
This course will provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue further studies or careers in international fields
Course outline
Week 2
Critical Thinking
Encourage students to develop their critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, and counterarguments in their writing
Case analysis of cross cultural communication
Case 1
A Chinese student struggles to fit in at an American university due to cultural differences in communication styles and social norms
Writing skills
Key Skills
Writing skills are crucial for graduate students, and courses should focus on improving their academic writing abilities, including paper writing, research report writing, and copywriting in their professional fields.
Course outline
Week 2
Critical Thinking
Encourage students to develop their critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, and counterarguments in their writing
Case analysis of cross cultural communication
Case 1
A Chinese student struggles to fit in at an American university due to cultural differences in communication styles and social norms
Writing skills
Key Skills
Writing skills are crucial for graduate students, and courses should focus on improving their academic writing abilities, including paper writing, research report writing, and copywriting in their professional fields.

About the Author
Clare Ansberry of The Wall Street Journal is the latest winner of the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism. She serves as the Journal's Pittsburgh bureau chief and is a seasoned feature writer. Ansbury's winning articles, including "Uneven Care," "Frayed Lifeline" and "The Tender Trap," highlight the challenges of aging parents caring for a disabled child.
About the Author
Christina Binkley is a senior special writer with The Wall Street Journal in Los Angeles. Binkley joined The Wall Street Journal in 1994 and has been writing about travel, hotels, and casinos since 1997. She is currently on leave from her job, writing a book about Las Vegas. Prior to working for The Wall Street Journal, she was a reporter at the Tallahassee Democrat and the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader. Binkley is a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
About the Author
Clare Ansberry of The Wall Street Journal is the latest winner of the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism. She serves as the Journal's Pittsburgh bureau chief and is a seasoned feature writer. Ansbury's winning articles, including "Uneven Care," "Frayed Lifeline" and "The Tender Trap," highlight the challenges of aging parents caring for a disabled child.
About the Author
Christina Binkley is a senior special writer with The Wall Street Journal in Los Angeles. Binkley joined The Wall Street Journal in 1994 and has been writing about travel, hotels, and casinos since 1997. She is currently on leave from her job, writing a book about Las Vegas. Prior to working for The Wall Street Journal, she was a reporter at the Tallahassee Democrat and the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader. Binkley is a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

2. Experimental section
• Chemicals and reagents.
• Scutellarin,Scutellarein,4-MU,Tris-HCl, • 7-hydroxycoumarin,UDPGA(缓冲盐), • 重组UGTs亚型〔UGT1A1,UGT1A6, • UGT1A9,UGT2B7〕,HPLC reagents.
• UGTs have been demonstrated to be involved in the
metabolic elimination of many important endogenous substances, such as bilirubin, bile acid and estradiol (Erichsen et al., 2021).
• Incubation and analysis methods for inhibition
After 5min pre-incubation at 37℃, the UDPGA was added in the mixture to initiate the reaction. The incubation time was 120min for UGT1A1 and UGT2B7, 30min,or UGT1A6 and UGT1A9, respectively. The reactions were terminated by adding 100 mL acetonitrile with 7-hydroxycoumarin (100mM) as internal standard.The mixture was centrifuged at 20000×g for 10min, HPLC analysis.
专业型研究生英语课文讲义unit 1

Paragraph 4 Translation
• 然而,有时候作家(的预言)也会出错。 比如说,没有谁预测到个人电脑的出现。 尽管外星人早就是科幻小说的经典题材, 但同来自其他星球的外星人接触似乎仍然 是遥遥无期。
Paragraph 5
• Over the years, the time between the prediction of new technology in science fiction and its actual discovery has become shorter. It took 100 years before the moon landings predicted by the French writer Jules Verne actually took place. The idea of robots first emerged in the 1920s. The first robots were built in the 1970s.And in the 1940s, Arthur.C.Clarke predicted that communication satellites would circle the globe by the year 2000. These arrived 30 years before they were due.
Paragraph 3 Translation
• 科幻小说使得这两个相互对立的群体得以 相遇并交流思想。顾名思义,科幻小说是 预测未来技术以及它给人类社会所带来的 影响的文学形式。多年以来,他们的很多 构想竟然惊人的准确。在成为事实之前, 太空旅行、通讯卫星、核能、机器人、克 隆和移动通讯早已经出现在科幻小说中。
学术英语介绍 优质课件

