英汉语谚语文化差异的比较研究1. 引言1.1 研究背景随着经济全球化和文化交流的深化,英汉语谚语的翻译问题备受关注。
1.2 研究意义研究谚语文化差异对于促进英汉语之间的跨文化交流具有重要意义。
2. 正文2.1 英汉语谚语的概念与特点英汉语谚语是一种常见的语言表达方式,在英语和汉语中都有着丰富的谚语资源。
英语谚语"Actions speak louder than words"传达了实际行动比空谈更有力量的道理;而汉语谚语"知己知彼,百战百胜"则强调了了解对手和自己才能取得胜利。
英语谚语"A rolling stone gathers no moss"比喻不安定的生活方式不利于积累财富和成就;而汉语谚语"塞翁失马,焉知非福"则讲述了一个塞翁因失马而获福的故事,强调了看问题要有全面的思考。
它 首先 是 被海 员 使 用 , 来变 成 了国 际通 用 的谚 语 , 用 后 适
于很 多 不 同 的场合 , 告诉 我 们 想要 做 好 事 情 , 要抓 住 它 就 机会 。
2源 于 民 间 习 俗 的 谚 语 。 一 些 谚 语 与 民 间 习 俗 有 紧 .
二 、 殊 语言— — 谚语 特
牛 津 词 典 中 ,谚 语 被 定 义 为 一 种 短 小 精 练 为 世 人 所 熟知 的语 句 , 往 往代 表 着 事 实或 良好 的建 议 . 用 简 单 它 它
通俗 的话语 反 映 出深 刻 的道 理 。 语 在语 言 上重 视 声韵 , 谚
用 词 上讲 究 凝 练 , 式上 注重 对 称 , 达 上 力 求 形 象 , 句 表 是
语 , 至 于没 人 能想 象 英 语 没 有 了 这些 文 学 巨献 会变 成 以 怎 样 . : h o reo t e o e e e ddr ns o h ( 情 如 T ec u s fr lv n v r i u u mo t .爱
民族 文 化 艺 术 宝 库 中 绚 丽 的 瑰 宝 …。谚 语 意 味 深 长 , 有 富 思 想 性 、 术 性 和 大 众 性 。 在 全 世 界 各 民 族 文 化 中 都 有 艺 它
密联 系 , 比如 : o dw n n e s o u h( 酒 不 需 常 青 藤 。 G o ie e d n b s . 好 )
随 着 现 代 化 通 讯 手 段 的 发 展 , 国 家 联 系 日益 紧 密 。 各
它 来 源 于 古 老 的 西 方 民俗 , 去 , 酒 商 人 总 是 悬 挂 一 些 过 卖 常青 藤 或有 常 青藤 的画在 门 口 ,以此 作 为有 酒 出 售 的招 牌 。 些 酒 家 出 了 名 , 使 没 有 常 青 藤 标 志 也 有 顾 客 来 喝 有 即 酒 , 相 当 于 汉 语 谚 语 “ 酒 不 怕 巷 子 深 ” 它 好 。 3源 于 婚 礼 的 谚 语 。 国 人 认 为 如 果 女 孩 婚 礼 时 天 气 . 英
例如,英文中“A rolling stone gathers no moss”表达的是一个人不闲着就不会有麻烦,而汉语中的“滚石不生苔”则表达的是一个人长期漂泊就不会有成就。
另外,英汉谚语在语气上也有很大的差异,例如,英语中的“Waste not,want not.”表达了“节约绝不会贫穷”,而汉语中“节约用度家可致富”则表现出更强烈的劝诫意味。
此外,英汉谚语在语句长短上也有所不同,例如,英文中“Don put off till tomorrow what you can do today”,而汉语中“今日事,今日毕”。
例如,“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”可直译成“患难之友才是真正的朋友”。
例如,“Familiarity breeds contempt.”可以灵活意译为“太熟悉会导致轻蔑”。
“actions speak louder than words”通过行动胜过言辞的表达方式,强调实际行动的重要性。
“don't judge a book by its cover”则告诫人们不要仅仅根据外貌来评判一个人。
《长江丛刊》2019.0847从英汉谚语的比较看中英文化差异■邓秋峰/西北政法大学外国语学院摘 要:语言是人类文化的重要组成部分,谚语则是人类文化的精华,英汉语言来自于两个民族,具有着不同的文化特征。
关键词:英汉谚语 中英文化 文化差异 交际策略一、英汉谚语体现的中英文化差异(一)生存环境最早的谚语是人们在劳动生产过程中总结出来的,因此最早的英汉谚语会受到地理位置的影响。
最明显的谚语就是挥金如土,英语的表达为“spend money like waetr,”,这是因为中国位于州大陆,相比较海洋面积,土地面积较大,土地是中国人民的主要生活依靠,而英国属于岛国,航海业更为发达,因此再形容浪费、花费较高时,经常会出现船、水等词汇,但汉语谚语中则没有相似的习语。
如:不知所措的英语表达为“all at sea ”、“to keep one ’s head above water ”的中文表达为“奋力图存”。
比如:在汉语谚语中的“说曹操曹操到”的英文表达为“Talk of the devil and he come ”,从这一谚语中就可以看出前者源自于历史,后者源自于信仰文化,又比如:英语谚语中“Lvoe is blind ”的汉语表达为“情人眼里出西施”,这也是非常典型的历史文化谚语。
AbstractProverbs are the most popular language and the embodiment a general truth and the wisdom of a nation. Their meanings are in deep and rhythm. It is not an exaggeration to say that to explore the proverbs of a certain language is one of the feasible approaches to get into the inside of that nation’s people and spiritual life. The English-Chinese and Chinese-English proverb translation involves not only the transfer of language but also the transmission of culture.As the essence of English and Chinese language, proverbs or set phrases have strong historical and cultural contents, whose emergence and use demonstrate different characteristics in its own culture. Therefore, proverb translation has always been the difficulty for translation. The present thesis attempts to study cultural differences between western and eastern proverbs from perspectives like geographic, historical, religious and social customs. Since proverbs are the summary of the common people’s experiences,they play a decisive role in promoting different cultural exchange and cultural transmission.More importantly, this thesis is going to propose several methods for proverbs translation such as metaphrase, borrowing, free translation, metaphrase plus free translation and the use of notes. Practical proverb translation examples and methods are proposed accordingly. It’s hoped that this will benefit learners and readers in their better understanding of cultural differences and skillful translation of proverbs.Key words:cultural differences; proverb translation; translation strategies and methodsTable of Contents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1 Introduction (1)2 Definition (2)2.1 The definition of proverb (2)2.2 The Definition of cultural dDifferences (2)3. The Analysis of East-West Cultural Differences (3)3.1 Geographic differences (4)3.2 Historical differences (5)3.3 Religious differences (5)3.4 Social customs differences (6)4. Translation Strategies and Methods (7)4.1 Metaphrase (7)4.2 