新编英语教程1Unit 6

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记得在文章的后面加个后记。 Remember to affix a postscript to the essay. 3. Similarly, some states raise money by imposing
taxes on liquor, cigarettes, and other luxuries. impose sth on/upon sb/sth (1) place a tax, duty, etc. on e.g., impose a fine on his drunken driving (2) place sth unpleasant on sb; force sb to accept
7. I was more than excited: I was very excited. e.g., I was more than reluctant to face this problem.
People are more than eager to know the actors’ life behind the screen.
a. Various kinds of stamps serve various official purposes.
b. Some stamps can be as large as commercialpapers.
c. Stamps were once used as a money-raising device.
e.g., 她总是喜欢把自己的想法强加在别人身上。 She likes to impose her ideas on others.
e.g., impose oneself/sth on sb He’d never think of imposing himself on the
surrounding people. 4. luxury items
The little boy was longing for his father to bring him a present.
5. I volunteered on every occasion to play a role in children’s plays.
volunteer (v): give or offer sth willingly
volunteer to do sth
e.g., ~ to join the army
6. The whole performance went off well. go off (in the sentence): take place in some way; go How does your American life go off?
Your words are a compliment to your mother’s cooking. (2) be used a verb
compliment sb on sth e.g., 我钦佩他对真理不懈的追求。
I compliment him on his persistent pursuit of the truth. 3. a straight A student: a student who receives an A for every course he / she takes other usages concerning straight: 1) I don’t think you are straight with me. (honest) 2) Is my tie straight? (properly positioned)
Background Information
British penny black stamp & twopence blue stamp
Reading Comprehension
➢ What is a stamp? ➢ Name some kinds of stamps in the world. ➢ What do you know about the famous British
3) tell a straight story (accurate)
4) (idms) get sth straight: get sth right
keep a straight face: stop oneself from laughing
4. Even before primary schools, I longed to act in plays as well as to watch them.
LanguageHale Waihona Puke BaiduPoints
1. relating to the country of issue issue (n/v)
a. be used as a noun (1) supply and distribution 发出,分发 e.g., the issue of his latest book
luxurious (adj)
5. Issued by Great Britain, these first stamps were the penny black and the twopence blue stamp, each bearing the likeness of the young Queen Victoria.
2. According to the passage, all the following people’s pictures had been printed on the postage stamps except_____.
a. Benjamin Franklin’s b. George Washington’s c. Sir Rowland Hill’s d. Queen Victoria’s
b. be used as a verb (1) publish (2) supply or distribute sth to sb for use
issue sth to sb/ issue sb with sth e.g., issue the poor with food
The teacher was issuing apples to the children in the kindergarten.
(3) make sth known issue sth to sb
e.g., issue orders, announcements, ect. 国务院向公众公布了来年的财政计划。
long to do sth: want to do sth very much
long for sth
long for sb to do sth e.g., 她说她一生都在渴望奇迹的发生。
She said she had been longing for miracles all her life.
e.g., 她是上海30年代红极一时的歌手。 She was quite a hit in Shanghai during the
1930s. He is a hit with everyone.
They sang their latest hit. hit songs, records, parade 2. compliment (n/v) (1) be used as a noun: expression of praise e.g., One likes to hear compliments on one’s appearance.
bear the likeness of: resemble
e.g., The baby bears the likeness of her father ,not her mother.
6. Sir Rowland Hill In Britain, peerages(贵族爵位) are graded into five ranks: Duke(公爵) Marquis or Marquess(侯爵) Earl(伯爵) Viscount(子爵) Baron(男爵)
The State Council issued to the public the financial plan for the coming year.
2. Stamps, which are usually gummed on the back, are affixed to postal matter to indicate that the postage has been prepaid. affix sth to/on sth (1) stick or attach sth e.g., affix a stamp to an envelope affix a seal on a document (2) add sth in writing e.g., affix one’s signature to a note of invitation
luxury (n) (1) enjoyment of the best and most expensive (U) e.g., live in luxury
a luxury hotel, liner, etc
(2) thing that is expensive and enjoyable (C) e.g., With such low salaries, we can’t afford many
Stamp Act in 1765? ➢ Which kind of stamps is the most familiar to
people everywhere? What is its function? ➢ When and where did the first postage stamps
Reading 1 Stamps and Postage Stamps
• What’s your definition of a stamp? • Where is it used? • People often take it for granted that a
stamp equals a postage stamp, which is a popular misunderstanding of a stamp. • The postage stamp is only a kind of stamp.
appear? ➢ Who were called the father of postage stamps?
Why were they so called?
Multiple-choice questions:
1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about stamps?
buy stamps on the day of issue
(2) the November issue of this magazine
(3) important topic for discussion; point in question
e.g., raise a new issue (idm) at issue: being discussed or debated
Unit 6
Dialogue 1
1. You really made a hit at the English evening yesterday. make a hit: be very successful hit (in the sentence): success; person or thing that is very popular