三、LAN宽带接入服务LAN是用于连接个人电脑和设备的局域网络,在小区中,住户家庭需要通过LAN 接入整个宽带接入系统,完成网络接入功能。
在光接入网中,无源光网络(PON,Passive Optical Network)技术打破了传统的点到点解决方法,采用光纤作为传输媒介,不包含有源节点,具有对业务透明、运行维护费用低和易于升级等优点,是三网(互联网、电信网、广播电视网)融网的理想平台。
本次GPON项目工程采用FTTH (光纤到户)建设方式,为即将入住的用户提供语音、数据业务。
2 GPON网络建设原则2.1 OLT建设原则根据移动对OLT端局的规划,将OLT分别放置于各地区域中心局。
2.2 ONU建设原则考虑到小区和商务楼宇开盘用户入住率较低,初期按照总用户数的50%确定ONU设备的型号和端口数。
2.3 光分路器配置原则考虑到终期用户的全面覆盖,同时避免光缆的再次调整、扩容,在初期建设时应根据总用户数情况,终期ONU数量规划ODN(Optical Distribution Network)光配线网络架构,并根据每个ONU占用1芯光缆计算,确定光分路器的配置个数,进一步确定布放光缆的数量。
2.4 ODN建设原则2.4.1路由选择原则(1)光缆线路路由的选择必须做到满足通信需要、保证通信质量、使线路安全可靠、经济合理、便于维护和施工。
重庆邮电大学高等函授本科毕业设计(论文)设计(论文)题目:xxx小区FTTH宽带接入工程设计入学年月姓名学号专业所属科站指导教师完成日期 2016 年 2 月 21 日重庆邮电大学高等函授毕业设计(本科)任务书注:第2页/共2页;本表由指导教师填写一式三份。
【关键词】FTTH 概念技术设计目录前言 (1)第一章接入技术概述 (2)1.1 宽带接入技术简介 (2)1.2 FTTX接入技术的概念及基本知识 (3)1.2.1FTTX的概念 (3)1.2.2 FTTX接入技术分类 (3)第二章 FTTH接入技术概述 (6)2.1 当前主要的几种宽带接入技术比较 (6)2.2 FTTH接入技术的适用环境 (13)2.3 FTTH接入技术的组网方式 (13)第三章小区FTTH接入工程设计 (15)3.1当前接入技术现状 (15)3.2 小区FTTH接入技术工程设计 (16)3.2.1 网络组网结构 (16)3.2.2 设备选型 (17)3.2.3 核心设备概预算 (28)第四章宽带接入技术展望 (34)结论 (35)结束语 (36)参考文献 (37)前言近十几年来,随着我国电信事业不断持续高速的发展,整体通信服务水平得到了明显的改善和提高,为推动和促进我国国民经济的发展与建设发挥了巨大作用。
在光接入网中,无源光网络(PON,Passive Optical Network)技术打破了传统的点到点解决方法,采用光纤作为传输媒介,不包含有源节点,具有对业务透明、运行维护费用低和易于升级等优点,是三网(互联网、电信网、广播电视网)融网的理想平台。
本次GPON 项目工程采用FTTH(光纤到户)建设方式,为即将入住的用户提供语音、数据业务。
2 GPON网络建设原则2.1 OLT建设原则根据舟山移动对OLT端局的规划,将OLT分别放置于各地区域中心局。
2.2 ONU建设原则考虑到小区和商务楼宇开盘用户入住率较低,初期按照总用户数的50%确定ONU 设备的型号和端口数。
2.3 光分路器配置原则考虑到终期用户的全面覆盖,同时避免光缆的再次调整、扩容,在初期建设时应根据总用户数情况,终期ONU数量规划ODN(Optical Distribution Network)光配线网络架构,并根据每个ONU占用1芯光缆计算,确定光分路器的配置个数,进一步确定布放光缆的数量。
2.4 ODN建设原则2.4.1路由选择原则(1)光缆线路路由的选择必须做到满足通信需要、保证通信质量、使线路安全可靠、经济合理、便于维护和施工。
一些接入技术已经开始应用,如ADSL 、HFC 等。
由于其简单、成本低、可扩展性强、和IP 网能够很好地结合等特点,以太网技术的应用正从企业内部网络向电信网领域迈进。
关键字:以太网,宽带,接入,EPON目录1 以太网宽带接入的现状及走向 (1)1.1宽带以太网的发展现状 (1)1.1.1宽带以太网接入的优势 (1)1.1.2宽带以太网接入存在的问题 (2)1.2新技术将推动以太网接入的发展 (4)1.3宽带接入对以太网设备的要求 (7)1.4宽带接入对以太网管理的要求 (7)1.4.1 安全管理 (7)1.4.2 用户管理 (8)1.4.3 业务管理 (9)1.5宽带以太网接入的发展前景 (10)2 以太网宽带接入的原理 (11)2.1概述 (11)2.2宽带以太网的关键技术 (12)2.2.1以太网新业务 (12)2.2.2 以太网新业务的关键技术 (14)2.3宽带以太网的相关协议标准 (15)2.3.1 IEEE 802.3协议介绍 (15)2.3.2 IEEE 802.3ah协议 (16)3 光以太网EPON (20)3.1概述 (20)3.2EPON的系统结构 (21)3.3EPON的协议模型 (24)3.4EPON的技术难点 (25)3.4.1 系统同步 (25)3.4.2 ONU的自动识别 (25)3.4.3 EPON中TDM业务的传输 (26)3.4.4 EPON中的信息安全的考虑 (26)3.4.5 EPON中的以太网管理 (26)3.5EPON的特点 (27)4 小区宽带以太网接入设计方案 (28)4.1问题的提出及规划设计原则 (28)4.2设备选型 (28)4.3设计方案 (29)4.4功能实现 (32)4.5安全性研究 (33)致谢 (38)致谢 (38)参考文献 (39)1 以太网宽带接入的现状及走向1.1 宽带以太网的发展现状1.1.1宽带以太网接入的优势以太网是现在使用最广泛的局域网技术。
北京邮电大学网络教育学院毕业设计设计题目:韶关向阳小区GPON光纤接入网规划设计学生姓名谢程军学号134410143100033 总站/学习中心__ 广东远程校外学习中心专业名称通信工程入学年月2013年3月7日指导教师程毓良职称教授完成时间_______2015年1月16日_______摘要随着现代信息技术的不断更新升级,人们对电信业务的带宽、业务、简洁、多样的要求也越来也高。
关键词GPON ONU FTTHAbstractWith the development of modern information technology unceasing renewal upgrade, people to telecommunication business of bandwidth, business, concise, diverse requirement also more and more high also. GPON is a new generation of broadband passive optical integrated access standard, has the high bandwidth, high speed, high efficiency transmission, large range, the user interface is rich, and many other features, has been most operators as realize access network business broadband change, comprehensive reform of the ideal technology.This paper briefly introduces the basic knowledge about a series of GPON and GPON for access area access network planning. In line with the principle of practical, comprehensive consideration of the equipment selection, ONU position, IP address assignment, achieve its operational sex. And selected a area of complete fiber access network design, to achieve the purpose of make your knowledge court.Keywords GPON ONU FTTH目录前言 (6)一绪论 (7)1.1 光纤接入技术 (7)1.2 GPON技术介绍 (8)1.3 FTTH技术 (11)二光纤接入网的基本概念 (12)2.1 光纤接入网的优势 (12)2.2 光纤接入网结构 (12)2.3 光纤接入网的分类 (14)2.4 接入网的拓扑结构 (15)三韶关向阳小区本地网网络结构和运行数据 (17)3.1 韶关向阳小区本地平面图及局所位置 (17)3.2 本设计所涉及范围的用户群状况 (17)3.3 现行用户接入方式及接入业务状况 (18)3.4 业务发展预测 (19)四建设接入网的可行性和必要性 (19)4.1 建设接入网的可行性 (19)4.2 建设接入网的必要性 (20)五韶关向阳小区GPON光纤接入网规划设计方案 (20)5.1 接入方式的选择 (20)5.2接入网网络结构的设计 (23)六ONU位置的设置及容量的计算 (30)6.1 OLT和ONU位置的设置 (30)6.2 OLT和ONU容量计算 (35)七光功率分配计算过程 (35)八IP地址分配 (41)8.1 IP地址概述 (41)8.2 A、B、C类地址研究 (42)8.3 公有和私有IP地址 (43)8.4 PON网络IP地址的规划 (45)九网络保护方式、网同步设计 (46)方案论证、评估 (52)致谢 (53)参考文献 (54)前言光纤接入网以光纤作为传输媒质,传输距离长,传输容量大,抗干扰性强,衰减小,重量轻,是未来宽带固定接入的必然发展方向。
