sqlite 指南pdf




此时生成的sqlite文件是还未strip过的,你可以使用命令“file sqlite”查看文件信息。用strip处理过后,将去掉其中的调试信息,执行文件大小也将小很多。命令如下:
arm-linux-strip sqlite
第二步 在arm板上运行sqlite
去掉调试信息后文件大小减小许多。将sqlite_arm /bin目录下的文件sqlite3拷贝到根文件系统的bin目录下,并将sqlite_arm/lib目录下的文件拷贝到根文件系统的lib目录下。
作者:Feng dong rui
busybox wget
chmod +wx sqlite
./configure --prefix=PREFIX 改变安装路径至PREFIX
./configure --host=arm-linux 为在arm-linux环境下使用而交叉编译
./configure CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc 指定gcc编译器
./configure --srcdir=DIR 指定源码文件夹
libsqlite.a,libsqlite.so。你可以使用命令:find -name "sqlite";find -name "*.a";find -name "*.so"查看文件所在的目录。


第 4 个参数 void * 是你所提供的指针,你可以传递任何一个指针参数到这里,这个参数最终会 传到回调函数里面,如果不需要传递指针给回调函数,可以填 NULL。等下我们再看回调函数的写 法,以及这个参数的使用。 第 5 个参数 char ** errmsg 是错误信息。 注意是指针的指针。 sqlite3 里面有很多固定的错误信息。 执行 sqlite3_exec 之后,执行失败时可以查阅这个指针(直接 printf(“%s\n”,errmsg))得到一串字 符串信息,这串信息告诉你错在什么地方。sqlite3_exec 函数通过修改你传入的指针的指针,把你提 供的指针指向错误提示信息,这样 sqlite3_exec 函数外面就可以通过这个 char*得到具体错误提示。 说明:通常,sqlite3_callback 和它后面的 void * 这两个位置都可以填 NULL。填 NULL 表示 你不需要回调。比如你做 insert 操作,做 delete 操作,就没有必要使用回调。而当你做 select 时, 就要使用回调,因为 sqlite3 把数据查出来,得通过回调告诉你查出了什么数据。 i.2 exec 的回调 typedef int (*sqlite3_callback)(void*,int,char**, char**); 你的回调函数必须定义成上面这个函数的类型。下面给个简单的例子: //sqlite3 的回调函数 // sqlite 每查到一条记录,就调用一次这个回调 int LoadMyInfo( void * para, int n_column, char ** column_value, char ** column_name ) { //para 是你在 sqlite3_exec 里传入的 void * 参数 //通过 para 参数,你可以传入一些特殊的指针(比如类指针、结构指针) ,然后在这里面强制转 换成对应的类型(这里面是 void*类型,必须强制转换成你的类型才可用) 。然后操作这些数据 //n_column 是这一条记录有多少个字段 (即这条记录有多少列) // char ** column_value 是个关键值,查出来的数据都保存在这里,它实际 上是个 1 维数组(不要以为是 2 维数组) ,每一个元素都是一个 char * 值,是一个字段内容(用 字符串来表示,以\0 结尾) //char ** column_name 跟 column_value 是对应的,表示这个字段的字段名称 //这里,我不使用 para 参数。忽略它的存在. int i; printf( “记录包含 %d 个字段\n”, n_column ); for( i = 0 ; i < n_column; i ++ ) { printf( “字段名:%s > 字段值:%s\n”, column_name[i], column_value[i] ); } printf( “\n“ ); return 0; } int main( int , char ** ) { sqlite3 * db; int result; char * errmsg = NULL; result = sqlite3_open( “c:\\Dcg_database.db”, &db ); if( result != SQLITE_OK ) {



5.删除表记录:sqlite> delete from test where name = "prochip";
sqlite> drop table test;
5.2 命令行语言:
1) .help 查看命令行的帮助文件
sqlite> .help .bail ON|OFF .databases .dump ?TABLE? ...
v 1.0
TCC = gcc -O6 将其修改为: TCC = arm-linux-gcc -O6 找到下面这样一行(line 81): AR = ar cr 将其修改为: AR = arm-linux-ar cr 找到下面这样一行(line 83): RANLIB = ranlib 将其修改为: RANLIB = arm-linux-ranlib 找到下面这样一行(line 86): MKSHLIB = gcc -shared 将其修改为: MKSHLIB = arm-linux-gcc -shared 找到下面这样一行(line 96): TCL_FLAGS = -I/home/drh/tcltk/8.4linux 将其修改为: #TCL_FLAGS = -I/home/drh/tcltk/8.4linux 注释掉下面这一行(line 103): LIBTCL = /home/drh/tcltk/8.4linux/libtcl8.4g.a -lm –ldl 将其修改为:
库函数文件: libsqlite3.a
此时将 sqlite3 应用程序拷贝到文件系统的系统路径 bin 目录下,这样就可以 在嵌入式开发平台上使用 SQLite 了。






