听力教程3 Unit 13




Task 8In many countries the status of women has improved considerably over the last 50 years. Although there are still relatively few women in senoir business positions, many women pursue their career in much the same way that men do. In the UK, men‘s beh aviour torwards women has had to change. For example , men must be carefull when they talk about a woman‘s appearrance; some women may find a complimentary remark sexist. Many women prefer not to be referred to as ―ladies‖; they prefer the more neutral ―women‖. Many women are naturally sensitive about typically male joker. There are areas of social interaction where men now feel uncertain how to behave. Twenty years ago men would always open doors for women; nowdays some women might find this action patronizing.UNIT 11Task 1Edmund: What advice would you give a young person leaving school or university? So the aim is to have five—Bruce: oh that is right. Five.Edmund: Five things, five bits of advice that you would give. Would you like to—?Bruce: Y eah, okay, I‘ll read mine out and see how many of them you have.―Pay carefull attention to dress‖—appearrance you know, generally speakiny at the interview. I think that is very important.Elizabeth: Yeah, I‘ve got that as my number one as well.Edmund: Y es. Y es. I hadn‘t put that one, but I do agree with you. But I think there‘s also—―Y ou need to be yourself.‖Bruce: Yes. Y ou mean natural, rather than putting on some sort of an act. Edmund: Y es. Y es.Bruce: I‘d certainly agree with that.Edmund: It‘s be very difficult to go through your working life living up to the image that you gave at your interview, if it isn‘t you.Bruce: Yeah. Y eah.Elizabeth: Right.Bruce: Y es. ―Have a clear idea of the‖—if it‘s a university one—―have a clear idea of the subjects you wish to take and then of your possible career.‖ And if it‘s a job interview, ―Show that you are interested in the company itself before you actually get to the interview.‖Edmund: Y es, find out a little about the organization, so you can make a comment.Bruce: Yeah. That amounts to the same thing really.Edmund: So, yes, it looks as if you‘re interested. And also it‘s very flattering to the organization.Bruce: Of course, indeed.Elizabeth: There always comes that moment when they say, ―Well you know, Mr. J ones, that‘s the job as we see it. Would you like to ask us anything about it?‖ If you just sit there in absolute silence, you don‘t get the job.Bruce: That‘s it, exactly, yes. Third, ―Have at least one topic or hobby which you can really talk about, and show that you know a lot about.‖ I think that is important because, you know, if you get stuck, this is the sort of question which can be asked, and if you have no interests or hobbies or whatever you like to call them, then it shows you are a pretty dull sort of person. And I think It would go rather badly for you.Edmund: Y es.Bruce: Em. I have one or two examples of that. My son went for a interview. He builds model planes. And in the course of the last few years he‘s become a real expert on them. So ap parently, his interview lasted about thirty minutes and twenty-nine and a half were spent talking about model planes.Edmund: Did he get the job?Bruce: Oh, yes, he got the position in university. So it worked very well for him.Edmund: Y es. I‘m sure there‘s an elment of luck—that the interviewer was interested in model planes.Bruce: I don't he was really lucky, no, I think he was trying to find outabout things—be was picking up imformation all the time.Edmund: Have you got any others?Bruce: Yes. ―Don't tell lies.‖Elizabeth: Em. That's a good one.Bruce: Y ou‘re sure to be found out. And you know, it‘s something to avoid I would think.Edmund: Yes. I think, something to include in that one is not to try and cover up when you don't know something, which i sn‘t quite the same as telling a lie. I‘ve found in interviews that is‘t actually better to say, I‘d like a moment to think about that; I hadn‘t thought of that before, or I‘d like a minute— to digest the information and think of an answer. Bruce: And finally—―Be on time.‖Edmund: Y es.Elizabeth: Yes. I‘ve got that one, too.Edmund: Y es. I put ― Do allow plenty of time make the journey and find where you are going.‖ Nerves, I think can make you miss street signs. Bruce: Indeed, yes. That‘s true.Edmund: I‘ve noticed that we‘ve all been putting dos rather than don‘ts. Elizabeth: Well I‘ve got a don‘t here. Er, which is ―Don‘t gush too much‖ , which is like, you know, I think you can have, or be tempted to have a sort of verba dirrhoea really. Y ou know, in your interview, because you think the more I say the more they‘re think I‘m—I think there‘s a dangerof saying too much as well as too little.Edmund: Y es. And ―Keep to the point.‖Bruce: That‘s right.Edmund: I mean gushing can include getting right away from the subject that youu are meant to be talking about.Elizabeth: Right.Bruce: That‘s true enough that, yes.Edmund: So we could almost sum up a lot of our points as being self-discipline.Bruce: Yes. Y es. I would agree with that, certainly. Have you any others? Elizabeth: Well no. I mean three of mine were exactly the same as yours.I put ―Sound motivated for the job‖, but that pretty obvious really, isn‘t it?I mean we‘ve included that any way. They all fall into the same sort of general category really.Bruce: That‘s interesting, yeah.Task 2Manager:Oh,Kim!Do you have a minute?I‘d like to discuss a few things with you.As you know,Sales have been failing off over the past few months and; between you and me, thingsaren‘t looking very go od.Kim: Well…Manager:Look,before you say anything,I‘m not pointing the finger at you.I know you‘ve suggested several times that we need to goin for better equipment,if we‘re going to hold our own in theindustry.And I have to go along with you now;it‘s time to bitethe bullet and invest in some better technology.Kim:That‘s great news.I‘m sure it‘s the right move.Manager:Well,as you‘ve pointed out,we‘re up against some strong competition in the printing industry and a lot of small businessare fo lding,If we don‘t jump on the andwagon now,we couldvery likely go under as well.Kim:I agree,absolutely.The thing is,you have to be at the cutting edge of change,if you want to stay in business these days. Manager:That‘s for sure.Y ou know,I‘ve been put ting off making the changes because I know it‘ll be costly,not only inequipment,but in training too.But the bottom line is if we don‘tspend money,we won‘t make any.Kim:That‘s very true.So when do you think we‘ll start the changeover?Manager:The soon er the better,I suppose.There‘re some big changes to make and I‘m not really looking forward to them.Y ou know,Iwonder whether all this new technology is really making ourlives easier.It seems to me we‘ve created a vicious circle…Kim:What do you want?Manager:Well,technology‘s supposed to have given us more time and freedom but it seems we‘ve become slaves to technology.Kim:Mm.I hadn‘t thought of it that way.Manager:But then maybe I just don‘t like change…It‘s mind-boggling the way technology is changing !No sooner do I get my headaround something new,than it changes again!Kim:Well,I know what you mean but I think we think we have to go with the flow,whether we like it or not.Manager:I suppose so.Well,I‘d better get the ball rolling.I‘ll star t making some phone calls now.Task 3The world‘s largest indoor facility is owned by the USA‘s No.1 exporting company.It‘s BoeingCompany,Washington,just outside seattle.The manufacturer of commercial aircraft has been identified with the state of Washing ton for 85 years and is the state‘s largest private employer.Robin Ruthley visited the Boeing plant and has more on‖Seattle‘s city within a city‘.The dimensions of the Boeing commercial aiecraft factory are so vast.They are almost hard to imagine.The rectangular building sits on 86hectares of land.The building alone takes up almost 40 hectares,or if you can imagine,more than 80 soccer fields.Inside,there are airplanes in various stages of production.Kenya Airways,Continental,Thai Aieways----companies that have all commissioned Boeing to make an airplane designed to fit their specific needs.―All these parts come from all over the world and they arrive here and they are put together into one airplane.So amazing to watch it.‖Tom Ryan is Boeing‘s media repre sentative for its commercial airplane factory.He says that because aviation is a global business,Boeing works with many international partners,who provideDifferent services in the construction of the planes.‖we work strongly with all our partners from all across the globe,whether they are over in the Far East or over in the UK or down under,because we need to bring everybody together to make this one Boeing really,because you can‖t exclude partners,otherwise they‖ll take their business elsewhere.‖Inside the factory,which operates 24 hours a day,seven days a week,employees get around on bicycles,There are named streets and the plant even has its own fire department.In the middle of the floor is an apparatus that resembles a giant spool,which holds the center of an aircraft and rotates,so workers can operate without having to stand on top of it.In Washington,DC recently,Boeing completed another first in the design of its latest military warplane.The X-32B Joint Strike Fighter isthe first supersonic jet to zoom over an airfield,show to a stop in the air and land straight down like a helicopter.The first vertical-landing aircraft is part of a competition that Boeing has entered for a Pentagon contract worth 200 billion dollars,the biggest Pentagon contract in history.Task4Hello everyone.Today our lecture is going to be about business management.Specifically,I‘m describe a work situation for you,and then I‘ll explain one important technique.Okay,let‘s begin.First,let‘s consider an office an office situ ation in the United States.Let‘s say that we have a company called the ABC company.Okay?A new manager named Mr.Thomas.She was having some problems with her work,and she wanted to talk to her manager about these problems.Her problem was this:Mr.Thomas had organized the office work in a new and different way,and it was becoming more difficult for her to do her job.And she also felt that Mr.Thomas wasn‘t very clear about what she was supposed to do.she wanted to know more clearly,‖What am I supposed to do?What do you expect of me?‖All right,so let‘s think about this.Ms.Jones goes to Mr.Thomas to talk about the work situation.Now for most employees,asking a manager question like this is hard.In this case,it was hard for Linda to talk to Mr.Thomas,but she felt she had to do it.She had worked in the office forfive years,and of course,she didn‘t want to lose her job because she couldn‘t get her job done.She also didn‘t want to quit her job because of the problems.She just wasn‘t content with the way the office was being run,and she needed to talk about it.Now let‘s think about the manager‘s position.In this case,Mr.Thomas was very surprised when he first heard that she was having problems.he was surprised,and irritated.There was too much work to do,right?He didn‘t really want to deal with a personal problem.He didn‘t think this is a work problem,and he felt he was too busy to think about problem people might be having.But later.Mr.Thomas thought about what Linda said,He thought,‖Aha,this is a work problem.‖And he realized he needed to find out from the other people in the office,from her co-workers,if they were having problems,too.All right,let‘s pause for a moment and look at what Mr.Thomas,as the manager,and had to consider.First of all,a good manager understands that a hardworking,enthusiastic staff is very important.In fact,we could say it is essential,absolutely essential.All of the employees need to work together.They need to work as a team to make the company successful.And,of course,feeling like part of a team is feeling that what each person does and says is important.Well,as in most work situations,we have a problem here withcommunication.That is most managers do not want to hear people complain,and most employees are afraid to come right out and say what they feel.They usually won‘t say what they like or don‘t like.They may complain to each other during lunch or after work,but they do not complain directly to the manager.It is important,however,for a manager to find out if he or she is doing a good job.One way to do this is to give employees a chance to talk.Employeesneed an opportunity to say what is wrong,what they don‘t like about the work situation,and what they would change to make their work better.However,most employees are afraid to say what they feel.This is why a manager needs to figure out a safe way for people to talk.By safe,Imean a way to talk where people aren‘t afraid something will happen to them if they tell the truth.It has to be safe,or else people just won‘t say what they‘re thinking.Task5Now let‘s look a little bit more closely at what a manager can do.According to some management consultants,a manager needs to give employees a clear way of assessing himself or herself.By assessing Imean a way of telling the manager good and bad points about what he or she is doing,Right?Tell me my good and bad points—that‘s an assessment.One way the manager can have employees do this is to give them questions toanswer in writing.Okay?Not asking them orally, but giving them a chance to write their assessments.Then the manager can meet with each employee and discuss what he or she wrote.Now asking for an assessment is not so easy.It is important for the manager to ask the right kindOf questions. If the manager asks direct questions like "Do you like me?" or "Do you like the way I ask you to do things?" the employee probably won't tell the truth. I mean, would you tell tell the truth if you were asked thiis kind of question? These questions are just too direct and, erm, just too personal. They focus too much on personal feelings.On the other hand, if the manager asks questions like "How would it be easier for you to do your job?" or "How could things be done differently?" it's easier for an employee to answer honestly. Do you see the difference here? It is easier to answer because the question focuses on the work itself. The question doesn't focus on the employee's feelings about the manager. It shows the employee the question is being asked in order to make it easier to get the job done well.Okay, now I'd like you to have a look at a sample assessment form. Follow along as I go over the questions. Ready?Number 1, "Do I give clear directions?" Number 2, "Do you need help from co-workers to understand what I want?" Number 3, "Do I change my mind too often about what I want you to do?" Number 4, "DoI listen to new ideas and ways of doing things?" Number 5, "Do you come to me when you need help?" And Number 6, "Do I tell you when you have done a good job?"Okay, so think about these questions. What are they about? What's the purpose of these question?I think... I think we have to notice that these questions show certain attitudes about how an American manager should act. They show us what an American manager is supposed to do in his or her job. These questions also tell us--and this is very interesting--they show us something about the relationship between manager and employees, what the relationship between the employees and the manager is expected to be. Management assessment today is based on the idea of solving problems and communicating so that everyone will feel they are part of a team. Let me repeat that because this is a key point: Management assessment is based on the idea of solving problems and communicating so that everyone will feel they are part of a team.Okay, now please note that this is an American moderl or idea for management assessment. Of course, business styles and management styles vary from culture to culture. This particular style of management assessment may not work in every culture. For any country or culture, it is important to think about how work is done and how decisions are made. And it's very important to consider how people communicate. All right?Well, that's all for today.Task 6Chairman: Now, ladies and gentlemen, you all know why we're meeting the afternoon. We want to decide on a definite advertising campaign for the new product we're received from... Tony, I know you want to say something.Tony: Yes, thank you, Mr.Chairman. As I've said this is not something that people will want to buy; there are similar products on the market and we need to work out the advertisements very carefully, or we won't sell any at all.Chairman: I'm more hopeful, but I agree that we'll have to sell this through good advertising and attractive packaging. Linda, you've got examples of the packaging ideas with you, haven't you?Linda: Yes, here you are. We tried two different styles: There's a can, like this; or a bottle, like this. We prefer the bottle, because it looks so clean and clear. What do you think?George: Well, I like the can. It's more modern and I think it will appeal more to young people as they're used to drinks in cans. And all our competitors put their drinks in bottles.Tony: I agree. We've got to be different. A pure white can, with the name "Clensip" in blue. That's good.Lucy: We ought to decide what is special and new and different.Tony: There isn't anything new about it, except the can. That's what's going to make it so hard to sell.Linda: I don't agree with you. It's a good product. It's healthy; it's pure; it's natural; it's good for you.Chairman: Yes, that's the idea. We want to sell it to the people because it's healthy.Lucy: Can we say "It's Clensip, naturally it's good for you"?Tony: Y es, I like that--that means "Of course, it's good for you." It also means that it's natural.George: Y es, that's Okay. But I thought we wanted to be different. All the other brands advertise how healthy and pure they are.Linda: Well, there's no alternative. People will buy this because it's pure. It's the only reason for buying it. What else can you say?Lucy: It isn't fattening, I suppose?Chairman: "Drink Clensip, the non-fattening drink in a can." We could have a picture-- a beautiful, slim young lady drinking a can of Clensip. Y es, that's a good idea.Tony: Y es, it's quite unusual to drink it by itself without adding anything. George: We could say "Be different--drink Clensip."Lucy: The beautiful girl ought to be different, too. Perhaps we could have a lot of girls all wearing red dresses, and one girl, in a white dress, who'sdrinking Clensip.Tony: We want everyone to drink Clensip, not just girls. Perhaps we could have a lot of young men in little sailing boats, and then one young man in a white suit, sailing a big yacht, and drinking Clensip. Chairman: I think we could have a whole series of those pictures. Any other ideas?George: People think of it as a drink, What about adding it to different things? Y ou could wash your hair in it, for instance.Chairman: In Clensip?George: Why not? People wash their hair in beer,sometimes.Lucy: Clensip wouldn't hurt your hair. In fact, it would be..George: What about: "A Clensip Beauty Book"?Linda: Wash your face in Clensip?Tony: Clean your teeth in Clensip after every meal.Chairman: I think we've got something here. Let's see. How many words can you think of to describe Clensip? We've got pure, natural, clear, clean, healthy...Lucy: Refreshing.Linda: Soothing---soak your tired feet in Clensip.George: Sparkling--bathe your eyes in sparkling Clensip.Tony: How about : "Freshen up your floors with Clensip"?Lucy: Add Clensip to your cooking...Task 7The term ―multinational‖ is used for a company which has subsidiaries or sales facilities throughout the world. Another expression f or this type of business enterprise is ―global corporation‖. Many of these grant organizations are household names such as Coca Cola, Sony, Hitachim, IBM, and General Motors. Companies like these control vast sums of money and they operate in countries with widely differing political and economic systems.In earlier times, most countries gave the multinationals a ―red carpet‖ welcome because they saw such foreign investment as creating much-needed employment, stimulating the business sector recently, however, the tide has turned against the multinationals. They are now viewed by many with suspicion; once heroes, they are now villains on the international business stage.For reasons outlined below, host countries are now restricting the activities of their guests, the multinationals. Many developing countries will only allow new investment if it is on a joint-venture basis. This means that local entrepreneurs, or state agencies, must participate in the ownership and even management of the foreign enterprise. Other countries, such as India and Nigeria, are forcing foreign companies already well-established to reduce their share holdings to a certain percentage, say 60 percent or 40 percent of the total equity of thecompany.Tension between host country and multinational is inevitable in many cases because multinationals do pose a threat to national sovereignty.The multinational is big and rich. It often operates in industries which are difficult to enter and of vital national importance, such as the computer, chemical and automobile industries. Most important of all, the main objective of the multinational is to organize its activities around the world so as to maximize global profits and global market shares. Each subsidiary is part of an international network of affiliates. These all interact with each other. Each part serves the whole. The centre controlling the network——the multinationals‘ headquarters——is not under the control of the host government. It is frequently thousands of miles away from these subsidiaries.Increasingly, in recent years, governments have had to ask themselves whether multinationals are harming their national interests. In highly industrialized countries, a major source of worry has been that these foreign giants will take over smaller companies and gradually dominate an important industry. If this happens, vital decisions affecting the economic interests of the country may be taken in boardrooms thousands of miles away from that country.Developing countries, in particular, have become concerned abouttheir dependence on foreign investment in key sectors of their economy. They have become aware that foreign subsidiaries often take most of their profits out of the country rather than reinvesting them in the company. Sometimes, the flow of funds causes disastrous fluctuations in the exchange rates of their currencies. Certain countries have accused the multinationals of political interference.To gain greater control over their industry, some countries are beginning to insist on joint ventures. The disadvantage of this tactic is that the foreign subsidiary may then be treated less favorably in terms of technical assistance and capital investment, by the parent company. Another strategy used by governments is to limit the amount of profits that a foreign subsidiary may send home in a given period.Arguing against multinationals, critics say that these organizations engage in anti-competitive activities, insensitively shut down plants, make huge bribes to gain contracts, interfere politically, destabilize currencies, underpay their workers, and so on. Those speaking for the defense see these corporations almost as international agencies, promoting peace, providing better, cheaper products, and bringing much needed resources, expertise and employment to the host countries.Task 8Victor Decard: Well, if you‘re ready, we‘re ready.Brian McLaren: Y es, thank you. As we‘re all introduced, perhaps I can just start by saying that my company, as you may know, is well established in the electronics field, in particular, in terms of security systems. Now, my purpose this morning is to introduce to you an important new product developed by my company. I only need deal in brief with the product as such, as I shall then hand you over to Narinder Dhillon, ou r head of R and D, also our Technical Director, who‘s going to give you a technical Demonstration. So I need take only about fifteen minutes or so of your time. Anyway I am going to take my presentation into four short sections. To start with, I want to spotlight product concepts, things of that nature. After that I want to throw some light, very briefly on the present situation in the market, then I shall focus on market needs, and then finally why we believe that this new product of ours will satisfy that need.In the course of my presentation I am going to refer to the flip chart, and if you are interested we can let you have copies of the graphics. Stop me at any time if you want to ask questions and I will try and deal with them but Narinder‘s the man to tackle in-depth questions on the technical side, so you may want to leave those until later.Right. Every manufacturer has to cope with day-to-day problems such as maintaining and improving market share and this, of course, holds true for the motor industry. Product planners take the basic product-----in yourcase the motor car-and then add to it, for example style, quality, luxury features and so on, often in the shape of accessories, including anti-theft devices. Depending on the type of product, these can be standard or optional extras, or even brought separately from accessories dealers. With tough competition to face up to ,it can ,and sometimes does, happen that manufactures lose touch with what the market really needs, that is to say real benefits, not just luxury features. Now ,looking at the chart, Diagram A, you can see…Task 9―a manager‘s job is really all about understanding and working with people,‖ Dan says. ‗Most of my time is spent in getting to know the people who work in the Marketing Division. I have to know what they are like and what they can do,‖Dam believes that taking a job is like wearing clothes. If the clothes do not fit, the person is not comfortable. It is the same with a job. If the work is not be done well.One day Dan was talking with Mary and they were discussing people and their jobs. Dan asked, ―Mary, how would you describe your job?‖ Mary answered quickly, ―My job is to know what our customers want and to help them get it by using our products.‖ Dan said,―that is beau tiful . you have told me what you are supposed to accomplish. Y ou understand what you are doing for people.‖ If we concentrate too much on today‘sproducts and stop helping people, we stop selling.‖UNIT 12Task 1UK residents spend an average £229 a year on food consumed in transit, the highest in Europe, the research group Datamonitor says. In contrast, Spanish people spend only £128 a year on average.The report‘s author says the difference is due to the greater amount of the Britons spend at work and commuting. In the UK people spend on average 48 minutes a day traveling to and from work. The Spanish and Italians spend 34 and 24 minutes respectively.Attitudes towards food are also important, the study claims.―there are a lot of people in the UK who view most of their meals as refueling,‖ says Lawrence Gould, the report‘s author.But it is not all bad, he adds.―one thing emerging is a greater demand for higher quality food, even if it is food-on-the-go,‖ says Mr .Gould.Traditional fast foods such as burgers and chips are now competing with low-fat alternatives. While the food may have been eaten in transit, people are increasing being offered healthy fare: from sushi to organic salads.。

大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 13

大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 13

大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 13 - 14Listening ComprehensionDirections: Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questions you hear. The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 11. A. Tom's illnesses are serious.B. Tom's illnesses are pretended.C. Tom's illnesses are brief but real.D. Tom's illnesses occur only when there is a party.2. A. Catch a cold.B. Hurry to get on the bus.C. Sit next to the bus stop.D. Fix his torn sleeve.3. A. A trip she took.B. A trip she takes frequently.C. A restaurant she owns.D. A famous statue in Philadelphia.4. A. Barry no longer lives in New York.B. Barry doesn't know how to economize.C. The woman called Barry in California.D. The woman didn't ever meet Barry.5. A. Richard is hard to find.B. Richard speaks with difficulty.C. Richard's roommate doesn't talk to him.D. Richard doesn't work very hard.Answer:BBAADSET 21. A. Looking for a new job.B. Starting her vacation.C. Quitting her job in a few days.D. Complaining to her friend.2. A. The department store may sell tires.B. The department store doesn't sell tires.C. The department store sells tires.D. The department store carries tapes.3. A. The man must study in order to pass.B. The man won't pass unless he takes the test.C. The man must take the test.D. The man may skip the test.4. A. She arrived for registration too early.B. She misplaced her class card for biology.C. She missed registration.D. The man cannot spell her name.5. A. Because he woke up late.B. Because he missed the bus.C. Because he had a car trouble.D. Because there was very heavy traffic.Answer:AACACDirections: Listen to the conversation and fill in the form below with no more than three words for each blank. Theconversation will be read TWICE.SET 1We don't like people to come too near to us. A (1) found that when an American male talks to a stranger, he stands(2) centimeters away.If males stand very near to each other, they are either (3) or (4) .There are some exceptions. We may accept the fact that people may (5) us on the bus or (6) in the rush hourbecause we can (7) for it.What we should do when we have to stand or sit in a crowded place? We don't look at the other people, we try not totouch them and we show (8) .We may be annoyed by someone in a crowded cinema. He or she may want to take all the (9) between us. But when the show starts we forget about it because we (10) the performers who are far away.Answer:1. psychologist2. 503. very aggressive4. unusually friendly5. press against6. on the subway7. see the reason8.an expressionless face 9. armrest 10. concentrate onSET 2About whom is the story? My father and my mother.What were they? My father was a salesman for a (1) . My mother was a (2) at a radio station.Where did they meet? They met in a (3) .How did they happen to meet? My father stopped by (4) that Saturday morning to (5) and then the manager of alocal radio station invited him to their (6) .What does my father comment on meeting my mother? It was (7) that he was at the picnic that day.What were my mother's dating experiences at that time? She dated other men, including a car salesman who entered our (8) . The car salesman gave her (9) for her birthday, which in those days meant the relationship was movingtoward an (10)What's the end of the story? One night a few months later, my mother woke her mother and told her she was goingto marry Dave.Answer:1. big electronics company2. writer3. poker game4. the branch office5. make some calls6. annual picnic7. blindluck 8. family lore 9. a watch 10. engagementDirections: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False. The passage willbe read ONLY ONCE.SET 11. Popular belief holds that "falling stars" are stars. True False2. Meteors are not visible to the naked eye even at night. True False3. Most meteors are burned into ashes when they enter the earth's atmosphere. True False4. After successful landings upon the earth, huge meteors are given different names. True False5. There is no satisfactory explanation about the source of meteors traveling through space. True FalseAnswer:1. True2. False3. True4. False5. TrueSET 21. England's mad cow disease has caused understandable hysteria. True False2. The government is facing a loss of millions of dollars. True False3. Researchers have different explanations to the cause of the mad cow disease. True False4. Basic research cannot help prevent tomorrow's crises. True False5. Unresolved scientific disputes have become a fact of modern life. True FalseAnswer:1. True2. False3. True4. False5. TrueListening ComprehensionDirections: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answers to the questions. The passage will be readONLY ONCE.SET 11. A. Spanish explorers.B. Indians.C. Other Englishmen.D. Political leaders.2. A. New political ways.B. New methods of fishing.C. New ways for water travel.D. How to trap animals.3. A. Corn.B. Domesticated animals.C. Building sod house.D. Trapping animals.4. A. The settlers were well prepared for the hardships that they would encounter.B. The new settlers found the winters severe.C. The Indians taught the settlers how to build canoes.D. The settlers brought tools and weapons to the new world.5. A. The new world.B. The new colonists.C. The life of the natives.D. The life of the early settlers.Answer:AABADSET 21. A. Dreams are unimportant and should be disregarded.B. Dreams give us helpful clues about ourselves.C. Only a trained psychologist can explain dreams.D. Dreams are often interesting.2. A. You may have unconscious fears of death.B. You may have forgotten to write down an appointment.C. You may be secretly resenting someone in your life.D. You should examine your teeth for signs of trouble.3. A. To show that dreams can remind us of something we've been too busy to remember.B. To show how we often dream of very ordinary events.C. To show how dreams can urge us to get more in touch with our real feelings.D. To indicate that we can discover our innermost anxieties through looking seriously at our dreams.4. A. That she was cleaning her apartment.B. That she was very happily married.C. That she was hitting her husband with a household appliance.D. That her husband attacked her with a vacuum cleaner.5. A. Because they are unimportant.B. Because they are trivial.C. Because they are similar to other things.D. Because we are too busy to notice them.Answer:BDACDListening ComprehensionDirections: Listen to the passage TWICE and fill the blanks with the missing wordsSET 1The universe is believed to have originated about 15 billion years ago as a dense, hot globule of gas expanding rapidly outward. At that time, the universe (1) nothing but hydrogen and a small amount of helium. There were no stars and no planets. The first stars probably began to (2) out of hydrogen when the universe was about 100 million years old.This is how our Sun originated about (3) billion years ago.Many stars came into being before the Sun was formed; many others formed after the Sun appeared. This process continues, and through (4) we can now see stars forming out of (5) pockets of hydrogen in outer space.In 1992, instruments aboard the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite showed that 99.97 percent of the energy of the universe was (6) within the first year of its origin. This evidence seems to (7) the Big Bang theory, which holds that the universe originated from a single (8) explosion (a big bang) of a very small amount of matter of extremelyhigh (9) and temperature.Astronomers also theorize that 99% of the matter in the universe is invisible, or dark matter, composed of somekind of matter that they cannot yet (10) .Answer:1. contained2. form3.4.49 4. telescopes5. compressed6. released7. confirm8. violent9. density 10. detectSET 2What will man be like in the future -- in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now?Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on (1) , men are about three (2) taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may (3) that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain's (4) . As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and (5) we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in (6) the forehead, will grow larger.Nowadays our eyes are in (7) use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over very long period of time it is likely that man's eyes will grow stronger.On the other hand, we (8) to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker.At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more (9) because they are used a great deal in modern life.But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in (10) of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald.Answer:1. average2. inches3. assume4. capacity5. eventually6. particular7. constant8. tend9. sensitive 10. courseListening ComprehensionDirections: Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are True or FalseSET 11. The first girl has read all books on the problems of black people. True False2. According to the first girl, the time for non-violent revolution is past. True False3. According to the girls, property values decline when a black family moves in. True False4. According to one of the girls, Jewish people are the closest to black people. True False5. The girls think the cat may be someone famous. True FalseAnswer:1. False2. True3. False4. True5. TrueSET 21. The father reminds his two little girls that they are on holiday. True False2. One officer stops the family and demands their passport. True False3. Christie is worrying whether they will get across the border or not. True False4. Christie told the officer that she is ten. True False5. The officers are suspicious because there is something wrong with the passport. True False Answer:1. True2. True3. True4. False5. False。