毕业设计(论文)题目小区FTTX+LA宽带接入网设计学院四川远程外教中心教学系班级姓名指导教师 ___________________摘要随着计算机技术、宽带技术以及网络技术的飞速发展,人们对信息的需求越来越大。
例如: 用户电话交换机通常使用双绞线,局域网络(LAN则可能使用双绞线或同轴电缆,这些不同的系统使用不同的线缆来构成各自的传输网络。
关键词:FTTX LAN宽带接入技术、光纤、CAD制图目录摘要 (2)绪论 (5)1、宽带接入网概述: 61.1宽带 (6)1.2宽带接入技术介绍 (7)121、ADSL接入方式: (7)1.2.2、FTTX+LAN 接入方式: (7)1.2.3、HFC: (8)1.2.4、无线接入技术: (9)2、建设FTTX+LAN 接入网的必要性: (11)2.1、业务需求: (12)2.2、国家的规定 (12)3、F TTX+LAN 接入技术介绍: (13)3.1、F TTx+LAN 概述 (13)3.2、F TTX+LAN 特点 (13)3.3、F TTx 划分 (14)3.3.1. FTTC (14)3.3.2. FTTB (15)3.3.. 3、FTTH (15)3.3.4、F TTP (15)3.3.5、 ................................................................................................................................... F TTZ153.4 LAN 介绍 (16)3.4.1 LAN 特点 (16)3.5、局域网拓扑结构 (17)3.5.1、星形结构 (17)3.5.2、树形结构 (17)3.5.3、总线形结构 (18)3.5.4、环形结构 (18)4、线路器件及设备介绍194.1、分光器 (19)4.2、分纤箱 (19)4.3、设备 (20)4.3.1、华为ONU 设备MA5616 (20)4.3.2、华为ONU 设备MA5620E (20)4.5、光纤 (21)4.5.1、光缆的型式代号 (21)4.5.2、通信光缆的端别判断 (23)4.5.3、光纤产品 (23)5小区FTTX+LAN宽带接入网设计实际操作 (24)5.1设计要求: (24)5.2、接入技术的选择: (26)5.3、网络拓扑结构的设计: (27)5.4、建设FTTB+LAN宽带接入图纸 (28)5.5、工料统计 (31)6、软件调节 (35)6.1、IP地址规划: (35)6.2、网络安全的设计: (36)6.2.1、网络出入口安全 (36)6.2.2、小区用户终端IP地址安全 (37)总结 (38)参考文献 (38)接入方式,从接入业务的角度看,可简单地分为适用于窄带业务的接入网技术和适用于宽带业务的接入网技术。
fttb lan宽带小区的几种布线设计方法(Several routing design methods for fttb lan broadband cell)
fttb+lan宽带小区的几种布线设计方法(Several routing design methods for fttb+lan broadband cell)Abstract: in recent years, the broadband is becoming more and more hot, and many telecom and non telecom operators compete fiercely on the "last mile". Broadband networks are developing at an unprecedented speed, and the forms of rich services and access are endless. A variety of emerging technology and operations continue to emerge, the current residential broadband access is mainly Ethernet access, ADSL, HFC three kinds of mainstream technology, this paper introduces using FTTB+LAN to solve the routing scheme based on broadband residential Ethernet technology...Keywords: FTTB+LAN cell routingBroadband community are the rage in near year..Many company competed. broadband network development very fast.Many new technology and new service applies to business. ETHERNET ADSL And HFC are mostly technology. The article introduce FTTB+LAN community Broadband network cable design for EthernetPoint:, FTTB+LAN, community, cable, designSeveral routing design methods for FTTB+LAN broadband cellFTTB+LAN, community, Broadband, network, cable, designIn recent years, broadband is becoming more and more hot, and many telecom and non - telecom operators are competing fiercely for "the last mile". Broadband networks are developing at anunprecedented speed, and the forms of rich services and access are endless. A variety of emerging technology and operations continue to emerge, the current residential broadband access is mainly Ethernet access, xDSL, HFC three kinds of mainstream technology, the following are introduced using FTTB+LAN to solve the routing scheme based on broadband residential Ethernet technology.According to the actual situation of various residential quarters, residential buildings within the district can be broadly divided into the following circumstances:1., the construction situation can be divided into: planning area, in the construction of residential areas, has been built.2., according to the residential structure classification can be divided into: multi-storey buildings, small high-rise buildings, high-rise buildings.3., according to the district structure classification, can be