



Characterization of the Seed Oil and Meal from Monechma ciliatum and Prunus mahaleb SeedsJAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Aug 2009 by Mariod, Abdalbasit Adam, Aseel, Kawthar Mahmoud, Mustafa, Ali Abdalgadir, Abdel-Wahab, Siddig IbrahimAbstractThe oil and meal from Monechma ciliatum (black mahlab) and Prunus mahaleb (white mahlab) seeds were characterized for their physicochemical properties. The oil content was found to be 30.95 and 13.15% in white and black mahlab seeds, respectively. The refractive indices of white mahlab oil (WMO) and black mahlab oil (BMO) were 1.475 and 1.470, and specific gravities were 0.8511 and 0.8167 g/cm^sup 3^, respectively. Saponification values were 184.23 and 180.3 mg KOH/g, peroxide values were 2.54 and 4.43 meq/kg, and unsaponifiable matter was 0.92 and 0.66%, respectively. The major fatty acids were palmitic 4.5%, stearic 16.0%, oleic 47.3%, and linoleic 31.4% in BMO, while in WMO they were palmitic 5.7%, oleic 45.0%, and linoleic acid 47.0%. A moderate amount of tocopherols were found at 45.2 and 28.5 mg/100 g in BMO and WMO, respectively. Protein content was found to be 21% in black and 28% in white mahlab seeds. The total amount of amino acids in black and white mahlab seeds was found to be 783.3 and 1,223.2 mg/g N, respectively. The concentration (on ppm dry-weight basis) of major elements (Ca, K, and Mg) and of minor elements (Al, Pb Ni, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, and Fe) was also determined in the meals.Keywords Amino acid * Fatty acid * ICP-MS * Mineral elements * Monechma ciliatum * Physicochemical properties * Prunus mahlabIntroductionRecently, researchers all over the world have been looking to discover new sources of oils. In Sudan many studies have been done looking at the utilization of wild plants as a source of unconventional oil and theirmaximum utilities as antioxidants [1-3]. One of these wild plants, considered among the plants of the future, is black mahlab (Monechma ciliatum), which is well known in Sudan and belongs to the family Acanthaceae. Black mahlab is an annual glabrous herb, 30-65 cm high [4], with simple leaves measuring about 4-7 × 1-2 cm [5]. Black mahlab (Monechma ciliatum) is a famous medicinal plant in western Sudan, especially in the Nuba Mountains and Gabel Mara area. The seeds are used as an effective laxative and contain a fixed oil that emits a sweet and pleasant odor. Its further used in traditional Sudanese fragrances, lotions, and other cosmetics used for wedding preparation and childbirth [6]. In Botswana, Monechma ciliatum was believed to play an important role as a medicine for the remedy of general body pain, liver, and bowel trouble (diarrhea), as well as sterility in women [7]. The plant is used to induce labor and menses in Nigeria. It is also reported that the dried leaves are powdered and burnt as an inhalation for colds [8]. In Sudan, the dried entire plant is used for diarrhea, vomiting, and as a scent preparation. The seed oil content is 11.6% with iodine value of 69 and saponification value of 175.16; the fatty acid composition is 20.2, 17.3, and 17.9% for oleic, linoleic, and arachidic acid, respectively [9, 10]. Previous study by Uguru and others [5] showed that the hot methanol extract of the leaves of M. ciliatum has potent oxytocic property in vivo and in vitro, thus justifying its use in traditional medicine.White mahlab (Prunus mahaleb) is a deciduous tree, 1-2 m high, with many spreading branches; the bark is smooth and mahogany red. The leaves, which are up to 6 cm long, are bright green, shiny, oval, and finely toothed [H]. The white mahlab tree is a member of Rosaceae family, subfamily Prunoideae. The kernels of white mahlab seem to contain only small amounts of cyanogenic glycosides, but coumarin derivatives have been found. From the seeds, a fixed oil can be extracted that contains unusual conjugated linolenic fatty acid [12]. In Sudan, white mahlab is used in wedding preparations by crushing the seeds to manufacture traditional fragrances and lotions such as Dilka, Khumrra, and Darira. Also eating soaked white mahlab seeds is a remedy used for diarrhea in children. White mahlab is collected in Turkey and exported on a large scale. It is used in Turkey as a tonic or an antidiabetic in folk medicine and as a flavoring agent in making pies and candies. The white mahlab kernels form an important source of protein (30.98%) and fatty oil (40.40%). Its oil is also valuable in the preparation of lacquers and varnishes [12].Monechma ciliatum still grows as a wild plant in different areas in western Sudan states. No research data on its commercial production and its oil composition are available.Amino acid composition and protein digestibility measurements are considered necessary to predict accurately the protein quality of foods for human diets [13]. The widespread availability of vegetable oils around the world has resulted in the development of other oil-bearing plant species being neglected [14]. This study investigates the physicochemical and compositional properties including amino acids, minerals, trace elements, and fatty acids of seeds of the two mahlab plants, and a sensory evaluation of the oils obtained from these seeds is performed.Materials and MethodsSamples, Solvents, and ReagentsAll solvents used were of analytical grade. n-Hexane, methanol, chloroform, and petroleum ether were obtained from Prime for Scientific Services, Khartoum, Sudan. HCl, NaOH, HNO^sub 3^, and H^sub 2^O^sub 2^ were Suprapur grade (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).Dried seeds of white and black mahlab were collected from a local market in Khartoum North, Sudan, then blended to obtain homogeneous samples, and pulverized before representative samples were taken for chemical analysis. For determination of the oven-dry weight, samples were dried at 105 °C for 24 h. Moisture and volatile matter in the samples were determined following a previously described method [15].Proximate Chemical AnalysisMoisture, lipid, ash, and crude-fiber contents were determined following the standard methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists [16]. The organic nitrogen content was quantified by the Kjeldahl method, and an estimate of the crude protein content was calculated by multiplication of the organic nitrogen content by a factor of 6.25 [17]. The two different samples were analyzed in triplicate. Total carbohydrate content was calculated from the difference, applying the formula:100% - (% protein % lipid %ash %fiber)Mineral AnalysisTwo replicate aliquote (500 mg) from each of the dried, powdered plant specimens were weighed, then wet-ashed by refluxing overnight with 15 mL of concentrated HNO^sub 3^ and 2.0 mL of 70% HClO^sub 4^ at 150 °C. The samples were dried at 120 °C, and the residues were dissolved in 10 mL of 4.0 N HNO^sub 3^-1% HClO^sub 4^ solution. The mineral content of each sample solution was determined by an Agilent Technologies 7500cinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) system (Agilent Technologies, Wilmington, DE). Wavelengths used for the tested minerals were aluminum (Al) 396.152, calcium (Ca) 393.366, cadmium (Cd) 226.502, chromium (Cr) 206.149, cobalt (Co) 238.892, copper (Cu) 224.700, iron (Fe) 239.562, lead (Pb) 220.353, magnesium (Mg) 279.553, manganese (Mn) 257.610, nickel (Ni) 221.647, potassium (K) 766.490, and zinc (Zn) 213.856. The mineral contents of the samples were quantified against standard solutions of known concentrations, which were analyzed concurrently.Oil Extraction and DeterminationThe seeds were milled gently in a blender (Braun Multimix System 200, with Multimix deluxe grinder, MXK4 Germany), and oil was extracted by Soxhlet apparatus using petroleum ether 40-60 °C and determined following a previously described method [15]. The oil content was determined as a percentage of the extracted oil to the sample weight (w/w). The samples were analyzed in triplicate, then mean and standard deviation were calculated. The extracted oil was stored in a cold room (4 °C) in a dark glass bottle under nitrogen blanket for further analysis.Oil Physicochemical AnalysisFree fatty acids (FFA), iodine value (IV), saponification number (SN), peroxide value (PV), unsaponifiable matter, color, and refractive index (RI) were measured following a previously described method [15]. Color was determined using Lovibond Tintometer, Lovibond model E (Bicasa), suppUed by Griffin and Georgy, England, and refractive index was determined using an Abbe bench refractometer (model 46-315, England) with the temperature maintained at 30 °C. The analysis was done for the freshly extracted oils. The samples were analyzed in triplicate, then mean and standard deviation were calculated.Fatty Acid Composition by Gas Liquid ChromatographyThe fatty acid compositions of the seed oils were determined by gas liquid chromatography (GLC). The oils were converted to their corresponding methyl esters following a previously described method [15]. BF3/ methanol reagent (14% boron trifluoride) was used for methylation. GLC analysis of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) was performed using aHewlett-Packard HP5890 Series II gas Chromatograph (GLC) coupled to a flame ionization detector (FID) equipped with an Ultra 2 capillary column (25 m × 0.32 mm × 0.5 µm, 5% biphenyl and 95% dimethyl polysiloxane; Hewlett-Packard, Waldron, Germany), a split injector (split ratio 88:1), and an FID. The column temperature pro gram was 5 min at 150 °C, 10 °C/min to 275 °C, and 10 min at 275 °C. The injector temperature was 250 °Cwith a split ratio of 88:1. The carrier gas was hydrogen at a flow rate of 1.6 mL/min. The detector temperature was 280 °C with air and hydrogen flow rates of 460 and 33 mL/min, respectively. The fatty acid peaks were identified by comparing the retention times with those of a mixture of standard FAMEs (Sigma Chemicals, Deisenhofen, Germany). Each FAME sample was analyzed in duplicate.TocopherolFor determination of tocopherols, a solution of 250 mg of Monechma ciliatum and Prunus mahaleb oils in 25 mL ?