

油漆喷枪使用说明 不懂的就马了吧

油漆喷枪使用说明 不懂的就马了吧
油漆喷涂是发挥油漆作用的关键步骤,容不得半点马虎, 如喷涂不当,轻则影响物体外表美观,重则损害被漆物 甚至造成人员伤害,所以了解好油漆喷枪的使
用方法是非常重要的。下面小编就为大家详细讲解一 下。?一、使用油漆喷枪之前的注意事项 1、喷嘴的清洗 从未使用过的新油漆喷枪为了保证产品的品质
,喷枪里面都会有很多防腐油,在使用之前一定要记住 把这些防腐油清洗干净,否则会严重影响使用效果甚至 无法使用。清洗防腐油一般都是采用稀料(稀料是
喷涂作业后油漆喷枪的清洗 1、喷涂硝基漆后的清洗 需 要清洗喷枪时,拆下压缩气软管和漆杯,然后按下扳机, 让喷枪内积存的油漆回流滴入漆杯内。完成
这些步骤后,可以按前面介绍的方法彻底清洗喷枪。在 喷枪油漆使用完之后不必每次都清洗,只有当产时间不 使用喷枪或者跟换油漆颜色时才有必要清洗喷枪。
完成清洗后,漆杯中很可能会残留一点稀料,可以不必 理会而直接将漆杯装回喷枪上等待下次使用。最终完成 清洗后不要再按下扳机,以免喷枪里积存的稀料
物平面保持垂直,下一次喷涂应和上一次喷涂轨迹重合 1/3,以保证油漆喷涂厚度和色调的饱后易出现被漆物表面过于粗糙;移动速度太慢 则会使得物体表面油漆厚度过后,影响整体效果。一般 在使用油漆喷枪时都是从上往下喷,因为这样可以
让上面流下的油漆被下面新喷的油漆覆盖溶解,在喷涂 墙体等垂直物体时,油漆喷枪移动速度可适当加快,以 免油漆聚集过多而下流影响下部喷涂效果。?四、
将剩余的硝基漆或水基涂料留在漆杯里,只清洗喷枪即 可。?五、常见故障的解决 由于喷枪的工作环境较为恶劣, 所以油漆喷枪有时会出现故障。其中喷嘴油
漆积存过多或零部件松动是最常见的问题,喷出图形无 法形成椭圆等问题就是喷嘴油漆积存过多造成的,此时 就需要清理喷嘴;而漏气等问题则是零部件松动造



