保罗克鲁格曼版 国际经济学の国际贸易部分同步单项选择题第6章.
克鲁格曼《国际经济学》题库5练习题五:A E C A D C D D E D A D1.Which of the following statements is the most accurate? The law of one price states:A) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.B) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in the same country must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.C) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price.D) identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.E) None of the above.2. In order for the condition E$/HK$ = Pus/PHK to hold, what assumptions does the principle of purchasing power parity make?A) No transportation costs and restrictions on trade; commodity baskets that are a reliable indication of price level.B) Markets are perfectly competitive, i.e., P = MC.C) The factors of production are identical between countries.D) No arbitrage exists.E) A and B.3. Under Purchasing Power Parity,A) E$/E = PiUS/PiE.B) E$/E = PiE/PiUS.C) E$/E = PUS/PE.D) E$/E = PE/PES.E) None of the above.4. In the short run,A) the interest rate can rise when the domestic money supply falls.B) the interest rate can decrease when the domestic money supply falls.C) the interest rate stays constant when the domestic money supply falls.D) the interest rate rises in the same proportion as the domestic money supply falls.E) None of the above.5. The PPP theory fails in reality becauseA) transport costs and restrictions on trade.B) monopolistic or oligopolistic practices in goods markets.C) the inflation data reported in different countries are based on different commodity baskets.D) A, B, and C.E) A and B only.6. The PPP theory fails in reality becauseA) transport costs and restrictions on trade.B) monopolistic or oligopolistic practices in goods markets.C) the inflation data reported in different countries are based on different commodity baskets.D) A, B, and C.E) A and B only.7. A country?s domestic currency?s real exchange rate, q, is defined asA) E.B) E times P.C) E times P .D) (E times P )/P.E) P/(E times P ).8. In the short-run, any fall in EP /P, regardless of its causes, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intact9. In the short-run, a temporary increase in money supplyA) shifts the DD curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.10. Temporary tax cuts would cause:A) the AA-curve to shift left.B) the AA-curve to shift right.C) the DD-curve to shift left.D) the DD-curve to shift right.E) a shift in the AA-curve, although the direction is ambiguous.11. In the short-run, a temporary increase in the money supplyA) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.12. Assume the asset market is always in equilibrium. Therefore a fall in Y would result in:A) higher inflation abroad.B) a decreased demand for domestic products.C) a contraction of the money supply.D) a depreciation of the home currency.E) an appreciation of the home currency.13. What can explain the failure of relative PPP to hold in reality?Government measures of the price level differ from country to country. One reason for these differences is that people living in different countries spend their income in different ways. Because of this inherent difference among countries, certain baskets will be affected more by price changes given their consumptions basket. For example, consumers in country, X, eats more fish relative to another country. More than likely, the government, upon determining a commodity basket to reflect preference, will have an overwhelming representation of fish in their basket. Any price level change in the fish market will be felt particularly by country X, and their overall price level will reflect this. Thus, changes in the relative prices of basket components can cause relative PPP to become distorted.14. Using a figure show that under full employment, a temporary fiscal expansion would increase output (overemployment) but cannot increase output in the long run.A temporarily fiscal expansion will move the economy from DD1 to DD2, and output increases. A permanent fiscal expansion will also shift the AA curve to the left and down. The nominal exchange rate appreciates, i.e. E decreases.15. Using the DD model, explain what happens to out put when Government demands increase. Use a figure to explain when it is taking place.T he figure below shows the G1 to G2 raises output at every level of the exchange rate. The change shifts the DD to the right. Which in turns increases output to Y2.。
AC = F/Q + c = n x F/S + c
图6-3: 垄断竞争市场的均衡
成本 C, and 价格, P
P2, AC2
n1 n2
n3 厂商数量, n
• 厂商数量和价格
– 特定厂商制定的价格是由行业内厂商数量决定的。
– 假设厂商面临的需求曲线是一条直线: Q=A–BxP
– 那么厂商面临的边际收益曲线为:
MR = P – Q/B
• 平均成本和边际成本
– 平均成本(AC)是总成本除以产量
– 边际成本 (MC) 是指厂商在现有产量下再生产一单位 产出所需要的支出。
– 当平均成本随着产量的增加而减少时,边际成本通 常会低于平均成本。
▪ 基于比较优势的贸易模型(如李嘉图模型)都包含
• 增加生产某商品所需的所有要素的投入会使该产品的
▪ 在现实中,很多产业都有规模经济的特征(也称为
• 规模越大,生产效率越高。
▪ 在规模经济报酬递增的条件下:
• 产出的增长比例比要素投入增加的比例高 • 随着市场规模的扩张,平均成本(单位成本)
图 6-1: 垄断定价和生产决策
成本, C and 价格, P
国际经济学—国际贸易部分习题一、单项选择1.开放贸易给进口商品的消费者带来的收益的绝对值:( A )A.大于该种商品的国内生产者的损失 B.小于该种商品的国内生产者的损失C.正好等于该种商品的国内生产者的损失 D.不可度量2.以下各项中哪一项不会促进国家间木材的贸易?( A )A.贸易前各国木材价格相等 B.追求利润的木材价格套利C.国家间存在木材供给的差别 D.国家间存在木材需求的差别3.“为了得到某种东西而所要放弃另一些东西的最大价值”指的是: ( A )A. 机会成本B. 沉没成本C. 制造成本D. 管理费用4.在进行贸易后,一国的收入分配会发生如下变化:( A )A.受到进口品竞争压力的国内生产者受到损失,而出口商品的生产者则会受益B.作为整体的国家会受益,而个人则会受到损失C.消费者受损,生产者受益D.收入由消费者转向生产者5.如果出口供给比进口需求的价格弹性小,那么:( C )A.进口国将不愿进行贸易 B.出口国将不愿进行贸易。
C.出口国将得到大部分的贸易收益 D.进口国将得到大部分的贸易收益6.H—O理论说明:( D )A.相对于其他资源,劳动力比较丰裕的国家并不具有比较优势B.一个劳动力资源对非劳动力资源比率较高的国家,应当减少对国际贸易的参与C.一个非劳动力资源相对丰富的国家将不会从国际贸易中受益D.各国专业化生产和出口大量使用其相对丰富要素的商品7.如果A国可用1个工时生产3单位的X产品或3单位的Y产品,B国可用1个工时生产1单位的X产品或1单位的Y产品,若劳动是唯一的投入,那么:( A ) A.A国在两种商品的生产上均具有绝对优势B.B国在两种商品的生产上均具有绝对优势C.A国在两种商品的生产上均具有比较优势D.B国在两种商品的生产上均具有比较优势8.对于H—O理论来说,导致不同国家间相对商品价格差异最主要的原因是:( A ) A.要素禀赋 B.国民收入 C.技术 D.消费偏好9.在没有贸易的情况下,一国的消费点:( B )A.在生产可能性曲线上方 B.在生产可能性之上或之内C.在生产可能性曲线上 D.位置不可判定10.墨西哥拥有丰裕的非技术工人,而美国拥有丰裕的技术工人。
保罗克鲁格曼版 国际经济学の国际贸易部分同步单项选择题第9章.
