DS/SYSM-Z-04-01 API6D4”Z1A21C美标闸阀其闸板在阀杆的带动下,沿阀座密封面作升降运动而达到启闭的目的。
5、最大关闭扭矩为32522 (N.㎜)
BIFFI icon2000电动阀门操作手册
![BIFFI icon2000电动阀门操作手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f9edda1aa8114431b90dd8e7.png)
2. 从执行机构上拆下联轴器
随机提供的轴套是装配在驱动轴套上,但可能没有加工。为了加工轴套,需把轴套从壳体上拆 下,同时拆下联轴器上的固定螺钉。
重装轴套前,确认与阀杆配合公差正确。对螺纹连接轴套,须用螺纹规检 查,或将轴套旋入需驱动阀门的阀杆,检查其与阀杆没有过分磨擦。
2.1.2 重装内部零件:
建议用合适的溶剂清洗拆下零件,然后用压缩空气干燥,确认没有金属屑或异物,然后将所有 部件涂一层薄的润滑脂。(润滑脂牌号:见第 5 章)
用合适卡钳拆下卡环 拆下碳钢止推环; 取出衬套并按配合需要加工。
脂。(润滑脂牌号:第一部分第四章) 按拆下时的相反顺序装配内部零件,然后安装到减速器上。如后描述。
Copyright by BIFFI Italia. All rights reserved. A tyco INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY
“ICON2000”电动执行机构 安装及维修手册
除执行机构上安装的手轮和离合杆外,不要用其它工具(如铁棒、轮扳手、管 扳手等)操作手轮和离合杆,否则会对造成人身严重伤害和/或执行机构或阀门 的损坏。
BOMAFA的姊妹公司ASFA公司提供与阀门相配的气动或液压执行机构,BOMAFA 与ASFA一起,为用户提供整套的阀门系统。
BOMAFA的姊妹公司ASFA公司提供与阀门相配的气动或液压执行机构,BOMAFA 与ASFA一起,为用户提供整套的阀门系统。
JIS SymbolFlow Direction Symbols on Body1ReleaseMade to Order(Refer to page 465 for details.)Refer to page 465 for details.Speed Controller with Residual Pressure Release Valve with One-touch FittingSeries AS FEResidual pressure can be easily released with one push of button.Eye-catching red color release button.How to OrderS y m b o lMeter-out typeMeter-in typeJ I S S y m b o lC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mAS2201FE-01, AS2211FE-01AS2301FE-01, AS2311FE-01AS4201FE, AS4211FE AS4301FE, AS4311FEAS2201FE-02, AS2211FE-02AS2301FE-02, AS2311FE-02AS3201FE, AS3211FE AS3301FE, AS3311FELubricant: VaselineX12Ex.) AS2201FE-01-04SK-X12Throttle Valve (Without Check Valve)X214Ex.) AS2201FE-01-04SK-X214Ex.) AS2201FE-01-04SK-X21Note) Throttle valve is only compatible with the part no. of the meter-out type.F l o w r a t e (l /m i n (A N R ))E f f e c t i v e a r e a (m m 2)Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPaNumber of needle rotations F l o w r a t e (l /m i n (A N R ))E f f e c t i v e a r e a (m m 2)Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPaNumber of needle rotationsF l o w r a t e (l /m i n (A N R ))E f f e c t i v e a r e a (m m 2)Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPaNumber of needle rotationsF l o w r a t e (l /m i n (A N R ))E f f e c t i v e a r e a (m m 2)Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPaNumber of needle rotationsGrease-free (Seal: Fluorine Coating) +Throttle Valve (Without Check Valve)X21Needle Valve/Flow CharacteristicsBe sure to read before handling.Refer to front matters 58 and 59 for Safety Instructions and pages 412 to 414 for Flow Control Equipment Precautions.CautionMade to OrderNote 1)Not particle-freeNote 2)Throttle valve is only compatible with the part no. of the meter-out type.C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .cElbow type Meter-out typeUniversal type Meter-out typeMeter-in typeMeter-in typeNote 2) Meter-in type is black zinc chromate plated.Construction(2)C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .cElbow typeUniversal type(Hexagon widthacross flats)(Hexagon widthacross flats)Applicable tubing O.D. ødDimensionsNote 2)Reference dimensions of R thread after installation.Note 2)Reference dimensions of R thread after installation.DimensionsC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c。
1.连接键损坏脱落 2.锥销剪断
1.更换键 2.更换锥销
制造厂对阀门投入使用一年内负责保修,但不超过发货期 18 个月。在保修期内,因产品 质量原因均可免费修理或更换零件。
2.3.1 普通碳钢阀门适用温度为-29℃~+425℃ 2.3.2 合金钢阀门适用温度-29℃~550℃ 2.3.3 不锈钢阀门适用温度为-196℃~+200℃
3.1 蝶式止回阀基本结构见图 1
蝶式止回阀靠介质顺流时的压力克服弹簧的扭力而开启,靠弹簧所产生的扭力矩而关闭, 再靠介质逆流时的压力产生的密封比压达到密封。
本 说 明 书 包 括 了 公 称 通 径 DN15mm~500mm(1/2”~20”) 、 公 称 压 力 PN1.6MPa~10MPa(ANSI CLASS150~600)螺纹端、法兰端、对焊端和承插焊端连接的手动、 齿轮传动、电动和气动操作的二分体式(对分式)和三分体式(对夹式)的浮动球球阀和固定球球 阀。
6.可能发生的故障、原因及消除方法 见表 1
表 1 可能发生的故障、原因及消除方法
1.摇杆与销轴配合太紧或有 异物卡住
1.检查配合情况 2.消除异物
1.阀门安装位置离泵太近 1.重新安装合适位置 2.管道内介质流动压力不稳 2.消除压力波动
5.5 应安装在垂直管道上。
维修和保养各种类型的阀门 定期技术交流 现场服务 提供所有的备品备件
测试和检验 范围描述 操作试验 拉伸试验 冲击试验 硬度试验 着色渗透试验 磁粉探伤试验 X-射线检测 超声波测试 泄露试验 测试 标准 根据客户要求 EN 895 EN 875 EN 1043-1 EN 571-1 EN 1290 EN 1435 EN 1714 European Directive 97/23/EC European Directive 97/23/EC 测试 地点 内部 外部 外部 内部/外部 内部 内部 内部 内部 内部
MEDOIL OMV Stora ENso Ruhr Oel Veba Oil Weller Pumpen …
BASF AG Bayer AG Clariant Hindustan Fertilizer National Fertilise Paksaudi Fertilizer Prometal Thyssen Stahl Ticona …
蒸汽转换阀 安全控制阀 汽轮机专用阀 高/中压闸阀 减温器及蒸汽减温装置 气体阀门 特种阀门 高/中/低压文丘里喷嘴
N L M C M L C C E D Boiler H Condensed Area G C M I
A. HP高压旁路系统
1.4阀门及小型设备代号解释1.4.1闸阀(GATE VALVE)、截止阀(GLOBE VALVE)止回阀(CHECK VALVE)、针型阀(NEEDLE GLOBE VALVE) - / 特殊代码(3位)见表1.4.1-8阀芯材质,见表1.4.1-7阀体材质,见表1.4.1-6连接型式,见表1.4.1-5接管壁厚,见表1.2.1-2*传动机构,见表1.4.1-4结构型式,见表1.4.1-3压力等级,见表1.4.1-2阀门类别,见表1.4.1-1 注*:只有“连接型式”中为BW时才有此项注:每个阀门采用什么标准由“结构型式”确定。
注: 每个阀门选用何种材料的垫片和螺栓、螺母由“阀体材料”确定。
注: 如果阀门的结构型式为“2”、“8”和“9”,即阀盖为压力密封阀盖,则该表中的“阀盖垫片材料”和“阀盖螺栓材料”栏缺省。
