
翻译练习9---14参考1、A) She doesn’t wea r her usual lipstick but wears some perfume today.抹口红B) She wears a white dress, an orchid corsage, and a rather lovely, awkward smile.她身穿白色连衣裙,胸前佩戴着淡紫色胸花,脸上露出一丝可爱羞涩的笑容。
C) She wears a permanent smile.她脸上始终带着微笑D) She wears the slimness of her mother. 和她母亲一样苗条E) She really wears her years well. 她保养得非常好.A)我很荣幸代表中国政府和人民向各位外来使节表示热烈欢迎。
I feel honored to express this warm welcome on behalf of Chinese government and people to distinguished diplomatic envoys.B)我以能在此设宴各位贵宾而深感荣幸和愉快。
It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of all distinguished guests.C)请允许我请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两国的友谊和合作干杯!May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.A、请问您是来自加拿大的史密斯先生吗?Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from Canada?A、久闻先生大名,我是加中贸易理事会上海办事处代表。

Unit 1 Translation1. Jack is so diligent a student that he never goes anywhere without a book.2. This is an outline of my paper; any of your suggestions will be truly appreciated.3. Whether you’re buying or renting, you’ll need to be fully aware what kind of property best suits you and your lifestyle.4. It is dangerous to ride a bicycle on an icy road, so we have to use the brake to slow it down.5. If we put all our energy and effort into this project, we will definitely accomplish it in a few more months.6. I am thinking about moving to a three-bedroom house located near the town center. In addition, it is within walking distance to the train station.7. A lot of the things we take for granted as trash, such as newspapers, magazines, old computers and cellphones, can actually be recycled or reused in one way or another. 8. — What questions can I ask when inquiring about a job?— You may ask if the position is still available and how long you have to wait before getting to know if you will be given an interview.Unit 2 Translation1. George longs for a chance to meet her, but he can’t bring himself to tell her about it.2. Many smart and capable people do not achieve a lot in their life because they are afraid of the hardships they may have to endure.3. I remember that in my childhood I had great enjoyment in living in the countryside where all the flowers were blooming in spring.4. The government is sure to react to the recent growth in violent crime.5. Quite a lot of people can undergo feelings of loss after they retire, and we may help them with our care and concern.6. They would get together exchanging ideas and discussing the problems they were confronted with when they stayed in Silicon Valley in the 90’s.7. Gazing upon the picture of her grandson who lost his life on D-Day, the elderly lady was filled with sorrow.8. Some people worry that robots may someday become the dominating force in the world.Unit 3 Translation1. The article/essay helps us get a deep insight into the nature of the problem.2. Based on mutual respect, friendship will flourish.3. Like a plant, friendship will wither if neglected.4. No matter what may happen, we will do our best to overcome it.5. A friendship without constant care from both sides will end up with a breakup.6. This year cold weather has seriously affected the crops in the northern region.7. As much as I hate to do it, I must finish the task as planned.8. That means the new law also applies to private businesses.Unit 4 Translation1. I grabbed my baby from the tiger before I had time to feel afraid. I guess it was amother’s natural instinct.2. Modern tourists yearn for mysterious places like Tibet. You should go there before it is flooded with visitors.3. Now that my daughter can crawl, there is not a spot in the house she hasn’t reached. I’m just tired of picking up toys constantly after her.4. I felt pulled apart of late by work and taking care of my sick child. Can I postpone turning in the business plan?5. I don’t mean to be provocative, but I do think it’s better for our company to split into two.6. The US government feels obligated to prefer US-made products, but it’s still possible for a foreign company to be its supplier. For instance, if a product is not made in the US, then the US government will buy abroad.7. We must constantly analyze changes in the environment to see if there is a need to change the original program.8. What’s your interpretation of the Chinese government’s new policy of allowing two children per family? Is it to make up for the shortage of young people in the future in China?Unit 6 Translation1. The Maker Faire in New York got together inventors of all ages.2. Makers exhibited their latest creations.3. Industrialized nations must take the lead in reducing their carbon emissions.4. With the right tools and inspiration, makers have the capacity to change theworld.5. As far as I know, they are working on a project in secret.6. This town has a booming tourist industry and (a flourishing) real estate market.7. In the last decade, the digital revolution has stimulated people’s creativity in anunprecedented way.8. At Xinchejian, China’s first formal makerspace, makers are tinkering with alltypes of materials, such as metals, plastics and electronic components.。

