

霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne(英国文学版)

霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne(英国文学版)

The Scarlet Letter is usually regarded as the first symbolic novel to be written in the United States.
The end ^_^
Themes : Evil & Sin
2) Black vision
Байду номын сангаас
exists in the human heart possesses some evil secret
Everyone Everyone Evil Sin
seems to cover up his innerost evil
Education: Friends:
a secluded life
Bowdoin College (1821-1825)
H. W. Longfellow & Franklin Pierce
1692,Trial of an accused witch in Salem
The Marble Faun ,1860《大理石雕像》
Famous short stories:
Young Goodman Brown(1835) 《小伙子布朗》
The Minister’s Black Veil (1836)《教长的黑纱》
Dr.Heidegger's Experiment(1837)《海德格尔医生的实验》 Rappaccini’s Daughter (1844)《拉帕奇尼的女儿》
Literary style
Setting Themes Feature Technique


H---- Hester Prynne 海斯特白兰 C---- Roger Chillingworth罗杰奇 林渥斯 D----Dimmesdale 代尔
Heroine H married to C, who was old and ugly and devoted his whole life to studying. There was no love between the couple. But H and minister D loved each other. And H gave birth to a daughter called Pearl. According to Puritanism, they committed adultery. H was punished in public and had to wear the scarlet letter----A standing for adultery in her life as a lifelong sign of her sin. But she had a strong will and refused to say who the child’s father was. H’s long separated husband C came back from Britain and discovered her relationship with minister D. Also he knew what had happened with the scaffold, so he decided to find the child’s father to revenge. He disguised as a doctor. D suffered from his beliefs and conscience in long time and became thin and pallid. People asked D and C to live together to treat his illness. Living together provided the opportunity for C to revenge. So C tormented the poor minister unceasingly in vicious and clever method. At last, D can’t endure C’s humiliation and inner torment any longer, he committed his sin in public and died in H’s arms. H sustains all humiliation and proved to be a strong---minded and capable woman. As she is ready to offer help and advice to other women in trouble, she was loved and respected by people in the town. She continued her life of penance and became a model of endurance, goodness, courage, and victory over sin.

美国文学 霍桑介绍Nathaniel Hawthorne

美国文学 霍桑介绍Nathaniel Hawthorne
• Evil exists in the human heart • Everyone possesses some evil secret • Everyone seems to cover up his innermost evil • Evil seems to be man’s birthmark • Sin will eventually get punished • Evil educates • Overweening intellect—source of evil
Major works
• 1837-1842: Twice-Told Tales 《故事重述》 • 1846: Mosses from an Old Manse 《古宅青苔》 • 1850: The Scarlet Letter《红字》 • 1851: The House of the Seven Gables 《带七个尖角阁的房子》 • 1852: The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》
Early life influences on Hawthorne
• Salem - early childhood, later work at the Custom House. • Puritan family background - one of his forefathers was Judge Hathorne, who presided over the Salem witchcraft trials, 1692. • Belief in the existence of the devil. • Belief in determinism宿命论.
5. Allegory(寓言)
◇ Hawthorne often achieved allegory by placing characters in a situation outside of the ordinary. eg. Young Goodman Brown《小伙子布朗》



霍桑通常在独处的环境中创作, 他的写作桌上摆满了他的神秘 玩偶和旧照片。
霍桑的书写风格极富想象力, 他的文字充满了独特的魅力和 意象。
霍桑善于运用象征主义的手法, 通过象征物和隐喻给作品注入 了深意。
《红字》中艾丽西亚的遭遇和挣扎展现了罪 与赎的主题。
霍桑通过作品反思了人们的道德选择和内心 的良知。
《七间小屋》中的人物们经历了自由和束缚 的斗争,展示了社会和个体的内在冲突。
霍桑的作品中充满了黑暗和光明之间的对抗 和纠结。
霍桑的家族背景以及家人对他 的影响是他创作的重要因素。
霍桑的早年经历和人际关系塑 造了他的个性和写作风格。
霍桑的作品中的主题和技巧 与后现代主义文学的思想紧 密相关。
社会隐喻与当代问 题
霍桑通过作品中的社会隐喻 和问题触及了当代社会和人 们的内心世界。
霍桑在文学创作中的创新和 实验影响了现代作家的写作 风格和思考方式。