表1.4.1-8,特殊代码1.4.2球阀(BALL VALVE)特殊代码(3位)见表1.4.1-8阀芯材质,见表1.4.2-2阀体材质,见表1.4.1-6连接型式,见表1.4.1-5接管壁厚,见表1.2.1-2*传动机构,见表1.4.1-4结构型式,见表1.4.2-1压力等级,见表1.4.1-2阀门类别:球阀/BALL VALVE,代号-Q1.4.3 旋塞阀(PLUG VALVE)阀芯材质,见表1.4.3-2阀体材质,见表1.4.1-6连接型式,见表1.4.1-5接管壁厚,见表1.2.1-2*传动机构,见表1.4.1-4结构型式,见表1.4.3-1压力等级,见表1.4.1-2阀门类别:旋塞阀/PLUG VALVE,代号-P1.4.4 蝶阀(BUTTERFLY VALVE)阀芯材质,见表1.4.4-2阀体材质,见表1.4.1-6连接型式,见表1.4.1-5接管壁厚,见表1.2.1-2*传动机构,见表1.4.1-4结构型式,见表1.4.4-1压力等级,见表1.4.1-2阀门类别:蝶阀/BUTTERFLY VALVE,代号-D1.4.5 疏水阀(STEAM TRAP VALVE)阀芯材质,见表1.4.5-2阀体材质,见表1.4.1-6连接型式,见表1.4.1-5结构型式,见表1.4.5-1压力等级,见表1.4.1-2阀门类别:疏水阀/STEAM TRAP VALVE,代号-S1.4.6 过滤器(STRAINER)阀体材质,见表1.2.1-3连接型式,见表1.4.1-5接管壁厚,见表1.2.1-2*结构型式,见表1.4.6-1压力等级,见表1.3.1-2阀门类别:过滤器(STRAINER),代号-T阀芯材质一般为304。
系列90/91气动执行机构-双3 用于气动执行机构“开关” 的电动操纵。系列 63 电磁阀 采用 NEMUR 标准可直接安 装在执行机构上。防水型为: (NEMA 4,4X)防水防爆型(NEMA 4,4X,7,9)。空气接 管尺寸:1/4”NPT:电线连接;1/2”NPT。 手动现场操纵杆位于电磁阀之上。系列 55 速度控制阀可 以独立地控制执行机构开关的速度。3 通电磁阀,请与博 雷或代理商咨询。 气动定位器 系列 64 在需求调节阀门工况下采用 气动定位器系列 64 可准确地 指示阀门角度介于 0-90 度。 标准控制信号是(0.2)至(1.0) 巴(3-15psi)。它可用于双作用 或单作用弹簧复位气动执行机构上。 亦可用于需要有逆或分区范围。直接安装在执行机构。
的特点。它的主要优点 1) 节
接安装在博雷系列90/91 上部。
十分简单,拆除端盖,加入弹簧组合即可使用 2) 弹簧组 指示器和两个电线入口。内部行程开关预先连接”接线终
2 可调行程限制螺丝
2 行程限制 O形环
活塞 O形环
端盖 O形环
上轴 O形环
下轴 O形环
*不包括在系列 90
标准材料 外壳:挤压铝,经氧化处理
防腐涂层 端盖:铸压铝,防腐热塑性
ZF6HP变速箱的版本识别超真实当官游戏,等你来当官广告ZF的6HP系列变速箱分为2代产品:* 2002-2005为第一代的6HP变速箱,包括6HP19,6HP26,6HP32;* 2006及以后的为第二代6HP变速箱,包括6HP21,6HP28,6HP34。
阀门安装、使用说明书通用版,干货必收藏!阀门的安装及拆卸1.1 维护保养和安装使用注意要点一).阀门应放在干燥通风的室内,通径两端须密封防尘;二).长期存放应定期检查,并在加工表面上涂油,防止锈蚀;三).阀门安装前应仔细核对标志是否与使用要求相符;四).安装时应清洁内腔和密封面,检查填料是否压紧,连接螺栓是否均匀拧紧;五).阀门应按照允许的工作位置安装,但须注意检修和操作的方便;六).使用中,不可将闸阀部分开启调节流量,以免在介质流速较高时使密封面损坏,宜全开或全闭;七).在开启或关闭时旋转手轮,不宜借助其它辅助杠杆;八).传动件应定期加油润滑; 阀门使用时应经常在转动部分注油,阀杆梯形螺纹部分涂油九).安装后应定时检修,清楚内腔的污垢,检查密封面,阀杆螺母磨损情况;十). 应有一套科学正确的安装作业标准,检修应进行密封性能实验,并做好详细的记录以备考察十一)其他注意事项:1)阀门一般应在管路安装之前定位。
【宝马BMW】宝马745i N62发动机培训手册
![【宝马BMW】宝马745i N62发动机培训手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/89e37385ad51f01dc281f1e7.png)
目录页码第1章引言1历史1将来2电子气门控制系统的工作原理4N62 发动机引言61引言历史今天所安装的汽油发动机和柴油发动机是高技术的结晶。
将来在将来会有以下市场和法律要求- 降低耗油量- 改善动力性能- 提高舒适性- 减小排放- 提高性价比耗油量的降低意味着发动机效率的提高为提高效率有三种技术上可行的方案。
阀门型号及含义说明一、通用阀门:所有阀门型号都有下面七个单元组成:1 2 3 4 5 ——6 7通常应表示阀门类型、驱动方式、连接形式、结构特点、密封面材料、公称压力、阀体材料等。
以下图为例:1、阀门类型代号:即:Z 闸阀J截止阀L节流阀H止回阀和底阀Q球阀X旋塞阀D蝶阀A安全阀S蒸汽疏水阀Y减压阀G隔膜阀注明:当阀门还具有其它功能作用或带有其它特异结构时,在阀门类型代号前再加注一个汉语拼音字母(1)阀门类型代号前加“D”为低温阀门(低于-40℃);代号前加“B”为保温的阀门(带加热套);防火型F;缓闭型H。
3、连接方式代号:即:1内螺纹2外螺纹4法兰式6焊接式7对夹式8卡箍9卡套4、结构形式代号阀门结构形式用1位阿拉伯数字表示,如下:(一)闸阀结构形式代号:即:0楔式弹性闸板1楔式单闸板2楔式双闸板3平行式单闸板4平行式双闸板(二)截止阀、截流阀结构形式代号:即:1直通式4角式5直流式(三)止回阀结构形式代号:代号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9结构型式升降式阀瓣旋启式阀瓣升降式阀瓣蝶式直通流道立式结构角式结构单瓣结构多瓣结构双瓣结构直流式节流再循环式即:1直通式2升降立式3升降角式6旋启单瓣式(四)安全阀结构形式代号:(五)调节阀结构形式代号:(六)球阀结构形式代号:即:1浮球直通式7固定直通式(七)给水分配阀、减压阀、旋塞阀、蝶阀、输水阀、隔膜阀结构形式代号:注明:结构形式如为杠杆式安全阀,在结构形式代号前加“G”,1代表单杆微启,2代表单杆全启,3代表双杆微启,4代表双杆全启.5、密封面材质代号:(用汉语拼音字母表示)注:当阀座与阀瓣材质不同时,用底硬度材料代号表示(隔膜阀除外)即:H合金钢Y硬质合金F氟塑料T铜合金P渗硼钢X橡胶N尼龙塑料B锡基轴承合金(巴氏合金)Q衬铅J衬胶C、P 陶瓷、渗硼钢W本体材质( 碳化钨硬质合金)6、公称压力代号:公称压力数值用阿拉伯数字直接表示,并用短线与前五个单元分开。
D e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e74 - 03Technical Data Cable gland M16 Plast or Nickel-plated brassPlug M12Nickel plated brass or stainless steel AISI 304Other electrical data Power supply 12,5...36 VDC, 35 mA max.Damping 0...10 sec.Power-up time <2 sec.Hysteresis ± 1 mm Repeatability ± 1 mmReaction time0.1 sec. (100 mS)Approvals/conformities Approvals/conformitiesEN 50155 Railway, 3A, EHEDG, FDAhigh-temperature protectedOutput type PNP , NPN or Digital output (Push-pull)Output polarity See drawingActive “Low”NPN and Digital output(-VDC +2.5V) ± 0.5V ; Rload 1 kOhm Active “High”PNP and Digital output(VDC -2.5V) ± 0.5V ; Rload 1 kOhmD e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c eFactory Settings Output PNP , NPN or Digital Measure DK value >1,5Damping0.1 sec.Sliding connection loadD e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c eElectrical Installation Configuration AccessoriesT BT F C CC The FlexProgr ammer 9701 is a dedicated tool to configure all Baumer configu rable Flex-products.Type No. 9701-0001 comprises: FlexProgrammer Cables CD with the FlexProgram softwareg 01 S Baumer configurable Combi-productsD e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c eThe drawing shows how the sliding connection can be used for at least 4 applications:1) Mounted at the top of a tank to adjust to a maximum level.2) Serving as a cooling neck in high media temperature applications.3) Adjusted to place the sensor tip deeper inside the tank.4) To reach in through insulation material.It is essential that the max. ambience temperature for the electronics is never exceeded. For ATEX approved products please refer to table 1.The working conditions for the sliding connection in different media temperatures and specified ambient temperatures can be found in curve 1.Example, how to read Curve 1:A 250 mm sliding connection is mounted in a tank with a total insert length of 150 mm. Hence the external length of the sliding connection will be 250 - 150 = 100 mm.The media temperature will be max. 160 °C.Read the x-axis at 100 mm an the y-axis at 160 °C and find that the ambient temperature must