-heptane was directly used for the HPLC. The HPLC analysis was conducted using a Merck-Hitachi (Tokyo, Japan) low-pressure grathent system fitted with an L-6000 pump, a Merck-Hitachi F-1000 fluorescence spectrophotometer (detector wavelengths for excitation 295 nm, for emission 330 nm), and a D-2500 integration system. The samples (20 µL each) were injected by a Merck 655-A40 autosampler onto a Diol phas e HPLC column (25 cm × 4.6 mm i.d.) (Merck) using a flow rate of 1.3 mL/min. The mobile phase used wasn-heptane/methy tert-butyl ether (MTBE) (99:1, v/v) [18].Amino Acid Composition by Amino Acid AnalyzerPreparation of Hydrolysate SampleThe content of dry matter and total N were determined according to procedures described by [16]. The content of amino acids (except for tryptophan) in defatted mahlab seeds was determined using Amino Acid Analyzer (L-8900 Hitachi-hitech, Japan) under the experimental conditions recommended for protein hydrolysates. Samples containing 5.0 mg of protein were acid hydrolyzed with 1.0 mL of 6 N HCl in vacuum-sealed hydrolysis vials at 110 °C for 22 h. The ninhydrine was added to the HCl as an internal standard. Hydrolysates were suitable for analysis of all amino acids. The tubes were cooled after hydrolysis, opened, and placed in a desiccator containing NaOH pellets under vacuum until dry (5-6 days). The residue was then dissolved in a suitable volume of a sample dilution Na-S buffer, pH 2.2 (Beckman Instr.), filtered through a millipore membrane (0.22-µm pore size) and analyzed for amino acids by ion-exchange chromatography in a Beckman (model 7300) instrument, equipped with an automatic integrator. Nitrogen in amino acids was determined by multiplying the concentration of individual amino acids by corresponding factors calculated from the percentage N of each amino acid [19]. The ammonia content was included in the calculation of protein nitrogen retrieval, as it comes from the degradation of some amino acids during acid hydrolysis [20, 21]. The ammonia nitrogen content was calculated by multiplying the ammonia content by 0.824 (N = 82.4% NH^sub 3^).Expression of ResultsThe composition of amino acids was expressed as milligrams per gram of N to estimate the quality of the protein in mahlab defatted seeds using the amino acid score pattern where amino acid ratio = (mg of an essential amino acid in 1.0 g of test protein/mg of the same amino acid in 1.0 g of reference prote in × 100). Nine essential amino acids were calculated by using a previously described method [13], where egg protein was used as reference protein.Sensory EvaluationPanelists were chosen to taste the two mahlab oils for characterization of their organoleptic properties (color, flavor, and taste). Oil samples were presented to the panelists in clear glasses at room temperature and in duplicate. The sensory analysis used was described in detail by Min [22]. Sensory qualities of the two oils were evaluated using a hedonic scale of 1-10, where 1 indicated the poorest flavor, color, and taste quality and 10 the highest organoleptic quality. The numerical results were then subjected to statistical analysis.Statistical AnalysisThe analyses were performed wi tìi three replicates. The mean values and standard deviation (mean ± SD) were calculated and tested using the Student's i-test (PResults and DiscussionProximate Chemical AnalysisThe proximate composition of the two mahlab seeds is given in Table 1. T he two samples showed significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) in all the analyzed constituents of the proximate composition except moisture content. The white mahlab seeds showed higher levels of lipid and protein content of 30.95 and 28.0 g/100 g, respectively, while black mahlab showed higher levels of fibers and carbohydrates content at 24.4 and 32.6 g/100 g, respectively. The results of oil content showed that white mahlab seed has a higher amount of oil (30.9 g/100 g) than the black mahlab seed (13.2 g/100 g). In 1981 Ayoub and Babiker [9] reported an oil content of 11.6% for black mahalb, which was higher than that reported in this study. Yücel [24] studied the seeds of Prunus mahaleb, and he found that die oil content ranged from 4.7 to 18.5 g/100 g, while Johansson et al. [25] mentioned that oil contents of Prunus mahaleb ranged from 12 to 16 g/100 g. The oilcontent of Prunus mahaleb in this study was higher than that found in these other studies.Oil Physicochemical PropertiesThe physicochemical properties of the two mahlab seed oils are shown in Table 2. Compared with Codex standards for crude vegetable oils [26], the white mahalab oil showed higher values for specific gravity, refractive index, acid value, peroxide value, saponification value, and unsaponifiable matter. Ayoub and Babiker [9] reported a lower saponification value (175.16) and a lower refractive index (1.4730) for black mahlab oil in comparison witìi me results in this study.From Table 2 it is instructive to note that the refractive indices for the white mahlab seed oil (1.475) and black mahlab seed oil (1.470) fall within the same range of 1.467-1.477 for grapeseed oil. The acid values for WMO and BMO of 7.8 and 7.3 mg KOHVg, respectively, were higher man the Codex standards for sunflower and ground nut oils, whilst the peroxide values for the WMO of 2.54 meq/Kg oil and for the BMO of 4.43 meq 02/Kg oil were less than that recorded for sunflower and ground nut oils in Codex standards. The percent unsaponifiable matter, shown in Table 2 for white mahlab (0.99%) and black mahlab (0.66%) seed oils, was less than that recorded for sunflower and ground nut oils in Codex standards [26].Sensory Evaluation of Black and White Mahlab OilTable 3 shows the results of the sensory evaluation for white and black mahlab oils. WMO oil scored more than 8 as overall score thus classifying the oil as better in color, odor, and taste. There was a significant difference (PFatty Acid CompositionThe fatty acid composition determined by GLC of the black and white mahlab oils is illustrated in Table 4. The major fatty acids in white mahlab seed oil were oleic (45.0%), linoleic (47.0%), and palmitic (5.7%). This result was higher than that reported by Yiicel [24], who reported 35.4, 28.5, and 4.6% for oleic, linoleic, and palmitic, respectively, in white mahlab seed oil. The major fatty acids in black mahlab seed oil were oleic (47.3%), linoleic (31.4%), stearic (16.0%), and palmitic (4.5%). This were higher than reported by Ayoub and Babiker [9] who reported 20.2, 17.3, and 12.5% for oleic, linoleic, and palmitic acids, respectively. They also reported 17.9% for arachidic acid, which was surprisingly not found in this study. The percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in white mahlab oil was 92.1%, while it was 79.9% in black mahlab oil. White mahlab oil was very richin both oleic and linoleic acid, while black mahlab oil was rich in oleic acid only.TocopherolThe tocopherol content of the oil from black and white mahlab seeds is given in Table 5. They had moderate amounts of tocopherols, 45.2 and 28.5 mg/100 g, respectively. The main tocopherol of the two samples wasγ-tocopherol, which represented 80.7 and 77.6% of the total, followed by a-tocopherol and δ-tocopherol, which represented 12.3 and 1.6 mg/100 g in BMO and 1.4 and 6.4 mg/100 g in WMO, respectively.Amino Acid ProfileThe amino acid profile of black and white mahlab seed, analyzed by amino acid hydrolysis, is presented in Table 6. The percentage ofsulphur-containing amino acids (methionine and cystine) in white mahlab seed was 3.9%, while in black mahlab it was 3.4% of the total amino acids, which was the lower than the other amino acids and was considered a reasonable amount for their important function in the cell processes in the oxidation and reduction system (cystine) and as a methyl donor (methionine) in metaboUsm. The total amount of the essential amino acids found in white and black mahlab seed was 623.8 and 454.8 mg/g N, respectively. The total aromatic amino acid levels (phenylalanine and tyrosine) found in white and black mahalab were 1 17.0 and 78.1 mg/g N, respectively. All the essential amino acids with the exception of tryptophan, which was not analyzed, were found to be present at low levels, and the total essential amino acids were found to be lower when compared to that of three different foods: broad bean (2740.0 mg/g N), wheat flour (1960.0 mg/g N), and soy flour (2,630.0 mg/g N) [27]. The total amount of the essential amino acids of white mahlab seed comprised about 50.9% of the total amino acids, which was less than that of black mahlab seed (58.0%).The chemical score suggested that the first limiting amino acid in black mahlab seed sample was methionine cystine followed by threonine, histidinen and isoleucine (Table 7). In the white mahlab seed sample, the chemical score suggested that the first limiting amino acids were threonine, methionine cystine, lysine, and isoleucine.Mineral CompositionMineral analyses are essential to guarantee the quality of any food product. ICP-MS aUowed us to determine the content of 13 minerals, many of which are required in human diets and others which are considered toxic.Table 8 summarizes the results of these analyses. Concentrations of major elements such as Ca, K, and Mg in white mahlab seeds (133.7, 204.2, and 102.2 ppm) were significantly (P <0.05)Table 8 also shows the content of potassium in black and white mahlab seeds was 204.2 and 80.53 ppm, respectively. Potassium plays an important role in human physiology, and sufficient amounts of it in the diet protect against heart disease, hypoglycemia, diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease. The content of magnesium in the studied samples (Table 8) was 102.2 and 69.13 ppm for BMS and WMS, thus providing 28.9 and 19.6% of the recommended dietary allowances [28], respectively. The concentrations of minor elements Al, Pb Ni, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, and Fe levels were found at low levels in the studied samples.ConclusionsThe results reported here show that the seeds of two different species of mahlab plant collected in Sudan were different in their oil content and the physicochemical properties of that oil. Fatty acid composition was determined by GLC, and the major fatty acids were found to be 4.5% palmitic, 16.0% stearic, 47.3% oleic, and 31.4% linoleic in black mahlab oil. In white mahlab, the major fatty acids of me oil were found to be 5.7% palmitic, 45% oleic, and 47% linoleic acid. The amino acid profile of the defatted seeds as analyzed by amino acid analyzer indicated that the total amount of amino acids of black mahalb was 783 mg/g N and that of white mahlab was 1,223 mg/g N. The percentage of essential amino acids was 58.0% in black mahalb and 50.9% in the white mahlab. The results from sensory evaluation analysis of the two mahlab oils revealed that there was a significant difference (PAcknowledgements We thank Dr. B. Matthäus of M ax RubnerInstitute, Germany, for the analysis of tocpherols and Dr. Colin D. Costin of Cargill Global Food Research, USA, for his valuable help during the preparation of the manuscript. The third author thanks Mr. Mayudin Othman of Department of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, for ICP-MS mineral analysis.美国油脂化学协会杂志J.JOTA-OCSAug.2009Characterization of the Seed Oil and Meal from Monechma ciliatum and Prunus mahaleb SeedsJAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Aug 2009 by Mariod, Abdalbasit Adam, Aseel, Kawthar Mahmoud, Mustafa, Ali Abdalgadir, Abdel-Wahab, Siddig Ibrahim.班级:学号:姓名:来自梅类缘毛和圆叶樱桃种子的植物油和粕的特性摘要来自梅类缘毛(黑樱桃)和圆叶樱桃(白樱桃)籽的植物油和粕因它们的理化性质而具有特性。

