


50型压力传感器 电气连接: PC板安装 类型: 绝压 特点: 固态结构,温度 补偿 供电电源: 1.5mA 输出: 0~100mV 精确度: ± 0.25%非线性 工作温度范围: 工作:-40℃~125℃ 补偿: 0~50℃ 量程: 0-5, 15, 30, 50, 100,250, 500*(psi) 典型应 用: 医疗

非粘 贴式
气隙式 电 感 式 差动变压器式
精确 度等
级 1.5 0.2
0.5 1.5 0.5
测量范 围
输出信 号
温度影 响
抗振动冲 击性能
低 中 压 电阻

中 压 20mV

方便 方便
负压及 中压

中 高 压 12mV 小
Nova Sensor 公司NPI 系列,将固态集成工艺与隔离膜片技术 相结合,扩散硅芯片被封装在充油腔体内,并通过不锈钢膜片 和外壳将其与测量介质隔离开来,向用户提供性价比良好的产 品。。 标准产品提供了多种压力接口,可满足焊接密封和侧密 封设计要求正如Nova Senso
1—磁铁 2—霍尔器件 3—波纹膜盒 4—杠杆 5—外壳
6.1.3 集成压力传感器的应用电路
图5-13 压力测量电路
图5-14 压力/频率变换电路
NPH系列 用于非腐蚀性气体兼容介质; 量程范围:2.5KPa~700KPa , 具有绝压表压和差压测量形式; 标准TO-8封装,可用于印 刷电路板(PCB)安装; 恒流1.5mA (标称)供电; 0~70℃温 度补偿,温度系数±0.75%FSO(最大值)



摘要:介绍了美国Motorola 公司生产的MPX2100 压力传感器的工作原理,给出了基于MPX2100 构成的数字压力计以及V/F 变换器的应用电路。

利用Motorola 公司生产的MPX2100 半导体压力传感器可以把压力转换成毫伏级的差模电压信号,该压力传感器具有良好的线性度,它的输出电压与所加压力成精确的正比例关系。

另外,MPX2100 所具有的温度被偿特性克服了半导体压力敏感器件存在温度漂移问题,因而具有广阔的应用前景。

1 工作原理
MPX2100 有4 个引脚,1 脚接地,3 脚加工作压力,2 脚和4 脚之间输出与压力成正比的差模电压信号。

MPX2100 是一种压阻式压力传感器,在硅基片上用扩散工艺制成4 个电阻


采用恒压源供电的原理图如图1 所示。

Uo=E(ΔR/R)=(EK/R)P,即电桥输出电压与压力P 成正比。

2 基于MPX2100 的数字压力计
MPX2100 构成的数字压力计如图2 所示。

MPX2100 的工作电压为12V,传感器4 脚和2 脚之间输出的压力信号送到IC1、IC2 进行放大,放大器的增益
为1+40/RP1,IC1、IC2 接成同相输入阻态,可以获得仪器放大器所需的高输。

Freescale MPX2300DT1 压力传感器数据手册说明书

Freescale MPX2300DT1 压力传感器数据手册说明书

MPX2300DT1Freescale reserves the right to change the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the design of its products.Freescale Semiconductor Document Number: MPX2300DT1Data Sheet: Technical DataRev. 11, 09/2015© 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.MPX2300DT1, 0 to 40kPa, Differential Compensated Pressure SensorFreescale Semiconductor has developed a high volume, miniature pressurecompensation and calibration.Features•Integrated temperature compensation and calibration •Ratiometric to supply voltage•Polysulfone case material (ISO 10993)•Provided in easy-to-use tape and reel Typical applications•Medical diagnostics •Infusion pumps•Blood pressure monitors •Pressure catheter applications •Patient monitoringNOTEhousing. Use caution when handling the devices during all processes.Ordering informationDevice name Shipping Package Pressure typeDevice marking GaugeDifferentialAbsoluteMPX2300DT1Tape and Reel98ASB13355C•XXXX = Device code XXX = Trace codeMPX2300DT1Contents1General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.1Block diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2Pinout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2Mechanical and Electrical Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.1Maximum ratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.2Operating characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3Package Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.1Package description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Related DocumentationThe MPX2300DT1 device features and operations are described in a variety of reference manuals, user guides, and application notes. To find the most-current versions of these documents:1.Go to the Freescale homepage at:/2.In the Keyword search box at the top of the page, enter the device number MPX2300DT1.3.In the Refine Your Result pane on the left, click on the Documentation link.MPX2300DT1SensorsMPX2300DT1Sensors1General DescriptionThe MPX2300DT1 pressure sensor has been designed for medical usage by combining the performance of Freescale's shear stress pressure sensor design and the use of biomedically approved materials. Materials with a proven history in medical situations have been chosen to provide a sensor that can be used with confidence in applications, such as invasive blood pressure monitoring. It can be sterilized using ethylene oxide. The portions of the pressure sensor that are required to be biomedically approved are the rigid housing and the gel coating.The rigid housing is molded from a white, medical grade polysulfone that has passed extensive biological testing including: ISO 10993-5:1999, ISO 10993-10:2002, and ISO 10993-11:1993.A silicone dielectric gel covers the silicon piezoresistive sensing element. The gel is a nontoxic, nonallergenic elastomer system which meets all USP XX Biological Testing Class V requirements. The properties of the gel allow it to transmit pressure uniformly to the diaphragm surface, while isolating the internal electrical connections from the corrosive effects of fluids, such as saline solution. The gel provides electrical isolation sufficient to withstand defibrillation testing, as specified in the proposed Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) Standard for blood pressure transducers. A biomedically approved opaque filler in the gel prevents bright operating room lights from affecting the performance of the sensor.1.1Block diagramFigure 1 shows a block diagram of the internal circuitry integrated on a pressure sensor chip.Figure 1. Block diagram1.2PinoutFigure 2. Device pinout (front view)Table 1. Pin functionsPin Name Function1V S Voltage supply 2V OUT +Output voltage 3V OUT –Output voltage 4GNDGroundV OUT +V OUT –32V S 1Transducer GND4Thin Film Temperature Compensation and Calibration CircuitrySensingElementV S V O U T +V O U T –G N DMPX2300DT1Sensors2Mechanical and Electrical Specifications2.1Maximum ratings2.2Operating characteristicsTable 2. Maximum ratings (1)1.Exposure beyond the specified limits may cause permanent damage or degradation to the device.RatingSymbol Value Unit Maximum pressure (backside)P max 125PSI Storage temperature T stg -25 to +85°C Operating temperatureT A+15 to +40°CTable 3. Operating characteristics(V S = 6 V DC , T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CharacteristicsSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Pressure range P OP 0—300mmHg Supply voltage (1)1.Recommended voltage supply: 6 V ± 0.2 V, regulated. Sensor output is ratiometric to the voltage supply. Supply voltages above +10 V may induce additional error due to device self-heating.V S — 6.010V DC Supply current I O — 1.0—mAdc Zero pressure offset V OFF -0.75—0.75mV Sensitivity — 4.95 5.0 5.05μV/V/mmHgFull-scale span (2)2.Measured at 6.0 V DC excitation for 100 mmHg pressure differential. V FSS and FSS are like terms representing the algebraic difference between full scale output and zero pressure offset.V FSS 2.976 3.006 3.036mV Linearity + Hysteresis (3)3.Maximum deviation from end-point straight line fit at 0 and 200 mmHg.—-1.5— 1.5%V FSS Accuracy V S = 6 V, P = 101 to 200 mmHg —-1.5— 1.5%Accuracy V S = 6 V, P = 201 to 300 mmHg —-3.0— 3.0%Temperature effect on sensitivity TCS -0.1—+0.1%/°C Temperature effect on full-scale span (4)4.Slope of end-point straight line fit to full scale span at 15°C and +40°C relative to +25°C.TCV FSS -0.1—+0.1%/°C Temperature effect on offset (5)5.Slope of end-point straight line fit to zero pressure offset at 15°C and +40°C relative to +25°C.TCV OFF -9.0—+9.0μV/°C Input impedance Z IN 1800—4500ΩOutput impedance Z OUT 270—330ΩR CAL (150 k Ω)(6)6.Offset measurement with respect to the measured sensitivity when a 150 k resistor is connected to V S and V OUT + output.R CAL 97100103mmHg Response time (7) (10% to 90%)7.For a 0 to 300 mmHg pressure step change.t R—1.0—msMPX2300DT1Sensors3Package Dimensions3.1Package descriptionThis drawing is located at /files/shared/doc/package_info/98ASB13355C.pdf .Case 98ASB1335C, Chip Pak packageMPX2300DT1Sensors4Revision HistoryTable 4. Revision historyRevisionnumberRevision date Description910/2012•Added Table 1. Pin Numbers on page 1.1009/2015•Updated format.1109/2015•Corrected pinout on first page and Section 1.2 and Table 1.•Replaced Figure 1, Block diagram.Document Number:MPX2300DT1Rev. 1109/2015Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /salestermsandconditions .How to Reach Us:Home Page: Web Support:/supportFreescale and the Freescale logos are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.© 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.MPX2300DT1。