The Symbolic Meaning of the Four Characters’ Name
Hester: Hestier, Hastier, women’s name-Star Arthur Dimmesdale: →AD →Adultery; Dim+Stale=bad luck Roger Chillingworth: cool / chilly; Roger ≈rogue(无赖);
•He rejected the Transcendentalists’ transparent optimism about the potentialities of human nature. •Sin and evil can be passed from generation to generation, evil educated. •He had a negative attitude toward science.
The Plot
Seven years later, pearls grew into a beautiful girl, and Hester again won the respect of others. Chillingworth also found that adulterer, the minister, Dimmesdale who was constantly subjected to mental torture.
•Cruel •Devious
The Maker of the Scarlet Letter
The main characters discussion
•Beautiful •Pure



Hawthorne 霍桑Hawthorne was born on the fourth of July, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts.霍桑1804年7月4日出生于马萨诸塞州塞勒姆镇。

Some of his ancestors were men of prominence in the Puritan theocracy of seventeenth-century New England.他的先辈在17世纪新英格兰清教徒神权政治时期很有名。

One of them was colonial magistrate, notorious for his part in the persecution of the Quakers, and another was a judge at the Salem Witchcraft Trail in 1692.先辈中有一个是殖民地的地方执法官,曾因迫害贵格会教徒而声名狼藉;另一个是1692年塞勒姆驱巫案的法官。

Gradually the family fortune declined.渐渐地,他的家族开始衰落了。

His father, a sea captain, died in Dutch Guiana, leaving the widow and the child behind to shift for themselves.他的父亲,是船长,死于荷兰的圭亚那,留下了孀居的妻子和年幼的孩子只能自食其力。

In 1821 Hawthorne went to Bowdoin College, where he had Henry wadsworth Longfellow as a classmate.1821年,霍桑在缅因州的博多因学院学习,和亨利•沃兹沃斯•朗费罗是同学。

He also developed a friendship with Franklin Pierce, who was to become the fourteenth president of the United States.此外,他和日后成为美国第十四任总统的富兰克林•皮尔斯也成为了朋友。



小说以17世纪美国马萨诸塞州为背景,通过讲述一个家族的命运变迁,揭示了清教徒 道德观念对个体和社会的影响。小说中通过对家族阁楼的描绘,暗示了家族历史与罪恶
1836年,霍桑与索菲亚·皮博迪结婚,这段婚姻对他的生活 和创作产生了深远的影响。索菲亚的宗教信仰和情感状态 对霍桑的作品产生了影响,他的许多作品都探讨了爱、恶 、罪和赎罪的主题。
霍桑和索菲亚育有三个孩子,但其中一个孩子在出生后不 久就夭折了。这个经历对霍桑的创作产生了影响,他的许 多作品都探讨了死亡和永生的主题。
霍桑的早期作品主要体现了一种清新的浪漫主义风格,主题多围绕自然、爱情和 超自然力量。这些作品反映了作者对超自然元素的浓厚兴趣,以及对道德和罪恶 的深入思考。
中期作品标志着霍桑风格的转变,他开始更深入地探索人物心理和道德问题。这些作品通过对角色内心世界的细腻描绘,反 映了作者对人性深层次的理解和道德观念的探讨。
除了心理分析外,霍桑的作品还充满了对社 会现实的批判。他通过对社会现象的敏锐观 察和深刻剖析,揭示了社会不公、道德沦丧 等问题,呼吁人们关注现实、反思自我。这 种社会批判意识在当时的社会背景下具有重
小说通过女主角海丝特佩戴红字“A”的隐 秘故事,展示了清教徒社会道德观下的罪恶 、虚伪和压迫。海丝特因与教会长牧师的私 情,被迫在胸前佩戴红字作为罪行的标记。 然而,她勇敢地面对困境,最终找到了内心 的救赎。



