美国研究生留学Essay范文:In terms of my personal challenge,my experience as an international volunteer greatly impressed and improved me. My decision to volunteer in African countries originated in my hope to help those who were in need of help and improve myself. Bearing this in my mind, I turned to International Association of Students in Economics and Management (AIESEC) and applied the position of volunteer in Kenya,Tanzania and Mauritius,because, to my mind, African countries were in extreme need of help than other countries.美国留学研究生Essay写作范文:Several interviews witnessed my successful recruitment. However, my parents got extremely angry with what I did and did not agree with me at all, because they held great worries for my safety due to the bad living conditions, prevalent illness,and erratic political circumstance and so on. Considering this point, I chose the relatively safer country, Mauritius. However,once I denied Kenya and Tanzania, the person in charge of this activity informed me that the number of volunteers in Mauritius was full because of his carelessness. Therefore, I again found some opportunity at the end of approval day. Fortunately, the chief person being responsible for volunteer activity in Tanzania promised to give me another chance. Meanwhile, I actively kept in touch with the person in Mauritius and sought counsels topersuade my parents. Being the only daughter in our family, my parents held a total negative attitude towards my action, but I knew I should not give up. If I did so, my previous effort was in vain. Therefore, I turned to the previous volunteers and asked one of them to help me to persuade my father by emphasizing the safety measures that AIESEC took to guarantee my safety.Upon knowing the truth, my father finally was convinced by me and helped me to persuade my mother and grandparents. At this moment, the person in Mauritius told me that he had added my place and I decided to volunteer in Mauritius at last to comfort them,though my parents had agreed with my volunteer activity in Tanzania.This experience made me a good volunteer. Meanwhile, I realized the significance of interaction and persistence in life.。
Not all sons of doctors raise baby ducks and chickens in their kitchen. But I do. My dad taught me.While my childhood was spent in a deteriorating industrial town,my dad was raised during the onset of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution. After forgoing university so his sister could attend, my dad worked on a commune as a farmer. So while I grew up immersed in airy Beethoven melodies each morning,my dad grew up amid the earthy aromas of hay and livestock. Every time that I look between our grand piano and our baby chickens,I’m amazed by the stark differences between our childhoods,and how in raising livestock,my dad shares a piece of his own rural upbringing with me.Embracing these differences, my dad has introduced me to diverse experiences, from molding statues out of toilet paper plaster to building greenhouses from the ground up. So you might be wondering: What does he do for a traditional 9-to-5 job?He’s already captained a research vessel that’s navigated across the Pacific, designed three patentable wind turbines and held every position imaginable,from sous chef to Motorola technician.The answer?Nothing. He’s actually a stay-at-home dad right now.My family is a matriarchy in a patriarchal community. Accordingly,I’m greeted with astonishment whenever I try to explain my dad’s financial status. “How lazy and unmotivatedhe must be!” Many try to hide their surprise, but their furtive glances say it all. In a society that places economic value at the forefront of worth,these assumptions might apply to other individuals, but not to my dad.When I look at the media, whether it be the front cover of a newspaper or a featured story in a website article, I often see highlights of parents who work incredible hours and odd jobs to ensure their children receive a good upbringing. While those stories are certainly worthy of praise,they often overshadow the less visible, equally important actions of people like my dad.I realize now that my dad has sacrificed his promising career and financial pride to ensure that his son would get all of the proper attention,care and moral upbringing he needed. Through his quiet, selfless actions, my dad has given me more than can be bought from a paycheck and redefined my understanding of how we, as people, can choose to live our lives.I'm proud to say that my dad is the richest man I know —rich not in capital, but in character. Infused with the ingenuity to tear down complex physics and calculus problems, electrified with the vigor of a young entrepreneur (despite beginning his fledgling windmill start-up at the age of 50) and imbued with the kindness to shuttle his son to practices and rehearsals. At the end of the day,it’s those traits in people that matter more to me than who they are on paper.Stories like my dad’s remind me that worth can come in forms other than a six-figure salary. He’s an inspiration,reminding me that optimism, passion and creativity can make a difference in a life as young as mine. It’s those unspoken virtues that define me. Whether it’s when I fold napkin lotusesfor my soup kitchen’s Christmas dinner, or bake challah bread French toast sticks for my chemistry class,I’m aware that achievement doesn’t have to be measured empirically. It’s that entrepreneurial, self-driven determination to bring ideas to life that drives me. My dad lives life off the beaten path. I, too,hope to bring that unorthodox attitude to other people and communities.All too often I’m left with the seemingly unanswerable question:“What does my dad do?” But the answer, all too simply, is that he does what he does best: Inspire his son.明确目的开始写作前最基本的问题就是问清自己为何写作。
美国留学essay精选范文选择美国留学的同学们注意了,在写作上面其实可以拿到很多分数的,这样能提高你的申请率,下面和小编一起来看看美国留学essay 精选范文。
Why would you like to attend Brandeis?(250)你为什么想去布兰迪斯上学?题目很简单,就是要给出想去这个学校上学的理由。
It's like the wonderland of mine, I am not Alice, and the wonderland is not the underground world. However,life is always the fantastic adventures which filled with surprises and chances, and I am sure that Brandeis University would be the wonderland of mine which could help me to experience more and improve myself to be a better person.I want to be a person who can help other people and contribute to the society,then I should have enough capabilities first and Brandeis attracts me. I'd like to study psychology and Brandeis offers students best education,researches opportunities and full support.In Brandeis,psychology majors study varied aspects of both basic and applied areas of the field and focus on basic scientific research for undergraduate involvement. Brandeis offers a wide range of opportunities to participate in research,and I am looking forward to join in the researches with excellent professors there to write papers for publication in professional journals and books. What's more,there are undergraduate departmental representatives (UDR) there who can help every student individually to students' problems and suggestions to the faculty.There would be thousands of words to describe my passion for the Brandeis students'life,organizations,clubs,athletics,community involvements,etc. However,there is also another reason why I eager to live in Brandeis besides of those outstanding academic advantages and campus diversities,I have a friend who joined in the college fair and shared with me her impressions for the school officer, harmonious, friendship,charming and attractive,I also wish to meet the wonderful friends there.。
Essay范文Please submit a one-page,single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major(s), department(s) or program(s).请提交一篇文书解释一下你为什么选择卡耐基梅隆大学,你为什么要选这个专业。
