新编英语教程第2册workbook 听力与翻译答案

新编英语教程第2册workbook 听力与翻译答案Unit 1Dictation AEver since the modern Olympic Games began in 1896, they’ve had their critics. Every form of competitive activity attracts trouble. But part of the aim of the Games, when they were first held in Ancient Greece, was to discourage war between states by engaging them in a friendlier kind of competition.The spirit of competition in the Games does a lot of good, getting people to forget their differences in a communal activity. Any competitor or spectator at the Games or in the Olympic Village will tell you that the atmosphere of friendship there is unforgettable, as if the world were one big family.These Games are the biggest international gathering of any kind in the world. Not only do they bring sportsmen together, but they unite a world public. Isn’t this a sufficient reason for continuing them? As long as the majority wants it, these Games will continue.B: Association football, also known as soccer, is an 11-a-side team game played on a grass field. At each end of the field is a goal net. The object is to move the ball around the field, with the feet or head, until a player is in a position to put the ball into the net and score a goal. The goalkeeper defends the goal, and he is the only person allowed to touch the ball with his hands while it is in play. The ancient Greeks, Chinese, Egyptians and Romans all played a form of football. In the early 19th century it became an organized game in Britain, and was played in most universities and public schools. In 1863 the Football Association was formed. The first FA Cup final was played in 1872. The first World Cup was organized in Uruguay in 1930. The European Governing body, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), was formed in 1954, and it controls the major European club competitions.Listening comprehensionAn American Sightseeing in AthensOne Sunday, Nick Tyler went with his aunt and uncle to see the Acropolis, the famous hill in the city of Athens. On their way they stopped at a large white marble stadium that the Greeks had built in 330 B.C.. The Greek nation had rebuilt it in 143 A.D., and then again in 1896 for the first modern Olympic Games. How thrilled the athletes must have been, Nick thought, to perform in such a stadium!Soon the Tylers arrived at the Acropolis itself. They climbed many steps to reach the top, and there they stood before the ruins of the beautiful Parthenon. Nick had seen pictures of the temple before, but the actual sight of the structure gave him an unexpected pleasure. Its design and proportion were perfect.The Greeks had built the Parthenon during their Golden Age, and it should have lasted fro thousands of years, but it didn’t. According to one of the guides near the gate, an army had once used the temple as a store house for ammunition; then, during a battle, it had exploded and left the building in ruins. Nick thought the soldiers ought not to have put the ammunition there; surely they could have kept it in another place. However, they probably never imagined that there would be such an explosion. Or perhaps they might not have appreciated the beautiful design of the fine structure.Nick and his relatives also visited one of the smaller structures on the Acropolis, and then theywent down to the marketplace of old Athens. The early Greeks must have liked to buy things in the shops there; they could always look up and see the beautiful temple on the hill. Afterwards, the Tylers stopped at a place which some people believe is the actual building where Socrates spent his last days. Nick felt sad when he thought of the death of that great teacher. Socrates, however, would have been very happy to know that many of his ideas still live today. When they returned home, Nick thanked his aunt and uncle for the interesting afternoon. They had been glad to show him the most famous monuments in their city. They had wanted to take him to other places that day, but there was not enough time. However, Nick would be in Athens for a whole year, and he would have many more Sundays for sightseeing and such experiences. TranslationThe transport problem in Lavenport has been growing because in this cosmopolitan city there are too many people but there is not enough space. The population has been increasing very quickly in recent years and now Lavenport has become very crowded. Hardly any city/ Very few cities in the world is/ are as crowded ad Lavenport. Since 1851 the people in this port city have been claiming land from the sea and today it is difficult to imagine what the original shoreline looked like. But over the years, reclamation schemes have been growing more and more expensive and today there is hardly any place left where reclamation is possible. The streets are becoming more and more crowded with buses, trams, cars and taxis. The harbor is one of the busiest in the world. Each day about five million passengers make use of some kind of public transport or other in Lavenport.Unit 2DictationA.The motion picture is a highly complex art form which combines many other arts.The filmmaker is a writer using language, a musician using music. He is a painter concerned with composition, light, and color. He is a sculptor molding (or moulding) forms in space, a choreographer shaping human movement. With the camera as the major tool, the filmmaker recreates the external world. Using the camera and putting pieces of film together or separating them in the editing process, the filmmaker powerfully controls time and space. A gunfight can become a ballet in slow motion. The act of climbing a short flight of stairs can be extended to seem like an endless journey, and an airplane can be made to cross continents in seconds. In the theatrical film, the filmmaker uses these and many other artistic techniques to tell a story.B.An opera is a play with music. The actors sing some of the words instead ofspeaking them. In grand opera, they sing all the words. The music and singing portray the moods of the story and the feelings of the characters in it.To appreciate an opera, you should go and see one. Listening to opera on the radio or on records does not give much idea of what it is really like. Going to an opera can be very exciting. There is usually a large orchestra, and a chorus of singers as well as the leading singer. The scenery is colorful and the stage lighting often very dramatic. Although parts of an opera are treated in such detail that the action is rather slow, the beauty of the songs compensates for the breaks in the action.However, it is not always easy to appreciate opera. Sometimes the words are in aforeign language, often Italian. Even if the opera is sung in English, it is sometimes difficult to make out the words. It helps if you get to know the story first. The programme always contains an outline of the story, so make sure you buy one at the opera house or theatre and read it before the curtain goes up. Translation B (Pay attention to the underlined parts)Where did movies begin? It’s often said they are American invention, but this is not entirely true. The motion picture has always been the most international of arts. At the end of the 19th century, inventors in France, England, and the United States were among the dozens of men who were trying to develop ways of using photographs to create the effect of motion.Soon after 1889, when the famous American inventor Thomas Edison first show motion pictures through a device called Kinetoscope, other devices for the same purposes appeared all over the world. Edison had solved certain problem, making it possible for other inventors to develop their own devices. One other important contribution by Edison was the introduction of 35mm. as the international standard film width. When it became possible to use any 35mm. machine for showing movies from any parts of the world, the international trading of films began to take place. Samples of retelling Retelling of dialogue I in unit 1Grandpa is emotional when he sees Chinese athletes doing well at the Olympic Games. He tells Linlin about the Chinese athletes’ experience at the thr ee Olympics before 1949 (what happened to the Chinese athletes when he was young, and china’s participation in the 1932, 1936 and 1948 Olympic Games) and attributes the sad experience to the then government.Retelling of reading I in unit 1This is an introduction to two kinds of football in the United States, namely American football and football, which is known to the Americans as “soccer”. The former is introduced by the first three paragraphs and the latter the fourth and the fifth paragraphs.•The first paragraph introduces the origin of American football and illustrates the enthusiasm the national sport inspires across the United States.•The second paragraph introduces the scoring method of American football as similar to that of rugby,•and the third shows the difference between the two games in terms of the physical protection offered to their players.•The fourth paragraph illustrates how soccer gains in popularity among the American public •and the fifth, as a conclusion of the fourth paragraph, points out the fact that soccer beats baseball in terms of the size of the audience and the brilliant promotion of the game.Retelling of dialogue I in unit 2A andB are talking about a four-act English play to celebrate Hong Kong’s return to the motherlan d. Since it’s the first time for the college to stage such a grand performance, a lot of students are involved in the rehearsal, and they have to sacrifice Friday evening for the rehearsal.B is eventually persuaded to play a role in the drama.Retelling of reading I in unit 2•The article is an informative analysis of the various stunts usually employed by filmmakers in shooting to make the actions more thrilling and lifelike. The stuntmen and stunts are involved infights, bullet firing, air rifles and other dangerous stunts like explosives, fire stunts, horse-riding, hand falls, climbing on aeroplanes and speeding motor vehicles.•The paragraphs are organized into a clear-cut three parts: the introduction in the first paragraph, the conclusion in the last paragraph and the body specifying different stunts.Retelling of dialogue I in unit 3A comes to school every day by bus so he tellsB that sometimes it is a very horrible experience. In the rush hour, too many people want to get on the bus, and A describes to B a terrible scene on a bus terminal. B also recalls a similar scene he saw the other day on bus where the seat for the aged is occupied by young guy. Then they talk about other rude manners they have seen in public. At last, they agree that it is time to quit those rude behaviors.Retelling of reading I in unit 3This article describes a story of the bad treatment the writer has received in a store. The writer came to a store to exchange a jumper, which was given by his friend as a gift, for a larger one. But the store didn’t have a larger size. When he was about to leave, two detectives mistakenly took him as a shoplifter. Under the writer’s continuous and strong protest, the manager and the two detectives in the store were reluctant to find out the truth after a long period of insensitivity. Although he proved his innocence at last with the one shop assistance as his witness, the ruthless treatment he had received made him very uncomfortable.Unit 3DictationA: Specialists in marketing have studied how to make people buy more food in a supermarket. They do all kinds of things that you do not even notice. For example, the simple, ordinary food that everybody must buy, like bread, milk, flour and vegetable oil, is spread all over the store. You have to walk by all the more interesting things in order to find what you need. The more expensive food is in packages with bright-colored pictures. This food is placed at eye level so you see it and want to buy it. The things that you have to buy anyway are usually located on a higher or lower shelf. However, candy and other things that children like are on lower shelves. The store has a comfortable temperature in summer and winter, and it plays soft music. It is a pleasant place for people to stay and spend more money.So be careful in the supermarket. You may go home with a bag of food you were not planning to buy. The supermarket, not you, decided you should buy it.B: While I was shopping in a large department store, I stopped in the book department. I spent at least 30 minutes there because I was looking for a number of books which I wanted to give to people as presents. I found quite a few of them so I put them in a pile beside me. I was standing there and reading the books quietly, choosing some and putting some others back, when an elderly lady came up to me, pushed a book at me and said, “I’ll take this.” I replied to her, “Go ahead, madam, but you had better pay for it first.” Then I realized that because I was standing by a great pile of books, she thought I was a shop assistant. I was starting to explain when she interrupted me and complained about the service in the shop. I said nothing and walked away.TranslationA. 