施心远主编《听力教程》3-(第2版)Unit-13答案Unit 13Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot dictationSister Rivers Build Cultural Bridge Between U.S. and China The Mississippi is the major river system in the United States, flows almost 3,800 kilometers from a small lake in Minnesota, gathering the waters of 250 other rivers and streams before reaching the Gulf of Mexico.In mid-May, as spring flowers began to open, about 41 students from a dozen colleges, mostly in the Midwest, explored a section of the river in Wisconsin and Iowa, to learn about the environment, and each other.The students, from the U.S., China and around the world, came to join the River Spirit Exchange program.The cross-cultural educational experience - set up by the University of Wisconsin, Madison-based Environment and Public Health Network for Chinese Students - focuses on the Mississippi and China's longest river, the Yangtze.This three-day get-together featured story-telling, hiking, camping and canoeing, all part of a larger lesson about conservation projects that can be used on both the Yangtze and Mississippi.After the group met at the Crane Foundation preserve, they headed south to canoe a stretch of the Kickapoo River that winds its way through southwestern Wisconsin before joining the Mississippi. They paddled along a stretch of theKickapoo River, where a 20-year preservation venture stopped encroachment by developers and protected the natural setting of the waterway.The students on the River Spirit Exchange ended their first night with singing and stories around the campfire. Organizers say the success and spirit of this first gathering of students will lead to other trips, including one down the Yangtze.Part2 Listening for GistFour out of five of all children who got leukemia* in 1960 died. Now four out of every five survive. The secret of this miraculous change is the rosy periwinkle*, a forest flower which tribal doctors had used for centuries. The United States National Cancer Institute has identified more than 2,000 tropical rainforest plants with ability to fight cancer. In fact, about 4,000 of all drugs given out in the United States today owe much of their strength to chemicals from wildlife, largely from the rainforest.Other drugs include quinine, which comes from a South American tree, and sufferers from high blood pressure get relief from the snakeroot* plant from Indian forests. The armadillo*, of South America is helping us find a cure for leprosy*.Directions: Listen to the passage and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.1. This passage is about some wildlife from forests that can be used in thetreatment of certain diseases.2. The key words are leukemia, survive, change, forest flower, 2,000 tropical rainforest plants, fight cancer, quinine, a South American tree, high blood pressure, snakeroot, armadillo, leprosy.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart1 dialogueHow to SucceedDario: I think the most important thing you must have to succeed in Italy is er ... of course, you have to be ambitious, because if you are notambitious you can't reach your aim, your target. And you must havealso a natural ability*, because you must adapt yourself and your workand er ... enjoy your work, of course. And Italian people are used toworking a lot and to doing hard work. Of course you must also knowthe right people because if you want a job and you don't know anybodyyou have to work much harder.Interviewer: So if you were going to choose one factor, Dario, which one do you think would be the most important? Could you choose one?Dario: Yes, ambition.interviewer: Thank you.(Dialogue B)Sue: I think that to be successful in Spain you need ambition, because it's what makes you want to work and do something different. And I think natural ability is also important. To be a good musician and to succeed I think that you must have something special. And I think that knowing the rightpeople is important because it can save you a lot of time. You don't spend so much time trying to get something if you know people that can help you. Interviewer: What would you say is the most important thing?Sue: Ambition I think is the most important.(Dialogue C)Taylor: I think the most important things are hard work, and good education, and natural ability.The Japanese have a traditional culture and we think that workingindustriously is a virtue, so laziness cannot be accepted by society.And a good education - anyone who wants to and who makes theeffort can enter the famous universities, so er ... when we estimatesomeone's ability we look at whether he's graduated from universityor not. But if someone wants to succeed, of course he needs ambitionand natural ability.Interviewer: So for you, which is the most important factor?Taylor: Oh, in Japan, hard work, definitely.ExerciseDirections: You are going to listen to three people talking about how they succeeded in different countries. Take notes and complete the following grid.Part 2 passageGlobal Economy of the 21st Century1. The move toward a global economy has been further strengthened by the widespread adoption of liberal economic policies.2. Current trends suggest that the world is moving rapidly toward an economic system that is more favorable for the practice of international business.3. The world may be moving toward a more global economic system, butglobalization is not inevitable.4. It is simply worth noting that even from a purely economic perspective, globalization is not all good.5. The opportunities for doing business in a global economy may be significantly enhanced, but the risks associated with global financial contagion are greater.The last quarter of the century has seen rapid changes in the global economy. Barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital have been coming down. The volume of cross-border trade and investment has been growing more rapidly than global output, indicating that national economies are becoming more closely integrated into a single, interdependent, global economic system. As their economies advance, more nations and areas are joining the ranks of the developed world. A generation ago, South Korea and Singapore were viewed as second-tier developing areas. Now they boast powerful economies, and their firms are major players in many global industries from shipbuilding and steel to electronics and chemicals. The move toward a global economy has been further strengthened by the widespread adoption of liberal economic policies by countries that for two generations or more were firmly opposed to them. Thus, following the normative prescriptions of liberal economic ideology, in country after country we are seeing state-owned businesses privatized, widespread deregulation*, markets being opened to more competition, and increased commitment to removing barriers to cross-border trade andinvestment. This suggests that over the next few decades, countries such as the Czech Republic, Poland, Brazil, China, and South Africa may build powerful market-oriented economies. In short, current trends suggest that the world is moving rapidly toward an economic system that is more favorable for the practice of international business.On the other hand, it is always hazardous to take established trends and use them to predict the future. The world may be moving toward a more global economic system, but globalization is not inevitable. Countries may pull back from the recent commitment to liberal economic ideology if their experiences do not match their expectations. Clearly, this would be a tougher world for international businesses to compete in.Moreover, greater globalization brings with it risks of its own. Thiswas starkly demonstrated in 1997 and 1998 when a financial crisis in Thailand spread first to other East Asian nations and then in 1998 to Russia and Brazil. Ultimately the crisis threatened to plunge the economies of the developed world, including the United States, into a recession. It is simply worth noting that even from a purely economic perspective*, globalization is not all good. The opportunities for doing business in a global economy may be significantly enhanced, but as wesaw in 1997-1998, the risks associated with global financial contagion*are also greater. Still, there are ways for firms to exploit the opportunities associated with globalization, while at the same timereducing the risks through appropriate hedging* strategies.A: Pre-listening QuestionWhat will affect the future of global economic development besides political factors?The following two factors must be taken into consideration although there are many others that will decide the future of the development. One is that the food and energy situation will become worse and worse with the increasing world population. The other is that our living environment has now been heavily polluted as a result of the booming of modem industries.B: Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.C: Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.1. The rapid changes have taken place in the past 25 years in the global economy because barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital have been coming down.2. The volume of cross-border trade and investment results inestablishing a single, interdependent, and global economic system.3. The examples of economic development in South Korea and Singapore show that more nations are joining the ranks of the developed world.4. The move towards a global economy has been further strengthened bythe widespread adoption of liberal economic policies.5. The current trends indicate that the world is moving rapidly to an economic system that is more favorable for the practice of international business.6. This world would be a tougher world for international businesses to compete in if some countries pull back from the recent commitment to liberal economic ideology because their experiences do not match their expectations.7. What we can learn from the East Asia financial crisis in 1998 is that globalization brings risks of its own.8. The writer still believes that there are ways for companies to exploitthe opportunities associated with globalization in the 21st centuryD: After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions. 1. Greater globalization brings with it risks of its own. This was starkly demonstrated in 1997 and 1998 when a financial crisis in Thailand spread first to other East Asian nations and then in 1998 to Russia and Brazil. Ultimately the crisis threatened to plunge the economies of the developedworld, including the United States, into a recession. It is simply worth noting that even from a purely economic perspective, globalization is not all good. The opportunities for doing business in a global economy may be significantly enhanced, but the risks associated with global financial contagion are also greater.2. (Open)Section three NewsNews Item 1Search planes found a 20 kilometer long oil slick, apparently left by the Air France jet.Flight 447 left Rio de Janeiro bound for Paris on Monday. It carried 228 people. Debris found in the ocean could offer clues on why the four year old airplane went down.A meteorologist with AccuWeather tells VOA that Flight 447 may have encountered 160-kilometer-per-hour winds as it flew into strong storms along the equator.The area is called the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. It's where the trade winds between the Northern and Southern hemisphere meet.U.S. pilots who fly this route say the zone's fierce thunderstorms carrymoisture lower and therefore often do not appear on radar.Some experts point to severe turbulence or lightning strikes as to the cause. But planes are built to withstand strikes, so pilots say it's doubtful that lightning would be catastrophic.Shortly before it vanished, Flight 447 transmitted automatic messages reporting failures in its pressurization and electrical systems.The Airbus is a "fly-by-wire" plane, meaning it relies totally on electricity to fly.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the crash of an Air France jet.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and complete the following outline.The Air CrashAirline and flight number: Air France Flight 447Number of passengers on board: 228Tim of the accident: MondayRoute of the flight: from Rio de Janeiro to ParisYears of service of the plane: 4Possible explanation:1. Flight 447 may have encountered 160-kilometer-per-hour winds as it flew into strong storms along the equator.2. The zone's fierce thunderstorms carry moisture lower and therefore often donot appear on radar.3. Severe turbulence or lightning strikes may cause the catastrophe.News Item2It was a nation already vulnerable, the poorest in the Western hemisphere, with a history of lax construction. The International Red Cross says the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti leaves close to a third of the population in need of emergency aid. Thousands are feared dead.Haiti's ambassador to the United States, Raymond Joseph is calling for up to quadruple the amount of U.S. aid to his country, which now stands at about $300 million. He calls on the international community to help as well.The United Nations said Wednesday that more than 100 people are missing from its wrecked headquarters.Meantime, aid from around the world is bound for Haiti on its way from a range of countries including Iceland, China and Israel.People have sent their donations to various relief organizations and their prayers, including the Pope.The United Nations reports that the main airport in Haiti's capital is operational and open to relief flights in the coming days.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the earthquake in Haiti and the international aid.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and answer the following questions.1. It is a vulnerable, the poorest in the Western hemisphere.2. A 7.0 earthquake hit the country.3. A third of the population are in need of emergency aid.4. About $300 million.5. More than 100 people are missing.News Item3The hardest hit countries are Angola and Namibia, which are experiencing the worst floods since 1963. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported in Angola, 21 people have been killed and an estimated 200,000 affected.It said the number is likely to increase once UN aid workers are able to reach areas that currently are inaccessible because of the floods.Official figures indicate more than 3200 houses have been destroyed, as well as more than 100 schools. It says schools and other public buildings are being used as shelters. So, classes are interrupted.OCHA Spokeswoman, Elizabeth Byrs, told VOA all provinces are reporting widespread destruction of crops and food reserves. She says malnutrition rates are likely to increase in the coming weeks.UN and private aid agencies on Monday issued a flash appeal for $2.75 million to support the immediate needs of up to 350,000 people affected by floods in Namibia.OCHA reported 92 people have died and 13,000 have been displaced. It said more than 50 percent of roads have been damaged in the affected areas and this is making it extremely difficult for people to get to health facilities, schools and market places.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the effects of the floods on Angola and Namibia.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and decide the following statements are true or false.1. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. T7. F8. FSection Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLethal Snake Bites Kill 200,000 a YearLarry Bulanadi is known in the Philippines as the Cobra King, because of his skill in hunting the feared spitting cobra - a highly venomous snake that spits toxin at its prey.Farmers have asked him to rid their farms of cobras.Today Bulanadi was called by this farmer who found two snakes in his field. If he gets bitten by a cobra, he could die quickly. Hospitals are far away and often they do not even have antivenin.The World Health Organization (WHO) says about five million peoplearound the world are bitten by snakes each year. As many as 200,000 die, and about 400,000 lose limbs. Most victims are in developing countries in Africa and Asia.The WHO says victims in developing countries, many of them children, die because they are far from medical help and because there is a global scarcity of antivenin.Dr. Visith Sitprija runs the WHO Collaborating Center for Venomous Snake Toxicology and Research in Bangkok. He says the high cost of producing antivenin means poorer countries such as Cambodia and Burma cannot get adequate supplies.Unlike other medicines that can be mass-produced, Dr. Visith says antivenin is often tailor-made for snakes from specific locations. "Although they may share the common toxin component, the biological effect varies, you know depending on the environment, genetics and the food they eat."That means antivenin for a spitting cobra in the Philippines may not work on someone bitten by a similar snake in West Africa.In this snake farm in Bangkok, children are introduced to a variety of snakes. They learn that most snakes bite people only by accident, and they learn ways to avoid bites - such as wearing rubber boots.For now, experts say the best ways to reduce the death and injury toll from snake bites are prevention and education.A: Directions: Listen to the news report and complete the summary.This news report is about the number of victims of snake bites each year due to a global scarcity of antivenin.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. T7. T8. TPart2 PassageEcology or Economy?1)For years, people in the region bet on its potential for economic developmentbased on conservation, but the tourists don't come in the needed numbers. 2)Signs of economic hard times abound in a city of 90,000 people, and streetsare filled with idle young men claiming to be guides.3)The governor of the state says the solution to the region's economic woes liesin the 3, 150-kilometer pipeline that runs through the state.4)They fear an expanding industrial economy could not help but harm the145,040-square-kilometer flood plain, which sprawls over parts of twoBrazilian states.5)The US based energy company has already backed out of a proposal to builda thermoelectric plant, citing the stringent environmental regulations.They come from as far away as Germany and Japan, eager to marvel at the alligators* and to fish for rainbow trout* in the lea-hued waters, to stand under skies busy with white storks* and red-and-blue macaws*.But the tourists don't come in the needed numbers. If ever a place seemed made for ecotourism, it was Brazil's Pantanal - the world's biggest expanse of wetlands. For years, people in the region bet on its potential for economic development based on conservation.Not anymore. Tourism has failed to bring the hoped-for prosperity, and the support is growing for old-fashioned industrial development - even if that means perhaps irreversible damage to the ecosystem.Environmentalists say there still is room to develop ecotourism. They argue that businesses in the Pantanal have concentrated too much on simple fishing tours that have depleted the region's once-rich fish stocks.But signs of economic hard times abound in Corumba, a city of 90,000 people 1,600 kilometers northwest of Rio de Janeiro. Streets are filled with idle young men claiming to be Pantanal guides, hustling everything from tours to cheap Bolivian cocaine to sex with young girls.With ranching and farming limited by the Pantanal's poor soil and seasonal flooding, conservation now seems to many people a luxury the region can no longer afford.The governor of the state says the solution to the region's economic woes lies in the 3, 150-kilometer pipeline that runs through the state carrying natural gas from Bolivia to Brazil's industrial capital of Sao Paulo.He wants to build a thermoelectric* plant, a steel mill and a petrochemical complex to be fueled by the gas and turn this sleepycolonial city into a hub of industry.Environmentalists disagree. They fear an expanding industrial economy could not help but harm the 145,040-square-kilometer flood plain, which sprawls over parts of two Brazilian states and into Bolivia.This could be disastrous for the Pantanal, home to some 650 bird species, 230 fish species, 80 mammal species and more than 1,000 kinds of butterflies.The Pantanal is essentially an enormous settling pond with virtually no flushing* mechanism, industrial pollutants could quickly build up, poisoning the more fragile species and provoking a catastrophic domino effect* running up the food chain.Pressure from environmentalists also helped stall a multibillion-dollar plan to deepen and straighten the Paraguay River, which runs through the Pantanal, as part of a project to create a river link from the Atlantic Ocean to the heart of South America.The US-based energy company El Paso Corp has already backed out of a proposal to build a thermoelectric plant in Corumba, citing the stringent* environmental regulations.Still, some environmentalists fear regulations alone won't be enough if the state builds thermoelectric plants and a steel mill.It's not just the pollution. These projects will bring more and more people into a region with a very precarious* infrastructure ..Some people warn that the promise of industrial development could be just as illusory* as ecotourism.A:Pre-listening QuestionWhat is ecology and what is ecotourism?Ecology is the study of the relationships between plants, animals, people, and their environment, and the balances between those relationships. The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people". This means that those who implement and participate in ecotourism activities should follow the following principles:➢Minimize impact;➢Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect;➢Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts;➢Provide direct financial benefits for conservation;➢Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people;➢Raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climate;➢Support international human rights and labor agreements.B:Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.C:Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1. Because Pantanal is the world's biggest expanse of wetlands.2. Because tourism has failed to bring the hoped-for prosperity.3. Because Pantanal has concentrated too much on simple fishing tours.4. Because the soil at Pantanal is very poor and seasonal flooding makes it even harder to ranch or farm.5. Home to some 650 bird species, 230 fish species, 80 mammal species and more than 1,000 kinds of butterflies could be ruined.6. Pressure from environmentalists helped stall the plan.7. Regulations alone won't be enough. A very precarious infrastructure must be taken into consideration.8. The result will be the same as what people believed in the development of ecotourism.D:After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1. Environmentalists say there still is room to develop ecotourism. They argue that businesses in the Pantanal have concentrated too much on simple fishing tours that have depleted the region's once-rich fish stocks.Environmentalists disagree with the building of a thermoelectric plant, a steel mill and a petrochemical complex in the area. They fear an expanding industrial economy could not help but harm the 145,040-square-kilometer flood plain.Pressure from environmentalists also helped stall a multibillion-dollar plan to deepen and straighten the Paraguay River, which runs through the Pantanal, as part of a project to create a river link from the Atlantic Ocean to the heart of South America.2. (Open)。

英语新闻听力教程 Unit 13 答案及文本

英语新闻听力教程 Unit 13 答案及文本

Unit 13 Terrorism and CounterterrorismSection A1.homemade bombs2.roadside bomb3.antiterrorism4.suicide bomb5.hostage6.explosives; car bomb7.on high alert; aftermath8.hijacked bat 10.explosive devicesSection B1.India has gone on high alert following intelligence reports that militants are planning to carry out terrorist attacks leading up to the country’s Independence Day celebrations on Monday.2. An American air marshal has shot and killed a passenger at Miami airport in Florida. Officials said the shooting happened in the area between departure gate and a recently arrived American Airline’s plane.3. A passenger jet on its way from Paris to Dublin, Ireland was diverted to an airport in Scotland today after its crew found a note claiming there was a bomb on board. British Royal Air force jets escorted the plane to an airport where it landed safely.4. Pakistan’s ambassador to Sri Lanka has narrowly escaped a powerful explosion that hit his convoy in Colombo. Seven people were killed and about eight wounded whena claymore mine went off today as the convoy passed in the Sri Lankan capital.5. U.S. intelligence agencies have reportedly concluded that the Iraq war has helped inspire a new generation of Islamic radicals and increased the threat of global terrorism.Key: A D B B CSection CItem 1A series of early morning bomb blasts has killed at least 83 people at the popular Egyptian Red Sea resort town of Sharm el –Sheikh. Three explosions tore through the lobby of a luxury hotel, a parking lot and a market minutes apart. At least two of the explosions are believed to be car bombs. Officials say most of the dead are Egyptians but at least eight foreigners have been confirmed killed. More than 100 people were injured, many of them seriously. Egypt’s interior minister said there’s some information linking the blasts with the October bombings in the Sinai resort town of Taba. A claim of responsibility from a group calling itself the Abdullah Azzam Brigades of al-Qaeda in the Levant and Egypt has not been verified.Key: 1. C 2. A 3. B; I 4. E 5. G, K 6. JItem 2British government officials say a huge intelligence operation is underway to find those responsible for the bomb attacks on London’s transport system during Thursday morning’s rush hour. The attacks, three on underground trains and one on a bus , claimed the lives of at least 38 people and injured around 700 more. Police said the number of dead could rise further. The first attack came just before nine in the morning on a train lose to the main station in the city’s financial district. Minutes later the worst incident occurred, a bomb exploded in a deep underground line, killing more than 20 people. Another train bomb tore a hole through a tunnel wall, hurling debris onto adjacent track involving a further two trains. The fourth blast ripped the roof of a bus. A BBC journalist who just left it, told that he saw it explode, sending seats flying, and leaving many people badly injured.Task 1: T F F T TTask 2:1. intelligence operation; underway; responsible; transport; rush hour2. deep underground line; tore a hole; hurling debris; further3. ripped the roof; flying; baldy injuredItem 3The Indian capital Delhi has been placed on high security alert after three explosions rocked the city, killing more than 50 people and injuring many others . The government has called on people to stay indoors. Across the city armed police have taken up positions outside key buildings and the main public areas . The blasts came within minutes on the day when many people were out shopping ahead of the Hindu festival of Diwali and the Muslim Eid celebration.Key:1. Three explosions rocked the city2. Fifty were killed and many others injured3. To stay indoors4. They’ve taken up positions outside key buildings and the main public areas5. They were planned ahead of the Hindu festival of Diwali and the Muslim Eid celebration.Section DA woman has appeared on Jordanian television and confessed to taking part in suicide attacks last Wednesday in the capital Amman. She said she’d gone into the Radisson SAS Hotel where there was a wedding party wither husband, but although he had managed to blow himself up, she had failed. Reporting from Amman, here is John Leyne.Jordan television showed pictures of the woman with the explosive belt still strapped to her waist, she was wearing a traditional black Islamic gown and white headscarf, Then the woman gave her confession. She had come to Jordan from Iraq with her husband four days before the attack , she said. On the day of the bombing , her husband gave her the suicide belt and showed her how to use it. They went in together to attack the wedding in the Radisson Hotel. Then she said to her husband succeeded in setting off his bomb but she did not. So she ran out with the guests. Key:1. Suicide2. appeared on3. confessed4. wedding party5. black Islamic gown6. white headscarf7. strapped to8. husband9. blow himself up 10. from IraqItem 2British authorities say they have foiled a plan to blow up aircraft flying from Britain to the United States. Air traffic has been disrupted as new security measures were put in place and flights in and out of Britain were canceled. VOA correspondent Gary Thomas has a report from London.Police and security service agents raided homes in Greater London and Birmingham overnight to break up a terrorist ring planning to blow up U.S. –bound aircraft with explosives. 21 people were arrested . Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Stephenson said the plot was a significant one.“We cannot stress too highly the severity that this plot represented. Put simply., this was intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale.”Authorities would not say how close the plotters were to acting. But U.S.Security of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff said the scheme was well-advanced and in its final stages. U.S. officials described it as suggestive of an al-Qaeda plot. British and U.S. authorities have raised the threat level on some airline flights to its highest level and banned virtually all hand baggage from airplane cabins. Passengers at British airports found themselves in long lines at security checkpoints and many have been stranded as incoming and outgoing flights were canceled . Gary Thomas , VOA News, London.Key:Task 1: B C Task 2: T F F T F T T TItem 3Reports are coming in of a series of explosions on the Indonesian island of Bali.There are some reports of casualties but it’s not clear how many. Bomb attacks in Bali in 2002 attributed to Islamist radicals killed more than 200 people. Tim Johnston reports from Jakarta .According to local media the explosions went off just before eight o’clock in the evening, two in the village of Jimbaran, a beachside area packed with hotels and tourist restaurants, and another 10 minutes later in a restaurant in Kuta square, one of Bali’s most popular shopping area. Reports from Bali say the emergency services are attending to the injured, phone lines between the island and other part of the country were overloaded as people struggled to contact friends and relatives in the area. It’s still too early to say with any certainty if these explosions were bombs, but the blasts come almost three years after a devastating car bomb planted by Islamic extremists killed over 200 people at a night club in Bali.Key:1. The explosions went off just before eight o’clock in the evening.2. There are some reports of casualties but it’s not clear how many.3. Three. Two were in a beachside village packed with hotels and tourists restaurants and one in a restaurant in Kuta square, one of Bali’s most popular shopping areas.4. The emergency services are attending to the injured, phone lines between the island and other part of the country were overloaded as people struggled to contact friends and relatives in the area.5. A devastating car bomb planted by Islamic extremists killed over 200 people at a night club in Bali.。