Borrowing (7)4.3 Free Translation (8)4.4 Metaphrase plus free translation (8)4.5 The use of notes (9)5. Conclusion (10)References (11)1 IntroductionLanguage is the carrier of culture, which reflects the culture it represents. Set phrase or proverb is an indispensable essence part of culture, which contains very rich historical, social, religious and cultural contents. Actually, proverbs are seen as the most important too for people’s communication which can be treated as an indispensable part of culture and is influenced by culture in return. Without culture, language would be insignificant. Moreover, proverbs are considered to be the most popular saying in the society and the wisdoms of a nation which reveals the people’s mind and wisdom in pieces of words. Without proverbs, language would lack spirit and color. A concentrated reflection of various rhetorical means and a mirror of the historical and cultural conceptions of a society are revealed in proverbs.Proverbs between eastern and western countries vary differently due to their different ways of living, ways of thinking, different historical development and different cultures. Therefore, proverb translation has always been the difficulty for translation. Nevertheless, the successful translation of proverbs is of vital importance in inter-lingual and inter-cultural communication between China and western countries, and east-west cultural differences are among the largest barriers of proverb translation. It is thus very important and necessary for us to probe into the west-east cultural differences and come up with practical proverb translation strategies and methods in order to help learners and readers better understand the cultural differences and better translate proverbs.The present thesis attempts to study cultural differences between western and eastern proverbs from perspectives like geographic, historical, religious and social customs. Since proverbs are the summary of the common people’s experiences,they play a decisive role in promoting different cultural exchange and cultural transmission.More importantly, this thesis is going to propose several methods for proverbs translation such as metaphrase, borrowing, free translation, metaphrase plus free translation and the use of notes.2. Definition2.1 The definition of proverbProverb or set phrase is the crystal of language accumulated and extracted during people’s long-time practice and use. Proverbs often come from ancient classics, famous masterpieces, historical stories and folktales, which contain rich cultural information and have strong national characteristics. Proverb has the characteristics of vividness, profoundness, conciseness, humor and meaningfulness. Even within a single language community, proverb, and the extent to which it is used, tends to vary widely across social, ethnic, economic, and geographic strata. Proverb may fall into disuse over time; sometimes, however, it grows more and more common until it becomes the dominant way of saying something, at which time it usually comes to be regarded as mainstream, acceptable language, although in the case of taboo words there may not be an expression which is considered mainstream or acceptable. Numerous proverb terms pass into informal mainstream speech, and sometimes into formal speech, though this may involve a change in meaning or usage.Proverb often involves the creation of new meanings for existing words. It is common for such novel meanings to diverge significantly from the standard meaning.A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim.Proverbs are often borrowed from similar languages and cultures, and sometimes come down to the present through more than one language. Both the Bible and Medieval Latin have played a considerable role in distributing proverbs across Europe, although almost every culture has examples of its own.2.2 The definition of cultural differencesThere are different meanings to the word “culture”. Sometimes, people who know about music, art, literature are thought to be cultured. However, to an anthropologist, the word “culture” means all the ways that a group of people think, feel, eat and dress. TheLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English gives such an explanation of culture: the