霍桑的英文简介Nathaniel Hawthorne From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:navigation, search Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne in the 1860sBornJuly 4, 1804(1804-07-04) Salem, Massachusetts, United StatesDiedMay 19, 1864 (aged 59) Plymouth, New Hampshire, United StatesOccupationNovelist, Short story writer, Custom House worker, United States ConsulLiterary movementDark RomanticismNathaniel Hawthorne (born Nathaniel Hathorne; July 4, 1804 – May 19, 1864) was an American novelist and short story writer.Nathaniel Hathorne was born in 1804 in the city of Salem, Massachusetts to Nathaniel Hathorne and Elizabeth Clarke Manning Hathorne. He later changed his name to "Hawthorne", adding a "w" to dissociate from relatives including John Hathorne, a judge during the Salem Witch Trials. Hawthorne attended Bowdoin College, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in 1824,[1] and graduated in 1825; his classmates included future president Franklin Pierce and future poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Hawthorne anonymously published his first work, a novel titled Fanshawe, in 1828. He published several short stories in various periodicals which he collected in 1837 as Twice-Told Tales. The next year, he became engaged to Sophia Peabody. He worked at a Custom House and joined Brook Farm, a transcendentalist community, before marrying Peabody in 1842. The couple moved to The Old Manse in Concord, Massachusetts, later moving to Salem, the Berkshires, then to The Wayside in Concord. The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850, followed by a succession of other novels. A political appointment took Hawthorne and family to Europe before their return to The Wayside in 1860. Hawthorne died on May 19, 1864, leaving behind his wife and their three children.Much of Hawthorne's writing centers around New England, many works featuring moral allegories with a Puritan inspiration. His fiction works are considered part of the Romantic movement and, more specifically, dark romanticism. His themes often center on the inherent evil and sin of humanity, and his works often have moral messages and deep psychological complexity. His published works include novels, short stories, and a biography of his friend Franklin Pierce.。






中文名: 纳撒尼尔·霍桑 外文名: Nathaniel·Hawthorne国籍: 美国出生日期: 1804年7月4日逝世日期: 1864年5月19日职业: 学者、小说家主要成就: 浪漫主义作家 代表作品: 长篇小说《红字》;《带有七个尖角楼的房子》目录[隐藏] 人物简介 人物生平 职业生涯 成就及荣誉 经典语录 主要作品相关影视 小说人物 人物简介 人物生平职业生涯成就及荣誉 经典语录主要作品相关影视 小说人物地名[编辑本段]人物简介纳撒尼尔·霍桑生平简介介绍:纳撒尼尔·霍桑,(Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804~1864)美国小说家,是美国19世纪影响最大的浪漫主义小说家和心理小说家。