1. The stuntman’s breathtaking performance left the audience panic-stricken (in panic).2. Since his health is deteriorating (worsen), I think it is time he got out of the bad habit of smoking.3. When Bill is preoccupied with his experiment, he has no idea of what is going on around him.4. Tom proposed to exchange this stamp of his for tha t book of John’s, but John refused.5. He accused his neighbor of playing the records too loudly at night.6. He is not such a fool as you assume him to be.B. On many occasions we may hear people say that men are superior to women. Actually this is a manifestation of chauvinism.Admittedly (Truly/ Of course/ Certainly), men are doing (performing/behaving/ achieving) better than women in most fields, but this is not women’s fault. The old (outmoded) traditions (conventions/ or The conventional ideas) which prevent women from enjoying equal opportunities with men have a lot to do with the problem (phenomenon).There is yet another invisible (unobvious/intangible) form of discrimination. That is the deep-rooted (deep-seated) prejudice that sees ignorance as a woman’s virtue. But of course it is true (can not be denied) that in our country women’s status has been greatly raised in the past fifty years.A main obstacle that often holds women back is fear (cowardliness), which results from social prejudice and keeps women from doing anything significant. To root out (break down/eliminate/eradicate) the conventional prejudices, women should hold to the belief that they can catch up with and surpass men. This belief will build up women’s confidence, overcome their fear, and shatter the myth that men are superior to women.Unit 4DictationA: The price of gasoline should have been set at ten dollars a gallon in 1918 when Henry Ford introduced the Model T. Consider what would have happened. If the price of gas had been too expensive for the average person, then there never would have been such serious pollution problems in every major American city. Moreover, there would be no need to rehabilitate our cities, because large numbers of people would never have left them for the suburbs. Finally, if the price had been set at ten dollars a gallon, there would have been enough gasoline reserves to last for centuries. Instead, the low price of gas helped to exhaust the supply and create over-dependence upon foreign sources of oil.B: People used to think that the Mississippi was too big to be polluted. But today it is in trouble. In the past half century or so hundreds of factories have been built on the banks of the river. As pollution has increased, so has the amount of harmful waste been discharged into the river. In many places the water can no longer be safely used for drinking or irrigation. Birds and fish have been killed off in large numbers by water pollution. A New York paper reported on February 8, 1972, “The Missis sippi has now been made so dirty that swimming and fishing in it are almost out of the question.”unit 5New and key words: LS (giggle, decay, up and down, stiff, bristle, silicon); Dia. I(it’s time since, upset, it feels good to, vague, deposit, rate, slot, run out of, hang up); (Dia. II(hitch, hike, polytechnic, rucksack, draught); Reading I(priority, preservation, conservation, appeal, fringe, glide, graze, devastate, nuisance)DictationA: A national Park is an area where natural scenery and wildlife is protected by law to preserve them for future generations. It is only recently that man has realized that he must make a positive effort if many species of wildlife and areas of great beauty are not to disappear forever.There are many kinds of areas of conservation and their central priorities may differ slightly. In the U.S.A., a national park such as Yellowstone safeguards natural features and wildlife in a way that will contribute to public enjoyment. In Africa generally, the chief purpose is the preservation of the remnants of the great herds of animals which once wandered around the country.National Parks depend on tourists for income but the animals must remain unharmed. National Parks may be small or large, privately or government owned.B: We’re trying to decide where to go on our vacation this summer. We usually go to Lake Arrowhead for a couple of weeks, but we’d like to go somewhere else this year. We’re tired ofdoing the same thing summer after summer. Some friends of ours suggested that we go to Hawaii. That would be wonderful! I’m sure we’d enjoy a trip like that, but of course it’s out of the question. In the first place, it would be terribly expensive, and in the second place, there wouldn’t be enough time. As a matter of a fact, if we wanted to plan a trip like that, it might be advisable to stay home this summer and not go any place. That’s one way we could begin to save money for next year’s trip. Also, if we were to stay here, I could offer to work instead of taking two weeks off; then maybe my boss would recommend that I be given four weeks’ vacation next summer instead of two weeks.Guided writing of Unit 6I do not quite recall what my grandma was like as she died when I was not yet ten. I only know that she was quite a scholar. The impression she left me was that of a frail, pale and smiling old lady. However, there is one thing that I remember very well. She always ate sparingly, and no meat at all, not even milk or eggs, which always surprised me. She was a vegetarian, my father told me, and a very thorough one, too. The result was disastrous: she was highly weakened by not absorbing proteins, the body-building elements, which are found much more abundantly in animal meat, milk and eggs than in vegetables. It is evident that without meat, milk and eggs, a human being cannot live a full and active life. It was really a pity that my grandma chose to be a vegetarian; otherwise I would have learned more of her and from her.Dictation of unit 6A: there are three main kinds of food. Sugar and starch are grouped together as carbohydrates: they are found in bread, potatoes and rice. These are mainly energy-giving food which the muscles and other tissues use. Fats are also energy-giving foods but do not give it as quickly as the sugars and starches as they have to be broken up in the liver and made into sugar before they can be burnt by the body. The other class known as proteins are the main solid part in all living cells. They are found in milk, meat and fish, and are necessary to the body to enable it to build new cells and repair old ones. For this reason growing children need more proteins than adults. As children are much more active than adults and use more energy for their size they need a lot of energy-giving foods, the carbohydrates. Children cannot get much of their energy from fat because it makes them unwell if they eat too much of it. A specially fine thing about the body is that it uses the things you like better than the things you do not like, so giving truth to the old saying “A little of what you fancy does you good.”B: As the number of people in the world increases, people face more and more serious problems. Food, clothing and shelter are what we need most, but we will not have enough materials to provide people with all the necessaries.How are we trying to avoid these problems? One solution is that we should have smaller families and lower the birth rate. Many nations have plans to limit their population. Another solution is that we should improve our food supply. Farmers are experimenting with ways to increase the amount of food that they grow on each piece of land. Another solution that may help is to plan places for people to live. Many countries are limiting the size of their large cities and trying to make people live in small towns and in the countryside.Translation in unit 6China has long been looked upon as a land of many famous craftsmen whose artistic works are treasured to this day. The most famous of all was a man called Lu Ban. He lived many centuries ago, but people still remember the marvelous houses and palaces he planned and built even thoughthe buildings themselves have long disappeared. Lu Ban’s skill was so remarkable that people even used to wonder if he was immortal. Although it is a long time since Lu Ban left this world, old men in Beijing say that Lu still has the welfare of all craftsmen in his heart. Whenever craftsmen find themselves in difficulty, they pray to Lu Ban for help. There are many stories in Beijing about the occasions on which Lu Ban gave his help to ordinary craftsmen.Unit 7DictationA. What is communication? The dictionary defines it: “giving or explaining information by speaking or writing.” Animals can’t read or write or speak a human language but they do communicate. Animals exchange information about food, about territory, about danger and safety. They express fear, hunger, anger, pleasure and recognition.Animals messages are not always expressed in sounds. Animals mark their territory in different ways. The scratches on the trees or the smell that remains on the stones tell other animals that the territory is occupied. Some animals communicate by touching. Lions, tigers, and other members of the cat family show friendliness by rubbing their heads or necks together. Color is sometimes very important in animal communication. Some kinds of fish change color when they are angry or frightened. A peacock displays the beautifully colored feathers in his tail when he wants to attract a female.The next time you are walking in a forest or a field, look and listen for animal signals.B. Training a dog to be a watchdog often produces unexpected results. Some dogs quickly learn the difference between unwanted people and friends. This is because their masters welcome friends and invite them into their houses. However, some dogs will always attack the postman who comes to deliver letters. One explanation for this behavior is that, although the postman comes to the house often, he never enters the house. Therefore, the dog thinks the postman is someone who is not wanted, but keeps coming back anyway.Masters of dogs who attack postmen can easily show the dog that the postman is a friend and that the dog does not need to treat him as an unwanted person. A dog is quite ready to do what his master wishes. And a dog is always happy when he is praised for understanding correctly.Unit 8DictationA. Imagine sitting on the smooth floor of a dark room. There are no windows or doors. The walls are so thick that no noise from outside can reach you. At first, you might enjoy the restfulness. There would be nothing for you to do. If you were tired, you might fall asleep after a while. But how would you feel when you woke up?If you couldn’t see or hear or smell anything, you wouldn’t know where you were. You wouldn’t know what time it was. Soon, you might start to see things which are not there. You might see flashing lights, hear dog barking, or smell a cake baking. You might imagine that the floor or the walls were moving. You might feel very warm or very cold. You might even shout to the people outside the room, asking them to let you out.What has been happening? The human mind is deprived of external stimuli it’s used to. It manufactures its own.B. Most people rarely think about how or why they sleep. We need to sleep to rest our bodies and our minds. Both are important in order for us to be healthy. It seems there are two purposes ofsleep: physical rest and emotional rest.Each night we alternate between two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. Passive sleep gives our body the rest that is needed, and prepares us for active sleep, in which dreaming occurs. In passive sleep, the body is at rest, and the brain becomes very inactive. If we continue to sleep, we will enter a more active stage, in which the brain goes from being very inactive and being active and the eyes begin to move rapidly. The eye movement signals that the person is dreaming. This alternating cycle is repeated several times throughout the night. During eight hours of sleep, we dream for a total of one and a half hours, on the average.Many people say that they do not dream, or that rarely dream. This is not what actually happens, because everyone dreams and in fact, everyone needs to dream in order to stay healthy. The truth is we need both kinds of sleep: we need passive sleep to rest our bodies, and active sleep in order to dream. Dreaming helps us to rest our minds.Unit 9DictationA. Vending machines sell many different types of items. Some of them sell cold drinks like soda, or hot drinks like coffee or hot chocolate. Others sell candy, stamps, tickets, newspapers, and other types of small things.These machines have been successful for two reasons. They save time and they are convenient. Besides, they need no salesclarks or cashiers. In many places the customer can use the machines at any time of day or night.Although there are many different sizes and types of vending machines, they all work in basically the same way. The customer puts a coin into the machine and then pushes a button, pulls a lever, or opens a door to receive the merchandise. Some machines will also return change to the customer, and a few will make change for paper money. But the basic idea is the same. Customers like to save time and are usually willing to pay a higher price for this.B. The robot is with us already. Robot devices have appeared quite innocently and we are so familiar with them that we no longer even notice their existence. We drive along the road and we obey the signals given to us by the robot traffic signals which replace the policeman waving his arms. One thing that amuses foreigners is that the Englishman still obeys the signals given by these robots even if it is two o’clock in the morning when there is little or no traffic on the ro ads. In the kitchen the housewife passes on some of her chores to her robot washing machine and to her robot dish-washer. We make a telephone call to Europe, and the switching is completely handled by robots. In some cases programmes produced by a computer are being used to control the operation of machine tools in the factory.。

