解析常微分方程的解法和应用引言:常微分方程(Ordinary Differential Equations,ODE)是研究函数和其导数之间关系的方程。
下面介绍常见的解析解法:1. 变量可分离的方程变量可分离的方程是指可以将方程分解成两个独立变量的形式,一般表示为dy/dx = f(x)g(y)。
2. 齐次方程齐次方程是指可以通过变换将方程化为形如dy/dx = f(y/x)的方程。
通过引入新的变量u = y/x,可以将齐次方程转化为变量可分离的方程,从而应用变量可分离的方程的解法来求解。
3. 一阶线性方程一阶线性方程具有形如dy/dx + p(x)y = q(x)的形式,其中p(x)和q(x)为已知函数。
三、常微分方程的应用常微分方程在实际应用中具有广泛的重要性,以下列举几个常见的应用领域:1. 物理学中的应用常微分方程在物理学中的应用非常广泛。
2. 经济学中的应用经济学中很多经济模型可以通过常微分方程描述。
常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations第三讲一阶常微分方程解的存在性与唯一性内容提要问题引入存在唯一性定理 例题00d (,),()d yf x y y x y x ==一阶方程初值问题 初等积分法求解的方程可变量分离的方程, 齐次方程, 线性方程, 全微分方程等22d ,(0) 1 d y x y y x =+=不能用初等积分法求解的方程非线性方程, 如黎卡提方程结论需要从理论上研究微分方程解的性质d ,(0) 1 (1)d yy y x==例1证明初值问题的解存在且唯一.证明0 (),(1) ()1()d . (2)xy x y s y s y x ==+⎰若是初值问题的解则对方程两端积分可得,()(2),(1),(1)(2).y y x =反之若一个连续满足式则它一定是初值问题的解即初值问题与积分方程解的存在唯一性等价下面用逼近的方法求(2)的解. 令0()1,y x = 100()1()d 1,xy x y s s x =+=+⎰2210()1()d 1,2x xy x y s s x =+=++⎰23320()1()d 1,2!3!xx xy x y s s x =+=+++⎰2310()1()d 1.2!3!!nx n n x xxy x y s s x n -=+=+++++⎰(),lim ()e .xn n n y x y x →∞=收敛且e (1).xy =是方程的解 ()()(1),()()(), ()()()()()(),(0)0.y f x y g x h x f x g x h x f x g x f x g x h x h ===-'''=-=-==设和都是方程的解令则有[()()]e[()e ]0.xxh x h x h x --''-==于是可知()e0,()0.xh x h x -≡=因此可得即存在性✔唯一性✔问题一般微分方程初值问题解的存在唯一性?(){}00121212(,),||,||,0,(,),(,)|(,)(,)|||,(,)Lipschitz , Lipschitz .1 f x y D x y x x a y y b L x y x y D f x y f x y L y y f x y D y L -≤-≤>∈-≤-若在矩形区域=上连续 且存在常数使得对所有的都有 则称在上关于满足条件称为数 常定义000(,)0d (,) (3)(,)Lipschitz ,[,],min ,,=max |d ((,)|.1)x y Df x y yD y f x y I x h x h b h a M f x y M x y x y∈⎧=⎪⎨=-+⎪=⎧⎫=⎨⎬⎩⎭⎩若在 上连续 且关于满足 条件 则初值问题: 在区间上有并且只有一个解 其中 常数 定理二、存在唯一性定理()00(3i ((),)d 4)xxy y f t y t =+⎰初值问题等价于积分方程:(4).I 定理的证明等价于证明积分方程在区间上有且只有一个解证明分四步进行Picard (ii)构造迭代函数序列01000()(,())d (5)()x n n x y x y f t y t t y x y +⎧=+⎪⎨⎪=⎩⎰Picard {}(iii), (4);n y I 序列在区间上一致收敛且极限是的解.(iv)解的唯一性第一步等价的积分方程0 ()(,)d . ()(3), (4)xx y x y f t y t y y x =+=⎰若是初值问题的解对方程两端积分可得()(4),()(3),(3)(4).y y x y x =反之若是积分方程的解则满足初值问题的解即初值问题与积分方程解的存在唯一性等价第二步构造Picard 迭代函数列00100 ();()()(,())d ;xx y x y y x y x f t y t t ==+⎰020121()()(,())d ;()(),,xx y x y x f t y t t y x y x =+=⎰若停止否则10()(),,y x y x =若停止否则01,,()()(,())d .xn n x y x y x f t y t t -=+⎰重复上述过程12,()(),()(4)Picar .{()},.d k k k n k y x y x y x y x -≥=若存在使得则显然是的解否则得到一个连续函数序列为序列称第三步Picard 函数列一致收敛, 且极限是方程(4)的解0000,] , ,] .x x h x h x +-只证在区间[成立对于[类似可证011 ()[()()], (6)k k k y x y x y x ∞-=+-∑考虑函数项级数0111():()()[()()]().n nn k k n k n S x S x y x y x y x y x -=+=+-=∑其前项部分和 (6){()}.n y x 下面通过证明级数的一致收敛来证明一致收敛010000|()()|=|(,())d ||(,())|d ();x xx x y x y x f t y t t f t y t t M x x -≤≤-⎰⎰02110|()()||(,())(,())|d xx y x y x f t y t f t y t t-≤-⎰002010(|()d ().2!)