My interest in mathematics stems from the first time my teacher taught me calculus in tenth grade. I was so intrigued to discover the area under the curve can be calculated so easily and even completed the problems not assigned by the teacher that night. From that day on,boring math homework for others started to be my first homework to complete even to this day. Today, I sit in the classroom of the most difficult mathematics course the school offers –multivariable calculus –solving interesting ellipsoid problems.After finishing my tenth grade in China,I went back to America, the country I was born in and raised for seven years. The change was enormous,both culturally and academically.For the first month, I had a hard time adjusting to the different situation. Fortunately, I survived after two months; and within several months later,I found myself excelling once again academically. I even had more class participation in Shakespeare Literature classes!Nonetheless,my passion for math remained consistent across the continental shift. When it was homework time, my math notebook was always on the top of the pile.In high school, I benefited from the great opportunities my school offered and had much free time to pursue my math interests. Every week in school, there are preparation sessions for the math competition “Great New Haven Math League,” which is a regional math competition held every two weeks throughout the entire school year. In February,I have the chance to represent my school,along with my math team members, to attend the Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament. As one of the key members on the math team,I established practice groups during free time so that team members can solve practice problems together and help each other. In June,I represented my school in attending the American Regions Math League,which is a competition held annually joined by high schools across America.At Mellon College of Science, I would elect to study both the Mathematical Science degree and the Computational Finance Minor,as I desire to enter the financial world after college. Doing so would equip me with the advanced mathematical modeling aptitude to succeed in numerous roles on Wall Street,such as currency trading. I look forward to solving interesting problems with my classmates and enjoying the enthusiasm mathematics brings to us. Moreover,I look forward topartaking in various math contests including the Putnam Competition.In closing, math is going to be one of my enduring friends and accompany me throughout my entire life. Future studies in my life will determine my ultimate vocation, but math will be an essential factor despite the field in which I work. Mastering advanced mathematics concepts during college will ensure me the fulfillment of my passion and broaden my perspectives in the ocean of knowledge that is mathematics.。
美国大学ESSAY范文:ABoy’sFirstsTheboyissuchacommonboy.Heissocommonthatonly acquaintedfriends cannoticehimamongtheheisso common thathedoesnot changehis girlfriend onetimeper month,justasplayboys do;andheis socommon thathisdailylifeisnomore special than thoselistentorockn’roll,betfor soccer games and seldom clean their rooms.However,theboyissomewhatspecial.Heusuallythinksthat,hisexperienceandpersonal achievements,along withown happinessand grievances,areenoughforhimtobeunique,though hedoesnothaveaasgood-looking asBradPittorKeanu Reeves,orwhoever.First AwardItwassucha surprising giftfora12-year-old boytoknowthat hehad wonthefirstprizeinthenational mathematics competition. The boyclutched the certification andlaughedlikeasun-flower bloomingina springmorning. Hespentthreemonths preparingforthat competitionandhadlost5kgweight buthewasveryhappy,ashappyyoucould imagine. Enjoyingthe paceof enterprising,hebegantobelieve“Nopainnogain”thatafternoon.First SetbackHuddling upinthequilt crying,theboywas introspecting Truehis haughtinessachievingthesecondprizeintheNational PhysicsCompetition,hedeservedtherankoflast5%infinal examination of7thgrade. Wipingupthetears,hesethimselfapromiseofbeing humble andsober.boy keptthe promise and became ayoung manofgreat maturity.First cooking“Quite atough work.”Theboysaidto himself,smearing soaponablister causedby theburningButasmallblisternevercouldstophimfromdoinghis “cookingresearch”. Theboystoodinofthegas-stove again,holding apancaketurner inhislefthand,hewastryingtofindoutcorrect timeof addingsalt andthe appropriate amountofother flavorings. Aftersomany failures,hefeltitwasnotasimple taskof cooking out palatable meals,nut achallenge of surpassing himself.theboy finally finished working one anda half hours later,heputa sweet smile onhisdirty face. Theboy wrote inhis diary,“keep working and you’ll win.”First LoveAttheageof16,theboyfellinlovewithasmartgirl.Eatingice-cream withtheintheice-cream baratthestreet,walkingon theboulevard handinhand,cyclingherhomekissing goodbye,heregarded loveastheholythinginhislife.Thus,theboy demonstrates afrom heart;hecares everyone nearby and wants themtobe beatific with their families. Aspeople say,angelic soul.First JobThe extremely hot summer holidayof16,theboywasexcited when hegotajobatthelocaltrain stationasaticket-taker. First working day,theboygotupsoearlythatwhenhearrivedatthestation,the previousticket-taker wasstillonhisin astonishment oftheboy’s Truethe ticket-taker didnotknowthat,theboywasjustsoastoget onthejobtoshow thathehad grown up.Soon a commonstudentwillhebe.Acommon onethatwill beassiduous inclassand passionate inthebasketball court;thatwillmake everyeffort torunforthe Chairman ofthe Student Unionbutmaystillface failure;that isnomore special thanthosewhospendhalfadayinlibraries andgotodinnerwhendo researchesinlabs.But somehowhewillbea uniquecollege student,hewill have hisown wayof fulfilling his dreams.And asyou may know,theboyisme.以上就是一篇标准的美国ESSAY范文,看懂这篇美国大学申请ESSAY的文章写作套路了吗?一、标题:也许,这个标题不算非常特别,但是它引人注目,一个男孩的第一次,可能我们想到更多的是一些“第一次”,联想到我们自己的“第一次”,兴趣自然就产生了!二、结构:结合了“第一次”的标题核心,下面分别以男孩生活、学习及工作中的各个第一次进行阐述,涉及的面比较全,包括感情,给人的感觉非常丰富且完整。
86店铺小编给大家搜集一些Essay题目的写作样本,大家可以借鉴一下:1、What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of and why?You can answer this question with a personal or professional achievement. If you are asked for more than one accomplishment, I recommend giving professional and non-professional examples. While you can certainly mention winning an award or honor if applicable, the essay focuses on what you did and why you consider it an accomplishment. What made it difficult? Why are you proud of it?Your accomplishment should reflect the qualities valued by MBA programs —leadership, team work, initiative, communications or social skills, analytical ability, persistence —though it does not have to reflect all of them. Ideally the readers should be able to conclude that you have these qualities after reading about the difficulties you overcame without you having to tell them explicitly that your accomplishment required those attributes.2、Discuss a failure and what you learned from the experience.Be honest. When did you really blow it? What did you learn from the experience? How have you changed as a result?Open by describing the situation and giving a brief picture of the scene or background. Then discuss your reaction when you realized that you had made a BIG mistake. What did you do to recover from the failure? Have you handled a similar situationsuccessfully? Bring evidence, like better grades, promotions, or increasing responsibility, to prove that you really changed your ways and turned failure into success.As I indicated above, the key to answering this question is candor and authenticity. Admissions people read thousands of essays. They can spot a fake "failure" from a mile away, and it irritates them. On the other hand, an honest essay telling a good story and showing growth engages and informs. It is exactly what they want to read.3、What are your professional goals and how will an MBA from First Choice B-School help you achieve them?To further bring out your experiences and add pieces to the jigsaw puzzle that is you, tie your future to your past with this school's program: Show how your aspirations stem from past experience and then discuss how the school's program will enable you to achieve your goals. Use this essay to bring out elements of your experience not discussed elsewhere and reflect back on what you liked and disliked. Then demonstrate knowledge of the school's program while showing how it is the perfect bridge between the past and the future.In discussing the school's program, please include specifics and don't use the same essay for all the schools. If you do, your essay will blend into the monotonous blur of flowery compliments and platitudes about "exciting (or quiet) location, top faculty, outstanding reputation, and diverse student body from which I can learn so much as I too contribute." They don't need you to tell them how wonderful they are. If they weren't wonderful, you wouldn't be applying in droves.Write about the school's special features. If one of the professors is an expert in the area in which you are particularlyinterested, mention that you would like to study with him or her. If this school has unusual opportunities or programs that appeal to you, discuss how they will help you to achieve your goals. Show that the school has a unique