
下列叙述正确的是( )A.这种现象是由显性基因突变成隐性基因引起的B.该变异株自交可产生这种变异性状的纯合个体C.观察细胞有丝分裂中期染色体形态可判断基因突变发生的位置D.将该株水稻的花粉离体培养后即可获得稳定遗传的高产品系2.亮氨酸的密码子有如下几种:UUA、UUG、CUU、CUA、CUG,当模板链中编码亮氨酸的碱基GAC突变为AAC时,这种突变对该生物的影响是()A.一定是有害的 B.一定是有利的C.有害概率大于有利概率D.性状不发生改变3.如图为高等动物的细胞分裂示意图。
图中不可能反映的是( )A.可能发生了基因突变B.发生了非姐妹染色单体间的片段互换C.该细胞为次级卵母细胞D.该细胞可能为次级精母细胞4.下列变异的原理一般认为属于基因重组的是( )A.将转基因的四倍体与正常的二倍体杂交,生产出不育的转基因三倍体鱼苗B.血红蛋白氨基酸排列顺序发生改变,导致某些血红蛋白病C.一对表现型正常的夫妇,生下了一个既白化又色盲的儿子D.高产青霉素的菌株、太空椒等的培育5.依据基因重组概念的发展判断下列图示过程中没有发生基因重组的是( )6.下列关于基因突变的叙述中,错误的是( )A.基因突变是指基因结构中碱基对的增添、缺失或改变B.基因突变是由于基因中脱氧核苷酸的种类、数量和排列顺序的部分改变而发生的C.基因突变可以在一定的外界环境条件或生物内部因素的作用下引起D.基因突变的频率是很低的,并且都是有害的7.下列属于染色体变异的是( )①非同源染色体的自由组合②染色体上DNA碱基对的缺失、增添或改变导致生物性状改变③花药离体培养后长成的植株细胞核中染色体数目减半④四分体中非姐妹染色单体之间相应部位的交叉互换⑤21三体综合征患者细胞中的第21号染色体有3条A.③④⑤ B.②④ C.①②④ D.③⑤8.下面对基因突变、基因重组和染色体变异的比较中,叙述不正确的是( )A.基因突变是在分子水平上的变异 B.染色体结构变异可通过光学显微镜观察到C.基因重组没有产生新基因 D.基因突变和染色体结构变异最终都会引起生物性状的改变9.某些类型的染色体结构和数目的变异,可通过对细胞有丝分裂中期或减数第一次分裂时期的观察来识别。

【乙】 A骂道:“奸贼,我与你自幼相交,今日倒来害我,怎不干你事!且吃我一刀。
那面墙被刷了整整三遍,靠近地面的地方还加了一条,还让汤姆变成了“阔佬” (汤姆收获了许多财宝),包莉姨妈奖励汤姆一个大苹果。

亲和力内在活性亲和力微弱的内在活性拮抗⒉药物的安全范围是指______________到___________之间的距离,差距越___ ___则越________。
治疗副⒏用青霉素G治疗大叶性肺炎是属于________治疗,用苯巴比妥处理高热惊厥是属于__ ___治疗。
对因对症二、单项选择:A型题:⒈药物效价:( C )A值越小则强度越小 B与药物的最大效能相平行C指能引起等效反应的相对剂量 D反映药物与受体的解离度E越大则疗效越好⒉药物副作用:( B )A常在较大剂量时发生 B治疗量时发生 C与剂量无关D因为用药时间过长而引起 E并非药物效应⒊药效学是研究:( C )A药物的临床疗效 B药物在体内的变化 C药物对机体的作用及其作用机理D药物的转运 E药物的毒性⒋长期应用降压药普萘洛尔,停药后血压激烈回升,这种反应为:( E )A后遗效应 B毒性反应 C特异质反应 D变态反应 E停药反应⒌肺炎病人应用镇咳药是:( B )A对因治疗 B对症治疗 C补充治疗 D安慰治疗 E以上都不对⒍药物的治疗指数是指:( B )A ED50/LD50B LD50/ ED50C LD5/ ED95D ED95/ LD5E ED99/LD1⒎药物产生副作用的药理学基础是:( D )A药物的剂量太大 B药物代谢慢 C用药时间过久D药理效应的选择性低 E病人对药物反应敏感⒏用苯巴比妥治疗失眠症,醒后嗜睡、乏力,这是药物的:( B )A副作用 B后遗效应 C继发反应 D治疗作用的延续 E选择性低所引起的作用⒐有关变态反应的错误叙述是:( C )A与药物原有效应无关 B与剂量无关 C与剂量有关D停药后逐渐消失 E再用药时可再发生⒑药物作用是指:( D )A药理效应 B药物具有的特异性作用 C对不同脏器的选择性作用D药物与机体细胞间的初始反应 E对机体器官兴奋或抑制作用⒒药物的内在活性是指:( B )A药物穿透生物膜的能力 B受体激动时的反应强度 C药物水溶性大小D药物对受体的亲和力高低 E药物脂溶性强弱⒓半数致死量用以表示:( C )A药物的安全度 B药物的治疗指数 C药物的急性毒性D药物的极量 E评价新药是否优于老药的指标13.在下表中,安全性最大的药物是:( D )药物 LD50(mg/kg) ED50(mg/kg)A 100 5B 200 20C 300 20D 300 10E 300 4014. 药物的不良反应不包括:( D )A 副作用B 毒性反应C 过敏反应D 局部作用E 特异质反应15. 某药的量效曲线因受某种因素的影响平行右移时,表明:( E )A 作用点改变B 作用机理改变C 作用性质改变D 效能改变E 效价强度改变16. 量反应与质反应量效关系的主要区别是:( C )A 药物剂量大小不同B 药物作用时间长短不同C 药物效应性质不同D 量效曲线图形不同E 药物效能不同三、多项选择:⒈部分激动药:( CDE )A与受体亲和力小 B内在活性较大 C具有激动药与拮抗药两重特性D与激动药共存时,其效应与激动药拮抗 E单独用药时为激动作用⒉难以预料的不良反应有:( BD )A后遗效应 B变态反应 C停药反应 D特异质反应 E药源性疾病⒊可作为药物安全性指标的有:( ACE )A LD50/ ED50 B极量 C LC50/ EC50 D 常用剂量范围 E ED95 /LD5之间的距离⒋竞争性拮抗药具有以下特点:( BE )A使量效曲线平行左移 B Emax不变 C与受体呈不可逆性结合D与受体无亲和性 E与受体有亲和性,但缺乏内在活性⒌部分激动药的特点是:( BCDE )A与受体的亲和力很弱 B内在活性较弱 C单独应用时可引起较弱的生理效应D与激动药合用后,有可能拮抗激动药的部分生理效应 E与受体的亲和力不弱6.药物作用包括:( ABCDE )A 引起机体功能或形态改变B 引起机体体液成分改变C 抑制或杀灭入侵的病原微生物或寄生虫D 改变机体的反应性E 补充体内营养物质或激素的不足7.药物与受体结合的特性有:( ABCD )A 高度特异性B 高度亲和力C 可逆性D 饱和性E 高度效应力8.下列正确的描述是:( AE )A 药物可通过受体发挥效应B 药物激动受体即表现为兴奋效应C 安慰剂不会产生治疗作用D 药物化学结构相似,则作用相似E 药效与被占领的受体数目成正比9.下列有关亲和力的描述,正确的是:( AC )A 亲和力是药物与受体结合的能力B 亲和力是药物与受体结合后引起效应的能力C 亲和力越大,则药物效价越强D 亲和力越大,则药物效能越强E 亲和力越大,则药物作用维持时间越长10.药效学的内容包括:( AC )A 药物的作用与临床疗效B 给药方法和用量C 药物的剂量与量效关系D 药物的作用机制E 药物的不良反应和禁忌症四、名词解释:1.量效关系:是指药物效应在一定范围内随剂量增加(变化)而加强(变化),这种剂量与效应之间的关系称量效关系。