()|d xxx x L ML LM x x t y x x t y t t ≤-=-≤-⎰⎰Lipschitz 条件000+1111010|()()||(,())(,())|d (),(1|()(())|d )!d !xn n n n n x n x x n x x n n n L y t y y x y x f t y t f t y t tM ML LM x x t L x t t x n n --+--≤-+-=-≤≤-⎰⎰⎰110|()()|(),!n n n n ML y x y x x x n ---≤-设则111000,|()()|(),[,].!!k k k k k k k ML ML y x y x x x h x x x h k k ----≤-≤∈+所以由数学归纳法可得对所有的自然数 有11100100, ![()()Weierstrass [{(),],Picard ,}[]].k k k k k n k y x x ML h k y x y x x h x x h -∞=∞-=++-∑∑又级数由判别法知函数收敛一致收项级数在上故序列在上一致收敛敛00Lipschitz |(,())(,())||()()|,(,)(){(,())} [,] (,()), n n n n f x y x f x x L y x x f x y y x f x y x x x h f x x ϕϕϕ-≤-+再根据条件的连续性以及的一致收敛性可得函数列在上一致收敛到 因而()(),()(),n n y x x y x x ϕϕ→设则由的一致收敛可知连续00001010()lim ()lim (,())d lim (,())d (,())d ,xn n x n n xn x n x x x y x y f t y t t y f t y t t y f t t t ϕϕ-→∞→∞-→∞==+=+=+⎰⎰⎰()(4) , () (3) .x x ϕϕ即连续函数是积分方程的解于是也是初值问题的解第四步解的唯一性00()()[,], ,|()()|.x x x x h x x K ψϕψϕ-+-≤在 上连续故有界 设 ()(4), ()().x x x ψψϕ=设也是积分方程的解需要证明000Lipschitz ()()||[(,())(,())]d | |()()|d (),xx xx x x f t t f t t t L t t t LK x x ψϕψϕψϕ-=-≤-≤-⎰⎰由条件有|0[()],()()|, 1.!n K L x x x x n n ψϕ--≤≥重复此操作可由归纳法得到|0(||)0,()()0,()=().n L x x K x x x x n ψϕψϕ-→-→因为所以即!000200()()|()()()||()()|d [()],()()|()d =.2!xx x x x x LK x x x x L t t t K L x x x x L LK t x t ψϕψϕψϕψϕ-≤--≤---≤-⎰⎰再将|代入不等式|的右端可得 |✔注记(,) .f x y D 在矩形区域 上有连续的偏导数 定理1中的Lipschitz 条件验证比较困难, 在实际应用中经常用如下条件代替:122121212, (,) , ,(,) , |(,)(,)|=| (,())()| ||.y y y f x y D D f x y L f x y f x y f x y y y y y L y y ≤-+--≤-θ 事实上若 在上连续则它在 上有界不妨设 | | 则由微分中值定理有定理1中只给出了局部范围解的存在唯一性, 实际上在很多情况下都可以将解的存在范围延拓到较大的区间.证明221,1, {(,)|||1,1min{||1},(,), ,, 2, .}2 a b D x y x y f x y x y D M b h a M ===≤≤=+=== 取则 在上连续且有连续偏导数且所以 22d ,(0)0 d y x y y x =+=例2 证明初值问题的解在区间上存在且唯一, 且求其Picard 序列中的前四个.11[,]22-11[,]22.- 于是由解的存在唯一性定理知该初值问题在区间上有唯一解证明22d ,(0)0 d y x y y x =+=例2 证明初值问题的解在区间上存在且唯一, 且求其Picard 序列中的前四个.11[,]22-下面求解. 0()0,y x = 23101()0d ,3x y x s s x =+=⎰222010232370()()[+()]d 111 0[()]d ;3363x x y x y x s y s s s s s x x =+=++=+⎰⎰2237111530201121()()[+()]d .363207959535x y x y x s y s s x x x x =+=+++⎰皮卡( Picard, Charles Emile) 1856.7.24—1941.12.11, 法国数学家皮卡(Picard Charles Emile,1856年7月24日—1941年12月11日), 法国数学家. 生于巴黎, 卒于同地. 1877年毕业于巴黎高等师范学校, 获得博士学位. 1879年被聘为图卢兹大学教授, 同时任教于巴黎高等师范学校和巴黎综合工科学校. 1898年任巴黎大学教授,1917年当选为法国科学院终身秘书. 他是伦敦皇家学会、原苏联科学院等30多所重要科研机构的成员, 并被5所外国大学授予名誉博士学位, 曾获多种科学奖金.皮卡的主要贡献在解析函数论、微分方程、代数几何学和力学等方面. 1879年他提出皮卡第一定理, 次年得到皮卡第二定理. 这两个定理成为复变函数论许多新方向的起点. 1883–1888年皮卡将庞加莱(Poincaré)自守函数的方法推广到二元复变函数, 进而研究了代数曲面(1901), 导致了“皮卡群” (Picard Group)的建立. 他推广了逐步逼近法, 证明了含复变量的微分方程和积分方程的解的存在唯一性定理.李普希茨(Lipschitz, Rudolf Otto Sigismund) 1832.5.14—1903.10.7, 德国数学家利普希茨的数学贡献涉及众多学科, 特别在常微分方程和微分几何领域做出重要贡献. 在常微分方程解的存在性探求中创立了著名的“利普希茨条件” 判别法, 得到柯西-利普希茨存在性定理. 在代数数论领域引入了实变换的符号表示法及其计算法则, 建立起被称为“利普希茨代数” 的超复数系. 在微分几何方面他对黎曼1854年的有关结果进行了研究, 讨论了多重微分与子流形的性质, 并由此开创了微分不变量理论的研究, 其研究成果为爱因斯坦建立广义相对论奠定了数学基础. 此外, 利普希茨在力学和物理学方面也做出了不少贡献.利普希茨(Lipschitz, Rudolf Otto Sigismund), 生于柯尼斯堡,卒于伯恩. 在柏林大学曾师从狄利克雷学习数学, 1853年8月9日获博士学位. 随后在柯尼斯堡预科学校和埃尔宾预科学校任教四年, 1857年回柏林大学任教, 1864年成为伯恩大学数学教授. 曾被选为巴黎科学院和柏林、格廷根、罗马等地研究院的通讯院士.感谢大家的聆听!。
d 2 d g 1 F (t ). 2 dt m dt l ml
When we want to determine some particular motion, we should give its initial states(see C/P4): For example, when t=0,
参考书: 中文/丁同仁、李承治(北京大学)编,常微分 方程教程,第二版,高等教育出版社,2004.7
英文/M. Braun, Differential Equations and Their Applications, Springer-Verlag为:平时(以到课情况、完成作业情况) 与期末考试. 2. 考核形式:期末考试采用闭卷考试形式,试题来自试题 库. 3. 期末考试题形及分值比例为: 填空题(4个)……………………………约占20%, 选择题(4个)……………………………约占20%, 计算题(5个)……………………………约占44%, 证明与应用题(2个)……………………约占16%.