customs, beliefs, art, music, and all the other products of human thought made by a particular group of people at a particular time. The linguistic difference that informs any cultural performance is dramatized in the common semiotic account of the disjuncture between the subject of a proposition and the subject of enunciation, which is not represented in the statement but which is the acknowledgment of its discursive and address, its cultural, its reference to a present time and a specific space. The pact of interpretation is never simply an act of communication between the I and the you designated in the statement. The production of meaning requires that these two places be mobilized in the passage through a Third Space, which represents both the general conditions of language and the specific implication of the utterance in a performative and institutional strategy of which it cannot “in itself” be conscious. What this unconscious relation introduces is ambivalence in the act of interpretation According to the famous translator Eugene Nida, culture is “the totality of beliefs and practices of a society”. He also holds that “Nothing is of greater strategic importance than the language through which its beliefs are expressed and transmitted and by which most interaction of its members take place.”Therefore it is obvious that cultural differences mean the differences in histories, religions, cultures, social beliefs and customs, etc. For instance, when people die, different cultures deal with their bodies differently. Sometimes bodies are burned; sometimes bodies are buried under the ground. In many cultures in the past, people were buried with food, weapons, and other things that might be useful in the next life. For example, the ancient Egyptians buried people with little human figures which were from clay. These clay figures were intended to work the death person in the other world.From above, we can see that cultures vary differently from one culture to another. There are many factors underlying in cultural differences, the author of this paper will conduct further analysis later in the following.3. The Analysis of East-West Cultural DifferencesThere are a number of cultural differences between China and other westerncountries, but the differences can be overcome in inter-cultural communications. Having a good command of the factors about the differences would help people better understand the language and the culture, so to perform successful communications. This paper has mainly chosen four east-west cultural differences: geographic differences, historical differences, religious differences and social customs differences. In the following, this paper will further discuss the main four differences respectively.3.1 Geographic differencesPeople in different countries live in different geographic environments, thus different cultures and different proverbs were formed in the process of laboring and struggling with nature. A certain culture exists in a certain terrain; inevitably, it reflects the natural and geographic features of the area. For this reason, when people use natural sights or objects to express themselves, there would be obvious differences. What’s more, people in different cultures hold different attitudes towards different natural phenomenon relevant to their living conditions, so the expressions of proverbs are also quite different.For example, China has long been an agricultural country with a vast land, so it has many expressions or proverbs with land or agriculture, such as “七十二行,庄稼人头一行”, “百叶农为本,民以食为天”, “地不翻,苗不欢”, “种田不用问,用好水和粪” and so on. However, Britain is an island country surrounded by vast sea, so it has many expressions or proverbs related to boats or seas, such as “The best fish swim near the bottom” (好鱼沉水底), “to go with the stream” (随波逐流), “The good seaman is known in bad weather”(要识还海员,须凭坏天气), “There’s as good fish in the sea as ever come out of it” (有了大海,害怕没鱼), “A man may lead a horse to the water, but he can’t make him drink” (牛不喝水,按不低头) and so on. These kinds of examples are numerous. Also, there are many proverbs peculiar to specific geographic areas, for instance, in English “bring coal to Newcastle”(多此一举), since Newcastle is a place abundant in coal. Meanwhile, there are similar proverbs in Chinese, such as “边收边耕,叶草不生”, “好树结好桃,好种出好苗”, “春风不刮,春芽不发” and so on.The totally different geographical differences of the east and west are responsible for the different cultural values embodied in the proverbs of the two languages.3.2 Historical differencesApart from geographic differences, historical differences are also of great importance. A certain culture is formed through a nation’s history, so when discussing cultural differences, historical differences cannot be neglected. Different countries have different historical developments, stories, legends, allusions and so on. For example, throughout the history, Chinese people define themselves as the descendents of “Yandi and Huangdi Emperors” the “Dragon” and the “Cathay”; so an proverb was “炎黄子孙”. There are also proverbs relevant to wars, persons, etc. such as “唱空城计”, “败走麦城”, “东施效颦”, “名落孙山” and so on. In English, there are also proverbs or expressions related to wars, persons peculiar in its own culture, such as “to meet one’s Waterloo” to mean failure, “a Trojan horse” to mean potential dangers, “Achilles’ heel” to mean one’s fatal weakness, the week or vulnerable point of a person, an organization, a country and “Pandora’s box” to mean the root of evils. There are boundless examples like this. The historic value of a certain culture is unique; people should pay special attention to it when engaged in inter-cultural communication and proverb translation.In brief, both East and West have its own historic field and literary works to reflect their proverbs. Only if the translator translates proverbs well, can the exact meaning will be transmitted.3.3 Religious differencesReligious belief is one aspect of human thought, which has great influence on culture. In many western countries, particularly in English-speaking countries, people believe in Christianity. They believe that God is all mighty. So there are many proverbs related to their belief. For example, “A tree is known by its fruit” (观果实可知树,观其行可知人), “God help those who help themselves”(自助者天助). In addition, the Bible has greatly affected the western culture, and some proverbs are derived from Bible, such as “the forbidden fruit” (禁果), “as poor as Job” (一贫如洗), “eye for eye and teeth for teeth” (以眼还眼,以牙还牙), and so on. While Chinese culture, on the other hand, was mainly influenced by Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Proverbs like “平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚”“泥菩萨过河,自身难保” reflect Buddhism; “乐极生悲”“脱胎换骨”“回光返照” are derived from Taoism; while “平安是福” is from Confucianism. Religion is a complex factor in inter-cultural activities, thus it cannot be ignored for its profound influence on cultures.From the analysis proverbs above, we can infer that God is powerful in Christianity and Buddha is mighty in Buddhism. The Chinese people adore the Buddha and the westerners show respect to the God.3.4 Social customs differencesSocial customs also play an important role in east-west cultural differences, as it embodies a nation’s history and value. Countries with different social customs have different beliefs, values and different national emotions. Just take China and English-speaking countries as an example, in China, horse is regarded as loyal and patient, so Chinese people treat horses as friends. There are many favorable proverbs related to horses, such as “马到成功”, “马首是瞻”. While Westerners regarded horses as their companion in their life as they can reveal from the proverbs like “a horse stumbles that has four legs”(everyone will make mistakes in one day), “it is too late to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted”(one needs to make preparation in advance, otherwise, he will suffer incurable loss).Dog is a low-down animal in Chinese culture, so proverbs related to dogs are derogatory, such as “狗嘴里吐不出象牙”, “狗咬耗子,多管闲事”,“狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心”etc. On the contrary, English people regard dogs as faithful friends, so English proverbs relevant to dogs are positive. For instance, when they say someone is lucky, they would say “a lucky dog”; however, proverbs related to horses are not always good, such as “pay for a dead horse” means waste money.For another example, Chinese and English people hold different attitudes towards “dragon”. Chinese people think dragon as