gmat试题中文及答案GMAT试题中文及答案一、数学题1. 如果一个数的平方等于该数本身,那么这个数可能是多少?A. 0B. 1C. -1D. A和B答案:D2. 一个圆的半径是5,它的面积是多少?A. 25πB. 50πC. 75πD. 100π答案:B二、逻辑题1. 所有的猫都怕水,如果一只动物怕水,那么它不是猫。
以下哪项如果为真,最能支持上述论断?A. 有些猫不怕水。
B. 有些动物怕水但不是猫。
C. 所有怕水的动物都是猫。
D. 有些动物不怕水并且是猫。
答案:B2. 如果一个公司想要提高其市场份额,它应该降低其产品的价格。
以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱上述观点?A. 降价可能会损害公司的品牌形象。
B. 消费者通常认为价格高的产品质量更好。
C. 竞争对手也降低了他们的产品价格。
D. 公司的产品在市场上已经是最低价。
问题:1. 20世纪初,汽车工业的发展导致了什么?A. 道路数量的减少B. 对耐用道路的需求增长C. 汽车价格的上升D. 工程师数量的增加答案:B2. 工程师们如何解决土路容易受到天气影响的问题?A. 减少汽车的使用B. 建造更耐用的道路C. 增加土路的数量D. 限制天气变化答案:B四、语法题1. 尽管他很年轻,但他已经是一位经验丰富的工程师。
A. 尽管他很年轻,但他已经是一位经验丰富的工程师。
B. 尽管他很年轻,但他是一位经验丰富的工程师。
C. 虽然他很年轻,但他已经是一位经验丰富的工程师。
D. 虽然他很年轻,但他是一位经验丰富的工程师。
答案:A2. 这家公司不仅提供了高质量的产品,而且它的服务也非常出色。
【Like the idolization accorded the Brontes and Brownings, 】James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are often subjected to the kind of veneration that blurs the distinction between the artist and the human being.A、Like the idolization accorded the Brontes and Brownings,B、As the Bront?s' and Brownings' idolization,C、Like that accorded to the Brontes and Brownings,D、As it is of the Brontes and Brownings,E、Like the Brontes and Brownings,正确答案:E主句主语是JJ和VW这两个人,那前面的比较也应该是拿两个人与他们做比较,而不是idolizationA: idolization 和 jj and vw不可比B:as作为连词,表比较,要接一个句子;as加名词,表作为; idolization 和 jj and vw不可比C:that指代歧义D:it指代歧义;as it is of the 啰嗦E:bingo总结:like是一个prep. 因此只能跟名词、代词或者名词短语,不能跟句子或者介词短语as作为介词时,表示列举,只能用as,不能用Likeas作为连词时,可以跟句子,也可以跟介词短语表比较GMAT金牌一对一想要快速提分,一对一最适合你1一对一会根据你的实际情况制定计划2每天有专职顾问记录你全天的学习进度3授课的时间、地点、形式都非常灵活4一对一授课的吸收率是大班课的5倍5教学更具交流性,课堂上可随时反馈6每学科教师辅导+专门学习顾问+助教数据证明一对一授课的吸收率,是大班课的5倍!天道标准化GMAT课程教学体系——平均教龄5年以上教师研发,历经多年GMAT考试实战验证,数据证明一对一授课的吸收率,一对一授课效率是小班授课的2~3倍,是大班课的5倍,最大限度保证学习效果,家长要做的就是放心把孩子交给天道。
国外英语考试《GMAT》试题(网友回忆版)一[问答题]1.The following appeared in a letter (江南博哥)from the manager of a rock band named Double Rice.“One year ago, tickets for Double Rice’s concerts in stadiums around the coundivy took, on average, at least 24 hours to sell out, if they sold out at all.But the band has been enjoying a surge in nationwide popularity among 14 to 25 year olds, and the 30,000tickets for a recent concert in Megalopolis sold out in 12minutes.Clearly the ticket sales in Megalopolis are a result both of the band’s increased popularity and of the advertising campaign run in Megalopolis by the Ad Lib advertising agency.Thus, in order to ensure that the band’s success in Megalopolis is repeated across the coundivy, the band should hire Ad Lib to duplicate the Megalopolis ad campaign on a nationwide scale.”Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument.For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative examples or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion.You can also discuss what sort of evidence would sdivengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.参考答案:【参考范文】The manager of the rock band Double Rice (DR) concludes that the band should hire the advertising agency Ad Lib to promote the band throughout the country.To justify this conclusion the manager cites Ad Lib’s campaign to promote a recent DR concert at a large venue in Megalopolis.Tickets for this concert sold out in 12 minutes, whereas one year ago tickets for DR concerts at large venues rarely sold out in less than 24 hours—if at all.The manager reasons that the Megalopolis success must have been attributable to both Ad Lib’s efforts and DR’s popularity.The manager’s argument is flawed in several critical respects.To begin with, assuming that the Megalopolis success was in fact due to DR’s popularity there, the manager overlooks the possibility that Ad Lib’s campaign had nothing to do with that popularity.Perhaps the band recently became overwhelmingly popular due to a new hit song or to a revival of the type of music DR plays.Either scenario, if true,would serve to undermine the manager’s claim that Ad Lib’s efforts are to be credited for the Megalopolis success.The manager also overlooks the possibility that one or more factors other than Ad Lib’s efforts or DR’s popularity were instead responsible for the Megalopolis success.For instance, perhaps DR shared the bill at the concert with another band, whose appearance was the actual reason for the concert’s success.If so, this fact would seriously weaken the manager’s claim that the Megalopolis success is attributable to Ad Lib’s efforts and to DR’s popularity in Megalopolis —whether or not that popularity resulted from Ad Lib’s campaign.Even assuming that either DR’s popularity or Ad Lib’s campaign, or both, were responsible for the Megalopolis success, the manager’s claim that this success can be repeated elsewhere might nevertheless be unwarranted.Megalopolis might not be representative of most cities in which DR plans to appear—in any one of various ways that would adversely impact ticket sales in other cities.For instance, perhaps DR hails from Megalopolis and has far more fans in Megalopolis than any other city.Or, perhaps the kind of ad campaign that is Ad Lib’s specialty, although effective in Megalopolis, would not be effective in most cities.Finally, in concluding that DR must hire Ad Lib in order to ensure similar success throughout the country, the manager assumes that Ad Lib’s services are both necessary and sufficient for thispurpose.Yet the manager has not provided any evidence to substantiate either cking such evidence, it is just as likely that some other ad agency would be equally or more effective.Even if Ad Lib’s services are necessary to achieve the manager’s goal, it is entirely possible that Ad Lib’s services would not suffice to ensure similar success elsewhere—due to the sort of factors mentioned above that might have contributed to the Megalopolis success but would not come into play in other cities.In sum, the manager has not convinced me that DR’s interests would be well served if and only if it hires Ad Lib to promote the band throughout the country.To bolster the argument the manager must rule out all other possible reasons for the success of the Megalopolis concert, and must show that Ad Lib is capable of achieving similar success in other cities.[问答题]2.The following is taken from an advertisement placed in a weekly business magazine by the Dickens Academy.“We disdivibuted a survey to senior management at International Mega-Publishing, Inc.The result of the survey clearly indicates that many employees were well prepared in business knowledge and computer skills, but lacked interpersonal skills to interact gracefully with customers.International Mega-Publishing decided to improve customer satisfaction by sending their newly hired employees to our one-day seminars.Since taking advantage of our program, International Mega-Publishing has seen a sharp increase in sales, an indication that the number of their disgruntled customers has declined significantly.Your company should hire Dickens and let us turn every employee into an ambassador for your company.”Discuss how well-reasoned you find this argument.In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument.For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative examples or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion.You can also discuss what sort of evidence would sdivengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.参考答案:【参考范文】This Dickens Academy ad claims that any company wanting to improve customer relations will benefit from enrolling its employees in Dickens’ one-day seminars.To support this claim the ad cites Mega-Publishing’s improved sales after its new employees attended Dickens’ seminar as an indication of improved customer relations.As it stands the ad rests on a series of dubious assumptions, and is therefore unconvincing.In the first place, the ad relies on the unsubstantiated assumption that the Mega employees attending the seminar are positioned to influence Mega’s sales and its customer relations.Perhaps these new employees were hired for production, editorial, or personnelpositions that have nothing to do with customer relations and that have only an indirect and negligible impact on sales.Without providing evidence that these new employees directly influence Mega’s customer relations and sales, I cannot accept the argument that the Dickens seminar was responsible for any of Mega’s sales or customer-relations improvements subsequent to the seminar.Even if Mega’s seminar attendees are involved in sales and customer relations, the ad unfairly assumes that the improvement in Mega’s sales must be attributable to the seminar.Perhaps the improvement in sales was the result of increasing product demand, new pricing policies, decreased competition, or any one of a myriad of other possible developments.For that matter, perhaps Mega’s new employees as a group already possessed exceptional interpersonal skills, and therefore Mega’s sales and customer relations would have improved during the ensuing months regardless of the seminar.Since the adfails to consider and rule out these and other alternative explanations for the improvements at Mega, I find the ad’s claimthat the Dickens seminar should receive credit unconvincing.Even if the Dickens seminar was responsible for improved sales and customer relations at Mega, the ad’s claim that all other businesses would benefit similarly from a Dickens seminar is unjustified.It is entirely possible that the techniques and skills that participants in Dickens’ seminars learn are effective for the kind of business in which Mega engages, but not for other types of businesses.Although it is possible that Dickens’ training methods would be equallyeffective for other types of businesses, since Dickens has not provided evidence that this is the case I remain unconvinced by the ad’s claim.In sum, this ad fails to provide key evidence needed to support its claim.To strengthen that claim Dickens must show that Mega’s seminar attendees—and not other employees or other occurrences—were indeed responsible for the subsequent improvement in sales, and that customer relations also improved as a result of their attending the seminar.Dickens must also provide additional success stories—about other types of businesses—to convince me that Dickens’ training methods will work for any business.[问答题]3.The following appeared in the annual report from the president of the National Brush Company.“In order to save money, we at the National Brush Company have decided to pay our employees for each brush they produce instead of for the time they spend producing brushes.We believe that this policy will lead to the production of more and better brushes, will allow us to reduce our staff size, and will enable the company factories tooperate for fewer hours-resulting in savings on elecdivicity and security costs.These changes will ensure that the best workers keep their jobs and that the company will earn a profit in the coming year.”Discuss how well-reasoned you find this argument.In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument.For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative examples or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion.You can also discuss what sort of evidence would sdivengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.