一.结构定义1.CREATE TABLE:创建新表。

语法:sql-command ::=CREATE[TEMP | TEMPORARY]TABLE table-name (column-def [, column-def]*[, constraint]*)sql-command ::=CREATE[TEMP | TEMPORARY]TABLE[database-name.]table-name AS select-statem entcolumn-def ::= name [type][[CONSTRAINT name]column-constraint]*type ::= typename |typename ( number ) |typename ( number , number )column-constraint ::=NOT NULL[ conflict-clause ]|PRIMARY KEY[sort-order][ conflict-clause ]|UNIQUE[ conflict-clause ]|CHECK ( expr ) [ conflict-clause ]|DEFAULT value |COLLATE collation-nameconstraint ::=PRIMARY KEY ( column-list ) [ conflict-clause ]|UNIQUE ( column-list ) [ conflict-clause ]|CHECK ( expr ) [ conflict-clause ]conflict-clause ::=ON CONFLICT conflict-algorithm2.CREATE VIEW:创建一个视图(虚拟表),该表以另一种方式表示一个或多个表中的数据。




本手册将介绍如何创建和管理SQLite 数据库以及使用SQL命令进行数据查询和操作。

1. 安装SQLite在开始使用SQLite之前,您需要先安装SQLite。

您可以通过以下方式安装SQLite:- 下载SQLite二进制文件并安装- 使用包管理器(如apt、yum)安装SQLite- 使用SQLite源代码进行编译和安装2. 创建数据库要创建一个新的SQLite数据库,您可以使用以下命令:```sqlite3 <database_name>.db```这将创建一个名为`<database_name>.db`的新数据库,如果数据库不存在,则会自动创建它。

3. 创建表要在SQLite数据库中创建表,请使用以下命令:```CREATE TABLE <table_name> (<column_name> <data_type>,<column_name> <data_type>,...);```这将创建一个名为`<table_name>`的新表,并为每个列指定名称和数据类型。

4. 插入数据要向SQLite表中插入数据,请使用以下命令:INSERT INTO <table_name> (<column_name1>, <column_name2>, ...) VALUES (<value1>, <value2>, ...);```这将向`<table_name>`中插入新行,并为每个指定列指定值。

5. 查询数据要从SQLite表中查询数据,请使用以下命令:```SELECT <column_name1>, <column_name2>, ... FROM <table_name> WHERE <condition>;```这将从`<table_name>`中选择指定列,并根据指定的条件筛选行。

sqlite 入门至精通共11页文档

sqlite 入门至精通共11页文档

sqlite 入门至精通sqlite入门至精通2019年04月09日星期五19:07关键字:sqlite入门至精通菜鸟入门1。

从下载SQLite 3.3.4的版本为了方便,我把它解压了,就一个SQLite3.exe,放入Windows目录下。

Cmd进入命令行1)创建数据库文件:SQLite3 d:\test.db回车就生成了一个test.db在d盘。

这样同时也SQLite3挂上了这个test.db 2)用.help可以看看有什么命令.help回车即可3)可以在这里直接输入SQL语句创建表格用;结束,然后回车就可以看到了4)看看有创建了多少表.tables 5)看表结构.schema表名6)看看目前的数据库.database 7)如果要把查询输出到文件.output文件名查询语句;查询结果就输出到了文件c:\query.txt把查询结果用屏幕输出.output stdout 8)把表结构输出,同时索引也会输出.dump表名9)退出.exit或者.quit 2。


下载了安装,在安装目录中存在System.Data.SQLite.dll我们只需要拷贝这个文件到引用目录,并添加引用即可对SQLite数据库操作了所有的Ado对象都是以SQLite开头的,比如SQLiteConnection连接串只需要如下方式Data Source=d:\test.db或者DataSource=test.db--应用在和应用程序或者能够自动找到的目录剩下的就很简单了~~3。