d 2 g 0. 2 dt l
(2) Free damped motion(有阻尼的自由运动E/P136): with damping but no external force(有阻尼但无外力) μ---the damping coefficient(阻尼系数) Math. Model(see C/P4):
Solution Function of the curve: y=f(x) Math. Model: Method:
dy 2 x, dx y ( 2) 5.
Integral (积分)
常微分方程(王高雄)第三版 3.3
dy f ( x, y ) , dx y ( x0 ) y0 (3.1) '
的解y ( x, x0 , y0 )都在区间 [a, b]上存在, 并且 ( x, x0 , y0 ) ( x, x0 , y0 ) , x [a, b] 则称初值问题(3.1) '的解y ( x, x0 , y0 )在点( x0 , y0 )
前提 解存在唯一
y0 ( x0 , x, y )
证明 在(3.1)满足y ( x0 ) y0的解存在区间内任取一值x1 ,
y1 ( x1 , x0 , y0 ), 则由解的唯一性知, (3.1)过点( x1 , y1 )与过点( x0 , y0 )的解是同一条积分曲线 , 即此解也可写成: y ( x, x1 , y1 ), 且显然有: y0 ( x0 , x1 , y1 ),
2 定理1 (解对初值的连续依赖性定理)
方程 条件: I. f ( x , y ) 在G内连续且关于 y满足局部Lips.条件;
dy f ( x, y) , dx ( x, y) G R2 (1)
II. y ( x , x0 , y0 ) 是(1)满足( x0 , y0 ) G 的解,定义
C 时,有 S G G 覆盖定理,存在N,当G i i 1 对 0 ,记 y , S ), min , / 2 d (G
L max L1,, LN 则以 为半径的圆,当其圆心从S的
左端点沿S 运动到右端点时,扫过 的区域即为符合条件的要找区域D
义, 其中 a x0 b, 则对 0, ( , a, b) 0, 使当
, cn ) 的一个邻域,使得
, c1 ′ , c1 , c2 ′ , c2 , , cn ′ cn ( n 1) cn
( n 1) ( n 1) , , c1 c2
则称 y = ( x, c1 ,
, cn ) 含有n个相互独立的常数。
y 例: = c1 cos x + c2 sin x 是 y′′ + y = 0 的通解。 因为 y′ = c1 sin x + c2 cos x 而
在 (∞, +∞)上的解。
y = tan(t )
例:xdx +
x = 1+ x
在 (
π π
, ) 上的解。 2 2
ydy = 0 有隐式解 x 2 + y 2 = C ( C 为任意常数)。
n 阶方程的通解: 把含有 n 个相互独立的任意常数
c 称为 c1,c 2, , n 的解 y= x1,c1, ,c n) n 阶方程的通解。 (
θ( t ) 2 2 t 10 θ ( t ) + 2 θ( t ) =0 t 10 t 10 t
1.1.2 微分方程的基本概念
凡含有自变量、未知函数以及未知函数的导数(或微分)的方程称为 微分方程。例如:
用maple 7解双摆的运动微分方程
2 2 θ1 ( t ) = 10 θ2 ( t ) 20 θ1 ( t ) t
2 2 θ2 ( t ) = 20 θ1 ( t ) 20 θ2 ( t ) t
证明: 对y sinx,由于
y y sin x sin x 0
y cosx,y sin x 故对x (, ), 有
' "
故y sinx是微分方程 y" y 0在(,)上的一个解 . 同理y cosx是微分方程 y" y 0在(,)上的一个解 .
• 常微分方程的形成与发展是和力学、天文学、物 理学,以及其他科学技术的发展密切相关的 • 数学的其他分支的新发展,如复变函数、李群、 组合拓扑学等,都对常微分方程的发展产生了深 刻的影响 • 当前计算机的发展更是为常微分方程的应用及理 论研究提供了非常有力的工具
1.1 常微分方程模型
SI模型 易感染者:Susceptible 已感染者:Infective
• 对无免疫性的传染病,假设病人治愈后会再次被 感染,设单位时间治愈率为mu
• 对有很强免疫性的传染病,假设病人治愈后不会在 被感染,设在时刻t的愈后免疫人数为r(t),称为移出 者,而治愈率l为常数
dy (2) xdy ydx 0 ; (1) 2 x; dx 3 2 d x dx (3) tx x 0; 2 dt dt
d 4x d 2x (4) 5 2 3x sin t; 4 dt dt
如果在一个微分方程中,自变量的个数为两个或两 个以上,称为偏微分方程,PDE 如
d y d y a1 ( x) n1 an ( x) y f ( x) n dx dx
四、教学内容和教学要求第一章绪论(4学时)(一)教学要求1.了解微分方程的背景即某些物理过程的数学模型;2. 掌握由简单的物理、几何等问题建立简单微分方程;3. 理解微分方程的基本概念;4. 掌握如何由通解求特解。
(三)教学内容 第一节 常微分方程模型第二节 基本概念和常微分方程的发展历史1.常微分方程基本概念本章习题要点:微分方程基本概念题;建立微分方程的题。
第二章 一阶微分方程的初等解法(14学时)(一)教学要求1. 掌握变量可分离方程、一阶线性方程以及恰当微分方程的求解方法; 2.掌握齐次方程、Bernoulli 方程的求解; 3. 掌握用变量代换的方法求解微分方程;4. 掌握从积分因子满足的充分必要条件导出某些特殊形式积分因子存在的条件及计算公式,并用于解相应的微分方程;5. 掌握已解出y 或x 的微分方程)',(),',(y y f x y x f y ==的计算方法;6. 了解微分方程0)',(,0)',(==y y F y x F 的求解;7. 掌握一阶微分方程的应用方法,能建立一些简单的模型进行简单分析。
3. 解微分方程应用题的方法和步骤 (1) 找出事物的共性及可贯穿于全过程的规律列方程 找出事物的共性及可贯穿于全过程的规律列方程. 常用的方法: 常用的方法 1) 根据几何关系列方程 2) 根据物理规律列方程 3) 根据微量分析平衡关系列方程 (2) 利用反映事物个性的特殊状态确定初始条件 利用反映事物个性的特殊状态确定初始条件ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ (3) 求通解 并根据初始条件确定特解 求通解, 并根据初始条件确定特解.