期末考试题翻译题复习资料1 医疗网可以使病人共享信息和相互给予支持。
The medical website enables patients to share information and offer each other support.2 我很高兴你和我们一起去。
I am glad you are going with us .You will not regret it.3 那是她所体验过的最奇妙的感觉。
It was the most wonderful feeling she had ever experienced.4 他以科普小说而闻名。
He is known for his popular science novels.5 二十年后他还能清楚地记起这件事。
Twenty years later he could still clearly recall he event.6 那首歌总是让我想起我们的第一次约会。
That song always reminds me of our first date.7 那个建议在会上未引起多大兴趣。
That proposal aroused little enthusiasm at the meeting.8 新来的军官很快赢得了士兵的尊敬。
The new officer soon earned the respect of his soldiers.9 全村很快便人心惶惶了。
Fear spread quickly through the village.10 现在主席要向大会发表演讲。
The chairman will address the meeting.11 好教师总是鼓励学生独立思考。
Good teachers often encourage their students to think for themselves.12 我正想把实际发生的情况告诉他,但他打断了我的话。

翻译考试复习题I. Questions:1.How do you define translation?2.What are the most influential domestic and foreign translationcriteria?3.What are the major differences between English and Chinese?4.How are foreignization and domestication defined? Pleaseillustrate their differences by examples.5.What is hypotaxis? What is parataxis? And what is the moststriking difference in sentence building between English and Chinese?6.What are the two major translation methods? Can you tell theirdifferences?7.What are the two major cultural translation strategies? What’s theirdifference?8.What’s the difference between literal translation, free translationand domestication, foreignization?9.What are the common translation skills?II. Translation terminologyhypotaxis vs. parataxis 形合vs. 意合hypotactic language vs. paratactic language 形合语言、意合语言false friends假朋友semantic zero = lexical gap词义空缺foreignization vs. domestication异化vs. 归化cultural disposition文化错位cultural transplant文化移植diction选词法abstraction vs. specification具体化和抽象化conversion of parts of speech词性的转换amplification vs. economy增词法和减词法synthetic vs. analytic综合语与分析语literal tr.free tr. (liberal tr.; semantic tr.)transliterationword-for-word tr.。

