行审计工作,对财务报表的合法性、公允性发表审计意见。


Question2:1.[P5 Discussion Q4 ]What sort food do you usually eat? What do you think of the school cafeteria? Do you eat at other places near your school? Who do you usually eat with?I usually eat noodles at home, but I often eat rice at school. Because my hometown is home to wheat, but there is much rice in Heilongjiang. I don’t know there is any cafeteria in our school, but we can choose foods by ourselves on the third floor of the school dining hall. The foods are healthy and safe there. I’d also like to go to the street outside the west gate of our school. It is usually called “the market of night”.there are many delicious foods at night. I usually buy some food with my roommates for dinner.2.[P10 Discussion Q2]Where do young people like hang out? What about older people?The young people like to go to some places where the same age people always going to. Such as KTV, movie theater and so on. Of course, some young people who like sports are willing to spend more time on the sports. So they usually like to go to the gym. Besides, some young people just like to stay at home watching TV, if their idol play a role in the TV drama. The older people, maybe, they like to go to some quiet places, such as cafe. They also like to go to some social occasions, I think so, if they are not retired. But the retired people usually go to parks playing Taiji with their friends. Some of them like to watch Beijing Opera in the opera theater.3.[P10 Discussion Q3]What activities do older people enjoy? Do men and women like the same kinds of activities?The older people like to play Kongzhu, Taiji and so on outside. They also usually play chess, Majiang in parks or rooms. In china many older ladies like dancing on the squares to keep healthy. But older men always walking instead of dancing.4.[P17 Talk time 5]Picture 1(1)I think the older man is in his mid-sixties, retirement age. He is the father of the young woman, the father-in-law of the young man and the grandfather of the baby. (2)I think the older women is in her early sixties, retirement age. She is the father of the young woman, the mother-in-law of the man and the grandmother of the baby. (3)I think the young man is in his mid-thirties. He is the father of the little baby, the husband of the young woman, the son-in-law of the old couple.(4)I think the young woman is in his early thirties. She is the mother of the little baby, the wife of the young man, the daughter of the old couple.(5)I think the baby maybe six moths old. He is the the of the young couple, the grandson of the old couple.Picture 2(1)I think the lady is in her mid-fifties, middle aged. She is the mother of the three young men.(2)I think the young man maybe nineteen years old, a teenager. He is the son of the lady.(3)I think the young man in his mid-thirties. He is the son of the lady.(4)I think the young man in his early twenties, a young adult. He is the son of thelady.5.[P19 Discussion Q1]What are the advantage and disadvantages of having a lot of siblings? If a person has a lot of siblings, he will get more help from his siblings. He maybe has a happy childhood accompanied by his siblings. They also will share their experience to each other. But if you have many siblings, you may hate them some times. When you just want to read a book quietly, they always making some noises. They also take away your shares which from your parents.6.[P19 Discussion Q2]At what age would you like to get married? Give some reason for your answer.Maybe I will get married at my early thirties. I will have a job to support a family at that time. Also I think getting married is a most important decision in my life.There is an old Chinese proverb that "A man should be independent at the age of thirty". My thought will deeper, I will make more prepare for my marriage and I will take more responsibility for my new family at that time.7.[P19 Discussion Q3]Would you like live with your in-laws after you get married? Why or why not?I can accept live with my in-laws after I get married, if I have to. But this is not a good idea for me. The young couple must have many different habits with old couple. Such as, the old couple are used to early to bed and early to rise, young couple will go to bed late and get up late. We also have matters with food. The best way is that we live our own house and we should visit my in-laws usually.8.[P23 When you were young ...]When I was young, I lived in a small village. I lived with my parents and my grandparents in my home. My grandmother looked after me. She is a good-hearted lady. I often play with my parents during my childhood. I studied hard at primary school, because I just wanted to get praise from my parents and my teachers when got good grades. My favorite game is that playing a role who are from TV. Usually he is a hero. I could play the game all day with my friends. I almost had no money when I was young. If I had some money, I would buy snakes. My childhood was very happy, there was not any stress of life and study. I had a dog play with me, but one day he was gone. I was sad for a long time.9.[P24 Discussion Q3]Do you think it is good for both parents to work? Why or why not?I think it is good for parents to work. And the better situation is that one person is mainly responsible for earning money and supporting the family and another person just get a job which cost much time or energy. Thus the family not only have enough money for living, but also have time to deal with the business of family. The man usually to make money to support the family in China.11.[P31-32 Job1-4]。
