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Scene recognition for minerescue robot

localization based on vision

Abstract:Anewscenerecognition system waspresented base donfuzzy logicand hidden Markov model(HMM) that canb eapplied in minerescue robot localization during emergenc ies. Thesystem uses monocular camera to acquire omni-directional images ofthe mine environment where the robot locates. By adoptingcenter-surround differencemethod, the salient localimage regions are extracted from the images as natural landmarks.These landmarks are organized by using HMM to representthe scene where the robot is,and fuzzylogicstrategyis used to match the scene andlandmark.By this way, the localizationproblem,which is the scenerecognition problem in t hesystem,can be converted into the evaluationproblemof HMM. The contributionsofthese skills make the system havetheabilitytodeal with changes inscale, 2D rotation and viewpoint. The results ofexperimentsalsoprove that the system hashigher ratio of recognition and localizationin bothstaticanddynamicmine environments.

Keywords: robotlocation;scene recognition;salientimage; matching strategy;fuzzy logic; hidden Markov model

1 Introduction

Search and rescuein disasterarea inthe domain ofrobot i s a burgeoning and challenging subject[1]. Minerescue robotwas developed toenter minesduring emergencies to locate possibleescape routes for those trapped inside and determine whetheritissafefor humanto enterornot. Localization is a fundamental problem in this field.Localization methodsbased on camera canbe mainly classified intogeometr ic, topological or hybrid ones[2].With its feasibility andeffectiv eness, scene recognition becomes oneof the important technologies of topological localization.

Currentlymost scene recognition methods are basedongloba limage features andhave twodistinct stages:trainingoff line and matchingonline.

During the training stage,robotcollectstheimages of theenvironmentwhere itworks and processes the images to extrac tglobalfeaturesthat represent the scene. Someapproacheswere used to analyze thedata-set of image directly and some primary features were found, suchas the PCA method [3]. However,thePCA methodisnot effective in distin guishing the classes of features.Anothertypeofapproach usesappearancefeatures including color, texture andedge density torepresent the image.For example, ZHOUe tal[4]used multidimensional histograms to describeglobal appearance features. This method issimple butsensitiveto scaleand illumination changes.Infact, allkindsofglobal image features are sufferedfrom the change of environment.