中北大学毕业设计开题报告学生姓名:刘剑学号:0805054125 学院、系:信息与通信工程学院电气工程系专业:自动化设计题目:基于MAX1452的压力传感器校准系统设计指导教师:岳凤英2012 年 3 月 6 日开题报告填写要求1.开题报告作为毕业设计答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。


文中应用参考文献处应标出文献序号,文后“参考文献”的书写,应按照国标GB 7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》的要求书写,不能有随意性;4.学生的“学号”要写全号(如020*******),不能只写最后2位或1位数字;5. 有关年月日等日期的填写,应当按照国标GB/T 7408—94《数据元和交换格式、信息交换、日期和时间表示法》规定的要求,一律用阿拉伯数字书写。

如“2004年3月15日”或“2004-03-15”;6. 指导教师意见和所在系意见用黑墨水笔工整书写,不得随便涂改或潦草书写。


例如:[1]李峰,胡征,景苏等. 纳米粒子的控制生长和自组装研究进展. 无机化学学报,2001, 17(3): 315~324[2] J.Y.Li, X.L.Chen,H.Li. Fabrication of zinc oxide nanorods.Journal of Crystal Growth, 2001,233:5~7学术会议论文集作者﹒论文题目﹒文集编者姓名﹒学术会议文集名称,出版地:出版者,出版年份:页次例如:[3] 司宗国,谢去病,王群﹒重子湮没快度关联的研究﹒见赵维勤,高崇寿编﹒第五届高能粒子产生和重离子碰撞理论研讨会文集,北京:中国高等科学技术中心,1996:105 图书著者﹒书名﹒版本﹒出版地:出版者,出版年﹒页次如果该书是第一版则可以略去版次。



目录第1章课题分析 (1)1.1 课题来源 (1)1.2 功能分析 (1)1.3 方案分析 (2)第2章方案论证 (3)2.1 人体健康监测器的设计基本方案 (3)2.2 各部分电路模块基本设计原理 (3)2.2.1 单片机主控模块 (3)2.2.2 体温测量模块 (4)2.2.3 心率测量模块 (4)2.2.4 显示模块 (5)2.2.5 超限报警模块 (6)第3章硬件设计 (7)3.1 主控芯片、传感器简介及其工作原理 (7)3.1.1 AT89C51单片机的介绍 (7)3.1.2 DS18B20简介及其工作原理 (9)3.1.3 MPX2100压阻式传感器简介及其工作原理 (12)3.2 硬件电路设计 (12)3.2.1时钟电路的设计 (13)3.2.2 复位电路的设计 (13)3.2.3 体温测量电路设计以及误差分析 (14)3.2.2 心率测量电路设计以及误差分析 (15)-V-3.2.4 显示电路设计 (16)3.2.5报警电路设计 (17)第4章软件设计 (18)4.1 主程序流程图 (18)4.2 子程序流程图 (20)4.2.1 体温测量程序流程图 (20)4.2.2 心率测量子程序流程图 (21)4.2.3 报警程序流程图 (21)4.2.4 显示子程序流程图 (22)第5章系统调试过程与分析 (24)5.1 软件调试 (24)5.2 Proteus仿真 (25)5.3 系统仿真调试 (25)5.4 功能实现 (25)5.5 硬件调试 (28)5.5.1 静态调试 (28)5.5.2 动态调试 (29)5.5 遇到的问题及解决方案 (29)第6章社会经济效益分析 (31)第7章总结 (32)致谢 (34)参考资料 (35)附录Ⅰ电路原理图 (37)附录Ⅱ程序清单 (38)-VI-第1章课题分析本课题的题目是人体健康监测器的设计,传统的测量方法比较麻烦,而且需要一定的专业知识以及相关的专业人士来测量,本设计利用AT89C51单片机,通过编程对其加以控制,实现对人体基本体征的监测,方便实用,普通人群就可以使用,并且价格相对低廉。