To enrich themselves with knowledge of content matter such as treatment and prevention of diseases, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), emerging and reemerging diseases, etc.
To build up a stock of language for writing journal papers.
Textbook and Teaching Materials
《学术英语(医学)》.季佩英,孙庆祥等 .2012. 外 语 教 学 与 研 究 出 版 社.
to develop language proficiency and skills as needed for communication in academic contexts,
and to use English language in simulated or real situations where English language serves as the medium for communication.
Course Description
This course, therefore, is framed to provide the students with opportunities
to expose themselves to the subject matter related to medicine,
Enrich yourself with knowledge of medicinerelated issues;

symposia, colloquia(座谈会), sections, satellite meetings, topical meetings thematic meetings research-in-progress session 在研项目研讨会 oral presentation 口头报告 poster presentation 张贴报告、展示报告 full paper presentation 宣读论文全文的报告
calendar 会历,会议日程,活动安排表
4 call for papers 论文征稿启事
call for abstracts 文摘征稿启事 call for posters 张贴征稿启事 call for proposals 提案(会议、项目等计划书)征稿启事
5 Forthcoming/upcoming meeting 即将召开的会议
exhibit 展览会(如上海世博会)
exposition 展示会,展销会(如广交会)
cont. cf:forum
论坛 NGO Forum:Nongovernmental Organization WTO … : World Trade Organization WHO … : World Health Organization
14 time slot / time limit / time block 时间段
cf. allotted time allocated time agreed time limit stay within … minutes confine to … minutes
prize address 获奖者发言 question and answer session (Q &A) 提问与回答时间 general discussion 集体讨论,集中讨论
calendar 会历,会议日程,活动安排表
4 call for papers 论文征稿启事
call for abstracts 文摘征稿启事 call for posters 张贴征稿启事 call for proposals 提案(会议、项目等计划书)征稿启事
5 Forthcoming/upcoming meeting 即将召开的会议
exhibit 展览会(如上海世博会)
exposition 展示会,展销会(如广交会)
cont. cf:forum
论坛 NGO Forum:Nongovernmental Organization WTO … : World Trade Organization WHO … : World Health Organization
14 time slot / time limit / time block 时间段
cf. allotted time allocated time agreed time limit stay within … minutes confine to … minutes
prize address 获奖者发言 question and answer session (Q &A) 提问与回答时间 general discussion 集体讨论,集中讨论

Technical language
Evolutionary nature
Mnemonics: Mnemonics can be used to remember professional English vocabulary Mnemonics are memory aids that help you recall information by associating it with some family or creating a mental image For example, you might use the acronym "ROSHIN" to remember the elements of a research proposal: Research Objective, Scope and Limitations, Hypothesis/Question, Instruments, and Nature of the Research
2. Understanding of professional terminals and concepts
1. Comprehension of complex senses and long paragraphs
3. Ability to analyze and evaluate the reliability and validity of information
Professional English Listening and SpeakingProfessional English learning resources
Introduction to Professional English
Evolutionary nature
Mnemonics: Mnemonics can be used to remember professional English vocabulary Mnemonics are memory aids that help you recall information by associating it with some family or creating a mental image For example, you might use the acronym "ROSHIN" to remember the elements of a research proposal: Research Objective, Scope and Limitations, Hypothesis/Question, Instruments, and Nature of the Research
2. Understanding of professional terminals and concepts
1. Comprehension of complex senses and long paragraphs
3. Ability to analyze and evaluate the reliability and validity of information
Professional English Listening and SpeakingProfessional English learning resources
Introduction to Professional English