克鲁格曼国贸理论第十版课后习题答案 CH06
Chapter 6The Standard Trade Model⏹Chapter OrganizationA Standard Model of a Trading EconomyProduction Possibilities and Relative SupplyRelative Prices and DemandThe Welfare Effect of Changes in the Terms of TradeDetermining Relative PricesEconomic Growth: A Shift of the RS CurveGrowth and the Production Possibility FrontierWorld Relative Supply and the Terms of TradeInternational Effects of GrowthCase Study: Has the Growth of Newly Industrializing Countries Hurt Advanced Nations?Tariffs and Export Subsidies: Simultaneous Shifts in RS and RDRelative Demand and Supply Effects of a TariffEffects of an Export SubsidyImplications of Terms of Trade Effects: Who Gains and Who Loses?International Borrowing and LendingIntertemporal Production Possibilities and TradeThe Real Interest RateIntertemporal Comparative AdvantageSummaryAPPENDIX TO CHAPTER 6: More on Intertemporal Trade⏹Chapter OverviewPrevious chapters have highlighted specific sources of comparative advantage that give rise to international trade. This chapter presents a general model that admits previous models as special cases. This “standard trade model” is the workhorse of international trade theory and can be used to address a wide range of issues. Some of these issues, such as the welfare and distributional effects of economic growth, transfers between nations, and tariffs and subsidies on traded goods, are considered in this chapter.28 Krugman/Obstfeld/Melitz •International Economics: Theory & Policy, Tenth EditionThe standard trade model is based upon four relationships. First, an economy will produce at the point where the production possibilities curve is tangent to the relative price line (called the isovalue line). Second, indifference curves describe the tastes of an economy, and the consumption point for that economy is found at the tangency of the budget line and the highest indifference curve. These two relationships yield the familiar general equilibrium trade diagram for a small economy (one that takes as given the terms of trade), where the consumption point and production point are the tangencies of the isovalue line with the highest indifference curve and the production possibilities frontier, respectively.You may want to work with this standard diagram to demonstrate a number of basic points. First, an autarkic economy must produce what it consumes, which determines the equilibrium price ratio; and second, opening an economy to trade shifts the price ratio line and unambiguously increases welfare. Third, an improvement in the terms of trade (ratio of export prices to import prices) increases welfare in the economy. Fourth, it is straightforward to move from a small country analysis to a two-country analysis by introducing a structure of world relative demand and supply curves, which determine relative prices.These relationships can be used in conjunction with the Rybczynski and the Stolper-Samuelson theorems from the previous chapter to address a range of issues. For example, you can consider whether the dramatic economic growth of China has helped or hurt the United States as a whole and also identify the classes of individuals within the United States who have been hurt by China’s particular growth biases. In teaching these points, it might be interesting and useful to relate them to current events. For example, you can lead a class discussion on the implications for the United States of the provision of forms of technical and economic assistance to the emerging economies around the world or the ways in which a world recession can lead to a fall in demand for U.S. exports.The example provided in the text considers the popular arguments in the media that growth in China hurts the United States. The analysis presented in this chapter demonstrates that the bias of growth is important in determining welfare effects rather than the country in which growth occurs. The existence of biased growth and the possibility of immiserizing growth are discussed. The Relative Supply (RS) and Relative Demand (RD) curves illustrate the effect of biased growth on the terms of trade. The new termsof trade line can be used with the general equilibrium analysis to find the welfare effects of growth. A general principle that emerges is that a country that experiences export-biased growth will have a deterioration in its terms of trade, while a country that experiences import-biased growth has an improvement in its terms of trade. A case study argues that this is really an empirical question, and the evidence suggests that the rapid growth of countries like China has not led to a significant deterioration of the U.S. terms of trade nor has it drastically improved China’s terms of trade.The second area to which the standard trade model is applied is the effects of tariffs and export subsidies on welfare and terms of trade. The analysis proceeds by recognizing that tariffs or subsidies shift both the relative supply and relative demand curves. A tariff on imports improves the terms of trade, expressed in external prices, while a subsidy on exports worsens terms of trade. The size of the effect depends upon the size of the country in the world. Tariffs and subsidies also impose distortionary costs upon the economy. Thus, if a country is large enough, there may be an optimum, nonzero tariff. Export subsidies, however, only impose costs upon an economy. Internationally, tariffs aid import-competing sectors and hurt export sectors, while subsidies have the opposite effect.The chapter then closes with a discussion of international borrowing and lending. The standard trade model is adapted to trade in consumption across time. The relative price of future consumption is defined as 1/(1 r), where r is the real interest rate. Countries with relatively high real interest rates (newly industrializing countries with high investment returns for example) will be biased toward future consumption and will effectively “export” future consumption by borrowing from established developed countries with relatively lower real interest rates.Chapter 6 The Standard Trade Model 29Answers to Textbook Problems1.If the relative price of palm oil increases in relation to the price of lubricants, this would increase theproduction of palm oil, because Indonesia exports palm oil. Similarly, an increase in relative price of lubricants leads to a shift along the indifference curve, towards lubricants and away from palm