y = ±eC1e
1 − x2 2
方程通解为 y = Ce
1 − x2 2
= Ce
1 − x2 2
(C = ±eC1 )
为任意常数) ( C为任意常数).
机动 目录 上页 下页 返回 结束
( 此式含分离变量时丢失的解 y = 0 )
例4. 解初值问题
xydx + ( x2 +1) dy = 0
机动 目录 上页 下页 返回 结束
定义 2 形如
dy 的方程, = f (x)g( y) 的方程 , dx
称为可分离变量的方程. 称为可分离变量的方程. 可分离变量方程的特点: 可分离变量方程的特点: 等式右边可以分解成两个函数之积, 等式右边可以分解成两个函数之积, 其中一个只是 x 的函数,另一个只是 y 的函数. 的函数, 的函数.
1. 微分方程通解中的任意常数 C 最终可表示为
eC1 ,sinC2 ( C1, C2为任意实数), lnC3 (C3 为实数, C3 > 0) 为任意实数) 为实数,
常微分方程发展简史——解析理论与定性理论阶段3常微分常微分方程(Ordinary Differential Equations,简称ODEs)作为数学中重要的研究领域之一,早在古代数学家就开始研究。
《 常微分方程 》课程教学大纲
《常微分方程》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:110044课程名称:常微分方程英文名称:Ordinary Differential Equation课程类别:专业必修课学时:45学 分:2.5适用对象: 信息与计算科学本科考核方式:考试先修课程:数学分析、高等代数二、课程简介本课程是信息与计算科学专业的专业必修课程。
This course is information and the professional professional required course of calculation science. Often the differential calculus square distance(ODE) involve economics, management to learn, biology, engineering technique's etc. is a lot of academicses, is each academics is close and conjoint comprehensive cross of a new academics.三、课程性质与教学目的通过本课程的理论学习和实践训练,提高学生的常微分方程水平,加深微积分训练,加强与其他数学课、物理、化学、生态学等方面的横向联系,能够全面正确地分析常微分方程在几何、物理、化学等学科应用过程中所出现的问题。
1.掌握常微分方程的基本概念;2.掌握可分离变量方程、齐次方程的概念及它们的联系和解法;3.掌握一阶线性微分方程、伯努利方程的概念及它们的联系和解法;4. 掌握全微分方程与积分因子的概念和解法;5. 掌握可降阶的二阶微分方程的解法;6. 掌握微分方程的应用方法,能建立一些简单的模型。
常微分方程的理论及应用常微分方程(Ordinary Differential Equations, ODEs)是研究一个未知函数的导数与自变量之间的关系的数学分支。
5. 生物学中的种群动态问题:常微分方程可以描述物种种群数量的变化规律。
§1.1 Sketch of ODE n阶隐式方程 n阶显式方程 方程组
偏微分方程 偏微分方程 不是微分方程
9. f 2 ( x) sin x
§1.1 Sketch of ODE
微分方程模型举例/Modeling of ODE/
CH.1 Introduction
§1.1 Sketch of ODE
§ 1.1 微分方程概述/ Sketch of ODE/
微分方程理论起始于十七世纪末,是研究自然现象强有 力的工具,是数学科学联系实际的主要途径之一。
§ 1.2 基本概念/Basic Conception/
1. 常微分方程和偏微分方程 2. 一阶与高阶微分方程 3. 线性和非线性微分方程 4. 解和隐式解 5. 通解和特解 6. 积分曲线和积分曲线族 7. 微分方程的几何解释-----方向场
§1.2 Basic Conception
常微分方程与偏微分方程/ODE and PDE/
Ordinary differential equation
王高雄 周之铭 朱思铭 王寿松编
Ordinary differential equation
• • • • • • • 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 绪 论 一阶微分方程的初等解法 一阶微分方程的解的存在定理 高阶微分方程 线性微分方程组 定性理论初步1 2 一阶线性偏微分方程
中量大常微分方程常微分方程(Ordinary Differential Equations,简称ODE)是数学中一个重要的分支,常见于物理、工程、经济等领域的建模和分析过程中。
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Chapter 1 First-Order ODEsC C h h a a p p t t e e r r 22 S S e e c c o o n n d d --O O r r d d e e r r L L i i n n e e a a r r O OD DE E s s ((二二階階線線性性常常微微分分方方程程式式))Chapter 3 Higher-Order Linear ODEs Chapter 5 Series Solutions of ODEs Chapter 6 Laplace Transforms‧ Ordinary differential equations may be divided into two large classes, linear (線性) and nonlinear (非線性) ODEs. Where nonlinear ODEs are difficult to solve, linear ODEs are much simpler because there are standard methods for solving many of these equations.22..11 H H o o m m o o g g e e n n e e o o u u s s L L i i n n e e a a r r O O D D E E s s o o f f S S e e c c o o n n d d O O r r d d e e r r ((二二階階線線性性齊齊性性微微分分方方程程式式))‧ A second-order ODE is called linear (線性的) if it can be written as()()()y p x y q x y r x '''++=.(1)⇒ 線性:方程式的每一項都不得出現()y x 和其導數(y ', y '',…)的乘積或自乘 In case ()0r x =, the equation is called homogeneous (齊性的).In case ()0r x ≠, the equation is called nonhomogeneous (非齊性的).The functions ()p x and ()q x are called the coefficients of the ODEs.‧ Theorem 1 Superposition Principle for the Homogeneous Linear ODE (適用於線性齊性常微分方程式的疊加原理)If both 1()y x and 2()y x are solutions of the homogeneous linear ODE()()0y p x y q x y '''++=,(2)then a linear combination (線性組合) of 1y and 2y , say 1122()()c y x c y x +, is also a solution of the differential equation. Proof –Let 1y and 2y be solutions of equation (2). It means that1110y py qy '''++= and 2220y py qy '''++=. Then by substituting 1122y c y c y =+ into (2), we get112211221122()()()y py qy c y c y p c y c y q c y c y ''''''++=+++++112211221122()()c y c y p c y c y q c y c y ''''''=+++++ 11112222()()c y py qy c y py qy ''''''=+++++ 0=This shows that 1122c y c y + is a solution of (2).A Homogeneous Linear ODE (線性齊性微分方程式)A Nonhomogeneous Linear ODE (線性非齊性微分方程式)A homogeneous Nonlinear ODE (非線性齊性微分方程式)‧ For a second-order homogeneous linear ODE, an initial value problem (初始值問題) consists of the equation()()0y p x y q x y '''++=and two initial conditions (兩個初始條件)00()y x K = and 01()y x K '=.The two conditions are used to determine the two arbitrary constants 1c and 2c in a general solution1122y c y c y =+of the ODE.Initial Value Problem Solve the initial value problem0y y ''+= with (0) 3.0y =, (0)0.5y '=-.