
HateSuddenly the war was over, and Hitler was captured and brought to Amsterdam. A military tribunal condemned him to death. But how should he die? To shoot or hang him seemed too quick, too merciful. Then someone uttered what was in everybody’s mind: th e man who caused such incredible suffering should be burned to death.“But,” objected one judge, “our biggest public square in Amsterdam holds 10,000 people, and 7,000,000 Dutch men, women and children will want to be there to curse him during his dying m oments.”Then another judge had an idea. Hitler should be burned at the stake, but the wood was to be ignited by the explosion of a handful of gunpowder set off by a long fuse which should start in Rotterdam and follow the main road to Amsterdam by way of Delft, The Hague, Leiden and Haarlem.Thus millions of people crowding the wide avenues which connect those cities could watch the fuse burn its way northward to Herr Hitler’s funeral pyre.A plebiscite was taken as to whether this was fitting punishment. There was 4, 981, 076 yeas and one nay. The nay was voted by a man who preferred that Hitler be pulled to pieces by four horses.At last the great day came. The ceremony commenced at four o’clock on a June morning. The mother of three sons who had been shot by the Nazis for an act of sabotage they did not commit set fire to the fuse while choir sang a solemn hymn of gratitude. Then the people burst forth into a shout of triumph.The spark slowly made its way from Rotterdam to Delft, and on toward the great square in Amsterdam. People had come from every part of the country. Special seats had been provided for the aged and the lame and the relatives of the murdered hostages.Hitler, clad in a long yellow shirt, had been chained to the stake. He preserved a stoical silence until a little boy climbed upon the pile of wood surrounding the former Fuhrer and placed there a placard which read, “This is the world’s great est murderer.” This so aggravated Hitler’s pent-up feeling that he burst into one of his old harangues.The crowd gaped, for it was grotesque sight to see this little man ranting away just as if he were addressing his followers. Then a terrific howl of derision silenced him.Now came the great moment of the day. About three o’clock in the afternoo n the spark reached the outskirts of Amsterdam. Suddenly there was a roll of drums. Then, with an emotion such as they had never experienced before, the people sang the Willhelmus, the national anthem. Hitler, now ashen-gray, futilely strained at his chains.When the Willhelmus came to an end, the spark was only a few feet from the gunpowder; five more minutes, Hitler would die a horrible death. The crowd broke forth to a shout of hate. A minute went by. Another minute. Silence returned. Now the fuse had only a few inches to go. And at the moment the incredible happened.A wizened little man wriggled through the line of soldiers standing guard. Everybody knew who he was. Two of his sons had been machine-gunned to death by the parachute troops; his wife and three daughters had perished in Rotterdam’s holocaust. Since then, the poor fellow had seemed deprived of reason, wandering aimlessly about and supported by public charity --- an object of universal pity.But what he did now made the crowd turn white with anger. For he deliberately stampedupon the fuse and put it out.“Kill him! Kill him!” the mob s houted. But the old man quietly faced the menacing populace. Slowly he lifted his both arms toward heaven. Then in a voice charged with fury, he said: “Now let us do it all over again!”仇恨战争突然停止了。

广东外语外贸大学翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)入学考试法语翻译基础考试样题I.Mots et expressions 词汇和短语翻译(60 points, 60 minutes)1.国家主权和领土2.养老保障制度3.大海捞针4.晴天霹雳5.标本兼治6.共享文化资源7.省级文物保护单位8.一国两制9.国际竞争力10.连锁反应11.无法无天12.桂林山水甲天下13.和谐社会14.亚运会15.形象工程16.JO17.ONU18.l’Assemblée nationale19.être sous la coupe de quelqu’un20.les défilés de haute couture21.l’énergie à bas carbone22.le développement durable23.une famille monoparentale24.une plaque tournante du transport aérien25.l’effet de serre26.mettre du beurre dans ses épinards27.les avantages fiscaux28.faire des économies de bouts de chandelle29.l’allocati on logement30.le drapeau tricoloreII. Version 法译汉(45 points, 60 minutes)Lutter contre le sexisme qui existe dans l’éducation Longtemps occultées ou considérées comme mineures au regard des inégalités sociales, les inégalités sexuelles ne sont l’objet d’études en France que depuis une vingtaine d’années.Les travaux de certains sociologues ont pu attester que les filles ont une meilleure réussite scolaire à tous les niveaux du système d’enseignement. Malgré cela, elles en tirent moins profit que les garçons. Certes, elles redoublent moins et obtiennent de meilleurs résultats dès le primaire ; elles réussissent mieux que les garçons au brevet des collèges et au baccalauréat. Mais, dès le lycée, àréussite égale, les filles s’orientent moins que les garçons vers les filières sélectives et valorisées sur le marché du travail. Elles sont, en effet, sous-représentées dans les filières scientifique et industrielle, et surreprésentées dans les filières littéraire et tertiaire, moins porteuses en termes d’emploi. Cette autosélection des filles résulte, en grande partie, de la persistance dans la société de stéréotypes en matière de rôles sexuels, qui pèsent au moment des choix d’orientation.Ainsi, une Convention pour la promotion de l’égalité des chances entre le s filles et les garçons dans l’éducation nationale, mise en place par le gouvernement, a lancé des campagnes d’information sur la mixité des métiers et des filières scientifique, technologique et professionnelle en direction des familles et des jeunes. Il s’avère, en effet, que l’attitude des enseignants ne contrebalance pas l’influence familiale limitative sur les trajectoires scolaires des filles.Face à une mixité désavantageuse pour les filles, certains ont récemment proposéde mettre fin àce système. D’autres envisagent la séparation temporaire des sexes pour certaines matières. Mais renoncer au mélange des garçons et des filles à l’école serait une erreur, car il permet de faire l’apprentissage de l’égalité entre les sexes et d’une société mixte.III. Thème汉译法(45 points, 60 minutes)屈原屈原是中国第一个大诗人,战国时期的楚国人。