oil for Indonesia. This is because Palm oil is relatively expensive, hence reducing palm oil consumption in Indonesia.Expensive palm oil increases the relative income of Indonesia. The income effect would induce more for the consumption of palm oil whereas the substitution effect acts to make the economy consume less of palm oil and more of lubricants. However, if the income effect outweighs the substitution effect, then the consumption of palm oil would increase in Indonesia.2.In panel a, the re duction of Norway’s production possibilities away from fish cause the production of fish relative to automobiles to fall. Thus, despite the higher relative price of fish exports, Norway moves down to a lower indifference curve representing a drop in welfare.In panel b, the increase in the relative price of fish shifts causes Norway’s relative production of fish to rise (despite the reduction in fish productivity). Thus, the increase in the relative price of fish exports allows Norway to move to a higher indifference curve and higher welfare.3. The terms of trade of the home country would worsen. This is because a strong biased productiontowards cloth would increase the home country’s supply of cloth and shifts the supply curve to the right. At the same time, the production of wheat would decline relative to the production of cloth. An increased supply of cloth would reduce the price at the domestic and at the international market. The reduction in international price of cloth would worsen the terms of trade of the home country as the home country exports. On the other hand, if the home country’s production grows in favor of wheat, the terms of trade would improve in favor of the home country. This is because wheat is imported by the home country.30 Krugman/Obstfeld/Melitz •International Economics: Theory & Policy, Tenth Edition4. The difference from the standard diagram is that the indifference curves are right angles rather thansmooth curves. Here, a terms of trade increase enables an economy to move to a higher indifference curve. The income expansion path for this economy is a ray from the origin. A terms of tradeimprovement moves the consumption point further out along the ray.5. The terms of trade for Japan, a manufactures (M) exporter and a raw materials (R) importer, is the worldrelative price of manufactures in terms of raw materials (p M/p R). The terms of trade change can be determined by the shifts in the world relative supply and demand (manufactures relative to raw materials) curves. Note that in the following answers, world relative supply (RS) and relative demand (RD) are always M relative to R. We consider all countries to be large, such that changes affect the worldrelative price.a. An oil supply disruption from the Middle East decreases the supply of raw materials, whichincreases the world relative supply of manufactures to raw materials. The world relative supplycurve shifts out, decreasing the world relative price of manufactured goods and deterioratingJapan’s terms of trade.b. Korea’s increased automobile production increases the supply of manufactures, which in creasesthe world RS. The world relative supply curve shifts out, decreasing the world relative price ofmanufactured goods and deteriorating Japan’s terms of trade.c. U.S. development of a substitute for fossil fuel decreases the demand for raw materials. Thisincreases world RD, and the world relative demand curve shifts out, increasing the world relative price of manufactured goods and improving Japan’s terms of trade. This occurs even if no fusion reactors are installed in Japan because world demand for raw materials falls.d. A harvest failure in Russia decreases the supply of raw materials, which increases the world RS.The world relative supply curve shifts out. Also, Russia’s demand for manufactures decreases,which reduces world demand so that the world relative demand curve shifts in. These forcesdecrease the world relative price of manufactured goods and deteriorate Japan’s terms of trade.e. A reduction in Japan’s tariff on raw materials will raise its internal relative price of manufactures(p M/p R). This price change will increase Japan’s RS and decrease Japan’s RD, which increases the world RS and decreases the world RD (i.e., world RS shifts out and world RD shifts in). The worldrelative price of manufactures declines, and Japan’s terms of tr ade deteriorate.6. The declining price of services relative to manufactured goods shifts the isovalue line clockwise sothat relatively fewer services and more manufactured goods are produced in the United States, thus reducing U.S. welfare.Chapter 6 The Standard Trade Model 31 7. These results acknowledge the biased growth that occurs when there is an increase in one factor ofproduction. An increase in the capital stock of either country favors production of good X, while an increase in the labor supply favors production of good Y. Also, recognize the Heckscher-Ohlin result that an economy will export that good that uses intensively the factor which that economy has in relative abundance. Country A exports good X to country B and imports good Y from country B. The possibility of immiserizing growth makes the welfare effects of the terms of trade improvement due to export-biased growth ambiguous. Import-biased growth unambiguously improves welfare for the growing country.a. The relative price of good X falls, causing country A’s terms of trade to worsen. A’s welfare mayincrease or, less likely, decrease, and B’s welfare increases.b. The relative price of good Y rises, causing A’s terms of trade to improve. A’s welfare increases,and B’s welfare decreases.c. The relative price of good X falls, causing country B’s terms of trade to improve. B’s welfareincreases, and A’s welfare decreases (they earn less for the same quantity of exports).d. The relative price of good X rises, causing country B’s terms of trade to worsen. B’s welfare mayi ncrease or, less likely, decrease, and A’s welfare increases.8. Immiserizing growth occurs when the welfare deteriorating effects of a worsening in an economy’sterms of trade swamp the welfare improving effects of growth. For this to occur, an economy must undergo very biased growth, and the economy must be a large enough actor in the world economy such that its actions spill over to adversely alter the terms of trade to a large degree. This combination of events is unlikely to occur in practice.9. India opening