油漆喷枪操作流程一、准备工作在进行油漆喷枪操作之前,需要进行以下准备工作:1. 确定工作区域:选择一个通风良好且没有易燃物品的区域作为工作场所。

2. 检查油漆喷枪:确保油漆喷枪处于良好工作状态,检查喷嘴、触发器以及其他部件是否完好无损。

3. 准备油漆:根据需要选择合适的油漆,并进行必要的搅拌和稀释处理。

4. 准备喷涂物体:将需要喷涂的物体进行清洁和打磨,确保表面光滑、干燥、无尘和无油脂等污渍。

二、设置喷枪和调整参数1. 设置喷枪:将喷枪连接到喷涂设备,确保连接稳固且紧固。

2. 调整喷枪参数:根据油漆的类型和所需喷涂效果,调整喷涂压力、喷枪距离、喷嘴孔径等参数。


三、开始喷涂1. 均匀喷涂基层:首先以均匀的动作,从物体的顶部开始,从左到右或者从上到下的方向进行连续均匀喷涂。


2. 控制喷涂时机:在喷涂过程中,要掌握好喷涂的时机和速度,避免过度喷涂或喷涂不均匀。


3. 重叠喷涂:为了确保均匀覆盖和避免漏涂,每次喷涂过程中,应该将前一次喷涂的50%覆盖到下一次喷涂中,即要有一定的重叠区域。

4. 喷涂多层:如果需要增加油漆的厚度或者改变颜色,可以进行多层喷涂。


四、完成喷涂工作1. 关闭喷枪:在完成喷涂工作后,首先关闭喷涂设备,然后将喷漆材料和残渣进行清洁处理。

2. 清洁喷枪:拆解喷枪,将其部件进行清洗。



3. 存储喷枪:将已清洁的喷枪进行干燥,并妥善存放在干净、干燥、通风的地方,避免受潮或损坏。



喷枪的 用法

喷枪的 用法


1. 准备工作:首先,确保喷涂区域没有杂质和灰尘。


2. 调整喷枪:根据需要,调整喷枪的喷嘴尺寸和压力。


3. 稀释涂料:将涂料倒入喷枪的杯子中,并根据需要稀释。


4. 尝试喷涂:在实际喷涂之前,可以先在纸板或废料上进行尝试。


5. 喷涂技巧:将喷枪保持与表面平行,并与表面保持适当距离(通常为6至8英寸)。


6. 多次喷涂:对于某些涂料,可能需要多次喷涂以获得所需效果。


7. 清洁喷枪:在使用完毕后,务必彻底清洁喷枪。




JGA-HVLP 底漆喷枪说明书

JGA-HVLP 底漆喷枪说明书

Maximum Perf o rmer Manual HVLP Spray GunI-2185J G H V-531 Manual HVLP Spray Gun JGA-HVLP Classic Series Spray GunsA standard-size manual spray gun designed to maintain the comfortable fit and feel The DeVilbiss Maximum Performer line can collectively handle more than 90% of the Improved transfer efficiency, less overspray The high transfer efficiency enhancesproductivity and finish quality. Because more paint is applied on each pass, fewer passes corrosion resistance and protection from harsh self-etching primers.© 2006 ITW Industrial FinishingJGA-HVLPOrdering InformationThe JGHV Standard-Size Maximum Performer manual spray gun isavailable with the following air cap and fluid tip set-ups, factory assembled for immediate delivery.A c c e s s o r i e s•Remote CupsTwo-quart remote cups are available in aluminum (KB-555) or stainless steel ( K B - 5 4 5 - S S ) .•Attached Cups*One-quart attached cups are available in aluminum with Te f l o n ®l i n i n g(TLC-576) or stainless steel (TSC-591).*Note: KK-4980 regulator control kit is required for use with these cups and must be ordered separately.•Additional AccessoriesHose assemblies, air control regulators, air cap test kits, gun and hose cleaning equipment and other accessories also are available.Technical Specifications:B o d y : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Drop forged aluminum Weight: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.8 oz (599 gr)Air Inlet: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 psi (7 bar) max., 1/4" NPS (M)Fluid Inlet: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 psi (7 bar) max., 3/8" NPS (M)Fluid Passages: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stainless steel Feed Type: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pressure Feed (Material Supply)Service Bulletin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S B - 2 - 2 4 6Gun Repair Kit: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K K - 4 9 8 7 - 2Air Caps—Patterns & ApplicationsAir Typical Pattern Typical Cap #Size & Shape*Application33A 9" long, tapered ends Most common finishing materialssimilar to #30 air cap up to 12 oz./min.46MP 11" long, straight-sided Low VOC material similar to #704 air cap 12 to 16 oz./min.83MP13" long, straight-sided Low VOC material similar to #765 air cap17 oz./min. & aboveOrdering InformationThe Classic Series JGA-HVLP spray guns are available with the following air cap and fluid tip set-ups, factory-assembled for immediate delivery.A c c e s s o r i e sPressure Feed•Two-quart remote cups are available in aluminum (KB-555) or stainless steel ( K B -5 4 5 - S S ) .•One-quart attached cups* are available in aluminum with Te f l o n ®lining (TLC-576)or stainless steel (TSC-591).* Note: KK-4980 regulator control kit isrequired for use with these cups and must be ordered separately.•Hose assemblies, air control regulators,gun and hose cleaning equipment and other accessories also are available.•303-grade lapped tip and needle set J G A - 4 0 5 6 - F X .Suction Feed•One-quart paint cups available in Te f l o n ®-lined aluminum (TLC-555),a l u m i n u m (TGC-545) and stainless steel (TSC-595).•One-pint aluminum cup (TGC-536)i salso a v a i l a b l e .•Hose assemblies, air control regulators,gun and hose cleaning equipment andother accessories also are available.Technical SpecificationsPressure FeedSuction FeedB o d y :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Drop forged aluminum Drop forged aluminum Weight: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.4 oz (578 gr)21.4 oz (608 gr)Air Inlet: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 psi (7 bar) max.,100 psi (7 bar) max.,1/4" NPS (M)1/4" NPS (M)Fluid Inlet: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/8" NPS (M)3/8" NPS (M)Fluid Passages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 grade stainless steel 300 grade stainless steel Feed Type: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pressure feed Suction feed (Material Supply)Air Cap: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 85 7Service Bulletin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S B - 2 - 1 8 7S B - 2 - 2 4 8Gun Repair Kit:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K K - 4 9 8 7 - 2K K - 4 9 8 7 - 2Pressure Feed Part No.J G A - 5 1 0 - 9 8 F X *Suction Feed Part No.J G A - 5 1 0 - 5 7 D E *J G A - 5 1 0 - 5 7 D *JGHVTMS t a n d a rd - S i z e Maximum Perf o rmer Manual HVLP Spray GunJGA-HVLPClassic Series Spray Guns P re s s u re Feed & Suction FeedJGA-HVLP Application Guide*Actual pattern length dependent upon fluid tip ID, fluid flow rate, viscosity,air pressure and fan pressure.*Cup not included; order separately.These guns with fluid tip and needle can be ordered separately without air cup and retaining ring: JGA-510-D (Suction Feed)JGA-510-FX (Pressure Feed)•Maximum 8 oz./min. fluid flow.•Lower solids coatings.•Medium to high V.O.C. coatings (4.0-5.0 lbs./gal.)•Smaller compressors – 3 h.p. is usually s u f f i c i e n t .•Requires only 11 CFM at 10 PSI air cap p r e s s u r e .•Class "B" finish quality requirements.Air Caps—Patterns & ApplicationsAir Cap #Pattern Size*Typical Application•Feed Type57 10 – 11"Low Solids: Enamels, Lacquers,Suction Feed (22 cfm)Stains, Sealers, Primers D (.086)DE (.070)9 81 1 - 1 /2 ”Low Solids: Enamels, Lacquers,Pressure Feed (11 cfm)Stains, Sealers, PrimersFX (.042)*Spray pattern size dependent upon type of feed, material viscosity and air cap pressure.• Up to 24 seconds, #4 Ford Cup.PTFE PTFE PTFEL Detail Ref. No 18 – Two piece packing+Tapered edge faces out towards packing nut.Fluid Packing NutFluid Needle+Inner Teflon PieceOuter U.H.M.W.P o l y. PieceChart 1 Fluid Tips (Nozzles) and Needles•A quantity of necessary parts is included in Gun Repair Kit KK-4987-2andshould be kept on hand for service convenience.20-25 ft. lbs.✚Apply QH-130 (Loctite #242 med. strength blue)sealing compound on threads.Chart 2 Air Cap & Baffle Combinations*For use with 46MP air cap.**For use with 83MP air cap.Note:Do not use AV-1 gasket with this spray gun.11•13•14•15•16•12•Torque to15 ft. lbs.Air InletNipple1/4 NPS (M)✚2425•22JGHV Parts List+ Inner PTFE PieceITW Industrial Finishing D e V i l b i s s195 Internationale Blvd.Glendale Heights, IL 601396 3 0 - 2 3 7 - 5 0 0 0Fax 630-237-5011w w w . d e v i l b i s s . c omInd. Parts Model No.Description RequiredRef.JGA-HVLP Classic Series Spray Gun#Ref. Nos. 3 and 29 include an AV-1 Copper Gasket, which is NOT used with JGA-510.• A quantity of necessary parts is included in Repair Kit KK-4987-2for complete gunrepair and should be kept on hand for service convenience.▲For more limited repair, Soft Parts Kit KK-5034is also available(includes items 10, 13, 17, and 26).L Detail Ref. No 18 – Two piece packing +Tapered edge faces out towards packing nut.Fluid Packing NutFluid NeedleJ G V-463 Packing Assembly+Inner Teflon Piece Outer U.H.M.W.P o l y. PieceNPS (M)Apply QH-130 (Loctite #242 med. strength blue)sealing compound on threads.Apply 1771019123626•28•29•3334242516•4•14•13•12•11•Air Inlet Nipple 1/4 NPS (M)(Torque to 15 ft. lbs.)JGA-HVLP Parts List ( c o n t i n u e d )Chart 1 Fluid Tips (Nozzles) and Needles (Matched Set)+ Inner PTFE Piece。





二、安全注意事项在使用喷枪之前,请务必遵循以下安全注意事项:1. 仔细阅读和理解本使用说明书,并确保了解相关使用规范。

2. 在操作喷枪时,请戴上合适的防护手套、面具和安全眼镜。

3. 保持工作区域清洁,并确保有良好的通风条件。

4. 在操作喷枪之前,请检查设备的连接部件是否紧固。

5. 操作喷枪时,请确保周围没有易燃或易爆物品。

6. 当喷枪不在使用时,请关闭气源并放置在安全位置。

三、喷枪的组成部分1. 喷枪手柄:用来控制涂料喷射。

2. 喷枪嘴口:涂料从这里喷出。

3. 涂料杯:用来存放喷涂涂料。

4. 压力控制按钮:用来调节喷涂压力。

5. 涂料调节旋钮:用来调节喷涂涂料的流量和喷涂效果。

四、喷枪的操作步骤1. 准备工作:将喷枪与喷枪压缩机连接,并确保连接紧固。


2. 调节气压:根据需要,使用喷枪上的压力控制按钮调节喷枪的气压。

3. 调节喷涂效果:使用涂料调节旋钮来调节喷涂涂料的流量和喷涂效果。


4. 进行喷涂:将喷枪对准需要喷涂的物体,并将喷涂涂料均匀地喷在表面上。


5. 喷涂结束:完成喷涂后,关闭气源,清洁喷枪。


五、保养与维护1. 每次使用完喷枪后,都应该进行清洁和保养。


2. 定期检查喷枪的连接部件是否紧固,是否有损坏或磨损的部件,如有需要及时更换。

3. 使用时应避免将喷枪接触到尖锐物体,以免造成损坏或划伤。

4. 喷枪不使用时,应放置在干燥通风的地方,避免阳光直射或潮湿环境,以防止生锈和损坏。

六、常见问题及解决方法1. 喷枪喷出的涂料不均匀怎么办?可以通过调节喷枪的气压和涂料流量来解决这个问题。




1. 检查喷枪喷头、嘴口等是否干净,如有污物应清除掉;
2. 检查涂料液位,如不足应加满,但注意不要超过涂料箱或涂料桶的容量;
3. 准备好薄板或其他适当的物品进行练习。

1. 调整喷嘴的开口大小,通常根据涂料质地不同来选择;
2. 调整喷枪喷漆的压力,要根据涂料膜厚度、颜色、表面光洁度等进行调整;
3. 调整气体流量,以确保喷枪与涂料的距离在一定范围内,以获得均匀的喷涂效果;
4. 调整喷枪的方向,通常应保持垂直于材料表面。

