


The contrast of home education between China and western countries
Everything is for children.
In Western Nations: People-oriented, Parents advocate free of independence
IN CHINA: Learning is the most important thing that children should care about. In western countries: Focusing on training the children's sense of independence.
IN CHINA: Earning money is the thing only for adults.
In western countries: Inspiring the children to get the money through their own efforts.
1、The tendency of family education 2、The values of family education 3、The focus of family education 4、The training of sense of independence 5、Financial education
The commons between China and western countries
1、Parents all pay attention to home education 2、Parents have a clear division of their duties. 3、Parents are the best teachers for children.

中西方家庭教育英文版Family education between China and western countries

中西方家庭教育英文版Family education between China and western countries

Financial education
IN CHINA: Earning money is the thing only for adults.
In western countries: Inspiring the children to get the money through their own efforts.
The focus of family education
IN CHINA: moral; marks; a famous university.
In western countries: curiosity; imagination of nature; one’s own interests.
Everything is for children.
In Western Nations: People-oriented; Parents advocate; free development.
The tendency of family education IN CHINA:
Family education between China and
western countries
1、 tendency 2、 values 3、 focus 4、The training of sense of independence 5、Financial education
The social enlightenment Show off to others. In western countries: Parents in western countries often start from the characteristics of their children, letting them develop freely.



Different economic form
China has a long history with a large population. Therefore, there are so few opportunities to find a good job. And getting
high marks has become a
Different historical background Different economic form Different social conditions Different thinking patterns
Different historical background
Western Countries
Educate children by the method of „letting go‟ but „not indulging‟. Encourage children to seek knowledge from life and nature.
The reasons for the differences
of them.
Different thinking patterns
The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child, thinking educating the child to become a useful person is their achievement, but if not, the parents feel shameful. In Chinese family, parents' authoritative consciousness plays a leading role. In America, family mainly emphasizes equality, democracy and human rights, which is quamily education



精品资料中美教育差异中英文对照........................................China and Weste rn Countries’ social backgroundRegime---socialist system (China)capitalist system (Western Countries)Historic Culture ---China traditional culture (Confucianism)Western traditionalculture (Revival of Literature and Art, Advanced ideas) Family institution's position---in china's traditional family, parents' authoritativeconsciousness plays a leading roleWestern civilization mainly emphasizes struggle, equality, democracy and human rights.中国和西方国家的社会背景:政权——-socialist系统(中国)资本主义制度(西方国家)历史文化————中国传统文化(儒家)西方传统文化(文学和艺术的复兴,先进理念)家庭机构的立场——中国传统的家庭,父母的权威意识起着主导作用西方文明主要强调斗争,平等、民主和人权。

Social Environmental InfluenceWhat Chinese lack most is the responsibility education. In the United States, it is common to see an adult who is doing something wrong or has some bad behaviors educates a child while the child is not the adult’s own kid. The Americans treat every child as their own child, and it is their responsibility to educate the child. In England, the power of a middle-aged woman is inevitable. They are always in the supervision of the behavior of young consciously, just as the police general. They think it is their duty to observe the children in their country. These two nations have already put the responsibility of educating the next generation to every citizen. Every citizen also shows his responsibility for he future of the country in caring about the children.While in China, who will treat educating the next generation as his own responsibility? If one sees an unknown child who is doing something wrong, will he go and educate him? It is very common in China that adults tend to show indifferent with unknownchildren. What if we change our mind and learn to care others?社会环境影响中国最缺乏的是责任教育。



中外家庭教育差异英语作文Title: Contrasting Differences in Family Education between China and the West。

