



Company Introduction公司简介Titan Wind Energy was founded in 2005 as a tower specialist with the largest manufacturing scale worldwide. The total asset values 2,000 million (USD$328 million). In Dec, 2010, Titan was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. (Stock code 002531sz)天顺风能(苏州)股份有限公司成立于2005年,是全球最具规模的专业风力发电塔架制造专家。


Ever since its establishment of head quarter located in Taicang, it has founded 7 factories:●Taicang factory, China●Lianyungang factory, China●Shenyang factory, China●Baotou factory, China●Taicang new offshore factory, China●Europe factory, Denmark●India factory (under construction)公司以太仓为总部,拥有7个生产基地:●太仓生产基地●连云港生产基地●沈阳生产基地●包头生产基地●太仓港区海上风电生产基地●欧洲生产基地●印度生产基地(建设中)Titan Wind Energy is the only tower supplier who was approved by world top WTGs, such as Vestas, GE, Siemens, Gamesa, Goldwind, etc.天顺风能是国内唯一一家同时获得多个世界顶级整机厂商合格供应商认证的公司,例如:Vestas,GE,Siemens,Gamesa,Goldwind等。

天津港ppt 港航1101班 陶霆帅 201191250105

天津港ppt 港航1101班     陶霆帅   201191250105

公 路
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1、天津港的发展现状及运作情况 2、天津港设施的基本状况 3、天津港所能提供的物流服务 4、天津港SWOT分析
• 发展现状建设两大物流中心,构筑现代物 流平台 • 引进国内外著名物流企业,推动港口物流 合作 • 加强港口信息化建设,为发展现代物流提 供信息支持 • 改善物流服务环境,提高物流服务水平

天津港吞吐量发展变化图(1990— —2012)
• 协调港口和相关区域之间的关系是港口发展的重 要保障。 • 港口对区域经济产生的强大的间接影响来自港口 作为基础设施发展的乘数作用、对相关产业的前 后向带动以及港口的集聚功能和作为增长季候的 所动效应 • 如何提升港口产业的附加值,避免低水平的扩大 带来的环境、交通等影响是值得继续深入研究的 课题。
• • • • • • • • • • • 全港码头岸线总长度为12032米,其中公用客、货生产泊位62个,包括47个万吨级以上深水泊位; 8个集装箱泊位,年通过能力100万标准箱;现代化粮食泊位,年设计吞吐能力为350万吨; 第一港埠公司: 泊位线长776米,有2万吨级泊位3个,前沿水深-11.0米,1万吨级泊位1个,前沿 水深-10.5米。 第二港埠公司: 泊位线长1951米,有2万吨级泊位2个,前沿水深-10.5米,1万吨级泊位7个,前沿 水深-10.5米。 第三港埠公司: 泊位线长1064米,有3000吨级客运泊位2个,前沿水深-4.5米,3000~6000吨级货 运泊位7个,前沿水深-4.5~6.5米 第四港埠公司: 泊位线长912米,有1万吨级泊位5个,前沿水深-9~-10.0米。 第五港埠公司: 泊位线长996米,有1万吨级泊位,前沿水深-9米。 第六港埠公司: 泊位线长1314米,有2万吨级泊位6个,前沿水深-11.5米。 赛挪码头: 有3.8万吨级泊位1个,前沿水深-11.5米。 东方集装码头: 是目前中国大陆最大的集装箱码头,拥有8个泊位,设计年吞吐能力100万TEU。 配有装卸桥15台(最大外伸距45米),场桥22台。东方集装箱公司还有2个1万吨级散货泊位。 南疆开发公司: 泊位线长944米,有1.5万吨级成品油泊位3个,5万吨级原油泊位1个。5万吨级和 3.5万吨级深水煤炭泊位设计年吞吐能力1000~3000万吨。 天津港集团公司:所属公用泊位94个,岸线长度21.5公里。北疆港区以集装箱和件杂货作业为主; 南疆港区以干散货和液体散货作业为主;海河港区以5000吨级以下小型船舶作业为主;东疆港区为 天津港的一个新港区,规划面积为30平方公里。



