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65 - 13
sentence number
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
Information element
overview overview
sample sample sample sample sample procedure procedure and material procedure and material procedure
Specially designed materials; mainly of functional arrangement
3. What verb tenses are mainly used in the two texts?
simple past tense
65 - 16
4. What is the proportion of active voice verbs to passive voice verbs in the two method sections? Why do the authors use the verb voice that way?
65- 7
(3) Experimental
Substrate Preparation Instruments General Conditions for Film Growth
65 - 8
English for College Students in Taiwan: A Study of Perceptions of English Needs in a Medical Context (1)
Each of the participating TESL programs received a package containing detailed instructions, questionnaires, and video tapes. These packages were mailed out in the order in which programs responded to the e-mail request for participation. Instructors in the TESL programs then showed the video tapes to their classes …
65- 17
5. Read the following sentences. They are all taken from “Method” sections from different research articles. In each case, determine which information element is represented. sample (subject)
2. Look at Text 2, determine whether the materials described are conventional or specifically designed, and identify the arrangement as spatial, functional, or some other arrangement plan.
Description of procedures
65 - 5
Participants Design Dependent Measures Procedure
65 - 6
(2) Data and Methodology Experimental Setup Data Analysis Materials and Procedure
Research subjects, Sample, Location
65 - 9
Two questionnaires were developed for the survey, based on two earlier surveys instruments by Taylor & Hussein (1985) and Guo (1989). The questionnaires were translated into Chinese, piloted, and modified according to feedback from 10 respondents: six medical students and four faculty members from Chung Shan Medical College. The questionnaire given to the medical students consisted of five sections of 23 questions, the topics of which were the importance of English in college and professional careers, perceived language skill needs and problems, the activities needed in a freshman language course, and suggestions for development of course content and materials as well as demographic information. The faculty questionnaire consisted of four sections of 16 questions, which were parallel to those in the version given to the students except no demographic information was gathered (see Appendix).
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
English for College Students in Taiwan: A Study of Perceptions of English Needs in a Medical Context (2)
Research materials
65 - 10
English for College Students in Taiwan: A Study of Perceptions of English Needs in a Medical Context (3) One of the authors, a faculty member at Chung Shan Medical College, selected one required class for each group of students (freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors). Copies of the student questionnaire for administration to the students were then sent to cooperating instructors teaching these courses; copies of the faculty questionnaire were given to 20 teachers who were willing to complete the surveys. Students and faculty took about 20 minutes to complete the survey. Research materials and procedures
1. Overview of the Research / Experiment 2. Population / Sample 3. Location 4. Restrictions 5. Sampling Techniques 6. Procedures 7. Materials 8. Variables 9. Statistical Treatment
Lecture 9
Contents 9.1 Tasks for critical thinking and discussion 9.2 Language Conventions 9.3 Language Practice 9.4 Writing Up Your Research
IE in Method
Method The subjects were 341 medical students in the Department of Medicine, including 97 freshmen, 74 sophomores, 90 juniors, and 80 seniors, and 20 faculty members in the medical program at Chung Shan Medical College in Taichung, Taiwan, China.
65 - 11
English for College Students in Taiwan: A Study of Perceptions of English Needs in a Medical Context (4) The data were computer-analyzed using an SPSS program. On the questionnaire, percentages were determined for all questions except 8 and 13 for which means were computed. Chi-square, t-tests, and ANOVA analyses were conducted in order to determine the perceptions of English language needs of medical college students and their faculty and to compare the perceptions held by the various groups.
65 - 3
对一种特殊材料的描述通常采用以下三个步骤: (1)概述:用一两个句子简述材料的性质、用途。 (2)主要部件描述:对材料的主要部件特点的描述。描述 可采用空间次序,如上下、前后、左右等,也可按部件所 具有的功能的前后次序来描述。 (3)功能描述:对材料总体功能的描述。
Description of materials
Statistical analysis
65 - 12
9.1 Tasks for critical thinking and discussion
1. Identify the information elements you find in each sentence of Text 1, and then fill in the table with relevant information. The first item has been done as an example.
65 - 14
S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16
statistical analysis statistical analysis statistical analysis statistical analysis statistical analysis
65 - 15
The incidence of passive voice clearly outnumbers that of active voice. The author uses the passives in order to depersonalize the information, i.e. he/she wants to place emphasis on the procedures and how they are performed.