初一英语上学期期末总复习翻译题练习姓名:________________ 班别:________________ 编号:_________________一、词组英汉互译:1. 用英语2. 在值日3. 多少只风筝4. 几岁5. 在那边6. 哪一个7. 看一看8. 在天上9. 多少钱10. 你的鸟11. 家谱12. 在树上13. 非常老14. 浅绿15. 深蓝16. 在图上17. 在图3 18. 在门口19. 晾衣绳20. 她的图画21. 过来22. 妇女节23.儿童节24. 起床25. 回家26. 照顾他们27. 在学校28. 在家29. 89朵花30. 什么颜色31. 吃晚饭32. 像这样33. 在同一个班34. 看电视35. 在工作36. 一位英国女孩37. 格林一家38. 在山上39. 把它们穿上40. 数这些书41. 去看看42. 保管你的衣服43. 一中44. 在河附近45. 看起来很像46. 只有一个47. 一只苹果48. 一只红苹果49. 我的鞋子50. 去上学51. 五个老妇人52. 在第一排53. 去上班54. 一本语文书55. 一些妇女56. 许多绵羊57. 一辆旧自行车58. 凯特的衬衫59. 过去60. 看起来像61. 老师的房间62. 一个特别行政区63. 进来64. 两棵香蕉树65. 看着黑板66. 好吧67. 20辆公共汽车68. 棕色的裤子69. 八点过七分70. 两个新生71. 双胞胎兄弟72. 差一刻八点73. 一只黑猫74. 玩游戏75. 一些红色的花76. 在我家附近77. 在她后面78. 下学期79. 一节英语课80. 其他人81. 别的什么82. 格林太太的连衣裙83. 那些英语老师84. 露西和莉莉的裙子85. 凯特与吉姆的父亲86. 在教室中间87. 黄先生和王先生的父母88. 他朋友的名字89. 格林太太女儿的名字90. 几只棕色的鸟91. 几只黄色的香蕉92. 一只橘红色的橘子93. 一顶像那样的帽子94. 来见见这家人95. 一张吉姆的妹妹的照片96. 在树后的那个女孩97. 一个黑衣人98. 女孩们的连衣裙99. 一张我朋友的照片100. 在中间的那对老人101. 在这两扇窗之间102. 我最喜爱的动物103. 一辆日本吉普车104. 把它涂成紫色105. 穿红色外套的那些女工人106. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 107. here it is108. have a seat 109. have lunch110. Young Pioneer 111. P.E. class112. take off your shoes 113. which women114. put your hat on 115. one to one116. three quarters 117. over the hill118. play a football game 119. a black and white TV120. her home phone number 121. his pen-friend122. in the same room 123. in different classes124. between English and Chinese 125. next term126. a black sheep 127. a little money128. in the tree 129. a little sheep130. put it on the wall 131. in the middle of China132. an e-mail address 133. a quarter past two134. a quarter to two 135. eleven ten136. forty mice 137. in the morning138. in the afternoon 139. at noon140. a family of 4 people 141. the Yellow River142. our grandparents 143. a middle school teacher144. in Japanese 145. in China146. after class 147. half an hour148. the Brown family 149. DIY150. CCTV 151. UFO 152. USA 153. UK 154. UN 155. EQ and IQ 156. VIP 157. WTO 158. RMB二、翻译下列句子:1.你在几班?我在一年级五班,你呢?2.九加八是几?十七。
《翻译理论与实践(笔译)》期末复习辅导 - 萧山电大

浙江广播电视大学英语专业(开放专科)《英语翻译基础》期末复习一、考试题型和模拟题1. 选择题:10题,每题2分,共20分。
2. 问答题:1题,共10分。
3. 段落翻译(英译汉):2段,共40分。
一、选择题(在四个选项中选择一个正确答案):1. 明朝末年的翻译家徐光启主要从事--- ---的翻译。
A. 佛教经典B. 文学作品C. 科技著作D. 哲学著作2. 《马氏文通》的作者马建忠提出了“--- ---”的翻译观点。
A. 善译B. 化境C. 神似D. 信、达、雅3. 出版后即风靡海内的《巴黎茶花女遗事》是-- ----的译作。
A.严复 B. 林纾C. 林语堂D. 梁实秋4.“意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于-- ----的形式。
A. 词句B. 词句和比喻C. 各种修辞手段D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段5. 翻译是一种()的交际活动。
A.跨语言,跨文化,跨社会 B. 跨语言C.跨语言,跨社会 D. 跨语言,跨社会6. 翻译的理想单位是:__________。
()A.篇章 B. 句子 C.词语 D. 单词7.下列四个语言特点中,---- --不是广告英语的特点。
A. 多祈使句B. 多后置定语C. 多新词汇D. 多常用词汇8. 鲁迅曾提出过“------- --------”的翻译观点。
A. 宁顺而不信B. 宁信而不顺C. 与其信而不顺,不如顺而不信D. 忠实、通顺、得体9.“Do you see any green in my eye?”可以翻译为:__ _____。
A. 你从我的眼睛里看到绿颜色吗?B. 你以为我是好欺骗的吗?C. 你从我的眼睛里看到嫉妒的感觉吗?D. 你以为我在嫉妒你吗?10. “Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.” 意思为( )。

