2020届 高考英语 阅读理解 复习课件:四选一阅读报道类 (共24张PPT)

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_a_tt_e_m__p_t___ n.尝试;试图 _e_f_fe_c_t_i_v_e__ adj.有效的 _a_d_d_i_t_io_n___ n.添加物 _d_r_iv_e__fo_r_w__a_r_d__ 推动;推行 _m_a_k_e__s_u_r_e__确保 _u_n_i_q_u_e____ adj.独特的,特别的
_u_p_-_to__-d__a_te__ adj.最新的 solar-powered dustbins _太__阳__能__垃__圾__桶___ _e_ff_e_c_t_i_v_e_n_e_s_s_ n.有效性 _tr_i_a_l_ n.试验;试用 collection crew _收__集__人__员___ _u_n_d_e_r_t_a_k_e_ v.负责;承担 _(b_e_)__re_s_p_o_n_s_i_b_le__fo_r__ 对……负责
4. What does the underlined phrase “a huge blow” in Paragraph 5 mean?
A. Something not successful. B. Something that wastes money. C. Something that brings benefits. D. Something very upsetting or damaging.
A. Thick rainforest. C. Deep ocean.
B. Wild desert. D. Treeless grassland.
D 推理判断题。 由划线词所在句 “Science has
shown that the Amazon forest could become a savanna.”可知 savanna是火灾后亚马逊雨林可能变 成的一种新形态,下一句中“a turning point for
_a_u_t_h_o_r_i_ty__ n.权威;当局 _p_a_r_t_ic_i_p_a_te__in__ 参加 _p_a_u_s_e__ v.暂停 _b_o_u__n_d_a_r_y_ n.边界;界限 _r_e_su_l_t_i_n_ 导致 _r_e_s_is_t_a_n__t _ adj.抵抗的 _c_r_it_ic_i_z_e__ v.批评 _re__p_u_t_a_ti_o_n__ n.名声 _b_i_o_m__e_d_ic__a_l _ adj.生物医学的
A. Doubtful. C. Disapproving.
B. Positive. D. Uncaring.
B 推理判断题。文章最后一段提到, Hyland说 道:“我们很高兴能够试用这些奇妙的智能垃圾 箱。我们决心使用最新的垃圾箱来推动我们的服 务和环境的改善。这项试验是我们支持本地企业 工作的一部分……”。由此可见,Hyland对于智 能垃圾桶试行的态度是积极支持的,故选B项。
C 主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是文章第一、二 段可知,本文主要讲中国科学家贺建奎宣布成功对 人体胚胎进行了基因编辑,此消息引起科学界的震 惊,以及人们对这一事件的看法,故选C项。
2. What is the Chinese government’s attitude
to the project?
报道类是指就科技动态、社会现象或社会热 点进行的新闻报道。报道的第一段通常是导语, 体现文章主旨,然后再根据事情发生的先后或重 要程度叙述细节或具体过程,如2019年全国Ⅰ卷 C篇(介绍一种新型智能键盘)和2019年全国Ⅱ卷D 篇(美国一所中学与美国宇航局合作的HUNCH项 目,鼓励学生开发创新思维);但有的先叙述一件 事,其目的只是引出作者要报道的主题,如2017 年全国Ⅰ卷C篇(爵士乐,第三段第一句才指出该 报道的主旨)。
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A. Solar-Powered Dustbins Guarantee Clean Street
B. A Street Dustbin Trial Improving Local Economy C. The Development of Smart Street Dustbins
(九)新闻周刊记者报道,今年巴西火灾数量 达到历史高点,对热带雨林造成严重的影响。
1. Why does the author mention the figures in Paragraph 2?
A. To show the seriousness of wildfires. B. To stress the importance of INPE. C. To collect data for her report. D. To introduce INPE.