its markets to world trade should be good for the United States if the change reducesthe relative price of goods that China sends to the United States and hence increases the relative price of goods that the United States exports. Obviously, any sector in the United States hurt by trade with China would be hurt again by India, but on net, the United States wins. Note that here we are making different assumptions about what India produces and what is tradable than we are in Question 6. Here we are assuming India exports products that the United States currently imports and China currently exports. China will lose by having the relative price of its export good driven down by the increased production in India.10. An import tariff makes the imported goods more expensive in the domestic market as compared tothe world market. In a two commodity system e.g. food and cloth, an imposition of import tariff on cloth makes the cloth more expensive for people in the domestic market. Eventually, the internal price of food is cheaper than the relative price in the external market. This pushes the domesticproducers to produce cloth as the relative price is higher. The home consumers shift theirconsumption from cloth to food. Hence, the relative supply of food will fall and the relative demand will increase. With an increase in the world’s relative price for food the homes terms of trade also increases.Similarly, an export subsidy on food makes the opposite effect on the relative supply and demand than the import tariff on cloth. The effect is that the relative supply of food rises while the relative demand for the world declines. Hence, this reduces the home’s terms of trade as the relative price of food falls in the world market.32 Krugman/Obstfeld/Melitz •International Economics: Theory & Policy, Tenth EditionThe parties emphasize on the reduction of tariff to increase its trade with the partner country under the free trade agreements. When a tariff is reduced by both the partner countries, it increases the trade volume between the two countries. The reduction of tariff and free flow of commodities between the partner countries reduces the market price of the commodity and increases the purchasing power of the consumers in both countries. The agreement on the reduction of tariff is bilateral, meaning both countries agree to reduce the tariff, which ultimately increases the terms of trade for both.11. When a country borrows for the present consumption, it is liable to make the payment in future bysacrificing its future consumption. This means, in future the country has to return the principalborrowing amount with some interest rate. If a country borrows 1 unit at present, it has to return (1+ r) times in future, where r is the real interest rate. Hence, the relative price of future consumption is1/(1+r). This shows there is an inverse relation between the interest rate and the relative price offuture consumption. Higher the real interest rate, lower will be the relative price of futureconsumption and vice-versa.12. Comparative advantage in international borrowing and lending is driven by the relative price of futureconsumption and, more specifically, the real interest rate. As the real interest rate rises, the relative price of future consumption 1/(1 r) falls. Effectively, a country with a high real interest rate is one that has high returns on investment. Such a country will prefer to borrow today and take advantage of the high return on investment and enjoy the fruits of current investment with high returns in the future.a. Countries like Argentina and Canada should have high real interest rates as there are largeinvestment opportunities that have yet to be exploited. These countries will have a low price offuture consumption and will be biased toward exporting future consumption, preferring toborrow today.b. Countries like the United Kingdom in the 19th century or the United States today will haverelatively lower real interest rates as they already have a high level of capital and limited returnson new investments. As a result, the relative price of future consumption is high, and they will be biased toward exporting present consumption, preferring to lend today.c. The discovery of large oil reserves that do not require a significant investment to extract will causereal interest rates in Saudi Arabia to fall (large increase in wealth). This will cause the relativeprice of future consumption to rise, making it more likely that Saudi Arabia will have a PPFbiased toward exporting present consumption. Saudi Arabia will increase their current lending as a result of these oil discoveries.d. Oil discovered in Norway that requires a significant investment to extract will have the oppositeeffect as in answer c. This oil cannot turn into wealth until a significant investment is made, soreal interest rates in Norway will rise with this increased demand for investment funds. Higher real interest rates drive the relative price of future consumption down. As a result, Norway will bemore likely to export future consumption, borrowing today.e. High levels of productivity in South Korea imply that South Korean real interest rates are highgiven the lucrative investment opportunities in the country. As in answer d, higher real interestrates should drive the relative price of future consumption down and bias South Korea’sintertemporal PPF toward exporting future consumption.。
保罗克鲁格曼版 国际经济学の国际贸易部分同步单项选择题第3章
第3章:特定要素和收入分配选择题1 。
答:C2 。
答:C3 。
答:B4 。
答:D5 。
B. 资本密集型产品的需求将减少,其产量相对土地密集型的产品的产量将减少。
答案:E6 。
答: A7 。
B. 土地密集型产品的世界价格将高于比利时的土地密集型产品的价格。
答: C8 。
(完整word版)保罗克鲁格曼版 国际经济学の国际贸易部分同步单项选择题第2章
A.每个国家出口自己有比较优势的产品B.每个国家都有优越的贸易条件C.每个国家对进口产品有更高的需求弹性D.每个国家对出口产品有更高的供给弹性E.C和D都对答案:A3李嘉图的比较优势理论认为,假如符合下列哪项,该国在小饰品产品上具有比较优势呢?A.该国每个小饰品工人的产量更高B.该国的汇率很低C.该国的工资率很高D.该国小饰品工人的生产率和该国其他产品的生产率相比较而言,生产率更高E.B和C都对答案:D4.为了确定一个国家在一个特殊产品上的生产是否具有比较优势,我们至少需要知道几个劳动主体生产要求方面的消息A.一个B.两个C.三个D.四个E.五个答案:D5.根据比较优势原理,一个国家进行国际贸易从中得到收益,是以为A.间接生产出口产品比直接生产更有效B.间接生产进口产品比国内生产更有效C.可以用更少的劳动力生产出口产品D.使用更少的劳动力间接生产出口产品E.以上都不对答案:B6.根据下面的信息:单位劳动力需求布料小饰品国内10 20国外60 30A.没有一个国家有比较优势B.国内在布料生产方面具有比较优势C.国外在布料生产方面具有比较优势D.国内在饰品生产方面具有比较优势E.国内在这两件产品上都具有比较优势答案:B7.假如国外使用犯人生产出口产品,那么国内应该A.出口布料B.出口小饰品C.两种产品都出口,而不进口D.不从事任何进口和出口E.上面都对答案:A8.假如国内经济遭受了大萧条,每种产品的单位劳动需求翻了四倍。