他的祖辈之中有人曾参与清教徒迫害异端的事件,为著名的1692年“塞勒姆驱巫案”的3 名法官之一。








18 48年由于政见与当局不同,失去海关的职务,便致力于创作活动,写出了他最重要的长篇小说《红字》(1850)。



霍桑英文简介纳撒尼尔霍桑简介Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864), the pioneer of American psychoanalytic novels, is also the firstwriter in the history of American literature to write short stories, known as the 19th century American greatest romantic novelist.Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts, childhood father died, with widowed mother lived inthe town of Salems grandfather, his childhood self-esteem, suspicious, childhood misfortune and life atmosphere to make him a heart Kind of painful loneliness, he was not interested in social reform,the rapid development of capitalist economy can not understand. The grandfather believed in Christian Puritanism and Hawthorne was influenced by Puritanism.In 1825, Hawthorne graduated from the Universityof Borden University, returned to Salem, created and published dozens of stories and short stories. In 1839,Hawthorne worked at the Boston Customs for more than two years, then entered the Brook Farm, touching transcendentalism, and met the representative of transcendentalism thought Emerson and Thoreau and others.Since then, Hawthorne went to Salem Customs office, Salem customs life for his creation of Scarlet Letter has a direct impact, The Scarlet Letter published his solid position in the American literary world, butalso to the future with a huge influences.Hawthorne was evaluated as a bystander of life,and this attitude of life determines his interest and insight in his inner and psychological activities. He was deeply influenced by the original sin thought, and the original sin was passed on from generation to generation, and the people were guided by good deedsto purify the evil and purify the mind.His masterpieces include the novel The Scarlet Letter, Hexagon Building, short story collectionrepeat the story again, ancient moss, snow shadow and so on. The Scarlet Letter has become the worldsliterary classics, Henry James, Ellen Poe, Herman Melville and other literary masters are deeply affected.纳撒尼尔霍桑人物经历HeresyThe direct influence on Hawthornes creativethinking is his understanding of family history and religion. Hawthornes ancestors from the England region of the family, generations are devout Calvin believers. The two generations of ancestors were the dignitaries of the Massachusetts political and religious unity. One is the first speaker of the Massachusetts Colonial Parliament, named William Hassan, notorious for participating in the persecution of the Whigs. The other is his uncle, named John Hassan, served as alocal judge. In 1692, in the town of Salem, Massachusetts took place in the history of the famous deceit. At that time the town of Salem popular with a similar epilepsy infectious diseases, it was falsely accused of this Department of witch trouble. In some Western countries there is a traditional idea that thewitch is the companion of the devil Satan, who have received a supernatural power from Satan, who specializes in the spread of diseases and the killing of babies and so on. The town of Salem is the place where the Calvinist forces are strong, and the Calvin sects have struggled with the Whigs to compete for religious power in order to eliminate the heresy. The case involved a wide range, more than 200 people were arrested, 150 people were imprisoned, more than 10 people were hanged, in fact, this is a religious persecution, many of the victims were innocent residents. Hawthornes uncle, John, acted as a judge in the event and was known for his religious fanaticalness and cruelty.Hawthornes understanding of the history of the whole family, especially his study of the ancestors of the 17th century from England to the North American colonial continent and later fortune research and research made him a more comprehensive understanding of the familys development history and Social status of the New England region in the 19th century. At thattime the society was at the beginning of the rapid development of the capitalist economy, and the social structure had undergone major changes and adjustments. In his view, the progress of technology and the use of the machine not only can not improve the moral character of society, but people into a deeper sin whirlpool, a evil wizard. For which he was in front of what happened to be more do not understand. He had come into contact with transcendentalism and had participated in the brooks of the transgressors, but he looked at the activities of Emerson and others with indifference, and even opposed it. Hawthorne was not interested in any social reform program, and even cautious about the major problems of American society at that time. His conservative attitude and the lack of understanding of society are reflected in his deep-rooted Puritan religious consciousness. The intense religious factional struggle in the society and the moral values involved in this struggle had had a significant impact on Hawthornes work. And in many of his works, Hawthorne directly or indirectly attackedthe Galvin religion against the religious fanaticism and the destruction of human religious precepts. Butin the depths of his thought still with a strong religious concept of good and evil to see the world,he can not understand, due to the development of capitalism caused by the new social contradictions united into an abstract evil.In his view, all social problems, thecontradictions between people, the phenomenon of crime and so on are not the root of social material life,but because of the worlds inherent evil caused. Thisis the influence of the idea of original sin and the inner fall in the doctrine of Calvinism on Hawthornes thought. According to Hawthornes point of view, if you want to solve all social problems need to start from the evil, must be from the internal mining. Therefore, in his view, all abstract, mysterious evil are theroot cause of social problems.Family influenceIn Hawthornes family, two ancestors are important administrative officials in the Massachusetts colonies.Nathaniel Hawthornes first generation of ancestors William Hawthorne came from England in 1963 to Massachusetts, in this early colony, William Hawthorne is a prominent figure.Hawthorne disagreed with the behavior of his ancestors, the atrocities committed by his ancestors, was so ashamed of Hawthornes understanding of religion than the average person, and he hated his ancestral practice. The second generation of ancestors John Hawthorne was involved in the trial of the 1692 statement of the messy Salem deceit, which is one of the three judges, Hawthorne that the behavior of ancestors is a sin, a shame , This event to the young Hawthorne left a deep scars, Hawthorne on his ancestral behavior felt deep self-blame, this remorse so that he in his last name Hawthorne added a w To become FHawthorne to show that he is different from the sinful ancestors.Humanistic influence1825 - 1837, spent 12 years in his hometown had a significant impact on Hawthorne becoming a writer. Inhis