
一、古希腊哲学1. 古希腊哲学的起源和特点:古希腊哲学的起源可以追溯到古希腊城邦的兴起和经济、社会变革的背景下。
2. 前苏格拉底哲学:前苏格拉底哲学主要代表有外来学派和本土学派。
3. 苏格拉底哲学:苏格拉底是古希腊最重要的哲学家之一,他提出了“我只知道自己一无所知”的悖论,认为人应该通过对话和反思来寻求真理。
4. 柏拉图哲学:柏拉图是古希腊哲学的伟大思想家,他对苏格拉底的思想进行了扩展和系统化。
5. 亚里士多德哲学:亚里士多德是柏拉图的学生,他对柏拉图的思想进行了批判和发展。
二、中世纪哲学1. 基督教哲学:中世纪哲学主要是以基督教神学为基础的哲学体系。
2. 童罗米哲学:童罗米是中世纪最重要的哲学家之一,他提出了“信仰之路和哲学之路是一致的”这一观点,主张用哲学推理来证明信仰的合理性。
3. 斯多亚哲学:斯多亚是中世纪哲学的代表性人物,他主张通过信仰来认识上帝和真理,对哲学的探究持怀疑态度。
西方思想经典导读 有中文

Chapter 9 Romanticism1. Romanticism refers to an attitude or intellectual orientation that characterizes many works of literature , painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.浪漫主义指的是一种态度或知识取向,刻画出了许多作品的文学、绘画、音乐、建筑、批评和史学在西方文明在一段时间内从18世纪末到19世纪中叶。
2. The "Preface" to Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth, known as the manifesto of romanticism, addresses the subjects, aim and style of romantic poetry as well as the essential characteristics of a romantic poet.威廉·华兹华斯是一个浪漫的诗人,他写的抒情诗集的“卷首语”,被称为浪漫主义宣言,讨论了浪漫主义诗歌的主题,目的和风格以及基本特征的。
3. William Wordsworth was an early leader of Romanticism in English poetry, who ranks as one of the greatest lyric poets in the history of English literature.威廉·华兹华斯是英语诗歌中早期浪漫主义的领袖,他在英语文学的历史位列最伟大的抒情诗人之一。

萨特的存在主义与人道主义强调个体 的自由选择和责任,以及在社会和历 史背景下所面临的挑战和困境。
萨特认为个体的存在是自由的,每个 人都有权利选择自己的生活方式和价 值观。但同时,个体也必须为自己的 选择承担责任,并意识到自己的选择 对自身和他人的影响。
西方思想经典推动了科学技 术的进步和发展,为人类的 生产力和生活水平的提高做 出了巨大贡献。
西方思想经典是世界文化交 流的重要载体,促进了不同 文化之间的相互了解和融合 。
西方思想经典对社会变革和 历史进步产生了深远影响, 为人类社会的进步和发展提 供了重要思想武器。
萨特认为个体在社会和历史背景下会 面临各种挑战和困境。他强调个体应 积极参与社会变革和发展,通过行动 来推动社会进步和实现人道主义理想 。同时,他也指出个体在面对困境时 需要勇敢地承担责任,不断探索和创 新,以实现个体的自由和价值。
尼采提出超人概念,认为人类应通过培养超人的品质,超越自身的动物性和局限性,追求 更高的目标和意义。超人具有创造性和无限可能性,能够超越传统社会和文化的限制,实 现真正的自由和自我实现。
笛卡尔是西方近代哲学的奠基人,他提出了“我思故我在”的著名论断,强调理性思考和怀疑一切的 精神。


常常常 常常常子子 常常常 常常常
“ ”吗
生生 分
服 远
“ ” 两单
学 →4 →5 →6 话 远 向
获新完专 种失1
单失1-5 30没
等 →2 →3
6 30-
真 单失
50没 头
种远别面面 种单
同 老老性新
她边重也 失
因失 失
失 双
应 名
常常常3. 中 双
获新 中 老老性新 带
却 新失 中 双
总 老老性新边却 新边
常常常 边 双 所
却 新远 获老老性新
单 重也+心心
远 老老性单 心心 远
常常常 双 所
常常常3. 所 现
—— 打
常常常 错
面面/ 失
—— 以
等失 回


西方思想经典导读知识点总结Unit1 The Christian BibleGenesisExodusGospel According to MatthewActs of the ApostlesCompare with China1.Chinese Creation Stories2.汉译《圣经》之考察Supplementary Reading1 .Is Religion Just Organized Superstition?Is Superstition Always Religious?2.How Is Science Different from Religion?3.Why I Am Not a ChristianQuestionsfor DiscussionUnit 2 Greek&Roman Sages (1)Socrates:The ApologyPlato:The RepublicCompare with China1.AxialAge2.苏格拉底与孔子的言说方式比较Supplementary Reading雅典凭什么判苏格拉底死刑Questions for DiscussionUnit 3 Greek&Roman Sages (2)Aristotle:The PoliticsCicero:On the LaWSCompare with ChinaGreat Learning and Zhe MeanSupplementary ReadingMarcus了ullius Cicero QuotesQuestions forDiscussionUnit4 Medieval Christian Church FathersSt.Augustine:The EnchiridionThomas Aquinas:Summa Contra GentilesCompare with ChinaNeo—Confucianism and Later Confucian Philosophy Supplementary Readingmon Characteristics of Scholasticism2.St.Thomas AquinasQuestions for DiscussionUnit 5 Renaissance AdventurersChristopher Columbus:Journal and LetterNicolb Machiavelli:The PrinceCompare with ChinaThe Rise and Fall of 15th Century Chinese Seapower Supplementary Reading1 .No Cheers for Columbus2.Conservatives Hail for ColumbusQuestionsfor DiscussionUnit 6 Religious ReformationDesiderius Erasmus:A Pilgrimage for Religion’S Sake Martin Luther:An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility John Calvin:Institutes of the Christian Religion……Unit 7 Modern Scientific Thinking(1)Unit 8 Modern Scientific Thinking(2)Unit 9 Modern Political ScienceUnit 10 Classical LiberalismUnit 11 Amti-LiberalismUnit 12 EvolutionistsUnit 13 Socialism and CommunismUnit 14 Early 20th Century:Man &SocietyUnit 15 Science & ReligionUnit 16 Man & Woman:Modern Existence。

()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、判断题:“文明断层线”,亨廷顿所给的主要例子巴尔干半岛。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】3、判断题:汉朝与匈奴人的战争,隋朝唐朝与突厥人的战争等是文明间战争。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】4、判断题:所谓“第一次世界大战”“第二次世界大战”的叫法并不准确。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】5、判断题:16世纪,葡萄牙人在与土耳其人争夺对印度洋控制权的斗争中,发现伊朗人非但不是其敌人,反而是其盟友。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】第二章单元测试1、多选题:《艺术作品的本源》所说的“让作品成其为作品”意味着()选项:A:“作品”孤独地被固定于形态中而立足于自身B:作品从它自身以外的东西的所有关系中解脱出来C:艺术作品是“自立”、“自持”的D:作品要给读者提供阅读享受,取悦接受者的阅读情趣答案: 【“作品”孤独地被固定于形态中而立足于自身;作品从它自身以外的东西的所有关系中解脱出来;艺术作品是“自立”、“自持”的】2、判断题:《艺术作品的本源》提出艺术是决定艺术作品和艺术家的第三者。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、判断题:从海德格尔存在不是存在者的哲学观,可以判定树木、房屋、桥梁都属于存在者。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】4、判断题:海德格尔认为无机物、植物、动物等非人的族类都也有世界。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】5、判断题:《艺术作品的本源》中说“作品在这种自身回归中让其出现”,这里的“其”是指大地。
()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】6、判断题:希罗多德被古罗马政治家兼文学家西塞罗誉为史学之父。
( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】。



Chapter 9 Romanticism1. Romanticism refers to an attitude or intellectual orientation that characterizes many works of literature , painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.浪漫主义指的是一种态度或知识取向,刻画出了许多作品的文学、绘画、音乐、建筑、批评和史学在西方文明在一段时间内从18世纪末到19世纪中叶。