0203060708131416中化山东肥业Sinochem Shandong Fertilizer 中化涪陵Sinochem Fuling 中化云龙Sinochem Yunlong 中化东方肥料Sinochem Oriental Fertilizer 中化烟台作物营养Sinochem Yantai Crop Nutrition 甘肃瓮福Gansu WengFu 中化开磷Sinochem KaiLin 三环中化Tri-circles Sinochem 三环中化美盛Tri-circles Sinochem Mosaic 盐湖股份Salt Lake Industry 分销网络覆盖区域 Areas Covered By Distribution Network 氮肥企业 Nitrogen Fertilizer Company 钾肥企业 Potash Fertilizer Company 磷肥/磷化工企业 Phosphate Fertilizer/ Chemical Company 新型肥料企业 Specialty Fertilizer Company 复合肥企业 Compound Fertilizer Company 中化智胜Sinochem Zhisheng 中化长山Sinochem Changshan 阳煤平原Yangmei Pingyuan 晋煤天源Jinmei Tianyuan北京凯晨世贸中心 Beijing Chemsunny World Trade Center 中化大厦 Sinochem Tower 北京广渠金茂府 Beijing Guangqu Jin Mao Palace 北京望京金茂府 Beijing Wangjing Jin Mao Palace ’ao Jin Mao Residence重庆大坪金茂珑悦 Chongqing Daping Jin Mao Delicate Residence 重庆盘龙项目 Chongqing Longpan Project 长沙梅溪湖国际新城 Changsha Meixi Lake New International City 长沙岳麓金茂梅溪湖 Changsha Yuelu Jin Mao Landscape Metropolis 长沙梅溪湖金茂广场 Changsha Meixi Lake Jin Mao Plaza 长沙研发中心项目 Changsha Research Center Project 长沙梅溪湖金茂悦 Changsha Meixi Lake Jin Mao Residence 丽江玉龙金茂雪山语 Lijiang Whisper of Jade Dragon 丽江金茂逸墅项目 Lijiang Jin Mao Noble Manor Project 丽江金茂君悦酒店 Jin Mao Hyatt Lijiang Hotel 金茂三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店 Jin Mao Ritz-Carlton, Sanya 金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店 Jin Mao Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa 三亚崖州湾项目 Sanya Yazhou Bay project585960626667687071。



Tianjin is a city with a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in its art, music, literature, and architecture
Tianjin is popular for its traditional handicrafts, including ceramics, embroidery, and paper cutting These crafts have been passed down through generations and remain popular today
History and Culture
The Historical Background of Tianjin
Tianjin has a long history, with its origins dating back to the Zhou Dynasty It has been preserved as an important strategic location on the northern front of China through its history
The city is located in the plain area of North China, with an average elevation of 3 meters above sea level It is surrounded by the Bohai Gulf in the east, the Yellow River in the west, and the Luanhe River in the south





The history of Tianjin Port could be traced back to Han Dynasty。

It emerged as a sea port in Tang Dynasty and opened as a commercial port in 1860。

After the founding of the P。

R.C,it was made a restoring construction for three years and reopened on Oct. 17,1952。




Tianjin Port is the largest artificial port in China。

It locates at the estuary of Haihe River and the cross point of Beijing-Tianjin city band and Bohai Rim economic circle. It is the sea gate of Beijing and Tianjin,the important international trade port in northern China and the link to connect Northeast Asia and Central and West Asia. Tianjin Port covers water and land area nearly 260 km2, in which land area is 72km2. By Year 2010,it will be planned to cover total land area of 100 km2。


Since 1840s, Tianjin has been one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world. In history , the famous Westernization Movement(洋务运动) happened in Tianjin.
Nowadays Tianjin has become a international metropolis in north of China. And Tianjin will make more contribution for economic increasing
I hope everyone can visit my hometown if you have a chance
NanKai university was founded in 1919. Zhangboling was the first headmaster of nankai university

伯 苓
TianJin is famous for many different kinds of buildings. Five Roads are called Museum of Architecture. Gothic(哥特 式) architecture and Italian buildings and other kinds of architecture can be seen on these roads
Hello Everyone I come from Tianjin, a beautiful city in Northern of China
TianJin, a city standing by BoHai Sea, shares a great development of industry. It is famous for its oversea commodities which are real bragins. The environment of the city is getting better as well, and more and more foreigners are attracted by this beautiful city.



