

市场营销Ch7 Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

市场营销Ch7 Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Companies today recognize that they cannot appeal to all buyers in the marketplace, or at least not to all buyers in the same way. Most companies are being more choosy about the customers with whom they wish to connect. Most have moved away from mass marketing and toward market segmentation and targeting . Buyers are too numerous, too widely scattered, and too varied in their needs and buying practices. They may difflocations, buying attitudes, and buying practices. Moreover, the companies themselves vary widely in their abilities to serve different segments of the market. sometimes against superior competitors, each company must identify the parts of the market that it can serve best and most profitably.
Market segmentation and targeting — identifying market segments, selecting one or more of them, and developing products and marketing programs tailored to each. Instead of scattering their marketing efforts (the "shotgun" approach), firms are focusing on the buyers who have greater interest in the values they create best (the "rifle" approach).


3. Limited resources are used to best advantage, targeted at those segments that offer the best potential
Requirements for Effective Segmentation
Measurable Accessible Substantial Differential Actionable
Target Market
• A market is a set of all actual and potential buyers • A target market is a group of people toward whom a
firm markets its goods, services, or ideas with a strategy designed to satisfy their specific needs and preferences. • Any marketing strategy must include a detailed (specific) description of this.
• Size, purchasing power, profiles of segments can be measured.
• Segments can be effectively reached and served.
• Segments are large or profitable enough to serve.
UNIT FOUR Hotel Market Segmentation, ng and Positioning
Lesson Objectives

Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Organizational segmentation
Organizational size Industry Geographic location Decision-making unit structure
Decision-making process
Post Office
•Product •Price •Promotion •Distribution
Target marketing strategies
Differentiated marketing
Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Lecture Objectives
Segmentation - what/why/how? Target market strategies Positioning and re-positioning strategies
Purchase occasion
Purchase behaviour Usage Perceptions and beliefs
Lifestyle data helps to segment and target markets.
Segmenting organizational markets
Marketing mix 1 Marketing mix 2 Marketing mix 3
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3



present and potential target markets
• 4. Behavioral segmentation
• based on buyers’ knowledge, attitudes, uses, or responses to a product
• behavior variables are the best starting point for building
• 2. Benefits of market segmentation • The overall objective of using a market
segmentation strategy is to improve a company’s strategy competitive position and better serve the needs of its customers. • Four major benefits: • products---meet the needs or the market place • effective and cost efficient promotional strategies • market competition evaluation • insight on marketing strategies
7.1.1 Bases of market segmentation (four basic variables)
• 1. Geographic segmentation

on the basis of population location; rather large and too
heterogeneous for effective segmentation without careful

Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP

Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) Strategies
1. 2. 3.
STP Meaning Why Corporate Implements STP The STP Marketing Process
1. STP Meaning
The STP Marketing Process 1. Break the market into smaller, more homogenous segments 2. Specifically target discrete market Segments 3. Position the brand to appeal to the targeted segments
2. Why Corporate Implements STP
needs Every one has different needs, these different needs are not homogenous, but some customers have the similar needs Corporate resources Every corporate has the limit resources ,it can not satisfy every customer needs.
Target Market: A sub-group of a larger market chosen as the focal point for a marketing or advertising campaign. 2. Positioning: Designing and representing a brand in a way that is distinct in the consumer’s mind. 3. Positioning Strategy: Selecting key themes to communicate to a target market.



Market segmentation:
Levels of market segmentation
• Each customer have his or her different needs and wants, so ideally sellers might design a separate marketing program individually
• Many companies are localizing their products, advertising, promotion, and sales efforts to fit the needs of individual regions, or cities.
• Other companies are seeking to cultivate as-yet untapped territory.
Mass marketing
Segment marketing
Niche marketing
• Mass marketing:
➢For most of the 1900s, major consumer products companies held fast to mass marketing
Demographic segmentation
• Demographic segmentation is the most popular method to segment the market
• There are several variables to conduct demographic segmentation
• Niche marketing



