












以下特别列出重要的参考文件:◆OHSAS18002:1999-OHSAS18001实施指导纲要◆BS8800:1996-职业安全卫生管理系统指导纲要3.名词与定义本标准采用下列名词与定义:3.1 意外事件造成死亡、疾病、受伤、损坏,或是其它形式损失的不期望发生事件。

3.2 稽核系一种系统化的检查,用以决定组织的活动与相关的结果,是否符合事前的规划设计,与这些的设计是否被有效地实施,并是否适合于达成组织的政策与目标。

(有关「目标」,请参阅3.9)3.3 持续改善遵循组织本身的职业安全卫生政策,以改进职业安全卫生管理系统,进而提升整体的职业安全卫生绩效之过程。


3.4 危害潜在造成任何形式伤害的来源或情况,这些伤害包括受伤或疾病、财产的损失、工作环境的损坏,或是这些后果同时发生。



职业健康安全评价系列职业健康安全评价系列职业健康安全管理体系——要求System & Services CertificationSGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.通标标准技术服务有限公司国际认证服务部2007年8月此中文译本系由通标标准技术服务有限公司翻译,仅供交流及我司客户参考之用目录鸣谢ii 前言iii 引言iv1 范围 12 参考出版物 13 术语和定义 14 职业健康安全管理体系要求 4附录附录A (资料性附录)OHSAS18001:2007与ISO14001:2004和ISO9001:2000的对应关系9附录B (资料性附录)OHSAS 18001、OHSAS 18002和ILO-OSH:2001职业安全健康管理体系导则的对应关系11参考文献13插图图1 – 本OHSAS标准的职业健康安全管理体系模式iv表格表A.1 - OHSAS18001:2007与ISO14001:2004和ISO9001:2000的对应关系9 表B.1 OHSAS文件条款和和ILO-OSH导则条款的对应关系 12鸣谢鸣谢本版次的OHSAS18001系在下列合作机构的帮助之下完成:我们还要提到那些抽出时间来评审OHSAS18001工作草案及提供评论意见的组织的无私奉献。




OHSAS18001 的制定考虑了与ISO9001:2000(质量)和ISO14001:2004(环境)管理体系标准的兼容性,以便于组织将质量、环境和职业健康安全管理体系进行整合,如果它们希望这样做。

OHSAS 标准将在适当的时候进行评审或修订。

BS OHSAS 18001-2007 职业健康安全管理体系 要求(英文版附中文参考)

BS OHSAS 18001-2007 职业健康安全管理体系 要求(英文版附中文参考)

OHSAS 18001: 2007职业健康安全管理体系要求 (Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements)4. 职业健康安全管理体系要求4.1 总要求组织应依据OHSAS的要求建立、文件化、实施、维持并持续改善其职业健康安全管理体系,并决定如何实践这些要求。


4.2 职业健康安全政策高阶主管应界定及授权组织的职业健康安全政策,并在职业健康安全管理体系的界定范围内,确保:a) 对组织职业健康安全风险之性质及规模是合宜的;b) 包括对受伤与疾病预防、持续改善职业健康安全管理及职业健康安全绩效之承诺;c) 包括对至少符合与组织职业健康安全危险源因素相关之适用法令规章以及组织须遵守的其它要求事项之承诺;d) 提供设定与审查职业健康安全目标的框架;e) 已文件化、实施并维持;f) 传达给在组织控制下工作的所有人员,使其认知个人的职业健康安全责任;g) 可向利害相关者公开;以及;h) 定期审查以确认该政策保持对组织的相关性及合宜性4.3 规划4.3.1 危险源识别、风险评估及决定控制方法.组织应建立、实施及维持一个或多个程序以持续识别危险源、评估风险及决定必要的控制方法。

危险源识别与风险评估程序需要考虑:a) 例行性及非例行性活动;b) 所有人员进入工作场所之活动(包括承包商及访客);c) 人员行为、能力及其它的人为因素;d) 来自工作场所外部会对工作场所内组织管理的人员造成不利职业健康安全影响之危险源;e) 于组织控制下,因工作相关的活动而造成存在于工作场所周围之危险源;备注: 此类危险源视为环境因素来评估可能会更适切。

f) 工作场所中由组织或其它单位所提供之基础设施、设备、原料;g) 组织活动或原料的所做之变化或提出变化;h) 职业健康安全管理体系的改变,包括临时的变更及对作业、流程及活动之冲击;i) 任何有关风险评估及必要控制方法实施所适用的法律责任 (见3.12的备注);j) 对工作区域、流程、安装、机械/设备、操作程序及工作组织之设计,此设计也包括对人员能力的适用;组织之危险源识别及风险评估的方法应:a) 依据组织之相关范围、性质及时机定义,以确保其为主动式而非被动式;b) 提供风险之识别、优先级及文件化;适当的话,包括控制方法的应用。



OHSAS 18001:2007标准全文1 范围本职业健康安全评价标准详细说明了对职业健康安全管理体系的要求,旨在使一个组织能够控制职业健康安全风险并改进其职业健康安全绩效。






2 引用出版物其他提供信息或指南的出版物已列入参考文献中。


特别的,应引用如下文件:OHSAS 18002, 职业健康安全管理体系--OHSAS 18001 实施指南国际劳工组织:2001,职业健康安全管理体系指南(OSH-MS)3 术语和定义下列定义和术语适用于本标准。

3.1 可接受的风险:acceptable risk根据组织的法律义务和职业健康安全方针,已降至可容许程度的风险。

3.2 审核:audit为获得“审核证据”并对其进行客观地评价,以确定满足“审核准则”的程度所进行的系统的、独立的并形成文件的过程。



OHSAS 180012007 (中文)

OHSAS 180012007 (中文)