A. 语内翻译B. 语际翻译C. 符际翻译D. 以上选项都正确2. 下面哪个选项是错误的_________。
A. dry goods:纺织品B.white goods:白色的货物C.white wine:白葡萄酒D.toilet water:花露水3. “This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discounts” 请问下面哪个译文最合适________。
A. 这是特殊报盘,不以我方通常折扣为条件。
B. 这是特惠报盘,我方通常折扣不适应于此盘。
C. 此系特惠报盘,不另加我方通常折扣。
D. 这是特殊报盘,不局限于我们通常折扣。
A.尤金.奈达B.泰特勒C.许渊冲D.鲁迅6. 下面哪个配对是错误的_____。
A.赤脚医生:barefoot doctor B.纸老虎:paper tigerC.to show one’s cards:摊牌D.大海捞针:look for a needle in seaD B C D C D7.哪句话的描述是正确的______。

1.Since we are through with the customs formalities, we feel rather released.我们办完了海关手续,感觉如释重负。
2.Repeated failures at making experiments may be too much for many talented would-bescientists.在实验过程中屡遭失败,对于许多有天赋的将要成为科学家的人来说可能是难以承受的。
3.Despite our efforts at quality-oriented education, many teachers and parents are stillkeen on marks.尽管我们努力推进素质教育,许多老师和家长还是热衷于分数。
4.Rate of penetration was found to be proportional to the net pressure applied by thetool.人们发现钻孔速度与工具所受的净压力成正比。
5.They build roads, houses, bridges, ships, pipelines, and canals.他们修路、盖房、架桥、造船、铺管道、挖运河。
6.The two units used most frequently in electricity are ampere and volt: this is theunit of voltage and that of current.电学上最常用的两个单位是安培和伏特:后者是电压的单位,前者是电流的单位。
7. A new kind of aircraft—small, cheap, pilotless—is attracting increasing attention.一种新型的飞机正越来越引起人们的注意—这种飞机体积不大,价钱便宜,无人驾驶。
【精品】五年级上册英语期末专题复习:翻译 牛津上海版(三起)(含答案)

牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:翻译一、英汉互译(共9题;共159分)1. 英译汉(1)in Beijing________(2)go to the beach________(3)the Tian'anmen Square________(4)the Great Wall________(5)wonderful summer holiday________2. 汉译英(1)暑假________(2)探望我的祖父母________(3)去游泳________(4)在大海里________(5)去北京________3. 翻译下列短语(1)一条长尾巴________(2)一张大嘴巴________(3)抓苍蝇________(4)一只乌龟________(5)四条腿________(6)在河里________(7)又小又黑________(8)一个圆圆的脑袋________(9)没有腿________(10)没有尾巴________4.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)once upon a time(2)one day(3)stay with(4)again(5)in the forest(6)give Snow White an apple5.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)this is(2)a great city(3)the capital of.....(4)five hours(5)very fast6.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)at an insect museum (2)last Sunday(3)a toy bee(4)learn a lot(5)at the museum7.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)love films(2)would like(3)seven little friends(4)in the forest(5)bad people(6)next Sunday8.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)black smoke(2)so fresh(3)a lot of trees(4)keep the air clean(5)plant more trees9. 写出下列单词(1)汽车博物馆________(2)汽车模型________(3)科学博物馆________(4)各种各样的________二、翻译(共21题;共105分)10.王后很生气。

(每题2分,共10分)1. figure out - 弄清楚,理解2. go over - 检查,复习3. pick up - 捡起,学会4. set up - 设立,组建5. run out of - 用完,耗尽二、将下列中文短语翻译成英文。
(每题2分,共10分)1. 引起注意 - attract attention2. 坚持不懈 - persevere3. 习惯于 - be accustomed to4. 取得进展 - make progress5. 与...保持联系 - keep in touch with三、将下列句子翻译成中文。
(每题2分,共10分)1. She has been studying English for five years. - 她已经学习英语五年了。
2. They will arrive at the airport at 10 o'clock. - 他们将于十点钟到达机场。
3. My brother is interested in playing basketball. - 我兄弟对打篮球很感兴趣。
4. We need to buy some vegetables for dinner. - 我们需要买些蔬菜来做晚餐。
5. I can't find my keys. Have you seen them? - 我找不到我的钥匙了,你看见了吗?四、将下列句子翻译成英文。
(每题2分,共10分)1. 你昨天去哪里了?- Where did you go yesterday?2. 这本书是我的,不是你的。
- This book is mine, not yours.3. 我妈妈正在做饭。
- My mother is cooking.4. 你明天几点起床?- What time will you get up tomorrow?5. 我们需要更多的时间来完成这个项目。
【精品】四年级上册英语试题-期末专题复习:翻译 牛津上海版(三起)(含答案)