segmentation,targetingandpositioningChapter 6 Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning and CRM1.Market fragmentation(碎片): it occurs when people's diverse interests and backgrounds divide them into numerous different groups with distinct needs and wants.一.1.Steps in the target marketing process:----Segmentation----Targeting----Positioning2.Target Marketing Strategy: marketers divide the total market into different segments based on customer characteristics, select one or more segments and develop products to meet the needs of those specific segments.二.Step1: Segmentation(1)Segmentation: is the process of dividing a larger market into smaller pieces based on one or more meaningful, shared characteristics.(2)Segmentation variables:the dimensions that divide the total market into fairly homogeneous groups.(3)Segmenting Consumer Markets1.S egmenting by Demographics-------Demographics: are measurable characteristics such as gender and age.-------Generational marketing: a focus on segments marketing.①Generation X: 1965~1976②Baby boomers: 1946~1964-----Geodemography: combine geography withdemographics.-----Geocoding: company customise web advertising by geocoding(地址编码) so that people who log on from different places will see ad banners for local business.2.Segmenting by Psychographics1.Psychographics: it segments consumers in terms of shared activities, interests and opinions( AIO)3.Segmenting by behaviour①Behavioural segmen tation: slices consumers on the basis of how they act to, feel about or use a product.②80/20 or Pareto rule:③Long tail: do not l onger rely on big hit sales(like blockuster movies) to generate profits.(Long term relationship.)④Usage occasions: when con sumers use the product most.(4)Segmenting Business-to-Business Markets三.Step 2: Targeting(1)Targeting:marketers evaluate the attractiveness of each potential segment and decide which of these groups they will invest resources against to try to turn them into customers.(2)Evaluating marketing segments:A viable target segment should satisfy:①members of the segment similar to each other in their product needs an wants and different form other segments②marketers can measure the segment: understand the si ze and purchasing power of a potential segment.③segment large enough to be profitable:④marketing communications can reach the segment.⑤marketers can adequately serve the needs of the segment.(3) Developing segment profiles(曝光率,简介)-----Segment profiles: are description of the ' typical ' customers in that segment, may include customer demographics, location, lifestyle information and how frequently the customer buys the products.(4)Choosing a targeting strategyFour targeting strategies: Undifferentiated, Differentiated, Concentrated and CustomTargeting strategies.1.Undifferentiated targeting strategy:is to appeal to a broad spectrum of people(Asda, Wal-Mart)2.Differentiated targeting strategy:develop one ore more products for each of several customer groups with different products-------when consumers are choosing among well-know brands that have distinctive images and the company can identify one or more segments that have distinct needs for different types of products. ( Georgia Armani, Lancom e...)3.Concentrated targeting strategy: offer one pr more products to a single segment. For the small company which do not have the resources or the desire to be all things to all people.4.Custom marketing strategy: a supplier works with one or a few large clients and develops products that only these clients will use.5.Mass customisation: marketers modify a basic produc t to meet the needs of an individual.四.Step 3: Positioning(1)Positioning: means developing a marketing strategy aimed at influencing how a particular market segment perceivesa good or service in comparison to the competition.(2)Developing a positioning strategy: 4 steps:1.Analyse competitor's positions2.Offer a good with competitive adveantage3.Match elements of the marketing mix to the selected segment4.Evaluate the target market's responses and modify strategies if needed.-----Repositioning:modify its brand image to keep up with changing times, it can also occur when brands once thought to be dead or near death get revived.(3)Bringing a product to life: the brand personality1.Brand personality: a distinctive image that captures its character and benefits.2.Perceptual(五官) map: a vivid way to construct a picture of where products or brand s are in consumers' mind.五.Customer Relationship Management(1)Customer relationship management(CRM): allow companies to talk to individual customers and adjust elements of their marketing programmes in light of how each customer reacts to elements of the marketing mix.(2)Four steps in One-to-One marketing1.Identify customers and get to know them in as much detail as possible.2.Differentiate among these customers in terms of both their needs and their value to company3.Interact with customers and find ways to improve cost efficiency and the effectiveness of the interaction.4.Customise some aspect of the products that you offer to each customer, which means treating each customer differently based on what has been learned through customers interactions.(3)CRM: a new perspective on an old problem(4)Characteristics of CRM:1.Share of customer: not share of market2.Lifetime value of the customer: is the potential product generated by a single customer's purchase of a firm's products over the customer's lifetime.3.Customer equity: the financial value of customer relationships throughout the lifetime of the relationship.4.Focusing on high-value customers.。