我的译文:An Excerpt fromUnanswered Lettersvs Unbounded FriendshipBy Yu GuangzhongAnswering letters does make me flinch; however, not answering them allows me no release at all. Dozens of unanswered letters pile up on my bookshelf, like a sum of debt waiting to be paid. Some have been waiting there for over one year, while some have newly arrived. The pressure from paying off that debt is far beyond what a junior debtor can endure. The stack of unanswered letters are, like a group of haunting ghosts, continually pestering my guilt-loaded soul. Generally, the letters will certainly be replied to. I can even swear by heaven that never do I have the intention not to reply when my mind is clear. The problem is how to reply. Even if I spared myself a whole summer night, I would be wavering on which letter to reply to first, the 18-month-old one or the 7-month-old? The reply has been delayed for so long that I’m afraid even heartfelt apology and self-accusation have already become overdue. In friends’ heart, I’ve been marginalized as a cocky man unworthy of care. “Unaccountable”! That is their unanimous comment on me.In fact, even though I pull myself together and settle down at the desk, ready to pay off the debt, my determination will easily be split up by doubts. Old and new letters, answered or yet-to-be, cram the shelf and the drawer in disorder, which reminds me of two verses: “He’s simply in the very mountain. In the depths of clouds, his whereabouts are unknown.” (from Calling on a Hermit in Vain by Jia Dao). Picking out the letter I decide to answer from such a mess will cost as multiplied time and energy as answering the letter does. Moreover, on visualizing the facial expression of friends when they receive the reply — rekindled lingering anger rather than surprised delight — my tiny amount of determination dwindle into naught. Consequently, the date when my debt is paid off extends into eternity. Although I ha ven’t answered the letters, I can never forget my friends, any more than a debtor can forget his creditor. In the depth of my disturbed and apologetic heart looms the indelible angry and icy look of my friends. Never can I forget them. Friends who really fall into oblivion, from which guilt is totally absent, are those who have received my reply.David Pollard的译文:Thus Friends Absent SpeakWritten by Yu Guangzhong and Translated by David PollardIf it is conceded that replying to letters is to be dreaded, on the other hand not replying to letters is by no means a matter of unalloyed bliss. Normally a hundred or so letters are stacked on my bookshelf, of diverse maturity of debt outstanding, the longest being over a year. That kind of pressure is more than an ordinary sinner can bear. A stack of unanswered letters battens on me like a bevy of plaintive ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience. In principle the letters are there for replying to. I can swear in all honesty that I have never while of sound mind determined not to answer people’s letters. The problem is a technical one. Suppose I had a whole summer night at my disposal: should I first answer the letter that was sent eighteen months ago, or that one that was sent seven months ago? After such a long delay even the expiry date for apology and self-recrimination would surely have passed? In your friends’ eyes, you have already stepped beyond the pale, are of no account. On the grapevine your reputation is “that impossible fellow”.Actually even if you screw up all your moral courage and settle down at you desk to pay off your letter debt come what may, the thing is easier said than done. Old epistles and new missives are jumbled up together and stuffed in the drawers or strewn on shelves; some have been answered, some not. As the poet was told about the recluse he was looking for: “I know he’s in these mountains, but in this mist I can’t tell where.” The time and energy you would spend to find the letter you have decided to answer would be several times that needed to write the reply itself. If you went on to anticipate that your friend’s reaction to receiving your letter would be less “surprised by joy” than “resentment rekindled”, then your marrow would turn to water, and your debt would never be cleared.To leave letters unanswered is not equivalent to forgetting friends, no more than it is conceivable that debtors can forget their creditors. At the bottom of such disquietude, at the end of your nightmares, there forever lurks the shadowy presence of this friend with his angry frown and baleful looks: no, you can never forget him. Those who you really put out of your mind, and do so without qualm, are those friends who have already been replied to.Note:“尺素寸心”假如直译则不达,只好用对策。
广外翻译专业英译汉练习3(附参考译文)Golden Fruit

Golden Fruit neOf the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange.In the first place it is a perennial -- if not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocer's shop. On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved ginger, when macedoine de fruits is the title bestowed on two prune s西梅干and a piece of rhubarbs大黄, then the orange, however sour, comes nobly to the rescue; and on those other days of plenty when cherries and strawberries and raspberries 木莓and gooseberries 醋栗riot together upon the table, the orange, sweeter than ever, is still there to hold its own. Bread and butter, beef and mutton, eggs and bacon, are not more necessary to an ordered existence than the orange.It is well that the commonest fruit should be also the best. Of the virtues of the orange I have not room fully to speak. It has properties of health giving, as that it cures influenza and establishes the complexion. It is clean, for whoever handles it on its way to your table, but handles its outer covering, its top coat, which is left in the hall. It is round, and forms an excellent substitute with the young for a cricket ball. The pip can be flicked at your enemies, and quite a small piece of peel makes a slide for an old gentleman.But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of taste. I dare not let myself go upon this subject. I am a slave to its sweetness. I grudge every marriage in that it means a fresh supply of orange blossom, the promise of so much golden fruit cut short. However, the world must go on.…..With the orange we do live year in and year out. That speaks well for the orange. The fact is that there is an honesty about the orange which appeals to all of us. If it is going to be bad -- for the best of us are bad sometimes -- it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core. How many an innocent-looking apple is harbouring a worm in the bud. But the orange has no secret faults. Its outside is a mirror of its inside, and if you are quick you can tell the shopman so before he slips it into the bag.黄金水果一年四季,水果之多,我独爱橙子。
广外英语考研真题 英语写作与翻译2004[试卷%2B答案]
![广外英语考研真题 英语写作与翻译2004[试卷%2B答案]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/33a8357e27284b73f2425081.png)
广东外语外贸大学2004年硕士研究生入学考试英语语言文学及外国语言学与应用语言学英语写作与翻译试题Part One Writing (100)Task 1: Summary Writing (40%)Directions:Read carefully the following passage and summarize its contents in 150-200 words. Note that you must not copy complete sentences directly from the original. Failure to do so would incur deduction of your scores.PassagePlato - who may have understood better what forms the mind of man than do some of our contemporaries who want their children exposed only to "real" people and everyday events - knew what intellectual experiences make for tree humanity. He suggested that the future citizens of his ideal republic begin their literary education with the telling of myths, rather than with mere facts or so-called rational teachings. Even Aristotle, master of pure reason, said, "The friend of wisdom is also a friend of myth."Modem thinkers who have studied myths and fairy tales from a philosophical or psychological viewpoint arrive at the same conclusion, regardless of their original persuasion. Mircea Eliade, for one, describes these stories as "models ~for human behavior [that],,:by that very fact, give .meaning and value to life." Drawing on anthropological parallels, he and others suggest that myths and fairy tales were derived from, or give symbolic expression to, initiation rites or rites of passage - such as metaphoric death of an old, inadequate self in order to be reborn on a higher plane of existence. He feels that this is why these tales meet a strongly felt need and are carders of such deep meaning.Other investigators with a depth-psychological orientation emphasize the similarities between the fantastic events in myths and fairy tales and those in adult dreams and daydreams - the fulfillment of wishes, the winning out over all competitors, the destruction of enemies - and conclude that one attraction of this literature is its expression of that which is normally prevented from coming to awareness.There are, of course, very significant differences between fairy tales and dreams. For example, in dreams more often than not the wish fulfillment is disguised, while in fairy tales much of it is openly expressed. To a considerable degree, dreams are the result of inner pressures which have found no relief, of problems which beset a person to which he knows no solution and to which the dream finds none. The fairy tale does the opposite: it projects the relief of all pressures and not only offers ways to solve problems but promises that a "happy" solution will be found.We cannot control what goes on in our dreams. Although our inner censorship influences what we may dream, such control occurs on an unconscious level. The fairy tale, on the other hand, is very much the result of common conscious and unconscious content having been shaped by the conscious mind, not of one particular person, but the consensus of many in regard to what they view as universal human problems, and what they accept as desirable solutions. If all these elements were not present in a fairy tale, it would not be retold by generation after generation. Only if a fairy tale met the conscious and unconscious requirements of many people was it repeatedly retold, listened to with great interest. No dream of a person could arouse such persistent interest unless it was worked into a myth, as was the story of the pharaoh's dream as interpreted by Joseph in the Bible.参考答案Great thinkers like Plato and Aristotle shared the same idea that myth should enjoy a superior status in education. Even modern thinkers to certain extend agree with that idea as they reached a conclusion that myth partly reflected and satisfied the inner desires of human beings. Those fantastic events in myths resemble likeliness to our dreams or daydreams. Still differences exist. Such as dream reflects social pressure we faced, but it offers no solution. On the contrary, myth goes the opposite way. Unlike dreams, Myths are the symbolic projections of a people’s hope, values, fears and aspirations. And any myth is classic.Task 2: Essay Writing (60%)Directions:In recent years China has witnessed a drastic increase in the annual enrollment of university students. While some hail it as an achievement of historical significance that marks the beginning of popularizing China's education of higher learning, others dismiss it as nothing but an educational "great leap forward" that will do more harm than good to the quality of college education in China. Write an essay of 500 - 600 words unequivocally expressing your stand on this issue. Whatever position you take,, make sure to justify your decision. Give a title to your essay.参考范文In China a saying goes like this: It takes ten years for a tree to grow to its full height, but a hundred for qualified personnel to mature. From this sentence we can infer the high status of education in our country.In recent years China has witnessed a drastic increase in the annual enrollment of university students. The existence of this phenomenon should be due to the following reasons. First, the number of college students only takes a small share in the whole population. As time requires, we need more educated citizens to take part in the construction of China. The current college students are far from enough. Second, compared with other powers, like Britain and America, China has much less college students. This situation doesn’t fit China’s image as a big power. As a result, a drastic increase in the annual enrollment of university students emerged as the time requires. Around the issue of enrollment increase, people’s reactions are different. They can roughly be categorized into two groups: advocators and opponents. Some stress the significance of this move, while others emphasize their worry about the qualification of college education. Both sides have their reasons. While in my opinion, the increase of enrollment is inevitable, but we can’t be hasty in doing it.First of all, as I mentioned above, the increase of enrollment is the requirement of China’s development. We need more workers, more engineers, more businessmen, etc. And the increase would offer what we need in a comparatively short time. The advantage of it cannot be neglected.On the other hand, so many students rushed into university would directly cause the inadequacy of hardware as well as software of the university. For example, in English department, a class used tohave less than twenty students. But now a small classroom is jammed with more than 40 people. And this means more students have to share limited resources. The quality of education might be largely influenced. So from this point, people’s worry is not groundless. In addition, to accommodate so many freshmen, university has to invest much more money in reforming the current dorms and build new ones. University would then charge students more tuition. This directly adds more burden on their families.Then how to solve this problem? I personally think we should limit the increase of enrollment to minimize the negative effects. Rome is not built in one day. I t’s a long and hard process to develop education. So we should fulfill the aim step by step. Thus we can build a win-win situation.Part Two Translation (50)1.Translate the following passage into Chinese:(25)The Asking AnimalCaught between two eternities—the vanished past and the unknown future—human beings never cease to seek their bearings and sense of direction. We inherit our legacy of the sciences and the arts—the works of the great discoverers and creators, the Columbuses and Leonardos—but we all remain seekers. Man is the asking animal…Western culture has witnessed at least three grand historical epochs of seeking—each with a dominant spirit, enduring spokesmen and distinctive problems. We have gone from “Why?” to the “How?”, from the search for purpose to the search for causes.First was the heroic way of prophets and philosophers seeking answers—salvation or truth—from the God above or the reason within each of us. Then came an age of communal seeking, pursuing civilization in the liberal spirit. And most recently there was the age of the social sciences, in which man was ruled by the forces of history. We can draw on all these ways of seeking in our personal search for purpose, to find meaning in the seeking.参考译文探索的动物要已消逝的过去与未知的未来的夹缝之间,人类从未停止对人生的意义和前进方向的探索。

