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1. –What does he look (像)? –He is of medium height.

2. I am very ____________ (饿). I want to buy some food to eat.

3. –How’s the weather today? –It’s (晴朗的).

4. Mum often tells(告诉) us to wash hands before each meal.

5. My pen pal is in Japan. He speaks _____________ (日语).

6. Shanghai is a __________________(繁忙的) city.

7. He is a __________________(幸运的) dog.

8. –What would you do if you had a million dollars?

–I’d give it to medical ______________ (研究).

9. English is very____________________ (重要的) and many people enjoy learning it.

10. The people in the ______________ (村) are richer than before.


1. I hope you’re feeling (更好)soon.

2. He has a good idea to (解决) the problem.

3. -What size bowl of (面条) would you like? -I’d like a large one.

4. There’s a bank near the post office. We can (节约)our money there.

5. Would you mind (关) down the radio? The boy is doing(做) his homework.

6. China is a _____________(国家)with a long history.

7. Most of the teenagers can deal with their problems _____________(容易地)now.

8. They are _________________(友好的)to each other.

9. His uncle is a ________________ (科学家). He works in Beijing.

10. Mr Wang’s _____________(办公室)is on the fourth floor.


1. It’s impolite to ______________ (指向)at others with chopsticks at table.

2. This is an _____________ (空的)box. Could I have a full one, please?

3. It’s __________ (冷)outside. Please put on your coat.

4. Would you mind not making a loud ___________ (噪音)here? Your father is sleeping.

5. If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer _____________(错误).

6. Don’t ____________(浪费)any water. We should save it.

7. “ _____________(安全)is the first” he said to all the workers.

8. There is a beautiful ______________(花园)in front of the tall building.

9. He is neither blind nor _____________(聋的). He can see and hear anything well.

10. We should learn to ______________(拒绝)the bad things.


1.She hasn’t (看见) her pet dog for a week.

2. There is a supermarket near my home. Let’s go ____________(购物).

3. –What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the (第一) time?

-They are supposed to shake hands.

4. He often (借)books to us. And we return them to him as soon as possible.

5. Of four (季节), I like autumn best, because it’s cool.

6. Ruth loves to tell a ____________ (笑话).

7. -Could you please take out the trash? -With ______________ (乐意).

8. Hi, little boy, don’t ____________ (爬) the wall. It’s dangerous.

9. I didn’t ____________ (赶上) the last bus, so I had to take a taxi home last night.

10. We’ll have tea in the garden ____________(代替)of in the sitting-room.


1. -When was the telephone _____________(发明)? -In 1876.

2. He is ___________(渴). He wants something to drink.

3. Lucy spoke too (快) and I couldn’t follow her.

4. The manatee weighs about 1,000 ___________(英镑). It’s too heavy.

5. Teachers’ Day is (九月)10th.

6. The computer is too expensive. I don’t have _____________ (充足的) money to buy it.

7. -_______________(谁的)backpack is this? -Oh, it’s Lily’s.

8. I will feel _____________(自豪的)when I see the national flag of China.

9. -What do you think of soap operas? -I can’t (忍受) them..

10. I like soft music. It always makes me_______________(轻松的).

