
管理学原理练习题+参考答案一、单选题(共40题,每题1分,共40分)1、关于社会人基本假设,正确的是( )A、从根本上说,人是由经济需求而引起工作动机B、职工对同事们的社会影响力,要比管理者所给予的经济诱因及控制更为重视C、职工的工作效率与上司能满足他们的社会需求无关D、不能从工作上的社会关系去寻求意义正确答案:B2、联合开发的缺点有_________。
A、企业可以与合作伙伴共同地承担由于此而引起的各种风险B、企业可以与合作伙伴集中更多的资源条件进行更为基础性的创新研究C、开发成功,企业不能独自利用研究成果组织产品或工艺的创新D、开发如果失败,企业将与协作伙伴一道来分担各种损失正确答案:C3、( )较为简洁清晰,基本上能够揭示出整个生产运营过程,有利于识别各环节中的风险。
A、现场调查法B、组织结构图示法C、审核表调查法D、流程图法正确答案:D4、着眼于组织内部的各组成部分的定位及相互关系的确定是( )。
A、高层管理计划B、基层管理计划C、执行层管理计划D、中层管理计划正确答案:D5、下列不属于组织文化建设推进基本策略的是( )A、创新提示方法B、努力减少“组织缺陷”C、塑造良好的组织形象D、把握组织价值创新正确答案:A6、领导与管理既具有密切的联系,又具有本质的区别,领导的重点是放在( )。
”从领导者的角度看,以下哪种说法更准确?( )A、知人善任,是领导者成功的一个关键因素B、领导者要实现组织目标,必须把各方面能人吸引到自己的组织中来C、一个领导者各方面的才能都要高于下属D、领导者不需要具备专业技能正确答案:A9、人本原理是( )A、民主决策原理B、管理实践遵循的第一原理C、为了人的管理原理D、依靠人管理原理正确答案:B10、涉及计划工作的基本特征的下列各种说法中,错误的是( )。

第一篇的练习题一、选择题1.管理人员通过一系列基本管理职能来实现组织目标,不属于管理职能范畴的是()A.组织B.控制C.领导D.经营2.领班属于下述哪一类管理人员( )。
A.基层第一线管理人员B.中层管理人员C.高层管理人员D.以上均不是3.对管理最形象的描述是( )A.艺术B.科学C.艺术和科学D.上述均不是4.对资源进行计划、组织、领导、控制以有效地实现组织目标的过程称为()。
A.管理 D.组织 C.战略计划 D.激励5. 对中层管理人员来说,相对更重要的技能是()A.形成概念的技能B.人际关系技能C.计划技能D.技术技能6.下面属于基层第一线管理人员的职位是( )A.总裁 B.厂长 C.部门经理D.工长7.某位管理人员把大部分时间都花费在直接监督下属人员工作上,他一定不会是( )A.工长 B.总经理 C.领班 D.车间主任10.管理者在作为组织的官方代表对外联络时,他扮演的角色是以下哪一方面的( )A.信息情报方面B.决策方面C.人际关系方面D.业务经营方面11.中层管理人员的主要工作是( C )。
A.战略管理 B.现场管理 C.组织协调 D.开拓创新12.洞察事物,抽象形成概念的能力对下列哪类管理人员最为重要( )A.高层管理人员B.中层管理人员C.基层管理人员D.A和B15.构成行业环境的主要成分不包括。
A.法约尔B.韦伯C.泰罗D.梅奥18.如果你是一位公司的总经理,当你发现公司中存在许多小团体时,你的态度是:A、立即宣布这些小团体为非法,予以取缔B、深入调查,找出小团体的领导人,向他们提出警告广不要再搞小团体C、只要小团体的存在不影响公司的正常运行,可以对其不闻不问,听之任之D、正视小团体的客观存在性,允许乃至鼓励其存在,对其行为加以积极引导19.管理的首要职能是:A、计划B、组织C、领导D、控制20.企业高层主管人员在履行职能时,下面说法正确的是:A、要强化计划、组织职能,弱化领导和控制职能B、要强化计划、组织和控制职能,弱化领导职能C、要强化领导、控制职能,弱化计划职能D、要强化组织、控制职能,弱化计划、领导职能21. 对于企业中的正式与非正式组织,下列说法正确的是:A、正式组织是积极的,非正式组织是消极的B、正式组织具有目的性、正规性和内聚性特征C、非正式组织具有目的性、稳定性和自发性特征D、在一定条件下非正式组织可被转化为正式组织22管理者在处理与组织成员和其他利益相关者的关系时,他们就在扮演_______.A.人际角色B.信息角色C.决策角色24.在同不合作的供应商进行谈判的时候,管理者扮演的是____________。

①执行中进行的②开始之前③执行完以后④出现问题时11.容易导致出现“隧道视野”的部门划分方法是( )。

A、10项B、14项C、5项D、6项正确答案:B6、管理者影响人的行为的手段无非两类,一类与权力有关,另一类与( )有关。

《管理学》练习一、单项选择题( C)1、管理者在作为组织的官方代表对外联络时,他扮演的角色是以下哪一方面的A、信息情报方面B、决策方面C、人际关系方面D、业务经营方面( B)2、某管理者把大部分时间都花费在直接监督下属人员工作上,他一定不会是A、工长B、总经理C、领班D、车间主任( C )3、法约尔提出的组织中同级间的横向沟通被称为A、等级原则B、协商原则C、跳板原则D、秩序原则( B )4、法约尔的一般管理理论对西方管理理论的发展有重大影响,成为后来管理过程学派的理论基础,他的代表作是A、《社会组织与经济组织理论》B、《工业管理和一般管理》C、《科学管理理论》D、《工业文明中人的问题》( C)5、管理的主体是A、战略B、员工C、管理者D信息( C )6.梅奥等人通过霍桑试验得出结论:人们的生产效率不仅受到物理的、生理的因素的影响,而且还受到社会环境、社会心理因素的影响。
由此创立了A.行为科学学说B.人文关系学说C.人际关系学说( A )7.科学管理理论是古典管理理论之一,科学管理的中心问题是A.提高劳动生产率B.提高工人的劳动积极性C.制定科学的作业方法( A)8.管理不能脱离组织而存在,同样,组织中必定存在管理。
所以A.管理的载体是组织B.管理的对象是组织C.管理的职能是组织D.管理的目标是组织( D )9.人际技能是指“成功地与别人打交道并与别人沟通的能力”。
因此,该项管理者的技能对于A.高层管理最为重要B.中层管理最为重要C.基层管理不重要D.所有管理层次的重要性大体相同(C )10.科学管理理论的主要特点之一是A.实行以人为中心的管理B.实行系统管理C.把管理对象看作是封闭系统,集中研究企业内部的组织管理问题D.把管理对象看作是开放系统,主要研究企业与环境的适应问题( B)11.管理职能是很多管理学家们研究的重要问题,最先提出管理职能的是A.泰罗的著作《科学管理原理》B.法约尔的著作《工业管理与一般管理》C.梅奥的著作《工业文明中人的问题》D.韦伯的著作《社会组织与经济组织》( C)12.着重考察有关环境的变数与相应的管理观念和技术之间的关系,以使采用的管理观念和技术有效地达到目标的管理理论是A.数量管理理论B.系统管理理论C.权变管理理论D.质量管理理论( C)13、在管理的基本职能中,“激励和引导组织成员以使他们为实现组织目标做贡献。



A、自然属性和社会属性B、定量和定性C、程序和非程序D、科学性和艺术性10、()由彼得.德鲁克在50年代提出,经由其他一些人发展,逐步成为西方许多国家所普遍采用的一种系统地制定目标并进行管理的有效方法.A、目标管理B、滚动计划法C、SWOT分析法D、计划评审技术11、( )需要更多地掌握概念性技能。
A、中层管理人员B、高层管理人员C、基层管理人员D、作业人员12、计划工作的核心是().A、决策B、预测C、构思D、控制13、法约尔提出的组织中平级的横向沟通被称为( ).A、等级原则B、协商原则C、跳板原则D、秩序原则14、()是法约尔的代表作。
A、Y理论B、超Y理论C、X理论D、“社会人”观点16、一个组织内部的规章制度属于( )的。

管理学练习题一.单选( 每题参考分值2.5分 )1.矩阵式组织结构的最大优点是A. 增强企业的灵活应变能力B. 强调集中控制C. 有利于企业的产品规划D. 强调专业化分工答案:A2.某电脑公司以5000元/台的价格销售某品牌电脑,该电脑的单位变动成本为4000元/台,年固定成本为150万元,试问该公司的销售量为多少时可实现盈亏平衡?A. 200~300B. 400~500C. 1000~1200D. 1500~1600答案:D3.以下关于管理环境的选项中,不确定性最低的是A. 简单和动态的环境B. 复杂和动态的环境C. 简单和稳定的环境D. 复杂和稳定的环境答案:C4.马克思·韦伯认为,权力分为三种类型,其中宜于作为理想组织体系基础的权力是A. 传统的权力B. 超凡的权力C. 理性一合法的权力D. 职位权力答案:C5.确定合理的管理幅度是组织设计的一项重要内容。
对于下列说法,你最赞同哪一个?A. 管理幅度越窄,越易控制,管理人员的费用也越低。
B. 管理幅度越宽,组织层次越少,但管理人员的费用会上升。
C. 管理幅度应视管理者能力.下属素质.工作性质等因素而定。
D. 管理幅度的确定对组织而言并不重要,无须过多考虑。
答案:C6.被后人称为“组织理论之父”的是A. 泰勒B. 梅奥C. 韦伯D. 西蒙答案:C7.按控制的时间划分,控制工作分为A. 现场控制.持续控制.前馈控制B. 现场控制.反馈控制.结果控制C. 现场控制.反馈控制.前馈控制D. 结果控制.反馈控制.前馈控制答案:C8.决策理论派的代表人物是A. 韦伯B. 孔茨C. 巴纳德D. 西蒙答案:D9.组织规模一定情况下,管理幅度与管理层次呈A. 正比关系B. 指数关系C. 反比关系D. 相关关系答案:C10.如果发现一个组织中小道消息很多,而正式渠道的消息较少。
据此,你认为该组织存在什么问题?A. 正式沟通渠道中信息传递很通畅,运作良好。

一、单项选择题1.中层管理者比低层管理者更多地依靠( D )A.正式权力与沟通技巧B.个人权力与技术技能C.人际关系技能与技术技能D.沟通技能与人际关系技能2.组织文化的功能主要表现在( D )A.整合功能、导向功能和强化功能B.整合功能、导向功能和适应功能C.强化功能、导向功能和约束功能D.强化功能、适应功能和约束功能3.沟通、了解、激励下属的管理技能是( C )A.技术技能B.诊断技能C.人际技能D.概念技能4.为实现组织共同目标而一起工作的群体称为( D )A.管理B.决策C.管理者D.组织5.行为科学的主要贡献不包括以下哪项( D )A. 社会人假设B. 领导理论C. 需求要素与激励D. 计时工资6.中层管理人员的主要工作是( C )A.战略管理B.现场管理C.沟通协调D.开拓创新7.7.组织中关于长期发展的重大决策是( B )。
A.战术决策B.战略决策C.中层决策D.业务决策8.8.法约尔于1916年发表的成名著作为( C )A.科学管理原理B.流水生产组织C.工业管理与一般管理D.动作研究方法9. 下列不属于领导职能一般特点的是(C )。