食品科学与工程专业英语 总结

食品科学与工程专业英语 总结

一、1.必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid2。

水溶性维生素 water-soluble vitamin3.脂溶性维生素 fat-soluble vitamin4.食品添加剂 food additive5.甜味剂 sweetener6.真空包装 vacuum packaging (VP)7.货架期 shelf-life 8。

成膜的— film-forming9。

持水的— water-holding 10.降脂 reduced-fat11。


GMP(良好操作规范) Good Manufacturing Practice13.HACCP(危害分析管理制度)Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points14。

转基因作物 genetically modified organisms/crops15。

SSOP(卫生标准操作规程)Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure16.多不饱和脂肪酸 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)17。

碳水化合物 carbohydrate 18。

单糖 monosaccharide 19。

多糖 polysaccharide 20.果糖 fructose21.葡萄糖 glucose 22.微量矿物质 minor mineral 23。

发酵香肠 fermented sausage 24.淀粉酶 amylase25.着色剂 coloring agent 26.新陈代谢 metabolism27.强化奶 fortified milk 28.亚硝酸盐 nitrite二、句子翻译1。


Current dietary guidelines recommend that the fat intake in Western countries should be decreased from around 40% at present to not more than 30% of the energy intake。



fermentation发酵(作用)humidity湿度scorch vt vi ①烘焦,烧焦(某物)之表面,使萎使枯②焦,萎,枯temperature drop温度差chamber室,小室impervious ①不可渗透的,透不过的,穿不过的②不受影响的,不受干扰的③无动于衷的,不接受的detrimental 伤害的,损害的putrefaction 腐败的,腐烂putrefactive腐败的putrid odor 腐败臭气味kraut 酸渍的菜warehouse 货仓lactose 乳糖oxidation 氧化作用lactic 乳汁的citric acid 柠檬酸inoculation 接种疫苗anaerobic 厌氧的pectin 果胶anaerobiosis 厌氧的diversity n.①差异,不同②多样性,变化commonsense 有常识的,明明白白的,一望而知的commonsensible (符合)常识的interchangeable ①可交换的,可交替的②可互换的interdependent 互相依赖的,互相依存nourishment ①食物,滋养品②营养情况nutrient ①营养的,滋养的②营养素,营养物consume vt.①消费,消耗,浪费,吃光,喝光②消灭,毁灭vi.消灭, 毁灭,消磨,(花,叶等) 枯萎(away) be ~d with 被…所吞噬;因(忧愁,妒嫉)而变的憔悴nutritional 营养的nutritive 营养的,滋养的,食品的,食物的odor气味odorant ①有香气的,有气味的②任何有气味的物体flavor ①味,香味,风味,滋味②食用香料③食用香精④调料category n.①种类,部属,类目②[数]范畴,类型③[哲]范畴carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖类mineral 矿物质,食品中的痕量物质vitamin 维生素,维他命essential a.①本质的,实质的,基本的②必需的,必不可少的③提炼的,精华的n.[常用复]①本质,实质②要素,要点,必需品A device ~to get warmth取暖的设备vital 生命的;生机的;维持生命所必需的optimum n.[生](生长繁殖的)最适条件;最适度a.最适的intake n. ①吸入,纳入,收纳②纳入(数)量③(水、气体流入沟、管的)入口④被收纳的东西⑤[医]摄取~of food食物摄取availability n.①可用性,有效性,效力②可得性,可得到的东西(或人员)identify vt.①使等同于,认为…一致(with) ②认出;识别,鉴定,验明③[生]确定…在分类学上的位置vi.一致,成为一致macronutrient 主要营养micronutrient 微量营养micro- ①小,微,微量,百万分之一②放大,扩大microphone,microscopeascorbic acid 抗坏血酸biotin 生物素macroelement 主要成分microelement 微量成分sodium 钠potassium 钾phosphorus 磷phosphorous 磷的,亚磷的,含磷的costly a.①昂贵的,代价高的②价值高的,豪华的obstacle n.障碍(物),妨碍pregnant a.①怀孕的,怀胎的,[喻]孕育着的,充满的,富有的②意义深长的,含蓄的③1富于想象力的,有创造力的④富于成果的,多产的genetic a. ①创始的,发生的②遗传学的gene n. 基因chronic infection n.①传染,侵染②传染病③影响,感染carotene n.胡萝卜素;叶红素carrot n.①胡萝卜②[复]红头发(的人) ③政治诱骗,不能兑现的允诺carroty a.①胡萝卜色的②红发的standpoint n.主场,观点extraction 提取(法),萃取(法),抽提法milling ①研磨,碾碎,磨碎,粉碎②磨(面)粉dehydration 脱水(作用),人工加热干燥(作用)chelation 螯合hygroscopicity 吸湿性diffusion 扩散性osmosis 渗透性viscosity 粘度pasticity可塑性trial-and-error 反复试验;不断摸索ingest 口服,口食terminology n. 术语学;术语,专门名词corn ①玉米②谷物(泛指玉米,黑麦,燕麦,小麦等) ③谷粒④制成碎粒⑤用盐腌制的syrup 糖浆,糖水(罐)corn syrup 淀粉糖浆,葡萄糖浆cornstarch玉米淀粉corn sugar 葡萄糖mal- ①表示“坏”,“恶”,“不良” ②表示“不”,“非”,“不当”adverse a.①(在位置或方向上)逆的,相反的,敌对的②不利的,有害的③[植](叶子等)朝着茎的,对生的gelatinize ①胶(凝)化②(淀粉)糊化gelatinized starches 糊化淀粉ruminant 反刍动物hydrolyzate 水解物rumen 瘤胃(第一胃)intriguing vt.①用诡计取得,[古]哄骗②(新闻用语)引起…的兴趣(或好奇) expend vt.消费,花费(时间,精力,金钱等);用光,耗尽glycogen 糖原,动物淀粉trivial a.