auspicious and precious, thus proverbs related to dragon are always predatory, such as “望子成龙”, “龙凤呈祥”and “乘龙快婿”. While western people often regard dragon as evil and ferocious, thus proverbs related to dragon are always negative, such as “chase the dragon” means taking drugs.Social customs have much to do with the national characteristic of proverbs. From the analysis above, we may find that people’s different attitudes towards the sameanimals are quite different, as the horse and the dog.4. Translation Strategies and MethodsFrom above analysis, we have already known the four main cultural differences between proverbs of China and western countries. In this chapter, the author will come up with some strategies and methods for proverbs translation. We summarized five main translation strategies and methods, namely: metaphrase, borrowing, free translation, the method of metaphrase combined with free translation and use of notes, in the hope to help learners and readers better translate proverbs, thus to ensure excellent translation texts and successful communications.4.1 MetaphraseMetaphrase is a method to translate Chinese proverbs directly into English. It is able to keep the meaning, form, and grammatical structure of the source language when adopting this method. Nevertheless, the method of metaphrase doesn’t mean translate the source proverbs word by word. For example, the Chinese proverb “三人行,必有我师”can be divided into two parts: “三人行” and “必有我师”. Their counterparts in English are “three men” and “teach”, so when translating “三人行,必有我师”, translators can adopt the method of metaphrase to translate it like “When there are three men walking together, one of them is bound to be able to teach me something”. For another examples, “路遥知马力,日久见人心” (A long road test a horse ‘s strength and a long talks proves a man’s heart), “井干方知水可贵”(We never know the worth of water till the well is dry), “吠犬不咬人” (Barking dogs do not bite) and so on.When using metaphrase method, the translator should follow several rules. The first is that the translation should transfer the message from the source text completely. The second is that the translation should accord with the characteristics of the target language. The last but not the least, the translation shouldn’t evoke incorrect imagination to readers.4.2 BorrowingBoth Chinese and English have lots of similar proverbs. Some Chinese and English proverbs have similar meanings and forms. Therefore, translators can use the method of borrowing when translating proverbs. For example, some Chinese proverbs and Englishproverbs have similar or underlying meaning, and they also have similar image or metaphor, such as the Chinese proverb “吃一堑,长一智” and the English proverb “A fall into the pit, a gain into your wit” have the same underlying meaning. The proverb “隔墙有耳,窗外岂能无人”and its translation “Wall have ears, and outside the window is there not a man?”Not only have the same metaphor meaning, but also have similar image. Some Chinese proverbs and English proverbs do not have the same image, but they do have the same metaphor meaning. For example, “山穷水尽” in Chinese means a hopeless situation. The English proverb “at the end of one’s rope” also means somebody has done all they could but still couldn’t find a way to solve the problem. Thus “at the end of one’s rope”is a preferred translation for “山穷水尽”. Using the method of borrowing, the target readers would have a sense of familiarity, which makes it easier for them to understand the translation and the culture.4.3 Free translationFree translation is the method mostly adopted when translators cannot translate the proverbs literally. For example, if translators use the method of metaphrase when translating the Chinese proverb “开门见山”, the translation would be “to open the door and see the mountain”, which is very awkward. In order to translate the original message more precisely, free translation should be adopted, since it focuses more on meaning. Then the proverb “开门见山” can be translated into “to come straight to the point”. The Chinese proverb “完璧归赵”has a metaphor meaning, which means give something back without a tiny damage. If we directly translate the proverb like “return the jade intact to the state of Zhao.”, then the metaphor meaning is lost. It’d better be translated