divided into monomer building and building group.According to the actual situation of residential construction, the network wiring can be divided into two major categories: planning, building, district wiring and built in District improvement cabling, and the latter is more common.Types of multi-storey small high-riseThe number of layers is 6~89 to 1215I. solutions for high-rise buildings (small high-rise buildings with available weak shafts)The high-rise building has the weak shaft which can be used, and has the connected basement, this kind of situation is better to solve.The user (such as transfer box into the family for information socket): if the real estate construction in a pipe can be embedded directly into consideration, if the building has been built by the user adapter box (TP) in the user at the user application, to be home again. If the weak vertical shaft can obviously use the existing pipe groove to enter the household, it is possible to consider that the transfer box is installed in the weak vertical shaft, and when the user opens, the utility model is passed through the existing pipe groove of the weak current well;Horizontal cable: horizontal cable vertical section of the laying, can use the original weak line groove,Indeed due to the actual situation and can not use the original line slot, to consider the installation of special (for broadband network) slot, slot size to set according to the actual needs, the level of horizontal section (floor) cable laying, in this case, you can use a small slot, can also be used PVC tube. The installation method uses the PVC pipe to do the user transfer box in the shaft (or the door of the household). The level of cable laying, can be placed in a line between sub layer, five kinds of cables all up (or down) a direction to the terminal; can also be placed in a line between sub layer, fivekinds of cables all up and down along the two direction to the terminal.Floor sub wiring (floor, chassis): floor sub wiring is the intersection of main optical fiber cable and horizontal five type cable. It is the place for installing exchange equipment, maintenance and maintenance in the future. When confirming the number and location of the chassis, the length of the horizontal cable should be considered and the wiring standards should be met.The main cable: cable can be used single-mode or multi-mode optical fiber cable; outdoor cable cable selection all go indoor use of the indoor cable, some or all go outside; usually a high-rise building has several sub wiring, the wiring between several sub trunk cable is all from the center room directly placed over, or from the the top floor of the first wiring wiring between the child continued to take over, depending on the specific circumstances, if the host is not far away from the building, can consider all the sub cable wiring from the host housing directly placed here; if the computer room is far away from the floor, you should consider the main cable the building (the core) from the host housing directly placed over to the first floor of the wiring between the cabinet (usually a bottom), and then continued to receive other cable wiring room in the closet.Residential central computer room: for the high-rise buildings, the general choice of the computer room in the basement or overhead equipment layer.For the selected area that has not yet been decorated, the requirements of the central computer room are power, area, temperature and humidity, electromagnetic shielding, etc.. As for the unified planning scope of residential fire in the building be coordinated by property developers, or in the room to add a fire detection point; grounding room can use the ground area of the body, the ground or a separate building room.Two, multi-storey building solutions (including no weak shaft of the small high-rise building)The user (such as transfer