参考答案:【参考范文】In this report, the president of National Brush Company (NBC) concludes that the best way to ensure that NBC will earn a profit next year is for the company to pay its workers according to the number of brushes they produce—rather than hourly.To support this conclusion, the president claims that the new policy will result in the production of more and better brushes, which in turn will allow NBC to reduce its staff size and operating hours, thereby cutting expenses.This argument is fraught with dubious assumptions, which render it entirely unconvincing.First of all, the argument relies on the unsubstantiated assumption that the new policy will motivate workers to produce brushes more quickly.Whether this is the case will depend, of course, on the amount earned per brush and the rate at which workers can produce brushes.It will also depend on the extent to which NBC workers are content with their current income cking evidence that the new policy would result in the production of more brushes, the president cannot convince me that this policy would be an effective means to ensure a profit for NBC in the coming year.Even if the new policy does motivate NBC workers to produce more brushes, the president’s argument depends on the additional assumption that producing brushes more quickly can be accomplished without sacrificing quality.In fact, the president goes further by predicting an increase in quality.Yet, common sense informs me that, if the production process otherwise remains the same, quicker production is likely to reduce quality—and in any event certainlynot increase it.And a decline quality might serve to diminish the value of NBC’s brushes in the marketplace.Thus, the ultimate result of the new policy might be to reduce NBC’s revenue and, in turn, profits.Even assuming that as the result of the new policy NBC’s current workforce produces more brushes without sacrificing quality, reducing the size of the workforce and the number of operating hours would serve to offset those production gains.Admittedly, by keeping the most efficient employees NBC would minimize the extent of this offset.Nevertheless, the president provides no evidence that the result would be a net gain in production.Without any such evidence the president’s argument that the new policy will help ensure profitability is highly suspect.In sum, the president has failed to provide adequate evidence to support his claim that the new policy would serve to ensure a profit for NBC in the coming year.To strengthen the argument, NBC should conduct a survey or other study to demonstrate not only its workers’willingness to work more quickly but also their ability to maintain quality at a quicker pace.To better assess the argument I would need detailed financial projections comparing current payroll and other operating costs with projected costs under the new policy—in order to determine whether NBC is likely to be more profitable under the proposed scheme.国外英语考试《GMAT》试题(网友回忆版)一[问答题]1.The following appeared in a letter from the manager of a rock band named Double Rice.“One year ago, tickets for Double Rice’s concerts in stadiums around the coundivy took, on average, at least 24 hours to sell out, if they sold out at all.But the band has been enjoying a surge in nationwide popularity among 14 to 25 year olds, and the 30,000tickets for a recent concert in Megalopolis sold out in 12minutes.Clearly the ticket sales in Megalopolis are a result both of the band’s increased popularity and of the advertising campaign run in Megalopolis by the Ad Lib advertising agency.Thus, in order to ensure that the band’s success in Megalopolis is repeated across the coundivy, the band should hire Ad Lib to duplicate the Megalopolis ad campaign on a nationwide scale.”Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.In your discussion,be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument.For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative examples or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion.You can also discuss what sort of evidence would sdivengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.参考答案:【参考范文】The manager of the rock band Double Rice (DR) concludes that the band should hire the advertising agency Ad Lib to promote the band throughout the country.To justify this conclusion the manager cites Ad Lib’s campaign to promote a recent DR concert at a large venue in Megalopolis.Tickets for this concert sold out in 12 minutes, whereas one year ago tickets for DR concerts at large venues rarely sold out in less than 24 hours—if at all.The manager reasons that the Megalopolis success must have been attributable to both Ad Lib’s efforts and DR’s popularity.The manager’s argument is flawed in several critical respects.To begin with, assuming that the Megalopolis success was in fact due to DR’s popularity there, the manager overlooks the possibility that Ad Lib’s campaign had nothing to do with that popularity.Perhaps the band recently became overwhelmingly popular due to a new hit song or to a revival of the type of music DR plays.Either scenario, if true, would serve to undermine the manager’s claim that Ad Lib’s efforts are to be credited for the Megalopolis success.The manager also overlooks the possibility that one or more factors other than Ad Lib’s efforts or DR’s popularity were instead responsible for the Megalopolis success.For instance, perhaps DR shared the bill at the concert with another band, whose appearance was the actual reason for the concert’s success.If so, this fact would seriously weaken the manager’s claim that the Megalopolis success is attributable to Ad Lib’s efforts and to DR’s popularity in Megalopolis —whether or not that popularity resulted from Ad Lib’s campaign.Even assuming that either DR’s popularity or Ad Lib’s campaign, or both, were responsible for the Megalopolis success, the manager’s claim that this success can be repeated elsewhere might nevertheless be unwarranted.Megalopolis might not be representative of most citiesin which DR plans to appear—in any one of various ways that would adversely impact ticket sales in other cities.For instance, perhaps DR hails from Megalopolis and has far more fans in Megalopolis than any other city.Or, perhaps the kind of ad campaign that is Ad Lib’s specialty, although effective in Megalopolis, would not be effective in most cities.Finally, in concluding that DR must hire Ad Lib in order to ensure similar success throughout the country, the manager assumes that Ad Lib’s services are both necessary and sufficient for thispurpose.Yet the manager has not provided any evidence to substantiate either cking such evidence, it is just as likely that some other ad agency would be equally or more effective.Even if Ad Lib’s services are necessary to achieve the manager’s goal, it is entirely possible that Ad Lib’s services would not suffice to ensure similar success elsewhere—due to the sort of factors mentioned above that might have contributed to the Megalopolis success but would not come into play in other cities.In sum, the manager has not convinced me that DR’s interests would be well served if and only if it hires Ad Lib to promote the band throughout the country.To bolster the argument the manager must rule out all other possible reasons for the success of the Megalopolis concert, and must show that Ad Lib is capable of achieving similar success in other cities.[问答题]2.The following is taken from an advertisement placed in a weekly business magazine by the Dickens Academy.“We disdivibuted a survey to senior management at International Mega-Publishing, Inc.The result of the survey clearly indicates that many employees were well prepared in business knowledge and computer skills, but lacked interpersonal skills to interact gracefully with customers.International Mega-Publishing decided to improve customer satisfaction by sending their newly hired employees to our one-day seminars.Since taking advantage of our program, International Mega-Publishing has seen a sharp increase in sales, an indication that the number of their disgruntled customers has declined significantly.Your company should hire Dickens and let us turn every employee into an ambassador for your company.”Discuss how well-reasoned you find this argument.In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence inthe argument.For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative examples or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion.You can also discuss what sort of evidence would sdivengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.参考答案:【参考范文】This Dickens Academy ad claims that any company wanting to improve customer relations will benefit from enrolling its employees in Dickens’ one-day seminars.To support this claim the ad cites Mega-Publishing’s improved sales after its new employees attended Dickens’ seminar as an indication of improved customer relations.As it stands the ad rests on a series of dubious assumptions, and is therefore unconvincing.In the first place, the ad relies on the unsubstantiated assumption that the Mega employees attending the seminar are positioned to influence Mega’s sales and its customer relations.Perhaps these new employees were hired for production, editorial, or personnelpositions that have nothing to do with customer relations and that have only an indirect and negligible impact on sales.Without providing evidence that these new employees directly influence Mega’s customer relations and sales, I cannot accept the argument that the Dickens seminar was responsible for any of Mega’s sales or customer-relations improvements subsequent to the seminar.Even if Mega’s seminar attendees are involved in sales and customer relations, the ad unfairly assumes that the improvement in Mega’s sales must be attributable to the seminar.Perhaps the improvement in sales was the result of increasing product demand, new pricing policies, decreased competition, or any one of a myriad of other possible developments.For that matter, perhaps Mega’s new employees as a group already possessed exceptional interpersonal skills, and therefore Mega’s sales and customer relations would have improved during the ensuing months regardless of the seminar.Since the adfails to consider and rule out these and other alternative explanations for the improvements at Mega, I find the ad’s claimthat the Dickens seminar should receive credit unconvincing.Even if the Dickens seminar was responsible for improved sales and customer relations at Mega, the ad’s claim that all other businesseswould benefit similarly from a Dickens seminar is unjustified.It is entirely possible that the techniques and skills that participants in Dickens’ seminars learn are effective for the kind of business in which Mega engages, but not for other types of businesses.Although it is possible that Dickens’ training methods would be equallyeffective for other types of businesses, since Dickens has not provided evidence that this is the case I remain unconvinced by the ad’s claim.In sum, this ad fails to provide key evidence needed to support its claim.To strengthen that claim Dickens must show that Mega’s seminar attendees—and not other employees or other occurrences—were indeed responsible for the subsequent improvement in sales, and that customer relations also improved as a result of their attending the seminar.Dickens must also provide additional success stories—about other types of businesses—to convince me that Dickens’ training methods will work for any business.[问答题]3.The following appeared in the annual report from the president of the National Brush Company.“In order to save money, we at the National Brush Company have decided to pay our employees for each brush they produce instead of for the time they spend producing brushes.We believe that this policy will lead to the production of more and better brushes, will allow us to reduce our staff size, and will enable the company factories to operate for fewer hours-resulting in savings on elecdivicity and security costs.These changes will ensure that the best workers keep their jobs and that the company will earn a profit in the coming year.”Discuss how well-reasoned you find this argument.In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument.For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative examples or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion.You can also discuss what sort of evidence would sdivengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.参考答案:【参考范文】In this report, the president of National Brush Company (NBC) concludes that the best way to ensure that NBC will earn a profitnext year is for the company to pay its workers according to the number of brushes they produce—rather than hourly.To support this conclusion, the president claims that the new policy will result in the production of more and better brushes, which in turn will allow NBC to reduce its staff size and operating hours, thereby cutting expenses.This argument is fraught with dubious assumptions, which render it entirely unconvincing.First of all, the argument relies on the unsubstantiated assumption that the new policy will motivate workers to produce brushes more quickly.Whether this is the case will depend, of course, on the amount earned per brush and the rate at which workers can produce brushes.It will also depend on the extent to which NBC workers are content with their current income cking evidence that the new policy would result in the production of more brushes, the president cannot convince me that this policy would be an effective means to ensure a profit for NBC in the coming year.Even if the new policy does motivate NBC workers to produce more brushes, the president’s argument depends on the additional assumption that producing brushes more quickly can be accomplished without sacrificing quality.In fact, the president goes further by predicting an increase in quality.Yet, common sense informs me that, if the production process otherwise remains the same, quicker production is likely to reduce quality—and in any event certainly not increase it.And a decline quality might serve to diminish the value of NBC’s brushes in the marketplace.Thus, the ultimate result of the new policy might be to reduce NBC’s revenue and, in turn, profits.Even assuming that as the result of the new policy NBC’s current workforce produces more brushes without sacrificing quality, reducing the size of the workforce and the number of operating hours would serve to offset those production gains.Admittedly, by keeping the most efficient employees NBC would minimize the extent of this offset.Nevertheless, the president provides no evidence that the result would be a net gain in production.Without any such evidence the president’s argument that the new policy will help ensure profitability is highly suspect.In sum, the president has failed to provide adequate evidence to support his claim that the new policy would serve to ensure a profitfor NBC in the coming year.To strengthen the argument, NBC should conduct a survey or other study to demonstrate not only its workers’willingness to work more quickly but also their ability to maintain quality at a quicker pace.To better assess the argument I would need detailed financial projections comparing current payroll and other operating costs with projected costs under the new policy—in order to determine whether NBC is likely to be more profitable under the proposed scheme.。