《法律文书学》练习题及参考答案(二)《法律文书学》练习题及参考答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1、为裁判文书确定统一格式和写作内容始于( D )A唐代B宋代 C 明代 D 清代2、批准逮捕决定书属于( C )文书A文字叙述式B表格式C填充式D笔录式3、不起诉决定书中对当事人的称谓是( C )A被告人 B 犯罪嫌疑人C 被不起诉人D不起诉人4、起诉书的编号的内容依次是(C )A 年度、院名、文书性质、顺序号B 年度、院名、部门、文书性质、顺序号C 院名、部门、文书性质、年度、顺序号D院名、文书性质、年度、顺序号5、第二审维持原判用的刑事裁定书的裁定结果应当表述为(D )A 维持原判B 维持原判,驳回上诉C驳回上(抗)诉 D 驳回上(抗)诉维持原判6、答辩状的制作主体是( B )A原告(自诉人)B 被告人 C 上诉人 D 律师7、撤销仲裁裁决申请书的送达对象是( D )A 上一级仲裁委员会B 人民检察院C基层人民法院D 中级人民法院8、提请减刑建议书应当送达( C )A公安机关 B 人民检察院 C 人民法院 D 司法行政机关9、下列关于监狱文书,说法不正确的是( D )A监狱文书又称狱政文书 B 制作主体是监狱 C 有法律文书的效力和特征D监狱文书的制作可以依据法律制作,可以依据文件制作10、下列属于诉讼申请类文书的是( A )A管辖异议申请书 B 呈请拘留报告书 C 公证保全申请书D 仲裁申请书11、下列制作仲裁调解书的说法中,正确的是(C)A调解书的内容只要是当事人的意愿就必须载入B仲裁调解书中的争议事实及调解依据,必须写明,不能遗漏C调解书经当事人签收后,即发生法律效力D调解协议一旦达成不得反悔12、“如不服本判决,可在接到判决书的第二日起十日内,通过本院或者直接向人民法院提起上诉”是(A)文书的尾部A刑事判决书B民事判决书C行政判决书D仲裁裁决书二、多项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1、构成法律文书主旨的要素是(AC )A 案件事实B行文目的 C 对法律的适用 D 证据2、法律文书语言具有的特点(ABCD )A 准确性B 朴实性C 庄重性D 精炼性3、总体上看,文书大体都是由(ABCD )构成A 首部B 正文C尾部D附项4、人民检察院对公安机关提请批捕犯罪嫌疑人的案件进行审查后,应当作出的决定是()A批准逮捕B不批准逮捕C撤销案件D退回补充侦查5、三、简答题(每题5分)1、法律文书的基本特点有哪些?(教材第10-12页)2、法律文是的作用是什么?教材第20-22页3、第一审民事判决书首部应写明哪些内容?教材第163-165页4、民事调解书使用的范围有哪些?教材第193页四、写作题(60分)1、请根据下列材料写一份公证申请书(15分)申请人余钱,男,1958年8月29日出生,现住四川省绵阳市游仙区东大街15号7楼2号。