development is essential for human survival and progress, but also social development and to maintain and improve the physical protection of the environment
Sustainable development of society
Sustainable development is a mechanism ['mekənɪzəm]to emphasize social equity and environmental protection objectives to be achieved
Efficient Development
Capacity building of management, legal, technology, education and other aspects of sustainable development strategy constitutes a support system,Specifically, capacity-building for sustainable development, including the contents of the decision-making, management, legal, policy, technology, education, human resources, public participation. Sustainable development management system Legal System of Sustainable Development Sustainable Development Technology Systems Education for Sustainable Development Public participation in sustainable development.

---- T. Clifford Allbutt
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
The good title is the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
How to Prepare the Title
First impressions are strong impressions; a title ought therefore to be well studied, and to give, so far as its limits permit, a definite and concise indication of what is to come.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Example 1: Studies on Brucella
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Lectured by
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
The good title is the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
How to Prepare the Title
First impressions are strong impressions; a title ought therefore to be well studied, and to give, so far as its limits permit, a definite and concise indication of what is to come.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Example 1: Studies on Brucella
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Lectured by
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish

Title of Papers
(1) Summary on Development of Switched Reluctance Machine 开关磁阻电机发展综述(在Summary前省略 了定冠词The)。
Latent demand and the browsing shopper (名词词组+名词词组)
Cost and productivity (名词+名词)
介词词组由介词十名词或名词词组构成。如果整个 标题就是一个介词词组的话,一般这个介词是 “on”,意思是“对……的研究”。例如:
为了对曾给予支持与帮助或关心的人表示感谢,在论文之后, 作者通常对有关人员致以简短的谢词,可用如下方式: I am thankful to sb. for sth I am grateful to sb. for sth I am deeply indebted to sb. for sth I would like to thank sb. for sth. Thanks are due to sb. for sth The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to sb. for sth. The author wishes to acknowledge sb. The author wishes to express his gratitude for sth.
Title of Papers
(1) Summary on Development of Switched Reluctance Machine 开关磁阻电机发展综述(在Summary前省略 了定冠词The)。
Latent demand and the browsing shopper (名词词组+名词词组)
Cost and productivity (名词+名词)
介词词组由介词十名词或名词词组构成。如果整个 标题就是一个介词词组的话,一般这个介词是 “on”,意思是“对……的研究”。例如:
为了对曾给予支持与帮助或关心的人表示感谢,在论文之后, 作者通常对有关人员致以简短的谢词,可用如下方式: I am thankful to sb. for sth I am grateful to sb. for sth I am deeply indebted to sb. for sth I would like to thank sb. for sth. Thanks are due to sb. for sth The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to sb. for sth. The author wishes to acknowledge sb. The author wishes to express his gratitude for sth.

• Assess performance. Performance is assessed using evaluation criteria, technical performance measures and measures -- measurement is the key. If you cannot measure it, you cannot control it. If you cannot control it, you cannot improve it. • Re-evaluation. Re-evaluation should be a continual and iterative process with many parallel loops.
• Re-evaluating and improving quality. The reason Frankenstein went to England was to consult with philosophers there, because he wanted his second monster to be better than the first. He never got around to describing the lessons that he learned while doing the project.
• Investigate alternatives. Alternatives are investigated and evaluated based on performance, cost and risk. • Model the system. Running models clarifies requirements, reveals bottlenecks and fragmented activities, reduces cost and exposes duplication of efforts.

