新概念英语第一册75-76课 PPT课件

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• sell 卖sold-sold
• sell sb sth=sell sth to sb for+money • 以…钱卖给某人某物 • He sold his brother his car for 10,000 yuan • =He sold his car to his brother for 10,000 yuan
month. • :Did she buy them (they的适当形式) here? • :No, she bought (buy的适当形式) them in the U.S. • :We had (have的适当形式) some shoes like those a
month ago, but we don't have any (some的适当形式) now. • : Can you get a pair for me ( I的适当形式), please? • : I'm afraid that I can't. • They were (be的适当形式) in fashion last year and the year before last.
• He often feels uncomfortable with strangers. ③ adj. 令人不舒服的,不舒适的
• 这双鞋看起来不舒适。
• This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable.
★wear v. 穿着
• wear-wore-worn/wearing • ① v. 穿着;戴着;佩带着 • 他每天都戴领带。
Lesson 75
Uncomfortable shoes
• 单词学习 • 课文讲解 • 宾语从句 • 练习 • 日常用语 • 口语练习 • 作业
• ago
adv. 以前
• buy(bought)
v. 买
• pair
n. 双,对
• fashion
n. (服装)流行式样
• But they're not in fashion this year. • :These (this的复数形式) shoes are in fashion now. • :They look very uncomfortable. • :They are very uncomfortable. • But women always wear uncomfortable (comfortable的
• Uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的
• wear(wore)
v. 穿着
★ago adv. 以前
• ago 用于一般过去时;从现在的以前 • before 只能用于过去完成式;是从过去的某
一点算起 • 我三天前去的伦敦。
I went to London three days ago. • 她30分钟前离开的。
adversity. • 他即使身处逆境也仍保持着自己的尊严。
• wear 表穿着的状态
• 那个女孩每天都穿粉红色的衬衣
That girl wears a pink shirt every day.
• put on 表穿上的动作
• 请穿上你的外套
Please put on your coat. • be dressed in 穿着……衣服,侧重打扮 • dress sb. 给某人打扮,穿衣服 • 那位女士在昨天晚上的晚会上穿了一件很滑稽
★buy v. 买bought--bought
• 我每周都买一本新书。 I buy a new book every week.
• 我妹妹每周都买一件新裙子。 My sister buys a new dress every week.
• 我上周在巴黎买了一件外套。 I bought a coat in Paris last month.
否定形式来自百度文库 shoes!
A bottle of wine A hand of banana
★fashion n. (服装的)流行式样
• be in fashion ……是流行的 • 今年流行这种颜色
This color is in fashion this year. • be out of fashion 不流行
This color is out of fashion this year. This color isn`t in fashion this year.
★uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的
① adj. 不舒服的 • 她穿紧身的靴子觉得不舒服。
She feels uncomfortable in tight boots. ② adj. 不安的;不自在的 • 如果你自己坐在那就会有不自在的感觉。 You’ll have an uncomfortable feeling if you sit there alone. • 他和陌生人在一起时经常觉得不安。
• The lady was dressed in a funny coat and a large hat at the party last night.
课 文
• :Do you have any shoes (shoe的适当形式)like these? • :But my sister bought (buy的适当形式) this pair last
★pair n. 双,对
• 一副手套是件好礼物 A pair of gloves is a nice present.
• I have only one pair of hands. 我只有一双手(忙不过来)
A pair of shoes/socks/glasses……
A loaf of bread A bar of chocolate
She left 30 minutes ago. • 很久很久以前,这里住着一位国王。
Long long ago, there lived a king. • 我昨天还没到车站之前,火车就开走了。
Before I arrived at the station yesterday, the train had already left.
He wears a tie every day. • 这位女士穿着一件很漂亮的裙子。
The lady is wearing a beautiful dress.
• ② v. 面带;呈现;保持 • 他面带欢快的笑容
• He’s wearing a cheerful smile. • He wears his dignity(尊严) even in great