20 years have past, when old classmates greet and chat with each other, the messages they deliver,however, are already about life and death.分析:”互相盘问这,询问那“,不要直译为“ask here and there',而需要结合语境,理解为“互相寒暄”,“互相交谈”,翻译为'greet and chat with each other',这样更符合语境。
广外英语考研真题 英语写作与翻译2003[试卷%2B答案]
![广外英语考研真题 英语写作与翻译2003[试卷%2B答案]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/63cca6ef4afe04a1b071de81.png)
广东外语外贸大学2003年硕士研究生入学考试英语写作与翻译T ask 1: Summary Writing (40%)Directions:Read carefully the following passage and summarize its contents in 100-120 words. Note that you must not copy complete sentences directly from the original. Failure to do so would inc ur deduction of your scores.PassageKilling for SportIt wouldn’t be quite true to say that “some of my best friends are hunters.” Still, I do number among my respected acquaintances some who not only kill for the sake of killing but count it among their keenest pleasures. And I can think of no better illustration of the fact that men may be separated at some point by fathomless abyss yet share elsewhere much common ground. To me, it is inconceivable that anyone can think an animal more interesting dead than alive, I can also easily prove, to my own satisfaction, that killing “for sport” is the perfect type of that pure evil for which metaphysicians have sometimes sought.Most wicked deeds are done because the doer proposes some good for himself. The liar lies to gain some end; the swindler and the thief want things which, if honestly got, might be good in themselves. Even the murderer is usually removing some impediment to normal desires. Though all of these are selfish or unscrupulous, their deeds are not gratuitously evil. But the killer for sport seems to have no such excusable motive. He seems merely to prefer death to life, darkness to light. He seems to get nothing other than the satisfaction of saying: “Something which wanted to live is dead. Because I can bring terror and agony, I assure myself that I have power. Because of me there is that much less vitality, consciousness and perhaps joy in the universe. I am the spirit that denies.” When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man, we call him “V andal.” When he wantonly destroys one of the works of God, we call him “Sportsman.”The hunter-for-food may be as wicked and as misguided as vegetarians sometimes say, but he does not kill for the sake of killing. The ranchers and the farmers who exterminate all living things not immediately profitable to them may sometimes be working against their own best interests; but whether they are or not, they hope to achieve some supposed good by the exterminations, if to do evil, not in the hope of gain but for evil’s sake, involves the deepest guilt by which man can be stained, then killing for killing’s sake is a terrifying phenomenon and as strong a proof as we could have of the “reality of evil” with which present-day theologians are again concerned.T ask 2: Interpretation of Graphical Information and essay writing (60%)Directions:The relationship between the degree of participation in physical exercises during senior high school years and academic achievements after graduation is investigated. The results of investigation are presented in the following table. Write an essay to describe and discuss theT ask 3: Essay Writing (40%)Directions:Based on the assumption that the younger one starts to learn a foreign language, the higher the proficiency one would achieve ultimately, the provincial government of Guangdong has decided that in five years’ time, English course should be offered from Grade One in all primary schools of the Province, be they in cities or in rural areas. Write an essay of 500-600 words unequivocally expressing your stand on this issue. Whatever position you take, make sure to justify your decision. Give a title to your essay.T ask 4: T ranslation (50%)(1) Directions: Translate the following paragraph from English into Chinese.And speaking of freedom, is not the author free, as few men are free? Is he not secure, as few men are secure? The tools of his industry are so common and so cheap that they have almost ceased to have commercial value. He needs no bulky pile of raw material, no elaborate apparatus, no service of men or animals. He is dependent for his occupation upon no one but himself, and nothing outside him that matters. He is the sovereign of an empire, self supporting, self-contained… No one can deprive him of his stock in trade; no one can force him to exercise his faculty against his will; no one can prevent him exercising it as he chooses. The pen is the great liberator of men and nations. No chains can bind, no poverty can choke, no tariff can restrict the free play of his mind…(2) Directions: Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English王冕见天色晚了,牵了牛回去。
广外翻译专业英译汉练习6(附参考译文)He was a man offifty