BS OHSAS 18001:2007 职业健康和安全评价系列职业健康安全管理体系—要求Occupational health and safety management systems‐Requirements(中文版)版权所有上海海隆石油钻具有限公司质量部仅供参考交流For your reference only目录Contents致谢 Acknowledgement前言 Foreword引言 Introduction1 适用范围 Scope2 参考资料 Reference publication3 术语与定义Terms and definition4 OH&S 管理体系要求OH&S management system requirement4.1 总要求 General requirement4.2 职业健康方针 OH&S policy4.3 策划 Planning4.3.1 危险源识别、风险评价和风险控制Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls 4.3.2 法规和其他要求Legal and other requirements4.3.3 目标和方案Objectives and programme(s)4.4 实施和运行 Implementation and operation4.4.1 资源、角色、职责、责任和权限Resource, roles, responsibility, accountability and authority4.4.2 能力、培训和意识Competence, training and awareness4.4.3 沟通、参与和协商Communication, participation and consultation4.4.4 文件化 Document4.4.5 文件控制Document of control4.4.6 运行控制 Operational control4.4.7 应急准备和相应Emergency preparedness and response4.5 检查 Checking4.5.1 绩效测量和监视 Performance measurement and monitoring4.5.2 合规性评估 Evaluation of compliance4.5.3 事件调查、不符合、纠正措施和预防措施Incident investigation, nonconformity, corrective action andpreventive action4.5.4 记录控制 Control of records4.5.5 内部审核 Internal audit4.6 管理评审 Management review附录A OHSAS 18001:2007 与 ISO 14001:2004 和 ISO 9001:2000 对应关系Annex A Correspondence between OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2000附录B OHSAS 18001、OHSAS 18002和 ILO-OSH:2001职业健康安全管理体系指南的对应关系Annex B Correspondence between OHSAS 18001, OHSAS 18002 and the ILO-OSH: 2001 Guidelines致谢 AcknowledgementOHSAS 18001 是在下列机构的合作与帮助下制定的:American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificacói n (AENOR) Association of British CertificationBodies (ABCB)British StandardsInstitution (BSI)Bureau VeritasComisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), (Gerencia de la seguridad industrial) Czech Accreditation Institute (CAI)Det Norske Veritas (DNV)DS Certification A/SEEF the manufacturers’ organisat oi nENLAR Compliance Services, Inc.Health and Safety Executive1)Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)Inspecta CertificationInstitution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación (IRAM)Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación (ICONTEC) Instituto de Normas Técnicas de Costa Rica (INTECO)Instituto Mexicano de Normalización y Certificación (IMNC)Instituto Uruguayo de Normas Técnicas (UNIT)ITS ConsultantsJapan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA)Japanese Standards Association (JSA)Korea Gas Safety Corporation (ISO Certificate Division)Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA)Management Systems Certification LimitedNational Standards Authority of Ireland(NSAI)National University of Singapore (NUS)Nederlands NormLECTON alisatie‐instituut (NEN)NPKF ENQA(QMI)Quality Management InstituteSABS Commercial (Pty) Ltd.ndustrielle Marocaine (SNIMA)Service de Normalisation ISGS United Kingdom LtdonalSIRIM QAS InternatiSPRING Singapore(II)Standards Institution of Israel SStandards New Zealand (SNZ)ervices (SICS)Sucofindo International Certification SSwedish Industry Association (Sinf)d GroupTÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH – TÜV RheinlanStandards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ)还要感谢那些花费时间评审OHSAS 18001工作草稿的组织所做出的宝贵贡献和那些提出评价意见的人们。



BS OHSAS18001:2007前言应客户的要求,本职业健康安全审核系列(OHSAS)标准和伴随的OHSAS18002--OHSAS18001的实施指南,被开发出来,这一被承认的职业健康安全标准可以用来对管理体系实施审核和认证。















职业健康安全管理体系 要求BS OHSAS18001 2007

职业健康安全管理体系 要求BS OHSAS18001 2007

BS BS OHSAS18001:2007OHSAS18001:2007版全文版全文1 适用范围 10( W) V'2 参考资料 103 术语与定义 104 OH&S 管理体系要素 134.1 总的要求 134.2 OH&S 方针 134.3 策划 142 m8 F4 T24.4 实施与运行 15( r# d" s*4.5 检查 184.6 管理评审 206 X7 {" \! j' V&附录A(资料性附录)OHSAS 18001:2007、ISO 14001:2004 与ISO 9001:2000 的对应关系 22附录B(资料性附录)OHSAS 18001、OHSAS 18002 和ILO-OSH:2000 职业健康安全管理体系指南的对应关系 249参考书目 27附图图1—OHSAS 标准所采用的职业健康安全管理模型 8附表表A.1—OHSAS 18001:2007、ISO 14001:2004 和ISO 9001:2000的对应关系 22.表B.1—OHSAS 18001、OHSAS 18002和ILO-OSH: 2000 职业健康安全管理体系指南的对应关系化 254前 言职业健康安全评估系列(OHSAS)标准及相关标准OHSAS18002:OHSAS18001 实施指南,是应顾客迫切需要有能对其职业健康安全管理体系进行评估和认证的可认可的职业健康安全管理体系标准之要求制定的。

%OHSAS18001 的制定考虑了与ISO9001:2000(质量)和ISO14001:2004(环境)管理体系标准, y 的相容性,以便组织将质量、环境及职业安全卫生管理体系整合一体,也许组织希望这样做。

OHSAS 标准在适当的时候进行审查或修改。

当ISO9001 或ISO14001 出版新版本时将对OHSAS 标准进行审查,以保证持续相容性。

当OHSAS 标准的内容在国际标准中公布或其作为国际标准时,它将被撤回。



OHSAS 18001:2007职业健康安全管理体系要求目次前言...................................................................................................................................3 引言.. (4)1范围 (6)2规范性引用文件 (6)3术语和定义 (6)4职业健康安全管理体系要求 (10)4.1总要求 (10)4.2职业健康安全方针 (10)4.3策划 (10)4.4实施和运行 (12)4.5检查 (14)4.6管理评审.......................................................................................................................16 附录A(资料性附录) (17)附录B(资料性附录).....................................................................................................19 参考文献 (22)前言职业健康安全评估系列(OHSAS)标准及相关标准,是应顾客迫切需要有能对其职业健康安全管理体系进行评估和认证认可的职业健康安全管理体系标准之要求制定的。

