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Too late 为时太晚

Lesson 77-17-2014

New words and expressions

detective n侦探

airport n机场

expect v期待,等待

valuable adj贵重的

parcel n包裹

diamond n钻石

steal v偷

main adj主要的

airfield n飞机起落的场地

guard n警戒,守卫

precious adj珍贵的

stone n石子

sand n沙子

detective n侦探


2v侦察,侦查, inverstigate and solov(crime…)

eg A machine has been invented to detect gold. 一个机器被发明出来去寻找金子。

eg Many machines have been used to detect the fatal virus. 许多机器被用来探测这种致命的病毒。

eg The wiman employed a private detective to detect her husband. 那个女人雇佣了一名私家侦探来侦查她的丈夫。

detection n发现,查明,查出

the detection of a crime破案

detector n探测器

detectable adj可发现的,可探知的

employ a private detective雇佣一名私家侦探

a detective novel一部侦探小说

a detective story 一个侦探故事

airport n机场(民航)

at the airport 在机场

field n田野

airfield n停机坪

on the airfield 在停机坪上

port n港口,港口城市

passport n护照

harbour n港湾,避难所

Pearl Harbour珍珠港

airfield n(小型)飞机场,飞机起落的跑道

railway station火车站

terminal n(铁路,公路等)终点站

tube station地铁站(Br) the under ground railway station

a subway station地铁站 (Am)

metro n(尤其指巴黎的)地下铁路

n+n 构成一个新的名词



water bird水禽(尤其指淡水的)

blood test验血







air-conditioner n空调

expect 1vi预计,预料

eg Who has eaten up the cake? I think/expect/supose it was Tom.

eg Will you be later? I don`t think/expect/supose so.

eg Jim has failed in mathematics as his teacher expected. 正如他老师所预料的那样,吉姆数学考试没及格。


eg The children were expecting Christmas presents from their parents.

eg The detectives were expecting a parcel of diamonds from South Africa.

eg They are expecting guests tonight. 今晚有人要去他们那里作客。

expect所表示的等待一般暗含着根据某些信息或规律而作出相应反应的意思,而wait for 主要持续“等待”这个动作本身。

expect sth期待某事

eg I expect a letter from Jimmy.

expect sb to do sth期待某人做某事

eg I expect you to write back.

eg I expect my mother to come back.

wait for sth/sb动作上的等待

eg I wait for my mother.


eg You expect too much of your child.

eg You are expected to do your duty.

as might be expected=as might have been expected 按照所想

eg As might have been expected he won the first prize. 正如所料,他获得了第一名。

be expecting 怀孕(口语)

eg I expect so.我希望如此[口语]

eg I think so. 我希望如此[口语]

eg I expect you’ve heard the news. 我想你已经听到这个消息了。


expectancy n预料,期望 [u]

life expectancy平均寿命

expection n(成功,幸运等的)期望,(常用复数),(尤其指继承遗产的)指望

against all expectations出乎意料

beyond all expectations出乎意料地(的)

come up to a expectations正如所愿

fall short of a person`s expectations 未能如愿,与期望有差距

in expectations of预计含有

valuable 1adj贵重的,值钱的,尤其指在买卖中有高额利润的(of great value worth or use)

a valuable parcel of diamonds

valuable ←→cheap/ inexpensive

eg That painting is too expensive to buy.

clear adj珍视的,价高的,(常做表语)(Br)

eg She lost everything that was clear to her. 她丧失所有宝贵的东西。

precious adj珍贵的,宝贵的

precious diamonds极其珍贵的钻石

precious moments together在一起的宝贵时光

eg Life is precious.生命是宝贵的。

eg She is precious to him.她对他来说是珍贵的。

costly adj昂贵的,贵重的(costing much)

a costly diamond necklace一个珍贵的项链

priceless adj无价的,极其昂贵的

a priceless jewel极其昂贵的宝石(珠宝)


valuable assistance很有价值的援助

valuable information很有价值的信息

valuable advice很有价值的建议

valuable help很有价值的帮助

value n价值

be of great value to sb极其有价值的,价值很高的

be of little value to sb价值很低的

be of some value to sb对某人有一定价值的

be of no value to sb对某人没有价值的

eg This information is important.

This information is of importance.

be important= be of importance 具有重要性

eg This tool is useful.这个工具有用。

This tool is of use.