1. 开始喷涂前,要先进行试验,以便掌握喷涂的技巧和涂料的涂布速度;
2. 喷涂的速度应匀速,并尽量把握好喷涂的密度,以免有过浅或过厚的地方;
3. 喷涂时要注意喷枪与材料表面的距离,距离太近或太远都会影响喷涂效果;
4. 喷涂时要保持手稳,同时喷涂方向要一致,否则会出现颜色和涂料均匀性不一致的情况;
5. 需要多层喷涂时,应等上一层干燥后再进行下一层的喷涂。

1. 喷涂完毕后应立即清洁喷枪,用清水或者相应的清洁剂清洁内部和外部;
2. 注意不要让涂料干掉或者在喷枪内积累,以免对喷枪造成损害或影响涂料的质量。











通常清洗时所使用的溶剂有发生火灾的危险, 所以,请使用引火点37.8℃以上的溶剂。













请确认涂料和溶剂,并在涂装和清洗时穿着合适的服装, 使用保护用具。

















拉式电弧喷涂设备包括:1.拉式电弧喷涂枪 2.电弧喷涂电源另需配套设备:空气压缩机、空气滤清器、放丝盘架。













INSTRUCTION MANUALSpray GunBe sure to observe warning s and cauti o ns i n this instructi o n manual.If not, it can cause paint ejecti o n and serious bodily i n jury by drawi n g organic solvent. Be sure to observe fol l owing marked items which are especially importantIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in serious injury or loss of life.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or property damage.Indicates notes which we ask you to observe. The safety precautions in this instruction manual are the minimum necessary conditions. Follow national and local regulations regarding fire prevention, electricity and safety as well as your own company regulations.Abbreviate Marking on the Spray Gun: II 2 G Ex h XThis ANEST IWAT A spray gun complies with 2014/34/EU Directive relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in explosive potentially atmospheres.II2G Ex h IIB T6Gb XT Amb+5°C +40°CComplies with European DirectiveSpecific Marking for Explosion ProtectiveGroup II (Surface) Category (Zone 1&2)Type of Atmosphere(GAS)Ignition Protection (not applied) Explosion Group (Ethylene) Temperature Class ( 85°C) Explosion Protection level (EPL) Additional conditions:Any staticElectricity shouldbe dischargedand needs to be diverted to the ground via a conductive air hose not included.Ambient Temperature Important specificationsMax. Pressure 0.70MPa / 7.0bar / 100psi Noise level 80dB(A)Spray condi t i o n RecommendedMeasuri n g point 1m backwards from spray gun, 1.6m height Max. temperatureAtmosphere: 5°C ~40°C (41°F~104°F)Air and Fl u id: 5°C ~43°C (41°F~109°F)ImportantNever connect pressure feedi n g pai n t except pressure feed type spray gun.500500 (17.7)400 (15.7)WIDER2-15K1S K1200 ( 7.1)210 ( 8.3)-15K2S290 (11.4)-18K2S 1.8 (0.071)290340 (13.4)-20R1S R1260 ( 9.2)260 (10.2)-20R2S R2290 (11.4)-25W1S 2.5(0.098)W1440280 (11.0)WIDER2-15K1G K1200 ( 7.1)220 ( 8.7)-15K2G320 (12.6)-18K2G 1.8 (0.071)290340 (13.4)-20R1G R1260 ( 9.2)280 (11.0)-20R2G R2320 (12.6)-25W1G 2.5(0.098)W1510310 (12.2)WIDER2-2-08G2P 0.8 (0.031)200360 (14.1)-10G2P 1.0 (0.039)250360 (14.1)-12G2P 1.2 (0.047)300380 (14.9)This manual contains IMPORTANT WARNINGS and INSTRUCTIONS. Equipment in this manual is exclusively for painting purposes.Do not use for other purposes.The operator shall be fully conversant with the requirements stated in this instruction manual including important warnings,cautions and operation and correct handling.Read and understand the instructionmanual, before use and retain for reference.Fluid nozzl e – Fl u id needle assy combi n ationFluid nozzl e Fluid needl eassyOrifice mm (i n )Mark Mark1.2 (0.047)/ W2 / 12 12H WIDER2 1.5 (0.059) / W2 / 15 15 WIDER2 1.8 (0.071) / W2 / 18 18 WIDER2 2.0 (0.079) / W2 / 20 20 WIDER2 2.5(0.098) / W2 / 25 25 WIDER20.8 (0.031)/ W2-2/ 0812 WIDER2 1.0 (0.039) / W2-2/ 10 1.2 (0.047) / W2-2/ 12Fire and explosion1.Spark and open flames are strictly prohibited. Paints can be highly flammable and can cause fire.Avoid any ignition sources such as smoking, open flames, electrical goods, etc.2.Never use the following HALOGENA TED HYDROCARBON SOLVENTSwhich can cause cracks or dissolution on spray gun body (aluminum) by chemical reaction.unsuitable solvents methyl chloride, dichloromethane, 1.2-dichloroethane,carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, 1.1.1-trichloroethane (Be sure that all fluids and solvents are compatible with spray gun parts. We are ready to supply a material list used in the product)3.Securely ground spray gun by using air hose with built-in ground wire. Ground wire : Less than 1M . Check the earth stability periodically.If not, insufficient grounding can cause fire and explosion due to static electric sparking.Improper use of equipment1.Never point spray gun toward people or animal.If done, it can cause inflammation of eyes and skin or bodily injury.2.Never exceed maximum operating pressure andmaximum operating Temperature.3.Be sure to release air and fluid pressures before cleaning, disassembling or servicing.If not, remaining pressure can cause bodily injury due to improper operation or scattering cleaning liquid. In order to release pressure, first stop supply of compressed air, fluid and thinner to spray gun.Then remove trigger toward you.4.Tip of fluid needle assy and tip of fluid nozzle has a sharp point.Do not touch the tip of fluid needle and the tip of fluid nozzle during maintenance for the protection of the human body.Protection of human body1 Use in a well-ventilated site by using spray booth.If not, poor ventilation can cause organic solvent poisoning and catch fire. 2 Always wear protective gear safety glasses, mask, gloves .If not, cleaning liquid, etc., can cause inflammation of eyes and skin. If you feel something wrong with eyes or skin, immediately see a doctor. 3 Wear earplugs if necessary.Noise level can exceed 80dB(A), depending on operating conditions and painting site4 If operators pull the trigger many times during operation, it may cause carpal tunnel syndrome.Be sure to take a rest if you feel tired.Other precautions1.Never alter this spray gun.If done, it can cause insufficient performance and failure.2.Enter working areas of other equipment (robots, reciprocators, etc.) after machines are turned off. If not, contact with them can cause injury.3.Never spray foods or chemicals through this spray gun.If done, it can cause accident by corrosion of fluid passages or adversely affect health by mixed foreign matter.4.If something goes wrong, immediately stop operation and find the cause. Do not use again until you have solved the problem.Use clean air filtered through air dryer and air filter.First release air and pressure fully according to item No. 3 of “Improper use of equipment” of WARNING on page 2. Only an experienced person who is fully conversant with the equipment can do maintenance and inspection. Use neutral cleaner:pH value shall be 6 to 8, otherwise could cause corrosion.Never use commercial or otherparts instead of ANEST IWATA original spareparts.Incomplete cleaning can fail pattern shape and uniform particles.Fluid (Gravity)Fluid nippleFluid(Suction / Pressure)AirAir nippl eSpray PatternFlutteringCrescentInclinedSplitHeavy CenterSpitDirt, damage, wear on seatLoose fluid needle adj. knobWear on needle springInsufficient tighteningDirt or damage on seatFluid needle assy does not return due to packing set too tightFluid needle assy does not return due to paint buildup on fluid needleCloggedInsufficient tighteningDirt or damage on seatWear on air valve springRecommended paint viscosity differs according to paint property and painting conditions. 14 to 25 sec. / Ford cup#4 is recommendable.Keep fluid output as small as possible to the extent that the job will not be hindered. It will lead to better finishing with fine atomization.The spray gun should be held so that it is perpendicular to the surface of the work piece at all times.3176, Shinyoshida-cho, Kohoku-ku, Y okohama, 223-8501, JapanManual No. T950-01 Code No. 03014430200 250 mm (7.9 9.8 i n )Residual riskList of residual risks requiring protection measures by machine users (Abbreviated Name: List of Residual Risks)Product model: " Spray gun :WIDER1 / WIDER2"2019/5/29 CreateANEST IWATA CorporationBe sure to read and understand the instruction manual before using the product. This document is a reference material in the instruction manual and must not be used with only an understanding of the contents of this document.1 "degree of hazard" is classified and described according to the following definitionsDANGER Contents that are likely to cause death or serious injury if protection measures are not implemented. WARNING Contents that may cause death or serious injury if protection measures are not implemented.CAUTIONContents that may cause minor injury if protection measures are not implemented2 The symbol shown as "Location on machinery" is the number of the machine section on the Residual Risk Map of the Product. See Residual Risk Map for specific points on the machinery.No.Operatio nal Phase Works Qualifications and Training required for the workLocation on the machinery *2Harm Degree *1 Type of HarmProtective measure protective measure performed by themachinery userInstruction Manual Referenced page 1 Use Preparation workDuring workA Warning A wrong connection between the air joint and the paint joint may cause paint to spout from an unexpected place and hit the operator.T o provide personal protective equipmentP22 UseAllB Warning Ignition and fire caused by static electricity Use of a hose with a ground and confirmation of ground P2 3 Use and mainten ance During work, decompositi on and rinse Default Warning Organic solvents, etc., may come into contact with the eyes and skin, causing irritation.T o provide personal protective equipment P2 4 Use During work C Warning T enosynovitis due to repeated pulling of the triggerModerate rest P2 5 Use All Default Warning Fire, electrical appliances, etc. ignite, and fire generatings.Strict ban on the use of fire P2 6 UsePreparationworkDuring workDefault WarningSupply at specified pressure or higher, paint spouts from unexpected places, hitting human body or eyes, blindness T o provide personal protective equipment P27 Use and mainten ancePreparation workDuring workDefault WarningThe product is modified, parts other than genuine parts are used, and an unexpected failure or accident generatings.No modification Use of genuine partsP28 Use PreparationworkDuring workDefault Warning The patient stayed in a location where noise such as blowing air was generated for a long time, resulting in hearing loss. Use of earplugs is recommended. P29 Use and mainten ance During work, decompositi on and rinse Default WarningOrganic solvent poisoning Due to inhale of solvent and paint mistT o provide personal protective equipmentWork in painting booths, etc. P210 Use and mainten ance Preparation work During workA Warning If the hoses are triad to be disconnected under pressurized condition, paint, cleaning liquid, air, etc. are spouted out and injured.T o provide personal protective equipmentRemove residual pressure P211Mainten ancePreparation workDCautionNeedle valve piercing with sharp cornersT o provide personal protective equipmentP2Residual riskNo.R003-00 Code No.03014490。