gmat考试题及答案一、GMAT考试阅读理解题及答案1. 题目:In a recent study, researchers found that people who regularly engage in physical activities are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. The study suggests that regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of these diseases.Question: What is the main finding of the study mentioned in the passage?A. Regular exercise has no effect on chronic diseases.B. People who exercise regularly are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases.C. Regular exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.D. Physical activities can cause heart disease and diabetes.Answer: C2. 题目:The company's new marketing strategy focuses on targeting younger consumers, as they believe that this demographic is more likely to be interested in their products. The strategy includes launching a social media campaign and offering discounts to students.Question: What is the main objective of the company's new marketing strategy?A. To target older consumers.B. To increase sales among students.C. To target younger consumers.D. To reduce the company's social media presence.Answer: C二、GMAT考试逻辑推理题及答案1. 题目:Premise: All birds can fly.Conclusion: Penguins can fly.Question: What is the logical error in the conclusion?A. The conclusion is true.B. The conclusion is false because penguins are birds.C. The conclusion is false because penguins cannot fly.D. The conclusion is true because penguins are birds.Answer: C2. 题目:Premise: If it rains, then the game will be canceled.Premise: The game was not canceled.Conclusion: It did not rain.Question: What type of logical reasoning is used in this argument?A. Deductive reasoning.B. Inductive reasoning.C. Abductive reasoning.D. Causal reasoning.Answer: A三、GMAT考试数据充分性题及答案1. 题目:Is the sum of two numbers, x and y, greater than 10?(1) x is greater than 5.(2) y is greater than 5.Question: Is statement (1) alone sufficient, statement (2) alone sufficient, or both statements together sufficient to answer the question?A. Statement (1) alone is sufficient.B. Statement (2) alone is sufficient.C. Both statements together are sufficient.D. Neither statement alone nor together is sufficient.Answer: D2. 题目:What is the value of the variable z?(1) z is twice the value of x.(2) The sum of x and y is 10.Question: Is statement (1) alone sufficient, statement (2) alone sufficient, or both statements together sufficient to answer the question?A. Statement (1) alone is sufficient.B. Statement (2) alone is sufficient.C. Both statements together are sufficient.D. Neither statement alone nor together is sufficient.Answer: D四、GMAT考试语法改错题及答案1. 题目:The company, which was founded by John in 2005, is now one of the largest in the industry.(A) which was founded by John in 2005(B) was founded by John in 2005(C) was it founded by John in 2005(D) it was founded by John in 2005Answer: B2. 题目:After the storm, the city had to deal with the damage to the buildings, and also to the roads.(A) and also to the roads(B) and also with the roads(C) as well as to the roads(D) and also the roadsAnswer: C这些题目和答案仅供参考,GMAT考试的题目类型和难度可能会有所不同。
Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedented opportunities—as well as new and significant risks. Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lack access to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated by large companies. Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than $500,000 do their best to find minority subcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with the government. Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises.Corporate response appears to have been substantial. According to figures collected in 1977, the total of corporate contracts with minority businesses rose from $77 million in 1972 to $1.1 billion in 1977. The projected total of corporate contracts with minority busine sses for the early 1980’s is estimated to be over 53 billion per year with no letup anticipated in the next decade. Promising as it is for minority businesses, this increased patronage poses dangers for them, too. First, minority firms risk expanding too fast and overextending themselves financially, since most are small concerns and, unlike large businesses, theyoften need to make substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to them. If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses. The world of corporate purchasing can be frustrating for small entrepreneurs who get requests for elaborate formal estimates and bids. Both consume valuable time and resources, and a small company’s efforts must soon result in orders, or both the morale and the financial health of the business will suffer.A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns. Of course, in many instances there are legitimate reasons for joint ventures; clearly, White and minority enterprises can team up (team up: v.(使)结成一队, 合作, 协作) to acquire business that neither could acquire alone. But civil rights groups and minority business owners have complained to Congress about minorities being set up as “fronts (a person, group, or thing used to mask the identity or true character or activity of the actual control ling agent)” with White backing, rather than being accepted as full partners in legitimate joint ventures.Third, a minority enterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often runs the danger of becoming—and remaining—dependent. Even in the best of circumstances, fierce competition from larger, more established companies makes it difficult for small concerns to broaden their customer bases: when such firms have nearly guaranteed orders from a single corporate benefactor, they may truly have to struggle against complacency arising from their current success.1. The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) present a commonplace idea and its inaccuracies(B) describe a situation and its potential drawbacks(C) propose a temporary solution to a problem(D) analyze a frequent source of disagreement(E) explore the implications of a finding2. The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions?(A) What federal agencies have set percentage goals for the use of minority-owned businesses in public works contracts?(B) T o which government agencies must businesses awarded federal contracts report their efforts to find minority subcontractors?(C) How widespread is the use of minority-owned concerns as “fronts” by White backers seeking to obtain subcontracts?(D) How many more minority-owned businesses were there in 1977 than in 1972?(E) What is one set of conditions under which a small business might find itself financially overextended?3. According to the passage, civil rights activists maintain that one disadvantage under which minority-owned businesses have traditionally had to labor (to suffer from some disadvantage or distress “labor under a delusion”) is that they have(A) been especially vulnerable to governmental mismanagement of the economy(B) been denied bank loans at rates comparable to those afforded larger competitors(C) not had sufficient opportunity to secure business created by large corporations(D) not been able to advertise in those media that reach large numbers of potential customers(E) not had adequate representation in the centers of government power4. The passage suggests that the failure of a large business to have its bids for subcontracts result quickly in orders might cause it to(A) experience frustration but not serious financial harm(B) face potentially crippling fixed expenses(C) have to record its efforts on forms filed with the government(D) increase its spending with minority subcontractors(E) revise its procedure for making bids for federal contracts and subcontracts5. The author implies that a minority-owned concern that does the greater part of its business with one large corporate customer should(A) avoid competition with larger, more established concerns by not expanding(B) concentrate on securing even more business from that corporation(C) try to expand its customer base to avoid becoming dependent on the corporation(D) pass on some of the work to be done for the corporation to other minority-owned concerns(E) use its influence with the corporation to promote subcontracting with other minority concerns6. It can be inferred from the passage that, compared with the requirements of law, the percentage goals set by “some federal and local agencies” (lines 14-15) are(A) more popular with large corporations(B) more specific(C) less controversial(D) less expensive to enforce(E) easier to comply with7. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s assertion that, in the 1970’s, corporate respon se to federal requirements (lines 18-19) was substantial(A) Corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses totaled $2 billion in 1979.(B) Between 1970 and 1972, corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses declined by 25 percent.(C) The figures collected in 1977 underrepresented the extent of corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses.(D) The estimate of corporate spending with minority-owned businesses in 1980 is approximately $10 million too high.(E) The $1.1 billion represented the same percentage of total corporate spending in 1977 as did $77 million in 1972.8. The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about corporate response to working with minority subcontractors?(A) Annoyed by the prolife ration of “front” organizations, corporations are likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near future.(B) Although corporations showed considerable interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970’s, their aversion to government paperwork made them reluctant to pursue many government contracts.(C) The significant response of corporations in the 1970’s is likely to be sustained and conceivably be increased throughout the 1980’s.(D) Although corporations are eager to cooperate withminority-owned businesses, a shortage of capital in the 1970’s made substantial response impossible.(E) The enormous corporate response has all but eliminated the dangers of over-expansion that used to plague small minority-owned businesses.参考答案:BECA CBEC【2016年GMAT考试长阅读理解练习题】。
八月数学机经更新日志8.23 更新至80题8.25 更新至125题8.26 更新至144题 22:47 更新至194题1、PS:【(n-1)!+n!+(n+1)!】/n!在16到17之间求n(n−1)!+n!+(n+1)!n!=1n+1+(n+1)=1n+n+2所以16<1n+n+2<1714<1n+n<15 n=142、PS:一个长方体装水底面正方形边4 长方形height6 加了16立方米的水问是正方体的portion (单位都是m)(这题我的理解不知道对不对,欢迎纠正)长方体的体积:4*4*6=96,水的体积为16,比例为:16/96=1/62、PS:V1:有个1 11 111 1111题干大概说n代表有几个1 最后就是问前n40的和(好像是.。
)的10位忘了我选的啥了好像是2还是3 选项就是A2B3C4D5E6之类的;V2:有一个set, 里面有N个数,每一个数的每一个digit都equal 1, 大致意思就是(1,11,111,1111.。
)问你the sun of the firt 40 的ten digit 是多少。
选项有2、4、6...其余失忆了40个数里面,有40个数个位数为1,所以个位数和为40,即sum的个位数为0,同时向十位数进4;同时,40个数中有39个十位数为1,所以sum的十位数=39+4=43,即十位数为3,向百位数进4.综上,十位数为3.4、PS:大箱子装小箱子小箱子边长2,2,3,大箱子边长6, 18,8,问大箱子能装多少小箱子数字不确定对不对答案确定是70几,最大的哪个,好像是72?答案有24 36 40 68 72(大概是)装最多的箱子时,应该保证空余最少的空间,最好一点都不空余。