2. The "Preface" to Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth, known as the manifesto of romanticism, addresses the subjects, aim and style of romantic poetry as well as the essential characteristics of a romantic poet.威廉·华兹华斯是一个浪漫的诗人,他写的抒情诗集的“卷首语”,被称为浪漫主义宣言,讨论了浪漫主义诗歌的主题,目的和风格以及基本特征的。
3. William Wordsworth was an early leader of Romanticism in English poetry, who ranks as one of the greatest lyric poets in the history of English literature.威廉·华兹华斯是英语诗歌中早期浪漫主义的领袖,他在英语文学的历史位列最伟大的抒情诗人之一。


西方思想试题及答案1. 请简述启蒙运动的主要思想家及其贡献。
2. 描述文艺复兴时期人文主义的核心理念。
3. 什么是存在主义,其主要代表人物是谁?答案:存在主义是一种哲学思想,主张个体的存在先于其本质,强调个人自由和选择的重要性。
4. 请解释柏拉图的“理念论”。
5. 亚里士多德的“四因说”是什么?答案:亚里士多德的“四因说”包括质料因、形式因、动力因和目的因。
6. 简述康德的“道德律”。
7. 请阐述马克斯·韦伯的“理性化”理论。
8. 什么是尼采的“超人”概念?答案:尼采的“超人”概念是对传统道德和价值观的批判。
9. 请解释黑格尔的“辩证法”。

西方思想史复习整理一、柏拉图:柏拉图( 约公元前427年—公元前347年),古希腊哲学家。
西方思想经典 复习资料

Leviticus 利未记Numbers 民数记Deuteronomy 申命记Genesis 创世记Exodus 出埃及记Matthew, Mark, Luke, JohnHebrew patriarchs(创始人):Abraham, Isaac and JacobGod formed man of the dust of the Ground, and breathed into his nostrils(鼻孔) the breathe of life, and man became a living soul.The Acts of the Apostles 使徒行传The Epistles 使教书信The Revelation 启示录Gospel According to Matthew –New TestamentBeatitudes(八福词)Blessed are the poor in spirit; Blessed are they that mourn(哀悼); Blessed are the meek(温驯);Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; Blessed are the merciful; Blessed are the pure in heart(清心寡欲);Blessed are the peace-maker; Blessed are they which persecuted for righteousness’s sake.Salt and light 将真信徒比作盐和光House upon a rock 聪明的人把房子建在岩石上House upon the sand 无知的人把房子建在沙土之上Salt of the earth 精英份子Miracle and wonders and signs: pervasive activities 无所不在的行为Thunders and lightning: God’s mighty power⑦a jealous God: a God who tolerant no rivals⑥original sin: is the Christian doctrine of humanity’s state of sin resulting from the fall of man, naturally the sin of eating fruits from the tree of knowledge of God and evil stemming from Adam’s rebelling in Eden. Saint Augustine link this to human sexuality.2. What are the difference between the God in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New Testament?God is cruel and violent; Jesus is merciful and gracious. Curses and blesses, fearing God and Loving God.To the glory, that may Greece;And the grandeur that was Roman!The Dark Age(1000—750?BC): lack of written recordsArchaic Age(750—480BC) 古代时期Classical Age (480—323BC)古典时期The Apology申辩论—Socrates(469—399BC)Socrates’s Accuser: Meletus and Augtus and Lycon\Death is a dreamless sleep and a relocation to another placeSocrates is accused of1. Corrupting the young2. Not believing in the gods of the city3. Believing in other spiritsPlato(428—347BC) established the first “European University”, the Academy in Athens.Forms: Forms are those changeless, eternal, and nonmaterial essences or patterns of which the actual visible objects we see are only poor copies.There is the Form of the Triangle, and all the triangles we see are mere copies of that Form.Allegory of the Cave :①Imprisonment in the cavePlato has Socrates describe a gathering of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from things passing in front of a fire behind them, and they begin to give names to these shadows. The shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality.②Departure from the cavePlato then supposes that one prisoner is freed, being forced to turn and see the fire. The light would hurt his eyes and make it hard for him to see the objects that are casting the shadows. But slowly, his eyes adjust to the light of the sun. First he can only see shadows. Gradually he can see the reflections of people and things in water and then later see the people and things themselves. Eventually he is able to look at the stars and moon at night until finally he can look upon the sun itself.③Return to the cavePlato continues, saying that the freed prisoner would think that the real world was superior to the world he experienced in the cave, he would want to bring his fellow cave dwellers out of the cave and into the sunlight. The returning prisoner, whose eyes have become acclimated to the light of the sun, would be blind when here-enters the cave, just as he was when he was first exposed to the sun. The prisoners, according to Socrates, would infer from the returning man's blindness that the journey out of the cave had harmed him and that they should not undertake asimilar journey. Socrates concludes that the prisoners, if they were able, would therefore reach out and kill anyone who attempted to drag them out of the caveThe world we see are the world of Forms. Knowledge of forms is innate, they are abstract and we know them through our soul, through intuition. Every object we see copies a Form. These objects are just shadow of a Form. We can come to grasp the Forms with our heads cultivated by instructors.Axial Age: Karl Jaspers created the term “Axial Age”of human civilization for the period 800-200BC exemplified by world’s greatest