Principles - Ch3 - Segmentation and Targeting1

Principles - Ch3 - Segmentation and Targeting1
Market Segment Attractiveness (adaptation of Porter Five Forces Model)
• Selectively position to improve base business • Create well-defined and rigidly enforced cut-off criteria • Monitor closely
1.0 5.0
Market Attractiveness
Neutral Unattractive
3.0 1.0 Market Segment 1 Market Segment 2 Market Segment 3 Market Segment 4 Market Segment 5 Market Segment 6
© DecisionPro 2007 Principles Chapter 3: Segmentation and Targeting - 9
第四阶段 选择目标市场
Selecting Segments Using GE/McKinsey Portfolio Matrix
Competitive Strength
© DecisionPro 2007 Principles Chapter 3: Segmentation and Targeting - 5
Ⅱ 市场细分与选择目标市场的过程
第一阶段 基于需求变量的市场细分 第二阶段 描述各细分市场 第三阶段 评价各细分市场的吸引力 第四阶段 选择目标市场
© DecisionPro 2007
Challenge for Top Position


• The firm can follow one of the strategies below : – Market aggregation. – Single-segment strategy. – Multiple-segment strategy.
Market Aggregation 无差异策略
Benifits of Market Segmentation
By using the strategy of market segmentation,
1. a company can design products that closely match the demands of particular groups;
Positioning Strategy
– Positioning according to a product attribute.
••• WWWhhheeerrereeAWIYYmoWoouaunhg’NdoinelreavreletaNiAroneHlndwaSIavsWayevYsoeoTTrsuolhdrTGehDArKeewoisnDwatgaintUyOsy.p.f.The Court. ••• WWWhhheerreeTYDEhorveuee’MarmyraegsCTiciRhnBeudeneFgariFenirrlselea.setS.Otof rTyheCmomAlel.s True.
• Please identify specific groups of potential customers for your company. Remember, we need to know not only who we are going to target, but most importantly, that there are enough of them who will buy often enough for our prodcut to be viable.

体育市场营销学(双语)6-segmentation, targeting and positioT

体育市场营销学(双语)6-segmentation, targeting and positioT
Socioeconomic • income • Education • Occupation
Psychographic • Lifestyle • Personality • Activities • interests • opinions
• World region • Country (region) • City • Physical climate
smaller pierces)
Very small market
Very specific need
Bottom up (cater 满足需要 to the smaller pieces of
the market)
Positioning is defined as fixing your sports entity in the minds of consumers in the target marketing.
How you want your sports products to be perceived in the marketplace.
Demographic • Age • gender • Ethnic background • Family life circle
Positioning is dependent on the target market identified in the previous phase of market selection decisions.
Positioning is based solely on the perceptions of the target market and how they think and feel about the sports entity (实体、物体、存在).


Page 7
一、市场细分的含义 市场细分(Market Segmentation)的概念
是美国市场营销学家温德尔·史密斯(Wendell R.Smith)于1956年首次提出来。
市场细分:按照消费需求的差异性,把某一产 品的整体市场划分为若干个子市场的过程。
正“做好每一件事情”几乎是不可能的,要学会合理分配的时间和精力 。要想面面俱到还不如重点突破。把80%的资源花在能出关键效益的 20%的方面,这20%的方面又能带动其余80%的发展。
问题、财富分配问题、资源分配问题、核心产品问题、关键人才问题、 核心利润问题、个人幸福问题等等。以下从企业和个人生活两个角度探 讨二八定律的运用。
Page 24
地理环境:城市。 人口因素:年龄、性别 购买行为:购买频率——“统一鲜橙多,多
Page 25
划分依据 行业类别
·轻工 ·服装 ·航空
·冶金 ·食品 ·船舶
·煤炭 ·电子 ·化工
·军工 ·机械 ·纺织 ·汽车 ·其他
6 STP战略
市场细分 目标市场
Page 1
市场细分(Market Segmentation)的概念是 美国营销学家温德尔·史密斯(Wended Smith) 在 1956年最早提出的,此后,美国营销学家菲利 浦·科特勒进一步发展和完善了温德尔·史密斯的 理论并最终形成了成熟的STP理论。
德国人11%是左撇子。(3)左撇子希 望买到合心意的工具。

Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Goal 2: Understand the major bases for segmentation
Segmenting International Markets
Geographic segmentation Economic factors
Location or region Population income or level of economic development Type / stability of government, monetary regulations, amount of bureaucracy, etc. Language, religion, values, attitudes, customs, behavioral patterns
Political and legal factors
Cultural factors
7 - 10
Goal 2: Understand the major bases for segmentation
Requirements for Effective Segmentation
Measurable Accessible
Demographic Segmentation Variables
• • • • • Age Gender Family size Family life cycle Income • • • • • • Occupation Education Religioபைடு நூலகம் Race Generation Nationality
Case Study Procter & Gamble
• Sells multiple brands within the same product category for a variety of products • Brands feature a different mix of benefits and appeal to different segments • Has also identified different niches within certain segments • Product modifications are useful: Tide offers seven different product formulations to serve different niches’ needs



什么是STP理论?市场细分(Market Segmentation )的概念是美国营销学家温德尔史密斯(Wended Smith ) 在1956年最早提出的,此后,美国营销学家菲利浦科特勒进一步发展和完善了温德尔史密斯的理论并最终形成了成熟的STP理论(市场细分(Segmentation )目标市场选择(Targeting )和市场定位(Positioning ))。


STP理论中的S、T、P分别是Segmenting、Targeting、Positioning 三个英文单词的缩写,即市场细分、目标市场和市场定位的意思。










[编辑]营销学中的STP现代市场营销理论的核心就是STP营销,它包括三要素:目标市场 ( market targeting )市场定位 ( market positioning )[ 编辑]市场细分市场细分的概念是美国市场学家温德尔史密斯(Wendell R.Smith )于20世纪50年代中期提出来的。



Company marketing mix
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3
Undifferentiated or Mass Marketing
• Mass producing, mass distributing and mass promoting the same product in the same way to all consumers
Differentiated or Segmented Marketing
• Marketing recognizes buyers differ in needs, perceptions and buying behaviours
– Isolate broad segments comprising a market – Adapt offers to best match segment needs – Gain efficiency through strategic fit – More focus and less competition
Differences among the three strategies
• In the first strategy (undifferentiated) the firm addressed all the market with the same approach.
• In the second one ( concentrated), the firm choose one segment and adopt a tailor made approach for that customer group.
Segmented markets

ch7 Segmentation, Targeting and Positio

ch7 Segmentation, Targeting and Positio

Global Market Segmentation
Defined as the process of identifying specific segments—whether they be country groups or individual consumer groups—of potential customers with homogeneous attributes who are likely to exhibit similar responses to a company’s marketing mix.
Unconventional Wisdom
– Assumes emergence of segments that transcend national boundaries – Recognizes existence of within-country differences – Emphasizes micro-level differences – Segments micro markets within and between countries
International Marketing Mix Decisions
Strategic Alternatives in international and global marketing mix decisions. Managerial issues
Example: Beer, Ireland
Conventional Wisdom
– Assumes heterogeneity between countries – Assumes homogeneity within a country – Focuses on macro level cultural differences – Relies on clustering of national markets – Less emphasis on withincountry segments



Mykindaplace 簡介

針對11歲到18歲的女孩子 名人八卦、時尚、虛擬男友、聊天、測驗以 及樂評等等 使用粉紅色、藍色、紅色和紫色等顏色來設 計網站 網站上的鏈結名稱是用chill in (好冷)、cringe (討厭)、angony (苦惱)、fun (娛樂)等標題 擁有網站管理者的聊天室
Legal - Ethical Technology Competition Other factors SWOT E-Business Strategy/ Model
E-Marketing Strategy
Implementation Marketing Mix