Passage 4 The fossil remains of the first flying vertebrates, the pterosaurs, have intrigued paleontologists for morethan two centuries. How such large creatures, which weighed in some cases as much as a piloted hang-glider(5) and had wingspans from 8 to 12 meters, solved theproblems of powered flight, and exactly what thesecreatures were——reptiles or birds-are among the ques-tions scientists have puzzled over. Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the(10) pterosaurs is that they were reptiles. Their skulls,pelvises,and hind feet are reptilian. The anatomy oftheir wings suggests that they did not evolve into theclass of birds. In pterosaurs a greatly elongated fourthfinger of each forelimb supported a winglike membrane.(15) The other fingers were short and reptilian, with sharpclaws. In birds the second finger is the principal strutof the wing, which consists primarily of feathers. If thepterosaurs walked on all fours, the three short fingersmay have been employed for grasping. When a(20) pterosaur walked or remained stationary, the fourthfinger, and with it the wing, could only turn upward inan extended inverted V-shape along each side of the animal‘s body. The pterosaurs resembled both birds and bats in(25) their overall structure and proportions. This is not sur-prising because the design of any flying vertebrate issubject to aerodynamic constraints. Both the pterosaursand the birds have hollow bones, a feature that repre-sents a savings in weight. In the birds, however, these(30) bones are reinforced more massively by internal struts. Although scales typically cover reptiles, thepterosaurs probably had hairy coats. T.H. Huxley rea-soned that flying vertebrates must have been warm-blooded because flying implies a high rate of(35) metabolism, which in turn implies a high internal tem-perature. Huxley speculated that a coat of hair wouldinsulate against loss of body heat and might streamlinethe body to reduce drag in flight. The recent discoveryof a pterosaur specimen covered in long, dense,and(40) relatively thick hairlike fossil material was the first clearevidence that his reasoning was correct. Efforts to explain how the pterosaurs became air-borne have led to suggestions that they launched them-selves by jumping from cliffs, by dropping from trees.(45) or even by rising into light winds from the crests ofwaves. Each hypothesis has its difficulties. The firstwrongly assumes that the pterosaurs‘ hind feet rese-mbled a bat’s and could serve as hooks by which theanimal could hang in preparation for flight. The second(50) hypothesis seems unlikely because large pterosaurscould not have landed in trees without damaging theirwings. The third calls for high waves to channelupdrafts. The wind that made such waves however,might have been too strong for the pterosaurs to(55) control their flight once airborne.1. It can be inferred from the passage that scientists now generally agree that the (A) enormous wingspan of the pterosaurs enabled them to fly great distances (B) structure of the skeleton of the pterosaurs suggests a close evolutionary relationship to bats (C) fossil remains of the pterosaurs reveal how they solved the problem of powered flight (D) pterosaurs were reptiles (E) pterosaurs walked on all fours2. The author views the idea that the pterosaurs became airborne by rising into light winds created by waves as (A) revolutionary (B) unlikely (C) unassailable (D) probable (E) outdated3. According to the passage, the skeleton of a pterosaur can be distinguished from that of a bird by the (A) size of its wingspan (B) presence of hollow spaces in its bones (C) anatomic origin of its wing strut (D) presence of hooklike projections on its hind feet (E) location of the shoulder joint joining the wing to its body4. The ideas attributed to T.H. Huxley in the passage suggest that he would most likely agree with which of the following statements? (A) An animal‘s brain size has little bearing on its ability to master complex behaviors. (B) An animal‘s appearance is often influenced by environmental requirements and physical capabilities. (C) Animals within a given family group are unlikely to change their appearance dramatically over a period of time. (D) The origin of flight in vertebrates was an accidental development rather than the outcome of specialization or adaptation. (E) The pterosaurs should be classified as birds, not reptiles.5. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is characteristic of the pterosaurs? (A) They were unable to fold their wings when not in use. (B) They hung upside down from branches as bats do before flight. (C) They flew in order to capture prey. (D) They were an early stage in the evolution of the birds. (E) They lived primarily in a forestlike habitat.6.Which of the following best describes the organization of the last paragraph of the passage? (A) New evidence is introduced to support a traditional point of view. (B) Three explanations for a phenomenon are presented, and each is disputed by means of specific information. (C) Three hypotheses are outlined, and evidence supporting each is given. (D) Recent discoveries are described, and their implications for future study are projected (E) A summary of the material in the preceding paragraphs is presented, and conclusions are drawn.7. It can be inferred from the passage that some scientists believe that pterosaurs (A) lived near large bodies of water (B) had sharp teeth for tearing food (C) were attacked and eaten by larger reptiles (D) had longer tails than many birds (E) consumed twice their weight daily to maintain their body temperature。
Passage 5 How many really suffer as a result of labor mar-ket problems? This is one of the most critical yetcontentious social policy questions. In many ways,our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hard-(5) ship. Unemployment does not have the same direconsequences today as it did in the 1930‘s whenmost of the unemployed were primary breadwin-ners,when income and earnings were usually muchcloser to the margin of subsistence, and when there(10) were no countervailing social programs for thosefailing in the labor market. Increasing affluence, therise of families with more than one wage earner, thegrowing predominance of secondary earners amongthe unemployed, and improved social welfare pro-(15) tection have unquestionably mitigated the conse-quences of joblessness. Earnings and income dataalso overstate the dimensions of hardship. Amongthe millions with hourly earnings at or below theminimum wage level, the overwhelming majority(20) are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families. Most of those counted by the povertystatistics are elderly or handicapped or have familyresponsibilities which keep them out of the laborforce, so the poverty statistics are by no means an(25) accurate indicator of labor market pathologies. Yet there are also many ways our social statisticsunderestimate the degree of labor-market-relatedhardship. The unemployment counts exclude themillions of fully employed workers whose wages are(30) so low that their families remain in poverty. Lowwages and repeated or prolonged unemploymentfrequently interact to undermine the capacity forself-support. Since the number experiencing jobless-ness at some time during the year is several times(35)the number unemployed in any month, those whosuffer as a result of forced idleness can equal orexceed average annual unemployment, even thoughonly a minority of the jobless in any month reallysuffer. For every person counted in the monthly(40) unemployment tallies, there is another workingpart-time because of the inability to find full-timework, or else outside the labor force but wanting ajob. Finally, income transfers in our country havealways focused on the elderly,disabled, and depen-(45)dent, neglecting the needs of the working poor, sothat the dramatic expansion of cash and in-kindtransfers does not necessarily mean that those fail-ing in the labor market are adequately protected.As a result of such contradictory evidence, it is(50) uncertain whether those suffering seriously as aresult of thousands or the tens of millions, and,hence, whether high levels of joblessness can be tol-erated or must be countered by job creationand(55) economic stimulus. There is only one area of agree-ment in this debate——that the existingpoverty,employment, and earnings statistics are inadequatefor one their primary applications, measuring theconsequences of labor market problems.1. Which of the following is the principal topic of the passage? (A) What causes labor market pathologies that result in suffering (B) Why income measures are imprecise in measuring degrees of poverty (C) Which of the currently used statistical procedures are the best for estimating the incidence of hardship that is due to unemployment (D) Where the areas of agreement are among poverty, employment, and earnings figures (E) How social statistics give an unclear picture of the degree of hardship caused by low wages and insufficient employment opportunities2. The author uses “labor market problems” in lines 1-2 to refer to which of the following? (A) The overall causes of poverty (B) Deficiencies in the training of the work force (C) Trade relationships among producers of goods (D) Shortages of jobs providing adequate income (E) Strikes and inadequate supplies of labor3. The author contrasts the 1930‘s with the present in order to show that (A) more people were unemployed in the 1930‘s (B) unemployment now has less severe effects (C) social programs are more needed now (D) there now is a greater proportion of elderly and handicapped people among those in poverty (E) poverty has increased since the 1930‘s4.Which of the following proposals best responds to the issues raised by the author? (A) Innovative programs using multiple approachesshould be set up to reduce the level ofunemployment. (B) A compromise should be found between the positions of those who view joblessness as an evil greater than economic control and those who hold the opposite view. (C) New statistical indices should be developed to measure the degree to which unemployment and inadequately paid employment cause suffering. (D) Consideration should be given to the ways in whichstatistics can act as partial causes of the phenomenathat they purport to measure. (E) The labor force should be restructured so that itcorresponds to the range of job vacancies.5.The author‘s purpose in citing those who are repeatedly unemployed during a twelve-month period is most probably toshow that (A) there are several factors that cause the payment of low wages to some members of the labor force (B) unemployment statistics can underestimate the hardship resulting from joblessness (C) recurrent inadequacies in the labor market can exist and can cause hardships for individual workers (D) a majority of those who are jobless at any one time to not suffer severe hardship (E) there are fewer individuals who are without jobs at some time during a year than would be expected on the basis of monthly unemployment figures6. The author states that the mitigating effect of social programs involving income transfers on the income level of low-income people is often not felt by (A) the employed poor (B) dependent children in single-earner families (C) workers who become disabled (D) retired workers (E) full-time workers who become unemployed 7. According to the passage, one factor that causes unemployment and earnings figures to overpredict the amount of economic hardship is the (A) recurrence of periods of unemployment for a group of low-wage workers (B) possibility that earnings may be received from more than one job per worker (C) fact that unemployment counts do not include tose who work for low wages and remain poor (D) establishment of a system of record-keeping that makes it possible to compile poverty statistics (E) prevalence, among low-wage workers and the unemployed, of members of families in which others are employed8. The conclusion stated in lines 33-39 about the number of people who suffer as a result of forced idleness depends primarily on the point that (A) in times of high unemployment, there are some people who do not remain unemployed for long (B) the capacity for self-support depends on receiving moderate-to-high wages (C) those in forced idleness include, besides the unemployed, both underemployed part-time workers and those not actively seeking work (D) at different times during the year, different people are unemployed (E) many of those who are affected by unemploy-ment are dependents of unemployed workers9. Which of the following, if true, is the best criticism of the author‘s argument concerning why poverty statistics cannot properly be used to show the effects of problems in the labor market? (A) A short-term increase in the number of those in poverty can indicate a shortage of jobs because the basic number of those unable to accept employment remains approximately constant. (B) For those who are in poverty as a result of joblessness, there are social programs available that provide a minimum standard of living. (C) Poverty statistics do not consistently agree with earnings statistics, when each is taken as a measure of hardship resulting from unemployment. (D) The elderly and handicapped categories include many who previously were employed in the labor market. (E) Since the labor market is global in nature, poor workers in one country are competing with poor workers in another with respect to the level of wages and the existence of jobs.。