He was a man of fifty, and some, seeing that he had gone both bald and grey, thought he looked older. But the first physical impression was deceptive. He was tall and thick about the body, with something of a paunch, but he was also small-boned, active, light on his feet. In the same way, his head was massive, his forehead high and broad between the fringes of fair hair; but no one’s face changed its expression quicker, and his smile was brilliant. Behind the thick lenses, his eyes were small and intensely bright, the eyes of a young and lively man. At a first glance, people might think he looked a senator. It did not take them long to discover how mercurial he was. His temper was as quick as his smile; in everything he did his nerves seemed on the face. In fact, people forgot all about the senator and began to complain that sympathy and emotion flowed too easily. Many of them disliked his love of display. Yet they were affected by the depth of his feeling. Nearly everyone recognized that, though it took some insight to perceive that he was not only a man of deep feeling, but also one of passionate pride.他五十岁,头秃了,头发也花白了,人们觉得他不止五十岁。
广外翻译专业英译汉练习5(附参考译文) You've Changed

You’ve Changed John J. RyanDon West had seen her wave and he came walking across the station toward her, a quizzical, surprised look on his tanned face.“Well, well, ” he said, with the same rugged smile. “What a nice surprise, ah… Jeanne.”She smi led in return. “Don West, you haven’t changed a bit.”It was true, a few pounds heavier, a little older, but the same Don West she had fallen in love with long ago --- and never quite got over.He stood back a way and looked down at her, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. No use kidding herself, she thought, and say it had all been a kid crush. She still got weak just looking at him.“Jeanne,” he said. “Jeanne. You look good enough to eat.” He sighed and then frowned handsomely. “You don’t know how swell it is to see you. I’ve wondered so many times whatever became of you.”She hesitated for a moment, about to say something, but then she changed her mind. He took her arm and steered her expertly towards the cocktail lounge. But then he always had done things expertly, particularly where women were concerned.He settled back and studied her. “You do look different. You really have changed, Jeanne. But you’re lovelier, so much lovelier.”“Don,” she said softly, “it’s really been quite a long time since ’varsity.”He lit a cigarette. “I know, Jeanne. I enlisted right after I got my degree. It’s been some time, all right. But say, remember the ball and The Blue Danube? Remember that? ”She kept her eyes on her drink. She didn’t dare look up.“I heard it just the other day, Jeanne, and I thought of you --- couldn’t stop thinking of you, either.” He took her hand.“L ook, Jeanne, I’ve got a business appointment. I’ve just come in from the south, but I’ll be free by dinner time.”She glanced up now and his eyes were saying tender things.“Jeanne, it will be just like it was, just like that night at the ball. Just the two of us. Let’s make it seven o’clock at my hotel for diner.”He pressed her hand hard, didn’t wait for an answer. She watched him walk out the door.She knew that Don West would never change --- would never be quite an honest person. But the way she loved him wouldn’t change either. There was no mistaking the way he had looked at her. Don could be hers.Only she wouldn’t be there at seven, mostly beca use she had never been to the ball at ’varsity. She had never even had a date with Don. He was the rugby hero admired from afar.And, besides, her name wasn’t Jeanne.初秋年轻的时候,比尔和一个女人共坠爱河。

题1 .T r a n s l a t et h ef o l l o w i n gp a r a g r a p hf r o mE n g l i s hi n t oC h i n e s e . ( 广东外语外贸大学 2 0 0 3研, 考试科目: 英语写作与翻译) A n ds p e a k i n go f f r e e d o m , i s n o t t h e a u t h o r f r e e , a s f e wm e na r e f r e e ?I s h e n o t s e c u r e ,a s f e wm e na r e s e c u r e ? T h e t o o l s o f h i s i n d u s t r ya r es oc o m m o na n ds oc h e a pt h a t t h e yh a v ea l m o s t c e a s e dt oh a v ec o m m e r c i a l v a l u e .H e n e e d s n ob u l k yp i l e o f r a wm a t e r i a l ,n oe l a b o r a t ea p p a r a t u s ,n os e r v i c eo f m e no r a n i m a l s .H e i s d e p e n d e n t f o r h i s ,a n dn o t h i n g o u t s i d e h i mt h a t h i s o c c u p a t i o nu p o nn o o n e b u t h i m s e l f ,a n dn o t h o c c u p a t i o nu p o nn o o n e b u t h i m s e l f i n g o u t s i d e h i mt h a t m a t e r s . H e i s t h e s o v e r e i g no f a ne m p i r e , s e l f s u p p o r t i n g ,s e l f - c o n t a i n e d 爥N o o n e c a nd e p r i v e h i mo f h i s s t o c k i n t r a d e ; n o o n e c a n f o r c e h i mt o e x e r c i s e h i s f a c u l t y a g a i n s t h i s w i l l ; n o o n e c a n p r e v e n t h i me x e r c i s i n gi t a s h e c h o o s e s .T h e p e ni s t h e g r e a t l i b e r a t o r o f m e na n dn a t i o n s .N o c h a i n s c a nb i n d ,n o p o v e r t y c a nc h o k e , n o t a r i f f c a nr e s t r i c t t h ef r e ep l a y o f h i s m i n d 爥

07级研究生翻译作业(汉译英)David Pollard的译文:Thus Friends Absent SpeakWritten by Yu Guangzhong and Translated by David PollardIf it is conceded that replying to letters is to be dreaded, on the other hand not replying to letters is by no means a matter of unalloyed bliss. Normally a hundred or so letters are stacked on my bookshelf, of diverse maturity of debt outstanding, the longest being over a year. That kind of pressure is more than an ordinary sinner can bear. A stack of unanswered letters battens on me like a bevy of plaintive ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience. In principle the letters are there for replying to. I can swear in all honesty that I have never while of sound mind determined not to answer people’s letters. The problem is a technical one. Suppose I had a whole summer night at my disposal: should I first answer the letter that was sent eighteen months ago, or that one that was sent seven months ago? After such a long delay even the expiry date for apology and self-recrimination would surely have passed? In your friends’ eyes, you have already stepped beyond the pale, are of no account. On the grapevine your reputation is “that impossible fellow”.Actually even if you screw up all your moral courage and settle down at you desk to pay off your letter debt come what may, the thing is easier said than done. Old epistles and new missives are jumbled up together and stuffed in the drawers or strewn on shelves; some have been answered, some not. As the poet was told about the recluse he was looking for: “I know he’s in these mountains, but in this mist I can’t tell where.” The time and energy you would spend to find the letter you have decided to answer would be several times that needed to write the reply itself. If you went on to anticipate that your friend’s reaction to receiving your letter would be less “surprised by joy” than “resentmentrekindled”, then your marrow would turn to water, and your debt would never be cleared.To leave letters unanswered is not equivalent to forgetting friends, no more than it is conceivable that debtors can forget their creditors. At the bottom of such disquietude, at the end of your nightmares, there forever lurks the shadowy presence of this friend with his angry frown and baleful looks: no, you can never forget him. Those who you really put out of your mind, and do so without qualm, are those friends who have already been replied to.Note:“尺素寸心”假如直译则不达,只好用对策。

课后作业(1)请将下列短文翻译成汉语,特别注意标题的翻译:The Art of DancingWhat does it take to dance? Your body must movewith grace. And you must understand space, time,shape and motion. These are the most importantfactors for many professional dancers.First, the dancer must be aware of space, bothinside and outside his or her body. A feeling for timeis also very important. The rhythm or beat is the heartof the music. And the timing of a step must beprecise.A sense of shape is needed as well. A dance must look graceful and controlled. The image of a dancer in motion stays in the viewer’s mind even after the dance is done. So, dancers practice for hours in front of mirrors to perfect the shapes their bodies form when they dance. Finally, motion is what dance is made of. All movements must be both smooth and expressive.The next time you see dancers perform, watch closely. Both their bodies and minds will be stretching to create their art for you.舞之韵跳舞有何要点?对于专业舞者来说,舞步优雅,了解空间、时间、形体、动作,这些因素都是重中之重。