2.2 可燃气传感器
可插拔式可互换的智能型传感器检测可燃气体 0-100%LEL 或 0-100% 体积 浓度, 这种传 感器 包括一 个壳 体和 灯丝 ,在 MX2100 的安装位置必须固定。
2.3 毒气和氧气传感器
LCD 显示屏在报警或故障时背景灯自动点亮,图文显示屏很容易读取 测量值。 包括:
售后技术服务电话:86-01-84971571 84972371
Email: Service@
法国奥德姆公司(北京) www.oldham.fr
* 直接按压“ON/OFF/ENTER”键 * 仪器进入几秒钟的声光测试状态然后显示: OLDHAM 标记 -- 软件的版本,日期,记录和连续的数字(根据用户选择产品的型号) -- 每通道设置的瞬时报警极限值(根据用户选择产品的型号) -- 测量现在进行 注释:当仪器开机时,声光信号说明仪器的开机是正常的,需要时这 个信号可以消除或信号间的间隔可以修改。
感谢您选择法国奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司的仪器 我们所作的每一次改进都是为了确保该仪器能够给您带来完善的安全保护。 请在使用仪器之前仔细阅读该说明书。
责任范围 * 奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司拒绝对所有非正常使用、安装或储存该仪器设备过 程中因并未按操作手册的要求和规则进行操作而造成人员伤亡的赔偿。 * 奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司不允许任何未经认可的公司、个人或法人行使奥德 姆(OLDHAM)公司的权利甚至包括销售奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司的产品。 * 除奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司专门对用户制造的或者是由奥德姆(OLDHAM) 公司为用户选择的产品外,奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司并不对从出售直至使用产品 而造成的任何直接的或者是间接的损坏,或者是法律判定的损失负有任何责任。





PID控制以其简单清晰的结构、良好的鲁棒性和广泛的适用范围, 深受工业界的青睐,并且日益受到控制理论界的重视。

即使在美、日等工业发达国家,采用高级控制技术的回路也只占很小的比例,9O% 以上的控制回路基本上还是采用PID控制器。

另外,PID控制自3O年代末开始,经过了几十年的发展,由模拟PID 控制器发展到数字PID控制器,为了改善其性能,继而出现了非线性PID控制、选择性(PID—PD)控制、I-PD控制以及各种自适应PID控制算法等。










1.2.5 电源与抗干扰设计
2 实验结果和误差分析
1.2.4 显示通信电路
由于使用4个单个LED进行显示的连线比较复杂,同时单片机的端口驱动能力也难以保证,此处选用专门的驱动芯片。显示驱动选用可编程8位SPI串行LED接口的MAX7219。串口通信电路主要用来实现该系统与上位计算机的通信,利用C8051F353型单片机的UART串口总线通过SP3 232芯片的电平转换与上位计算机进行通信。工作于9 600 b/s,1个起始位,8个数据位,1个停止位,奇校验。





1.1 设备概述2100是一种先进的电子设备,用于处理和分析各种数据。


1.2 准备事项在开始使用2100设备之前,请确保您已经完成以下准备工作:- 熟悉2100设备的基本技术规格和功能特点;- 确保设备已正确连接电源,并处于正常工作状态;- 准备好必要的操作手册和相关文档,以便随时查询和参考。


2.1 启动设备要启动2100设备,请按以下步骤进行操作:1. 确保设备已正确连接电源,并处于待机状态;2. 按下电源按钮,等待设备启动,直到出现欢迎界面;3. 输入登录凭证,例如用户名和密码,以登录设备。

2.2 设备界面2100设备的界面是用户与设备进行交互的主要方式。

在使用设备时,请注意以下几点:- 界面显示清晰、简洁,可通过设置调整亮度和对比度;- 支持多语言显示,可以根据需要进行切换;- 了解主要功能按钮和菜单的布局和用途,以便快速进行操作。

2.3 数据处理2100设备具有强大的数据处理功能,可对各种数据进行处理和分析。

以下是一些常用的数据处理操作:1. 数据输入:通过设备界面或外部设备将数据输入到2100设备中;2. 数据清洗:对输入数据进行处理,去除冗余信息和错误数据;3. 数据分析:使用设备提供的分析工具对数据进行深入分析和挖掘;4. 结果输出:将处理和分析结果以适当的方式输出,例如打印、导出或展示。

2.4 故障排除在使用2100设备过程中,可能会遇到一些故障或问题。

以下是一些建议的故障排除步骤:1. 检查设备连接:确保设备的所有连接已经正确插入;2. 重启设备:尝试重新启动设备,有时候简单的重启可以解决问题;3. 查询文档:参考相关的操作手册和技术文档,找到解决方法或答案;4. 寻求帮助:如果问题无法解决,请联系技术支持或相关人员进行进一步的帮助。