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读练习试卷10(题后含答案及解析)GMAT(VERBAL)阅读练习试卷10(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.A recent study has provided clues to predator-prey dynamics in the late Pleistocene era.Researchers compared the number of tooth fractures in present-day carnivores with tooth fracturesin carnivores that lived 36,000 to 10,000 years ago and that were preserved in the Rancho La Breatar pits in Los Angeles. The breakage frequencies in the extinct species were strikingly higher thanthose in the present-day species. In considering possible explanations for this finding, the researchers dismissed demographic biasbecause older individuals were not overrepresented in the fossil samples. They rejectedpreservational bias because a total absence of breakage in two extinct species demonstrated thatthe fractures were not the result of abrasion within the pits. They ruled out local bias becausebreakage data obtained from other Pleistocene sites were similar to the La Brea data. Theexplanation they consider most plausible is behavioral differences between extinct and present-daycarnivores-in particular, more contact between the teeth of predators and the bones of prey due tomore thorough consumption of carcasses by the extinct species. Such thorough carcassconsumption implies to the researchers either that prey availability was low, at least seasonally, orthat there was intense competition over kills and a high rate of carcass theft due to relatively highpredator densities.1.The primary purpose of the passage is to______A.present several explanations for a well-known factB.suggest alternative method of resolving a debateC.argue in favor of a controversial theoryD.question the methodology used in a studyE.discuss the implications of a research finding正确答案:E解析:This question asks you to identify the primary purpose of the passage. Choice E is the best answer. The first paragraph of the passage mentions evidence discovered at the Rancho La Brea tar pits and suggests that his evidence provides information about predator-prey dynamics in the late Pleistocene era. After dismissing possible alternative explanations, the second paragraph describes what is considered to be the most likely explanation for the findings. Choice A is incorrect because the passage discusses several explanations for the findings but only in order to eliminate them as rivals of the explanation that credits behavioral difference. In addition, there is no indication of how well known the evidence regarding tooth fractures is. Choice B is incorrect because no alternative methods for resolving a debate are mentioned. Choice C is incorrect because there is no suggestion in the passage that the preferred explanation for the tooth factures is controversial. Choice D is incorrect: there is nothing in the passage to suggest that the evidence discussed in the passage or the。
Passage 29 Studies of the Weddell seal in the laboratory have described the physiological mechanisms that allow the seal to cope with the extreme oxygen deprivation that occurs during its longest dives, which can extend 500(5) meters below the ocean‘s surface and last for over 70 minutes. Recent field studies, however, suggest that during more typical dives in the wild, this seal’s physio-logical behavior is different. In the laboratory, when the seal dives below the(10) surface of the water and stops breathing, its heart beats more slowly, requiring less oxygen, and its arteries become constricted, ensuring that the seal‘s blood remains concentrated near those organs most crucial to its ability to navigate underwater. The seal essentially(15) shuts off the flow of blood to other organs, which either stop functioning until the seal surfaces or switch to an anaerobic (oxygen-independent) metabolism. The latter results in the production of large amounts of lactic acidwhich can adversely affect the pH of the seal’s blood(20) but since the anaerobic metabolism occurs only in those tissues which have been isolated from the seal‘s blood supply, the lactic acid is released into the seal’s blood only after the seal surfaces, when the lungs,liver, and other organs quickly clear the acid from the seal‘s blood-(25) stream. Recent field studies, however, reveal that on dives in the wild, the seal usually heads directly for its prey and returns to the surface in less than twenty minutes. The absence of high levels of lactic acid in the seal‘s blood(30) after such dives suggests that during them, the seal’s organs do not resort to the anaerobic metabolism observed in the laboratory, but are supplied with oxygen from the blood. The seal‘s longer excursions underwater,during which it appears to be either exploring distant(35) routes or evading a predator, do evoke the diving response seen in the laboratory. But why do the seal’s laboratory dives always evoke this response, regardless of their length or depth?Some biologists speculate that because in laboratory dives the seal is forcibly(40) submerged, it does not know how long it will remain underwater and so prepares for the worst. 1. The passage provides information to support which of the following generalizations? (A) Observations of animals‘ physiological behavior in the wild are not reliable unless verified by laboratory studies. (B) It is generally less difficult to observe the physiological behavior of an animal in the wild than in the laboratory. (C) The level of lactic acid in an animal‘s blood is likelyto be higher when it is searching for prey than whenit s evading predators. (D) The level of lactic acid in an animal‘s blood is likely to be lowest during those periods in which it experiences oxygen deprivation. (E) The physiological behavior of animals in a laboratory setting is not always consistent with their physiological behavior in the wild. 2. It can be inferred from the passage that by describing the Weddell seal as preparing “for the worst” (line 41),biologists mean that it (A) prepares to remain underwater for no longer than twenty minutes (B) exhibits physiological behavior similar to that which characterizes dives in which it heads directly for its prey (C) exhibits physiological behavior similar to that which characterizes its longest dives in the wild. (D) begins to exhibit predatory behavior (E) clears the lactic acid from its blood before attempting to dive 3. The passage suggests that during laboratory dives, the pH of the Weddell seal‘s blood is not adversely affected by the production of lactic acid because (A) only those organs that are essential to the seal‘s ability to navigate underwater revert to an anaerobic mechanism. (B) the seal typically reverts to an anaerobic metabolism only at the very end of the dive (C) organs that revert to an anaerobic metabolism aretemporarily isolated from the seal‘s bloodstream (D) oxygen continues to be supplied to organs that clear lactic acid from the seal‘s bloodstream (E) the seal remains submerged for only short periods of time 4. Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the passage? (A) Recent field studies have indicated that descriptions of the physiological behavior of the Weddell sealduring laboratory dives are not applicable to its mosttypical dives in the wild. (B) The Weddell seal has developed a number of unique mechanisms that enable it to remain submerged at depths of up to 500 meters for up to 70 minutes. (C) The results of recent field studies have made it necessary for biologists to revise previousperceptions of how the Weddell seal behavesphysiologically during its longest dives in the wild. (D) Biologists speculate that laboratory studies of the physiological behavior of seals during dives lastingmore than twenty minutes would be more accurate ifthe seals were not forcibly submerged. (E) How the Weddell seal responds to oxygen deprivation during its longest dives appears to depend on whether the seal is searching for prey or avoiding predators during such dives. 5. According to the author, which of the following is true of the laboratory studies mentioned in line 1 ? (A) They fail to explain how the seal is able to tolerate the increased production of lactic acid by organs that revert to an anaerobic metabolism during its longest dives in the wild. (B) They present an oversimplified account of mechanisms that the Weddell seal relies on during its longest dives in the wild. (C) They provide evidence that undermines the view that the Weddell seal relies on an anaerobic metabolism during its most typical dives in the wild. (D) They are based on the assumption that Weddell seals rarely spend more than twenty minutes underwater on a typical dive in the wild. (E) They provide an accurate account of the physiological behavior of Weddell seals during those dives in the wild in which they are either evading predators or exploring distant routes. 6. The author cites which of the following as characteristic of the Weddell seal‘s physiological behavior during dives observed in the laboratory? Ⅰ. A decrease in the rate at which the seal‘s heart beats Ⅱ. A constriction of the seal‘s arteries Ⅲ. A decrease in the levels of lactic acid in the seal‘s blood Ⅳ. A temporary halt in the functioning of certain organs (A)Ⅰand Ⅲ only (B)Ⅱ and Ⅳ only (C)Ⅱ and Ⅲ only (D)Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅳ only (E)Ⅰ,Ⅲ, and Ⅳ only 7. The passage suggests that because Weddell seals are forcibly submerged during laboratory dives, they do which of the following? (A) Exhibit the physiological responses that are characteristic of dives in the wild that last less than twenty minutes. (B) Exhibit the physiological responses that are characteristic of the longer dives they undertake in the wild. (C) Cope with oxygen deprivation less effectively than they do on typical dives in the wild. (D) Produce smaller amounts of lactic acid than they do on typical dives in the wild. (E) Navigate less effectively than they do on typical dives in the wild。
