实用商务英语口语教程Programme 12 Delivery and Shipment
外经贸实用英语口语(第二版)Lesson 12 packing

2) Do you mind if I give you a little suggestion? No, not at all. 3) Do you mind my smoking here? Sorry but you'd better not. 4) Now you try: a. 您能不能把那个烟灰缸递给我?当然可以。 b. 我可以把窗子打开吗?请不要。 c. 我可以问您几个问题吗?好的。 d. 我可以把这件样品带走吗?请不要。
packaging 包装的方法、方式 用法等同于packing
package 包件、包装物; (包装所用)的具体材料
Upon examination, it was found that 10% of the packages were broken. 经检验发现,10%的包件破损。
a. What if you can't book shipping space? b. What if the package is damaged in transit? c. What if our clients don't accept your prices? d What if our products have quality problem?
2. I've been working on my computer and I've come up with these high-tech gird designs that go well with a bold yellow font like this. 我一直在电脑上工作,并已设计出这些高 科技的格子图案,与这种加粗的黄字体很
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 12 Delivery and Shipment[精]
![实用商务英语口语教程Programme 12 Delivery and Shipment[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4627e81aa26925c52cc5bffa.png)
Brief Introduction
Transport is one of the most important parts in international business. Goods are carried by several means of conveyance—on road or rail, by sea or air. Basically, 98% of world trade is conveyed by sea transport. Nowadays, a new type of carriage appears, called container transport (goods are transported by container ships.)
1.Terms Match
(1) immediate delivery (2) punctual delivery (3) prompt shipment (4) timely shipment (5) express shipment (6) delayed delivery (7) sea (ocean) transport (8) rail transport (9) container transport (10) air transport
(6) I hope you can give our request your special consideration. (give…special consideration)
(7) We usually ship the goods by regular shipping liner. (shipping liner)
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 11 Commodity Inspection

Situation I
Lisa, associate president of ABC Company is consulting the surveyor of China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau about the inspection declaration.
1.Terms Match
(1) quality inspection (2) random inspection (3) sampling inspection (4) exterior inspection (5) field (spot) inspection (6) export inspection (7) technical inspection (8) packing inspection (9) loading inspection (10) material inspection
(2) release
(3) sanitary
(4) engage a surveyor
(5) comply with (6) apply for
(7) inspection
(8) customs declarer
(9) application form (10) frontier trade
(1) You must make it clear whether you export from our port or from the shipping place.
John, the manager of an Australian company, would like to do business with a Chinese company for the first time. So, he decides to come to China in person to discuss the inspection right.
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 13 Complaints and Claims

★1. Tongue Twisters
(1) He threw three free throws. (2) New cheese, blue cheese, chew cheese please. (3) A clan of cool crows clings close in cold climates. (4) Blue glue gun, green glue gun. (5)A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more!
Do you know how to lodge and settle a claim?
★Preparatຫໍສະໝຸດ ons ★Project Study 1
Dialogue: Lodging a Complaint
Role-play: Role-play the above-
mentioned dialogue in pairs.
★Project Study 2
Dialogue: Accepting the Claim
Role-play : Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pair
★Project Study 3
Declining a Claim
Role-play: Role-play the above-mentioned
dialogue in pairs.
★1. Terms Practice
(1) invoiced cost (3) improper packing (5) crop up (7) complaint (9) attribute to
商务英语口译Unit 4 Time of Delivery

• L: Sorry, I’m afraid we can not guarantee.
• J: I see. I hope you can contact me in good time if you have any problems or changes.
• L: Yes, thank you for your understanding. I’ll call you as soon as the goods are shipped.
Part Three
Unit 4 Time of Delivery
• L: Mr. Wilson, yesterday we have discussed this problem, right? I think we can supply 50,000 at the beginning of next month. However, in accordance with your request to deliver goods on 20th this month, we can only supply 40,000.
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 14 Business Logistics[精]
![实用商务英语口语教程Programme 14 Business Logistics[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7e71e53e844769eae009edd0.png)
(simply speaking)
(9) Besides these, logistics often includes package, warehousing, material handling, inventory, purchasing and so forth. (warehousing, inventory)
To learn to communicate with foreign client on business logistics.
Brief Introduction
The term “logistics” originally came from the moving, lodging and supplying of troops. Today, according to the Council of Logistics Management, logistics is part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverses flow and storage of goods, services and relevant information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.
商务英语听说(第一册)Programme 5 Payment and Delivery