box into the family for information socket): if the real estate construction in a pipe can be embedded directly into consideration, if the building has been built by the user adapter box (TP) in the user at the user application, to be home again.Horizontal cable: for multi tier building horizontal cable placement, the general approach is: in the building, the same unit, through the main vertical pipe or trough to all levels, and then through the horizontal groove to each installation point. If different units between the centralized management, five kinds of cables so that more walk between different units, then to walk through the overhead layer horizontal tube (or buried wall horizontal pipe construction waterproof outdoor).If the difference between units go cascaded optical (electric) cable, then to walk through the wall of the horizontal tube (or buried in the corner, horizontal pipe) can also go well and the outdoor pipeline.Inter unit sub wiring (unit, inner case): multi story building, each unit, one case, or one case of each building.The main unit: different units between the centralized management of the best tenants cable to be concentrated in one or several sub unit wiring room management, in order to save the cost of wiring and network equipment, but because of the actual situation is different, may in the field do not solve the problem of centralized management, then consider placing a wiring box in each unit, and to the floor of the cable (perhaps the core number of more or less) usually only have one trunk cable, so there are other elements and to take what measures the fiber node connection problem, there can be several ways to solve this problem:1, different units (or the outdoor indoor environment: as the case may be) five line level, to go well with the outdoor outdoor hand five lines, go to another wall of a unit, can consider the use of indoor five lines. In this case, only a few units in the case of relatively low rate of investment.2. Different units are connected by fiber optic cable. The wiring mode adopts the outdoor hand hole or the outer wall, or overhead to another unit (or building). It is a cable to the floor units, connected to other units from the tail unit laying fiber optic cable, both ends will melt on the tail of network to solve the way to complete by multi port optical switches, this situation is in the case of the unit number is more than the rate of economic investment.3. Different units are connected by fiber optic cables indifferent ways. The wiring mode adopts the outdoor hand hole or the outer wall or overhead to another unit (or building). It is the core cable to a unit floor, leaving several cores of the unit, from other units this unit also cloth small core number cable, the cable core number continued past the network to solve the way to complete the optical switches from the center of the computer room, this is the comparison of economic the investment in each unit households more cases use rate. Moreover, from the use of optical fiber cable statistics, the cost can be controlled (cable continued to be considered in the unit wiring room, that is, in the case of connecting, or with optical fiber branch head to continue splicing fiber cable to different units (or buildings).The main cable: because of the characteristics of multi story residential, multi-storey building backbone cable is more, and the residential housing is relatively dispersed, and so the cost savings from the view of optimization design, in large high-rise, Multilayer Hybrid scattered residential to consider the use of multi-core cable, the usual practice: the number of large core fiber optic backbone cloth into a piece of residential, the cable through the cable branch make small core number to each building wiring room.Trunk fiber optic cable should be considered as possible in the building to do, or