听力教程《三》Unit 1 News Item 11. infrastructure n. 基础设施2. iconic sports venue n. 体育场馆3. gear up v. 加速4. Paralympics n. 残奥会5. shuttle bus n. 公共汽车6. grand closing ceremony7. physical disability8. subway stop9. dedicated public bus lines10. water Cube11. Bird’s Nest StadiumNews Item 21,tackle the problems v. 解决问题2,be under no illusion v. 幻想3,with candor/candidly adv. 坦诚地4. Strategic and Economic Dialogue5. high-level American and Chinese officials6. launch a meeting7. discuss a broad agenda8. currency concerns9. foreign policy10. the global economic recession11.speak out12. agree on13. see the worldNews Item 31. crude (oil) n. 原油;天然的物质2. volatile adj. 不稳定的;反复无常的3. revenue n. 利润4. shortfall n. 短缺;不足5. state-owned adj. 国有的;国营的;州立的6. seek ally n. 同盟国;助手7. in return8. finance v.9. shift…from10. energy analyst11. state-owned12, bargain over13. build closer ties withUnit 2News Item 11. outscore v. 得分超过2. winning streak n. 连胜纪录3. upstart n. 新贵;暴发户4. oust v. 驱逐;剥夺;取代5. semifinal/quarterfinal 半决赛(的)/四分之一决赛(的)6. Argentina/Yugoslavia 阿根廷/南斯拉夫7. the World Basketball Championship tournament8. snap9. professional squad10. the National Basketball Association11. defending champion12. head coach13. the first/ second/ third place14. the championship gameNews Item 21. tie v. 打成平局2. draw n. 平局3. phase out v. 逐步停止;逐步取消4. deficit n. 赤字;不足额5. phase n. 阶段6. crash out of7. the Champions League8. UEFA Cup9. home draw10. at the expense ofNews Item 31. compatriot n. 同胞;同国人2. vie (for) v. 竞争3. title n. 冠军;标题;头衔4. rain-delayed adj. 因雨推迟的5. golfer n. 高尔夫球手6. Kemper Open golf tournament7. get under way8. defend one’s title9. find his form10. skip the event11. Memorial Open12. take periodical breaks13. of all time14. prize money15. the first-place checkUnit 3News Item 11. Persistent Organic Pollutants, POPs 持久性有机污染物2. target 把…作为目标3. pesticide 农药;杀虫剂4. flame-retardants 阻燃剂5. head lice 头虱6. toxic 有毒的7. Stockholm Convention, convention 协定8. boundary 边界;界限9. Equator 赤道10. Arctic 北极圈11. persist in 坚持于;固执于12. atmosphere 大气;大气层13. degrade into vi 降级,降低;退化14. pose great risks to 带来很大风险15. Executive DirectorNews Item 21. conference 会议;协商;大会2. mitigate / migrate 使缓和;使减轻3. Copenhagen 哥本哈根4. WMO World Meteorological Organization 世界气象组织5. respond to 对…反应;对…回答6. extreme climate events 极端天气事件7. modify irrigation systems 修改灌溉系统8. intensity and frequency 强度和频率9. phenomenon (复数phenomena)现象10. weather observation network 天气观测网络11. vice-versa 反之亦然12. Secretary-GeneralNews Item 31. Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁2. stretch for 绵延3. bear the brunt of 冲击;主要冲力4. coral 珊瑚5. sensitive marine organisms 敏感的海洋生物6. wither 枯萎;凋谢;衰弱7. sedimentation {物理}沉降8. Keppel Islands 凯珀尔群岛9. bleach 漂白10. smother 使窒息;抑制11. bounce back 反弹;迅速恢复活力12. capacity 能力;容量;资格13. inflict 造成;使遭受(痛苦等)14. premier 第一的;最初的Unit 4News Item 11. boast 吹嘘;夸耀2. state-of-the-art rides and attractions 最先进的游乐设施和景点3. theme park 主题公园4. fixture 设备;固定装置5. boardwalk 木板路,木板桥6. cyclone 旋风,飓风7. roller coaster 过山车8. game arcades 内设有投角子电子游戏机的游乐场9. kitschy 肤浅的;低俗的10. step in 介入;插手干预11. renewal 续借;更新12. lease 租约;租期13. the Wonder Wheel14. closureNews Item 21, highline 高架的;高压线;2, renovate 更新;刷新;修复3, elevate 提升;举起4, promenade 散步;漫步5, a densely populated city 一个人口密集的城市6, open space for relaxation 放松;消遣7, slaughterhouse 屠宰场8, oasis 绿洲;舒适的地方9, sprout 使发芽;(迅速大量出现)10, inaugurate 开创(组织,事件)11, benefactor 恩人;捐助者12, cut the ribbon 带;缎带13. make a delivery14. noted for15. wild landscape16. office tower17. well worth sth/ doingNews Item 31. Greyhound Bus 灰狗巴士2. terminal 终点;末端3. nestle 半隐半现的处于4. a chain link fence 铁丝网围栏5. hint 线索;暗示6. controversial 有争议的7. racial segregation 种族隔离8. public facilities 公共设施;公共设施用地9. centerpiece 摆放在中心的饰品10. devote to 把…专用于;将…奉献给11. depict 描述;描画12. promote the attraction to visitors 提高对游客的吸引力13. capitalize on 利用…的价值;积累资金14. America’s Civil Rights movement 美国民权运动15. make a side trip to 顺便游览…16. in the heart of17. social campaign18. financial supportUnit 5News Item 11. therapy 治疗,疗法2. specially-trained 专门训练的3. handler 处理者,管理者,训练者4. institution 制度,建立,公共机构,习俗5. heal 治疗,治愈,和解6. a registered nurse 注册护士,专业护士,执照护士7. terrorist attacks 恐怖袭击8. firehouse 消防站,消防队9. Red Cross Respite 红十字会援助中心10. respite 缓解,暂缓,暂时的休息,缓期执行11. traumatize 使···受损伤,使···受精神创伤12. Ground Zero 世贸大厦遗址13. nursing home14. physical and emotional well-being15. promote healing16. improve the quality of life17. lower a person’s blood pressure18. release tension19. ease loneliness and depressionNews Item 21,be racing to do something 竞相做某事2,humanoid robot 像人的3,meant to do something 打算做某事,有意做某事4,mow the lawn 修草坪5,Artificial Intelligence Director 人工智能技术总监6,Massachusetts 马塞诸塞州7,corporation 公司,法人(团体),社团,企业8,remote presence 远程通信9. do chores10. make fun11. put sth on the marketNews Item 31,sophisticated combination 复杂的组合2,empowering 授权,使能够,允许3,Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute 卡耐基-梅隆大学机器人研究所4,duplicate 复制,使加倍5,handicapped 残废的,有生理缺陷的6,multifunctional 多功能的7,reprogrammed 重新设定程序8. household robots9. Robotics Institute10. make some gains11. toy market12. industrial robotsUnit 6News Item 11. Pakistani 巴基斯坦的,巴基斯坦人2. residence 住宅,住处3. a joint news conference 联合新闻发布会4. Taliban 塔利班组织,神学士5. the Swat valley 斯瓦特山谷6. pledge 保证,许诺,用···抵押7. humanitarian aid 人道主义援助8. in the form of 以···的形式9. sanitation 卫生设备,环境卫生,下水道设施10. displace 转移,把···免职,排水,取代,置换,11. a wide range of issues 各种各样的问题12. tackle 处理,抓住,固定,与···交涉13. terrorism 恐怖主义,恐怖行动14. priority 优先,优先权15. extremist 极端主义者,过激分子16. overnight 突然,昨晚17. Islamabad 伊斯兰堡18. security troops 安全部队19. tribal areas 部落地区20. official visit / official residence21. Prime Minister22. in particularNews Item 21,Palestinian 巴勒斯坦的,巴勒斯坦人2,security sources 安全人员/部门3,armored personnel carriers 装甲运兵车,装甲人员输送车4, refugee camp 难民营5,gunman 枪手,持枪歹徒6,kibbutz 基布兹7,detain 拘留,留住,耽搁8,investigate 调查,研究9,the Israeli military 以色列军方10,demolish 毁坏,推翻,驳倒,拆除,破坏,11,Nablus 纳布卢斯12,Hamas 哈马斯13,violence 暴力,侵犯,激烈,歪曲14,envoy 使者,全权公使15,follow order 执行命令17,work on a peace plan 拟定和平计划18,Israeli troops 以色列国防军19,claim responsibility for 声称对···负责20,killing 杀戮21,Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades 阿克萨烈士旅22,Fatah 法塔赫23,Yasser Arafat 亚西尔-阿拉法特News Item 31. purely 纯粹的,仅仅,只不过,完全地,纯洁地2. military solution 军事途径3. Somali piracy 索马利亚海盗4. cargo ship captain 货轮船长5. pirate 海盗,盗版,侵犯专利权者6. navy ships 海军舰艇7. patrol 巡逻,巡查8. international community 国际共同体9. equation 平衡,相等,方程式,等式10. incredible 难以置信的,惊人的11. piracy 海盗行为,剽窃,著作权侵害12. install barbed wire 安装铁丝网13. resistance 阻力,电阻,抵抗,反抗,抵抗力14. proposal 提议,建议,求婚15. triple 三倍的,三方的16. Defense secretary17. get something on land18. armed guards19. secureUnit 7 News Item 11.conception 怀孕;概念2.pregnancy 怀孕;丰富;多产3.prenatal 产前的;胎儿期的4.maternal 母亲的;母性的5.low-protein diet 低蛋白的饮食6.high blood pressure 高血压7.vitamin B deficiency 缺乏维生素B8.be at risk 处于危险之中9. control groupNews Item 21. be immunized against 接受……的疫苗2. UNICEF (United Nations International Children 's Emergency Fund)联合国儿童基金会3. vaccine 疫苗/vacinate4. a joint report5. WHO6. tetanus7. whooping coughNews Item 31. stymie 从中作梗;阻挠2. regimen 养生法;生活规则3. combat disease 抵抗疾病4. testament 确切的证明5. vaccine trialUnit 8News Item 11. announce results 宣布结果2. news conference 记者招待会3. NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局4. lunar surface 月球表面5. spectrographic signature 光谱信号News Item 21. lift off 发射;起飞2. launch pad 发射台3. entrepreneur 企业家;承包人4. fulfill one 's dream 实现某人的梦想5. space capsule 太空舱6. stem cell 干细胞7. zero gravity 失重8. escape vehicle9.conduct experiments10. blanket media coverageNews Item 31. space shuttle 航天飞机2. independent review panel 独立评审团3. manned space flight 载人航天飞船4. beefed-up 加强的5. presidential panel 主席团6. flying mission 航天任务7. extend the life of8. the proposed lifeUnit 9News Item 11. raise global sea level 海平面上升2. millimeter 毫米(区)milliliter 毫升3. coastal region 沿岸区域4. monitor n. 监视(听)器,vt. 监控5. be accessible for 易接近6. protrude 突出,伸出(pro- 向前,-trude interfere 干涉)7. temperate 温和的,适度的8. latitude 纬度,longitude 经度News item 21, temperature variation: cold, cool, warm, hot2, measurably 可视地,可测定的程度3, plotted adj. 标绘的v. (过去分词)plot v. 密谋,绘图,划分,策划n.情节,阴谋4, perpetual 永恒的,持久的(同)everlasting, eternal5, snow-free 无雪的6, Celsius 摄氏度(区)Fahrenheit 华氏度7, isolate 隔离,孤立8, climatologic 气候学的9. ocean currentNews Item 31, adverse 不利的,相反的,敌对的2, co-chairman 联合主席3, irreversibly 不可逆转的4, low-lying country 地势低的国家5, famine 饥荒,奇缺6. incalculableUnit 10News Item 11. pledge 保证,誓言,抵押2. trillion 万亿3. cushion 垫子,银行储蓄,起缓解作用之物v. 缓和,垫垫子4. multilateral trade 多边贸易5. specify 指定,详细说明6. clarification on 解答7. proposal 提议,求婚8. IMF (the Internal Monetary Fund)9. Reserve currency10. Special Drawing Rights11. Low-income countriesNews Item 21. international summit 国际峰会2. productive 能生产的,多产的,富有成效的3. turning point 转折点4. adjourn 延期,体会vt. 推迟,使中止5. consensus 一致,舆论6. priority 优先权7. concrete 实在的,具体的,有形的,混凝土的v. 凝结8. government domestic spending 国内的,家庭的,驯养的9. International Monetary Fund ( IMF )国际货币基金会10. clamp down on 对.....进行压制或取缔11. tax havens 避税国或场所12. corruption, bribe 贪污,腐败13. in the pursuit of14. global economic recovery15. boost the U.S. economy16. investment fundNews Item 31. free-trade pact 协定,公约,条约2. tariff 灌水表vt. 定税率3. eliminate vt. 消除,排除4. Indonesia 印度尼西亚,Malaysia 马来西亚,Philippines 菲律宾Burma 缅甸,Cambodia 柬埔寨,Laos老挝,Vietnam越南, Brunei,5. ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)东南亚国家联盟(东盟)6. beverage 饮料7. tariff reduction8. come/go into effect=take effect9. service industry10. raw materialUnit 11 News Item 11. be fraught with 充满2. bolster 支持;支撑3. rampant 猖獗的;蔓延的;狂暴的;奔放的4. strap from偏离5. co-spondor 联席保荐人6. beef up 加强(增援,充实);补充(人数,兵力7. Somalia 索马里(非洲)8. conflict-torn 饱受战争折磨的9. at hand10. understaffed11. African Union12. come up with a plan13. rebuild stability14. African Commission15. Arab LeagueNews Items 21. surpass 超越;胜过,优于;非…所能办到或理解2. eligible 合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的3. foreclose 阻止;排除;取消抵押品赎回权4. elusive 难懂的;易忘的;逃避的;难捉摸的5. housing crisis6. existing homes7. fuel8. average homeownerNews Items 31. immigrant remittance 侨汇2. haphazard 偶然;偶然事件3. anthropology 人类学4. rural 农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的5. community-wide 全社会Unit 12 News Items 11. Madrid马德里(西班牙首都)2. Seville 塞维利亚(西班牙地名)3. corridor [生态] 走廊地带4. economic stimulus legislation 经济刺激法案5. federal budget6. high-speed railNews Item 21,elementary schools 小学2,slender 细长的;苗条的;微薄的3,Polar Bullies and Snow Bears 北极的恶霸—雪熊4,arctic 北极的;极寒的5,initially 最初的;字首的6. hang outNews item 31. The Statue of Liberty 自由女神像2. terrorist attack 恐怖分子袭击3. New York’s World Trade Center 纽约世贸中心4. off limits脱离限制5. cramp 束缚6. be closed/ open to the public7. in line8. in advanceUnit 13 News item 11. oil slick 浮油2. bound for 开往3. offer clues on 提供线索4. meteorologist 气象学者5. tropical storms 热带风暴6. Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone 热带辐合带7. trade winds信风8. hemisphere 半球9. moisture 水分湿度10. radar 雷达11. turbulence动乱;湍流12. withstand 抵挡禁得起13. catastrophic 灾难性的毁灭性的14. vanished 销声匿迹15. fly-by-wire plane 电子控制的飞机News item21. lax松懈的2. quadruple四倍的3. International community 国际社会4. Haiti海地5. relief organizations 救济组织6. Pope教皇7. vulnerable8. call forNews item 31. OCHA:Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 联合国人道事务协调厅2. humanitarian 人道主义的3. food reserves 食物储量4. malnutrition 营养不良5. displaced 无家可归的6. health facilities 医疗设备Unit 14News item11, candlelight vigil 烛光守夜2, makeshift shrine 临时圣陵3, pop icon 流行偶像4,high-profile 引人注目的5,crossover 演奏(演唱)风格的改变6,outpouring 流露流出7,tribute 悼念吊唁礼物8,go down in history 载入史册9,sensation 轰动News Item 21. rousing adj.活泼的;使奋起的;使感动的V.唤醒;激怒;唤起(rouse的ing形式)2,abolitionist n.废除主义者;废奴主义者3,bust Vi.破产;爆裂;降低级别Vt.使破产;使爆裂;逮捕n.破产;半身像;萧条;胸部adj.破产了的;毁坏了的4,likeness n.相似;相像;样子;肖像;照片;画5,stirring adj.激动人心的;活跃的;活泼的;忙碌的V.激起(stir的ing形式)6,stride n.大步;步幅;进展Vt.跨过;大踏步走过;跨坐在Vi.跨;跨过;大步行走7,segregation n.隔离;分离;种族隔离8. hold a candlelight vigil9. gather in groups10. recount one’s life11. the front pages with headlines of12. mass crossover13. massive outpouring of tributesNews item 31. ship n.船;舰;太空船Vt.运送;乘船;以船运送Vi.上船;乘船旅行;当船员2. iteration n.(数) 迭代;反复;重复3. graphical adj.图解的;绘画的;生动的4. navigate Vt. 驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于; Vi. 航行,航空5. contextual n.小故事6. franchise7. jump listsUnit 15News item 11. mammoth n. 长毛象;猛犸象;庞然大物; adj. 巨大的,庞大的;猛犸似的2. empower Vt. 授权,允许;使能够3.cargo n. 货物,船货4. chaotically adv. 混乱地5. synchronize Vt. 使……合拍;使……同步; Vi. 同步;同时发生6. consolidate Vt. 巩固,使固定;联合Vi. 巩固,加强7. in hopes of8. remedyNews item 21. bit n. [计] 比特(二进位制信息单位);少量;马嚼子;辅币;老一套Vt. 控制adj. 很小的;微不足道的adv. 有点儿;相当V. 咬(bite的过去式和过去分词)2. dimension n. [数] 维;尺寸;次元;容积Vt. 标出尺寸; adj. 规格的3. polarization n. 极化;偏振;两极分化4. configuration n. 配置;结构;外形5. terabyte (计算机)兆兆字节(信息量度单位)6. so to speak7. super-dense storage8. storage capacityNews item 31. query n. 疑问,质问;疑问号;[计]查询2. computation n. 估计,计算3. sophisticated adj. 复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的V. 使变得世故;使迷惑;篡改(sophisticate的过去分词形式)4. become accustomed to doing5. senior researcher6. conventional search engine。



Keys to the texts of book3Unit sixPart OneExercise 2 :1. d2. a3. b4.c5. c6. aExercise 31. farm animals; hold; feed2. small pets; toys3. buy; toss them out4. real shame5. dangerous; destructive ; bring diseases6. have a points7. humanely; limit8. time; money; warm place9. isolated; company 10. storm of debatePart TwoListening IExercise 11. b2. c3.d4. bExercise 21 T 2. F 3.F 4. F 5. T 6. TListening IIExercise 11.Her son.2. snake; crocodile3.quiet4.picky/particular Exercise 21. big2. dogs3.tiger4. bit5. cat6. friendly 6. eat 8. clear 9.wash 10.space 11. noisy 12. train 13. speak 14.keep 15. quietPart ThreePractice oneExercise 1(1,4,5,6,7,) yesExercise 21 a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5. dPractice TwoExercise 1(1,3)yesExercise 21. for free2.small donation3. 204. hundreds5. eat little6.50 7. animal shots 8. numerous shots 9. diseasesPractice ThreeExercise 11.c2.b3.d4.c5.aExercise 2(2,5.6.7) yesPractice FourExercise11 c 2.c 3. a 4.b 5. dExercise 21.crowding water; grass;2. what is happening; low3.targetpractice; over the area4. gotten rid of; stayPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.f2. t3. f4. t5. f6. t7. t 8. f 9. f 10. tSection II1. a2. c3. d4. b5. b6. bSection III1. conserve nature2. donation3. eggs4. meat5. oil6. handbags7. shoes8. fur coats9. ivory 10. reduced 11. 5000 12. embarrassed 13. advertise the furs 14. export bans 15. importation 16.turtleKeys to the texts of book3Unit sevenPart OneExercise 2 :1. C2. B3. C4. D5. AExercise 31. fun holiday2. natural scenery ;historic interest3. Summer ; too cold4. long history ; vast territory5. feed the monckys6. as many places as possible.7. you name it8.. host city ;ancient civilization; modern architecture9. city wall; treat yourselves 10.express train Part TwoListening IExercise 11 c 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. aExercise 21. SN 862 17:50 on July 112. SN863 15:10 on July 14 Listening IIExercise 1(B.C.F.G.H.I) yesExercise 2Part one 1.F 2. T 3.T 4.T Part two 1.F 2.F 3T 4.F Part three1.T2.T3.T .4.T5.FPart ThreePractice oneExercise 1Advantages: ADH ; disadvantages: EExercise 21 c 2.d 3.b 4. cPractice TwoExercise 11. seedypany3.shared4. noisy5. early6. private7. booking8. convenient9. restaurant 10.bathroomsExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. T5.6. TPractice ThreeExercise 11. Fuel2. Water3. Vehicles4. ClothesExercise 21.passing lorries 6. self-sufficient2.enough water 7. car repairs3.drinking 8. cost much4.vehicle 9. sweaters5.emergency 10. European winter Practice FourExercise1a. actress Bb. actress and author A1. a2.b3.b4. a5.b6. a7. a8. b Exercise 21.T . F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8.TPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.F2.T3.T4. T5. FSection II My history teacher1. b2. c3. c4. c5. a6. dSection III1. d2. b3.c4. d5. aKeys to the texts of book3Unit eightPart OneExercise 2 :Section A5,7,1,4,6,3,2Section B1)F H I 2)A 3) C E J 4) B D G JExercise 31.passed out; in shock2. back and forth3. knows the reason why4. no doubt; living without her5. plays a great role6. brilliant boy7. very few cases8. deny; nature9. bright or not; should; CAN 10. thicker than; genetic relationship 11. react to; not to mention 12. hard decision; involvedPart TwoListening IExercise 11 F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. TExercise 21. genes2. sex3. blood4. tooth5. mirror6. left-handed7. right-handed 8. language 9. young 10. alike 11. separated 12. apart 13. career 14. interestsListening IIExercise 11.b2.d3. a4. dExercise 2(1,4,6,8,10,11,12 ) yesPart ThreePractice oneExercise 1(3,6,9) yesExercise 21. six2. four3.1954. broad5. slim6. extended7. short8. elbows9. knees 10. size-14 11. lungs 12. heartPractice TwoExercise 11. 19212. fit the child3. ordinary schools4. adult conception5. BarbaraExercise 21. good being2.wise3. realistic4. psychology5. freedom to be themselves6. discipline7. suggestion8. religious instruction9. scholars 10. scholars 11. street cleanersPractice ThreeExercise 11. c2.b3. c4. bExercise 21 F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. FPractice FourExercise11 a 2. c 3. d 4. aExercise 21.F2. T3.T4. T5.T6. TPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.talent2.dancing3.creative4. early5. physical6. energy7. less8. curiosity9. particularly 10. cause 11. fundamental 12. meaning 13. superior 14. fluently 15. read 16. exceptional 17 preparation 18. fullySection II1.F2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7. F8. TSection III1. c2. a3. c4. b5. dKeys to the texts of book3Unit NinePart OneExercise 2 :1. c2. c E3. .c4. w5. w 6 c 7. c 8. c 9.c 10. w 11. w 12. w 13. c 14. w 15. w 16. c 17. w 18. wExercise 31.prefer; old- fashioned2. as old as3. account for4.own; play; earn a living5. very proud of6. had the chance7. hills; small bridges; singing of birds8. full of energy9. holes; buttons; precise; notes 10.indirectly; individualistic 11. places great importance on 12. a universal languagePart TwoListening IExercise 11 restaurants, airports supermarkets; banks 2. attitudes; in the right mood ; a better feeling; the people around him; happy; work better 3. world war II 4. happy; calm ; a machine; kinds of music ; different times; faster ; slowerExercise 21. T2. F3.F4.T5.T6. F7. T8.FListening IIExercise 11.eases their minds; operations2. classical; instrumental Jazz;folk music 3. reduce tension; 50 male doctors; Mathematics ; 1. quickly 2. calmly 3. chosen for them 4. no music 5. the worst sleepyExercise 21. T2. F3.T4. F5. FPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. b 19622.d 19633.a 19644. c 1970Exercise 21. their own style2. the nature3. sounds; experimented4. songs; records5. films ; awardsPractice TwoExercise 11. (1) (2) (3)2.(2) (1)Exercise 21. picks the strings2. as hard as3. makes the notes4. on the string5. manages the bowExercise 3.1. learn2. carry3. popular4. satisfying5. progress6. easiest7. less satisfying8. most difficultPractice ThreeExercise 11. T2. T3. T4. F5. F6. F7. F8. TExercise 2。



《英语听力教程3》答案与听力材料UNIT 1Part I Gett ing readyA.B. Keys:1: burning of the forests/tree removal (deforestation)/reduction of the world's rain forests2: global warm in g/gree nhouse effect/emissio ns of CO2Part II The Earth at risk (I)A. Keys:1.a. More people ------- more firewood---- fewer treesb. More domestic animals ----------- more plants—fewer availablepla ntsa, b-- More desert---- move south ---------- desrtt expa nding south---- no grass2. Growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. But if there isn't eno ugh rain the crops don't grow.3. People try to grow food to support themselves or to create ran ches where cattle can be raised, or to get hardwood for export, or to make way for an iron ore mine B. Keys:1: Sahara Desert2: North America & most of Europe3: top soil blowing away4: tropical forests destruction5: animal/plant species becoming extinet6: climate change for the whole worldPart III The Earth at risk (II)A. Keys:1: Trees would hold rain fall in their roots. When forests in the higher up-river have bee n destroyed, all the rain that falls in the mon soon seas on flows straight in to the river and starts the floodi ng.2: He implies that some national governments just consider the results of their policies in the n ear future, or just think as far ahead as the n ext electi on.B. Keys:1: flooding in Bangladesh2: Action to be taken3: population controlPart IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global Warmi ngKeys:1: Warming up of the world2: Effects of global3: reduced potential for food production4: cha nge of patter ns of hear-related food pois oning, etc.Part V Do you know …?A. Keys:1: F 2: F 3: F 4: F 5: TB. Keys:Dos 1: your towels 2: Cut out 3: a wall-fire 4: fridge 5: wait until you've a full load 6: a complete mealDon' ts 7: iron everything 8: the iron up 9: the kettle 10: to the brim11: hot foodTape scriptPart I Gett ing readyA.B.1. The Amaz on forests are disappeari ng because of in creased bur ning and tree removal. I n September, satellite pictures showed more tha n 20000 fires bur ning in the Amaz on. Experts say most of these fires were set by farmers. The farmers were attempting to clear land to grow crops. The World Wildlife Fund says another serious problem is that too many trees in the Amazon rain forest are being cut down. The World Wildlife Fund says the fires show the n eed for urge nt intern ati onal acti on to protect the world's rain forests. The group warns that without such action some forests could be lost forever.2. Environmental issues swell to the full in Berlin this week, for the UN spongsored conference on global warming and climate change is the first such meeting since the Rio summit three years ago. With scie ntists and gover nments now gen erally ready to accept that the earth climate is being affected by emissions of CO2 and other gree nhouse gases, over a hun dred coun tries are sending delegati ons. But how much progress has bee n made impleme nting the gree nhouse gas reducti on target agreed on at Rio? Sim on Dary reports...Part II The Earth at risk (I)A.I (Interviewer): Brian Cowles is the producer of a new series of documentaries called "The Earth at Risk" which can be see n on Channel 4 later this mon th. Each program deals with a differe nt con ti nent, does n't it, Bria n?B (Bria n Cowles): That's right. We went to America, both North and South and the n we went over to Africa and South-East Asia.I: And what did you find in each of these continents?B: Starting with Africa, our film shows the impact of the population on theen vir onment. Gen erally speak ing, this has caused the Sahara Desert to expa nd. It's abit of a vicious circle we find. People cut down trees for firewood and their domestic animals eat all the available pla nts —and so con seque ntly they have to move south as the Sahara Desert expands further south. I mean, soon the whole of Mali will become a desert. And in East Africa: here the grassla ndsare support ing too many animals and the result is, of course, there's no gras—nothing for the animals to eat. I: I see. And the next film deals with North America?B: That's right. In the USA, as you know, intensive agriculture requires a plentiful supply of rain for these crops to grow, I mean if there isn't eno ugh rain the crops don't grow. And growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. This is also true for any regi on that is in ten sely farmed —most of Europe, for example. I: And what did you find in South America?B: In South America (as in Cen tral Africa and Souther n Asia) tropical forests are being cut down at an alarming rate. This is done so that people can support themselves by growing food or to create ranches where cattle can be raised to be exported to Europe or America as tinned meat. The problem is that the soil is so poor that only a couple of harvests are possible before this very th in soil becomes exhausted. And it can't be fed with fertilizers like agricultural la nd in Europe.For example, in Brazil in 1982 an area of jungle the size of Britain and France comb ined was destroyed to make way for an iron ore mi ne. Huge nu mbers of trees are being cut dow n for exports as hardwood to Japa n, Europe, USA to make things like luxury furniture. These forests can't be replaced —the forest soil is thin and un productive and in just a few years, a jun gle has become a waste land. Tropical forests con tai n rare pla nts (which we can use for medici nes, for example) and ani mals —one animal or plant species becomes extinet every half hour. These forest trees also have worldwide effects. You know, they con vert carb on dioxide into oxyge n. The con seque nee of destro ying forests is not only that the climate of that regi on cha nges (because there is less rain fall) but this cha nge affects the whole world. I mean, over half the world's rain forest has bee n cut dow n this cen tury.Part III The Earth at risk (II)A.I: So, Bria n, would you agree that what we gen erally thi nk of as n atural disasters are in fact man-made?B: Yes,by and large. I mean, obviously not hurrica nes or earthquakes, but take flooding, for example. Practically every year, the whole of Bangladesh is flooded and this is gett ing worse. You know, the cause is that forests have bee n cut dow n up in Nepal and In dia, I mean higher up-river in the Himalayas. Trees would hold rain fall in their roots, but if they've bee n cut dow n all the rain that falls in the monsoon seas on flows sraight into the river Ganges and floods the whole country. The reason for flooding in Sudan is the same —the forests higher up the Blue Nile in Ethiopia have bee n destroyed too.I: Well, this all sounds terribly depress ing. Um ... What is to be done? I mea n, can anything be done, in fact?B: Yes, of course it can. First, the national governments have to beforward-look ing and con sider the results of their policies in ten or twenty years, not just think as far ahead as the next election. Somehow, all the countries in the world have to work together on an intern ati onal basis. Secon dly, the populatio n has to be con trolled in some way: there are too many people trying to live off too little land. Thirdly, we don't need tropical hardwood to make our furniture ——it's a luxury people in the West must do without. Softwoods are just as good, less expe nsive and can be produced on en vir onmen t-frie ndly "tree farms", where trees are replaced at the same rate that they are cut dow n.I: And, presumably, education is important as well. People must be educated to realize the con seque nces of their acti ons?B: Yes, of course.I: Well, tha nk you, BrianB.I: So, Bria n, would you agree that what we gen erally thi nk of as ... er... as er ... natural disasters are in fact man-made?B: Yes, by and large ... er ... I mean, obviously not hurrica nes or earthquakes, but take flooding, for example. I mean, practically every year, the whole of Bangladesh is flooded and this is getting worse. You know, the cause is that forests have been cut dow n up in Nepal and In dia ... I mean ... higher up-river in the Himalayas.Trees ...er ... would hold rain fall in their roots, but if they've bee n cut dow n all the rain that falls in the monsoon seas on flows straight into the river Gan ges and floods the whole country. The reason for flooding in Sudan is the same —the forests higher up the Blue Nile in Ethiopia have been destroyed too.I: Well, this all sounds terribly depress ing. Um ... what is to be done? I mean, can anything be done, in fact?B: Yes, of course it can ... er ... first, the national governments have to beforward-look ing and con sider the results of their policies in ten or twenty years, not just think as far ahead as the next election. Somehow, all the countries in the world have to work together on an intern ati onal basis. Secon dly, the populatio n has to be con trolled in some way: there are too many people trying to live off too little land. Thirdly, we don't need tropical hardwood to make our furniture ——it's a luxury people in the West must do without. Softwoods are just as good, less expe nsive and can be produced on en vir onmen t-frie ndly "tree farms", where trees are replaced at the same rate that they are cut dow n.I: And, presumably, education is important as well. People must be educated to realize the con seque nces ... um ... of their actions?B: Yes, yes of course.I: Well, thank you, Bria n.Part IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global Warmi ngThe world is warming up. We know this because average temperatures are the highest since scie ntists started measuri ng them 600 years ago. The in crease is about 02C every year. This may seem very slight, but we know that slight changes in temperature can have a big effect on other things. Most scientists now believe this global warmi ngis due to huma n activity.Jeff Jenkins is head of Britai n's Climate Predict ion Cen ter. He expla ins how global warm ing can happe n."Sunlight strikes the earth and warms it up. At the same time heat leaves the earth, but part of that is trapped by carb on dioxide and other gases in the earth's atmosphere. That has bee n happe ning ever since the earth was formed. But the fear is that in creas ing amounts of carb on dioxide produced by in dustrial processes and transport and so on will lead to a greater warming of the earth's surface. So that's the golbal warm ing that people are concerned about."People are most concerned about the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are oil, coal, wood and so on. Whe n these burn, they produce the gas carb on dioxide. Many scie ntists agree that an in crease in the amount of carb on dioxide and some of the gases in the atmosphere will in crease the amount of warmi ng. Computers are being used to predict what this may mean. They showed that there could be great cha nges in rain fall and the rise in the sea level as ice caps in the north and south poles melt. This could have a serious effect on agriculture according to Prof. Martin Perry of University College in London. He says it could become more difficult to grow food in the tropics at lower latitudes n earer to the equator."The most clear pattern emerg ing is the possibility of reduced pote ntial product ion in lower latitude regi ons, and most gen erally speak ing, in creased pote ntial in higher latitude regions. Lower latitude regions are already warm, to put it extremely simply, and pla nts there are quite n ear their limits of heat and drought stress. An in crease in temperature or reduct ion in moisture would place limits on crop growth." Woma n: Global warmi ng could reduce food product ion in lower latitude regi ons. Lower latitude regi ons are already warm. Global warmi ng could put more stress on pla ns and place limits on crop growth.Food product ion is only one area that could be affected. There could also be health and social problems. Prof. Antony MacMichael of the London School of Hygie ne and Tropical Medicine believes that some rural areas are already suffering. And the in sects and bacteria could spread disease more easily."Already a number of rural populations around the world are suffering from the decline of agricultural systems. Climate change would add to this. And we would expect that it would accelerate the flood of environmental refugees around the world. But it in cludes not just the food product ion systems, but the patter ns of distributio n of in sects and in fective age nts around the world. It in cludes likely effects on patter ns of hear-related food pois oning, water con tam in ati on and diarrhea diseases, lots of things like this that would resp ond sen sitively to cha nges in climate." Woma n: Global warmi ng could affect the distributio n of in sects. Global warmi ng could cha nge patter ns of heat-related food pois oning.Many coun tries now agree that somethi ng must be done to reduce the dan ger of global warmi ng. But a worldwide agreeme nt on loweri ng the product ion of carb on dioxide has bee n difficult to reach. This is because many econo mies depe nd on fossil fuels like oil. Scientists believe it's now the politicians in every region of the world who n eed to take action.Part V Do you know …?Environment has taken rather a back seat politically since the Earth summit in Rio de Jan eiro n early 5 years ago. But the problems that meeti ng highlighted had not gone away. One en vir onmen tal th ink tank —the Intern ati onal Food Policy Research Institute ——has been looking at the future of water and its report reflects growing concern at the huge leap in usage over the past few years.In some parts of the world, water con sumptio n has in creased five fold. And the institute, known by its initials IFPRI, says shortages could soon become the trigger for conflict and a major barrier to feeding the world's growing population. Here's Richard Black of our Scie nee Unit."It's often been said that water rather than oil will be the cause of warfare in the n ext cen tury. Accordi ng to the IFPRI report, the time whe n that happe ns might not be far away. The nu mber of people affected by water shortage will in crease ten fold over the n ext 30 years, it says, which could well lead to large scale con flicts.The main reas on why water is beco ming a scarce resource is agriculture, which now accounts for 70% of water consumption worldwide, 90% in some developing coun tries. Coun tless farmers have switched from grow ing in dige nous crops for the home market to high yield export varieties, which in evitably n eed far more water. But the IFPRI report says that in some regi ons water shortage is now the sin gle biggest impediment to feeding the population. Water scarcity also leads to water pollution. In the In dia n State of West Ben gal, for example, over extract ion of water from bore holes has led to arsenic poisoning which is estimated to have affected two million people so far. But the IFPRIreport calls for better water management worldwide in clud ing finan cial incen tives to en courage con servati on."That report by Richard Black of our Science Unit.Unit 2Part I Gett ing readyA.B. Keys:1: Intern ati onal Un io n for the Con servati on of NatureUnited Nations, wildlife , policies2: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species trade ani mals and pla nts 1975, prohibits, 8000, con trols, 300003: United Nations Environmental Program, leadership, en vir onment, quality of life 4: World Wide Fund for Nature(formerly World Wildlife Fund),1961, Sahara Desert North America & most of Europe,top soil blow ing awayC. Keys:1: 2 2: 4 3: 5 4: 1,6 5: 3Questio ns:1: They work to con serve n atural areas that con tai n endan gered wildlife2: They are campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.Protected-n esti ng sites for turtles have bee n set up3: It refers to the places of safety in the sea where sea animals are protected andallowed to live freelyPart II Christmas bird countsA. Keys:1: Jan. 3rd 2: more than 40 000 volunteers3: 1 600 4: a 15 mile diameter5: an American artist6: their natural habitats7: the late0sB. Keys:1: start 2: sponsored3: outside counting birds 4: experieneed bird watchers5: anyone that is interested or concerned: scheduled7: 10 people taking part8: 15 mile diameter circle 9: the total bird populations 10: the number of birds11: the Iongest-running bird census12: undefinedPart III Dolph in captivityA.B. Keys:1: 1 2: 3 3: 4 4: 5 5: 26: Dolph ins should be kept in captivity.7: There are educati onal ben efits of keep ing marine mammals in captivity.C. Keys:1: stress (family-oriented) 2: sonar bouncing off3: average age of death; life getting better for captive dolphins4: natural behabior patterns-altered5: suffering from fractured skulls, ribs or jaws6: can't learn from animals in the wild how they operate, breed, what they need, etc. Part IV More about the topic: Birds——A Source of WealthKeys:1 : 93002 : Habitat3 : warmer climates4 : 300 different species5 : colder climates6 : habitat alteration 7: esthetic value 8 : Birds' populationPart V Do you know …?Keys:1: one and one-half million 2: 20 times3: 100 4: 40000 5: 65 million6: 3500 7: 2 million square miles 8: 3%9: 200 animal species10: 100011: a third 12: two-thirds 13: three-quartersTape scriptPart I Gett ing readyA: Hello, I'm calli ng on behalf of the World Wildlife Fund.B: The what?A: The World Wildlife Fun d. If you've got a few min utes I'd like to tell you what that mea ns.B: Oh, all right.A: We work to con serve n atural areas that con tai n endan gered wildlife. The seas,for example, have become polluted by the industrialized world; whales are being hunted to extinction; turtles are rolled off their eggs when they come ashore to breed or are slaughtered for their meat and oil …B: Oh.A: Crocodiles are killed to make han dbags and shoes; walruses are hun ted for their ivory.B: I see.A: Seals are bludge oned to death to provide fur coats and the threat of ext in cti on hangs over several species of whale, dolph in and porpoise.B: Really.A: We are now campaig ning to provide sea san ctuaries for some of these endan gered species.B: Very in teresti ng.A: Aided by our campaig n, protected n est ing sites for turtles have already bee n set up. As you can see, this is very valuable work and I wonder therefore if you'd like to make a don ati on?Part II Christmas bird countsJohn James Audubon was an American artist in the early0s, who illustrated birds in their natural habitats. The Society named after him was founded in the late0s by con servati oni sts concerned with the decli ne of birds, which were being killed so their feathers could be used in the manu facture of wome n's hats.Spon sored by the Nati onal Audub on Society, more tha n 40 000 volun teers will be outside counting birds from today until January 3rd. Volunteers from all 50 states of the United States, every Canadian province, parts of Central and South America, Bermuda, the West In dies and Pacific isla nds have beg un to count and record every in dividual bird and bird species observed duri ng the two and one half week period of the count.Jeffrey LeBaron is the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count editor. He says the count is the Ion gest-r unning bird cen sus in orn ithology.This year, accord ing to Mr. LeBar on, more tha n 1 600 separate bird counts have bee n scheduled. Some would have as few as 10 people tak ing part, others with hun dreds. The logistics of the Christmas bird count, he adds, are simple."Each in dividual count is in a circle. It's a 15 mile diameter circle, um, around the exact center point. And it's always the exactly same area that's done every year, usually, eve n on the same weeke nd duri ng the count period. And what the ideal would be, which is virtually impossible, is this cen sus: every sin gle in dividual bird within that circle on the count day."Mr. LeBar on says experie need bird coun ters can get a good idea of the total bird populatio ns withi n the count circle based on the nu mber of birds they actually see. The editor points out, however, that the counts are not only for experieneed bird watchers."Anybody that is interested or concerned can become invoIved. Beginners will go out in a party with experie need in dividuals who know both the area and the birds in thearea, in the field where more eyes and ears are better. And then anybody can point out a bird, and some one in the field will always be able to ide ntify the bird."Part III Dolph in captivityA: A pla nned aquatic park in Den ver is raisi ng the ire of ani mal rights activists who object to a proposal to include a captive dolphin display. Although officials for Colorado's Ocean Journeys say they have yet to make a final decision on the issue, local and national activists have already instigated a "No Dolphi ns in Den ver' campaig n. As Colorado Public Radio's Peter Jones reports, the battle lines have bee n clearly draw n.P: Rick Troud, a former navy dolphin trainer based in Florida, is taking an active role in the "No Dolph ins" campaig n.R: Average age in the wild ran ges any where in some of the studies betwee n 30 and 40 years of age. In captivity, you can expect a dolph in to live maybe 5.13 years, and every 7 years in captivity, the dolph in populati on is dead.P: According to Troud, there are many reasons why dolphins can't live full lives in captivity.R: If you take a look at where the real dolphin is in the real ocean, you find the dolphin who swims 40 miles a day, is very family-oriented. These animals are separated from their mothers; that's a stress. You put them in a con crete tank where their son ar boun ces off of walls, they can't swim in the same amount of time and directi on that they can in the wild.P: Environmentalist and ocean explorer, Jean Michel Cousteau:J: There are some animals which reject captivity right away, and they're very suicidal. 「ve had one of those in my own arms for many days. The next morning when I came to take care of him, he was dead. And what he'd done was to swim as fast as he could from one end of the pool on ... to the other side and destroyed his head by hitting the wall. They have a very sophisticated brain. I don't think we have any rights to play with the lives of these animals.P: Cousteau's anti-captivity position is challenged by Dr. Deborah Duffield, a biology professor at Portla nd State College in Oreg on. Her 1990 study compared captive dolphins to the wild population of Sarasota Bay, Florida. Among other findings, the study showed little if any difference in the average age of death. And Duffield says life is gen erally gett ing better for captive dolph ins.D: The cen sus data say that every time I do a cen sus, I've got older and older animals in it as well as this normal age distribution that we've been looking at.So my feeling is that the trend in captivity has been that the group of animals that we're following are getting older, and if they continue to do that over the n ext five years, they will the n in deed be older tha n the wild populati on.P: There is also a debate over the educati onal ben efits of keep ing marine mammals in captivity. According to Duffield, captive dolphins play an importa nt role in our basic un dersta nding of the ani mals.D: I firmly believe that we cannot learn anything about organisms that we share this world with if we do not understand how they live in an environment, and what they do,and that watchi ng them go by in the wild will not do it. I cannot tell what an ani mal n eeds, uni ess I know how it operates, how it breeds, what it needs metabolically, and I can't leann that from animals in the wild.P: But Troud says the dolphin displays are anti-educational because theani mals' n atural behavior patter ns are altered by captivity.R: In the wild, you don't have dolph ins who beat each other to death. There are no dolph ins that「ve ever see n stra nded on the beach, who are sufferi ng from fractured skulls, fractured ribs or fractured jaws, as is the case in captivity.P: The Ocean Journey board will take all factors into consideration before making a final decision on whether to include dolphins in the park. For Colorado Public Radi o,I'm Peter Jon es.Part IV More about the topic: Birds——A Source of WealthMr. LeBar on says there are about 9 300 differe nt known species of birds. Larger nu mbers of them live in the warmer climates. For example, more tha n 300 differe nt species have bee n coun ted in Pan ama, while far fewer species are n ative to colder climates. Aside from their esthetic value, Mr. LeBaron says birds are important to the en vir onment because they can sig nal cha nges in it."Birds are one of the best indicators that we have of the quality of the environment within the given area. Whether it is a relatively local area, or even primarily on the worldwide bases, they are one of the first things to be altered. They are quite sensitive to a habitat alteration or to other threats. And often times when birds are disappearing out of the area, it just means there is a degradation of the quality of the habitat within that area which will adversely affect everything in there in clud ing huma ns."National Audubon Society editor Jeffrey LeBaron calls the world's bird populati ons a source of wealth that huma ns must protect."People get so much pleasure out of look ing at birds and liste ning to birds. And if they start disappearing just the er, the quality of life, um, may be not physically, but the mental quality of life can be degraded quickly."Jeffrey LeBaron says that while the National Audubon Society's annual Christmas bird counts show a decline in some species, many types of birds are actually in creas ing their populati ons.Part V Do you know …?Scientists have cataloged more than one and one-half million of the species that exist on Earth today. By some rece nt estimates, at least 20 times that many species in habit the pla net.Up to 100 species become extinct every day. Scientists estimate that the total nu mber of species lost each year may climb to 40 000 by the year 2000, a rate far exceedi ng any in the last 65 millio n years.Around the world more tha n 3 500 protected areas exist in the form of parks, wildlife refuges and other reserves. These areas cover a total of about 2 millio n square miles (5 millio n square km, or 3% of our total la nd area).Today, more than 200 animal species in the United States are classified as endan gered. More tha n 1 000 animal species are endan gered worldwide.Little-noticed aquatic animals are in big trouble. In North America, a third of our fish species, two-thirds of our crayfish species and nearly three-quarters of the mussel species are in trouble.Unit 3Unit 3 El Ni no? La Nina?Part ID. warmer/ green house effect / sea levels/ climate zonesAs 1998 ends and people look forward to the last year of the century, the World Alma nac spoke with experts about what comes n ext. Alma nac editorial director says the experts believe the n ext cen tury will bring lots of cha nges.Warm, of course, that our climate is going to con ti nue gett ing warmer. That 'the subject, by the way, of another new article on the 1999 World Almanac. The gree nhouse effect, exactly what causes it, and what steps to be take n to, perhaps to alleviate global warm in gs. I ' see n rece ntly that 1998 is going to go dow n as the warmest year ever on record. And so that ' going to be a major issue of the next cen tury, and possible treme ndous con seque nces of the global warm in gs, whether it is rising sea levels affecting the coastal areas; changes in climate zones affecting what crops can be grow n, and in what regi ons. This is pote ntially a very sig nifica nt trend to be watched.E. Cyclone: North or south of equator / Typhoon:/ Hurricane: Eastern Pacific Major ocean storms in the northerin part of the world usually develop in late summer or autu mn over waters n ear the equator. They are known by several differe nt n ames. Scie ntists call these storms cycl oneswhen they happe n just n orth or south of the equator in the Indian Ocean. In the western Pacific Ocean or the China Sea, these storms are called typhoons. In the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, they are called hurrica nes.Part IIA. Outli ne 1. A. weather pattern/ global climateB. 1. twice a decade 2. 12-18 mon thsC. 1. warmer weather/ 2. wetterthan usual/ drier D. the decli ne of winds II. 1. droughtsB. a cyclic weather patter n/ about twice a decade/ wetter/ drier/ cold water away from South America' west/ to expand eastward toward the Americas / move eastward too/ the weather around the world/ droughts/ rains and floodi ng/ on the South America n fish ing in dustry/ to become depletive/ the stre ngth of it/ Satellite readings confirm that conditions are right for another El Nino, a cyclic weather patter n that affects the global。



Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationStephen Powelson’s Amazing MemoryWhen Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2)no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surprised everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year.As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the (9) lecture - Stephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first (10) 100 lines.In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, he reread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he still knew the first 100 lines (14) by heart.That someone could memorize so much between ages 60 and 70 is (15) astonishing to most people, who are (16) convinced that memory (17) worsens as we grow older.Powelson's method is to (18) read a book into his tape recorder, then read it several more times, making sure he understands (19) each word. "Also," he says, "I attempt to (20) visualize myself as part of the action."Part 2 Listening for GistYou might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it. Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.1)This dialogue is about how to photograph astronomical objects.2)The key words are photograph, coated, light-sensitive material, positioned,received, recorded, developed, enlarged, published, remote, feeble, telescope,camera, long exposures.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart one DialogueTunisian Holiday(Someone is enquiring about the Tunisian holiday.)Agent: Hello, Bath Travel.Client: Hello, I'd like to find out more about your Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologists. I've read about it in the paper, but I'd like to know more about what is involved.Agent: You mean you'd like to know the itinerary?Client: Yes, that's right.Agent: All right. Just briefly, you arrive in Tunis at midday on the first day and go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist and then the rest of the day you are free to explore.The second day you get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach to Mansoura, where there are beautiful coves. After lunch you can walk along the beach, to Kerkouane.The walk takes about four hours. Kerkouane is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor.Client: That sounds rather a long walk.Agent: Well, it's an easy walk. Flat all the way, and very pretty. But you can go by coach, if you prefer. The third day you spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon, and the day is free to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort. And the fourth day you take the coach to the ruin of EI Djem, which is a magnificent amphitheatre*. You have lunch in Sfax and then you take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands. Client: Islands, you say?Agent: Yes, they're very peaceful and you spend the fifth day there. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen's picnic. On the sixth day you visit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night. And the final day there is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its fantastic mosaics* and then a coach to Tunis International Airport.Client: Have you got a full brochure which gives more details?ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following itinerary.Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologistsDay ActivitiesThe first day Arrive in Tunis at midday and go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist.The second day Get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach to Mansoura, where there are beautiful coves. After lunch you can walk along the beach, to Kerkouane, which is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor.The third day Spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort.The fourth day andfifth day Take the coach to the ruin of El Djem, which is a magnificent amphitheatre. Have lunch in Sfax and then take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen’s picnic.The sixth dayVisit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Thentake the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night.There is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its The final dayfantastic mosaics and then a coach to Tunis International Airport.Part 2 PassageMexican Gray Wolf1)After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population haddwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.2)The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population ofat least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.3)Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilitiesand releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, landowners and others.4)A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never bereleased because of the high mortality rate in the wild.5)The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-bornwolves, as the population of pups born free takes off.Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program in Eureka, 32 kilometers southwest of St. Louis, the United States, to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolfin North America.After more than a century of assault (攻击,袭击) by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to(减少到)no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.The research center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary*, was founded in 1971 by Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned(世界知名的)naturalist and former director of the St. Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol. Besides the Mexican wolf, the sanctuary works with the endangered red wolf (赤狼), maned wolf(鬃狼), swift fox(草原狐)/ and African wild dogs(豺狗).In the late 1970s, the last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program(育种计划). In 1981, the first captive-bred (人工繁殖的,圈养的)litter (幼狼)of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at the Wild Canid Center, and the first release into the wild (放生)took place in 1998. The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.Though in captivity(在繁殖场)themselves, Francisco and Sheila taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on theirown.Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 - but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in Eureka estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific* lobo* pair.About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center, however, has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor enclosures with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, raise young, live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, landowners and others. They also maintain a genetic database. A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the high mortality rate(死亡率)in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are reproducing. The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pupsborn free takes off (增加). Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through natural selection.A: Pre-listening QuestionThe wolf is a large member of the canine family. Most of the adult grey wolves weigh in the vicinity of 75 to 125 pounds (34 to 56 kilograms). Wolves live in family groups called packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves that are the older brothers and sisters. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day.The wolf has developed the capacity to survive in the most inhospitable of climates. The wolves in the high arctic endure several winter months of perpetual darkness. Even in February when the sun returns to the north, temperatures of -40°C and bitter winds are common. In the wild wolves can live up to 13 years or more; in a protected wolf park or a controlled area of land, a wolf can live to be up to 16 years old.B: Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.C: Detailed Listening1 Directions: Listen to the passage and complete the information about a Mexican gray wolf research center.1)The research center's known as: the Wolf Sanctuary2) Location: in Eureka. 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis. the United States3) Founding: in 19714) Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf5) Founder: Marlin Perkins. a world-renowned naturalist and former director theSt. Louis Zoo. and his wife Carol2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with events connected with the following timeexpressions.1)In the late 1970s: The last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or takenfrom zoos to begin the breeding program.2)In 1981: The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in thefederal program was born at the wild Canid Center.3)In 1998: The first release into the wild took place.D: After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program. Though in captivitythemselves, they taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own. Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December.Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild.The Wild Canid Center is ideated on 25 isolated hectares within. Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific lobo pair. About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item1Astroland Amusement ParkWhen Astroland opened in 1962 it represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.The park is a fixture on the Coney Island boardwalk, best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster(过山车)ride and the Wonder Wheel (神奇转盘), a seaside landmark. Astroland's 22 rides(游乐设施)and three game arcades (设有投币游戏机的游乐场)provided jobs for up to 300 people.Astroland has been the biggest amusement center on Coney Island, which is a favorite holiday destination for Americans in the New York area since the 19th Century. It is the birthplace of the hot dog and is known for its kitschy rides, street performers, sand beaches and family-friendly(适合家庭的)atmosphere.But Astroland's final chapter may be still to come. A few days after the park's announced closure, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said hope is not yet lost, and that city officials are trying to step in(做短时间的非正式访问)and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease(续租一年).Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news and complete the summary.This news item is about Astroland’s announced closure.Exercise BDirections: Listen to the news again and answer the following questions.1.It opened in 1962.2.It represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-art rides andattractions operating with an outer-space theme.3.It is best known for the cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the wonder wheel, aseaside landmark.4.Because they may enjoy its kitchy rides, street performers, sand beaches andfamily-friendly atmosphere.5.No. The city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal ofAstroland’s lease.News Item2It's called the "Highline." It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other food stock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan(曼哈顿下城). In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space for relaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted for slaughterhouses (屠宰场).It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100 species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction is everywhere. Apartments, office towers, restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade.The first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, after 15 years of planning and political battles. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with benefactors cut the ribbon(剪彩).The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. For those who visit, it seems it was well worth the wait and the money.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the opening of a walkway in New York.Exercise BDirections: Listen to the news again and complete the following passage.After 15 years of planning and political battles,the first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other foodstock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan.It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100 species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction is everywhere. Apartments, office towers,restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade. In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space for relaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted fo r slaughterhouses.News Item3African American History MuseumAn old Greyhound Bus* terminal sits unused in the heart of downtown Dothan, Alabama. It's hardly noticeable, nestled between two office buildings and surrounded by a chain link fence(铁丝网围栏). There are no written signs that hint of the structure's controversial history. Four decades ago it was a symbol of racial segregation. During the 1960s, bus terminals like other public facilities throughout the American south were divided into white areas and black areas. The building stillhas the separate entrance and restroom facilities that black customers were legally required to use. Today, those elements have a different social value, and they will become one of the centerpieces of a new African American history museum.The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Carver* and other black scientists and inventors. There will be a gallery depicting black heroes of military and social campaigns.And the city of Dothan is helping. It's providing the museum with some financial support, and it's already promoting the attraction to visitors. The G-W Carver Interpretive Museum should open doors by August and its director Francina Williams hopes to capitalize on(利用)Alabama's historic role at the center of America's Civil Rights movement. When visitors come to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery to learn about the struggles that African Americans have endured, she would like them I make a side trip to Dothan to see what African Americans have contributed to Alabama, America and the world.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about an African American history museum showing the struggles and contributions f African Americans.Exercise BDirection: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1.F2. T3. F4.T5.T6. T7. F8.TSection Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLamaina grew up listening to her grandfather's stories of a village called Garaguso in Italy south. Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from there to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work. But he never let his family forget the place where generations of their forefathers had lived.The stories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with her grandfather, who died when she was a teenager. So In 2000, with years of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film.Garaguso is a farming village, home to about 1,500 people, in the mountainous region of Basilicata, located in the instep of Italy's boot. It's one of the most remote and least developed zones in the country. After decades of emigration, it's sparsely populated. One out of seven of the people who remain can't read or write.Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries, an anachronism compared with a very modern Italy. Taken in blackand white, they show the winding cobblestone streets and ancient buildings of the historical center. There are donkeys, loaded up with(装满货物)kindling for the open fires and stoves, which still warm the houses.There are portraits of men with gnarled faces, wearing black pants and white shirts from a past era. There's the local baker, whose family has been selling bread in the same building for hundreds of years. And there are women with white hair and no teeth, dressed in black.Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations was like a homecoming (省亲)for Lamaina. She grew up in an inner-city neighborhood of Philadelphia, in the bosom of(在…之间)an immigrant southern Italian community. At home, some of her relatives spoke the dialect of Garaguso rather than English,But over the years, the reserve has lessened. Lamaina admits, and her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy. The locals work from sunup to sundown in the fields, tending their crops and animals. They eat what they produce. Little is imported and nothing goes to waste(浪费掉,被糟蹋掉). But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect(在这方面), she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work(举行了一个她的作品展)in Florence, where she now lives. She's also giving a copy of her images to City Hall in Garaguso.After eight years of recording life there, Susanna Lucia Lamaina's not ready to put away(收拾,放好)her camera yet. She says she has many more photographs to take and hopes her work will put her family village on the map.Her grandfather, Tommaso Lamaina, would have been proud.A:Directions: Listen to the news report and complete the summary.This news report is about Susanna Lucia Lamina’s recording life in Garaguso.B:Directions: Listen to the news report again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.1. (T) Susanna’s grandfather immigrated from Garaguso to Philadelphia in the 1920sin search of job. (Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from there to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work.)2. (T) Her grandfather’s stories inspired Susanna’s dream of visiting Garaguso. (Thestories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with her grandfather, who died when she was a teenager.)3. (T) Susanna began an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film in2000. (In 2000, with years of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film.)4.(T) Susanna’s photos show a Garaguso that seems scarcely to have changed in centuries. (Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries.)5. (T)There seemed nothing strange to Susanna when she arrived in Garaguso. (Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations was like a homecoming for Lamaina.)6.(F) Over the years of emigration, the spiritual reserve of the village has lessened. (But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect, she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.)7.(T) Her photos show that life in Garaguso is difficult. (Her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy.)8. (F) Susanna recently held an exhibition of her work in France, where she now lives. (Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work in Florence, where she now lives.) Part 2 PassageSafariA blur of gold(模糊不清的一片金子)was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den*. We glanced at each other nervously, but forged ahead(继续前进).My friends and I had come to experience the African bush on foot, so, gulping, we fell in(排队)shaky step behind our two ranger guides. Their rifles were at the ready(准备立刻行动). So were our zoom lenses(变焦镜头). Seeing lions was a special treat, even for our veteran guide, and he couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.About 150 meters ahead we counted 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.Their heads poked up(伸出来)through the grass thicket, listening, aware.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling* buffalo loped by. Perhaps thelions' intended dinner? But our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalogot away.We were in the Kruger National Park*, the largest game park in South Africa, on a guided walking safari.Kruger National Park is the country's main game* reserve. Roughly the size of Wales, it stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares across a maze of(无数的)ecozones(生态带)from flat scrubby bush, dense shrub-like Mopane tree covered hillsides to lush valleys.For three nights home was a circle of thatched roof two-person huts tucked behind a leafy grove of trees in an enclosed camp that included toilets and hot (mostly) showers.Dinner was served around an open fire, a massive kettle of hot water for tea or coffee steaming on a nearby pile of smoldering coals.The only light after dark were swaths of luminous stars overhead and our kerosene* lanterns. We joked that we had arrived to the catered version of "Survivor".The first morning we climbed out from beneath mosquito nets to the muffled sounds of an elephant munching on a tree behind our huts, which were separated only by several meters and a wire mesh fence.As if the elephant was not wake-up call enough, outside each hut a jug of water had been poured into a plastic basin for a quick face wash before hitting the trail s(出发).Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways through baobab* and kudu* berry trees. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.A line in the sand told a crocodile had recently slipped into a nearby pool.Later we saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where we had been swimming the day before.In the same area we had a sunset sighting of a mauve*-colored hippo* who was not happy to see us.Thrashing in the water he grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged* forward. We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river where we later got a glimpse at a family of baboons*.On our last evening streaks of orange made the sky glow as if on tangerine* fire. We were all on a high(成功的欢乐感)from our lion sighting.I inhaled the colors, the silhouette* of buffalos grazing near a watering hole, the evening dropped in temperature and squeezed a friend's hand.Exercise A Pre-listening QuestionHere are the top parks for an African safari: The beautiful Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the lush green Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Etosha National Park in Namibia.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.1.A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off wewalked toward the lion's den.2.He couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day'slast light.3.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo loped by, but our appearanceseemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.4.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways. Ourguides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.5.Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted, snapped his giant jaws,and lunged forward. We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river.Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1)They experienced the African bush on foot.2)Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3)They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4)Krugge National Park stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares, roughly the size ofWales.5)They stayed in a thatched roof two- person huts with toilets and hot showers.6)Dinner was served around an open fire.。