Task 1 Listen to the conversation 1 and fill in the blanks. 1. conclude 2. settled 3. irrevocable 4. raise 5. deposit 6. tie up 7. additional 8. appreciate 9. it can’t be helped 10. reduce the required deposit 11. unsteady 12. guarantee 13. cooperation.
Basic Expressions :
3. In order to conclude the business, I hope you’ll meet me half way. What about 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P? 4. I’d like to discuss the terms of payment with you. I wonder if you would accept D/P.
Basic Expressions :
7. We shall draw on you at 60 days sight the goods have been shipped. Please honor our draft when it falls due. 8. Your request for D/P payment has been considered and we agree to grant you this facility.
Basic Expressions :
全方位商务英语口语(第三版)Unit (12)

Topic: The Influence of American Culture The whole class stand up and move around the classroom. Interview as many students as possible and find out their understandings about the influence of American culture. First ask them whether they agree that the dominance of the United States extend to all aspects of life in China. If they answer “Yes”, go on exploring their opinions and asking them to list the facts of how American culture has affected us; if they answer “No”, ask them to offer some evidence to support.
Unit 12 Globalization or McDonaldization?
Situational Practice
Build up a dialogue with your partner based on the following situation. An American trade corporation has ordered 5,000 garments from your textile company. But you can’t make delivery of the goods as he asked you, because your manufacturers told you that there was a shortage of raw materials. You decided to first deliver 30% at the end of May. The remaining 70% is to be delivered in the next two months. Now negotiate with your American trade partner about the date of delivery, the reasons for the delay and the ways to work it out.
外经贸实用英语口语(第二版)lesson 13 shipment

5. A timely delivery means a lot to us.
及时交货对我们来说很重要。 mean 意为“有意义,有价值”,常和a lot, much, little, a great deal, everything, nothing 等词连用。 This transaction means a great deal to us. 这笔生意对我们来说很重要。 Early delivery means very much to us. 早交货对我们来说很重要。 The high cost of living means nothing to some people. 对某些人来说,高昂的生活费用算不了什么。
山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系
2) inform sb. that (what, when, why, how, where, whether) 从句: He informed the police that some money was missing. 他向警方报案说钱不见了。
4. on-carrier 也叫 second carrier 二程船
a. The last thing we want to do is to refuse the order from our old clients like you.
b. The last thing we want to do is to make troubles to our clients.
山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系
6. optional port 选择港,任意港
calling port 停泊港 port of shipment 装运港 port of destination 目的港 ice-free port 不冻港 free port 自由港 loading port 装运港、装港 unloading port 卸货港、卸港
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 7 Terms of Payment

◆ Programme Study Objectives:
Payment plays a critical role in the business and trade field. It involves the final benefits of buyers and sellers, importers and exporters. In international trade, payment is more complicated, because it can be made by various means, among which Letter of Credit, Remittance and Collection are usually used.
★3. Group Work
(1) What are terms of payment usually used in international business?
(2) When should you choose L/C as payment method?
(3) Which kind of risks a buyer will bear if he chooses to pay by confirmed irrevocable credit?
★Project Study 3
Dialogue: Payment by Letter of Credit
Role-play: Role-play the above-mentioned
dialogue in pairs.
Section IV: Field Prace
How many kinds of payment methods do you know?
剑桥商务英语Unit 12 Marketing and Sales