appeal to you.When revealing your goals and plans for the future, be realistic. Demonstrate an understanding of typical career paths in your field. For example, unless you have some very responsible position now, you can't expect to manage a multi-billion dollar portfolio upon graduation. But you may plan to be an analyst upon graduation and after a few years manage increasingly large portfolios, perhaps specializing in an area of particular interest. If you have a long-term goal that even you acknowledge is a long shot, you can still discuss it, but I suggest you refer to it as a dream (dreams are great!) and also discuss some down-to-earth goals — goals you are likely to achieve as a result of your past experiences and the MBA you hope to receive from First Choice B-School.4、Discuss an ethical dilemma you faced and how you dealt with it.Probably the most troublesome question. Let's first review the nature of a dilemma. According to Webster, a dilemma is a "situation involving choice between equally unsatisfactory alternatives." No obvious or right solution exists for a dilemma. Every choice has undesirable consequences.The first step in approaching this question is choosing a situation to discuss. Were you ever asked to do anything on the job that you felt was unethical, but where refusal to act would cost you your job? Were you ever asked to withhold information damaging to a client? Did a colleague tell you in confidence something that would be very harmful or helpful to youremployer? Did you ever face a situation where following the rules would have unintended, and possibly unconscionable, consequences? Any of these situations represents an ethical dilemma.After you choose the situation, your first step in writing your response is to describe it and briefly paint a picture of the pressures that surrounded the dilemma or the history that led up to it. Then describe the pros and cons of the options you faced. If the question calls for it, discuss how you resolved your dilemma. Conclude either with the lessons you learned from facing this situation or your opinion today of your actions then.。
美国研究⽣留学个⼈陈述范⽂参考美国研究⽣留学个⼈陈述范⽂参考美国研究⽣留学SP:密歇根⼤学安娜堡分校Statement of PurposeThe Statement of Purpose essay is also required, but you may write and submit it in your native language if it is accompanied by an accurate English translation provided by a third party.Please describe your areas of academic interest and your career goals. Indicate your reasons for wishing to pursue graduate study at Michigan Law,and how this will contribute to your professional development. You could, for example, focus on your hopes for your career after completing the LLMat Michigan. You could also,forinstance,describe how your education, experience and development so far support these hopes and plans.请描述要所感兴趣的专业领域及其你的职业⽬的。
My Dream of Pursuing a Master's Degree ina US UniversityAs a passionate student eager to expand my horizons and delve into the depths of knowledge, I have always dreamed of pursuing a master's degree in a prestigious universityin the United States. The allure of America's top-tier educational institutions lies not only in their world-class faculty and cutting-edge research but also in the diverse cultural melting pot they represent.The quality of education in American universities is second to none. These institutions are renowned for their rigorous academic standards, innovative teaching methods, and extensive resources. I am particularly interested in the interdisciplinary approach to learning, which encourages students to explore beyond their chosen field and gain a broader perspective. This, I believe, is crucial in today's interconnected world where knowledge from multiple fields often converges to solve complex problems. Moreover, the opportunity to engage with top-tier researchers and professors is a major draw. Their wealth of experience and expertise would provide me with invaluableguidance and mentorship as I navigate my academic journey.I am eager to learn from their insights and perspectives, which would undoubtedly enrich my understanding and expand my horizons.Beyond academics, the cultural diversity of American universities is also a significant attraction. Being exposed to a melting pot of cultures and ideas would broaden my perspective and enhance my understanding of the globalized world. I believe that this cross-cultural experience would make me more tolerant, open-minded, and better prepared to navigate the increasingly interconnected world.Additionally, the opportunity to network and build professional relationships with peers from diverse backgrounds is invaluable. The connections and collaborations I would forge during my studies would无疑地为我未来的职业生涯奠定坚实的基础。
美国留学 essay论文 优秀范例 斯沃斯莫尔学院
The Essay Sample:Apply for Swarthmore CollegeWhen I was little, my favorite thing to do was jumping over walls. It didn’t matter what lay beyond those cracked bricks, it was just the barrier itself I wanted to conquer. On many an occasion, I found myself being escorted from the premises by bemused security guards, trying unsuccessfully to hide my sheepish grin. It’s not as if I was some sort of juvenile delinquent. It’s just that I live in China, a country teeming with walls, from the Great Wall which snakes through half of the country to the wall around my school.As I grew older, I began to realize that there are other kinds of walls present in my life. The Great Firewall of China blocks . Local newspapers are censored over and over again before publication. Some government-sponsored exhibitions forbid the public from entering. These walls are usually invisible, but the inconvenience and disinformation are apparent. To break these types of barriers for the common good has therefore always been my ambition, and Swarthmore is the place that will teach mehow to achieve my goals. Although I first heard about Swarthmore three years agofrom my friend who studied there, it wasn’t until my experience in Daxi village that I realized how suitable Swarthmore and I are to each other, both academically and socially.In the summer of 2006, I spent three weeks volunteering in Daxi village, whose primary economic source was the sale of tobacco crops. I had always thought that the tobacco industry was a lucrative business, so why were these farmers living in such terrible poverty and insularity? One villager I worked with told me that it was because Hongta Tobacco Corporation has a monopoly over the provincial tobacco market, which depresses the price at the local level. As a result, the villagers do not get fair market valuefor their product. Phenomena such as this occur throughout China, and are major contributors to the socioeconomic inequality between the cities and the suburbs. I had always wanted to become a businessman, because commerce is a way to bring about change. But it wasn’t until I stumbled upon this particular economic pattern, in which business is causing part of the problem, that I realized it requires more than just business skills to resolve these types of situations.During my college search, I looked at Swarthmore’s website and read the blogs there. I saw students who were doing the kinds of things I was doing.Either by volunteering through the Summer Social Action Award or by working on poverty projects in the town ofChester,Swarthmore students are testing ideas and looking for new ways to change the world for the better. A liberal school, Swarthmore has not only a more flexible education system than those of other schools, but also the mission of service learning. There, I will be able to take classes in any field I’m interested in and I can even design my own major if it can help me become a better problem-solver. More importantly, I will be surrounded by people who are interested in a variety of subjects, but who share the same goal of having a positive impact to society. Participating in the Honors Program, my voice will be heard by peers and faculty alike, and the exchange of ideas will empower me with new points of view. In projects for the Sam Hayes Research Grant, I can research monopolies and their effect on the economy and society in China, building bridges between the social classes. Volunteering through the Summer Social Action Award, not only will I connect academic learning with social service,but also learn the nuts and bolts of effective social activism.Although I have grown up to a young man who is not interested in jumping over the physical walls anymore, overcoming the barriers in the politics, economy and the society is still tempting me. In ten years, I hope to be both an entrepreneur and a social activist. But wherever I am, I will be spreading the spirit “that is so Swarthmore”.。