)2、the; a (功率额定值是电阻器不会引起温度太大的上升而能安全地耗散的最大功率。
)4、The; a(该设备的成功设计需要详细地了解性能指标。
)5、the; a; a(在氢原子的布尔模型中,一个电子绕一个质子以半径为R 的圆周运转。
)7、an (这是一个h参数。
)8、/; /(图5-1画出了Oersted的实验。
)9、A; a; a(机器是能够传递力来完成某一确定目的的一种设备。
)11、the; the [/](我们容易确定参数μ的值。
)12、/; the(根据式(2-1),我们得到以下的关系式。
)13、the; /(作者工作在位于阿林顿的得克萨斯大学。
)14、an(甚至当积分区间并不是无穷时,能够恰当地显示一个时函数的傅氏变换的仪器是多么重要啊!)II、1.Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001.2.Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from’an University of Technology in 1988.3.4.5.或How much time] is required to this experiment?The density of a substance is its mass per unit volume.6.An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume.7.Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2).8.III、1.2.Finally, broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by thi smethod.3.the security ofsharing system4.5.练习2I、1. This circuit consists of a battery, an inductor and a capacitor.2. Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c.3. This satellite is used for communications between the United States and5. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 deal with transmission lines.II、1. Its error is six parts in 1012.2. This computer stores four times more information than that one (does).3. The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be 20 times what it is.4. The voltage across this component is a few tenths of a volt.5. Now its internal pressure is one third what it was.III、otherwise stated, it is assumed that silicon transistors are usedcan be neglected.CBO4. Figs. 1, 2, and 3 show this process in detail.练习3I、1. This new type of computer has many advantages over the general type.2. It is not difficult to solve this differential equation for the unknownquantity.3. Of these five new chapters, the first one deals with the basic principles of negative feedback.4. At this point/time, current differs in phase from voltage by 90o.5. By analyzing [By the analysis of] the parameters of the instrument, we can understand its performance.6. We will find out its average velocity over this distance.7. The science of electronics is too important in the world today.8. They solved this problem with great difficulty.II、1. For x>1, there is no solution to this equation [this equation has no solution].2. Upon [On] substituting [substitution of] these values into [in] the equation, we obtained the following expression..3. This circuit is similar in operation to that of Fig. 1-10.4. This computer is very good in performance.5. These waves travel only in one direction.III、th of October.4. V5. They will to internationalmobile communication.otherwise stated, it is assumed that silicon transistors are usedcan be neglected.CBO7.练习4I、1. The force acts perpendicular to the surface of the table.2. The three coefficients here remains to be determined.3. The two equations below will be often (frequently) used in later chapters/in the chapters which follow.4. Here we use two metal balls 10 cm apart.5. The output remains/stays constant/unchanged/fixed/unaltered/the same.6. All the textbooks available discuss this problem.7. Accurate in operation and high in speed, computers have found wide applications.8. The answer to this problem looks correct.9. Two parallel wires a distance (of)δapart carry the current i.10. The problem now is how to measure the voltage across this component.11. These data will be sent to the computing center 2 kilometers away.12. Upon rearranging the equation above, we have [get, obtain] the following expression.13. These charges can interact with other charges present.14. Forces can be transmitted without contact, contrary to the common belief.15. This coefficient is typically 0.35.II、1. In this case, the input does not fall; nor [neither] does the output. […; the output does not fall, either.]2. The resistance of a conductor depends on the material which the conductor is made, but also on the size and temperature of the conductor.练习5I、ways which follow.ground.kII、multimeter is widely used in electrical engineering.III、R o.6. We must take the effect of temperature on [upon] semiconductors into account.7. In this case, the variation of output with input is very small.8. This curve shows the dependence of distance on/upon speed.IV、not.练习6I、1. This image, it will be noticed, is a real image.2. This technical problem, we hope, will be solved soon.3. 210is approximately 1000, a fact that we think is very useful in the study of digital electronics.4. A resistor of say 100 ohms should be used here.II、radars.robot.III、1. In Section 1-2, the concept of force was introduced.2. As early as the 1940s, it was found that semiconductors are very useful.3. This result can also be arrived at in another way.4. At that time no use was made of this phenomenon/…, this phenomenon was made no use of.5. This point will be dealt with in the next section.IV、s4. The greater the resistance, the longer time it takes for the capacitor to reach its maximum voltage/…, the longer time is required for the capacitor to reach its maximum voltage.)5. The current as small as 0.1 A cannot produce enough heat.V、is easy 或:We can determine the weight of the body easily.6. The results obtained values. […are in agreement with the experimental values.]练习7I、1. It will take a few months to design this kind of aircraft with the help of a computer.2. It is left as a problem to [for] the reader to show that this expression holds.3. The program to be executed is stored in this unit.4. This valley acts as the foundation on which to build the dam.5. In this laboratory there are many kinds of instrument for students to choose from.6. Let t0 equal/be equal to zero.7. The farther away the target (is), the longer time it takes for the echo to return.8. For the series to converge, x must be less than 1.9. We find this concept very difficult to understand.10. This method makes it much easier to detect targets.11. This factor will affect the ability of a computer to store information.12. We have to find out how large to make r so as for the series to converge.13. This is a pen to draw pictures with.14. Elasticity is the tendency of a body to return to its original condition after being deformed.15. Ordinary matter is said to be electrically neutral.16.This property makes it possible for metals to be made into any shape.17. This table is unfit for a student to do experiments on.18. Now we consider what path of integration to take.II、2. Not only temperature and but thewould like to express our . Smith for his great help.练习8I、1. The amplifier amplifies the received signals.2. Moving molecules have kinetic energy.5. Fig. 1 – 3 shows the photo of a freely falling body.3. Speed equals distance divided by time.4. V oltage equals/is equal to current multiplied by resistance.5. The resistance of air increases with the increased/increasing/an increase in speed.6. A transformer is a device consisting of two or more coils wound on/round an iron core.7. It is necessary to find out the current flowing through this component.8. This book, properly used, will be of great help to the reader.9. Flowing through a circuit, the current will lose part of its energy.10. Given/Knowing time and speed, we/one can find out distance.11. Having studied this chapter, the student will understand/will have understood the principle of a computer.12. The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods.13. Several comsats were launched, all of them (being) high-altitude satellites.14. Called “the mother of all networks,”the Internet is a widely used international network.15. This force can be resolved into two components, one (being) horizontal and the other vertical.II、1.Let us construct/draw a circle with the origin as the center and of radius R.2.This parameter should be measured with E grounded.3. With no resistance in the circuit, the current will increase indefinitely.4. With this in view, we have written this book.5. This paper introduces a new design method/technique, with emphasis on its principle.III、1.Let us consider designing a computer.2.We refer to these components as being passive.3.This involves taking the Fourier transform.4.On/Upon rearranging the above equations, we obtain the following set of equations.5.In using this equation, it does not matter which plane is considered as IV、1.voltage.2.3. A4.5.练习9I、1. The problem was not solved until a completely different method was introduced.2. Nearly 100 years passed before the existence/presence of subatomic particles was confirmed by experiment/experimentally.3. The year this device was invented, World War II broke out.4. Small as they are, atoms are made up of still smaller particles.5. These two resistors should be selected/chosen so that the transistor can operate normally.6. The body is in such a state that it can do work.II、1. The relation that voltage is the product of current and resistance applies to all the dc circuits.2. The discovery that magnetism can produce current is extremely important in the field of electricity.3. An equation is an algebraic statement that two algebraic expressions are equal.4. There is evidence that no life exists on the moon.5. The question now arises whether the algorithm is of practical use.6. In this case there is no guarantee that the series is convergent.7. There is a growing/increasing awareness that these techniques/methods are very useful.8. One of/Among the most noteworthy achievements at that time was thethe fact that there are many free electrons in conductors.the fact that the properties of the material should be included in the analytical model, we must take other factors into account. III、1.These features make it difficult for electronic counter-measure systems to intercept, analyze and jam this kind of signals.2. The existence of and the ability to control these phenomena make those devices possible.3. The variation of/in the number of the filter’s teeth has a greater effect on the performance of its passband than the variation of/in its dimensions.4. Scalar detection will result in the loss of some phase information.5. Fig. 6 shows the schematic diagram of measuring scatter parameters by the natural parameter transformation method.练习10I、1. Now it remains to be determined when the series converges.2. It is clear from Dubamel’s Theorem that this limit exists.3. It follows from Maxwell’s hypothesis that whenever there is a change in an electric field, a magnetic field is produced.4. It does not matter whether the magnet is moved in this case.5. Temperature determines in what direction the transfer of heat will take place.6. It is now a well-known fact that all matter consists of tiny particles.II、1. What a generator does is (to) change mechanical energy into electrical energy.2. What this chapter describes/What is described in this chapter is of great importance.3. Matter is what can occupy space.4. What we have discovered in this experiment is the entirely new realm of electrical phenomenon.5. This direction is opposite to what has been assumed.6. Magnitude, direction, and place of application are what we call the three elements of a force.7. These numbers constitute what is known as the real number system.8. In what follows, we shall acquaint ourselves with some basic concepts. III、1. An x-band wave-guide test system is shown in Fig.7. [或:Fig. 7 shows …].2. This method lowers the requirement for the hardware of a sample network.3. On the basis of the above analysis of the decomposition of the polynomial, a novel configuration results. [或:The above analysis of the decomposition of the polynomial results in a novel configuration.]4. Finally, an analysis of packet loss probability is made by computer simulation.5. The sparse ratio of the resulting impedance matrix is as high as 40%.练习11I、1. The meter (that/which) we use to measure the voltage across a resistor is called a voltmeter.2. Computers are the most efficient assistants (that) man has ever had.3. Now this disease is no longer the serious problem (that) it once was.4. Radar can measure the time (that) it takes for the radio echo to return.5. We must calculate the distance (that/through which) the body is lifted.6. The direction (that/in which) a body moves is also very important.7. The number of times (that/by which) this particle vibrates per/a second is called/termed/named/known as/spoken of as/referred to as frequency.8. We equate these two ratios, from which the simplest formula follows/results.9. It is necessary to determine the time when/that/at which the y-component has decreased to zero.10.. The curve the y-coordinate of each point on which is zero is just the x-axis.II、1. The point at which the circle cuts the axis of reals is where α= ω.2. The force of gravity means the force with which the earth attracts a body.3. The surface of a picture tube upon which the electrons produce the picture is called the screen.4. The author would like to express thanks to the editors of the series of which this book is a part/to which this book belongs.5. This is a parallelogram of which the two given vectors are/form sides.6. The pressure is equal to the total force divided by the area over which it is exerted.7. The two elements of which water consists are hydrogen and oxygen.8. This depends on the efficiency with which electrons are produced.9. These two laws are the foundation on which all other laws are built.10. The temperature at which water freezes is generally 0o C.III、1. As the title indicates, this chapter will discuss nonlinear equations.2. As the name shows, a fluid is a substance which flows readily.the same effect as is produced by those forces together.such differential equations as occur in physics.5. This function can be accomplished by using the full adder as was described in the previous section.6. These concepts enable us to understand a wide range of phenomena in electrostatics, or “static electricity,” as it is called.7. This current is, as predicted, very small,8. First let us consider the simplest circuit as shown on page 2.IV、3. Let us consider the case when the torque is zero.4. We must determine the values of currents and voltages after the switch closes.5. During the ten years since this book was first published, significant changes have taken place/have been seen in metal-making.V、2. This paper presents a method an 8098 microcontroller to series-communicate with a 386 personal computer.3. of equalizer parameters on equalization performance is[A detailed analysis is made of the effect of equalization parameters on equalization performance.]an RF amplifier, a mixer, an IF amplifier, an A/D converter, etc.etc.”的黑点重合在一起了)with the curve going up.练习12I、1. be grounded;2. be carried;3. be raised;4. be;5. not try;6. be; be satisfied;7. be;8. be; was; have; 10. were concentrated; 11. had been; 12. were moving; 13. is going to rain; 14. be; 15. leakII、1. Should anything abnormal happen, switch/turn off the power supply at once/immediately.2. Had electronic computers not been used, it would have taken them a long time to solve this problem.3. It is very important that all solutions (should) be checked in the original equation.4. It is suggested that this design (should) be modified at once.5. Without semiconductors, satellite communications would be impossible.6. We could also have used Theorem (6) to derive the result.7. The requirement that energy (should) be conserved must be satisfied.8. Everything here, be it a component or a device, is home-made.III、1. It was this scientist who/that discovered this phenomenon a century ago.3. The speed with which sound waves move through a medium depend on the properties of the medium.4. It is not clear yet under what conditions it is that this formula can be used.5. This property we call inertia.IV、1. The author is engaged in the teachingvision, image processing and recognition.2. Let P and Q be two Boolean permutations of the same then their composition is a new Boolean permutation.3. Three algorithms are presented, which can remarkably reduce the time tointerest to communications engineers.5. The minimum entropy technique for estimating the Doppler frequency rate is presented, which has the advantages over the classical techniques of high accuracy and a small amount of computation.练习13II、1. By electromagnetic force is meant the potential difference across thebattery when there is no flow of current.2. In the table below/which follows are listed various parameters of familiar computers.3. An element cannot be decomposed, nor can it be broken up by chemical methods.4. Only when x = 8, does this equation hold/apply.5. Of particular importance/Especially important are the two concepts which follow.6. Such a set we call the mathematical system.7. Rarely does one know this function with precision.8. This interrelationship between electric and magnetic fields makes possible such things as the electromagnet and the electric motor.9. Not until 1818 was the diffraction of light interpreted/explained.10. By no means do electrons move from the positive terminal to the negative terminal in a wire.II、1. The effect of air resistance is discussed in Chapter 15, and the decrease in acceleration with altitude in Chapter 17.2. It is necessary to determine the charge on and the voltage across this capacitor.3. In this case, no standard is needed, but only a numerical convention.4. This voltage is greater than or equal to 0.4 volt.5. The cathode, when heated, emits electrons.6. Every body, whether accelerated or not, is considered (to be) in equilibrium.7. If necessary, the wire will be covered with some insulation.8. The transistor has its materials arranged p-n-p, hence the name pnp transistor.III、1. An initial analysis is made of the performance of the device.2. The magnetic field is the space around a magnet occupied by the magnetic lines of force.3. This leads to the battery voltage in the model of 500 mV.4. This graph shows the variation with frequency of the resistance of the resistor.5. This is responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water that falls on the land.6. The question now arises how these unknowns can be determined.7. It is necessary to determine the effect on the device of changing the ambient temperature.8. The assumption has been made that the pressure always remains constant during the test.IV、1. The simulation results show that both the schemes are easy to implement.2. The model and algorithm proposed in this paper are to a certain degree/extent superior in performance to the conventional BP algorithm.3. A new technique for estimating the frequency deviation is proposed which gives a high accuracy and requires a small amount of computation.4. Improvement of the accuracy of range alignment in ISAR imaging (by)5. Research on and the realization of DTMF in a Cipher Coder6. Analysis of the ability of a quartz flexibility accelerometer to resist bad environment练习14I、1.then; Next2.while3.of course4.However5.In general; while6.Hence7.In fact8.For instance9.but; However; namely [that is]10.InsteadII、It has been observed that bodies do not change their state of rest or motion until some other body forces them to do it. It is known form experiment that a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless a force is applied to make it move.A book lying on a table stays there unless a force is applied to move it. It is alsoknown that any body, once (it is) in motion, will continue to move because of its inertia. To stop it a force must be applied by any other body.III、1. An analysis of the EMI spectrum the input of the SMPS and itsperformance of the system is an improved system is presented.4. In this way, the area of an antenna site may be reduced to one-third that of the conventional one.satisfy the conditions of Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 4.6练习15I、Semiconductors are a substance whose conductivity lies/comes/is between that of conductors and that of non-conductors. Common examples are silicon and germanium./Silicon and germanium are in common use. Semiconductorsconductivity. Therefore/Thus/So/As a result,for automatically counting parts on conveying beltspurposes.II、ξ1 andη3.very quickly.3. The features of this new algorithm are simplicity and objectivity.4. It deserves to be further studied which nonlinear function should be selected.of the system was conducted at a factory in Hong Kong with练习16I、1.This paper presents a new temperature-measuring method, with emphasis on its basic principles.2. This point remains to be further studied.3. In the previous section, we dealt with the composition of a computer.4. It follows from this experiment that volume is inversely proportional to pressure.II、1. This new method has many advantages over those available/over the existing ones.2. The variation of pressure with temperature is obvious.3. We can determine the response of the device to frequency.4. This paper deals with the effect/influence/impact of EM waves on/upon human bodies.5. This paper presents initial researches on fluids.III、1. Two other parameters are also very important.2. This section introduces four additional/added kinds of instrument.3. A robot is a special kind of electronic device.4. We shall adopt a new set of parameters here.5. This technology has reached the advanced world level.6. Major theoretical developments in the 20th century are presented in this paper.IV、1. This cable has an approximate length of 20 meters/a length of approximately 20 meters.2. These pipes have an average length of slightly/a little/a bit under/less than 5 meters.3. Light has a speed through water of 224 million meters per second.4. Any other sea does not have as high a salt content as the Dead Sea (does).5. This force has a torque arm of zero.6. These forms have the advantage that it is easy to see how the results are affected by changing the angles.V、1. some distilled water2. the unknown substances3. man-made satellites4. amplitude-modulated signals5. chromium-plated steel6. the new racing cars7. freely falling bodies8. blue-lined paper9. an acute-angled triangle10. a wide-toothed sawVI、1. This method requires a much smaller amount of computation than that one (does).2. This device consumes much less energy that that one (does).3. We should use as simple a structure as possible.4. We have obtained satisfactory/satisfying results.5. Body A possesses more potential energy than body B.6. This fluorescent screen displays clearer pictures than that one.VII、1. …… because of fairly low conductivity of the skin.2. At temperatures greater than 80o C, …….3. At/For/With constant pressure, …….4. At/On/After the completion of all tests on the unit, …….5. For/With small values of ω, ……VIII、1. Operation beyond this hyperbola will result in diode power dissipation in excess of its maximum rating of 1W.2. Inclusion of the meter circuit in the feedback path minimizes the effects of diode nonlinearities on circuit performance.3. Differentiation of this equation gives the following expression.4. A temperature rise of 50o C/A rise in/of temperature by 50o C would damage the device.5. The large size of the resistor makes it possible to neglect it.6. Limited space allows only a brief discussion of quartz-crystal technology. IX、1. This fraction is rationalized by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate.2. The addition of two complex numbers is accomplished by separately adding the real and imaginary parts.3. The/Its solution is accomplished by first finding out I1.4. These three parameters are related by the following equation.5. V is related to t by Eq. (1–1).X、This paper presents a new design method, with emphasis on the guidelines of thought for its derivation. It has many advantages over those available [the existing ones]. Finally [Lastly], Its application is illustrated with an example. XI、1. Fig. 3 shows a transmission line with a length of I and a characteristic impedance of 500 Ω.2. Although there are many ways to produce random numbers, the procedure for producing them is quite complicated.3. As is known, when one reads a Chinese character, he or she does not consider every detail in it.4. The Hash algorithm is a scheme by which data of any length can be compressed into data of a fixed length.5. The number of times this value occurs in the observations is given in the first column.练习17I、1. (略)2. David J. Minot attended the University of California, Berkeley, CA. from 1994 – 1998. He earned the BS degree in botany there in 1998, and the M. Eng. Degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2000. Since 2004 he has been working towards the Ph.D.degree in computer science at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.In 1998 he served as a teaching assistant at the University of California. From 2000 to 2001 he was with the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. His research interests concentrate on the development of software.II、This device can identify whether an IC functions properly or not and it can determine the type of an unknown chip. It can test as many as more than 700 kinds of IC. It is characterized by easy operation, high testing speed and great portability. Its price is only about one-third that of the imported product of its kind/the same kind.III、1. It is important how the transmitting antenna pattern is determined./What is important is how to determine the transmitting antenna pattern.2. δandδe can be obtained from Eqs. (3) and (4).3. There are two factors controlling the diffusive signal process: (1) the diffusive signal, which can be a brightness signal or a motion-matching signal;(2) the position of the diffusive signal, which determines where the diffusive process starts.4. The following concept is one of the basic principles on which the neural system is based.5. A method to increase the accuracy of range alignment by applying the forward-backward linear prediction is presented.练习18I、1. Frequency is defined as the rate at which something occurs./By frequency is meant the rate at which something happens.2. A thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature.3. Elasticity is defined as the tendency of an object to return to its original state after being deformed./By elastic ity is meant the tendency ….4. An isosceles triangle is a triangle/one having two equal sides/having two。
2020--2021学年鲁教版八年级上册十篇盲填专项练习及参考答案 (二)