The purpose of this study is to explore a new method…
The paper attempts to analyze … in terms of …
The study is aimed at finding out the similarities …
I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.
kind regards. Your sincerely, 通讯作者
(2) Dear Dr. 主编name: We submit our manuscript entitled " 文章title" to 杂志名for publication. 接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易 过多,但要突出新意和关键点。 All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.
Title Author name and affiliation Abstract Key words Text body Acknowledgements (可省) References Appendix (根据需要) Reshume (视刊物而定) 3
1. 引言/概述 2. 背景分析 3. 材料和实验 4. 实验结果 5. 讨论 6. 结论/总结
专业学位硕士研究生英语教程PPT unit 14

地理学家研究山脉的地形轮廓。 2) The broad configuration of the economy remains
E.g. 1) I found the experience quite bewildering.
2) Changes in society are happening so fast, they sometimes seem bewildering. 社会发展的太快,他们有时候看得都有些眼花缭乱了。
Space and Time
Background Information Text Analysis
Translating Activities Grammar Activities
பைடு நூலகம்
Background Information
他的消息不可不重视。 3) Scientists discounted his method of predicting
earthquakes. 科学家不相信他预测地震的方法
Word Analysis
5. postulate to suggest that something might have happened or
About the Book
A Brief History of Time is a popular science book written by Stephen Hawking and first published by the Bantam Dell Publishing Group in 1988. It became a bestseller and has sold more than 9 million copies. It was also on the London Sunday Times best-seller list for more than four years.
E.g. 1) I found the experience quite bewildering.
2) Changes in society are happening so fast, they sometimes seem bewildering. 社会发展的太快,他们有时候看得都有些眼花缭乱了。
Space and Time
Background Information Text Analysis
Translating Activities Grammar Activities
பைடு நூலகம்
Background Information
他的消息不可不重视。 3) Scientists discounted his method of predicting
earthquakes. 科学家不相信他预测地震的方法
Word Analysis
5. postulate to suggest that something might have happened or
About the Book
A Brief History of Time is a popular science book written by Stephen Hawking and first published by the Bantam Dell Publishing Group in 1988. It became a bestseller and has sold more than 9 million copies. It was also on the London Sunday Times best-seller list for more than four years.
研究生英语课课件Comprehensive English for Graduates

13. motivate v.
: to make someone want to do something and to act eg: A good teacher has to be able to motivate her students. motivate sb. to do sth. eg: The profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard. stimulate/ activate/encourage sb. to do
Unit 2
Words & Expressions
1. propose: v.
1. [to sb.] to ask a person to marry one eg: 1) Mr. Zhang is handsome and knowledgeable, and therefore many people got to him to propose marriage. 2) Did he propose marriage to you? 2. suggest/advise eg: Man proposes, God disposes! proposal n. Compared: court (old-fashioned) vt./ pursue vt.
4. prior adj.
prior to sth. : (formal) before eg: All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure. priority n. the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else give priority to sth. take priority over sth.

The ability to read quickly and effectively, while still comprehending the information
Speed and Efficiency
The expansion of vocabulary through exposure to a wide range of texts and contexts
Research methods
Learn how to conduct research and evaluate the credibility of sources
Graded English Oral Expression
Fluent speech
The ability to speak English fluently, with natural and smooth communication, is essential for effective communication
The course provides a variety of learning activities, including readings, videos, exercises, and projects to help students develop their English proficiency and academic skills
Introduction to Gradate English Curriculum
Developing students' English proficiency: The main goal of the graduated English course is to improve students' English proficiency, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation
Speed and Efficiency
The expansion of vocabulary through exposure to a wide range of texts and contexts
Research methods
Learn how to conduct research and evaluate the credibility of sources
Graded English Oral Expression
Fluent speech
The ability to speak English fluently, with natural and smooth communication, is essential for effective communication
The course provides a variety of learning activities, including readings, videos, exercises, and projects to help students develop their English proficiency and academic skills
Introduction to Gradate English Curriculum
Developing students' English proficiency: The main goal of the graduated English course is to improve students' English proficiency, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation

Unit 7
Science Text The Future of Robots
II. Information related to the text
1. robot: A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent. 2. European Renaissance: The Renaissance was cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the Байду номын сангаас7th century, beginning in Florence in the late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe.
9. And the body itself represents much of our complexity: There is more information in the human genome, which describes the human body, than in the design of the brain. (Para.9): The body itself is vey complex. There is more information in genome that describes the body than information in the genome that describes the brain. 10. Our grasp of biology is proceeding at an accelerating pace, also exponentially increasing every year. (Para.10): The speed of our understanding about biology becomes faster and faster, and our knowledge increases vey rapidly.
Science Text The Future of Robots
II. Information related to the text
1. robot: A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent. 2. European Renaissance: The Renaissance was cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the Байду номын сангаас7th century, beginning in Florence in the late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe.
9. And the body itself represents much of our complexity: There is more information in the human genome, which describes the human body, than in the design of the brain. (Para.9): The body itself is vey complex. There is more information in genome that describes the body than information in the genome that describes the brain. 10. Our grasp of biology is proceeding at an accelerating pace, also exponentially increasing every year. (Para.10): The speed of our understanding about biology becomes faster and faster, and our knowledge increases vey rapidly.

Part III. (para.24-25): Life, with a few things unchanged, will go on in the U.S.
Part Two — Language Points
1. as we know it (line 3, para. 4) in the form that we are familiar with
About the Author