MPX5010Rev 11, 01/2007Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2007. All rights reserved.Integrated Silicon Pressure Sensor On-Chip Signal Conditioned, Temperature Compensated and CalibratedThe MPX5010/MPXV5010G series piezoresistive transducers are state-of-the-art monolithic silicon pressure sensors designed for a wide range of applications, but particularly those employing a microcontroller or microprocessor with A/D inputs. This transducer combines advancedmicromachining techniques, thin-film metallization, and bipolar processing to provide an accurate, high level analog output signal that is proportional to the applied pressure.Features• 5.0% Maximum Error over 0° to 85°C•Ideally Suited for Microprocessor or Microcontroller-Based Systems•Durable Epoxy Unibody and Thermoplastic (PPS) Surface Mount Package •Temperature Compensated over –40° to +125°C •Patented Silicon Shear Stress Strain Gauge•Available in Differential and Gauge Configurations•Available in Surface Mount (SMT) or Through-hole (DIP) Configurations Application Examples •Hospital Beds •HVAC•Respiratory Systems •Process ControlORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Type Options Case No.MPX Series Order No.Packing Options Device Marking SMALL OUTLINE PACKAGE (MPXV5010G SERIES)Basic Elements Gauge, Element Only, SMT 482MPXV5010G6U Rails MPXV5010G Gauge, Element Only, DIP 482B MPXV5010G7U Rails MPXV5010G Ported Elements Gauge, Axial Port, SMT 482A MPXV5010GC6U Rails MPXV5010G Gauge, Axial Port, DIP 482C MPXV5010GC7U Rails MPXV5010GGauge, Axial Port, SMT 482A MPXV5010GC6T1Tape & ReelMPXV5010GGauge, Side Port, SMT 1369MPXV5010GP Trays MPXV5010G Gauge, Dual Port, SMT 1351MPXV5010DP Trays MPXV5010GUNIBODY PACKAGE (MPX2202 SERIES)Basic ElementDifferential 867MPX5010D —MPXV5010D Ported Elements Differential, Gauge 867C MPX5010DP —MPXV5010DP Gauge 867B MPX5010GP —MPXV5010GPGauge, Axial 867E MPX5010GS —MPXV5010D Gauge, Axial PC Mount 867F MPX5010GSX —MPXV5010DMPX5010MPXV5010G SERIESUNIBODY PACKAGE PIN NUMBERS (1)1.Pins 4, 5, and 6 are internal device connections. Do not connect to external circuitry or ground. Pin 1 is noted by the notch in the lead.1V out 4N/C 2Gnd 5N/C 3V S6N/CSMALL OUTLINE PACKAGEPIN NUMBERS (1)1.Pins 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are internal deviceconnections. Do not connect to external circuitry or ground. Pin 1 is noted by the notch in the lead.1N/C 5N/C 2V S 6N/C 3Gnd 7N/C 4V out8N/CMPX5010SensorsFigure 1. Fully Integrated Pressure Sensor SchematicSensing ElementThin Film Temperature Compensationand Gain Stage #1Gain Stage #2and Ground Reference Shift CircuitryV SV outGNDPins 1 and 5 through 8 are NO CONNECTS for surface mount packagePins 4, 5, and 6 are NO CONNECTS for unibody packageTable 1. Maximum Ratings (1)1.Exposure beyond the specified limits may cause permanent damage or degradation to the device.RatingSymbol Value Unit Maximum Pressure (P1 > P2)P max 75kPa Storage Temperature T stg –40 to +125°C Operating TemperatureT A–40 to +125°CMPX5010SensorsTable 2. Operating Characteristics (V S = 5.0 Vdc, T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted, P1 > P2. Decoupling circuit shown in Figure 3 required to meet specification.)CharacteristicSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Pressure Range (1)1. 1.0 kPa (kiloPascal) equals 0.145 psi.P OP 0—10kPa Supply Voltage (2)2.Device is ratiometric within this specified excitation range.V S 4.75 5.0 5.25Vdc Supply CurrentI o — 5.010mAdc Minimum Pressure Offset (3)(0 to 85°C)@ V S = 5.0 Volts 3.Offset (V off ) is defined as the output voltage at the minimum rated pressure.V off0.20.425VdcFull Scale Output (4)(0 to 85°C)@ V S = 5.0 Volts 4.Full Scale Output (V FSO ) is defined as the output voltage at the maximum or full rated pressure.V FSO4.475 4.7 4.925VdcFull Scale Span (5)(0 to 85°C)@ V S = 5.0 Volts 5.Full Scale Span (V FSS ) is defined as the algebraic difference between the output voltage at full rated pressure and the output voltage at the minimum rated pressure.V FSS4.275 4.5 4.725VdcAccuracy (6)(0 to 85°C)6.Accuracy (error budget) consists of the following:•Linearity:Output deviation from a straight line relationship with pressure over the specified pressure range.•Temperature Hysteresis:Output deviation at any temperature within the operating temperature range, after the temperature is cycled toand from the minimum or maximum operating temperature points, with zero differential pressure applied.•Pressure Hysteresis:Output deviation at any pressure within the specified range, when this pressure is cycled to and from theminimum or maximum rated pressure, at 25°C.•TcSpan:Output deviation over the temperature range of 0° to 85°C, relative to 25°C.•TcOffset:Output deviation with minimum rated pressure applied, over the temperature range of 0° to 85°C, relative to25°C.•Variation from Nominal:T he variation from nominal values, for Offset or Full Scale Span, as a percent of V FSS , at 25°C.———±5.0%V FSS Sensitivity V/P —450—-mV/kPa Response Time (7)7.Response Time is defined as the time for the incremental change in the output to go from 10% to 90% of its final value when subjected to a specified step change in pressure.t R — 1.0—-ms Output Source Current at Full Scale Output I O+—0.1—-mAdc Warm-Up Time (8)8.Warm-up Time is defined as the time required for the product to meet the specified output voltage after the Pressure has been stabilized.——20—-ms Offset Stability (9)9.Offset Stability is the product's output deviation when subjected to 1000 hours of Pulsed Pressure, Temperature Cycling with Bias Test.