take the outdoor fiber optic cable branch head to do.Residential center room: only for multi-storey building of room area was selected in the overhead floor or basement, small room selection to select a relatively good environment in place,specific design criteria to consider when choosing the reference factors of computer room. If there is no room conditions of the District, you can consider the use of outdoor chassis program.Other requirements are the same as those in high-rise buildings.Three, villa solution (intensive, decentralized)Villa area is characterized by fewer households, households scattered, low occupancy rate, high investment costs, but the high level of tenants.There are several types of villas: single family, double Huxing, multi huxing.1, single Huxing: a set of features: no shared channels and shared lighting; solutions:First, in the villa group set an outdoor fiber optic transit box, from the main room to lead a large number of fiber optic cable to this transit box, and then sub four core fiber to each door; - the cost is too high, is generally not used;The two is in a sleeve with a wall hanging cabinet villas, from the 14 core cable to the host of real led cabinet, and then use the outdoor five lines divided into each building tenants; - low cost, but to solve the problem of power supply cabinet and cabinet installation position. Suggest adopting.2, double (or four) type: a two (four) sets, features: shared channels and shared lighting; solutions:A wall hanging cabinet in the villa of a building of the public channel, from the host 14 core cable to the cabinet room lead, and then use the outdoor five lines divided into each building tenants; - low cost, can solve the cabinet installation position, to coordinate the problem of power supply cabinet.3, multi Huxing: a multi sets (there may be several units), features: shared channels and shared lighting; solutions:One is in the villa of a building where a unit is equipped with a wall hanging cabinet, from the host room lead to a four core cable to the cabinet, and then use the outdoor (or interior) five lines divided into other units of the building tenants; - low cost, can solve the problem of power supply cabinet the installation position and the cabinet.The two is in the villa of a building where a unit is equipped with a wall hanging cabinet, from the host room lead to a four core cable to the cabinet, and then use the outdoor (or interior) of each household in five lines divided into other units of the building occupants and other buildings (go outdoor double wire); -- low cost, can solve the problem of power supply cabinet and cabinet installation position.The user (such as transfer box into the family for information socket): if not into the household, the household to install a special adapter box way; if the owners or developers have entered households, priority: the study of child room (smallroom) > > > the master bedroom living room.Horizontal cable: the horizontal cable walks in the outdoor part, walks through the existing pipe ditch or the new pipe ditch; the building cable is installed to the user switching box or enters the household, or wears the original weak electricity pipe to enter the household. For the same building, the number of villas more, but also do vertical pipe or groove, and this is the same as multi-storey building solution, hit the floor as vertical pipe or groove.Among the sub unit wiring between (unit chassis): for small villa apartment layout building, the best in the villa group in several relatively intensive areas a few wall case, five lines from the branch to the other tenants of the building. For a large number of villas, you can also consider each building or every unit is provided with a wall hanging case.Inter cell trunk: when there are multiple units in a villa building, you may consider a sub compartment