SQL语法由于以前用SQLServer或者ISeries,所以DDL的语法很汗颜1)创建一个单个Primary Key的table CREATETABLE[Admin]([UserName][nvarchar](20)PRIMARY KEY NOTNULL,[Password][nvarchar](50)NOT NULL,[Rank][smallint]NOTNULL,[MailServer][nvarchar](50)NOT NULL,[MailUser][nvarchar](50)NOT NULL,[MailPassword][nvarchar](50)NOT NULL,[Mail][nvarchar](50)NOT NULL);2)创建一个多个Primary Key的table CREATETABLE[CodeDetail]([CdType][nvarchar](10)NOTNULL,[CdCode][nvarchar](20)NOT NULL,[CdString1][ntext]NOTNULL,[CdString2][ntext]NOT NULL,[CdString3][ntext]NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(CdType,CdCode));3)创建索引CREATEINDEX[IX_Account]ON[Account]([IsCheck],[UserName]);还可以视图等等。

SQLite学习手册 中文全本

SQLite学习手册 中文全本



下面我们将列举一下SQLite的主要特征:1. 管理简单,甚至可以认为无需管理。

2. 操作方便,SQLite生成的数据库文件可以在各个平台无缝移植。

3. 可以非常方便的以多种形式嵌入到其他应用程序中,如静态库、动态库等。

4. 易于维护。




二、SQLite的主要优点:1. 一致性的文件格式:在SQLite的官方文档中是这样解释的,我们不要将SQLite与Oracle或PostgreSQL去比较,而是应该将它看做fopen和fwrite。


2. 在嵌入式或移动设备上的应用:由于SQLite在运行时占用的资源较少,而且无需任何管理开销,因此对于PDA、智能手机等移动设备来说,SQLite的优势毋庸置疑。



INTEGER PRIMARY KEY数据存储2010-06-1813:38:56阅读46评论0字号:大中小订阅.Sqlite中INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT和rowid/INTEGER PRIMARY KEY的使用在用sqlite设计表时,每个表都有一个自己的整形id值作为主键,插入后能不能直接得到该主键呢?还有可不可以指定这么一个id值,因为sqlite内部本来就会为每个表加上一个rowid,这个rowid可以当成一个隐含的字段使用,但是由sqlite引擎来维护的,在3.0以前rowid是32位的整数,3.0以后是64位的整数,为什么不直接使用这个内部的rowid作为每个表的id主键呢。



Each entry in an SQLite table has a unique64-bit signed integer key called the"rowid".The rowid is always available as an undeclared column named ROWID,OID,or_ROWID_as long as those names are not also used by explicitly declared columns.If the table has a column of type INTEGER PRIMARY KEY then that column is another alias for the rowid.如果表中有个INTEGER PRIMARY KEY字段,那么它只是rowid的别名。

This routine returns the rowid of the most recent successful INSERT into the database from the database connection in the first argument.If no successful INSERTs have ever occurred on that database connection,zero is returned.如果成功插入一条数据,会返回刚刚插入的数据的rowid.如果失败返回0.Android中如果发生错误返回的是-1参照/faq.htmlShort answer:A column declared INTEGER PRIMARY KEY will autoincrement.Here is the long answer:If you declare a column of a table to be INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,then whenever you insert a NULL into that column of the table,the NULL is automatically converted into an integer which is one greater than the largest value of that column overall other rows in the table,or1if the table is empty.(If the largest possible integer key, 9223372036854775807,then an unused key value is chosen at random.)For example,suppose you have a table like this:CREATE TABLE t1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,b INTEGER);With this table,the statementINSERT INTO t1VALUES(NULL,123);is logically equivalent to saying:INSERT INTO t1VALUES((SELECT max(a)FROM t1)+1,123);There is a function named sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()which will return the integer key for the most recent insert operation.Note that the integer key is one greater than the largest key that was in the table just prior to the insert.The new key will be unique over all keys currently in the table,but it might overlap with keys that have been previously deleted from the table.To create keys that are unique over the lifetime of the table,add the AUTOINCREMENT keyword to the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY declaration.Then the key chosen will be one more than than the largest key that has ever existed in that table.If the largest possible key has previously existed in that table,then the INSERT will fail with an SQLITE_FULL error code.把一个列申明为INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,那么在向它插入NULL,该列就由系统指定。