spiritual leaders in The Origin and God of History.The most extraordinary events are concentrated in this period. Everything implied during these few centuries almost simultaneously in China, India and the West, without any one of these regions knowing of the others.14.What is Plato’s ideal state composed of?The lowest class (merchant class) are governed by their appetite, the soldier (military class) is governed by his will, the philosophic person is governed by reason.In the best form of government, which Plato considers to be aristocracy, justice occurs when each of these types of person does his a appointed task; this means that justice is served when everyone keeps his or her place. This is ruled by a group of carefully trained men and women over fifty, who are all philosophersLyceum 逍遥学派10. Differences between Plato and Aristotle?Plato observed the world with the way of mathematics. He is an idealist and interested in Forms. He applied deduction (from general to specific) and looked for the ideal state. Aristotle was more interested in sense and became an empiricist with the way of biology. He applied the way of induction (from specific to general), seeking solution problems of living.The Politics 政治学--Aristotle15. What are the true forms and perversions of government according to Aristotle?The true forms of government are those in which the one, or the few, or the many, govern with a view to the common interest. But government which rule with a view to the private interest, whether of the one or of the few, or of the many, are perversions, and the perversion are as follows of royalty, tyranny; of aristocracy(贵族政体), oligarchy(寡头政府); of constitution government, democracy.Doctrine of mean 中庸application of reason to fulfill one’s innate abilities.中庸the nature of happiness, asserting that human happiness derives from“self-sufficiency”On the Laws – Cicero (Roman 106—43BC)The principle of natural law was open to reason and human judgments3. What is the law meant in Cicero’s On the Laws? How does Cicero’s law different from the law we meant today?⑴There are 3 categories of law.Citizen law:private law and public lawLaw of nations: beginning of international lawNatural law:there were universal rules of conduct that flow from people as rational beings, irrespective of where or when they live.⒅⒅.Cosmopolitanism:All people are citizens of the same human community.❝To look at the world process as a drama is to admit that everyone has a role in it.❝What relates people to each other is the fact that each person shares a common element.❝It is as though the Logos is a main telephone line and all people are on a conference call, therefore connecting God to all people and people to eachother.Ethics 伦理主义13. The Roman world contributed Jesus to Western civilization, but an equally important contribution is the Roman laws, military art and civil administration. Justice is the bond of men in statesConstantine the Great 君士坦丁大帝Byzantium 拜占庭Constantinople 君士坦丁堡Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔The Early Middle Age(350—1050) The High Middle Age(1050—1300) The Late Middle Age(1300—1450)⒄the Patristic era(教父时期): The period extending from the beginning of the Christian speculation(思索) to the time of St. Augustine is known as the Patristic era in philosophy and theology. This era included Platonism and underestimated the importance of Aristotle.⒃Scholasticism(经院哲学):the philosophical and theological movement that attempted to use natural human reason.⒀the Age of Faith : During the Medieval Ages from the 5th century to the 15th centuryinEuropeanhistory there was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church. Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, andlearning for hundreds of years. It shaped people’s lives. That is why the Middle Ages is also called the “Age of Faith”The Enchiridion(手册)—St. Augustine (354—430)⒁The Enchiridion: It is a writing of St. Augustine. A Christian layman wanted a hand book(Enchiridion) which would sum up the essential Christian teaching in the briefest possible form. The shorted complete summary of the Christian faith Augustine said is that God is to be served by man in faith, hope and love. He proceeds to expand in an essay his answer that he acknowledged to be too brief. It is a “conscious effort of the theological magistrate of Western Church to stand on final ground of testimony to the Christian truth.” This “Enchiridion” or “manual” is a bold expression at the time of what we tend to accept as common talks today.