下面是店铺整理的GMAT阅读理解练习题,欢迎阅读!In choosing a method for determining climatic conditions that existed in the past,paleoclimatologists invoke four principal criteria. First, the material---rocks, lakes, vegetation,etc—on which the method relies must be (5) widespread enough to provide plenty of information,since analysis of material that is rarely encountered will not permit correlation with other regions or with other periods of geological history. Second, in the process of formation, the material must have received an environ-(10) mental signal that reflects a change in climate and that can be deciphered by modern physical or chemical means. Third,at least some of the material must have retained the signal unaffected by subsequent changes in the environment. Fourth, it must be possible to deter-(15) mine the time at which the inferred climatic conditionsheld. This last criterion is more easily met in dating marine sediments, because dating of only a small number of layers in a marine sequence allows the age of other layers to be estimated fairly reliably by extrapola-(20) tion and interpolation. By contrast, because sedimentation is much less continuous in continental regions, estimating the age of a continental bed from the known ages of beds above and below is more risky.One very old method used in the investigation of past (25) climatic conditions involves the measurement of water levels in ancient lakes. In temperate regions, there areenough lakes for correlations between them to give us a reliable picture. In aridand semiarid regions, on the other hand, the small number of lakes and the great (30) distances between them reduce the possibilities for correlation. Moreover,since lake levels are controlled by rates of evaporation as well as by precipitation,the interpretation of such levels is ambiguous. For instance, the fact that lake levels in the semiarid southwestern United (35) States appear to have been higher during the last ice age than they are now was at one time attributed to increased precipitation. On the basis of snow-line elevations, however,it has been concluded that the climatethen was not necessarily wetter than it is now, but rather (40) that both summers and winters were cooler, resulting in reduced evaporation.Another problematic method is to reconstruct former climates on the basis of pollen profiles. The type of vegetation in a specific region is determined by identifying (45) and counting the various pollen grains found there.Although the relationship between vegetation and climate is not as direct as the relationship between climate and lake levels, the method often works well inthe temperate zones. In arid and semiarid regions in (50) which there is not much vegetation,however,small changes in one or a few plant types can change the picture dramatically,making accurate correlations between neighboring areas difficult to obtain.1. Which of the following statements about the difference between marine and continental sedimentation is supported by information in the passage?(A) Data provided by dating marine sedimentation is more consistent with researchers’ findings in other disciplines th an is data provided by dating continental sedimentation.(B) It is easier to estimate the age of a layer in a sequence ofcontinental sedimentation than it is to estimate the age of a layer in a sequence of marine sedimentation.(C) Marine sedimentation is much less widespread than continental sedimentation.(D) Researchers are more often forced to rely on extrapolation when dating a layer of marine sedimentation than when dating a layer of continental sedimentation.(E) Marine sedimentation is much more continuous than is continental sedimentation.2. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the passage as a whole?(A) The author describes a method for determining past climatic conditions and then offers specific examples of situations in which it has been used.(B) The author discusses the method of dating marine and continental sequences and then explains how dating is more difficult with lake levels than with pollen profiles.(C) The author describes the common requirements of methods for determining past climatic conditions and then discusses examples of such methods.(D) The author describes various ways of choosing a material for determining past climatic conditions and then discusses how two such methods have yielded contradictory data.(E) The author describes how methods for determining past climatic conditions were first developed and then describes two of the earliest known methods.3. It can be inferred from the passage that paleoclimatologists have concluded which of the following on the basis of their study of snow-line elevations in the southwestern United States?(A) There is usually more precipitation during an ice age because of increased amounts of evaporation.(B) There was less precipitation during the last ice age than there is today.(C) Lake levels in the semiarid southwestern United States were lower during the last ice age than they are today.(D) During the last ice age, cooler weather led to lower lake levels than paleoclimatologists had previously assumed.(E) The high lake levels during the last ice age may have beena result of less evaporation rather than more precipitation.4. Which of the following would be the most likely topic fora paragraph that logically continues the passage?(A) The kinds of plants normally found in arid regions(B) The effect of variation in lake levels on pollen distribution(C) The material best suited to preserving signals of climatic changes(D) Other criteria invoked by paleoclimatologists when choosing a method to determine past climatic conditions(E) A third method for investigating past climatic conditions5. The author discusses lake levels in the southwestern United States in order to(A) illustrate the mechanics of the relationship between lake level, evaporation, and precipitation(B) provide an example of the uncertainty involved in interpreting lake levels(C) prove that there are not enough ancient lakes with which to make accurate correlations(D) explain the effects of increased rates of evaporation on levels of precipitation(E) suggest that snow-line elevations are invariably moreaccurate than lake levels in determining rates of precipitation at various points in the past6. It can be inferred from the passage that an environmental signal found in geological material would not be useful to paleoclimatologists if it(A) had to be interpreted by modern chemical means(B) reflected a change in climate rather than a long-term climatic condition(C) was incorporated into a material as the material was forming(D) also reflected subsequent environmental changes(E) was contained in a continental rather than a marine sequence7. According to the passage, the material used to determine past climatic conditions must be widespread for which of the following reasons?Ⅰ.Pal eoclimatologists need to make comparisons between periods of geological history.Ⅱ。
"The rise of the internet has transformed the way we gather information. With the click of a button, we have access to a vast amount of knowledge that was once difficult to obtain. However, this easy access to information also brings challenges, such as the overload of data and the difficulty in distinguishing between accurate and inaccurate information."1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. According to the passage, what are the benefits of the internet?3. What challenges does the easy access to information bring?题目2阅读以下段落,回答问题。
"Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues of our time. The Earth's climate is changing rapidly, and this is largely due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the Earth's temperature to rise. This phenomenon, known as global warming, has serious consequences for our planet, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the loss of biodiversity."1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. According to the passage, what are the causes of climate change?3. What are the consequences of global warming?二、阅读理解练习题目解析解析11. main idea: The main idea of the passage is to discuss the impact of the internet on the way we gather information, highlighting both the benefits and the challenges it brings.2. benefits of the internet: The passage mentions that the easy access to information is one of the benefits of the internet.3. challenges of easy access to information: The passage states that the easy access to information brings challenges such as data overload and the difficulty in distinguishing between accurate and inaccurate information.解析21. main idea: The main idea of the passage is to discuss the issue of climate change and its consequences, emphasizing the role of human activities in causing global warming.2. causes of climate change: The passage mentions that burning fossil fuels and deforestation are two of the main causes of climate change.3. consequences of global warming: The passage lists several consequences of global warming, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the loss of biodiversity.通过以上练习题目及解析,可以帮助考生提高GMAT考试的阅读理解能力。
gmat考试题目及答案GMAT考试题目及答案1. 题目:在以下哪个选项中,动词的形式是正确的?A. She walks to the store.B. She walk to the store.C. She walks to stores.D. She walk to stores.答案:A. She walks to the store.2. 题目:Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?A. The book that I read was very interesting.B. The book that I readed was very interesting.C. The book that I read was very interested.D. The book that I readed was very interested.答案:A. The book that I read was very interesting.3. 题目:Which of the following is the correct way to expressa percentage increase?A. The price increased by 20%.B. The price increased by 20 percents.C. The price increased by twenty percent.D. The price increased by twenty percents.答案:A. The price increased by 20%.4. 题目:In a set of data, if the mean is 50 and the median is 45, what can be inferred about the distribution of the data?A. The data is symmetrically distributed.B. The data is skewed to the left.C. The data is skewed to the right.D. There is not enough information to determine the skewness.答案:C. The data is skewed to the right.5. 题目:What is the value of x in the equation 2x + 3 = 7?A. x = 2B. x = 3C. x = 4D. x = 5答案:A. x = 26. 题目:Which of the following is the correct way to write a formal business letter?A. Dear Mr. Smith,B. Dear Smith,C. Hello Smith,D. Hi Smith,答案:A. Dear Mr. Smith,7. 题目:In a supply and demand graph, if the supply curve shifts to the right, what happens to the equilibrium priceand quantity?A. The equilibrium price increases and the quantity decreases.B. The equilibrium price decreases and the quantity increases.C. The equilibrium price increases and the quantity increases.D. The equilibrium price decreases and the quantity decreases.答案:B. The equilibrium price decreases and the quantity increases.8. 题目:What is the antonym of the word "optimism"?A. PessimismB. RealismC. CynicismD. Skepticism答案:A. Pessimism9. 题目:Which of the following is the correct way to calculate the area of a rectangle?A. Length × WidthB. Length ÷ WidthC. Length + WidthD. Length - Width答案:A. Length × Width10. 题目:In a sentence, which part of speech is the word"quickly"?A. AdjectiveB. AdverbC. NounD. Verb答案:B. Adverb。
GMAT题库考题及翻译---Argument篇为了方便考生复习,本资料的题目按照网上广为流传的方式编号:即按照Official Guide(第十版)的顺序编排,删去的题目(54,56,69,71,90,98,99,103)保持原来的序号。
目前的题库(共179道)由三部分组成:1)OG上面的题库,编号1-139,删去了八道(54,56,69,71,90,98,99,103),共131道题;2)2005年增加34道题,编号140-1733)2006年增加14题,编号174-1871.The following appeared as part of an annual report sent to stockholders by Olympic Foods, a processor of frozen foods.下文摘自一家奥林匹克食品公司(一家冷冻食品公司)递交给股东的年度报告。
“Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient. In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1790 to 20 cents for one-day service in 1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon celebrate its twenty-fifth birthday, we can expect that our long experience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximize profits.”Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in theargument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.随着时间的推移,企业学会了更好的工作方法,从而提高了效率,因此加工成本逐步下降。
In terrestrial environments, gravity places special demands on the cardiovascular systems of animals. Gravitational pressure can cause blood to pool in the lower regions of the body, making it difficult to circulate blood to critical organs such as the brain. Terrestrial snakes, in particular, exhibit adaptations that aid in circulating blood against the force of gravity.The problem confronting terrestrial snakes is best illustrated by what happens to sea snakes when removed from their supportive medium. Because the vertical pressure gradients within the blood vessels are counteracted by similar pressure gradients in the surrounding water, the distribution of blood throughout the body of sea snakes remains about the same regardless of their orientation in space, provided they remain in the ocean. When removed from the water and tilted at various angles with the head up, however, blood pressure at their midpoint drops significantly, and at brain level falls to zero. That many terrestrial snakes in similar spatial orientations do not experience this kind of circulatory failure suggests that certain adaptations enable them to regulate blood pressure more effectively in those orientations.One such adaptation is the closer proximity of the terrestrial snake’s heart to its head, which helps to ensure circulation to the brain, regardless of the snake’s orientation in space. The heart of sea snakes can be located near the middle of the body, a position that minimizes the work entailed in circulating blood to both extremities. In arboreal snakes, however, which dwell in trees and often assume a vertical posture, the average distance from the heart to the head can be as little as 15 percent of overall body length. Such a location requires that blood circulated to the tail of the snake travel a greater distance back to the heart, a problem solved by another adaptation. When climbing, arboreal snakes often pause momentarily to wiggle their bodies, causing waves of muscle contraction that advance from the lower torso to the head. By compressing the veins and forcing blood forward, these contractions apparently improve the flow of venous blood returning to the heart.1、The passage provides information in support of which of the following assertions?A、The disadvantages of an adaptation to a particular feature of an environment often outweigh the advantages of such an adaptation.B、An organism’s reaction to being placed in an environment to which it is not well adapted can sometimes illustrate the problems that have been solved by the adaptations of organisms indigenous to that environment.C、The effectiveness of an organism’s adaptation to a particular feature of its environment can only be evaluated by examining the effectiveness with which organisms of other species have adapted to a similar feature of a different environment.D、Organisms of the same species that inhabit strikingly different environments will often adapt in remarkably similar ways to the few features of those environments that are common.E、Different species of organisms living in the same environment will seldom adapt to features of that environment in the same way.