Compiling SQLite from SourceCompiling SQLite from source on POSIX systems follows very closely the MinGW instructionsgiven earlier for the Windows platform (actually it is more the other way around; MinGWinstallation apes Linux source installation!). To build SQLite on POSIX systems, you need toensure that you have the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) installed, including Autoconf,Automake, and Libtool. Most of the systems already discussed include all of these by default.With this software in place, you can build SQLite by doing the following:1. Download the Linux/Unix SQLite tarball (source code) from the SQLite website. At thetime of this writing, the current version is sqlite-3.3.4.tar.gz. Place it in a directory(e.g., /tmp).2. Navigate to your build directory:cd /tmp3. Unpack the SQLite tarball:tar -xzvf sqlite-3.3.4.tar.gz4. Move into the unpacked directory:cd sqlite-3.3.45. Create the Makefile:./configure6. If you want to create a multithreaded shared library, run./configure -–enable-threads –disable-tcl –prefix=/home/temp 7. Other options, such as the installation directory, are also available. For a complete list ofconfigure options, run./configure --help8. Build the source:make9. As root, install:make installYou now have a functional SQLite installation on your system that includes both the SQLiteshared library and a dynamically linked CLP (which uses the SQLite shared library). If you haveGNU Readline installed on you system, the CLP should be compiled with Readline support.Test it out by running it from the command line:root@linux # sqlite3This will invoke the CLP using an in-memory database. Type .help for a list of shell commands.Type .exit to close the application, or press Ctrl+D.You can just as easily type .h for short. Many of the commands can be similarly abbreviated,such as .e—short for .exit—to exit the shell.Let’s start by creating a database that we will call test.db. From the command line, openthe CLP in shell mode by typing the following:sqlite3 test.dbEven though we have provided a database name, SQLite does not actually create the database (yet) if it doesn’t already exist. SQLite will defer creating the database until you actually create something inside it, such as a table or view. The reason for this is so that you have the opportunityto set various permanent database settings (such as page size) before the database structure is committed to disk. Some settings such as page size and character encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.) cannot be changed once the database is created, so this interim is where you have a chanceto specify them. We will go with the default settings here, so to actually create the database on disk, we need only to create a table. Issue the following statement from the shell:sqlite> create table test (id integer primary key, value text); Now you have a database file on disk called test.db, which contains one table called test. This table, as you can see, has two columns:• A primary key column called id, which has an autoincrement attribute. Wherever youdefine a column of type integer primary key, SQLite will apply an autoincrement functionfor the column. That is, if no value is provided for the column in an INSERT statement,SQLite will automatically generate one by finding the next integer value specific to thatcolumn.• A simple text field called value.Let’s add a few rows to the table:sqlite> insert into test (value) values('eenie');sqlite> insert into test (value) values('meenie');sqlite> insert into test (value) values('miny');sqlite> insert into test (value) values('mo');Now fetch them back:sqlite> .mode colsqlite> .headers onsqlite> SELECT * FROM test;id value---------- ----------1 eenie2 meenie3 miny4 moThe two commands preceding the SELECT statement (.headers and .mode) are used to improvethe formatting a little (both of which are covered later). We can see that SQLite provided sequential integer values for the id column, which we did not provide in the INSERT statements. While on the topic of autoincrement columns, you might be interested to know that the value of the last inserted autoincrement value can be obtained using the SQL function last_insert_rowid():sqlite> select last_insert_rowid();last_insert_rowid()-------------------4Before we quit, let’s add an index and a view to the database. These will come in handy inthe illustrations that follow:sqlite> create index test_idx on test (value);sqlite> create view schema as select * from sqlite_master; To exit the shell, issue the .exit command:sqlite> .exitC:\Temp>On Windows, you can also terminate the shell by using the key sequence Ctrl+C. On Unix, youcan use Ctrl+D.Getting Database Schema InformationThere are several shell commands for obtaining information about the contents of a database.You can retrieve a list of tables (and views) using .tables [pattern], where [pattern] can beany pattern that the SQL LIKE operator understands (we cover LIKE in Chapter 4 if you are unfamiliar with it). All tables and views matching the given pattern will be returned. If nopattern is supplied, all tables and views are returned:sqlite> .tablestest_idxHere we see the index we created earlier on test, called test_idx. The SQL definition or data definition language (DDL) for a table or view can be obtained using .schema [table name].If no table name is provided, the SQL definitions of all database objects (tables, indexes, views,and indexes) are returned:sqlite> .schema testCREATE TABLE test (id integer primary key, value text); CREATE INDEX test_idx on test (value);sqlite> .schemaCREATE TABLE test (id integer primary key, value text);CREATE VIEW schema as select * from sqlite_master;CREATE INDEX test_idx on test (value);1.创建一个data.txt文件id, name,gender, age1,dq,male,242,jz,female,273,pp,male,264,cj,male,285,zc,male,252. 创建一个数据库test.db和表employee。