A.主导性B.协调性C.专业性D.决断性10.领导者在进行科学决策时,通常将决策过程各个阶段之间的逻辑结构绘成决策树,决策树分析方式的适用范围是( C )A.确定型决策B.非确定型决策C.风险型决策D.以上类型决策均适应11.随着电冰箱市场从卖方市场转向买方市场,各冰箱厂家在改进产品设计,增加产品功能、改善售后服务等方面绞尽脑汁,不断推陈出新。
这种竞争战略是( B )A.集中战略B.差异化战略C.混合战略D.成本领先战略9.决策所遵循的原则是( D )A.最优原则B.实用原则C.科学原则D.满意原则10.13.决策的依据是( B )A.完全信息B.适量信息C.少量信息D.与信息无关11.14.西蒙把决策活动分为程序化决策与非程序化决策两类,二者区分标准是:( B )A.经营活动与业务活动B.例行问题与非例行问题C.最优标准或满意标准D.计算机决策或非计算机决策12.某一决策方案,只有一种执行后果并能事先测定,此种类型的决策称为( A )A.确定型决策B.风险型决策C.非肯定型决策D.概率型决策13.有一类决策,决策者只知道有多少种自然状态及其发生概率,但不能确定哪种自然状态会发生。


10.根据罗伯特·卡茨的研究,管理者要具备三类技能:_________ , ________和________。

(F )3.管理者与领导者其实其涵义是相同的。
(F )4.进行控制时,首先要建立标准。
(F )7.授权可以让组织高层从琐事中解脱出来,专注于解决重大问题。
(F )9.目标管理的核心内容是职工参与目标的制定和执行。
(T )10.有效的管理就是要讲究高效率。
(T )12.管理者衡量一个化学研究员或一个教师的工作成绩,要比衡量一个人寿保险推销员的工作容易得多。
(F )13.管理人员,顾名思义,应该在所有时间内都从事管理工作。
(F )14.业务决策目标是短期目标。
(T )15.一个人可能是个领导者,但并不一定是个管理者。
(T )21.管理工作内容越多,管理幅度就应越宽。
(F )23.由于组织未来的环境复杂多变,因此没有必要制定长期发展计划。
(F )27.目标管理是一种较好的控制方法。
(T )28.控制一定事先要有标准。
(T )29.民主型领导方式比独裁型领导方式更加有效。


A决策、组织、领导、控制 B计划、决策、领导、激励C计划、组织、领导、控制 D计划、组织、决策、控制2、效率是指()。
A产出与投入之比 B销售总额C目标的达成度 D管理水平3、张总是一家大型企业新上任的总经理,经过调查研究后,他发出了四道指令:一是调整企业发展方向;二是调整部门结构;三是采取激励措施,进一步调动员工积极性:四是要加强对工作绩效的考核。
A计划、控制、组织和领导 B计划、组织、领导和控制C领导、计划、组织和控制 D领导、组织、计划和控制4、下列哪位管理学者提出“管理就是决策”的主张()A、赫伯特•A西蒙B、彼得•F•德鲁克C、弗雷德•E•费德勒D、弗里蒙特•E•卡斯特5、管理具有与生产关系、与社会制度相联系的一面,这里是指()A、管理的自然属性B、管理的社会属性C、管理的科学性D、管理的艺术性6、管理者必须因地制宜地将管理知识与具体管理活动相结合,这里强调的是()A、管理的科学性B、管理的艺术性C、管理学的历史性D、管理学的实用性7、企业在销售产品时,需要预估货款回收的可能性。
该项信用审核工作可以说是:()A.重效率、轻效果 B.轻效率性、重有效性C.重效果、轻效率 D.效率和效果都不重视8、对于管理人员来说,需要具备多种技能,如概念技能、人际技能、技术技能等越是处于高层的管理人员,对于以上三种技能按其重要程度的排列顺序为:( )A 概念技能、技术技能、人际技能B 技术技能、概念技能、人际技能C 概念技能、人际技能、技术技能D 人际技能、概念技能、技术技9、一个管理者所处的层次越高,面临的问题越复杂,越无先例可循,就越需要具备( )A、技术技能B、领导技能C、概念技能D、人际技能10、有人说在管理中经常是“外行领导内行”,这在一定程度上说明,对管理者来说( )A.授权和技术一样重要B.人际关系是第一位的C.人际沟通比技术更重要D.技术不是最重要的11、管理的基本职能是( )A.计划、组织、指挥、协调B.计划、组织、领导、控制C.计划、决策、选人、用人D.决策、计划、领导、协调12、管理的二重属性是指:( )A、科学性与艺术性B、自然属性与社会属性C、主观性与客观性D、科学性和社会性13、下面属于基层第一线管理人员的职位是( )A、总裁B、厂长C、部门经理D、工长14、在特定工作领域内运用技术、工具、方法等的能力称为( )A、人际技能B、技术技能C、概念技能.D、都不正确15.管理的主体是 ( )A.管理者 B.组织 C.人 D.管理机构二、简答题1、如何理解管理即是一门科学又是一门艺术?2、有效的管理者一定是成功的管理者吗?说明理由。

管理过程中的首要职能是(C )A。
人员配备 B.组织 C.计划 D.指导与控制2。
管理是一种艺术,是强调管理的(D )A精确性 B 沿续性C随意性D实践性3 管理的核心是( C )A建立组织机构B协调人力物力C协调人际关系D尽力减少支出\4。
反映管理同生产力、社会化大生产相联系的属性是(C )A社会属性B艺术性C自然属性D科学性5 管理科学形成的标志是(A )A泰罗科学管理理论B法约尔管理过程理论C韦伯理想行政组织管理D梅奥的霍桑实验结论6 企业文化的核心是( A )A.价值观 B.文化水平 C.物质财富 D.文化素质7 小斯隆在通用汽车公司采用了一种新的组织结构形式,以后成为大型企业普遍采用的典型的组织结构模式,这种组织结构形式是( A )A事业部制B工厂制C泰罗制D直线制8 美国出现的管理运动的主要组成部分是(A )A科学管理B管理科学C霍桑实验D行为科学9 泰罗由于对管理理论的卓绝贡献而被后人称为( C )A过程理论鼻祖B组织理论之父C科学管理之父D行为科学创始人10 科学管理理论的中心问题是(D )A作业标准化B计件工资制C职能工长制D提高劳动生产率11。
上级管理人员把一般的日常事物授权给下级管理人员去处理,而自己只保留对例外事项的决策和监督权,这是泰罗提倡的( B )A工作定额原理B例外原则C心理革命D职能工长制12.非管理性事务的增多会使管理幅度( C )A。
增加 B。
不变 C.减少 D.扩大13 马克斯·韦伯认为宜于作为理想组织体系的基础的权力是( A )A理性—-合法权力B超凡的权力C传统的权力D继承的权力14 企业中存在着””非正式组织””的观点来源于(D )A现代管理理论B管理过程理论C科学管理理论D霍桑试验结论15 法约尔提出的原则有(D )。
10项 D.14项16。
组织理论之父是(B )。
A法约尔B 韦伯C泰罗D梅奥17. 古典管理理论认为,人是( A ).A经济人B自我实现人 C 复杂人D社会人18 行为科学理论认为,人是( B )。

A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能15.田力是某大型企业集团的总裁助理,年富力强,在助理岗位上工作得十分出色.他最近被任命为集团销售总公司的总经理,从而由一个参谋人员变成了独立部门的负责人.下面是田力最近参与的几项活动,你认为这其中的哪一项几乎与他的领导职能无关? ____B____A.向下属传达他对销售工作目标的认识B.与某用户谈判以期达成一项长期销售协议C.召集各地分公司经理讨论和协调销售计划的落实情况D.召集公司有关部门的职能人员开联谊会,鼓励他们克服难关18.企业管理者可以分成基层、中层、高层三种,高层管理者主要负责制定____B_____A.日常程序性决策B.长远全局性决策C.局部程序性决策D.短期操作性决策19. 越是处于高层的管理者,其对于概念技能、人际技能、技术技能的需要,就越是按以下顺序排列_____C____A.概念技能,技术技能,人际技能;B.技术技能,概念技能,人际技能;C.概念技能,人际技能,技术技能;C.人际技能,技术技能,概念技能20.“科学管理理论”的创始人是_____A____。
A.经纪人B.社会人C.理性人D.复杂人22. 根据赫茨伯格的双因素理论,以下属于保健因素的是哪一个______C_________。
A.工作上的成就感 B.提升 C.工资 D.责任24.威廉·大内在分析研究了日本的企业管理经验之后,提出了____D______。

、单项选择题1. 被称为“科学管理之父”的是( A )。
A. 泰罗B. 法约尔C. 韦伯D.梅奥2. 霍桑实验证明人是(B)。
A. “经济人”B. “社会人”C.“复杂人”D.“政治人”3.梅奥等人通过霍桑实验得出结论:人们的生产效率不仅受到物理的、生理的因素的影响,而且还受到社会环境、社 会心理因素的影响。
由此创立了 ( C ) A.行为科学学说 B.人文关系学说4. 人本原理强调管理的根本是( B )。
A. 提高劳动生产效率 B. C. 提高组织整体效能D.5. 管理职能中居于首要地位的是( A )6. 企业管理层次的差异决定了目标体系的垂直高度。
这样,企业目标就成了一个有层次的体系和网络,即是目标的 ( A ) 。
A.层次性B.多重性C .变动性7 .有一种领导理论, 它将领导方式分为四类, 即独裁命令式、 温和命令式、 协商式和参与式, 这种领导理论即 ( A )A.领导行为理论B .领导权变理论C •领导特性8. “凡事预则立,不预则废。
”是强调( D )的重要性。
A. 组织 B .预测 C.预防 D •计划9.某公司生产某产品的固定成本为 50 万元,产品单位售价为 80 元,本年度产品定单为 10000 件。
据此,单位可变成 本降到( )元/ 件时才不至于亏损。
A. 300B . 130C . 60D . 30A )不能直接起到激励的作用,但能防止人们产生不满情绪。
C 、成就因素D 、需要因素11、 某研究所的一位管理人员告诉自己的好朋友,说他在单位的主要职责是给软件开发人员分派具体的工作任务,并指挥和监督各项具体工作任务的完成。
由此可推断,这位管理人员是( C )A. 高层管理人员B. 中层管理人员C. 基层管理人员D. 无法推断 12、 权变理论是根据( D )的观点提出来的。
A. 经济人 B. 社会人 C. 自我实现人 D. 复杂人13、 某建筑工地的包工头王某对其手下的民工采用了一种“胡萝卜加大棒”的管理方法,他常说的口头禅是“不好好干 就回家去,干好了下个月多发奖金”,可以认为( D )是不对的。