——±0.5—-%V FSSTable 3. Mechanical CharacteristicsCharacteristicsTyp Unit Weight, Basic Element (Case 867) 4.0grams Weight, Basic Element (Case 482)1.5gramsMPX5010SensorsON-CHIP TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION, CALIBRATION AND SIGNAL CONDITIONINGThe performance over temperature is achieved by integrating the shear-stress strain gauge, temperature compensation, calibration and signal conditioning circuitry onto a single monolithic chip.Figure 2 illustrates the Differential or Gauge configuration in the basic chip carrier (Case 482). A fluorosilicone gel isolates the die surface and wire bonds from the environment, while allowing the pressure signal to be transmitted to the sensor diaphragm.The MPX5010 and MPXV5010G series pressure sensor operating characteristics, and internal reliability andqualification tests are based on use of dry air as the pressure media. Media, other than dry air, may have adverse effects onsensor performance and long-term reliability. Contact the factory for information regarding media compatibility in your application.Figure 3 shows the recommended decoupling circuit for interfacing the integrated sensor to the A/D input of amicroprocessor or microcontroller. Proper decoupling of the power supply is recommended.Figure 4 shows the sensor output signal relative to pressure input. Typical, minimum, and maximum output curves are shown for operation over a temperature range of 0° to 85°C using the decoupling circuit shown in Figure 3. The output will saturate outside of the specified pressure range.Figure 2. Cross-Sectional Diagram SOP(not to scale)Figure 3. Recommended Power Supply Decouplingand Output Filtering(For additional output filtering, please refer toApplication Note AN1646.)Figure 4. Output versus Pressure DifferentialFluoro Silicone Gel Die CoatWire Bond DieP1Stainless Steel CapThermoplasticCaseDie BondDifferential SensingElementP2+5 V1.0 µF0.01 µF470 pFGNDV sV outIPSOUTPUTLead FrameDifferential Pressure (kPa)O u t p u t (V ) Function:V out = V S *(0.09*P+0.04) ± ERROR V S = 5.0 VdcTEMP = 0 to 85°CMPX5010SensorsNominal Transfer Value:V out = V S x (0.09 x P + 0.04)± (Pressure Error x Temp. Factor x 0.09 x V S )V S = 5.0 V ± 0.25 VdcTransfer Function (MPX5010, MPXV5010G)MPX5010, MPXV5010G SERIESTemp Multiplier–4030 to 851+1253Temperature in °C4.–40–2020406014012010080Temperature Error FactorNOTE: The Temperature Multiplier is a linear response from 0° to –40°C and from 85° to 125°C.Temperature Error BandPressure Error (Max)Pressure Error Band0 to 10 (kPa)±0.5 (kPa)Pressure (kPa)–0.3–0.4–0.501234567890.30.1–0.2–0.110Pressure Error (kPa)MPX5010SensorsPRESSURE (P1)/VACUUM (P2) SIDE IDENTIFICATION TABLEFreescale designates the two sides of the pressure sensor as the Pressure (P1) side and the Vacuum (P2) side. The Pressure (P1) side is the side containing fluorosilicone gel which protects the die from harsh media. The MPX pressuresensor is designed to operate with positive differential pressure applied, P1 > P2.The Pressure (P1) side may be identified by using the table below:MINIMUM RECOMMENDED FOOTPRINT FOR SURFACE MOUNTED APPLICATIONSSurface mount board layout is a critical portion of the total design. The footprint for the surface mount packages must be the correct size to ensure proper solder connection interface between the board and the package. With the correctfootprint, the packages will self align when subjected to a solder reflow process. It is always recommended to design boards with a solder mask layer to avoid bridging and shorting between solder pads.Figure 5. SOP Footprint (Case 482)Part NumberCase TypePressure (P1)Side IdentifierMPX5010D 867Stainless Steel Cap MPX5010DP 867C Side with Part Marking MPX5010GP 867B Side with Port Attached MPX5010GS 867E Side with Port Attached MPX5010GSX 867F Side with Port Attached MPXV5010G6U 482Stainless Steel Cap MPXV5010G7U 482B Stainless Steel Cap MPXV5010GC6U/T1482A Side with Port Attached MPXV5010GC7U 482C Side with Port Attached MPXV5010GP 1369Side with Port Attached MPXV5010DP1351Side with Part Marking0.66016.760.060 TYP 8X 1.520.100 TYP 8X 2.540.100 TYP 8X 2.540.3007.62inch mmSCALE 2:1CASE 482-01ISSUE OSMALL OUTLINE PACKAGECASE 482A-01ISSUE ASMALL OUTLINE PACKAGEMPX5010 SensorsCASE 482B-03ISSUE BSMALL OUTLINE PACKAGECASE 482C-03ISSUE BSMALL OUTLINE PACKAGEMPX5010SensorsCASE 867-08ISSUE NUNIBODY PACKAGEMPX5010 SensorsMPX5010SensorsMPX5010 SensorsCASE 867C-05ISSUE FUNIBODY PACKAGECASE 867E-03ISSUE DUNIBODY PACKAGEMPX5010SensorsCASE 867F-03ISSUE DUNIBODY PACKAGEMPX5010 SensorsMPX5010SensorsMPX5010 SensorsMPX5010SensorsMPX5010 SensorsMPX5010Rev. 11How to Reach Us:Home Page:Web Support:/support USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed:Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.Technical Information Center, EL5162100 East Elliot Road Tempe, Arizona 85284+1-800-521-6274 or +/supportEurope, Middle East, and Africa:Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 781829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English)+46 8 52200080 (English)+49 89 92103 559 (German)+33 1 69 35 48 48 (French)/supportJapan:Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd.Headquarters ARCO Tower 15F1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0064Japan0120 191014 or +81 3 5437 9125support.japan@Asia/Pacific:Freescale Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd.Technical Information Center 2 Dai King StreetTai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong +800 2666 8080@For Literature Requests Only:Freescale Semiconductor Literature Distribution Center P .O. Box 5405Denver, Colorado 802171-800-441-2447 or 303-675-2140Fax: 303-675-2150LDCForFreescaleSemiconductor@Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may beprovided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended orunauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. 