for each unit,This connection problems between the units: cable can use the connecting way, can also be used in outdoor (or indoor) cable in tandem, or by way of cable cascade (because it involves the cable, the reason, the cost of equipment is not recommended. )Trunk cable: villa area is relatively large, can use a cable connection box in the outdoor villas in a real way, from the host lead core cable to the adapter box, and then use the four core cable next to each building wiring box method;Residential center room: the choice of terms and conditions as mentioned before, if there is no room for public places can be useful, also can consider developers place, a room or outdoor cabinet construction set by their own.Four, enter households and not enter the household construction methods1, the old building renovation project, no special circumstances are recommended not to enter the construction methods, only install the user transfer box. If you want to enter the house, do it at the time of opening.2, not only in the construction, in the planning and design of residential, because all piping in the design stage, the planning of residential broadband network wiring, broadband wiring should be all levels of pipelines, risers, bridges, trough a plan in place.Terms usedFTTB:, Fiber, To, The, Building (fiber to the floor)LAN:, Local, Area, Network (LAN)ADSL:, Asymmetrical, Digital, Subscriber, Loop (asymmetric digital subscriber loop)HFC:, Hybrid, Fiber-Coaxial (coaxial cable, optical fiber hybrid network)TP: Transition Point (transit point)。
UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY毕业设计题目基于EPON技术的光纤到楼/户的小区宽带接入网的研究与设计学生姓名学号专业班级通信工程指导教师学院计算机与通信学院辩论日期2021年基于EPON技术的光纤到楼/户的小区宽带接入网的研究与设计FTTB/FTTH access technology research and design based on EPONXxx摘要近年来,随着互联网的普及和快速开展,人们日益增长的通信需求对通信网络的交换和传输能力提出更高的要求,但骨干网传输速率和交换能力的提高使得接入网成了整个通信网络的瓶颈。
关键词:无源光网络;EPON;FTTH;AbstractIn recent years, the development of internet is becoming more and more popular and the faster. People's growing demand for communications of switching and transmission are asking for higher requirements, but the backbone transmission rate and the exchange of capabilities makes the access network has become the bottleneck of communication network. ADSL is currently the mainstream of broadband access technology in China, mainly provide general Internet services, Internet services, video conferencing and enterprise private line services, But as IPTV and VOD and other new business development, accessing to a very high network load demands, and the current mainstream way of ADSL access bandwidth can not meet the needs, and therefore with high bandwidth and high stability of the advantages of FTTH(Fiber To The Home) FTTH technology development and application is becoming the trend.In this paper, FTTH access technology mainly carrys out with the following aspects.First, through the introduction of the concept of FTTH, including a detailed analysis ofmulti-service transport platform,point to point Ethernet passive optical network systems and passive optical network technology, through the above comparison of FTTH implementation techniques, obtained a variety of techniques advantages and disadvantages, and for occasions.Second, his paper describes the main FTTH access to achieve PON (Passive Optical Network), and PON's basic structure,classification were analyzed.Through several PON access technology comparison, the current EPON is the most suitable for China, and can be strong in the development of China's FTTH access technology.Third, focus on the EPON system reference architecture,multiplexing principles, protocol stack, the frame structure and external interface, providing the theoretical support for EPON-based FTTH construction.Fourth, the combination of FTTH access technology, EPON principles, and FTTH construction-related requirements, this paper describes