hometown, Hawthorne was keen to explore thehistory of his hometown. He had read every book in the local library, and he was familiar with the ancient history of the town of Salem, especially the witchcraft. He studied the historical literature about England and engaged in novel creation. Most of his works are based on the brutal religious domination of the colonial period as the background, describing the peoples spiritual world, ideological contradictions and religious oppression under the tragic experience.Hawthorne saw the religious fanaticism and religious doctrine to bring the impact of people, he saw the religious destruction of human nature. In this area of Massachusetts, religion is very closely linked to peoples lives, and religion permeates all aspects of life, and religion is even equivalent to law, with supreme authority and effect, but on the other hand, the harsh rule of Puritanism and fanatical Religious worship is to some extent a cruel trampling of human dignity.Salem is a place where the Calvin Puritan atmosphere is very strong, because here is relatively backward, science is not developed, so the local peoples ignorance, this place has a lot of magical folklore and fairy tales, while people advocate Hypnosis, witchcraft activities spread here, the introduction of Calvin Puritanism in North America had a great impact on Hawthorne, it greatly affected the way Hawthorne recognized the world.Hawthornes era of life Although the Puritan thought is no longer the leading force of New England, but Puritanism on the American life and ideological influence is far-reaching, Hawthornes character and Puritanism thought milk blend, puritanism thought His way of thinking and the attitude of the problem, inevitably make Hawthorne from the perspective of Puritanism to observe people and the world, Hawthorne has a deep thinking and understanding of Puritanism, he was some active in Puritan Of the factors are positive attitude, such as the early American Puritans who have the pioneering spirit, perseverance of thespirit, which is in the body of Hester Prynne is reflected. But on the other hand, the asceticism in Puritanism and the oppression of Puritanism against humanity are what the authors do not agree with and criticize. From the historical understanding of the United States, Hawthorne can profoundly grasp the Puritanisms history of the United States , But therule and norms of Yan Xun can in some way make people lose their original nature, and Hawthorne is well versed in the influence of Puritanism on people, and The Puritanism has a clear understanding and thinking, although the Puritan rule is no longer strict, but some eternal topics such as the relationship between man and God and the relationship between man and religion, human nature in the good and evil andpeoples morality Criteria are the subject of concern and concern.Hawthornes life is the American Renaissance, the19th century European romantic thoughts across the sea, came to North America this land, coupled with theNorth American colonial puritanism thought strong,romantic and local clear The combination ofdoctrinalism creates a transcendentalist philosophythat has had a significant impact on the later US. Transcendentalism is an important ideological movement in the United States. The period of Americanliterature in the transcendentalism is called the American Renaissance. Transcendentalism is an ideological and cultural liberation movement with religious colors. Literature and culture have had a significant impact, with profound philosophicalthinking as the background, emphasizing the supreme spirit of the spirit and the absolute perception ofthe traditional religion to refute, the representative of Ralph Waldo Emerson (Ralph FWaldo FEmerson), Henry Davav Thoreau.Before and after 1841, the wave of transcendentalism swept through Boston and its neighboring areas, and Hawthorne was influenced by transcendentalism. Transcendentalism believed that there was an ideal transcendentalist entity in the universe, Experience, people can be intuition to grasp,people can understand the truth through intuition, within a certain range of people is God, they are a new round of religious reflection and criticism, they abandon the Calvin sect God as the center Point of view, against rationality, advocating intuition, to promote the humanistic spirit, advocate individual liberation, emphasizing the value of individuals, this trend on the society at that time had a great impact, especially for Europes dominant theological ideas, transcendentalism The liberation of American ideology and culture, but also affected the American literature, an indispensable part of American literature.Although Hawthorne is not transcendentalist fanatical followers, but his relationship with Emerson and Thoreau are very close, in their daily lives,their contacts are pleasant.Creation periodIn 1837, Hawthornes first short story collection repeat the story again to bring him some fame.After 1845, Hawthorne entered the creation of the mature period, in 1846 launched the second short storyancient house moss, but the book only to bring him a modest income. Hawthorne once again seek the help of political friends, get a government office, any Salem customs inspector, served for three years to give up the work. In 1848 the presidential general, different political parties came to power, then replaced a large number of government officials, Hawthorne is also one of them. He experienced a heart and body suffering,and finally calm down, began to create his most famous novel Scarlet Letter.In 1850, the Scarlet Letter made him famous. The Scarlet Letter is the first symbolist novel in the history of American literature. Since the novelfocuses on Hawthornes creative personality and experience, he was immediately criticized by thecritics as the greatest writer born in this century. Scarlet income so that he out of poverty, Hawthornebid farewell to his hometown, his family moved to Massachusetts, West Burke County Lennox. In the Lennox, Hawthornes creation began to peak, masterpiece gush.1851 completed the seven sharp angle of the house is the description of the family history of the decline of the novel. In 1851 also published a short story collection Snow Shadow.In 1852, for the classmate Franklin Pierce campaign president, launched biography: Franklin Pierce Biography, the works received by Pierce appreciation. Franklin Pierce was elected president, appointed Hawthorne as US Consul General in Liverpool, England.1853 published fairy tale chaotic grove story, the two fairy tale has become the classic American childrens literature.Hawthorne during his tenure (1853-1857), he fully understood the British customs, the road impression into the British notes (Hawthorne after the death of the notes published by his wife), and essays our home (Published in 1863). In 1858, he traveled to France and Italy, written as French and Italian notes, the novel jade statue (published in 1860). Jade statue toItaly as the background, is Hawthorne created the last complete novel.。

霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne 个人简介

霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne 个人简介

The Minister’s Black Veil
分析胡珀教长带黑面纱的原因: 1. 始终是个迷,也许像故事暗示的那样,他曾经犯下某 种罪孽,为给自己赎罪而带上黑面纱。 2. 为芸芸教众们赎罪。世间所有的人都带有与生俱来 的罪孽,而且每个人都设法隐藏它,因此是不可饶恕 的。 3. 他的清教主义的罪恶观使他的双眼蒙上一层黑纱。 4. 以一种似乎自相矛盾的方式抗议人们缺乏坦率、存 有隔膜、缺乏同情心及友爱之心。
Masterpiece The Scarlet Letter
1850 《红字》 Novel The House of the Seven Gables 1851 《带有七个尖角阁的房子》 Novel The Blithedale Romance 1852 《福谷传奇》
Children’s book True Stories from History and Biography 1851 《真实的历史和人物传奇故事》 Wonder Book for Girls and Boys 1851 《奇异的书》 Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys 1853《丛林传说》 Collection of short stories The Snow-Image, and Other Twice-Told Tales 《雪影和其它重讲一遍故事》 1852 Novel The Marble Faun 1860《玉石雕像》 Novel Our Old Home 1863《我们的老家》
He was hired in 1839 as a weigher and gauger at the Boston
Custom House. He joined the transcendentalist utopian community at Brook Farm in 1841. While on a tour of the White Mountains, Hawthorne died in his sleep on May 19, 1864, in Plymouth, New Hampshire.



