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1850年,美国的奴隶主势力大增,林肯退出国会,继续当律师。 1860年,林肯成为共和党的总统候选人。11月,选举揭晓,林肯以200万票当 选为美国第16任总统,但在奴隶主控制的南部10个州,他没有得到1张选票。 大选揭晓后,南方种植园奴隶主制造分裂,发动了叛变,南方11个州先后退出 联邦,宣布成立“美利坚诸州同盟”,并制订了新的宪法,选举总统。 1861年4月,南方叛乱武装首先向北方挑起战争。林肯号召民众为维护联邦统 一而战。 内战爆发初期,由于南方种植园主蓄谋叛乱已久,而林肯政府试图妥协,在 战争中节节失利。首都华盛顿受到威胁。为扭转战局,借《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 一书,1862年5月林肯政府颁布了《宅地法》,其中规定,美国公民交付10美 元即可在西部得到160英亩的土地,连续耕种5年就可成为其主人。9月,又颁 布《解放黑奴宣言》,废除了黑奴制,规定叛乱各州的黑奴是自由人。战争 形势骤然改观。 1863年夏,北方军队转入反攻。1865年,南方叛军向北方军队投降,持续4年 之久的内战以北方胜利而告终。
Because of his measuring and calculating skills , he became a local surveyor ,and he was usually invited to deal with the feilds arguments .After working time ,he was also a youth that loved reading,his candles lights never extinguish until midnight. In his youth period , he had read all the books that Shakespeare had written ,finished read 《History of America》, also some history books and famous persons’ biographies .He had a range of knowledge and became a wise man .He published his first speech on a political speech. Because of his against on Slave policy,and had put forward many suggestions that benefit for public course,he had good influence in public ,he also had awesome qualities ,he was chosen to be a senator in 1834. In August ,1834,25-year-old Lincoln started his own political career, in the meanwhile, he managed rural post office,and field measuring ,also he digged in law by his friends’ help.2 years later,Lincoln became a lawyer,soon , he became the leader of Whig . Due to the accumulation of experience ,In 1846,he was 37,and became senator . In 1847, Lincoln participate in the election of country senator as the leader of Whig,and got succeed . This was the first time he came to the capital , Washington. It was a great permanent dispute about Slave policy in American lives . Lincoln became the person who against Slave Policy step in step . He considered that capital of America should be Washington,and there was no doubt they should cancel the Slave Policy .But many representatives from south America who just treat on profits were strongly against Lincoln.
In The End
• Death • In the night of April 14th,1865, ,after the civil war ,Lincoln was murdered in Ford theater, Washington. He died on April 15th when he was 56. • After his death • 1865年4月15日,亚伯拉罕· 林肯去世,时年56岁。林肯去世后, 他的遗体在14个城市供群众凭吊了两个多星期,5月4日,被安 葬在斯普林菲尔德(Springfield)橡树岭公墓。 • 林肯总统被刺后,沃尔特· 惠特曼写下了沉痛表达美国人民对林 肯被刺而哀思的《啊,船长!我的船长哟》、《今天的军营静悄 悄》等诗篇,以沉痛表达美国人民对林肯总统的哀思。 • 林肯领导美国人民维护了国家统一,废除了奴隶制,为资本主 义的发展扫除了障碍,促进了美国向资本主义发展的步伐。一 百多年来,林肯受到美国人民的尊敬。由于林肯在美国历史上 所起的进步作用,人们称赞他为“新时代国家统治者的楷模”。
His Bo he was 18 ,strong Lincoln was hired by a boat owner ,with people drifted downstream in Ohio River,voyaged thousands of miles reached Orleans. • Lincoln had no stable work until 25 years old , he had got used to vagabondage .
Abraham Lincoln
• On February 12th,1809, Lincoln was born in a Kentucky Harding’s poor family. • His father used to be a shoemaker,he said that,his childhood was a poor simple annals . When he was very young ,he helped his family members to carry water ,and took care of farmyard , etc. • His parents are British immigrants’ progenies,they made lives by hunting and planting . In 1816,the Lincolns had a great migration to south-western Indiana,living by seeding and planting 。 • When he was nine,his 36-year-old mother passed away. • One year later ,his father married with a warm-hearted and outgoing woman , S a l a B u s h. Stepmother was very hardworking and filled with kind , she treated kids as her own, also did Lincoln, he also respected her ,their lives were full of happiness 。Due to their poverty ,Lincoln couldn’t pay more attention on study .In order to made a living ,young Lincoln had been a worker in Ohio River , a work in backyard ,a shop assistant and a carpenter.