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Chapter 1一、判断对错1) Managers play an important role in dealing with various challenges being faced by organizations today.2) In traditionally structured organizations managers can be classified as first-line managers, middle managers, or top managers.3) Efficiency is described as "doing things right."4) Directing and motivating are part of the controlling function of management.5) Innovation is confined to high-tech and other technologically sophisticated organizations.单项选择1) Which of the following statements regarding managers in today's world is accurate?A) Their age range is limited to between 30 and 65 years.B) They are found only in large corporations.C) They can be found exclusively in for-profit organizations.D) The single most important variable in employee productivity and loyalty is the quality of the relationship between employees and their direct supervisors.2) Supervisor is another name for which of the following?A) team leaderB) middle managerC) first-line managerD) top manager3) ________ involves ensuring that work activities are completed efficiently and effectively by the people responsible for doing them.A) CommandingB) ManagingC) PlanningD) Organizing阅读并选择唯一正确的答案The Customer Meeting (Scenario)Kelly, a production supervisor, is responsible for 10 employees who assemble components into a finished product that is sold to distributors. Kelly reports to Ben, a production manager, who in turn reports to Dan, a general manager, who reports to McKenna, a vice president of operations. Recently, McKenna asked Dan to have a meeting with Kelly and Ben regarding some customer concerns in the production area.The focus of the meeting was to judge the validity of the customer concerns, and to develop a specific plan to address these concerns.1) Kelly is a ________.A) top managerB) nonmanagerial employeeC) middle managerD) first-line managerAnswer: D2) Ben and Dan are ________.A) top managersB) middle managersC) supervisorsD) first-line managers3) McKenna is a ________.A) top managerB) supervisorC) middle managerD) first-line manager4) Kelly, Ben, Dan, and McKenna are part of an organization that has a ________.A) traditional committee structureB) traditional pyramid structureC) modern matrix structureD) modern jury structure问答题:1) Describe and provide examples of first-line, middle, and top managers.2) List and explain the four basic functions of management.Chapter 2判断题:1) In the symbolic view of management, managers are seen as directly responsible for an organization's success or failure.2) A dynamic environment is characterized by the absence of new competitors, few technological breakthroughs by current competitors, and little activity by pressure groups to influence the organization.3) Strong cultures have more influence on employees than do weak cultures.4) In order to develop an innovative organizational culture, managers must minimize ambiguity and uncertainty and discourage risk-taking.5) A valid criticism of workplace spirituality is that secular institutions, especially businesses, have no right to impose spiritual values on employees, if spirituality means bringing religion into the workplace.单项选择1) The current dominant assumption in management theory suggests that ________.A) an organization's success or failure is due to external forces outside managers' controlB) managers' roles are increasingly becoming peripheral and staff manage their own areas of expertiseC) managers are directly responsible for an organization's success or failureD) managers cannot significantly affect an organization's performance because they are constrained by the abilities of their employees2) The soccer league in England is notorious for the number of team managers fired over the course of a single season, which stands at no fewer than eight managers on average, owing to poor team form and consequently, poor results. It is evident from this information that the league endorses a(n) ________ view of management.A) symbolicB) omnipotentC) laissez-faireD) democratic3) According to the symbolic view, managers have a(n) ________ effect on substantive organizational outcomes.A) limitedB) extensiveC) influentialD) significant4) Which of the following are the two dimensions of environmental uncertainty?A) degree of change and degree of complexityB) degree of change and degree of volumeC) degree of complexity and degree of impactD) degree of impact and degree of timing5) ________ is a process that helps new employees learn the organization's way of doing things.A) ExternalizationB) SocializationC) DeculturationD) Transculturation6) Wendell