商业银行 期末复习提纲





August 2010Page 1 of 50Auditing GuideAnnex 2 – Aide MémoireGeneral RemarkChapters 1 to 19 of this Aide Mémoire refer to the appropriate chapters of ICH Q7 (Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients).Chapter 20 relates to aspects of Quality Management Systems according to ISO 9001 or ICH Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System.* tbi = to be implemented Page 3 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 4 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 5 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 6 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 7 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 8 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 9 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 10 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 11 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 12 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 13 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 14 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 15 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 16 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 17 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 18 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 19 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 20 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 21 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 22 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 23 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 24 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 25 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 26 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 27 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 28 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 29 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 30 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 31 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 32 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 33 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 34 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 35 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 36 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 37 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 38 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 39 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 40 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 41 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 42 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 43 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 44 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 46 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 47 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 48 / 50* tbi = to be implemented Page 49 / 50This template has been developed by APIC/CEFIC. You may use the templates for your internal auditing purpose but for the purpose of a Third Party Audit, please note that only APIC Certified Auditors are authorised to perform an official APIC Audit that is coordinated by the API Compliance Institute. Whileefforts have been made to assure the accuracy APIC/CEFIC cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. You are not allowed to delete this disclaimerwhen using this template.* tbi = to be implemented Page 50 / 50。
哈尔滨商业大学 国际金融 论述题 期末总结

论述题:1国际收支失衡的原因?1周期性失衡:由于经济周期性波动引起的国际收支失衡2结构性失衡:经济和产业结构的落单货单已引起失衡3货币性失衡:由于一国货币,高估或低估引起失衡4收支性失衡:由于一国国民收入性变化引起的失衡5其他因素失衡:由于一些偶然性因素,如自然灾害、震荡引起的失衡6竞争性失衡2论述国际储备的作用?国际储备是一国经济实力的重要性标志之一,具有多种作用,但基本作用如下:1维持国际支付能力,调节临时性国际收支失衡2干预外汇市场,维持本币汇率稳定(短期奏效)3维持并增强国际上对本币的稳定性的信心(1997——1998念得亚洲金融危机中,香港特别行政区政府成功击退国际投机资本对港币的独区,特别行政区外汇储备充足,因此市场对港币颇具信心属重要原因)4是一国向外举债和偿还能力的保证3一国国际收支失衡类型?1根据时间标准分类:静态失衡动态失衡2根据国际收支的内容分类:总量失衡结构失衡3根据国际收支平衡时采取的经济政策分类:实际失衡潜在失衡4一国国际收支逆差可以用哪些政策手段调节?1财政手段:政府可采用紧缩的财政政策,如削减政府开支或提高税收,迫使投资和消费减少,物价相对降低,从而有利于出口,改善贸易收支及国际收支2货币政策:a贴现政策,提交再贴现率,市场利率提高,从而抑制投资b存款准备金政策,提交存款准备金率,减少流动性,抑制投资 c公开市场业务政府,尖行行为外汇市场参与者,买入外汇来抑制本币升值,从而促进出口,抑制近口d改变汇率,针对汇率固定的国家3信用手段:a向外国政府借款b国际金融市场借款c国际金融机构借款5纸币制度下,影响汇率变动的因素?决定因素:两国货币买入力水平1国际收支差额:顺差,外汇流入本币升值逆差,外汇净流出,本币贬值2利率和利率水平:如一国加息,资本流入该国,货币升值反之则流出3通货膨胀:会影响一国购买力水平,通货膨胀率的国家,货币将贬值4经济政策:短期:扩张性财政政策、货币政策代开赤字和通胀,本币贬值紧缩性政策,本币升值长期:扩张性政策如果奏效,本国经济实力增强,本币升值5市场预期:是一种投机心里,a加剧恐惧、加剧波动b抑制过度波动6政府干预:公开市场业务,买入外币抑制本币升值,反之贬值7经济实力:如经济实力增强,该国货币升值8其他因素如地震、海啸、战争等引起经济衰退,引起贬值6汇率变化对贸易收支的影响?1对进出口的影响:本币贬值出口增加,进口减少。