作者: 阮绩智
责任编辑:张琛 出版日期:2011年12月 IDPN: 308-2011-58 课件章数:12
Learning Objectives
Understand some basic concepts of marketing and sales ; Talk about considerations for entering a market ; Talk about promoting a product; Talk about market research; Talk about advertising; Write sales letters.
The planning and implementation of a strategy for the sale,
distribution, and servicing of a product or service.
Marketing is the process of making customers aware of
9.1.3 Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups.
1) What is the difference between marketing and sales? 2) What is the difference between domestic marketing and international marketing? 3) What are the main considerations for marketing goods internationally? 4) Can you list the various steps or actions that are involved in the marketing process? 5) Can you give any example of successful marketing and try to analyze the key strategies that have led to such a success?

business card
booth personnel
exhibition hall
business suits
folding table
name tag
Байду номын сангаас
apply for participation decorate an exhibit booth know some booth personnel etiquette have a good command of your exhibits check the registration paperwork prepare display boards or banners potential clients evaluate its appearance
c._P_u_r_c_h_a_se__a_d_v_e_rt_is_i_n_g_m__a_te_r_ia_l_s_o_r_c_r_e_at_e_s_a_m__p_le_s_ _of__y_o_u_r_w_o_r_k_f_o_r_p_o_t_e_n_ti_a_l _c_li_e_n_ts_t_o__ta_k_e_w__it_h_t_h_e_m_ _af_t_e_r _v_is_i_ti_n_g_y_o_u_r_b_o_o_t_h_,_li_k_e_p_e_n_s_,_m__ag_n_e_t_s_, _o_r___ _sm__a_ll_c_a_l_e_n_d_ar_s_w__it_h_y_o_u_r__b_u_si_n_e_s_s _in_f_o_r_m_a_t_ion.

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 1 希望与要求Unit 2 产品介绍Unit 3 业务范围介绍Unit 4 承诺Unit 5 询盘Unit 6 报盘Unit 7 还盘Unit 8 对还盘的反应Unit 9 要求优惠Unit 10 给予优惠Unit 11 双方让步Unit 12 订货及确认Unit 13 请求代理并说明代理理由和代理能力Unit 14 对代理请求的回应Unit 15 代理条件和要求Unit 16 合同Unit 17 卖方对支付方式的要求Unit 18 买方的支付方式Unit 19 保险Unit 20 对包装的建议及要求Unit 21 告知客户包装所用材料、方式及其质量保证Unit 22 货运通知Unit 23 货运要求及答复Unit 24 催运货物并告知货物迟到结果Unit 25 仲裁Unit 26 索赔理由及依据Unit 27 索赔内容及金额Unit 28 对索赔要求的回应Unit 29 引进技术的要求Unit 30 技术引进的方式及费用Unit 1希望与要求Part 11. We'd like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis ofquality, mutually benefit and exchange of needed goods .我们希望在保证质量、互惠互利以及交易彼此需要的货物的基础上和你们建立业务关系。
2 .In order to extend our export business to your country we wish to enter direct businessrelations with you.为了扩大我们在贵国的出口业务,我们希望和你们建立直接贸易关系。
3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us .希望在我们之间能够建立互惠互利的贸易关系。
商务英语听说(第一册)Programme 5 Payment and Delivery[精]
![商务英语听说(第一册)Programme 5 Payment and Delivery[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3dbae403f5335a8102d220fe.png)
Project 3 Talking about the delivery
Mr. David Rodgers asked BeiHai Foreign Trade Company to delivery the goods as soon as they receive the L/C.
Programme 5 Payment and Delivery
Leaning Objectives:
Learn how to negotiate with business partners about terms of payment;
Know the way to reject the customer’s unreasonable demand;
In a meeting room , Mr. Rodgers and Ms. He are talking about the terms of payment.
What’s the result of the talk?
Task 1 Listen to the conversation 1 and fill in the blanks. 1. conclude 2. settled 3. irrevocable 4. raise 5. deposit 6. tie up 7. additional 8. appreciate 9. it can’t be helped 10. reduce the required deposit 11. unsteady 12. guarantee 13. cooperation.
Task 3 Listen to the conversation again and decide whether the statements are true or false.
商务英语口语900句:Negotiating delivery