①琐细的,轻微的;不重要的,价值不大的②平常人,平凡的;(名称)通俗的③(人)浅薄的,轻浮的,无能的,缺德的nomenclature n.①名词,术词②命名(过程),命名法③(某一学科的)术语表,术语集 aldehyde 醛ketone酮prevail vi.①胜(过),优胜,成功,奏效②流行,盛行,普遍~on 说服,劝说,诱导cyclic环状的designate vt.①指明,指出,标示②指定,选派③把…叫做,称呼append vt.①附加②贴上,挂上alkaline碱的,强碱的alkali n.碱,强碱condense冷凝,缩合,凝缩,浓缩oligo-and-polysaccharides 低聚糖-多聚糖glucan葡聚糖fructan果聚糖phosphorylate磷酸化phosphorylase磷酸化酶nucleotide核苷酸nucleotidase 核苷酶nucleoside核苷nucleoprotein核蛋白derivative衍生物glycose单糖glycosides糖苷,配糖物glycosan聚糖glyconic acids糖酸mannan甘露聚糖2exudate 渗出物(液),流出物(液)mucopolysaccharide 粘多糖alcohol ①醇,醇元②乙醇,酒精alditol多羟糖醇,醛醇sorbitol山梨醇gum ①植物胶,(树)胶②松脂③[复]胶质软糖mucilage ①粘浆,粘液②粘胶phytic acid 植酸bouillon汤,羹(用肉,鸡等煮成)broth肉汤(微生物的营养培养基)skim撇去,撇出(浮在上面的油脂,泡沫等)skim milk 脱脂乳malt ①麦芽;②麦芽酒,啤酒maceration 浸透,泡软,浸渍(作用)ether ①醚②乙醚chloroform氯仿,三氯甲烷sparing a.①节约的,吝惜的,爱惜的②贫乏的,少量的fat ①脂肪,肥肉②多脂肪的,肥的carotenoid 类胡萝卜素,类叶红素alcohol ①醇,醇元②乙醇,酒精ambient a.周围的,包围着的lard ①熟猪油②用肥肉馅填满③脂肪的tallow (炼制牛,羊)油脂tallow oil (动物)脂油tallowy 脂肪的,油脂的,油哈味,哈败的(指油脂)depot-fat储存脂肪sesame芝麻sunflower向日葵safflower红花pulp ①浆,果浆②打浆germ n.①微生物,细菌,病菌②[生]幼芽,胚原基③萌牙,起源vi.(喻)萌芽,发生hempseed oil大麻籽油perilla oil紫苏子油linseed oil亚麻子油bovine牛,牛的ovine绵羊的,似绵羊的palatability 可口性,味道,味道质量~test口味质量评定palatable ①可口的,味美的,好吃的.②[喻]惬意的,合趣味的satiety n.饱足,过饱,厌腻satiete vt.使充分满足,使饱享,使过饱生厌,使厌腻cholesterol胆甾醇,胆固醇permeability渗透性,穿透性adipose a.脂肪质的,脂肪多的,肥胖的n.动物脂肪,脂细胞,脂肪fry ①油炸食品②油炸,油煎,油炒③鱼苗,小鱼impart vt.①把…分给,给予,传递②告诉,透露emulsify 乳化viscous粘的,有粘性的,粘滞的margarine 人造奶油.melting ①溶化,熔炼,炼出(脂油).②溶解,融化.③细致的,软的,柔和的,淡的(口味,风味) short ①短的.②酥的,松脆的.③(饮料等)浓的,强的④[复]次货,次粉,细糠,二级麦皮stale干硬的,不新鲜的,发霉的,走了气的,走味的(烟,酒等),陈腐的spatter vt.①溅,溅污,洒②污蔑,中伤vi.滴下,飞溅n.①溅,洒,滴落,飞溅②(雨等的)淅沥声,飞溅声③泼溅的污迹④少量,点滴antispatter 防溅antispattering agent 防溅剂cereal ①禾谷类,五谷,粮谷,谷物的,谷类作物的,谷类制成的.②谷类食物. ③谷物制的食品④肉馅中面粉或米粉的加料bleach 漂白剂,漂白度,脱色deodorize vt.除去…臭味,防止…的臭味deodorizer 除臭剂,解臭剂,防臭剂hydrogenate 氢化,还原emulsifier ①乳化剂②乳化器churning ①奶油搅拌,搅乳②一次生产奶油的批量,一次提制的奶油cream ①稀奶油,(鲜)奶油,②稀奶油做的,③乳浆,④利口酒面,居前,领先signify vt.①表示,表明,意味②预示vi.①要紧,有重要性②[美俚]冒充内行3hyphen n. 连字号(即-) vt.用连字号连接intricate a.复杂的,错综的,缠结的,难懂的globulin 球蛋白plasma 血浆,原生质immunological 免疫的aqueous ①水的②含水的③水成的ghemoglobin 血红蛋白hemo-表示“血”myoglobin 肌红蛋白actin 肌动蛋白vertebrate n.脊椎动物 a.①有椎骨的,有脊椎的,脊椎动物的②(作品等)结构严密的globular 球状的magnitude n. ①巨大,广大②重大,重要性③大小,积,量,数量,音量factor n. ①因素,要素②因子,因素,系数catalyst 催化剂,触酶catalase 过氧化氢酶,接触酶hydrogen peroxide 过氧化氢colloidal 胶体的,胶质的,胶态的colloid ①胶体,胶质,胶态②胶体的,胶质的activation 活化inactivate 钝化,失活denature 变性refrigerate 冷藏degradative 降解specificity 特性,专一性hydrolysis 水解效应sensitivity 敏感性analysis 分析isolate 使隔离classification 分类catalogue n. 目录,目录册vt.为···编目录,把···编入目录,按目录分类enzymology n. 酶学period n. ①句号,句点,结束,终止②学时,课时③整句holoenzyme 全酶coenzyme 辅酶apoenzyme 酶蛋白thermolabile 不耐热的prosthetic group 酶活动基,辅基cofactor 辅助因子isoenzymes 同功酶sanitation①卫生②洗净,消毒proliferation 繁殖mold①霉菌②模型③熟地,肥土yeast酵母,酒母mycelial菌丝体的filamentous丝状的,纤细的morphology形态学mildewy a ①霉的②霉病的③长霉的④陈腐的germination发芽fluctuation vi. ①波动, 涨落, 起伏②动摇, 不定vt使波动, 使起伏bacillius芽孢杆菌,杆菌diploid a二倍的,双的,重的,[生]二倍体的n. 二倍体含二组染色体的细胞pigment色素,染料discoloration ①褪色,脱色②变色slime ①滤泥,淀渣②粘液,③发粘的,④去粘液thermophilic a.适温的,喜温的,[生]嗜热的toxin 毒素multiply增殖deviation n.背离, 偏离,偏向,偏差lethal致死的pathogenic致病的病原的sterilize杀菌灭菌ordinate纵标,纵坐标4preservative防腐剂,保藏剂nitrite亚硝酸盐,亚硝酸根substrate 基质,底物tendemess 柔软性,嫩度poyous 孔的,疏松的aroma ①香气,香味②果香sodium bic3rbonate 碳酸氢钠,小苏打ingredient 成份,拼分,拼料Vent ①(通气)孔,通气口②出口②排出,泄放,排久放气sheet ①薄板,薄片②面片,压面片②张数ethylene 乙烯permeation n.渗入。



