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When ask frequency
• • • • • Very Often Often Sometimes Rarely Never • • • • • Every Day or More 2-6 Times a Week About Once a Week About Once a Month Never
10.您喜欢的手机颜色是: (可多选) 红□ 橙□ 黄□ 绿□ 蓝□ 紫□ 黑□ 白□ 灰□ 金□ 银□ 11.你喜欢的设计风格是: 小巧玲珑□ 时尚前卫□ 简约硬朗□ 其他□ 12.您更喜欢哪种设计类型的手机: 直板□ 滑盖(旋盖)□ 翻盖□ 无所谓□ 13.你认为手机外壳哪种最好看? 金属□ 皮革□ 塑料□ 其它□
你好,我是XX学校的学生,为了解手机 市场的现状,完善手机功能以及服务,我们 进行了此次问卷调查。您只要勾选符合的选 项或者根据自身情况如实填写。这个过程只 需要3-5分钟。资料的内容我们将完全保密, 非常感谢您参与我们的调查,谢谢您的支持 和合作!
1.您的性别: 男□ 女□ 2.您的年龄: 10-20岁□ 20-30岁□ 30-40岁□ 40岁以上□ 3.您的职业是: 学生□ 上班族□ 个体户□ 自由职业者□ 其他□ 4.您的月收入:2000元以下□ 2000-3500元□ 3500-5000元□ 5000元以上□ 5. 您认为手机在您生活中的重要性: 非常不重要□ 不重要□ 一般重要□ 重要□ 非常重要□
6. 您能接受的手机价位是: 1000元以下□ 1000-2000元□ 2000- 3000元□ 3000元以上□ 7.你通过什么渠道了解新上市的手机: (可多选) 电视□ 报纸□ 宣传单□ 网络□ 朋友□ 卖场海报□ 宣传活动□ 其他□ 8.你更换手机的频率是: 1年内□ 1-3年□ 3年以上□ 用坏才换□ 9.您更换手机的原因是:(可多选) 质量等出现问题□ 外观出现磨损、掉色□ 样式陈旧□ 功能太少□ 追求时尚□ 其他□
• • •
Clarity Leading Questions Phrasing
– "child-like" and "childish" – Do you agree with the Governor‘s plan to oppose increased development of wetlands? Do you agree with the Governor’s plan to support curtailed(削减) development of wetlands?
Steps required to design and administer a questionnaire
1. Defining the objectives of the survey • "to identify points of user dissatisfaction with the interface and how these negatively affect the software's performance" 2. Determining the sampling group 3. Writing the questionnaire 4. Administering the questionnaire 5. Interpretation of the results
• • •
Embarrassing Questions Hypothetical Questions Prestige Bias: Prestige bias is the tendency for
respondents to answer in a way that make them feel better.
Open questions
• Advantage: the variety of responses should be wider and more truly reflect the opinions of the respondents. It is common to end with and open format question asking the respondent for other ideas. • Disadvantages: to be read individually, more costly in both time and money; open to the influence of the reader, for no two people will interpret an answer in precisely the same way; require more thought and time on the part of the respondent.
14.你喜欢的按键材质: 金属□ 透明塑料□ 非透明塑料□ 软塑胶□ 15.您选择手机时最看重的是: 外观时尚□ 质量过硬□ 功能强大□ 价格便宜□ 售后服务好□ 16.您对于多功能于一身的手机的看法是: 没用□ 功能越多越好□ 无所谓□ 17. 手机的附加功能哪些对您实用?(多选) 音乐功能□ 拍照摄像□ 多媒体视频□ 上网□ 游戏□ 蓝牙□ GPS□
• • • • • • Superb Excellent Great Good Fair Not so Great
• • • • •
Totally Agree Partially Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Partially Disagree Totally Disagree
18.您愿意选择手机类型: 智能手机□ 音乐手机□ 拍照手机□ 游戏手机□ 普通手机□ 19.您购买手机时选择的场所是: 专卖店□ 大卖场□ 商场□ 移动、联通公司□ 网上购买□ 20.如果您现在要买手机,会买哪款手机?为什么? ____________________________________ ______________________________________
Leading Questions: one that forces or implies a certain type of answer. It is easy to make this mistake not in the question, but in the choice of answers.