四年级上册英语期末专题复习:翻译一、翻译(共9题;共24分)1.汉译英(1)玩火________(2)放风筝________(3)骑自行车________(4)一件橙色的连衣裙________(5)上午好________2.英译汉(1)a nice ite________(2)help people________(3)a pair of shorts________(4)John's son ________(5)drin water________3.写出下列句子的意思。
(1)How's the weather?________(2)I don't lie the wind.________4.写出句子的意思。
(1)________How many squares are there?(2)There are nine rectangles and one triangle. ________5.翻译下列句子。
(1)Is there a par near your home?________(2)Where is your home?________6.写出下列句子的意思。
(1)This is the teachers' office.________(2)There is a big playground in our school.________7.写出下列句子的意思。
(1)I have three sisters.________(2)He's 11 years old.________8.英汉互译。
(1)他会干什么?________(2)She can draw and write. ________9.写出下列句子的意思。
(1)His name's Joe. ________(2)This is my classmate. ________答案解析部分一、翻译1.【答案】(1)play with fire(2)fly a ite(3)ride a bie(4)an orange dress(5)good morning【考点】汉译英【解析】【分析】(1)玩火是短语“play with fire”. 故答案为:play with fire.(2)放风筝是短语“fly a ite”. 故答案为:fly a ite.(3)骑自行车是短语“ride a bie”. 故答案为:ride a bie.(4)连衣裙“dress”, 橙色的“orange”,元音音素开头,不定冠词用an,表示数量一,故答案为:an orange dress.(5)上午好是短语“good morning”,故答案为:good morning.【点评】这是考查短语翻译的题目。

牛津译林版小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:翻译一、填空题1.将单词与汉语匹配(1) Chinese(2) Maths _______(3) English(4) Music _______(5) PE _______(6) Art ______(7) Science(8) Computer Studiesa.体育b.数学c.计算机课程d.音乐e.英语f.美术g.语文h.科学二、翻译2.一迈克能做什么?一他能游泳。
—What Mike do?—He can.3.它们没有腿和胳膊,They legs.4.一你有一个足球吗?一是的,我有。
—you a football?—Yes, I.一Let's and football.一Good idea.5.我们把漂亮的东西放到圣诞树上。
We some pretty on the.6.我们等待礼物。
We presents.7.首先,我们去购物和看圣诞老人。
, we and see.8.我们和我们的家人吃一顿大餐。
We a big with our.9.我们把长筒袜放到我们的床上,等待礼物。
We a stocking our bed and presents.10.海伦在周末干什么?Helen at weekends?11我通常在周末在网上和他们聊天。
I usually them the at weekends.12.他放学后学习汉语。
He Chinese after.13.他会说英语吗?Can he ?14.我喜欢弹钢琴。
I piano.15.一个是红色的,另一个是黑色的。
is red and is black.16.在我们的学校有多少个教室?classrooms are there our school?17.让我们去看看o Let's and.18.我会打篮球。
I basketball.19.我的妈妈教英语。
mother English.20.在客厅里有一个沙发吗?a sofa the?21.它在2 楼。