正确答案 B2、According to the passage, one reason that the distribution of blood in the sea snake changes little while the creature remains in the ocean is thatA、the heart of the sea snake tends to be located near the center of its bodyB、pressure gradients in the water surrounding the sea snake counter the effects of vertical pressure gradients within its blood vesselsC、the sea snake assumes a vertical posture less frequently than do the terrestrial and the arboreal snakeD、the sea snake often relies on waves of muscle contractions to help move blood from the torso to the headE、the force of pressure gradients in the water surrounding the sea snake exceeds that of vertical pressure gradients within its circulatory system正确答案 B3、It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of species of terrestrial snakes that often need to assume a vertical posture?A、They are more likely to be susceptible to circulatory failure in vertical postures than are sea snakes.B、Their hearts are less likely to be located at the midpoint of their bodies than is the case with sea snakes.C、They cannot counteract the pooling of blood in lower regions of their bodies as effectively as sea snakes can.D、The blood pressure at their midpoint decreases significantly when they are tilted with their heads up.E、They are unable to rely on muscle contractions to move venous blood from the lower torso to the head.正确答案 B4、The author describes the behavior of the circulatory system of sea snakes when they are removed from the ocean (highlight text) primarily in order toA、illustrate what would occur in the circulatory system of terrestrial snakes without adaptations that enable them to regulate their blood pressure in vertical orientationsB、explain why arboreal snakes in vertical orientations must rely on muscle contractions to restore blood pressure to the brainC、illustrate the effects of circulatory failure on the behavior of arboreal snakesD、illustrate the superiority of the circulatory system of the terrestrial snake to that of the sea snakeE、explain how changes in spatial orientation can adversely affect the circulatory system of snakes with hearts located in relatively close proximity to their heads正确答案 A5、It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is a true statement about sea snakes?A、They frequently rely on waves of muscle contractions from the lower torso to the head to supplement the work of the heart.B、They cannot effectively regulate their blood pressure when placed in seawater and tilted at an angle with the head pointed downward.C、They are more likely to have a heart located in close proximity to their heads than are arboreal snakes.D、They become acutely vulnerable to the effects of gravitational pressure on their circulatory system when they are placed in a terrestrial environment.E、Their cardiovascular system is not as complicated as that of arboreal snakes.正确答案 D6、The author suggests that which of the following is a disadvantage that results from the location of snake’s heart in close proximity to its head?A、A decrease in the efficiency with which the snake regulates the flow of blood to the brainB、A decrease in the number of orientations in space that a snake can assume without loss of blood flow to the brainC、A decrease in blood pressure at the snake’s midpoint when it is tilted at various angles with its head upD、An increase in the tendency of blood to pool at the snake’s head when the snake is tilted at various angles with its head downE、An increase in the amount of effort required to distribute blood to and from the snake’s tail正确答案 E7、The primary purpose of the third paragraph is toA、introduce a topic that is not discussed earlier in the passageB、describe a more efficient method of achieving an effect discussed in the previous paragraphC、draw a conclusion based on information elaborated in the previous paragraphD、discuss two specific examples of phenomena mentioned at the end of the previous paragraphE、introduce evidence that undermines a view reported earlier in the passage正确答案 D8、In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?A、Explaining adaptations that enable the terrestrial snake to cope with the effects of gravitational pressure on its circulatory systemB、Comparing the circulatory system of the sea snake with that of the terrestrial snakeC、Explaining why the circulatory system of the terrestrial snake is different from that of the sea snakeD、Pointing out features of the terrestrial snake’s cardiov ascular system that make it superior to that of the sea snakeE、Explaining how the sea snake is able to neutralize the effects of gravitational pressure on its circulatory system正确答案 A以上就是天道小编为根据GMAT考试官网最新信息,为您整理的2016年8月8日GMAT试题,目的是为了让我们更好的适应GMAT考试题目,如果在备考过程中遇到任何问题,欢迎随时咨询天道培训,为您提供最专业、最全面的解答。
GMAT考试阅读试题(八)(4)Passage 48The sensation of pain cannot accurately be described as"located" at the point of an injury,or,for that matter,in any one place in the nerves or brain. Rather,pain signals-and pain relief-are delivered through a highly(5)complex interacting circuitry.When a cell is injured,a rush of prostaglandin's sensitizes nerve endings at the injury. Prostaglandins are chemicals produced in and released from virtually all mammalian cells when they are injured:these are the only (10)pain signals that do not originate in the nervous system.Aspirin and other similar drugs (such as indomethacin and ibuprofen)keep prostaglandins from being made by inter-fering with an enzyme known as prostaglandin synthetase,or cyclooxygenase. The drugs' effectiveness against pain is(15)proportional to their success in blocking this enzyme at the site of injury.From nerve endings at the injury,pain signais moveto nerves feeding into the spinal cord. The long,tubular membranes of nerve cells carry electrical impulses. When(20)electrical impulses get to the spinal cord,a pain-signaling chemical known as substance P is released there.Substance P then excites nearby neurons to send impulses to the brain. Local anesthetics such as novocaine and xylocaine work by blocking the electrical transmission(25)along nerves in a particular area. They inhibit the flow of sodium ions through the membranes,making the nerves electrically quiescent;thus no pain signals are sent to the spinal cord or to the brain.Recent discoveries in the study of pain have involved (30)the brain itself-the supervising organ that notices pain signals and that sends messages down to the spinal cord to regulate incoming pain traffic. Endorphins-the brain's own morphine-are a class of small peptides that help to block pain signals within the brain itself. The presence(35)of endorphins may also help to explain differences in response to pain signals,since individuals seem to differ in their ability to produce endorphins. It now appears that a number of techniques for blocking chronic pain-such as acupuncture and electrical stimulation of the central(40)brain stem-involve therelease of endorphins in the brain and spinal cord.1. The passage is primarily concerned with(A)analyzing ways that enzymes and other chemicals influence how the body feels pain(B)describing the presence of endorphins in the brain and discussing ways the body blocks pain within the brain itself.(C)describing how pain signals are conveyed in the body and discussing ways in which the pain signals can be blocked(D)demonstrating that pain can be influenced by acupuncture and electrical stimulation of the central brain stem.(E)differentiating the kinds of pain that occur at different points in the body's nervous system.2. According to the passage,which of the following is one of the first things to occur when cells are injured?(A)The flow of electrical impulses through nerve cells at the site of the injury is broken.(B)The production of substance P traveling through nerve cells to the brain increases.(C)Endorphins begin to speed up the response ofnerve cells at the site of the injury.(D)A flood of prostaglandins sensitizes nerve endings at the site of the injury.(E)Nerve cells connected to the spinal cord become electrically quiescent.3. Of the following,which is most likely attributable to the effect of endorphins as described in the passage?(A)After an injection of novocaine,a patient has no feeling in the area where the injection was given.(B)After taking ibuprofen,a person with a headache gets quick relief.(C)After receiving a local anesthetic,an injured person reports relief in the anestherized area.(D)After being given aspirin,a child with a badly scraped elbow feels better.(E)After acupuncture,a patient with chronic back pain reports that the pain is much less severe.4. It can be inferred from the passage that if the prostaglandin synthetase is only partially blocked,whichof the following is likely to be true?(A)Some endorphins will be produced,and some pain signals will be intensified.(B)Some substance P is likely to be produced,so some pain signals will reach the brain.(C)Some sodium ions will be blocked,so some pain signals will not reach the brain.(D)Some prostaglandins will be produced,but production of substance P will be prevented.(E)Some peptides in the brain will receive pain signals and begin to regulate incoming pain traffic.【。
Passage 3 No very satisfactory account of the mechanismthat caused the formation of the ocean basins hasyet been given. The traditional view supposesthat the upper mantle of the earth behaves as a(5) liquid when it is subjected to small forces forlong periods and that differences in temperatureunder oceans and continents are sufficient toproduce convection in the mantle of the earthwith rising convection currents under the mid-(10) ocean ridges and sinking currents under the con-tinents. Theoretically, this convection wouldcarry the continental plates along as though theywere on a conveyor belt and would provide theforces needed to produce the split that occurs(15) along the ridge. This view may be correct: it hasthe advantage that the currents are driven bytemperature differences that themselves dependon the position of the continents. Such a back-coupling, in which the position of the moving(20) plate has an impact on the forces that move it,could produce complicated and varying motions. On the other hand, the theory is implausiblebecause convection does not normally occuralong lines. and it certainly does not occur along(25) lines broken by frequent offsets or changes indirection, as the ridge is. Also it is difficult to seehow the theory applies to the plate between theMid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge in the IndianOcean. This plate is growing on both sides, and(30) since there is no intermediate trench, the tworidges must be moving apart. It would be odd ifthe rising convection currents kept exact pacewith them. An alternative theory is that the sink-ing part of the plate, which is denser than the(35) hotter surrounding mantle, pulls the rest of theplate after it. Again it is difficult to see how thisapplies to the ridge in the South Atlantic, whereneither the African nor the American plate has asinking part. (40)Another possibility is that the sinking platecools the neighboring mantle and produces con-vection currents that move the plates. This lasttheory is attractive because it gives some hope ofexplaining the enclosed seas, such as the Sea of(45) Japan. These seas have a typical oceanic floor,except that the floor is overlaid by several kilo-meters of sediment. Their floors have probablybeen sinking for long periods. It seems possiblethat a sinking current of cooled mantlematerial(50) on the upper side of the plate might be the causeof such deep basins. The enclosed seas are animportant feature of the earth‘s surface, andseriously require explanation in