那么国内应该A.出口布料B.出口小饰品C.出口布料,不进口D.不做任何出口或进口E.以上都正确答案:A9.假如国内工资水平翻倍了,那么国内应该A.出口布料B.出口小饰品C.出口布料,不进口D.不做任何出口和进口E.以上都正确答案:A10.根据下面的信息一个单位劳动力生产的数量布料小饰品国内10 20国外60 30A.没有一个国家有比较优势B.国内在布料生产上有比较优势C.国外在布料生产上有比较优势D.国外在饰品生产上有比较优势E.国内在两种产品上都有比较优势答案:C11.假如国外使用犯人生产出口产品,国外生产布料的机会成本是小饰品的生产,那么国内应该A.出口布料B.出口小饰品C.两种产品都出口,不进口D.不进口,也不出口E.以上都正确答案:B12.假如国内工资翻倍了,国内应该A.出口布料B.出口小饰品C.两种产品都出口,不进口D.不出口也不进口E.以上都对答案:B14.假设只有两个国家进行贸易,这两个国家只生产两种产品,那么国际贸易会使什么增加A.假如两种产品的产量都增加了,消费者福利才会增加B.两种产品的生产量和两个国家的消费者福利都会增加C.两种产品的生产量都增加了,但不是两个国家的消费者福利都增加D.两个国家的消费者福利增加了,但不是两种产品的总生产量都增加了E.以上都不正确答案:B15.根据李嘉图模型,贸易的结果会带来哪个趋于专业化A.16.根据李嘉图模型,参加贸易的国家会发现他的消费束A.在生产边界线内部B.在生产边界线上C.在生产边界线外部D.在他贸易国生产边界线内部E.在他贸易国生产边界线上答案:C17.在李嘉图模型中,假如一个国家的贸易受到限制,下列哪项不会发生?A.有限的专业化和劳动分工B.贸易额和贸易所得都减少C.使国家在生产边界线内部进行生产D.可能导致一个国家生产一些不具有比较优势的产品E.以上都不是答案:C18.根据李嘉图模型,假如一个很小的国家和一个非常大的国家进行贸易,那么A.小国家的经济福利会下降B.大国际的经济福利会下降C.小国家将从贸易中获利D.大国家将从贸易中获利E.以上都不正确答案:C19.假如一个国家的世界进出口交换率在H国和F国的国内生产成本比率之间,那么A.H国将从贸易中获利,而不是F国B. F国将从贸易中获利,而不是H国C.H国和F国都不能从贸易中获利D.只有进行出口补贴的国家能从贸易中获利E.以上都不对答案:B20.假如F国的进出口比率等于世界平均进出口比,那么A.H国将从贸易中获利,F国不能B.H国和F国都从贸易中获利C.H国和F国都不能从贸易中获利D.只有政府补贴出口的国家获利E.以上都不正确答案:A21.假如H国的进出口比率等于世界平均进出口比,那么A.H国将从贸易中获利,F国不能B.H国和F国都从贸易中获利C.H国和F国都不能从贸易中获利D.只有政府补贴出口的国家获利E.以上都不正确答案:E22.假如生产可能性曲线凹向原点,那么下列哪种情况会进行生产A.机会成本不变B.机会成本递增C.机会成本递减D.机会成本无限E.以上都不正确答案:B23.假如两个国家有相同的生产可能性曲线,那么在下列哪种情况下他们之间的贸易不可能发生A.他们的供给曲线相同B.他们的成本函数相同C.他们的需求函数不同D.他们的收入相同E.以上都不正确答案:C24.比较优势原理最早是谁提出的?A.大卫。
第1篇国际贸易理论第2章世界贸易概览一、概念题1>(发展中国家(developing countries)答:发展中国家是与发达国家相对的经济上比较落后的国家,又称“欠发达国家”或“落后国家”。
2>(服务外包(service outsourcing)答:服务外包是指企业将其非核心的业务外包出去,利用外部最优秀的专业化团队来承接其业务,从而使其专注于核心业务,达到降低成本、提高效率、增强企业核心竞争力和对环境应变能力的一种管理模式。
3>(引力模型(gravity model)答:丁伯根和波伊赫能的引力模型基本表达式为:其中,是国与国的贸易额,为常量,是国的国内生产总值,是国的国内生产总值,是两国的距离。
4>(第三世界(third world)答:第三世界这个名词原本是指法国大革命中的Third Estate(第三阶级)。
一、基本概念题1.下列哪个选项能够最恰当地描述国际贸易?–[ ] A. 同一国家内部的商品交换–[ ] B. 不同国家的货物和服务交易–[ ] C. 不同国家之间的货币交换–[ ] D. 不同国家之间的资本流动正确答案:B2.国际贸易的主要动力是什么?–[ ] A. 原材料和资源的需求差异–[ ] B. 不同国家的比较优势–[ ] C. 政府政策的干预–[ ] D. 货币汇率的波动正确答案:B3.以下哪个选项说明了比较优势的概念?–[ ] A. 一个国家在生产某种商品时,所需的机会成本较低–[ ] B. 一个国家的货币汇率较强势–[ ] C. 一个国家具有先进的技术和设备–[ ] D. 一个国家的人均收入较高正确答案:A4.以下哪个选项最能说明国际贸易对经济福利的贡献?–[ ] A. 国内生产总值的增长–[ ] B. 减少失业率–[ ] C. 降低商品价格–[ ] D. 增加政府税收正确答案:C二、模型和理论题5.下列哪个选项是描述绝对优势理论?–[ ] A. 一个国家在所有商品生产上都比其他国家高效–[ ] B. 一个国家在某些商品生产上具有相对优势–[ ] C. 一个国家的生产成本低于其他国家–[ ] D. 一个国家在国际市场上占据主导地位正确答案:A6.以下哪个选项最能说明比较优势理论?–[ ] A. 两个国家在生产两种商品上的机会成本比较–[ ] B. 两个国家的货币汇率比较–[ ] C. 两个国家的外贸政策比较–[ ] D. 两个国家的人口规模比较正确答案:A7.哪个选项最适合描述Ricardo的比较优势理论?–[ ] A. 国际贸易理论中的一个经验定理–[ ] B. 国际贸易中不存在比较优势–[ ] C. 国际贸易中只有绝对优势–[ ] D. 国际贸易只受限于贸易壁垒正确答案:A8.下列哪种情况下,两个国家能通过贸易获得互利?–[ ] A. 两个国家的机会成本相同–[ ] B. 两个国家的物价水平相同–[ ] C. 两个国家生产各种商品的成本相同–[ ] D. 两个国家各自具有相对优势正确答案:D三、政策和实践题9.下列哪个政策措施是促进国际贸易的常规手段?–[ ] A. 关税和配额的限制–[ ] B. 货币贬值措施–[ ] C. 出口补贴政策–[ ] D. 消费者补贴政策正确答案:C10.慢速增长型发展中国家常采取哪些贸易政策?–[ ] A. 出口导向型政策–[ ] B. 进口替代型政策–[ ] C. 自由贸易政策–[ ] D. 保护主义政策正确答案:B11.世界贸易组织(WTO)的主要目标是什么?–[ ] A. 促进自由贸易–[ ] B. 限制贸易壁垒–[ ] C. 改善贸易平衡–[ ] D. 保护发展中国家正确答案:A12.下列哪个选项是并非有效的贸易争端解决机制?–[ ] A. 调解机构–[ ] B. 防卫性贸易措施–[ ] C. 争端解决机构–[ ] D. 公关机构正确答案:B以上为保罗克鲁格曼版国际经济学国际贸易部分同步单项选择题文档。
中国大学mooc《国际经济学(首都经济贸易大学) 》满分章节测试答案
title国际经济学(首都经济贸易大学) 中国大学mooc答案100分最新版content第一章比较优势理论比较优势理论1、亚当·斯密认为,国际贸易的基础是()A:比较优势B:绝对优势C:规模经济D:以上都错答案: 绝对优势2、外凸的生产可能性曲线表明生产过程中的机会成本()A:递增B:递减C:不变D:先递增后递减答案: 递增3、按照比较优势的原则,劳动丰裕的国家应该进口()A:资本密集型产品B:劳动密集型产品C:不需要进口D:技术密集型产品答案: 资本密集型产品4、以下哪项不是重商主义倡导的观点()A:自由贸易B:鼓励出口C:限制进口D:重视金银的积累答案: 自由贸易5、比较优势理论是()提出的A:亚当·斯密B:大卫·李嘉图C:凯恩斯D:克鲁格曼答案: 大卫·李嘉图6、如果国家A每1单位劳动时间可以生产3单位X或者3单位Y,国家B每1单位劳动时间可以生产1单位X或者3单位Y,那么()A:国家A在生产X上具有比较劣势B:国家B在生产Y上具有比较劣势C:国家A在生产X上具有比较优势D:国家A在任何产品生产上都不具有比较优势答案: 国家A在生产X上具有比较优势7、李嘉图解释比较优势理论的基础是()A:劳动价值论B:机会成本理论C:规模报酬递减D:以上都正确答案: 劳动价值论8、两个国家相对产品价格的差异可能是基于()A:要素禀赋的差异B:技术的差异C:消费者偏好的差异D:以上都正确答案: 以上都正确9、假定机会成本不变,大国和小国进行贸易()A:大国可能获得全部贸易利益B:小国可能获得全部贸易利益C:大国和小国平分贸易利益D:以上都不正确答案: 小国可能获得全部贸易利益10、如果国家A每1单位劳动时间可以生产3单位X或者3单位Y,国家B每1单位劳动时间可以生产1单位X或者3单位Y,如果国家A拿3单位X交换3单位Y,那么()A:国家A获利2单位XB:国家B获利6单位YC:国家A获利3单位YD:国家B获利3单位Y答案: 国家B获利6单位Y11、李嘉图解释比较理论的基础是()A:劳动价值论B:机会成本理论C:规模报酬递减D:以上都正确答案: 劳动价值论12、假定机会成本不变,大国和小国进行贸易:()A:大国可能获得全部贸易利益B:小国可能获得全部贸易利益C:大国和小国平分贸易利益D:以上都不正确答案: 以上都不正确作业第一章比较优势理论比较优势理论1、请简要阐述重商主义的主要观点。
Chapter 6Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International TradeChapter OrganizationEconomies of Scale and International Trade: An OverviewEconomies of Scale and Market StructureThe Theory of Imperfect CompetitionMonopoly: A Brief ReviewMonopolistic CompetitionLimitations of the Monopolistic Competition ModelMonopolistic Competition and TradeThe Effects of Increased Market SizeGains from an Integrated Market: A Numerical ExampleEconomies of Scale and Comparative AdvantageThe Significance of Intraindustry TradeWhy Intraindustry Trade MattersCase Study: Intraindustry Trade in Action: The North American Auto Pact DumpingThe Economics of DumpingCase Study: Anti-Dumping as ProtectionReciprocal DumpingThe Theory of External EconomiesSpecialized SuppliersLabor Market PoolingKnowledge SpilloversExternal Economies and Increasing Returns22 Krugman/Obstfeld •International Economics: Theory and Policy, Eighth EditionExternal Economies and International TradeExternal Economies and the Pattern of TradeTrade and Welfare with External EconomiesBox: Tinseltown EconomicsDynamic Increasing ReturnsEconomic Geography and Interregional TradeSummaryAppendix: Determining Marginal RevenueChapter OverviewIn previous chapters, trade between nations was motivated by their differences in factor productivity or relative factor endowments. The type of trade which occurred, for example of food for manufactures, is based on comparative advantage and is called interindustry trade. This chapter introduces trade based on economies of scale in production. Such trade in similar productions is called intraindustry trade, and describes, for example, the trading of one type of manufactured good for another type of manufactured good. It is shown that trade can occur when there are no technological or endowment differences, but when there are economies of scale or increasing returns in production.Economies of scale can either take the form of (1) external economies, whereby the cost per unit depends on the size of the industry but not necessarily on the size of the firm; or as (2) internal economies, whereby the production cost per unit of output depends on the size of the individual firm but not necessarily on the size of the industry. Internal economies of scale give rise to imperfectly competitive markets, unlike the perfectly competitive market structures that were assumed to exist in earlier chapters. This motivatesthe review of models of imperfect competition, including monopoly and monopolistic competition. The instructor should spend some time making certain that students understand the equilibrium