1. Every war has had its songs that whipped up patriotic fervor or, in the case of the V ietnam War that encouraged protest against it.每场战争都有自己的歌曲来唤起人们的爱国热情或者如在越南战争中鼓励人们反战。
2. The idea is to take a song that people like or that has particular meaning or emotional association for them and use it with new words, hoping that some of the liking, meaning, or emotional associations will transfer to the new ideas being communicated. And it often works.改词是把一首人们喜爱或者对他们具有特殊意义或感情色彩的歌曲填上新词,希望把这种喜爱、意义或感情色彩带到正在传播的新观念中。
3 As a result, a number of community and national groups have applied pressure on stations to keep these songs and performers off the air. These charges also stimulated investigations by the Federal Communications Commission, the regulatory agency charged with overseeing broadcast practices.结果一些社团和全国性团体向电台或电视台施加压力让他们禁播这些演员的节目。
五年级上册英语试题-期末专题复习:翻译 牛津上海版三起含答案

牛津上海版(深圳用)2018-2019学年小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:翻译一、英汉互译(共9题;共159分)1. 英译汉(1)in Beijing________(2)go to the beach________(3)the Tian'anmen Square________(4)the Great Wall________(5)wonderful summer holiday________2. 汉译英(1)暑假________(2)探望我的祖父母________(3)去游泳________(4)在大海里________(5)去北京________3. 翻译下列短语(1)一条长尾巴________(2)一张大嘴巴________(3)抓苍蝇________(4)一只乌龟________(5)四条腿________(6)在河里________(7)又小又黑________(8)一个圆圆的脑袋________(9)没有腿________(10)没有尾巴________4.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)once upon a time(2)one day(3)stay with(4)again(5)in the forest(6)give Snow White an apple5.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)this is(2)a great city(3)the capital of.....(4)five hours(5)very fast6.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)at an insect museum (2)last Sunday(3)a toy bee(4)learn a lot(5)at the museum7.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)love films(2)would like(3)seven little friends(4)in the forest(5)bad people(6)next Sunday8.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)black smoke(2)so fresh(3)a lot of trees(4)keep the air clean(5)plant more trees9. 写出下列单词(1)汽车博物馆________(2)汽车模型________(3)科学博物馆________(4)各种各样的________二、翻译(共21题;共105分)10.王后很生气。

中国的:严复,信雅达三字标准; 林语堂:忠实,通顺,美的标准傅雷,神似;茅盾:意境论;钱钟书:化境赵秀明:韵味说外国的:泰特勒的三原则〔1.译文应完全复写出原作的思想 2.译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同3.译文应和原作同样流畅〕费道罗夫的等值论:等值即译文和原文等值,表现在读者看了原文和译文之后,其感受的等值性。
Eg:in the seventh heaven不可按表面译为“升天〞本意是“非常高兴〞:翻译方法的选择是另一困难。

5. 至于这本杂志,它刊载了世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要。 When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.
11. 我们在小范围内测试了新的教学方法。实际上只有六个班级参与了测试。 We tested our new teaching methods on a small scale. Indeed only six classes were involved.
12. 虽然这两幅画很相似,但还是有细微的差别。 The two pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.
7. 除非他们能尽快正视这些问题,否则将很难从此次经济衰退中走出来。 Unless they quickly face up to these problems, they will not find a way out of this economic decline.
8. 增加水果和蔬菜的摄入量可以降低患某此类型癌症的风险。 Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can lower your risk of getting some types of cancer.

(the best way to...)2.刘畅的记忆力不好,所以他发觉要记住单词和语法规则很难。
(find that)4.在高老师的英语课上,学生们总能得到大量的练习,同时从中也获得了快乐。
(have fun)5.昨天我的一位老同学打来电话,我好兴奋,我们在电话上聊了好一阵。
(have trouble)7.他的老师生气了,因为他又在考试中犯了太多错。
(make mistakes)8.我没有伙伴练习英语。
(end up)10.我不知道如何使用标点。
(how to)11.你应该把问题看成挑战。
(regard as)12.May决定不再和Julie说话。
(not...any more)13.学生经常抱怨家庭作业太多。
(complain about)14.在警察的帮助下,老人找到了他的孙子。
(with the help of)15.我们可以把水变成冰。
(for years)Unit21.难道你不能独立完成作业吗?(by oneself)2.这里曾经有很多树。
(used to)3.我喜欢开着灯睡觉。
(interested in)6.能不能谈谈你以前的模样?7.我习惯每天早上洗澡。
(take a shower)8.我太忙了,我有那么多家庭作业要做。
(much too, too much)9.近来,我几乎没有时间看电视。
(hardly ever)10.爸爸要带我去参加他朋友的聚会。