⑸Free will: Evil or sin is the product of the will. In spite of the fact of original sin, we still posses the freedom of the will. But we use free will wrongly. Even when we choose rightly, we don’t possess the spiritual power to do the good we have chosen. We must have the help of God’s grace. Whereas evil is caused by free will, virtue is not the product of our will but of God’s grace.4. What is true liberty according to Augustine?Summa Contra Gentiles 反异教大全Thomas AquinasHe tries to build the consonance(协调) between philosopher’s quest for mundane (世俗)truth based on reason and Christian’s quest for divine truth based on revelation(启示). It is literally means summary against the Gentiles.The divine intellect surpasses the angelic intellect much more than the angelic surpasses the human.5. Why is reason alone unreliable according to Augustine?Three disadvantage would result if divine truth were left solely to the inquiry of reason: One is that would have knowledge of God; because very many are hindered(阻碍) from gathering the fruit of diligent (勤劳的) inquiry, which is the discovery of truth. The second disadvantage is that those who arrive at the discovery of the aforesaid truth would scarcely succeed in doing so after a long time. The third disadvantage is that much falsehood is mingled(混入) with the investigation of human reason, on account of the weakness of our intellect in forming its judgments, and by reason of admixture of phantasms(幻觉).6. ⑴Machiavelli wrote The Prince under the background of Italy of his time during which his country was political unrest, remaining divided, balkanized and eruptive state with foreign invasion.⑵From the view of consequentialism, it ends justify means.⑶Machiavelli stressed on rational, original thought with little traces of religious orientation.⑷It is also a clarion(号角) of nationalism and rationality⑸Machiavelli had his target audience : the prince who will raise, a banner Italy ready and willing to follow.Unit 6 .Martin Luther(Greman theologian and religious reformer): An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility 致基督教贵族的公开信Ninety-Five Theses 九十五条论纲We ought to go boldly forward to test all that they do or leave undone, according to our interpretation of the Scriptures, which rests on faithJohn Calvin :Institution of the Christian Religion 基督教要义He is a French theologian and most important figure in the second generation of the Protestant ReformationLutheranism Calvinism 加尔文主义Protestantism ①Luther’s idea of justification by faith 因信称义②Calvin’s notion of double predestination 双重预定the elect 选民salvation 得救And the unelect 弃民destruction 沉沦Pride was the beginning of all evil.Double Predestination: Eternal election, by which God has predestinated some to salvation, other to destruction.How did Calvin illustrate the relationship between prescience and predestination?The predestination by God adopts some to the hope of life, and adjudges others to eternal death, no man who would be thought pious(虔诚的) ventures simply to deny; but it is greatly caviled(挑剔) at , especially by those who make prescience its cause.Francis Bacon held that philosophy should be kept separate from theology, not intimately be blended with it as in Scholasticism.Francis Bacon : the most powerful mind of modern times.Novum Organum 新工具:Drew our attention to the importance of “method” or “instrument”by which we perceive things. The principle of Novum Organum include accurate observation and experimentation, calling for abandoning prejudices and preconceived attitudes, which he called idolsWhy are the four idols archenemy for Bacon?The Idols of the tribe (人的共同错误) have foundation in human nature itself, and in the tribe or race of men. The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the name of things by making its own nature with it.The Idols of the cave(个人专有错误) are the idols of individual man. For everyone(beside the errors common to human nature in general) has a cave or den of his own, which refracts(折射) and discolors the light of nature.The Idols of the marketplace(人云亦云的传闻) are idols formed by intercourse and associating of men with each other. The ill and unfit choice of words wonderfully obstructs the understanding.The Idols of the Theater are idols which have immigrated into one mind from the various dogmas of philosophies and also from wrong laws of demonstration. For all the received systems are but so many stage plays, representing worlds of their own creation after an unreal and scenic fashion.Rene Descartes(French) Discourse on Method 谈谈方法Descartes attempted to the rational deductive methods of science, and particularly of mathematic to philosophy.The power of forming a good judgment and of distinguishing the truth from the false is properly speaking that what is called Good sense or ReasonFollow the straight road.Those who proceed very slowly way, provided that they always follow the straight road, really advanced much faster than those who, though they run, forsake itWhat is the “Method” to Descartes and why is it important?Thomas Hobbes(English)is best known for his publication on individual security and the social contractLeviathan 利维坦Leviathan, a Hebrew name for huge monster, is represented in the Bible as crocodile, whale, or sea-serpent. Here it is symbol of an absolute state. Upon this image, Hobbes intended to build a comprehensive theory of government and social structure. It is the first great and comprehensive political philosophy produced by an English thinker.Leviathan is called commonwealth or state which is but an artificial man, though of greater stature and strength than the natural, for whose protection and defense in was intended. Covenant 协议John Locke founded the school of empiricism. 