D 词义猜测题。由画线词所在句的前半句“he was criticized by other scientists at the university”可知, 他受到该大学其他科学家的批评,由此可推断,该 试验被认为是“有损”中国生物医学研究名声的, “a huge blow”应意为“严重打击;严重损坏”, 故选D项。
_a_n__n_o_u_n_c__e_ v.宣布 _d_e_l_iv__e_r_ v.发布;接生 _s_h_o_c_k__ n.震惊 _d_e_c_a_d__e_ n.十年 _a_c_c_o_m__p_l_is__h_ v.实现 _t_ra_n__s_fo__rm___ v.改变 _c_e_l_e_b_r_a_te__ v.庆祝 _p_r_a_i_s_e__ n.表扬
1. A 推理判断题。由第二段中第一句 “an 83
percent increase in fire outbreaks in Brazil in comparison to the same period in 2018” 和第 二句 “more than 72,000 fires in Brazil between
in Greenwich D. Smart Dustbins Installed to Crush Litter in
Southeast London
4. D 文章标题题。本题可使用排除法,选项 A“太阳能垃圾桶确保街道干净”,智能垃圾桶并 不能确保街道干净;选项B“街头垃圾桶试行改善 当地经济”,改善本地经济并不是文章重点,智 能垃圾桶试行主要是为了提升街道打扫效率;C 项“格林威治智能街道垃圾箱的发展”,本文并 没有讲述智能垃圾桶的发展过程。本文主要介绍 了智能垃圾桶的特点,D项最能概括本文的内容 和主题,故选D项。
2. What does the underlined word “eyesore” in Paragraph 4wk.baidu.commean?
A. A tall building. B. A painful disease. C. An unpleasant object. D. An important project.
January and August this year, more than the
roughly 40,000 recorded in the entirety of 2018” 中所列举的数据可知,今年巴西的火灾数量远 比2018年多,突显其严重性,故选A项。
2. Which of the following best explains “savanna” underlined in Paragraph 4?
A. Cautious.
B. Favorable.
C. Ambiguous.
D. Disapproving.
D 推理判断题。由第三段第二句“The Chinese
authorities have opened an ‘immediate investigation (调查)’ into He and ordered those participating in the project to pause their activities.”可推断,中国当 局已开始对他进行“立即调查”,并命令参与该项 目的人暂停其活动。由此看来,中国政府对此项目 是持反对态度的,故选D项。
(七)中国科学家贺建奎宣布成功对人体胚胎进行了基 因编辑,此消息引起科学界的震惊。
1. What is the main idea of the text?
A. A scientist posted a video online. B. A new technology has been discovered. C. A gene-editing experiment caused great shock. D. The reputation of Chinese biomedical research is
(八) 最新款太阳能智能垃圾桶投入试用。本文介绍 了智能垃圾桶的特点以及当地官员对试用情况的评 价和看法。
1. What is unique to the Smart Dustbins?
A. They can make litter smaller in size. B. They have a removable lid on the top. C. They can have litter emptied successfully. D. They are ten times larger than the traditional
3. Why has the experiment never been done before?
A. It is too risky. B. It is of little use. C. It is too expensive. D. It takes a lot of time.
A 细节理解题。由第四段第三句“The technology is not mature yet and could lead to a number of unknown diseases later in life.”可知, 此项技术尚不成熟,并且可能导致不明疾病,因 此风险很大,故选A项。
C 词义猜测题。画线词所在句句意为:在繁忙的购 物区,堆满垃圾的垃圾箱可能是一个主要的。选项 A“一幢高楼”;选项B“痛苦的疾病”;选项C“令人 不快的物品”;选项D“重要的项目”。根据常识, 堆满垃圾的垃圾箱应该是令人不快的物品,故选C项。
3. What is Hyland’s attitude towards Smart Dustbins trial?
1. A 细节理解题。由第二段第一句 “These
dustbins crush the litter thrown in them,
which means they have a holding capacity
of up to 10 times that of a traditional street dustbin.”可知,这些垃圾箱能把扔进去的垃 圾压碎,这意味着垃圾箱的容量是传统街道 垃圾箱的10倍。换言之,这些垃圾箱能使垃 圾变小,故选A项。
_e_x_p_e_r_i_e_n_c_e__ vt.经历 _o_c_c_u__r_ vi.出现;发生 _f_ig_u__re__ n.数字 _a_g_e_n_c__y_ n.机构 _in__c_r_e_a_s_e__ vt.增加 _d_i_s_a_s_t_e_r_ n.灾难
_n_e_g__a_ti_v_e__ adj.消极的;负面的 _in__d_ic__a_te___ vt.表明;显示 _a_d_d__ vt.补充说 _e_n_d_a__n_g_e_r_ vt.让……处于危险中 _d_e_c_l_in__e__ v.下降 _j_o_u_r_n_a_l_is_t_ n.新闻记者