A the construction of residential fiber to the home as an example.Keywords:PON;FTTH;EPON;目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 FTTH的研究背景 (1)1.2 FTTH技术开展的现状 (1)1.3 FTTH技术的开展前景 (2)第2章 PON技术的研究 (3)2.1 PON的定义 (3)2.2 PON的根本结构 (3)2.3 PON的分类 (3)2.4 几种PON接入技术的比较 (4)2.5 PON的应用环境与开展趋势 (6)2.6 EPON的参考结构 (6)2.7 EPON的复用原理 (8)2.8 EPON的协议栈 (9)2.9 EPON的帧结构 (10)2.10 EPON的对外接口 (11)2.11 PON技术接入方式 (11)第3章 FTTH光纤到户技术研究 (16)3.1 FTTH的概念 (16)3.2各种光纤到户实现技术的分析 (16)第4章 FTTH光纤到户工程设计 (18)4.1 FTTH工程设计目标 (18)4.2 FTTH网络点设置 (18)4.3 FTTH技术对光缆的定义 (19)4.4 FTTH光缆产品与技术 (20)4.5 布线方案 (21)4.6 光功率预算 (24)第5章 FTTH光纤到户建设实例 (26)5.1 建设简介 (26)5.2 工程设计方案 (26)5.3 EPON接入业务配置 (28)5.4 光功率预算 (32)5.5 吞吐量、丢包率、帧缓冲能力、延迟、误码率的测试结果 (33)5.6 工作量及设备统计 (33)总结 (35)附录Ⅰ外文文献原文、译文 (36)致谢 (62)第1章绪论1.1 FTTH的研究背景近年来随着宽带技术的开展,群众对一通信网络日益增长的需求,对网络的传输速度和交换能力提出了新的要求,提高骨干网传输速度和交换能力,提高计算机的速度,使得接入网已成为在通讯网络中的瓶颈。
关键词:宽带接入网;小区线路;ADSL 原理;无线网目录1 引言.............................................................32 宽带接入网概述...................................................3 2.1 接入网的产生................................................3 2.2 接入网的定义................................................3 2.3 接入网的分类................................................43 主流宽带接入网技术...............................................4 3.1 ADSL 的概述、安装与原理.....................................4 3.2 FTTXLAN 的概念、网络结构和优缺点...........................4 3.3 HFC 的概述、网络结构和优缺点.................................5 3.4 无线接入技术................................................ 64 接入网的安全与管理..............................................6 4.1 网络安全定义................................................7 4.2 网络安全的现状与技术........................................75 结束语.........................................................106 参考文献.......................................................117 谢词...........................................................12 11 引言信息产业已经成为新时期全球战略制高点。
小 区F B L TT + AN宽带布线解决方案
许 英 ( 江苏省 有线 广电 信息网 份有限 南京 络股 公司 分公司 江苏 南京 20 0 , 1 0) 0
摘 要: 宽带网络正以前所未有的速度向前发展, 丰富的业务提供形式和接入方式层出不穷, 各种新兴的技术和运营方式不断出现。 丈章针
12水平 电缆 . 水平电缆垂直段 的铺设可利用原有 的弱 电线槽 , 确实不能 外 已有 的管井及管道 。 23单元间子配线间 ( . 单元内机箱) 利用原有线槽 时, 考虑重新安装专用 ( 于宽带网络 ) 线槽, 线槽 多层楼每个单元一个机箱或每栋楼一个机箱。 的大小根据 实际需要来定。 这种情况下, 水平 电缆水平段 ( 楼层
对目 前小区宽带网络 , 讨论 了 几种基于以太网技术 、 /F T+ A 的主 流宽带接 入技 术布线 的解 决方案 。 采 f T B LN l 关键词 : 宽带网络 ; T B LN 接入技 术 ; F T+ A ; 小区布线 ; 决方案 解
或是从该高层楼 的子配线间中的第一个 子配线间续 近年来小区宽带化越 来越热, 多家 电信和非 电信运营商在 直接布放 , 可视具体情况而定 , 如果主机房离该楼不远, 可以考虑将所 “ 最后一公里” 上争夺激烈 。 宽带 网络正以前所未有的速度 向前 接 , 发展 , 丰富的业务 提供形式和接入方 式层出不 穷, 各种新兴 的 有子配线间的光缆从主机房直接布放过来 , 否则应考虑将该大
技术 和运营方式不 断出现 。目前, 小区宽带接 入主要有 以太 网 楼 的主干光缆 ( 大芯数 ) 主机房直接布放 到该楼的第一个 配 从
接入, D L H C x S , F 三种主流技术, 以下讨论几种采用F T + A 基 线 间机柜 ( T BLN 通常是最底下的) 然后再续接到其他配线间。 ,
关键词 FTTZ+LAN;小区宽带;网络安全;以太技术引言在本小区宽带方案设计中,我们不仅为小区规划设计了一个提供高带宽上网的综合性宽带业务,而且在这个规划的小区宽带中还能开展其他数据增值业务。
同时还在设备选型(如:D-Link DES-3024中心路由交换机、D-Link DGS1224T交换机以及线缆和光缆等)都做了具体的分析并结合了其性能特点和经济理念,选择的设备产品都具有兼容性好、且占市场分额较高、能够满足高带宽和具有较长生命周期的特点,在接入技术和接入方式都结合了目前和将来小区宽带接入网的需求,使用了较合理经济的先进技术,为小区宽带用户上网提供一个安全、稳定、快捷、经济的网络服务和设置了足够的小区宽带冗余。
1.3降低风险以逐层推进在当前网络工程的开展中,为了更好地推动宽带建立,实施FTTH 光纤到户接入技术,可以采用逐层推进的方法,对宽带网络进行部署,进而降低风险。
当IP技术日趋成熟、全国各大中城市纷纷开始筹建IP 城域网的时候,山东电信在迅速展开建设技术先进、覆盖全市的宽带城域网,其重要的技术基础之一就是FTTB+LAN。
关键词:FTTB、局域网、城域网、宽带接入网、宽带交换设AbstractAlong with the progress of the society, information technology, and the development of the human business to the new demand for information, broke nearly 100 years of telecommunications have governed the skillfulness copper users line. To the information superhighway forward in the process, FTTB + LAN has made quite the user thinks the position. When IP technology matures, major cities nationwide in succession when begin to prepare IP intracity networks, shandong telecom in rapid spread of advanced technology, covering the city construction, the important of broadband intracity networks is one of basic technology of FTTB + LAN. Say simply, is after the fiber shop to building, the LAN technology will