经验主义学派Two Treatises of Government 政府论两篇Of Civil Government 政府论He advanced a system of check and balance in governmentLegislative is more powerful than the executive or judicial.What is political power and law of nature according to John Locke?Political power was believed by John Locke to be a right of making laws, with penalties(处罚) of death, and consequently all less penalties for the regulating and preserving of property, and of employing the force of community in the execution of such laws, and in the defence of the commonwealth from foreign injury, and all this only for public good.The state of Nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one, and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions; for man being all the workmanship of one omnipotent and infinitely wise Maker; all the servants of one sovereign Master, sent into the world by His order and about His business; they are His property, whose workmanship they are made to last during His, not one another’s pleasure.What does Classical Liberalism(经典自由主义) oppose?They argue for political, economic, and social reform:①they oppose feudal restraints that prevent individual from any change of social status, barriers such as censorship and arbitrary power(强制权力). ②In international affairs, they opposed domination by military consideration and the exploitation of native colonial people, and argued instead for a cosmopolitan policy of international cooperation. ③In economics, liberals have attached monopolies and mercantilist(重商主义) state policies that subject the economy to state control.④In religion, liberals fought against interference in the affairs of the state and attempts by religious pressure groups to influence public opinion.Adam Smith (British): father of modern economicsThe Wealth of Nations 国富论7.Why does Adam Smith oppose monopoly?The respect of the monopoly lead the officers of the army to oppose with the same zeal and unanimity any reduction in the numbers of forces with which master manufactures set themselves against every law that is likely to increase the number of their rivals in the home marker. This monopoly has so much increased the number of some particular tribes of them that, like an overgrown standing army, they have become formidable to the government, and upon many occasions intimidate the legislature.What is free trade?To explain this concept, Adam Smith proclaimed the principle of “invisible hand”. Every individual in pursuing his or her own good is led to achieve the good for all. Individuals become socialized, market oriented, class-bound. Therefore, any interference with free competition by government is almost certain to be injurious.⑽By pursuing his own interest, he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intend to promote it.Unit 11.Jean-Jacques Rousseau (French)谈科学艺术对人类道德的影响The Social Contrast 社会契约论Confession 忏悔录What is Anti-Liberalism ?Distrust for the enlightenment ideals of reason and science. Appeal to return to the ideal of a simple, primitive society uncontaminated by modern civilization. It was based on a furtherance of the ideals of classical liberalism.A Discourse on the Moral Effects of the Arts and SciencesScience, art and social institution have corrupted human kind and that the nature or primitive, state is morally superior to the civilized state.The appearance of all the virtues, without being in possession of one of them.Men are perverse , but they would have been far worse, if they had had the misfortune to be born learned.Why is Rousseau critical of science and art?①Historical evidence: Rousseau pointed to historical evidence. Egypt was the mother of philosophy and the fine arts; soon she was conquered by Cambyses, and then successively by the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs and finally the Turks. Greece, Rome②Conformity: Modern manners have made everyone conform in speech, dress, and attitude, always following the laws of fashion, so we no longer dare appear to be what we really are. The herd of humanity all act exactly alike, and so we never know even among our friends with whom we are dealing. Human relationships are now full of deceptions, whereas earlier people could easily see through one another, which prevented them from having many vices.③Differences: The danger to morality and to society caused by the confusion of contending theories or points of view. If everyone was allowed to pursue their own thoughts about moral values or even about scientific truth, inevitably, there would be serious differences of opinion. If differences of opinion were to be found everywhere, it would not be long before a deep skepticism spread through the population.What keep society together is faith, not knowledge.Diffusion among the population of the spirit of doubt culminates(达到高潮) in skepticismTo counteract these disintegrating treads in society, strong governments becomes necessary and this paves leads to despotismFriedrich Nietzsche(German) Existentialism and deconstructionism owe much to him.Unit 13,14.Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Manifesto of the Communist Party 共产党宣言Cofounder of scientific socialism or modern CommunismMarxism or scientific socialism constitutes one of the principle currents of contemporary political thoughts.Marx’s analysis of capitalism economy and his theories of historical materialism, class struggle and surplus value(剩余价值) have become the basis of modern socialist doctrine.Eduard Bernstein, declares that socialism could best be attained by reformist.Manifesto of the Communist: The draft of the Communist Manifesto in 1848 was first prepared by Friedrich Engels, and elaborated and finalized by Karl Marx. It declares principles and objects of the Communist League. The Manifesto is the most concise and intelligible statement of Marx’s materialist view of history. Hence, although it produced little immediate effect, it has since become the most widely read of his books and the single most influential document in socialist canon.Bourgeois 资本家Proletarians 无产者Optimism about human nature and the glorious future of civilization was discredited. Sigmund Freud: An Outline of Psychoanalysis 精神分析学大纲Freud explored the dark side of man’s inner world for an explanation of the slaughter(屠夫) Edmund Husserl tried to secure an order in philosophy in the decadence(堕落) of civilization. John Dewey suggested that signs of hope for the declining West might be best found in education.Three Jews, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Albert Einstein, changed the 20th century.Unconscious 潜意识Some of the most powerful influence on human personality are things about which we are not conscious. Many of our experience, especially our childhood experience, are forgotten and buried in the unconscious. Although we don’t recall them consciously, they continue to influence our behavior.What is important is that he opened up enormous areas for humanities and social science. Psychological man and along with political man, or economic man has become the dominate self –image in the 20th century.15. Id, Ego, and Super-ego(455): Freud divided human personality into 3 functional parts–Id, Ego and Superego. In Freudian system, the Id is the container of the instinctual urges. It is the unconscious part of mind, which seeks immediate satisfaction of desires. It is concerned with what a person wants to do. Ego is the rational, thoughtful, realistic personality process. It is characterized by a desire forindependence, autonomy and self direction. It is concerned with what a person can do. Superego is the idealized image that a person builds of himself in response to authority and social pressures.。

1. W h a t d o e s t h e w o r d“B I B L E”m e a n?b o o k2. In Plato’s allegory of the cave, what does the sun represent?Truth3. Who came up with the sardonic讽刺的theory of humor?Thomas Hobbes4. According to genesis, god created how many days?Six days5. Who once attended Plato’s academy学院?Aristotle6. Which writer was imprisoned被囚禁during World WarⅡ?Jean-Paul Sartre7. According to genesis, what is the name of the place where Eve and Atomlived?The Garden of Eden8. Nicolo Machiavelli was what nationality? Italian9. According to genesis, which part does god use to create Eve from Atom?Rib10. What is the Sabbath day? The day of rest11. What is a leviathan?Sea monster12. Who said love your enemies?Jesus13. Who does Saul murder in Acts of the Apostles? Stephen (Stoned)14. What may be seen as an irrationalist revolt against traditional Westernphilosoph y, idealism in particular, as it rejects epistemology and the attempt to ground human knowledge?Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism15. What is a saint?A saint is a holy person.In the Christian Bible, only oneperson is expressly called a saint: "They envied Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the saint of the LORD."16. Which female writer lived a “free, lifelong association” with Jean-PaulSartre?Simone de Beauvoir17. What is a centurion百夫长?Roman soldier18. It is much safer to be feared than loved.Machiavelli: The Prince19. Men living together according to reason with out a common superior or earth,with authority to judge between them is properly the state of Nature.John Locke: Of Civil Government20. Our Father, which art in heaven/hallowed be thy name;thy kingdom come;thywill be done,in earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive them that trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation;but deliver us from evil.[For thine is the kingdom,thepower, and the glory,for ever and ever.]Amen.Matthew21. In the beginning god created the heaven and the earth.Genesis22. Rather, it declares that even if god did exist, that would change nothing.Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism23. Behold! Human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth opentowards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way;Plato: The Republic24. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.Matthew25. God is a useless and costly hypothesis假设.Jean-Paul Sartre:Existentialism26. This human animal—prescient, sagacious, complex, acute, full ofmemory, reason and counsel, which we call man,—is generated by the supreme God in a more transcendent condition than most of his fellow–creatures. For he is the only creature among the earthly races of animated beings endued with superior reason and thought, in which the rest are deficient. And what is there, I do not say in man alone, but in all heaven and earth, more divine than reason, which, when it becomes ripe and perfect, is justly termed wisdom?Cicero: On the Laws27. Thus humanity is male and man defines woman not in herself but as relativeto him; she is not regarded as an autonomous being.Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex28. Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear. It is partly the terrorof the unknown and partly, as I have said, the wish to feel that you have a kind of elder brother who will stand by you in all your troubles and disputes.Bertrand Russell: Why I Am Not a Christian29. For my part I consider that it is better to be adventurous than cautious,because fortune is a woman, and if you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill-use her; and it is seen that she allows herself to be mastered by the adventurous rather than by those who go to work more coldly. She is, therefore, always, woman-like, a lover of young men, because they are less cautious, more violent, and with more audacity command her.Nicolo Machiavelli: The Prince30. The existentialist does not think that man is going to help himself by findingin the world some omen by which to orient himself. Because he thinks that man will interpret the omen to suit himself. Therefore, he thinks that man, with no support and no aid, is condemned every moment to invent man. Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism31. The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their property.(P280)John Locke: Of Civil Government32. Man is by nature a political animal. And therefore, men, even when they donot require one another's help, desire to live together; not but that they are also brought together by their common interests in proportion as they severally attain to any measure of well-being. This is certainly the chief end, both of individuals and of states.Aristotle: The Politics33. A PRINCE ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else forhis study, than war and its rules and discipline; for this is the sole art that belongs to him who rules, and it is of such force that it not only upholds those who are born princes, but it often enables men to rise from a private station to that rank.Nicolo Machiavelli: The Prince34. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society moreeffectually than when he really intends to promote it.Adam smith: The Wealth of Nations35. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, toothfor tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. Exodus36. First, that men are continually in competition for honor and dignity, whichthese creatures are not; and consequently amongst men there ariseth on that ground, envy, and hatred, and finally war; but amongst these not so.Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan37. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with othertongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.Acts of the Apostles38. Whereas the truth is that the State in which the rulers are most reluctant togovern is always the best and most quietly governed, and the State in which they are most eager, the worst.Plato: The Republic39. So that in the nature of man, we find three principal cause of quarrel吵架.First competition; secondly, difference; thirdly, glory. The first maketh men invade for gain; the second, for safety; and the third, for reputation.Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan●The Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Gospel According to Matthew, Acts of the Apostles)●Bertrand Russell:Why I am Not a Christian 上帝不存在,基督不是一个真正慈悲的人。

❖ Though individualism in the Renaissance put emphasis on individual, it doesn’t mean discard of social obligation and others’ interest. Instead, it calls for individual’s service and contribution to society, thus living a positive and honest life.
❖ In the domain of ideology, theology gave way to science, scholasticism was challenged by humanism.
❖ In social sphere, the newly-emerging townspeoplng class, which led to elevation of people’s social status through individual struggle and success.
❖ In politics, feudalism is replaced by centralized power, nations of modern concept was formed.
❖ In economic field, this period witnessed the gradual establishment of capitalism, and the fast development of business and industry.