Family education plays a pivotal role in shaping an individual's character, values, and worldview. However, the approach to family education varies significantly between China and the West. In this essay, we will explore and contrast the key differences in family education practices between these two cultures.Firstly, let's examine the role of parents in education. In China, parents tend to adopt an authoritative parenting style, emphasizing discipline, obedience, and academic achievement. Parents often set high expectations for their children and closely monitor their academic progress. This approach stems from Confucian values emphasizing respectfor authority and the importance of education. On the other hand, in Western countries, there is greater emphasis on democratic parenting, where children are encouraged toexpress their opinions and make decisions independently. Parents in the West often prioritize fostering creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence in their children, valuing individuality and personal growth over conformity to societal norms.Secondly, the method of discipline differssignificantly between Chinese and Western families. In China, discipline is often enforced through strict rulesand punishment for disobedience. Parents believe that instilling discipline from a young age is essential for academic success and moral development. Failure to meet parental expectations may result in criticism or even harsh punishment. In contrast, Western parents are more inclined towards positive reinforcement and negotiation. Disciplineis seen as a means to teach responsibility and self-regulation rather than instill fear or obedience. Time-outs, discussions, and logical consequences are commonly used disciplinary techniques, with an emphasis on teaching empathy and understanding the consequences of one's actions.Moreover, the approach to academic pressure variesbetween Chinese and Western families. In China, academic success is highly valued, and parents often exert considerable pressure on their children to excel in school. Children may spend long hours studying or attending extracurricular classes to meet parental expectations. The Gaokao (national college entrance examination) looms large as a pivotal moment determining a student's future prospects. In contrast, while academic achievement is still important in the West, there is generally less pressure and a greater emphasis on holistic development. Western parents encourage their children to pursue their passions and interests, recognizing that success can be achieved through various pathways beyond academics alone.Furthermore, communication patterns within the family differ between Chinese and Western cultures. In China, communication tends to be more hierarchical, with parents holding authority and making decisions on behalf of their children. Open discussions about sensitive topics such as emotions or personal relationships may be less common. In contrast, Western families often prioritize open communication and encourage children to express theirthoughts and feelings freely. Parents strive to buildstrong emotional bonds with their children through active listening and empathy, fostering a supportive environment where children feel comfortable sharing their concerns and seeking advice.In conclusion, while family education serves as a cornerstone of socialization and personal development in both Chinese and Western cultures, the approaches andvalues underlying it differ significantly. Chinese families emphasize discipline, obedience, and academic achievement, rooted in Confucian traditions and a hierarchical worldview. In contrast, Western families prioritize individuality, creativity, and emotional intelligence, valuing autonomyand open communication. Understanding these cultural differences is essential for promoting cross-cultural understanding and collaboration in an increasingly interconnected world.。