本标准的制定考虑了与ISO 9001:2000《质量管理体系要求》、ISO 14001:2004《环境管理体系要求及使用指南》标准间的兼容性,以便于满足组织整合质量、环境和职业健康安全管理体系的需求,也许组织希望这样做。

OHSAS 标准在适当的时候进行审查或修改。

当ISO9001 或ISO14001 出版新版本时将对OHSAS 标准进行审查,以保证持续相容性。

当OHSAS 标准的内容在国际标准中公布或其作为国际标准时,它将被撤回。



OHSAS 18001:2007职业健康安全管理体系要求目次前言...................................................................................................................................3 引言.. (4)1范围 (6)2规范性引用文件 (6)3术语和定义 (6)4职业健康安全管理体系要求 (10)4.1总要求 (10)4.2职业健康安全方针 (10)4.3策划 (10)4.4实施和运行 (12)4.5检查 (14)4.6管理评审.......................................................................................................................16 附录A(资料性附录) (17)附录B(资料性附录).....................................................................................................19 参考文献 (22)前言职业健康安全评估系列(OHSAS)标准及相关标准,是应顾客迫切需要有能对其职业健康安全管理体系进行评估和认证认可的职业健康安全管理体系标准之要求制定的。

本标准的制定考虑了与ISO 9001:2000《质量管理体系要求》、ISO 14001:2004《环境管理体系要求及使用指南》标准间的兼容性,以便于满足组织整合质量、环境和职业健康安全管理体系的需求,也许组织希望这样做。

OHSAS 标准在适当的时候进行审查或修改。

当ISO9001 或ISO14001 出版新版本时将对OHSAS 标准进行审查,以保证持续相容性。

当OHSAS 标准的内容在国际标准中公布或其作为国际标准时,它将被撤回。



OHSAS18001-2007 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT SERIESOccupational health and safety Management systems – Requirements职业健康与安全管理体系─要求利物浦企业管理咨询有限公司标准研究所翻译版权所有,请勿复制OHSAS18001-2007职业健康安全管理体系──要求1范围本标准提出了对职业健康安全管理体系的要求,旨在使一个组织能够控制职业健康安全风险并改进其绩效。








OHSAS 18002 职业健康安全管理体系OHSAS18001应用指南国际劳工组织,2001:职业健康和安全管理体系指南3术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。

3.1 可接受的风险acceptable risk根据组织的法律义务和职业健康安全方针,已降至组织可接受程度的风险。



OHSAS 18001:2007 条文中文版职业健康安全管理系统- 要求事项(Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements)1 适用范围 Scope职业健康安全评估系列(OHSAS)标准规定了职业健康安全(OH&S)管理体系的要求,旨在使组织控制其OH&S 风险和改进其绩效。

它既没有提出特定的OH&S 绩效准则,也没有给出设计管理体系的详细说明。

OHSAS 标准适用于有下列愿望的任何组织:a)建立OH&S管理体系,以消除或减少人员和其他相关方可能遇到的与组织的活动相关的OH&S风险;b)实施、保持和持续改进OH&S 管理体系;c)确保其符合本身宣告的OH&S 方针;d)通过下列方式展示符合OHSAS 标准:1)进行自我确定和声明,或2)请感兴趣的各方如顾客对其符合性进行确认,或3)请组织外的一方对其自我声明的符合性进行确认,或4)寻求外部组织对其OH&S 管理体系进行认证/注册;本标准的所有要求都意在纳入任何OH&S 管理体系。



This Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS)Standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety(OH&S) management system, to enable an organization to control itsOH&S risks and improve its OH&S performance. It does not state specific OH&S performance criteria, nor does it give detailed specifications for the design of a management system.This OHSAS Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to:a) Establish an OH&S management system to eliminate or minimize risks to personnel and otherinterested parties who could be exposed to OH&S hazards associated with its activities;b) Implement, maintain and continually improve an OH&S management system;c) Assure itself of its conformity with its stated OH&S policy;d) Demonstrate conformity with this OHSAS Standard by:1) Making a self-determination and self-declaration, or2) Seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the organization, suchas customers, or3) Seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or4) Seeking certification/registration of its OH&S management system by an external organization.All the requirements in this OHSAS Standard are intended to be incorporated into any OH&S management system. The extent of the application will depend on such factors as the OH&S policy of the organization, the nature of its activities and the risks and complexity of itsoperations.This OHSAS Standard is intended to address occupational health and safety, and is not intended to address other health and safety areas such as employee wellbeing/wellness programmes, product safety, property damage or environmental impacts.2 参考资料 Reference publications在参考文献中列出了提供信息或指导的其他文件。



BS OHSAS18001:2007版全文1 适用范围 10( W) V'2 参考资料 103 术语与定义 104 OH&S 管理体系要素 134.1 总的要求 134.2 OH&S 方针 134.3 策划 142 m8 F4 T24.4 实施与运行 15( r# d" s*4.5 检查 184.6 管理评审 206 X7 {" \! j' V&附录A(资料性附录)OHSAS 18001:2007、ISO 14001:2004 与ISO 9001:2000 的对应关系 22附录B(资料性附录)OHSAS 18001、OHSAS 18002 和ILO-OSH:2000 职业健康安全管理体系指南的对应关系 249参考书目 27附图图1—OHSAS 标准所采用的职业健康安全管理模型 8附表表A.1—OHSAS 18001:2007、ISO 14001:2004 和ISO 9001:2000的对应关系 22.表B.1—OHSAS 18001、OHSAS 18002和ILO-OSH: 2000 职业健康安全管理体系指南的对应关系化 254前言职业健康安全评估系列(OHSAS)标准及相关标准OHSAS18002:OHSAS18001 实施指南,是应顾客迫切需要有能对其职业健康安全管理体系进行评估和认证的可认可的职业健康安全管理体系标准之要求制定的。