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1. What does the word “BIBLE” mean? book2. In Plato’s allegory of the cave, what does the sun represent?Truth3. Who came up with the sardonic讽刺的theory of humor?Thomas Hobbes4. According to genesis, god created how many days?Six days5. Who once attended Plato’s academy学院?Aristotle6. Which writer was imprisoned被囚禁during World WarⅡ?Jean-Paul Sartre7. According to genesis, what is the name of the place where Eve and Atomlived?The Garden of Eden8. Nicolo Machiavelli was what nationality? Italian9. According to genesis, which part does god use to create Eve from Atom?Rib10. What is the Sabbath day? The day of rest11. What is a leviathan?Sea monster12. Who said love your enemies?Jesus13. Who does Saul murder in Acts of the Apostles? Stephen (Stoned)14. What may be seen as an irrationalist revolt against traditional Westernphilosoph y, idealism in particular, as it rejects epistemology and the attempt to ground human knowledge?Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism15. What is a saint?A saint is a holy person.In the Christian Bible, only oneperson is expressly called a saint: "They envied Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the saint of the LORD."16. Which female writer lived a “free, lifelong association” with Jean-PaulSartre?Simone de Beauvoir17. What is a centurion百夫长?Roman soldier18. It is much safer to be feared than loved.Machiavelli: The Prince19. Men living together according to reason with out a common superior or earth,with authority to judge between them is properly the state of Nature.John Locke: Of Civil Government20. Our Father, which art in heaven/hallowed be thy name;thy kingdom come;thywill be done,in earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive them that trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation;but deliver us from evil.[For thine is the kingdom,thepower, and the glory,for ever and ever.]Amen.Matthew21. In the beginning god created the heaven and the earth.Genesis22. Rather, it declares that even if god did exist, that would change nothing.Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism23. Behold! Human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth opentowards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way;Plato: The Republic24. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.Matthew25. God is a useless and costly hypothesis假设.Jean-Paul Sartre:Existentialism26. This human animal—prescient, sagacious, complex, acute, full ofmemory, reason and counsel, which we call man,—is generated by the supreme God in a more transcendent condition than most of his fellow–creatures. For he is the only creature among the earthly races of animated beings endued with superior reason and thought, in which the rest are deficient. And what is there, I do not say in man alone, but in all heaven and earth, more divine than reason, which, when it becomes ripe and perfect, is justly termed wisdom?Cicero: On the Laws27. Thus humanity is male and man defines woman not in herself but as relativeto him; she is not regarded as an autonomous being.Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex28. Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear. It is partly the terrorof the unknown and partly, as I have said, the wish to feel that you have a kindof elder brother who will stand by you in all your troubles and disputes.Bertrand Russell: Why I Am Not a Christian29. For my part I consider that it is better to be adventurous than cautious,because fortune is a woman, and if you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill-use her; and it is seen that she allows herself to be mastered by the adventurous rather than by those who go to work more coldly. She is, therefore, always, woman-like, a lover of young men, because they are less cautious, more violent, and with more audacity command her.Nicolo Machiavelli: The Prince30. The existentialist does not think that man is going to help himself by findingin the world some omen by which to orient himself. Because he thinks that man will interpret the omen to suit himself. Therefore, he thinks that man, with no support and no aid, is condemned every moment to invent man. Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism31. The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their property.(P280)John Locke: Of Civil Government32. Man is by nature a political animal. And therefore, men, even when they donot require one another's help, desire to live together; not but that they are also brought together by their common interests in proportion as they severally attain to any measure of well-being. This is certainly the chief end, both of individuals and of states.Aristotle: The Politics33. A PRINCE ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else forhis study, than war and its rules and discipline; for this is the sole art that belongs to him who rules, and it is of such force that it not only upholds those who are born princes, but it often enables men to rise from a private station to that rank.Nicolo Machiavelli: The Prince34. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society moreeffectually than when he really intends to promote it.Adam smith: The Wealth of Nations35. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, toothfor tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. Exodus36. First, that men are continually in competition for honor and dignity, whichthese creatures are not; and consequently amongst men there ariseth on that ground, envy, and hatred, and finally war; but amongst these not so.Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan37. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with othertongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.Acts of the Apostles38. Whereas the truth is that the State in which the rulers are most reluctant togovern is always the best and most quietly governed, and the State in which they are most eager, the worst.Plato: The Republic39. So that in the nature of man, we find three principal cause of quarrel吵架.First competition; secondly, difference; thirdly, glory. The first maketh men invade for gain; the second, for safety; and the third, for reputation.Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan●The Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Gospel According to Matthew, Acts of the Apostles)●Bertrand Russell:Why I am Not a Christian 上帝不存在,基督不是一个真正慈悲的人。