‧ A general solution (通解) of the ODE ()()0y p x y q x y '''++= on an interval I can be expressed as 1122y c y c y =+ where 1y and 2y are solutions of the ODE on I and are linearly independent (線性獨立) or not proportional (非等比例), and 1c and 2c are ar-bitrary constants.A particular solution (特解) of the ODE is obtained if we assign specific values to 1c and 2c .These 1y , 2y are called a basis of solutions or a fundamental set of solutions (一組基礎解). A basis of solutions of ()()0y p x y q x y '''++= is a pair of linearly independent solutions of the ODE. (一組基礎解就是一對彼此線性獨立的解)A Basis of Solutions, General solution and Particular SolutionA Basis of Solutions, General solution and Particular Solution Verify by substitution that 1x y e = and 2x y e -= are solutions of the ODE0y y ''-=.Then solve the initial value problem0y y ''-= with (0)6y =, (0)2y '=-.Find a Basis of Solutions if One Solution is Known. (已知一解時,可使用降階法求得另一線性獨立的解)‧ It happens quite often that one solution can be found by inspection or in some other way. Then a second linearly independent solution can be obtained by solving a first-order ODE. This is called the method of reduction of order (降階法).Method of Reduction of Order (降階法)‧ Assume a first solution 1y to be known. To get a second linearly independent solution1y . We let)()()(12x y x u x y ⋅=.Then compute 112y u y u y '⋅+⋅'=', 11122y u y u y u y ''⋅+'⋅'+⋅''='' and substitute them into 0)()(=+'+''y x q y x p y to give0)())(()2(111111=⋅+'⋅+⋅'+''⋅+'⋅'+⋅''y u x q y u y u x p y u y u y u ⇒ 0)()2(111111=+'+''++''+⋅''qy y p y u py y u y u . ⇒ 111(2)0u y u y py ''''⋅++= ( 1110y py qy '''++=) In case 01≠y , we have02111='+'+''u y py y u . Let )()(x u x v '= and )()()()(2)(111x y x y x p x y x g +'=, then we have0)(=⋅+'v x g v . (a first-order linear ODE)The general solution of this first-order linear differential equation is⎰⋅=-dxx g e C x v )()(. We may take 1=C since we need only one second solution 2y . Thus a second linearly independent solution=⋅=⋅=⎰)(])([)()()(112x y dx x v x y x u x y )(][1)(x y dx e dxx g ⋅⎰⎰- is found. Since 1y and 2y form a basis of solutions of the ODE. Thus the general solu-tion is 1122c y c y +.‧ We do not recommend memorizing formulas for )(x g , )(x v , )(x u and )(2x y . Instead,the following procedures are recommended: 1) Given a first solution 1y .2) Substitute 12y u y ⋅= into 0)()(=+'+''y x q y x p y .3) After some cancellations, solve the resulting first-order linear differential equation.Find a Basis of solutions if a First Solution is Known Find a basis of solutions of the ODE2()0x x y xy y '''--+=.‧ Homework for sec.2.1 ⇒ #1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 1622..22 H H o o m m o o g g e e n n e e o o u u s s L L i i n n e e a a r r O O D D E E s s w w i i t t h h C C o o n n s s t t a a n n t t C C o o e e f f f f i i c c i i e e n n t t s s ((常常係係數數線線性性齊齊性性常常微微分分方方程程式式))‧ Consider second-order homogeneous linear ODEs whose coefficients a and b are constant,0y ay by '''++=.(1)These equations have important applications, especially in connection with mechanical and electrical vibrations.將常係數微分方程式轉換成特徵方程式(Characteristic Equations)‧ How to solve equation (1)? We remember from Sec. 1.5 that the solution of the first-order linear ODE with a constant coefficient k0y ky ' an exponential function kx y ce -=. This gives us the idea to tryx y e λ a solutionSubstituting x y e λ= and its derivatives x y e λλ'= and 2x y e λλ''= into equation (1), we obtain2()0x a b e λλλ++=.⇒ 20a b λλ++=, which is called a characteristic equation (特徵方程式)⇒ 11,22(a λ=-±It means that11x y e λ= and 22x y e λ=are two solutions of equation (1).Case I : 240a b -> - Two Distinct Real Roots , 1λ and 2λ ‧ In this case, a basis of solutions on any interval is11x y e λ= and 22x y e λ=.The corresponding general solution is1212()x x y x c e c e λλ=+.Find the general solution of 0y y '''-=.The characteristic equation is 20λλ-= ⇒ (1)0λλ-= ⇒ 0λ= or 1λ=. Thus a basis of solutions is 11y = and 2x y e =. And the general solution is112212x y c y c y c c e =+=+.Solve the initial value problem 20y y y '''+-=, (0)4y =, (0)5y '=-.Case II : 240a b -= - A Real Double Root , 2a λ=- ‧ If 240a b -=, we get only one root, hence a first solution is21a x y e-=.To obtain a second linearly independent solution 2y (to form a basis), we use the method of