because, addi-tion to the enclosed seas that are developing atpresent behind island arcs, there are a number of(55) older ones of possibly similar origin, such as theGulf of Mexico, the Black Sea, and perhaps theNorth Sea.1. According to the traditional view of the origin of the ocean basins, which of the following is sufficient to move the continental plates? (A) Increases in sedimentation on ocean floors (B) Spreading of ocean trenches (C) Movement of mid-ocean ridges (D) Sinking of ocean basins (E) Differences in temperature under oceans and continents2. It can be inferred from the passage that,of the follo-wing,the deepest sediments would be found in the (A) Indian Ocean (B) Black Sea (C) Mid-Atlantic (D) South Atlantic (E) Pacific3. The author refers to a “conveyor belt ” in line 13 in order to (A) illustrate the effects of convection in the mantle (B) show how temperature differences depend on the positions of the continents (C) demonstrate the linear nature of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (D) describe the complicated motions made possible by back-coupling (E) account for the rising currents under certain mid-ocean ridges4. The author regards the traditional view of the origin of the oceans with (A) slight apprehension (B) absolute indifference (C) indignant anger (D) complete disbelief (E) guarded skepticism5. According to the passage, which of the following are separated by a plate that is growing on both sides? (A) The Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan (B) The South Atlantic Ridge and the North Sea Ridge (C) The Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic Ridge (D) The Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Indian Ocean Ridge (E) The Black Sea and the Sea of Japan6. Which of the following, if it could be demonstrated,would most support the traditional view of ocean formation? (A) Convection usually occurs along lines. (B) The upper mantle behaves as a dense solid. (C) Sedimentation occurs at a constant rate. (D) Sinking plates cool the mantle. (E) Island arcs surround enclosed seas.7. According to the passage, the floor of the Black Sea can best be compared to a (A) rapidly moving conveyor belt (B) slowly settling foundation (C) rapidly expanding balloon (D) violently erupting volcano (E) slowly eroding mountain8. Which of the following titles would best describe the content of the passage? (A) A Description of the Oceans of the World (B) Several Theories of Ocean Basin Formation (C) The Traditional View of the Oceans (D) Convection and Ocean Currents (E) Temperature Differences Among the Oceans of the World。
Traditionally, the first firm to commercialize a new technology has benefited from the unique opportunity to shape product definitions, forcing followers to adapt to a standard or invest in an unproven alternative. Today, however, the largest payoffs may go to companies that lead in developing integrated approaches for successful mass production and distribution.Producers of the Beta format for videocassette recorders (VCRs), for example, were first to develop the VCR commercially in 1975, but producers of the rival VHS (Video Home System) format proved to be more successful at forming strategic alliances with other producers and distributors to manufacture and market their VCR format. Seeking to maintain exclusive control over VCR distribution, Beta producers were reluctant to form such alliances and eventually lost ground to VHS in the competition for the global VCR market.Despite Beta’s substantial technologi cal head start and the fact that VHS was neither technically better nor cheaper than Beta, developers of VHS quickly turned a slight early lead in sales into a dominant position. Strategic alignments with producers of prerecorded tapes reinforced the VHS advantage. The perception among consumers that prerecorded tapes were more available in VHS format further expanded VHS’s share of the market. By the end of the 1980s, Beta was no longer in production.1、The passage is primarily concerned with which of the followingA、Evaluating two competing technologiesB、Tracing the impact of a new technology by narrating a sequence of eventsC、Reinterpreting an event from contemporary business historyD、Illustrating a business strategy by means of a case historyE、Proposing an innovative approach to business planning正确答案 D2、According to the passage, today’s successful firms, unlike successful firms in the past, may earn the greatest profits byA、investing in research to produce cheaper versions of existing technologyB、being the first to market a competing technologyC、adapting rapidly to a technological standard previously set by a competing firmD、establishing technological leadership in order to shape product definitions in advance of competing firmsE、emphasizing the development of methods for the mass production and distribution of a new technology正确答案 E3、According to the passage, consumers began to develop a preference for VCRs in the VHS format because they believed which of the followingA、VCRs in the VHS format were technically better than competing format VCRs.B、VCRs in the VHS format were less expensive than competing format VCRs.C、VHS was the first standard format for VCRs.D、VHS prerecorded videotapes were more available than those in Beta format.E、VCRs in the Beta format would soon cease to be produced.正确答案 D4、The author implies that one way that VHS producers won control over the VCR market was byA、carefully restricting access to VCR technologyB、giving up a slight early lead in VCR sales in order to improve long-term prospectsC、retaining a strict monopoly on the production of prerecorded videotapesD、sharing control of the marketing of VHS format VCRsE、sacrificing technological superiority over Beta format VCRs in order to remain competitive in price正确答案 D5、The alignment of producers of VHS format VCRs with producers of prerecorded videotapes is most similar to which of the followingA、The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with another automobile manufacturer to adopt a standard design for automobile enginesB、The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with an automotive glass company whereby the manufacturer agrees to purchase automobile windshields only from that one glass companyC、The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with a petroleum company to ensure the widespread availability of the fuel required by a new type of engine developed by the manufacturerD、The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with its dealers to adopt a plan to improve automobile designE、The alignment of an automobile dealer with an automobile rental chain to adopt a strategy for an advertising campaign to promote a new type of automobile正确答案 C6、Which of the following best describes the relation of the first paragraph to the passage as a wholeA、It makes a general observation to be exemplified.B、It outlines a process to be analyzed.C、It poses a question to be answered.D、It advances an argument to be disputed.E、It introduces conflicting arguments to be reconciled.正确答案 A以上就是天道小编为根据GMAT考试官网最新信息,为您整理的2016年8月2日GMAT试题,目的是为了让我们更好的适应GMAT考试题目,如果在备考过程中遇到任何问题,欢迎随时咨询天道培训,为您提供最专业、最全面的解答。
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Current feminist theory, in validating women’s own stories of their experience, has encouraged scholars of women’s history to view the use of women’s oral narratives as the methodology, next to the use of women’s written autobiography, that brings histor ians closest to the "reality" of women’s lives. Such narratives, unlike most standard histories, represent experience from the perspective of women, affirm the importance of women’s contributions, and furnish present-day women with historical continuity that is essential to their identity, individually and collectively.Scholars of women’s history should, however, be as cautious about accepting oral narratives at face value as they already are about written memories. Oral narratives are no more likely than are written narratives to provide a disinterested commentary on events or people. Moreover, the stories people tell to explain themselves are shaped by narrative devices and storytelling conventions, as well as by other cultural and historical factors, in ways that the storytellers may be unaware of. The political rhetoric of a particular era, for example, may influence women’s interpretations of the significance of their experience. Thus a woman who views the Second World War as pivotal in increasing the social acceptance of women’s paid work outside the home may reach that conclusion partly and unwittingly because of wartime rhetoric encouraging a positive view of women’s participation in such work.1、The passage is primarily concerned withA、contrasting the benefits of one methodology with the benefits of anotherB、describing the historical origins and inherent drawbacks of a particular methodologyC、discussing the appeal of a particular methodology and some concerns about its useD、showing tha t some historians’ adoption of a particular methodology has led to criticism of recent historical scholarshipE、analyzing the influence of current feminist views on women’s interpretations of their experience正确答案 C2、According to the passage, which of the following shapes the oral narratives of women storytellers?A、The conventions for standard histories in the culture in which a woman storyteller livesB、The conventions of storytelling in the culture in which a woman storyteller livesC、A woma n storyteller’s experience with distinctive traditions of storytelling developed by the women in her family of originD、The cultural expectations and experiences of those who listen to oral narrativesE、A woman storyteller’s familiarity with the storie s that members of other groups in her culture tell to explain themselves正确答案 B3、The author of the passage would be most likely to make which of the following recommendations to scholars of women’s history?A、They should take into account their own life experiences when interpreting the oral accounts of women’s historical experiences.B、They should assume that the observations made in women’s oral narratives are believed by the intended audience of the story.C、They should treat skeptically observations reported in oral narratives unless the observations can be confirmed in standard histories.D、They should consider the cultural and historical context in which an oral narrative was created before arriving at an interpretation of such a narrative.E、They should rely on information gathered from oral narratives only when equivalent information is not available in standard histories.正确答案 D4、Which of the following best describes the function of the last sentence of the passage?A、It describes an event that historians view as crucial in recent women’s history.B、It provides an example of how political rhetoric may influence the interpretations of experience reported in women’s oral narratives.C、It provides an example of an oral narrative that inaccurately describes women’s experience during a particular historical period.D、It illustrates the point that some women are more aware than others of the social forces that shape their oral narratives.E、It identifies the histor ical conditions that led to the social acceptance of women’s paid work outside the home.正确答案 B5、According to the passage, scholars of women’s history should refrain from doing which of the following?A、Relying on traditional historical sources when women’s oral narratives are unavailableB、Focusing on the influence of political rhetoric on women’s perceptions to the exclusion of other equally important factorsC、Attempting to discover the cultural and historical factors that influence the stories women tellD、Assuming that the conventions of women’s written autobiographies are similar to the conventions of women’s oral narrativesE、Accepting women’s oral narratives less critically than they accept women’s written histories正确答案 E6、Accord ing to the passage, each of the following is a difference between women’s oral narratives and most standard histories EXCEPT:A、Women’s oral histories validate the significance of women’s achievements.B、Women’s oral histories depict experience from th e point of view of women.C、Women’s oral histories acknowledge the influence of well-known women.D、Women’s oral histories present today’s women with a sense of their historical relationship to women of the past.E、Women’s oral histories are crucial to the collective identity of today’s women.正确答案 C以上就是天道小编为根据GMAT考试官网最新信息,为您整理的2016年8月25日GMAT试题,目的是为了让我们更好的适应GMAT考试题目,如果在备考过程中遇到任何问题,欢迎随时咨询天道培训,为您提供最专业、最全面的解答。