%OHSAS18001 的制定考虑了与ISO9001:2000(质量)和ISO14001:2004(环境)管理体系标准, y 的相容性,以便组织将质量、环境及职业安全卫生管理体系整合一体,也许组织希望这样做。

OHSAS 标准在适当的时候进行审查或修改。

当ISO9001 或ISO14001 出版新版本时将对OHSAS 标准进行审查,以保证持续相容性。

当OHSAS 标准的内容在国际标准中公布或其作为国际标准时,它将被撤回。



中英文-OHSAS18001:2007OHSAS 18001:2007 条文中文版职业健康安全管理系统 - 要求事项(Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements)1 适用范围 Scope职业健康安全评估系列(OHSAS)标准规定了职业健康安全(OH&S)管理体系的要求,旨在使组织控制其OH&S 风险和改进其绩效。

它既没有提出特定的OH&S 绩效准则,也没有给出设计管理体系的详细说明。

OHSAS 标准适用于有下列愿望的任何组织:a)建立OH&S管理体系,以消除或减少人员和其他相关方可能遇到的与组织的活动相关的OH&S风险;b)实施、保持和持续改进OH&S 管理体系;c)确保其符合本身宣告的OH&S 方针;d)通过下列方式展示符合OHSAS 标准:1)进行自我确定和声明,或2)请感兴趣的各方如顾客对其符合性进行确认,或3)请组织外的一方对其自我声明的符合性进行确认,或4)寻求外部组织对其OH&S 管理体系进行认证/注册;本标准的所有要求都意在纳入任何OH&S 管理体系。



This Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS)Standard specifies requirements for an occupational health andsafety(OH&S) management system, to enable an organization to control its OH&S risks and improve its OH&S performance. It does not state specific OH&S performance criteria, nor does it give detailed specifications for the design of a management system. This OHSAS Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to:a) Establish an OH&S management system to eliminate or minimizerisks to personnel and other interested parties who could be exposed to OH&S hazards associated with its activities; b) Implement, maintain and continually improve an OH&S management system; c) Assure itself of its conformity with its stated OH&S policy;d) Demonstrate conformity with this OHSAS Standard by:1) Making a self-determination and self-declaration, or2) Seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the organization, such as customers, or3) Seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or 4) Seeking certification/registration of itsOH&S management system by an external organization. All the requirementsin this OHSAS Standard are intended to be incorporated into any OH&S management system. The extent of the application will depend on such factors as the OH&S policy of the organization, the nature of its activities and the risks and complexity of its operations.This OHSAS Standard is intended to address occupational health and safety, and is not intended to address other health and safety areas such as employee wellbeing/wellness programmes, product safety, property damage or environmental impacts.2 参考资料 Reference publications在参考文献中列出了提供信息或指导的其他文件。