reduction of order. Set 221a x y uy ue-== and compute the derivatives 22a x y u e-''=212a x aue--, 2222124a a a x x x y u eau ea ue---'''''=-+. Then substitute them into0y ay by '''++=⇒ 22222221142()0aaaaaax x x x x x u e au e a ue a u e aue bue ------''''-++-+= ⇒ 2214[()]0a x e u a b u -''+-+= ⇒ 20a x eu -''= since 2140a b -+=⇒ 0u ''= since 120ax e-≠⇒ 34()u x c x c =+, 3c , 4c are constantsFor simplicity, we choose x x u =)(, and obtain a second solution 221a x y xy xe -==.Since 1y and 2y are linearly independent, the general solution is2212()a a x x y x c ec xe--=+.Find the general solution of 690y y y '''++=.The characteristic equation is 2690λλ++= ⇒ 2(3)0λ+= ⇒ 3λ=- (a double root) Thus a basis of solutions is 31x y e -= and 32x y xe -=. And the general solution is3312x x y c e c xe --=+.Solve the initial value problem 0.250y y y '''++=, (0) 3.0y =, (0) 3.5y '=-.Case III : 240a b -< - Two Complex Roots , 112a i λω=-+ and 122a i λω=--‧ In this case, we have two complex distinct roots, sayiq p ±=λ with 12p a =- and q =The general solution can be written as()()12()p iq xp iq xy x c e c e +-=+ (in complex form)or 34()[cos()sin()]px y x e c qx c qx =+ (in real form) (ˇ)where 1c , 2c are complex constants while 3c , 4c are real constants.‧ Relations between 1c , 2c and 3c , 4cBy Euler ’s formula cos sin ix e x i x +=+, we have()()12()p iq x p iq x y x c e c e +-=+12)px iqx px iqx c e e c e e +-=+ 12()px iqx iqx e c e c e +-=+12[(cos()sin())(cos()sin())]px e c qx i qx c qx i qx =++-+-))]s i n ()(c o s ())sin()(cos([21qx i qx c qx i qx c e px -++=)]sin()()cos()[(2121qx c c i qx c c e px -++=Comparing it with )]sin()cos([43qx c qx c e y px h +=, we will have the relations between1c , 2c and 3c , 4c as⎩⎨⎧-=+=)(214213c c i c c c c or ⎩⎨⎧+=-=)()(4321243211ic c c ic c c .Solve the initial value problem 0.49.040y y y '''++=, (0)0y =, (0)3y '=.Complex RootsSummary of Cases I-III‧ Homework for sec.2.2 ⇒ #1, 5, 9, 21, 25, 29, 3322..44 M M o o d d e e l l i i n n g g :: F F r r e e e e O O s s c c i i l l l l a a t t i i o o n n s s ((自自由由震震盪盪)) //M M a a s s s s --S S p p r r i i n n g g S S y y s s t t e e m m ((重重物物--彈彈簧簧系系統統))Undamped Motion (無阻尼運動) or Harmonic Motion (簡諧運動)‧ Consider Fig. 32. The spring is first unstretched. We now attach the body. This stretches the spring by an amount 0s shown in the figure. The extension 0s is such that au upward00F ks =- (by Hooke’s law /虎克定律) in the spring balances the weight W mg = of thebody. k is the called the spring constant (彈簧常數) or spring modulus (彈簧模數) andm is the mass of body.By Newton’s second law (牛頓第二運動定律)Mass ⨯ Acceleration = Force ,it gives the model my ky ''=- or0ky y m''+=. (0m >, 0k >) (1)The corresponding characteristic equation is 20k mλ+=. It gives two complex rootsλ=and we obtain as a general solution.00()cos()sin()y t A t B t ωω=+, 0ω=(2)The corresponding motion is called a harmonic oscillation with a natural frequency (自然頻率) 0ωπ.The sum in equation (2) can be combined into a phase-shifted cosine with amplitude (振幅) C =and phase angle (相位角) 1tan ()B A δ-=,0())y t t ωδ=-.(3)Equation (2) is simpler in connection with initial value problems, whereas equation (3) is physically more informative because it exhibits the amplitude and phase of the oscillation.Complex RootsDamped Motion (有阻尼運動)‧ We now add a damping force (阻滯力) cy '- to our model, so that we have my ''=ky cy '-- or0c ky y y m m'''++=. (0m >, 0k >, 0c >) (4)c is called the damping constant (阻滯常數) and is always positive.Equation (4) is homogeneous linear and has constant coefficients. Hence we can solve it by the method in Sec. 2.2. The characteristic equation is20c km mλλ++=. By the usual formula for the roots of a quadratic equation we obtain2c m λ=-Thus depending on the amount of damping, there will be three types of motion corre-sponding to the three cases I-III in Sec. 2.2:Case I : Overdamping (過阻尼)In this case the corresponding general solution of (4) is1122((12()mmc t c t y t c ec e--=+.We see that damping takes out energy so quickly that the body does not oscillate. For 0t >both exponents in the solution are negative. Hence both terms in the solution approach zero as t →∞.Figure 36 shows solutions for some typical initial conditions.Case II : Critical Damping (臨界阻尼)Critical damping is the border case between nonoscillatory motions (Case I) and oscilla-tions (Case III). It occurs if 24c mk =. In