concepts of these models since they are important for the justification of intraindustry trade.In markets described by monopolistic competition, there are a number of firms in an industry, each of which produces a differentiated product. Demand for its good depends on the number of other similar products available and their prices. This type of model is useful for illustrating that trade improves the trade-off between scale and variety available to a country. In an industry described by monopolistic competition, a larger market—such as that which arises through international trade—lowers average price (by increasing production and lowering average costs) and makes available for consumption a greater range of goods. While an integrated market also supports the existence of a larger number of firms in an industry, the model presented in the text does not make predictions about where these industries will be located.It is also interesting to compare the distributional effects of trade when motivated by comparative advantage with those when trade is motivated by increasing returns to scale in production. When countries are similar in their factor endowments, and when scale economies and product differentiation are important, the income distributional effects of trade will be small. You should make clear to the students the sharp contrast between the predictions of the models of monopolistic competition and the specific factors and Heckscher-Ohlin theories of international trade. Without clarification, some students may find the contrasting predictions of these models confusing.Another important issue related to imperfectly competitive markets is the practice of price discrimination, namely charging different customers different prices. One particularly controversial form of price discrimination is dumping, whereby a firm charges lower prices for exported goods than for goods sold domestically. This can occur only when domestic and foreign markets are segmented. The economicsChapter 6 Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade 23 of dumping are illustrated in the text using the example of an industry which contains a single monopolistic firm selling in the domestic and foreign market. Reverse dumping can also occur, whereby a producer sells a product at lower prices in the domestic market than in the foreign market. While there is no good economic justification for the view that dumping is harmful, it is often viewed as an unfair trade practice.The other type of economies of scale, external economies, has very different economic implicationsthan internal economies. Since external economies of scale occur at the industry level rather than the firm level, it is possible for there to be many small competitors in an industry, in contrast to the structure which develops under internal economies of scale. Under external economies, trade may not be beneficial to all countries and there may be some justification for protectionism. Dynamic scale economies, which arise when unit production costs fall with cumulative production over time, rather than with current levels of production, also provide a potential justification for protectionism. External economies of scale can also be important for explaining interregional trade (trade within a country). While some industries need to be located near a particular factor (e.g., a natural resource), for others, the factors (e.g., skilled labor) are fairly mobile. Historical accidents may help explain the patterns then. This study of the patterns of economic interactions across space—either within or across countries—is known as economic geography.Answers to Textbook Problems1. Cases a and d reflect external economies of scale since concentration of the production of an industryin a few locations reduces the industry’s costs even when the scale of operation of individual firms remains small. External economies need not lead to imperfect competition. The benefits of geographical concentration may include a greater variety of specialized services to support industry operations and larger labor markets or thicker input markets. Cases b and c reflect internal economies of scale and occur at the level of the individual firm. The larger the output of a product by a particular firm, the lower its average costs. This leads to imperfect competition as in petrochemicals, aircraft, and autos.2. The profit maximizing output level of a monopolist occurs where marginal revenue equals marginalcost. Unlike the case of perfectly competitive markets, under monopoly marginal revenue is not equal to price. Marginal revenue is always less than price under imperfectly competitive markets because to sell an extra unit of output, the firm must lower the price of all units, not just the marginal one.3. By concentrating the production of each good with economies of scale in one country rather thanspreading the production over several countries, the world economy will use the same amount of labor to produce more output. In the monopolistic competition model, such a concentration of labor benefits the host country, which can also capture some monopoly rents, while it may hurt the rest of the world which could then face higher prices on its consumption goods. In the external economies case, such monopolistic pricing behavior is less likely since imperfectly competitive markets are less likely.4. Although this problem is a bit tricky and the numbers don’t work out nicely, a solution does exist.The first step in finding the solution is to determine the equilibrium number of firms in the industry.The equilibrium number of firms is that number, n, at which price equals average cost. We know that AC= F/X+c, where F represents fixed costs of production, X represents the level of sales by each firm, and c represents marginal costs. We also know that P= c+ (1/bn), where P and b represent price and the demand parameter. Also, if all firms follow the same pricing rule, then X= S/n where S equals total industry sales. So, set price equal to average cost, cancel out the c’s and replace X by S/n.Rearranging what is left yields the formula n2= S/Fb. Substitute in S= 900,000 + 1,600,000 +3,750,000 = 6,250,000, F= 750,000,000 and b= 1/30,000. The numerical answer is that n= 15.8 firms.However, since you will never see 0.8 firms, there will be 15 firms that enter the market, not 16 firms since the last firm knows that it can not make positive profits. The rest