英语听力教程第二版第三册答案listen this way3 张民伦版UNIT 1Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: burning of the forests/tree removal (deforestation)/reduction of the world's rain forests2: global warming/greenhouse effect/emissions of CO2Part II The Earth at risk (I)A. Keys:1.a. More people--------?more firewood----?fewer treesb. More domestic animals------?more plants-----?fewer available plantsa, b--? More desert----?move south-----?desrtt expanding south----?no grass2. Growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. But if there isn't enough rain the crops don't grow.3. People try to grow food to support themselves or to create ranches where cattle can be raised, or to get hardwood for export, or to make way for an iron ore mineB. Keys:1: Sahara Desert2: North America & most of Europe3: top soil blowing away4: tropical forests destruction5: animal/plant species becoming extinct6: climate change for the whole worldPart III The Earth at risk (II)A. Keys:1: Trees would hold rainfall in their roots. When forests in the higher up-river have been destroyed, all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows straight into the river and starts the flooding.2: He implies that some national governments just consider the results of their policies in the near future, or just think as far ahead as the next election.B. Keys:1: flooding in Bangladesh2: Action to be taken3: population controlPart IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global WarmingKeys:1: Warming up of the world2: Effects of global3: reduced potential for food production4: change of patterns of hear-related food poisoning, etc.Part V Do you know…?A. Keys:1: F 2: F 3: F 4: F 5: TB. Keys:Dos 1: your towels 2: Cut out 3: a wall-fire 4: fridge 5: wait until you've a full load6: a complete mealDon’ts 7: iron everything 8: the iron up 9: the kettle 10: to the brim11: hot foodUnit 2Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: International Union for the Conservation of Nature,United Nations, wildlife, policies2: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species,trade, animals and plants, 1975, prohibits, 8000, controls,300003: United Nations Environmental Program,leadership, environment, quality of life4: World Wide Fund for Nature(formerly World Wildlife Fund) ,1961, Sahara Desert, North America & most of Europe,top soil blowing awayC. Keys:1: 2 2: 4 3: 5 4: 1,6 5: 3Questions:1: They work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife2: They are campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.Protected-nesting sites for turtles have been set up3: It refers to the places of safety in the sea where sea animals are protected and allowed to live freelyPart II Christmas bird countsA. Keys:1: Jan. 3rd 2: more than 40 000 volunteers 3: 1 600 4: a 15 mile diameter5: an American artist 6: their natural habitats 7: the late 1800sB. Keys:1: start 2: sponsored 3: outside counting birds 4: experienced bird watchers5: anyone that is interested or concerned 6: scheduled 7: 10 people taking part8: 15 mile diameter circle 9: the total bird populations 10: the number of birds11: the longest-running bird census 12: undefinedPart III Dolphin captivityA.B. Keys:1: 1 2: 3 3: 4 4: 5 5: 26: Dolphins should be kept in captivity.7: There are educational benefits of keeping marine mammals in captivity.C. Keys:1: stress (family-oriented) 2: sonar bouncing off3: average age of death; life getting better for captive dolphins4: natural behabior patterns-altered5: suffering from fractured skulls, ribs or jaws6: can't learn from animals in the wild how they operate, breed, what they need, etc.Part IV More about the topic: Birds----A Source of WealthKeys:1:9300 2:Habitat 3:warmer climates 4:300 different species5:colder climates 6:habitat alteration 7:esthetic value 8:Birds' populationPart V Do you know…?Keys:1: one and one-half million 2: 20 times3: 100 4: 40000 5: 65 million6: 3500 7: 2 million square miles 8: 3%9: 200 animal species 10: 100011: a third 12: two-thirds 13: three-quartersUnit 3Unit 3 El Nino? La Nina?Part ID. warmer/ green house effect / sea levels/ climate zonesAs 1998 ends and people look forward to the last year of the century, the World Almanac spoke with experts about what comes next. Almanac editorial director says the experts believe the next century will bring lots of changes.Warm, of course, that our climate is going to continue getting warmer. That’s the subject, by the way, of another new article on the 1999 World Almanac. The greenhouse effect, exactly what causes it, and what steps to be taken to, perhaps to alleviate global warmings. I’ve seen recently that 1998 is going to g o down as the warmest year ever on record. And so that’s going to be a major issue of the next century, and possible tremendous consequences of the global warmings, whether it is rising sea levels affecting the coastal areas; changes in climate zones affecting what crops can be grown, and in what regions. This is potentially a very significant trend to be watched.E. Cyclone: North or south of equator / Typhoon:/ Hurricane: Eastern PacificMajor ocean storms in the northern part of the world usually develop in late summer or autumn over waters near the equator. They are known by several different names. Scientists call these storms cyclones when they happen just north or south of the equator in the Indian Ocean. In the western Pacific Ocean or the China Sea, these storms are called typhoons. In the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, they are called hurricanes.Part IIA. Outline 1. A. weather pattern/ global climateB. 1. twice a decade 2. 12-18 monthsC. 1. warmer weather/ 2. wetter than usual/ drierD. the decline of winds II. 1. droughtsB. a cyclic weather pattern/ about twice a decade/ wetter/ drier/ cold water away from South America’s west/ to expand eastward toward the America’s / move eastward too/ the weather around the world/ drou ghts/ rains and flooding/ on the South American fishing industry/ to become depletive/ the strength of it/Part III Lick ObservatoryB. location: an hour’s drive/ summit/Origin of the name: a wealthy businessmanSize: one meter diameter/ secondTime: 1888Present function: research/ an educational toolC. way of observation: human eyes; in the cold/ TV screenGains and losses: Romance/ the sky/ efficiency/ reality/ universeQuestions:1. Because lick Observatory is near “Silicon Valley”, a region of the states high-technology.2. Because Lick Observatory was built on his estate and he was buried at the base of the telescope at this won request.3. By using the 19th century telescope, you have a feeling of romance with direct viewing with the human eyes. By sing the modern devices, you lose that romance but gain the efficiency. That’s an exchange.Part IV. The national climatic Data Center.A. OutlineI. A. 1951 B. headquarters C. satellites, radar, solar radiation system, airplanes, shipsII. B. collecting weather records from around the world D. publications about earth environment. E. requests fro information from all over the world.B. questions.1. The Department of Defense, the National Weather Service, the coastguard2. The office has written weather observations made by early American diplomat Benjamin Franklin and by the third President of the U.S.3. You can get the information by computer, microfilm and telephone4. American cities. Another publication has monthly reports from 1500 observation stations around the world.The center had more than 900,000 requests from government officials, business owners,Unt 4Unit 4 Reports on Disasters & AccidentsPart I.1. firebomb/ shopping/ several /2. 1,000 tornadoes3. car ferry/ taken over/ Green Action Front4. South Korea/ 270/ thousands5. robbed/ 5/ lunchtime/ 10,0006. hurricane/ 100/ twenty/ 1007. Hijacked/ TuesdayPart II. Hurricanes & tornadoesA. 1. a storm 2. about 2000 3. the winds were up to 75 miles an hour 4. the Indian army 5. destroyed/ links / collapsed 6. more than 40 people 7. over 100,000 peopleLarge numbers of villages have been completely cut off. The official said the death toll could reach 2000. the Indian army has been called into help the relief effort. From Deli. Here is David Willis.The storm with winds of up to 75 miles an hour struck India’s southeast coast, flattening homes, destroying crops and cutting transport links. Eyewitnesses reported tidal waves more than 12 feet high. The storm was followed by torrential rains, which swept away roads and railway lines, and flooded low lying areas. More than 40 people are thought to have died when a ferry sank. But most of the deaths have been due to flooding, houses collapsing or electrocutions. More than 100,000 people have been evacuated from their homes and are taking shelter in relief camps. After surveying the flooded area by helicopter, the chief minister said it resembled a burial ground. He’s appealed to the federal government to treat t he incident as a national calamity. David Willis.B. 1. The worst of the heavy rains and thunderstorms appears to be over2. in parts of Europe3. During the past week4. Affected5. At least five6. because emergency warnings were issued before.C. 1. c 2 b 3. d 4. bNine hours Greenwich Mean Time. The news read by Wendy Gordon. The worst of the heavy rains and thunderstorms that have been sweeping parts of Europe during the past week appears to be over. Exceptionally heavy rainfall brought flooding to many parts of Germany, Switzerland, Northern Italy and France and chaos to rail and road transport. Although most flights are expected to be back to normal by this time tomorrow, there are expected to be serious delays on the German and Italian motorways over the forthcoming holiday weekend and train services are unlikely to be normalized for several days. A government spokeswoman in France announced that the damage to homes and property is expected to be at least four thousand million francs. It is reported that at least five people have lost their lives. Experts agree that casualty figures are lowbecause emergency warnings were issued on the day before the storms began. The federal government in Switzerland has urged motorists and rail travelers not to travel during the next few days and no international traffic will be allowed on the main north-south motorway routes across the country until next Tuesday.Part III. EarthquakesA. Another earthquake, the fifth in three days, hit Japan last night. Hundreds of homes have now been destroyed or badly damaged, and thousands have been made homeless since the earthquakes started. Many of the homeless have begun to make themselves makeshift shelters from the rubble. Electricity, gas and water supplies have also been seriously disrupted. Experts believe that the country will be hit by more quakes during the next 48 hours.C.I. A. Sunday/ the 23rd B. in southern ItalyII. A. at least 400 B. many more than 400III. A. in small towns and villages outside Naples 1. hospital 2. church 3. private homesB. 1. eight or nine 2. in the streets or squares 3. countryside/ traffic jams 4. telephone lines/ 5. electricity and waterIV. A. 1. the fog 2. the cold weather B. roadPart IV Earthquake TipsDuring an earthquakeA1. Main idea: to remember Tsunami victims2. Time : midday/ 3 minutes of silence/ people stopped/ flags lowered to half staff.3. Purpose: giving people a chance to remember all those who died.4. 1) Sweden/ 700+1200 Germany: +1000B1. large earthquake/ epicenter under water2. no/ most quakes no tsunamis3. depending on distance/ near the earthquake/ immediately / hardest hit area/ two hours away.4. a. water/ seriously withdrawing or coming in for no apparent reasonb. feeling an earthquake / witnessing a landslide at the coastunit 5Unit 5 People & Places (I)Part I1. Australia is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent. Its total area of 3,000,000 square miles is about the same as that of the continental United States (excluding Alaska)2. the area of Nepal is about 54,000 square miles. Within its borders are five of the world’s highest peaks.3. Switzerland is a small, landlocked country, 15,944 square miles in area. It’s bordered by France, Austria, and Italy.4. more than 20,000,000 people live in Argentine. About 97 percent are of European stock. Most argentines live on the eastern plains. Fewer than 19% live in the dry western and northwestern provinces.5. Austria is 32,376 square miles in area. This makes it twice the size of neighboring Switzerland. There are about 7,150,000 people living in Austria. More than one third of the people live in or near Vienna, the capital city.6. Colombia is the only country in South America with a coastline on the both sides of the continent. It is a big country with an area of 439,828 square miles and about 16,300,000persons live in Colombia.7. Saudi Arabia’s area is estimated to be about 830,000 square miles. Almost all of Saudi Arabia’s 7,000,000 people are Ar abs. Today Saudi Arabia’s vast oil resources are paying for the modernization of the country. Conditions there are changing more rapidly than they have for centuries.8. Denmark proper has an area of only 16,575 square miles. It is the smallest of the Scandinaviancountries—Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. But Denmark’s population of over 4,600,000 is greater than that of Norway and more than half that of Sweden.Part II CanadaB. outlineI. A. second only/ B. 26 million people C. 1 the Great Lakes 2 the Rocky Mountains 3 the Arctic islands II. A. 1. 2. overcoat/ a fur hatIII. A. 1. American Indians 2 Germans 3 Italians, / Inuit B. English and FrenchIV. A. seafood B. meat dishes D. the sweet course E. good beer but not good local wines.V. A. most modern shopping centers B. 1 2. woolen 3. wood 4 leather 5 mapleVI. A. the Canadian dollar B. 10 am to 3pm Monday to Thursday, till later on Fridays.Part III Traveling around AustraliaA. Sydney: harbor: take a b oat trip in an old sailing ship/ at a backpacker’s hotelThe Sydney Opera House: see concertsThe great Barrier Reef: tropical fish/ glass bottom/ at a resort hotel or at a guesthouseAyers Rock in Ulura National park: go hiking/ see cave paintings/ colors /at sunrise and sunsetKakadu National Park: go hiking/ wildlife / waterfalls/ in one of the campsites.B. 1. T 2 F 3 F 4. T 5 F 6. T 7. FStatements:1. When David was in Sydney, he didn’t stay there for night.2. The Great Barrier Reef is in South Queensland in Australia3. From what Nancy says, one can know that she is fond of swimming4. In Uluru national Park, Nancy can see the largest rock in the world.5. If Nancy likes to walk around the base of the rock, she has to walk about five miles.6. Nancy will bring her camera with her when she travels in Australia.7. There are no crocodiles in the tropical forest in Australia.Part IV. The Story of DenverOutlineI. A. 1l6 kilometers/ one mile above the sea levelB. population:C. 1. 300 days of sunshine a year2. about 35 centimetersII. Business and Marketing centerA. more than 1500 manufacturing companies1. Main activity: food processing2. other factories making equipment for the defense, space, high technology and transportation industries.3. gold productionB. the computer and communications industriesC. 1. offering the third highest number/ 2. that do business in other countriesIII. A. History B. Natural History C. North America/ 90,000 E. city park system F. a business area filled with old buildings, gas lights and vehicles pulled by horsesPart V. Do you Know…?ICELAND----- in the Atlantic/ a small population / an island countryBrazil----- a newly-built capital / a pretty large country/ famous for its jungles/ a South American country New Zealand----- hotter than Britain / a small population / a mountainous country/ a wet climate/ divided into two islands.Unit 6 People and Places (II)Part IPart II New ZealandersOutlineI. A. an island country in the South Pacific Ocean B. 2,575,000II. A. free education for children from ages 3 to 19B. for children between the ages of 7 and 15C. The Government Correspondence School:III. A. one of the highest in the worldB. mainly one-story wooden homesC. meat and butterIV. Recreation B. musical / D. Concerts/ E operaV. A. camping/ fishing C. Rugby football D. soccer/ basketballB. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6 FStatements:1. New Zealand is about 1,400 miles from Australia2. More people live on the larger South Island than the North Island in New Zealand3. Most New Zealanders are of British origin.4. Children in New Zealand usually go to school at the age of5.5. Not many New Zealanders have their own cars.6. New Zealanders are fond of drinking a lot of tea.Part III. What do you think of Britain?Weather Food people Way of lifePaul Changeable; depressing;The best word: bleak Boring/ flavor$ taste/ enjoy it Snobbish;/ alive/ on fireCindy Cloudy/ sunshine Dull, / sweets Difficult/ reserved relaxedUsha Changeable/ OK Healthy/ bland R eserved/ friendly FastSpiro Depressing / long; pleasant All right/ limited Friendly sincere Awful; / tiringB. 1. It must be tasty and full of flavor2. Spring and autumn3. Because the city life is fast4. for seven years5. there is a wider selection of dishes in Greek food.6. Usha is very good at making friends.Part IV Native peoples of AlaskaOutline1. A. 1 sea 2 fish 3 4 reindeerB 1 frame houses 2 hutsC 1 hunting 2. carvingII. A related/ differentB. 1 the sea 2 fishing boats 3 working inIII. Indians A. the interior 1. Canada 2 fishing, trappingB. near the sea 1. 2 means of livelihood: c. loggingPart V. Do you know…?1. T 2 T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. FStatements:1. The city of London is quite dirty.2. the speed of life in the countryside is relatively low.3. companies remain in the city despite high rents and office costs.4. the company selling office equipment had no choice but to close down its London office.5. shortly after the company closed down its London office, it went bankrupt.6. more and more fields in the countryside are being used for housing.7. with less land to farm, people now get fewer farming products.Unit 7Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: delighted 2: care 3: afraid 4: shy 5: strangers 6: really 7: laugh at 8: seriously9: sympathetic 10: lectures 11: experience 12: think 13: grammar 14: meaning 15: time16: work 17: problems 18: read19: improve 20: somethingPart II Are you a good language leaner?A. Keys:1: instrumental 2: examinations 3: integrative 4: immigration 5: marry 6: confident7: a good ear 8: revision 9: monitor 10: organization 11: teacher 12: classroom 13: 24 hours 14: responsibility B. Keys:1: eternal 2: solution 3: out-of-classroom 4: in-classroom 5: responsibility6: failed 7: blame 8: blamePart III Foreign accentsA. Keys:1: judge 2: accents 3: snobbish 4: posh 5: foreign6: talk 7: expect 8: BBCB. Keys: 1: strong 2: struggle 3: broken 4: sort 5: tellPart IV More about the topic: How to Enlarge your V ocabulary?Keys: (the red numbers after the statements mean that you should tick Women 1, 2 or 3 in the form)1. learn new words by reading, e.g. newspapers, magazines: 1、32. learn new words from TV, films, etc.: 23. look up new words in a dictionary: 1、24. ask a native speaker of English what a new word means: 25. keep vocabulary cards or a vocabulary notebook: 2、36. try to use new words in conversations or when writing letters: 27. guess the meaning of new words: 38. group words related to one topic: 39. figure out the words from the pronunciation: 210. do crossword puzzles: 1Part V Do you know…?B. Keys: 1: lift, weekend 2: announcer or newsreader, smoking, training3: building 4: parkingUnit 8Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1 : √2 : 03 : 04 : √5 : 0Part II Home schoolingA. Keys:1: About 300000 2: In reading and math 3: interests, questions 4: outsider,mixing with, well qualified, narrow views 5: time, desireB. Keys:1: snowfall, climate, Alaska, tourism2: spring, stars, telescope, satellites, space3: dinner, atlas, influence, greenhouse, deserts, ice capsPart III UK or US education?A. Keys:1: everything 2: fair idea, want to do 3: competent, narrow, one thing4: beginning, lose yearsB. Keys:1: depth, general, wide 2: 90% 3: pure, technical, scientific, academic, practical use4: flexible, switch 5: far more, prepared, new skillsPart IV More about the topic: Co-educational or Segregated SchoolsKeys:1:to equip 2:require 3:shock 4:apart 5:true 6:get to know 7:live together8:compare 9:male 10:female 11:healthy attitude 12:mysterious creatures13:romantic heroes 14:physical 15:emotionalPart V Do you know…?Keys:1 : similar, Britain2 : 1732, life stories3 : 1751, Frenchmen4 : 1768, Scotland5 : 72000, 70006 : 8000, 10007 : 70 to 125Unit 9Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: F 2: T 3: F 4: FC. Keys:1: comedy 2: women 3: scenery 4: One 5: American 6: patriotism 7: European8: 1920s 9: maturity 10: popular 11: 1943 12: plot 13: hit 14: golden age15: all over the world 16: mainstay 17: music of Broadway 18: classicPart II Times SquareA. Keys:1: Because it is the name for the area around where Broadway crosses Forty-Second Street in Manhattan2: In 1904, it got its name in an area which was then called Long Acre Square.3: New York Times newspaper, New Year celebrations, Entertainment, Its huge colorful signsB. Keys:1: seedy, drug dealers, pornography or cheap knock-off,2: be widened, declined, upscale, Times Square clothing and accessoriesPart III What is a pub?A. (Outline) Keys:1: sign 2: name 3: sale of alcoholic drinks 4: 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 5: 6 p.m. - 11 p.m.6: Sundays 7: 7 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 8: accommodationB. Keys:1: That is because they seldom find the word "pub" in the name of a pub. Very often many pubs have names linked to royalty, sports, popular heroes or great occasions.2: The first thing to look for is a large sign either hanging over the street or placed on a pole outside the building.3: "Saloon Bar" is more comfortably furnished.4: That means the pub doesn't buy its drinks from one particular brewery only. It isn't tied to a brewery.C. Keys:1: coaches welcomed by appointment 2: bar food - lunchtimes only3: pub accommodation 4: facilities for the disabled 5: a pub of historic interestPart IV More about the topic: The Song Yankee DoodleA. Keys:1: Colonists in the northeast part of America2: All Americans 3: American soldiersB. Keys:1: little 2: British 3: British 4: foolish 5: colonists 6: words 7: 1770s8: soldiers 9: music 10: defeated 11: same 12: representsPart V Do you know…?A. Keys:1:It's Christmas Eve supper.2:There are 12 traditional dishes on the table.3:They just break wafers with each other, wishing each other good luck.4:The children go to the other room, where the big Christmas tree stands. Under the tree there are some Christmas presents.5:They go to church at midnight.B. Keys: 1:c 2:a 3:b 4:b 5:cUnit 10Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: July 20. 1969 2: U.S. 3: descended 4: the first person5: step 6: leap7: two-and-a-half hour 8: flag 9: a phone called 10: feat11: heavens 12. world 13: moment 14: people 15: pride16: astronauts 17: module 18. legacy19: demonstration 20: chained 21: further 22: unlimitedPart II Standing on the moonA. Keys:1: the fifth person 2: nine hours and twenty-three minutes3: gather and photograph 4:peacefull, insignificantB. Keys:1: F 2: F 3: F 4: TPart III Grand projects of the ageA. Keys: 4, 2, 5, 3, 1, 6B. Keys:1: 1931, 102-floor high, 42 years, its limestone majesty2: 2009, $24 billion, electrity3: $330 billion, (still counting), 4300 miles, (still counting), automobile society, jobs, trade4: 1994, 24 miles, England, the Continent5: 1914, $380 million, 7800 milesPart IV More about the topic: World Wars (I& II)Missing…Part V Do you know…?Keys: 1: T 2: F 3: F 4: F 5: T 6: FUnit 11Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: Tuesday, March 1st 2: Arts 3: Sciences 4: industry 5: technicians6: 30 7: recognize 8: create 9: vote 10: 70 11: Album 12: gold13: players 14: short 15: nominated 16: six 17: Pop Male 18: country singer19: The Hard WayPart II Karen Kain—a Canadian ballerinaA. Keys:1: In her hometown.2: When she was eleven years old.3: She also got academic training.4: When she was eighteen years old.5: He is an actor.6: For six weeks.7: For another ten years at the most.8: She will be playing Cinderella in an English pantomime.B. Keys:1: c 2: d 3: d 4: a 5: d 6: cPart III “The Scream”A. Keys:1: powerful 2: black 3: white 4: bridge 5: screaming6: at the end 7: loneliness 8: sadnness 9: hideB. Keys:1: For painting the bridge or the street2: For painting a field or a wall3: They somehow depress the picture4: For painting clouds5: They add to the depression of the screamerPart IV More about the topic: The Oscar Award and OthersKeys:I. 1: Oscar 2: motion pictures 3: Academy 4: 1929 5: ten6: gold 7: the statuette 8: librarian 9: director 10: first cousinII. 1: the theater 2: Theater Wing 3: 1947 4: actress-director 5: nicknameIII. 1: mystery writing 2: Mystery Writers 3: miniature 4: father 5: detectiveIV. 1: Science Fiction Convention 2: science fiction 3: silver4: rocket ships 5: founder 6: Amazing StoriesPart V Do you know…?Keys:1: T 2: F 3: F 4: F 5: T11。

听力教程Book 3- Unit 13

听力教程Book 3- Unit 13
• What will affect the future of global economic development besides political factors? • Many factors must be taken into consideration . • The following two factors • One is the food and energy situation (will become worse and worse with the increasing world population.) • The other is our living environment (has now been heavily polluted as a result of the booming of modem industries.) • People allover the world are now facing the pressures to preserve the environment.
A Listening Course 3 Unit 13
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4
Section One Tactics for Listening
Part 1
Part 2
Part One Spot Dictation
Keys to Part 1 1. taken for granted 3. complement 5. encouragement 7. needed and admired 9. sympathetic 11. admire and praise 13. live with 15. ashamed of 17. hostile 19. transformed 2. confided to 4. he’d made 6. approval 8. valued friends 10. importance and worthiness 12. self-image 14. confident and free 16. hide it 18. effects 20. human beings



Walt Disney was honored with one fullsize and seven miniature statuettes on behalf of his animated feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
If the statuettes don’t meet strict quality control standards, they are immediately cut in half and melted down.
The large boxes are shipped to the Academy offices via air express, with no identifiable markings.
Exercise C 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7. F 8.F
Part 2 Passage--The Oscar
Exercise B Sentence Dictation
Industry insiders and members of the press called the award “the Academy statuette”, “the golden trophy” or “the statue of merit”, but term never stuck.
NEWS Item 2
Exercise A This news item is about the Bush
administration’s attitude towards Iraq.
1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T
NEWS Item 3



Unit 12Section One Tactics for listeningPart 1 Spot DictationDangers in Your GarageImagine that your home contained a small factory with high explosives, dangerous industrial tools and potentially lethal* (1)energy sources.Sound far-fetched? Not really, because this "factory" is your (2) garage.The National Safety Council (NSC) says that each year (3) household accidents kill about 20,000 Americans and injure another (4)three million. The culprits* in many of these mishaps* are the modem (5) equipment and supplies we keep casually in our garages and tend to (6) take for granted.Last November, in a suburb of Chicago, three toddlers* (7) spilled a can of gasoline stored in a garage. One of the children dropped a tool that (8) struck a spark when it landed on the concrete floor.Violet flames flashed in a loud (9) blast. Two of the children were hideously (10) burned and later died. The other child needed (11) extensive skin grafts* and plastic(12) surgery*.A Wisconsin man was (13) cutting wood last fall. To move a (14) log, he set his chain saw down on the ground but (15) left it running. When he returned for the saw, he (16) stepped on a branch that flipped the spinning (17) saw blade up toward hishead. The cutting bits ripped his face from mouth to ear, (18) knocked out four teeth and left his lower lip hanging. It took more than (19) 180 stitches to close the wounds, and later he required neurosurgery* and extensive (20) dental work.Part 2 Listening for GistWhat is love? And what causes it? An American professor, Charles Zastrow, offers an interesting answer, particularly to the second question. He argues that there are many kinds of love and that particularly in one kind, which he calls "romantic love", we are strongly influenced not so much by what we actually feel but by what we tell ourselves about the way we feel. He calls this "self-talk”.For example, say a woman is strongly attracted to a man. (It could just as easily happen to a man attracted to a woman.) She tells herself things like "He is all I have ever wanted in a man! He is warm, kind and affectionate and will understand all my needs." But when she discovers that he is, like all of us, just an ordinary human being with both strong and weak points, she is bitterly disappointed.He points out that this kind of love often begins to fade and die as soon as the problems and obstacles which separate the two people are removed and a normal relationship begins.He contrasts romantic love with what he calls "rational love". This is based on such things as: an accurate, objective idea of the other person's strengths as well as their weaknesses, the ability to communicate with each other openly and honestly, sothat you can deal with problems as they arise, the ability to show affection openly to each other and to give as well as receive, a clear knowledge of your own goals in life, realistic and rational "self-talk", so that your feelings are not based on fantasy.This kind of love is far more likely to lead to a lasting, satisfying relationship. But it is much more difficult to achieve, and is not as frequent as romantic love.Directions: Listen to the passage and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.1. This passage is about two kinds of love - romantic love and rational love.2. The key words are "romantic love", influenced, "self-talk", fade and die, problems and obstacles, removed, normal relationship: "rational love", accurate, objective, strengths, weaknesses, communicate, show affection openly, a clear knowledge, goals in life, realistic and rational, lasting, satisfying relationship, difficult. achieve.Section Two Listening CompressionPart 1 DialogueThe TeacherInterviewer: I recently read an article which said that in primary schools in particular chances of promotion of women teachers are less thanmen, that men generally get promoted far quicker than women inprimary education. Is this something you've noticed or is thissomething you feel?Mary: No, this is something that is so. And we come back full circle really because it's not just teaching. I mean it's everything that men are getting promotionmore quickly than women. In the primary sector there are far more womenteachers than men but there are more headmasters than headmistresses. Interviewer: So where does that leave someone like you? I mean what, what are the possibilities of your promotion in primary education? Atthe moment you're in charge of a section of the school,Mary: Yes, I'm ... I'm in charge of the infant department which goes from the children who are three to the children who are seven. And they transfer when they areseven to higher up the school which is called the junior department. So I'm incharge of the Lower School if you like.Interviewer: And do you have ambition in that sense? I mean would you like to be a headmistress?Mary: No, I would not. I would not like to be a headmistress at all. I mean this is the next stage of my career were I ambitious urn ... but Ibasically enjoy being a classroom teacher. Now perhaps this givesa clue to why there are not more women heads. I don't know Imean in the past it may have been that, and it may still be, thatbecause boys are brought up to be more ambitious, that they're theones who are going for promotion and quick promotion, I mean,rapid promotion so that they are heads by the time they're thirtyand they start out in their career thinking that whereas I enjoybeing a class teacher and urn ... I was a deputy head before I gotthis post but I prefer to be in the classroom with the children thansitting at a desk doing administration which is what being a headmeans if you're a head of a largish* school.Interviewer: Are you pleased that you chose primary teaching as a career and, and if someone came up to you at school-leaving age and waswondering about what they were going to do would you advisethem to follow in your footsteps?Mary: I'm very pleased that I did - well I'm pleased most of the time. Monday mornings I'm not pleased; some mornings during the week and the end of the holidays I'm not pleased I'm a primary teacher at all but I mean basically I am, 'cos I left teaching once and then went back into it. So I think that shows that I am committed to be a primary teacher.Directions: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).l. F 2. T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6 T 7.F 8.FPart 2 PassageVoice1. To sing with a choir or to hear a choir singing can be deeply moving. Voices go deeper into us than other things.2. Early attempts at language are praised and encouraged, then, on growing up, voice and talking take a practical place as we learn from, and respond to, those around us.3. Talking is central to our existence. As human beings we talk with friends and family and at work.4. Many teachers and professionals, such as lawyers, managers, marketing salesmen, who depend on their voices for work, rarely consider their voices until they lose them.5. There are many factors that affect our voices, such as home environment and culture, physical build and well-being, thought and emotion, social stance, experience and occupation.Allowing voice to ring with joy creates joy in the listener. To sing with a choir or to hear a choir singing can be deeply moving. George Eliot* said that she thought voices go deeper into us than other things. Thomas Hardy* in his poem The Voice describes the depth of feeling experienced i n recalling the voice of his late wife.When all is well our voices cry out at birth, and develop without effort. Parents respond to happy sounds and interpret the cries. Early attempts at language are praised and encouraged, then, on growing up, voice and talking take a practicalplace as we learn from, and respond to, those around us.Talking is central to our existence, with telephone, radio, television, videoconferences, videophones and computers to process and print what the owners say, but as human beings we talk with friends and family and at work. Voice becomes our unique sound. As the most portable and one of the most subtle instruments it is rarely fully exercised or explored, and loss of voice can be seen by other people as merely irritating.An infant teacher was the first of several teachers in the 1990s to appeal to a Social Security Tribunal about loss of work (the last 10 years of teaching in primary school) caused by loss of voice at work. She told me how it affected her. Shopkeepers asked her husband what she needed rather than try to make out what she said. At social gatherings it was impossible for her to talk over the hubbub* of voices. Severe restrictions like this diminish a person, and their social identity.The onset of voice problems can be gradual or sudden. Teachers have been known to open their mouths to talk and find no sound came. Many voice difficulties arise from unknowing misuse of the vocal mechanism. It is easy to take our voices for granted. Many teachers and professionals such as lawyers, managers, marketing and salesmen; preachers and call center agents who depend on their voices for work, rarely consider their voices until they lose them.There are many factors that affect our voices, such as home environment and culture, physical build and well being, thought and emotion, social stance, experience and occupation.Actors in training explore all aspects of a character they play, especially those affecting body and voice. Teaching is also a form of performance to be explored and researched. What kind of teacher are you? What kind of teaching will the pupils respond to? The inadequacy of a young teacher, who is timid and self-conscious, is immediately recognized by the class, while the stress and demands of challenging pupils can stimulate a teacher to negative reactions of anger and shouting. Using a strong "teacher voice", raising the pitch or voice to top noise, or to deepen it unnaturally to demonstrate authority can become a habit.A: Pre-listening QuestionWhat do you know about the human voice?Voice, or phonation, is the sound produced by the expiration of air through vibrating vocal cords. Voice is defined in terms of pitch, quality, and intensity, or loudness.In the frequency domain we can define voice as a series of harmonically related sine waves, starting with a fundamental frequency of about 100 hz for males and about 200 hz for females and extending throughout the 3,000 hz or so frequency range.B: Sentence DictationDirections: Listening to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.C: Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1 .D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.CD: After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1. Allowing your voice to ring with joy creates joy in the listener. Loss of voice may lead to the loss of work, and may diminish a person, and their social identity. Actors in training explore all aspects of a character they play, especially those affecting body and voice. Teaching is also a form of performance to be explored and researched.2. (Open)Section Three NewsNews Item 1President Obama says high-speed rail could do for America what it is already doing for other countries, including China and Spain."A high-speed line between Madrid and Seville is so successful that more people travel between those cities by rail than by car and airplane combined. China, where service began just two years ago, may have more miles of high-speed rail service than any other country just five years from now."High-speed rail only serves America's Northeast corridor, between Washington, D.C. and Boston, Massachusetts. But plans are under way to extend the rapid transit to other areas of the country.Congress included $8 billion for rail development in the economic stimulus legislation it passed in February. Mr. Obama is including another $5 billion for high-speed rail in his federal budget.High-speed rail has had mixed political support in the past. But President Obama says it could strengthen the U.S. economy, in addition to improving the country's transportation system. He says the United States should not be left behind while other nations are moving ahead with high-speed rail.A: Directions: Listening to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the U.S. plan for high-speed rail.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and complete the following passage.President Obama hopes the high-speed rail could do in the U.S. as it has already done in China and Spain.Mr. Obama says High-speed rail cannot only strengthen the U.S. economy, but also improving the country's transportation system.In the economic stimulus legislation Congress included $8 billion for rail development, and President Obama is including another $5 billion for it in his federal budget.The first high-speed rail in the U.S. is only between Washington, D.C. and Boston. In the future the service will cover other parts of the country.While other nations are moving ahead with high-speed rail, the United States Mr. Obama says, should not be left behindNews Item 2Children AuthorsOver 100 first-time authors are writing books for elementary school students in North Platte, Nebraska, a small town in the middle of the USA. These authors know what interests kids, because they're only 13 years old themselves. Rachael Anderson is a typical student at Adams Middle School in North Platte. The slender red head takes math and science classes, hangs out with her friends, and writes books. "My book is Polar Bullies and Snow Bears. In the very cold, very icy Arctic, Nan the smallest polar bear of all was building a snow bear," she says.Rachael is one of 104 eighth graders taking language arts this semester. As part of the class, students create their own hardback books.Allison Davis stated rthe project nine years ago. The teacher says initially, it was just a way to give kids something fun to do before the school year ended.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the educational value of children s book-writing proiect.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and choose the best answer to completeeach of the following sentences.1.B2.A3.D4.BNews Item 3The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable statues in the world. It is also a major tourist attraction.But ever since the 2001 terrorist attacks at New York's World Trade Center, a small part of this structure - Lady Liberty's crown - has been closed to the public.Due to security and safety concerns, the crown has been off limits to visitors for nearly 8 years. But on July 4, known as U.S. Independence Day, the Crown will once again be open to the public.A journey to the top is not for everyone. First, visitors have to climb more than 200 steep steps through the center of the statue.Then, when you get to the top, the experience is cramped and the views a little limited, but that has not stopped people from trying to book their place in line in advance.The number of people who can climb to the crown will be limited. Details have yet to be finally decided, but visitors are expected to be limited to about 150 visitors a day.A: Directions: Listening to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the plan to reopen lady liberty’s crown of the statue of liberty on July 4th.B: Directions: listen to the news item again and answer the following questions.1. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable statues in the world.2. Terrorist attacked New York's World Trade Center in 2001.3. Due to security and safety concerns, the crown has been off limits to visitors for nearly 8 years.4. The Crown will once again be open to the public on July 4.5. Visitors have to climb more than 200 steep steps through the center of the statue.6. Visitors are expected to be limited to about 150 visitors a day.Section Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLife in a Nursing HomeLife in a nursing home or an assisted living facility has improved tremendously over the years. However, loneliness and boredom are rampant among some nursing home residents. In her third and final dateline report on this topic, Nina Keck looks at life in a long-term care facility in the northeastern state of Vermont.NK: Mountain View Center in Rutland, Vermont, looks like a lot of American nursing homes. There are long hallways with clusters of people in wheelchairs.Staff members hustle from one room to the next and there's lots of background noise, moaning, talking, shouting, snoring. Seventy-two-year-old Dolores King sits in her bed with the television on but the sound turned off. Herninety-two-year-old roommate is sound asleep."The days I feel good I get up in my chair and watch television ... I just don't have the ambition to do anything. I just sit and I watch television. I've got a roster of programs that I watch, and that's my day and night."NK: Ms King has advanced multiple sclerosis*, which has paralyzed much of her body. A heart attack and cancer treatments have left her too weak to remain at her home and she's been in a nursing home since November.NK: Eighty-six-year-old Ruth Helm is one of those people who finds happiness no matter where she is. She savors* the positives. At her last nursing home, for instance, she wrote personal histories of some of her fellow residents."People in that home had such interesting backgrounds, just like the people here have all got something to be memorized, so I asked each one if they would mind if I'd write their history up ... One was a navy man who'd been all over the world.Another was a mountain man that had cut wood and it's just almost unbelievable.It's so interesting."NK: Ms Helm would probably like to meet eight-nine-year-old Chet Eaton another one of those people who seizes the day.NK: Industry experts say there will be big changes in long-term care over the next twenty years.More people will opt for home-based care or assisted living facilities so traditional nursing homes will be filled with much sicker and older patients.Long-term care facilities will also better address the psycho-social needs ofresidents so that feelings of loneliness and boredom will, finally be addressed.Someone at the Vermont Council on Aging pointed out another big change that will likely take effect as more baby boomers enter nursing homes.A: Directions: Listen to the news report and complete the summerThis news report is about life in a US nursing home.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and fill in the blanks fill with details of the nursing home.General feeling about the nursing homes: lonely and boringScene at Mountain View Center:It looks like a lot of American nursing homes. There are long hallwayswith clusters of people in wheelchairs. Staff members hustle from oneroom to the next and there's lots of background noise, moaning,talking, shouting, snoring.Two people staying at a nursing home:Dolores King:72years old, with advanced multiple sclerosis, which has paralyzed much of her body. A heart attack and cancer treatments have left her tooweak to remain at her home and she's been in a nursing home sinceNovember.Ruth Helm: 86 years old, one of those people who finds happiness no matter where she is. She savors the positives. At her last nursing home, she wrotepersonal histories of some of her fellow residents.Chet Eaton: 89 years oldFuture: There will be big changes in long-term care over the next twenty years. More people will opt for home-based care or assisted living facilities so traditional nursing homes will be filled with much sicker and older patients. Long-term care facilities will also better address the psycho-social needs of residents so that feelings of loneliness and boredom will finally be addressedPart 2 PassageFamily Life Education1. Couples and families can learn to improve understanding and teamwork between spouses, to guide their children to reach their fullest potential.2. An important outcome of the CFLE program has been its influence on the content of the university programs that prepare family life educators.3. It is likely that these technologies will enhance rather than replace more traditional family life education approaches.4. School boards and community interest groups may place restriction on the content taught in schools, thereby failing to meet some important needs of this age group.5. Through educational programs, family life education makes an important contribution toward/ strengthening families to fulfill their significant role as the basic unit of society.Family Life Education builds upon the strengths that families already have. Couples and families can learn to improve understanding and teamwork between spouses, to guide their children to reach their fullest potential, and survive the challenges of family life.Qualified educators are central to the success of family life education, as it is these individuals who bear major responsibility for shaping the educational experience and interacting with participants. Despite their importance, however, few guidelines are available to help prepare family educators. In 1985, the National Council on Family Relations established a certificate program to help improve the training and qualifications of family life educators. Through this program, recognition is given to individuals who hold a baccalaureate* or advanced degree in specified fields of study, have a minimum level of postsecondary education in the content areas of the Framework for Family Life Education, and have completed a specified level of related work experience. The Certificate in Family Life Education (CFLE) is a voluntary credential*, and has been granted to individuals in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico*, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and Singapore. An important outcome of the CFLE program has been its influence on the content of the college/university programs that prepare family life educators.The Internet and the World Wide Web present new challenges for family life education.Information technologies make it possible to provide family-related informationtwenty-four hours a day, every day,. and may help facilitate the preparation of professionals through on-l1ne courses and chat rooms. Although it is likely that these technologies will enhance rather than replace more traditional family life education approaches, important issues that will require attention include the reliability and validity* of the information available and the effectiveness of this form of family education. As well, the emergence of such things as computer-mediated relationships (cyber-relationships) and sexualized Internet use requires rethinking the content and strategies of family life education.Family life education is an important means to help ameliorate family issues and problems, but in many situations these programs by themselves may not be sufficient unless their development and implementation are supported by social and educational policies and political decisions. School boards and community interest groups may place restrictions on the content taught in schools, thereby failing to meet some important needs of this age group. Inadequate financial support often means that programs are available primarily to those who can afford to pay registration fees. Not necessarily to those who may want or need the programs the most.Underlying the practice of family life education is a basic belief in the importance of family living and a basic respect for persons that recognizes their ability to take charge of their own lives in satisfying ways. Through educational programs, family life education makes an important contribution toward strengthening families to fulfill their significant role as the basic unit of society.A: Pre-listening QuestionFamily life education provides skills and knowledge to enrich individual and family life. It includes knowledge about how families work; the interrelationship of families and society; human growth and development throughout the life span; the physiological and psychological aspects of human sexuality; the impact of money and time management on daily family life; the importance and value of parent education; the effects of policy and legislation on families, etc.B: Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.C: Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences1.B2.C3.A4.A5.C6.D7.A8.DD: After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1. Family life education is an important means to help ameliorate family issues and problems. Qualified educators are central to the success of family life education, as it is these individuals who bear major responsibility for shaping the educationalexperience and interacting with participants. In 1985, the National Council on Family Relations established a certificate program to help improve the training and qualifications of family life educator. Family life educators share information related to family life with families, couples, parents, youth, or students by teaching, writing, coordinating, speaking or creating products.2. (Open)。