全新版大学英语(第二版)课后翻译答案(精选多篇)第一篇:全新版大学英语(第二版)课后翻译答案1.The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground.The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy at night and launch a surprise attack.To do so, however, we had to cross marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud.Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble.Lucky enough, thanks to the severely cold weather which made the marshland freeze over, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear.This turned the tide of the battle.The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.2.Automobiles have, since their invention, revolutionized transportation, changing forever the way people live, travel, and do business.On the other hand, they have brought hazards, especially highway fatalities.However, today the application of computer technology and electronic sensors in designing and manufacturing cars makes it possible to eliminate most of traffic accidents.For example, electronic sensors mounted in your car can detect alcohol vapor in the air and refuse to start up the engine.They can also monitor road conditions by receiving radio signals sent out from orbiting satellites and greatly reduce.4.Globalization has great implications for young Chinese.For example, young farmers are moving on a large scale to urban areas to look for jobs.And for those young people who aspire to study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises, English has become increasingly important.At the same time, a considerable number of overseas Chinese students have returned home in recent years, for they hold an optimisticoutlook for the long-term growth of the Chinese economy.The internet has strengthened the links between Chinese young people and those elsewhere.They follow the latest trend and copy foreign fashions.Some of them don’t seem to care for traditional Chinese virtues, let alone carry them forward, which has given rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one day vanish.5.For my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive.For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton.In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece.He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid.Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel.He insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture.What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Lenny’s death.Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.6.Today we are under constant pressure to work longer hours, to produce more, and to possess more.Lots of people hold the wrong perception that happiness lies in working hard and earning money.Many women today feel the same stress to work and get ahead and, at the same time, to nurture their offspring and shoulder the burden of domestic responsibilities.Research shows that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families.It forces us to toil longer and longer hours, leaving a minute fraction of our time to be physically and emotionally available to our loved ones.Intimacy among family members is doomed to die in the process.第二篇:全新版大学英语三(第二版)课后翻译翻译1、我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小。
新编英语教程第二册UNIT 2 dictation and translation答案