be kept below 50 °C. In case the radiated heat from the tank will cause a higher ambient temperature at the housing efficient insulation of the tank must be establishedMedia TemperatureD e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e74 - 0374 - 0374 - 0374 - 0374 - 0374 - 03Accessories - Overview CAM02xMAM02x-xxxPM02xPM021LAM020-1VAM 02xRAM020-2RAM020-1SAM020-051-1Welding part 3A/DN38hygienic 81 26-916LFFS-xx3/4LFFS-xx2Welding part 3A/DN38hygienic 81 26-928CAM 023 PM023VAM 023D e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c eA Level Switch LFFS-1xx is Ex ia IIC T5, ATEX II 1G approved for ap-plication in hasardous areas in accordance with the current EUdirec-tives. The product must be installed in accordance with prevailing guidelines for zone 0 with a barrier.A Level Switch LFFS-2xx is Ex tD A20 IP67 T100°C, ATEX II 1D approved for application in hasardous areas in accordance with the current EU-directives. The product must be installed in accordance with prevailing guidelines for zone 20 without a barrier.A Level Switch LFFS-3xx is Ex nA II T5, ATEX II 3G approved for application in hasardous areas in accordance with the current EU-directives. The product must be installed in accordance with prevailing guidelines for zone 2 without a barrier.Connection Type Tamb °CMedia Temp. max. °CNoteStd. & 3A/DN38-40...8585-40...6095{2}-40 (40)115{2}Sliding 100 mm -40...85 85-40...60 150{2}-40 (40)175{2}Sliding 250 mm -40...8585-40...60195{2}-40 (40)200{2} {3}Note {2}: Provided that the sensor tip at the instrument is the only part in contact with the media.Note {3}: Max. allowed media temperature.Ex-data Supply range 24...30 VDC Temperature class T1...T5: See table 1Internal inductivity L i < 10 μH Internal capacity C i < 33 nFBarrier dataU < 30 VDC ; I < 0.1 A ; P < 0.75 WA Level Switch LFFS-1xx is Ex ia IIC T5, ATEX II 1G approved for application in hasardous areas in accordance with the current EUdi-rectives. The product must be installed in accordance with prevailing guidelines for zone 0 with a barrier.A certified Ex ia or isolation barrier with the maximum values U max = 30 VDC ; I max = 0.1 A ; P max = 0.75 W must be used.D e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c eEx-data Supply range 12,5...30 VDC, max 100 mA Temperature classT100: See table 1Ex-data Supply range 12,5...30 VDC, Max. 0.1A Temperature classT1...T5: See table 1Ex nA II T5, ATEX II 3G - InstallationA Level Switch LFFS-2xx is Ex tD A20 IP67 T100°C, ATEX II 1D approved for application in hasardous areas in accordance with the current EU-directives. The product must be installed in accordance with prevailing guidelines for zone 20 without a barrier.A Level Switch LFFS-3xx is Ex nA II T5, ATEX II 3G approved for application in hasardous areas in accordance with the current EU-directives.The product must be installed in accordance with prevailingguidelines for zone 2 without a barrier.guidelines for zone 2 without a barrier.Temperature class T1...T5: See table 1D e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e3A certificate / EHEDG certificate{1} The 3A mark and the EHEDG certifcate is valid only when the product is mounted in a 3A marked or EHEDG certified counter part and installed according to the installation manual. Use also a 3Amarked O-ring or gasket if relevant. The 3A marked products conforms to the 3A Sanitary Standard criteria. Materials and surfaces fulfill the FDA demands and are certified by EHEDG.{2} Certified by EHEDG. Fulfills the FDA demand.EPDM O-rings supplied with 3A marked products are conform to Sanitary Standard Class II (8% milk fat max.)EPDM gaskets supplied with 3A marked products are conform to Sani-tary Standard Class I (8% milk fat max.)Refer to the 3A marked counter parts in the data sheet “Accessories Universal”.(1)The 3A mark and the EHEDG certifcate is valid only when thep roduct is mounted in a 3A marked or EHEDG certified counter part and installed according to the installation manual. Use also a 3Amarked O-ring or gasket if relevant. The 3A marked products conforms to the 3A Sanitary Standard criteria. Materials and surfaces fulfill the FDA demands and are certified by EHEDG.(2) Certified by EHEDG. Fulfills the FDA demand.EPDM O-rings supplied with 3A marked products are conform to Sanitary Standard Class II (8% milk fat max.)EPDM gaskets supplied with 3A marked products are conform toS anitary Standard Class I (8% milk fat max.)Refer to the 3A marked counter parts in the data sheet “Accessories Universal”.The washer ring kit for sliding connection, type no. 4401 8001Can be ordered separately.Baumer recommended to replace this kit if deformed.。
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阀门在平常调节时,要求透平跳车信号为常闭信号,需要DCS 给予阀门+24V的电压。
该“等量跟踪快开电子控制柜”主要部件为电子控制元件.它能够根据透平不同的抽气流量工况,在透平跳机时,通过控制柜内部的比例阀和3/2 通电磁阀之间自动控制切换,完成快开减温减压阀对透平抽气流量的无扰动等量快开切换。