The Defferent of Family Education between China and America  1st, emphasis emphasis is is is laid laid laid on on on family family family education. education. No No matter matter matter which which which country country country you you you come come come from,from, what what nationality nationality nationality you you you belong belong belong to to to all all all think think think t t he he family family family is is is a a a person's person's person's first first first school, school, school, and and and th th e e parent parent parent is is is the the the first first first teacher. teacher. teacher. Either Either Either China China or or Western Western Western countries, countries, countries, either either either the the the ancient ancient ancient ti ti mes mes or or or the the the modern modern modern times, times, times, family family family educatio educatio n n is is is always always always in in in the the the most most most fundamental fundamental fundamental positi positi on.  2nd, 2nd, family family family education education education should should should be be be started started since since childhood, childhood, childhood, perform perform perform the the the duty duty duty promptl promptl y.  Family Family instruct instruct instruction ion ion of of of Yan Yan Yan said said said that,“ that,“ that,“ The The parents parents should should should do do do the the the missionary missionary missionary work, work, work, w w hen hen the the the infant infant infant is is is young. young. young. Judging Judging Judging from from from his his facial facial expression, expression, expression, we we we know know know whether whether whether he he he is is angry angry or or or happy, happy, happy, then then then give give give instructions.”[ instructions.”[ instructions.”[ “F “F amily amily Instruction Instruction Instruction of of of Yan” Yan” Yan” ,, Zhitui Zhitui Yan, Yan, So uthern uthern and and and Norther Norther Northern n n Dynasties] Dynasties] Dynasties] Because Because Because “i “i t’s t’s easy easy easy to to to concentrate concentrate concentrate a a a child’s child’s child’s attention.attention. After After he he he grows grows grows up, up, up, his his his attention attention attention is is is easily easily dispersed, dispersed, so so so a a a child child child must must must be be be caught caught caught earl earl y.” y.” Dewey Dewey Dewey also also also thought thought thought the the the family family family educatio educatio n n should should should be be be executed executed executed early. early.  3rd, 3rd, parents' parents' parents' unsuilable unsuilable unsuilable role role role division division division in in in e e ducation ducation brings brings brings about about about some some some bad bad bad results. results. Either Either in in in China China China or or or in in in the the the West West West mother mother mother is is almost almost described described described in in in many many many cultures cultures cultures as as as the the main main fosterer, fosterer, fosterer, and and and then then then father father father plays plays plays only only a a part. part. part. The The The father father father is is is the the the main main main undertaker undertaker who who teaches teaches teaches the the the child child child to to to know know know the the the rationa rationa lity lity education. education. education. Mother Mother Mother is is is responsible responsible responsible for for for c c hild's hild's food food food and and and drink drink drink in in in daily daily daily life, life, life, the the the mat mat erial erial guarantee, guarantee, guarantee, the the the emotional emotional emotional satisfaction satisfaction and and so so so on, on, on, is is is also also also the the the main main main undertaker undertaker undertaker of of child’s child’s emotional emotional emotional cultivation. cultivation. cultivation. Its Its Its result result result is is that that the the the child child child holds holds holds his his his father father father in in in awe awe awe and and veneration veneration and and and causes causes causes the the the poor poor poor relation relation relation be be tween tween child child child and and and father, father, father, and and and thus thus thus affects affects affects c c hild's hild's perfect perfect perfect development. development.  5th, 5th, attach attach attach importance importance importance to to to teaching teaching teaching by by by pe pe rsonal rsonal example example example as as as well well well as as as verbal verbal verbal instructio instructio n.  The The parents parents parents are are are child's child's child's models, models, models, usually usually usually a a simple simple movement movement movement is is is more more more effective effective effective than than than t t he he inculcation inculcation inculcation of of of ten ten ten thousand thousand thousand instructions. instructions. However, However, the the the traditional traditional traditional family family family education education in in China, China, China, on on on account account account of of of the the the respective respective respective dif dif ferences ferences in in in more more more aspects aspects aspects is is is different different different from from that that in in in the the the West . West . They They have have have their their their own own own c c haracteristics haracteristics between between between regions regions regions andcultures. andcultures.  To To begin begin begin with, with, with, the the the tendency tendency tendency of of of education education is is different. different.  The The Chinese Chinese Chinese parents parents parents lay lay lay emphasis emphasis emphasis on on on so so cial cial enlightenment, enlightenment, enlightenment, ignore ignore ignore the the the growth growth growth of of of c c hildren. hildren. The The The Chinese Chinese Chinese parents parents parents take take take the the the soci soci al al compatible compatible compatible enlightenment enlightenment enlightenment seriously, seriously, seriously, but but often often neglect neglect neglect the the the development development development of of of children children 's 's characteristics, characteristics, characteristics, they they they often often often train train train the the the child child ren ren under under under established established established forms forms forms , , , and and and lay lay lay dow dow n n the the the broad broad broad road road road for for for their their their growth. growth. 中国和美国之间的家庭教育Defferent 第一,重点是放在家庭教育。