Note WritingReference version:6 June, 20__ Dear Mary and John,We have just moved to a suburban district in southwestern Shanghai. Now that everything is more or less orderly again, we are going to have a house-warming party this coming Saturday afternoon, 11 June.We want you to see for yourselves that living in the country is not so terrible after all, what with the fresh air, clear sky and, above all, the subway that can take us to the city proper almost in no time.We will have a good time on Saturday, we are sure. Many old friends are coming, too. Give us a ring to say that you are coming.Yours,Jill and JackDictation A:The motion picture is a highly complex art form which combines many other arts. The filmmaker is a writer using language, a music ian using music. He is a painter concerned with composition, light, and color. He is a sculptor moulding forms in space, a choreographer shaping human movement. With the camera as the major tool, the filmmaker recreates the external world. Using the came ra and putting pieces of film together or separating them in the editing process, the filmmaker powerfully controls time and space. A gunfight can become a ballet in slow motion. The act of climbing a short flight of stairs can be extended to seem like a n endless journey, and an airplane can be made to cross continents in seconds. In the theatrical film, the filmmaker uses these and many other artistic techniques to tell a story.Not all films are made to tell stories or to be shown in theatres. Filmmake rs can also use their craft for other purposes than to create a work of art and entertainment.B:An opera is a play with music. The actors sing some of the words instead of speaking them. In grand opera, they sing all the words. The music and singing portay the moods of the story and the feelings of the characters in it.To appreciate an opera, you should go and see one. Listening to opera on the radio or on records does not give much idea of what it is really like. Going to an opera can be very exciting. There is usually a large orchestra, and a chorus of singers as well as the leading singer. The scenery is colourful and the stage lighting often very dramatic. Although parts of an opera are treated in such detail that the action is rather slow, the beauty of the songs compensates for the breaks in the action.However, it is not always easy to appreciate opera. Sometimes the words are in aforeign language, often Italian. Even if the opera is sung in English, it is sometimes difficult to make out the words. It helps if you get to know the story first. The programme always contains an outline of the story, so make sure you buy one at the oopera house or theatre and read it before the curtain goes up.TranslationA.1.Can you produce any evidence that he was not at home that night?2.Whatever was said here just now must be kept secret.3.If the trip costs no more than 100 yuan, you can count me in.4.Every night before going to bed, Mr. Smith goes round the house to make sure that all the doors and windows are locked and that all the lights are off.5.He did tell you the truth, but you simply did not believe him.6.My delay in answering his letter worried him so much that he made a non-stop flight to come to see me.7.When I told him that his father had been sent to hospital because of a heart attack, he looked as if he didn’t care.8.The bus suddenly stopped; a heavy bag fell from the rack above him and landed on his head.B.Where did the movies begin? It is often said that they are an American invention; but this is not entirely true. The motion picture has been the most international of the arts. At the end of the nineteenth century, inventors in France, England, and the United States were among the dozens of men who were trying to develop ways of using photographs to create the effect of motion.Soon after 1889, when the famous American inventor Thomas Edison first showed motion pictures through a device called the kinetoscope, other devices for the same purposes appeared all over the world. Edison had solved certain problems, making it possible for other inventors to develop their own devices. One other important contribution by Edison was the introduction of 35mm. as the international standard film width. When it became possible to use an y 35mm machine for showing movies from any part of the world, the international trading of films began to take place.。

新编汉英翻译教程陈宏薇第2版考研练习题库陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)目录第1章绪论第2章汉英翻译基础知识第3章词语的英译3.1 词语指称意义和蕴含意义的确定3.2 词语英译与文化环境3.3 “假朋友”的识别3.4 成语和四字格的英译第4章句子的英译4.1 主语的确定4.2 谓语的确定与主谓一致问题4.3 语序的调整4.4 否定句的英译4.5 句子功能的再现第5章句群与段落的英译5.1 句群内的衔接与连贯5.2 段落翻译第6章篇章的英译6.1 广告文本的英译6.2 新闻文本的英译6.3 科技文本的英译6.4 说明性文本的英译6.5 歌词文本的英译6.6 文学文本的英译•试看部分内容绪论Ⅰ. 填空题1. 按照文本类型来分,翻译可分为_____、_____、_____、_____。
2. 就翻译方式而言,主要有_____、_____、_____,其中_____是翻译最基本的方式。
3. 汉语和英语均具有的语言层级为_____、_____、_____、_____、_____。
汉英两种语言均有的语言层级为词(wo rd)、短语(ph rase)、句子(sen tence)、段落(p aragraph)和篇章(text)。

新编英语教程第二册答案unit8dictationandtranslationI. dictationA.Imagine sitting on the smooth floor of a dark room. There are no windows or doors. The walls are so thick that no noise from outside can reach you. At first, you might enjoy the restfulness There would be nothing for you to do. If you were tired, you might fall asleep after a while. But how would you feel when you woke up?If you couldn’t see or hear or smell anything, you wouldn’t know where you were. You wouldn’t know what time it was. Soon you might start see things which are not there. You might see flashing lights, hear dog barking, or smell a cake baking. You might imagine that the floor or the walls were moving. You might feel very warm or very cold. You might even shout to the people outside the room, asking them to let you out.What had been happening? The human mind is deprived of external stimuli it’s used to. It manufactures its own.B.Most people rarely think about how or why they sleep. We need sleep to rest our bodies and our minds. Both are important in order for us to be healthy. It seems there are two purposes of sleep: physical rest and emotional rest.Each night we alternate between two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. Passive sleep gives our body the rest that is needed, and prepares us for active sleep, in which occurs. In passive sleep, the body is at rest, and the brain becomes very inactive. If we continue to sleep, we will enter a more active stage, in which the brain goes from being very inactive to being activeand the eyes begin to move rapidly. The eye movement signals that the person is dreaming. This alternating cycle is repeated several times throughout the night. During eight hours of sleep, we dream for a total of one and a half hours, on the average.Many people say that they do not dream , or that they rarely dream. This is not what actually happens, because everyone dreams and in fact, everyone needs to dream in order to stay healthy. The truth is we need both kinds of sleep: We need passive sleep to rest our bodies , and active sleep in order to dream. Dreaming helps us to rest our minds.Translation:A.1.The boy is so obstinate that he won’t listen to anybody’s advice, not even h is parents’.2.After the invention of the new model, the old one, by contrast, seemed very clumsy and slow.3.Since time was very pressing, they had to travel by night as well as by day.4.The consumption of domestic fuel oil varies from 150 gallons a month in winter to practically nothing in July and August.5.Did you have much trouble getting tickets for the exhibition?6.He survived the accident miraculously, but no one else did.7.I was struck by the resemblance between the two men.8.At the conference the general manager winked at me several times, but I still couldn’t figure out what he was hinting at.B.Jim:How’s your toothache?Andrew:It’s gone, thanks. I went to the dentist last night.Jim:Teeth keep causing trouble, and nobody really does anything about toothache. I can’t understand why.Andrew: They can put men on the moon, but they can’t keep people from having trouble with teeth.Jim: Why can’t they transplant teeth the way they transplant hearts?Andrew: I’ve heard they’re working on that. My d entist says they’re working on tooth transplants right now.Jim:On second thoughts, I’m not sure I’d want to eat with some other person’s teeth.Andrew:That’s not how it works. The idea is to develop a plastic tooth that can be put into the hole where your own tooth came out.Jim: Well, that sounds like a good idea.Guided writing:Reference version:Dreams reflect what people are thinking about during the day. There is an old story in China that bears this out. In those days, scholars all had one aspiration: to be a high official, which would bring glory, splendor and great wealth. They studied hard to pass the different levels of examination held by the government. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a scholar named Lu. On his way to the capital to take part in a high level examination, he stopped for the night at an inn. After a long day’s journey, he was both tired and hungry. He dropped down on a stool and the innkeeper started to cook a meal for him. His eyelids dropped and he dozed off. In his sleep, he was awarded the highest honor in the examination, thus becoming one of the high officials, subsequent to which he was showered with money, preciousthings, high tributes and beautiful women. He led a powerful and luxurious life before he fell out of favor with the emperor and was deprived of everything overnight. The shock brought him back to the dilapidated little inn and he found the meal was not yet done. The next morning, after a sleepless night, Scholar Lu started his journey home instead of going to the capital to take part in the examination.。