一“等量跟踪快开电子控制柜”部件描述:具有调节功能及等量跟踪快开功能的减压阀PV 的气动控制系统详见No.3L11538/C 图减压阀PV 气动控制系统主要包括以下几个部分:1,一个容纳电子控制器件的柜子(柜子装于气动执行器附近的单独支架上)2,一个空气供应站(部件10)包括过滤器,减压阀和压力表3,一个电动-气动比例阀(部件20)用于控制减温减压阀PV 4,两个压力表(部件40)5,一个带有消音器(部件61)的3/2 通电磁阀(部件60)用作快开减压阀门PV 的先导操作6,消音器(部件75)的两个气动3/2 通阀(部件70,71)用于减压阀PV 的快开操作7,一个等量跟踪电子控制箱8,一个带有安全阀和止回阀的储气罐(部件80),储气罐是按照减压阀PV 两个完整冲程的要求设计的.9,一个双动作气动气缸PZ16C-400/56X55 D (部件90)用于调节及快开减压阀PV10,一个阀位变送器(部件91)用于反馈信号(4-20mA),阀位变送器安装于气动执行器上(部件90)二,“等量跟踪快开电子控制柜”控制描述压缩空气在空气站(件10)内经过滤并减压压至3.5bar(g)。
快开减温减压阀PV 正常调节控制:快开减温减压阀PV 在正常开关调节,是由DCS 输出20-4mA 信号给等量跟踪快来电子控制柜的电-气比例阀,及阀位开度反馈20-4mA 信号给电-气比例阀来完成。
与此同时,通过透平的蒸汽流量对应的阀门开度,转化为20-4mA 信号也是通过DCS送至等量跟踪快开电子控制柜,该信号在透平正常运行时,不会影响到减压阀的正常调节,此时,3/2 通电磁阀带电。
快开减温减压阀PV 正常调节是通过对比阀位设定值和阀位的实际值,得到一个控制偏差值.此偏差通过等量跟踪快开电子控制柜的电-气比例阀(部件20),使快开减温减压阀PV 将调整开度状态直至偏差为零,完成调节功能。
阀位实际值是通过将超声波位置检测系统(部件91)集成至气动执行机构(部件90)的方式把一个20-4mA 电流信号(对应于0-100%行程)反馈给等量跟踪快开电子控制柜(速度控制器).20mA=阀门关闭(0%);4mA=阀门开启(100%)最终设定值/实际值通过的对比可以使减压阀精确的开启在预设的位置上.蒸汽透平跳机(快开减温减压阀PV 快开):汽轮机跳机的二进制信号是由DCS 传送给等量跟踪快开电子控制柜的.根据程序的设定,当3/2 通电磁阀(部件60;快开用先导阀)处于失电且压缩空气通过气动3/2 通阀(部件70,71)放空.此时,气动3/2 通阀(部件70,71)为失气状态。
快开减温减压阀PV 借助压缩空气储罐(部件80)内的压缩空气打开,当快开减温减压阀PV 即将到达蒸汽透平流量设定值时,电控箱内的程序(使用前减压阀必须校准)将会使3/2 通电磁阀(部件60)重新带电及两个气动3/2 通阀(部件70,71)复位.同时,减压阀PV 将由电-气比例阀(部件20)控制并调整余下的蒸汽流量升至设定值,而不会超调.减压阀PV 在汽轮机紧急停机时快开时间约为0.5 秒.随后中控系统(DCS)将在通过汽轮机的蒸汽流量的设定值(20-4mA)和电-气比例阀(部件20)的协助下完成控制任务.当来自DCS的蒸汽透平跳机信号复位时,电控箱(速度控制器)内的程序将再次改变,快开减温减压阀PV 将像最初时一样能够被来自DCS 的阀位输入的20-4mA 信号,及阀位开度反馈给等量跟踪快开电子控制柜的电-气比例阀20-4mA 信号,通过等量跟踪快开电子控制柜的电-气比例阀完成正常的快开减温减压阀PV 调节控制. 27x0201,27x0202pieces 1Tag No.: CustomerDimen- C Englisch XNo. sion M1.011.02 DN C/M1.03 PN C/M1.04 mm C1.05 C1.06 C1.07 C/M1.08 barg / °C C1.09 bar M 220 931.101.11 °C C1.12 bar/a C/M2.012.02 C2.03 t/h C2.04 Pressure p1 bar/a C2.05 Temp. t1 °C C2.06 Speed w1 m/s C/M2.07 Outlet Pressure p2 bar/a C2.08 Temp. t2 °C C2.09 Speed w2 m/s C/M2.10 Wet steam ts °C M2.11 m³/h M2.12 C/M2.13 sec. C3.013.02 mm M3.03 M3.04 C X3.05 Mounting position C/M v o h3.06 B C/M3.07 C/M3.08 M3.09 C/M X3.10 Pieces. M 1 13.11 mm M 97 90 403.12 Pieces. M3.13 M X3.14 M X3.15 M X3.16 M X3.17 M X3.18 M X3.19 M X3.20 M X 23.21 Pieces M3.22 M3.23 M 13.24 M3.25 M3.26 M 1 1803.27 M3.28 M X3.29 C/M 1.7383 1.7383 1.73833.30 C/M3.31 M 1.7383 1.4923 1.49233.32 M 1.49233.33 M Grafit Grafit Grafit3.34 M3.35 M3.36 85 dB(A) C/M3.37 M kg kg3.38 X M 6.7 t/h 140 bar(a) 1583.39 M DN 25 PN 250 Number3.40 Connection M3.41 Acceptance acc. to PED 97/23/EC L Category others4. Revision4.08 M to be filled in by BOMAFA4.12 C to be filled in by customer4.13 License of Customer Signature: DatePhone:+49 / 2327 / 992-0 Fax:+49 / 2327 / 31443E-Mail: info@bomafa.deD - 44866 Bochum Hohensteinstr. 52BOMAFA Armaturen GmbHDate256 2011-03-11Modifications Row NameFirm PhoneBOMAFAShi/BaumgardtRemarksQuantity Waterpr. Watertemp.Design data: Press./Temp. bar/°C 155/172injection waterWater studDesignNoise emission (insulated) Wall thickness of the outlet piping must be total at least 15 mm weight of the Valve without Actuator with actuatorPacking material for: Stem Seat bush Cover lockCool. water Flange 1.5415 Warm up stud Draining con. Stud 1.7335 Insert Seat bush PlugPerforated bush Orifice Plug nutMaterialsInlet Body OutletActuatorMulti-turn actuator Flap actuator Thrust actuatorHydraulic actuator Pneumatic actuator HandwheelAdditionalBellow Preheater conn. stud Cooler body/Pro.PlateBonnet / Protective grating Dome for nozzle Nominal width DomeSwelling steam delivery over Seat bush to cooler body to center nozzleWater injection Center nozzle Seat bu./Ann. Cap/Lance Cooler body for nozzlesSteam filter single doubleSilencer at valve outlet Number of orifice Number of perf. Plate Throttle labyrinth Pressure relief inserts Seat bush as throttle bush Number of throttle bush Red.- steps total Plug type Flatplug Parabolic plug Perforated plugSealing of the stem relief space piston rings packing of pure graphiteValve plug fully relieved partly relieved with control spindleValve seat armoured nitride dynamic double seatSeat bush removable removable/self-sealing weldedValve insert cramped self-sealing with swelling steam con.Fixed point (Valve) Bracket at body Rubber-bounded BaseDrain-/ Warm up-/ Swelling steam - stud/pip. DN 25 DN 40 PipingDesign Seat diameter Stroke Plug stem diameterWelding stud at the body Inlet Outlet Dished boiler endBody construction Cast steel Forged steel WeldmentActuator design Body size 5Leakrate ANSI/FCI Class IV RangeabilityConstruction Angle design Straight-way design Z-designValve type Dim. Sheet R4629-MValve Data Control ValveNominal width of body connection Inlet 150 Outlet 250Floating time for full stroke Adjustment Quick-opening 0,5 Quick-closingKvs - ValueType of characteristic line equal % linear X Special designFluidic parameter Kv - Value444 444 44441 41 4166,68 60,66 69,20535 540inlet 99.1 89.3 99.1540110 70 1506Medium Steam Steam SteamCapacityclosedOperating Data Case No. 1 2 3 4Ambience