Emphasize “reserve”. Such characters as “no”, “cannot”, “won’t do”, “do not ”appear repeatedly. One can not become a useful person without being beaten. The club helps the child to be loyal son.
• • • • • • (一)看重日常生活行为和习惯 (二)让孩子子的心灵沟通 (五)孩子需要尊重和理解 (六)鼓励孩子创新和探索
• 个人觉得有五方面中国教育在最初就缺失。 最后等学生毕业,让社会做最终的调整。 太晚了。 • 1/演讲技能,沟通能力。 • 2/团队合作,沟通合作,理解。 • 3/计划/跟进 • 4/创新/想象力. • 5/领导力, 主动地承担责任.
• 一. 因材施教。虽然在我国每天都在提因材施教,但并 没有几个人理解因材施教的真谛。反而是西方的教育在这 方面体现的较好,更适合学生的发展,把学生的潜力挖掘 出来。 • 二. 赏识教育。在中西方都有赏识教育,中国的赏识教 育比较模糊笼统,对孩子做的比较好的地方往往是用一句 “你真棒”加以赞赏,而西方是把棒在哪里告诉孩子。中 国家长有耐心的少,光心里着急是不够的。 • 三. 惩罚教育。在中西方都有惩罚教育,在中国孩子受 到惩罚都是以大人的眼光来判断,比如孩子把东西拆坏了, 家长往往要打骂孩子,而在西方家长认为孩子并没有错, 反而鼓励孩子多动手。 • 四. 爱心教育。我在书中了解的和我亲眼看到的西方人 的爱心有胜于我们。
• 1、nd gladly would learn, and gladly teach. (Chaucer, British poet) • 勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人 乔叟) • 2、Education has for its object the formation of character. (Herbert Spencer, British philosopher) • 教育是以造就人的品质为其目标。(英国哲学家 斯 宾塞 H) • 3、The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristtle, Ancient Greek Philosopher) • 教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。(古希腊哲学 家 亚里士多德)



中西方父母教育孩子的差异英语作文Differences in Parenting Styles Between Eastern and Western ParentsParenting styles differ greatly between Eastern and Western cultures, reflecting the values and beliefs that each society holds regarding child-rearing practices. In this essay, we will explore the key differences in parental approaches towards educating their children in both Eastern and Western societies.One fundamental difference between Eastern and Western parenting styles is the emphasis placed on individualism versus collectivism. Western parents tend to prioritize independence, self-expression, and individuality in their children. They encourage freedom of choice and self-discovery, allowing their children to make decisions and learn from their mistakes. In contrast, Eastern parents often prioritize obedience, conformity, and respect for authority. They emphasize the importance of family and societal expectations, teaching children to prioritize the needs of the group over their own desires.Another key difference lies in the approach to discipline and behavior management. Western parents tend to adopt a more democratic and permissive style, allowing children to negotiateand discuss rules and consequences. They believe in reasoning with their children, providing explanations for why certain behaviors are acceptable or not. On the other hand, Eastern parents tend to adopt a more authoritarian and directive style, setting strict rules and expectations without much room for negotiation. They believe in the importance of discipline and structure, instilling respect for authority and tradition.Furthermore, the concept of success and achievement also differs between Eastern and Western parents. Western parents often value creativity, critical thinking, and self-expression as indicators of success. They encourage their children to pursue their passions and interests, even if it means taking risks or deviating from traditional paths. In contrast, Eastern parents often prioritize academic achievement, professional success, and financial stability as measures of success. They instill a strong work ethic in their children, pushing them to excel in school and secure prestigious careers.In terms of emotional expression and communication, Western parents tend to encourage open dialogue, empathy, and self-expression in their children. They value emotional intelligence and believe in the importance of expressing feelings and thoughts openly. In contrast, Eastern parents often prioritizeself-control, emotional restraint, and respect for hierarchy in their children. They believe in the importance of maintaining harmony and avoiding conflict, even if it means suppressing emotions or opinions.Despite these differences, it is important to recognize that parenting styles are influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural norms, personal beliefs, and individual preferences. Both Eastern and Western parents share the common goal of raising happy, healthy, and successful children, albeit through different means. By understanding and respecting the nuances of each parenting style, we can cultivate a greater appreciation for the diversity and richness of global parenting practices.。


Different from Chinese family education, Ameirican indulgent type of family education had more harmful effection. Because over indulgent, it made a lot of social problems.Such as, teenage crime. In radio or TV, we sometimes can get a information that a 15-year-old boy shot his friend in the middle school.
In western education’s aims are to train the child into a social man, who can deal with all kinds of events and own independent ability.
It is not a high expectation. “Social man” is not an utopia idea, but a requirement which is practical and easy to achieve
communication. The punishment also offends the law.
education in managing money
✓Earning money to support one's family and managing the wealth are adult's matter.
Education is not the preparation for making their living, but for survival. Emphasize “the learned education.”