我的译文:An Excerpt fromUnanswered Lettersvs Unbounded FriendshipBy Yu GuangzhongAnswering letters does make me flinch; however, not answering them allows me no release at all. Dozens of unanswered letters pile up on my bookshelf, like a sum of debt waiting to be paid. Some have been waiting there for over one year, while some have newly arrived. The pressure from paying off that debt is far beyond what a junior debtor can endure. The stack of unanswered letters are, like a group of haunting ghosts, continually pestering my guilt-loaded soul. Generally, the letters will certainly be replied to. I can even swear by heaven that never do I have the intention not to reply when my mind is clear. The problem is how to reply. Even if I spared myself a whole summer night, I would be wavering on which letter to reply to first, the 18-month-old one or the 7-month-old? The reply has been delayed for so long that I’m afraid even heartfelt apology and self-accusation have already become overdue. In friends’ heart, I’ve been marginalized as a cocky man unworthy of care. “Unaccountable”! That is their unanimous comment on me.In fact, even though I pull myself together and settle down at the desk, ready to pay off the debt, my determination will easily be split up by doubts. Old and new letters, answered or yet-to-be, cram the shelf and the drawer in disorder, which reminds me of two verses: “He’s simply in the very mountain. In the depths of clouds, his whereabouts are unknown.” (from Calling on a Hermit in Vain by Jia Dao). Picking out the letter I decide to answer from such a mess will cost as multiplied time and energy as answering the letter does. Moreover, on visualizing the facial expression of friends when they receive the reply — rekindled lingering anger rather than surprised delight — my tiny amount of determination dwindle into naught. Consequently, the date when my debt is paid off extends into eternity. Although I ha ven’t answered the letters, I can never forget my friends, any more than a debtor can forget his creditor. In the depth of my disturbed and apologetic heart looms the indelible angry and icy look of my friends. Never can I forget them. Friends who really fall into oblivion, from which guilt is totally absent, are those who have received my reply.David Pollard的译文:Thus Friends Absent SpeakWritten by Yu Guangzhong and Translated by David PollardIf it is conceded that replying to letters is to be dreaded, on the other hand not replying to letters is by no means a matter of unalloyed bliss. Normally a hundred or so letters are stacked on my bookshelf, of diverse maturity of debt outstanding, the longest being over a year. That kind of pressure is more than an ordinary sinner can bear. A stack of unanswered letters battens on me like a bevy of plaintive ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience. In principle the letters are there for replying to. I can swear in all honesty that I have never while of sound mind determined not to answer people’s letters. The problem is a technical one. Suppose I had a whole summer night at my disposal: should I first answer the letter that was sent eighteen months ago, or that one that was sent seven months ago? After such a long delay even the expiry date for apology and self-recrimination would surely have passed? In your friends’ eyes, you have already stepped beyond the pale, are of no account. On the grapevine your reputation is “that impossible fellow”.Actually even if you screw up all your moral courage and settle down at you desk to pay off your letter debt come what may, the thing is easier said than done. Old epistles and new missives are jumbled up together and stuffed in the drawers or strewn on shelves; some have been answered, some not. As the poet was told about the recluse he was looking for: “I know he’s in these mountains, but in this mist I can’t tell where.” The time and energy you would spend to find the letter you have decided to answer would be several times that needed to write the reply itself. If you went on to anticipate that your friend’s reaction to receiving your letter would be less “surprised by joy” than “resentment rekindled”, then your marrow would turn to water, and your debt would never be cleared.To leave letters unanswered is not equivalent to forgetting friends, no more than it is conceivable that debtors can forget their creditors. At the bottom of such disquietude, at the end of your nightmares, there forever lurks the shadowy presence of this friend with his angry frown and baleful looks: no, you can never forget him. Those who you really put out of your mind, and do so without qualm, are those friends who have already been replied to.Note:“尺素寸心”假如直译则不达,只好用对策。