你想在美国大学攻读硕士学位英语作文Studying for a Master's Degree in the United StatesStudying for a Master's degree is a significant step in one's academic and professional career. For many students, pursuing a graduate degree in the United States is a dream come true. The U.S. is home to some of the world's top universities and offers a diverse range of programs in various fields of study. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why I want to pursue a Master's degree in the United States and the benefits that come with studying in this country.One of the main reasons why I want to study for a Master's degree in the U.S. is the quality of education that American universities offer. The U.S. is known for its high academic standards and world-renowned faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. By studying in the U.S., I will have the opportunity to learn from some of the best minds in the world and gain valuable insights and knowledge that will help me succeed in my chosen career path.Another reason why I am interested in pursuing a Master's degree in the U.S. is the opportunity to immerse myself in a culturally diverse and intellectually stimulating environment. TheU.S. is a melting pot of different cultures and perspectives, and studying in such a dynamic environment will broaden my horizons and expose me to new ideas and ways of thinking. I believe that being part of a diverse community of students and faculty members will help me develop a global perspective and enhance my communication and interpersonal skills.Moreover, studying in the U.S. will provide me with access to cutting-edge research facilities and resources that will enable me to conduct quality research and make significant contributions to my field of study. American universities invest heavily in research and innovation, and as a graduate student, I will have the opportunity to work on groundbreaking research projects and collaborate with leading researchers in my field. This hands-on experience will not only enhance my academic and professional skills but also open doors to exciting career opportunities in academia, industry, or government.Furthermore, studying in the U.S. will allow me to build a strong professional network that will benefit me throughout my career. American universities have strong alumni networks and industry connections that can help students secure internships, job opportunities, and mentorship from experienced professionals. By studying in the U.S., I will have the chance toconnect with like-minded individuals, build relationships with industry leaders, and expand my professional circle, which will be invaluable as I navigate the job market and advance in my career.In conclusion, pursuing a Master's degree in the United States is an exciting and rewarding experience that will help me achieve my academic and professional goals. From the quality of education and cultural diversity to the research opportunities and professional networking, studying in the U.S. offers a multitude of benefits that will shape me into a well-rounded and successful individual. I am confident that by studying in the U.S., I will be able to fulfill my academic aspirations, broaden my horizons, and embark on a fulfilling career path.。
假设你想在美国大学攻读硕士学位的英文作文Pursuing a Master's Degree at a University in the United StatesObtaining a master's degree has become an increasingly common goal for many individuals seeking to advance their education and career prospects. The United States, with its renowned higher education system, has long been a popular destination for international students seeking to further their academic and professional development. As someone who is considering pursuing a master's degree, I am drawn to the opportunities and challenges that a US university education can provide.One of the primary reasons I am interested in studying at a US university is the quality and prestige of the education offered. The United States is home to some of the world's top-ranking universities, with many of them offering highly competitive and rigorous graduate programs. These institutions are known for their cutting-edge research, talented faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities, all ofwhich can provide an invaluable learning experience for aspiring scholars.Moreover, the diversity of academic programs and specializations available at US universities is truly remarkable. From business and engineering to the social sciences and the humanities, the range of options allows students to tailor their education to their specific interests and career goals. This flexibility is particularly appealing to me, as I am still exploring the various fields that align with my aspirations and strengths.Another key factor that makes the United States an attractive destination for graduate studies is the opportunity to gain exposure to a global and multicultural environment. US universities often have vibrant international student communities, which can provide valuable cross-cultural learning experiences and the chance to build a diverse professional network. As someone who values cultural exchange and understanding, the prospect of studying alongside peers from all over the world is highly appealing.Furthermore, the practical training and hands-on experiences offered by many US graduate programs can be invaluable in preparing students for the workforce. Many universities incorporate internships, research projects, and other experiential learning opportunities into their curricula, allowing students to apply their classroom knowledgeto real-world settings. This practical focus can be particularly beneficial for individuals like myself who are seeking to develop specialized skills and practical expertise in their chosen field.Of course, pursuing a master's degree in the United States is not without its challenges. The application process can be rigorous, with requirements such as standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, and personal statements that must be carefully crafted. Additionally, the financial commitment associated with studying in the US, including tuition fees and living expenses, can be substantial. However, I am willing to take on these challenges, as I believe the long-term benefits of a US graduate education far outweigh the short-term difficulties.One of the most significant advantages of obtaining a master's degree from a US university is the potential for career advancement and professional opportunities. Many US-based companies and organizations highly value the skills and knowledge acquired through a graduate education, and often prioritize hiring individuals with advanced degrees. This can open doors to a wide range of exciting career paths, from leadership roles in multinational corporations to cutting-edge research positions in specialized fields.Moreover, the networking opportunities available at US universities can be invaluable in building professional connections andnavigating the job market. Through participation in student organizations, research projects, and alumni networks, I can gain access to a wealth of resources and mentorship that can help me achieve my career goals.In addition to the academic and professional benefits, studying in the United States can also provide personal growth and cultural enrichment. Living and studying in a new country can be a transformative experience, challenging me to step out of my comfort zone, develop greater independence and adaptability, and gain a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives and worldviews.As I contemplate the prospect of pursuing a master's degree at a US university, I am filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The opportunity to immerse myself in a dynamic, innovative, and globally connected academic environment is truly compelling. I am eager to engage in rigorous coursework, collaborate with talented peers and renowned faculty, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in my chosen field.Moreover, the personal and professional development that I would gain from this experience would be invaluable in shaping my future career and personal aspirations. The skills, knowledge, and connections I would acquire would not only enhance my marketability in the job market but also empower me to make ameaningful impact in my community and on a global scale.In conclusion, the decision to pursue a master's degree at a US university is one that I have carefully considered and am deeply committed to. The combination of academic excellence, practical training, and cultural diversity that these institutions offer is truly unparalleled. While the journey may not be without its challenges, I am confident that the rewards and opportunities it presents will ultimately be worth the effort. I am eager to embark on this exciting chapter of my academic and personal growth, and I am confident that a US graduate education will equip me with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to achieve my aspirations and make a lasting contribution to the world.。