OHSAS 18001:2007 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT SERIES Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements ICS 03.100.01; 13.100NO COPYING WITHOUT OHSAS PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWOHSAS 18001:2007Publishing and copyright informationThe OHSAS Project Group copyright notice displayed in this documentindicates when the document was last issued.© OHSAS Project Group 2007ISBN 978 0 580 50802 8Publication historyFirst published July 2007Amendments issued since publicationAmd. no.Date Text affectedOHSAS 18001:2007ContentsAcknowledgement iiForeword iiiIntroduction v1Scope 12Reference publications 13Terms and definitions 24OH&S management system requirements 5AnnexesAnnex A (informative) Correspondence between OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2000 15Annex B (informative) Correspondence between OHSAS 18001, OHSAS 18002, and the ILO-OSH:2001 Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems18Bibliography 22List of figuresFigure 1 – OH&S management system model for this OHSAS Standard viList of tablesTable A.1 – Correspondence between OHSAS 18001:2007,ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2000 15Table B.1 – Correspondence between the clauses of the OHSAS documents and the clauses of the ILO-OSH Guidelines 20Summary of pagesThis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to viii, pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover.© OHSAS Project Group 2007– All rights reserved•iBS OHSAS 18001:2007ii•© BSI 2007AcknowledgementThis edition of OHSAS 18001 has been developed with the assistance of the following cooperating organizations:American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación (AENOR)Association of British Certification Bodies (ABCB)British Standards Institution (BSI)Bureau VeritasComisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), (Gerencia de la seguridad industrial) Czech Accreditation Institute (CAI)Det Norske Veritas (DNV)DS Certification A/SEEF the manufacturers’ organisationENLAR Compliance Services, Inc.Health and Safety Executive1)Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)Inspecta CertificationInstitution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación (IRAM)Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación (ICONTEC)Instituto de Normas Técnicas de Costa Rica(INTECO)Instituto Mexicano de Normalización y Certificación (IMNC)Instituto Uruguayo de Normas Técnicas (UNIT)ITS ConsultantsJapan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA)Japanese Standards Association (JSA)Korea Gas Safety Corporation (ISO Certificate Division)Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA)Management Systems Certification LimitedNational Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)National University of Singapore (NUS)Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (NEN)NPKF ELECTONNQAQuality Management Institute (QMI)SABS Commercial (Pty) Ltd.Service de Normalisation Industrielle Marocaine (SNIMA)SGS United Kingdom LtdSIRIM QAS InternationalSPRING SingaporeStandards Institution of Israel (SII)Standards New Zealand (SNZ)Sucofindo International Certification Services (SICS)Swedish Industry Association (Sinf)TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH – TÜV Rheinland GroupStandards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ)We would also like to recognize the invaluable contribution made by those many organizations who took the time to review the working drafts ofOHSAS 18001, and who submitted comments for consideration. This helped us greatly in improving the standard, and is much appreciated.1)As the regulatory authority responsible for health and safety in Great Britain,the Health and Safety Executive would wish to make it clear that reliance on the OHSAS Standard by organizations will not absolve them from compliance with any of their legal health and safety obligations under the laws of England & Wales, and Scotland.OHSAS 18001:2007ForewordThis Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) Standard and the accompanying OHSAS 18002, Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001, have been developed in response to customer demand for a recognizable occupational health and safety management system standard against which their management systems can be assessed and certified.OHSAS 18001 has been developed to be compatible with theISO 9001:2000 (Quality) and ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental) management systems standards, in order to facilitate the integration of quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management systems by organizations, should they wish to do so.This OHSAS Standard will be reviewed or amended when considered appropriate. Reviews will be conducted when new editions of either ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 are published, to ensure continuing compatibility.This OHSAS Standard will be withdrawn on publication of its contents in, or as, an International Standard.This OHSAS Standard has been drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (OHSAS 18001:1999), which has been technically revised.The principal changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows.•The importance of “health” has now been given greater emphasis.•OHSAS 18001 now refers to itself as a standard, not a specification, or document, as in the earlier edition. This reflects the increasing adoption of OHSAS 18001 as the basis for national standards on occupational health and safety management systems.•The “Plan-Do-Check-Act” model diagram is only given in the Introduction, in its entirety, and not also as sectional diagrams at the start of each major clause.•Reference publications in Clause 2 have been limited to purely international documents.•New definitions have been added, and existing definitions revised.•Significant improvement in alignment with ISO 14001:2004 throughout the standard, and improved compatibility withISO 9001:2000.•The term “tolerable risk” has been replaced by the term “acceptable risk” (see 3.1).•The term “accident” is now included in the term “incident”(see 3.9).•The definition of the term “hazard” no longer refers to “damage to property or damage to the workplace environment” (see 3.6).© OHSAS Project Group 2007– All rights reserved•iiiOHSAS 18001:2007It is now considered that such “damage” is not directly related tooccupational health and safety management, which is the purpose ofthis OHSAS Standard, and that it is included in the field of assetmanagement. Instead, the risk of such “damage” having an effect onoccupational health and safety should be identified through theorganization’s risk assessment process, and be controlled through theapplication of appropriate risk controls.•Sub-clauses 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 have been merged, in line withISO 14001:2004.• A new requirement has been introduced for the consideration ofthe hierarchy of controls as part of OH&S planning (see 4.3.1).•Management of change is now more explicitly addressed(see 4.3.1 and 4.4.6).• A new clause on the “Evaluation of compliance” (see 4.5.2) hasbeen introduced.•New requirements have been introduced for participation andconsultation (see•New requirements have been introduced for the investigation ofincidents (see publication does not purport to include all necessary provisions ofa contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with this Occupational Health and SafetyAssessment Series (OHSAS) Standard cannot confer immunityfrom legal obligations.iv•© OHSAS Project Group 2007– All rights reservedOHSAS 18001:2007IntroductionOrganizations of all kinds are increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating sound occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance by controlling their OH&S risks, consistent with their OH&S policy and objectives. They do so in the context of increasingly stringent legislation, the development of economic policies and other measures that foster good OH&S practices, and increased concern expressed by interested parties about OH&S issues.Many organizations have undertaken OH&S “reviews” or “audits” to assess their OH&S performance. On their own, however, these “reviews” and “audits” may not be sufficient to provide an organization with the assurance that its performance not only meets, but will continue to meet, its legal and policy requirements. To be effective, they need to be conducted within a structured management system that is integrated within the organization.The OHSAS Standards covering OH&S management are intended to provide organizations with the elements of an effective OH&S management system that can be integrated with other management requirements and help organizations achieve OH&S and economic objectives. These standards, like other International Standards, are not intended to be used to create non-tariff trade barriers or to increase or change an organization’s legal obligations.This OHSAS Standard specifies requirements for an OH&S management system to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and information about OH&S risks. It is intended to apply to all types and sizes of organizations and to accommodate diverse geographical, cultural and social conditions. The basis of the approach is shown in Figure 1. The success of the system depends on commitment from all levels and functions of the organization, and especially from top management. A system of this kind enables an organization to develop an OH&S policy, establish objectives and processes to achieve the policy commitments, take action as needed to improve its performance and demonstrate the conformity of the system to the requirements of this OHSAS Standard. The overall aim of this OHSAS Standard is to support and promote good OH&S practices, in balance with socio-economic needs. It should be noted that many of the requirements can be addressed concurrently or revisited at any time.The second edition of this OHSAS Standard is focused on clarification of the first edition, and has taken due consideration of the provisions of ISO 9001, ISO14001, ILO-OSH, and other OH&S management system standards or publications to enhance the compatibility of these standards for the benefit of the user community.© OHSAS Project Group 2007– All rights reserved•VOHSAS 18001:2007There is an important distinction between this OHSAS Standard, whichdescribes the requirements for an organization’s OH&S managementsystem and can be used for certification/registration and/orself-declaration of an organization’s OH&S management system, and anon-certifiable guideline intended to provide generic assistance to anorganization for establishing, implementing or improving an OH&Smanagement system. OH&S management encompasses a full range ofissues, including those with strategic and competitive implications.Demonstration of successful implementation of this OHSAS Standardcan be used by an organization to assure interested parties that anappropriate OH&S management system is in place.Those organizations requiring more general guidance on a broad rangeof OH&S management system issues are referred to OHSAS 18002. Anyreference to other International Standards is for information only.Figure 1OH&S management system model for this OHSAS StandardNOTE This OHSAS Standard is based on the methodology known asPlan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). PDCA can be briefly described as follows.•Plan: establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliverresults in accordance with the organization’s OH&S policy.•Do: implement the processes.•Check: monitor and measure processes against OH&S policy,objectives, legal and other requirements, and report the results.•Act: take actions to continually improve OH&S performance.Many organizations manage their operations via the application of asystem of processes and their interactions, which can be referred to as the“process approach”. ISO 9001 promotes the use of the process approach.Since PDCA can be applied to all processes, the two methodologies areconsidered to be•© OHSAS Project Group 2007– All rights reservedOHSAS 18001:2007 This OHSAS Standard contains requirements that can be objectively audited; however it does not establish absolute requirements for OH&S performance beyond the commitments, in the OH&S policy, to comply with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes, to the prevention of injury and ill health and to continual improvement. Thus, two organizations carrying out similar operations but having different OH&S performance can both conform to its requirements.This OH&S Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such as those for quality, environmental, security, or financial management, though its elements can be aligned or integrated with those of other management systems. It is possible for an organization to adapt its existing management system(s) in order to establish an OH&S management system that conforms to the requirements of this OHSAS Standard. It is pointed out, however, that the application of various elements of the management system might differ depending on the intended purpose and the interested parties involved.The level of detail and complexity of the OH&S management system, the extent of documentation and the resources devoted to it depend on a number of factors, such as the scope of the system, the size of an organization and the nature of its activities, products and services, and the organizational culture. This may be the case in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises.© OHSAS Project Group 2007– All rights reserved•viiOHSAS 18001:2007viii•© OHSAS Project Group 2007– All rights reserved This page deliberately left blankOHSAS 18001:2007Occupational health and safety management systems –Requirements1ScopeThis Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS)Standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, to enable an organization to control its OH&S risks and improve its OH&S performance. It does not statespecific OH&S performance criteria, nor does it give detailedspecifications for the design of a management system.This OHSAS Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to:a)establish an OH&S management system to eliminate or minimizerisks to personnel and other interested parties who could beexposed to OH&S hazards associated with its activities;b)implement, maintain and continually improve an OH&Smanagement system;c)assure itself of its conformity with its stated OH&S policy;d)demonstrate conformity with this OHSAS Standard by:1)making a self-determination and self-declaration, or2)seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having aninterest in the organization, such as customers, or3)seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party externalto the organization, or4)seeking certification/registration of its OH&S managementsystem by an external organization.All the requirements in this OHSAS Standard are intended to beincorporated into any OH&S management system. The extent of theapplication will depend on such factors as the OH&S policy of theorganization, the nature of its activities and the risks and complexity of its operations.This OHSAS Standard is intended to address occupational health and safety, and is not intended to address other health and safety areas such as employee wellbeing/wellness programmes, product safety, property damage or environmental impacts.2Reference publicationsOther publications that provide information or guidance are listed in the bibliography. It is advisable that the latest editions of such publications be consulted. Specifically, reference should be made to:OHSAS 18002, Occupational health and safety managementsystems – Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001International Labour Organization:2001, Guidelines on Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OSH-MS)OHSAS 18001:20073Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitionsapply.3.1acceptable riskrisk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by theorganization having regard to its legal obligations and its ownOH&S policy (3.16)3.2auditsystematic, independent and documented process for obtaining “auditevidence” and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which“audit criteria” are fulfilled[ISO 9000:2005, 3.9.1]NOTE 1 Independent does not necessarily mean external to theorganization. In many cases, particularly in smaller organizations,independence can be demonstrated by the freedom from responsibility forthe activity being audited.NOTE 2 For further guidance on “audit evidence” and “audit criteria”,see ISO 19011.3.3continual improvementrecurring process of enhancing the OH&S managementsystem (3.13) in order to achieve improvements in overallOH&S performance (3.15) consistent with the organization’s (3.17)OH&S policy (3.16)NOTE 1 The process need not take place in all areas of activitysimultaneously.NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 14001:2004, actionaction to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity (3.11) orother undesirable situationNOTE 1 There can be more than one cause for a nonconformity.NOTE 2 Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence whereaspreventive action (3.18) is taken to prevent occurrence.[ISO 9000:2005, 3.6.5]3.5documentinformation and its supporting mediumNOTE The medium can be paper, magnetic, electronic or opticalcomputer disc, photograph or master sample, or a combination thereof.[ISO 14001:2004, 3.4]3.6hazardsource, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of humaninjury or ill health (3.8), or a combination of these3.7hazard identificationprocess of recognizing that a hazard (3.6) exists and defining itscharacteristicsOHSAS 18001:2007 3.8ill healthidentifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/ormade worse by a work activity and/or work-related situation3.9incidentwork-related event(s) in which an injury or ill health (3.8) (regardlessof severity) or fatality occurred, or could have occurredNOTE 1 An accident is an incident which has given rise to injury, illhealth or fatality.NOTE 2 An incident where no injury, ill health, or fatality occurs mayalso be referred to as a “near-miss”, “near-hit”, “close call” or “dangerousoccurrence”.NOTE 3 An emergency situation (see 4.4.7) is a particular type ofincident.3.10interested partyperson or group, inside or outside the workplace (3.23), concernedwith or affected by the OH&S performance (3.15) of anorganization (3.17)3.11nonconformitynon-fulfilment of a requirement[ISO 9000:2005, 3.6.2; ISO 14001, 3.15]NOTE A nonconformity can be any deviation from:•relevant work standards, practices, procedures, legalrequirements, etc.•OH&S management system (3.13) requirements.3.12occupational health and safety (OH&S)conditions and factors that affect, or could affect, the health and safetyof employees or other workers (including temporary workers andcontractor personnel), visitors, or any other person in theworkplace (3.23)NOTE Organizations can be subject to legal requirements for the healthand safety of persons beyond the immediate workplace, or who areexposed to the workplace activities.3.13OH&S management systempart of an organization’s (3.17) management system used to developand implement its OH&S policy (3.16) and manage its OH&Srisks (3.21)NOTE 1 A management system is a set of interrelated elements used toestablish policy and objectives and to achieve those objectives.NOTE 2 A management system includes organizational structure,planning activities (including, for example, risk assessment and thesetting of objectives), responsibilities, practices, procedures (3.19),processes and resources.NOTE 3 Adapted from ISO 14001:2004, 3.8.OHSAS 18001:20073.14OH&S objectiveOH&S goal, in terms of OH&S performance (3.15), that anorganization (3.17) sets itself to achieveNOTE 1 Objectives should be quantified wherever practicable.NOTE 2 4.3.3 requires that OH&S objectives are consistent with theOH&S policy (3.16).3.15OH&S performancemeasurable results of an organization’s (3.17) management of itsOH&S risks (3.21)NOTE 1 OH&S performance measurement includes measuring theeffectiveness of the organization’s controls.NOTE 2 In the context of OH&S management systems (3.13), results canalso be measured against the organization’s (3.17) OH&S policy (3.16),OH&S objectives (3.14), and other OH&S performance requirements.3.16OH&S policyoverall intentions and direction of an organization (3.17) related to itsOH&S performance (3.15) as formally expressed by top managementNOTE 1 The OH&S policy provides a framework for action and for thesetting of OH&S objectives (3.14)NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 14001:2004,, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or partor combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private,that has its own functions and administrationNOTE For organizations with more than one operating unit, a singleoperating unit may be defined as an organization.[ISO 14001:2004, 3.16]3.18preventive actionaction to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity (3.11) orother undesirable potential situationNOTE 1 There can be more than one cause for a potential nonconformity.NOTE 2 Preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence whereascorrective action (3.4) is taken to prevent recurrence.[ISO 9000:2005, 3.6.4]3.19procedurespecified way to carry out an activity or a processNOTE Procedures can be documented or not.[ISO 9000:2005, 3.4.5]3.20recorddocument (3.5) stating results achieved or providing evidence ofactivities performed[ISO 14001:2004, 3.20]3.21riskcombination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event orexposure(s) and the severity of injury or ill health (3.8) that can becaused by the event or exposure(s)OHSAS 18001:2007 3.22risk assessmentprocess of evaluating the risk(s) (3.21) arising from a hazard(s), takinginto account the adequacy of any existing controls, and decidingwhether or not the risk(s) is acceptable3.23workplaceany physical location in which work related activities are performedunder the control of the organizationNOTE When giving consideration to what constitutes a workplace, theorganization (3.17) should take into account the OH&S effects onpersonnel who are, for example, travelling or in transit (e.g. driving,flying, on boats or trains), working at the premises of a client or customer,or working at home.4OH&S management systemrequirements4.1General requirementsThe organization shall establish, document, implement, maintain andcontinually improve an OH&S management system in accordance withthe requirements of this OHSAS Standard and determine how it will fulfilthese requirements.The organization shall define and document the scope of its OH&Smanagement system.4.2OH&S policyTop management shall define and authorize the organization’s OH&Spolicy and ensure that within the defined scope of its OH&Smanagement system it:a)is appropriate to the nature and scale of the organization’s OH&Srisks;b)includes a commitment to prevention of injury and ill health andcontinual improvement in OH&S management and OH&Sperformance;c)includes a commitment to at least comply with applicable legalrequirements and with other requirements to which theorganization subscribes that relate to its OH&S hazards;d)provides the framework for setting and reviewing OH&Sobjectives;e)is documented, implemented and maintained;f)is communicated to all persons working under the control of theorganization with the intent that they are made aware of theirindividual OH&S obligations;g)is available to interested parties; andh)is reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant andappropriate to the organization.OHSAS 18001:20074.3Planning4.3.1Hazard identification, risk assessment anddetermining controlsThe organization shall establish, implement and maintain aprocedure(s) for the ongoing hazard identification, risk assessment, anddetermination of necessary controls.The procedure(s) for hazard identification and risk assessment shalltake into account:a)routine and non-routine activities;b)activities of all persons having access to the workplace (includingcontractors and visitors);c)human behaviour, capabilities and other human factors;d)identified hazards originating outside the workplace capable ofadversely affecting the health and safety of persons under thecontrol of the organization within the workplace;e)hazards created in the vicinity of the workplace by work-relatedactivities under the control of the organization;NOTE 1 It may be more appropriate for such hazards to be assessedas an environmental aspect.f)infrastructure, equipment and materials at the workplace, whetherprovided by the organization or others;g)changes or proposed changes in the organization, its activities, ormaterials;h)modifications to the OH&S management system, includingtemporary changes, and their impacts on operations, processes,and activities;i)any applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment andimplementation of necessary controls (see also the NOTE to 3.12);j)the design of work areas, processes, installations,machinery/equipment, operating procedures and workorganization, including their adaptation to human capabilities.The organization’s methodology for hazard identification and riskassessment shall:a)be defined with respect to its scope, nature and timing to ensure itis proactive rather than reactive; andb)provide for the identification, prioritization and documentation ofrisks, and the application of controls, as appropriate.For the management of change, the organization shall identify theOH&S hazards and OH&S risks associated with changes in theorganization, the OH&S management system, or its activities, prior tothe introduction of such changes.The organization shall ensure that the results of these assessments areconsidered when determining controls.。