LESSON 1营养我们吃什么,以及我们如何确定我们吃营养状况的一个重要程度,并有外部和内部多种因素的影响。






















Lesson11)It is the chain of activities that brings food from “farm gate to plate”.这是一条使食品“从农场到餐盘”的供应链。

2)For example,fifty-six companies are involved in making one can of chicken noodle soup.例如,一种鸡肉面汤罐头的制造会牵扯到56家公司。

3)Here food was sold to grocers for sale in their local shops for purchase by local consumers.农民在农村市场将食品出售给零售商,零售商再通过商店将食品卖给当地消费者。

4)Nevertheless,less than ten percent of consumer spending on food goes to farmers , with larger percentages going to advertising , transportation ,and intermediate corporations.尽管如此,消费者花费在食品方面的开销只有不到10%到了农民手中,而食品方面的花销大部分到了广告、运输和中间公司手中。

5)Wholesale markets for fresh food products have tended to decline in importance in OECE countries as well as in Latin America and some Asian countries as a result of the growth of supermarkets , which procure directly from farmers or through preferred suppliers , rather than going through markets.超市直接从农民或选择性供应商(而非通过市场)采购食品方式的发展,已经是经合组织国家、拉丁美洲和一些亚洲国家的新鲜产品批发市场的重要性有所降低。



1.nutrition ;biotin ;banana;vital;chronic2.mineral;orange;nutrition;apple;fat3.lipoprotein; staple;absorption;glass;sucrose4.toxic;soda water ;calcium;collagen;berry5.tomato;erosion;egg;protein;water6.distillation;fruit ;iron ;zinc; acid;smoking;beef;honey;foodborne8.oats;barley;eggplant;water activity;quick-freezing9.sausage;mincing;composite;pea;melon10.onion;strawberry;amylase;tartness;;catalase;soy;vegetable;tentatively12.sauce;galactose;ice-cream;magnet;amino acid13.refreshment;potato;extraction;solid content;mineral matter14.enzyme;food;browning;cultivation;formula15.calories;meat product;food industry;sea food;watermelon16.nutrition;flavor;carbohydrate;fat;fructose17.protein;food;salting;fiber;oxidation18.meat;barley;chlorophyll;whey;respiration19.potato;flour;syrup;yogurt;homogenizationk;tofu;mineral;metabolism;glucose21.vitamin;fruit;vegetables;iron;foodborne22.eggs;cereal;distill;nourishment;chronic23.bread;tomato;food safety;lipid;biotin24.sausage;cheese;preservation;food additives;protein25.noodles;honey;amino acid;fermentation;antibiotic26.beef;soy;baking;gelatinization;enzyme;calorie27.tea;carrot;dairy product;filtration;reducing sugar28.pear;pea;nutrient;evaporation;heavy metal29.grape;cherry;quality;bechtop; fermenter30.sugar;sour;iron support;oven;pressing答案:1.营养;生物素;香蕉;生命的;长期的2.矿物质;橘子;营养的;苹果;脂肪3脂蛋白; 主要成分;吸收;玻璃;蔗糖4. 有毒的;苏打水;钙;胶原;浆果5. 番茄;腐蚀;蛋;蛋白质;水6. 蒸馏;水果;铁;锌;铜7. 总酸;熏制;牛肉;蜂蜜;食源性的8.燕麦片;大麦;茄子;水分活度;速冻9.香肠;切碎;合成的;豌豆;瓜10洋葱;草莓;淀粉酶;酸;蛋黄素11.芒果;过氧化氢酶;大豆;蔬菜;试验性的12.调味料;半乳糖;雪糕;磁铁;氨基酸13.保鲜;土豆;浸取;固形物;矿物质14.酶;食品;褐变;培菌;配方15.热量;肉制品;食品工业;水产品;西瓜16.营养;风味;碳水化合物;脂肪;果糖17.蛋白质;食品;盐渍;膳食纤维;氧化作用18.肉;大麦;叶绿素;乳清;呼吸作用19.马铃薯;面粉;糖浆;酸乳;均质20.乳;豆腐;矿物质;新陈代谢;葡萄糖21.维生素;水果;蔬菜;铁;食源性的22.鸡蛋;谷物;蒸馏;滋养品;慢性的23.面包;番茄;食品安全;脂类;生物素24.香肠;奶酪;保藏;食品添加剂;蛋白质25.面条;蜂蜜;氨基酸;发酵;抗生素26.牛肉;大豆;烘焙;糊化;酶;热量27.茶;胡萝卜;乳制品;过滤;还原糖28.梨;豌豆;营养素;蒸发;重金属29.葡萄;樱桃;质量;超净工作台;发酵罐30.白糖;酸;铁架台;烘箱;压榨句子翻译:1. Eat soy in moderation. Soybeans , tofu , and other soy-based foods are an excellent alternative to red meat. But don’t go overboard. Two to four servings a week is a good target.2. It is a common belief that the more fat you eat, the more body fat you put on,and the more weight you gain. This belief has been bolstered by much of the nutrition advice given to people over the past decade , which has focused on lowering total fat intake while increasing carbohydrate intake.3. Easily digested carbohydrates from white bread , white rice , pastries ,sugared sodas , and other highly processed foods may , indeed , contribute to weight gain and interfere with weight loss.4.A new system , called the glycemic index, aims to classify carbohydrates based on how quickly and how high they boost blood sugar compared to pure glucose. Foods with a high glycemic index , like white bread, cause rapid rise blood sugar.5. Dividing carbohydrates into simple and complex makes sense on a chemical level. But it doesn ’ t do much to explain what hap pens to different kinds of carbohydrates inside the body.6. This is a tall order for knowledge. Because processing affects both nutritional and esthetic values of food, knowledge of the changes that carbohydrates undergo during milling, cooking, dehydration, freezing, and storage is especially important.7. The “balance” of certain minerals with others is very important to health as well. For example, the balance of calcium to magnesium is important as these two forms the electrical battery that keeps the heart beating.8. Assessing mineral status is equal to determining how much of a mineral in our diet is too little, too much or just the right amount. Picture yourself as a medical doctorwho must render a decision for a person suspected of having a mineral deficiency. 9. Most balance studies are short-term and therefore have important limitations.To detect how the body adapts to different calcium intakes over a long period of time, and to get the big picture of overall bone strength, requires studies of longer duration.10. Many people may think, however fiber probably has little effect on colon cancer risk. But just because fiber plays little role in preventing colon cancer doesn’t mean you should abandon a high-fiber diet.11. The fiber in wheat bran and oat bran seems to be more effective than similar amounts of fiber from fruit and vegetables. Experts recommend increasing fiber intake gradually rather than suddenly.12. This keeps blood sugar and insulin levels from rising, then falling, too quickly. Better control of blood sugar and insulin can keep hunger and may prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.13. Dairy products have traditionally been Americans’ main source of calcium. But there are other healthy ways to get calcium than from milk and cheese , which can contain a lot of saturated fat.14. People with diabete, though, should probably limit themselves to no more than two or three eggs a week, as study found that for such individual, an egg a day might increase the risk for heart disease.15. In areas most of the straw is worked back into the soil. The grain harvested from cereals provides about three-quarters of our food energy. About half of our cereals are used as miscellaneous grains so we consume them indirectly as meat , eggs and milk.16. Malt is used in brewing and distillation, in which maltose is fermented by yeast to produce alcohol. Low protein barley is used to make beer and high protein barley is used to feed pigs and cattle.17. By modern electronics technology , grain condition monitoring system can real time detect grain condition during grain storage , analyze and forecast the data , put forward treatment suggestion and control measures on exceptional grain condition. 18.The ratio of the length and the width is used internationally to describe the shape and class of the variety. The other important aspect of length and width is uniformityall the grains in one ample must look the same.19. Innovating soy and cereal dishes is an important skill for vegetarians, who need to make sure they have a balanced source of protein in their diet because of the lack of meat.20. During the cooking process, the starch granules in the grain expand and amylose leaches from them. As the cooked rice cools, the leached amylose chains line up, lock together and form a gel参考答案:1.适度吃大豆。