主要设备摘 模具部门 主要设备摘录 模具部门 设备
深孔钻 深孔钻床 NC加工机 NC加工机 SanKao3000× (孔深 φ5~ 孔深) SanKao3000×1500 × 2000 (孔深) φ5~φ50 东芝 BP/BTH /MPF/MPH 系列 卧式/龙门/五轴 6台 BP/ 龙门/ 精密5 牧野立式加工中心 精密5轴 6台 中型精密龙门NC机 龙门NC Vison 中型精密龙门NC机 EDM Sodick 大型放电加工机 大型放电加工机 加工机/ 切割机/ 牧野 放电加工机/线切割机/数控工具研磨机 大型放电 JS 大型放电加工机 合模机 3000 × 2000 × 2700 (Open Hight) 300TON 压力 2台 其他M 3台 其他M / C 3台
南通喜泰模塑开发有限公司 南通喜泰模塑开发有限公司 开发 工厂地址:南通市经济 术开发区新景路30号 经济技 区新景路30 工厂地址:南通市经济技术开发区新景路30号 电话:0086513联系电话:0086-(0)513-81010072
成型试 4台 成型试作机 3300TON, 1850TON, 800TON , 280TON 4台 起重机
Cad system
(Max)、 40/20 Ton (Max)、30/15Ton, 20/10Ton, 15/7.5Ton, 10/5Ton
CimatronCimatron-e data、ClassIsem surf (CAS data、Class-A surface data)
更擅长做保险 更擅长做保险杠 。
模具举例 保险杠
海外据点ー 海外据点ー CTC global net work
成立: 成立:1977 年 资本金:70,000,000JPY 资本金:70,000,000JPY 员工:150名 2008年末 年末) 员工:150名 (2008年末) 设计、 大型注塑成型模具 设计、制作 浜松市浜北区中瀬 日本







1.1.1 天津港的企业文化宣言我是天津港人,我的内心,期待港口的发展!我是天津港人!我用双肩,承载社会的期盼!回首过去,几代人的梦想已经成真,展望未来,一流大港靠我来实现!我是天津港人,我的内心,渴望个人的成就!我是天津港人!我用双手,集散中外的文明!回首过去,百年历史文化已经积淀,展望未来,快乐之家靠我来构建!1.1.2 天津港“鼎”文化体系经过几年的系统建设,天津港建立起了以“中华鼎”为象征的企业文化体系。












































COST AND FREIGHT 成本加运费CFR (insert named port of destination) Incoterms 2010 成本加运费(…指定目的港)GUIDANCE NOTE 序言This rule is to be used only for sea or inland waterway transport. “Cost and Freight” means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel or procures the goods already so delivered. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel.该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。

“Cost and Freight”是指当卖方将货物运至船上或取得已按此送交的货物,即完成交货。


The seller must contract for and pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination.卖方还必须订立货物运至指定目的港的合同并支付成本和运费。

When CPT, CIP, CFR or CIF are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier in the manner specified in the chosen rule and not when the goods reach the place of destination.当使用CPT, CIP, CFR 或CIF等术语时,卖方承担其将货物按照所选规则指定的方式交付承运人前所有风险和费用,而当货物运至指定目的地后,由买方承担一切风险和费用。









位置及交通天津港地处渤海湾西端,位于海河下游及其入海口处(地理坐标为:东经117 ° 42 ′ 05 ″、北纬38 ° 59 ′ 08 ″),是环渤海中与华北、西北等内陆地区距离最短的港口,是首都北京的海上门户,也亚欧大陆桥最短的东端起点。





介绍天津港英文作文Tianjin Port, located in the Bohai Bay, is the largest port in Northern China and one of the busiest ports in the world. It handles a wide range of cargoes, including containers, bulk cargoes, and liquid bulk cargoes, and serves as a gateway to the hinterland of China.The port has a long history dating back to the Tang Dynasty, when it was a major trading hub for goods from Central Asia and the Middle East. Today, it has expanded to cover an area of over 120 square kilometers, with more than 300 berths and a total handling capacity of over 550million tons per year.Tianjin Port is a key hub for China's Belt and Road Initiative, connecting China to the rest of the world through its extensive network of shipping routes. It has established partnerships with ports in more than 200 countries and regions, and is constantly expanding its global reach.The port is also committed to sustainable development, with a focus on reducing emissions and improving energy efficiency. It has implemented a range of green initiatives, including the use of shore power for vessels, theinstallation of solar panels, and the adoption of clean energy vehicles.In addition to its role as a major transport hub,Tianjin Port is also a popular tourist destination.Visitors can enjoy a range of activities, from taking aboat tour of the port to exploring nearby attractions such as the Tianjin Eye Ferris wheel and the Ancient Culture Street.Overall, Tianjin Port is a vital part of China's economy and a key player in the global shipping industry.Its strategic location, extensive network, and commitmentto sustainability make it a world-class port that will continue to drive economic growth and development in the years to come.。