SQLite3命令⾏操作指南.help查看帮助信息.backup ?DB? FILE备份数据库, ⽅法:.backup [main|...] filename, 数据库名可以通过.databases 命令得到,⼀般为main, 可以省略, filename为磁盘⽂件名..bail ON|OFF遇到错误时不再继续, 默认为OFF.databases列出附加到数据库的数据库和⽂件.dump ?TABLE? ...保存表到SQL格式的⽂件中, 没有指定表名, 则保存所有. 如果要保存到磁盘上需要结合 .output 命令..echo ON|OFF打开/关闭命令⾏回显.exit退出该命令⾏.explain ?ON|OFF?以合适的⽅式显⽰表头, 不带参数则为开启.header<s> ON;OFF是否显⽰表头, 和 .explain 差别不是很⼤.help显⽰帮助信息.import FILE TABLE从⽂件中导⼊表.indices ?TABLE?显⽰索引.load FILE ?ENTRY?加载⼀个扩展库.log FILE|off是否记录⽇志,⽂件可以是标准输出/输⼊.mode MODE ?TABLE?设置输出模式, 模式可以是以下⼏种:csv 以逗号分隔的值column 表头左对齐(参见 .width)html 显⽰ HTML 代码insert SQL插⼊语句line ⼀⾏⼀个值list 值⽤ string 分隔tabs 以 tab 分隔的值tcl TCL 列表元素.nullvalue STRING以 STRING 代替 NULL 值的输出.output FILENAME输出到⽂件, ⽽不是显⽰在屏幕上.output stdout输出到屏幕上.prompt MAIN CONTINUE替换默认的命令提⽰信息, 默认就是 sqlite> .quit退出命令⾏.read FILENAME执⾏ FILENAME 中的 SQL.restore ?DB? FILE从⽂件中还原数据到表, 默认表为 main.schema ?TABLE?显⽰ CREATE 语句.timeout MS在 MS 时间内尝试打开被锁定的表.vfsname ?AUX?显⽰ VFS 栈信息.width NUM1 NUM2 ...设置 column 模式中的列的宽度.timer ON|OFF显⽰CPU时间其它:参见 SQLITE3 官⽅命令⼿册⽐如 cacuum 可以释放磁盘空间...再其它:执⾏该 SQL 语句--End of File--。











在Linux 系统上,很多时候系统本身就已经预装了sqlite,要是没有的话,通过包管理器安装也是超级简单的,就像跟系统说“给我装个sqlite吧”,然后它就乖乖听话啦。

Mac 系统也类似哦,要么去官网下载,要么用一些包管理工具,很快就能把sqlite请到自己的电脑里。





你只要打开命令行界面,输入一个简单的命令,比如说“sqlite3 test.db”,这里的“test.db”就是你要创建的数据库的名字啦。








你可以使用“CREATE TABLE”命令。

像这样:“CREATE TABLE students (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER);”。



Sqlite入门手册目录Sqlite简介 (3)一、简介: (3)Sqlite环境配置 (6)1. 下载 SQLite3 源码: (6)2. 下载 SQLite3.dll: (7)3. 生成 SQLite3.lib 文件: (8)4. 生成或下载 SQLite3 Shell 文件: (9)5. 创建数据库以及数据表: (11)6.mspdb80.dll无法找到 (14)Sqlite操作入门 (15)一、创建数据表: (15)二、表的修改: (17)三、表的删除: (18)四、创建视图: (18)Sqlite的锁机制 (19)事务 (19)SQLite中的锁 (19)保留状态(reserved) (21)待定状态(pending) (22)独占状态(exclusive) (22)Sqlite实例代码 (23)1.常规数据插入 (23)2.高效的批量数据插入: (25)3.数据查询 (29)SQLite C/C++ 接口简介 (33)1.0 Core Objects And Interfaces (33)1.1 Typical Usage Of Core Routines And Objects (36)2.0 Convenience Wrappers Around Core Routines (37)3.0 Binding Parameters and Reusing Prepared Statements (37)4.0 Extending SQLite (38)5.0 Other Interfaces (39)Sqlite的其他信息 (40)Sqlite简介一、简介:SQLite是目前最流行的开源嵌入式数据库,和很多其他嵌入式存储引擎相比(NoSQL),如BerkeleyDB、MemBASE等,SQLite可以很好的支持关系型数据库所具备的一些基本特征,如标准SQL语法、事务、数据表和索引等。