interviews many middle-level managers and discovers that they share a different view of management. These individuals believe that external factors constrain managers' influence over outcomes. The mid-level managers have a(n) ________ view of management.A) traditionalB) omnipotentC) standardD) symbolic阅读并选择,单选Operating Within the Environment (Scenario)The environment places constraints on the behavior of managers. Suppose you are the manager of a real estate office trying to maximize profits. You attempt to understand the forces within your organization's environment.1) If the mortgage interest rates increase, this would be an example of changing ________ in your external environment.A) economic conditionsB) political conditionsC) sociocultural conditionsD) demographic conditions2) The area in which your office operates has been relatively stable in terms of land prices and demand. However, you have noticed that demand for housing in the area usually spikes in summer. Which of the following best describes your business environment?A) stable and simpleB) dynamic and simpleC) stable and complexD) dynamic and complex3) Imagine that the town to which your office caters sees a sudden spurt in popularity. There has been a lot of construction activity in the area and a number of properties are being developed. The number of customers has increased, and so have your competitors. In this situation, what should you do to reduce environmental uncertainty?A) Restrucutre your organizational hierarchy to improve efficiencyB) Acquire or merge with one or more of your competitorsC) Maintain the status quo by keeping your business processes constantD) Communicate the situation clearly to all your stakeholders问答题:1) Define environmental uncertainty. Briefly discuss the dimensions of environmental uncertainty.2) List the factors that influence the strength of an organization's culture and discuss the impact of a strong organizational culture on employees.Chapter 5判断题:1) According to the classical view of social responsibility, management's only social responsibility is to maximize profits.2) The term "values" refers to the principles and beliefs that define what is right and wrong behavior.单选选择1) Social obligation is the obligation of a business to meet its ________.A) social and technological responsibilitiesB) economic and social responsibilitiesC) technological and economic responsibilitiesD) economic and legal responsibilities2) The aspect that differentiates social responsibility from other similar concepts is that it adds a(n) ________.A) ethical imperativeB) legal imperativeC) political imperativeD) technical imperative3) According to the ________ argument on social responsibility, businesses should be socially responsible because responsible actions are the right thing to do.A) public expectationB) ethical obligationC) public imageD) long-run profit4) There are four approaches that organizations can take in order to go green. Which of the following is NOT a part of those approaches?A) legal approachB) market approachC) stakeholder approachD) operations approach5) One way to evaluate a company's green actions is to use the ________ list of the most sustainable corporations in the world.A) Global 100B) Global 90C) Global 80D) Global 70阅读并单选Two Opposing Views of Social Responsibility (Scenario)The board of directors of Acme Generating Corporation is meeting to consider the construction of a new electricity generation facility somewhere along the Muspetan River basin. The city of Muspetan has a high Air Pollution Index and the increasing amount of garbage is adding to the city's woes. Director Appleton would like the facility to be a coal-burning plant located in a remote area because the cost involved is moderate. Director Witworth wants a nuclear plant because this will not add to the city's already serious pollution problem, while taking care of its electricity requirements. Director Jossleman wants a plant that uses combustible fuels collected from the city's garbage. He wants the plant to be located near the downtown government area so that the steam could be used for heating the government buildings after it has passed through the generating turbines.1) Director Witworth is following which of the social responsibility views?A) market viewB) activist viewC) classical viewD) socioeconomic view2) Director Appleton is following which of the social responsibility views?A) legal viewB) stakeholder viewC) classical viewD) socioeconomic view3) Director Jossleman is being mostly ________.A) socially guardedB) socially focusedC) socially obligatedD) socially responsive问答题:1) Explain the four approaches that organizations can take with respect to environmental issues and going green.Chapter 6判断题1) The "calm waters" metaphor of change is consistent with Lewin's concept of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.2) People may resist change based on habit.3) A leadership change can facilitate cultural change.