汽车修理厂喷漆设备操作说明书【汽车修理厂喷漆设备操作说明书】一操作前准备在开始操作喷漆设备之前,请确保已完成以下准备工作:1. 检查设备:仔细检查喷漆设备,确保设备完好无损,无任何故障或泄漏现象。

2. 确认环境:确保喷漆环境通风良好,并且没有易燃物或其他危险品。

二材料准备在进行喷漆操作前,需要准备以下材料:1. 汽车漆料:根据客户需求,准备相应颜色和型号的汽车漆料。

2. 溶剂:选择适合的溶剂用于稀释漆料。

3. 防护材料:戴上手套、护目镜、口罩等防护用品,以防止漆料对身体造成损害。

4. 喷漆模板或带纸:根据需要准备喷漆模板或喷漆带纸,以避免喷漆过程中涂在不需要喷漆的部位。

三操作步骤1. 清洁车身:使用清洁剂彻底清洁车辆表面,确保车身干净无尘。

2. 研磨处理:对于有划痕或瑕疵的部分,使用砂纸进行研磨处理,使表面光滑平整。

3. 遮盖部位:使用喷漆模板或喷漆带纸将不需要喷漆的部位进行遮盖,确保只有需要喷漆的区域暴露出来。

4. 搅拌漆料:搅拌汽车漆料,确保颜色均匀。

5. 稀释漆料:根据需要将漆料稀释到适当的浓度,以便于喷涂操作。

6. 准备喷枪:将喷枪组装好,调整好压力和喷嘴大小,确保喷涂效果良好。

7. 测试喷涂:在空白纸上先进行测试喷涂,以确保喷涂均匀、稳定。

8. 喷涂车身:根据需要,以均匀稳定的动作对车身进行喷涂,避免重叠或积聚。

9. 涂层干燥:等待喷涂的涂层完全干燥,确保不会被意外碰触或受到污染。

10. 进行更多涂层:如果需要喷涂多层漆料,请在每层涂层干燥后,进行下一层的喷涂操作。

四操作注意事项1. 安全第一:在操作喷漆设备时,务必戴好相关的防护用品,避免对身体的伤害。

2. 防火防爆:操作喷漆设备时,周围不应有易燃物品,并确保设备正常无泄漏,以防止意外火灾或爆炸。

3. 良好通风:喷漆操作应在通风良好的环境下进行,以避免有害气体对操作人员的危害。

4. 喷涂均匀:在喷涂过程中,要保持稳定的手势和均匀的力度,避免出现喷涂不均匀的情况。






具体步骤如下:1. 确保工作区域整洁干净,无杂物和易燃物。


2. 检查喷涂枪的出气口、喷嘴、喷气帽等部件是否完好。


3. 准备好个人防护装备,包括手套、口罩、护目镜等。


三、操作步骤1. 装卸容器首先,我们需要装卸油漆喷涂枪的容器。





2. 调整喷涂枪的参数在开始喷涂之前,我们需要根据实际需求调整喷涂枪的参数。







3. 进行喷涂操作当以上准备工作完成后,我们可以开始喷涂操作了。






4. 操作完成与清洁当喷涂操作完成后,我们需要进行喷涂枪的清洁与保养。






汽车厂喷漆设备使用说明书使用说明书1. 引言汽车厂喷漆设备使用说明书是为了帮助操作人员正确、安全地操作喷漆设备而编写的。


2. 设备概述2.1 喷漆设备主要由喷涂枪、压缩空气供应系统、喷漆室和过滤系统等组成。

每个部件的功能和作用如下:2.1.1 喷涂枪:可调节喷漆的压力和喷涂方式,确保涂层均匀、稳定。

2.1.2 压缩空气供应系统:提供稳定的压缩空气,用于驱动喷漆枪喷涂。

2.1.3 喷漆室:提供一个相对封闭的空间,以避免外界灰尘、污染物进入喷涂区域。

2.1.4 过滤系统:过滤空气中的杂质和颗粒物,确保喷涂过程中的空气质量。

3. 操作方法3.1 准备工作在操作喷漆设备之前,必须进行以下准备工作:3.1.1 检查喷漆设备是否正常运行,确保喷涂枪、压缩空气供应系统和过滤系统等部件无故障。