guru99 SQLite说明书

guru99 SQLite说明书

1) Explain what is SQLite?SQLite is a mostly ACID compliant relational database management system contained in a relatively small C programming library.2) List out the standard SQLite commands?The standard SQLite commands interact with relational databases are similar to SQL. They are •SELECT•CREATE•INSERT•UPDATE•DROP•DELETEBased on their operational nature these commands can be classified.3) Explain what is SQLite transactions?The transaction is referred as a unit of work that is performed against a database. It is the propagation of one or more changes to the database. Properties of transactions are determined by ACID.•Atomicity: It ensures that all work unit are successfully completed•Consistency: It ensures that the database changes states upon a successfully committed transaction•Isolation: It enables transactions to operate independently of and transparent to each other•Durability: It ensures that the result or effect of a committed transaction persists in case ofa system failure4) List out the areas where SQLite works well?SQLite works well with•Embedded devices and the internet of things•Application file format•Data Analysis•Websites•Cache for enterprise data•Server side database•File archives•Internal or temporary databases•Replacement for ad hoc disk files•Experimental SQL language extensions•Stand-in for an enterprise database during demos or testing 5) What is the difference between SQL and SQLite?•SQL is a Structured Query Language •SQLite is a powerful, embedded relational database management system mostly used in mobile devices for data storage•SQL is server based •SQLite is file based6) List out the advantages of SQLite?•It does not require separate server processor system to operate•No setup or administration required SQlite comes with zero-configuration•An SQLite database can be stored in a single cross-platform disk file•SQLite is very compact less than 400 KiB•SQLite is self-contained, which means no external dependencies•It supports almost all types of O.S•It is written in ANSI-C and provides easy to use API7) Mention what are the SQLite storage classes? SQLite storage classes include•Null: The value is a NULL value•Integer: The value is a signed integer (1,2,3, etc.)•Real: The value is a floating point value, stored as an 8 byte IEEE floating point number •Text: The value is a text string, stored using the database encoding ( UTF-8, UTF-16BE) •BLOB (Binary Large Object): The value is a blob of data, exactly stored as it was input8) Explain how Boolean values in SQLite are stored?Boolean values in SQLite are stored as integers 0 (false) and 1 (true). SQLite does not have a separate Boolean storage class.9) Explain what is the use of SQLITE group by clause?The SQLITE group by clause is used in collaboration with the SELECT statement to arrange identical data into groups.10) Mention what is the command used to create a database in SQLite?To create a database in SQLite- command “sqlite3” is used. The basic syntax to create a database is $sqlite3 DatabaseName.db.11) Mention what is .dump command is used for?The .dump command is used to make an SQLite database dump, remember once you use the dump command all your data will be dumped forever and cannot be retrieved.12) Explain how can you delete or add columns from an existing table in SQLite?There is a very limited support for alter ( add or delete ) table. In case if you want to delete or add columns from an existing table in SQLite you have to first save the existing data to a temporary table, drop the old table or column, create the new table and then copy the data back in from the temporary table.13) Mention what is the maximum size of a VARCHAR in SQLite?SQLite does not have any specific length for VARCHAR. For instance, you can declare a VARCHAR (10) and SQLite will store a 500 million character string there. It will keep all 500 characters intact.14) Mention when to use SQLite and when not to use SQLite?SQLite can be used in following conditions•Embedded applications: Does not require expansion like mobile applications or games •Disk assess replacement: Application that require to write or read files to disk directly •Testing: When testing business application logicWhen not to use SQLite•Multi-user applications: Where multiple client needs to access and use same database •Applications requiring high write volumes: It enables you to use only one single write operation to take place at any given time15) Explain how to recover deleted data from my SQLite database?To recover the information you can use your backup copy of your database file, but if you do not have a backup copy, then recovery is impossible. SQLite uses SQLITE SECURE DELETE option which overwrites all deleted content with zeroes.16) When can you get an SQLITE_SCHEMA error?The SQLITE_SCHEMA error is returned when a prepared SQL statement is not valid and cannot be executed. Such type occurs only when using the sqlite3 prepare() and sqlite3 step() interfaces to run SQL.17) Mention what is the Export Control Classification Number (EECN) for SQLite?The core public domain SQLite source code is not described by any ECCN. Hence, the ECCN should be reported as EAR99. But if you are adding new code or linking SQLite with the application, then it might change the EECN number.18) Explain what is view in SQLite?In SQLite, a view is actually a composition of a table in the form of pre-defined SQLite Query. A view can consist of all rows of a table or selected rows from one or more tables.19) Explain what are SQLite Indexes?SQLite indexes are special lookup tables that the database search engine use to speed up data retrieval. In simple words, it is a pointer to data in a table.20) When Indexes should be avoided?Indexes should be avoided when•Tables are small•Tables that changes frequently•Columns that are frequently manipulated or having a high number of NULL valuesGuru99 Provides FREE ONLINE TUTORIAL on Various courses likeSAP Training Python Excel ASP Net HBaseProjectTest Management Business Analyst Ethical Hacking PMP ManagementLive Project SoapUI Photoshop Manual Testing Mobile Testing Data Warehouse R Tutorial Tableau DevOps AWSSoftware Jenkins Agile Testing RPA JUnitEngineering Selenium CCNA AngularJS NodeJS PLSQL。