翻译硕士法语样题I.Compréhension 阅读理解(20points, 2points×10)Texte1Toutes les enquêtes le montrent: la couleur plébiscitée par tous les Occidentaux, c’est le bleu. En France comme en Suisse, en Nouvelle-Zélande, aux Etats-Unis ou en Russie, on voit la vie en bleu! C’est le bleu qu’on préfère! C’est peut-être aussi pour ça que la Terre est parfois nommée la planète bleue. Et Luc Besson a peut-être voulu rendre hommage àcette passion du bleu en tournant son célèbre film le grand bleu.Il n’en a pas toujours été ainsi: longtemps, le bleu a presque été une «non-couleur », ignorée de tous, méprisée, quasi-inexistante. En France, par exemple, les couleurs qui comptaient, traditionnellement, c’était le rouge, le blanc et le noir. Couleurs de vie et de mort, couleurs de pouvoir aussi.A partir du XIIe siècle, le bleu fait de timides percées: c’est la couleur liée à la religion chrétienne, la couleur des rois de France, la couleur symbolisant la sagesse et la justice. Mais rien de bien significatif. Ce n’est qu’au XVIIIe siècle que le bleu devient vraiment «intéressant »et aux XIXe que la mode du bleu se répand. Ensuite, peu àpeu, le bleu a pris du galon, s’est imposé, a conquis le monde du travail, puis celui des loisirs. Pas le bleu pâle ni le bleu vif, pas le bleu turquoise ni le bleu-vert, non, le «bleu bleu », le bleu indigo, le bleu passe-partout.Aujourd’hui, il a définitivement gagné. Promenez-vous et ouvrez les yeux. C’est frappant! A l’usine? Les ouvriers portent un bleu de travail. A l’école, au collège, au lycée, à la fac? Tous en bleu-jeans. (Le «bleu de Gênes »). Tout comme à la campagne pour tondre sa pelouse ou bêcher son jardin. Tout comme à la montagne, en randonnée. A la mer? Tous en pull bleu marine.Alors? Tous en uniforme, les Occidentaux? Auraient-ils perdu le sens de la diversité? Si c’est vrai, le bleu. Questions:1. Lequel des arguments ne démontre pas l’importance du bleu?A. On nomme la Terre «la planète bleue ».B. Les Occidentaux aiment le bleu.C. Luc Besson a tournéun film intitulé«le grand bleu »..D. Le bleu est une «non-couleur ».2. En France, les couleurs traditionnelles sontA. Bleu, blanc et rouge.B. Bleu, rouge et noir.C. Rouge, noir et violet.D. Rouge, blanc et noir.3. Parmi les symboliques du bleu en France, lequel ne se figure pas dans le texte?A. Le bleu symbolisait la sagesse et la justice.B. Le bleu était liéà la religion chrétienne.C. Le bleu était la couleur des rois.D. Le bleu symbolisait la loyauté et la bonté.4. Dans le troisième paragraphe, «...le bleu a pris du galon » veut dire:A. Le bleu s’est affirmé, le bleu a pris de l’importance.B. Le bleu est devenu une couleur très à la mode.C. Le bleu est devenu la couleur de la bourgeoisie.D. Le bleu a conquis les Français.5. Dans quelle période historique de France le bleu a-t-il été une couleur ignorée?A. Au Moyen Age.B. Au XIIe siècle.C. Au XVIIIe siècle.D. Au XIXe siècle.Texte2La vie se charge de déplacer les personnes et les choses,de bousculer les lieux et les paysages. La ville qu’on a connue dans son enfance et qu’on a quittée n’existe plus, mais elle reste au fond de soi comme un domaine préservé, souvent visité et regretté.Parfois, sur un marché, au début de l’été, la vue d’un plumbago, fleur délicate aux pétales bleu pâle, transperce le cœur d’une émotion d’abord indéfinissable; puis peu àpeu, on comprend que c’est l’émotion qui naît d’une réminiscence, d’une impression de «déjàvu », de la révélation d’un fragment du passé.Et voilàque simplement en fermant les yeux, on retrouve des sensations, des images; une barrière en pierre le long de laquelle court une profusion de plumbagos. C’est la barrière du jardin du professeur de piano. On entend le grincement de la porte qu’on pousse avec la roue de la bicyclette, on prête l’oreille aux accords d’une sonate de Beethoven. On distingue le bourdonnement des abeilles autour des fleurs, on perçoit le pas régulier d’un cheval tirant une calèche; tous les bruits, tous les sons reviennent àl’esprit, àl’oreille et on reste là, devant la fleur, dans ce temps suspendu.On ne sait comment démêler ces émotions, plongé qu’on est dans la recherche des souvenirs; est-ce de la joie, de la douceur ou de la tristesse, de la mélancolie? C’est en réalité le chagrin intime qu’on ressent devant une perte,le regret de ne plus pouvoir retrouver ce qui manque àjamais, c’est le mal du pays, c’est la nostalgie.Nostalgie d’un pays âpre oùl’ombre est glaciale en hiver et le soleil brûlant en été; nostalgie d’une ville, kaléidoscope multicolore oùse combinent le rouge brique des maisons, le vert des tuiles vernissées, le bleu profond du ciel, le jaune du mimosa, le violet des bougainvilliers!Nostalgie des étés torrides où le soleil immobilise toute vie, où les persiennes fermées préservent l’ombre et gardent l’odeur du concombre et de la pastèque. Regret douloureux des plongeons dans une piscine dont l’eau fraîche apaise toutes les brûlures.Mais surtout, nostalgie de l’enfance.Les petites maladies sont des moments heureux veillés par des grands-mères qui chantent dans une langue étrange des chansons qu’on ne comprend pas et qui donnent envie de pleurer de tristesse et de bonheur. Les jours de fête, la maison s’emplit des odeurs les plus délicieuses; odeur de la fleur d’oranger, de l’œillet poivré, des roses pompon; odeur du bois de cèdre qui s’échappe en fumée d’un brûle-parfum; odeur des plats les plus exquis oùse mêlent la cannelle, le gingembre et le clou de girofle... Questions:6. Quelle est la meilleure explication pour l’impression de «déjà vu » mentionnée dans le deuxième paragraphe?A. C’est comme un souvenir un peu vague mais persistant.B. C’est quelque chose que l’auteur a sûrement vu quelque part.C. C’est comme une histoire que l’auteur a déjàentendue quelque part.D. C’est comme un livre que l’auteur a déjà lu.7. Qu’est-ce que le «kaléidoscope multicolore »dont l’auteur parle dans le 4e paragraphe?A. C’est un tableau de couleur.B. C’est un instrument qui permet de voir des imageséclatées, multipliées.C. C’est une succession très rapide d’impressions et desensations..D. C’est une photo qui est gravée dans la mémoire del’auteur.8. D’après le texte, quelle image la nostalgie donne-t-elle?A. Une image bien fidèle de la réalité.B. Une image fidèle mais cruelle.C. Une image transformée et cruelle.D. Une image embellie et enchantée.9. Dans le 5e paragraphe, quel sens l’auteur a-t-il mobilisépour exprimer sa nostalgie?A. L’ouïe.B. La vue.C. L’odora.D. Le toucher.10. Quelle idée résume le mieux le dernier paragraphe du texte?A. L’auteur aimait bien tomber malade quand il étaitpetit.B. L’auteur aimait beaucoup les odeurs des jours de fêtede son enfance.C. Ayant recours à la vue et à l’odorat, l’auteur sesouvient des moments heureux de son enfance.D. L’auteur se montre indifférent àson enfance sauf auxjours de fêtes et aux moments où il était malade. II. Compétences lexicale et grammaticale 词汇和语法(30 points, 2 points×15)11. Le juge a préférépasser __ silence une partie du dossier.A. sousB. surC. enD. avec12. Ses amis ne vivent pas en banlieue mais __ Perpignan.A. àB. dansC. àl’intérieur deD. au13. Si vous ne suivez pas ces conseils, vous allez __ nombreux problème.A. à raison deB. àC. versD. à l’encontre de14. Quand les alliés __ le pays, beaucoup s’improvisèrent«résistants de la première vue ».A. libéraientB. eurent libéréC. avaient libéréD. libérèrent15. Nous l’avons laissé tomber aussitôt que nous __ qu’il mentait.A. avons comprisB. avions comprisC. avons eu comprisD. comprenions16. «Quand une fille est mariée, tout le monde la demande », cela signifie:A. qu’on a toujours du désir.B. que l’on désire plus facilement ce que l’on ne peutavoir.C. que les occasions arrivent toujours trop tard.D. que l’herbe est toujours plus verte de l’autre côtéde la montagne.17. Un petit chez soi vaut mieux qu’un grand __.A. chez soiB. ici-basC. en basD. chez les autres18. Un grand crime est un__ .A. délitB. forfaitC. assassinatD. parjure19. Une idée triste qui rappelle la mort est__ .A. funèbreB. funéraireC. sadiqueD. mortelle20. Quel mot peut-on utiliser pour l’économie?A. reminéeB. réaniméeC. raniméeD. rémanée21. Le chien s’est enfui: il a sauté __ la clôtureA. par-dessusB. surC. au-dessusD. par22. Les Français ont réduit leur consommation de vin: __ , ils boivent beaucoup plus d’eau minérale.A. en faitB. de faitC. puisqueD. car23. On trouve l’empreinte des auteurs du XIXe siècle __ la littérature contemporaine.A. en travers deB. parC. à traversD. en faveur de24. Tu travaillerais mieux au lycée, tu __ t’inscrire après le bac dans l’université de ton choixA. peuxB. aurais puC. pourrasD. pourrais25. Au lieu de prendre les clés de la maison, j’ai pris __ du garage.A. celuiB. ceuxC. celleD. cellesIII. Culture générale 法国文化知识(20points, 2points×10)26. Qui a pris l’initiative de la construction du châteaude Versailles?A. Louis XIIIB. Louis XIVC. Louis XV27. Après avoir étél’homme le plus recherchépendant environ10 ans, Ben Laden a été tué en:A. 2009B. 2010C. 201128. Comment se nommait la femme qui a précédé Carla Bruni à l’Elysée?A. DanielleB. BernadetteC. Cécilia29.Quel pays est le moins peuplé des trois?A. La RussieB. La FranceC. L’Allemagne30. Qui fut sculpteur parmi ces artistes?A. CésarB. MonnetC. Michel Ange31. Quelle oeuvre est considérée comme le meilleur modèle de la chanson de geste?A. La chanson de RolandB. Le Roman de RenartC. Petit TestamentD. Tristan et Iseut32. Quel est le sous-titre du Mariage de Figaro?A. La première journée révolutionnaireB. Le triomphe de la RaisonC. La folle journée33. Lequel des courants littéraires ne domine pas le 19e siècle?A. le dadaïsmeB. le symbolismeC. le romantisme34. Au 19e siècle, qui est l’auteur de plusieurs romans champêtres ?A. Sidonie-Gabrielle ColetteB. Guy de MaupassantC. Gorges Sand35. Quel homme politique a joué un rôle majeur dans le théâtre au 17e siècle?A. Louis XIIIB. ColbertC. RichelieuIV. Composition写作(30points)36. «Chaque Français produit plus d’un kilo d’orduresménagères tous les jours. Preuve que le progrès n’a pas que des avantages: il y a 40 ans, ce chiffre était divisé par deux. On constate cependant un léger mieux sur les dernières années: de 396kg en 2005, la production annuelle par habitant est redescendue à374kg en 2009. Le contenu de nos poubelles, lui, n’évolue pas ou peu. Elles sont remplies à32% de matières organiques, 22% de cartons et papiers et 46% de plastique, verre et autres matériaux. »Quel est votre point de vue? Quels sont vos arguments? Rédigez un article de 300 mots (+10%) avec un titre de votre choix.。