3.1.2 检查喷涂枪和喷漆室内是否有异物,确保喷涂环境清洁。

3.1.3 穿戴个人防护装备,包括安全眼镜、手套、口罩和防护服等,以确保人身安全。

3.2 喷涂操作3.2.1 调节喷涂枪:根据需要,调节喷涂枪的喷漆压力和喷涂模式。


3.2.2 喷涂准备:将喷涂颜料装入喷涂枪的涂料容器中,并调节出涂料流量。


3.2.3 喷涂操作:按下喷涂枪的扳机,使颜料喷射出来。


3.2.4 喷涂完成:喷涂完成后,释放喷涂枪的扳机,并清洁喷涂枪和喷漆室内的残留颜料。

4. 维护保养4.1 日常清洁:每日使用结束后,必须清洁喷涂枪、喷漆室以及过滤系统等设备部件,以确保设备长期使用。

4.2 定期维护:定期检查设备的各个部件,如喷涂枪的喷漆孔、过滤系统的滤芯等。


5. 常见故障处理5.1 喷涂效果不佳:可能是喷涂枪的压力不足,需要调节喷涂枪的喷涂压力。

GH 系列大型喷涂机 操作说明说明书

GH 系列大型喷涂机 操作说明说明书

可用材料包括建筑涂料、油漆、屋顶涂料及低档涂料. 未获准用于爆炸性环境或危险(分类)场所。


型号说明最大工作压力16U277 / 16U277V GH1017es 基础型 / 先锋1000 磅/平方英寸(6.9 兆帕,69 巴)16U278 / 16U278V GH2570es 基础型 / 先锋2500 磅/平方英寸(17.2 兆帕,172 巴)16U279 / 16U279V GH733es 基础型 / 先锋4000 磅/平方英寸(27.6 兆帕,276 巴)16U280 / 16U280V GH5040es 基础型 / 先锋5000 磅/平方英寸(34.5兆帕,345巴)16U285 / 16U285V GH933es 基础型 / 先锋7250 磅/平方英寸(50.0 兆帕,500 巴)16U281 / 16U281V GH933 基础型 / 先锋7250 磅/平方英寸(50.0 兆帕,500 巴)17B484 / 17B484VGH933es 基础型 / 先锋7250 磅/平方英寸(50.0 兆帕,500 巴)332368EZH操作GH ™ 系列大型喷涂机目录警告 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3部件辨认 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5提升说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6泄压步骤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7接地 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8起动 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SwitchTip 喷嘴及护罩 . . . . . . . . . . .11清除喷嘴堵塞物 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11喷涂 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12清洗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13故障排除 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Graco Standard Warranty . . . . . . . . . . 242332368E警告警告以下为针对本设备的设置、使用、接地、维护及修理的警告。

Mini HVLP 涂料喷雾棒用户手册说明书

Mini HVLP 涂料喷雾棒用户手册说明书

Mini HVLPPaint Spray GunUserManual8059851Technical Specifications• Model: 8059851• Air pressure: 30-80 PSI • Nozzle diameter: 1.4 mm • Type of feed: Gravity • Air consumption: 5 CFM• Pattern width: 7-1/2" (190 mm)• Paint capacity: 3.5 ozOperation1.Suggested air pressure is 30-80 PSI2.Recommended paint viscosity differs according to paint properties and painting conditions.e the lowest possible fluid output that produces an adequate paint coverage. Finer atomization leads to a better finish.4.Maintain a distance of 6-8" from the gun to the workpiece.5.The gun should be held so that it is perpendicular to the surface of the workpiece at all times. Move the gun in a straight and horizontal line.Arcing the gun results in an uneven paint finish.Coating w i l l b e l i g h t a t t h i s p o i n tCoating w i l l b eheavy at t h i s p o i n t S t a r t strokeEnd of strokeP u l l t r i g g e rRelease t r i g g e rCoating should be even and wet when sprayingIncorrect method Correct methodMaintenance1.Pour remaining paint into another container and then clean paint passage and air cap. Spray a small amount of thinner to clean paint passages. Incomplete cleaning will cause adverse pattern shapes and particles to appear on your work. Promptly clean components after use.2.Clean other sections with a brush and cloth soaked with thinner.3.Clean paint passages fully before disassembly.4.Remove the fluid nozzle after removing the fluid needle set or while keeping fluid needle pulled in order to protect seat section.5.While keeping fluid needle set inserted, tighten fluid needle packing set by hand. Then tighten gradually with a wrench. Adjust the packing set while pulling the trigger and watching the movement of the fluid needle set since over-tightening will strip the thread, causing leakage.6.Turn the spread adjustment knob counterclockwise to fully open it, then tighten the spread adjustment guide into the gun body.Parts List1Fluid adjustment screw 2Fluid adjustment knob 3O-ring4Washer5O-ring6Washer7Switch spring8Air inlet valve assembly 9Switch knob10Switch washer11Lock screw12Nut13Air cap washer14Atomization15Nut housing16Fluid nozzle17Fluid nozzle washer18Bolt19Compressed spring20Needle washer21Trigger level I 22Trigger level II23Trigger24Snap retainer25Snap retainer26Container cover27Container28Filter29Fluid inlet joint30Fluid needle31Fluid needle spring32Joint33Paint adjustment knob 34Screw35Paint adjustment joint 36Pattern adjustment screw 37O-ring38O-ring39Snap retainer40Pattern adjustment knob 41O-ring42Air inlet jointTroubleshootingSymptomIntermittent spray• Presence of air in the paint circuit• Material residue in the holes obstructs the pas-sage of material • The nozzle is dirty or malfunctioning• The atomization cap is dirty or damaged • Submerge the head in solvent • Clean and open all closed holes with a jet of compressed air or a toothpick.• Do not use pointed metal objects, or you may deform the hole of the head part.• Material builds up on the outside of fluid nozzle tip or center hole or partially clogged nozzle orifice.• Loose fluid nozzle• Clean the head and the nozzle • Make sure that the centering between the two is precise • Check that the tip of the pin is not ruined• Replace the nozzle and the head• Atomization of air pressure is too high • Material too thin• Reduce the quantity of air and increase the flow of paint.• The flow of paint is greater than the pressure and quantity of air supplied.• Fluid passage is clogged with dirt• Air holes in the cover are blocked• Fluid needle stroke is too short• Clean the head and the nozzle • Make sure that the paint is not too dense and dilute if necessary• Remove obstructions • Adjust fluid needle stroke• Tighten the nozzle using the wrench provided.• Make sure that the tank is not empty.• Check that the connecting hole is not obstructed.• Tighten the gland screw or replace the gasket if worn Pattern archedUneven patternThe center of the pattern is too narrowPoor atomization.Spray concentrated into the centreLittle to no paint outputProblemSolution。






















1. 准备工作。





2. 调节喷枪喷漆枪。





3. 喷涂技巧。





4. 喷漆后的处理。











喷漆枪的使用方法English:To use a paint sprayer, first, you need to choose the appropriate type of paint and dilute it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Then, ensure that the surface to be painted is clean, dry, and free of any dust or debris. Next, adjust the spray pattern and pressure onthe sprayer to suit the specific project and desired finish. When ready, hold the sprayer at a consistent distance from the surface and apply the paint using smooth, overlapping strokes to achieve even coverage. It's important to keep the sprayer moving at a steady pace to prevent drips or uneven application. After finishing the job, clean the sprayer thoroughly by following the manufacturer's cleaning instructions to maintain its performance and longevity.中文翻译:要使用喷漆枪,首先需要选择适当类型的油漆,并根据制造商的说明稀释。