My AutobiographyXXXXKing Graduate School, Monroe CollegeKG602 Ethics & LeadershipDr. TennysonI am XXXX, coming from Shanghai. Shanghai is a beautiful international city and it is known as “Oriental New York”. I was born in 1991 into a family in Urumqi, the capital of Xingjiang Autonomous Region, in the west of China. Both of my parents are teachers. I am the only child in my family. I am 29 years old now.My following story will focus on my education and experiences in my major area of study. I started my primary schooling in Hebei province in north China in 1991. When I was at the second grade of junior middle school, I moved to Shanghai my family, where I continued education until graduation from a senior middle school in 2012. My parents paid much attention to my education and offered me excellent learning conditions. I lived up to their expectation and got good scores at school. Fortunately, upon graduation, I entered into a well-known Chinese university, where I studied public administration for 4 years. During my college life, I took active part in clubs concerning sports, drawing and music. Besides, under the influence of my friends, I was keen on volunteering service. We went to the nursing house to help the elderly or did some things for the Hope Project to bring knowledge to the kids in poor areas. Aftergraduation from university in 2015, I worked, for one years, as an intern in three different companies involving logistics, education, and airport administration respectively. I gained some important working experiences, improving practical ability and learning how to deal with people relationship. In 2016, I was admitted by Western Michigan University, majoring in Accounting for the master’s degree. The three year’s overseas life has changed me a lot. It broadened my horizon of view, and made me more independent in decision and more empathetic at heart. After graduation, I came to New York and started my first job in an accounting firm as a tax preparer. During this work, I communicated with different clients every day, helping them solve both personal and business tax problems. This experience has given me training in many of the concepts regarding business and accounting. However, after having tried several types of working experiences, I am aware of the importance of business administration and thus I’m enrolled in the MBA program because I want to bring more value to my employer, and further my knowledge in business.I have set two goals for myself after I obtain my MBA. The first one is to get an administration position in a big company, where I can gain working experiences and ability as well as human resources. The second goal is to open my own business if the opportunity comes. Most probably, I will go to my hometown and took over my family business of making shoes. My father has done it for many years, and it is growing gradually. The shoe factory employs over 20 workers when business is booming. I want to expand it with the knowledge I will have learned. There is a saying that opportunity is always left to the well-prepared mind.MBA StatementI am writing to apply for the MBA program in Moore College because I believe that it will heighten my business skills and help me in my future business career.I completed my master degree for accountancy at Western Michigan University in 2019. After graduation, I worked as an accountant at a local CPA firm. During this work, I communicated with different clients every day, helping them solve both personal and business tax problems. This experience has given me training in many of the concepts regarding business and accounting.With the time, after I have tried several types of working experiences, I find I am more and more interested in the post of business administration for two reasons. The first one comes from my friends’ influence. Some of them, who also majored in accountancy in master degree as I did, have successfully transferred to the post of financial administration after obtaining the certificate of MBA and several years of working experiences. One of them becomes a CEO in a big company and another starts her own local trade company which is growing rapidly. Another reason comes from my education background for bachelor degree. I have ever studied administration for social affairs in a university for four years and have gained some working experiences in different companies after graduation, which, I suppose, will help me a lot in the future career in the fields of financial business. Therefore, I plan to transfer to a big company as a financial manager or start own business in the future. I realize that, as a manager or a business owner, handling accounting knowledge is not enough. I need to continue to enhance my leadership skills so that I can manage groups of people through different types of projects.I have three goals for the study of the program. The first one is to acquire the systematic knowledge of MBA and get a professional certificate after passing examinations. I hope that the coursework that I will complete in the program will help me to establish a strong foundation inbusiness studies, and help me to understand market movements and data trends in order to make correct analytical decisions. I also hope that, through the training that this MBA program provides, I will be able to enhance my understanding of finance and gain the knowledge that I will need to deal with macroscopically financial analysis, to navigate the business and finance world with perspective orientation, and thus to establish a strong career. The second goal is to develop my leadership character for the future career. I hope to develop myself well in order to establish a good relationship with my leaders, my colleagues and my clients. The coursework that I will complete will help me to grasp negotiation skills, to strengthen team spirit, to create harmonious working environment and to motivate the staff to the utmost enthusiasm in my future career. The third goal is to make friends with common interest in financial fields, from whom I hope to get experience, inspiration, encouragement and even help.There is a saying that opportunity is always left to the well-prepared mind. I am ready for the future hard study, for self-realization. I am longing for the MBA program in Moore College and I very much appreciate the chance that will be given to me.The Master of Arts in Computer Science StatementI am writing to apply for the Master of Arts in Computer Science in Queens College of City University of New York because I believe that it will heighten my computer skills and help me in my future career.I completed my bachelor degree for Airport Operations and Management in China in 2018, and then finished my master degree for accountancy at Western Michigan University in 2019. At the undergraduate level, I learned advanced mathematics, probability theory, statistics, database management system and application, management information system, and VBA.During the internship at the airport, I used VBA to produce flight dynamics management software, which can manage the initial flight dynamics, receive dynamic messages, publish flight dynamics, and set early warning parameters.After graduation, I worked as an accountant at a local CPA firm. After I have tried several types of working experiences, I find that, computer science is very useful in almost every area of business field. While working in an accounting firm, I found many problems with the accounting software I used. It is not convenient, and there is a certain gap between it and the real demand. I hope to develop application software for the accounting industry to meet the latest needs of the accounting industry. I watched videos on some websites and taught myself computer courses such as data structure and C++. But this knowledge is far from enough. So