condition5p actuator design openDesign data (assumed): Pressure / Temp. 104/545 49/510Material: Welding end / Piping 1.7380 1.7380Seal design for flangeWelding groove / Flange design BW BWx xNominal pressure 420 63PipingDesign Data Inlet Outlet Inlet OutletCustomer order n.: EntriesValveNominal width 150 250 12Cr1MoV 15CrMoGDimension of pipe connectionInstallation Series 27X0201 Meike chemical industry Type of Valves Reducing valve with quick-opening function Item 1.1 Data Sheet Valves Com. No.:Test pressure (T = RT )CoatingModuleBOMAFA standard: Feidozink - S zink dust paint grey mattSpindle vertical / horizontal (v/h)) actuator above / under (a/u)) Inl. horiz./above/under(h/a/u)Connecting coefficient V = 1 Evaluation group (in accordance with DIN EN ISO 5817 a.2517)Direction fo flowLeakage / Rangeability Leakage∆OD ODpieces 1Tag No.: CustomerDimen- C Englisch XNo. sion M1.011.02 DN C/M1.03 PN C/M1.04 mm C1.05 C1.06 C1.07 C/M1.08 barg / °C C1.09 bar M 220 931.101.11 °C C1.12 bar/a C/M2.012.02 C2.03 t/h C2.04 Pressure p1 bar/a C2.05 Temp. t1 °C C2.06 Speed w1 m/s C/M2.07 Outlet Pressure p2 bar/a C2.08 Temp. t2 °C C2.09 Speed w2 m/s C/M2.10 Wet steam ts °C M2.11 m³/h M2.12 C/M2.13 sec. C3.013.02 mm M3.03 M3.04 C X3.05 Mounting position C/M v o h3.06 B C/M3.07 C/M3.08 M3.09 C/M X3.10 Pieces. M 1 13.11 mm M 90 80 403.12 Pieces. M3.13 M X3.14 M X3.15 M X3.16 M X3.17 M X3.18 M X3.20 M X 23.21 Pieces M3.22 M3.23 M 13.24 M3.25 M3.26 M 1 1803.27 M3.28 M X3.29 C/M 1.7383 1.7383 1.73833.30 C/M3.31 M 1.7383 1.4923 1.49233.32 M 1.49233.33 M Grafit Grafit Grafit3.34 M3.35 M3.36 85 dB(A) C/M3.37 M kg kg3.38 X M 17.7 t/h 140 bar(a) 158 3.39 M DN 50 PN 250 Number3.40 Connection M3.41 Acceptance acc. to PED 97/23/EC L Category others4. Revision4.08 M to be filled in by BOMAFA4.12 C to be filled in by customer4.13 License of Customer Signature: DatePhone:+49 / 2327 / 992-0 Fax:+49 / 2327 / 31443E-Mail: info@bomafa.deD - 44866 Bochum Hohensteinstr. 52BOMAFA Armaturen GmbHDate256 2011-03-11Modifications Row NameBOMAFAShi/BaumgardtRemarksQuantity Waterpr. Watertemp.Design data: Press./Temp. bar/°C 155/172injection waterWater studDesignNoise emission (insulated) Wall thickness of the outlet piping must be total at least 15 mm weight of the Valve without Actuator with actuatorPacking material for: Stem Seat bush Cover lockCool. water Flange 1.5415 Warm up stud Draining con. Stud 1.7335 Insert Seat bush PlugPerforated bush Orifice Plug nutMaterialsInlet Body OutletActuatorMulti-turn actuator Flap actuator Thrust actuatorHydraulic actuator Pneumatic actuator HandwheelAdditionalBellow Preheater conn. stud Cooler body/Pro.PlateBonnet / Protective grating Dome for nozzle Nominal width DomeSwelling steam delivery over Seat bush to cooler body to center nozzleWater injection Center nozzle Seat bu./Ann. Cap/Lance Cooler body for nozzlesSteam filter single doubleSilencer at valve outlet Number of orifice Number of perf. Plate Throttle labyrinth Pressure relief inserts Seat bush as throttle bush Number of throttle bush Red.- steps total Plug type Flatplug Parabolic plug Perforated plugSealing of the stem relief space piston rings packing of pure graphiteValve plug fully relieved partly relieved with control spindleValve seat armoured nitride dynamic double seatSeat bush removable removable/self-sealing weldedValve insert cramped self-sealing with swelling steam con.Fixed point (Valve) Bracket at body Rubber-bounded BaseDrain-/ Warm up-/ Swelling steam - stud/pip. DN 25 DN 40 PipingDesign Seat diameter Stroke Plug stem diameterWelding stud at the body Inlet Outlet Dished boiler endBody construction Cast steel Forged steel WeldmentActuator design Body size 5Leakrate ANSI/FCI Class IV RangeabilityConstruction Angle design Straight-way design Z-designValve type Dim. Sheet R4629-MValve Data Control ValveNominal width of body connection Inlet 150 Outlet 350Floating time for full stroke Adjustment Quick-opening 0,5 Quick-closingKvs - ValueType of characteristic line equal % linear X Special designFluidic parameter Kv - Value310 310 31013 13 13535 540inlet 99.1 89.3 99.1540103 70 1506Medium Steam Steam SteamCapacityclosedOperating Data Case No. 1 2 3 4Ambience condition5p actuator design openDesign data (assumed): Pressure / Temp. 104/545 49/510Material: Welding end / Piping 1.7380 1.7380Seal design for flangeWelding groove / Flange design BW BWx xNominal pressure 420 63PipingDesign Data Inlet Outlet Inlet OutletCustomer order n.: EntriesValveNominal width 150 450 12Cr1MoV CSDimension of pipe connectionInstallation Series 27X0202 Meike chemical industry Type of Valves Reducing valve with quick-opening function Item 2.1 Data Sheet Valves Com. No.:Test pressure (T = RT )ModuleBOMAFA standard: Feidozink - S zink dust paint grey mattSpindle vertical / horizontal (v/h)) actuator above / under (a/u)) Inl. horiz./above/under(h/a/u)Connecting