5. What Can We Do?
We know there are many shortcomings of our higher education from above discussion, then we should do?
I think we can do something as following aspects:
1. Change the evaluation system of education quality
2. Reform education system according to our national condition.
3. Less interruption and more financial support from the government.
Seeking the knowledge from life and nature.
3.The different teaching ways
The Chinese tradition education method is a type of eduaction, which people repeat what the book says and imbue the child whit it. Therefore, the Chinese guardians most like seeing the child sit in front of the desk to do exercises or read. The eyes do not leave the books; the hands do not leave the books.
➢Emphasize mechanical( 机械的) memorizing.



Education in managing money
1.Earning money to support one’s family and managing the wealth are adult’ss to satisfy the children with money.
Differences of school education
American children in class
Chinese children in class
The relation between teachers and students
In America teachers are no longer authority, meanwhile students don’t have to carry out every instruction from their teachers, most of them have their thoughts, they may most questions and challenges to teachers.
The Difference Between Chinese And Western Educational Culture
China VS Western
1.difference of family education 2.difference of school education
Western Countries
1.Teach the child take the plans for budget items, learn to spend money reasonably.
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✓Encourage the child to work outside to gain income by themselves.
Education purpose is different
In china education’s aim is to train the child into a talent, who has a bright future. A bright future means to get a good job and to lead a simple life all their life time.
The education's goal is for making their living, for honor.
Emphasize “the learned education.”
education mies
culture backgrounds LOGO
Main problems in today’s Chinese family education.
1. Parents’ mistake in conception of value and wrong activities leading.
All in all, there are many differences between China and Western family education and each has its strong points and weak points. We should reject the
Main problems in Western family education.
2. lack of communication
American think that every member in a family, he or she should had his or her own space. In their opinions, they can't interfere each other even they are in a family. And when a person is 18 years old, he may leave his parents. It means he has little time to stay with their parents. So they has less resposibility to their parents.
3. Harmful types of family education (autocratic,indulgent,careless)
Main problems in Western family education.
1. Indulgent type of family education
➢Emphasize mechanical(机械的) memorizing.
➢Emphasize the child’s “power of understanding.”
➢If the book is read hundreds of times, its meaning is shown naturally.
repeatedly. One can not become a useful person without being beaten.
(不打不成材 )
The club helps the child to be loyal son.(棍棒底下出孝子)
Western Countries
Using the encouraging language. Pay great attention to individual quality and the emotional
Different from Chinese family education, Ameirican indulgent type of family education had more harmful effection. Because over indulgent, it made a lot of social problems.Such as, teenage crime. In radio or TV, we sometimes can get a information that a 15-year-old boy shot his friend in the middle school.
✓Try every means to satisfy the children with the money.
Western Countries
✓Teach the child to make plans for budget items, learn to spend money reasonably.
In western education’s aims are to train the child into a social man, who can deal with all kinds of events and own independent ability.
It is not a high expectation. “Social man” is not an utopia idea, but a requirement which is practical and easy to achieve
11390332 左小婷
Western Countries
About Education
The stirring of this intense debate has to do with what does it mean to be a successful parent and what does it mean to be a successful child?"
Family May Hurt You
John Brasal
Family May Hurt You
When a person grow up, all his behaviors are determined by the family environment when he was a child. Every child grows up under his parents’ family education, what kind a person will be, depends on what kind of family education he received.
Main problems in Western family education
3. pay too much attention on happy learning
American take happy learning serious. But, in fact, happy learning is good when children are young. Only pay attention to happy, parents may find that children’s learning levels are declined. For example, some students who get used to happy learning, can’t calculate without calculator.
1 the value of family education 2 education method 3 emotional education and punishment 4 education in managing money
different educational purposes
Main problems in today’s Chinese family education. 2. Utopian expectation of children’s education
Main problems in today’s Chinese family education.
Success can not be copied,so does education.
About Education
Parents are the first teacher of their children. The family education is related to a person's life.
the value of family education
Western Countries
Care about the reputation in educating the child.
Education is not the preparation for making their living, but for survival.
dross and absorb the cream of them (取其精华, 去其糟粕), advance the family educational
communication. The punishment also offends the law.
education in managing money