鲁教版八年级上册专项练习二---盲填及答案一、Summer is almost here, and the weather is heating up. Are you drinking enough water? Many kids aren't,according 1____ a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health.Why do we need much water?60% of the human body is 2_______ up of water. It performs tasks that keep our bodies healthy.Not drinking enough water can lead to health problems. Your body needs more water when you are in hot climates, when you are physically active, and if you have 3 ________ fever.How much is enough?The United States National Agriculture Library says, on average, kids need between 10 and 14 cups of water every day. This water can come 4______ food and drinks that contain(包含) large amounts of water, such 5 ________ celery(芹菜), melons or tomatoes.二.App is shorthand(速记) for an application( 应用) You can download all 1________ of apps on your phone. Many apps are free. 2_________ these apps have ads you might hate.Using the Internet is very convenient, especially on your phone. Apps make it easy to get 3 _______ information you need. They are so helpful that you may use them to find almost any information very easily.Many people use apps 4________ language learning. Many of these apps have games to teach people new words. These apps let people review and practice a language anywhere.There are apps to give directions 5______ places, too. And many apps let people listen to music, read the news and some other literal(文字的) things. What's yourfavorite app?三.Free laundry(洗衣) serviceTwo s tudents from Australia started Orange Sky Laundry. It is Australia’s first mobile laundry for homeless people.20-year-old Lucas and his friend Nicholas decided to start the service during a trip. When they got back to school, they stopped talking 1_______ it and just did it. They got a van(货车)and two washing machines 2______ started the voluntary work.They offer service five days a week on Brisbane’s busy streets. Homeless people can wash 3 ________ clothes for free." Everyone should wear clean clothes, right?" the two young men said. "We hope that Orange Sky Laundry will be all over Australia. We also want 4_____ get more help. We hope more school kids can volunteer i n the van.”They are doing their 5______ to help homeless people have a healthy and happy life.四.Some students love to ask their teacher for help when they meet problems in studying. Now some experts (专家) say it may not be the best way to learn. They suggest the students should work out the problems by 1___________.Manu Kapur, an expert, first tested the idea on some students in Singapore. He divided the students 2_____ two groups. In Group A, students could solve maths problems with the teacher's 3_______. In Group B, students could solve the same problems 4_______ helping one another.With the teacher's help students in Group A found the correct answers. Students in Group B did not solve the problems correctly. But they did come up with a lot of good ideas.Then they tested the students on 5________ they had learned. Students in Group B scored much higher than students in Group A. Kapur said trying to find the answershelped students understand the process (过程), not just the answers.五.People often say that gold is the most valuable(贵重的) thing in the world. I don't think so. In my 1_______, books are much more valuable than anything else.Books are our friends, they go with as on the road to success. Books are our teachers. They 2__________ us truths, science, the arts and philosophy of life(人生哲学), and they give us experience to do many other things which we have never done before.________ 3, not all books are worth (值得) reading. It is important to choose good books. We should read different kinds of books. Some books give us 4_____ which we cannot get in class, and some books give us pleasure and make us not forget history. Some books tell us what is good 5________ what is evil( 邪恶的). What's more, we must try to practice what we learn from books.六.Simon has a little sister called Sandy. She is two years younger than Simon. Sandy always wants to be the first. She thinks the 1________ is always the best."I can finish doing my homework first, "Sandy says. "I am 2 ______ best.”Simon likes to take his time to do his homework. I don't care about being the first, "Simon says. “ I just want to do a good job.”Sandy always goes fast. She ties her shoes fast every day. One day Sandy 3____ a mistake. She tied too fast, 4_______ she made knots(结). "I cant untie (解开) these knots, "Sandy said.“ You have to slow down, "Simon said. He took his time to help 5_______ untie all of the knots.“Now you can try again. Don't go so fast this time.”Sandy slowed down and tied her shoes. "Thank you, Simon. You are the best.”Many people like collecting things. Ernestina Gallina from Italy is one of 1_______. She likes collecting river rocks very much, 2 ______ she doesn't just look at them for fun. She enjoys painting pictures on them. This Italian artist is good at turning river rocks into lifelike(逼真的) works of art.When Ernestina was a child, she was 3___________ in art and she loved painting. But her family didn’t want her to be 4______ artist, so she never went to art school. She could only paint in her free time. In 1987, Ernestina and her family moved to Kenya, where she happened to read a book about rock painting. That’s when she got the idea of turning simple river rocks 5_________ works of art.After years of hard work, the Italian artist is now famous all around the world for her " living rocks.”八.What can you do to keep healthy? For children, eating healthily is one of the most important things. Here are some ideas about 1___________ to eat healthily.Have BreakfastA good breakfast is very important to children. Remember that a good breakfast will help you ________ 2 better at school.Have MilkMilk is also very important to children's health. It makes children grow stronger. It is better for you to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed. That will help you have a good 3________.Have Healthy FoodHaving healthy food is the most important. That means eating different kinds of foods. Some of you like eating fast food, 4_________ it is not good for your health. Try to eat healthy food as much as 5__________.Have healthy eating habits, and you will have a strong body.Jesse Jane is from County Armagh, Northern Ireland. She lives 1______ her parents and two sisters. 2________ she was three, her mother took her to a dancing school. But Jesse was not interested in dancing. “ She had other i deas.” her mother said. " She tried kung fu and she just loved it.”Jesse loves kung fu so much. She practises kung fu day and night and learns quickly. She often takes part 3____ competitions. Until now, she has already won 17 competitions. Jesse is not only a famous kid in her hometown, but also 4______ new star in Hollywood. She has acted in three Hollywood films so far.“She’d love to be like Jackie Chan, "Jesses mother said. She is famous now, 5_____ she’s still very hard- working.”Jesse also has another big dream: to be an Olympic champion(奥运冠军)十.Have you ever heard an English teacher say, "Teaching grammar is boring!"Betty Azar has, but she strongly disagrees.She says, " For me, teaching grammar is the most interesting class of all. I think that is a misconception (误解) that teaching grammar is a boring thing. Teaching grammar, 1_______ me, is always the class I look forward to 2________ grammar is just the foundation(基础: ). It is where you start. Grammar is the starting point.”Betty Azar is a world-famous expert 3_______ teaching English grammar. She talked with VOA 4_______ how teachers could move from grammar to communication experiences.“From there you do conversations(对话), you do games, you do communicative interactions(交际互动) and you do all of the wonderful things 5______ a second language classroom. But you do it in combination(联合) with a solid(坚固的) foundation of the structures (结构) that they are using," Betty Azar says.参考答案一、1. to 2. made 3. a 4. from 5. as二. 1. kinds 2. But 3. the 4. for 5.to三. 1. about 2. and 3. their 4. to 5. best四. 1. themselves 2. into 3. help 4. by 5. what五. 1. opinion 2. tell 3. However 4. knowledge 5. and六. 1. first 2. the 3. made 4. so 5. her七. 1. them 2. but 3. interested 4. an 5.into八. 1. how 2. study 3. sleep 4. but 5. possible九. 1. with 2. When 3. in 4. a 5. but十. 1. for 2. because 3. on/at/in 4. about 5.in。
2020年江苏淮安中考音乐美术综合练习(二) 附参考答案