商务英语口语900句:Negotiating deliveryDON BRADLEY: I' d like you to look at those figures:堂.布拉德利:我想请大家看一下这些数字:As you can see, the maximum retail price for the Mark 2 must be 60.正如大家所看到的,马克二世的价格必须是60。
That means, that to keep our margins, our productioncosts must be no more than 14 per unit.这就是说,为了保持我们的利润,我们的生产成本每件一定不能超过14。
DEREK JONES: I' d rather have a retail price of 75.德里克.琼斯:我宁愿零售价是75。
I don' t believe that the Mark 2 can be produced for less than 18 per unit.我认为马克二世的单个生产成本不会低于18。
DON BRADLEY: That retail price is not a realistic option, Derek.堂.布拉德利:这样的零售价是不实际的,德里克。
We' ve done the research.我们做过了调查。
DEREK JONES: But it' s not just a toy. This is a genuine breakthrough.德里克.琼斯:但这不但仅个玩具。
DON: Derek...堂:德里克……DEREK JONES: Let me finish--this is a genuine breakthrough and the market will be prepared to pay a premium price for something that is so advanced.德里克.琼斯:让我说完--这是个真正的突破,市场对某种如此先进的东西会有所准备的,他们会愿意出高价。
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 3 Visiting Trade Fair[精]
![实用商务英语口语教程Programme 3 Visiting Trade Fair[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/05f9f2abda38376bae1fae05.png)
(5) We have special interest in your products, particularly in your kids’ shoes. (have special interest in)
(6) How do you feel about our products? (feel about) (7) There is an upward tendency on the world market and our prices are likely to rise at any moment. (upward tendency) (8) We supply product to over twenty countries, and we are also involved deeply in medical research and development. (be involved in) (9) I am looking for information about current drug therapies. (drug therapy) (10) The catalog contains an extensive list of our current products and services, and also details many of our recent projects. (extensive, detail)
A trade fair is designed to sell commodities or introduce new ideas and techniques. It is a market event of a specific period held at intervals. It attracts trade and business visitors. At the trade fair, a large number of companies present their main product range of one or more industries, or sell the product on the basis of samples.
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 14 Business Logistics

(simply speaking)
(9) Besides these, logistics often includes package, warehousing, material handling, inventory, purchasing and so forth. (warehousing, inventory)
A.库存 B.包装 C.破损,毁坏 D.仓储 E.材料管理 F.采购 G.部分装运 H.能力, 生产能力 I.剩余 J.递送,投递
What kind of shipping means are mentioned in the above pictures?
From the above means, which one is often used for the goods in bulk?
1.Terms Match
(1) warehousing (2) material handling (3) inventory (4) purchasing (5) package (6) breakage (7) capacity (8) delivery (9) the balance (10) partial shipment
(3) partial shipment (4) supply chain
(5) implement
(6) term
(7) delivery
(8) breakage
(9) come to an agreement
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 6 Discussing the Price

(1) What is a price? How many kinds of price terms do you know?
(2) How to discuss the price?
(3) How to make a seller reduce the price?
(4) If you are a seller, how to make a counter offer when the buyer asks for a large discount?
A.折扣 B.佣金 C.现货价 D.实盘 E.参考价 F.成交价 G.批发价 H.买入价 I.还盘 J.报盘
Have you ever discussed the price of commodities like them in the pictures?
What is the key to discussing the price?
1.Terms Match
(1) wholesale price (2) discount (3) offer (4) spot price (5) indicative price (6) transaction price (7) bid price (8) firm offer (9) commission (10) counter-offer
To learn how to negotiate the price of commodities with foreign clients;
Brief Introduction
Discussing the price is of great importance both in the business field and in our daily life. In the international trade, price discussion is a common performance while purchasing goods or services. There are two sides in a price discussion, namely, buyers and sellers. The purpose of discussing the price is to decide a price which is acceptable to both sides. If the price is agreed, a deal is almost reached while if not, no sale is proceeding.
UNIT 6 Delivery and Shipment 英语谈判口语课件(共21张PPT)