审计学期末复习(工商管理学院会计2011级)考试题型一、名词解释(3-4个)9-12分二、单项选择题(15个)15分三、多项选择题(8-10个)16-20分四、判断题(10个,只须判断正误)10分五、分析题(4-5个)43-50分第一章熟悉审计的产生与发展(审计的产生、发展、完善;审计发展的阶段——注意与审计模式区分);掌握审计、鉴证业务的含义知晓审计及审计人员的种类;知晓鉴证业务的类别;第二章一般了解第三章重点:职业道德规范(什么是审计的独立性?哪些事项可能影响事务所与注册会计师的独立性;做过的案例分析题,如2010、2011、2012注会考试简答题中相关的职业道德与独立性的考题)及配套习题的分析题、案例题)第四章被审单位管理层和治理层对财务报表的责任;注册会计师在财务报表审计中的责任;什么样的情况下会注会承担法律责任?(普通过失、重大过失、欺诈)第五章财务报表审计的目标(现阶段注会审计的总目标);什么是管理层认定?哪些是明示性认定,哪些是暗示性认定?一般目标,审计具体目标、理解与掌握三类认定,对认定、目标、程序、证据相互关系能运用(配套习题的分析题、案例题)对财务报表的责任(管理层、治理层、注会?)与审计责任 P94-95注会是否有责任保证发现违法与舞弊行为?第六章审计证据与审计工作底稿熟悉审计证据的种类(其证明力,局限性,即能证实什么不能证实什么)特征(判断之应考虑的因素)(配套习题的分析题、案例题,课堂做过的练习题);充分性、适当性之间的关系(审计证据的数量和质量之间的关系)获取(收集)审计证据的程序,什么是分析程序?哪些情形是分析程序?什么样的情况运用何种审计程序,如观察什么时候起作用;第七章计划审计工作熟悉审计计划过程;开展初步业务活动的目的(注册会计师开展初步业务活动有助于确保在计划审计工作时达到下列要求:(一)注册会计师已具备执行业务所需要的独立性和专业胜任能力;(二)不存在因管理层诚信问题而影响注册会计师保持该项业务意愿的情况;(三)与被审计单位不存在对业务约定条款的误解。

Which of the following would be a non-assurance engagement?A. A financial statement audit engagementB. A financial statement review engagementC. A direct reporting engagementD. A consulting engagementb.Which of the following best describes the difference between internal and externalauditors? AA.External auditors prepare reports that reduce information risk.B.External auditors do not have threats to their independence, while internal auditorsface pressureto compromise their independence because of the nature of theirrelationship with the companybeing audited.C.Only internal auditors may perform operational audits.D.Only external auditors may perform financial audits.| Independent auditors of financial statements perform audits that reduce and control what?A.Management biasB.The information risk faced by investorsC.Weak accounting systemsD.Quality reviews performed by other public accounting firmsHow does an auditor use professional skepticism in an external audit? BA.Professional skepticism assumes that management is honest; thereforemanagement representations are sufficient appropriate evidence.B.Professional skepticism recognizes that circumstances may exist that cause thefinancial statements to be materially misstated.C.Professional skepticism increases the risk of using faulty assumptions indetermining the nature, timing, and extent of the audit procedures.D.Professional skepticism is used to prove management's honesty and integrityconcerning the financial statements.d.Which of the following best describes the threat to independence if an auditor owns amaterial amount of shares of an audit client? CA.An advocacy threatB. A familiarity threatC. A self-interest threatD. A self-review threate.An auditor's independence could be considered impaired if the auditor AA.Depends on a high level of fees from one audit client.B.Owns common stock before the company became an audit client.C.Removes the member of the assurance team from the audit.D.Withdraws from the audit engagement.g.Which of the following would be an assurance engagement?1)Advising on the tax effects of a proposed transaction2)Designing an internal control system for an audit client3)Preparing the financial records and financial statements for a client4)Conducting an external auditQuestion 1. The following are four independent statements concerning certain auditing, legal, and ethical issues:a.In the course of providing professional services to a client, an auditor becomesaware that the client has committed a non-criminal breach of one or moregovernmental regulations. Sam reports the matter to the regulatory authorities.b. A CA, is a partner in a professional accounting firm. The CGA acted as achequesignatory for a client for whom the firm provided review services.c. A company is planning a public offering of common shares to raise new capital.Because the company is short of cash, and auditor, agrees to perform the audit at a very reasonable fee of $50,000, with the understanding that he will receive a$25,000bonus payment if the public offering is successfully completed.d.In an effort to expand the accounting practice, an auditor places an advertisementbased on an independent survey that was done thanking the people for voting thefirm as number 1 in the region.Required : For each case, state whether or not the auditor has violated the IFAC Code of Ethics and explain your reasoning.a.Which of the following best describes the auditor's responsibility to detect errors orfraud in order to achieve the overall objective of an audit? .A.The responsibility only exists when the error is unintentional.B.The responsibility is greater when the misstatement arose through fraud than ifit arose through unintentional error.C.The responsibility is less when the misstatement arose through fraud than if itarose through unintentional error.D.The responsibility is the same whether the misstatement arose through fraud orunintentional error.b.One of the specific audit procedures a CGA plans to perform is to examine invoicespaid after year-end and ensure that the accounts payable is not understated. What is the primary management assertion being tested? |A.ConfirmationB.ExistencepletenessD.Inspectionc.If an auditor obtains evidence confirming that a misstatement exists, he or sheshouldcommunicate the misstatement to the appropriate level of management and to the audit committee, if applicable. Which of the following information should becommunicated? |A.Misstatements resulting from material error, and fraud.B.Misstatements resulting from material error, fraud and illegal acts.C.Misstatements resulting from all errors, fraud and illegal acts.D.Misstatements resulting from fraud and illegal acts.d.Which of the following is true concerning the use of analysis in auditing? 