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BS OHSAS18001-2007版全文1 适用范围 10( W) V'2 参考资料 103 术语与定义 104 OH&S 管理体系要素 134.1 总的要求 134.2 OH&S 方针 134.3 策划 142 m8 F4 T24.4 实施与运行 15( r# d" s*4.5 检查 184.6 管理评审 206 X7 {" \! j' V&附录A(资料性附录)OHSAS 18001:2007、ISO 14001:2004 与ISO 9001:2000 的对应关系 22附录B(资料性附录)OHSAS 18001、OHSAS 18002 和ILO-OSH:2000 职业健康安全管理体系指南的对应关系 249参考书目 27附图图1—OHSAS 标准所采用的职业健康安全管理模型 8附表表A.1—OHSAS 18001:2007、ISO 14001:2004 和ISO 9001:2000的对应关系 22.表B.1—OHSAS 18001、OHSAS 18002和ILO-OSH: 2000 职业健康安全管理体系指南的对应关系化 254前言职业健康安全评估系列(OHSAS)标准及相关标准OHSAS18002:OHSAS18001 实施指南,是应顾客迫切需要有能对其职业健康安全管理体系进行评估和认证的可认可的职业健康安全管理体系标准之要求制定的。

%OHSAS18001 的制定考虑了与ISO9001:2000(质量)和ISO14001:2004(环境)管理体系标准, y 的相容性,以便组织将质量、环境及职业安全卫生管理体系整合一体,也许组织希望这样做。