Lesson 91. Lipids are a family of naturally occurring compounds grouped together on the basis of their relative insolubility in water in nonpolar solvents. These are naturally occurring molecules that can be isolated from cells and tissues by extration using nonpolar organic solvents.依据在水中的不溶解性和在非极性溶剂中的溶解性,脂肪以家族形式组成而自然出现的。


2. Saturated fats have a uniform shape that allows them to pack together in a crystal lattice. Unsaturated fats have double bonds that introduce kinks into the hydrocarbon chain making crystal formation more difficult.饱和脂肪有一个均一一致的形状,这使得他它们能够在晶格中聚合起来。


3. 3. The The most most abundant abundant abundant lipid lipid lipid in in in olive olive olive oil oil oil is is glyceryl glyceryl trioleate, trioleate, a a trimester trimester trimester formed formed formed from from from glycerol glycerol glycerol and and oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid with a cis double bond in the middle of the C 18 chain.橄榄油里最丰富的脂质是三油酸甘油酯,是甘油和油酸,与一个单不饱和脂肪酸加上一个顺式双键在C18链的中间形成的一种三聚体。


Wǒ bǎo le! Wǒ zài yě chī bu xià le.
Learning and understanding food-related English sentences is not only practical for everyday communication, but it can also be a fun and delicious way to improve your language skills. By familiarizing yourself with common food vocabulary and sentences, you can feel more confident when dining out or discussing food with others in English. So, the next time you find yourself at a restaurant or cooking a meal, remember to practice using these English sentences, and enjoy the process of learning a new language through the universal language of food. Bon appétit! (胃口好! Wèikǒu hǎo!)
9. The food here is absolutely delicious!
Translation: 这里的食物真是太美味了!
Zhèlǐ de shíwù zhēnshi tài měiwèile!
10. I'm stuffed! I couldn't eat another bite.