霍桑生平大事转自理想藏书-作家与作品-美国相关霍桑生平大事--------------------------------------------------------------------------------纳撒尼尔·霍桑(NathanieI Hawthorne,1804-1864)霍桑,(Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804~1864)美国小说家。




























其中《教长的黑纱》(The Minister's Black Veil,1836一篇最为人称道。



两人到马萨诸塞州的康科德村老牧师住宅居住三年,期间霍桑完成短篇小说集《古宅青苔》(又译《古屋青苔》[Mosses from an Old Manse,1846]) 。

其中的短篇小说《小伙子布朗》(Young Goodman Brown,1835)、《拉伯西尼医生的女儿》(Rappaccini's Daughter,1844)很受欢迎。






Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔 霍桑

Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔 霍桑

故事发生在两百多年 前的波士顿。 海丝特·白兰因犯了通 奸罪受到加尔文教派权力 机构的惩罚, 胸 前佩戴 着标志通奸的红色“A” 字站在古老的枷刑台上示 众。她的手中抱着这个罪 孽的证据:一个出生仅数 月的婴儿。在人们无情的 注视下,她拒绝了年轻牧 师阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔提出 的忏悔并供出同犯的要求。 受过惩罚后,海丝特在 城外 远离人群的一间小 茅屋里住了下来。她以作 针线活维生,并细心地照 料着她的女儿——珠儿。 这时,海斯特的丈夫来到 了美国。他满怀仇恨地改 名为罗杰·奇林沃思,以 医生的身份暗中察访与海 丝特通奸的同犯。
很快七年过去了。珠儿已 成长为一个美丽可爱的小 姑娘。而海丝特因为不断 热心接济和帮助别人,最 终赢得了人们的尊敬,使 胸前那本来代表耻辱的红 字变成了美好善良德行的 象征。 而经过多年的窥探, 罗杰也认定了“道德伟大” 的丁梅斯代尔牧师就是那 个隐藏的同犯。于是他千 方百计地接近牧师, 旁敲 侧击,冷嘲热讽,不停地 在精神上对牧师进行折磨。 海丝特为了使丁梅斯尔 逃离丈夫的阴影,决心带 着女 儿和他一起逃走,但 却被罗杰发现,计划失败 了。而对罗杰的恐惧和自 己隐瞒罪责的煎熬使丁梅 斯代尔的健康每况愈下。 终于在离开尘世前夕,在 全体教众的面前,他挽着 海丝特和他们的女儿珠儿 登上了枷刑台,用以生命 为代价的深切忏悔换取了 道德上的新生。
Themes of his writing
1、Explore the relationship between the past and the present. 2、Explore the hidden motivations of his characters. 3、 Examine the effect of hidden sin and secret guilt. 4、 Moral or immoral,right or wrong is the question Hawthorne always talks about in his works.



















一方面,他肯定人的正当情感要求,对加尔文教窒息人性的偏狭教义深为不满;另一方面,他接受了加尔文教的' 原罪' 观念,致力于从抽象善恶冲突的角度解释人性和人类社会,热衷于挖掘隐匿于表面现象背后的神秘意义。





纳撒尼尔·霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne
American novelist and short story writer.







∙The Scarlet Letter (1850)《红字》
∙The House of the Seven Gables (1851)《带有七个尖角阁的房子》
∙The Blithedale Romance (1852)《福谷传奇》
∙The Marble Faun/The Romance of Monte Beni (1860)《玉石人像》
Short story collections短篇小说集
∙Twice-Told Tales (1837)《重讲一遍的故事》
∙Mosses from an Old Manse (1846)《古宅青苔》
Selected short stories短篇小说精选。