封面Model No. R100Low Volume Low Pressure Spray Gun Optional Nozzle:0.8-1.5mmCONTAIN:◆Description◆Specification and Technical Data◆Important Safety Instruction◆Instructions for Operation◆Maintenance/Storing◆Troubleshooting/RepairsParts ListDescriptionLow volume low pressure technology applies paint with less force, meaning less "bounce" of the surface into the air, Stainless steel needle and nozzle to accommodate a varietyof coatings,Just the paint gun for covering small areas and touch-up work. New ergonomic designed handled for comfortable grip.Specifications And Technical Data1. Name of Parts Array 2.Technical DataType of Feed ………………….. GravityAir inlet ………………………1/4”Standard Dia of Nozzle:0.8mmOptional Dia of Nozzle:0.8-1.0mmRecommended air pressure: 2.0-3.5bar (28.8 – 51psi)Max. pressure of air :8.3 bar (120.5psi)Paint Capacity: 120ccAvg. Air Consumption: 2.4-3.3cfmPatten width …………………100-150mmWeight ……………….. 0.35kgs (0.77 lbs)Important Safety Instructionsand serious damage to health. Always wear safety glasses, gloves into contact your eyes or skin. (see fig 1)2.Never use oxygen, combustible or any other bottle gas as a power sourceor would cause explosionand serious personal injury. (see fig 2)3.Fluid and solvent can be highly flammable or combustible. Use in well-ventilated spray booth and avoid any ignition sources, such as smoking, open flames and decrial hazard. (see fig 3)4.Disconnect tool from air supply hose before doing tool maintenance and during non-operation, for emerge stop and prevention of unintended operation, a ball valve near the gun to air supply is recommend.e clean, dry and regulate compressed air rated at 2.0~3.5bar, never exceed maximum permissive operating pressure (see fig 4)6.Never use homogenate hydrocarbon solvent, which can chemically react with aluminum and zinc parts and chemically compatible with aluminum and zinc pats.7.Never point gun at you and others at any time.8.Before operating the tool, make sure all the screws & caps are securely tightened in case of leaking;9. Before painting, make inspection for free movement of trigger and nozzle to insure tool can operate well.10.Never modify this tool for any applications. Only use parts, nozzles and accessories recommended and accessories recommended by manufactures.11. notes to the effect that the equipment should be only be used in a well ventilated area.Instructions For OperationPreparation1. After unpacking the product, inspect carefully for any damage that may have occurred during transit.Make sure to tighten fittings, bolts, etc., before putting unit into service.2. Thoroughly mix and thin paint in accordance with the paint manufacturer ’s instructions. Mostmaterials will spray readily if thinned properly.3. Strain material through filter, cheese cloth or a paint strainer.4. Fill the canister about ¾ full and start the air compressor.DO NOT EXCEED Spray Gun or any other parts in the compressor system MAXIMUM PRESSURE.5. After Connect the gun to air supply, please make sure that the fluid cap, container and air hose havebeen connected tightly with spray gun.6. Set up a piece of cardboard or other scrap material to use as a target and adjust for best spray24pattern.7. Test the consistency of the material by making a few strokes on a cardboard target. If material stillappears too thick, add a small amount of thinner. THIN WITH CARE! Do not exceed paint manufacturer’s thinning recommendations.AdjustmentPATTERN ADJUSTMENT: Turning Pattern Adjusting Knobto the right until tight will make spray pattern round, orturning left make spray pattern ellipse.Material (PAINT) ADJUSTMENT: Turn the Paint AdjustingKnob clockwise will decrease the volume of fluid output andcounter-clockwise will increase fluid output.AIR Inlet ADJUSTMENT: Turning the Air Adjusting valveclockwise will decrease the air volume.And counter-clockwise will increase the air volume.Operation1. Begin spraying. Always keep the gun at right angles to the work .2. Keep the nozzle about 6 to 12 inches from the work surface. Grip the gun keeping perpendicularwith spraying area then move it parallel for several times, Stopping gun movement in mid-stroke will cause a build up of paint and result in runs. Do not fan the gun from side to side while painting. This will cause a build-up of paint in the center of the stroke and an insufficient coating at each end.3. Trigger the gun properly. Start the gun moving at the beginning of the stroke BEFORE SQUEEZINGTHE TRIGGER and release the trigger BEFORE STOPPING GUN MOVEMENT at the end of the stroke. This procedure will blend each stroke with the next without showing overlap or unevenness .4. The amount of paint being applied can be varied by the speed of the stroke, distance from the surfaceand adjustment of the fluid control knob.5. Overlap strokes just enough to obtain an even coat.Two thin coats of paint will yield better results and have less chance of runs than one heavy layer. 6. Use a piece of cardboard as a shield to catch overspray at the edges of the work to protect othersurfaces.◆Maintenance1. Remove any remaining paint by pouring it into another container.2. Disassemble the spray gun making sure to remove the needle before disassembling the nozzle toavoid damage to the housing of the nozzle closure.3. Clean all the paint passages and the nozzle. Clean the other components using a brush soaked insolvent.4. Reassemble the spray gun and spray a small quantity of solvent to eliminate all the residues in thepaint passages.Storing●When not using spray gun, turn the fluid adjustment knob counter-clockwise to openwhich will reduce spring tension on needle fluid tip.●Spray gun MUST BE well cleaned and lightly lubricated.Trouble shootingPattern is arc.Pattern is notThe center of Patterntoo narrow.Pattern widthfan-sharp isenough.leaking fromParts ListNote:If need spare parts of this model,pls feel free to contact us or the distributor where you bought this tool. Tks!。