I plan to enter your college to study for the master degree in computer science, to acquire computer knowledge, and obtain software development capabilities.I am very interested in programming, which is a skill I am very good at. Moving from a major in airport operations and management to computer science is a challenge. Some people may be nervous about the risks of trying new things, but I am confident about it. I think that I have strong learning potential. I am good at accepting new knowledge and have strong logical thinking ability.I have set a thorough plan for my graduate study. My educational goal is to get profound training in data structure and algorithm, massive data processing and scientific computing. I strongly believe that City University of New York is a great place for my graduate study because your graduate program provides training in a variety of subfields of computer science for job-oriented students. With the innovative researchers in your department, I can explore a wide range of areas based on my research interest. To sum up, I have a keen interest in computer science. Ihope I can get more training in your program to fulfill my insatiable desire for knowledge and finally succeed as a software engineer. Your fantastic platform will sharpen my edge in the future. Professors in your program would inspire me to become extraordinary. With my strong ability in coding, broad academic background, and thorough plans for my own career, I believe I can be a successful student in your esteemed program.There is a saying that chances are waiting for the well-prepared mind. I am ready for the future hard study, for self-realization. I am longing for the computer program in Queens College and I appreciate the opportunity that will be given to me.。
美国哈佛大学Essay范文学校名称:美国哈佛大学(剑桥) Harvard University (Cambridge) 所在位置:美国,86 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138创建时间:1636年QS排名:1USNEWS排名:2学费:39849录取率:0.058以下这篇Admission Essay,就是当年Sameer H. Doshi申请哈佛大学时递交的。
我告诉他们,如果你想得到一篇好的文章,就一定要学生写出自己的Admission Essay。
My aim is creation. I love the idea of giving life to nothingness. Were I another person in another time, I might spend my whole life tilling the land. Just like the earliest farmers, the sight of dirt giving rise to carrots and tomatoes at my whim feels like a miracle.I like to randomly burst out in song. I like to shake my body. If I could I would be a pianist and a poet and a painter and a politician. Unfortunately,in all these disciplines my ability can&apos&apost meet my enthusiasm. Where I can create, and break tired codes,is in the kitchen. With unlimited time andresources I would become the best pastry baker and the finest chef in all of the eastern seaboard.I really like food. On some drab school days I cheer myself up thinking of the dinner awaiting me in the evening. Often I do a 24-hour fast to ready my stomach for a huge meal. Now,being served this food is fine. It&apos&aposs usually restful and rewarding to sit down after a long day to someone else&apos&aposs careful work,whether they be parents,grandmothers, or Little Caesar. But I&apos&aposve noticed a dull glaze in the eyes of those who cook every night. They&apos&aposre doing it not to forge the uncreated conscience of their race, as a hungry James Joyce might say,but out of sometimes love and sometimes duty. I know cooks whose "old standbys"wow me every time,but they haven&apos&apost any pleasure in their labors. Care and duty are NOT why I want to explore food.I love the whole culinary process, from seedling to grocery to refrigerator to oven to table. At each stage the elements grow more complex and my work far more deliberate. Peeling and coring an apple takes more intellection than planting a row of seeds. Yet I think I shine where order fades away: beyond rules and recipes,in that zone called It&apos&aposs Up To You. I decided to throw in a cup of yogurt instead of butter to my pound cake. No one told me that lentils, carrots, and a bay leaf would make a great salad. I just felt them together. And there was a unanimous vote -- me -- to add cumin and coriander to the spaghetti sauce. Sizzle. Bubble. The creation is imminent.Someone like me needs to stand over that stove. I need to see the joy in my eaters&apos&apos eyes when they say,"This is really good! How&apos&aposd you do this?" Their simplejoys are my creative release -- the critical acceptance of newness. In life and in the kitchen, I want to be the best in my field.。
美国留学Why类essay范文美国是一个留学国家,那么美国留学有哪些是大家在写作上要掌握的呢,和小编一起来看看精心整理的美国留学Why 类essay范文,欢迎大家阅读。
Once you have completed your education, would you return to your hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not? (William and Mary)一旦你完成学业,你会回到家乡开始你的成年生活吗?为什么?这是一个选择性问题,无论是选择A或者B, 都需要阐明原因,在以下例文中,作者选择毕业后回到家乡北卡莱罗那工作,因为,那是自己出生和成长的地方,周围的人大都很认识,工作机会多,找工作的压力不大。
When I finish my education I would love to return to my hometown of Creedmoor, North Carolina. Creedmoor’s a very small town, population of around three-thousand. I’ve lived here all my life and I know almost everybody in the community. I grew up playing sports at the community sports arena and softball fields, I have many friends and family in this town and I would love to stay close to them because we are a really close-knit family and take care of each other and have each others backs on anything and everything. The job force I want to join, there are many places I can work around here. It won’t be as hard to get a job doing what I plan on doing which is being aDentist.My Mom has been a Dental Assistant for almost thirty-five years now and I would love to carry on like her and keep Dentistry in the family because honestly its not a bad gig. The love and support that the people in our community have for one another is just out of this world. We would all drop whatever were doing to go help someone in need. When I was in eighth grade my Language Arts class had a fundraiser and brought in canned goods for a family that had lost their house in a fire. There are some downsides to being from such a small town, for example word travels really fast around here, its hard to keep a secret. But for every bad reason to live here, there’s ten times as many good reasons. The monthly parades, church on Sunday, the Friday night football games (Go Vikings), the history of the town and the hunting and four-wheeling on the weekends for fun with the family. I am from the country we love us some hunting and four-wheeling. Creedmoor is a great place to grow up, it doesn’t have a lot of bad influences. I would be so grateful if I could come back and raise my own children, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren and so on. I’m proud to call this place my home.。
美国研究生留学推荐信英文模板两篇美国研究生留学推荐信英文模板(一)I am writing to you in support of [Mr./Ms. Full Name] and [his/her] desire to attend [University Name] for the [Program Title] program. Though many students ask me to make this request on their behalf, I only recommend students whom I feel are well-suited for the program of their choice. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] is one of those students and therefore, I highly recommend that [he/she] be given the opportunity to attend your university.As [Professor’s Title] of [Professor’s Department] at [University Name], I work with many students who have substantial knowledge of [Subject]. Each year I notice that only a few outstanding students offer a unique perspective and really embrace their learning of the subject matter. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] has consistently shown such a strong desire to learn that I simply could not turn down [his/her] request for recommendation.I first met [Mr./Ms. Last Name] in my [Course Title] course during the [Season and Year] semester. Compared to the class average of [Class Average], [Mr./Ms. Last Name] earned a [Grade] in the class. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] was evaluated on [explain basis for grades, e.g., exams, papers, etc.], in which [he/she] performed exceptionally well.Though [Mr./Ms. Last Name] has consistently exceeded in all areas of [his/her] coursework, the best example of [his/her] intelligence shone through a [paper/presentation/project/etc.] on [work’s title]. The work clearly showe d [his/her] ability to deliver a clear, concise and well-thought presentation with a new perspective by demonstrating [embellish here].