second, Grandfather's Chair ; Famous Old People; the Liberty Tree
third, he invested his savings at Brook Farm
• Mosses form an old manse(second collection of short stories)
• The Token 1830
• Seven tales of my native land burnt
• twice-told tales(first collection of short
little money
• Hawthorne did three thing: first, as a surveyor
Glover was hanged
In 1692 January 20
Abigail Williams(11) Elizabeth Parris (9)
Strange behavior
Other girls in Salem
Mid-February, 1692:
Doctor Griggs, who attended to the “afflicted” girls, suggested that witchcraft was the cause of their strange behavior.
B. Hawthorne used symbols and setting to reveal the psychology of characters.
( take symbols for example: A symbol is, like a metaphor, something that stands for, or represents, something else: an object, a person, even an idea. The Scarlet Letter is rich with symbols; in fact, it is largely regarded as the first symbolic novel in America.)
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H---- Hester Prynne 海斯特白兰 C---- Roger Chillingworth罗杰奇 林渥斯 D----Dimmesdale 代尔
Heroine H married to C, who was old and ugly and devoted his whole life to studying. There was no love between the couple. But H and minister D loved each other. And H gave birth to a daughter called Pearl. According to Puritanism, they committed adultery. H was punished in public and had to wear the scarlet letter----A standing for adultery in her life as a lifelong sign of her sin. But she had a strong will and refused to say who the child’s father was. H’s long separated husband C came back from Britain and discovered her relationship with minister D. Also he knew what had happened with the scaffold, so he decided to find the child’s father to revenge. He disguised as a doctor. D suffered from his beliefs and conscience in long time and became thin and pallid. People asked D and C to live together to treat his illness. Living together provided the opportunity for C to revenge. So C tormented the poor minister unceasingly in vicious and clever method. At last, D can’t endure C’s humiliation and inner torment any longer, he committed his sin in public and died in H’s arms. H sustains all humiliation and proved to be a strong---minded and capable woman. As she is ready to offer help and advice to other women in trouble, she was loved and respected by people in the town. She continued her life of penance and became a model of endurance, goodness, courage, and victory over sin.
• The scarlet letter(most famous novel)
First American romancer
• Hawthorne was imbued with an inquiring imagination, an intensely meditative, and an unceasing interest in the ambiguity of man’s being.
Salem Witchcraft Trial in 1692
The map of Salem (塞勒姆):
Salem was settled in 1629,Massachusetts
In 1688
Goody Glover : a laundress Martha Goodwin: Biblioteka 13-year-old girl
Nathaniel Hawthorne
• Hawthorne studied at Bowdoin college in Maine(1821~1825)
• • Pot Longfellow and Franklin pierce
Literary Career
• Fanshawe failure
C. He wrote stories with narrative interest, case in transition, coherence, and complexity.
D. His style is soft, flowing, and almost feminine.
(his touch is light, but his observation is somber)
2.The Magistrate issues a warrant for the arrest of the accused person.
3. The accused person is taken into custody and examined by two or more Magistrates. If, after listening to testimony, the Magistrate believes that the accused person is probably guilty, the accused is sent to jail for possible reexamination and to await trial.
Glover was hanged
In 1692 January 20
Abigail Williams(11) Elizabeth Parris (9)
Strange behavior
Other girls in Salem
Mid-February, 1692:
Doctor Griggs, who attended to the “afflicted” girls, suggested that witchcraft was the cause of their strange behavior.
The heroine---Hester Prynne from her horrendous trials, she gains strength, courage, and her lost love. She's the embodiment of deep contradictions: bad and beautiful, holy and sinful, conventional and radical. She’s also a mirror, revealing the rue feelings of the reader about the role of women in society. All the contradictions of Hester —— make her an enduring heroine of American literature. She is flawed, complex, and above all fertile.
Hawthorne is significant for his style
A. Hawthorne wrote romance because he thought B. it the predestined form of American narrative.
C. (he presented material on the alienation between fact and fancy. D. He wanted to reveal reality and satirize it but not to offend the E. puritan conventions.)
E. He used ambiguity to keep the reader in a word of uncertainty.
( Hawthorne renders this beautiful passage to remind the reader, seemingly at every turn, that meaning, or truth, will be profoundly difficult to uncover)
• The Token 1830
• Seven tales of my native land burnt
• twice-told tales(first collection of short
little money
• Hawthorne did three thing: first, as a surveyor
Three aspects
• Showed great concern about the American past
• His themes:
Brief introduction of The Scarlet Letter
a love tragedy taking place in North American colonial period.
Strange behavior
brother and two sisters
Goody Glover
was arrested and accused of bewitching the children.