2020年江苏淮安中考音乐美术综合练习(二)一、音乐学科选择题(1-16题每题2分,17-22题每题3分,共计50分)1.江苏民歌《茉莉花》属于( )A.山歌B.号子C.小调D.花儿2.被誉为“音乐神童”的作曲家是( )A.肖邦B.莫扎特C.贝多芬D.巴赫。
3.看下列民族五声调式音阶判断,选择正确的调式名称( )6 1 2 3 5 6A.宫调式B.羽调式C.商调式D.微调式4.力度记号中的“mf”是指( )A.强B.中强C.渐强D.中弱5.《唱脸谱》俗称戏歌,歌曲的创作吸取了( )A.京剧元素B.豫剧元素C.黄梅戏元素D.越剧6.《白毛女》是我国最早的一部()A.话剧B.舞剧C.歌剧D.京剧7.附点音符的含义是( )A.延长该音符时值的一半B.减少与音符时值的一半C.跟音高有关D.时值不变8. “rit.”这个音乐记号的意义是( )A.渐快B.渐慢C.渐弱D.浙强9.奥地利作曲家约翰施特劳斯代表作《蓝色多瑙河》是一首曲。
( )A.古筝B.古琴C.琵琶D.二胡11.《天鹅湖》是国作曲家柴可夫斯基写的一首剧。
( )12.京剧中为女性人物行当的是( )A.生B.旦C.净D.丑13. 以下不是莫扎特的作品是()A.费加罗的婚礼B.渴望春天C.魔笛D.蓝色多瑙河14.在黑人非洲的音乐中最重要的一种打击乐器是( )A.铁钟B.鼓C.冬哥D.锣15.《在中亚细亚草原上》的曲作者是(A )A.鲍罗丁B.贝多芬C.莫扎特D.聂耳16.中国民族乐器种类繁多,下列选项中哪一个不属于中国民族乐器()A.竹笛B.扬琴C.钢琴D.古筝17.哪位作曲家被誉为“钢琴诗人”___ .( )A.肖邦B.李斯特C.莫扎特D.贝多芬18.下列项目中不属于音乐“基本要素”的是()A.速度B.歌词C.旋律D.节奏19.古曲《阳关三叠》中的“三叠”是指( )A.一个曲调变化反复三次。