(1)打篮球________(2)十五只老虎________(3)许多马________(4)一些香蕉________(5)我们的足球________(6)in that box________(7)have a try ________(8)seventeen stickers ________(9)skate very well________(10)make a cake ________2.英汉互译(1)at the snack bar ________(2)What about you?________(3)一些鱼肉________(4)一杯咖啡________(5)一杯牛奶________(6)Can I help you? ________(7)想要________(8)给你________(9)What a big egg! ________(10)一些面条________3.翻译汉语(1)nice and clean ________(2)little bedroom ________(3)ride my bike ________(4)fly my kite ________(5)in the kitchen ________4.英汉互译(1)a cup of tea ________(2)一杯咖啡________(3)多少张贴纸________(4)a glass of milk ________(5)一杯果汁________5.英汉互译(1)十三________(2)how many ________(3)看一看________(4)当然可以________(5)some stickers ________(6)十五________二、汉译英6.—王兵会打篮球吗?—是的,他会。
A: —Can Wang Bing ________ ________?B: —Yes, he________.7.热狗怎么样?________ ________ a hot dog?8.你想要一个苹果吗?________ you ________ ________ apple?9.—你想要些什么?—一个鸡蛋,面条和一杯果汁。

翻译概论期末考试复习题一、选择题1. 翻译的定义是什么?A. 将一种语言的文本转换为另一种语言的文本B. 将一种语言的口语转换为另一种语言的口语C. 以上都是D. 以上都不是2. 翻译的基本原则有哪些?A. 忠实性、通顺性、可读性B. 准确性、流畅性、优雅性C. 以上都是D. 以上都不是3. 翻译过程中,哪种方法强调对原文的忠实度?A. 直译B. 意译C. 音译D. 以上都不是二、填空题4. 翻译理论中的“信、达、雅”是由________提出的。
5. 翻译过程中,________是指译者对原文的理解。
6. 翻译的三个层次包括:字面翻译、意译和________。
三、简答题7. 简述翻译的三个基本步骤。
8. 什么是翻译的“信、达、雅”原则?9. 翻译中的“直译”与“意译”有何区别?四、论述题10. 论述翻译中的文化因素对翻译实践的影响。
11. 分析翻译策略在不同文体翻译中的应用。
12. 讨论翻译伦理在翻译过程中的重要性。
五、案例分析题13. 阅读以下原文和译文,分析译者在翻译过程中可能采取的策略,并评价其翻译质量。
原文:_________________________译文:_________________________六、翻译实践题14. 将以下句子从中文翻译成英文,并解释你的翻译策略。
句子:_________________________15. 翻译以下英文段落到中文,并简述你的翻译过程。
段落:_________________________七、开放性问题16. 你认为翻译中最重要的因素是什么?请给出你的理由。
17. 在翻译实践中,你如何平衡原文的忠实度和目标语言的流畅性?八、结束语以上是翻译概论期末考试复习题,希望同学们能够认真复习,掌握翻译的基本知识和技能,提高翻译实践能力。
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翻译期末复习题一、填空题1.英汉句子结构最主要的区别在于英语重形合, 汉语重意合。
( )指主要靠语言本身的语法手段表达意思;( )指句与句之间的种种逻辑关系“隐含”于上下文中,主要靠句子内部的逻辑联系表达意思,分句中间不用连词。
2. 英语长句中经常使用( )、关系代词、关系副词,短语中又包括介词短语、动名词短语、分词短语、不定式短语等,汉语如果照译,读者可能不知所云。
按照汉语习惯,可将这些英语特有的结构转译为( )。
3. 早在汉唐时期,就有“文”与“质”之争。
严复是清末新兴资产阶级的启蒙思想家,他翻译了大量的西方政治经济著作,总结自己的翻译实践,参照佛经翻译的经验,他提出著名的“( )”的翻译标准。
5.英语句子结构( ),而一词多义,词义灵活、抽象。
汉语结构则比较( ),词义比较单一、固定、具体,两种语言各有千秋。
四字格总体来说有三大优点:(一)在形式上( ),短小精悍;(二)在内容上言简意赅,寓意深刻;(三)在语音上( ),抑扬顿挫,表现力强。
英语数词的用法比较( ),可在句中做各种成分;英语的数词有( )形式之分,表示数量增减的词语也比汉语多,因此翻译时应根据实际情况灵活处理。
15.理解的对象是原文的信息,包括理解语言的内部结构:词汇意义和();理解语言的言外系统:社会--文化意义(social-cultural meaning),即一切与交际有关的各种(),也就是使之成为话语的时间、地点、媒介、领域、宗教、习俗、价值观等。
二、修改译文(10分)1.A shilling life will give you all the fact.一先令的生命会给你全部的事实。
[改译]2.The hills, like the great hollows among them here and there, were creations of the wind.这些小山丘和到处都是的山谷一样,都是风的创造物。
[改译]3.All these metals are not good conductors.这些金属都不是良导体。
[改译]4.People weren’t measured by how much they had but by the way they behaved.人不是被他的财富衡量的,而是被他的品德衡量的。