相对于易语言数据库,Sqlite数据库的优势是支持SQL语句、事务、触发器、视图;相对于Microsoft Access,Sqlite数据库的优势是跨平台、无需额外驱动;相对于其它非本地数据库,如Oracle、DB2、MS SQL Server、MySQL、PostgreSQL,Sqlite数据库具有小巧、速度快的优势。

Sqlite数据库的主要特性列表(资料来源于):✓Transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID) even after system crashes and power failures.✓Zero-configuration - no setup or administration needed.✓Implements most of SQL92. (Features not supported)✓ A complete database is stored in a single disk file.✓Database files can be freely shared between machines with different byte orders.✓Supports databases up to 2 terabytes (241 bytes) in size.✓Sizes of strings and BLOBs limited only by available memory.✓Small code footprint: less than 30K lines of C code, less than 250KB code space (gcc on i486)✓Faster than popular client/server database engines for most common operations.✓Simple, easy to use API.✓TCL bindings included. Bindings for many other languages available separately.✓Well-commented source code with over 95% test coverage.✓Self-contained: no external dependencies.✓Sources are in the public domain. Use for any purpose.Sqlite数据库基本概念✓Sqlite数据库是文件型数据库,一个数据库对应一个磁盘文件,数据库中的所有信息全部存储于该文件中。



1. 查看数据库版本:sqlite3 -version。

2. 打开或创建数据库:。

3. 查看数据库文件信息:.database。

4. 查看数据库表:.table。

5. 退出sqlite:.quit 或 .exit。

6. 列出当前显示格式的配置:.show。

7. 显示数据库结构/显示表的结构:.schema。

8. 设置分隔符:.separator分隔符。

9. 显示标题栏:.headerson/off。

10. 设置显示模式:.mode模式。

11. 设置NULL值显示样式:.nullvalue。





sqlite教程1:sqlite常用接口2个重要结构体和5个主要函数:sqlite3 *pdb, 数据库句柄,跟文件句柄FILE很类似sqlite3_stmt *stmt, 这个相当于ODBC的Command对象,用于保存编译好的SQL语句sqlite3_open(), 打开数据库sqlite3_exec(), 执行非查询的sql语句sqlite3_prepare(), 准备sql语句,执行select语句或者要使用parameter bind时,用这个函数(封装了sqlite3_exec).Sqlite3_step(), 在调用sqlite3_prepare后,使用这个函数在记录集中移动。

Sqlite3_close(), 关闭数据库文件还有一系列的函数,用于从记录集字段中获取数据,如sqlite3_column_text(), 取text类型的数据。

sqlite3_column_blob(),取blob类型的数据sqlite3_column_int(), 取int类型的数据…2:sqlite数据类型介绍在进行数据库Sql操作之前,首先有个问题需要说明,就是Sqlite的数据类型,和其他的数据库不同,Sqlite支持的数据类型有他自己的特色,这个特色有时会被认为是一个潜在的缺点,但是这个问题并不在我们的讨论范围之内。


而在Sqlite 2.X中,数据类型这个属性只属于数据本生,而不和数据被存在哪一列有关,也就是说数据的类型并不受数据列限制(有一个例外:INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,该列只能存整型数据)。





在本章中,我们将介绍SQLite 的基本特性以及如何安装和配置它。

1.1 SQLite的特点SQLite具有以下特点:- 无服务器架构:SQLite是一种嵌入式数据库,不需要独立的服务器进程,可以直接在应用程序中使用。

- 零配置:SQLite不需要额外的配置或管理,数据库文件直接存储在磁盘上。

- 零维护:SQLite自动处理数据库的创建、重命名以及备份等操作。

- 跨平台:SQLite可以在不同的操作系统上运行,包括Windows、macOS和Linux等。

1.2 安装SQLite安装SQLite非常简单,只需要下载对应操作系统的预编译二进制文件,并将其添加到系统的PATH环境变量中即可。



2.1 创建数据库通过SQLite的命令行工具或编程语言的SQLite API,可以创建一个新的SQLite数据库。

使用SQLite命令行工具的示例命令如下:```sqlite3 test.db```此命令将在当前目录下创建名为test.db的数据库文件,并进入SQLite控制台。