Unit 1 Is the Earth Being Squeezed Dry?Training FocusDeveloping the skill of outlining is a major training focus for this unit. And it will remain a training focus for many other units in this book.The content of this unit centers around some environmental issues including global warming, deforestation, water shortage and so on. The listening materials are mainly in the forms of interviews and reports.Please focus on the speaker’s line of thought while listening. Y ou may have a quick look at the outlines in the exercises beforehand so as to obtain some cues about what to come, where to pinpoint the answers, and how to organize the information. Y ou should also pay attention to the special value of some key words in the outlines, such as problems, effects and actions. These key words help single out and group the most important pieces of information in the utterances.Part IExercise BListen to two short extractions. Write down the environmental issues mentioned in them.1.burning of the fo rests / tree removal (deforestation) / reduction of the world’srain forests2.global warming / greenhouse effect / emissions of CO2Part IIExercise AListen to the first part of an interview. Note down the key words in the notes column. Then answer the questions.Key:1. More people more firewood f ewer treesMore domestic animal more plants fewer available plantsmore desert move south desert expanding south no grass2. Growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. But ifthere isn’t enough rain the crops don’t grow.3.People try to grow food to support themselves or the create ranches wherecattle can be raised, or to get hardwood for export, or to make way for an iron ore mine.Exercise BListen to a more authentic version of the first part of the interview. Complete the outline.Outline ( I )I. Environmental problems in different continentsA.Africa1.Sahara Desert expansion2.no grass for animals to eat (East Africa)B.North America & most of Europe1.situation —intensive farming / agriculture2.potential problem —top soil blowing awayC.South America, Central Africa & Southern Asia1.problem —tropical forests destruction2.consequencesa.soil thin unproductive wastelandb.animal / plant species becoming extinctc.climate change for the whole worldPart IIIExercise AListen to the second interview. Note down the key words in the notes column. Then answer the questions.1.Trees would hold rainfall in their roots. When forests in the higher up-riverhave been destroyed, all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows straight into the river and starts the flooding.2.He implies that some national governments just consider the results of theirpolicies in the near future, or just think as far ah ead as the n ex t el ecti on.Exercise BListen to a more authentic version of the second interview. Complete the outline.Outline ( II )II. Reasons for some “natural” disaster s —mainly man-madeA.flooding in BangladeshB.flooding in SudanIII. Action to be takenA. national governments —forward-lookingB. population controlC.stopping using hardwood for furniture makingcating people to realize the consequencesPart IVListen to the material. Complete the outline.OutlineI. W arming up of the worldA.average temperatureB.yearly increaseII. Causes of global warmingIII. Effects of global warmingA.great changes in rainfallB.rise in the sea levelC.reduced potential of food productionD.health and social problems1.environmental refugees2.change of patterns of distribution of insects and infective agents3.change of patterns of heat-related food poisoning, etc.IV. Time to take actionPart VExercise A1: F 2: F 3: F 4: F 5: TExercise CNow listen to some simple tips to help you Save It —save energy. Complete the do’s and don’ts.Tapescript:Don’t attempt to iron everything. Rough-dry your towels and nylon things. Trust the thermostat on your iron —don’t turn it up too high.Don’t leave the kettle to boil away. Any don’t fill it to the brim for only a cup of tea!Cut out unnecessary lighting. Every little helps.Save It on heating. Do without a wall-fire if you can.Defrost the fridge regularly. Ice build-up wastes fuel. Don’t put hot food in either —if you do, the fridge has to work overtime.It makes energy sense to wait until you’ve a full load before using your washing machine.Cook a complete meal in the oven and Save It on the rings and grills. Roast chicken, veg, and baked sweet to follow?DictationGenerations of Americans have been brought up to believe / that a good breakfast is one of life’s essentials. / Eating breakfast at the start of the day, / we have all been told, / is as necessary as putting gasoline into the family car before starting a trip. / But for many people / the thought of food as the first thing in the morning is by no means a pleasure. / So despite all the efforts, / they still take no breakfast. / Between 1977 and 1983, / the latest year for which figures are available, / the number of people who didn’t have breakfast / increased by 33 percent from 8.8 million to 11.7 million / —according to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation of America. / For those who feel pain or guilt about not eating breakfast, however, / there is some good news. / Several studies in the last few years indicate / that there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast.Notes:京都议定书( Kyoto Protocol )为了21世纪的地球免受气候变暖的威胁,1997年12月,149个国家和地区的代表在日本东京召开《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方第三次会议,经过紧张而艰难的谈判,会议通过了旨在限制发达国家温室气体排放量以抑制全球变暖的《京都议定书》。



施心远主编《听力教程3》UnitUnit 10Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationDo You Risk Enough to Succeed?During the semi-finals of the 1990 Wimbledon(1)tennis tournament, 16-year-old Yugoslav Monica Seles faced American Zina Garriaon. As the match (2)proceeded, it became clear that Seles’s most formidable (3) opponent was not Garrison but herself.“The match was so close,” said a crestfallen Seles afterward. “I was going for the (4)safe shots. Even on Zina’s second serve I was (5) scared to hit the ball for winners.”When things get (6) tough, conventional wisdom tell us to (7) play it safe, to pull in your horns. Consequently, rather than performing to (8) our potential, we concentrate on minimizing our losers. The results can be (9) catastrophic.If you find yourself shying away from (10) risks, these five tips will help you (10) tap into the adventurous spirit buried in us all.1. Take (11) dreams seriously.2. Take it in little steps . When starting something new, (12) figure outa first step and make it one you are reasonably sure of (13) accomplishing.3. Don’t say “don’t”, The Don’ts, a form of (14) negative goal setting, can be self-fulfilling because your mind (15) responds to pictures.4. Make your own (16) rules.5. Learn from your mistakes.By (17)embracing risk, you will accomplish more than you (18)ever thought you could. In the process you will (19) transform your life into an exciting adventure that will constantly challenge, reward and (20) rejuvenate you.Part 2 listening for GistIt'll be a dull day, with outbreaks of rain. There may be some heavy showers in the south-west later, with perhaps the odd thunderstorm. The outlook for tomorrow: continuing dull, but there should be some breaks in the cloud by midday. It'll be quite warm, with a maximum temperature of about 16 to 17 degrees.Directions: Listen to the passage and write do wn the gist and the key words that help you decide.1. This passage is about a weather forecast.2. The key words are rain, showers, thunderstorm, outlook, maximum temperature.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialogueAdulthoodInterviewer: OK, Bruce, Ur, why is the late twenties better than, say, earlier twenties?Bruce: Ur, I think that when you’re in your, in the early twenties, you’re just getting over, um, teenage adolescent years, so now I think in the late twenties you kinda know a direction but, um, the early twenties are just too… you just kinda remember too many things of the teenage years and you're still trying to get a plan. But in the twenties, late twenties, you kind of know what you wanna do and you kind of have an idea of, of how to get it. And you know how to settle down, too. Y ou can see a plan for getting things and also settling down.Interviewer: Hmm, um, is there a time in your life that you think you would call the most difficult time?Bruce: Probably the teenage years, like fourteen, fifteen ...Interviewer: Yeah?Bruce: Sixteen.Interviewer: The mid teens.Bruce: Yeah, I think the mid teens were the worst.Interviewer: So, Julie, why would you like to be a little girl again?Julie: Um, I think, uh, I think lately because the age I'm at now, I feel, is kind of a stressful age.Interviewer: Huh.Julie: When you're, when you're younger, you don't have as many worries and responsibilities.Interviewer: Yeah.Julie: You don't have all the stresses of life as an adult. I think at the age I'm at now, when you get out of college and you need to find a job...Interviewer: Uh-huh.Julie: And I'm single and I can't depend on my parents anymore...Interviewer: Uh-huh.Julie: And I have new responsibilities - just trying to get used to having new responsibilitiesand also figure out what I wanna do - there's lots of decisions.Interviewer: Uh-huh.Julie: I don't always know what the best thing to do is. Um, those are things that I need to learn.Interviewer: Yeah.Julie: Yeah.Interviewer: So, Ann, why was being in your thirties good?Ann: Because in your thirties you pretty much know what you like and what you don't like,and you're kind of settled into life. And, at least for me, that was a really good time. Actually, now that my sons are married and, and they're independent...Interviewer: Uh-huh.Ann: When I come to, come to think about it, I probably do more interesting things now for myself than I did when I was in my thirties ...Interviewer: Huh! For example...Ann: Well, now I'm playing in an orchestra, which I would never've had time to do when the boys were little and, urn, and I, ur, read a lot more than I did.Interviewer: Do you and your husband go out more?Ann: Ha! We do! We do. We go out to movies, and we go out to dinner, and we hope to be able to travel!Directions: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the follo wing statements are true (T) or false (F).l. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T 8.TPart 2 PassageSocial SecurityThe Social Security system in the US is a major source of retirement income for many. Thus Social Security is a logical place to start answering the question: Can we afford to continue this trend of retiring ever earlier and living longer?The Social Security Administration projected income and expense for the Social Security fund from 20XX年to 2050. The figures for both income-tax revenues and benefits paid out are sobering*. It highlights the coming deficits in a system on which so many Americans depend for atleast a part of their livelihood during retirement.The gap between revenue and expense arises because of demographic shifts. The aging of theBaby Boomers and life-extending medical advances combine to create an imbalance in the Social Security system as designed.The system was established in 1935 and was intended as an insurance policy against a poverty-ridden old age, a not uncommon fate for the elderly during the first decades of the 20th century.The Social Security system has been expanded many times since its inception*. It now covers workers, disabled persons, and the dependents of each. The system also adjusts benefits for inflation annually.In the 1930s, life expectancy in the US was 59.7 years; many people never reached the age of retirement. In 20XX年, life expectancy was 77.6 years; most people today live for quite a while on Golden Pond*. We're living longer and drawing from the Social Security fund for more years with each passing generation. The declining age of retirement only exacerbates* this trend.In simple terms, if the number of those paying into the fund drops as the number of those drawing from it rises, an imbalance is sure to develop in the future.Barring any restructuring of the system beforehand, Social Security expenses will exceed revenues in the year 20XX年. At that point thesystem will begin to use reserves to meet its obligations. According to the Social Security Administration estimates, these reserves will carry the system through the mid-2030s. At that point, if not sooner, one of two things will need to be done: (1) The Social Security tax rate will need to be increased, or (2) Benefits paid out wij1 need to be reduced. The second solution may involve extending the retirement age to 70 or an even older age. Since none of these options is politically palatable (the elderly have the highest voting rate), it remains to be seen which will be implemented - most likely some combination of the two.Since 3 out of every 10 Americans aged 65 or older depend on Social Security payments for 90% or more of their income (and 3 out of 5 depend on Social Security for 50% or more of their income) we must ask an important question: Are those of us now in our 30s and 40s planning on an alternative or supplemental retirement income?A: Pre-listening QuestionActually, it is a government scheme that provides economic assistance to those people faced with sickness, unemployment, maternity and retirement, etc. In this case, the cost is paid entirely out of taxation. If the cost is met wholly or partly from contributions paid by employers to the state, the scheme is usually called national insurance.B: Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to so me sentences and write the m do wn. Y o uwill hear each sentence three times.1. Social Security is a logical place to start answering the question: Can we afford to continuethis trend of retiring ever earlier and living longer?2. It highlights the coming deficits in a system on which so many Americans depend for at leasta part of their livelihood during retirement.3. The Social Security system now covers workers, disabled persons, and the dependents of each, and the system also adjusts benefits for inflation annually.4. In simple terms, if the number of those paying into the fund drops as the number of those drawing from it rises, an imbalance is sure to develop in the future.5. Since none of these options is politically palatable, it remains to be seen which will be implemented - most likely some combination of the two.C: Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and choose the best ans wer to co mplete each of the following sentences.l. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. BD After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the follo wingquestions.The gap between revenues and expenses arises because of demographic shifts. The aging of the Baby Boomers and life-extending medical advances combine to create an imbalance in the Social Security system as designed. Social Security expenses will exceed revenues in the year 20XX年. At that point the system will begin to use reserves to meet its obligations. According to the Social Security Administration estimates, these reserves will carry the system through the mid-2030s.2. (Open)Section Three NewsNews Item 1For development organizations, the meetings are a time to discuss some of the unfinished business of the G-20. Last month in London, its leaders pledged $1 trillion to the IMF for loans and other assistance to help cushion the developing world from the effects of the global financial crisis But some questions remain. Activists say, for example, that the G-20 promised $100 billion for multi-lateral institutions like the African and Asian Development Banks, but did not specify where the money would come from.They also want clarification on how proposals made by the G-20 would work. One is the issuing of $250 billion worth of the IMF reserve currency, called Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs,to nations needing funding against the effects of the global financial downturn. It is estimated that nearly $19 billion would go to low income countries under the plan and $60 billion to middle income countries like Mexico and Brazil.SDRs, which are worth about $1.50 can be exchanged for the leading currencies, including the dollar, the euro and the yen.The IMF would distribute SDRs to states according to the size of their voting shares within the institution.A: Directions: Listen to the ne ws item and complete the summa ry.This news item is about the G-20’s financing aid for developing countries and activists’ doubt. B: Directions: Listen to the ne ws again and complete the following passage.Activists say that the G-20 promised $100 billion for institutions like the African and Asian Development Banks, but did not specify where the money would come from.Also they want to know how proposals made by the G-20 would work. For example, $250 billion worth of the IMF reserve currency, called Special Drawing Rights would be issued to nations needing funding. According to the plan, nearly $19 billion would go to low income countries and $60 billion to middle income countries.SDRs, which are worth about$1.50or 1 can be exchanged for the leading currencies.The IMF would distribute SDRs to states according tothe size of their voting shares within the institution.News Item 2President Obama says he is pleased with the results of his first international summit.He says it was productive, and predicts it will be seen as a turning point in the pursuit of a global economic recovery.Speaking to reporters just hours after the summit was adjourned, the president spoke of the consensus achieved by countries who came in with different priorities and perspectives.The president did not get a concrete promise from others for substantial increases in government domestic spending - a tool he has used at home to boost the U.S. economy. But there was agreement to provide funding for $1 trillion in additional loans and credits for struggling countries through the International Monetary Fund and other institutions. And the summit started the process of clamping down on tax havens for the wealthy and loosely regulated investment funds for the rich.Mr. Obama said the G-20 meeting approved critical, bold steps. He said there is no guarantee they will all work, but he stressed the healing process has begun.A: Directions: Listen to the ne ws item and complete the summa ry.This news item is about president obama’s com ment on the G-20 meeting.B: Directions: Listen to the ne ws again and ans wer the following questions.1.President Obama attended the G-20 meeting.2.He was pleased with the result.3.He boosted the U.S. economy with substantial increases in government domestic spending.4.No, it wasn’t.5.There was agreement to provide funding for $1 trillion in additional loans and credits forstruggling countries through the international Monetary Fund and other institutions.6.No, they w on’t.News Item 3The free-trade pact between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations brings together a market of 1.9 billion people. Already trade between the two is $200 billion a year, and that is expected to grow.The deal, signed in 20XX年, goes into effect on Friday, January 1, creating the world's third largest trade zone behind the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement.Under the pact, tariffs will be eliminated on about 90 percent of goods traded among China, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. For the remaining ASEAN states, Burma,Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, the tariff reductions will cone into effect in 20XX年.Chinese officials say about 7,000 items will have zero tariffs while preferential access will be given for companies from China and ASEAN into service industries such as tourism.China is likely to increase imports of ASEAN raw materials, food and beverages and luxury goods jewelry.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the summa ry.This news item is about the free trade deal between china and ASEAN.B: Directions: Listen to the ne ws again and decide whether the follo wing statements are true or false.1. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. F7. T8. TSection Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportGlobal Economic Upturn Seen as 20XX年Approaches 20XX年began with a sinking global economy paralyzed by a worldwide credit crunch, stung by a cascading failure of banks and financial institutions, and undermined by panic and pessimism on the part of consumers and investors from Wall Street to Tokyo. Central banks and governments fought back with massive cash injections, financial rescue packages and stimulus programs, but success in containing the crisis was far from assured.The global economy is expected to show a 1.1 percent drop in output for 20XX年, following a five percent expansion in 20XX年and three percent growth in 20XX年.The past year has seen sharp spikes in unemployment, which peaked at 10.2 percent in the United States, 9.8 percent in Europe, 9 percent in Brazil and 5.7 percent in Japan.But a turnaround is underway, according to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner“The U.S. economy and the world economy a re now growing again. Businesses are starting to invest again, consumers are now spending, business and consumer confidence has improved, global trade is now expanding at an encouraging pace.“But analysts warn that perils remain, and badly needed financial reforms in the United States and elsewhere have yet to be implemented Policymakers must also decide when to wind down unprecedentedlevels of government stimulus and financial support. Those measures were deemed necessary in the face of an economic crisis, but can spark inflation if sustained for too long.The global economic downturn struck advanced industrialized nations particularly hard, providing an opening for rising economic powers like India and China to shine on the world stage.For many nations, the passing of the financial crisis means attention must be refocused on long-term problems that preceded the global recession. In the United States, massive government debt continues to grow at a time when an aging population is placing ever-greater demands on social welfare programs.In much of the developing world, such as in Kenya, other challenges must be tackled.Unlike in past economic rebounds, the United States is not in a position to drive global growth.Analysts say global economic growth will likely be powered by rapid expansion in countries like China and India, with contributions also coming from lesser developed nations.A: Directions: Listen to the ne ws item and complete the summa ry.This news item is about the global economic upturn after the financial crisis.B: Directions: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the follo wingstatements are true (T) or false (F). Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.1. F2. T3. F4. F5. T6. T7. T8. FPart 2 PassageThursday is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin. His landmark book on evolution, On the Origin of Species, was published 150 years ago, and it's still considered perhaps the most important science book ever.In his book, Darwin described the idea of natural selection - species change and evolve, and organisms with characteristics more suitable to survival are more likely to reproduce. His ideas upended a 19th century world where most people believed that plants and animals always had their present form, and always would.His theory of evolution, as it's sometimes called, itself evolved over more than two decades, beginning with a five-year sea voyage aboard aBritish survey ship called the Beagle, where he served as naturalist, collecting specimens and observing exotic plants and animals.To get a larger picture of Charles Darwin the man and scientist, we're joined by an anthropologist who has written about Darwin and natural selection. We reached Mr. Milne r at his home in New Y ork.Charles Darwin was the son of two generations of English country physicians. He was born a naturalist, he said. When he was a little kid he loved poking under rocks, looking for fossils and bird's nests, making collections. His father shipped him off to medical school when he was 16 to be a doctor, like the rest of his family. But he couldn't stand the sight of blood.So then his father said, why don't you be a clergyman? So he was studying at Cambridge to be a churchman. But he could not get rid of this love he had for nature and trying to understand the birds and the beasts. And so when an offer came through one of his professors to be the ship's naturalist on a surveying ship, H.M.S. Beagle, that was going to do a five-year voyage around the world, he got permission to go, and he said, that was the start of my real life, that was the start of my real education.“So he sailed on the Beagle, which skirted around the coast of South America among other places in its journey over five years starting in 1831, and was there someplace along the line a "eureka moment" for Charles Darwin?”“Y eah, he had a eureka moment, but it had nothing to do with evolution.”“What was it that he saw during his voyage on the Beagle that firmed up for him the concept of natural selection?”“Well, Darwin, first of all, he was a collector on that ship. He collected thousands of specimens of rocks, fossils, insects, and birds. And he started to see patterns. He began to get the idea that all of life is related, and this is probably even more important than the idea of natural selection. The great tree of life. Darwin saw that we're all netted together, all living things are our cousins, and that's the foundation of evolutionary biology with or without natural selection.“Well, it's a pretty radical concept.”A: pre-listeningCharles Darwin (12 February 1809-19 April 1882) was an English naturalist who established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection. He published his theory with compelling evidence for evolution in his 1859 book on the origin of species. The scientific community and much of the general public came to accept evolution as a fact in his lifetime, but it was not until the emergence of the modern evolutionary synthesis from the 1930s to the 1950s that a broad consensusdeveloped that natural selection was the basic mechanism of evolution. In modified form, Darwin’s scientific discovery is the unifying theory of the life sciences, explaining the diversity of life.B: sentence Dictation1. His ideas upended a 19th century world where most people believed that plants and animals always had their present form, and always would.2. His theory of evolution, as it's sometimes called, itself evolved over more than two decades, beginning with a five-year sea voyage aboard a British survey ship.3. So he was studying at Cambridge to be a churchman. But he could not get rid of this love he had for nature and trying to understand the birds and the beasts.4. When an offer came through one of his professors to be the ship's naturalist on a surveying ship, H.M.S. Beagle, that was going to do a five-year voyage around the world, he got permission to go.5. Darwin saw that we're all netted together, all living things are our cousins, and that's the foundation of evolutionary biology with or without natural selection.C: Detailed ListeningDirections: lis ten to the passage and choose the best answer.1. B2. A3. A4. B.5. C6. D7. C8. BD: after-listening discussionDirections: listen to the passage again and discuss the follo wing questions.In his book, Darwin described the idea of natural selection----species change and evolve, and organisms with characteristics more suitable to survival are more likely to reproduce.。