Traditional marketers can base their segmentation of consumer markets on:
Bases Identifying / Profiling Variable Examples
Demographics Psychographics Behavior

E.g. 靜宜大學網頁提供中、英文版本

Most firms target specific cities, regions, states, or countries with their product offerings.

reach only customers in countries where it distributes products. only sell to geographic areas where they can provide customer service.
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Geographic Segmentation
Localize 4P to fit the needs of individual regions
Starbucks, Home Depot, and Wal-Mart KFC in Japan: mash potatoes, fried fish and smoked
Card), 雀巢奶粉
Demographic Segmentation – 女性市場
Demographic Segmentation – Age and Life-Cycle
Consumer needs and wants change with age, e.g. Sony → walkman for children, Coca Cola → Qoo, 克寧 → 銀養奶粉, 善存 → 銀寶善存.
Geographic Segmentation
康師傅 麗嬰房
中國市場太廣闊,人文、消費習性、所得差異非常大,南北 溫差甚至達數十度,換季時間有大幅度差別。
將中國市場劃分成華東、華南、華中、華北、西南和東北六 個區域,以反應這些區域對童裝顏色、款式、質料的偏好差 異。
大陸 → 民生必需品(耐久財)→ 少樣多量 歐美 → 運動休閒品(消費財)→ 多樣少量
chicken. McDonald’s in Taiwan – 米堡 南部:搏感情、俗擱大碗;北部:愛嚐鮮、感時髦。
World region or country, country region, city or metro size, density, or climate
Cultivate as-yet untapped geographic territory, e.g. Hampton Inns, IS Coffee → 科學園區廠商.
本,而將一般大小的奇 異果則輸往歐洲。因為 日本人喜歡大粒、外觀 漂亮、吃起來過癮的奇 異果。 黃金奇異果:在日本以 「甜」為訴求,在台灣 則以「營養」為訴求。
Interesting Local Marketing
Demographic Segmentation
Age and life-cycle stage Gender Income Race Occupation Education Religionห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Nationality Social class
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
The Three Major Steps in Target Marketing
Bases for Segmenting Consumer Market
Geographic Segmentation Demographic Segmentation Psychographic Segmentation Behavioral Segmentation
Demographic Segmentation – 老年人市場
戰後嬰兒潮世代(1946~1964出生者)是目前全球人數最多 的一個世代,全球至少有兩億人,而在未來的5~25年間, 這批人潮將陸續步入老年(65歲);預估到2050年,中國高 齡人口將佔總人口的大約30%,而義大利、德國、日本等 以開發國家的高齡化程度甚至超過35%。
Case: 拉昆特旅館
目標顧客:小生意人。 經營概念:高品質(跟Holiday Inn一樣好),中
價位(約便宜3成) 大部分旅館和汽車旅館的餐廳都賠錢且囊括95%
客戶投訴。 不設置餐廳、廚房、結婚禮堂和會議室。 規劃較小空間的會客大廳。 位置:深入商業區,或政府機關、醫院及工商綜
Companies marketing to mature consumers usually employ positive images and appeals, e.g. Olay ProVital.
Generation, e.g. Generation X, 草莓族. Age is often a poor predictor of a person’s life cycle. Life stage, e.g. marriage, the first child, or the first job
英國Vodafone推出體積龐大、外型平實且操作方便的簡易型手機。 日本7-11推出低熱量、少份量的健康概念便當,以烤或蒸的料理來
取代油炸的料理。 美國福特汽車公司的產品研發部門為模擬老人行動,發明了「老
人裝」(third-age suit)。
Demographic Segmentation – Gender
Local Marketing
The marketing programs are tailored to the needs and wants of local customer groups.
Local marketing is particularly important in countries with strong regional differences, e.g. China.
Gender segmentation has long been used in clothing, cosmetics, toiletries, and magazines.
Mandom → men’s cosmetics 克補, 普拿疼舒經熱飲, 台新銀行玫瑰卡(Lady’s
Reduce economics of scale Logistical problems Dilute a brand’s overall image, e.g. Matsushita (松
Case: 紐西蘭奇異果 ZESPRI
全球市佔率:28%。 將巨無霸奇異果輸往日