食品英语中英对照翻译Brown sugar 砂糖dark Brown Sugar 红糖Rock Sugar 冰糖Maltose 麦芽糖Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点)Icing Sugar 糖粉(可用在打鲜奶油及装饰蛋糕外层)Soy sauce 酱油,分生抽(light)及老抽两种Vinegar 醋Cornstarch 太白粉,玉米淀粉Sesame Seeds 芝麻Sesame oil 麻油cooking oil 菜油olive oil橄榄油(植物油)Creamed Coconut 椰油Oyster sauce 蚝油Canola oil 加拿大芥花油(菜油)broth 肉汤Pepper 胡椒Chinese red pepper 花椒monosodium glutamate味精Red chilli powder 辣椒粉sesame芝麻Sesame paste 芝麻酱Salt black bean 豆鼓peanut butter花生酱Bean curd sheet 腐皮Tofu 豆腐bean curd豆干,干子Sea vegetable or Sea weed 海带Green bean 绿豆Red Bean 红豆Black bean 黑豆Red kidney bean 大红豆Dried mushroom 冬菇Silk noodles 粉丝hazelnut榛子almond杏仁Agar-agar 燕菜Bamboo shoots 竹笋罐头Star anise 八角fennel茴香clove丁香Wantun skin 馄饨皮Dried chestnut 干粟子Tiger lily buds 金针Red date 红枣Water chestnuts 荸荠罐头Dried shrimps 虾米Cashew nuts 腰果walnut胡桃cream 奶油cheddar cheese 英国切达干酪butter 黄油margarine 植物奶油cream cheese干酪cottage cheese 白干酪mozzarella 意大利白干酪yogurt 酸奶juice 果汁marmalade橘子或柠檬酱jelly果冻Cake mix蛋糕粉syrup糖浆, 果汁salad dressing沙拉酱mashed potatoes土豆泥sundae圣代冰淇淋jam果酱marmalade橘子酱mustard 芥末ketchup调味番茄酱mayonnaise蛋黄酱spices 香料Skim milk脱脂牛奶Low-fat milk低脂牛奶Buttermilk 脱脂酸牛奶Soya drink 豆浆,婴幼儿食品infant or baby food 强化食品nutrient fortified food 天然食品natural food摸拟食品imitation food预包装食品prepackaged food食品制造food manufacturing食品加工food processing食品工业food industry食品资源food resource食品新资源new resource for food原料raw material配料ingredient主料major ingredient (major material)辅料minor ingredient食品添加剂food additive食品营养强化剂food enrichment加工助剂processing aid酶enzyme配料表list of ingredients配方formula食品包装材料packaging material for food食品包装容器food container软包装flexible package硬包装rigid package食品标签food labelling保质期date of minimum durability食品质量管理food quality control食品质量监督food quality supervision食品质量检验food quality inspection食品卫生food hygiene (food safety)食品营养food nutrition食品成分food composition食品分析food analysis食品工业标准化food industry standardization 食品标准food standard食品产品标准food product standard食品卫生标准food hygienic standard食品厂卫生娣丁?hygienic code of food factory食品分析方法标准food analysing standard methed良好加工规范good manufacturing practice (GMP)危害分析关键控制点hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) 食品生产许可证food production licence食品产品合格证food product qualification食品卫生许可证food hygiene licence食品卫生合格证food hygiene qualification食品工业副产品by-product of food industry粮食grain粮食制品cereal product肉制品meat product食用油脂edible oil and fat乳制品dairy product水产品sea food水果制品fruit product蔬菜制品vegetable product植物蛋白食品vegetable protein food淀粉制品starch-based product蛋制品egg product糕点pastry糖果candy调味品condiment (seasoning)食用盐edible salt (food grade salt)饮料酒alcoholic drink无酒精饮料non-alcoholic drink (soft drink )原料清理raw material handling (raw material cleaning)原料预处理pretreatment of raw material酸处理acid treatment硫处理sulphuring treatment碱处理alkali treatment粉碎grinding破碎cracking (crushing)打浆mashing搅拌mixing分离separation离心分离centrifugal separation 过滤filtration膜分离membrane separation筛分screening (sifting)沉降precipitation浓缩concentration蒸馏distillation精馏rectification (distilling)蒸发evaporation闪蒸flash evaporation离子交换ion exchange吸附adsorption吸收absorption解吸deabsorption干燥drying脱水dehydration复水rehydration浸取extraction压榨pressing乳化emusifying均质homogenizing发酵fermentation酿造brewing糊化gelatinization凝沉retrogradation液化liquifying (liquefaction)糖化saccharification (conversion) 氢化hydrogenation嫩化tenderization软化softening营养强化fortification (enrichment)膨化extrusion (puffing)精制refining烘焙baking熏制smoking保鲜refreshment (refreshing)冷藏cold storage , frozen storage速冻quick-freezing气调贮藏storage in controlled atmosphere干制保藏drying preservation (preserved by dehydration ; drying process) 腌制保藏curing preservation (preserved by curing process)盐渍salting酱渍saucing糖渍sugaring酸渍pickling糟渍cured or pickled with germented grains辐照保藏irradiation preservation化学保藏chemical preservation成熟ripening后熟maturation灭菌sterilization超高温瞬时灭菌ultra high temperature short time sterilization商业无菌commercial sterilization消毒disinfection巴氏消毒pasteurization接种inoculation培菌cultivation染菌microbiological contamination (contamination )食品包装food packaging (food packing ,food package )真空包装vacuum packing充气包装gas flush packaging (gas packing )无菌包装aseptic packaging (aseptic packing )营养素nutrient蛋白质protein粗蛋白质crude protein植物蛋白vegetable protein动物蛋白animal protein蛋白质营养学评价nutritional evaluation蛋白质变性protein denaturation蛋白质互补complementary action of protein氨基酸amino acid必需氨基酸essential amino acid脂肪fat (oil and fat)粗脂肪crude fat脂肪酸fatty acid饱和脂肪酸saturated fatty acid不饱和脂肪酸unsaturated fatty acid碳水化合物carbohydrate有效碳水化合物effective carbohydrate粗纤维crude fiber膳食纤维dietary fiber矿物质mineral matter微量元素trace element维生素vitamin脂溶性维生素liposoluble vitamin (fat soluble vitamin)水溶性维生素water soluble vitamin每日推荐的营养素供给量(RDA) recommended daily nutrient allowance 水分moisture content水分活度water activity热量calorie固形物solid content可溶性固形物soluble solid不溶性固形物insoluble solid食品污染food contamination生物性污染biologic contamination化学性污染chemical contamination放射性污染radioactive contamination重金属heavy metal微生物毒素microbial toxin农药残留residue of pesticide兽药残留residue of veterinary drug食物中毒food poisoning酸败rancidity腐败spoilage霉变mould褐变browning食物安全毒理学评价toxicological evaluation for food safety 人体每日允许摄入量(ADI) acceptable daily intake (ADI)食品感官检验sensory analysis ( sensory evaluation)感官特性organoleptic attribute食品理化检验food physical and chemical analysis总糖total reducing sugar还原糖reducing sugar酸度acidity总酸total acid碘价iodine value酸价acid value过氧化值peroxide value食品微生物学检验food microbiological analysis菌落总数total plate count大肠菌群coliform致病菌pathogenic bacterium抗生素antibiotic、公司产品系列涵盖:橡皮糖、手工艺棒糖、棉花糖、玩具糖果、节日糖果和各类休闲食品等,同时公司致力于中、高档休闲食品的进出口贸易和中国大陆的分销业务。



Raw Material:原料,指食品加工过程中使用的未经加工或初步加工的物质。


Food Processing:食品加工,涉及将原料转化为食品的一系列操作。

Primary Processing:初级加工,原料的初步处理,如清洗、切割等。

Secondary Processing:二次加工,进一步改变食品特性的处理,如混合、烘烤、冷冻等。

Finished Product:成品,经过加工处理后的最终食品。



Food Safety:食品安全,确保食品在生产、加工、储存和销售过程中不会对人体健康造成危害。

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP):危害分析和关键控制点,一种食品安全管理体系,用于识别和控制食品生产过程中的潜在危害。

Sell-by Date:保质期,食品在指定条件下保持其品质和安全性的最后日期。

Manufacturing Date:生产日期,食品被生产或加工的日

Foodborne Diseases:食源性疾病,由食物携带的病原体引起的疾病。

Microbial Contamination:微生物污染,食品中微生物的存在,可能导致食品变质或引发疾病。




英文文献暂时传不上去,名字叫fiavour formayron in meatand meat products:a revrew大家可以自己下载肉和肉制品中香气构成综述唐纳德S.莫特拉姆大学专业,食品科学与工艺,Whitek nights,读RG66AP,英国(1996年12月6日,接受1998年2月27日)摘要熟肉制品中的风味物质来自热反应过程,主要是美拉德反应和脂质降解反应。


















L4WHO has been actively participating in the development of principles and recommendation for the safety assessment of GM foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO).世界卫生组织现已积极的参与到评价对转基因食品安全的原则和建议中。


The result developed in the course of various expert consultations from the basis for guidelines on national levels and are presently being incorporated into internationally recognized standards.不同专家基于本国的技术水平而商讨的结果目前已被作为公认的权威标准。


The next generation of genetically modified foods will be crops with improved nutritional value, thus crossing the borderline to “functional foods” and “nutraceuticals”.我方准备把高蛋白玉米作为下一代的转基因食品,并将打破功能食品与螺旋杆菌间定义上的灰色界限下一代转基因食品将是营养价值得到提高的作物,因此它跨越了功能食品和营养食品的界限。

Evaluations will increasingly have to consider the impact of a GM food on the overall nutritional status taking into account the different needs in developed and developing countries .评估机构必将倾向于考虑转基因食品对人体蛋白比率的影响以确保其符合发展中与发达国家的不同需求考虑到发展国家和发展中国家的不同需求,评估将越加考虑转基因食品在总营养状况方面的影响。