判断A.The use of analysis is optional at all stages of an audit.B.The use of analysis as a substantive p rocedure is mandatory•C.The use of analysis in the completion stage is optional.D.The use of analysis as a substantive procedure is optional.e.Which of the following is most likely to enhance the sufficiency of evidence?A.When it is obtained through an independent provider.B.When the amount of evidence is evaluated by the auditor.C.When it has a high degree of objectivity.D.When it is obtained through the auditor's direct personal knowledge.f.Which assertion is the auditor most likely seeking evidence for, if the auditor is usingthe following procedures? |Enquire with management and review all loan documents, bond indentures, and alldebt covenants to determine if receivables have been pledged as collateral.pletenessB.ValuationC.Ownershipplianceg.Which of the following procedures is tracing?1)l)Selecting a journal entry for a purchase, and then checking to see if there isa coiTesponding purchase invoice2)Scanning through the cash receipts journal for unusual amounts3)Selecting a journal entry for a purchase, then verifying that there is a receivingdocument4)Selecting a cancelled cheque and verifying that it was recorded in the cashdisbursements journalh.Which of the following procedures would obtain evidence of existence?1)Scanning 2) Tracing 3) Vouching 4) Computationi.Which of the following items would most likely be found in an auditor's permanentfile papers?1)Excerpts of shareholdersand directors5 meetings2)Staff assignments for the current audit3)Preliminary analytical procedure notesj Which of the following would be the most reliable documents in terms of evidence?1)Shipping documents2)Receiving reports3)Cancelled cheques4)Sales summaries2. QuestionThe purpose of substantive testing is to verify the assertions made by management in the financial statements. Consider the following unrelated audit tests, which a CGA performed for the audit of the financial statements of a client with a fiscal year-end of December 31, 20XX. For each of the six audit procedures listed below, identify the primary management assertion being tested, name the specific audit procedure being used, and state the quality of the audit evidence obtained (high, moderate, or low), explaining why the evidence is the quality level you specify. Organize your answer with these headings:Management assertion Audit procedure Quality of audit evidencea. (3 marks)Sent positive confirmation requests to a sample of customers with unpaid balances at December 31, (3 marks)Performed test counts of goods on hand during the company's normal physical inventory taking on December 31, 20XX.c.(3 marks)Requested statements as of November 30, 20XX from a large sample of vendors with whom the client did business during 20XX.d.(3 marks)The auditor counted cash on hand at December 31, 20XX.e< (3 marks)Recalculated amortization of copyrights, patents, and other intangibles as at December 31, 20XX.F selecting, vouching a random sample of payables to the vendor's invoices and the client's receiving reports, and recalculating the amounts in the sample.(1)The auditor uses computer software to select a sample of vendors9 account payablebalances with debit balances and compares amounts and computations to cashdisbursements and vendor credit memos.(2)The auditor uses computer software to test perpetual inventory records for itemsthat have not been used in production in the last three months. The client states that these items have been determined to be obsolete and have been written down. The auditor then checks the journal entries to support the client's statements.(3)The auditor tests cash remittance advices to see that allowances and discounts are appropriate and that all receipts are posted to the correct customer accounts in the right amounts and reviews the documentation supporting unusual discounts and allowances.(4)The auditor watches the client take physical inventory. The auditor also reviews aletter received from a public warehouse confirming the amount of the client's inventory on hand at the year end. The auditor also checks the client's FIFO valuation of the inventory using the auditor's generalized audit software program.L4J In which cycle would you be auditing the purchases journal? ■A.Acquisition and expenditure cycleB.Production and payroll cycleC.Revenue and collections cycleD.Finance and investment cyclea. Which one of the following methods would an auditor use to obtain an understanding ofa client's business? IA.Test of controlsB.ConfirmationC.SamplingD.Analysis■ Which of the following risks can the auditor control?A.Control risk and audit riskB.Inherent risk and control riskC.Audit risk and detection riskD.Control risk and detection riskd. If LAM = $600, LM = $250, IM = $150, and FPM = $50, how much is the MPM?A.