c 第三页,共21页。
UNIT 6 Delivery and Shipment
II. Some Knowledge about ness
When a customer purchases goods for delivery at a later date, how does the credit professional respond when the customer refuses to pay because the goods were delivered late, the goods were damaged in shipment or there was some other problem with delivery? To adequately respond to these claims, a credit professional will need to understand the contract’s shipping terms. Shipping terms are more than delivery instructions. Shipping terms also assign risk in the event of delivery problems as the goods are transported to the customer.
FAS: Unless otherwise agreed, seller at own expense and risk must deliver goods "free along side" transport at a main port or terminal and tender receipt, e.g. FAS Port of Seattle. Delivery occurs when they arrive at the port.
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 10 Concluding a Contract

To understand the definition and requirements of concluding a contract;
How many parts does a contract contain? What are they?
Do you know what to pay attention to when concluding a contract?
★Preparations ★Project Study 1
1.Terms Match
(1) break a contract (2) cancel a contract (3) approve a contract (4) alter a contract (5) terminate a contract (6) repeat a contract (7) sign a contract (8) draft a contract (9) keep a contract (10) execute a contract
Mr. Zhang: You are so considerate. Thank you very much.
★1. Tongue Twisters
(1) A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail. (2) How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets? (3) Mr. See owned a saw and Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See’s saw sawed Soar’s seesaw before Soar saw See. (4) If you are keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite. (5) Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday so Fred’s fresh bread is ready already.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Asking for Transshipment
Role-play: Role-play the above-mentioned
dialogue in pairs.
★1. Terms Practice
(1) vessel (3) be fully committed (5) payment terms (7) cargo (9) navigation
(4) We will try our best to guarantee a timely arrival at your port. (try one’s best to)
(5) Only shipment via Taiwan can ensure your early receipt. (ensure)
A.即期装运 B.快速装运 C.按期交货 D.时装运 E.立即交货 F.延期交货 G. 铁路运输 H.集装箱运输 I.海洋运输 J.航空运输
Have you ever noticed the process of delivery or shipment?
What kind of shipping method is used in the above pictures?
(6) I hope you can give our request your special consideration. (give…special consideration)
实用商务英语口语教程Programme 12 Delivery and Shipment
1. Master key is placed freely and that will hazard the safety of freight transport.
2. Load goods carefully, reinforce them timely, and standardize operation procedure completely.
To know how to settle the problems of delivery and shipment.
Brief IntroducБайду номын сангаасion
Transport is one of the most important parts in international business. Goods are carried by several means of conveyance—on road or rail, by sea or air. Basically, 98% of world trade is conveyed by sea transport. Nowadays, a new type of carriage appears, called container transport (goods are transported by container ships.)
1.Terms Match
(1) immediate delivery (2) punctual delivery (3) prompt shipment (4) timely shipment (5) express shipment (6) delayed delivery (7) sea (ocean) transport (8) rail transport (9) container transport (10) air transport
★Project Study 2
Dialogue: Arranging the Way of Shipment and Ask for Partial Shipment
Role-play : Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pair
★Project Study 3
To grasp the related terms and expressions on contract;
To master the modes of transport and relevant documents;
To get the main idea of delivery and shipment;
3. Remember the scheme by heart, and observe the scene with care;Inspect the freight thoroughly, and fill out a form perfectly.
4. Take a lesson from the loss caused by careless freight supervision.
(2) Any delay in shipping our booked order will undoubtedly involve us in no small difficulty. (involve in)
(3) We admit transshipment will add to risks. (add to)
Do you know how to arrange the shipment?
★Preparations ★Project Study 1
Dialogue: Settling the Date of the Delivery
Role-play: Role-play the above-
mentioned dialogue in pairs.
(2) effect delivery
(4) backlog
(6) voyage charter (8) offstream (10) consignment
(1) I am calling you for the purpose whether it is possible for you to allow transshipment. (transshipment)