of the solution is straight-forward. Using X= S/n, output per firm is 41,666 units. Using the price equation, and the fact that c= 5,000, yields an equilibrium price of $7,000.24 Krugman/Obstfeld •International Economics: Theory and Policy, Eighth Edition5. a. 17,000 + 150/n= 5,000,000,000n/S+ 17,000. With S US= 300 million, the number of automakersequals three. With S E= 533 million, the number of automakers equals four.b. P US= 17,000 + 150/3, P US= $17,050. P E= 17,000 + 150/4, P US= $17,037.50.c. 17,000 + 150/n= 5,000,000,000n/S+ 17,000. With S US+E= 833 million, the number of totalautomakers now equals five. This helps to explain some of the consolidation that has happenedin the industry since trade has become more free in recent decades, e.g., Ford acquiring Jaguar,Daimler-Benz acquiring Chrysler, etc.d. Prices fall in the United States as well as Europe to $17,030. Also, variety increases in bothmarkets: in the United States, consumers were able to choose between three brands before freetrade; now they can choose between five. In Europe, consumers were able to choose betweenfour brands before free trade; now they can also choose between five brands.6. This is an open-ended question. Looking at the answer to Question 11 can provide some hints. Twoother examples would be: Biotechnology and Aircraft design. Biotechnology is an industry in which innovation fuels new products, but it is also one where learning how to successfully take an idea and create a profitable product is a skill set that may require some practice. Aircraft design requires both innovations to create new planes that are safer and or more cost efficient, but it is also an industry where new planes are often subtle alterations of previous models and where detailed experience with one model may be a huge help in creating a new one.7. a. The relatively few locations for production suggest external economies of scale in production.If these operations are large, there may also be large internal economies of scale in production.b. Since economies of scale are significant in airplane production, it tends to be done by a smallnumber of (imperfectly competitive) firms at a limited number of locations. One such locationis Seattle, where Boeing produces airplanes.c. Since external economies of scale are significant in semiconductor production, semiconductorindustries tend to be concentrated in certain geographic locations. If, for some historical reason, a semiconductor is established in a specific location, the export of semiconductors by that countryis due to economies of scale and not comparative advantage.d. “True” scotch whiskey can only come from Scotland. The production of scotch whiskey requiresa technique known to skilled distillers who are concentrated in the region. Also, soil and climacticconditions are favorable for grains used in local scotch production. This reflects comparativeadvantage.e. France has a particular blend of climactic conditions and land that is difficult to reproduceelsewhere. This generates a comparative advantage in wine production.8. The Japanese producers are price discriminating across United States and Japanese markets, so thatthe goods sold in the United States are much cheaper than those sold in Japan. It may be profitable for other Japanese to purchase these goods in the United States, incur any tariffs and transportation costs, and resell the goods in Japan. Clearly, the price differential across markets must be non-trivial for this to be profitable.Chapter 6 Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade 25 9. a. Suppose two countries that can produce a good are subject to forward-falling supply curves andare identical countries with identical curves. If one country starts out as a producer of a good,i.e., it has a head start even as a matter of historical accident, then all production will occur in thatparticular country and it will export to the rest of the world.b. Consumers in both countries will pay a lower price for this good when external economies aremaximized through trade and all production is located in a single market. In the present example, no single country has a natural cost advantage or is worse off than it would be under autarky. 10. External economies are important for firms as technology changes rapidly and as the “cutting edge”moves quickly with frequent innovations. As this process slows, manufacturing becomes moreroutine and there is less advantage conferred by external economies. Instead, firms look for low cost production locations. Since external economies are no longer important, firms find little advantage in being clustered, and it is likely that locations other than the high-wage original locations are chosen.11. a. i. Very likely due to the need to have a common pool of labor with such skills.ii. Somewhat likely due to the need for continual innovation and learning.b. i. Unlikely since it is difficult to see how the costs of a single firm would fall if other firms arepresent in the asphalt industry.ii. Unlikely because they are industries in which technology is more stable than in other industries such as software services or cancer research.c. i. Highly likely because having a great number of support firms and an available pool of skilledlabor in filmmaking are critical to film production.ii. Highly likely because film making is an industry in which learning is important.d. i. Somewhat likely in that it may be advantageous to have other researchers nearby.ii. Highly likely because such research builds on itself through a learning-by-doing process.e. i. Unlikely because it is difficult to see how the existence of another timber firm with lowercosts to another timber firm.ii. Unlikely due to the relatively stable technology involved in timber harvesting.。
第一章练习与答案1 . 为什么说在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要?答案提示:当生产处于生产边界线上,资源则得到了充分利用,这时,要想增加某一产品的生产,必须降低另一产品的生产,也就是说,增加某一产品的生产是有机会机本(或社会成本)的。
2. 仿效图1—6和图1—乙试推导出丫商品的国民供给曲线和国民需求曲线。
答案提示:3. 在只有两种商品的情况下,当一个商品达到均衡时,另外一个商品是否也同时达到均衡?试解释原因。
答案提示:4. 如果生产可能性边界是一条直线,试确定过剩供给(或需求)曲线。
答案提示:5. 如果改用丫商品的过剩供给曲线(B国)和过剩需求曲线(A 国)来确定国际均衡价格,那么所得出的结果与图1 —13中的结果是否一致?答案提示:国际均衡价格将依旧处于贸易前两国相对价格的中间某点。
6. 说明贸易条件变化如何影响国际贸易利益在两国间的分配。
7. 如果国际贸易发生在一个大国和一个小国之间,那么贸易后,国际相对价格更接近于哪一个国家在封闭下的相对价格水平?答案提示:贸易后,国际相对价格将更接近于大国在封闭下的相对价格水平。
& 根据上一题的答案,你认为哪个国家在国际贸易中福利改善程度更为明显些?答案提示:小国9* .为什么说两个部门要素使用比例的不同会导致生产可能性边界曲线向外凸?答案提示:第二章答案1.根据下面两个表中的数据,确定(1)贸易前的相对价格;(2)比较优势型态。
保罗克鲁格曼版 国际经济学の国际贸易部分同步单项选择题第5章.