as “return something to its owner in perfect”. There are also numerous other examples, such as “refuse to be convinced until faced with grim reality” (不见棺材不落泪), “stay out of things that don’t concern you” (井水不犯河水), “more hands, less work done” (一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃), “吹毛求疵” ( to pick a hole in one’s coat), “生灵涂炭” (to plunge the people into misery and suffering), and so on.4.4 Metaphrase plus free translationThere exist cases that either metaphrase or free translation can express the meaningof the source proverbs properly. At this moment, the translator could combine the method of metaphrase with free translation. For instance, the Chinese proverb “垂涎三尺”, “垂涎” can be directly translated like “mouth waters”, but “三尺” cannot be translated just as “three feet”. Or else, readers would be confused with the numbers. For this reason, translators can metaphrase the first part and freely translate the second part. The translation for “垂涎三尺” is “The mouth waters copiously”. For another example, “怨声载道” in Chinese, “怨声”can be directly transferred as “complaints”or “discontents”, but “载道”cannot be metaphrased as “fill the road”. Actually, “载道”can be freely translated as “everywhere”. Thus this proverb can be translated like “Complaints are heard everywhere”. Also, the proverb “走马观花” can be translated into “look at flowers while riding on the back of a galloping horse—give a cursory glance.”By combining these two methods, we can on the one hand maintain certain form or image of the source text, and on the other hand maintain the meaning.4.5 The use of notesThe last method of proverb translation in this paper is the use of notes. Strictly speaking, the use of notes can’t be deemed as a method of translation; however, how well translators deal with it determines the quality of the translation. Most Chinese and English proverbs that need to use notes in translating are derived from myths, allusions or historical stories, which have strong historical and cultural background. For example, “叶公好龙” can be translated as “Lord Sheh’s love of dragons” (Note: Lord Sheh was so fond of dragons that he adorned his whole palace with drawings and carvings of them. But when a real dragon heard of his infatuation and paid him a visit, he was frightened out of his wits). For another instance, “东施效颦”, “东施” was an ugly girl, and “颦” refers to Xishi—one of the four most beautiful girls in ancient China. This proverb contains a historical story. Dongshi wanted to be a beautiful girl just like Xishi, so she imitated Xishi. When translating this proverb, translators should use notes for explanations of readers. However, in most cases, notes are long. So it is recommended to use notes only when necessary.In this part, the paper has mainly discussed five common and different strategies andmethods of proverbs translation. Each strategy should be employed in suitable situation in an appropriate manner.5. ConclusionThis paper makes an attempt to analyze the cultural differences between Chinese and English proverbs, as well as translation strategies and methods; which aims to figure out the influences cultural differences have on proverbs translation, and comes up with some practical translation strategies and methods of proverbs. It is hoped that this paper will provide some enlightenments and suggestions for learners and readers. Owing to the cultural differences, it is difficult for translators to find the best method in proverb translation. All the four methods in the thesis are not the ideal or correct solutions and there may exist some better methods to be found. After all, they may treat as a reference for translators. Furthermore, the study of Chinese proverbs and the appropriate translation methods are helpful to promote the cultural exchange between English and Chinese.In order to promote interaction among different cultures and to ensure successful communications, special attention should be paid to proverb translation since it is an indispensable part of a language which contains rich cultural information. When translating proverbs, translators should know well of the foreign histories and customs, master a lot of similar foreign proverbs or expressions, have a good command of the source language and be flexible and skillful in the use of proverb translation strategies and methods. Only in this way can translators render better translation whether in form or meaning or both.Finally, it should be acknowledged that what has been done in this thesis may not be a final solution to the problem. Rather, it is hoped to be helpful for the translation of Chinese and English proverbs and provide some information for further relevant researches.正文字数要4000字左右,你的严重不足。