单选:1) Labor strikes are an example of which of the following internal change factors?A) workforce compositionB) equipmentC) employee attitudesD) strategy2) Lewin's theory is consistent with the ________ theory of organizational change.A) white-water rapidsB) muckwaterC) mudwaterD) calm waters3) Organizational change is any alteration of ________.A) people, structure, or technologyB) structure, management, or goalsC) technology, goals, or managementD) rules, procedures, or management4) Which of the following is a physical symptom of stress?A) changes in metabolismB) changes in productivityC) job-related dissatisfactionD) job turnover5) Which of the following is a characteristic of a change-capable organization?A) separates the present and the futureB) makes controlling a way of lifeC) discourages mavericksD) shelters breakthroughs阅读并单选New Ideas (Scenario)Although New Ideas, Inc., has been in business for 30 years, the company and itsemployees seemingly have been in a constant state of change. Louis Snyder has been President of New Ideas, Inc. for the last 15 years. During these 15 years, he has had to change the strategic focus of the company three times. The employees have started becoming vocal about the decrease in their bonus checks and their desire for increased profits. It seems as though his competition is always introducing new products into the market and his company's niche products have to be constantly changed in order to keep up with the competition. Moreover, the government has been active in passing new legislation to increase the control of the product packaging and product contents. The technology used to manufacture the products has also been continually changed to make the process more efficient.1) The technology change in the manufacturing process of New Ideas, Inc.'s products to make the process more efficient is the result of a competitor lowering its price. Therefore, it was a(n) ________.A) external force of changeB) internal force of changeC) marketplace force of changeD) economic force of change2) Mr. Snyder has had to change the strategic focus of the company three times. The change in strategic focus of the New Ideas, Inc., is a(n) ________.A) external force of changeB) internal force of changeC) marketplace force of changeD) economic force of change3) When the employees express their concern about their bonus checks, which of the following types of forces of change is constraining Mr. Snyder?A) external force of changeB) labor market force of changeC) internal force of changeD) social force of change4) New Ideas, Inc., focuses on new ideas, uses technology that changes frequently, and has strong competition in the market. This situation describes what metaphor of change?A) a calm water metaphorB) a black-water rapid metaphorC) a rapid water metaphorD) a white-water rapids metaphor问答题:1) Define Organizational Development (OD). List and explain the five most popular OD techniques.2) What are the conditions that facilitate cultural change?Chapter 7判断:1) The decision-making process begins by identifying decision criteria.2) A decision criterion defines what is important or relevant to resolving a problem.3) A policy is an explicit statement that tells a manager what can or cannot be done.4) The sunk costs error occurs when decision makers forget that current choices cannot correct the past.单选:1) A(n) ________ is the existence of a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.A) hazardB) riskC) uncertaintyD) problem2) To determine the ________, a manager must determine what is relevant or important to resolving a problem.A) bounded rationality of a decisionB) escalation of commitmentC) weight of the decision criteriaD) decision criteria3) Creativity is most essential in which of the following steps of the decision-making process?A) analyzing alternativesB) allocating weights to the decision criteriaC) developing alternativesD) identifying decision criteria4) The final step in the decision-making process is to ________.A) determine the criteria for the next decisionB) analyze the process of allocating weights to the decision