coefficient V = 1 Evaluation group (in accordance with DIN EN ISO 5817 a.2517)Direction fo flowLeakage / Rangeability Leakage∆OD ODasfa/Datenblatt/Pneumatic actuator (BOMAFA).doc Page 1 / 1Data Sheet ActuationSpecificationCom No.:27x0201,27x0202Type of Actuator: Pneumatic Item: 0101 Manufacturer: asfa Supplier: BOMAFA02 Type of Actuator: PZ16C-500/56 x 85 D Opening Power: 81000 N Closing Power: 81000 N Stroke: 85 mm03 Operating Characteristics Air Opens X Spring Closes Air closes X Spring Opens04 General Data Diaphragm Piston X Single-Acting Double-Acting X05 Eff. Area: 1963.50 cm²Spring Range: - bar Air Supply Pressure: 5 to 7 bar(g)06 Hand pump Top Side Without X07 Energy Failure Act. open Closed locked X08 Stroke Time: Normal: 15 to 20 sec. Quick-Opening: 0.5 sec. Quick-Closing: sec.Proportional valve (system of protection: IP 65; explosion protection: EEx nA II T4)09 Manufacturer: Norgren Type No.: VP601010 Case material Aluminium X Stainless steel Single-Acting Double-Acting X11 Signal Transmission: 4 to 20 mA bar Open direction 4 mA Close direction 20 mA12 Electr. connection size Connector13 Mounting unit14 Construction: With Pressure Gauges Without Pressure Gauge XPosition Transmitter (ultrasonic; system of protection: IP 67; explosion protection: II 1/2 G EEx d IIB + H2 T6)15 Manufacturer: Balluff Type No.: BTL5 (2 wire type; mounted in the actuator)16 Signal Transmission 4 to 20 mA Volt Valve open 4 mA Valve Closed 20 mALimit Switch17 Manufacturer: Type No.: Quantity:18 Type Pneum. Electr.-Mech. Inductive ContactOutput Valve Open Valve Closed19 Mechanical Position Indication Mechanical Valve Lift Stop from to mm20 Pipes: Ø12x1 and Ø38x2 (stainless steel)2122 other components (mounted in a cabinet which must be installed separately beside the pneumatic actuator)23 - 1 piece air filter regulator (adjusted at 5.0 bar (g)) with gauge (type 67CFR; manufacturer: Fisher-Rosemount;24 body material: aluminium; pneum. connection size: ¼‖ NPT)25 - 1 piece non return valve26 - 2 pieces 2/2 way valve (pneumatically; for locking in case of an air failure; type 8290; manufacturer: Asco)27 - 2 pieces pressure gauge28 - 1 piece 3/2 way solenoid valve (pilot valve for quick-opening; 24 V DC; IP 66; explosion protection EEx d II C T6; type: 327;29 manufacturer: Asco; body material: stainless steel; pneum. connection size: ¼‖ NPT; electrical connection size: ½‖ NPT)30 - 2 pieces 3/2 way valve (type 58D-56-RA and 58D-86-RA; manufacturer: MAC Valves)31 - 2 pieces silencer32 - 1 piece air tank (size: 90 liters) with non return valve and safety valve (for the quick-opening of the valve)33 - 2 pressure hoses (for the connection between the actuator and the cabinet)34 The electronic control box with the controlling of the valve (Speed Controlic; with explosion protection EEx d) is in35 our scope of supply.36 to line 05: valve action with 5.0 bar(g), max. pressure: 7.0 bar(g)ProcessingName: Phone DateH. Cordruwisch 992-280Modifications: No. Line Date Name:1 34, 35 H. Cordruwisch2Bomafa Armaturen GmbH 3D-44866 Bochum Hohensteinstr. 52 4Phone: +49 2327/992-0 Fax: +49 2327/31443 527x0201,27x0202Page 1 / 3 Functional description 2010-08-05Functional description and components of the pneumatic control system (Speed Controlic) Pneumatic control system for one Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 (with Speed Controlic forcontrolled quick-opening and locking function)Drawing No. 3L 11975/AThe pneumatic control system for the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 consists mainly of thefollowing subassemblies:1.) 1 piece cabinet to house the pneumatic components (the cabinet is mounted beside thepneumatic actuator on a separate rack):- 1 piece air supply station (item 10) consisting of filter, pressure reducing valve and gauge.- 1 piece non return valve (item 11).- 1 piece electro-pneumatic proportional valve (item 20) with silencer (item 22) for the purpose of the controlling of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202.- 2 pieces pneumatically operating 2/2 way valves (item 30) for the purpose of lockingof the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202.- 2 pieces pressure gauges (item 40).- 1 piece electrically operating 3/2 way solenoid valve (item 60) with silencer (item 61) as pilot operation for the purpose of quick-opening of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202.- 2 pieces pneumatically operating 3/2 way valve (item 70 and item 71) with silencer (item 75) for the purpose of quick-opening of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202. 2.) 1 piece air pressure tank NG 90 ltr. (item 80) with safety valve and non return valve (item 81). The air tank is designed for one to two complete strokes of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202.3.) 