目录:数学选修2-2第一章 导数及其应用 [基础训练A 组] 第一章 导数及其应用 [综合训练B 组] 第一章 导数及其应用 [提高训练C 组] 第二章 推理与证明 [基础训练A 组] 第二章 推理与证明 [综合训练B 组]第二章 推理与证明 [提高训练C 组] 第三章 复数 [基础训练A 组] 第三章 复数 [综合训练B 组]第三章 复数 [提高训练C 组](数学选修2-2)第一章 导数及其应用[基础训练A 组]一、选择题1.若函数()y f x =在区间(,)a b 内可导,且0(,)x a b ∈则000()()limh f x h f x h h→+--的值为( )A .'0()f xB .'02()f xC .'02()f x - D .02.一个物体的运动方程为21t t s +-=其中s 的单位是米,t 的单位是秒, 那么物体在3秒末的瞬时速度是( ) A .7米/秒 B .6米/秒 C .5米/秒 D .8米/秒 3.函数3yx x 的递增区间是( )A .),0(+∞B .)1,(-∞C .),(+∞-∞D .),1(+∞4.32()32f x ax x =++,若'(1)4f -=,则a 的值等于( )A .319 B .316C .313 D .310 5.函数)(x f y =在一点的导数值为0是函数)(x f y =在这点取极值的( )A .充分条件B .必要条件C .充要条件D .必要非充分条件6.函数344+-=x x y 在区间[]2,3-上的最小值为( )A .72B .36C .12D .0二、填空题1.若3'0(),()3f x x f x ==,则0x 的值为_________________;2.曲线x x y 43-=在点(1,3)- 处的切线倾斜角为__________; 3.函数sin xy x=的导数为_________________; 4.曲线x y ln =在点(,1)M e 处的切线的斜率是_________,切线的方程为_______________; 5.函数5523--+=x x x y 的单调递增区间是___________________________。
《现代汉语高级教程》(修订版)三上练习参考答案 (2)

现代汉语高级教程(修订版)三上练习参考答案第一部分:阅读理解阅读一:1. 答案:C解析:根据第一段的最后一句话“社会变革、人民生活水平的提高以及道德情操的培养,这一切都为我国诗歌的繁荣提供了有利条件。
2. 答案:B解析:根据第二段第一句话“白居易的父亲是他的第一个老师。
3. 答案:D解析:根据第三段第一句话“白居易创作了大量的诗歌作品,涉及各个领域。
4. 答案:A解析:根据第四段第一句话“白居易所写的《长恨歌》是一首长达一千多字的叙事长诗。
5. 答案:C解析:根据最后一段的第一句话“白居易在中国古代文学史上占有重要地位,是唐代最杰出的文学家之一。
阅读二:1. 答案:B解析:根据第一段的第一句话“周总理常说:‘钟秉枢的优秀是全党的优秀’”可知周总理认为钟秉枢的优秀是全党的优秀。
2. 答案:D解析:根据第二段的第一句话“钟秉枢的一生共培养了三百二十多位研究生和博士生”可知,钟秉枢一生培养了三百二十多位研究生和博士生。
3. 答案:C解析:根据第三段的第一句话“钟秉枢是当代著名物理学家,是我国光学研究的奠基人。
4. 答案:A解析:根据第四段的第一句话“钟秉枢是具有大智慧、大胆识、大情怀的科学家,他对光学的贡献是巨大的。

A.SPOOLING是Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line的缩写,又称斯普林系统B.SPOOLING系统由预输入程序、井管理程序和缓输出程序三部分组成C.操作系统实现虚拟设备的功能模块是在计算机控制下通过联机的外围设备同时操作来实现其功能的D.SPOOLING系统是一种类似于通道的硬件设备,是实现独占设备与共享设备的映射8.共享资源互斥使用的目的是(B)。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版劳动关系协调员二级理论技能模拟试题(二)理论知识一、单项选择题(共 40分)1、用人单位对于从事相同工作,付出等量劳动且取得相同劳动业绩的劳动者,支付同等的劳动报酬,这被称为()。
A.按劳取酬原则 B.同工同酬原则 C.平衡原则 D.合法保障原则2、用人单位安排劳动者()的,按照不低于本人工资的百分之二百支付加班工资。
A.好的 B.差的 C.好的和差的 D.都可以5、用人单位劳动标准实施状况的评估时,鉴别资料应弄清楚()。
A.是否真的发生存在 B.是否抄袭 C.是否员工提供 D.是否领导需要6、用人单位劳动标准实施效果的评价,从劳动关系的角度来看,不包括()。
A.劳动合同的规范性 B.劳动基准法的遵守情况C.职工职业技能和文化生活情况 D.企业绩效情况7、预告解雇即提前()通知劳动者解除劳动合同。
A.10日 B.20日 C.30日 D.60日8、根据《劳动合同法》第十七条的规定,下列不是劳动合同的必备条款的是()。
A.工作内容和工作地点 B.劳动纪律C.社会保险 D.工作时间和休息休假9、劳动者(),在双方当事人续签劳动合同时,劳动者提出订立无固定期限劳动合同时,应当订立无固定期限劳动合同。
A.连续工龄满 8年 B.连续工龄满 10年以上C.本企业连续工龄满 8年以上 D.本企业连续工龄满 10年以上10、用人单位自用工之日起满()不与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,视为用人单位与劳动者已订立无固定期限劳动合同。
A.一年 B.两年 C.三年 D.四年11、被派遣劳动者享有与用工单位的劳动者()的权利。

groupdel shanghai03移除其所属组的⽤户2.打开多个xshell窗⼝连接登录同⼀虚拟机,使⽤不同的⽤户登录多次,分别使⽤w和who命令显⽰当前系统上的所有已经登录的⽤户,取出⽤户名这⼀列,注意:同⼀个⽤户登录多次,则只显⽰⼀次即可。
w |awk '{print $1}' |sed '1,2d' |sort |uniq3.创建⽤户olddir,其ID号为1005,基本组为oldgroupadd olduseradd -u 10054.显⽰当前登录的⽤户的UID号,你有⼏种⽅法实现?idcat /etc/passwd |grep yonghu5.对于⽤户来说,组有⼏种类别?有什么区别?基本组 #⼀个⽤户只能拥有⼀个基本组附加组 #当基本组的权限不够⽤户使⽤的,就出现了附加组⼀个⽤户允许拥有多个附加组6./etc/group⽂件以:为分隔符,分为四列,解释其每列的含义?第⼀列组的名称第⼆列组的密码占位符第三列组的gid第四列⽤户名,哪些⽤户⽤此组作为附属组7./etc/gshadow⽂件以:为分隔符,分为四列,解释其每列的含义?第⼀列组的名称第⼆列组的密码信息第三列⽤户组的管理者第四列⽤户名,哪些⽤户⽤此组作为附属组8.如果想从root⽤户切换到普通⽤户,使⽤什么命令?su - yonghusudo su - yonghu9.切换到普通⽤户后,想返回到root⽤户,怎么做?有⼏种⽅法,有什么区别?tsu -sudo su -10.Shell主要分为哪⼏类?四类:登录式shell #通过⽤户名和密码的⽅式进⾏登录的 ⾮登录式shell #不是通过⽤户名和密码的⽅式进⾏登录的执⾏⼀个bash,就是⼀个⾮登录式shell 交互式shell #终端操作输⼊⼀条指令,需要等待系统的处理及返回结果⾮交互式shell #脚本的执⾏⽅式就是⽤户执⾏完指令不需要跟系统进⾏交互11.Bash Shell的个⼈及全局配置⽂件有哪些?哪个优先级别⾼?个⼈配置⽂件:/etc/profile、/etc/bashrc、/etc/profile.d/*.sh全局配置⽂件:/root/.bashrc、/root/.bash_profile个⼈配置⽂件优先级最⾼12.登录式Shell配置⽂件执⾏顺序?/etc/profile>/etc/profile.d/*.sh>.bash_profile>.bashrc>/etc/bashrc13.⾮登录式shell配置⽂件执⾏顺序?.bashrc >/etc/bashrc>/etc/profile.d/*.sh14.在root⽤户下,以普通⽤户⾝份执⾏"pwd"命令。