$350B.$450C.$650D.$ 1,050e| In planning an audit, which of the following statements is correct? ■改造A.Both audit risk and inherent risk are constant throughout the audit.B.Both inherent risk and control risk should be assessed and will likely varyfor different assertions and account balances or class of transactions.C.Both inherent risk and control risk will be constant throughout the audit.D.Inherent will be constant throughout the audit, but audit risk will vary fordifferent assertions and accounts or classes of transactions.f. If the auditor decreases the amount of error considered material, how would this affectthe various kinds of risk used in the audit risk model? ■A.The assessed level of inherent risk and control risk would increase.B.Detection risk would increase.C.Audit risk would increase.D.Inherent risk would increase but control risk would be unchanged.h.An auditor initially assesses control risk at a low level. After performing tests ofcontrols, the auditor decides to increase the assessed level of control risk from low to high. What would the auditor most likely do to achieve the audit risk level initially planned for?A. Decrease substantive testingB・ Decrease detection riskC- Increase inherent riskD. Decrease inherent riskL Which of the following would be described as "the risk of a material misstatement occurring in the first place”?1) Audit risk 2) Business risk for the audit firm3) Business risk for the client 4) Inherent riskL Which of the following assertions would be the least important for the audit of inventory?1) Existence 2) Valuation 3) Compliance 4) Ownership3. QuestionAn auditor is examining the financial statements of a local credit union, which has a large number of depositors in the community and is experiencing some financial difficulties. Because of the nature of the client, he wants the level of audit risk to be about 3%. Based on his past experience with the company andthe industry, he believes that the inherent risk of a material error in the accounts is about 45%. Moreover, he has assessed the risk that internal controls will fail to detect such an error at 35%. He has also performed some analytical review procedures of an "attention-directing" nature in an effort to better understand the business and focus on areas that may require additional testing. Requireda・(4 marks)Calculate the value of the detection risk that should be used for substantive testing in this case, using the riskmodel DR = AR/(IR x CR).be (6 marks)For each of the following independent factors, identify the type of risk(inherent risk, control risk, or detection risk) they most directly relate toor are influenced by:i.Accounts involving complex calculationsii.Accounts consisting of amounts derived from accounting estimatesiii.Selection of an inappropriate audit procedureiv.Misinterpreting the audit resultsv.Integrity of managemente of a perpetual inventory systemc. (5 marks)Assume the auditor decides to lower the acceptable level of risk that any material misstatement that has notbeen corrected by the client's internal control will not be detected by the audit. What impact, if any, willthere be on the audit procedures (nature, extent, and timing of audit procedures)?d・(5 marks)When the auditor's business risk is assessed as high, the auditor would most likely reduce audit risk. Explainwhat the auditor's business risk is and how it is related to audit risk. You can apply the definition of audit risk in answering your question. Give an example or situation that wouldinfluence the assessment of the auditor's business risk to be high.。
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第一部分小题考点为主,都是老师上课画的书上原题,无答案,大家讨论一下自己做一下吧一.P9 .An Att attestation service is a type of assurance service in which the CPA firm issues a report about a subject matter or assertion that is made by another party. Attestation services fall into five categories:1. Audit of historical financial statements2.Audit of internal control over financial reporting3.Review of historical financial statements4.Attestation services on information technology5.Other attestation services that may be applied to a broad range of subject matter二.P11 CPA firms perform numerous other services that generally fall outside the scope of assurance services. Three specific examples are:1.Accounting and bookkeeping services2.Tax services3. Management consulting services三、P17,c. Which of the following professional services is an attestation engagement (1)A consulting service engagement to provide computer-processing advice to a client. (2) An engagement to report on compliance with statutory requirements.(3) An income tax engagement to prepare federal and state tax returns.