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挑选具有代表性的英汉谚语翻译案例进行分析和 讨论。
深入挖掘每个谚语背后的文化内涵和价值观念, 以揭示中西文化之间的差异和联系。
针对每个案例,探讨其采用的翻译技巧和方法, 并分析其优缺点。
中国谚语强调尊老爱幼的传统美德,如“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼”(尊 敬自己的长辈推广到尊敬别人的长辈,爱护自己的孩子推广到爱护别人的孩子)。
西方谚语中也有类似表达,如“Respect your elders”(尊敬长辈),但相对而言, 西方社会更强调个人的独立和平等。
西方谚语中,善恶报应观念并不明显,更多强调个人责任和自由选择,如“You make your own luck”(命运掌握在自己手中)。
中国谚语则强调善恶有报,如“善有善报,恶有恶报”(做好事有好报,做坏事有坏报),反映了中国 文化的因果报应观念。
西方谚语中也有类似“What goes around comes around”(一报还一报)的表达,但与中国文化中 的报应观念有所不同,更多强调个人行为的后果自负。
英语谚语中在面对自然灾害时,强调人的主观能动性和抗争精神,如“Where there is a will, there is a way”(有志者事竟 成)等。这些谚语鼓励人们积极应对挑战,战胜困难。
汉语谚语则更注重顺应自然、防范未然的思想。在面对自然灾害时,汉语谚语倡导提前做好准备,如“未雨绸缪”、“防患 于未然”等。同时,也强调在灾难面前保持冷静和理智,以最小的代价应对挑战。
英汉语谚语文化差异的比较研究1. 引言1.1 背景介绍英汉语谚语是两种语言中非常重要的文化元素,是人们在日常生活中引用和传承的智慧。
1.2 研究目的本研究旨在比较英汉语谚语文化差异,探究其背后的文化意涵和价值观差异。
2. 正文2.1 文化背景下的英汉语谚语差异英汉语谚语是反映不同国家文化背景的重要表现形式,其差异主要源于英汉两国的历史、宗教、风俗习惯等方面的不同。
关 丽 芳
( 泉州 市 农 业 学 校 , 建 泉 州 3 2 0 ) 福 6 0 0 摘 要 : 语 是 从 人 民 口语 和 经 典 著 作 中提 炼 出 来 的 语 谚 言精 华 . 于 中西 方 的 社会 文化 存 在 着很 大 的 差的 “ 语 ” 词 与 英 语 中 的 “ rv r ” 体 一 致 . 谚 一 po eb 大 在 《 代 汉 语 词 典 》 修 订 本 ) , “ 语 ” 义 为 : 群 众 中 间流 现 ( 中 将 谚 定 在 传 的 固 定词 句 , 简 单 通 俗 的 话 反 映 m 深刻 的道 理 。“ rv r ” 用 po eb 在 《 文 当 代 英 语 词 典 》 英 语 版 ) 的 定 义 为 : h r w l 朗 ( 中 a sot el —
k o ae n a o tis d iea o ti e ea。学 习作 n wns tme th t nan vc b u f i g n rl t t c a le n 为 人 类 语 言 和 思 想 浓 缩 的 结 晶 的谚 语 ,有 助 于 深 刻 理 解 西 方
文化 , 以及 作 为 文 化 载 体 的 语 言 。 2 英 汉 谚语 所体 现 出 的 文 化 差 异 . 谚 语 . 为 人 类 文 化 生 活 的 文 明 成 果 , 映 着 各 自 民族 的 作 反 文 化 、 活 习 俗 和 道 德 取 舍 。 由 于 不 同 民 族 生 活 的地 理 环 境 、 生
自然 气 候 、 教 习俗 等 诸 多 方 面 的不 同 , 创 造 的谚 语 在 某 些 宗 所 方面所体现的文化色彩有着很大的地方差异。 2 1 历 史典 故 有 关 的谚 语 .与 在 英 汉 两 种 语 言 中有 大量 由 历 史 典 故 形 成 的谚 语 。 在 中 国 的典 籍 中 , 语 多 出 自诗 书 、 子 论 著 , :千 丈 之 堤 , 于 谚 诸 如 “ 溃 蚁穴。—— 《 非子 ・ 老》“ ” 韩 喻 ; 以貌 取 人 , 之 子 羽 。 《 记 ・ 失 ”史 仲 尼 弟 子 列 传 》 “ 为 玉 碎 ,不 为 瓦全 。 ” ;宁 —— 《 齐 书 ・ 景 安 北 元 传 》 “ 积 跬 步 , 以 至 千 里 。” — 《 子 ・ ;不 无 — 苟 劝学 》这 些 谚 语 结 ; 构 简单 , 义 深 远 , 有教 育 和 警示 作用 。 意 很 而 英 语 中 的 典 故 多 来 自《 经 》 古 希 腊 罗 马 神 话 等 两方 圣 、 经 典 著 作 , 据 《 经 》 载 , d m是 人 类 的 始 祖 , 最 古 老 的 根 圣 记 Aa 即 人 , 以a l a A a 所 s d s d m就 是 “ 常 古 老 , 常 陈 旧 ” 意 思 。再 o 非 非 的 比 如 : ra O t d nmyt g e ( 头 壮 牛 站 在 我 的 舌 头 A ge t Xs n s n u . 一 a o o 上 。 “ 牛 ” 表 不 可 挪 动 的 重 物 。 句 的意 思 是 : 话 极 其 谨 )壮 代 全 说 慎 与汉 语 “ i缄 其 口” 近 相 22 地 理 有 关 的 谚 语 .与 每 个 民族 都 在 一 定 的 自然 环 境 中 生 存 繁 衍 ,因 而 不 同 民 族 的一 些 谚 语 的产 生 和 该 民族 的 自然 环 境 、 理 环 境 、 地 山川 物 i h le指 “ 怏 不 乐 或 心 情 沮 丧 ” 本 来 心 情 ( o ) 无 色 nte u s 怏 b . mo d 是 彩 而 言 的 、 个 短 语 的 隐 喻 意 即 由始 源 域 “ l ” 起 令 人 沮 丧 这 bu 引 e 的色 彩 投 射 到 目标 域 “ 的 心 情 ” 产 生 的 。 如 , le a s 指 人 上 另 bu w , l 严 格 的法 律 , 指 周 日禁 止 跳 舞 宴会 等 , 于 美 国 殖 民 地 时 期 尤 始 清 教 徒 颁 行 的法 律 。 6绿 色 (re . ge n) 绿 色 是 生命 的颜 色 , 人 想起 春天 、 叶 、 地 等 , 青 春 、 使 树 草 有 活 泼 、 活 力 的隐 喻 。 英 汉 两 种 语 言 文化 中 , 色都 可 象 征 安 有 在 绿 全 和 平 , .re v lt n ge np ae 如 ge nr o i ,re e c 。但 绿 在 汉语 言 中还 有 e uo 独 特 的 隐 喻 . , 戴 绿 帽子 ” 指 某 人 的 妻 子 与 他 人 私 通 , 果 如 “ , 如 直 译 成t w a a r e a.西 方 人 估 计 就 理 解 为 有 人 戴 着 绿 色 o er e n t g h 的帽 子 , 能 理 解 它 隐 含 的 意义 , 翻译 成 “ ea u k l ” 不 应 t b c c od 。 o 人 们 使 用 颜 色 词 进 行 隐 喻 认 知 是 人 类 对 颜 色 认 识 发 展 的 高级 阶 段 . 色 词 的 联 想 意 义 是 一 种 思 维 活 动 和 文 化 价 值 颜 的体现 , 因此 英 汉 语 文 化 中颜 色 词 的联 想 意 和各 自文 化 模 型 密 切 相 关 。 文 对 两 种 语 言 文 化 中基 本 颜 色 词 的 隐 喻 意 义 进 本 行 了对 比 . 现 基 本 颜 色 词 的 一 些 隐 喻 在 两 种 文 化 中 有 相 似 发 之 处 , 受 各 自文 化 价 值 、 统 习 俗 、 仰 等 因 素 的 影 响 , 但 传 信 基 本 颜 色 词 的 隐 喻 认 知 呈 现 了 不 同 的个 性 与 差 异 , 管 同 中 有 尽 异 , 用 基 本 颜 色 词 进 行 隐 喻 认 知 时 , 们 对 世 界 的 认 识 更 但 我 加真实 和生动 了, 而使英 汉两种语 言文化更加 丰富 了。 从 参考文献 : [ ] 惠 南 . 化 语 境 与 语 言 翻 译 [ . 京 : 国 对 外 翻 1包 文 M] 北 中 译 出版 公 司 .0 1 20. [ ] 惠 南 , 昂. 国 文 化 与 汉 英 翻 译 [ . 京 : 文 出 2包 包 中 C] 北 外
例如:It is hard sailing where there is no wind. 无风难使帆。
A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 平静的大海练不出好水手。