criteriaC) evaluate the outcome of the decisionD) implement the chosen alternative5) When managers make decisions that are rational but limited by their ability to process the information, they are following the concept of ________.A) cognitive decision makingB) bounded rationalityC) escalation of commitmentD) intuitive decision making阅读并单选:Decision Making Biases and Errors (Scenario)Newcastle United, a soccer club, was relegated from the top flight two seasons ago. Following relegation, the club's board sacked the manager and hired a new manager to replace him. The club won back promotion to the league and enjoyed a good season. Andy Carroll, the star player for Newcastle, was the top scorer in the league for that season. However, the club, needing to strengthen the team by buying new players, sold Andy Carroll to Liverpool soccer club to buy three average players. The club is presently experiencing a dip in form and is in danger of being relegated again.1) Which of the following statements, if true, would indicate the presence of self-serving bias on the part of the manager?A) The manager assumes moral responsibility for the club's disappointing performance and offers to resign from his position.B) The manager buys Andy Carroll back from Liverpool at a much higher price to revive the team's fortunes.C) The manager blames the board for selling the top scorer and replacing him with below-par players.D) The manager threatens to quit if the board refuses to buy back Andy Carroll from Liverpool immediately.2) Which of the following statements, if true, best reflects sunk cost error on the part of the board?A) The board buys, a now out-of-form, Andy Carroll back from Liverpool at a much higher price in the hopes of reversing the team's form.B) The board admits that it underestimated Andy Carroll's real market value while selling him to Liverpool.C) The board blames the manager for buying three under-par players instead of one good replacement for Andy Carroll.D) The board backs the manager–who is confident that the team will be back in form–to improve the team's performance with its current players.问答题:1) Discuss the three types of programmed decisions that a manager depends on to resolve structured problems.Chapter 8判断:1) Planning is concerned with how objectives are to be accomplished, not what is to be accomplished.2) Absence of planning does not inhibit the ability of departments and individuals to work together or organizations to move.3) Most businesses have only the single goal of making profits.4) Directional plans are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretation.5) The commitment concept says that plans should extend far enough to meet those commitments made when the plans were developed.单选:1) Which of the following is one of the reasons why managers should plan?A) When work activities are coordinated around plans, inefficiencies become obvious.B) Uncertainty can be eliminated and the organization can be insulated from change with planning.C) Planning eliminates the need to set goals.D) Planning eliminates the need to measure work effort.2) The effect of planning on managers is that it forces them to ________.A) grow resistant to changeB) anticipate and respond to changeC) eliminate uncertaintyD) work at cross purposes3) Which aspect of planning refers to documents that outline how results are to be achieved?A) goalsB) plansC) objectivesD) performance4) Most company's goals can be classified as either ________ or ________.A) strategic; financialB) operational; tacticalC) social; economicD) strategic; operational5) ________ plans apply to the entire organization and establish the organization's overall goals.A) DepartmentalB) StrategicC) OperationalD) Specific阅读并单选Gator Corp. (Scenario)Gator Corp. has recently been accused of corporate espionage by a competitor, Alli Inc. Gator Corporation's CEO responded to this allegation by stating that the firm's actions were merely part of its competitor intelligence efforts. Alli Inc.'s CEO, however, believes otherwise.1) Which of the following statements, if true, would most strengthen Gator Corp.'s argument?A) One of the directors of Gator Corp. also serves on the board of Alli Inc.B) Several ex-employees of Gator Corp. have recently moved to Alli Inc.C) Gator Corp. has often used reverse engineering to understand its competitors' offerings.D) Alli Inc.'s sales have recently dipped, while Gator Corp. has witnessed a substantial increase in sales.2) Which of the following statements, if true, would most weaken Gator Corp.'s argument?A) Gator Corp. has been found guilty of violating intellectual property laws in the past.B) Gator Corp. has access to information belonging to Alli Inc., which is outside the public domain.C) Media reports suggest that Gator Corp. is in the process of developing a product comparable to Alli Inc.'s most popular offering.D) Alli Inc., has made similar allegations against other competitors in the past.