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基于Arduino控制板的压力采集监测系统设计王大虎;孙一帆;张且且【摘要】针对传统压力采集监测系统的现场布线困难和数据传输不稳定等缺点,设计了一种基于Arduino控制板的智能压力采集监测系统.该系统主要采用STC89C52RC单片机为控制核心,结合Arduino控制板、MPX2100DP压力传感器和nRF905无线通信模块组成的整套装置.本系统实现了井下矿压数据的无线传输,简化了系统的安装和检修,并且还能够保存实时数据,使得系统的可靠性有了很大提高.实测表明,本系统具有运行速度快,传输距离远,采集数据可靠性高等优点.因此,该系统是一种非常方便实用的测压系统,可有效地应用在矿压监测上.【期刊名称】《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2013(032)004【总页数】4页(P463-466)【关键词】Arduino控制板;无线通信;STC89C52RC【作者】王大虎;孙一帆;张且且【作者单位】河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,河南焦作454000;河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,河南焦作454000;河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,河南焦作454000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TD65+5.30 引言随着我国经济的快速发展,煤炭工业对我国的经济发展起着重要的作用,但是随着矿井开采深度的增加,开采范围的扩大,发生冲击矿压的概率也就不断增大,煤矿的安全事故也就时有发生,特别是顶板事故对矿井安全生产的危害极大.据统计,煤矿发生顶板事故率高达40%,居各类煤矿事故首位.在1997年国家颁布的《煤矿生产技术管理基础工作若干规定》中规定:“凡没有矿压观察资料和支护设计的作业规程,不得审批.”[1]因此,对煤矿顶板支架压力进行实时准确地监测对煤矿的安全生产具有十分重要的意义.目前,我国矿山压力监测仪主要采用的有手动式圆图仪和机械式测压仪两类,但是前者的采集数据不准确,不利于现场矿压的监测预报,并且由于无法记录压力数据,而对顶板压力的分析也带来了不便,后者的采集数据不稳定,且采集过程也比较麻烦.而由王璐等提出的基于CAN总线的煤矿液压支架压力在线监测系统[2]和邓志刚提出的采用波兰EMAG矿压监测系统[3],其成本较高,配置复杂,使用不方便,并且维护也比较困难.王鸿建等利用PIC单片机设计的压力监测系统利用的是CAN总线传输数据,布线较为麻烦[4].李国民教授考虑到采用ZigBee技术对矿井顶板压力进行监测,但是其传输距离短和速率低,并且通信范围小,稳定性低,易受外界的影响,开发难度也相对较大[5].本文设计了一种基于Arduino控制板的无线压力测量监测系统.本系统通过单片机对压力测量器测量的压力数据进行采集和处理,并写入存储器中,再采用单片射频收发器nRF905为无线测量模块,将压力传感器所产生的电信号由终端接收后,在主机上显示被测位置的压力.该系统具有工作稳定、功耗低、灵敏度高、成本低等优点,可以在实现压力采集的同时进行程序控制,并有效应用于矿压监测系统中.1 系统总体设计系统利用Arduino控制板和STC89C52RC完成对压力传感器传送的压力信号的调理、A/D转换、数据的存储、传输功能,并且能够在井下实现现场数据显示和报警,监测数据在传输故障时自动记录存储,工作面的无线数据传输距离可达到500 m.下位机通过无线模块与上位机实现无线通信,传输采集点的压力数据,而上位机能够对数据进行分析,显示测量点的压力数据,为以后矿区的矿山压力显现规律的研究提供依据,系统总体设计框图如图1所示.2 系统硬件设计系统的硬件设计主要包括压力传感器模块、系统控制模块、无线通信模块3部分.2.1 压力传感器模块压力传感器模块采用Motorola公司生产的X型硅压力传感器系列中的MPX2100DP压力传感器.该压力传感器的主要感压元件是X型电阻,采用了计算机控制激光修正和温度补偿等技术,将离子通过注入到工艺光,再刻在硅膜薄片上,这样就使得其具有很高等的精度,并且其模拟输出的电压与输入的压力值和电源的偏置电压成正比关系,因此,具有很高的灵敏度,很好的线性度和长期的重复性.在该系统实际应用中,相对于其他一般压力传感器,MPX2100DP压力传感器具有明显的检测优势,所以选择其作为该系统的压力传感器.2.2 系统控制模块系统控制模块主要包括STC89C52RC控制模块和存储模块等.系统采用STC89C52RC单片机为控制核心.该单片机主要具有体积小、低功耗、高性能等优点,并且具有8 kB内存的可编程Flash存储器[6].在单芯片上,拥有灵巧的8位CPU和在系统可编程Flash,使得STC89C52RC为众多嵌入式控制应用系统提供了高灵活、超有效的解决方案,并且系统利用了STC89C52RC单片机和Arduino控制板协调工作可以提高系统的采集速度,进而提高压力测量的准确度和灵敏度.当系统处于发送状态时,STC89C52RC将对压力传感器产生的输入信号进行相应的采集,并通过模数转换器将其转换成数字信号,然后进行查表,再根据查表结果将其转换成压力数据,并对转换后的数据进行处理,写入存储芯片中,最后利用射频收发器nRF905发送给数据处理模块.当系统处于等待状态时,上位机与Arduino控制板通过USB接口进行通信.如果系统接收到上位机要求读取数据的命令,则STC89C52RC将从存储芯片中读出数据,通过无线通信模块传输给上位机.2.3 无线通信模块无线发射模块主要包括Arduino控制板、nRF905和天线等.其中,Arduino控制板具有Digital I/O数字输入/输出端0~13,Analog I/O 模拟输入/输出端0~5,支持ISP下载功能.采用Atmel Atmega 328微处理控制器[7],并且Arduino语言设计也很简单,其利用的是基础的C语言,将AVR单片机相关的一些寄存器参数设置等都已经函数化了,不用去了解它的底层,即可轻松上手.nRF905是一款单片射频收发器件,采用Nordic公司的VLSI ShockBurst技术[8].该技术可以使nRF905提供数据的高速传输,而不需要昂贵的高速单片机来进行数据处理.也就是说降低单片机成本的同时又缩短了软件的开发时间.其具有体积小、超低功耗的特点,并且具有多种低功率工作模式.在井下对无线通信模块进行调试时,检测其发送和接收距离,在障碍物较多的地方,若达不到实际要求距离,可为NRF905配置高增益的外置式天线,以加强无线网络的信号,提高无线通信模块的通信能力,从而提高传送距离和可靠性.现场试验表明,利用高增益天线已经很好地解决了多障碍时传输距离短的问题,满足实际应用的要求.Arduino控制板的核心器件Atmel Atmega 328用于完成对nRF905的初始化,以及与其之间的通信,同时也与主控芯片STC89C52RC单片机之间的通信.当系统处于发送状态时,当Atmel Atmega 328接收到nRF905发来的数据包后,便可以通过上位机显示.3 系统软件设计软件设计主要包括STC89C52RC单片机的发射模块程序和以Atmel Atmega328为核心的接收模块程序.发射模块的主要作用是压力采集和数据处理,并向无线发射模块发送数据和存储测试的压力数据.接收模块的主要作用是将接收到的数据上传送给上位机,即与上位机保持通讯.针对不同模块的不同功能任务进行程序设计,系统在上电复位后,首先要对STC89C52RC的各个功能模块进行初始化.系统每10 min通过数模转换器对压力传感器的输入信号进行一次采集,并将采集信号通过查表的方式转换成压力信号数据,将数据加上帧头、帧尾以及校验位转换成数据包.当STC89C52RC的程序扫描到发送标示后,将数据包通过无线发射模块的nRF905器件发送给Arduino控制板,最后通过数据处理,便可在上位机显示测量的结果.下面主要对系统中的发送模块和接收模块的通信程序设计流程进行介绍.无线发射模块中的nRF905器件具有两种节能模式,分别是关机模式和空闲模式;两种工作模式,分别是ShockBurstTM发送模式和ShockBurstTM接收模式.而TRX_CE、TX_EN和PWR_UP的高低电平的不同组合决定了其工作模式.在系统进行传输数据之前,需要对nRF905控制的状态、射频配置、发送地址、发送数据和接收数据等各种寄存器的工作方式进行配置,最后通信程序的设计采用查询发送以及中断接收的工作模式,其发送和接收模块程序流程图如图2所示.4 系统试验运行与测试结果分析系统选用STC89C52RC单片机、Arduino控制板、nRF905无线通信模块、MPX2100DP压力传感器.相对误差测试方法:首先是搭建好的测试系统,包括压力传感器、数据传输模块、系统控制模块和上位机.试验共测试6次,每次同时给定机械式测压仪和本系统中的压力传感器15 MPa的压力,观察对比效果.本系统分6个地点接收测试压力,此6个地点分别位于距离压力测试点5 m处的A点,100 m处的B点,200 m处的C点,300 m处的D点,400 m处的E点,500 m处的F点.得到结果如表1所示.实测表明,本系统可以满足预设的主要参数指标,测量范围为0~60 MPa,测量精度为1.0%,传输距离为500 m.测试的最大相对误差为2.5%.可以看出本测试系统稳定性好,一致性好,并且试验的精度较高.另外,模拟现场无线传输模块失效,系统也可以实现现场数据的及时保存和读取,并且进行故障报警,有效地保证了压力数据的采集,能够满足现场的应用需求.表1 实验数据Tab.1 Experimental data测试点ABCDEF测压仪测试压力/MPa15.0515.1415.0214.9715.4314.90 本系统测试压力/MPa15.3615.0615.0015.0015.1614.865 结语该系统在压力测量器出现故障时,只需对测量点进行单独检修,并不影响整个系统的运行,这样既提高了工作效率又降低了维护成本.另外,该系统的特点:一方面是利用了无线传输,可以方便地得到所测数据;另一方面是当无线发送数据出现故障时,可以从存储芯片中读出采集的数据,有效地防止了数据的丢失.传统的压力检测方法效率低,管理不方便,发生故障时,不便于检修.尤其是压力数据采集环境恶劣的工况条件下,布线会产生很多不方便,采用无线传输系统可以方便地解决这一问题.该系统通过对各器件的选用,实现了体积小、功耗小、数据传输稳定可靠和抗干扰能力强的目的,并且可以对压力实现现场和远程智能化在线检测和预警,为煤炭的安全生产提供了有力保证,具有一定的经济效益和社会效益.参考文献:[1] 中华人民共和国安全生产监督管理总局.煤矿安全生产“十一五”规划[R].北京:2006.[2] 王璐,周中阔,韩忠.基于CAN总线的煤矿液压支架压力监测系统设计[J].煤炭技术,2012,31(1):43-44.[3] 邓志刚,任勇,毛德兵,等.波兰EMAG矿压检测系统功能及应用[J].煤炭科学技术,2008,36(10):1-4.[4] 王鸿建,冯小龙,张剑英,等.基于PIC的煤矿液压支架压力监测系统设计[J].煤炭工程,2009(10):117-119.[5] LI GUOMIN . Research of Mine Plank Pressure Monitoring System Based on ZigBee Technique[J]. AMCST 2010 E-BOOK, 2010,11: 576-579. [6] 王邦勤,徐军明,秦会斌,等.基于虚拟仪器与总线技术的远程多点环境参数监测系统研究[J].电子器件,2009,32(4):801-804.[7] 纪欣然.基于Arduino开发环境的智能寻光小车设计[J].现代电子技术,2012,35(8):161-163.[8] 吴昊,钟志峰,郭昊,等.基于Arduino/Android的蓝牙通信系统设计[J].物联网技术,2012(5):50-51.[9] 高志军,薛春燕,马斌,等.基于nRF905的嵌入式智能家居无线网络系统设计[J].沈阳建筑大学学报:自然与科学版,2008,24(5):524-528.[10] 刘新月,率增良,孙以材,等. 一种智能压力传感器无线数据采集系统的设计[J].传感器世界,2006(11):31-34.。