天津旅游广告作文英文范文英文回答:Tianjin, a coastal metropolis in northern China, is an enticing destination that seamlessly blends heritage and modernity. Here's a captivating advertisement for this vibrant city:Step into a tapestry of history and culture as you explore ancient temples, wander through bustling markets, and admire architectural marvels. From the iconic Eye of Tianjin, offering panoramic city views, to the tranquilFive Great Avenues, lined with century-old buildings, every corner of the city tells a story.Immerse yourself in the bustling streets of Binjiang Dao, a lively pedestrian street that pulsates with energy. Shop for local handicrafts, savor mouthwatering street food, and soak up the vibrant atmosphere. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the Tianjin Ancient Culture Street,where traditional Chinese culture comes alive through art, music, and performances.Indulge in culinary delights that tantalize your taste buds. Tianjin cuisine, renowned for its blend of flavors and textures, boasts signature dishes such as Goubuli steamed buns, Erduoyan crispy pancakes, and the tantalizing fried dough twists. Embark on a culinary adventure at the Tianjin Cuisine Museum, where you can learn about the history and techniques of this vibrant cuisine.Embark on a journey to the heart of innovation and technology at the Tianjin Binhai New Area. Witness the futuristic wonders of the Tianjin Eye Ferris wheel, the world's third-tallest. Marvel at the architectural marvels of the Tianjin Grand Theatre and the Tianjin Museum of Science and Technology. Experience the cutting-edge advancements at the National Supercomputing Center of Tianjin and explore the Tianjin Port, a vital hub for global trade.Tianjin offers a multitude of attractions that cater toevery traveler's interest. Whether you seek historical landmarks, cultural experiences, culinary adventures, or modern marvels, this vibrant city has something to enthrall you. Come and explore the captivating tapestry of Tianjin,a destination where the past and present converge in harmony.中文回答:天津,一座位于中国北方的沿海大都市,它是一个迷人的目的地,完美融合了传统与现代。