多用单词:Emulsifying乳化的 Biotin生物素 Choline胆碱 Phytochemicals 植物素 caramelization焦糖化反应 Preventing spoilage防止变质Monosaccharides单糖 Oligosaccharide 低聚糖Polysaccharides 多糖pyrolysis热解fudge软糖gelatinization凝胶化irreversible swelling不可逆溶胀hemi-cellulose半纤维素Xylan木聚糖,arabinogalactan, 阿拉伯半乳聚糖galactoglucomannan半乳葡甘露聚糖 pectin果胶agar琼脂 algin 藻胶 xanthan gum黄原胶 Glycogen糖原 trypsin 胰蛋白酶 pepsin 胃蛋白酶 ovalbumin卵清蛋白 ferritin铁蛋白hemoglobin血红蛋白 lipoproteins脂蛋白 actin and myosin肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白thrombin凝血酶 insulin胰岛素 collagen胶原keratin角蛋白elastin粘性蛋白Membranes细胞膜Thiamin硫胺素vb1 Riboflavin核黄素vb2 alpha tocopherol生育酚 Niacin烟酸Pantothenic acid泛酸 Folic acid.叶酸 coenzyme辅酶 osmosis 渗透作用 amylose直链淀粉 amylopectin支链 rancidity酸败bran麸皮 pyramid金字塔 glycerol甘油 preservatives防腐剂constipation便秘diverticular憩室的hemorrhoids痔疮Diabetes糖尿病Osteoporosis骨质疏松症Cardiovascular diseases心血管疾病 anthocyanidin花青素 polyphenol多元酚pigments色素 spectrophotometers分光光度计 astringency涩味Nitrogen氮purines嘌呤, pyrimidines嘧啶porphyrin卟啉adenosine triphosphate三磷酸腺苷linoleic acid亚油酸Thyroid function甲状腺功能citric柠檬酸 isocitric异柠檬酸 malic苹果酸 Oxalic草酸, tartaric酒石酸, succinic acids.琥珀酸esters酯类 alcohols醇类 ethers醚类, ketones.酮类 Heat denaturation热变性sterilization灭菌 sanitizing消毒membrane processing膜处理microfiltration微过滤sediment沉淀物ultrafiltration超滤 carotene胡萝卜素 hydrophobic疏水性hydrophilic亲水性 hydrogel水凝胶chiral手性的D-glycerose D-甘油醛 heteroglycan杂聚糖polyunsaturated 多不饱和键的catalyst 催化剂翻译句型:Although metals are crystalline solids, this is not immediately apparent when they are examined under a microscope.虽然金属是晶体,但是当在显微镜下观察时,并不是立刻就那么明显。



P60第一段:Alcoholic beverages are produced from a range of raw materials but especially from cereals, fruits and sugar crops. They include non-distilled beverages such as beers, wines, ciders, and sake. Disitlled beverages such as whisky and rum are produced from fermented cereals and molasses, respectively, while brandy is produced by distillation of wine. Other distilled beverages, such as vodka and gin, are produced from neutral spirits obtained by distillation of fermented molasses, grain, potato or whey. A variety of fortified wines are produced by addition of include sherries, port and Madeira wines.酒精饮料可由许多原料来生产,但以谷物、水果和糖料作物为主。








Lesson 1 Nutrition1.Food might be defined as any edible substance that provides nourishment when consumed. 食物可定义为食后起滋养作用的任何可食用的物质。

2.We need them for energy, for building and maintaining body tissue; and for regulating body processes the three essential functions of foods in the body.我们需要这些营养素来提供能量,构成和修补机体组织,调节机体生理过程。


3.Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and use them to make many other substances our bodies need.营养可定义为人们赖以获得的必须营养素,并利用这些营养素来制造人体所需的其他物质的过程。

4.The term good nutrition implies that we are obtaining from our food all of the essential nutrients in the amounts needed to keep our bodies functioning and to maintain optimum health. A very simplified definition of good nutrition might be" eating the right foods in the right amounts.”由此可见,唯有营养素才是真正必需的,而正常提供营养素的则是食物。

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Lesson 91. Lipids are a family of naturally occurring compounds grouped together on the basis of their relative insolubility in water in nonpolar solvents. These are naturally occurring molecules that can be isolated from cells and tissues by extration using nonpolar organic solvents.依据在水中的不溶解性和在非极性溶剂中的溶解性,脂肪以家族形式组成而自然出现的。


2. Saturated fats have a uniform shape that allows them to pack together in a crystal lattice. Unsaturated fats have double bonds that introduce kinks into the hydrocarbon chain making crystal formation more difficult.饱和脂肪有一个均一一致的形状,这使得他它们能够在晶格中聚合起来。


3. The most abundant lipid in olive oil is glyceryl trioleate, a trimester formed from glycerol and oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid with a cis double bond in the middle of the Cchain.18橄榄油里最丰富的脂质是三油酸甘油酯,是甘油和油酸,与一个单不饱和脂肪酸加上一个顺式双键在C18链的中间形成的一种三聚体。

4. Waxes are mixtures of esters of long chain carboxylic acids and long chain alcohols. The carboxylic acids usually have an even number of carbon atoms, ranging from 16 to 36, and the long chain alcohols also have an even number of carbon atoms, ranging from 24 to 36.蜡是一种由长链羧酸和长链醇通过脂键组成的酯的混合物。


Lesson105. This means that any catalyst that catalyze a reaction in one (e.g.,esterification) also catalyze the reverse(e.g., ester hydrolysis) reaction. To say these things another way, catalysts do not change the energy balance between reactants and products; catalysts do lower the energy barrier between reactants and products.这意味着任何一个催化剂既可以催化一个反应朝一个方向进行,也可以使其朝逆方向进行。


6.Sulfuric acid as a source of H+ will catalyze the formation of any ester from the appropriate alcohol and carboxylic acid, but many enzymes are so specialized that they will catalyze a reaction of one molecule, but will leave untouched a very similar molecule.硫酸作为一个H+离子来源,能催化任何由合适的羧酸和醇构成酯的反应,而许多酶的特性很高,它们可以催化一种分子反应,但不会触及另一类很相似的分子的反应。

7. This broader specificity is useful in the case of an enzyme like papain which is important in protein digestion. It can catalyze the hydrolysis of peptide (amide) bonds in a variety of proteins, which means that the body does not need to maintain a stock of more specific enzymes to tackle specific proteins.这个广泛的特异性在酶中很有用,例如木瓜蛋白酶,它在蛋白质消化中具有重要意义。


8. Thus we can describe them in terms of their primary, secondary, tertiary, and in many cases, quaternary structure. They are long chains of amino acid units held together by peptide bonds, looped and folded into secondary and tertiary (and often quaternary) structures by disulfide bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and salt bridges.这样我们能从蛋白质一级,二级,三级和四级结构方面来描述酶:它们是由氨基酸通过肽键结合的单位所组成,以缠绕折叠的方式,由二硫键,疏水键,盐桥而构成二级和三级结构的许多长链。

9. In such instances, the enzyme without the cofactor is called an apoenzyme, and the apoenzyme-cofactor complexis called a holoenzyme. We will see that the protein chain of an apoenzyme can have functional groups on its side chains (R groups) which are important to its catalytic function, but other important functional groups are introduced by way of cofactors.有些时候,不含辅基的酶叫脱辅基蛋白酶,辅基和脱辅基蛋白酶的复合物叫全酶。


10. The fit can come about either because the molecule fits easily into the enzyme's active site (lock-and-key model) or because the enzyme's structure adjusts to the substrate's entry (induced fit model).匹配进入酶的活性部位,要么因为这个分子容易进入酶的活性部位,要么因为酶的结构进行调整。

Lesson 1111. These provide the energy and building materials for the countless substances that are essential to the growth and survival of living things. The manner in which nutrients become integral parts of the body and contribute to its function is dependent on the physiologic biochemical processes that govern their actions.这些营养素为无数的生物生长和生存所必需的物质提供了能量和构建物质。


12. As constituents of food we eat they not only provide energy but also provide a basis for tastes, color, texture, keeping qualities, and overall acceptability of that food, not nutrients, and therefore should consider the total role of nutritional compounds in food.作为我们所吃食物的组分,它们不仅提供了能量,而且提供了该食物的味觉、颜色、质地、质量保持和总的接受程度。


13. They are called essential nutrients because we cannot get along without them .We need them for energy for building and maintaining body tissue, and for regulating body process—the three essential functions of food in the body.因为我们的生存离不开它们,所以被认为是必须的营养素。