全新版大学英语3听力教程原文及答案 第三册

全新版大学英语3听力教程原文及答案 第三册

全新版大学英语3综合教程听力原文及答案第三册Unit 1Part BText 1Dating with My Mother (Part One)After 22 years of marriage, I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. I started dating with another woman.It was Peggy's idea. One day she said to me, 'Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer.'The 'other' woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career. When I moved back near my hometown six years ago, I promised myself that I would spend more time with mom. But with the demands of my job and three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays.Mom was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie.'What's wrong?' she asked.'I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you,' I said. 'Just the two of us.''I would like that a lot,' she said.When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door with her coat on. Her hair was curled, and she was smiling. 'I told my lady friends I was going out with my son, and they were all impressed. They can't wait to hear about our evening,' Mother said.Questions:1. What would make the speaker closer to his wife, Peggy?2. What do you know about the speaker's mother?3. Which of the following adjectives best describes Peggy?Text 2Dating with My Mother (Part Two)We didn't go anywhere fancy, just a neighborhood place where we could talk. Since her eyes now see only large shapes and shadows, I had to read the menu for both of us.'I used to be the reader when you were little,' she said.'Then it is time for you to relax and let me return the favor,' I said.We had a nice talk over dinner, just catching up on each other's lives. We talked for so long that we missed the movie.'I'll go out with you again,' my mother said as I dropped her off, 'but only if you let me buy dinner next time.'I agreed.'How was your date?' my wife asked when I got home that evening.'Nice...nicer than I thought it would be,' I said.Mom and I get out for dinner a couple of times a month. Sometimes we take in a movie, butmostly we talk. I tell her about my trails at work and brag about the kids and Peggy. Mom fills me in on family gossip and tells me about her past. Now I know what it was like for her to work in a factory during the Second World War. I know how she met my father there, and know how they went through the difficult times. I can't get enough of these stories. They are important to me, a part of my history. We also talk about the future. Because of health problems, my mother worries about the days ahead.Spending time with my mom has taught me the importance of slowing down. Peggy was right. Dating another woman has helped my marriage.Questions:1. What does the story mainly tell us?2. Which of the following is true?3. What can you learn from the story?Part CConversation 1:W: You know, many American parents are now wondering why they can't keep their teenage children from drinking.M: I'm aware of that. To my mind, it's the permissive attitude of the parents that is to blame.Q: What can you learn from the man's response?Conversation 2:M: Don't you think it's good to give our children a monthly allowance?W: I think so. It can teach them the value of money. With a monthly allowance they can learn to budget their expenses wisely.Q: What are they talking about?Conversation 3:M: Mom, I've got a part-time job at a supermarket. Three hours a day weekdays and all day Saturday.W: Congratulations, Tom. But are you sure you can handle it? What about your homework and your piano lessons?Q: How does the mother feel about Tom's part-time job at the supermarket?Conversation 4:M: Hey, Mary. You look so upset. What happened?W: My father had an accident the other day. He is now in hospital and will have an operation tomorrow. You see, his heart is rather weak. I really don't know whether he can survive it.Q: What's the woman worried about?Conversation 5:W : Mother's Day is coming soon. Could you tell me what sons and daughters do in your country on that day?M: Well, they send their mothers flowers and cards to celebrate the occasion. Besides, it is a common practice for them to wear pink carnations on that day.Q: Which of the following is true of the customs of Mother's Day in the man's country?Part DMy First JobMy parents ran a small restaurant. It was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. My first job was shining shoes for customers when I was six years old. My duties increased as I grew older. By age ten I was clearing tables and washing plates. My father made it clear that I had to meet certain standards. I had to be on time, hard-working and polite to the customers. I was never paid for any work I did. One day I made the mistake of telling Dad I thought he should give me ten pounds a week. He said, "OK, then how about you paying me for the three meals a day when you eat here and for the times you bring your friends here for free drinks?" He figured I owed him about 40 pounds a week. This taught me quite a lot.Statements:1. The speaker had more than one responsibility at his parents' restaurant.2. The speaker's parents kept their business open around the clock.3. It can be inferred that the speaker's family lived in the United States.4. It seems that the speaker's father was very strict with him but quite kind to his friends.5. The father finally agreed to pay his child for his work but would deduct the cost of his meals.6. This story shows that the speaker has very unhappy memories of his childhood.重点单词及词组Part Brelationship 关系encouraging 奖励的widow 寡妇demands of 要求curled 卷曲的suspicious 可疑的driveway 车道got around to 抽出时间(做某事)Part CWondering 显出惊奇teenage 年青的be aware of 知道attitude 态度permissive 许可的to one’s mind根据某人的意见allowance 津贴,零用钱budget 预算handle 处理,操作survive 幸存occasion 时机,机会carnation 康乃馨Part Drestaurant 饭馆standard 标准shining 光亮的,华丽的Unit 2Part BText1What a Coincidence! (Part One)Andrew had always wanted to be a doctor. But the tuition for a medical school in 1984 was 15,000 dollars a year, which was more than his family could afford. To help him realize his dream, his father, Mr. Stewart, a real estate agent, began searching the house-for-sale ads in newspapers in order to find extra business. One advertisement that he noted down was for the sale of a house in a nearby town. Mr. Stewart called the owner, trying to persuade him to let him be his agent. Somehow he succeeded and the owner promised that he would come to him if he failed to get a good deal with his present agent. Then they made an appointment to meet and discuss the thing.As good things are never easy to acquire, the time for the appointment had to be changed almost ten times. On the day when they were supposed to meet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Stewart received another call from the owner. His heart sank as he feared there would be another change of time. And so it was. The owner told him that he couldn't make it at three but if he would come right then, they could talk it over. Mr. Stewart was overjoyed. Leaving everything aside, he immediately set out to drive to the house.As he approached the area, he had a strange feeling of having been there before. The streets, the trees, the neighborhood, all looked familiar to him. And when he finally reached the house, something clicked in his mind. It used to be the house of his father-in-law! The old man had died fifteen years ago but when he was alive, he had often visited him with his wife and children. He remembered that, like his son Andrew, his father-in-law had also wanted to study medicine and, failing to do so, had always hoped that one of his two daughters or his grandchildren could someday become a doctor.Questions:1. Who are the two main characters in the story you have just heard?2. How did Mr. Stewart get to know the owner of the house?3. What problem did Mr. Stewart have?4. What is the coincidence in the story you have just heard?Text2What a Coincidence! (Part Two)When he entered the house, Mr. Stewart was even more amazed to find that the house was decorated exactly as he had remembered it. He told the owner about this and the latter became intrigued too. However, they were in for even greater surprises. It so happened that in the middle of their discussion, a postman came to deliver a letter. And the letter was addressed to Mr. Stewart's father-in-law! Were it not for Mr. Stewart's presence there and then, the letter would be returned as no person of that name lived in the house any longer. As the postman demanded a signature on the receipt slip, Mr. Stewart signed for his long-deceased father-in-law. Mystified, the owner urged Mr. Stewart to open the letter and see what it contained. The letter was from a bank. When he opened it, two words immediately met his eye -- 'For education'. It was a bank statement of an amount his father-in-law had put in years ago for his grandchildren's education needs. With the interest it had earned over the years, the standing value of the amount came to a little over $15,000, just enough money to cover the tuition of Andrew's first year at a medical college!Another thing that is worth mentioning is about the postman. The original postman, who had worked in this neighborhood, called in sick that day. So the postman, who was new to the area, came to deliver mail in his place. Had it been the old postman, the letter would undoubtedly be returned to the sender as he knew full well that no person bearing that name lived in that house any longer.The miracle was a blessing for Andrew. With the money given to him by his grandfather he was able to study medicine. Now he is a doctor in Illinois.Statements:1. Several coincidences happened in the story.2. The coincidences made it possible for the owner to sell his house at a good price.3. No one actually benefited from the coincidences.4. It can be inferred that Mr. Stewart did not have to seek extra work from then on.5. With the extra money Mr. Stewart had earned, Andrew's dream finally came true.Part CDad Stops for Gas, Finds Lost SonNueng Garcia was the son of an American serviceman stationed in Thailand in 1969. But his father went back to the States when Nueng was only three months old. When he grew up Nueng immigrated to the United States and worked as a gas station clerk in Pueblo, Colorado. His dream was to find his father John Garcia. Year after year, he tried in vain to search for information about the whereabouts of his father.It was a fine day in Pueblo. There was not a cloud in the blue sky. But for him, it was just another day on the job. Suddenly he noticed the name of one customer who paid with a check. The man, who was in his fifties, had the same surname as his own. Nueng raised his head from the check and looked at the man. Could this be his father?"Are you John Garcia?" he asked."Yes," came the answer."Were you ever in the Air Force?""Yes.""Were you ever in Thailand?""What's that to do with you?" answered the man, who became suspicious by then."Were you or were you not?" Nueng persisted."Yes.""Did you ever have a son?"At this truth dawned on the man. They stared at each other and realized at the same moment that they were father and son who were separated 27 years ago and half a world away.John Garcia hadn't seen his son since 1969. He lost touch with Nueng's mother when she started seeing another man. He moved to Pueblo nine years ago. He said he never went to that gas station, wasn't even low on gas that day and hardly ever paid with a check.Statements:1. Nueng's parents divorced when he was only 3 months old.2. After moving to the U.S.A., Nueng worked at a gas station in Colorado.3. Nueng never gave up his efforts to find his father, but John Garcia had never looked for his son.4. One day while at work Nueng's eyes fell on the photo of a customer's driver's license, and the man in the photo looked like his father.5. John Garcia was once in the U.S. Air Force stationed in Thailand.6. John Garcia and his son didn't meet each other again until 1996.7. Nueng's father said he often went to that gas station but never paid with a check.8. It was by coincidence that John Garcia and his son were reunited after many years of separation.Part DUnexplained ParallelsOne of the best-known collections of parallels is between the careers of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Both were shot on a Friday, in the presence of their wives; both were succeeded by a Southerner named Johnson; both their killers were themselves killed before they could be brought to justice. Lincoln had a secretary called Kennedy; Kennedy a secretary called Lincoln. Lincoln was killed in the Ford Theater; Kennedy met his death while riding in a Lincoln convertible made by the Ford Motor Company -- and so on.Similar coincidences often occur between twins. A news story from Finland reported of two 70-year-old twin brothers dying two hours apart in separate accidents, with both being hit by trucks while crossing the same road on bicycles. According to the police, the second victim could not have known about his brother's death, as officers had only managed to identify the first victim minutes before the second accident.Connections are also found between identical twins who have been separated at birth. Dorothy Lowe and Bridget Harrison were separated in 1945, and did not meet until 1979, when they were flown over from Britain for an investigation by a psychologist at the University of Minnesota. They found that when they met they were both wearing seven rings on their hands, two bracelets on one wrist, a watch and a bracelet on the other. They married on the same day, had worn identical wedding dresses and carried the same flowers. Dorothy had named her son Richard Andrew and her daughter Catherine Louise; Bridget had named her son Andrew Richard and her daughter Karen Louise. In fact, she had wanted to call her Catherine. Both had a cat called Tiger.They also had a string of similar mannerisms when they were nervous.How can we explain the above similarities?Statements:1. Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were killed by a Southerner.2. John F. Kennedy's secretary was named after Abraham Lincoln.3. The news story told about the traffic accidents that killed two twin brothers.4. It can be inferred from the passage that more parallel phenomena are studied in the United States than in any other country.5. Coincidences occurring in three nations are described in the passage.6. Some psychologists' interest is the research on coincidences between twins.7. According to the speaker, coincidences occur much more often between twins than between people who are not related.8. The speaker does not mention his/her own opinion on whether these parallels can be explained.重点单词及词组Part Bcoincidence 一致,巧合tuition 学费real estate 房地产persuade 劝说appointment 约会acquire 获得,学会be supposed to 应该,被指望decorate 装饰intrigue 激起…的兴趣signature 签名receipt slip 收款便条mystified 迷惑tuition 学费Part Cimmigrate 移来,移居whereabouts 下落,行踪lost touch with 和某人失去联系Part Dunexplained 不清楚的parallels 导轨in the presence of 在面前justice 正义,合理convertible 可改变的victim 受害人,牺牲者identify 识别,鉴别investigation 调查,研究psychologist 心理学者bracelet 手镯string 一串,一行mannerism 特殊习惯,怪僻Unit 3Part BA Marriage Agreement (Part One)(Tom and Linda have signed a marriage agreement. Both agree not to break the rules outlined in the agreement. John, a reporter, is talking to them about the agreement.)John: Tom, Linda, first I'd like to ask you why you decided to write this unusual agreement. Tom: We found that many problems are caused when a person has different expectations from his or her spouse. We wanted to talk about everything openly and honestly before we started living together.Linda: Also we both know how important it is to respect each other's pet peeves. Like, I can get very annoyed if others leave stuff -- clothing, papers, everything! -- lying around on the floor. It really bugged me, so we put that in the agreement.John: This is mentioned in Article 1: Cleaning Up, isn't it? It says, "Nothing will be left on the floor overnight. Everything must be cleaned up and put away before going to bed."Tom: Then I'll know clearly what Linda's expectations are.John: I see. What about Article 2: Sleeping? It says, "We will go to bed at 11 p.m. and get up at 6:30 a.m. except on weekends." I'm sure some people hearing this will think that this agreement isn't very romantic.Tom: Well, we disagree. We think it's very romantic. This agreement shows that we sat down and talked, and really tried to understand the other person. A lot of problems occur in a marriage when people don't talk about what they want.Linda: That's right. When we disagreed about something, we worked out a solution that was good for both of us. I would much rather have Tom really listen to me and understand my needs than give me a bunch of flowers or a box of candy.Questions:1. Which statement best summarizes the marriage agreement between Tom and Linda?2. According to Tom, what will give rise to problems in a marriage?3. What can be inferred about Linda from the conversation?Text 2A Marriage Agreement (Part Two)John: Linda, do you spend a lot of time checking to see if the other person is following the rules? Arguing?Linda: No, not at all.Tom: A lot of couples argue because they don't understand each other's expectations. I think we spend less time arguing than most couples because we both know what the other person expects. John: What happens if one of you breaks a rule?Tom: Well, that's in Article 13 of our agreement.John: Is it? Oh yes, Article 13: Breaking Rules. "If you break a rule, you must apologize and do something nice for the other person to make it up."Linda: Yeah, like last time Tom broke the rule of driving.John: What's the rule?Linda: The rule is we must ask for directions if we are driving and get lost for more than fiveJohn: What happened?Tom: We were driving to a friend's wedding, and we got lost. Linda wanted to stop at a gas station to ask for directions, but I thought I could figure it out.Linda: Then we drove forty miles in the wrong direction and ended up being late for the wedding. Tom: So I took her out to dinner. I knew what I should do to apologize.John: That's very important, I think, knowing how to apologize. By the way, do you plan to update your agreement at all? What if things change in your life and a rule doesn't work anymore? Linda: We've thought about that too. Article 14 states that we must review this agreement once a year and make necessary changes.John: Well, it was really nice talking to you both. Thank you very much for your time.Tom & Linda: Thank you.Statements:1. Tom and Linda never argue because they both know what the other person expects.2. Once Tom broke Article 14 and apologized to Linda by taking her out to dinner.3. If some of the rules in the marriage agreement become outdated, changes will be made to update them.4. It seems that both Tom and Linda are satisfied with their marriage agreement.Part CA Perfect MatchAre you looking for a good relationship with someone special? What type of person is the best person for you? Is it the person with the highest IQ? Is it the most beautiful or most handsome person? How about the richest person or the most ambitious? Is your ideal partner the most traditional or the most modern person? Is he or she the person most like you, or most unlike you?The answer, psychologists say, is none of the above. Why? Because they are all extremes. In a number of research studies, psychologists asked couples these questions. The answers were clear. Most people are happy with moderation -- with partners who are not the most or the best (or the least or the worst). People are more comfortable with partners who are not so special.The research showed several other important things. In a love relationship, two things can cause trouble. First, trouble happens when both people get angry quickly. This is not surprising. Second, trouble happens when people don't expect to change themselves in a relationship. Do you stay calm when you disagree with someone? Are you ready to change yourself? If you can tolerate disagreement and are willing to change, maybe you are ready for a serious relationship.Statements:1. The passage implies that the perfect match for you is a person who is most unlike you.2. The author argues that the most beautiful or most handsome person may not be your perfect partner.3. Moderate person, that is, the partners who are not the most or the best can be your perfect match.4. The research showed that an extreme love relationship between the two can cause trouble.5. The passage states that the anger is one of the causes that lead to the breakup of a love relationship.6. The perfect match lies in the people's attitudes to tolerate disagreement and be willing to change in a relationship.Part DHusbands and Wives Don't See Things AlikeLet's face it -- husbands and wives just don't see things alike. Take TV remote controls, for example. I'm a channel-grazer. When I watch the news, I flip back and forth through four different networks."It drives me crazy when you do that," my wife complains. I don't understand why she has no interest in other channels. After all, she is a woman who wants to know everything going on in the neighborhood and among all the relatives. Just one button away might be an interesting program on How to Lose Fifty Pounds by Eating Chocolate Sundaes or How to Understand Weird Husbands. But, no, she won't change channels, not even if she dislikes the program she's watching."This talk show host makes me so angry!" she cried one evening."Then why don't you change the channel?" I asked."Because I can't stand people who are always changing channels."Differences. No right or wrong, just differences."The first law of civilization," said an old philosopher, "is to let people be different."I don't need to convert my wife to my ways, and she doesn't try to make me be like her. We simply take turns monitoring the remote control.Statements:1. The major difference between the speaker and his wife is their TV viewing habits.2. According to the speaker, he is more interested in talk shows while his wife is more interested in news programs.3. The wife seems to be more weird than the husband is.4. The speaker and his wife usually take turns working the remote control when they watch television.5. It can be inferred that women are generally more tolerant than men of their spouse's differences.6. The speaker and his wife maintain peace not by changing each other but by tolerance.重点单词及词组Part Bexpectation 期望,期待bug 打扰peeve 麻烦的事物spouse 配偶solution 解决办法 a bunch of 一捆candy 糖果expectation 期望apologize 道歉end up 最终以…为结局Part Cpsychologist 心理学者ambitious 有雄心的moderation 适度tolerate 忍受Part Dcomplain 抱怨civilization 文明,文化philosopher 哲学家monitor 监控convert 使转换Unit 4Part BText 1Being a Police Officer Is a Stressful JobInterviewer: Welcome to our program, Sam.Sam: Thank you.Interviewer: Sam, how long have you been a police officer?Sam: I've been a police officer for thirty years.Interviewer: Thirty years. And you've had different types of assignments on the police force, I guess.Sam: Yeah, I've done everything from patrol to undercover work to detective work, and now I'm supervising investigations.Interviewer: Sam, I think most people would say that being a police officer is a very stressful job. Would you agree?Sam: Yes, it's definitely a stressful job. But it depends on your assignment.Interviewer: So, what's probably the most stressful assignment you can have?Sam: I'd say patrol is the most stressful assignment.Interviewer: That's interesting! In what way?Sam: Well, I guess the biggest part of the stress is the fear factor -- the fear of the unknown. Interviewer: What do you mean, Sam?Sam: Well, in patrol work, you don't know from moment to moment who you are talking to or what their reaction is going to be to justify your presence. Let's say, for example, a patrol officer stops someone for a traffic violation. It seems as though that would be a very low-stress situation. Interviewer: Yes, it is a very low-stress situation.Sam: But the truth is, there are more police officers injured during a routine stop.Interviewer: Really?Sam: Really! That's why all police officers are taught from the very beginning to be aware of their surroundings. People back over policemen, people shoot policemen, people jump out at policemen -- different kinds of things. So that's probably the most stressful time.Interviewer: I see. Let's take a break and then we'll move on to our next topic.Sam: All right.Questions:1. What's the relationship between the two speakers?2. What does Sam mainly talk about?3. What do you know about Sam?Text 2Stress ReducersInterviewer: Sam, you've talked about the police officers' stressful time. Now let's move on to the next topic. So far as I know, there's a connection between stress and illness. Do you think that there's a higher percentage of illness among police officers than in the general population? I mean, do they get more colds or anything? Is this really true?Sam: Yes, it is, and the stress level not only manifests itself in daily health -- whether or not you've feeling well on any given day. It also manifests itself in things like ulcers, heart disease -- police officers tend to have a higher rate of heart disease and ulcers than people in other professions.Interviewer: Really? That's documented?Sam: Yes, it's documented. And also the divorce rate among police officers is much higher. Interviewer: Is there something that the police department does to help you deal with this stress? Sam: Yes, there are several programs that most police departments have in place. One is an exercise program where some part of your day is spent on some type of physical exercise. They've found that's a great stress reducer. Besides, there's also a psychological program with counseling for officers to help them reduce their stress. And there are several discussion groups as well. They've found that sometimes just sitting around and talking about the stress with other officers helps to reduce it. So, those things are available.Interviewer: And what do you do, personally, to help you deal with the stress of your job, Sam? Sam: Well, during the baseball season, I'm the biggest baseball fanatic, and I will either be reading about baseball, or listening to baseball, or watching baseball. Another thing I try to do is to get some sort of exercise every day. And then I work hard at keeping up my personal relationships, especially my relationship with my wife. Fortunately I get along very well with my wife. When I come back home, I can talk about my day with her, and then just forget about it.Statements:1. The dialogue is mainly about how police officers can deal with stress.2. According to Sam, most police officers enjoy good health.3. According to Sam, the divorce rate among police officers is higher than among people in other jobs.4. Counseling is the most effective program to help police officers relieve stress.5. Sam knows how to reduce his stress.Part CShort Conversations1. M: You look so nervous, Rose. Are you all right?。


• What online stores attract me most is that they offer good prices, lower than at conventional retail stores.
• Online shopping is convenient. You can go shopping 24 hours a day. There are no limited store business hours.
n. a person regarded as strange
because of unusual appearance or behaviour 怪人 n. a mixture of lime with
cement, sand and water, used
in building to bond bricks or stones 砂浆;灰浆 a. attracting much attention or publicity 持引人注意的姿态的 v. to imitate 模仿
Unit 13 Inventions
Pre-listening Task
Language Focus
My grandparents take aspirin every day. They usually take it before going to bed. It is said that aspirin can prevent blood clotting so it can reduce the risk of heart attacks.
Unit 13 Inventions
Listening Tasks
Speaking Tasks