保罗克鲁格曼版 国际经济学の国际贸易部分同步单项选择题第3章
第3章:特定要素和收入分配选择题1 。
答:C2 。
答:C3 。
答:B4 。
答:D5 。
B. 资本密集型产品的需求将减少,其产量相对土地密集型的产品的产量将减少。
答案:E6 。
答: A7 。
B. 土地密集型产品的世界价格将高于比利时的土地密集型产品的价格。
答: C8 。
保罗克鲁格曼版 国际经济学の国际贸易部分同步单项选择题第8章
第八章:贸易政策工具多项选择从量关税是指:A.在特种合法法规中规定的进口税B.对每单位进口商品征收固定税额的进口税C按进口商品的价值收取一定比例的进口税D.进口配额E.以上一个都不对答案: B2. 从价进口税是指:A.B. 对每单位进口商品征收固定税额的进口税C.按进口商品的价值收取一定比例的进口税D. 进口限额E.以上一个都不对答案:C如果一种商品从F国出口到一个大国H,那么H国的关税税收将会:A.提高商品在两国的价格(“一价定律”)B.提高商品在H国的价格,但不会影响在F国的价格C降低商品在两国的价格D.降低商品在H国的价格同时提高它在F国的价格E提高商品在H国的价格同时降低它在F国的价格答案:E如果一种商品从F国出口到一个小国H,那么H国的关税税收将会:A.提高商品在两国的价格(“一价定律”)B.提高商品在H国的价格,但不会影响它在F国的价格C降低商品在两国的价格D.降低商品在H国的价格同时提高它在F国的价格E提高商品在H国的价格同时降低它在F国的价格答案:B有效保护率衡量了A.真实的从量税B. 等价于关税的配额C .海关征收关税的效率D. 关税对于国内增加值的保护E.以上一个也不对答案:D如果不对进口计算机征收关税,但是国内的计算机生产商就会从生产半导体转向进口元件,那么计算机行业的有效保护率就会:A.增加B. 降低C .保持不变D. 看计算机是笔记本电脑还是“超级计算机”E.以上一个也不对答案: A如果不对进口计算机征收关税,但是政府对进口半导体元件征收目前还不存在的税收,不对进口计算机征收关税:A.增加B. 降低C .保持不变D. 看计算机是笔记本电脑还是“超级计算机”E.以上一个也不对答案: B如果一个小国征收关税,那么A.生产商必定承担损失B. 消费者必定承担损失C .政府收入面临损失D. 需求曲线必定向左移动E.以上一个也不对答案: B3.在以下哪种情况下,从量关税为本国生产者提供了更多保护:A.国内市场消费者购买更便宜的产品B. 当产品有很多质量等级时C .国内需求具有弹性D. 对制成品而不是初级产品征从量税E.以上一个也不对答案: A4.减少进口钢铁的关税最大可能会使以下哪些人受益:A.外国的生产商,但是以损害本国的消费者利益为代价B. 本国的钢铁制造商C .本国的钢铁消费者D. 钢铁工业的工人E.以上一个也不对答案: C11.当一国政府允许原材料和其他半成品零关税出口到本国,则一般导致的结果是:A.有效关税率低于名义关税率B. 名义关税率低于有效关税率C .名义关税率和有效关税率都提高D. 名义关税率和有效关税率都降低E.以上一个也不对答案: B12关税再分配的主要效应是将收入实现以下哪项转移:A.从国内生产商到国内买者B. 从国内买者到国内生产商C .从国内生产商到国内政府D. 从国内政府到国内消费者E.以上一个也不对答案: B13.关税保护的主要利益将会流向:A.商品生产国的消费者B. 商品国外消费者C .商品国内生产者D. 商品的国外生产者E.以上一个也不对答案: C14.进出口交换比率超过以下哪项的总和会使一个国力大于她的贸易合作伙伴的国家征收进口关税时会增加本国福利:A.从国内生产商到国内买者B. 从国内买者到国内生产商C .从国内生产商到国内政府D. 从国内政府到国内消费者E.以上一个也不对答案: B15进出口交换比率超过以下哪项的总和会使一个国力大于她的贸易合作伙伴的国家征收进口关税时会增加本国福利:A.财政效应加上再分配效应B. 保护效应加上财政效应C .消费效应加上再分配效应D. 保护扭曲效应加上消费扭曲效应E.以上一个也不对答案: B16以下哪一项关税是按进口商品价值的一定比例征收的:A.从量关税B. 从价税率C .名义关税D. 有效保护税率E.以上一个也不对答案: B17对进口的每单位大蒜征收20美分的关税是以下哪种关税的一个例子:A.从量关税B. 从价关税C .名义关税D. 有效保护税率E.以上一个也不对答案: A18. 对进口的每单位大蒜征收按其价值征收百分子二十的关税是以下哪种关税的一个例子:A.从量关税B. 从价关税C .名义关税D. 有效保护税率E.以上一个也不对答案: B19.关税的无谓损失是指:A.社会损失,因为它降低了本国资源的利用效率B. 社会损失,因为它降低了政府的收入C .不是社会损失,因为它只是收入在一个部门到另一个部门的重新分配D. 不是社会损失,因为它是由财政雄厚的公司支付的E.以上一个也不对20关税并没有起到保护作用,原因是这些关税:A.提高了外国的进出口关税比率B. 降低了失业率C .增强了新兴行业的成长和发展D. 防止一个国家对一些行业的过分依赖E.以上一个也不对答案: A21对关税最有力的政策压力通常是以下哪项制造的:A.支持征收出口关税的消费者B. 支持征收进口关税的消费者C .认为应该降低进口关税的消费者D. 支持出口关税的生产者E.支持进口关税的生产者答案: E22发达国家对原材料和半成品不征收或征收很低的关税:A. 有助于发展中国家出口工业产品B. 对发展中国家的出口没有影响C .损害了发展中国家工业产品的出口D. 损害了发展中国家原材料的出口E.以上一个也不对答案: C1 。
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