ENTER IN2 的具体数值
ENTER IN3 的具体数值
ENTER IN4 的具体数值
ENTER X10 的具体数值
调整键 ▲和▼ ▲和▼ ▲和▼ ▲和▼ ▲和▼ ▲和▼
ENTER 标定后需重新上电一次数据才可生效。

4mA 输出电流调整,通过设定此值可以 调整输出电流的零点值。
20mA 输出电流调整。通过调整此值可以 调整输出电流的量程值。
回差值设定,只在报警方式下有作用,最 小值为 2。
存储密码设定值,当其值为 120 时,设定 的参数才有效。
XS-2100 变送器的标定: 用户在检修或在使用过程中,如发现输出值不够准确,请进入参数调整,调整 SL 或
B3:下限 1 报警值; B4:下限 2 报警值; SL:输出电流的下限调整值; SH:输出电流的上限调整值; DF:报警回差值; ED:设定值的存储密码值。
操作键 显

ENTER H 的具体数值
ENTER L 的具体数值
ENTER BF 的具体数值
输出校验值 将此值设为 500。这时监测输出值,调整 板上灰色电位器,使输出值为 10mA. 退出标定
5:外部端子接线定义: 1(+)、2(-):输入电源为 85VAC~265VAC 交流(24VDC 直流) 5、6 为 4~20mA 电流输出 B 为继电器的常闭端子、G 为继电器的公共端、K 为继电器的常开端子 其中 J1 和 J2 是上限报警,J3 和 J4 为下限报警。 端子按线定义:



图1 监测系统整体框架图一样,有利于打破国外等发达国家卫星导航技术垄断的局面,使我国的国防战略更加的主动[3]。

本文主要是监测勘查人员的状态信息,将勘查路线、勘查人员心率和速度等有效数据,可以直观的反馈在监测系统中,使得指挥中心可以实时清楚的了解工作人员的工作状态,当勘查作业遇到险情时,可以及时安排救援人员到现场进行救援 [4]。




该单片机具有更宽的工作电压1.6 V-3.6 V,有2个串口其中一个与监测终端相连,用于配置北斗/GPS定位模块和接收勘查人员状态信息。


通过AT指令来控制数据通信,北斗定位模块采用高性能的U-blox NEO-M8N模块,它具有高定位精度(3m以内),测速度精度为0.1 m/s,封装尺寸小等优点[8]。

心率监测模块主要是采用MPX2100压力传感器,对心脏跳动产生的压力进行采集[9],它能够把感应到的电压转换成豪伏级的差摸电压信号,在通过放大器AD623将输出电压图2 监测终端整体设计图图3 监测系统平台框架图图4 监测终端测试界面图5 数字电路试验箱测试图图6 示波器测试图2 硬件监测终端设计及实现硬件监测终端主要包含5个模块分别是:MCU 控制模块、北斗定位模块、心率采集模块、无线通信模块、电源模块。

2.1 硬件监测终端系统工作原理监测系统的工作原理为,首先将勘查人员的北斗定位信息解码,将解析出的人员地理位置坐标、时间、速度以及采集到的心率等信易于入门,操作简便。

监测中心是根据上位机反馈的数据来直观的了解勘查人员的状态,监测系统平台的实现主要包括参数设置、远程配置、状态显示和连接情况四部分组成,监测系统平台框架图如下图3所示3 系统测试3.1 监测终端测试监测终端采集了勘查人员位置、速度、心率、时间等有效数据,通过串口调试助手对硬件终端来进行检验测试,测试结果如图4所示准通信协议语句NMEA-0183数字电路试验箱和示波器来进行试验示。


己 口 I ] 年 ]月
第] 己 卷 e mp e r a t u r e s e n s o r — DS 1 8 B2 0 t o a c q u i r e t h e s i g n a l o f t e mp e r a t u r e , a n d i t a d o p t s p r e s s u r e s e n s o r — M PX2 1 0 0 t o a c q u i r e t h e
s i g n a l o f h e a r t r a t e , t h e n i t s e n d s t h e m i n t o mi c r o c o n t r o l l e r — A T8 9 S 5 1 .The s o f t wa r e u s e s C l a n g u a g e p r o g r a mm i n g t O p r o c e s s e s t h e c o l l e c t e d s i g n a l s b y A T8 9 C5 l a n d t h e n d i s p l a y s t h e m t h r o u g h t h e l i q u i d c r y s t a 1 . Th e s y s t e m s h o ws t h a t i t
a c c o r d s wi t h t he e x p e c t e d d e s i g n t h r o u g h Pr o t e u s s i mu l a t i o n.



【摘要】介绍了美国 Motorola公司生产的 MPX2100压力传感器的工作原理,给出了基于 MPX2100构成的数字压力计以及 V/F变换器的应用电路。

1.MPX系列硅压力传感器讲座(二)MPX2000系列压力传感器与单片机的接口应用 [J], 祝勉
2.基于MPX2100型压力传感器的高精度数据采集系统 [J], 邓重一
3.基于MPX2100型压力传感器的高精度数据采集系统 [J], 蔡教武
4.脑室引流管外接压力传感器监测颅内压的临床应用 [J], 杨旭耀;郭小洪;蔡明;王存福
5.基于L-T的联合算法在光纤法珀纳米压力传感器脉压检测信号中的应用 [J], 冯飞;秦丽


