新编大学英语第二版第一册课后翻译答案中英对照p13我累了,昨晚我不该那么晚睡觉1.I'm tired,I should not have gone to bed so late last night.我和鲍勃不是很熟,不过我们偶尔一起出去喝一杯2.I don't/didn't know Bob very well,but we go/went out for an occasional drink together我们应该都火车站接她.3.We are supposed to meet her at the train station.你可以清楚的看到有人快淹死,而你却没有采取行动救他们4.You could clearly see people drowning,but/and yet you took no action to save them.包括周末在内,仅仅还有12天时间可以用来买圣诞礼物5.Including weekends,there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents.如果不立即采取行动,许多野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡6.Without immediate action,many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger.P47那首歌总是会让她回想起在芝加哥度过的那个晚上1.That songs always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago.街角处刚好有一位警察,我便向他问路2.There happened to be a policeman on the corner,so I asked him the way.由于天气恶劣,今天所有去纽约的航班都延误了3.All flights to New York today are delayed because of the bad weather.谁有责任谁就必须赔偿损失4.Whoever is responsible willl have to pay for the damage. 我找不到我的支票簿,我准是把它留在家里了5.I can not find my checkbook ,i must have left it at home.到足球比赛快开始时,暴风雨已经停了6.By the time ,the football match was going to start ,the storm had already stopped.p68(未练习)一个年轻人来到票务柜台,问是否有人把他的公文包交到了柜台1.A young man came to the check-in counter and asked if his briefcase had been turned in 他朝我身后的行李传送带瞥了一眼,然后大声喊道,他看到公文包正穿过传送带尽头的那个口子.2.He looked over my shoulder at the conveyer belt and shouted that he had seen his briefcase going through the opening at the end of the conveyor belt.不幸的是,已经把他的公文包装到一架班机上了3.Unfortunately,his briefcase had already been loaded on one of the flights.我向他保证一找到公文包就给他打电话4.I assured him that we would calll him as soon as we found his briefcase.让我们吃惊的是,这个年轻人说他已经在自己的车里找到了公文包5.To our great surprise ,the young man said that he had already found his briefcase in his car .P81除非你有经验,否则你得不到这份工作1.You won't get the job unless you have got the experience.我把大部分的时间都花在研究中美文化的差异上了2.Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American cultures.这句话意思极清楚,决不会引起误解3.The statement/sentence is so clear that it can't cause any misunderstanding.他希望能够给予她比现在更多的帮助4.He wishes he could give her more help than what he does now .穿上外套,否则你会感冒的5.Put on your coat ,or you will catch a cold .他的收藏品中加了一张毕加索的画6.She has added a picture of Picasso to her collection.我没意识到以前曾来过这7.I am not aware of ever having been here before.如果你继续对每个人这么粗鲁,你很快就会发现自己什么朋友都没了8.You will soon find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everybody.P103(未练习)首先你得意识到在一个陌生环境中感觉紧张是很正常的1.First,you must be aware that feeling nervous is very normal in a strange environment./It is quite normal to feel nervoust in a strange environment.我们的思维比大部分人的讲话速度要快好几倍2.Our thoughts can race a long several times faster than most people speak为了使别人注意你,你必须学会怎样做一个良好的、体谅的听众.3.In order to get other’s attention, you must learn how to be a good and sympathetic listener.其中必不可少的一点是你得尽量扩大视野4.One of the essential points is that you should try to broaden your horizens.幽默感会有所帮助,有时讲个和自己有关的小笑话也会使谈话轻松起来5.The sense of humor is of use/help.T elling a joke about yourself sometimes can lighten the conversation.只有当你愿意交谈并认真的听的时候,你才能成功的与周围的人交朋友6.Only when you are willing to talk and listen attentively,can/will you succeed in making friends with the people around you.P117房间里热极了,请把窗户打开1.It’s far too hot in the room,open the window,please!半夜里那嘈杂声把我们弄醒了2.The noise woke us up in the middle of the night.他不该对我说的话表示生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已3.he should have been angry at what I said.It was nothing more than a joke我们邀请了所有的朋友去野餐,但是由于下雨只来了其中五位.4.We invited all our friends to the picnic but it rained and only five of them showed up.她视婚姻为严肃的事情5.She views marriage as a serious matter.令我失望的是,这部电影并不像我期待的那么好6.To my disappointment ,the movie didn’t live up to my expectations.P153我过去常去看电影,但现在再也没有时间了1.I used to go to the cinema/movies a lot,but I neer have the time now.两个工人互相合作修理破裂的管子2.The two workers cooperated with each other to fix the broken pipe.这是一种残忍的做法,应该马上停止3.this is a cruel practice which should be stopped immediately.你的工作哪一方面最困难,哪一方面最有益4.What aspect of your job/work is(the)most difficult,and what aspect is(the)most rewarding?有些人认为他很粗野,但情况并非如此5.Some people think he is rude,but that’s not th e case.我会尽我所能帮忙,但我所能做的也有限6.I’ll help as much as I can,but there is a limit to what I can do.P190他的努力工作使他得到了一大笔奖金1. Her hard work resulted in a big bonus for her.孩子们正在观察飞机起飞和降落2. Children were watching the planes take off and load.我总是一上船就晕船3. As soon as I’m on board a ship I always feel sick.博物馆向公众开放的第一天,总共有20000人前来参观4. A total of 20000 people visited the museum on the first day when it was open to the public.委员会有科学家和工程师组成5. The committee consists of scientists and engineers.工作没有完成,我不敢回家6. I wouldn’t dare to go home with the job unfinished.P291演讲的主题已提前一星期宣布,而主讲人的名字则没有1. The topic of the speech is announced a week inadvance,but the name of the apeaker ia not.居然还有学生在考试之前踢足球,这似乎令人难以置信2. It seemed incredible that some students still played football before the exams.Auden先生是一个快乐的人,他从帮助别人中获得乐趣3. Mr.Auden is a happy man who derives pleasure from helping others两位美国人共同获得了去年的诺贝尔医学奖.4. Two Americans shared last year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine.首先我欢迎你参见此次会议5. First of all I’d like to welcome yo u to the meeting.我不习惯于这样的奢侈,这是在浪费金钱6. I’m not accustomed to such luxury.It’s a waste of money.考试结果将于周五下午张贴出来7. The results of the exam will be put up on Friday afternoon.一些残酷的动物实验是以科学的名义进行的8. Some cruel experiments on animals are carried out in the name of science.。
新编英语教程第二册答案unit 10 dictation and translation