一、引言 谚语翻译中最重要的因素是什么?英语语言及文学的著名学者王 佐良这样回答:文化差异,如这种文化中显而易见的东西在另一种文化 就要详细解释。因此译者需非常认真谨慎地处理文化差异。英国文化人 类学家Edward Taylor在《原始文化》一书中,首次把文化作为一个概念 提出来,并表述为:文化包括知识,信仰,艺术,道德,法律,风俗及其作 为社会上习得的能力与习惯。可见文化内涵丰富。谚语来源于生活,是 一个民族语言和文化的高度浓缩和集中体现。它反映了一个民族丰富 多彩的文化现象。它是语言词汇的重要组成部分,是语言某些部分,经过 长期反复使用后自然沉积而形成的形式固定,简洁明快,寓意深刻的语 言精品: 给谚语下一个固定的定义比较困难,因为不同的人对谚语理解不 同。如:谚语是在群众中流传的固定语句,用简单通俗的话反映出深刻 的道理:“Proverbs are the daughter of daily experience.”(谚语是日常生活 的产物);英国人类学家Tomas Fuller则认为:众多的事理经过煎熬,凝 练成寥寥数词,这便是谚语。总之,谚语作为民间文学形式的一种,具有 诗的活泼,文的凝重,熟练而简洁。 由于英汉两种语言的文化背景差异,同样字面意义,形象意义的话 可能具有完全不同的隐含意义。隐含意义才是说话人或作者所要表达 的真正意义。英汉谚语直接的多方面差异可归为两类:一是形象意义的 差异;一是隐含意义的差异,而它们都是字面以外的意义,即文化差异 的具体反映。 二、英汉谚语中的文化差异
浓,西域的直译就有了它的特殊重要性。”直译法更好地保留了英文中 原汁原味的成分,因此,如果读者能对译后的谚语寓言一目了然,我们
首先用直译法。例如: A home without love is no more than ababy without asoul.没有爱的家
例如:英语谚语:Time is money.(时间就是金钱。
)英语谚语中的“Time is money”强调时间的宝贵、不可挽回性以及经济利益的重要性,而中文谚语则更注重时间流逝的速度和人生短暂的意义。
英语谚语:Every cloud has a silver lining.(乌云背后必有阳光。
)英语谚语中的“Every cloud has a silver lining”表达的是看到困难和问题的积极态度。
英国哲学家弗朗西斯?培根说:“Genius wit and spirit of a nation are discovered by their proverbs.”(一个民族的天赋、智慧和精神都从他们的谚语中表现出来)。
1. 与基督教有关的谚语宗教是谚语的重要来源之一。
例:Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。
God help those who help themselves.自助者天助之。
God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.上帝赐给食物,魔鬼派来厨师。
Each cross hath its own inscription.每个十字架都有自己的铭文。
基督教徒崇拜上帝,英语中God save the Queen是家喻户晓的句子。
当一个说英语的人突然从紧张、焦急、或压力下解脱出来的时候,会脱口而出:Thank God!中国人崇拜“天”。
2. 出自《圣经》和英语文学巨著里的谚语《圣经》是最广为阅读的书之一,也是包括英语国家在内的西方世界最有影响力的宗教作品。
英谚受基督教的影响,反映了基督教的伦理道德和行为规范,如:No respecter of persons.(一视同仁);Man propose,God disposes.(谋事在人,成事在天)等,而汉谚则受到“儒”、“释”、“道”三教的影响。
英谚中有大量出自典章及名人的作品中那些脍炙人口的词句,如:Never say die.(永远不要说”死定了”)出自英国小说狄更斯的《匹克威克外传》;而汉语文史学家们则认为汉谚相当一部分出自社会生活和生产实践,如:“远亲不如近邻”是对日常生活经验的总结。
如:Every dog has his day.(人皆有出头日);Love me, love my dog.(爱屋及乌)等。
1. 引言1.1 英汉语谚语的定义英汉语谚语是两种语言中的一种特殊形式,它是由一句简洁而富有智慧的句子组成,通常反映了当地人民的文化、价值观和生活态度。
1.2 研究目的和意义研究目的和意义: 英汉语谚语是两种语言和文化的重要组成部分,通过比较研究英汉语谚语的文化差异,可以帮助我们更深入地了解英汉两种语言和文化之间的联系和区别。
英语中则有"Fanned fires and forcedlove never did well."也表明了一手包办的婚姻无法获得幸福。
除此以外!英汉谚语也有很多是来自于经典文学作品!如汉语中的"司马昭之心路人皆知"来自于罗贯中的《三国演义》,英语中的"All is not gold thatglitters."则来自于莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》。
⑴英汉谚语都具有短小精悍、言简意赅的共同特点!如汉语中有"人在做!天在看"!英语中有"Time is money."除此之外!许多巧妙的修辞手法在英汉谚语中也比较常见!如汉语中的"雷公叫!大雨毛快到",英语中的"Wall haveears."都运用了拟人的修辞手法;另外!英汉谚语语句流畅!音韵优美!读起来朗朗上口。
如英语中的"God made dirt,dirt won't hurt."使用了尾韵!汉语中的"最珍贵的财富是时间!最大的浪费是虚度流年"则通过押韵使人读起来抑扬顿挫。
如“Give everyone his due.”(一视同仁)。
相关的谚语如下:(1)God is where he was.(上帝无所不在。
)(2)God helps those who help themselves.(上帝帮助自助的人。
)(3)Man proposes,God disposes.(谋事在人,成事在天。
例:英语谚语“salt water and ship - shaped stomach”比喻“心胸狭窄,难以容忍别人的错误”。
这里的“salt water”指的是海水,而“ship - shaped stomach”则形容胃像船一样容易受潮,比喻心胸狭窄。
例:英语谚语“every man is the architect of his own fortune”强调个人的独立性和自主性,而汉语谚语“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”则强调集体的智慧和力量。
例:英语谚语“all’s well that ends well”源自于莎士比亚的喜剧《第十二夜》,意指“结局好就一切都好”。
例:英语谚语“time is money”可以直译为“时间就是金钱”,汉语谚语“瓜田李下”可以直译为“under the melon and plum trees”,比喻“避免给人产生误会的行为或环境”。
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比如:汉语里有条谚语叫“说曹操曹操到”,意思是提到某人的时候,某人就正巧出现了,英语里也有一条相应的谚语,“Speak of the wolf, and you will see his tail.”虽然表达的意思相近,但是设喻是完全不相同的。
在英语中表达这一相同内涵的还有“Talk of the devil, and he’s sure to appear.”和“Speak of angles, and you will hear the flutter of their wings.”这两句虽然和第一句的意思相近,但是却带有比较浓厚的宗教色彩。
英语和汉语的使用产生民族不同,并且社会文化也不同,但是人们的经历以及对世界的认识在许多方面都还是有相同之处的,而且相互之间也是存在着基本可以对应的谚语,比如:眼不见,心不烦Out of sight ,out of mind.三思而后行。
Look before you leap. 还有像失败是成功之母。
Failure is the mother of success.虽然存在着相似之处,但是英汉谚语还是由于文化对语言特征的影响存在着比较明显的差别。
像含有上帝、魔鬼、天堂等词语的谚语更是多,比如:Better go to heaven in rages than to hell in embroidering.意思是与其锦衣裹身下地狱,不如衣衫褴褛上天堂;Man proposes,God disposes.谋事在人成事在天;还有The devil lurks behind the cross.魔鬼常常躲在十字架后面。
在汉语中,也存在着一些和基督教相关的谚语,但是数量非常的少,而且都是直接从英语谚语中直接翻译得来的,比如an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.以眼还眼以牙还牙,这句谚语是出自《旧约全书·出埃及记》。
所以英语里也有一些谚语是出自希腊神话、伊索寓言以及荷马史诗等文学经典的,比如:When Greeks meets Greeks,then comes the tug of war.意思是两雄相遇,其斗必烈。
再比如We see not what is in wallet behind.人们总是看不见自己的缺点。
比如Do as you would be done by.己所不欲,勿施于人。
还有莎士比亚也是英国家喻户晓的作者,他的著作也广泛的被人们认可,作品里的诸多名言都被广泛的使用,这也是英语谚语的来源之一,比如All that lives must die.有生必有死,出自《哈姆雷特》。
比如Kill two birds with one stone.一石打死二鸟和汉语谚语中“一箭双雕”对应,还有A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.脚正不怕鞋子歪与“身正不怕影子歪”对应。
有的谚语的产生和其民族生活的环境、生活的经验等的联系比较密切,比如英国就是一个岛国,所以比较重视航海事业,所以就有很多和航海相关的谚语:Any port in a storm.风暴到来不择港。