Clare Ansberry of The Wall Street Journal is the latest winner of the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism. She serves as the Journal's Pittsburgh bureau chief and is a seasoned feature writer. Ansbury's winning articles, including "Uneven Care," "Frayed Lifeline" and "The Tender Trap," highlight the challenges of aging parents caring for a disabled child.
Lesson One
Hour of Horror Forever Alters American Lives
President Bush 9/11 Statue Pictures about 9/11 About the Author Part one — Discourse Analysis Part Two — Language Points Part Three — Difficult Sentences Keys to the Exercises Translations
Part Two — Language Points
1. as we know it (line 3, para. 4) in the form that we are familiar with
About the Author
Clare Ansberry of The Wall Street Journal is the latest winner of the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism. She serves as the Journal's Pittsburgh bureau chief and is a seasoned feature writer. Ansbury's winning articles, including "Uneven Care," "Frayed Lifeline" and "The Tender Trap," highlight the challenges of aging parents caring for a disabled child.
Lesson One
Hour of Horror Forever Alters American Lives
President Bush 9/11 Statue Pictures about 9/11 About the Author Part one — Discourse Analysis Part Two — Language Points Part Three — Difficult Sentences Keys to the Exercises Translations
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
某冶金企业采用了成本加成定价 法,这其中“加成”的含义是指 (A、一定比率的利润)。
某业务单位市场增长率为 15%,相 对市场占有率为 2.5,该业务单 位属于 (B、明星类)。
某种产品在市场上销售迅速增长, 利润显著上升,该产品这时正处 在其产品生命周期的( B、成长 期 )阶段。
年度计划控制过程的第一步是 (A、 制定目标)。
市场营销学小抄 “哪里有世界冠军 ,哪里就有阿迪
达斯公司的产品 ”-,-----(C、理想 团体)。 “七喜”饮料 -------其采取的市场定 位策略是( D、避强定位策略)。 “三元”公司 --- 通常采用的渠道策 略是( A、密集分销)。 “适应企业界解决问题的需要” ,这 是 IBM 公司为自己规定的( B、 企业的任务)。 “云想衣裳花相容, ----(C、核心) 产品的重视。 “在家购物”的不断发展,主要是 由于( A、科学技术的发展)。 Intel 公司是美国占支配地 -----他们 采用的是(B、渗透定价) 定价策 略。 把企业现有的产品投放到新市场上 进行销售, 这种战略称为 (B、市 场发展)。 波士顿矩阵法中,横轴上数值 0.4, 表示(C、战略业务单位的市场占 有率是同行业最大竞争者的市场 占有率的 40%)。 不同层次的独立的制造商和中间商 ---- 。这种联合体叫做 (C、契约 式垂直渠道系统 )。 产品成长期的特点是 (B、销售量迅 速增长)。 产品处于产品生命周期导入期时的 营销目标是 (C、建立知名度, 争 取试用)。 产品组合的 (B、深度)是指产品大
(D、行为细分)。 在市场营销信息系统中,向管理人
员提供 ---------- 反映企业经营状 况信息的子系统是( A、内部报 告系统)。 在消费者市场中,首先提出要购买 某一产品或服务的人是( A、发 起者)。 职能型组织的主要优点是( A、行 政管理简单,易于管理)。 制造和分销的各个环节都归一方所 有并受其控制,这种分销渠道叫 做( A 公司式垂直渠道系统)。 制造商推销价格昂贵、技术复杂的 机器设备时,适宜采取( D、人 员推销)的方式。 最适于实力不强的小企业或出口企 业在最初进入外国市场时采用的 目标市场策略是 (C、集中性营销 策略)。