(4) The preparation of financial statements from a client's financial records.d. Which of the following attributes is likely to be unique to the audit work of CPAs as compared to the work performed by practitioners of other professions(1) Independence. (2) Competence. (3) Due professional care.(4)Complex body of knowledge.四、independence of mind andindependencein appearance.lndependence of mind.reflects the auditor's state of mind that permits the audit to be iased attitude. Inderendence of mind reflects a long-standing requirement that members be independent in fact. Independence in appearance is the result of others' interpretations of this independence.If auditors are independent in fact but users believe them to be advocates for the client, most of the value of the audit functionislost.五、P143b. Because of the risk of material misstatement, an audit should be planned and per formed with an attitude of(1) objective judgment. (3) professionalskepticism.(2) independentintegrity. (4) impartialconservatism.c.The major reason an independent auditor gathers audit evidence is to(1form an opinion on the financialstatements. (3) evaluate management.(2) detect fraud. (4) assess controlrisk.六、P169a. Which of the following types of documcntary evidence should the auditor consider to be the most reliable(1) A sales invoice issued by the client and supported by a deliyery receipt from an outside truckcr.(2) Confirmation of an account payabic balance mailed by and rctumcd directly to the auditor.(3) A check, issued by the company and bearing the payee's endorsemcnl, that is included with the bank siatemenrs mailed directly to the auditor.(4) An audit scheduJe preparcd by the clients controller and reviewed by the clienr's treasurer.b. Which of the follawing statements concerning audit evidence is true(l) To be approptiate. audit evidence should be eirher persuasive or relevant, but need not be reliable.(2The measure of thequantity and quality oT audit cyidcnce lies in the auditor's judgemcnt.(3) The difficulty and expense of obtaining aiidit evidence concerning an account balance is a valid basis for omiuing the test, .(4) A client's accounung records can be sufficient audii evidence to support the fmancial statcments.c. Audit evidence can comein different forms with different degrees ofpersuasiveness. Which of the foIlowingis thcleast persuas've type ofevidence .(1)Vendor's invoice(2) Bank statement obraincd from the client(3) Computations made byihe auditor(4 Prenumbcred salesinvoicesd. Which of the followingpresurnptionsis correct about the reIiabilityof audit evidence (l) Information obrained 'nd'rec"y.from outside sources is the most reliable audit evidence.(2) To be reliable, audit cvidence should be convincinS rather than rnerelypersuasive. (3) Reliability of audit evidence refers to the amount of corroborative evidence obtained.(4Effective internal control provides more assurance about the reliability of audit evidence.七、P229The following questions concern audit risk. choose the best answera. Some account balances, such as those for pensions and leases, complex calculations. The susceptibility to matcriaI misstatements accounts is defined as Choose the best are the result of in these types of(l) audit risk. (2) detection risk. (3) inherent risk. (4) sampling risk.b. As the acceptable level of detection risk decreases, the auditor may do one or more of the followinS except change the(l) nature of audit procedures to more effective procedures.(2) timing of audit procedures, by perhaps performing them at year-cnd rather than an interim date.(3) extent of audit procedures, by perhaps using larger sample sizes.(4 assurances provided by audit procedures to a lowerlevel.c. Inherent risk and control risk differ from planned detection risk in that they(l) arise from the misapplication of auditing procedures.(2) may be assessed in either quantitative or nonquantitative terms.( 3exist independently of the financial statement audit.(4) can be changed at the auditor's discretion.八、P264b. Which of the following would not be considered an inherent limitation of the potential effectiveness of an entity's internal control structure(1) Incompatible duties (3) Mistakes in judgment(2) Management override (4) Collusion among employeesc.Actions, policies, and procedures that reflect the overall attitude of management, directors, and owners of the entity about internal control relate to which of the following internal control components?(1) Control environment (3) Risk assessment(2) Information and communication (4) Monitoring Vendor account d.reconciliations are performed by three clerks in the accounts payable department on Friday of each week. The accounts payable supervisor reviews the completed reconciliations the following Monday to ensure they have been completed. The work performed by the supervisor is an example of which COSO component(1) Control activities (3) Risk assessment(2) Information and communication (4) Monitoring第二部分零散知识点为主,包括大题简答题1.P144,6-27,给出一句话,让你判断这个属于哪一种认定transaction or balances?然后判断影响具体哪一种管理层认定。