初一英语上册练习册参考答案(2)初一英语上册练习册参考答案A. when we should arrive at the airportB. when should we arrive at the airportC. when the airport we should arrive atD. when the airport should we arrive at( )14. –David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me_______? –He is a doctor.A. who is heB. who he isC. what is heD. what he is( )15. –Do you know___the girl in red is? –I’m not sure. Maybe a teacher. A. when B. how C. where D. what( )16. Your T-shirt is so cool. Could you tell me ________?A. where you buy itB. where do you buy itC. where you bought itD. where did you buy it is( )17. I really want to know ____ . A. what is wrong with my brotherB. how will he go to Beijing tomorrowC. if had he bought that carD. where did he go yesterday( )18. Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me ?A.where is the bank nearestB. where is the nearest bankC.where the nearest bank isD. the nearest bank is where ( )19.Lily’s mother looked for he r for half an hour, but couldn’t find ____.A. What Lily was.B. What was LilyC. Where Lily wasD. Where was Lily( )20--Could you tell me___? He is wanted by the head teacher.--Sorry, I’ve no idea.But he _ here just now.A. where Tim was, wasB. where is Tim,wasC. where Tim is,was D.where Tim is,is三、状语从句:一).条件状语从句:引导词为:if, unless。

第一章需求和供给练习题一、单项选择题1、张某对面包的需求表示( C )A.张某买了面包B.张某没有买面包,而买了煎饼C.面包卖每个1元时,张某准备用现有的收入买4个,而每个为2元时,准备买1个D.张某准备买10个,但钱没带够E.以上都不表示需求2、需求规律说明(B)A.药品的价格上涨会使药品质量提高B.计算机价格下降导致销售量增加C.丝绸价格提高,游览公园的人数增加D.汽车的价格提高,小汽车的销售量减少E.羽毛球的价格下降,球拍的销售量增加3、当出租车租金上涨后,对公共汽车服务的(A )A.需求增加 B.需求量增加 C.需求减少 D.需求量减少E.无法确定4、对大白菜供给的减少,不可能是由于(C)A.气候异常严寒B.政策限制大白菜的种植C.大白菜的价格下降D.化肥价格上涨E.无法确定5、供给规律说明(D )A.生产技术提高会使商品的供给量增加;B.政策鼓励某商品的生产,因而该商品供给量增加;C.消费者更喜欢消费某商品,使该商品的价格上升;D.某商品价格上升将导致对该商品的供给量增加;6、需求的减少意味着需求量(E )A 在任何价格水平下都不降低B 仅在均衡价格水平下降低C 在一些价格水平下降低D 在大部分价格水平下降低E 在所有价格水平下降低7、政府把价格限制在均衡价格以下可能导致(A )A.黑市交易B.大量积压C.买者买到了希望购买的商品8、政府把价格提高到均衡价格以上可能导致( B )A.黑市交易B.大量积压C.卖者卖出了希望出售的商品9、均衡价格随着( B )A.需求和供给的增加而上升B.需求的减少和供给的增加而下降10、下列哪一项会导致面包的需求向右移动( D )A. 面粉价格的上涨B. 果酱价格的上涨C. 收入的下降D. 花生酱价格的下降11、假设某商品的需求曲线为Q=3-9P,市场上该商品的均衡价格为4,那么,当需求曲线变为Q=5-9P后,均衡价格将( A )A. 大于4B. 小于4C. 等于4D. 小于或等于4E. 无法确定12、当商品的供给和需求同时增加后,该商品的均衡价格将( D )A. 上升B. 下降C. 不变D. 无法确定E. 使得均衡数量不变13、需求和收入正相关的是(D )A 替代品B 互补品C 劣等品D 正常商品14、当两种商品中一种商品的价格发生变动时,这两种商品的需求量都同时增加或减少,则这两种商品的需求交叉价格弹性为( B )A 正值B 负值C 0D 115、当某消费者的收入上升20%,其对某商品的需求量上升5%,则商品的需求收入弹性(B )A 大于1B 小于1C 等于1D 等于016、若供给曲线上每一点的点弹性都等于1,则供给曲线只能是一条( B )A 过原点的45 线B 过原点的直线C 平行于横轴的直线D 垂直于横轴的直线17、如果政府对卖者出售的商品每单位征税5美分,那么这种做法将引起这种商品的( B )A.价格上升5美分B.价格的上升少于5美分C.价格的上升大于5美分18、当需求曲线斜率始终为负而供给曲线斜率始终为正时,如果需求曲线斜率的绝对值大于供给曲线斜率的绝对值,则蛛网的形状是:( B )(A)收敛型的(B)发散型的(C)封闭型的二、判断题1、某经济学杂志今年价格比去年上升20%,销售量却比去年增加了30%,这不符合需求定理(F)2、随着需求曲线的移动,均衡价格上升10%,均衡产量上升10%,此时需求为单位弹性(F )3、如果商品的需求价格弹性小于供给弹性,则销售税主要由购买者承担。

()2.序数效用论分析消费者均衡运用的是边际效用分析方法. ()3.吉芬物品的需求曲线是“倒"需求曲线(价格与需求同向变化)。
( )4.市场均衡状态是供给与需求相等的状态。
( )5.离原点约远的无差异曲线,代表的效用水平越低. ()6.微观经济学中,生产者的目标是效用最大化. ( )7.生产函数为Q = 0.5L0.6K0.5时,厂商处于规模报酬不变的状态. ()8.厂商短期生产的第三阶段是劳动的边际产量(报酬)为负的阶段。
()10.外在不经济会使企业的LAC向上方移动. ()11.面临两条需求曲线的是寡头厂商。
( )13.完全竞争厂商对要素(以劳动为例)的需求原则是:VMP = W . ()14.存在帕累托改进的资源配置状态也可能是资源配置的帕累托最优状态。
( )二、单项选择题1.经济学的基本问题是:()A.个体经济单位 B.社会福利C.利润最大化 D.资源稀缺性2.墨盒的价格上升会使打印机的需求:()A.不变 B.上升 C.下降 D.不能确定3.需求曲线右移,表示在同一价格水平下供给( )A.增加 B.减少 C.不变 D.不能确定收入增加的同时,4.以下关于价格管制说法不正确的是:( )A.限制价格总是低于市场的均衡价格B.支持价格总是高于市场均衡价格C.只要价格放开,商品的供给就会增加D.对农产品而言,为防止“谷贱伤农”,可使用支持价格的策略5.商品在消费者支出中所占的比重越高,则商品的需求弹性( )A.越小 B.越大 C.与之无关 D.不确定有无关联6.需求缺乏弹性的商品( )会增加销售收入A.提高价格 B.降低价格 C.提价和降价都 D.提价和降价都不会7.离原点越远的等产量曲线代表的产量水平( )A.越不能达到 B.越不能确定 C.越低 D.越高8.边际产量(报酬)递增的阶段,往往对应的是厂商( )的阶段A.规模报酬递减 B.规模报酬递增C.规模报酬不变 D.规模报酬如何不能判断9.决定TP L曲线的形状特点的是( )递减规律A.边际效用 B.边际产量 C.边际技术替代率 D.边际替代10.同一坐标平面内的两条等产量曲线:( )A.永不相交 B.一定相交 C.相交与否不确定 D.相交与否取决于厂商11.生产者的均衡条件是( )A.MC = MR B.AC = MR C.AC=MC D.AP = MP12.完全竞争厂商处于长期均衡时:()A.处于LMC的最低点 B.产量最大C.处于生产的停产点 D.LMC = LAC13.竞争最公平的是()市场A.完全竞争 B.寡头 C.垄断竞争 D.垄断14.垄断厂商实施一级价格歧视会占有()的消费者剩余A.100% B.50% C.50% D.不同市场不同比率的15.以下属于“引致需求”的是:()A.居民对绿地的需求 B.儿童对教育的需求 C.补鞋者对胶水的需求 D.人对水的需求16.完全竞争厂商使用生产要素的“边际收益”是:()A.MP B.MRS C.MC D.VMP17.基尼系数越高,收入分配越( )A.平等 B.不平等 C.难以确定是否平等 D.与其无关18.以下关于一般均衡(分析)与局部均衡(分析)的说法不正确的是:()A.局部均衡分析把市场“抽出”来单独研究B.把皮鞋市场与皮革市场联系考察,得到均衡的就是一般均衡C.无论是一般均衡还是局部均衡,主要都属于实证经济学的部分D.法国经济学家里昂.瓦尔拉斯最先充分认识到一般均衡问题的重要性19.交换的帕累托最优条件是:( )A.MRS XY= MRT XY B.MRT A XY = MRT B XYC.MRS A XY = MRS B XY D.MRS XY = MRT LK20.解决效率与公平问题的普遍思路是:( )A.效率与公平并重 B.公平为基础,效率后行C.谁重要,以实现社会福利的增加为决定因素 D.效率优先,兼顾公平三、多项选择题1.微观经济学的基本假设包括:()A.经济人 B.利己主义的人C.完全信息 D.公平竞争2.以下会使圆珠笔供给增加的有:( )A.生产者税收增加 B.纸张价格下降C.生产圆珠笔的技术提高D.圆珠笔油墨价格下降3.以下关于消费者均衡的均衡条件:MRS X1X2 =P X1/P X2说法正确的有:()A.当 MRS X1X2>P X1/P X2时,应该增加X1的消费,减少X2的消费B.表示在维持同等效用水平的条件下,增加一单位X1的消费所能替代的X2的消费数量>市场价格决定的一单位X1所能替代出来的X2量C.几何意义是无差异曲线与等成本线的切点D.也可以说,该均衡状态表示既定预算下的最大效用满足状态4.以下关于成本的说法正确的有:()A.TFC是总固定成本B.LMC与LAC相交于LAC的最低点C.SAC=AFC+AVCD.MC一般总是先减少后增加5.对商品的市场价格有控制能力的有()厂商A.垄断 B.寡头 C.垄断竞争 D.完全竞争四、简答题1.影响需求的因素有哪些?2.什么是边际技术替代率递减规律?它决定了哪条曲线的什么特点?3.什么是规模经济(报酬)?有那几种情况?4.完全竞争厂商的短期均衡状态有哪几种情况?5.市场失灵的原因有哪些?(6分)6.为什么完全竞争的市场被称为“最好的市场”?(7分)五、计算题1.假定有供给函数Q d = 1200 — 200P(1)求出价格2元和4元之间的需求的价格弧弹性(2分)(2)根据给出的需求函数,P =5元时的需求的价格点弹性(2分)2.已知某消费者每月用400元购买两类食品:粮食X1,平均每磅4元,蔬菜X2,平均每磅2元(1)写出预算方程,并画出他的预算线(2分)(2)如果他的效用函数为U(X1,X2)= X1.X2,为使效用最大化,该消费者应分别购买多少X1、X2?(3分)3.在一个完全竞争的行业中单个厂商的长期总成本函数为:LTC = Q3-20Q2 + 200Q,市场的产品价格为P =600。