问答题:1) White Forest Financials is a small investment firm, operating in an extremely volatile environment. One of the company's two owners, David White, is of the opinion that it would be futile for the company to engage in formal planning as the business environment is constantly shifting. However, the co-owner, Marsha Forest, believes that planning is essential for the company's success. Who would you support? Why?Page Ref: 205, 2132) In a short essay, list and discuss six characteristics of well-designed goals. Chapter 91) The first step in the strategic management process is analyzing the external environment.2) Exceptional or unique organizational resources are known as core capabilities.3) A stability strategy is an organizational strategy in which an organization maintains the status quo.单选:1) A ________ describes the rationale of how a company is going to make money.A) functional strategyB) business modelC) SWOT analysisD) core competency2) When an organization is analyzing its labor supply, it is studying its ________.A) organizational cultureB) internal environmentC) external environmentD) organizational mission3) ________ are positive trends in the external environment.A) StrengthsB) ThreatsC) WeaknessesD) Opportunities4) ________ takes place when a company combines with other companies in different, but associated, industries.A) Stabilized diversificationB) Horizontal integrationC) Vertical integrationD) Related diversification阅读并单选:SWOT Analysis (Scenario)As a process of self-examination during her senior year of college, Casey decides to develop a SWOT analysis of her prospects relative to getting a job.1) Casey realizes that she has a personal characteristic that suggests she is not comfortable interacting with strangers. She interprets this as a(n) ________ if she is to get a job as a salesperson.B) strengthC) weaknessD) opportunity2) Casey majored in marketing and really enjoyed studying market research as a subject. Through research on the Internet and in the university library, she discovers that this industry appears to have significant positive external trends. She interprets this as a(n) ________.A) weaknessB) threatC) strengthD) opportunity问答题:1) List and discuss the three levels of strategy that a large organization must develop.2) List and discuss the different types of corporate strategies.Chapter 10判断:1) Organizational structure is defined as the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization.2) Managers today continue to see work specialization as important because it helps employees be more efficient.3) A simple structure is characterized by low spans of controls and high formalization.单选:1) Organizational design is a process that involves decisions about ________.A) work specialization and cost-leadershipB) chain of command and span of controlC) centralization and differentiationD) departmentalization and diversification2) In case of functional departmentalization, jobs are grouped according to ________.A) tasksB) territoriesC) product linesD) customer flow问答:1) Define organizing and list its purpose.判断:1) Employee empowerment is crucial in organizations with team structures because no line of managerial authority flows from top to bottom in such organizations.2) The virtual organization is often called a modular organization by manufacturing firms.单选:1) Employee empowerment is a crucial aspect of which type of organizational design?A) bureaucratic structuresB) simple structuresC) functional structuresD) team structures2) All work in project structures is performed by ________.A) teamsB) functionsC) outside specialistsD) informal groups3) In order to succeed in today's world, organizations need to ________.A) be more flexible in how works get doneB) pace themselves when it comes to innovationC) strictly follow the top-down decision making approachD) adopt narrowly-defined functional arrangements阅读并单选CUB Industries (Scenario)CUB Industries has always followed a strict 9-to-5 work arrangement. However, due to the increasing diversity that they are witnessing in their workforce, they are considering exploring flexible work