美国MOTOROLA MPX系列硅压力传感器说明书

美国MOTOROLA MPX系列硅压力传感器说明书




具体型号分类而定名称:MPX2010DP 名称:MPX5700DP MPX5700GP 名称:MPX2100AP名称:MPX5500DP 名称:MPX5100AP 名称:MPX5050DP名称:MPX5010DP 名称:MPX4115AP 名称:MPX2200A 名称:MPX2200AP 名称:MPXH6115A6U 名称:MPX4250DP名称:MPX4115A 名称:MPX2202DP 名称:MPX2102AP名称:MPX2053GP 名称:MPXY8300A6U 压力传感器 名称:触力型压力传感器 FSG15N1A 名称:硅压力传感器 MPXH6115A 名称:MPX5700DP 硅压力传感器 名称:MPX53GP 硅压力传感器 名称:压力传感器FPM07 名称:轮胎压力传感器TP015 名称:轮胎压力传感器NPP301名称:Freescale 压力传感器 MPX2010DP商斯达实业传感器与智能控制分公司专门从事各种进口传感器的营销工作,代理多家欧美知名公司的产品。



商斯达实业代理的品牌产品主要有:压 力:Kulite、ACSI、Honeywell、Entran、Gems、Dwyer、SSI、Smi、Senstronics、Intersema、Motorola、 NAIS、E+H、Fujikura、Dytran、APM称重测力:Transcell、HBM、Interface、Thamesside、Philips、Entran 温 湿 度:Honeywell、Dwyer流 量:Gems、Dwyer、Honeywell、Folwline、WorldMagnetics 液 位:Honeywell、Siccom、Gems、Dwyer、Kulite、SSI 加 速 度:Entran、Silicondesigns、Dytran 压力开关:ACSI、Gems、Dwyer、台湾矽微航空器材:TexTech 隔音材料、Honeywell 薄膜加热片、DigirayX 射线探伤仪 仪 表:Honeywell、Transcell、东辉、上润、AD、东崎商斯达实业 除代理上述产品外,还有几条传感器生产线,一条压力传感器组装线,可为用户提供各种用途的、特殊要求的配套产品。





1.高通创锐讯推出用于安卓(Android)系统的Skifta1.0 [J],
3.“锐丰”推出Live One System紧凑型现场演绎系统 [J],
4.华润上华携手锐成芯微推出完整低功耗物联网解决方案 [J],
5.锐成芯微将助力纳思达推出低功耗国产芯片 [J],

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Characteristic Pressure Range(1) Supply Voltage(2) Symbol POP VS Io MPX2100A, MPX2100D MPX2100D MPX2100A Series VFSS Voff ∆V/∆P MPX2100D Series MPX2100A Series — — — — TCVFSS TCVoff Zin Zout (10% to 90%) tR — — Min 0 — — 38.5 –1.0 –2.0 — –0.25 –1.0 — — –1.0 –1.0 1000 1400 — — — Typ — 10 6.0 40 — — 0.4 — — ±0.1 ±0.5 — — — — 1.0 20 ±0.5 Max 100 16 — 41.5 1.0 2.0 — 0.25 1.0 — — 1.0 1.0 2500 3000 — — — Unit kPa Vdc mAdc mV mV mV/kPa %VFSS %VFSS %VFSS %VFSS mV Ω Ω ms ms %VFSS
NOTE: Exposure beyond the specified limits may cause permanent damage or degradation to the device.
OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (VS = 10 Vdc, TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted, P1 > P2)
Rating Maximum Pressure (P1 > P2) Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Symbol Pmax Tstg TA Value 400 –40 to +125 –40 to +125 Unit kPa °C °C
MPX2100A/D CASE 344
2 4
Vout+ Vout-
Figure 1. Temperature Compensated Pressure Sensor Schematic VOLTAGE OUTPUT versus APPLIED DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE The differential voltage output of the sensor is directly proportional to the differential pressure applied. The absolute sensor has a built–in reference vacuum. The output voltage will decrease as vacuum, relative to ambient, is drawn on the pressure (P1) side. The output voltage of the differential or gauge sensor increases with increasing pressure applied to the pressure (P1) side relative to the vacuum (P2) side. Similarly, output voltage increases as increasing vacuum is applied to the vacuum (P2) side relative to the pressure (P1) side.
Order this document by MPX2100/D
100 kPa On-Chip Temperature Compensated & Calibrated Silicon Pressure Sensors
The MPX2100 series device is a silicon piezoresistive pressure sensor providing a highly accurate and linear voltage output — directly proportional to the applied pressure. The sensor is a single, monolithic silicon diaphragm with the strain gauge and a thin–film resistor network integrated on–chip. The chip is laser trimmed for precise span and offset calibration and temperature compensation. Features • Temperature Compensated Over 0°C to +85°C • Easy–to–Use Chip Carrier Package Options • Available in Absolute, Differential and Gauge Configurations • Ratiometric to Supply Voltage • ±0.25% Linearity (MPX2100D) Application Examples • Pump/Motor Controllers • Robotics • Level Indicators • Medical Diagnostics • Pressure Switching • Barometers • Altimeters Figure 1 illustrates a block diagram of the internal circuitry on the stand–alone pressure sensor chip.
Supply Current Full Scale Span(3) Offset(4) Sensitivity Linearity(5)
Pressure Hysteresis(5) (0 to 100 kPa) Temperature Hysteresis(5) (–40°C to +125°C) Span(5)
1 2
Gnd +Vout 3 4 VS –Vout
NOTE: Pin 1 is noted by the notch in the lead. RDevice Data © Motorola, Inc. 2002
Temperature Effect on Full Scale Temperature Effect on Offset(5) Input Impedance Output Impedance Response Warm–Up Offset Stability(7) Time(6)
NOTES: 1. 1.0 kPa (kiloPascal) equals 0.145 psi. 2. Device is ratiometric within this specified excitation range. Operating the device above the specified excitation range may induce additional error due to device self–heating. 3. Full Scale Span (VFSS) is defined as the algebraic difference between the output voltage at full rated pressure and the output voltage at the minimum rated pressure. 4. Offset (Voff) is defined as the output voltage at the minimum rated pressure. 5. Accuracy (error budget) consists of the following: • Linearity: Output deviation from a straight line relationship with pressure, using end point method, over the specified pressure range. • Temperature Hysteresis: Output deviation at any temperature within the operating temperature range, after the temperature is cycled to and from the minimum or maximum operating temperature points, with zero differential pressure applied. • Pressure Hysteresis: Output deviation at any pressure within the specified range, when this pressure is cycled to and from the minimum or maximum rated pressure, at 25°C. • TcSpan: Output deviation at full rated pressure over the temperature range of 0 to 85°C, relative to 25°C. • TcOffset: Output deviation with minimum rated pressure applied, over the temperature range of 0 to 85°C, relative to 25°C. 6. Response Time is defined as the time for the incremental change in the output to go from 10% to 90% of its final value when subjected to a specified step change in pressure. 7. Offset stability is the product’s output deviation when subjected to 1000 hours of Pulsed Pressure, Temperature Cycling with Bias Test.