OHSAS 标准在适当的时候进行审查或修改。

当ISO9001 或ISO14001 出版新版本时将对OHSAS 标准进行审查,以保证持续相容性。

当OHSAS 标准的内容在国际标准中公布或其作为国际标准时,它将被撤回。

起草OHSAS 标准时考虑了ISO/IEC 指令第2 部分中的要求。

该标准为第二版,取消和代替了第一版(OHSAS 18001:1999),是在对第一版进行技术修订的基础上制定的。

7 E3 v9与旧版文件相比,新版标准主要的变化有:· 更加突出“健康”管理的重要性。

H& S;· 新版OHSAS 18001把自己作为一个标准而不是象旧版那样作为一个规范或一个文件。

这意味着OHSAS 18001将逐步成为OHSMS国家标准的基础。

· "Plan-Do-Check-Act"模型图只在概述中作为一个整体给出,而不是在每个主要要素开始时给出局部图。

· 在第2章的参考文献中仅给出了国际性参考文件。

· 增加了新的定义,修订了现有的定义。

· 整个标准大大改进了与ISO14001:2004的一致性,并加强了与ISO9001:2000的兼容性· 术语“可容许的风险”被“可接受的风险”所代替。

· 术语“事故”包含在“事件”(见3.9)之中。

· 术语“危险”的定义不再涉及财产损失或工作环境的破坏(见3.6)。



& U5· 根据ISO14001:2004,将要素4.3.3 与4.3.4进行了合并。

%· 在OH&S策划中增加了新的要求以便考虑分级控制(见 4.3.1)。

· 对变更管理提出了更明确的要求(见 4.3.1 and 4.4.6)。

· 增加了一个新条款“合规性评估” (见 4.5.2)。

· 对员工参与和协商提出了新的要求(见。

· 对事件调查提出了新的要求(见。




引言各种类型的组织越来越关注通过控制其职业健康安全风险、符合其职业健康安全方针和- 目标来达到和展示良好的职业健康安全绩效。














OHSAS标准第二版着重更清楚地说明第一版的内容,并已考虑ISO 9001,ISO 14001,ILO-OSH 及其他OH&S管理体系标准或出版物的条款以增强他们的兼容性,以便于使用者的一致使用。






职业健康安全管理体系-要求1 适用范围. E" x4 x%职业健康安全评估系列(OHSAS)标准规定了职业安全卫生(OH&S)管理体系的要求,旨在使组织控制其OH&S 风险和改进其绩效。

它既没有提出特定的OH&S 绩效准则,也没有给出设计管理体系的详细说明。

OHSAS 标准适用于有下列愿望的任何组织:a)建立OH&S管理体系,以消除或减少人员和其他相关方可能遇到的与组织的活动相关的OH&S 风险;b)实施、保持和持续改进OH&S 管理体系;c)确保其符合本身宣告的OH&S 方针;d)通过下列方式展示符合OHSAS 标准:1)进行自我确定和声明,或2)请感兴趣的各方如顾客对其符合性进行确认,或3)请组织外的一方对其自我声明的符合性进行确认,或+4)寻求外部组织对其OH&S 管理体系进行认证/注册;本标准的所有要求都意在纳入任何OH&S 管理体系。



2 参考资料,在参考文献中列出了提供信息或指导的其他文件。


尤其是要参考:OHSAS 18002,职业健康安全管理体系-OHSAS 18001实施指南。


+3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。

3.1 可接受的风险其程度已降低到组织考虑其法律义务和其OH&S 方针(3.16)后能容忍水平的风险。

3.2 审核%用来获取审核证据并对它做出客观评估以确定审核准则满足程度的系統的、独立的和文件化的过程。

[ISO9000:2005, 3.9.1]注:独立并不是指来自组织的外部。


3.3 持续改善遵循组织(3.17)的OH&S 方针(3.16),強化职业健康安全管理体系(3.13)以达到改善整体OH&S 绩效(3.15)的循环过程。


注2:采用ISO 14001:2004 的定义3.2。

3.4 纠正措施* b6 h!用以消除所发现的不符合(3.11)或其他不期望情況的原因所采取的措施。



[ISO 9000:2005, 3.6.5]3.5 文件信息及其承载媒体。


[ISO 14001:2004, 3.4]/ L:3.6 危险* e7 i/ D7 i8可能造成人员受伤或疾病(3.8)等伤害的根源、状态或行为,或他们的组合。

3.7 危险识别Q( q! k8 M%认识存在的危险(3.6)并确定其特征的过程。

3.8 疾病由工作活动和/或工作相关的情况所引起和/或加剧其严重性的可鉴別的、有害的身体或心理状态。

- ];3.9 事件发生或可能发生伤害、疾病 (不论严重程度)或死亡的与工作相关的事件。

注1 :事故是一种造成了伤害、疾病或死亡的事件。

注2:没有造成伤害、疾病或死亡的事件也被称为[near-miss虚惊事件]、[near-hit虚惊事件]、[close call差点出事]或[dangerous occurrence危险事件]。


4 u8 T)3.10 相关方关注组织OH&S 绩效(3.15)或受其影响的工作场所(3.18)之内或之外的个人或团体。

3.11 不符合未满足要求。

E+ ]%[ISO 9000:2005, 3.6.2; ISO 14001, 3.15]+ ?1 K+注:不符合可能是对下列要求的偏离:- 相关的工作标准,实务,程序,法规要求,等;- OH&S管理体系(3.13)要求。