能针对不同细分市场的需要来开 展营销活 )。 市场营销管理所要考察的市场可归 纳为( B 、消费者市场和组织市 场)。 市场营销计划的核心内容是( C、 目标)。 市场营销学认为, 需求是(C、对于 有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个 具体产品的欲望)。 市场营销学认为,中间机构层次的 数目为 3 的渠道,表明该渠道的 (A、长度为 3)。 市场营销组合、目标市场、市场细 分、市场定位四者之间的关系为 (C、市场细分、目标市场、市场 定位、市场营销组合 )。 市场营销组合概念的提出者是( A、 尼尔·迪登)。 市场营销组合是指( D、 对企业可 控的各种营销因素的组合)。 未经授权的贸易商从原产地取得商 品,并将商品直接销售至该商品 进口国的贸易活动称为( A、平 行进口)。 我们通常所说的一个企业有多少产 品线,指的就是产品组合的( A、 宽度)。 下列产品中,适于采用密集分销的 是( B、便利品)。 下列哪一因素属于宏观环境因素 (D、人口)。 下列哪种说法是正确的? (C,进而 影响人们的需求)。
企业可以用“环境威胁矩阵图”-----, 其中低机会和低威胁的业务属于 (B、成熟业务)。
企业为将对手挤出或吓退 ----。这种 不道德的价格行为称为 (B、掠夺 性定价)。
企业原来生产高档产品,后来决定 增加低档产品,这种产品组合策 略叫( B、向下延伸)。
青岛啤酒股份有限公司 ------- 该公
场细分变量中属于( D、行为因 素)。 消费者个人全部收入中扣除个人应 缴的税费之后所得的余额叫做 (B、个人可支配收入)。 消费者介入程度低,品牌差异不大 的购买行为属于( D、习惯性购 买行为)。 小刘计划购买一台电脑, -----,企业 可采取的营销措施是( A 帮助消 费者了解产品性能及其相对重要 性 )。 选择跟随策略的突出特点是( D、 跟随与创新并举)。 药物牙膏属于哪种类型的新产品 (C、改进产品)? 一定的顾客在一定的地理区域、 ------,我们称为(D、市场需求)。 一个企业若要识别其竞争者,通常 可从以下( A、产业和市场)方 面进行。 以调查某一时期某种产品的销售量 为何大幅度滑坡为目的的市场调 查研究是( A、探测性调研)。 以进攻为核心是( B、市场挑战者) 的竞争策略 用料与设计精美的酒瓶,在酒消费 之后可用作花瓶或凉水瓶,这种 包装策略是( D、再使用包装 )。 由人、计算机和程序组成 -------的系 统是( A、市场营销信息系统 )。 有些制造商通过不同渠道将同一产 品送到不同的市场,这种渠道系 统属于( D、多渠道系统)。
消费者知晓并产生兴趣)。 当产品处在生命周期的成熟期时,
应采用( C、提示广告)。 当市场有足够的购买者,它们的需
求缺乏弹性时, 应使用(B、撇脂 定价)。 电话局在一天中对电话费按不同的 标准收费,这种定价策略叫( B、 区分需求定价法)。 杜邦公司发明尼龙后 ------ 这是市场 领先者采取的( A、 扩大市场需 求总量)策略。 对消费者的购买行为具有最广泛、 最深远影响的因素是( A、文化 因素)。 对于水泥、平板玻璃等标准化产品, 一般情况下应实行( A、无差异 性营销策略)。 对于直接销售渠道而言 ,(D、不便 于为消费者提供特殊服务 )的 说法是错误的。 分销渠道宽度是指 (C、同一层次分 销点多少 )。 工商企业的市场营销工作最早的指 导思想是( A、生产观念)。 嘉陵公司原是兵工企业,八十年代 初 ----------- 该公司这种面对市场 威胁的做法叫( C、转移)。 精心服务于总体市场中的某些细分 市场 ----- 寻找生存与发展空间的 企业称为( D、市场补缺者)。 决定企业的各种产品使用一个或几 个品牌,还是分别使用不同的品 牌自 销来寻求业务新增长,这属于 (B、前向一体化)。
某消费者购买空调 ---- 这目的属于 产品整体概念中的( A、核心产 品)。
某些企业认为“酒香不怕巷子深” , 这种市场营销观念是 (B、产品观 念)。
某牙膏公司原来一直生产牙膏,现 决定生产牙刷,这种战略称为 (A、水平多角化)。
某业务单位市场增长率为 15%,相 对市场占有率为 2.5,该业务单 位属于 (B、明星类)。
某种产品在市场上销售迅速增长, 利润显著上升,该产品这时正处 在其产品生命周期的( B、成长 期 )阶段。
年度计划控制过程的第一步是 (A、 制定目标)。
市场营销学小抄 “哪里有世界冠军 ,哪里就有阿迪
达斯公司的产品 ”-,-----(C、理想 团体)。 “七喜”饮料 -------其采取的市场定 位策略是( D、避强定位策略)。 “三元”公司 --- 通常采用的渠道策 略是( A、密集分销)。 “适应企业界解决问题的需要” ,这 是 IBM 公司为自己规定的( B、 企业的任务)。 “云想衣裳花相容, ----(C、核心) 产品的重视。 “在家购物”的不断发展,主要是 由于( A、科学技术的发展)。 Intel 公司是美国占支配地 -----他们 采用的是(B、渗透定价) 定价策 略。 把企业现有的产品投放到新市场上 进行销售, 这种战略称为 (B、市 场发展)。 波士顿矩阵法中,横轴上数值 0.4, 表示(C、战略业务单位的市场占 有率是同行业最大竞争者的市场 占有率的 40%)。 不同层次的独立的制造商和中间商 ---- 。这种联合体叫做 (C、契约 式垂直渠道系统 )。 产品成长期的特点是 (B、销售量迅 速增长)。 产品处于产品生命周期导入期时的 营销目标是 (C、建立知名度, 争 取试用)。 产品组合的 (B、深度)是指产品大