I. DictationA.Have you ever asked yourself that question? Probably not. We use our language every day, but we rarely think about it. We don’t think about language, because it is so much a part of us.Well, what is language? We might say that it is a means of communication, but it is really more than that. Language is what makes us human. Though language we are able to share our feeling,, our thoughts and our experiences with others. Without language, human society would not be possible.Most linguists believe that human beings and language developed together. They don’t know exactly when the first language was spoken, but they know that it was very simple. At first, people probably used single words in order to talk about things that were necessary for their lives. They probably had a word for water, for example, and words for fire and food. But expressing thoughts and ideas must have been very difficult.B.“Practice makes perfect” has often been said of foreign-language learning, but it is equally true of learning mathematics. For example, Ruby, a student in my class, gives her algebra assignment the same kind of attention she gives to a comic strip. She just goes over it as if she is reading a comedy and that’s all. She reads the explanations and the sample problems in her book and thinks that she doesn’t have to work out the problems so long as she understands them very well. By the time the examination time comes, she finds that she lacks experience in applying what she has learned from reading to the solving of problems. Algebra is learned best through the actual experience of solving problems, not just through reading about how to solve them. In algebra, too, practice does make perfect.II. TranslationA.st night, I had hardly fallen asleep when hasty knocks woke me up.2. It was after serious consideration that they decided to leave their hometown and settle down in Paris.3.The police was at a loss as to how to explain the case.4.He bought his daughter whatever she wanted, regardless of the expenses.5. The boy reported the theft to his teacher, and she, in turn, to the headmaster.6.Rose instructed / asked the taxi driver to take Brook Street instead of Baker Street, since the latter was under repair.B.Ruth: Did you go for a picnic last Saturday as you had planned?Alice: No, we had hardly set off when the rain poured down. We had hoped to go today, but the rain again prevented us from doing so. We were going tomorrow, but our car got a puncture just now, so we can’t go tomorrow either.Ruth: What a pity! Would you like to join us tomorrow?Alice: Yes, indeed. I think it will be lovely.Ruth:I’m sure it will. I’m looking forward to it.Alice: How shall we go?Ruth: What about going in our car?Alice: What a good idea! Maybe it’s time I went to talk it over with my husband. I’ll call you when he agrees.Ruth: Fine.III. Guided Writing:Reference version:We are now living in a computer era in which science and technology are advancing quickly. And a mere negligence can cause us to be ignorant of what is going on around us. It takes too long to wait for the publication of literatures in our native language on the latest development of science and technology. This leads to the necessity of learning one or more foreign languages. In order to learn a second language for communication, we must be clear that we are not trying to acquire a body of abstract knowledge, but a skill. Therefore, we do not learn a language as a linguist studies it. The language learner does not learn to analyze or describe a language. Indeed, there is many a linguist who is capable of giving an excellent description of a language, but he may very well be only a mediocre performer. The skills of communication and those of description are different. For example, when we learn our mother tongue, we get very little teaching about the description of our own language. Therefore, if we could learn a second language in the way we learn our mother tongue, all our problems would be at an end. But is this possible? No! So learning a second language well is still a problem.Reference version:Recently I read an article about the English language. At the beginning of the article, a language is described as a living organism, and every language is said to be a part of a large linguistic family, so is English. One expects that it will be easy when an English-speaking person wishes to learn any of the other languages in the same linguistic family. This is not so, because each language actually operates in a system of its own. Even within the English language changes accumulate through the centuries, so that Old English is like a foreign language to the people today who have spoken English all their lives. The article goes on to say that there are three points that are unique about the English language. First, English varies from place to place, but, fortunately, most educated speakers of English have little or no trouble communicating with each other. Secondly, English is spoken by an increasing number of people. Lastly, English is the language of one of the greatest bodies of literature. I think what is said in this article is true.IV. Note Writing:Reference version:1.5 May, 20__ Dear Mildred,I am greatly saddened by the news of the passing away of your Aunt Mabel. I will always miss her great humor, warm hospitality, eagerness to help, and, above all, her willingness to listen to us, the young, baring our hearts to her. And what encouraging words she used to give us! How my heart aches! Please convey my profoundest condolences to Uncle Alan. I’ll come and see him when I have calmed down a little.Amy2.19 May, 20__ Dear Nancy,We just read in the newspaper about the sad news. We could hardly believe our eyes when we saw that your brother Clyde could have been a victim of the plane crash. We’re deeply grieved by the loss of a dear friend, a brilliant young executive. Please extend our condolences to your parents. With best regards to you all.Connie and Conrad。

Unit1.1). Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm.多贝蒂先生和他的家人目前正在农场忙于秋收。
(be engaged in doing in)2). We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons.我们不能低估敌人,他们装备了最先进的武器。
(underestimate,equip)3). Having been out of job/Not having had a job for 3 months, Phil is getting increasingly desperate.菲尔已经三个月没有找到工作了,正变得越来越绝望。
(desperate)4). Sam, as the project manager, is decisive, efficient, and accurate in his judgment.作为项目经理,山姆办事果断,工作效率高,且判断准确。
(efficient,decisive)5). Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of pollution, the village neighborhood committee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.既然已经证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会约定将其关闭,为此损失了一百个工作岗位。
(at the cost of)Unit2.1). There was an unusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in the distance.空中有一种不寻常的寂静,只有远处传来大炮的声音。

Exerci s101.他上了年纪,记性不好,喝了酒就更不能清晰地思考了。
Exerci s 141.拉尔夫的蓝眼睛眯成了一条缝,看着十分友善2.铁暴露在潮湿的空气里会生锈3.她坐在河边一块石头上,撩起上衣的一角,擦去脸上的汗水4.他在没有客人的空当儿抓紧时间看书5.处于顺境时交朋友易如反掌;处于逆境时比登天还难6.几个世纪来诺曼农民们修筑堤岸,开掘沟渠或种植树篱,用各种方法将田分成小块7.穿上牛仔裤,活泼可爱;穿上绒线衫,潇洒迷人8.14%的女性开车时会打瞌睡9.公开追求物质享受的风气迅速蔓延开来,引起了古巴政府的警觉10.我认为他说的话离题十万八千里,于是我打断了他11.许多学生因为担心考试而感到紧张,因此没能正常发挥12.他要是动作慢上几秒钟,就会被狗咬成重伤13.参观的客人大量融入,拥挤不堪。
新编2 翻译句子 答案版

新编2 Unit 11.我能认出这块表是我的,因为表的背面有划痕。
I can identify this watch as mine by the scratches on the back.2.他嗜巧克力如命,吃得停不下来。
He was so addicted to chocolate that he couldn’t stop taking it.3.史密斯先生从教学岗位上退休下来之后,开始从事摄影这一兴趣爱好。
Mr. Smith took up photography as a hobby after he retired from teaching.4.相比较起来,这幢房子的优点是价格低,而那幢房子的优点是交通便利。
By comparison, this house has the advantage of low price, but that house has the advantage of convenient transportation.5.他似乎正在使出全身解数,试图提高这一新产品的销售量。
It seems that he is making every effort to promote the sale of this new product.6.热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教授讲课。
The eager students crowded into the lecture hall to hear the famous professor from Cambridge University.7.他们责怪他向队友发出的信号混乱不清。
They blamed him for sending confusing signals to the teammates.8.我们的产品仍然远远领先于我们竞争对手的产品。
Our product still has a good lead over that of our competitor.Unit 31.这对老夫妇其实应该申请几张旅游支票,这样他们在周游世界时就不用随身携带那么多现金了。

陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(第2版)-第1章 绪 论【圣才出品】

第1章绪论1.1 复习笔记一、翻译的性质与类型1. 翻译的意义翻译是将一种语言文化承载的意义转换到另一种语言文化中的跨语言、跨文化的交际活动。
翻译活动涉及诸多因素:译者(translator)、作者(author)、原文(source text)、原文读者(source-text readers)、译文(target text/translated text/target version)、译文读者(target-text readers)等。
2. 翻译的类型①就文本而言,翻译可分为文学翻译、科技翻译和应用文翻译。
三、汉英翻译的标准1. 中国的翻译标准在中国,严复的“信、达、雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)是影响最深、流传最广的翻译标准。
另一位翻译家刘重德先生在严复的基础上,提出了“信达切”(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness)的翻译标准。
“信”指信于原文内容(to be faithful to the content of the original);“达”指具备原文一样的表现力(to be as expressive as the original);“切”指尽可能切近原文风格(to be as close to the original style as possible)。
新编英语教程第二册答案unit 5 dictation and translation

Unit 5I.I.dictationA.A National Park is an area where natural scenery and wildlife is protected by law to preserve them for future generations. It is only recently that man has realized that he must make a positive effort if many species of wildlife and areas of great beauty are not to disappear forever.There are many kinds of areas of conservation and their central priorities may differ slightly. In the U.S.A., a national park such as Yellowstone safeguards natural features and wildlife in a way that will contribute to public enjoyment. In Africa generally, the chief purpose is the preservation of the remnants of the great herds of animals which once wandered around the country.National Parks depend on tourists for income but the animals must remain unharmed. National Parks may be small or large, privately or government owned.B.We’re trying to decide where to go on our vacation this summer. We usually go to Lake Arrowhead for a couple of weeks, but we’d like to go somewhere else this year. We’re tired of doing the same thing summer after summer. Some friends of ours suggested that we go to Hawaii. That would be wonderful! I’m sure we’d enjoy a trip like that, but of course it’s out of the question. In the first place, it would be terribly expensiv e, and in the second place, there wouldn’t be enough time. As a matter of a fact, if we wanted to plan a trip like that, it might be advisable to stay home this summer and not go any place. That’s one way we could begin to save money for next year’s trip. Also, if we were to stay here, I could offer to work instead of taking two weeks off; then maybe my boss would recommend that I be given four weeks’ vacation next summer instead of two weeks.II. TranslationA.1. The headmaster plays an important role in the effective administration of school.2. It is my mother who has the final say in family affairs.3. 3.Biology, microbiology in particular, had fascinated him from his earliest student days.4. 4.Has she said anything that appeals to you especially?5. 5.Under such complicated conditions, not one can tell who will win the next election.6. Here is 100 pounds; that should cover all your expenses.7. The work of an engineer requires intelligence plus experience.B.—Listen, this is something you should read.-----Oh, yes? What’s that?-----It’s a warning to smokers.-----Another one? What does it say?-----It tells you to smoke a brand of cigarette from a “lower tar” group.-----But I always do.-----It also tells you to smoke fewer cigarettes. And it warns you not to inhale.-----They make it all sound very easy, but I’ve tried all that.-----It tells you to take fewer puffs from each cigarette and warns you not to smoke the cigarette to the end. Oh, and then it tells you too take the cigarette out of your mouth between puffs.-----Thanks for the warning. I’m sure you are right. I’ll give it a try.。

13) directly 14) followed 15) trouble
Unit 2
1 我当体育编辑,最早是为蒙比利埃(俄亥俄州)的《企业导报》工作,当时我很少收到体育迷的来信。因此,一天早晨放在我桌上的一封来信把我吸引住了。
2 打开来信,我看到了下面的话:“关于老虎队的述评很不错,再接再厉。”签名的是体育编辑堂?沃尔夫。当时我只是一个十几岁的小伙子(为每一竖栏写一英寸文字,稿酬总计达15美分),因此他的话最鼓舞人心了。我把这封信一直放在书桌的抽屉里,后来它的边角都卷起来了。每当我怀疑自己不是当作家的料时,重温一下堂的便笺,就又会树起信心来。
Reading comprehension
1. 1) A. entertaining B. entertainment C. entertained D. entertainer
13 一些专业的幽默家认为如今的幽默大多缺乏智慧,不够巧妙。他们不喜欢在幽默中过多使用有色情意味或粗俗的语言,而且觉得大多数幽默家缺乏创造性。的确,现在有些幽默令人震惊,但我认为这不是幽默的过错。幽默本身是活泼健康的,它还会继续生存下去,只因为每天都有有趣的事情发生。一些有幽默感的人会看到听到这些有趣的事情,并把它们编成妙趣横生、令人开心的笑话和故事。
5) sensitive to light
6) Mutual encouragement
7) made fun of him
8) persists in his opinion/viewpoint
9) to be the focus/center of attention