OWNER’S MANUALASTRO SANDBLAST HELMETAirblast B.V. P.O. Box 1075 1700 BB Heerhugowaard The NetherlandsTel. : +31-72-5718002 Fax : +31-72-5714340 E-mail:*****************Web : INDEXINTRODUCTION 2 HELMET COMPONENT CONCEPT 3 WARNINGS 4 HELMET OPERATION 5 BREATHING AIR PRESSURE TABLE 6AIR FLOW CONTROL VALVE & LENSES 7 SETTING UP 8 INSPECTION, CLEANING AND STORAGE 10 PARTS LIST 12Page 1 1010 © Airblast B.V.1010 © Airblast B.V.Page 2INTRODUCTIONThe ASTRO COMPRESSED AIRLINE BREATHING HELMET EN271 is specifically designed for use during Abrasive Blasting.The ASTRO has been designed for use in atmospheres NOT IMMEDIATELYDANGEROUS TO LlFE OR HEALTH, and from which a user can escape without the aid of the breathing helmet, or that do not exceed concentrations allowed by Government regulations and recommendations.The ASTRO is tested and approved to EN 271: 1995 to provide respiratory protection in abrasive blasting applications and is CE approved.The cape is designed to protect the wearer's upper body from rebounding abrasive.The ASTRO provides an assigned Protection Factor at APF 1000.Due to the high noise levels during abrasive blasting hearing protection mustalways be worn.Page 31010 © Airblast B.V.COMPRESSED AIRLINE BREATHING HELMET COMPONENT CONCEPT The ASTRO COMPRESSED AIRLINE BREATHING HELMET consists of two main components: HELMET ASSEMBLY and BREATHING TUBE ASSEMBLY illustrated in Fig. 1.1. All two components must be present and properly assembled toconstitute a complete EN271 approved Compressed Airline Breathing Helmet.Fig. 1.1! WARNING !Do not use this helmet until you have been trained in the helmet use, maintenance and limitations by a qualified individual (appointed by your employer) who has extensive knowledge of the ASTRO.Before using this helmet ensure your employer has determined that airborne contaminant concentrations do not exceed those allowed by Government regulations and recommendations for a compressed air line breathing helmet. It is required that the employer measures and monitors airborne contaminant levels in the work area. The ASTRO is not designed for use in flammable atmospheres.DO NOT WEAR this helmet if any of the following conditions exist:- Atmosphere is immediately dangerous to your life or health- You CAN NOT escape without the aid of the helmet- Atmosphere contains less than 19.5% oxygen- Work area is poorly ventilated- Contaminants are in excess of regulations or recommendations- Radiation exists in the work area, or materials are RadioactiveDo not modify or alter this helmet. Usa only approved ASTRO components and replacement parts. The use of non approved parts voids the EN 271 approval of the entire helmet assembly.Inspect all components of the helmet daily for signs of damage or wear and tear that may reduce the level of protection originally provided.Do not use abrasives containing silica, lead, arsenic or sharp glass particles - use of abrasives containing these elements could result in serious injury or death. DO NOT wear this helmet until you have passed a complete physical examination including a lung X-ray conducted by qualified medical personnel.Improper use of this helmet may cause injury or death. Improper use may also cause life threatening delayed lung diseases such as silicosis, pneumoconiosis or asbestosis.This helmet, when properly fitted and used, significantly reduces but does not completely eliminate the breathing of contaminates by the helmet wearer.BE CERTAIN your employer has determined that the breathing air source provides at least EN 12021 breathable air. The helmet must be supplied with clean filtered breathing air at all times.1010 © Airblast B.V. Page 4DO NOT connect the helmet's air supply hoge to nitrogen, toxic gases, inert gases, oxygen, oxygen enriched or ether unbreathable non EN 12021 air sources. Check the air source before using the helmet. This helmet is not designed for use with mobile air supply systems i.e. cylinders. Failure to connect the supply hoge to the proper air source could result in serieus injury or death.DO NOT use this helmet in poorly ventilated areas or confined spaces.Ensure the area is weil ventilated and that the contaminant concentrations are below these recommended tor this helmet. Follow all procedures for confined space entry, operation and exit as defined in applicable regulations and standards.LEAVE WORK AREA IMMEDIATELY IF:- Any helmet components become damaged- Airflow stops or slows down (as shown in Figs 2.1 and 2.2) breathing becomes difficult- You become dizzy, nauseous, too hot, too cold or ill- Vision is impairedDO NOT wear this helmet if the ambient usage temperature is below -10°C or above +60°C. Moisture content of breathable air should be controlled when the helmet is to be used in temperatures below 4°C to avoid freezing the helmet.OPERATIONAIR QUALITYThis helmet must be supplied with clean breathable air, to EN 12021 or better, at all times. The ASTRO does not purify air or filter contaminants. Breathable air must be supplied to the point of attachment of the approved Airblast air supply hose.Supplied breathing air must at least meet the requirements for EN 12021.AIR SOURCELocate the air source in a clean air environment, always use a filter on the inlet of your air source. Do not park vehicles beside your air inlet as this will cause carbon monoxide to be drawn into your air supply.Use suitable aftercoolers / dryers with filters and carbon monoxide alarms to assure clean breathable air is supplied at all times.The air should be regularly sampled to ensure that it meets EN 12021 requirements.Page 5 1010 © Airblast B.V.AIR SUPPLY HOSE AND FITTINGSApproved air supply hoses must be used between the point of attachment and the helmet breathing air connection at the wearer's belt. Quick disconnect fittings must be used to connect the hose lengths together. The hose sections must be within the approved length and the amount of sections must be within the number specified in the Breathing Air Pressure Table (see below). The Breathing Air Supply Hose has a working pressure of 7 bar.BREATHING AIR PRESSUREThe air pressure must be continually monitored at the point of attachment while the air is flowing to the helmet. Air pressure must be read from a reliable pressure gauge whilst the helmet has air flowing through it.! WARNING ! Failure to supply the helmet with the minimum required pressure at the point of attachment for the length of air supply hose used could result in contaminants, being inhaled as the pressure in the helmet may become negative due to peak inhalation flow when working at very high work rates. BREATHING AIR PRESSURE TABLEThis table lists air pressure ranges needed to provide the ASTRO with the volume of air that falls within the required range of 170-250 ltr/min according to the EN 271 approval.Make sure you understand the table below, before using the helmet.Set the air pressure at the point of attachment to the pressure setting specified in column 6 for your breathing tube assembly, hose length and amount of hose sections. Make sure the air is flowing through your helmet and the flow control valve is in the MIN (closed) position as in Fig. 3.2 Page 7 when setting the pressure.1010 © Airblast B.V. Page 6Page 71010 © Airblast B.V.! WARNING ! DO NOT SET THE AIR PRESSURE WITH THE FLOW CONTROLVALVE IN THE MAX. POSITION (OPEN), AS THIS INCREASES NOISE LEVELS. ! WARNING ! ALWAYS WEAR EARPLUGS WHEN WEARING THIS HELMET.LOW FLOW INDICATOR! WARNING ! Do not wear the helmet if the indicator float is not visible as airflow is below 170 ltrs./min. (Fig. 2.2).AIR FLOW CONTROL VALVEAir flowing into the helmet is controlled by using the Flow Control Valve as shown below.Fig 3.1Fig. 3.2LENSESAlways make sure that an approved ASTRO inner lens is securely fitted into the window frame gasket. Proceed fitting lenses as Fig 4.1, Fig 4.2 and Fig. 4.3.Fig 4.1 Fig 4.2 Fig 4.3Note: The low flow indicatorshould be in position of Fig 2.1 when the Flow Control Valve is closed as in Fig 3.2 andpressures are set in accordance with the table on page 6.! WARNING ! Do not use this helmet without the inner lens in place. SETTING UPFig. 5.1 Fig. 5.2 Fig 5.3 Fig 5.4First screw the breating hose onto the helmet.Screw theloose runningnut onto theFlow ControlValve.Take the quickdisconnectfitting on the AirSupply Hoseand push ontothe tail of theFlow ControlValve.Connect theAir SupplyHose Tail tothe Airblasthelmet airfiltersupplying EN12021 gradeair.HEAD HARNESSTo adjust the head harness first unclip the locating pegs, then slide the band in or out to the desired size. Note: slide inwards to reduce the size (more suitable for smaller heads) as shown in Fig 6.1. Once the desired size is obtained, clip the locating pegs back together. PUTTING THE HELMET ONHold the helmet in front of you, holding the inner bib collar open. Lift the helmet and place it on your head making sure the head harness fits securely. Fig 6.1 Fig 7.11010 © Airblast B.V. Page 8FITTING THE CAPE AND BELTOnce the helmet is fitted comfortably on your head, straighten the cape down at the front and the back.Screw the looserunning nut onto theFlow Control Valve.Now bring bothbuckles together atthe front and pushthem until you heara click. Pull the tabto tension the beltto yourrequirements.ADJUSTING THE AIRFLOWNow the helmet is fully fitted and the belt tightened, adjust the airflow into the helmet with the Flow Control Valve adjustement barrel (see Fig 3.1 on page 7). Again check the air pressure at the source to make sure it is still in accordance with Table 1.1 on page 6.Fig 9.1! WARNING ! Do not adjust the air pressure at the point of attachment after you open the flow control valve to the MAX. position.DOFFING YOUR HELMETTo remove the helmet, first exit the working area and reverse the above procedures.! WARNING ! NEVER remove your helmet when working in the working area.Page 9 1010 © Airblast B.V.1010 © Airblast B.V. Page 10INSPECTION, CLEANING AND STORAGEThe ASTRO Compressed Air line Breathing Helmet has a limited service life, therefore a regular inspection and replacement programme must be conducted. Certain parts such as ranges must be replaced frequently.Al! components of this helmet assembly should be inspected tor damage or waar and tear betere usa. Replace worn or damaged parts immediately. USE ONLY APPROVED ASTRO PARTS. Refer to the parts list tor the correct part numbers. !WARNING! DO NOT CLEAN RESPIRATOR WITH VOLATILE CHEMICALS.Fig 10.1 REMOVING THE CAPEFirst remove the cape cover band to reveal thetour press studs. The cape can then easily beremoved by undoing the tour press studs. Fig 10.2 INSPECTING THE HELMETHaving removed the cape, wipe out the insideot the helmet with a soft cloth and milddetergent.Check the inside tor cracks in the shell.Fig 11.1INNER LENS AND GASKETMake sure the window frame gasket is securely fittedinto the helmet with no cracks or tears in the seal.Check that the inner lens is correctly fitted into thegasket. When necessary replace lenses as in Fig 4.1and 4.2.BREATHING TUBE ASSEMBLY:Inspect the breathing tube for cracks, tears or excessive wear. Check that the fittings are secured into the cuffs tightly, not allowing any air leaks.Replace the hose as soon as any signs of damage or excessive wear become evident. Do not remove the foam that is inside the breathing tube as this is a critical component. ! WARNING ! Air leaks will cause a drop in air flow through the helmet resulting in less protection from contaminants.AIRBLAST AIR SUPPLY HOSEThe air supply hoses should be inspected for:1. Cuts or tears2. Cracks or signs of perishing3. Blisters or weak points4. Abrasive wear5. Ferrules firmly crimped in place6. Quick disconnect coupiers do not move in the hose or are not worn,remove any dirt inside couplings with a duster gun.USE ONLY HOSES APPROVED FOR USE WITH THIS HELMET.STORAGEAfter the helmet components have been cleaned and inspected, place them in a plastic bag or an airtight container. Store all parts away from excessive heat, dust, cold, moisture or harmful chemicals.After use hang the helmet up by the hand strap, this will help keep the inside of the helmet free of contaminants.Page 11 1010 © Airblast B.V.ART.NR. MODEL DESCRIPTION46000 ASTRO - I AIR SUPPLIED BLAST HELMET, COMPLETEincl. helmet assembly and breathing tube assembly.CE-approved.46001 ASTRO - II AIR SUPPLIED BLAST HELMET, COMPLETEExecution as above, fitted with leather waist length cape.SPARE PARTS FOR ASTRO BLAST HELMET:01) 46003 Visor02) 46004 Visor strap03) 46005 Cleat04) 46006 Gasket seal05) 46007 Suspension clips (set of 4)06) 46008 Head suspension07) 46009 Inner lens (set of 10)08) 46010 Outer lens (set of 50)09) 46011 Cape coverband10) 46012 Cape - nylon46013 Cape - leather11) 46014 Breating tube12) 46015 Air inlet assembly13) 46016 Flow control valve14) 46017 Belt and buckle1010 © Airblast B.V. Page 12Page 13 1010 © Airblast B.V.1010 © Airblast B.V. Page 14Airblast GroupAirblast B.V.P.O. Box 10751700 BB HeerhugowaardThe NetherlandsTel. : +31 72 5718002Fax : +31 72 5714340E-mail :*****************Web : Airblast Middle East L.L.C.P.O. Box 33419DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesTel. : +971 4 3242776Fax : +971 4 3242778E-mail :*********************.aeAirblast Saudi Trading and Industrial Est. P.O. Box 30476Al-Khobar 31952Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaTel. : +966 3 8473178Fax : +966 3 8471430E-mail :*****************.saAsia Airblast Pte Ltd.58, Tuas Basin LinkSingapore 638774Tel. : +65 6266 6010Fax : +65 6266 6968E-mail :**********************.sgAB Corrosion Control Equipment Sdn Bhd No. 33, Jalan Permas 3/18Bandar Baru Permas Jaya81750 Masai, Johor Darul TakzimMalaysiaTel. : +60 7357 7989Fax : +60 7357 7689E-mail :***************************Airblast Qatar WLLP.O. Box 47044WakraQatarTel : +974 4 4631043 / +974 4 4631074 Fax : +974 4 4631154E-mail :*****************.qaAirblast Equipment India Private Ltd# 6-1-73/Unit - 207 ‘Saeed Plaza’HDFC Bank BuildingLakdi Ka PulHyderabad 500004-APIndiaTel. : +91 40 6674 8855Fax : +91 40 6674 8851Email:**********************。