(D、行为细分)。 在市场营销信息系统中,向管理人
员提供 ---------- 反映企业经营状 况信息的子系统是( A、内部报 告系统)。 在消费者市场中,首先提出要购买 某一产品或服务的人是( A、发 起者)。 职能型组织的主要优点是( A、行 政管理简单,易于管理)。 制造和分销的各个环节都归一方所 有并受其控制,这种分销渠道叫 做( A 公司式垂直渠道系统)。 制造商推销价格昂贵、技术复杂的 机器设备时,适宜采取( D、人 员推销)的方式。 最适于实力不强的小企业或出口企 业在最初进入外国市场时采用的 目标市场策略是 (C、集中性营销 策略)。
能针对不同细分市场的需要来开 展营销活 )。 市场营销管理所要考察的市场可归 纳为( B 、消费者市场和组织市 场)。 市场营销计划的核心内容是( C、 目标)。 市场营销学认为, 需求是(C、对于 有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个 具体产品的欲望)。 市场营销学认为,中间机构层次的 数目为 3 的渠道,表明该渠道的 (A、长度为 3)。 市场营销组合、目标市场、市场细 分、市场定位四者之间的关系为 (C、市场细分、目标市场、市场 定位、市场营销组合 )。 市场营销组合概念的提出者是( A、 尼尔·迪登)。 市场营销组合是指( D、 对企业可 控的各种营销因素的组合)。 未经授权的贸易商从原产地取得商 品,并将商品直接销售至该商品 进口国的贸易活动称为( A、平 行进口)。 我们通常所说的一个企业有多少产 品线,指的就是产品组合的( A、 宽度)。 下列产品中,适于采用密集分销的 是( B、便利品)。 下列哪一因素属于宏观环境因素 (D、人口)。 下列哪种说法是正确的? (C,进而 影响人们的需求)。
企业可以用“环境威胁矩阵图”-----, 其中低机会和低威胁的业务属于 (B、成熟业务)。
企业为将对手挤出或吓退 ----。这种 不道德的价格行为称为 (B、掠夺 性定价)。
企业原来生产高档产品,后来决定 增加低档产品,这种产品组合策 略叫( B、向下延伸)。
青岛啤酒股份有限公司 ------- 该公
场细分变量中属于( D、行为因 素)。 消费者个人全部收入中扣除个人应 缴的税费之后所得的余额叫做 (B、个人可支配收入)。 消费者介入程度低,品牌差异不大 的购买行为属于( D、习惯性购 买行为)。 小刘计划购买一台电脑, -----,企业 可采取的营销措施是( A 帮助消 费者了解产品性能及其相对重要 性 )。 选择跟随策略的突出特点是( D、 跟随与创新并举)。 药物牙膏属于哪种类型的新产品 (C、改进产品)? 一定的顾客在一定的地理区域、 ------,我们称为(D、市场需求)。 一个企业若要识别其竞争者,通常 可从以下( A、产业和市场)方 面进行。 以调查某一时期某种产品的销售量 为何大幅度滑坡为目的的市场调 查研究是( A、探测性调研)。 以进攻为核心是( B、市场挑战者) 的竞争策略 用料与设计精美的酒瓶,在酒消费 之后可用作花瓶或凉水瓶,这种 包装策略是( D、再使用包装 )。 由人、计算机和程序组成 -------的系 统是( A、市场营销信息系统 )。 有些制造商通过不同渠道将同一产 品送到不同的市场,这种渠道系 统属于( D、多渠道系统)。
消费者知晓并产生兴趣)。 当产品处在生命周期的成熟期时,
应采用( C、提示广告)。 当市场有足够的购买者,它们的需
求缺乏弹性时, 应使用(B、撇脂 定价)。 电话局在一天中对电话费按不同的 标准收费,这种定价策略叫( B、 区分需求定价法)。 杜邦公司发明尼龙后 ------ 这是市场 领先者采取的( A、 扩大市场需 求总量)策略。 对消费者的购买行为具有最广泛、 最深远影响的因素是( A、文化 因素)。 对于水泥、平板玻璃等标准化产品, 一般情况下应实行( A、无差异 性营销策略)。 对于直接销售渠道而言 ,(D、不便 于为消费者提供特殊服务 )的 说法是错误的。 分销渠道宽度是指 (C、同一层次分 销点多少 )。 工商企业的市场营销工作最早的指 导思想是( A、生产观念)。 嘉陵公司原是兵工企业,八十年代 初 ----------- 该公司这种面对市场 威胁的做法叫( C、转移)。 精心服务于总体市场中的某些细分 市场 ----- 寻找生存与发展空间的 企业称为( D、市场补缺者)。 决定企业的各种产品使用一个或几 个品牌,还是分别使用不同的品 牌自 销来寻求业务新增长,这属于 (B、前向一体化)。
某消费者购买空调 ---- 这目的属于 产品整体概念中的( A、核心产 品)。
某些企业认为“酒香不怕巷子深” , 这种市场营销观念是 (B、产品观 念)。
某牙膏公司原来一直生产牙膏,现 决定生产牙刷,这种战略称为 (A、水平多角化)。