this case the corresponding general solution is2212()c c mmt t y t c ec te--=+ or 212()c mt c c t e-+.The solution can pass through the equilibrium position 0y = at most once because 2c me -is never zero and 12c c t + can have at most one positive zero (say 12c c t =-). If both 1c and 2c are positive (or both negative), it has no positive zero, so that y does not pass through 0 at all.Fig. 37. Critical dampingFigure 37 shows solutions for some typical initial conditions. They look almost like those in the figure 36.Case III : Underdamping (阻尼不足)It occurs if the damping constant c is so small that 24c mk <. Then the corresponding general solution is21020()(cos()sin())c mt y t ec t c t ωω-=+, 0ω=This presents damped oscillations (阻滯性振盪). Their curve lies between the dashedcurves 2c mt y Ce -=±, C =in Fig. 38.If 0c →, then 0ωfrequency 002f ωπ=.Fig. 38 Damped oscillation in Case IIIThe Three Cases of Damped Motion‧Homework for sec.2.4 #8(a), 8(b), 8(c)三題任選一題22..55 E E u u l l e e r r --C C a a u u c c h h y y E E q q u u a a t t i i o o n n s s‧ Euler-Cauchy equations are ODEs of the form20x y axy by '''++=(1)with given constant a and b .‧ Euler-Cauchy equation can be transformed to a constant-coefficient one through a change of variables: Let t e x = and )()()(t Y e y x y t ==.Compute =⋅=='dx dt dt t dY dx d t Y x y )()()(x t Y 1)(⋅',x dx d x x dxd t Y t Y t Y x y 111)]([)()(])([)(2⋅'+-⋅'=⋅'=''=⋅⋅''+-⋅'=x x x t Y t Y 111])([)()(2)]()([21t Y t Y x '-''Substitute into equation (1) to get[()()]()()Y t Y t a Y t b Y t ''''-++= ⇒ ()(1)()()0Y t a Y t bY t '''+-+= (2)This is a constant-coefficient homogeneous linear second-order equation for)(t Y . Solve this equation for )(t Y , then let x t ln = in the solution )(t Yto obtain )(x y .Two Real Roots The Euler-Cauchy equation2 1.50.50x y xy y '''+-=has the auxiliary equation (1.51)0.50Y Y Y '''+--=, which has the characteristic equation20.50.50λλ+-= ⇒ (0.5)(1)0λλ-+= ⇒ 0.5λ= or 1λ=-⇒ 0.50.51()()t t Y t e e ==, 112()()t t Y t e e --==t e x = ⇒ 0.51()y x x =, 12()y x x -=.Thus the corresponding general solution is21()y x c c x=.A Double Root The Euler-Cauchy equation2590x y xy y '''-+=has the auxiliary equation (51)90Y Y Y '''+--+=, which has the characteristic equation2690λλ-+= ⇒ 2(3)0λ-= ⇒ 3λ= (a double root)⇒ 331()()t t Y t e e ==, 332()()t t Y t te t e ==t e x = ⇒ 31()y x x =, 32()(ln )y x x x =.Thus the corresponding general solution is3312()(ln )y x c x c x x =+.Two Roots The Euler-Cauchy equation20.616.040x y xy y '''++=has the auxiliary equation (0.61)16.040Y Y Y '''+-+=, which has the characteristic equation20.416.040λλ-+=⇒ 0.24i λ=± (complex roots), i =⇒ 0.212()(cos(4)sin(4))t Y t e c t c t =+t e x = and ln t x = ⇒ 0.212()(cos(4ln )sin(4ln ))y x x c x c x the corresponding general solution.‧ Homework for sec.2.5 ⇒ #1, 5, 9, 11, 1522..77 N N o o n n h h o o m m o o g g e e n n e e o o u u s s O O D D E E s s ((非非齊齊性性常常微微分分方方程程式式))‧ The linear ODE()()()y p x y q x y r x '''++=(1)is called nonhomogeneous (非齊性) if ()0r x ≠.Homogeneous Solution (齊性解h y ) and Particular Solution (特解p y )‧ A general solution of the nonhomogeneous ODE (1) on an open interval I is a solution of the form()()()h p y x y x y x =+(2)()general solution =()homogeneous solution +()particular solutionwhere 1122h y c y c y =+ is a general solution of the homogeneous ODE ()y p x y '''+()0q x y +=, and p y is any particular solution of (1).CHECK: Substituting ()()()h p y x y x y x =+ into equation (1), we have()()()()()()h p h p h p y y p x y y q x y y r x '''+++++=⇒ (()())(()())()h h h p p p y p x y q x y y p x y q x y r x ''''''+++++= ⇒ 0()()r x r x +=Hence ()()h p y x y x + is a general solution of (1).Theorem 2: A General Solution of a Nonhomogeneous ODE includes All Solutions ‧ If the coefficients ()p x , ()q x and ()r x in (1) are continuous on some open interval I , then every solution of (1) on I can be obtained by assigning suitable values to the arbitrary constants 1c and 2c in h y .Steps to Find a General Solution‧ Find h y : it is to solve ()()'''0y p x y q x y ++=.Find p y : two methods will be introducedSec. 