1 piece double-acting pneumatic cylinder PZ16C-500/56x85 D (item 90) for the purposeof controlling and quick-opening the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202.4.) 1 piece position transmitter (item 91) for the feedback signal (4 to 20 mA). The position transmitter is mounted in the pneumatic actuator (item 90).5.) 1 piece electronic control box (Speed Controlic).The electronic control box is mounted beside the cabinet on the separate rack. Functional description of the control systemThe existing pressure air is filtered in the air supply station (item 10) and the pressure is reduced to 5.0 bar (g). This filtered pressure air is distributed to the electro-pneumatic proportional valve (item 20), to the pneumatically operating 2/2 way valves (item 30), to the electrically operating 3/2 way solenoid valve (item 60; pilot valve for quick-opening) and via non return valve (item 81) to the air tank (item 80). Page 2 / 3 Functional description 2010-08-05Controlling of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202:If there is to be any adjusting operation on the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 in the openingor closing direction, a set point value for the positioning of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202is fed in as a current signal of 20 to 4 mA (corresponds 0 to 100 % stroke), coming from theDistributed Control System (DCS), to the electronic control box (Speed Controlic) on thebeside the pneumatic actuator.Also the set point value for the steam flow over the turbine as a 20 to 4 mA current signal is fedin from the DCS into the electronic control box (Speed Controlic) without having influence onthe normal controlling of the Reducing Valve.The 3/2 way solenoid valve (item 60) is simultaneously energized with a continuous voltage.Comparison of the set point value for the positioning and the actual value of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 can produce a control deviation. In response to this deviation, a controlsignal (4 to 20 mA) is admitted by the electronic control box (Speed Controlic) to the electropneumatic proportional valve (item 20). This causes re-adjustment of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 until the deviation becomes zero.The actual value is fed back as a current signal of 20 to 4 mA (corresponds 0 to 100 % stroke)to the electronic control box (Speed Controlic) by means of the ultrasonic position measuringsystem (item 91) integrated in the pneumatic actuator (item 90).20 mA = valve close (0%)4 mA = valve open (100%)Permanent set point/actual value comparison by way of the electronic control box (Speed Controlic) now causes the Reducing Valve to exactly stay in their predetermined position. Steam Turbine Trip (controlled quick-opening of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202): The binary signal of the turbine trip comes from the Distributed Control System (DCS) to theelectronic control box (Speed Controlic) on the rack beside the pneumatic actuator. By the program in the electronic control box (Speed Controlic) now the electrically operating 3/2 waysolenoid valve (item 60; pilot valve for quick-opening) is de-energized and air pressure is vented out from the pneumatically operating 3/2 way valves (item 70 and item 71). As a result,the pneumatically operating 3/2 way valves (item 70 and item 71) get de-energized and theReducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 opens with the help of the pressurized air in the pressure airtank (item 80). But without the electronic control box (Speed Controlic) the Reducing Valve now would overshoot over the set point value of the steam turbine flow and opens to 100%.So, shortly before the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 reaches the set point value of thesteam turbine flow, the program in the electronic control box (Speed Controlic) - which hadbe calibrate for the first operation of the Reducing Valve - energized the 3/2 way solenoid valve(item 60) again. Therefore also the both pneumatically operating 3/2 way valves (item 70 anditem 71) are energized gain. Additional the controlling of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202is taken over again by the proportional valve (item 20) that now readjusts the rest up to the endof the set point value of the steam flow, without overshooting. The Reducing Valve 27x0201,quick-opens in case of a steam turbine trip in a time of (for example) approx. 0.5 seconds (see the diagram at the end of the description).27x0202,Page 3 / 3 Functional description 2010-08-05The Controlling can be done now by the Distributed Control System (DCS) with the help of theset point value for the steam flow over the turbine (20 to 4 mA) and the electro-pneumatic proportional valve (item 20).After the signal of the steam turbine trip from the Distributed Control System (DCS) is no longer present, the program in the electronic control box (Speed Controlic) is changed again.Now the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 can be driven, as in the beginning, with the set pointvalue for the positioning (20 to 4 mA) the Distributed Control System (DCS).Locking of the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 (air supply failure):If the air pressure in the pneumatic system falls below approx. 