[改译]5.Last summer, more than 3000 city welfare employees staged a “work-in” during which they showed up at the office but refused to process cases.上一个夏天,3000多名靠城市福利救济的雇工举行了一次“消极怠工”活动,他们出现在办公室,但救济申请却被拒绝了。
[改译]6.A number of new machines were installed in the factory, thus resulting in an increase in production.这座工厂中装置了许多新机器,因此导致生产增加。
[改译]7.The roofs loomed in front of them with startling clarity.暗礁在他们面前令人吃惊地清楚,时隐时现。
[改译]8.This was the period when he began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity.这个时期,他开始了导致著名相对论产生的研究。
[改译]9.No matter how she juggled the figures, she and her husband were wage earners and their savings were all eaten up by the increased prices of everything.无论怎样拨弄这些数字,她和丈夫还是靠工资收入来谋生的人,而他们的一点储蓄都被飞涨的物价给吃掉了。
[改译]10.I don’t remember all their names.我不记得所有人的名字。
[改译]三、翻译句子1.The voluntary three-week program uses family contacts, stress reduction and talk-it-out therapy from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day.2.Until you can think clearly or express yourself properly, you’ll never fully grow up ——even though you live to be a hundred.3.The only trouble was that the parties concerned had sharply different ideas.4.Sonar is a term that refers both to the application of underwater sound to the detection and location of objects in the sea and to the apparatus used in such applications.5.Florida election officials released the latest tally on Thursday, which showed Bush leading Gore by 1784 votes, from the 53 recounted counties and original figures from the remaining 14.6.Ideally, one day, researchers will know enough about the genesis of earthquakes and the nature of particular faults to predict quakes directly.7.Because fans watch more than one game, a total of 12 billion viewers will see the TV transmissions, which are beamed to 154 countries.8.Barely a year now passes without the United States losing its dominance in some sophisticated technology in some fields.9.Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity.1.We spent a wonderful and creative fall in Sweden and Norway five years agoshooting Autumn Sonata, a film about a famous pianist and her daughter.2.Both parties shall act as Principals, each paying expenses for business, sales andpurchases.3.Owing to the increase of consignments arriving at Keelung port, discharge of thecargoes seems to be much delayed, and we must ask you to change the port of destination.4.Coal is made from trees and other plants that grew on the earth millions of yearsago.5.Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.6.The oil used for this purpose must be of the correct thickness; if it is too thin itwill not give sufficient lubrication, and if it is too thick it will not reach all parts that must be lubricated.7.你一旦成为我公司的雇员,就会享受高薪和各种福利待遇。