2.7 Method of Undetermined Coefficients (未定係數法) Sec. 2.10 Method of Variation of Parameters (參數變換法)Method of Undetermined Coefficients (未定係數法)‧ This method is much simpler than another. It is frequently used in engineering.The method of undetermined coefficients is suitable for linear ODEs with constant coeffi-cients a and b . (未定係數法僅適用於常係數、線性、非齊性ODE)()y ay by r x '''++=(3)To find p y , we choose a form for p y similar to ()r x , but with unknown coefficients to be determined. Table 2.1 shows the choice of p y for practically important forms of()r x .Table 2.1 Method of Undetermined CoefficientsChoice Rules for the method of Undetermined CoefficientsApplications of the Basic Rule (a) Solve the initial value problem20.001y y x ''+=, (0)0y =, (0) 1.5y '=.Applications of the Modification Rule (b) Solve the initial value problem1.532.2510x y y y e -'''++=-, (0)1y =, (0)0y '=.Applications of the Sum Rule (c) Solve the initial value problem0.52540cos(10)190sin(10)x y y y e x x '''++=+-, (0)0.16y =, (0)40.08y '=.Stability(穩定性)‧ If all the roots of the characteristic equation of the constant-coefficient homogeneous ODE0y ay by '''++= are negative , or have a negative real part , then the corresponding ho-mogeneous 0h y → as x →∞. Thus h y is a transient solution (暫態解), whereas P y is a steady-state solution (穩態解). In this case the physical or other system modeled by the ODE is called stable (穩定); otherwise it is called unstable (非穩定).‧ Homework for sec.2.7 ⇒ #1, 5, 7, 13, 15, 1922..88 F F o o r r c c e e d d O O s s c c i i l l l l a a t t i i o o n n s s a a n n d d R R e e s s o o n n a a n n c c e e ((共共振振))mass/spring systemRCL circuit()c k f t y y y m m m'''++=is analog to)(1)(1)()(t E Lt q LC t q L R t q =+'+'' .displacement y to charge q velocity y ' to current idriving force ()f tto electromotive force ()E t mass m to inductance L damping constant c to resistance Rspring modulus ktoreciprocal of capacitance 1C0c ky y y m m'''++= for h y . The corresponding characteristic equation is 20c km mλλ++=.It is obtained 2c m λ=-±Case 1: 240c km -> (overdamping )⇒ We have two negative real roots 1λ and 2λ. ⇒ 1212t t h y c e c e λλ=+, (see Fig.2.5)which is a transient solution because lim 0h t y →∞=.Case 2: 240c km -= (critical damping )⇒ We have a negative double root 1λ. ⇒ 1112t t h y c e c te λλ=+, (see Fig.2.6)which is a transient solution because lim 0h t y →∞=.Case 3: 240c km -< (underdamping )⇒ We have two complex roots, say 1,2p iq λ=± where 2cp m=-, q =⇒ 12[cos()sin()]pt h y e c qt c qt =+, (see Fig.2.7) which is a transient solution too because lim 0h t y →∞=.cos()c k Ay y y t m m mω'''++= for p y . Note that the driving force ()cos()f t A t ω= is assigned for convenience, and ω iscalled the input frequency(輸入頻率).To find p y , we can use the method of undetermined coefficient, mentioned in Sec.2.6.2, and let cos()sin()p y a t b t ωω=+. a and b can be solved to get222222222()cos()sin()()()p A k m Acy t t k m c k m cωωωωωωωω-=+-+-+ let 0ω=, which is called the nature frequency(自然頻率). 22022222222222200()cos()sin()()()mA A ct t m c m cωωωωωωωωωωω-=+-+-+, ⇒ A steady-state solution is obtained for p y .‧ Resonance (共振)I n the absence of damping (0c =), an interesting phenomenon called resonance can occur. 0c = ⇒ 220cos()()p Ay t m ωωω=- The closer are the natural and input frequencies, the larger is the amplitude of thecos()t ω term in the solution, that is, 0lim p y ωω→→∞ (see Figure 2.11).‧Homework for sec.2.8 無22..1100 M M e e t t h h o o d d o o f f V V a a r r i i a a t t i i o o n n o o f f P P a a r r a a m m e e t t e e r r s s ((參參數數變變換換法法))‧ Suppose we can find a fundamental set of solutions 1y and 2y for the homogeneous equation.Try 21vy uy y p +=(試誤法(trial-and-error method):找到無限多個特解中的任何一個)⇒ ='p y 1y u '+1y u '+2y v '+2y v ' let 1y u '+2y v '=0 (1)⇒ ='p y 1y u '+2y v ' ⇒ 1122"''"''"p y u y uy v y vy =+++ Substitute into the non-homogeneous equation⇒ ()()()11221212''"''"''u y uy v y vy p uy vy q uy vy f x +++++++=⇒ ()()()11122212"'"'''''u y py qy v y py qy u y v y f x +++++++= ⇒ ()12''''u y v y f x += (2)()()()()22122121'2'''y y u y y y y y f x -⇒-=- (消去v ')∴ 21212)(y y y y x f y u '-'-=' ⇒ ⎰'=dx u u()()111'2y y -⇒()()21121'''v y y y y y f x -=- (消去u ')∴ 21211)(y y y y x f y v '-'=' ⇒ ⎰'=dx v vFor any non-vanishing pair of u and v , we can use them to find p y .‧ 定義 ─ The Wronskian of the two solutions 1y and 2y is defined as)()()()()()()()()(21212121x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x W ⋅'-'⋅=''≡Wronskian Test ─The two solutions 1y and 2y are linearly dependent on I if and only if 0)( x W for all x in I .Example 2.15Example 2.16‧Homework for sec.2.10 無- 49 -。