天津港 滨海新区资料 英文

天津港 滨海新区资料 英文

Tianjin Binhai New Area (briefed as TBNA) locates on the east coast of Tianjin and center of Circum-Bohai-Sea Region. It is also the nearest eastern starting point of Asia-Euro Continental Bridge and key access to the sea for the neighboring inland countries. TBNA consists of nine functional zones namely Advanced Manufacturing Zone, Airport-based Industrial Zone,Binhai High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Seaport-based Industrial Zone,Nangang Industrial Zone, Seaport Logistics Zone, Coastal Leisure & Tourism Zone,Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City and Central Business District. In addition, Tianjin Port whose throughput ranks 5th in the world also locates in here.With a planned area of 2270 square kilometers, TBNA has a coastal line of 153 kilometers and a population of 2.02 million. TBNA has a rather favorable ecological environment and abundant natural resources and wetlands of 700 square kilometers. There are still 1200 square kilometers salt and alkali wasteland remained for development and the verified reserves of oil reach over 10 billion tons and those of natural gas reach 193.7 billion cubic meters.Fertile soil for world's capital investmentInvestment ParadiseTBNA has become one of the areas with the most dynamic economy in China, which utilize the most international capital and yield the highest rate of investment returns.In 2007, the total value of export trade in TBNA hit 24.5 billion USD. A total amount of? 23.1 billion USD was utilized accumulatively in real terms and the direct use of foreign contractual capital totaled 7.668 billion USD. The all-dimensional opening pattern has taken shape, of which, the eight functional zones and Sino-Singapore Eco-city have become a vital vehicle for attracting investment and introducing technology at home and abroad. TBNA is also the home to many projects, such as those initiated by Motorola Inc, Samsung Electronics, Toyota Motor Corporation, Vestas company, Sew-Eurodrive(China) Holding Co., Ltd. and China International Marine Containers ( Group) Co., Ltd., the One Million Ton Ethylene Refining-Chemical Integration Project, the Assemble Line of Airbus A320, the Industrialization Base of New generation Launch Vehicle.The congregation of world's capital in TBNA has brought forth the industry cluster effect.The major leading industries, including electronic information, petroleum exploitation and processing, ocean chemical engineering, modern metallurgy, automobile and equipment manufacturing, food processing, biopharmaceutical industry, possess the consolidated industry foundation. These industries have high technology content, long industry chain and strong radiation function. At present, TBNA has become an important large-scale petrochemical industry base and metallurgy base in China. Its IT manufacturing industry takes lead in China and the output of oil casing ranks the list of Top 4 in the world. Over 1000 enterprises in China provide supplementary supplies and services for TBNA. The remarkable driving forces of these enterprises helps TBNA constantly and obviously strengthen its comprehensive strength.Venture ParadiseAll the investors here share the same feeling that TBNA is a paradise for entrepreneurs.The first overseas students' ventured corporation in TEDA, BOYI (Tianjin) Pneumatic Technology Institute Co., Ltd now becomes the leading enterprise in pneumatic technology field in China after ten-year development. Tianjin Motimo Membrane Technology Ltd, the leading corporation in membrane technology field in China, was formerly a school-run enterprise in TBNA, and now it has established the largest hollow fiber membrane production and manufacturing base in Asia. Tianjin QingYuan Electric Vrhicle Co.,Ltd, which had a dozen of employees before, grows up in TBNA, takes lead in exporting their electronic vehicle abroad and also establishes a large-scale electronic vehicle industrialization base... Nowadays it has become a priority for TBNA to proactively develop small and medium-sized enterprises and enhance the regional economic vitality. As one of core areas, TEDA provides the growth plans for small and medium-sized enterprises and professional service to meet their needs in different development stages.Pillar IndustryElectronic Manufacturing IndustryAs one of the most advantageous industries, electronic information industry has become the first pillar industry in Tianjin, propelling the electronic information industry in Tianjin to grow at the annual average rate of 20%. As one of the first national information industrialization bases, Tianjin, with its output volume accounting for 7.5% in China, has become one of the largest bases of mobile communication handsets, components and displays. It is also acknowledged as one of the best development areas in national electronic information industry. The sales income in this regard is expected to top 300 billion RMB in 2010, which will drive and radiate a coordinative and rapid development of electronic information industry in Bohai Rim Region.Motorola Inc, Samsung Group, Hyundai Electronic Co., Ltd, Schneider Electric, Tianjin Merlin Gerin Co., Ltd are all representative enterprises of electronic information manufacturing industry in TBNA.Aviation and Aerospace IndustryRelying on the technology advantages of Beijing, Tianjin, and even the whole China, TBNA spends more effort in introducing the technology and prioritizing aviation and aerospace industry development, with a view to becoming a key recipient base for transferred aviation and aerospace hi-technology industry, a "silicon valley" of aviation technology research and development and a vital global aerospace industry city in the 21st century.The new generation base of carrier rocket research and development, located in west of TEDA, has been put in operation. And the Long March V Carrier Rocket is its independent product with high quality and intellectual property right, which is of significant and far-reaching influence on China's future aviation. Meanwhile, the project of Airbus A320 Assemble Line in the airport industry zone goes on smoothly with the first Airbus A320 to be assembled here in September, 2008. Apart from the project of Airbus A320 Assemble Line, a great number of world known aviation matching enterprises also have their own projects located in TBNA.In addition, the industrialization projects of special aircrafts like unmanned aircraft, spacecraft manufacturing and application industry base all registered in the Binhai hi-tech zone, one of vital function zones in TBNA. The major projects include unmanned aircraft, R&D and