新视域英语时文阅读Unit 2 Economic Progress

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1. Do you know some information about global economy? Have you heard the global economic crisis? Can you give us some examples in detail?
Warming-up Questions
an affluent lifestyle 富足的生活方式
Bank of New Words
/ hɔ‘rifik / adj. excessive, causing horror 过分的,吓人
e.g. a horrific crash, murder 令人心惊胆颤的相撞事故﹑ 谋杀。
horrific prices 过高的价格
Bank of New Words
/ fɔ:‘gəu / v. give up or do without (esp. sth. pleasant) 放 弃或没有(尤指美好的事物)也行
e.g. The workers agreed to forgo a pay increase for the sake of greater job security.
Unit 2
Economic Progress
Unit 2 Economic Progress
Warming-up Questions Topic-oriented Lead-in
Bank of New Words
Phrases and Expressions Cultural Notes
Warming-up Questions
工人们为了工作更保险, 同意放弃增加工资的要求.
The boy forwent the rare opportunity for his mum. 这个孩子为了妈妈放弃了这次难得的机会。
Bank of New Words
/ prə'məut /
v. help the progress of (sth.), encourage or support 促进,增进(某事物),支持
Topic-oriented Lead-in
All the time, banks have been playing a pivotal role in people’s daily lives. They provide us with convenience, as well as guarantee the security of our property to a certain degree. Nowadays, more and more people are accustomed to carry deposit cards or credit cards instead of great gobs of cash when they go out, meanwhile, a large number of people are inclined to use web banks to do the personal businesses on their own.
Bank of New Words
/ pə‘tenʃəl / adj. in existence and capable of being developed or used 可能的,潜在的,有潜力的
Topic-oriented Lead-in
However, under such circumstances, there are a considerable number of people without bank account in America. Why?
Bank of New Words
2. Do you think bank is so important in our lives? Do you have bank accounts or deposit cards? Why do you have or not?
Topic-oriented Lead-in
Section A Why So Many Americans Don’t Have Bank Accounts
an amazing speed, player, feat 令人吃惊的速度,表演者,事迹
Bank of New Words
affቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱuent
/ ‘æfluənt / adj. rich, prosperous 富裕的,丰富的,繁荣的
e.g. His parents were very affluent. 他的父母很富裕。 affluent circumstances 富裕的环境
Bank of New Words
/ ə'meiziŋ /
adj. wonderful, incredible 令人惊异,惊人的
e.g. I find it amazing that you can’t swim.
e.g. The organization works to promote friendship between nations. 该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。 promote a bill in Parliament 促使某法案在议会通过。
Bank of New Words
/ mein'tein /
v. cause sth. to continue, keep sth. in existence at the same level, standard, etc. 保持或维持某事物
e.g. The improvement in his health is being maintained. 他的健康状况仍在继续好转。 maintain friendly relations, contacts, etc. 保持友好关系﹑ 接触等