[Mr./Ms. Last Name] continues to impress me with [his/her]knowledge, skill and dedication to [his/her] work. I’m sure y ou will find [him/her] to be a student whose talents will only shine further through your graduate program. It is my hope that you will accept [his/her] admission to your university. Feel free to contact me if you require further information.Sincerely,[P rofessor’s Name][Professor’s Title][University]美国研究生留学推荐信英文模板(二)I am writing to you in support of [Mr./Ms. Full Name] and [his/her] desire to attend [University Name] for the [Program Title] program. Though many students ask me to make this request on their behalf, I only recommend students whom I feel are well-suited for the program of their choice. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] is one of those students and therefore, I highly recommend that [he/she] be given the opportunity to attend your university.As [Profes sor’s Title] of [Professor’s Department] at [University Name], I work with many students who have substantial knowledge of [Subject]. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] has consistently shown such a strong desire to learn [subject] that I simply could not turn down [his/her] request for recommendation.I first met [Mr./Ms. Last Name] in my [Course Title] course during the [Season and Year] semester. Compared to the class average of [Class Average], [Mr./Ms. Last Name] earned a [Grade] in the class. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] was evaluated on [explain basis for grades, e.g., exams, papers, etc.], in which [he/she] performed exceptionally well.[First Name] is an outstanding individual with a strongcharacter. [He/She] has the ability to produce impressive results in a wide variety of areas. [First Name] is/has [list of positive traits/skills, e.g. organized, motivated, etc.]. I have seen astonishing results on complex projects that offered great attention to detail where quality was never compromised. Additionally, [he/she] has a very positive attitude and truly embraces learning all there is to know about [subject].Though [First Name] has consistently exceeded in all areas of [his/her] coursework, the best example of [his/her] intelligence shone through a [paper/presentation/proje ct/etc.] on [Work’s Title]. The work clearly showed [his/her] ability to deliver a clear, concise, and well-thought presentation with a new perspective by demonstrating [embellish here].In addition to [his/her] coursework, [First Name] also dedicated some of [his/her] time volunteering at [Club or Organization Name]. [His/Her] position required [him/her] to [list of tasks]. [He/She] felt volunteering was an important leadership role, in which [he/she] learned [list of skills]. The skills acquired through volunteering will be beneficial to all of [First Name] future endeavors. [First Name] has the ability to manage and organize [his/her] time and schedule around different activities without having them interfere with school. [His/Her] experience at [Club or Organization Name] provided [him/her] with the aptitude that [he/she] needs for graduate school and for a career in [name of career].I believe [First Name] is destined to be a leader in [type of field], and therefore is an excellent candidate for your school. I highly recommend that you consider [his/her] application, as [he/she] will be a great asset to your program. I’m sure you will find [him/her] to be a student whose talents will only shinefurther through your graduate program. It is my hope that you will accept [his/her] admission to your university. If you would like further information, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely,[Professor’s Name][Professor’s Title][University]。
想象下去美国攻读硕士学位的英文作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Imagining Pursuing a Master's Degree in the United StatesStudying abroad has always been a dream of mine, and pursuing a master's degree in the United States is a goal that I have set for myself. The United States is known for its prestigious universities, cutting-edge research facilities, and diverse cultural environment, making it an ideal destination for furthering my education.One of the main reasons I am drawn to studying in the US is the quality of education that the country offers. American universities are renowned for their academic rigor, innovative teaching methods, and world-class faculty members. I believe that studying in this environment will provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in my field and make a meaningful impact in the world.Furthermore, the United States is a melting pot of cultures, and studying there will give me the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds and perspectives. Thisdiversity will not only enrich my academic experience but also broaden my worldview and help me become a moreopen-minded and empathetic individual.In addition, pursuing a master's degree in the United States will allow me to access a wide range of resources and opportunities that are not available in my home country. From state-of-the-art research facilities to internships and networking events, the US offers countless avenues for personal and professional growth that I am eager to explore.However, studying in the United States also comes with its challenges. The cost of education in the US is significantly higher than in many other countries, and securing funding for my studies will be a major hurdle that I will need to overcome. Additionally, adjusting to a new culture and educational system can be daunting, but I believe that with determination and perseverance, I will be able to navigate these challenges and thrive in my academic pursuits.In conclusion, pursuing a master's degree in the United States is a dream that I am determined to turn into reality. I am confident that studying in this dynamic and vibrant country will not only help me achieve my academic and career goals but also provide me with a life-changing experience that will shape meinto a more well-rounded and globally aware individual. I look forward to the opportunities and challenges that studying in the US will bring, and I am excited to embark on this journey of personal and intellectual growth.篇2Imagining Pursuing a Master's Degree in the United StatesStudying abroad has always been a dream of mine, and pursuing a master's degree in the United States is a goal I have set for myself. The United States is known for its world-class universities, diverse culture, and innovative research opportunities, making it an ideal destination for higher education.One of the main reasons why I want to study in the United States is the quality of education offered by its universities. American universities are renowned for their rigorous academic programs, cutting-edge research facilities, and experienced faculty members. I believe that studying in such a challenging and stimulating environment will help me develop a deeper understanding of my field of study and enhance my academic and professional skills.Moreover, the United States is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities, offering a unique opportunity to interact with people from diverse backgrounds. By immersing myself in this multicultural environment, I hope to broaden my perspective, enhance my intercultural communication skills, and build a global network of contacts that will be invaluable in my future career.In addition, the United States is a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, with numerous opportunities for research and collaboration. I am particularly interested in exploring the cutting-edge research being conducted in my field of study and possibly contributing to it through my own research projects. Studying in the United States will allow me to connect with leading experts in my field, participate in groundbreaking research initiatives, and gain practical experience in my chosen field.Furthermore, studying in the United States will enable me to improve my English language skills, which are essential for success in today's globalized world. By interacting with native speakers, participating in discussions, and writing academic papers in English, I will be able to enhance my languageproficiency and become more confident in expressing myself in English.Overall, pursuing a master's degree in the United States is not just a means to an end for me; it is a transformative experience that will shape me into a more knowledgeable, skilled, and well-rounded individual. I am excited about the prospect of studying in the United States, and I am confident that this experience will open up new opportunities and horizons for me in the future.