arrangements. These arrangements include flextime, telecommuting, and compressed work weeks among others.1) Which of the following, if true, would weaken the decision to offer employees the option of flextime?A) The company caters to a niche market with high-quality requirements for end-products.B) The company's workforce is quite young and several of the employees are pursuing their higher education on a part-time basis.C) The company's annual employee survey showed that most employees are capable of working independently without supervision.D) The work performed by the employees involves dealing with real-time information and live customer interaction.2) Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the organization's decision to support telecommuting?A) The organization's structure comprises of a network of virtual teams that need to be in constant contact with customers.B) The organization's workforce consists predominantly of young, unmarried employees.C) Research suggests that employee productivity increases when work arrangements facilitate greater personal interaction.D) The organization decided to switch to telecommuting as it's previous flextime work arrangement proved to be counter productive.3) Which of the following, if true, would support the organizations decision to offer employees a compressed work week arrangement?A) The organization plans to overcome its recent conflict with state labor laws that have risen due to increased employee fatigue and workplace mishaps.B) Compressed work week arrangements have consistently yielded greater profit margins for its competitors.C) The organization intends to promote greater work-life balance by providing employees with longer blocks of personal time and less commuting time.D) The company's annual employee survey suggested that most employees are highly motivated and productive while working independently.问答:1) List some of the benefits and drawbacks of collaborative work.Chapter 12判断:1) High-performance work practices are those that lead to both high individual and high organizational performance.2) Recruitment is defined as the process of screening job applicants to determine who is best qualified for the job.3) A new employee goes through two types of orientation: work unit orientation and procedural orientation.单选:1) Which of the following is an example of a high-performance work practice?A) closed communicationB) centralized decision makingC) skill-based compensationD) self-managed teams2) Which of the following laws prohibits discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disabilities?A) V ocational Rehabilitation ActB) Civil Rights Act, Title VIIC) Equal Pay ActD) Occupational Safety and Health Act3) Which of the following Acts requires continued health coverage following termination of an employee?A) Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation ActB) Occupational Safety and Health ActC) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability ActD) Family and Medical Leave Act4) The two most common forms of representative participation are ________.A) board representatives and cross-functional teamsB) task forces and labor unionsC) work councils and board representativesD) work councils and cross-functional teams阅读并单选:A Sign of the Times (Scenario)After considering the option for a long time, Jane's company has finally decided that it must "right-size," and this meant coming up with a plan for reducing the current size of the workforce at her manufacturing plant. The job was left to her, and as much as she hated doing this part of her job, it was necessary for the survival of the company and not just an effort to inflate their stock price. Jane also appreciated her company's attempt to try do what it takes to enhance profitability.1) In her next meeting with the senior management, Jane suggests that they should ignore the openings created by voluntary resignations and not hire any more people now. This would avoid much of the pain associated with workforce reduction in the future. This implies that Jane favors ________.A) transfersB) attritionC) layoffsD) reduced workweeks2) Jane checks with the different departments and tries to get an idea of employee productivity at different levels. In consultation with the various managers, she makes a list of the relatively less productive employees who have not been up to the mark despite training and mentoring. They decide to terminate their employment contracts for the time being. She meets with each and every one of them to clarify the position。