Ever since the publication of this novel some 200 years ago, hundreds of millions of people have read its Chinese original or its translations in various languages. Of these innumerable people, how many have read the novel by starting with a per usal of critics’ articles and allowing themselves to be led by the nose by the critics as to how to read the novel? Next to none. All literary works, especially a monumental one like A Dream of Red Mansions, are extremely rich in content and involve diverse social strata – to such an extent that they virtually resemble a mountain of treasure or a labyrinth. And the readers are even more complicated, differing from each other in family background, socialexperience, nationality, country, cultural tradition, psychological condition, age, sex, profession, hobby, etc., etc. Thelist could go on endlessly, so I wouldn’t mind stopping here. They will each appreciate a certain aspect of the novel according to their own individuality. They may feel inspired and enlightened, and hence love it, or they may feel hurt, and hence loathe it. In short, the reactions vary. To them, the Redologists seem to be sages and men of virtue residing in the “Illusory Land of Great Void” and having nothing whatsoever to do with them. T hey just read on and on, caring not what the Redologists may say.。

广东外语外贸大学2008年硕士研究生入学考试英语写作与翻译样题答案Part Two Translation(50)1.Translate the following passage into Chinese (25)参考译文礼仪对于社会犹如衣着之于个人。
因此我劝你对于任何人都要讲究礼仪,并且尽力不做违背礼仪的事,以免冒犯他人或者树敌.2 .Translate the following passage into English (25)参考译文On the silver screen, she is an actress that we’re familiar with; on the state of literature, she is a reputable writer. These two different identities fused so harmoniously in her that it seems she was destined to be like that. Many people want to figure out the myth: some say that longtime life as actress granted her the ability of thinking in images; some say that the sentiment of actress made her abound in emotions…Thus her works are full of charms. Maybe these claims are more or less reasonable, but the true answer probably lies in her peculiar life experience.Time has changed. She as an actress has experienced two totally different societies and great ups and downs. As soon as she stepped out of her small lifecircle into the deep water of social life, she observed and experienced life with her extremely acute eyes and sensitive heart. Then she found out that there is not enough time to represent in the movies those new things flooded in .。
广外翻译专业英译汉练习7(附参考译文):early autumn

Early Autumn Langston HughesWhen Bill was very young, they had been in love. Many nights they had spent walking, talking together. Then something not very important had come between them, and they didn't speak. Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved. Bill went away, bitter about women.Yesterday, walking across Washington Square, she saw him for the first time in years."Bill Walker," she said.He stopped. At first he did not recognize her, to him she looked so old."Mary! Where did you come from?"Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss, but he held out his hand. She took it."I live in New York now," she said."Oh" -- smiling politely, then a little frown came quickly between his eyes."Always wondered what happened to you, Bill.""I'm a lawyer. Nice firm, way downtown.""Married yet?""Sure. Two kids.”"Oh,” she said.A great many people went past them through the park. People they didn’t know. It was late afternoon. Nearly sunset. Cold."And your husband?” he aske d her.“We have three children. I work in the bursar’s office at Columbia.”“You’re looking very…” (he wanted to say old) “…well,” he said.She understood. Under the trees in Washington Square, she found herself desperately reaching back into the past. She had been older than he then in Ohio. Now she was not young at all. Bill was still young."We live on Central Park West," she said. "Come and see us sometime."“Sure,” he replied. “You and your husband must have dinner with my family some night. Any night. Lucille and I’d love to have you.”The leaves fell slowly from the trees in the Square. Fell without wind. Autumn dusk. She felt a little sick."We'd love it," she answered."You ought to see my kids." He grinned.Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue, chains of misty brilliance in the blue air."There's my bus," she said.He held out his hand. "Good-bye.""When..." she wanted to say, but the bus was ready to pull off. The lights on the avenue blurred. And she was afraid to open her mouth as she entered the bus. Afraid it would be impossible to utter a word.Suddenly she shrieked very loudly, “Good-bye!” But the bus door had closed.The bus started. People came between them outside, people crossing the street, people they didn't know. Space and people. She lost sight of Bill. Then she remembered she had forgotten to give him her address—or to ask him for his -- or tell him that her youngest boy was named Bill, too.初秋年轻的时候,比尔和一个女人共坠爱河。

广东外语外贸大学357英语翻译基础模拟试题及详解(三)Part I Phrase Translation (30 points, 1 point for each) Section 1Directions: Translate the following phrases into Chinese:1. TPP2. Fukushima3. anti-monopoly legislation4. total fertility rate5. Memorandum of Understanding6. Big Bang7. International Monetary Fund8. armored patrol vehicles9. out of tune10. mobile patent litigation11. magical/magic realism12. ASEAN13. A Midsummer Night's Dream14. Geneva Convention15. All Soul’s Day答案:1.跨太平洋伙伴关系协议2.福岛3.反垄断立法4.总生育率5.谅解备忘录6.宇宙大爆炸7.国际货币基金组织8.武装巡逻车9.唱歌走调10.手机专利诉讼11.魔幻现实主义12.东盟13.仲夏夜之梦14.日内瓦公约15.万灵节Section 2Directions: Translate the following phrases into English:16.幸福指数17.经济适用房18.留守儿童19.以人为本20.港人治港21.政治局常务委员会22.人工智能23.打草惊蛇24.有情人终成眷属25.赡养费,抚养费26.节能降耗减排27.电动载人行李箱28.适时适度预调微调29.防作弊举措30.灰霾污染日答案:16. Happiness Index17. Residence houses for low-and-medium wage earners18. stay-at-home children19. people-oriented20. “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong”21. Standing Committee of the Political Bureau22. artificial intelligence23. to wake a sleeping dog24. Jack shall have Jill;All shall be well.25. Alimony26. to save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge27. scooter-suitcase28. timely and moderate pro-cyclical fine-tuning29. anti-cheating measures30. haze pollution dayPartⅡ Passage Translation (120points)31.Translate the following passage into Chinese :(60 points)As I mentioned last week, I’ve recently returned from Australia. Whi le I was there, I visited a eucalyptus forest that, in February, was the scene of an appalling wildfire. Perhaps naively, I had expected to find that many trees had been killed. They hadn’t. They had blackened bark, but were otherwise looking rather well, many of them wreathed in new young leaves. This prompted me to consider fireand the role it plays as a force of nature.Fossil charcoals tell us that wildfires have been part of life on Earth for as long as there have been plants on land. That’s more than 400 million years of fire. Fire was here long before arriviste plants like grasses; it pre-dated the first flowers. And without wanting to get mystical about it, fire is, in many respects, a kind of animal, albeit an ethereal one. Like any animal, it consumes oxygen. Like a sheep or a slug, it eats plants. But unlike a normal animal, it’s a shape-shifter. Sometimes, it merely nibbles a few leaves; sometimes it kills grown trees. Sometimes it is more deadly and destructive than a swarm of locusts.The shape-shifting nature of fire makes it hard to study, for it is not a single entity. Some fires are infernally hot; others, relatively cool. Some stay at ground level; others climb trees. Moreover, fire is much more likely to appear in some parts of the world than in others. Satellite images of the Earth show that wildfires are rare in, say, northern Europe, and common in parts of central Africa and Australia. (These days many wildfires are started by humans, either on purpose or by accident. But long before our ancestors began to throw torches or cigarette butts, fires were started by lightning strikes, or by sparks given off when rocks rub together in an avalanche.)Once a fire gets started, many factors contribute to how it will behave. The weather obviously has a huge effect: winds can fan flames, rains can quench them. The lie of the land matters, too: fire runs uphill more readily than it goes down. But another crucial factor is what type of plants the fire has to eat.It’s common knowledge that plants regul arly exposed to fire tend to have features that help them cope with it—such as thick bark, or seeds that only grow after being exposed to intense heat or smoke. But what is less often remarked on is that the plants themselves affect the nature and severity of fire.【参考译文】上周提起,我刚从澳大利亚回来。