manufacturing complex of new spacecraft electromechanical products, R&D and manufacturing complex of special precision spacecraft components, industrial park of satellite application and so on. Automobile and equipment manufacturing industryAs Toyota Motor (Tianjin) Corporation located in TEDA, Tianjin has become a key automobile production base in China, which further enhances the development of equipment industry.The products of Toyota Motor (Tianjin) Corporation, including VIOS, COROLLA, CROWN, REIZ and COROLLA, cover a series of vehicle styles from high-grade to economic cars. There has formed a large automobile industry cluster of core matching enterprises around the Toyota. After the parts enterprises of Toyota automobile increased consistently, the new factories of Korean Kumhotire has opened, then parts enterprises such as Pinghe, Wandu increase their investment. The Germany Continental AG has registered in automobile electronic industry. Meanwhile, these investment projects not only supply many automobile factory and enterprises with equipment, but also enhance the anti-risk ability of automobile industry and strengthen its advantages constantly in TBNA.TBNA has gained the title of "The First State-class Automobile and Parts Export Base". As the first industrialized corporation in the electric vehicle field, Tianjin QingYuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. has set up the largest Chinese electric vehicle industrialization base in TBNA and started the trial run.Ocean and petroleum chemical industryThere exists the strong basis for developing ocean and petroleum industry in TBNA. In Dagang district, Dagang Company is an oversize integrated complex of petroleum and gas exploitation and development affiliated to CNPC. The exploitation commenced from 1964 and the output is on increase year by year. The past 40-odd years witnesses its growth from the desolate and uninhabited reed land and marshland to comprehensive petroleum base. Located in Tanggu District, Tianjin Bohai petroleum corporation is a vital base in Bohai Region of China National Offshore Oil Group, and the ocean high technology park in TBNA is the demonstration park of state-class ocean high technology industrialization. Relying on Binhai chemical industry area, TBNA will develop in-depth processing petroleum products, including petroleum, gas, salt chemical industry, synthetic resin products, synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber, new chemical material, fine chemical industry and etc, which will become the state-class petroleum and chemical industrialization base with high-level in the world -- China's "Huston Chemical Area".By 2010, total investment will reach 130 billion RMB in the 100 key planning and constructing projects in Tianjin Binhai chemical area. CNPC and SINOPEC will invest heftily in Tianjin to establish the vital transportation hub of crude oil and oil product in north of China. Bohai Chemical Industry Group will construct some docking projects, utilizing the raw materials supplied by large scale ethylene project of SINOPEC, which will make Tianjin a petroleum and chemical industry production base with refining and petrochemical integration.By 2015, the fixed assets investment will reach 300 billion RMB. The sales income will top 450 billion RMB, and the industrial added value and interests & taxes will amount to 180 billion RMB and 90 billion RMB respectively. Over 50,000 employment positions were created. This function area will fully realize the planning developing goals, such as industrydevelopment, technical level, ecological environment, energy saving, public projects, spatial distribution and economic benefits.Modern Metallurgy Manufacturing IndustrySituated in the lower reaches of Haihe River, the modern metallurgy industrial complex in TBNA, is composed of three large metallurgy enterprises, including Tianjin Pipe (Group) Corporation. The production scale and industry chain of great market potential has taken shape, presenting demands on the third party logistics and iron in-depth processing.In 2007, TBNA decided to set up an ecological industrial park of petroleum pipe and high quality steel deep processing, one of the 8 ecological industrial function zones. The overall integration and systematic optimization of metallurgy industry was conducted in advanced manufacturing base, aiming to build an economic cycling industrial park with the seamless steel tube and high quality steel production chain as the leading sector.In the second half year of 2007, Tianjin Municipality concentrated on promoting the 20 selected major projects with the total investment of 156 billion RMB. These 20 projects are great driving forces, which include steel pipe transformation project, cold-rolled corrosion resistant plate, copper and copper processing project, hot rolled coil, ironing system transformation project and cold rolled sheet project. These projects, with a total investment of 25.8 billion RMB, once completed, will make TBNA become the biggest producer of seamless steel pipes in the world in terms of outputs. Biological Medicine IndustrySituated in TBNA, the International Innovation Park of National Biological Medicine covers a planning area of 6 km2, including research and development zone, incubator zone and production-trade zone. TJAB is the center of the research and development zone as well as the symbol of international innovation garden.The construction of "TJAB" has been in full wing. The first phase project, or the main building of 70,000 m2,will be completed by the end of 2008. The public technology platforms under concurrent construction, such as Clinical Test Platform, Medicine Analysis and Test Center and GLP Medicine Safety Evaluation Centre, will be put into operation at the beginning of 2009. TJAB has proactively conducted worldwide cooperation, evidenced by the Sino-Italian Medical Joint Laboratory cosponsored with Italian National High Hygienic Academy and the Agreement of R&D Centre reached with Sweden Karolinska Molecular Medical Center.Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Biomedical Industry Demonstration Zone with planning area of 10 km2, takes the "International Innovation Park of National Biological Medicine" as the core, aiming at developing the infrastructure and industrial incubator platform for biomedical development to meet the international standard. The pharmaceutical industry in TBNA registers the good economic benefit, with the annual increase of rate of over 30%. A large number of key enterprises gathered here, such as GlaxoSmithKline, Novozymes, Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical Group Corporation Limited and Tianjin Pharmaceuticals Group Corporation.Shipbuilding and Ship Repair IndustryIn the late 19 century, Tianjin Dagu dock, the first ship-building enterprise in Northern China, was born in the middle of modern Westernization Movement. After the founding of P.R.C., or the new China, the suspended industry regains its development. In 1970, the first 10,000 tonnage ship named "Tianjin", built by Xingang Shipyard, was successfully launched. The Tianjin Port-made Shop Repair Base of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation under construction covers a planning factory area of 3.5 million m2 with the shoreline length of 3,900 meters. Its most brilliant feature is the integration of large shipbuilding, ship repair industry and marine engineering and mechanical equipment manufacturing industry, which leads to the establishment of a modernized assembly ship repair base that boasts advanced facilities, comprehensive varieties, scientific management, first-class technology, outstanding characteristics, energy conservation and environmental friendliness. In 2010, TBNA will be capable of building ships of 2,000,000 dwt, repairing 200 ships and constructing two offshore platforms. In 2015, it will be capable of building ships of 3,000,000 dwt and constructing four offshore platforms. The new base, once completed, will increase 10-fold ships than current outputs in TBNA.Food and Beverage IndustryFood and beverage industry is an important industry in TBNA. In 10 years' time, Ting Hsin International Group has become "No.1 of noodle industry in the world ", creating the first brand of Chinese tea beverage, and even supporting its matching businesses into the forefront of the industry. The success of Ting Hsin International Group in TBNA is a convincing model for China's opening up. Other food and beverage companies in TBNA are Coca-Cola, Nestle and Kraft and so on..New Materials and New Energy IndustryAs a representative of new energy and new materials, the high-tech industry has become one of the key pillar industries in TBNA.A large number of new energy and new materials companies are rising in TBNA, including Motimo Group, Vestas wind power, New Energy and Industrial Base of Tianjin Binhai high-tech development zones, Ceradyne Inc in Tianjin Tanggu marine high-tech zone and so on.Ai Leite Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a backbone enterprise of national nano-technology industrial base, whose core product is the power UPS, installed in the super-capacitor of electrical motor. An ultra-capacitor with nano-technology manufacturing capacity, whose capacity is 10 times of the ordinary capacitors, can reduce many loses for many companies caused by power flash off every year.The new energy base, covering a total area of 6.6 km2, will focus on four major sections of energy storage batteries, wind power, solar cells and fuel cells, cultivating and introducing a number of leading enterprises. In 2012, it will achieve the output value of 60 billion RMB, which will triple that of 2007.At present, TBNA in the new battery and materials technology, membrane technology development and industrialization of technology has reached the international advanced level, and the application of nanotechnology research and development, the complete sets of technologies and key technology of environmental protection have achieved the leading level in China.Tianjin is one of the 11 cities with the names of "China's service outsourcing base". TBNA is working to build service outsourcing bases in China, establishing China's first "service outsourcing training center", and building outsourcing services platform for personnel training in cooperation with Microsoft, HP, IBM and Boyan technology institutions.More than 100 enterprises engaging in software development and services have registered in TEDA, and a total of 43 software enterprises are identified by the municipal Science and Technology Commission.Here gathered a group of well-known domestic and overseas operators, including CSC (Esprit computer technology), ACS (Affiliated Computer Services Ltd), IBM, Freescale, Standard Chartered, Motorola global financial centers, Wuxi Pharma Tech, Neusoft, DHC, Boyan technology institutions, Xi'an Xingyan, etc. To support the development of service outsourcing enterprises, TEDA has also established "TEDA Service Industry Development Fund" of 100 million RMB.Binhai services outsourcing industrial park, covering an area of 890,000 m2, is set up with joint investment, joint operation and management by the Dalian Software Park Co., Ltd. and TEDA, all committed to build Tianjin Binhai Software Park into the world office in Bohai Rim Region. The first plan will put into use at the end of 2008.In the next five years, following the "specialized, large-scale, international" principle, Tianjin Binhai Service Outsourcing Industry Park will build an industrial zone of 1,000,000m2 for software-building, technical research and development, information services, education and training. In addition,? matching facilities of 500,000m2, including the apartments, schools and hotels, will also be constructed.Employees in the park are expected to reach 60,000 people and output value is expected to reach 15-20 billion RMB. Through the introduction of a number of major domestic and international outsourcing companies, it will become an international-class service outsourcing bases.China's Original Technology ransformation BaseTBNA has constructed and introduced a number of major national and provincial-level technology projects, the expenditure of the research and development expenditures of which accounts for 2.2% of the Gross Domestic Product, and the high-tech output value in the proportion of GDP accounted for 47%. The high-tech industry clusters formed in the initial stage including electronic information, biological medicine, light electrical and mechanical, new materials, enjoy world-class leading research and development capabilities in biological chips, membrane technology, electric vehicles, stem cells, nanotechnology and other fields.Nowadays in TBNA, there are 14 science and technology business incubators at national, provincial or ministerial levels, which incubate a total of 434 various scientific and technological enterprises; there are 31engineering centers at national or provincial levels and 70 corporation technology development centers. TBNA will become an important base for independent innovation, incubation and radiation of scientific and technological achievements, the industrialization of high technology and innovative personnel training.。