《英语听力教程3》答案与听力材料UNIT 1Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: burning of the forests/tree removal (deforestation)/reduction of the world's rain forests2: global warming/greenhouse effect/emissions of CO2Part II The Earth at risk (I)A. Keys:1.a. More people--------→more firewood----→fewer treesb. More domestic animals------→more plants-----→fewer available plantsa, b--→More desert----→move south-----→desrtt expanding south----→no grass2. Growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. But if there isn't enough rain the crops don't grow.3. People try to grow food to support themselves or to create ranches where cattle can be raised, or to get hardwood for export, or to make way for an iron ore mineB. Keys:1: Sahara Desert2: North America & most of Europe3: top soil blowing away4: tropical forests destruction5: animal/plant species becoming extinct6: climate change for the whole worldPart III The Earth at risk (II)A. Keys:1: Trees would hold rainfall in their roots. When forests in the higher up-river have been destroyed, all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows straight into the river and starts the flooding.2: He implies that some national governments just consider the results of their policies in the near future, or just think as far ahead as the next election.B. Keys:1: flooding in Bangladesh2: Action to be taken3: population controlPart IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global Warming Keys:1: Warming up of the world2: Effects of global3: reduced potential for food production4: change of patterns of hear-related food poisoning, etc.Part V Do you know…?A. Keys:1: F 2: F 3: F 4: F 5: TB. Keys:Dos 1: your towels 2: Cut out 3: a wall-fire 4: fridge 5: wait until you've a full load6: a complete mealDon’ts 7: iron everything 8: the iron up 9: the kettle 10: to the brim 11: hot foodTape scriptPart I Getting readyA.B.1.The Amazon forests are disappearing because of increased burning and tree removal. In September, satellite pictures showed more than 20000 fires burning in the Amazon. Experts say most of these fires were set by farmers. The farmers were attempting to clear land to grow crops. The World Wildlife Fund says another serious problem is that too many trees in the Amazon rain forest are being cut down. The World Wildlife Fund says the fires show the need for urgent international action to protect the world's rain forests. The group warns that without such action some forests could be lost forever.2. Environmental issues swell to the full in Berlin this week, for the UN spongsored conference on global warming and climate change is the first such meeting since the Rio summit three years ago. With scientists and governments now generally ready to accept that the earth climate is being affected by emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, over a hundred countries are sending delegations. But how much progress has been made implementing the greenhouse gas reduction target agreed on at Rio? Simon Dary reports...Part II The Earth at risk (I)A.I (Interviewer): Brian Cowles is the producer of a new series of documentaries called "The Earth at Risk" which can be seen on Channel 4 later this month. Each program deals with a different continent, doesn't it, Brian?B (Brian Cowles): That's right. We went to America, both North and South and then we went over to Africa and South-East Asia.I: And what did you find in each of these continents?B: Starting with Africa, our film shows the impact of the population on the environment. Generally speaking, this has caused the Sahara Desert to expand. It's abit of a vicious circle we find. People cut down trees for firewood and their domestic animals eat all the available plants — and so consequently they have to move south as the Sahara Desert expands further south. I mean, soon the whole of Mali will become a desert. And in East Africa: here the grasslands are supporting too many animals and the result is, of course, there's no grass — nothing for the animals to eat. I: I see. And the next film deals with North America?B: That's right. In the USA, as you know, intensive agriculture requires a plentiful supply of rain for these crops to grow, I mean if there isn't enough rain the crops don't grow. And growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. This is also true for any region that is intensely farmed — most of Europe, for example.I: And what did you find in South America?B: In South America (as in Central Africa and Southern Asia) tropical forests are being cut down at an alarming rate. This is done so that people can support themselves by growing food or to create ranches where cattle can be raised to be exported to Europe or America as tinned meat. The problem is that the soil is so poor that only a couple of harvests are possible before this very thin soil becomes exhausted. And it can't be fed with fertilizers like agricultural land in Europe.For example, in Brazil in 1982 an area of jungle the size of Britain and France combined was destroyed to make way for an iron ore mine. Huge numbers of trees are being cut down for exports as hardwood to Japan, Europe, USA to make things like luxury furniture. These forests can't be replaced —the forest soil is thin and unproductive and in just a few years, a jungle has become a waste land. Tropical forests contain rare plants (which we can use for medicines, for example) and animals —one animal or plant species becomes extinct every half hour. These forest trees also have worldwide effects. You know, they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. The consequence of destroying forests is not only that the climate of that region changes (because there is less rainfall) but this change affects the whole world. I mean, over half the world's rain forest has been cut down this century.Part III The Earth at risk (II)A.I: So, Brian, would you agree that what we generally think of as natural disasters are in fact man-made?B: Yes, by and large. I mean, obviously not hurricanes or earthquakes, but take flooding, for example. Practically every year, the whole of Bangladesh is flooded and this is getting worse. You know, the cause is that forests have been cut down up in Nepal and India, I mean higher up-river in the Himalayas. Trees would hold rainfall in their roots, but if they've been cut down all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows sraight into the river Ganges and floods the whole country. The reason for flooding in Sudan is the same — the forests higher up the Blue Nile in Ethiopia have been destroyed too.I: Well, this all sounds terribly depressing. Um ... What is to be done? I mean, cananything be done, in fact?B: Yes, of course it can. First, the national governments have to be forward-looking and consider the results of their policies in ten or twenty years, not just think as far ahead as the next election. Somehow, all the countries in the world have to work together on an international basis. Secondly, the population has to be controlled in some way: there are too many people trying to live off too little land. Thirdly, we don't need tropical hardwood to make our furniture —it's a luxury people in the West must do without. Softwoods are just as good, less expensive and can be produced on environment-friendly "tree farms", where trees are replaced at the same rate that they are cut down.I: And, presumably, education is important as well. People must be educated to realize the consequences of their actions?B: Yes, of course.I: Well, thank you, BrianB.I: So, Brian, would you agree that what we generally think of as ... er... as er ... natural disasters are in fact man-made?B: Yes, by and large ... er ... I mean, obviously not hurricanes or earthquakes, but take flooding, for example. I mean, practically every year, the whole of Bangladesh is flooded and this is getting worse. You know, the cause is that forests have been cut down up in Nepal and India ... I mean ... higher up-river in the Himalayas. Trees ...er ... would hold rainfall in their roots, but if they've been cut down all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows straight into the river Ganges and floods the whole country. The reason for flooding in Sudan is the same — the forests higher up the Blue Nile in Ethiopia have been destroyed too.I: Well, this all sounds terribly depressing. Um ... what is to be done? I mean, can anything be done, in fact?B: Yes, of course it can ... er ... first, the national governments have to be forward-looking and consider the results of their policies in ten or twenty years, not just think as far ahead as the next election. Somehow, all the countries in the world have to work together on an international basis. Secondly, the population has to be controlled in some way: there are too many people trying to live off too little land. Thirdly, we don't need tropical hardwood to make our furniture —it's a luxury people in the West must do without. Softwoods are just as good, less expensive and can be produced on environment-friendly "tree farms", where trees are replaced at the same rate that they are cut down.I: And, presumably, education is important as well. People must be educated to realize the consequences ... um ... of their actions?B: Yes, yes of course.I: Well, thank you, Brian.Part IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global WarmingThe world is warming up. We know this because average temperatures are the highest since scientists started measuring them 600 years ago. The increase is about0.2℃every year. This may seem very slight, but we know that slight changes in temperature can have a big effect on other things. Most scientists now believe this global warming is due to human activity.Jeff Jenkins is head of Britain's Climate Prediction Center. He explains how global warming can happen."Sunlight strikes the earth and warms it up. At the same time heat leaves the earth, but part of that is trapped by carbon dioxide and other gases in the earth's atmosphere. That has been happening ever since the earth was formed. But the fear is that increasing amounts of carbon dioxide produced by industrial processes and transport and so on will lead to a greater warming of the earth's surface. So that's the golbal warming that people are concerned about."People are most concerned about the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are oil, coal, wood and so on. When these burn, they produce the gas carbon dioxide. Many scientists agree that an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and some of the gases in the atmosphere will increase the amount of warming. Computers are being used to predict what this may mean. They showed that there could be great changes in rainfall and the rise in the sea level as ice caps in the north and south poles melt. This could have a serious effect on agriculture according to Prof. Martin Perry of University College in London. He says it could become more difficult to grow food in the tropics at lower latitudes nearer to the equator."The most clear pattern emerging is the possibility of reduced potential production in lower latitude regions, and most generally speaking, increased potential in higher latitude regions. Lower latitude regions are already warm, to put it extremely simply, and plants there are quite near their limits of heat and drought stress. An increase in temperature or reduction in moisture would place limits on crop growth." Woman: Global warming could reduce food production in lower latitude regions. Lower latitude regions are already warm. Global warming could put more stress on plans and place limits on crop growth.Food production is only one area that could be affected. There could also be health and social problems. Prof. Antony MacMichael of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine believes that some rural areas are already suffering. And the insects and bacteria could spread disease more easily."Already a number of rural populations around the world are suffering from the decline of agricultural systems. Climate change would add to this. And we would expect that it would accelerate the flood of environmental refugees around the world. But it includes not just the food production systems, but the patterns of distribution of insects and infective agents around the world. It includes likely effects on patterns of hear-related food poisoning, water contamination and diarrhea diseases, lots of things like this that would respond sensitively to changes in climate." Woman: Global warming could affect the distribution of insects. Global warming could change patterns of heat-related food poisoning.Many countries now agree that something must be done to reduce the danger of global warming. But a worldwide agreement on lowering the production of carbon dioxide has been difficult to reach. This is because many economies depend on fossilfuels like oil. Scientists believe it's now the politicians in every region of the world who need to take action.Part V Do you know…?Environment has taken rather a back seat politically since the Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro nearly 5 years ago. But the problems that meeting highlighted had not gone away. One environmental think tank —the International Food Policy Research Institute — has been looking at the future of water and its report reflects growing concern at the huge leap in usage over the past few years.In some parts of the world, water consumption has increased five fold. And the institute, known by its initials IFPRI, says shortages could soon become the trigger for conflict and a major barrier to feeding the world's growing population. Here's Richard Black of our Science Unit."It's often been said that water rather than oil will be the cause of warfare in the next century. According to the IFPRI report, the time when that happens might not be far away. The number of people affected by water shortage will increase ten fold over the next 30 years, it says, which could well lead to large scale conflicts.The main reason why water is becoming a scarce resource is agriculture, which now accounts for 70% of water consumption worldwide, 90% in some developing countries. Countless farmers have switched from growing indigenous crops for the home market to high yield export varieties, which inevitably need far more water. But the IFPRI report says that in some regions water shortage is now the single biggest impediment to feeding the population. Water scarcity also leads to water pollution. In the Indian State of West Bengal, for example, over extraction of water from bore holes has led to arsenic poisoning which is estimated to have affected two million people so far. But the IFPRI report calls for better water management worldwide including financial incentives to encourage conservation."That report by Richard Black of our Science Unit.Unit 2Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: International Union for the Conservation of Nature,United Nations, wildlife, policies2: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species,trade, animals and plants, 1975, prohibits, 8000, controls,300003: United Nations Environmental Program,leadership, environment, quality of life4: World Wide Fund for Nature(formerly World Wildlife Fund) ,1961, Sahara Desert, North America & most of Europe,top soil blowing awayC. Keys:1: 2 2: 4 3: 5 4: 1,6 5: 3Questions:1: They work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife2: They are campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.Protected-nesting sites for turtles have been set up3: It refers to the places of safety in the sea where sea animals are protected and allowed to live freelyPart II Christmas bird countsA. Keys:1: Jan. 3rd 2: more than 40 000 volunteers 3: 1 600 4: a 15 mile diameter5: an American artist 6: their natural habitats 7: the late 1800sB. Keys:1: start 2: sponsored 3: outside counting birds 4: experienced bird watchers5: anyone that is interested or concerned 6: scheduled 7: 10 people taking part 8: 15 mile diameter circle 9: the total bird populations 10: the number of birds 11: the longest-running bird census 12: undefinedPart III Dolphin captivityA.B. Keys:1: 1 2: 3 3: 4 4: 5 5: 26: Dolphins should be kept in captivity.7: There are educational benefits of keeping marine mammals in captivity.C. Keys:1: stress (family-oriented) 2: sonar bouncing off3: average age of death; life getting better for captive dolphins4: natural behabior patterns-altered5: suffering from fractured skulls, ribs or jaws6: can't learn from animals in the wild how they operate, breed, what they need, etc. Part IV More about the topic: Birds----A Source of WealthKeys:1:9300 2:Habitat 3:warmer climates 4:300 different species5:colder climates 6:habitat alteration 7:esthetic value 8:Birds' population Par t V Do you know…?Keys:1: one and one-half million 2: 20 times3: 100 4: 40000 5: 65 million6: 3500 7: 2 million square miles 8: 3%9: 200 animal species 10: 100011: a third 12: two-thirds 13: three-quartersTape scriptPart I Getting readyA: Hello, I'm calling on behalf of the World Wildlife Fund.B: The what?A: The World Wildlife Fund. If you've got a few minutes I'd like to tell you what that means.B: Oh, all right.A: We work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife. The seas, for example, have become polluted by the industrialized world; whales are being hunted to extinction; turtles are rolled off their eggs when they come ashore to breed or are slaughtered for their meat and oil …B: Oh.A: Crocodiles are killed to make handbags and shoes; walruses are huntedfor their ivory.B: I see.A: Seals are bludgeoned to death to provide fur coats and the threat of extinction hangs over several species of whale, dolphin and porpoise.B: Really.A: We are now campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.B: Very interesting.A: Aided by our campaign, protected nesting sites for turtles have already been set up. As you can see, this is very valuable work and I wonder therefore if you'd like to make a donation?Part II Christmas bird countsJohn James Audubon was an American artist in the early 1800s, who illustrated birds in their natural habitats. The Society named after him was founded in the late 1800s by conservationists concerned with the decline of birds, which were being killed so their feathers could be used in the manufacture of women's hats.Sponsored by the National Audubon Society, more than 40 000 volunteers will be outside counting birds from today until January 3rd. Volunteers from all 50 states of the United States, every Canadian province, parts of Central and South America, Bermuda, the West Indies and Pacific islands have begun to count and record every individual bird and bird species observed during the two and one half week period of the count.Jeffrey LeBaron is the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count editor. He says the count is the longest-running bird census in ornithology.This year, according to Mr. LeBaron, more than 1 600 separate bird counts have been scheduled. Some would have as few as 10 people taking part, others with hundreds. The logistics of the Christmas bird count, he adds, are simple."Each individual count is in a circle. It's a 15 mile diameter circle, um, around the exact center point. And it's always the exactly same area that's done every year, usually, even on the same weekend during the count period. And what the ideal would be, which is virtually impossible, is this census: every single individual bird within that circle on the count day."Mr. LeBaron says experienced bird counters can get a good idea of the total birdpopulations within the count circle based on the number of birds they actually see. The editor points out, however, that the counts are not only for experienced bird watchers."Anybody that is interested or concerned can become involved. Beginners will go out in a party with experienced individuals who know both the area and the birds in the area, in the field where more eyes and ears are better. And then anybody can point out a bird, and someone in the field will always be able to identify the bird."Part III Dolphin captivityA: A planned aquatic park in Denver is raising the ire of animal rights activists who object to a proposal to include a captive dolphin display. Although officials for Colorado's Ocean Journeys say they have yet to make a final decision on the issue, local and national activists have already instigated a "No Dolphins in Denver' campaign. As Colorado Public Radio's Peter Jones reports, the battle lines have been clearly drawn.P: Rick Troud, a former navy dolphin trainer based in Florida, is taking an active role in the "No Dolphins" campaign.R: Average age in the wild ranges anywhere in some of the studies between 30 and 40 years of age. In captivity, you can expect a dolphin to live maybe 5.13 years, and every 7 years in captivity, the dolphin population is dead.P: According to Troud, there are many reasons why dolphins can't live full lives in captivity.R: If you take a look at where the real dolphin is in the real ocean, you find the dolphin who swims 40 miles a day, is very family-oriented. These animals are separated from their mothers; that's a stress. You put them in a concrete tank where their sonar bounces off of walls, they can't swim in the same amount of time and direction that they can in the wild.P: Environmentalist and ocean explorer, Jean Michel Cousteau:J: There are some animals which reject captivity right away, and they're very suicidal. I've had one of those in my own arms for many days. The next morning when I came to take care of him, he was dead. And what he'd done was to swim as fast as he could from one end of the pool on ... to the other side and destroyed his head by hitting the wall. They have a very sophisticated brain. I don't think we have any rights to play with the lives of these animals. P: Cousteau's anti-captivity position is challenged by Dr. Deborah Duffield, a biology professor at Portland State College in Oregon. Her 1990 study compared captive dolphins to the wild population of Sarasota Bay, Florida. Among other findings, the study showed little if any difference in the average age of death. And Duffield says life is generally getting better for captive dolphins.D: The census data say that every time I do a census, I've got older and older animals in it as well as this normal age distribution that we've been looking at. So my feeling is that the trend in captivity has been that the group of animals that we're following are getting older, and if they continue to do that over thenext five years, they will then indeed be older than the wild population.P: There is also a debate over the educational benefits of keeping marine mammals in captivity. According to Duffield, captive dolphins play an important role in our basic understanding of the animals.D: I firmly believe that we cannot learn anything about organisms that we share this world with if we do not understand how they live in an environment, and what they do, and that watching them go by in the wild will not do it. I cannot tell what an animal needs, unless I know how it operates, how it breeds, what it needs metabolically, and I can't learn that from animals in the wild. P: But Troud says the dolphin displays are anti-educational because the animals' natural behavior patterns are altered by captivity.R: In the wild, you don't have dolphins who beat each other to death. There are no dolphins that I've ever seen stranded on the beach, who are suffering from fractured skulls, fractured ribs or fractured jaws, as is the case in captivity.P: The Ocean Journey board will take all factors into consideration before making a final decision on whether to include dolphins in the park. For Colorado Public Radio, I'm Peter Jones.Part IV More about the topic: Birds----A Source of Wealth Mr. LeBaron says there are about 9 300 different known species of birds. Larger numbers of them live in the warmer climates. For example, more than 300 different species have been counted in Panama, while far fewer species are native to colder climates. Aside from their esthetic value, Mr. LeBaron says birds are important to the environment because they can signal changes in it."Birds are one of the best indicators that we have of the quality of the environment within the given area. Whether it is a relatively local area, or even primarily on the worldwide bases, they are one of the first things to be altered. They are quite sensitive to a habitat alteration or to other threats. And often times when birds are disappearing out of the area, it just means there is a degradation of the quality of the habitat within that area which will adversely affect everything in there including humans."National Audubon Society editor Jeffrey LeBaron calls the world's bird populations a source of wealth that humans must protect."People get so much pleasure out of looking at birds and listening to birds. And if they start disappearing just the er, the quality of life, um, may be not physically, but the mental quality of life can be degraded quickly."Jeffrey LeBaron says that while the National Audubon Society's annual Christmas bird counts show a decline in some species, many types of birds are actually increasing their populations.Part V Do you know…?Scientists have cataloged more than one and one-half million of the species that existon Earth today. By some recent estimates, at least 20 times that many species inhabit the planet.Up to 100 species become extinct every day. Scientists estimate that the total number of species lost each year may climb to 40 000 by the year 2000, a rate far exceeding any in the last 65 million years.Around the world more than 3 500 protected areas exist in the form of parks, wildlife refuges and other reserves. These areas cover a total of about 2 million square miles (5 million square km, or 3% of our total land area).Today, more than 200 animal species in the United States are classified as endangered. More than 1 000 animal species are endangered worldwide.Little-noticed aquatic animals are in big trouble. In North America, a third of our fish species, two-thirds of our crayfish species and nearly three-quarters of the mussel species are in trouble.Unit 3Unit 3 El Nino? La Nina?Part ID. warmer/ green house effect / sea levels/ climate zonesAs 1998 ends and people look forward to the last year of the century, the World Almanac spoke with experts about what comes next. Almanac editorial director says the experts believe the next century will bring lots of changes.Warm, of course, that our climate is going to continue getting warmer. That’s the subject, by the way, of another new article on the 1999 World Almanac. The greenhouse effect, exactly what causes it, and what steps to be taken to, perhaps to alleviate global warmings. I’ve seen recently that 1998 is going to go down as the warmest year ever on record. And so that’s going to be a major issue of the next century, and possible tremendous consequences of the global warmings, whether it is rising sea levels affecting the coastal areas; changes in climate zones affecting what crops can be grown, and in what regions. This is potentially a very significant trend to be watched.E. Cyclone: North or south of equator / Typhoon:/ Hurricane: Eastern Pacific Major ocean storms in the northern part of the world usually develop in late summer or autumn over waters near the equator. They are known by several different names. Scientists call these storms cyclones when they happen just north or south of the equator in the Indian Ocean. In the western Pacific Ocean or the China Sea, these storms are called typhoons. In the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, they are called hurricanes.Part IIA. Outline 1. A. weather pattern/ global climate。



《听力教程》3_Unit_12答案Unit 12Section One Tactics for listeningPart 1 Spot DictationDangers in Your GarageImagine that your home contained a small factory with high explosives, dangerous industrial tools and potentially lethal* (1)energy sources.Sound far-fetched? Not really, because this "factory" is your (2) garage.The National Safety Council (NSC) says that each year (3) household accidents kill about 20,000 Americans and injure another (4)three million. The culprits* in many of these mishaps* are the modem (5) equipment and supplies we keep casually in our garages and tend to (6) take for granted.Last November, in a suburb of Chicago, three toddlers* (7) spilled a can of gasoline stored in a garage. One of the children dropped a tool that (8) struck a spark when it landed on the concrete floor.Violet flames flashed in a loud (9) blast. Two of the children were hideously (10) burned and later died. The other child needed (11) extensive skin grafts* and plastic(12) surgery*.A Wisconsin man was (13) cutting wood last fall. To move a(14) log, he set his chain saw down on the ground but (15) left it running. When he returned for the saw, he (16) stepped on a branch that flipped the spinning (17) saw blade up toward his head. The cutting bits ripped his face from mouth to ear, (18) knocked out four teeth and left his lower lip hanging. It took more than (19) 180 stitches to close the wounds, and later herequired neurosurgery* and extensive (20) dental work.Part 2 Listening for GistWhat is love? And what causes it? An American professor, Charles Zastrow, offers an interesting answer, particularly to the second question. He argues that there are many kinds of love and that particularly in one kind, which he calls "romantic love", we are strongly influenced not so much by what we actually feel but by what we tell ourselves about the way we feel. He calls this "self-talk”.For example, say a woman is strongly attracted to a man. (It could just as easily happen to a man attracted to a woman.) She tells herself things like "He is all I have ever wanted in a man! He is warm, kind and affectionate and will understand all my needs." But when she discovers that he is, like all of us, just an ordinary human being with both strong and weak points, she is bitterly disappointed.He points out that this kind of love often begins to fade and die as soon as the problems and obstacles which separate the two people are removed and a normal relationship begins.He contrasts romantic love with what he calls "rational love". This is based on such things as: an accurate, objective idea of the other person's strengths as well as their weaknesses, the ability to communicate with each other openly and honestly, so that you can deal with problems as they arise, the ability to show affection openly to each other and to give as well as receive, a clear knowledge of your own goals in life, realistic and rational "self-talk", so that your feelings are not based on fantasy.This kind of love is far more likely to lead to a lasting, satisfying relationship. But it is much more difficult to achieve, and is not as frequent as romantic love.Directions: Listen to the passage and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.1. This passage is about two kinds of love - romantic love and rational love.2. The key words are "romantic love", influenced, "self-talk", fade and die, problems and obstacles, removed, normal relationship: "rational love", accurate, objective, strengths, weaknesses, communicate, show affection openly, a clear knowledge, goals in life, realistic and rational, lasting, satisfying relationship, difficult. achieve.Section Two Listening CompressionPart 1 DialogueThe TeacherInterviewer: I recently read an article which said that in primary schools in particular chances of promotion of women teachers are less thanmen, that men generally get promoted far quicker than women inprimary education. Is this something you've noticed or is this something you feel?Mary: No, this is something that is so. And we come back full circle really because it's not just teaching. I mean it's everything that men are getting promotionmore quickly than women. In the primary sector there are far more womenteachers than men but there are more headmasters than headmistresses. Interviewer: So where does that leave someone like you? I mean what, what are the possibilities of your promotion in primary education? Atthe moment you're in charge of a section of the school,Mary: Yes, I'm ... I'm in charge of the infant department which goes from the children who are three to the children who are seven. And they transfer when they areseven to higher up the school which is called the junior department. So I'm incharge of the Lower School if you like.Interviewer: And do you have ambition in that sense? I mean would you like to be a headmistress?Mary: No, I would not. I would not like to be a headmistress at all. I mean this is the next stage of my career were I ambitious urn ... but Ibasically enjoy being a classroom teacher. Now perhaps this givesa clue to why there are not more women heads. I don't know Imean in the past it may have been that, and it may still be, thatbecause boys are brought up to be more ambitious, that they're theones who are going for promotion and quick promotion, I mean,rapid promotion so that they are heads by the time they're thirtyand they start out in their career thinking that whereas I enjoybeing a class teacher and urn ... I was a deputy head before I gotthis post but I prefer to be in the classroom with the children thansitting at a desk doing administration which is what being aheadmeans if you're a head of a largish* school.Interviewer: Are you pleased that you chose primary teaching as a career and, and if someone came up to you at school-leaving age and waswondering about what they were going to do would you advisethem to follow in your footsteps?Mary: I'm very pleased that I did - well I'm pleased most of the time. Monday mornings I'm not pleased; some mornings during the week and the end of the holidays I'm not pleased I'm a primary teacher at all but I mean basically I am, 'cos I left teaching once and then went back into it. So I think that shows that I am committed to be a primary teacher.Directions: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).l. F 2. T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6 T 7.F 8.FPart 2 PassageVoice1. To sing with a choir or to hear a choir singing can be deeply moving. Voices go deeper into us than other things.2. Early attempts at language are praised and encouraged, then, on growing up, voice and talking take a practical place as we learn from, and respond to, those around us.3. Talking is central to our existence. As human beings we talk with friends and family and at work.4. Many teachers and professionals, such as lawyers, managers, marketing salesmen, who depend on their voices for work, rarely consider their voices until they lose them.5. There are many factors that affect our voices, such as homeenvironment and culture, physical build and well-being, thought and emotion, social stance, experience and occupation.Allowing voice to ring with joy creates joy in the listener. To sing with a choir or to hear a choir singing can be deeply moving. George Eliot* said that she thought voices go deeper into us than other things. Thomas Hardy* in his poem The Voice describes the depth of feeling experienced i n recalling the voice of his late wife.When all is well our voices cry out at birth, and develop without effort. Parents respond to happy sounds and interpret the cries. Early attempts at language are praised and encouraged, then, on growing up, voice and talking take a practical place as we learn from, and respond to, those around us.Talking is central to our existence, with telephone, radio, television, videoconferences, videophones and computers to process and print what the owners say, but as human beings we talk with friends and family and at work. Voice becomes our unique sound. As the most portable and one of the most subtle instruments it is rarely fully exercised or explored, and loss of voice can be seen by other people as merely irritating.An infant teacher was the first of several teachers in the 1990s to appeal to a Social Security Tribunal about loss of work (the last 10 years of teaching in primary school) caused by loss of voice at work. She told me how it affected her. Shopkeepers asked her husband what she needed rather than try to make out what she said. At social gatherings it was impossible for her to talk over the hubbub* of voices. Severe restrictions like this diminish a person, and their social identity.The onset of voice problems can be gradual or sudden. Teachers have been known to open their mouths to talk and find no sound came. Many voice difficulties arise from unknowingmisuse of the vocal mechanism. It is easy to take our voices for granted. Many teachers and professionals such as lawyers, managers, marketing and salesmen; preachers and call center agents who depend on their voices for work, rarely consider their voices until they lose them.There are many factors that affect our voices, such as home environment and culture, physical build and well being, thought and emotion, social stance, experience and occupation.Actors in training explore all aspects of a character they play, especially those affecting body and voice. Teaching is also a form of performance to be explored and researched. What kind of teacher are you? What kind of teaching will the pupils respond to? The inadequacy of a young teacher, who is timid and self-conscious, is immediately recognized by the class, while the stress and demands of challenging pupils can stimulate a teacher to negative reactions of anger and shouting. Using a strong "teacher voice", raising the pitch or voice to top noise, or to deepen it unnaturally to demonstrate authority can become a habit.A: Pre-listening QuestionWhat do you know about the human voice?Voice, or phonation, is the sound produced by the expiration of air through vibrating vocal cords. Voice is defined in terms of pitch, quality, and intensity, or loudness.In the frequency domain we can define voice as a series of harmonically related sine waves, starting with a fundamental frequency of about 100 hz for males and about 200 hz for females and extending throughout the 3,000 hz or so frequency range.B: Sentence DictationDirections: Listening to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.C: Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1 .D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.CD: After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1. Allowing your voice to ring with joy creates joy in the listener. Loss of voice may lead to the loss of work, and may diminish a person, and their social identity. Actors in training explore all aspects of a character they play, especially those affecting body and voice. Teaching is also a form of performance to be explored and researched.2. (Open)Section Three NewsNews Item 1President Obama says high-speed rail could do for America what it is already doing for other countries, including China and Spain."A high-speed line between Madrid and Seville is so successful that more people travel between those cities by rail than by car and airplane combined. China, where service began just two years ago, may have more miles of high-speed rail service than any other country just five years from now."High-speed rail only serves America's Northeast corridor, between Washington, D.C. and Boston, Massachusetts. But plans are under way to extend the rapid transit to other areas of the country.Congress included $8 billion for rail development in the economic stimulus legislation it passed in February. Mr. Obama is including another $5 billion for high-speed rail in his federal budget.High-speed rail has had mixed political support in the past. But President Obama says it could strengthen the U.S. economy, in addition to improving the country's transportation system. He says the United States should not be left behind while other nations are moving ahead with high-speed rail.A: Directions: Listening to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the U.S. plan for high-speed rail.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and complete the following passage.President Obama hopes the high-speed rail could do in the U.S. as it has already done in China and Spain.Mr. Obama says High-speed rail cannot only strengthen the U.S. economy, but also improving the country's transportation system.In the economic stimulus legislation Congress included $8 billion for rail development, and President Obama is including another $5 billion for it in his federal budget.The first high-speed rail in the U.S. is only between Washington, D.C. and Boston. In the future the service will cover other parts of the country.While other nations are moving ahead with high-speed rail, the United States Mr. Obama says, should not be left behind News Item 2Children AuthorsOver 100 first-time authors are writing books for elementaryschool students in North Platte, Nebraska, a small town in the middle of the USA. These authors know what interests kids, because they're only 13 years old themselves. Rachael Anderson is a typical student at Adams Middle School in North Platte. The slender red head takes math and science classes, hangs out with her friends, and writes books. "My book is Polar Bullies and Snow Bears. In the very cold, very icy Arctic, Nan the smallest polar bear of all was building a snow bear," she says.Rachael is one of 104 eighth graders taking language arts this semester. As part of the class, students create their own hardback books.Allison Davis stated rthe project nine years ago. The teacher says initially, it was just a way to give kids something fun to do before the school year ended.A: Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the educational value of children s book-writing proiect.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and choose the best answer to completeeach of the following sentences.1.B2.A3.D4.BNews Item 3The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable statues in the world. It is also a major tourist attraction.But ever since the 2001 terrorist attacks at New York's World Trade Center, a small part of this structure - Lady Liberty's crown- has been closed to the public.Due to security and safety concerns, the crown has been off limits to visitors for nearly 8 years. But on July 4, known as U.S. Independence Day, the Crown will once again be open to the public.A journey to the top is not for everyone. First, visitors have to climb more than 200 steep steps through the center of the statue.Then, when you get to the top, the experience is cramped and the views a little limited, but that has not stopped people from trying to book their place in line in advance.The number of people who can climb to the crown will be limited. Details have yet to be finally decided, but visitors are expected to be limited to about 150 visitors a day.A: Directions: Listening to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the plan to reopen lady liberty’s crown of the statue of liberty on July 4th.B: Directions: listen to the news item again and answer the following questions.1. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable statues in the world.2. Terrorist attacked New York's World Trade Center in 2001.3. Due to security and safety concerns, the crown has been off limits to visitors for nearly 8 years.4. The Crown will once again be open to the public on July 4.5. Visitors have to climb more than 200 steep steps through the center of the statue.6. Visitors are expected to be limited to about 150 visitors a day.Section Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLife in a Nursing HomeLife in a nursing home or an assisted living facility has improved tremendously over the years. However, loneliness and boredom are rampant among some nursing home residents. In her third and final dateline report on this topic, Nina Keck looks at life in a long-term care facility in the northeastern state of Vermont.NK: Mountain View Center in Rutland, Vermont, looks like a lot of American nursing homes. There are long hallways with clusters of people in wheelchairs.Staff members hustle from one room to the next and there's lots of background noise, moaning, talking, shouting, snoring. Seventy-two-year-old Dolores King sits in her bed with the television on but the sound turned off. Herninety-two-year-old roommate is sound asleep."The days I feel good I get up in my chair and watch television ... I just don't have the ambition to do anything. I just sit and I watch television. I've got a roster of programs that I watch, and that's my day and night."NK: Ms King has advanced multiple sclerosis*, which has paralyzed much of her body. A heart attack and cancer treatments have left her too weak to remain at her home and she's been in a nursing home since November.NK: Eighty-six-year-old Ruth Helm is one of those people who finds happiness no matter where she is. She savors* the positives. At her last nursing home, for instance, she wrote personal histories of some of her fellow residents."People in that home had such interesting backgrounds, justlike the people here have all got something to be memorized, so I asked each one if they would mind if I'd write their history up ... One was a navy man who'd been all over the world.Another was a mountain man that had cut wood and it's just almost unbelievable.It's so interesting."NK: Ms Helm would probably like to meet eight-nine-year-old Chet Eaton another one of those people who seizes the day.NK: Industry experts say there will be big changes in long-term care over the next twenty years.More people will opt for home-based care or assisted living facilities so traditional nursing homes will be filled with much sicker and older patients.Long-term care facilities will also better address the psycho-social needs ofresidents so that feelings of loneliness and boredom will, finally be addressed.Someone at the Vermont Council on Aging pointed out another big change that will likely take effect as more baby boomers enter nursing homes.A: Directions: Listen to the news report and complete the summerThis news report is about life in a US nursing home.B: Directions: Listen to the news again and fill in the blanks fill with details of the nursing home.General feeling about the nursing homes: lonely and boring Scene at Mountain View Center:It looks like a lot of American nursing homes. There are long hallwayswith clusters of people in wheelchairs. Staff members hustlefrom oneroom to the next and there's lots of background noise, moaning,talking, shouting, snoring.Two people staying at a nursing home:Dolores King:72years old, with advanced multiple sclerosis, which has paralyzed much of her body. A heart attack and cancer treatments have left her tooweak to remain at her home and she's been in a nursing home sinceNovember.Ruth Helm: 86 years old, one of those people who finds happiness no matter where she is. She savors the positives. At her last nursing home, she wrotepersonal histories of some of her fellow residents.Chet Eaton: 89 years oldFuture: There will be big changes in long-term care over the next twenty years. More people will opt for home-based care or assisted living facilities so traditional nursing homes will be filled with much sicker and older patients. Long-term care facilities will also better address the psycho-social needs of residents so that feelings of loneliness and boredom will finally be addressed Part 2 PassageFamily Life Education1. Couples and families can learn to improve understanding and teamwork between spouses, to guide their children to reach their fullest potential.2. An important outcome of the CFLE program has been its influence on the content of the university programs that prepare family life educators.3. It is likely that these technologies will enhance rather than replace more traditional family life education approaches.4. School boards and community interest groups may place restriction on the content taught in schools, thereby failing to meet some important needs of this age group.5. Through educational programs, family life education makes an important contribution toward/ strengthening families to fulfill their significant role as the basic unit of society.Family Life Education builds upon the strengths that families already have. Couples and families can learn to improve understanding and teamwork between spouses, to guide their children to reach their fullest potential, and survive the challenges of family life.Qualified educators are central to the success of family life education, as it is these individuals who bear major responsibility for shaping the educational experience and interacting with participants. Despite their importance, however, few guidelines are available to help prepare family educators. In 1985, the National Council on Family Relations established a certificate program to help improve the training and qualifications of family life educators. Through this program, recognition is given to individuals who hold a baccalaureate* or advanced degree in specified fields of study, have a minimum level of postsecondary education in the content areas of the Framework for Family Life Education, and have completed a specified level of related work experience. The Certificate in Family Life Education (CFLE) is a voluntary credential*, and has been granted to individuals in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico*, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and Singapore. An important outcome of the CFLE program has been its influence on the content of the college/universityprograms that prepare family life educators.The Internet and the World Wide Web present new challenges for family life education.Information technologies make it possible to provide family-related informationtwenty-four hours a day, every day,. and may help facilitate the preparation of professionals through on-l1ne courses and chat rooms. Although it is likely that these technologies will enhance rather than replace more traditional family life education approaches, important issues that will require attention include the reliability and validity* of the information available and the effectiveness of this form of family education. As well, the emergence of such things as computer-mediated relationships (cyber-relationships) and sexualized Internet use requires rethinking the content and strategies of family life education.Family life education is an important means to help ameliorate family issues and problems, but in many situations these programs by themselves may not be sufficient unless their development and implementation are supported by social and educational policies and political decisions. School boards and community interest groups may place restrictions on the content taught in schools, thereby failing to meet some important needs of this age group. Inadequate financial support often means that programs are available primarily to those who can afford to pay registration fees. Not necessarily to those who may want or need the programs the most.Underlying the practice of family life education is a basic belief in the importance of family living and a basic respect for persons that recognizes their ability to take charge of their ownlives in satisfying ways. Through educational programs, family life education makes an important contribution toward strengthening families to fulfill their significant role as the basic unit of society.A: Pre-listening QuestionFamily life education provides skills and knowledge to enrich individual and family life. It includes knowledge about how families work; the interrelationship of families and society; human growth and development throughout the life span; the physiological and psychological aspects of human sexuality; the impact of money and time management on daily family life; the importance and value of parent education; the effects of policy and legislation on families, etc.B: Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.C: Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences1.B2.C3.A4.A5.C6.D7.A8.DD: After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1. Family life education is an important means to help ameliorate family issues and problems. Qualified educators are central to the success of family life education, as it is these individuals who bear major responsibility for shaping the educational。



Pre-listening Task
Language Focus
2. What is online shopping? What kind of things are bought most online?
Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods, services, etc. from a seller interactively in real-time without an intermediary service over the Internet. If an intermediary service is present the process is called electronic commerce. An online shop, e-store, Internet shop, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping mall. Now you can buy almost everything
Unit 13 Inventions
Pre-listening Task
Language Focus
6. Suppose you were an inventor, what would you like to invent?
If I had studied biology and medical science, I would like to invent a drug that would enable people to live a long life, perhaps 200 years or longer. Many people say life is short. That is very true. When people live longer, they will be able to bring their knowledge and experience to better use and create a lot more good things for the human race.
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