A.一次交纳较多的印花税额B.借款利息C.固定资产日常修理费用D.固定资产租金的预提2. 应在本月计算折旧费用的固定资产是()。

2021年小学信息技术教师专业技能数据结构练习题及参考答案(二)1.对于顺序表的优缺点,下面说法错误的是( C )。
2.3个结点可构成( D )个不同形态的二叉树。
A.2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 53.对有n个记录的表按记录关键字值有序的顺序建立二叉排序树,在这种情况下,其平均查找长度的量级为( A )。
A.O(n)B.O(nlog2n) C.O(1) D.O(log2n)4.二分查找法要求查找表中各元素的键值必须是( A ) 排列。
A. 递增或递减B. 递增C. 递减D. 无序5.每一个结点存储一个数据元素,存储结点存放在连续的存储空间,用存储结点间的位置关系表示数据元素之间的逻辑关系,该存储方式是( A )存储方式。
A. 顺序B. 链式C. 索引D. 散列6.将长度为m的单链表链接在长度为n的单链表之后的算法的时间复杂度为( B )。
A.O(1)B.O(n)C.O(m)D.O(m+n)7.以h为头指针的带头结点的单向循环链表为空的条件是( C )。
A. h==NULLB. h->next==NULLC. h->next==hD. h->next->next==h8.下列说法不正确的是( D )。
A.数据元素是数据的基本单位B.数据项是数据中不可分割的最小标识单位C.数据可以由若干个数据元素构成D.数据项可以由若干个数据元素构成9.在一个单链表中删除p所指向结点的后继结点时,其算法的时间复杂性的量级为( C )。
A.O(n)B.O(n/2)C.O(1)D.O(logn)210.ISAM是( B )文件的组织形式。
A.索引 B. 索引顺序 C. 磁带 D. 顺序11.每个结点只存储一个数据元素,存储结点存放在连续的存储空间,该存储方式是( A )存储方式。
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1.质量为m 的小球在向心力作用下,在水平面内作半径为R 、速率为v 的匀速圆周运动,如下左图所示。
小球自A 点逆时针运动到B 点的半周内,动量的增量应为:
[ ]
(A)mv 2j (B)j mv
2 (C)i mv 2 (D)
mv 2
解:[ B ] j
mv j mv j mv v m v m A B
动半周时,摆球所受重力冲量的大小为 [ ]
(A).2mv (B)
/2v R mg mv
v Rmg / (D)0。
解:[ C ]
3. 一质点在力
)25(5t m F (SI )(式中m 为质点的质量,t 为时间)的作用下,0 t 时
s t 5 时,质点的速率为 [ ]
(A )s m /50(B )s m /25 (C )0 (D )s m /50
解:[ C ]
0 mv mv
4. 质量分别为m和4m的两个质点分别以动能E和4E沿一直线相向运动,它们的总动量大小为 [ ]
,22mE (B)mE
25, (D)
解:[ B ] 因质点m B
因质点m 4
5. 一个质点同时在几个力作用下的位移为:k j i r
654 (SI )其中一个力为恒力k j i F 953 (SI ),则此力在该位移过程中所作的功为 [ ]
(A) 67J (B) 91J (C) 17J (D) –67J
解:[ A ] J
k j i k j i r F W 67542512)654()953( • •
6. 对功的概念有以下几种说法:
(1) 保守力作正功时,系统内相应的势能增加。
(2) 质点运动经一闭合路径,保守力对质点作的功为零。
(3) 作用力和反作用力大小相等、方向相反,所以两者所做功的代数和必为零。
在上述说法中: [ ]
解:[ C ]
7. 机枪每分钟可射出质量为g 20 的子弹900颗,子弹射出的速率为s m /800,则射击时的平均
反冲力大小为 [ ] (A)
N 267.0 (B) N 16 (C)N 240 (D)N
解:[ C
8. 一质量为M 的弹簧振子,水平放置且静止在平衡位置,如图所示.一质量为m 的子弹以水平速度v 射入
振子中,并随之一起运动.如果水平面光滑,此后弹簧的最大势能为 [ ]
221v m . (B)
)(222m M m v . (C)
2222)(v M
m m M .(D)2
22v M m .
解:[ B ]碰撞动量守恒V M m mv )( ,
(0j y i x F F 作用在质点上,在该质点从坐标原点运动到)2,0(R 位置的过程中,力F 对它
所做的功为 [ ] (A)
20R F (B) 202R F (C)203R F (D) 204R F
解:[ B ]
10.质量为kg 10.0的质点,由静止开始沿曲线j i t r
53 (SI )运动,则在0 t 到
s t 2 的时间内,作用在该质点上的合外力所做的功为 [ ]
J 4
J 20 (C)
J 4
(D) J 40
解:[ B
t s
v s
r 与运动的参考系选取有关。
3.质量为m的子弹以速度v 0水平射入沙土中,设子弹所受阻力与速度反向,大小与速度成正比,比例系数为K,忽略子弹的重力,求:(1)子弹射入沙土后,速度随时间变化的函数式;(2)子弹进入沙土的最大深度。
5.有一人造地球卫星,质量为m,在地球表面上空2倍于地球半径R的高度沿圆轨道运行,用m、R、引力常数G和地球的质量M表示(1)卫星的动能为 ;(2)卫星的引力势能为 。
(26.一质量为M 的质点沿x 轴正向运动,假设质点通过坐标为x 时的速度为kx 2(k 为正常量),则此时作用于该质点上的力F= ;该质点从
x = x 0 点出发到x = x 1 处所经历的时间△t = 。
7.一个力作用在质量为1.0Kg 的质点上,使之沿X轴运动。
3243t t t X 2
在0到4s的时间间隔内,(1)力F的冲量大小I= .
(2)力F对质点所作的功W= .
m v /30
m v /67
s N mv mv I .640
(28.一质量为m 的质点在指向圆心的平方反比力F=-k / r 2
的作用下,作半径为r 的圆周运动,此质点的速度v = ,若取距圆心无穷远处为势能零点,它的机械能 E = 。
设媒质对物体的阻力正比于速度的平方,阻力系数为k,则物体由x =0运动到x = L时,阻力所作的功为。
x ,,kcx