2.2 数据库备份与还原SQLite提供了命令行工具和API来备份和还原数据库。

使用命令行工具的示例命令如下:```sqlite3 test.db .backup backup.db```此命令将备份test.db数据库到名为backup.db的文件中。

2.3 数据库表操作SQLite使用SQL语言来操作数据库表。

以下是一些常见的表操作示例:- 创建表:```CREATE TABLE students (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER);```- 插入数据:```INSERT INTO students (name, age) VALUES ('John', 20);```- 查询数据:```SELECT * FROM students;```- 更新数据:```UPDATE students SET age = 21 WHERE name = 'John';```第三章:SQLite性能优化SQLite虽然是一个轻量级数据库,但在大数据量和高并发的情况下,也需要进行性能优化。



ADDRESS ---------California Texas Norway Rich-Mond Texas South-Hall Houston
SALARY ---------20000.0 15000.0 20000.0 65000.0 85000.0 45000.0 10000.0
Now, let's start a transaction and delete records from the table having age = 25 and finally we use ROLLBACK command to undo all the changes.
The COMMIT Command:
The COMMIT command is the transactional command used to save changes invoked by a transaction to the database. The COMMIT command saves all transactions to the database since the last COMMIT or ROLLBACK
SALARY ---------20000.0 15000.0 20000.0 65000.0 85000.0 45000.0 10000.0
Now, let's start another transaction and delete records from the table having age = 25 and finally we use COMMIT command to commit all the changes.



SQLite使用方法三(windows平台)版本历史目录1引言 (1)1.1编写目的 (1)1.2前景 (1)1.3定义 (1)1.4参考资料 (1)2.1软件的结构 (2)2.2程序表 (2)2.3文卷表 (2)3SQLITE使用方法三 (2)3.1例1P ERSONAL_C ONTACTS (3)SQLite使用方法三(windows平台)1引言1.1编写目的学会Android友善的免费应用程序开发环境,阅读者为计算机应用与网络教研室Android 开发小组成员。

1.2前景说明:a.这份操作手册所描述的软件操作系统的名称为Microsoft Windows XP SP3;b.该软件项目的任务提出者:计算机应用与网络教研室开发者:Android开发小组用户(或首批用户):2011级软件工程专业学生安装软件者:Android开发小组1.3定义Android——一个免费的操作系统平台JDK 5 或JDK 6——Java 开发环境Eclipse IDE——一个多用途的开发工具平台Android SDK——Android 程序开发套件,包含Android 手机模拟器(Emulator)ADT——基于Eclipse 的Android 开发工具扩充套件(Android Development Toolsplugin)1.4参考资料列出有用的参考资料,如:a.本项目的经核准的工作计划任务书;b.Android 官方网站/c.开放手持装置联盟(Open Handset Alliance) /d.Google Android 开发者部落格/e.Android 开发者大赛网站/android/adc.htmlf.Android 文件/g./pub/a/onlamp/2007 ... e-sdk.htmlh.CNet 专访:Google 手机平台背后的原创者i./news/comm/0,200 ... 898,00.htmj.Android 源代码网站 2软件征述2.1软件的结构结合软件系统所具有的功能包括输入、处理和输出提供该软件的总体结构图表。

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sqlite 指南

1. 安装:首先需要下载并安装SQLite库。


2. 创建数据库:使用sqlite3命令行工具可以创建一个新的数据库文件。

例如,在命令行中输入“sqlite3 mydatabase.db”将创建一个名为“mydatabase.db”的数据库文件。

3. 创建表:在SQLite中,可以使用CREATE TABLE语句创建表。

例如,“CREATE TABLE mytable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER);”将创建一个名为“mytable”的表,包含id、name和age 三个字段。

4. 插入数据:可以使用INSERT INTO语句向表中插入数据。

例如,“INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES ('John', 25);”将在“mytable”表中插入一条记录,包含name和age两个字段的值。

5. 查询数据:可以使用SELECT语句查询表中的数据。

例如,“SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE age > 20;”将查询“mytable”表中年龄大于20的所有记录。

6. 更新数据:可以使用UPDATE语句更新表中的数据。

例如,“UPDATE mytable SET age = 30 WHERE name = 'John';”将更新“mytable”表中name字段为“John”的记录的age字段为30。

7. 删除数据:可以使用DELETE语句删除表中的数据。

例如,“DELETE FROM mytable WHERE name = 'John';”将删除“mytable”表中name字段为“John”的所有记录。

8. 关闭数据库:使用sqlite3命令行工具时,可以在完成操作后使用“.quit”命令关闭数据库连接。

以上是SQLite的基本使用方法,更深入的使用可以参考SQLite 的官方文档和教程。