新编综合英语教程翻译(第二版)第四册课后翻译答案1. Many developing countries, after independence, were afflicted with economic problems to begin with.2. In order to protect domestic industries, the government decided to impose anti-dumping tariff on imported products.3. Knowledge without practical experience counts for little.4. Thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes to the invading enemy troops.5. I’ve lived in Shanghai so long that I’ve looked upon the city as my second hometown.6. The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are being carried out.7. In the face of great hardship, he managed to keep his sense of humor.UNIT51.We took pity on the couple waiting for a bus in the rain and gave them a lift.2.He finds it difficult to put up with the noise of the construction site.3.Mary and John fell out of love finally. They are not even on speaking terms now.4.Listeners' letters on this topic have been coming in thick and fast.5.I came upon this bundle of letters when I was sorting out the documents.6.My boss is so conservative that another of my great ideas has bitten the dust.7.Smoking does more harm than good to the health.8.The manager was late for the meeting because he wasdetained in the office by some unexpected visitors./doc/1311323552.html,puterisation has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork.UNIT61. Parents must accompany their children to school because the traffic is too busy on the road.2.Loaded with packs, I was unable to walk fast.3.He made several attempts before finally passing the university entrance examinations.4. Young people tend to feel disdain for anything old-fashioned.5. This novel testifies to his rich knowledge of the culture of the tribe.6. Due to a backlog of paper work, the company had to put off interviewing the job applicants.7. The teacher pointed out that there were several places in his performance that were out of tuneUNIT71.An opportunity as good as this arises / occurs only once ina blue moon.2. The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother's handbag without permission.3. She did not give credence to a single word of his story.4. Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students' mistakes.5. I took it for granted you'd want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket.6. Thanks to the manager's repeated counseling, the staff soon broke the bad habit of coming late to work.7. He's furious with her now, but he'll forgive her soon. It'sjust/only a matter of a few hours, that's all.UNIT81.He failed to make it as a pop singer, but he turned out to be a successful businessman.2.The thrilling plot of the movie captured the hearts of the audience.3.One of the company’s main concerns is to ensure the safety of its employees.4.The retired president was unwilling to let go of his privileges.5.Nancy could feel hot tears welling up in her eyes.6.The best way to strengthen our bond is not to give gifts but to exchange our opinions frankly.7.You’ll end up in hospital if you drive your car like this.8.In truth we feared for her safety although we didn’t let it be known.UNIT91. The landlady told me that the rent must be paid in advance.2. Although this company boasts that its products are superior to those of other companies, they are actually inferior in3. What lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest.4. The police interviewed several witnesses, but none of them could tell how the accident came about.5. The new building of the department store does not conform to the safety regulations.6. She derived great satisfaction from her stamp collection.7. Colorful balloons and flags added to the festive atmosphere of the small town.8. Money is very important, but happiness is not always associated with wealth.UNIT101. The tourists cheered with excitement when they saw water cascading down the mountainside.2. Owing to the policy of reform, the small town is thriving day by day.3. Could you read through this for me and highlight the important points?4. At times I wonder if rote learning is worthwhile.5. The superstitions that used to prevail in Old China are disappearing gradually.6. Thanks to the improvement in export sales, the company has successfully fulfilled its marketing plan. UNIT111.If you can’t afford to pay in cash, you can buy the car on credit.2. I said I’d help him and that’s what I’m going to do. I sh all keep my word.3. I've a stake in this company and don't wish to see it go bankrupt.4. With the development of industrial production, the old feudal system began to fall apart.5. He is very competent and keeps everything straight on the farm.6. The new educational system aims to give the students the initiative to learn more subjects.7. Before starting on our trip we should tune the car up.UNIT121. They were deprived of normal childhood happiness by the war.2. Blossoming valleys and the beautiful colors of autumn lure numerous visitors into the mountains.3. What he said meant in essence that he didn't support our plan.4. Having sold the house, she had a considerable amount of money at her disposal.5. There are some things that I don't like about this job. But by and large it's quite enjoyable.6. They bribed the congressman with a large sum of money to get his support for their proposal at the meeting.7. The policy has not only produced obvious short-termeffects but will also exert a long-term influence on the future development of society.8. Influenced by the international economic crisis, many of the local companies are in the grip of a recession UNIT131. They usually leave off work at 5 o’clock, but today they have to work o vertime.2. All the museums and art galleries in the city are open to the public for free/free of charge.3. It’s very discouraging to be sneered at by them all the time.4. She has been a little run down lately and the doctor has advised her to take a short holiday.5. The whole city is bathed in a sea of joy today.6. It’s very dark outside, and the sky is covered, as it were, with a black curtain.7. I booked two film tickets by phone yesterday in the name of Thomas.UNIT141. There is a Greek art collection on display at the museum at the moment.2. Lost in the forest and out of food, he was reduced to eatingwild herbs and fruit to keep himself alive.3. This area has been marked off as a future playground.4. There was no choice but to wade through the muddy water.5. The congressman appealed to the government to set up more schools.6. They were in a dreadful plight when their money and passports were stolen while they were on holiday in a foreign country.7. At the urging of her friends, I arranged for a doctor to see her.8. He tried to keep up a calm appearance, but his trembling voice gave him away.UNIT151. She seems to take little pleasure in doing such things.2. The professor told us that the tradition of landscape painting could date from the prehistoric age.3. After attending the lecture of the famous writer, he decided to give up medicine and take to literature.4. Let's dispense with the formalities and go directly into the discussion.5. These animals run extraordinarily fast and in consequence their hunting methods are very efficient indeed.6. The police searched every house in the district for the escaped criminal, but to no avail.7. Parents tend to take very great pride in the achievements of their children.淋巴结与脾结构比较表淋巴结脾被膜薄,有多个输入淋巴管穿入厚,表面有间皮,内含平滑肌门部有输出淋巴管、血管等有脾A、V出入小梁较薄粗大,含小梁A、V和平滑肌实质分皮质和髓质分白髓、红髓和边缘区淋巴小结位于浅层皮质,单行排列散在,位于动脉周围淋巴鞘的一侧胸腺依赖区副皮质区动脉周围淋巴鞘淋巴索髓索脾索,内含大量血细胞窦淋巴窦(内为淋巴)血窦(内为血液)最早接触抗原的部位浅层皮质弥散淋巴组织边缘区淋巴细胞进入的通道副皮质区毛细血管后微静脉边缘窦功能滤过淋巴,免疫应答滤血,造血,贮血,免疫应答。

Exercis 141.拉尔夫的蓝眼睛眯成了一条缝,看着十分友善2.铁暴露在潮湿的空气里会生锈3.她坐在河边一块石头上,撩起上衣的一角,擦去脸上的汗水4.他在没有客人的空当儿抓紧时间看书5.处于顺境时交朋友易如反掌;处于逆境时比登天还难6.几个世纪来诺曼农民们修筑堤岸,开掘沟渠或种植树篱,用各种方法将田分成小块7.穿上牛仔裤,活泼可爱;穿上绒线衫,潇洒迷人8.14%的女性开车时会打瞌睡9.公开追求物质享受的风气迅速蔓延开来,引起了古巴政府的警觉10.我认为他说的话离题十万八千里,于是我打断了他11.许多学生因为担心考试而感到紧张,因此没能正常发挥12.他要是动作慢上几秒钟,就会被狗咬成重伤13.参观的客人大量融入,拥挤不堪。
有坐半轮来的,有坐包船来的,还有驾着游艇来的,码头通道上整天挤满了人,不知道有什么好看的1.she left the child to my care2.The young man went for a ride on horseback against the wind and through the rain3.The meeting ended in disagreement4.the river rushed passionately past boulders and over waterfalls5.with a rifle on shoulder,he marched away with the army6.the plan shall be puplicized upon its approval7.the flood drove people to higher groundExercis151.詹尼坐在哪儿,别人说什么她都没听见,她的调羹稳稳搁在稀饭上,眼神朦朦胧胧的,心里在美滋滋地猜吃过饭之后要打开的那个大包里会是什么礼物。
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一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。
1. His accent couldn't fool a native speaker.
A. 本地人一听到他的口音,就晓得他就是外地人
B. 他的`口音不能愚弄本地人。
2. One could not be too careful in a new neighbourhood.
A. 在新邻居的旁边,一个人无法太小心
B. 在一个陌生的地方,越小心越好。
3. We should never warm snakes in our bosoms.
A. 我们无法内心保守
B. 我们决不能姑息坏人。
4. 他妹妹老是说谎。
A. His sister always tells lies
B. His sister is a great liar.
5. But for your help, I would not have made such good progress in my studies.
A. 没你的协助,我不能在自学上获得这么小的进步
B. 没有你的帮助,我将没有这么大的帮助。
6. 他好不容易才挤到台前.
A. He had a hard time squeezing through the crowd to get up to the platform
B. He had a hard time being forced to get up the platform.
7. Mr.Kirsch, having lost all his money by this time, followed his master out into the moonlight, where the illuminations were winking out.
A. 基希先生这时赢的两手空空,便跟著主人踏进屋去,月光下彩灯闪闪烁烁,渐渐点燃
B. 基希先生这次输掉了所有的钱,跟着他的主人走到了月光下,彩灯忽闪变弱。
8. He took out his key and opened the door, and we all went to a stone hall, bare gloomy and little used.
A. 他拿出钥匙开门,我们走进石头大厅,感觉很阴沉,没有什么人住
B. 他抽出钥匙开了门,大家跟著来到一间石头砌筑的大厅,里面空无人物,阴森森的,认为平时绝少有人