five categories twisted-pair cable cloth to each user will tell to users at home,, and did not increase the what equipment is just a "seat" insert information; it Yet even this small information socket, making each users can enjoy 10/100M bandwidth, making broadband network connection innumberable families become reality, through a single cable Internet access, play Internet phone, watching VOD is easy to realize, with IP business explosive growth and the transformation of China telecom's operating market, no matter be traditional telecom operators or emerging operators, construction of telecom JiChuWang for IP business as its network construction point. Access to undertake the user and core network, broadband network construction in very important one annulus. Access network as carrying business directly facing the user network, it is to reflect the operators of competitive strength of user coverage and direct index, also the telecom network, from the current investment mainly, the needs of the user see diversification will give numerous access network technology provides the application stage, at the same time we are constantly updated calls access technology appear, to satisfy the more subdivision of user demand, will communication network value more fully reflected.Keywords: FTTB、intracity networks、broadband access、broadband exchange equipment、passive optical network、light lines terminal前言从光纤通信问世到现在,光传输的速率以指数增长,光传输的速率在过去的10年中大约提高了100倍。
在小区光接入网的建设中,GPON(Gigabit Passive Optical Network,千兆无源光网络)技术以其高带宽、高效率、高可靠性等优势被广泛应用。
三、小区光接入网FTTH的实现1. 网络架构设计小区光接入网FTTH的网络架构主要包括光缆线路、光缆分配网和用户端设备等部分。
2. 设备选型与配置在小区光接入网FTTH的实现过程中,需要选择合适的GPON设备和ODN(Optical Distribution Network,光配线网)设备。
其中,GPON设备包括OLT(Optical Line Terminal,光线路终端)和ONT/ONU(Optical Network Terminal/Optical Network Unit,光网络终端/光网络单元)。
3. 网络建设与施工在小区光接入网FTTH的建设与施工过程中,需要严格按照设计要求进行施工,确保施工质量符合相关标准。
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关键词: FTTX+LAN;小区宽带;接入网;方案设计。
1 绪论 01.1 课题背景 01.2 建设宽带接入网的必要性 01.2.1 业务需求 01.2.2 市场需求 01.3 接入网的发展趋势 (1)1.4 课题主要内容 (1)2 几种常用的宽带网接入技术比较 (1)2.1 接入网概念 (1)2.2 接入网的特点 (2)2.3 有线接入技术 (2)2.3.1 ADSL接入技术 (2)2.3.2 HFC接入技术 (3)2.3.3 FTTX+LAN接入技术 (4)2.4 无线接入技术 (5)2.4.1 WLAN (5)2.4.2 WiMAX (6)3 小区FTTX+LAN接入网组网方案设计 (7)3.1 需求分析 (7)3.1.1 小区情况 (7)3.1.2 宽带需求 (7)3.2 接入技术的选择 (7)3.3 小区宽带接入网的拓扑结构选择 (7)3.4 设备选型 (8)3.5 IP地址划分 (10)3.6 网络安全与管理 (11)3.6.1 防火墙 (11)3.6.2 网络管理 (11)4 总结 (13)谢辞 (14)参考文献 (15)1.1 课题背景进入21世纪以来,全球宽带接入网进入了大发展阶段。
目前国际上主流并且比较成熟的接入技术包括XDSL、FTTX、Cable 技术以与无线宽带接入网技术等。
1.2 建设宽带接入网的必要性目前向用户提供服务通信网的接入网仍以传统的铜线作为主要的传送媒体,这种模拟窄带的传输手段与多种电信业务的宽带传输的快速增长不相适应,而且仍以电路交换为主要特征,与核心网侧和用户侧的发展很不协调,因此接入网成为制约通信发展的瓶颈,建立数字化和宽带化的接入网已迫在眉睫。
1.2.1 业务需求随着通信技术的发展,人们对智能小区的需求主要有:(1)宽带上网需求(高速上网、远程教育、视频点播、网上资讯、购物、娱乐等);(2)区内信息化建设(信息网站、视频等);(3)区内智能化管理系统、安全管理系统等。
1.2.2 市场需求工信部近日出台新规,要求从2013年4月1日起,新建小区必须光纤入户,同时具备接入多家运营商的能力。
目前,宽带接入涉与的接入技术包括XDSL接入、LAN接入、光纤接入、Cable Modem 接入和电力线上网接入。
1.3 接入网的发展趋势分析目前我国电信网络的情况,虽然电信网上交换系统已经程控化,传输系统已经光纤化和数字化,已基本满足数字化、宽带化、智能化、个人化发展的需求,但在用户网上仍是传统的铜线传输线,网络结构也多为单星形,业务功能主要是电话,而且机线陈旧,已成为限制现代电信网发展的“瓶颈”所在,因此,接入网技术的开发与应用对通信事业的发展,对满足用户对新业务的需求,对加快全社会信息化进程将起到至关重要的作用。
1.4 课题主要内容本文从小区宽带接入的实际需求出发,利用新建的通信资源、因地制宜地选取FTTX+LAN宽带接入技术进行小区宽带接入方案设计,满足小区宽带接入需求。
2 几种常用的宽带网接入技术比较2.1 接入网概念宽带接入,(broadband access )是一种接入速率较高的接入方式。
FCC (Federal Communications Commission 全称美国联邦通讯委员会)2010年07月24日为“宽带”这个词语下了一个定义,FCC认为宽带意味着下载速率为4Mbps,上行为1Mbps,可以实现视频等多媒体应用,并同时保持基础的Web浏览和E-Mail特性。
2.2 接入网的特点要建设一个新的宽带社区,我们有很多方案可以选择,包括ADSL接入方案,HFC、FTTX+LAN等,不同的方案,应用的场合也不一样,接入网的特点如下:(1)主要完成复用、交叉连接和传输功能,一般具备交换功能。
2.3 有线接入技术2.3.1 ADSL接入技术ADSL 接入技术方式可直接利用现有的电话线路,通过 ADSL MODEM 后进行数字信息传输。
ADSL 用频分复用或回馈抑制在电话线中创建多个信道。
ADSL 复用下传信道,双工化,将信道分块,给每块加上错误码,然后发送数据,接收端根据误码和块长纠错。
因此,凡是安装了电信电话的用户都具备安装 ADSL 的基本条件(只要当地电信局开通ADSL宽带服务),安装时用户需拥有一台 ADSL MODEM和带网卡的电脑。
2.3.2 HFC接入技术HFC(Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial)是一种经济实用的综合数字服务宽带网接入技术有线电视网目前在全世界已有超过9.4亿的用户,我国有线电视网自90年代初发展至今,全国覆盖面已达50%,电视家庭用户数有8000多万,成为世界上第一大有线电视网。