4 bar(g), the 2/2 way pneumatically operating valves (item 30) are no further activated. As a result the Reducing Valve 27x0201,27x0202 is blocked in his last position.General referencesThe current pressure values can be read from the pressure gauges at the filter/reducer or atthe pressure gauges (item 40).Reference regarding maintenance and commissioning is made to the attached operation &maintenance instructions.Exemplary diagram of the controlled quick-opening with the Speed Controlic204060801000 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2Time [sec.]Stroke [%]Quick-opening set value in % Speed Controlic in %pieces 1 Tag No.: CustomerDimen- C Englisch XNo. sion M1.011.02 DN C/M1.03 PN C/M1.04 mm C1.05 C1.06 C1.07 C/M1.08 bar/°C C1.09 bar M1.101.11 °C C1.12 bar/a C/M2.012.02 C2.03 t/h C2.04 Pressure p1 bar/a C2.05 Temp. t1 °C C2.06 Speed w1 m/s C/M2.07 Outlet Pressure p2 bar/a C2.08 Temp. t2 °C C2.09 Speed w2 m/s C/M2.10 Wet steam ts °C M2.11 m³/h M2.12 C/M2.13 sec. C3.013.02 mm M3.03 M3.04 C √3.05 Mounting position C/M V3.06 A C/M3.07 C/M3.08 M3.09 C/M X3.10 Pieces. M3.11 mm M 20 20 163.12 Pieces. M3.13 M3.14 M3.15 M X3.16 M X3.17 M X3.18 M X3.19 M3.20 M X 13.21 Pieces M3.22 M3.23 M3.24 M3.25 M3.26 M3.27 M X3.28 M X X3.29 C/M 20G 20 20G3.30 C/M3.31 M X35CrMo17 X35CrMo17 X35CrMo173.32 M3.33 M Grafit Grafit Grafit3.34 M3.35 M3.36 85 dB(A) C/M3.37 M kg kg3.38 M t/h bar °C3.39 M DN PN Number3.40 Connection M3.41 Acceptance acc. to PED 97/23/EC L Category others4. Revision4.08 M to be filled in by BOMAFA4.12 C to be filled in by customer4.13 License of Customer Signature: DateData Sheet Valves Com. No.:29,020Type of Valves Injection Valve Item 1.2Installation Series 27X0201 Meike chemical industryCustomer order n.: EntriesValveNominal width 25 25Dimension of pipe connectionPipingDesign Data Inlet Outlet Inlet OutletNominal pressure 250 250OD x OD xSeal design for flangeWelding groove / Flange designMaterial: Welding end / PipingDesign data (assumed): Pressure / Temp. 155/173 155/173p actuator design openAs to the calculation of strength, a temperature increase of 5°C has been taken into considerationAmbience conditionTest pressure (T = RT )Water Water2 3 4WaterOperating Data Case No. 1 5closedMedium156 160Capacity 9.11586.7 4.26inlet 140 138 14250 50 50158 150 150Kvs - ValueType of characteristic line equal % √linearFluidic parameterQuick-closingKv - ValueSpecial designFloating time for full stroke Adjustment Quick-openingValve Data Control ValveNominal width of body connection Inlet OutletValve type Dim. SheetInl. horiz./above/under(h/a/u)Direction fo flowConstruction Angle design Straight-way design Z-designLeakrateSpindle vertical / horizontal (v/h)) actuator above / under (a/u))RangeabilityActuator design Body sizeBody construction Leakage vBody construction Cast steel Forged steel WeldmentWelding stud at the body Inlet Outlet Dished boiler endDesign Seat diameter Stroke Plug stem diameterDrain-/ Warm up-/ Swelling steam - stud/pip. PipingFixed point (Valve) Bracket at body Rubber-bounded BaseValve insert cramped self-sealing with swelling steam con.Seat bush removable removable/self-sealing weldedValve seat armoured nitride dynamic double seatValve plug fully relieved partly relieved with control spindleSealing of the stem relief space piston rings packing of pure graphitePlug type Flatplug Parabolic plug Perforated plugPressure relief inserts Seat bush as throttle bush Number of throttle bush Red.- steps total Silencer at valve outlet Number of orifice Number of perf. Plate Throttle labyrinthSteam filter single doubleWater injection Center nozzle Seat bu./Ann. Cap/Lance Cooler body for nozzlesSwelling steam delivery over Seat bush to cooler body to center nozzleAdditionalBellow Preheater conn. stud Cooler body/Pro.PlateBonnet / Protective grating Dome for nozzle Nominal width DomeActuatorMulti-turn actuator Flap actuator Thrust actuatorHydraulic actuator Pneumatic actuator HandwheelCool. water stud Warm up stud Draining con. StudInsert Seat bush PlugPerforated bush Orifice Plug nutPacking material for: Stem Seat bush Cover lockMaterialsInlet Body OutletCoating BOMAFA standard: Feidozink - S zink dust paint grey mattConnecting coefficient V = 1 Evaluation group (in accordance with DIN EN ISO 5817 a.2517)Noise emission (insulated) Wall thickness of the outlet piping must be total at least 15 mm weight of the Valve without Actuator with actuatorinjection water Quantity Waterpr. Watertemp.Water stud Design data: Press./Temp. bar/°CDesignModule。