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③. 流量调节阀流量调节阀全名为涂料流量调节阀,以称顶针限动螺杆,它在枪体的右上方,扇面调节阀的下面。

















1. 喷枪的日常维护
a. 操作以前以及清洗或维修工作之后,必须确保所有部件都已紧固;
b. 在安装空气软管以前,须确保喷枪手柄下部的空气接口洁净;
c. 气源必须使用干燥无尘的普通压缩空气,严禁使用氧气和任何易燃气体,以免造成意外伤害;
d. 要使用喷枪说明书规定的气压,绝对不可超过规定的气压,以免喷枪部件的损坏和引起爆炸,一般常用喷枪标准气压为2.5~5.0
e. 每次工作完毕,一定要将空气管与喷枪分开;
f. 每次施工作业结束后,应立即用溶剂将喷枪各部分及其配套设备清洗干净,再把喷枪拆成零件,用溶剂浸泡并刷洗干净,特别是出气孔、顶针和出漆口要清洗干净,但不能用金属丝捅洗。

g. 不要把整支喷枪长时间浸泡在清洗液或稀释剂中,这样会使密封圈硬化,并破坏润滑效果;
h. 拆、装时要仔细,不可损坏零件,顶针用其垫圈等更不能损坏,然后用柔软湿棉布擦干收存;
i. 在使用喷枪进行施工时,不要佩戴戒指、耳环、项链和手链等装饰品;
j. 任何时候都不可以将枪口面对任何人(包括自己),装涂料时请勿扣动扳机;
k. 在任何情况之下,都不可拉扯空气软管或输漆软管来移动被连接的工具或设备;
l. 不可任意改变喷枪的原有设计、结构用功能组合;
m. 当发现工具漏气的时候,请不要使用它,并通知维护人员进行检修;
n. 要时常清理工作区域,避免由于场地环境不干净引起怕人身伤害;
b. 喷枪一般采用特殊抗静电材料制造,但要避免产生静电;
c. 喷枪不能采用干布和清洁纸擦拭,擦拭喷枪可能产生静电,如果向某一接地物体放电,可能产生易燃的火花,导致溶剂蒸气燃烧。

d. 清洁涂料通道时,应将贮料罐中多余的涂料倒出或退出输漆管中残余涂料,然后用配套稀释剂或专用清洗液进行清洗;
e. 用湿布擦拭喷枪外表,切勿将喷枪完全浸入任何溶剂或清洗液中,因为这会损坏喷枪的润滑剂和密封垫圈,从而缩短喷枪的使用寿命。