sh、ch、zh 这三个读音在天津话会读成s、c、z,如:身子(sen一声),诚心(ceng二声),真的(zen一声)天津之眼天津之眼(The Tientsin Eye),全称天津永乐桥摩天轮(The YongleBridge Tientsin Eye),坐落在天津市红桥区海河畔,是一座跨河建设、桥轮合一的摩天轮,兼具观光和交通功用。












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The history of Tianjin Port could be traced back to Han Dynasty. It emerged as a sea port in Tang Dynasty and opened as a commercial port in 1860. After the founding of the P.R.C, it was made a restoring construction for three years and reopened on Oct. 17, 1952.天津港是世界等级最高的人工深水港,位于海河入海口,处于京津城市带和环渤海经济圈的交汇点上,是首都北京和天津市的海上门户、我国北方重要的对外贸易口岸,是连接东北亚与中西亚的纽带。




Tianjin Port is the largest artificial port in China. It locates at the estuary of Haihe River and the cross point of Beijing-Tianjin city band and Bohai Rim economic circle. It is the sea gate of Beijing and Tianjin, the important international trade port in northern China and the link to connect Northeast Asia and Central and West Asia. Tianjin Port covers water and land area nearly 260 km2, in which land area is 72km2. By Year 2010, it will be planned to cover total land area of 100 km2. At present, the main navigation channel is 35 km long with water depth of -19.5m, which is available for ship of 250,000 tons to enter and leave port freely and ship of 300,000 tons with high tide. There are totally 134 various berths in Tianjin Port, including 81 berths over 10,000 tons. The total quay length is 28,000 m.天津港经济腹地广阔,包括天津、北京、河北、山西、内蒙古、陕西、甘肃、青海、新疆、宁夏及辽宁、河南、山东、四川的一部分地区,面积近500万平方公里,占全国面积的52%。


Tianjin Port has wide economic hinterland, including: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Ningxia and part of Liaoning, Henan, Shandong and Sichuan. The area is almost 5 million km2, accounting for 52%of total Chinese area. Furthermore, it possesses strong economic radiant power. Presently, approximately 70% of the cargo throughput and more than 50% of the import and export cargo value via the port come from the provinces outside Tianjin.天津港对外联系广泛,与日本、韩国、美国、荷兰等国家的12个港口建立了友好港关系,同世界上110多个国家和地区的500多个港口有贸易往来,每月航班400余班,直达世界各地港口。

Tianjin Port has broad international connection. Sister port relations have been established with 12 foreign ports in Japan, Korea, USA and the Netherlands, etc. The port has trade relation with more than 500 ports in over 110 countries and regions. Every month there are about 400 scheduled vessels connecting with the main ports in America, Europe and Asia, etc.天津港主要分为北疆、南疆、东疆、海河四大港区。



Tianjin Port mainly consists of four port areas, i.e. North Port, SouthPort, Haihe and East Port. North Port is mainly engaged in the operation of containers and general cargo. South Port focuses on liquid bulk cargo and dry bulk cargo. Haihe port area is mostly for the operation of small-scale ships. East Port in construction has layout area of 30 km2, of which 10 km2 will be built into a bonded port area with largest scale and highest openness extent in China. The Tianjin Port Industrial Zone will be developed into another function area of Tianjin Port focusing on the development of heavy equipment manufacture.天津港是我国沿海港口功能最齐全的港口之一,拥有集装箱码头、铁矿石码头、煤炭码头、石油化工品码头、杂货码头、滚装码头、散粮码头、散化肥码头、国际客运码头等各类专业化码头。



Possessing the specialized terminals respectively for containers, iron ore, coal, petrochemical products, general cargo, ro-ro, bulk grain, bulk fertilizer and international passenger terminal, Tianjin Port is one of the coastal ports with the most complete functions in China. The Tianjin International Trade & Shipping Service Center is the largest “one stop service” shipping service center and digital port in China at present with the overall service integrating customs clearance, inspection, port service, settlement, information service, consultation service, and so on. Tianjin International Trade & Shipping Service Area in construction will integrate trade service, market operation, information distribution, talent exchange and business relaxation, which will form shipping concentrated area.新世纪以来,天津港货物吞吐量快速增长,2001年突破1亿吨,2004年突破2亿吨,2007年突破3亿吨;2009年,天津港完成货物吞吐量3.8亿吨,位居世界港口第五位;完成集装箱吞吐量870万标准箱,排名世界港口第十一位。

The cargo throughput of Tianjin Port increased rapidly in the new century. The total throughput reached 100 million tons in 2001, 200 million tons in 2004, and 300 million tons in 2007; in 2009, the cargo throughput was 380 million tons, ranking the fifth among all the ports in the world; the container throughput reached 8.7 million TEU, which has enabled it to rank No. 11 in the world.2010年,天津港货物吞吐量将突破4亿吨,集装箱吞吐量力争达到1000万标准箱,港口等级达到30万吨级,成为设施先进、功能完善、管理科学、运行高效、人文和谐、生态宜居的现代化国际深水港;成为面向东北亚、辐射中西亚的集装箱枢纽港,中国北方最大的散货主干港,规模最大开放度最高的保税港区,环渤海地区最大的综合性港口,为天津建成北方国际航运中心和国际物流中心发挥核心载体作用。