广外翻译专业英译汉练习5(附参考译文)YouveChangedYou’ve Changed John J. RyanDon West had seen her wave and he came walking across the station toward her, a quizzical, surprised look on his tanned face.“Well, well, ” he said, with the same rugged smile. “What a nice surprise, ah… Jeanne.”She smi led in return. “Don West, you haven’t changed a bit.”It was true, a few pounds heavier, a little older, but the same Don West she had fallen in love with long ago --- and never quite got over.He stood back a way and looked down at her, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. No use kidding herself, she thought, and say it had all been a kid crush. She still got weak just looking at him.“Jeanne,” he said. “Jeanne. You look good enough to eat.” He sighed and then frowned handsomely. “You don’t know how swell it is to see you. I’ve wondered so many times whatever became of you.”She hesitated for a moment, about to say something, but then she changed her mind. He took her arm and steered her expertly towards the cocktail lounge. But then he always had done things expertly, particularly where women were concerned.He settled back and studied her. “You do look different. You really have changed, Jeanne. But you’re l ovelier, so much lovelier.”“Don,” she said softly, “it’s really been quite a long time since ’varsity.”He lit a cigarette. “I know, Jeanne. I enlisted right after I got my degree. It’s been some time, all right. But say, remember the ball and The Blue Da nube? Remember that? ”She kept her eyes on her drink. She didn’t dare look up.“I heard it just the other day, Jeanne, and I thought of you --- couldn’t stop thinking of you, either.” He took her hand.“L ook, Jeanne, I’ve got a business appointment. I’ve just come in from the south, but I’ll be free by dinner time.”She glanced up now and his eyes were saying tender things.“Jeanne, it will be just like it was, just like that night at the ball. Just the two of us. Let’s make it seven o’clock at my hotel f or diner.”He pressed her hand hard, didn’t wait for an answer. She watched him walk out the door.She knew that Don West would never change --- would never be quite an honest person. But the way she loved him wouldn’t change either. There was no mistaking the way he had looked at her. Don could be hers.Only she wouldn’t be there at seven, mostly beca use she had never been to the ball at ’varsity. She had never even had a date with Don. He was the rugby hero admired from afar.And, besides, her name wasn’t Jeanne.初秋年轻的时候,比尔和一个女人共坠爱河。
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我的译文:An Excerpt fromUnanswered Lettersvs Unbounded FriendshipBy Yu GuangzhongAnswering letters does make me flinch; however, not answering them allows me no release at all. Dozens of unanswered letters pile up on my bookshelf, like a sum of debt waiting to be paid. Some have been waiting there for over one year, while some have newly arrived. The pressure from paying off that debt is far beyond what a junior debtor can endure. The stack of unanswered letters are, like a group of haunting ghosts, continually pestering my guilt-loaded soul. Generally, the letters will certainly be replied to. I can even swear by heaven that never do I have the intention not to reply when my mind is clear. The problem is how to reply. Even if I spared myself a whole summer night, I would be wavering on which letter to reply to first, the 18-month-old one or the 7-month-old? The reply has been delayed for so long that I’m afraid even heartfelt apology and self-accusation have already become overdue. In friends’ heart, I’ve been marginalized as a cocky man unworthy of care. “Unaccountable”! That is their unanimous comment on me.In fact, even though I pull myself together and settle down at the desk, ready to pay off the debt, my determination will easily be split up by doubts. Old and new letters, answered or yet-to-be, cram the shelf and the drawer in disorder, which reminds me of two verses: “He’s simply in the very mountain. In the depths of clouds, his whereabouts are unknown.” (from Calling on a Hermit in Vain by Jia Dao). Picking out the letter I decide to answer from such a mess will cost as multiplied time and energy as answering the letter does. Moreover, on visualizing the facial expression of friends when they receive the reply — rekindled lingering anger rather than surprised delight — my tiny amount of determination dwindle into naught. Consequently, the date when my debt is paid off extends into eternity. Although I ha ven’t answered the letters, I can never forget my friends, any more than a debtor can forget his creditor. In the depth of my disturbed and apologetic heart looms the indelible angry and icy look of my friends. Never can I forget them. Friends who really fall into oblivion, from which guilt is totally absent, are those who have received my reply.David Pollard的译文:Thus Friends Absent SpeakWritten by Yu Guangzhong and Translated by David PollardIf it is conceded that replying to letters is to be dreaded, on the other hand not replying to letters is by no means a matter of unalloyed bliss. Normally a hundred or so letters are stacked on my bookshelf, of diverse maturity of debt outstanding, the longest being over a year. That kind of pressure is more than an ordinary sinner can bear. A stack of unanswered letters battens on me like a bevy of plaintive ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience. In principle the letters are there for replying to. I can swear in all honesty that I have never while of sound mind determined not to answer people’s letters. The problem is a technical one. Suppose I had a whole summer night at my disposal: should I first answer the letter that was sent eighteen months ago, or that one that was sent seven months ago? After such a long delay even the expiry date for apology and self-recrimination would surely have passed? In your friends’ eyes, you have already stepped beyond the pale, are of no account. On the grapevine your reputation is “that impossible fellow”.Actually even if you screw up all your moral courage and settle down at you desk to pay off your letter debt come what may, the thing is easier said than done. Old epistles and new missives are jumbled up together and stuffed in the drawers or strewn on shelves; some have been answered, some not. As the poet was told about the recluse he was looking for: “I know he’s in these mountains, but in this mist I can’t tell where.” The time and energy you would spend to find the letter you have decided to answer would be several times that needed to write the reply itself. If you went on to anticipate that your friend’s reaction to receiving your letter would be less “surprised by joy” than “resentment rekindled”, then your marrow would turn to water, and your debt would never be cleared.To leave letters unanswered is not equivalent to forgetting friends, no more than it is conceivable that debtors can forget their creditors. At the bottom of such disquietude, at the end of your nightmares, there forever lurks the shadowy presence of this friend with his angry frown and baleful looks: no, you can never forget him. Those who you really put out of your mind, and do so without qualm, are those friends who have already been replied to.Note:“尺素寸心”假如直译则不达,只好用对策。