篇3Imagining Pursuing a Master's Degree in the United StatesStudying abroad has always been a dream for many students, and pursuing a Master's degree in the United States is a popular choice among international students. As a student who is considering furthering my education in the U.S., I have imagined what it would be like to study in this diverse and innovative country.One of the main reasons I am attracted to the idea of pursuing a Master's degree in the U.S. is the high quality of education offered at American universities. The United States is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities, known fortheir cutting-edge research, state-of-the-art facilities, and renowned faculty members. Studying at a prestigious university in the U.S. would not only provide me with a world-class education but also open up a wealth of opportunities for my future career.Moreover, studying in the U.S. would allow me to experience a new culture and way of life. The United States is a melting pot of different cultures, ethnicities, and perspectives, and studying there would give me the chance to interact with people from all walks of life. I believe that immersing myself in a diverse and multicultural environment would broaden my horizons, help me develop a global mindset, and enhance my cross-cultural communication skills.Another aspect of studying in the U.S. that appeals to me is the flexibility and freedom of the American education system. American universities offer a wide range of courses and programs, allowing students to tailor their academic experience to suit their interests and career goals. Additionally, the emphasis on critical thinking, creativity, and innovation in the American education system would challenge me to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and push the boundaries of my knowledge.Furthermore, studying in the U.S. would provide me with access to a vast network of industry professionals, alumni, and potential employers. Universities in the U.S. have strong ties to the business community, and many offer opportunities for internships, research projects, and networking events that can help students build valuable connections and gain real-world experience in their field of study. This professional network would be invaluable in helping me kickstart my career and make a successful transition into the workforce.In conclusion, pursuing a Master's degree in the United States is a dream that I hope to turn into reality. I am excited about the prospect of receiving a top-notch education, immersing myself in a diverse and dynamic culture, and tapping into a vast network of opportunities that studying in the U.S. would offer. I am confident that studying in the U.S. would not only help me achieve my academic and career goals but also foster personal growth, enrich my life experiences, and create memories that will last a lifetime. I am ready to embark on this exciting journey and see where it takes me.。
美国留学 essay论文 优秀范例 芝加哥大学 University of Chicago
University of Chicago本内容为原作者申请Tufts University的Essays,仅供参考!University of Chicago essay set由于U Chi是我的DS,因此花了挺大的功夫写,不过现在用不到了。
同样,申这个学校还是出于一样的考虑:芝加哥也以essay BT而著称。
然后我同样的写超字了.....Question 1. How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now,satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to Chicago.To be honest, I applied to Chicago because of the unconventional essay question. Through the question, I can feel the thoughtful air and exploring mind of Chicago, which are what I love all the time. Everybody says it's the toughest one. However, my first reaction is not going for an easy topic, but welcoming and thinking about it. I am a boy who always wants to think a bit more about everything. Though the prompt is tough, challenging myself and touching something I seldom think about is really a pleasant game of brain.The thoughtful and exploring impression of Chicago was reinforced when I looked at the campus. At first, I saw the solemn buildings like Gothic castle. The carved patterns were just like wrinkles on an old philosopher’s face. I was immediately filled with deep reverence by this shrine of knowledge and meditation. Later, still that building, I saw the vive trees and ivies surrounding it under golden sunlight. If the buildings are mind, the trees will be life, the life of mind. That is a perfect combination of thought and vitality. Here, I will get unique experiences seemingly conflicting yet harmoniously mixed: an exploring scholar, and a scholarly explorer.Question 2. Would you please tell us about a few of your favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays, pieces of music, musicians,performers, paintings, artists, magazines, or newspapers? Feel free to touch on one, some, or all of the categories listed, or add a category of your own.My favorite film is The Patriots. In this film, there is a picture deeply engraved in my mind: As American militias fled under the attack of British army, Captain Martin held a flag and marched forward. The Stars and Stripes was tattered. There were holes of bullets and blood of soldiers on it. However, its red color brightened under the golden sunlight, and soldiers were held back by Martin and fought again…… I am deep impressed. I am not American, but I keep thinking: Had American people, who live in the world’s strongest country, ever thought that their national flag had been on the verge of breaking? Watching The Patriots, I ask myself: what kind of life is ideal? When I talked about our career plans with my friends, someone told me: study finance! You can earn $100000 a year! Someone told me: study business! You can have mansions and fabulous cars. When more and more people dream about luxurious life, I wonder: Are they that important?Perhaps, Martin is not a famous person. His name will not be written into history textbook like General Washington. However, when he saw the rosy down of hope in the sky, when he saw the people he shed his blood for constructing the new world, and when he saw, if possible, the country he devoted his life to is going to be a rising land of freedom in the world, what would he feel then? In my eyes, those who can smile with satisfaction when reviewing their life courses are richer than any millionaire. I watched the Patriots for many times, but each time I still could not stop my tears when I see the house that is being built, the flourishing life in the field, and the booming future of the new world before Captain Martin. I love those creators, because they have left endless hopes and possibilities for the world. Perhaps I do not have the noble spirit like those patriots, but I still think that there is something beyond blonde, Ferrari and a mansion. No matter what life cause I am going, I will always revive this movie when I am numb and lost in material reality. I believe that a man who can live his life like Captain Martin is the happiest one in this world.。
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international volunteer greatly impressed and improved me.
My decision
to volunteer
African countries originated in
help those who were
in need
help and improve myself. Bearing this
to International Association of Students
in Economics and Management (AIESEC)and applied
of volunteer in Kenya,Tanzania and Mauritius,because,to
my mind,African countries were
in extreme
extremely angry with what
not agree with
all,because they
great worries
living conditions,prevalent illness,and
erratic political
circumstance and
on. Considering this
the relatively safer country,Mauritius. However,once
denied Kenya and Tanzania,the person
in charge
this activity informed me
the number
volunteers in Mauritius was
full because
his carelessness. Therefore,I
again found some opportunity at
of approval day. Fortunately,the
chief person being responsible for volunteer activity
in Tanzania promised
me another chance. Meanwhile,I
actively kept
in Mauritius and
to persuade my parents. Being the
only daughter in
our family,my parents held
attitude towards my action,but
I knew I should not give up.
did so,
previous effort
vain. Therefore,I
the previous volunteers and asked
to persuade my
by emphasizing the
safety measures that AIESEC took
guarantee my safety.
Upon knowing the truth,my father finally was convinced by
and helped me
and grandparents. At
this moment,the
in Mauritius told
added my place and
I decided to volunteer in Mauritius at
to comfort them,though
my parents had agreed with
my volunteer activity
in Tanzania.
This experience made
good volunteer.
the significance of interaction and persistence in