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1. --Let’s go out for some exercise. --________

A.I think so

B.I don’t think so

C. Y ou’re right

D. That a good idea

2. --Y ou look sad. ____? --Oh, my grandmother’s very ill.

A. What’s up

B. How are you

C. What’s that

D. How about you

--Mom, could you pass me some___? It’s delicious.

--OK, but only a little.

A.butter B. apples

C. tomatoes

D. Sandwiches

4. Lin Tao can't be at home. I saw him _______here a few minutes ago.

A. plays

B. to play

C. playing

D. played

5. W e'd better _______on the road. A car may hit us.

A. not to play

B. not play

C. to not play

D. don't play

6.--When can I go out to play football, Mum?

--Finish your homework first, or I won't let you ________. A. to go out B. go out

C. going out

D. will go out

7. Could you make her ________laughing?

A. stop

B. to stop

C. stops

D. Stopped

8. There are four ___ students in our school.

A. hundreds

B. hundreds of

C. hundred

D. hundred of

9. The number of students in my class ___ forty now.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. Were

10.The yellow River is not so ___ as the Y angtze River.

A. longer

B. long

C. longest

D. along


1. They went shopping on a_______(sun)morning.

2. He is thinner than before, but runs_______(fast).

3. Look! How_______(slow)the train is running!

4. Both of_______(they)did very badly.

5.Who is_______(beautiful), Li Ping, Zhang Nan or Lin Mei?

6 .In China, the last name is the ______(give)name. September is the______(nine)month of the year.

My uncle________(change) a lot in the last 10 years.


1.Susan usually has some pieces of ______(面包)and a bottle of milk for breakfast.

2.These years it seldom snows in _____ (冬季)in Nanjing.

3.David took a lot of ______ (photo)in Mochou Lake Park last weekend.

4.The_________( 毛衣) is cheap and it fits him very well.

5.I hosted a concert on_____Day(教师节). Many students gave performances at it.

6.In_______( 七月) the Grade 9 students will have a farewell party after they finish their school studies.


Bob was born in a big and rich family. His father is a university professor. He teaches American history. His mother is a very capable woman. She is the manager of a big company. She earns a lot of money, of course. Bob has two sisters and a brother. His elder sister, Jenny, is fourteen. She studies in a middle school. His younger sister, Ann, is ten. She studies in a private primary school. She has a very good memory. She is clever. His younger brother, Dick, is only six. He has just started going to school. Bob gets on well with his family. He is on good terms not only with his parents, but also with his sisters and brother. (have a friendly relationship with sb.) He is, in a word, an apple in their eyes.


()1. Bob was born in a small and rich family.

()2. He has two brothers and a sister.

()3. There are five people in his family.

()4. Dick is only six. He studies in a private primary school. ()5.‖He is an apple in their eye‖means ―They love him very much‖.

()6.Dick is an apple in fact.



1.It’s (real)cold today.

2.This (write)writes lots of interesting stories for kids.

3.Many people don’t enjoy (live)in big cities.

4.I am in my (three)year in this middle school.

5.As we all know,the weather in southwest China is

(dry)than any other time in history


6. I usually have a piece of (面包)and some milk for breakfast.

7. Y ou need to (浇水)the flowers twice a month.

8. They planted many trees (在……之间)the two buildings.

9. Don’t always depend on others. Y ou can do it by (你自己).

10.He was as (聪明的)as a monky.
